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Geographical and Historical information from the year 1932.

[Description(s) transcribed by Martin Edwards and later edited by Colin Hinson ©2010]
[from The Victoria County History series - 1932]

"FOLKSWORTH lies between Morborne on the north, and Stilton and Washingley on the south, and is bounded by Ermine Street (or the Great North Road. There are roads to Caldecote, Morborne and Peterbrough; the village, lying on the west of the parish near the southern boundary, is situated south of their junction point.

The church stands on rising ground between Rectory Farm and the Rectory. Less than 700 yards away to the south-west, at the western limits of the village, is the Manor Farm (marked on early OS maps as the site of the Manor House).

The ground is undulating, and varies from 46 ft. to 141 ft. above sea-level. The soil is stiff clay, and the chief crops are wheat, barley and marigolds.

510 acres in the parish were inclosed under an Act of Parliament of 1760. The civil parish was abolished in 1935 to help create Folksworth and Washingley civil parish."

[Description(s) transcribed by Martin Edwards ©2003 and later edited by Colin Hinson ©2010]
[mainly from The Victoria County History series- 1932]

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