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"Perse Grammar, Hills road, founded by Stephen Perse M.D. senior fellow of Caius College, by will dated 27 Sept. 1615, in which he devised certain property in charge to his trustees to purchase divers grounds & tenements, to be applied, amongst other purposes, to that of erecting & establishing, within three years (if possible) after his decease, a convenient house capable of containing 100 scholars, to be used for a Free Grammar school; the school is now conducted under a scheme approved by the Queen in Council, 9 Aug. 1873, & is divided into a senior & a junior department; the school is under the management of a governing body of 15 persons, of whom three are nominated by the Council of the Senate of the University of Cambridge, three by Gonville & Caius College & six by the Town Council of Cambridge, the remaining three being Cooptative governors: in 1842 the old school-house was taken down & new buildings, comprising a school-room & houses for the master usher, erected in Free School lane; these buildings were afterwards enlarged, 50 as to hold about 200 boys, but in 1889-90, new buildings of red brick with stone facings were erected, at a cost of £10,000, on a new site in Hills road, from designs by Mr. W. M. Fawcett M.A., F.S.A. architect, of Cambridge, & these are available for 300 boys; Herbert C. Barnes-Lawrence M.A. headmaster & 13 assist,}\sub } masters.

Perse High (girls), Panton house, Panton street, partially supported from funds set apart by the governors of the Perse trust in 1881; Miss Kate H. Street, head mistress.

The Leys School, in the Trumpington road, was established in 1874, by the Wesleyan Methodist body, for the purpose of affording a high-class education under Evangelical auspices to the sons of ministers or laymen of all denominations: boys are admitted between the ages of 10 & 19, & are prepared for the Universities, professional or commercial pursuits: the estate, which is freehold, comprises an area of about 21 acres, & the buildings include four blocks, comprising a dining-hall, dormitories, masters houses & c. & a large science building, opened in 1893 by Lord Kelvin, containing an exceptionally complete & convenient suite of laboratories, lecture-rooms, museum & c. The school is managed by a governing body of 25 persons, of whom the president of the Wesleyan Conference is (ex-officio) chairman; Sir George Hayter Chubb, vice-chairman & treasurer; Percy W. Bunting, sen. hon. sec.; Rev. James Oswald Dykes D.D. & J. H. G. McArthur esq. Cambridge members; Rev. William T. A. Barber M.A., B.D. head master; T. P. Walker M.A.; J. C. Isard M.A.; C. H. French M.A.; Rev. James Hope Moulton M.A.; G. Osborn M.A.; F. H. Marseille Ph.D., M.A.; E. E. Kellett M.A.; G. E. Green M.A.; St. J. B Wynne-Willson; H. Burgess B.A.; H. Brownsword M.A.; A. P. Gadnett; J. H. Hayes B.A.; C. F. Hadfield B.A.; W. H. Balgarnie B.A.; A. H. Mann Mus.D.; E. W. Naylor Mus.D. & H. Inwards, assistant masters; bursar, J. C. Isard M. A.; medical officer, Robert Nicholas Ingle M.D. & Arnold C. Ingle M.A., M.D

King' s College Choristers', West rd. Newnham, Benjamin Benham M.A. master.

St. John's Choristers', 70 Bridge street, George Edmund Lister, master.

Cambridge Training College for Women Teachers, Wollaston road; this institution provides professional training for women who have already received a thoroughly good education; Miss M. Punnett B.A.Lond. principal.

Cambridge School of Art, Guildhall, established in 1858 Philip Hall, master.

Abbey (girls & infants), River lane, Newmarket road, erected in 1854, for 250 children & enlarged in 1894, for 315; average attendance, 172 girls & 100 infants; Miss Liza Welch, mistress; Miss Mary Payne, infants' mistress.

Barnwell National (boys, girls & infants), School House lane, East road, erected for 819 children; average attendance, 295 boys, 192 girls & 208 infants; Henry Coram master; Miss Anastasia Pratt, mistress; Miss Sarah Chandler, infants' mistress.

Higher Grade (boys), Paradise street, erected in 1871, for 350 boys; average attendance, 300; John Wallis, master.

Higher Grade (girls & infants), Eden street, erected in 1873, enlarged in 1885, for 300 children; average attendance, 259; Miss Blair, mistress; Miss A. Bond, infants' mistress.

Higher Grade (St. Barnabas') (girls & infants), St. Barnabas road, erected in 1877, for 215 children; average attendance, 123; Miss E. M. B. Ong, mistress.

Higher Grade (girls & infants), Lower Park street, erected in 1877, for 200 children & since enlarged for 375 children; average attendance, 286; Mrs. Lucy Evans, head mistress.

King Street (boys), higher grade (date of erection not known), for 200; average attendance, 120; Arthur W. H. Meaken B.A. master.

King Street (girls & infants) (date of erection not known), for 225 children; average attendance, girls 102 & infants 65; Mrs. Susannah Meaken, mistress & Miss Emily Parnell, infants' mistress.

Newnham (mixed & infants), erected for 227 children; average attendance, 175; Miss Britton, mistress; Miss K. Press, infants' mistress.

Occupation Road National (infants), erected in 1875, for 130 children; average attendance, 81; Miss Flora Beamiss, mistress.

St. Giles' (girIs), Pound hill, erected for 219 children; average attendance, 150; Miss Amelia Briggs, mistress.

St. Giles' (infants), Albion row (date of erection not known), for 172 children; average attendance, 145; Miss Elizabeth Picken, mistress.

St. John's (mixed), Wellington street, erected in 1873, for 160 children; average attendance, 107; Miss Elizabeth Flitton, mistress; Miss E. Stanley, assistant mistress.

St. Matthew's (boys) (Higher Grade), York street, erected in 1882, for 250 children; average attendance, 145 James Mullett M.A. master.

St Matthew's (girls), Norfolk street, erected in 1887, for 200 children; average attendance, 130; Miss Edith Bentley, mistress.

St. Matthew's National (infants), Norfolk street, erected in 1872 for 298 children; average attendance, 300; Mrs. Hannah Bailey, mistress.

St. Matthew's (infants), Sturton street, erected in 1885, for 132 children; average attendance, 108; Miss Alice Bryant, mistress.

St. Paul's (boys & girls), Russell street, Hills road, erected for 500 children; average attendance, 350; Henry John Buckwell M.A. master; Mrs. Buckwell, mistress.

St. Paul's Infant, Union road, erected for 190 children; average attendance, 141; Miss Mary Anne Sutton, mistress.

St. Giles' (boys), Honey hill, erected in 1808, for 349 children; average attendance, 176; Ebenezer Bowman, master.

St. Philip's (boys), St. Philip's road, erected in 1894 & enlarged in 1898, for 463 children; average attendance, 415; George Flavill, master.

St. Philip's, Catherine street (girls & infants), erected in 1886 & enlarged in 1890, for 450 children & again enlarged in 1894, for 570; average attendance, girls 274 & infants 295; Miss Eleanor Robson, girls' mistress; Miss C. J. Hodgkinson, infants' mistress.

Catholic, Union road, erected for 150 children; enlarged in 1894-5 at a cost of £500 for an additional 55 children; average attendance, 108; Miss Margaret Ellis, mistress.

British (boys, girls ,& infants), Fitzroy street, erected for 654 children; average attendance, 249 boys, 180 girls & 167 infants; Frederick Howard Bird M. A. master; Miss Paull, mistress; Mrs. Aves, infants' mistress.

British (mixed), New street, opened in 1885, for 350 children & enlarged in 1893 for 420 children; average attendance, 350; William Thomas Haynes, master.

[Kelly's Directory Cambridgeshire - 1900]

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