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Geographical and Historical information from the year 1932.

[Description(s) transcribed by Martin Edwards and later edited by Colin Hinson ©2010]
[from The Victoria County History series - 1932]

"FEN STANTON lies on the Cambridge border of the old county of Huntingdonshire, on the south side of the River Ouse. As its name implies, it is for the most part on low-lying land, liable to flooding, but which rises somewhat to the south. The soil is clay, gravel or fenny loam, producing wheat, barley, potatoes and chicory.

The village is on the Roman road from Cambridge to Godmanchester, here called High Street, and about one mile from the River Ouse. It was originally a nucleated settlement off the High Road; the church and the early village lay on rising ground about a quarter of a mile north of the road. From the church were by-roads along which the village grew, and which run down to the Roman road. The main part of the village is the High Street, on the south side of which were several 17th century timber-framed houses. At the west end of this road, it is crossed by the Hilton road on the south and Chequers Street on the north.

The parish runs in a sharp point up to St Ives in the extreme north-west, the Potton road dividing it from Hemingford Grey.

The common spelling nowadays is as one word: Fenstanton."

[Description(s) transcribed by Martin Edwards ©2003 and later edited by Colin Hinson ©2010]
[mainly from The Victoria County History series- 1932]

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