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Geographical and Historical information from the year 1834.

"ATWICK, is a parish in the wapentake of Holderness, comprising the township of its name, and those of Arram and Skirlington, in the wapentake of Holderness; the village being rather more than two miles n.w. from that town, pleasantly situated near the sea, from the encroachments of which it has sustained, occasionally, considerable damage. The parish contained, in 1831, 285 inhabitants. Leven is a township and village, in the parish of its name, in the same wapentake and riding as Hornsea, nearly six miles s.w. from that town. The places of worship are the parish church, dedicated to St. Faith, and a chapel each for the independents and Wesleyan methodists. The parish contained, by the parliamentary returns for 1831, 771 inhabitants, and the township 669 of that number.
Please see Hornsea Parish for the 1834 trades directory for this parish."

[Transcribed by Steve Garton ©2000 from
Pigot's directory (Yorkshire section) 1834]

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