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Geographical and Historical information from the year 1932.

[Description(s) transcribed by Martin Edwards and later edited by Colin Hinson ©2010]
[from The Victoria County History series - 1932]

"BOTOLPHBRIDGE, Botolphbridge or Bottlebridge is now part of Orton Longueville parish, with which it was united in 1762. It was formerly a separate parish once called St. Botolphbridge, and the church is mentioned in the Domesday survey of 1086. The old parish consisted of the whole of the present parish which is north of the old road from Peterborough to Oundle, and some small part south of the road, but the precise boundary between the two parishes is now difficult to follow. The road was straightened early in the 19th century.

In a Hundred Roll temp. Edw I, Botolphbridge is described as a hamlet of Orton Longueville, but it was really a separate place. In 1316, Botolphbridge and Orton Longueville formed one vill for the purpose of taxation, and they have been assessed together ever since.

The Manor house of the Drayton family and the church stood at the east end of the parish. The house had been demolished before 1669 and the church, the site of which is marked by a stone, was pulled down in 1695."

[Description(s) transcribed by Martin Edwards ©2003 and later edited by Colin Hinson ©2010]
[mainly from The Victoria County History series- 1932]

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