SUBMARINE COMMANDER ------------------- Turn monitor, peripheral system and computer on in that sequence. Insert module (either Xbasic, E/A, or MiniMem, select LOAD & RUN, type in DSK1.GAMES. A menu will be presented. Select Submarine Commander. The game will load and begin to execute. The controls ____________ Joystick: optional ________ To surface: Pull the joystick towards you (down)...this pushes the submarines nose up. To dive: push the joystick away from you (up); the nose goes down. Rudder Control: Pull the joystick to the left or right. Use in conjunction with the compass setting (see instrument panel). Keyboard ________ Active keys are: E>Surface X>Dive S>move left D>move right 1>abort mission 2>START game 3>Report 4>Dive 5>Blow ballast 6>Forward 7>Reverse 8>Fire Torpedo 9>Map 0>Sonar Screen =>Periscope SPACE BAR>pause To surface: press up arrow (E) To dive: press down arrow (X) Rudder: left arrow (S) to move left and right arrow (D) to move right. Direction: FORWARD (6) or REVERSE (7) to change direction and speed. Crash dive (4) or Blow Ballast (5) to rapidly change your depth. Dive or surface to neutralize either of these directions. How to play ----------- 1. After the title, the computer asks you to choose a skill level (1-3). Press the space bar for the number you want. Press START (2) when you are ready. 2. The map in the centre of the screen shows your position (black cross) and thoe of the enemy convoys (white dots). The object is to track down the convoys and sink all the ships. The enemy is composed of the following: Destroyer, Tanker and Freighter. You score tonnage points for sinking ships, with more points for tankers and freighters than for destroyers. The enemy ships are armed with shells and depth charges and can cause you heavy damage. If they detect you they may attack or take evasive action to try to lose you. To attack the target, you have the following equipment: MAP: Press MAP (9) to establish your position relative to land and convoys at any time. SONAR: Press SONAR (0) for a picture of the sea around you; ships within range show up as blips on the screen. PERISCOPE: Press PERISCOPE (=) when you are a a depth of 40 feet, and you will get a view of any ship within range that is in your line of sight. Use this mode to prepare for an attack. TORPEDOES: When you are at a depth of les than 30 feet, press the fire button on the joystick, or FIRE (8) to release a torpedo. Aim it ahead of the target ship. The following is a mock-up of the instrument panel: AAAAA HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IIIII AAAAA H H IIIII AAAAA H H AAAAA H H JJJJJ H H JJJJJ BBBBB H H BBBBB H H KKKKK H H CCCCC H H LLLLL CCCCC H H LLLLL H H LLLLL DDDDDD H H LLLLL H H EEEEEE H H N MMM H H N MMM FFFFFF H H N MMM H H N MMM GGGGGG HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH N MMM The diagram above shows the relative position of the guages on the panel, and the description below tells what each are used for. At the beginning of each mission, you are allocated quantities of torpedoes, fuel, air, and battery charge (See skill-level for details). You must be careful not to run out of any of these. You speed is initially set at NIL, and you have to press either FORWARD (6) or REVERSE (7) to start moving. In detail, the controls are as follows: A....Attitude: Move joyst left/right or arrow keys to change course. B....Compass: The compass reading determines the course you steer. C....Clock. This times how long missions last. D....torpedoes: The two digits on the left are the number of torpedoes remaining. Next to these are torpedoe status indicators. Thes can be any of the following colors: (a) light blue(cyan)=priming. (b) Dark blue=loading (c) Red=ready to fire (d) Yellow=tube out of action. E....Fuel supply F....Battery charge reading: To re-charge, you must surface. G....Speed: When the sub is in the blue (cyan) area, the sub is moving forward. When it is in the green area, the attitude dial causes the compass and depth dials to move in the opposite direction. H....Sonar screen: Shows the enemy ships as white blips. Your position is the black cross in the center which remains static. When an enemy ship is correctly lined up, the blip will appear directly above the cross, or at some point between it, and the edge of the screen. I....Depth in feet. J....Hydrophone chart: This is the longest range dial on the screen. The nearer a ships is to your submarine, the closer the relevant peak is to the left of the dial. K....Tonnage sunk. The amount recorded is in thousands of tons (Ktons). L....Depth below keel: Be careful when diving. This shows the water below you. M....Damage indicators: These show damage as a square ranging from empty (no damage) to full (severe damage), to (C=controls), (I=instruments), (H=hull) or (E=engines). You may carry on without waiting for repairs, but beware of unexpected malfunctions. (Your sub is repaired automatically. However, repairs are carried out more rapidly on the surface). If your hull damage becomes severe, it may crack...with a watery grave awaiting you. N....Air supply: Can be renewed by surfacing. SKILL LEVELS ------------ The higher the skill level, the more challenging the game becomes. You will in your encounters with the enemy, have t attack and destroy more convoys with less fuel, charge and torpedoes. TACTICS ------- You constantly need to assess the pros and cons of moving on the surface or underwater. Running on the surface is quicker, but if you get too close to an enemy convoy on the surface, you will be seen and attaced by the escorting warships. To warn you, a bell sounds as you approach the enemy's range of vision on the surface. Your greatest advantage over the enemy is your ability to travel underwater. However, this does use up air and batteries, and you can still be detected if you fire a torpedo. As your initial working tactics, try approaching an enemy convoy on the surface using the map(9) mode. As you draw near, dive and locate the ships with your sonar(0) and hydrophone chart. Then come to a depth of about 25 feet and press periscope(=) for a view of the surface. Aim you sub at the target, press the trigger on the joyst or fire(8) to release a torpedo, aiming it ahead of the ship. Hits are recorded on the 'tonnage' sunk chart on the right. If you are under heavy attack from the surface ships and wish to lose them, dive deep and wait till the attack is over. END OF GAME ----------- The game ends when any of the following occurs: (a) all enemy convoys are sunk; (b) all oxygen is used; (c) all fuel and charge is used; (d) there is severe damage to the hull. The game can be terminated by pressing abort(1). You still receive a rating of your abilities as a Submarine Commander. RATING ------ At the end of each game, you receive a rating (score) with points awarded for tonnage sunk and the ultimate achievement of a Submarine Commander...elimination of all convoys. Points are deducted for fuel and torpedoes used, and damage sustained. Summary of factors affecting your rating: Points given for: (a) tonnage sunk (b) Sinking all convoys proportional to skill level Points deducted for: (a) fuel used (b) Torpedoes used (c) Damage incurred (d) Being destroyed End of file