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Geographical and Historical information from the year 1835.

[Transcribed information from A Topographical Dictionary of England - Samuel Lewis - 1835]
(unless otherwise stated)

"DENTON, a parish in the hundred of NORMAN-CROSS, county of HUNTINGDON, 1 mile (S. w.) from Stilton, containing 90 inhabitants. The living is a discharged rectory, in the archdeaconry of Huntingdon, and diocese of Lincoln, rated in the king's books at £5.13.6., and in the patronage of the Executors of the late Captain Wells, R.N. The church, dedicated to All Saints, was partly rebuilt about 1665, by Sir John Cotton. Sir Robert Bruce Cotton, Bart., a celebrated antiquary, whose manuscripts, called the Cottonian Manuscripts, are now iu the British Museum, was born here in 1570."

[Description(s) transcribed by Mel Lockie ©2010]

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