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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1870, GREAT HORTON WARD, surnames H-R.


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GREAT HORTON WARD, 1870, surnames H-R.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
436 Haigh AaronLidget greenhouse1, Lidget green
437 Haigh JohnBakes streethouse12, Bakes street
438 Haigh JonathanHart streethouse34, Union road
successivehouseHart street
439 Haigh ThomasLidgate placehouse13, Lidget street
successivehouseLidgate place
440 Hainsworth JosephCemetery roadhouse253, Cemetery road
441 Hainsworth JoshuaCemetery roadhouse241, Cemetery road
442 Haley CharlesEbenezer rowhouse12, Ebenezer row
443 Haley DanielBlacksmith foldhouse4, Blacksmith fold
444 Haley EnochLidget streethouseLidgate place
successivehouse37, Lidget street
445 Haley HenryHigh streethouse8, High street
446 Haley JohnHollingwood lanehouse112, Hollingwood lane
447 Haley JohnCragg lanehouse12, Cragg lane
448 Haley NathanSouthfield lanehouse208, Southfield lane
449 Haley RichardSouthfield lanehouse290, Southfield lane
450 Haley WilliamBartle foldhouseBartle fold
451 Hall Frederick HorsfallUnion roadhouse7, Union road
452 Hammond WilliamParadisehouse21, Paradise
453 Hanson AmosBramley rowhouse9, Bramley row
454 Hanson EdwardSouthfield lanehouse172, Southfield lane
455 Hanson EnochOld roadhouse180, Old road
456 Hanson EnochDerby streethouseDerby street
457 Hanson GeorgeUpper greenhouse4, Upper green
458 Hanson Henry SmithCambridge streethouseCambridge street
459 Hanson IsaacDracup roadhouse44, Dracup road
460 Hanson JamesCragg lanehouse1, Cragg lane
461 Hanson JamesBakes streethouse297, Southfield lane
successivehouse14, Bakes street
462 Hanson JohnCambridge streethouseCambridge street
463 Hanson SamuelDog lanehouseDog lane
464 Hanson ThomasDog lanehouseDog lane
465 Hanson WilliamHigh streethouse329, High street
466 Hanson William JamesPrinceville streethouse5, Smith street
successivehouse29, Princeville street
467 Hardaker JohnAlexandra streethouse7, Alexandra street
468 Hardaker RichardHunt yardhouse2, Hunt yard
469 Hardaker ThomasParadise greenhouse11, Paradise green
470 Hardaker ThomasTanner hillhouseTanner hill
471 Hardy DawsonOld roadhouse108, Old road
472 Hardy ThomasBeldon hillhouse32, Beldon hill
473 Hare IsaacClub streethouse9, Club street
474 Hare RobertClub streethouse14, Club street
475 Hargreaves HenryCross lanehouse28, Cross lane
476 Hargreaves JamesHigh streethouse60, High street
477 Hargreaves WilliamSouthfield lanehouse171, Southfield lane
478 Harper GeorgeSouthfield lanehouse155, Southfield lane
479 Harper ThomasSouthfield lanehouse158, Southfield lane
480 Harrison DavidPickles hillhouse3, Pickles hill
481 Harrison DavidSummerhill streethouse25, Summerhill street
482 Harrison JohnCross lanehouse7, Cross lane
483 Harrison SamuelLidget streethouse19, Lidget street
484 Hartley AmosBakes streethouse3, Bakes street
485 Hartley DavidHigh streethouse347, High street
486 Hartley JohnFrank streethouseFrank street
487 Hartley LukeBeacon lanehouse7, Beacon lane
488 Hartley Richard RobertBakes streethouse5, Bakes street
489 Hartley SamuelHigh streethouse25, High street
490 Heap JosephHollingwood lanehouse392, Hollingwood lane
491 Heap ThomasOld roadhouse166, Old road
492 Hearn JohnHollingwood lanehouse106, Hollingwood lane
493 Heaton DanielUpper greenhouse7, Upper green
494 Heaton UriahNew roadhouse72, New road
495 Helliwell JamesFalcon streethouse16, Falcon street
496 Helliwell JohnLidget greenhouse7, Lidget green
497 Helliwell JonathanLidget streethouse25, Lidget street
498 Helliwell JosephClub streethouse3, Club street
499 Helliwell SamuelClub streethouse11, Club street
500 Hepworth JohnCross lanehouse26, Cross lane
501 Hey JeremiahTownendhouse7, Townend
502 Hey WilliamTownendhouse19, Townend
503 Hill DavidCrossley streethouse14, Crossley street
504 Hill JamesSouthfield lanehouse157, Southfield lane
505 Hill JosephLidgate placehouse31, Lidgate place
506 Hill SimeonCrossley streethouse26, Crossley street
507 Hillam AaronSouthfield lanehouse192, Southfield lane
successivehouse249, Southfield lane
508 Hillam AlfredSouthfield lanehouse153, Southfield lane
509 Hillam JobSouthfield lanehouse235, Southfield lane
510 Hillam RobertHigh streethouse327, High street
511 Hind GeorgeSouthfield lanehouse264, Southfield lane
512 Hind JohnSouthfield lanehouse226, Southfield lane
513 Hind WilliamSuddards foldhouse18, Suddards fold
514 Hindle AaronHigh streethouse164, High street
515 Hindle DavidHunt yardhouse14, Hunt yard
516 Hindle DavidHigh streethouse202, High street
517 Hindle HenryWestcroft terracehouse7, Westcroft terrace
518 Hindle JosephLane closehouse40, Lane close
519 Hindle JosephDog lanehouse20, Crown street, Bradford
successivehouseDog lane
520 Hird ThomasPaternoster foldhouse17, Paternoster fold
521 Hirst JosephCambridge streethouse18, Cambridge street
522 Hirst PrattLidget streethouse22, Lidget street
523 Hirst ThomasHollingwood lanehouse404, Hollingwood lane
524 Hodgson GeorgeLegrams lanehouse16, Legrams lane
525 Hodgson HenryFalcon streethouse18, Falcon street
526 Hodgson JobWard streethouse144, High street
successivehouseWard street
527 Hodgson JohnSouthfield lanehouseSouthfield lane
528 Hodgson WilliamLegrams lanehouse173, Legrams lane
529 Hodgson WilliamHorton roadhouse244, Horton road
530 Holdsworth AdamHigh streethouse119, High street
531 Holdsworth DavidCross lanehouse13, Cross lane
532 Holdsworth DavidHigh streethouse218, High street
533 Holdsworth EnochOld roadhouse174, Old road
534 Holdsworth EphraimBeckside roadhouse34, Beckside road
successivehouse67, Beckside road
535 Holdsworth FrancisPickles hillhouse8, Pickles hill
536 Holdsworth FrederickToby lanehouse61, Toby lane
537 Holdsworth GeorgeDog lanehouse1, Dog lane
538 Holdsworth HenryOld roadhouse87, Old road
539 Holdsworth HenryLidget streethouse39, Lidget street
540 Holdsworth JabezParadise greenhouse3, Paradise green
541 Holdsworth JohnNew roadhouse & shop143, New road
542 Holdsworth JohnSouthfield lanehouse154, Southfield lane
543 Holdsworth JonathanCambridge streethouseCambridge street
544 Holdsworth JosephParadise greenhouse15, Paradise green
545 Holdsworth JosephParadise greenhouse14, Paradise green
546 Holdsworth MarmadukeBrow hillhouse8, Brow hill
547 Holdsworth NathanHigh streethouse239, High street
548 Holdsworth SamuelHollingwood lanehouse398, Hollingwood lane
549 Holdsworth SamuelSouthfield lanehouse141, Southfield lane
550 Holdsworth SamuelOld roadhouse88, Old road
551 Holdsworth SamuelLidgate placehouse27, Lidgate place
552 Holdsworth WilliamFrank streethouse29, Frank street
553 Holdsworth WilliamHorton roadhouse230, Horton road
554 Holdsworth WilliamHorton roadhouse252, Horton road
555 Holdsworth WilliamBeacon lanehouse1, Beacon lane
556 Holdsworth William HenrySouthfield lanehouse138, Southfield lane
557 Holgate EphraimSouthfield lanehouse174, Southfield lane
558 Holgate HenrySouthfield lanehouse163, Southfield lane
559 Holgate JohnSouthfield lanehouse169, Southfield lane
successivehouse173, Southfield lane
560 Hollinrake WilliamHew ClewshouseHew clews
561 Holmes CharlesSchool alleyhouse14, Farside green
successivehouse3, School alley, Low green
562 Holmes JamesLidgate placehouse69, Lidgate place
563 Holmes JohnFrank streethouse7, Frank street
564 Holmes SamuelSmith roadhouse211, Smith road
565 Holmes WilliamFrank streethouse15, Frank street
566 Holroyd DanielCross lanehouse52, Cross lane
567 Holroyd DavidUpper greenhouse9, Upper green
568 Holroyd MichaelHigh streethouse9, Arctic parade
successivehouse13, Arctic parade
successivehouse50, High street
569 Holroyd IsaacVine streethouse7, Vine street
570 Holroyd JohnNew roadhouse71, New road
571 Holroyd JohnLow greenhouse4, Low green
572 Holroyd WilliamToby lanehouse59, Toby lane
573 Holt ThomasSummerhill streethouse10, Summerhill street
574 Horsfall JamesCross lanehouse34, Cross lane
575 Hoyle GilesPleasant streethouse32, Pleasant street
576 Hoyle JohnLow greenhouse27, Low green
577 Hudson EnochLow greenhouse6, Low green
successivehouse4, Low green
578 Hudson FrederickHigh streethouse251, High street
579 Hudson IsaacHigh streethouse91, High street
580 Hudson JohnLow greenhouse36, Low green
581 Hudson JohnHigh streethouse214, High street
582 Hudson JohnAycliffe hillhouse6, Aycliffe hill
583 Hudson SamuelLow greenhouse5, Low green
584 Hutchinson HarrisonCambridge streethouseCambridge street

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1870, surnames beginning with the letter I
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
585 Illingworth AbrahamUpper greenhouse58 & 60, Upper green
586 Illingworth EphraimSouthfield lanehouse231, Southfield lane
587 Illingworth JohnHigh streethouse167, High street
588 Illingworth MarkRamsden courthouse10, Ramsden court
589 Illingworth ThomasHigh streethouseHigh street
590 Ingham NathanOld roadhouse140, Old road
591 Iredale MatthewSouthfield lanehouse313, Southfield lane
592 Isherwood JamesLow greenhouse10, Low green
593 Isles JohnTownendhouse11, Bramley row
successivehouse31, Townend
594 Isles RichardNew roadhouse74, New road
595 Isles RobertOld roadhouse144, Old road

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1870, surnames beginning with the letter J
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
596 Jackson EnochHigh streethouse57, High street
597 Jackson JamesTownendhouse23, Townend
598 Jackson JohnOld roadhouse128, Old road
599 Jackson ThomasSummerhill streethouse13, Summerhill street
600 Jagger BethelHigh streethouse20, High street
601 Jagger JamesEbenezer placehouse15, Ebenezer place
602 Jagger John CrowtherEbenezer placehouseEbenezer place
603 Jagger SmithEbenezer placehouse14, Ebenezer place
604 Jennings JamesCross lanehouse8, Cross lane
605 Jennings John FawcettSouthfield lanehouse265, Southfield lane
606 Jennings JosephHigh streethouse333, High street
607 Jepson JamesDirk hill lanehouse237, Dirk hill lane
608 Johnson WilliamNew roadhouse149, New road
609 Jowett ArthurCrossley streethouse12, Crossley street
610 Jowett EnochLow greenhouse32, Low green
611 Jowett GeorgeOld roadhouse125, Old road
612 Jowett GeorgeOld roadhouse168, Old road
613 Jowett HenryHigh streethouse109, High street
614 Jowett HenryNew roadbeerhouse105, New road
615 Jowett HenryPleasant streethouse16, Pleasant street
616 Jowett JamesUnion roadhouse20, Union road
617 Jowett JohnHigh streethouse81, High street
618 Jowett JohnHigh streethouse386, High street
619 Jowett JonasCross lanehouse24, Cross lane
620 Jowett JonasBecksidehouseBeckside
621 Jowett JosephBeldon hillhouse29, Beldon hill
622 Jowett JoshuaOld roadhouse23, Old road
623 Jowett JoshuaSouthfield lanehouse319, Southfield lane
624 Jowett KershawNew roadinnNew road
625 Jowett LukeUnion roadhouse4, Union road
626 Jowett LukeOld roadhouse135, Old road
627 Jowett MatthewFrank streethouse39, Frank street
628 Jowett MosesCragg lanehouse8, Cragg lane
629 Jowett RichardHigh streethouse341, High street
630 Jowett SharpTownendhouse14, Townend
631 Jowett ThomasHollingwood lanehouse394, Hollingwood lane
632 Jowett WilliamSouthfield lanehouse291, Southfield lane

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1870, surnames beginning with the letter K
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
633 Kaye JohnAycliffe hillhouse10, Aycliffe hill
634 Keighley CharlesHigh streethouse64, High street
635 Keighley WilliamHigh streethouse70, High street
636 Kellett AbrahamParadise greenhouse9, Paradise green
637 Kellett HartwellAycliffe hillhouse27, Aycliffe hill
638 Kellett JamesToby lanehouse55, Toby lane
639 Kellett JohnUpper greenhouse10, Upper green
640 Kershaw ThomasArctic paradehouse26, Arctic parade
641 Kershaw WilliamHigh streethouse173, High street
642 Kershaw WilliamHigh streethouse126, High street
643 Kingdom JosephCambridge streethouse22, Cambridge street
644 Kitchen SamJer lanehouse2, Jer lane
645 Knapton EllisBramley rowhouse15, Bramley row
646 Knapton ThomasLidgate placehouse53, Lidgate place
647 Knight AbrahamLegrams lanehouse8, Legrams lane
648 Knight JamesLidgate placehouse65, Lidgate place
649 Knight JohnCross lanehouse97, Cross lane
650 Knowles JamesCross lanehouse1, Cross lane
651 Knowles ThomasBakes streethouse8, Bakes street
652 Knowles ThomasLow greenhouse2, Low green

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1870, surnames beginning with the letter L
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
653 Lamb JonasHorton roadhouse332, Horton road
654 Langdale ThomasAlexandra streethouse18, Alexandra street
655 Latham FrederickSuddards foldhouse26, Suddards fold
656 Latham HenryCross lanehouse38, Cross lane
657 Lawson JohnClub streethouse12, Club street
658 Lawson ThomasClub streethouse15, Club street
659 Lawton JohnLidget streethouse34, Townend
successivehouse13, Lidget street
660 Lawton LidneyTownendhouse30, Townend
661 Lawton LukeHunt yardhouse9, Hunt yard
662 Laycock AlfredHigh streethouse6, Knight's fold
successivehouse100A, High street
663 Laycock JamesBeckside roadhouse50, Beckside road
664 Laycock JamesBecksidehouse9, Beckside
665 Leach HenryCemetery roadhouse243, Cemetery road
666 Leach JohnCemetery roadhouse274, Cemetery road
667 Leach JonasUnion roadhouse18, Union road
668 Leach JosephParadise greenhouse6, Paradise green
669 Lee AllanSouthfield lanehouse267, Southfield lane
670 Lee Obadiah CummingsVine streethouse16, Vine street
671 Lightowler DavidSouthfield lanehouse190, Southfield lane
672 Lightowler John WilkinsonSouthfield lanehouse219, Southfield lane
successivehouse169, Southfield lane
673 Lindon JacobPleasant streethouse46, Pleasant street
674 Lister AlfredBeldon hillhouse3, Beldon hill
675 Lister BenjaminHigh streethouse159, High street
676 Lister HezekiahHigh streethouse67, High street
677 Lister JamesFrank streethouseFrank street
678 Lister JamesBeldon hillhouse1, Beldon hill
679 Lister JohnNew roadhouse89, New road
680 Lister SimeonSouthfield lanehouse307, Southfield lane
681 Lister WilliamBrow hillhouse6, Brow hill
682 Liversedge Ackroyd19, High streetland & buildingsLow green
683 Lockwood EdwardHigh streethouse14, High street
684 Lofthouse CharlesHigh streethouse39, High street
685 Lofthouse GeorgeHigh streethouse249, High street
686 Lofthouse WilliamHigh streethouse46, High street
687 Long ChristopherOld roadhouse102, Old road
688 Long DavidHigh streethouse208, High street
689 Long RichardUpper greenhouse48, Upper green
690 Lord EdmundCambridge streethouse41, Cambridge street
691 Lord EnochHigh streethouse197, High street
692 Lord RobertCambridge streethouse43, Cambridge street
693 Lord WilliamFalcon streethouse10, Falcon street
694 Lumb CharlesCross lanehouse55, Cross lane
695 Lumby RichardBeckside roadhouseBeckside road

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1870, surnames beginning with the letter M
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
696 Mansfield JohnAlexandra streethouse14, Alexandra street
697 Marley Joe AllanVine streethouse14, Vine street
698 Marr EdwardPickles hillhouse2, Pickles hill
699 Marsland GeorgeLegrams lanehouse73, Legrams lane
700 Martin William JamesLow greenhouse11, Low green
701 Mason Christopher BottomleyTownendhouseTownend
702 Mason Henry BottomleyFrank streethouse5, Frank street
703 Mason John BottomleySouthfield lanehouse149, Southfield lane
704 Mason William BottomleyFrank streethouse1, Frank street
705 Merrill ThomasLow greenhouse1, Low green
706 Metcalfe AnthonyHigh streethouse147, High street
707 Metcalfe JohnNecropolis roadhouse28, Necropolis road
708 Metcalfe ThomasHollingwood lanehouse116, Hollingwood lane
709 Midgley JamesBeckside roadhouse48, Beckside road
710 Midgley JohnFrank streethouse35, Frank street
711 Midgley JohnCross lanehouse15, Cross lane
712 Midgley JosephWestcroft terracehouse1, Westcroft terrace
713 Midgley SamuelLidgate placehouse18, Lidgate place
714 Milner GeorgeHigh streethouse115, High street
715 Milner JohnOld Corn MillhouseBeckside
716 Milner JohnLidget streethouse4, Lidget street
717 Milner JosephHigh streethouse301, High street
718 Milnes AlfredHigh streethouse204, High street
719 Milnes JohnUnion roadhouse13, Union road
720 Milnes JonasCross lanehouse71, Cross lane
721 Milnes WilliamHigh streethouse210, High street
722 Mitchell EphraimHollingwood lanehouse110, Hollingwood lane
723 Mitchell FrancisSouthfield lanehouse177, Southfield lane
724 Mitchell JamesCambridge streethouse26, Cambridge street
725 Mitchell JohnVine streethouse9, Vine street
726 Mitchell JohnHigh streethouse29, High street
727 Mitchell JosephSuddards foldhouse16, Suddards fold
728 Mitchell JosephArctic paradehouse4, Arctic parade
729 Mitchell RobertPrinceville streethouse5, Princeville street
730 Mitchell ThomasLidgate placehouse37, Lidgate place
731 Mitchell WalterCross lanehouse20, Cross lane
732 Mitton DanielLow greenhouse153, High street
successivehouse3, Low green
733 Mitton JohnSouthfield lanehouse234, Southfield lane
734 Moore HenrySouthfield lanehouse44, Chapel green
successivehouse299, Southfield lane
735 Moore JamesSmith roadhouse197, Smith road
736 Moore ThomasSouthfield lanehouse270, Southfield lane
737 Moore WilliamTownendhouse42, Townend
738 Moorhouse Alfred BakesHigh streethouseHigh street
739 Moorhouse John BattJennings placehouse9, Jennings place
740 Moorhouse WilliamHigh streethouse303, High street
741 Morley JamesCrossley streethouse16, Crossley street
742 Morley John HumphreySummerhill streethouse8, Summerhill street
743 Mortimer AbrahamHorton roadhouse238, Horton road
744 Mortimer DavidHorton roadhouse247, Horton road
745 Mortimer DavidParadisehouse22, Paradise
746 Mortimer DavidHorton roadhouse212, Horton road
747 Mortimer GeorgeHollingwood lanehouse270, Hollingwood lane
748 Mortimer JosephFrank streethouse31, Frank street
749 Mortimer RichardCrossley streethouse10, Crossley street
750 Moulden JamesHorton roadhouse312, Horton road
751 Moulson WebsterHorton roadhouse258, Horton road
752 Mounsey ThomasOld roadhouse92, Old road
753 Muirhead WalterUpper greenhouse3, Upper green
754 Murgatroyd DavidHigh streethouse337, High street
755 Murgatroyd JamesHigh streethouse313, High street
756 Murgatroyd MichaelLidgate placehouse102, Hollingwood lane
successivehouse16, Lidgate place
757 Murgatroyd SamuelCross lanehouse36, Cross lane
758 Murgatroyd SamuelBeldon hillhouse10, Beldon hill
759 Murgatroyd WilliamBank tophouse197, Bank top
760 Myers EdwardCroft terracehouse30, Croft terrace
761 Myers JohnLegrams lanehouse132, Legrams lane
762 Myers SamuelSouthfield lanehouse269, Southfield lane

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1870, surnames beginning with the letter N
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
763 Naylor CharlesSouthfield lanehouse289, Southfield lane
successivehouse221, Southfield lane
764 Naylor CharlesHollingwood lanehouse170, Hollingwood lane
765 Naylor ThomasBeckside roadhouse32, Beckside road
766 Neill RobertLidgate placehouse17, Lidgate place
767 Newbald JohnClub streethouse13, Club street
768 Newton JamesCross lanehouse84, Cross lane
769 Nichols IsaacSouthfield lanehouse140, Southfield lane
770 Nichols WilliamSouthfield lanehouse152, Southfield lane
771 Nichols WilliamAlexandra villashouse42, Villiers street
successivehouseAlexandra villas
772 Nicholson JohnKnight's foldhouse13, Knight's fold
773 Noble George CardwellSouthfield lanehouse187, Southfield lane
774 Noble JosephHigh streethouse17, High street
775 Norfolk JohnAycliffe hillhouse44, Aycliffe hill
successivehouse50, Aycliffe hill
776 Normington John BrookBakes streethouse13, Bakes street
777 Normington SamuelBakes streethouse7, Bakes street
778 Northrop JosephBeckside roadhouse80, Beckside road
779 Northrop StephenCambridge streethouse14, Cambridge street
780 Northrop WilliamParadise greenhouse17, Paradise green
781 Norton BenjaminFrank streethouse42, Frank street
782 Norton DanielPrinceville streethouse9, Princeville street
783 Nutt HenryHorton roadhouse336, Horton road
784 Nuttall JohnLegrams lanehouseLegrams lane
785 Nuttall JohnVine streethouse3, Vine street

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1870, surnames beginning with the letter O
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
786 Oates JosephSummerhill streethouse17, Summerhill street
787 Oates SamuelCambridge streethouse & shopCambridge street
788 Ogle AtkinCross lanehouse16, Cross lane
789 Orange JohnUnion roadhouse6, Union road
790 Orme William HenryUpper greenhouse61, Upper green
791 Ormond HenryAycliffe hillhouse5, Aycliffe hill
792 Ormond WilliamBank tophouse213, Bank top
793 Ormondroyd AlfredSouthfield lanehouse258, Southfield lane
794 Ormondroyd JamesToby lanehouse57, Toby lane
795 Ormondroyd John9, Low greenhouse41, Southfield lane
successivehouse9, Low green
796 Ormondroyd JonathanHorton roadhouse240, Horton road
797 Ormondroyd JoshuaSouthfield lanehouse242, Southfield lane
798 Overend StephenHigh streethouse130, High street
799 Overend SutcliffeBlacksmith foldhouse8, Blacksmith fold

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1870, surnames beginning with the letter P
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
800 Parker HenryPeel rowhouse11, Peel row, Low green
801 Parker JamesPickles lanehouse19, Pickles lane
802 Parker JohnPleasant streethouse10, Pleasant street
803 Parker JosephEbenezer placehouse6, Ebenezer place
804 Parker JosephOld roadhouse182, Old road
successivehouse132, Old road
805 Parker MartinHigh streethouse18, High street
806 Parker ThomasOld roadhouse176, Old road
807 Parker WilliamSouthfield lanehouse282, Southfield lane
808 Parrott ThomasHigh streethouse69, High street
809 Patchett BenjaminParadise greenhouse2, Paradise green
810 Patchett JohnLidget streethouse21, Lidget street
811 Patchett ThomasLidgate placehouse71, Lidgate place
812 Pearson AbrahamCemetery roadhouse17, Cemetery road
813 Pearson JamesSam's MillhouseSam's Mill
814 Pearson JamesHarris courthouse2, Harris court
815 Pearson JohnHollingwood lanehouse276, Hollingwood lane
816 Peel AbrahamSmith roadhouseSmith road
817 Peel EphraimUpper greenhouse62, Upper green
818 Peel SamuelHigh streethouse43, High street
819 Peel WilliamPeel rowhouse4, Peel row, Low green
820 Percival IsaacAlexandra villashouse1, Crampton street
successivehouseAlexandra villas
821 Petty ChristopherOld roadhouse196, Old road
822 Peverill Charles WilliamAnne street, Dog lanehouse181, High street
successivehouseAnne street, Dog lane
823 Pickard JosephAycliffe hillhouse15, Aycliffe hill
824 Pickersgill GeorgeCambridge streethouse10, Chester street
successivehouse12, Cambridge street
825 Pickles AlfredSouthfield lanehouse289, Southfield lane
826 Pickles EdwardHigh streethouse155, High street
827 Pickles EdwinUnion roadhouse2, Union road
828 Pickles JonasParadise greenhouse7, Paradise green
829 Pickles JosephFrank streethouseFrank street
830 Pollard DanielJennings placehouse7, Jennings place
831 Pollard JosephRamsden foldhouse11, Ramsden fold
832 Pollard RobertKnight's foldhouse3, Knight's fold
833 Pollard WilliamHigh streethouse89, High street
834 Pollard WilliamJer lanehouse3, Jer lane
successivehouseJer lane
835 Poole RichardHigh streethouse111, Barkerend road
successivehouse1, High street
836 Popplewell FrancisLegrams lanehouse8, Legrams lane
837 Popplewell MartinBeckside roadhouseBeckside road
838 Pratt JosephBeckside roadhouse5, Beckside road
839 Price HenryNecropolis roadhouse71, Necropolis road
840 Priestley ArchilausBeldon hillhouse31, Beldon hill
841 Priestley BenjaminBeldon hillhouse7, Beldon hill
842 Priestley EdwinBeldon hillhouse20, Beldon hill
843 Priestley GeorgeOld roadhouse98, Old road
844 Priestley HenryHollingwood lanehouse356, Hollingwood lane
845 Priestley JacobHigh streethouse37, High street
846 Priestley JamesCemetery roadhouse282, Cemetery road
847 Priestley JamesBeldon hillhouse15, Beldon hill
848 Priestley JeremiahCemetery roadhouse270, Cemetery road
849 Priestley JoeTownendhouse21, Townend
850 Priestley JohnHigh streethouse47, High street
851 Priestley JohnCemetery roadhouse259, Cemetery road
852 Priestley JohnHigh streethouse235, High street
853 Priestley JonathanRamsden courthouse4, Ramsden court
854 Priestley JosephAycliffe hillhouse26, Aycliffe hill
855 Priestley MosesPickles hillhouse19, Pickles hill
856 Priestley PaulCambridge streethouseCambridge street
857 Priestley StephenBeldon hillhouse19, Beldon hill
858 Priestley ThomasHollingwood lanehouse324, Hollingwood lane
859 Priestley TimothyCliffe lanehouse8, Cliffe lane
860 Priestley WilliamTownendhouse4, Townend
861 Priestman EdwardManninghamcountinghouseCannon mill
862 Priestman FrederickManninghamcountinghouseCannon mill
863 Procter JohnSouthfield lanehouse232, Southfield lane
864 Procter SamuelCross lanehouse63, Cross lane
865 Procter WilliamPerseverance lanehouse45, Perseverance lane
866 Pullan GeorgeSummerseat placehouse10, Summerseat place
867 Pyrah JamesHorton roadhouse260, Horton road

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1870, surnames beginning with the letter R
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
868 Ramsden JohnHorton roadhouse228, Horton road
869 Ramsden JohnCragg lanehouseCragg lane
870 Ramsden NathanRamsden courthouse8, Ramsden court
871 Ramsden WilliamBracken hallhouseHollingwood lane
872 Rawling JosephLidgate placehouse73, Lidgate place
873 Rawnsley EdwardHorton roadhouse243, Horton road
874 Rawnsley EdwardLidget streethouse24, Lidget street
875 Rawnsley EdwardHigh streethouse157, High street
876 Rawnsley IsaacBeckside roadhouse74, Beckside road
877 Rawnsley JohnLegrams lanehouse112, Legrams lane
878 Rawnsley PeterBeckside roadhouse72, Beckside road
879 Rawnsley SamuelLidget streethouse5, Lidget street
880 Reardon SilvesterUpper greenhouse14, Upper green
881 Reynard JohnPeel rowhouse8, Peel row, Low green
882 Rhodes BenjaminDog lanehouse3, Dog lane
883 Rhodes EdwardLegrams lanehouse12, Legrams lane
884 Rhodes EnochBeckside roadhouse30, Beckside road
885 Rhodes FrancisHigh streethouse82, High street
886 Rhodes JamesHigh streethouse65, High street
887 Rhodes JohnBeckside roadhouse12, Beckside road
888 Rhodes JosephLegrams lanehouse2, Legrams lane
889 Rhodes JosephLidgate placehouse49, Lidgate place
890 Rhodes JosephPleasant streethouse34, Pleasant street
successivehouse28, Pleasant street
891 Rhodes MatthewHigh streethouse295, High street
892 Rhodes RufusHigh streethouse349, High street
893 Richardson MatthewOld roadhouse156, Old road
894 Richie JamesNecropolis roadhouse2, Necropolis road
895 Riley GeorgeBeacon lanehouse3, Beacon lane
896 Riley GilbertUpper greenhouse28, Upper green
897 Riley JohnDracup roadhouse43, Dracup road
898 Riley ReiUpper greenhouse33, Upper green
899 Riley SamuelOld roadhouse146, Old road
900 Riley WilliamBeacon lanehouse1, Beacon lane
901 Roberts JosephHigh streethouse48, High street
902 Roberts WilliamCragg lanehouseCragg lane
903 Robertshaw ErrOld roadhouse174, Old road
904 Robertshaw JamesHorton roadhouse340, Horton road
905 Robertshaw JamesSouthfield lanehouse229, Southfield lane
906 Robertshaw JamesSouthfield lanehouseSouthfield lane
successivehouse261, Southfield lane
907 Robertshaw JobLegrams lanehouse192, Legrams lane
908 Robertshaw JoshuaHigh streethouse160, High street
909 Robertshaw PaulLegrams lanehouse192, Legrams lane
910 Robertshaw ThomasCemetery roadhouse9, Cemetery road
911 Robertshaw WilliamSouthfield lanehouse261, Southfield lane
912 Robertson JamesBank tophouseBank top
913 Robertson James BishopCambridge streethouse44, Cambridge street
914 Robinson AnthonySouthfield lanehouse271, Southfield lane
915 Robinson DavidParadise greenhouse8, Paradise green
916 Robinson HerbertHigh streethouse305, High street
917 Robinson JamesNew roadhouse101, New road
918 Robinson JamesSouthfield lanehouse160, Southfield lane
919 Robinson JohnLidgate placehouse51, Lidgate place
920 Robinson JohnPickles hillhouse7, Pickles hill
921 Robinson JohnTanner hillhouseTanner hill
922 Robinson JohnParadise greenhouse14, Paradise green
923 Robinson JosephSchool alleyhouse4, School alley, Low green
924 Robinson SimeonNew roadhouse99, New road
925 Rothera BoothCambridge streethouseCambridge street
926 Rothera JohnCambridge streethouse7, Bakes street
successivehouse4, Cambridge street
927 Rothera JosephParadise greenhouse16, Paradise green
928 Rothera PeterCemetery roadhouse278, Cemetery road
929 Rothera WalterHigh streethouse26, High street
930 Rotheray JubalCambridge streethouseCambridge street
931 Rudd JonasHigh streethouse & shop100, High street
932 Rushforth JosephBartle squarehouse9, Bartle square, Low green
933 Rushforth JosephSouthfield lanehouse12, Crossley street
successivehouse175, Southfield lane
934 Rushforth SolomonSouthfield lanehouse266, Southfield lane
935 Ryder William EdmundCross lanehouse59, Cross lane

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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