GENUKI Home page    Kilham<br>parish Kilham

Kilham: list of Cemetery Views


Kilham cemetery: list of views

KCM1Looking south towards Kilham along the Rudston road
KCM2The new cemetery gates
KCM3The old section from the new one
KCM4Looking east along the hedge dividing the two sections
KCM5The new section from the old one
KCM6The old cemetery gates
KCM7The old section looking north east
KCM8Looking north along the Rudston road
KCM9The old section from the south west
KCM10Wild flowers in the hedge
KCM11Wild flowers in the hedge between the sections
KCM12The new section path looking west
KCM13The southern part of the new section
KCM14The southern part of the new section from the south east corner
KCM15The eastern edge of the new section
KCM16The old section from the eastern end of the dividing hedge
KCM17The eastern edge of the old section
KCM18Looking west along the old cemetery path
KCM19Poppy fields to the east of the cemetery
KCM20Poppy fields to the east of the cemetery
KCM21The old section from the south east
KCM22The southern part of the old cemetery
KCM23The eastern edge of the old section
KCM24The old section looking north
KCM25The old section looking west
KCM26The old section looking north east
KCM27The western edge of the old section looking north
KCM28The western edge of the old section looking north
KCM29The western edge of the old section looking south
KCM30The central path of the old section looking south east
KCM31The central path of the old section looking east
KCM32The old section looking north east
KCM33The western edge of the old section looking towards the new section
KCM34The western edge of the old section looking south
KCM35The old section looking south east
KCM36The old section looking south east

Generated by Colin Hinson
and presented here by permission of
Lisa Blosfelds ©2014

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