The following was published in TILines in the 1980s, and is a combination of data from various manuals and my own inputs. -[Colin Hinson]

Apologies for the layout and tables, one day I will find the time to fix the layout in html and fix the tables in html instead of relying on Courier font.

The Device Service Routine (DSR) ROM in the 99/4a Disk peripheral
is designed to give the user access to the disk by means of a system
using three different 'levels', which, with the addition of some utility
routines gives the user complete access to a normally formatted disk
without the need for any knowledge as to how the actual disk controller
Each level uses those features implemented at a lower level to add
new features, (a sort of 'building block' system).
* Communication with the FD1771 chip
* Record read/write functions
* Disk formatting functions
* Soft error corrections
This level is the only level which must know precisely what the
disc hardware is. This allows higher levels to be independent of both
the controller chip type, and the rest of the disc controller hardware.
Each of the higher levels sees the disc simply as a linear storage
device, addressed by disc unit-number, a physical record number, and a
read or write operation.
If the disc controller chip is changed (such as the Myarc card)
then it should only be necessary to replace this part of the software.
All the higher levels are designed to be independent of the actual
physical disc structure which this level deals with, except for sector
size which is assumed to be 256 bytes. Smaller sector sizes could
easily be supported by setting up the sectors in such a way that the
total adds up to 256 bytes - for instance, if a sector size of 64 is
used, each sector requested from a higher level would take up 4 sectors
at level 1.
* All level 1 features plus:
* Creation and deletion of files
* File allocation dynamically extendable
* Data accessed by filename and physical record displacement
* 'Mixed hybrid' file format (see below)
The actual 'file' concept is created at this level, with each file
being known by its name and the displacement of the physical record
within the file - a physical record being defined as one disc sector
(256 bytes).
On each disc is maintained a directory and bit-map of the sectors.
This allows for file and record management (i.e. deletion and creation).
The file format available is called the 'mixed hybrid' format, and is a
mixture of contiguous and non-contiguous (fragmented) file formats. A
lot of overhead has to be carried by fragmented files in the form of
pointers - these pointers are required in case relative access is
required to the file and point to each data record of the file.
The files on this level are allocated in 'clusters' of contiguous
records in order to combine the advantage of the flexible allocation of
non-contiguous files with the low overhead, and the easy access of
contiguous files. Whenever new records are requested, the clusters are
expanded if possible, if a cluster cannot be expanded then a new one is
* All level 2 features, plus:
* Program and data files
* Fixed and variable record formats
* Relative and sequential access
* Internal and ASCII data types
The disc managemnt software is completed by the addition at this
level, of the relative/sequential access and the fixed/variable record
formats. This level takes care of the 'blocking' of one or more logical
records into a physical record (as with DIS/VAR format). When relative
access is required, it computes the physical record in which the logical
record is to be found, updates that record and passes the physical
record back to the level 2 file update routines.
As you may have noticed, there are some functions which have not
been catered for, as they are not part of the normal file I/O system.
These are catered for by means of some utility routines which have been
mentioned previously in this publication. These 'subprograms' are:
* Direct level 2 file access
* Direct sector (Allocatable unit) access
* Modification of file protection
* Disk formatting
* File rename.
Methods of accessing these routines will be described later.
There are three basic methods used to store data on the diskette,
these are:
1/. 'Program' (Memory Image) format.
2/. Variable format
3/. Fixed format
Variable and Fixed format are really 'variations on a theme', in
that each sector (or AU), contains as many records of either format as
it its possible to write to that sector without overflowing it (i.e.
without writing more than 256 bytes).
Program format is used to store an image of the data in memory on
the diskette byte for byte, each byte in each sector being used (except
for the last sector associated with the particular file, which may not
be fully used due to the length of the file not being exactly divisible
by 256).
Methods of access.
There are three methods of access, each one being associated with
one particular format described above. The methods of access are (in
1/. Physical I/O.
2/. Sequential access
3/. Relative access
Sequential access
When the data records in a file are accessed strictly in the order
of increasing address on the medium, each record is said to be
'sequentially' accessed. This is the access method used for accessing
such things as magnetic and paper tapes etc, in which all the records up
to and including the one required must be read in order to access the
particular record required. In this mode of access, the parameters for
the data transfer do not specify a physical record number, as it is
implied that the logical record currently indicated by some data
transfer pointer is the one which is required. Restore/rewind
operations are either implicitly done or explicitly done prior to the
first data transfer. As each logical record is transferred, the access
pointer moves to the first byte of the next logical record (which in the
case of this DSR is usually the length indicator).
Sequential access methods have the advantage that variable record
lengths can be used (such as the well known "VAR 80") and so the number
of records per sector can be increased by an amount dependent on the
length of each particular record. For instance, ten 24 byte records
could be written on a 256 byte sector, whereas if "FIXED 80" were to be
used, then only 3 records (=240 bytes) could be written even though
there are still only 24 bytes of usable data per record.
Variable format (sequential access) sectors are recorded on the
disc with an extra byte added at the start of each record, and a final
byte at the end of the last record of the sector. The first byte of
each record indicates the length of the record in bytes, a negative
number (usually >FF) indicating that there are no more records on that
sector. The action of the computer when reading the sectors from the
data buffer in VDP ram is to read the first byte (length of record),
then read the required number of bytes as the record from VDP ram to a
new location, read the next byte (length of record), etc etc until a
negative number is found as the length. At this point another sector is
read from the disc to VDP ram and the process repeated again until all
the data for the appropriate file has been read.
Relative (Random) access.
Relative access allows data in a file recorded in fixed format to
be accessed by logical record number. The records may be accessed in
any order regardless of the order in which they were written or the
order in which they appear in the file.
As the DSR software must be able to locate a record solely by its
number, relative access can only be supported on either Indexed Files or
Fixed Length files. In this DSR, only "Fixed length" files are
supported. (Indexed files are files for which an "Index" is maintained
on the diskette through which a particular record can be located by
looking it up in the index.)
Physical I/O
With the Physical I/O access, the data on the disk is considered to
be organised in blocks of 256 bytes by the DSR software. Each byte can
be of any value (ie -256 to +255) and no attempt is made to interpret
these at data transfer. The existance of records or files is completely
ignored by this access method.
You will notice that this method of access is a "Level 1" access.
The rest of the disc software (i.e. Levels 2 & 3) reduces all access
methods to physical I/O by converting logical record numbers into
physical track and sector data. This information is used to specify the
disc sector that is to be transferred by the Physical I/O. Physical I/O
is not available directly to the user other than in the form of an
assembly language sub- program within the DSR. (See later for
Directory Organisation.
The directory organisation implemented within the DSR supports only
a single level directory, that is to say that no FILE can be a directory
containing pointers to other files. This means that each file on the
disc can be readily identified by a single name, e.g.:
which would specify a file called "filename" on the diskette in drive 1.
This approach to the diskette file organisation prevents access to
a catalog file as such on the disc, as no such file can physically
exist. In order to overcome this problem, a semi-catalog file can be
created by the DSR software and accessed by the user. The file which is
created (and remember it is not physically on the disc, so don't go
looking for it with the Disc Manager!), is of the Fixed format, relative
access type. The file contains 128 records, each containing information
about the associated catalog entry and is described in detail below. It
can be accessed as:
DSK1. or DSK.volname.
as a standard data file but without a name.
Please note that not all the file operations have been defined for
this catalog file, and only the standard OPEN, READ, and CLOSE are
supported. Other operations such as DELETE, EOF etc are considered to
be illegal, and an error will be returned if these operations are used.
Catalog file access from Basic.
The Catalog file can be accessed as a read-only file by the Basic
user. The file has no name, and is of the INTERNAL, FIXED format type.
The file can be opened by (for example):
The record length will automatically be defaulted by Basic to the
correct value, so this should not be entered. If however the user wants
to specify the length, then it must be specified as 38 - all other
lengths will result in an error message.
The Catalog file acts as if it is Protected, and as mentioned
above, it will only allow INPUT access.
The file is written in the normal Basic INTERNAL format, and each
record contains four items: one string and three numerics. There are
128 records in the file, and they are numbered 0 thru 127.
Record 0:
This record contains data about the volume for which the catalog
file was created. The string gives the name of the disc (up to 10
characters) and the numerical items are as follows:
1/. Always 0 (for record 0)
2/. Total number of sectors on the disc
3/. Total number of free sectors on the disc.
Records 1 thru 127:
These records contain information on the corresponding file in the
Catalog. Non existant files will give a null string for the first item,
and 0s (zeros) for the numeric items. Files which exist will give the
file name for the string, and the following numeric items:
1/. = Filetype (if number is negative, file is protected)
1= DISPLAY/FIXED datafile
3= INTERNAL/FIXED datafile
5= Memory Image file (Program File)
2/. = Number of AUs allocated to the file
3/. Number of bytes per record (0 for type 5 file)
Catalog file access by application program or user.
(Please read the above information first)
In order to enable access from assembly language programs, the
following additional information is required:
The Catalog file contains 128 records of 38 bytes and is output in
INTERNAL format (i.e. a length byte followed by a data item.). Each of
the records contains four of these data items:
* An ASCII string containing up to 10 characters, or a null string.
* Three numeric values in standard 8 byte floating point format.
Record 0 contains information about the volume itself, while
records 1 thru 127 contain information about the relevant file for each
"slot" in the catalog.
The information in the records is as follows:
1/. An ASCII string of up to 10 characters containing the name of
the file in the specified slot. For record 0 this is the
Volume name.
2/. A floating point value of between -5 and +5. These values
represent the same information as given for Basic.
3/. The number of AUs allocated for the file (record 0 = total
AUs on the disc)
4/. The number of bytes per logical record - 0 for Program file.
(record 0= Free AUs remaining on the disc)
If a catalog slot is empty, the filename will contain a null string
and the numeric entries will contain floating point zeros.
Physical device format.
The physical device (diskette) is logically subdivided into
"Allocatable Units" (AU's). An AU is defined as being an integral
number of physical records on the device. The total number of AUs on
any device is less than 4096 (ie each AU can be addressed by a 12 bit
word). The first AU is numbered 0.
The physical record length is the size of the block of data which
can be read or written to the device at one time. For the Disc
Peripheral, the AU and the Physical Record are equivalent to one disc
sector (256 bytes).
Summary of system reserved sectors:
Sector 0 contains data concerning the volume, such as available (free)
sectors, disc name etc.
Sector 1 contains pointers to other sectors which contain descriptions
of the appropriate file. Normally there is a pointer in sector one
for each file which exists on the disc.
Volume information block (VIB), sector 0.
This block contains disc configuration data as required by the disc
software. This includes available number of AUs, Volume name, format
information etc. Included in this block is the "Allocation Bit Map":
The allocation bit map is used to indicate to the disc software the
availability of individual sectors on the disc. A "1" indicates that
the sector associated with that "bit" has been allocated, and a "0" that
the sector is available for use. The first bit in the map is for sector
0, the second for sector 1 and so forth. When the disc is initialised
(WITH VERIFY = YES if using DM1000 or similar), then the bits for bad
AUs are set to "1" along with the bits for non-existant AUs and the 2
system reserved AUs. All the remaining bits are of course set to zero.
File Descriptor Index Record (FDI), sector 1.
This sector contains alphabetically sorted pointers to each File
Descriptor Record (FDR), and enables the system to keep track of the
location of each FDR on the disc.
NOTE: If either Sector 0 (VIB) or sector 1 (FDR) are bad or
corrupted then the whole disc is considered bad by the system, as it can
no longer keep track of information stored on the disc.
File Descriptor Record. (FDR) (any sector)
This record is used to map filenames into physical locations of the
files on the disc. Each entry contains information about the file such
as type, record type, data type, size of file etc.
File Control Block (FCB) in VDP RAM.
This is a copy of the FDR which is maintained in VDP RAM while the
file is open. It may additionally contain some more up to date
information about the file. One FCB is required for each file which is
currently opened. It is the memory taken by these FCBs which is
affected when "CALL FILES" is used in BASIC.
A single sided diskette used with the T.I. Disc Controller has the
following specifications:
Diskette type: SA 104 (ANSI standard 5.25")
Encoding method: FM single density
Capacity: 92160 Bytes per disc
2304 Bytes per track
256 Bytes per sector
40 Tracks per side
9 Sectors per track
The capacities given are for a single sided, single density system.
Using double sided will of course double the bytes per disc, using
double density (Myarc type controller) will double the capacity again.
For ease of description, the following information assumes that the
diskette is addressed as a 'linear' medium, that is to say, sector 0 is
the first sector of track zero, sector 1 is the second and so on --
sector 359 being the last sector of track 39. It should be noted that
this is not strictly correct as the sectors are in fact 'interleaved' on
each track to obtain faster access when reading. If a double sided set
up is being used then the physical layout of the second side is the
reverse of the first side, that is to say, sector 360 is physically on
the opposite side of the disc to sector 359, and sector 719 is opposite
sector 0.
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
!                                                  !
0 !              DISK VOLUME NAME                    ! 1
2 !   The volume name can be any combination of ten  ! 3
4 ! ASCII characters except for space, '.' or NULL.  ! 5
6 ! It is space filled to the right, and must have   ! 7
8 ! at least one none-space character.               ! 9
>A !           TOTAL NUMBER OF AUs                    ! >B
>C !  SECTORS PER TRACK    !         'D'              ! >D
>E !         'S'           !         'K'              ! >F
>12 !QTY FORMATTED SIDES.   !      DENSITY             ! >13
>14 !                                                  ! >15
!                   RESERVED                       !
~                                                  ~
>36 !                                                  ! >37
>38 !                                                  ! >39
>3A !       ALLOCTION   BIT   MAP                      ! >3B
~                                                  ~
>FC !                                                  ! >FD
>FE !                                                  ! >FF

Bytes >A->B show the total number of allocation units on the
volume. This information should match the Allocation Bit Map data.
Bytes >D->F contain the ASCII letters 'DSK'. These letters are
checked by the T.I. disc managers to see if the disc has been
Byte >10 Contains the ASCII 'P' is the disc is Proprietry
Protected. This byte will normally otherwise be an ASCII space.
Bytes >12->37 are reserved for what where intended to be future
expansion. This could be date and time of creation etc. The T.I.
controller will set all these to zero.
Bytes >38->FF contain the allocation bit map. The map can control
up to 1600 256-byte sectors (=400K bytes) - this will allow double
sided, double density diskettes without modification to the map layout.
Each bit in the map represents one sector on the disc. A logical one in
the bit map means that the corresponding sector has been allocated, a
logical zero means that the sector is available for use.
The Volume name can be used as an alternative to the drive name -
that is to say the used can specify a disk drive in either of the
following ways:
DSK.volname.filename or DSK1.filename
If the volume name is specified, then the system will look at each
drive in sequence until it finds the specified volume. If more that one
drive contains a volume with that name, then the lowest drive number
will be assigned.
This sector contains up to 127 two byte entries. Each of these
points to a File Descriptor Record, and are alphabeticall sorted
according to the file name in the File Descriptor Record. The list
starts at the beginning of the block, and ends with a zero entry.
As the file descriptors are alphabetically sorted, a binary search
can be used to find any given filename. This limits the maximum number
of searches to 7 if more than 63 files are defined. Generally if
between 2**(N-1) and 2**n files are defined, a file search will take at
the most N disc searches. To obtain faster directory response times,
data blocks are normally allocated in the area above sector >22, the
area below this being used for file descriptors and only used for file
data when there are no more sectors available above >22.

File Descriptor Records.
The File Descriptor Record (FDR) contains the general information
for its associated file. In order for the system to function, all the
information to access and update the file must be contained within this
Layout of an FDR is as follows:
0 |                  FILE  NAME                      | 1
2 |   The file name can be up to ten characters in   | 3
4 | length.                                          | 5
6 |                                                  | 7
8 |                                                  | 9
>A |           Reserved.                              | >B
>C |  File status flags    | Number records per AU    | >D
>E |  Number of Level 2 records currently allocated   | >F
>10 |  End of file offset   |   Logical record size    | >11
>12 |  Numer of Level 3 records currently allocated    | >13
>14 |                                                  | >15
|                   RESERVED                       |
~                                                  ~
>1A |                                                  | >1B
>1C |                                                  | >1D
>1E |    Data chain pointer blocks.                    | >1F
~                                                  ~
>FC |                                                  | >FD
>FE |                                                  | >FF

Bytes >A & >B were reserved for and extension of the number of
data chain pointers. As this was never implemented, these
bytes are always 0.
Byte >C. The file status flags are as follows, where bit 0 is the LSB.
Bit No.      Description
--------     -------------
0           File type indicator.
0 = Data file
1 = Program file
1           Data type indicator
0 = Ascii data (DISPLAY file)
1 = Binary data (INTERNAL or PROGRAM file)
2           This bit was reserved for expansion of the data
type indicator.
3           PROTECT FLAG
0 = NOT protected
1 = Protected
4,5 & 6     These bits were reserved for expansion of ????
7           Fixed/variable flag
0 = Fixed record lengths
1 = Variable record lengths
Bytes >E & >F      The number of 256 byte records allocated on
level 2.
Byte >10           Contains the EOF offset within the highest
physical AU for variable length records and
program files.
Byte >11           Contains the logical record size in bytes. For
variable length records this byte contains the
maximum permissible record size.
Bytes >12 & >13    Contain the number of records allocated on level
3.  For variable length records these bytes
will contain the number of level 2 records
actually used.  NOTE: these bytes are in the
reverse order.
Bytes >14 to >1B   These bytes were reserved for future expansion,
and will always be 0.
Bytes >1C to >FF   Contain blocks of three bytes which indicate the
clusters which have been allocated for the file.
12 bits of each 3 byte block indicate the
address of the first AU in the cluster, and the
remaining 12 bits indicate the highest logical
record offset in the cluster of contiguous
records (This method of indication reduces the
computation required for relative record file
The layout of the data within the 3 byte blocks
is shown below:
Byte 1                   Byte 2                  Byte 3
+-----+-----+            +-----+-----+           +-----+-----+
| A2  | A1  |            | L1  | A3  |           | L3  |  L2 |
+-----+-----+            +-----+-----+           +-----+-----+
Where A3 = AU's times >100           L3 = offset times >100
A2 = AU's times >10            L2 = offset times >10
A1 = AU's times 1              L1 = offset times 1

A Data file is built of clusters of contiguous data records, each
data file can contain up to 76 of these data record clusters, with each
cluster containing at least one data record. The DSR software will
allocate as many contiguous records as possible upon request, - if a new
record is requested and no more records can be added to the current
cluster, then a new cluster of contiguous records is started. If 76
clusters have been allocated and a new cluster is requested then the
write operation will be aborted. This will only occur when the data
records on the disc have become too scattered (i.e. the file is badly
segmented) - the problem can be corrected by copying the disc with the
disc manager (or with DM1000 in file mode), which will cause the records
for the files to be allocated in 1 (or at the most 2) clusters on the
new disc. Note that at worst case this scheme still allows for 19k
bytes per file (76 * 256 bytes).
Because of the system used, each physical record within the file
can be accessed at random, without any need for large areas of
contiguous disc space. This means that so long as the logical records
within a file have a fixed length, the file can be accessed either at
random or sequentially, and therefore the disc software does not have to
distinguish between relative record and sequential files. This has some
implication for sequential fixed length record access, as now the record
number is being used, rather than the currect record number and offset.
For variable length records, the length of the logical record is
stored at the start of the record itself. The result of this is that
(since a record cannot cross an AU (sector) boundary, the maximum record
length for variable length records is limited to 254 bytes, as the 'end
of records on this sector' (>FF) has to be written too.
Program file allocation is identical to data file allocation. The
Program file (segment) is split into 256 byte records which are stored
as a standard data file. As the disc software marks the file as a
program file it can prevent data access to program files (and vice
In order to prevent problems with VDP ram 'wrap round' (i.e.
continuing to write to VDP ram after address >3FFF will write to >0000)
the DSR software notes the actual number of bytes used in the last data
record and will return exactly as many bytes as were originally written
to the disc, even though this may not be a multiple of 256.
Next time: VDP memory usage by the Disc software.


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