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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1869, MANNINGHAM WARD, surnames S-Z.


Please read these notes about these registers.

MANNINGHAM WARD, 1869, surnames S-Z.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
1797 Sagar BensonWaile streethouse61, Waile street
1798 Sagar JamesCarlisle roadhouse78, Carlisle road
1799 Sagar John TetleySalt streethouse1, Salt street
1800 Sagar JosephValley streethouse21, Valley street
1801 Sagar RobertWaile streethouse & shed38, Waile street
1802 Sagar TomWaile streethouse67, Waile street
1803 Sanderson James ErskineNorth paradehouse125, North parade
1804 Sargison WilliamLilycrofthouse17, Lilycroft
1805 Saul TimothySalt streethouse83, Salt street
1806 Savage WilliamSkinner lanehouse15, Skinner lane
1807 Saville SmithNorthfield placehouse11, Northfield place
1808 Sayers JohnGreen lanehousePicton street
successivehouse36, Green lane
1809 Scales Henry ChristianMornington villashouse1, Mornington villas
1810 Scales WilliamKensington streethouse269, Kensington street
1811 Scarlett Samuel WhartonGirlington roadhouse153, Girlington road
1812 Schlesinger AndrewCrow treeshouseCrow trees
1813 Schmidt WilliamMarlborough terracehouse3, Highfield place
successivehouse3, Marlborough terrace
1814 Scholefield JoshuaSilver streethouse9, Silver street
1815 Scholefield SamuelKensington streethouse64, Kensington street
1816 Scholes AlfredLily streethouse44, Lily street
1817 Scholey StephenPicton streethouse55, Picton street
1818 Schutt Herman PeterWhetley lanehouseWhetley lane
1819 Scott JamesLumb lanehouse & shop63, Lumb lane
1820 Scott JohnSeal streethouse10, Seal street
1821 Scott JonathanSpringfield streethouse38, Springfield street
1822 Scott JosephLily streethouse54, Lily street
1823 Scott SamuelDaisy hill lanehouseDaisy hill lane
1824 Scott WalterOak avenuehouse4, Oak avenue
1825 Seed EdwardSpringcliffehouse5, Springcliffe
1826 Semon CharlesManningham LodgehouseManningham lodge
1827 Settle AbrahamFour lane endshouse108, Four lane ends
1828 Settle John, junr.Four lane endshouse81, Four lane ends
1829 Settle John, senr.Four lane endshouse83, Four lane ends
1830 Settle JosephRoundthornhouse21, Roundthorn
1831 Settle WilliamFour lane endshouse91, Four lane ends
1832 Sewell RobertSalt streethouse63, Salt street
1833 Shackleton CharlesLumb lanehouse & shopLumb lane
1834 Shackleton IsaacWashington streethouse72, Washington street
1835 Shackleton JoeSt. Jude's placehouse & shopCarlisle road
successivehouse33, St. Jude's place
1836 Shackleton JohnLaburnum streethouse20, Laburnum street
1837 Shackleton JosephSpringfield streethouse13, Springfield street
1838 Shackleton RobertPicton streethouse25, Picton street
1839 Shackleton SamuelGlobe foldhouse33, Globe fold
1840 Shackleton StephenUpper globehouse8, Upper globe
1841 Shackleton WilliamGreenhill placehouse12, Greenhill place
1842 Shackleton WilsonKensington streethouse270, Kensington street
1843 Shann FrancisUpper globehouse14, Upper globe
1844 Sharp FouldsGlobe foldhouse7, Globe fold
1845 Sharp HenrySalt streethouse75, Salt street
1846 Sharp IsaacGirlington roadhouse110, Girlington road
1847 Sharp JeremiahGirlington roadhouse94, Girlington road
1848 Sharp SamuelSouthfield squarehouse56, Southfield square
1849 Sharp SimonHopwood streethouse1, Hopwood street
1850 Sharp ThomasWashington streethouse362, Thornton road
successivehouse112, Washington street
1851 Sharp WilliamLumb lanehouse & shop61, Lumb lane
1852 Sharp WilliamBrick lanehouse206, Brick lane
1853 Sharp WilliamGuardian streethouseGuardian street
1854 Sharrock JohnDelph hill, Whetley streethouseDelph hill, Whetley street
1855 Shaw HenryGirlington roadhouse51, Girlington road
1856 Shaw JohnRose streethouse31, Rose street
1857 Shaw JosephPrimrose terracehouse47, Primrose terrace
1858 Shaw OsfieldGlobe foldhouse9, Globe fold
1859 Shaw StephenPearson lanehouse4, Pearson lane
1860 Shaw ThomasBelgrave streethouse15, Belgrave street
1861 Shaw WilliamSouthfield squarehouse & shop1, Southfield square
1862 Shepherd AlexanderThornton roadhouse328, Thornton road
1863 Shepherd JohnArcadia streethouse23, Arcadia street
1864 Shuttleworth JamesBack Regent streethouse10, Back Regent street
1865 Shuttleworth ThomasLilycrofthouse21, Lilycroft
1866 Shuttleworth ThomasPicton streethouse125, Picton street
1867 Shuttleworth WilliamCemetery roadhouse16, Cemetery road
1868 Shuttleworth WilliamGirlington roadhouseGirlington road
1869 Silson Richard WalkerChurch streethouse & shop213, Church street
1870 Silson WilliamGirlington roadhouse60, Girlington road
1871 Simpson JohnSouthfield squarehouse36, Southfield square
1872 Simpson JosephBottom of Girlingtonhouse & shopWhetley lane
successivehouse & shop3, Bottom of Girlington
1873 Simpson RandolphSouthfield squarehouse26, Southfield square
1874 Simpson RichardNew Miller's Dam sidehouseNew Miller's dam side
1875 Simpson ThomasBold streethouse7, Bold street
1876 Simpson WilliamPicton streethouse & shop119, Picton street
1877 Singleton Joseph RobertHighfieldhouseHighfield
1878 Singleton ThomasSalt streethouse95, Salt street
1879 Skelly FrankNorthfield placehouse17, Northfield place
1880 Slater JamesPicton streethouse212, Picton street
1881 Slater JamesWood square, Picton streethouse3, Wood square, Picton street
1882 Slater JohnSilver streethouse27, Picton street
successivehouse28, Silver street
1883 Slater ThomasPicton streethouse32, Picton street
1884 Sleight EdwardGreen rowhouse272, Green row
1885 Slingsby JoshuaAnvil streethouse18, Anvil street
1886 Slingsby WilliamKensington streethouse276A, Kensington street
1887 Sloane WilliamArcadia streethouse35, Arcadia street
1888 Smith AlfredPicton streethouseGirlington road
successivehouse178, Picton street
1889 Smith BenjaminAtha villa, Toller lanehouseAtha villa, Toller lane
1890 Smith BenjaminGirlington roadhouse72, Girlington road
1891 Smith CharlesValley roadhouse170, Valley road
1892 Smith EliKensington streethouse223, Girlington road
successivehouse & shop159, Kensington street
successivehouse12A, Back Northfield place
1893 Smith EphraimBaldwin foldhouse248, Baldwin fold, Thornton road
1894 Smith GentSilver streethouse12, Silver street
1895 Smith GreenwoodPicton streethouse23, Picton street
1896 Smith HodgsonThornton roadhouse358, Thornton road
1897 Smith IsaacBelgrave placehouse97, Belgrave place
1898 Smith IsaacChesnut cottage, Smith lanehouseChesnut cottage, Smith lane
1899 Smith IsaacSmith lanehouse1, Smith lane
1900 Smith JamesKensington streethouse125, Kensington street
1901 Smith JamesPicton streethouse143, Picton street
1902 Smith JamesPrimrose terracehouse35, Primrose terrace
1903 Smith JohnCemetery roadhouse4, Cemetery road
1904 Smith JohnDenby streethouse2, Denby street
1905 Smith JohnField house, Daisy hillhouseField house, Daisy hill
1906 Smith JohnGreenhill placehouse42, Greenhill place
1907 Smith JohnHeaton roadhouse35, Heaton road
1908 Smith JohnSouthfield squarehouseWhite Abbey, Bradford
successivehouse5, Southfield square
1909 Smith JosephAnvil streethouse32, Anvil street
1910 Smith JosephBlenheim mounthouse6, Blenheim mount
1911 Smith JosephClarendon terracehouse123, Kensington street
successivehouse13, Clarendon terrace
1912 Smith JubalFour lane endshouse107, Four lane ends
1913 Smith MartinPicton streethouse118, Picton street
1914 Smith PrinceFour lane endshouse191, Four lane ends
1915 Smith SamuelNew Miller's Dam Millhouse & millNew Miller's dam mill
1916 Smith SidneyHopwood streethouse6, Hopwood street
1917 Smith SkirrowGirlington roadhouseKensington street
successivehouseGirlington road
1918 Smith StephenBack Spring rowhouseBack Spring row
1919 Smith ThomasHeaton roadhouse31, Heaton road
1920 Smith ThomasMontgomery streethouse23, Montgomery street
1921 Smith ThomasWhetley streethouse8, Whetley street
1922 Smith ThomasValley streethouse5, Valley street
1923 Smith WilliamCemetery roadhouseCemetery road
1924 Smith WilliamKensington streethouse51, Kensington street
1925 Smith WilliamLumb lanehouse & shop92, Lumb lane
1926 Smith WilliamSalt streethouse30, Salt street
1927 Smith WilliamPicton streethouse8, Picton street
1928 Smith WilliamWaile streethouseBack Wood street
successivehouse25, Waile street
1929 Smith William39, Girlington roadhouse41, Girlington road
successivehouse39, Girlington road
1930 Snow ThomasClarendon terracehouse19, Clarendon terrace
1931 Snowden GeorgeSouthfield squarehouse55, Southfield square
1932 Sonnenthal IsidorOak lanehouseClaremont, Horton
successivehouse6, Oak lane
1933 Southwell JamesBeecher streethouse10, Beecher street
1934 Southwell RichardWood square, Picton streethouse5, Wood square, Picton street
1935 Sowden HenryFour lane endshouse147, Four lane ends
1936 Sowden IsaacFour lane endshouse135, Four lane ends
1937 Sowden JamesManningham lanehouseManningham lane
1938 Sowden WilliamToller lanehouse62, Toller lane
1939 Speight FrederickLumb lanehouse124, Lumb lane
1940 Speight JohnSouthfield squarehouse11, Southfield square
1941 Speight SamuelBelgrave placehouse143, Belgrave place
1942 Spence JohnGirlington roadhouse93, Girlington road
1943 Spencer BenjaminPaul streethouse39, Paul street
1944 Spencer EdwinSpringfield streethouse12, Springfield street
1945 Spencer James FirthCarlisle roadhouse23, Carlisle road
1946 Spencer RobertPaul streetshopPaul street
1947 Spencer SamuelSalt streethouse18, Salt street
1948 Spencer ThomasPrimrose terracehouse24, Regent street
successivehouse11, Primrose terrace
1949 Spink JohnWalmer placehouse24, Marlborough road
successivehouse3, Walmer place
1950 Spink JosephOak avenuehouseOak avenue
1951 Spire HenrySt. Jude's placehouse29, St. Jude's place
1952 Squires GeorgeGreen lanehouse28, Green lane
1953 Squires ThomasAnderson streethousePreston street, Horton
successivehouseAnderson street
1954 Stackhouse ChristopherPicton streethouse163, Picton street
1955 Staincliffe JohnWilson squarehouse2, Wilson square
1956 Stake FrancisChurch streethouse171, Church street
1957 Standring ThomasGirlington roadhouse10, Primrose terrace
successivehouseGirlington road
1958 Stanley JohnPicton streethouse29, Picton street
1959 Stanley WilliamDuckworth lanehouse40, Picton street
successivehouseDuckworth lane
1960 Stansfield EdwardClarendon placehouse15, Clarendon place
1961 Stansfield JamesValley streethouse12, Valley street
1962 Stansfield John SlaterWater side, Thornton roadhouseWater side, Thornton road
1963 Staples WilliamPicton streethouse136, Picton street
successivehouseSedgfield terrace, Bradford
1964 Starling Charles GraySouthfield squarehouse32, Southfield square
1965 Stead BryanBold streethouse8, Bold street
1966 Stead JosephArcadia streethouse42, Arcadia street
1967 Stead SamuelLumb lanehouse & shopLumb lane
1968 Stead SamuelLily streethouse59A, Lily street
1969 Stead TheophilusSunnybankhouse7, Sunnybank
1970 Stead WilliamAnderson streethouseChurch street
successivehouseAnderson street
1971 Stead WilliamQuarry streethouse5, Quarry street
1972 Steel DanielSt. Jude's placehouse & shopLumb lane
successivehouse68, St. Jude's place
1973 Steel EdwardGreenhill placehouse30, Greenhill place
1974 Steel WilliamDaisy hill lanehouseCanary street
successivehouse29, Daisy hill lane
1975 Steinthal Charles GustavusOak avenuehouseOak avenue
1976 Stephenson AlfredClarendon placehouse11, Clarendon place
1977 Stephenson George BalmeClarendon terracehouse5, Clarendon terrace
1978 Stephenson JosephSaxon streethouse13, Saxon street
1979 Stewart John RechPicton streethouse146, Picton street
1980 Stillings JohnThornton roadhouseThornton road
1981 Stirk JamesAnvil streethouse22, Anvil street
1982 Stockdale FrancisValley rowhouse16, Valley row
1983 Stockdale RobertWhetley lanehouseGrosvenor place
successivehouseWhetley lane
1984 Stocks CharlesBirch mounthouseBirch mount, Kensington street
1985 Stocks HenryGirlington roadhouse112, Girlington road
1986 Stocks JamesValley rowhouse22, Valley row
1987 Stocks JohnSalt streethouse29, Salt street
1988 Stocks John BarkerThornton roadhouse256A, Thornton road
1989 Stocks JosephCarlisle roadhouse31, Picton street
successivehouse & shop63, Carlisle road
1990 Stocks MilesArcadia streethouse39, Arcadia street
1991 Stoney JabezPrimrose streethouse51, Primrose street
1992 Storey HenryPicton streethouse3, Picton street
1993 Stork RichardSalt streethouse34, Salt street
1994 Strohn WilliamCliffe villashouseCliffe villas
1995 Strother RichardAnvil streethouse21, Salt street
successivehouseAnvil street
1996 Sugden AbrahamKensington streethouse54A, Kensington street
1997 Sugden CharlesSalt streethouse13, Salt street
1998 Sugden HenrySalt streethouse85, Salt street
1999 Sugden JamesOak lanehouseOak lane
2000 Sugden JohnBelgrave streethouse33, Belgrave street
2001 Sugden SamuelApsley crescenthouse1, Apsley crescent
2002 Sugden SamuelRegent streethouse38, Regent street
2003 Sugden SamuelWhetley terracehouse13, Whetley terrace
2004 Sugden ThomasGreenhill placehouse48, Greenhill place
2005 Sugden Thomas, junr.Canary streethouse119, Canary street
2006 Sugden WilliamOak lanehouseOak lane
2007 Sugden WilliamCanary streethouse117, Canary street
2008 Sugden WilliamKensington streethouse205, Kensington street
2009 Sugden WilliamUpper globehouse26, Upper globe
2010 Summerfield JosephPicton streethouse14, Picton street
2011 Summerscales JohnSalt streethouse45, Salt street
2012 Summersgill JacobHeaton roadhouse41, Heaton road
2013 Sumner Israel ClarkCarlisle placehouse86, Salt street
successivehouseCarlisle place
2014 Sumner JamesCemetery roadhouseCemetery road
2015 Sunderland JohnSalt streethouse144, Salt street
2016 Sunderland JosephGreen lanehouse42, Green lane
2017 Sunderland JosephSalt streethouse58, Salt street
2018 Sussman AlfredSpring bankhouseSpring bank
2019 Sutcliffe AlfredThorn streethouse114, Washington street
successivehouse13, Thorn street
2020 Sutcliffe FrancisCanary streethouse129, Canary street
2021 Sutcliffe GeorgeMontgomery streethouse4, Montgomery street
2022 Sutcliffe JamesPrimrose terracehouse6, Primrose terrace
2023 Sutcliffe James WilliamFairmounthouse7, Fairmount
2024 Sutcliffe JohnKensington streethouseMilton street, Horton
successivehouse61, Kensington street
2025 Sutcliffe JonasPrimrose terracehouse146, Salt street
successivehouse12, Primrose terrace
2026 Sutcliffe JosephPrimrose terracehouse12, Primrose terrace
successivehouse10, Primrose terrace
2027 Sutcliffe JoshuaCrow tree lanehouse2, Crow tree lane
2028 Sutcliffe SamuelSpring bankhouseSpring bank
2029 Sutcliffe ThomasValley rowhouse26, Valley row
2030 Sutcliffe ThomasRegent squarehouse4, Regent square
2031 Sutcliffe WilliamCemetery roadhouseCemetery road
2032 Sutcliffe WilliamWood streethouse39, Wood street
2033 Swaine JonathanKensington streethouse201, Kensington street
2034 Sweeney WilliamGreen lanehouse27, Green lane
2035 Swift John DeanGirlington roadhouseDyson street, Bradford
successivehouse57, Girlington road
2036 Swift WilliamSeal streethouse2, Seal street
2037 Swindlehurst GeorgeHopwood streethouse5, Hopwood street
2038 Swithenbank John SwaineSt. Jude's squarehouse2, St. Jude's square
2039 Swithenbank JosephLumb lanehouse41, Belgrave street
successivehouse & shopLumb lane
2040 Swithenbank MidgleyGuardian streethouseGuardian street
2041 Sykes EmanuelAnvil streethouse24, Anvil street
2042 Sykes JamesKensington streethouse56A, Kensington street
2043 Sykes JohnClarendon placehouse4, Clarendon place
2044 Sykes JohnArcadia streethouse46, Arcadia street
2045 Sykes JohnSilver streethouse19, Silver street
2046 Sykes JosephKensington streethouse141, Kensington street
2047 Sykes RichardToller lanehouseToller lane

MANNINGHAM WARD, 1869, surnames beginning with the letter T
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2048 Tankard AlfredSouthfield squarehouse6, Southfield square
2049 Tarbotton JamesGirlington roadhouse157, Girlington road
2050 Tattersall BenjaminPicton streethouse41, Picton street
2051 Taylor AbrahamLilycrofthouse22, Lilycroft
2052 Taylor AlfredChurch streethouse & shop215, Church street
2053 Taylor GeorgeLumb lanehouse3, Green lane
successivehouse & shopLumb lane
2054 Taylor JohnHeaton roadhouseBack Heaton road
2055 Taylor JohnMornington villashouse5, Mornington villas
2056 Taylor John CravenGreen lanehouse25, Green lane
2057 Taylor JosephSeal streethouse13, Lilycroft
successivehouseSeal street
2058 Taylor LawrenceSouthfield squarehouse24, Southfield square
2059 Taylor SamuelNorthfield placehouse25, Northfield place
2060 Taylor ThomasKensington streethouse195, Kensington street
2061 Taylor ThomasSmith lanehouseSmith lane
2062 Taylor ThomasThornton roadhouse352, Thornton road
2063 Teale WhithamHopwood streethouse20, Hopwood street
2064 Terry GeorgeCrow tree lanehouseCrow tree lane
2065 Terry JohnSt. Jude's placehouse8, St. Jude's place
2066 Terry WilliamRose streethouse12, Rose street
2067 Tetley EdwardCrow tree lanehouseCrow tree lane
2068 Tetley JamesRose streethouse46, Rose street
2069 Tetley ThomasCarlisle placehouseGreenfield place
successivehouseCarlisle place
2070 Tetley WilliamBrow, Daisy hillhouseBrow, Daisy hill
2071 Tetley WilliamKensington streethouse266, Kensington street
2072 Thackray CharlesPicton streethouse33, Picton street
2073 Thackray WilliamFairmounthouse3, Fairmount
2074 Theakstone FrancisArcadia streethouse32, Arcadia street
2075 Thomas EliasNorthfield placehouse5, Northfield place
2076 Thomas HenrySalt streethouse15, Salt street
2077 Thomas JamesFour lane endshouse99, Four lane ends
2078 Thomas MatthewWood streethouse54, Wood street
2079 Thomlinson BenjaminBelgrave placehouse103, Belgrave place
2080 Thompson BartholomewGreen lanehouse45, Green lane
2081 Thompson JohnSouthfield squarehouseLily street
successivehouse38, Southfield square
2082 Thompson ThomasGirlington roadhouse201, Girlington road
2083 Thompson William RoseBelgrave placehouse113, Belgrave place
2084 Thornton JamesBack Spring rowhouse17, Back Spring row
2085 Thornton JamesBavaria placehouse4, Bavaria place
2086 Thornton JohnBrick lanehouse232, Brick lane
2087 Thornton JohnWhetley terracehouse7, Whetley terrace
2088 Thornton JosephWilson streethouse21, Waile street
successivehouse2, Wilson street
2089 Thornton SharpChurch streethouse217, Church street
2090 Thornton SquireCrow tree lanehouse9, Crow tree lane
successivehouse5, Crow tree lane
2091 Thornton ThomasLilycrofthouse6, Lilycroft
2092 Thornton WilliamArcadia streethouse37, Arcadia street
2093 Thornton WilliamMontgomery streethouse41, Montgomery street
2094 Thorpe Charles HenryCarlisle roadhouseSt. Jude's place
successivehouse & shop7, Carlisle road
2095 Thresh AbrahamLaburnum placehouse4, Laburnum place
2096 Tidswell JamesAnvil streethouse10, Anvil street
2097 Tidswell JamesKensington streethouse9, Kensington street
2098 Tidswell JohnBelgrave placehouse119, Belgrave place
2099 Tillotson JoshuaCanary streetshopCanary street
2100 Tillotson MilesSpring bankhouseSpring bank
2101 Tillotson ThomasGirlington roadhouse56A, Girlington road
2102 Tindall GeorgeSpringfield streethouse18, Springfield street
2103 Tindall JonathanMontgomery streethouse26, Montgomery street
2104 Tomlinson JohnWhetley streethouse38, Whetley street
2105 Tomlinson WilliamKensington streethouse197, Kensington street
2106 Tones ThomasFour lane endshouseDuckworth lane
successivehouse151, Four lane ends
2107 Toothill HenryKensington streethouse272, Kensington street
2108 Toothill JohnDaisy Hill Back lanehouse2, Daisy Hill Back lane
2109 Toothill JohnWashington streethouse164, Washington street
2110 Toothill JosephCarlisle roadhouse98, Carlisle road
2111 Toothill WilkinsonLily streethouse14, Lily street
2112 Topham Richard WarwickSouthfield squarehouse70, Southfield square
2113 Tordoff Thomas DenbighApsley crescenthouse8, Apsley crescent
2114 Towler JamesRoundthorn placehouseJarratt street
successivehouse10, Roundthorn place
2115 Town end William HenryMornington villashouse7, Mornington villas
2116 Townsend WilliamGirlington roadhouse101, Girlington road
2117 Townsley DavidJarratt streethouse18, Jarratt street
2118 Trees WilliamWaile streethouse24, Waile street
2119 Triffit JohnSalt streethouse78, Salt street
2120 Tunstall ThomasLilycrofthouse4, Lilycroft
2121 Turner CharlesAnvil streethouse15, Back Wood street
successivehouseAnvil street
2122 Turner DanielLily streethouse48, Lily street
2123 Turner WilliamDuckworth lanehouse198A, Duckworth lane
2124 Turner WilliamGlobe foldhouse15, Globe fold
2125 Turner WilliamNorthfield placehouse18, Northfield place
2126 Tyler LouisClifton villashouseClifton villas

MANNINGHAM WARD, 1869, surnames beginning with the letter U
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2127 Udall JamesMontgomery streethouse37, Montgomery street
2128 Unwin SquireWest Squire lanehouse17, West Squire lane

MANNINGHAM WARD, 1869, surnames beginning with the letter V
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2129 Varley GeorgeSmith lanehouseSmith lane
2130 Varley JohnGirlington roadhouse184, Girlington road
2131 Varley JosephBelgrave streethouse14, Belgrave street
2132 Vaughan WilliamHighfield placehouse2, Highfield place
2133 Verity IsaacSpring rowhouse13, Spring row
2134 Verity JoshuaLily streethouse57, Lily street
2135 Vickers RodgerBrick lanehouse210, Brick lane
2136 Vinter ReubenBelgrave streethouse61, Belgrave street
2137 Vitty ThomasPrimrose streethouse32, Primrose street
2138 Voigt Ernest OttoBlenheim roadhouse24, Blenheim road

MANNINGHAM WARD, 1869, surnames beginning with the letter W
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2139 Waddington BenjaminAnvil streethouse20, Lilycroft
successivehouseAnvil street
2140 Waddington JacobUpper globehouse32, Upper globe
2141 Waddington JohnAllerton roadhouseKensington street
successivehouseAllerton road
2142 Waddington JohnPrimrose streethouse44, Primrose street
2143 Waddington JohnWilson squarehouse12, Wilson square
2144 Waddington John SutcliffeGreenhill placehouse22, Greenhill place
2145 Waddington JosephWashington streethouse42, Washington street
2146 Waddington JoshuaJarratt streethouse30, Jarratt street
2147 Waddington WilkinsonGreenhill placehouse4, Greenhill place
2148 Wade BenjaminAnvil streethouse12, Anvil street
2149 Wade JamesHoxton streethouseAbbey street, Bradford
successivehouse11, Hoxton street
2150 Wade John HenryOak avenuehouse6, Oak avenue
2151 Wade WilliamWood square, Picton streethouse4, Wood square, Picton street
2152 Wadsworth AbrahamSilver streethouse30, Silver street
2153 Wadsworth JamesGirlington roadhouse100, Girlington road
2154 Wadsworth ThomasWest Butterfield rowhouse8, West Butterfield row
2155 Wager Bramley WilliamBelgrave placehouse115, Belgrave place
2156 Wainright JamesBack of Spring rowhouseBack of Spring row
2157 Walbank ChristopherMontgomery streethouse22, Montgomery street
2158 Walbank HughHeaton roadhouse11, Heaton road
2159 Wales JamesMount roydhouseAshfield, Horton
successivehouse4, Mount royd
2160 Walker GeorgeWellesley terracehouse236, Wellesley terrace
2161 Walker IsaacNew rowhouse3, New row
2162 Walker JohnGirlington roadhouse42A, Girlington road
2163 Walker JohnNew rowhouse14, New row
2164 Walker JosephChurch streethouse73, Church street
2165 Walker ThomasWood streethouse31, Wood street
2166 Walker Thomas LaycockPrimrose streethouseLow street, Bradford
successivehouse47, Primrose street
2167 Walker WilliamKensington streethousePaddock row, Bradford
successivehouse127, Kensington street
2168 Walker WilliamNew rowhouse5, New row
2169 Walker WilliamSt. Jude's placehouse52, St. Jude's place
2170 Walker WilliamWashington streethouse192, Washington street
2171 Wallace FrederickApsley crescenthouse19, Apsley crescent
2172 Wallace JamesRose streethouse26, Rose street
2173 Wallace MichaelClarendon terracehouse27, Clarendon terrace
2174 Wallace ThomasLily streethouseLily street
2175 Wallace WilliamGreen lanehouse16, Green lane
2176 Waller CharlesWalmer villashouseWalmer villas
2177 Walmsley EphraimRoundthorn placehouse9, Roundthorn place
2178 Walmsley ThomasAllerton roadhouse43, Allerton road
2179 Walsh DavidValley roadhouse106, Valley road
2180 Walsh JohnPrimrose streethouse53, Primrose street
2181 Walsh JosephValley roadhouse118, Valley road
2182 Walton WilliamGreen rowhouse276, Green row
2183 Walworth JamesArcadia streethouse40, Arcadia street
2184 Warburton JosephCarlisle roadhouse19, Carlisle road
2185 Warburton PeterGreen lanehouse43, Green lane
2186 Ward FrederickSouthfield squarehouse27, Southfield square
2187 Ward JamesFour lane endshouse96, Four lane ends
2188 Ward JamesSt. Jude's squarehouse62, St. Jude's place
2189 Ward JohnKensington streethouse57, Kensington street
2190 Wardle JohnDuckworth lanehouseDuckworth lane
2191 Wardle ThomasArcadia streethouse18, Arcadia street
2192 Wardle WilliamEast Squire lanehouseEast Squire lane
2193 Waterhouse BenjaminPicton streethouse9, Picton street
2194 Waterhouse JohnWest Squire lanehouse18, West Squire lane
2195 Waterhouse JosephHeaton roadhouse30, Heaton road
2196 Waterhouse RobertDenby streethouse12, Denby street
2197 Waterhouse WilliamChurch streethouse157, Church street
2198 Waterman Thomas TheodoreMarlborough roadhouse34, Marlborough road
2199 Waterworth JosephQuarry streethouse29, Quarry street
2200 Watson BenjaminChurch streethouse19, Church street
2201 Watson CalebNorth Butterfield rowhouse7, North Butterfield row
2202 Watson IsaacWashington streethouseWest Squire lane
successivehouseWashington street
2203 Watson JamesGreen lanehouse39, Green lane
2204 Watson JamesNorthfield placehouse10A Northfield place
2205 Watson JamesSalt streethouse45, Girlington road
successivehouse32, Salt street
2206 Watson JeremiahSkinner lanehouse7, Skinner lane
2207 Watson WilliamWaile streethouse65, Waile street
2208 Watson WilliamWilson streethouse9, Wilson street
2209 Watts NathanielWaile streethouse14, Waile street
2210 Waugh BenjaminCemetery roadhouse100, Cemetery road
2211 Waugh JosephFour lane endshouse153, Four lane ends
2212 Waugh ReubenGirlington roadhouse46, Girlington road
2213 Weatherill JamesRose streethouse37, Rose street
2214 Weber AlbertOak streethouseOak street
2215 Webster JohnSaxon streethouse5, Saxon street
2216 Webster JosephArcadia streethouse68, Arcadia street
2217 Weil EmileBelle vuehouse2, Belle vue
2218 Wellock WilliamBack Regent streethouse4, Back Regent street
2219 West EdwardToller lanehouse58, Toller lane
2220 West JohnWaile streethouse41, Waile street
2221 West William CunliffeGirlington roadhouse85, Girlington road
2222 Wheater HammondGirlington roadhouse139, Girlington road
2223 Wheater WilliamFour lane endshouse87, Four lane ends
2224 Wheelhouse JohnSpring rowhouse7, Spring row
2225 Whitaker CharlesGrosvenor placehouse157, Grosvenor place
2226 Whitaker CharlesWood streethouse13, Wood street
2227 Whitaker CharlesSalt streethouse46, Salt street
2228 Whitaker HartleySkinner lanehouse42, Skinner lane
2229 Whitaker JohnThornton roadhouseThornton road
2230 Whitaker JohnThornton roadhouse340, Thornton road
2231 Whitaker JosephPicton streethouse180, Picton street
2232 Whitaker MichaelWhetley streethouse14, Whetley street
2233 Whitaker NicholasWaile streethouse6, Waile street
2234 Whitaker RedmanPicton streethouse89, Picton street
2235 Whitaker RobinsonGreen lanehouse35, Green lane
2236 Whitaker ThomasPicton streethouse28, Picton street
2237 Whitaker WilliamPrimrose terracehouse5, Primrose terrace
2238 White CharlesLumb lanehouse & shop167E, Lumb lane
2239 White EdwinFour lane endshouse90, Four lane ends
2240 White IsaacBrownroydhouseBrownroyd
2241 White JamesPrimrose streethouse38, Primrose street
2242 White JohnBeecher streethouse13, Beecher street
2243 White JohnChurch streethouse46, Church street
2244 White JosephHeaton roadhouse10, Heaton road
2245 Whitehead SolomonRoundthornhouseRoundthorn
2246 Whitehouse WilliamHeaton roadhouse29, Heaton road
2247 Whiteley DavidSaxon streethouse6, Saxon street
2248 Whiteley John MarvelSalt streethouse74, Salt street
2249 Whiteley SamuelValley roadhouse176, Valley road
2250 Whiteley ThomasSaxon streethouse23, Saxon street
2251 Whitfield JohnRegent streethouse & shop4, Regent street
2252 Whitham GeorgeLily streethouse33, Lily street
2253 Whitham JohnGreen lanehouse46, Green lane
2254 Whitham SamuelPicton streethouse190, Picton street
2255 Whitham WilliamHeaton roadhouse21, Heaton road
2256 Whitley DavidWest Squire lanehouse7, West Squire lane
2257 Whitley James BriggsClarendon terracehouse21, Clarendon terrace
2258 Whitley ThomasFour lane endshouseFour lane ends
2259 Whittingham JosephClarendon streethouse9, Salt street
successivehouse3, Clarendon street
2260 Why SamuelGlobe foldhouse26, Globe fold
2261 Why WilliamBack Spring rowhouse3, Back Spring row
2262 Widd CrosbyCarlisle roadhouse70, Carlisle road
2263 Widdop GeorgeValley rowhouse2, Valley row
2264 Widdop HenryCarlisle roadhouse17, Carlisle road
2265 Widdop JohnValley rowhouseVilliers street, Horton
successivehouse4, Valley row
2266 Widdop JonasArcadia streethouse47, Arcadia street
2267 Widdop WilliamValley rowhouse8, Valley row
2268 Wigglesworth WilliamClarendon terracehouse17, Clarendon terrace
2269 Wilcock EllisChurch streethouse75, Church street
2270 Wilcock JohnHeaton roadhouseHeaton road
2271 Wild JonasGreen lanehouse7, Green lane
2272 Wild WatsonValley roadhouse108 Valley road
2273 Wildman CharlesWood streethouse44, Wood street
2274 Wilkinson AlfredDuckworth lanehouseDuckworth lane
2275 Wilkinson BriggsPrimrose streethouse2A, Primrose street
2276 Wilkinson EdwardLumb lanehouse & shop159, Lumb lane
2277 Wilkinson FrancisSouthfield squarehouse53, Southfield square
successivehouse46, Southfield square
2278 Wilkinson HenryGirlington roadhouseGirlington road
2279 Wilkinson JohnArcadia streethouse41, Arcadia street
2280 Wilkinson JohnDuckworth lanehouse & shopDuckworth lane
2281 Wilkinson JohnMontgomery streethouse2B, Montgomery street
2282 Wilkinson JonathanCarlisle roadhouse29, Greenhill place
successivehouse55, Carlisle road
2283 Wilkinson JosephFour lane endshouse109, Four lane ends
successivehouse84, Four lane ends
2284 Wilkinson JosephClarendon placehouseCrow tree lane
successivehouse3, Clarendon place
2285 Wilkinson JosephGreen lanehouse10, Green lane
2286 Wilkinson RycroftRose streethouse44, Rose street
2287 Wilkinson SamuelChurch streethouse15, Heaton road
successivehouse38, Church street
2288 Wilkinson ThomasBavaria placehouse18, Bavaria place
2289 Wilkinson ThomasGreen rowhouse280, Green row
2290 Wilkinson ThomasLilycroft lanehouse8, Lilycroft lane
2291 Wilkinson ThomasRegent streethouse & shop6, Regent street
2292 Wilkinson Thomas NetherwoodCrow tree lanehouse11, Crow tree lane
2293 Wilkinson WilliamSalt streethouse82, Salt street
2294 Wilkinson WilliamPrimrose terracehouse57, Primrose terrace
2295 Willans JamesSilver streethouse5, Silver street
2296 Willey AlbertKensington streethouse139, Kensington street
2297 Willey AlfredWood streethouse15, Wood street
2298 Williams GeorgeGreen lanehouse32, Green lane
2299 Williams George ThomasArcadia streethouse31, Arcadia street
2300 Williams JohnRose streethouse2, Heaton road
successivehouse20, Rose street
2301 Williamson JamesApsley crescenthouse18, Apsley crescent
2302 Williamson ThomasBrow, Daisy hillhouseBrow, Daisy hill
2303 Williamson William HarrisonMarlborough terracehouse4, Marlborough terrace
2304 Willis JamesChurch streethouseFitzgerald street, Horton
successivehouse6, Church street
2305 Wilman AbrahamPrimrose terracehouse49, Primrose terrace
2306 Wilman BenjaminCrow tree lanehouse4, Crow tree lane
2307 Wilman JohnGirlington roadhouse104, Girlington road
2308 Wilman MatthewPrimrose streethouse41, Primrose street
2309 Wilman SampsonWashington streethouse3, Crow tree lane
successivehouse92A, Washington street
2310 Wilman SamuelKensington streethouse56, Kensington street
2311 Wilman ThomasBack Spring rowhouse8, Back Spring row
2312 Wilman ThomasGirlington roadhouse64, Girlington road
2313 Wilman ThomasPrimrose streethouse36, Primrose street
2314 Wilson BenjaminBold streethouse2, Bold street
2315 Wilson BenjaminSalt streethouse158, Salt street
2316 Wilson CharlesCarlisle roadhouse29, Carlisle road
2317 Wilson CharlesKensington streethouse68, Kensington street
2318 Wilson GeorgeGlobe streethouse2, Globe street
2319 Wilson HenryCanary streethouse127, Canary street
2320 Wilson JamesCarlisle roadhouse35, Carlisle road
2321 Wilson JamesGreenhill placehouse43, Greenhill place
2322 Wilson James StevenMount roydhouse5, Mount royd
2323 Wilson JohnLily streethouse18, Lily street
2324 Wilson JohnCarlisle roadhouse90, Carlisle road
2325 Wilson JohnLaburnum streethouse32, Laburnum street
2326 Wilson John EdwardBelgrave streethouse32, Belgrave street
2327 Wilson JosephSpringfield househouseSpringfield house
2328 Wilson JosephSpring rowhouse18, Spring row
2329 Wilson JoshuaSilver streethouse15, Silver street
2330 Wilson JoshuaWashington streethouse30, Washington street
2331 Wilson JoshuaNorth paradehouse135, North parade
2332 Wilson SamuelBlenheim roadhouse28, Blenheim road
2333 Wilson SidneyValley roadhouse104, Valley road
2334 Wilson ThomasCarlisle placehouse130, Picton street
successivehouseCarlisle place
2335 Wilson ThomasWhetley terracehouse19, Whetley terrace
2336 Wilson Thomas MillerArcadia streethouse13, Arcadia street
2337 Wilson WardRose streethouse8, Rose street
2338 Winn GeorgePicton streethouse12, Picton street
2339 Winnett JohnKensington streethouseGirlington road
successivehouseKensington street
2340 Winter WilliamOak streethouseOak street
successivehouseOak street
2341 Wolf GustaveBlenheim roadhouse26, Blenheim road
2342 Wolfenden DavidPicton streethouse148, Picton street
2343 Wolfenden JosephSkinner lanehouse3, Skinner lane
2344 Wolstencroft AmosSt. Jude's squarehouse4, St. Jude's square
2345 Wood AlfredSkinner lanehouse27, Skinner lane
2346 Wood BenjaminKensington streethouse267, Kensington street
2347 Wood BenjaminPicton streethouse145, Picton street
2348 Wood BenjaminHighfield placehouse5, Highfield place
2349 Wood DawsonLily streethouse32, Lily street
2350 Wood EdwardUpper globehouse16, Upper globe
2351 Wood EdwinPrimrose terracehouse43, Primrose terrace
2352 Wood IsaacDaisy hill, Back lanehouse3, Daisy hill, Back lane
2353 Wood IsaacGirlington roadhouse11, Girlington road
successivehouse13, Girlington road
2354 Wood JamesArcadia streethouse11, Arcadia street
2355 Wood JamesBelgrave placehouse137, Belgrave place
2356 Wood JamesUnder the Chapel, Carlisle roadhouseUnder the Chapel, Carlisle road
2357 Wood JeremiahAnvil streethouse20, Anvil street
2358 Wood JohnGreen rowhouse288, Green row
2359 Wood JohnHopwood streethouse16, Hopwood street
2360 Wood JohnMontgomery streethouse14, Montgomery street
2361 Wood JohnWashington streethouse70, Washington street
2362 Wood JohnPicton streethouse121, Picton street
2363 Wood JonasAnvil streethouse38, Anvil street
2364 Wood JonasDuckworth lanehouse34, Duckworth lane
2365 Wood JosephKensington streethouse265, Kensington street
2366 Wood JosephNew rowhouse8, New row
2367 Wood JosephWellesley terracehouse244, Wellesley terrace
2368 Wood Nicholas JohnCanary streethouse93, Canary street
2369 Wood Samuel WilkinsonSalt streethouse62, Salt street
2370 Wood ThomasKensington streethouse274, Kensington street
2371 Wood ThomasNew rowhouse11, New row
2372 Wood ThomasBlenheim roadhouse99, Salt street
successivehouse8, Blenheim road
2373 Wood ThomasThornton roadhouse346, Thornton road
2374 Wood TitusWilson squarehouse8, Wilson square
2375 Wood WilliamNew rowhouse9, New row
successivehouse10, Wood square, Montgomery street
2376 Wood WilliamPicton streethouse31, Picton street
2377 Wood William HenryApsley crescenthouse17, Apsley crescent
2378 Woodend RichardHeaton roadhouse18, Heaton road
successivehouse23, Heaton road
2379 Woodhead DavidManningham lanehouseManningham lane
2380 Woodhead JamesValley rowhouse24, Valley row
2381 Woodhead Joseph HarperValley rowhouse18, Valley row
2382 Woodhead ThomasCemetery roadhouse2, Cemetery road
2383 Woodhead WilliamPicton streethouse7, Picton street
2384 Woodhouse JosephHeaton roadhouse9, Heaton road
2385 Woodworth WilliamCemetery roadhouse12, Cemetery road
2386 Wooler JosephGreen lanehouse & shop20, Green lane
2387 Worms CharlesMount roydhouse8, Mount royd
2388 Worsnop CharlesArcadia streethouse1, Arcadia street
successivehouse6, Arcadia street
2389 Worsnop WilliamRose streethouse34, Rose street
2390 Wray WilliamMontgomery streethouse12, Montgomery street
2391 Wreaks JamesKensington streethouse109, Kensington street
2392 Wright CharlesMarlborough roadhouse12, Marlborough road
2393 Wright EdwinPrimrose streethouse49, Primrose street
2394 Wright GreenwoodGreen lane courthouse6, Green lane court
2395 Wright IsaacGrosvenor placehouse149, Grosvenor place
2396 Wright JohnHeaton roadhouse9, Heaton road
2397 Wright JohnWood streethouseMount street, Bradford
successivehouse27, Wood street
2398 Wright JosephBavaria placehouse3, Bavaria place
2399 Wright JosephChurch streethouse99, Church street
2400 Wright JoshuaGirlington roadhouse187, Girlington road
2401 Wright SaulGlobe streethouse14, Globe street
2402 Wroe Thomas HenryWellesley terracehouse220, Wellesley terrace
2403 Wroe WilliamLilycroft lanehouse7, Lilycroft lane
2404 Wyrill GeorgeWhetley streethouse34, Whetley street
successivehouse10, Whetley street

MANNINGHAM WARD, 1869, surnames beginning with the letter Y
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2405 Yates GeorgeSalt streethouse57, Salt street
2406 Yates JohnSalt streethouse40, Salt street
2407 Yates RobertApsley crescenthouse12, Apsley crescent
2408 Yeoman JohnSaxon streethouse4, Saxon street
2409 Yewdall HenryWalmer placehouseWalmer place
2410 Yewdall JesseNorth paradehouse137, North parade
2411 Yewdall ThomasPrimrose streethouse43, Primrose street
2412 Young JamesCemetery roadhouse6, Cemetery road
2413 Young ThomasWest Butterfield rowhouse10, West Butterfield row

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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