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Geographical and Historical information from the year 1750.

[Transcribed information from Stephen Whatley's Gazetteer of England - 1750]
(unless otherwise stated)

"STEED'S-DIKE, (Huntingdonshire) is a dike, formerly called Swerds-Delf, drawn out in the marshes bet. Ramsey and Whittlesey-Meers, as the boundary bet. this Co. and Cambridgeshire."

"WHITTLESEY MERE, (Huntingdonshire) is a lake to the S. E. of Peterborough, formed by a branch of the Nen. It is 5 or 6 m. in length, about half as broad, and full of excellent fish, especially tench and pike, with perch and eels; of which they send great numbers alive to London, in butts full of water, upon waggons. The water of this lake is for most part exceeding clear; but sometimes, even in calm weather, like the other neighbouring meers, rises tempestuously to the great danger of the fishermen. The air is very foggy and unhealthy, by reason of the Fenns; so that few, besides the natives, can live in it, who not only gain great profit by their fish, but by their rich pasture and abundance of turf for firing, with which they supply not only their own but the neighbouring Co."

[Description(s) transcribed by Mel Lockie ©2011]

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