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Geographical and Historical information from the year 1932.

[Description(s) transcribed by Martin Edwards and later edited by Colin Hinson ©2010]
[from The Victoria County History series - 1932]

"WOODWALTON, a parish in the hundred of Normancross, county Hunts. A considerable part of the parish of Woodwalton is occupied by Walton Fen, which for many years has now been drained. The sub-soil is mainly of Oxford clay. The Isle of Higney was formerly part of Woodwalton parish but when Sir Henry Cromwell sold Woodwalton manor in 1568 to Thomas Cotton and William Lawrence, he reserved the Isle of Higney and attached it to Ramsey parish where it still remains. This action forced his tenants there to pay their tithes to Ramsey. The village lies two miles to the north-west of Abbots Ripton. At the northern end of the parish there are the motte and moats of the castle, and to the south-east of the parish there is a large enclosure surrounded by a moat. In 1886 a hoard of Roman coins was dug up in Woodwalton parish."

[Description(s) transcribed by Martin Edwards ©2003 and later edited by Colin Hinson ©2010]
[mainly from The Victoria County History series- 1932]

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