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Geographical and Historical information from the year 1932.

[Description(s) transcribed by Martin Edwards and later edited by Colin Hinson ©2010]
[from The Victoria County History series - 1932]

"ELLINGTON is a curiously shaped parish. From a central block containing the village is a long tongue of land projecting west, and a shorter tongue running out to the east. The Ellington Brook flows from west to east through the parish forming its southern boundary of the western tongue of land and, skirting the north of he village, joins the Alconbury Brook to the east. Another stream, rising in the parish of Spaldwick, flows to the south of the village of Ellington into Ellington Brook about one mile east of the village.

The land rises from these streams where it is about 55 ft. above sea-level to 165 ft. at Belton's Hill and 161 ft. at Grove Barn on the north and 172 ft at Ellington Hill on the south side.

The road from Huntingdon to Thrapston passes through the parish. The earliest Manor House was originally in the hands of tenants of Ramsey Abbey, but this manor no longer exists. Ellington Thorpe, formerly Silberthorpe, is a hamlet on the road called Breaks Road leading south from the village. It now consists of a few 17th Century cottages.

Once there was much woodland in the parish but now three-quarters of it is grassland. The arable land grows chiefly wheat and beans; the soil and sub-soil are Oxford clay."

[Description(s) transcribed by Martin Edwards ©2003 and later edited by Colin Hinson ©2010]
[mainly from The Victoria County History series- 1932]

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