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Burton Agnes:
Burton Agnes: list of pictures


List of Pictures at Burton Agnes - Church and Churchyard

Photos of the Church, internal and external.
BA002Picture List
BA003Burton Agnes pond
BA004Burton Agnes pond
BA005Burton Agnes pond
BA006Geese at Burton Agnes pond
BA007The War Memorial from the main road
BA008The War Memorial
BA009The War Memorial
BA010The War Memorial plinth from the west
BA011The War Memorial plinth from the east
BA012The front of the plinth
BA013The back of the plinth
BA014The lane leading to the church
BA015The lane leading to the church
BA016Approaching the church
BA017Old farm buildings near the church
BA018The cottage next to the church
BA019The rectory
BA020The church sign
BA021The church gates
BA022The tunnel of yew trees
BA023Fungus on the yew trees
BA024The right corbel of the porch
BA025The left corbel of the porch
BA026The church door
BA027The church notice board
BA028The quatrefoil window to the left of the door
BA029The font
BA030Elizabeth Musham (MI 1)
BA031The Roll of Honour for the 1914 - 1918 War (MI 2)
BA032David and Jane Ellen Harrison (MI 2a)
BA033Charles Hutton Coates (MI 3)
BA034The west end of the church
BA035The organ
BA036The south west part of the church
BA037Detail of the organ
BA038Embroidery on the organ rail
BA039Detail of the embroidery on the organ rail
BA040Detail of the embroidery on the organ rail
BA041Detail of the embroidery on the organ rail
BA042Ralph and Eleanor Davison (MI 3a)
BA043Church history (MI 4) and list of Rectors
BA044Church history (MI 5) and photographs of rectors (MI 6)
BA045Robert Wilberforce (son of William Wilberforce)
BA046Joseph Hordern
BA047John Denny
BA048James Palmes
BA049Charles Hutton Coates
BA050The north west end of the church
BA051The north west window with coats of arms
BA052Sunday school corner
BA053The north east chapel
BA054The north east chapel
BA055The tomb of Sir Henry Griffith and his wife Elizabeth Throckmorton (MI 7)
BA056Sir Roger and Sir Philip Somerville (MI 8)
BA057The tomb of Sir Walter Griffiths and his wife Jane Nevill
BA058The foot end of the tomb of Sir Walter Griffiths and Jane Nevill
BA059Detail of the above showing the animals
BA060Detail of the above showing the coats of arms
BA061The north side of the tomb of Sir Walter Griffiths and Jane Nevill (note where the effigy of one of their children was stolen in 1968)
BA062The north side of the tomb of Sir Walter Griffiths and Jane Nevill
BA063The head end of the tomb of Sir Walter Griffiths and Jane Nevill
BA064Detail of the above showing the top of his head and his helmet
BA065The face of Jane Nevill
BA066Jane Nevill's top half
BA067Jane Nevill full length
BA068The face of Sir Walter Griffiths
BA069Sir Walter Griffith's top half
BA070Sir Walter Griffith's bottom half
BA071The griffin under Sir Walter's feet
BA072Sir Henry Bushell (MI 9)
BA073Sir Henry Bushell (MI 9)
BA074Sir Henry Griffiths and wives (MI 10)
BA075The plaque on the above
BA076The base of the above
BA077The top of the above
BA078Sir Roger de Somerville and Maud, his wife (MI 11)
BA079Thomas Lamplugh Wickham-Boynton and Cycely Mabel Wickham-Boynton (MIs 12 and 13)
BA080Sir Walter Griffiths and Jane Nevill (MI 14)
BA081Pray for Roger de Somerville and Maud, his wife
BA082Griffith Boynton (MI 15)
BA083A corner of the north chapel
BA084The hanging over the Boynton pew
BA085Joseph and Betsy Harrison (MI 15a)
BA086The Boynton family pew
BA087The lectern
BA088The top of the lectern
BA089The inscription in the Bible from John Frewen Moor, curate
BA090The Bible
BA091The view down the nave
BA092The chancel
BA093Column heads
BA094The chancel
BA095Sir Griffith Boynton and Charlotte Topham, his wife (MI 16)
BA096Sir Griffith Boynton and Ann White, his wife (MI 17)
BA097George Burghope, Elizabeth, his wife, and Mary, his daughter (MI 18)
BA098The niche in chancel, and Arthur Twidell (MI 19)
(BA099Corbel of William Wilberforce (see BA045)
BA100The chancel ceiling
BA101An angel on the chancel ceiling
BA102The choir stalls
BA103The choir stalls
BA104A detail of the choir stalls
BA105A detail of the choir stalls
BA106The pulpit
BA107The bishop's chair
(Please note that we could not find MIs 20 to 22)
BA108Joseph Outram (MI 23)
BA109The south aisle
BA110The south chapel
BA111Window in memory of Charles Hutton Coates (MI 24)
BA112Altar rails from Gransmoor church
BA113Edward Feetham Coates (MI 25)
BA114The harmonium
BA115Thomas Dade (MI 26)
BA116Window in the memory of Charles Hutton Coates (MI 27)
BA117Ann Cayley (MI 28)
BA118Mary Wood and Katherine Maud Mussenden (MIs 29, 30 and 31)
BA119As above but closer
BA120The hatchment on the wall to the south of the organ
BA121As above
BA122The hatchment on the wall to the north of the organ
BA123As above
BA124The north colonnade
BA125The hatchment at the west end of the north colonnade
BA126The hatchment at the east end of the north colonnade
BA127The roof of the nave
BA128Column heads
BA129Column heads
BA130A nice oak flower stand
BA131The floor of the nave and two nice old jugs
BA132Burton Agnes church from the south east
BA133The porch and south aisle from outside
BA134The tower from the south
BA135The clock
BA136The benchmark at the foot of the tower
BA137The tower from the south west
BA138The tower from the west
BA139The tower from the north west
BA140The west end of the north aisle
BA141The north side of the church
BA142The north door
BA143The north side of the church
BA144The north east corner of the church
BA145The north east corner of the church
BA146The top of the tower from the east
BA147The east end
BA148The east window
BA149A corbel on the east window
BA150A corbel on the east window
BA151The church from the south east
BA152The church from the south west
BA153The chancel door
BA154The chancel door - note the beautiful hinges
BA155A corbel on the chancel door
BA156Another corbel on the chancel door
BA157The chancel window
BA158The south aisle window
BA159The church from the south

Photos of the gravestones in the Churchyard.
160Gravestones against the west wall of the churchyard
161Gravestones against the west wall of the churchyard
162Gravestones against the west wall of the churchyard
163Gravestones against the west wall of the churchyard
164Gravestones against the west wall of the churchyard
165Gravestones against the west wall of the churchyard
166The rowan tree
167Gravestones against the east wall of the churchyard
168Gravestones against the west wall of the churchyard
169The south east corner of the churchyard
170The south wall
171The yew tunnel from the east
172John Ellis Spilling from the east (MI 32)
173John Ellis Spilling from the south
174John Ellis Spilling from the west
175John Ellis Spilling from the north
176Mary Boynton (MI 33)
177Sir Henry Somerville Boynton and others from the north (MI 34)
178Sir Henry Somerville Boynton and others from the east
179The inscription on the tomb of Sir Henry Somerville Boynton and others
180Sir Henry Somerville Boynton and others from the south
181Jarret Hall (MI 35)
182Mary Elizabeth Elger (MI 36)
183Robert Hall (MI 37)
184Thomas and Ann Wilson and their grandson Thomas Wilson (MI 38)
185Richard and Ann Wilson and their children Mary and John (MI 39)
186Matthew Henry Sinkler (MI 40)
187Edward Hobson (MI 41)
188Hannah and Robert Foster (MI 42)
189John Eggleston (MI 43)
190John Hopper and his wife Mary Collinson and their three sons, Richard Hopper, Christopher Hopper and John Eggleston Hopper (MI 44)
191William and Ann Nawton (MI 45)
192Jane and Matthew Sinkler and their daughter Clara Jane (MI 46)
193Ann, wife of xxoh S xx er (Sinkler?) (MI 47)
194Thomas Wilson (MI 48)
195Ralph and Eleanor Davison, their daughter Eleanor and their son Ralph (MI 49)
196Jane Owston (MI 50)
197Michael Owston (MI 51)
198Charles and Frederick Elvedge (MI 52)
199Mary Emily Taylor and her daughter Annie Kate (MI 53)
200N D (MI 54)
201N D (MI 55)
202A C T (MI 56)
203J O (MI 57)
204Illegible (E?) (MI 58)
205E W (MI 59)
206E K (MI 60)
207Completely eroded (MI 61)
208R C (MI 62)
209C D (MI 63)
210James and Jane Monkman and their son, George (MI 64)
211John Hickson and (docky?) his wife (MI 65)
212Norwood Lawson and his son Robert (MI 66)
213M O (MI 67)
214Stone coffin lid
215Sarah and David Maynard and their daughter Elizabeth Linskill (MI 68)
216Mary Taylor (MI 69)
217William and Martha Nettleton (MI 70)
218Moses Robson and his daughter Mary Ann (MI 71)
219Ann Crompton (MI 72)
220John Taylor (MI 73)
221John Crompton (MI 74)
222John Paul Crompton (MI 75)
223Angelina Ward and her brother Watson, and Harriet Ward (MI 76)
224Maria Cooke (MI 77)
225Henry Crompton (MI 78)
226Eliza Wray (MI 79)
227Nixon Day and his wife Elizabeth, and their children Nixon, Charles and Ann (MI 80)
228Robert Lowson and his wife Elizabeth (MI 81)
229George Lankton (MI 82)
230William Wilson, his wife Margaret, and their son William (MI 83)
231George Edmond and his wife Ann (MI 84)
232Mark Normandale and his wife Mary (MI 85)
233Hannah Bulmer (MI 86)
234Ann Haycroft and eleven of her children (MI 87)
235Ann Croft and her son Thomas (MI 88)
236Aaron Lowson and five of his siblings (MI 89)
237Fanny Stabler (? top half of stone now illegible) and Hannah Parkinson (MI 90)
238Henry Stork (MI 91)
239Mary Bradley (MI 92)
240Henry Milner (MI 93)
241Ann Cranswick (MI 94)
242Thomas Barrett (MI 95)
243O S (MI 96)
244John Hind (MI 97)
245Eliza Knott (MI 98)
246William Barrett and his son Thomas (MI99)
247Isabella Barrett (MI 100)
248Roger Leppington (MI 101)
249Ellen Wilkinson (MI 102)
250Margaret Ellen Burrell (MI 103)
251Mary Burrell and her sisters Margaret Ellen and Ann Elizabeth (MI 104)
252N A I (MI 105)
253Impossible to read due to yew trees (MI 106)
254As above (MI 106)
255Jane Arnott and her husband George, and Elizabeth Arnott and her brothers Charles and George (MIs 107 and 108)
256Jane Arnott and her husband George (MI 107)
257Elizabeth, Charles and George Arnott (MI 108)
258Elizabeth, Charles and George Arnott (MI 108)

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