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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1872, BOWLING WARD, surnames S-Z.


Please read these notes about these registers.

BOWLING WARD, 1872, surnames S-Z.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2392 Sadler ThomasTennant streethouse54, Tennant street
2393 Sagar ThomasHird streethouse24, Hird street
2394 Sagar WilliamNewby streethouse166, Newby street
2395 Sandham Robert JamesMill lanehouseSturges street
successivehouse179, Mill lane
2396 Sandwell SimeonBirch lanehouse24, Birch lane
2397 Sanson JohnEmsley streethouse2, Emsley street
2398 Saville GeorgeOld lanehouse484, Old lane
2399 Saville ThomasManchester roadhouse729, Manchester road
2400 Saville WilliamManchester roadhouseBankfoot
successivehouse727, Manchester road
2401 Scanlon JohnGuy streethouse43, Guy street
2402 Scargill JohnDavy streethouse7, Davy street
2403 Schmidt FrederickHall lanehouse60, Hall lane
2404 Schofield CharlesWakefield roadhouse976, Wakefield road
2405 Schofield IsaacSticker lanehouse231, Sticker lane
2406 Schofield JamesPark sidehouseBirch lane
2407 Schofield JamesWakefield roadhouse434, Wakefield road
2408 Schofield JamesFairfax streethouse15, Fairfax street
2409 Schofield JeremiahSticker lanehouse473, Sticker lane
2410 Schofield JohnWakefield roadhouse1030, Wakefield road
2411 Schofield JohnRooley lanehouse471, Rooley lane
2412 Schofield JohnSticker lanehouse177, Sticker lane
2413 Schofield Julius CaesarTennant streethouse46, Tennant street
2414 Schofield NoahSwaine greenhouse100, Swaine green
2415 Schofield ThomasUsher streethouse16, Usher street
2416 Schofield WilliamSticker lanehouse187, Sticker lane
2417 Schofield WilliamRooley lanebeerhouse417, Rooley lane
2418 Scholefield JohnMitchell streethouseOld lane
successivehouse9, Mitchell street
2419 Scholefield JosephHall lanehouse45, Hall lane
2420 Scholey RichardOld lanehouse191, Old lane
2421 Scott EdwardAmerica squarehouse7, America square
2422 Scott HalvinRooley lanehouse537, Rooley lane
2423 Scott HenrySmiddles lanehouse1, Smiddles lane
2424 Scott JamesTennant streethouse2, Tennant street
2425 Scott JoeSticker lanehouse45, Sticker lane
2426 Scott RobertRooley lanehouse543, Rooley lane
2427 Scott SilasShipleywarehouseAlbion mill
2428 Seanor JamesWakefield roadhouse336, Wakefield road
2429 Seanor JohnWakefield roadhouse600, Wakefield road
2430 Seanor WilliamBillingsley terracehouse693, Billingsley terrace
2431 Seber HenryWakefield roadbeerhouse276, Wakefield road
2432 Seed JohnRooley lanehouse & shop211, Rooley lane
2433 Seed JosephNewell hallhouse332, Rooley lane
2434 Seed WilliamRooley lanehouse1, Rooley lane
2435 Sefton GeorgeNewby streethouse75, Newby street
2436 Sellers GeorgeRooley lanehouse & shop349, Rooley lane
2437 Sellers JoshuaSaville streethouse21, Saville street
2438 Sellers SimeonBengal streethouse17, Bengal street
2439 Sellers WilliamBack lanehouse & shop254, Back lane
2440 Senescall WilliamDross streethouse2, Dross street
2441 Senior John RaynorUpper Sturges streethouseFairfax street
successivehouse21, Upper Sturges street
2442 Sewell WilliamMoody streethouse82, Moody street
2443 Shackleton DavidWakefield roadhouse341, Wakefield road
2444 Shackleton EdwardUpper Croft placehouseRooley lane
successivehouse4, Upper Croft place
2445 Shackleton IsaacSticker lanehouse526, Sticker lane
2446 Shackleton JamesRooley lanehouse83, Rooley lane
2447 Shackleton MarkLower Barrack yardhouse6, Lower Barrack yard
2448 Shackleton MilesRipley streethouse47, Ripley street
2449 Shackleton RichardNewby streethouse16, Newby street
2450 Shackleton SouthwellRhine streethouse8, Rhine street
2451 Shackleton ThomasAddison streethouseBolling street
successivehouseAddison street
successivehouse45, Addison street
2452 Shackleton ThomasWakefield roadbeerhouse277, Wakefield road
2453 Shaftoe SamuelRipley terracehouse81, Ripley terrace
2454 Sharp BenjaminPollard streethouse1, Pollard street
2455 Sharp HenryRooley lanehouse & land87, Rooley lane
2456 Sharp IsaacCalcutta streethouseLudlam street
successivehouse12, Calcutta street
2457 Sharp JamesRutland streethouse19, Rutland street
2458 Sharp JamesProspect streethouse3, Prospect street
2459 Sharp JamesLower lanehouseLower lane
2460 Sharp JeremiahSaville streethouse5, Saville street
2461 Sharp JeremiahDavy streethouse9, Davy street
2462 Sharp JosephSticker lanehouse219, Sticker lane
2463 Sharp MosesLilac streethouse11, Lilac street
2464 Sharp PeterMoody streethouseLudlam street
successivehouse154, Moody street
2465 Sharp SmithBeetham streethouseWakefield road
successivehouse44, Beetham street
2466 Sharp WilliamCaledonia streethouse101, Caledonia street
2467 Sharp WilliamOld lanehouse & shop444, Old lane
2468 Shaw BarnabasSticker lanehouse399, Sticker lane
2469 Shaw DavidRooley lanehouse359, Rooley lane
2470 Shaw DavidPollard streethouse29, Pollard street
2471 Shaw JamesBadger squarehouseBroom street
successivehouse24, Badger square
2472 Shaw JohnPollard streethouse7, Pollard street
2473 Shaw JohnWakefield roadhouse891, Wakefield road
2474 Shaw JosephStephen foldhouse5, Stephen fold
2475 Shaw SamsonFaxfleet streethouse9, Faxfleet street
2476 Shaw WilliamWakefield roadhouse210, Wakefield road
2477 Shaw WilliamSmiddles lanehouseSmiddles lane
2478 Shee EdwardSloane streethouse57, Sloane street
2479 Shee TimothyOld lanehouse496, Old lane
2480 Shepherd AaronHortonpress shopsGordon street
2481 Shepherd AlfredRooley lanehouse18, Rooley lane
2482 Shepherd BowmanHortonwarehouseSpring mill street
2483 Shepherd JohnBirch lanehouseOld lane
successivehouse22, Birch lane
2484 Shepherd JohnFoundry lanehouse8, Foundry lane
2485 Shepherd JohnWalton streethouse127, Walton street
2486 Shepherd JosephCaledonia streethouse161, Caledonia street
2487 Shepherd William HenryGrosvenor terracewarehouseSpring mill street
2488 Shillito ThomasHird streethouse16, Hird street
2489 Shires EliWakefield roadhouse401, Wakefield road
2490 Shires JamesLancaster streethouse11, Lancaster street
2491 Shoesmith GeorgeRooley lanebeerhouse483, Rooley lane
2492 Shoesmith JosephRooley lanehouse415, Rooley lane
2493 Shoesmith JosephRooley lanehouse & shop351, Rooley lane
2494 Shoesmith JosephRooley lanehouse379, Rooley lane
2495 Shoesmith ThomasRooley lanehouse464, Rooley lane
2496 Shutt JohnTutor streethouse4, Tutor street
2497 Shutt ThomasWhitworth streethouse9, Whitworth street
2498 Shuttleworth EdwardFitzwilliam streethouse101, Fitzwilliam street
2499 Shuttleworth EllisManchester roadhouse751, Manchester road
2500 Shuttleworth LawrencePollard streethouse66, Pollard street
2501 Shuttleworth WilliamTennant streethouse108, Tennant street
2502 Sidebottom JohnRook lanehouse4, Rook lane
2503 Silson JohnCrab streethouse & shop1, Crab street
2504 Silson JosephBolling streethouseBolling street
successivehouse & shop194, Bolling street
2505 Simons WilliamLudlam streethouse20, Ludlam street
2506 Simpkin JosephBroom streethouse12, Broom street
2507 Simpson AdamSaville streethouse18, Saville street
2508 Simpson CharlesMitchell streethouseTennant street
successivehouse11, Mitchell street
2509 Simpson FrankVere streethouse4, Vere street
2510 Simpson HenryLizard streethouse11, Lizard street
2511 Simpson IsaacCarbon streethouse8, Carbon street
2512 Simpson JamesViolet streethouse11, Violet street
2513 Simpson LukeSticker lanehouse119, Sticker lane
2514 Simpson ThomasRipley terracehouseSaville street
successivehouse29, Ripley terrace
2515 Simpson WilliamSticker lanehouse125, Sticker lane
2516 Simpson WilliamWakefield roadhouse & shop1005, Wakefield road
2517 Sindery JosephBroom streethouse31, Broom street
2518 Singleton BenjaminUsher streethouse10, Usher street
2519 Singleton JohnSticker lanehouse214, Sticker lane
2520 Singleton RobertWootton streethouse14, Wootton street
2521 Slater DavidBolling streethouse51, Bolling street
2522 Slinger MatthewCarter streethouseBroom street
successivehouse13, Carter street
2523 Slinger RobertPollard streethouse16, Pollard street
2524 Slingsby GeorgeNewby streethouse170, Newby street
2525 Sluggett StephenHall lanehouse53, Hall lane
2526 Smallpage WilliamTennant streethouse76, Tennant street
2527 Smith AbrahamLizard streethouse26, Lizard street
2528 Smith AlfredHall lanehouse16, Hall lane
2529 Smith AlfredBolling streethouse53, Bolling street
2530 Smith BoltonWakefield roadhouse & shop30, Wakefield road
2531 Smith DavidBailey streethouse22, Bailey street
2532 Smith DavidSaville streethouse48, Saville street
2533 Smith EdwardMill lanehouse85, Mill lane
2534 Smith GeorgeHardy streethouse23, Hardy street
2535 Smith GeorgeMoody streethouse150, Moody street
2536 Smith GideonRooley lanehouse545, Rooley lane
2537 Smith HenryLong streethouse14, Long street
2538 Smith JamesCarbon streethouse6, Carbon street
2539 Smith JamesAmerica squarehouseAmerica square
2540 Smith JamesMill lanehouseFrancis street
successivehouse167, Mill lane
2541 Smith JesseFairfax streethouse105, Fairfax street
2542 Smith JohnSticker lanehouse247, Sticker lane
2543 Smith JohnTennant streethouseLow well
successivehouse136, Tennant street
2544 Smith JohnSaville streethouse31, Saville street
2545 Smith JohnSticker lanehouse133, Sticker lane
2546 Smith JohnMoody streethouse108, Moody street
2547 Smith JohnOld lanehouse317, Old lane
2548 Smith JonasBirch lanehouseBirch lane
2549 Smith JosephRutland streethouse13, Rutland street
2550 Smith MilesBolling streethouseSturges street
successivehouse47, Bolling street
2551 Smith NathanielMill lanehouse36, Mill lane
2552 Smith PeterWakefield roadhouse407, Wakefield road
2553 Smith RichardWesleyan terracehouse7, Wesleyan terrace
2554 Smith RichardSloane streethouse38, Sloane street
2555 Smith SamFitzwilliam streethouseFitzwilliam street
successivehouse75, Fitzwilliam street
2556 Smith SidneyRooley lanehouse131, Rooley lane
2557 Smith ThomasMaw streethouse25, Maw street
2558 Smith ThomasManchester roadinn &c.Woodman Inn, 908, Manchester road
2559 Smith ThomasBolling streethouse57A, Bolling street
2560 Smith ThomasOld lanehouseBirch lane
successivehouse318, Old lane
2561 Smith TimothyHustler streethouseHustler street
2562 Smith WilliamWakefield roadhouse & shop365, Wakefield road
2563 Smith WilliamJoshua streethouse9, Joshua street
2564 Smith WilliamWakefield roadhouse190, Wakefield road
2565 Smith WilliamBerry streethouseBolling street
successivehouse17, Berry street
2566 Smith WilliamBirch lanehouseBirch lane
2567 Smith WilliamWadsworth streethouse23, Wadsworth street
2568 Smith WilliamNewby streethouse8, Newby street
2569 Smith WilliamSturges streethouse32, Sturges street
2570 Smith William BoocockAddison streethouseSturges street
successivehouse40, Addison street
2571 Smithies GeorgeSquare streethouse2, Square street
2572 Smithies JonathanBailey streethouse5, Bailey street
2573 Smithson RichardLilac streethouse1, Lilac street
2574 Snow William HargreavesHall lanehouse & shop1, Hall lane
2575 Snowden AlfredOld lanehouse478, Old lane
2576 Snowden JamesCalcutta streethouse60, Calcutta street
2577 Snowden JohnWakefield roadhouse234, Wakefield road
2578 Snowdon JamesBroomfield terracehouse78, Broomfield terrace
2579 Snowdon RobertBroomfield terracehouse70, Broomfield terrace
2580 Somersgill DavidHirst streethouse8, Hirst street
2581 Soothill JamesWakefield roadhouse529, Wakefield road
2582 Soothill JamesNewby streethouse116, Newby street
2583 Southwell JosephWheatley streethouseNewall street, Horton
successivehouse57, Wheatley street
2584 Sowden JohnHirst streethouse & shop2, Hirst street
2585 Sowden JosephRutland streethouse12, Rutland street
2586 Sowden JosephOld lanehouse260, Old lane
2587 Sowden SamuelHall lanehouse132, Hall lane
2588 Sowden SamuelWakefield roadhouse299, Wakefield road
2589 Sowood JonasWakefield roadhouse293, Wakefield road
2590 Soyers WilliamHirst streethouse9, Hirst street
2591 Spalding JohnParry lanehouse7, Parry lane
2592 Spalton JosephAddison streethouse1, Addison street
2593 Sparrow AbrahamFitzwilliam streethouse117, Fitzwilliam street
2594 Speak JohnRooley lanehouse441, Rooley lane
2595 Speakman ThomasCarbon streethouse & shop1, Carbon street
2596 Speight AndrewGranby streethouse62, Granby street
2597 Speight DavidTennant streethouse84, Tennant street
2598 Speight JohnSouthfield squarepart of millUpper Croft mill
2599 Speight PaulNewby streethouse25, Newby street
2600 Speight RobertVere streethouse14, Vere street
2601 Speight ThomasParry lanehouse14, Parry lane
2602 Speight ThomasBradfordpart of shedCastle street
2603 Speight WilliamGreenhough buildingshouse14, Greenhough buildings
2604 Spencer DenisWootton streethouse24, Wootton street
2605 Spencer HenryRipley terracehouse9, Ripley terrace
2606 Spencer JamesOld lanehouse46, Old lane
2607 Spencer JohnCalcutta streethouseCalcutta street
successivehouse53, Calcutta street
2608 Spencer JohnBeatrice streethouseRooley lane
successivehouse9, Beatrice street
2609 Spencer MarkSaville streethouse58, Saville street
2610 Spencer MilesRooley lanehouse509, Rooley lane
2611 Spencer MilesRodney streethouse4, Rodney street
2612 Spencer RichardWakefield roadhouseWakefield road
2613 Spencer SamuelCaledonia streethouse102, Caledonia street
2614 Spencer WilliamSticker lanehouse129, Sticker lane
2615 Spencer WilliamTennant streethouse118, Tennant street
2616 Spencer William ThomasNew Cross streethouseBirch lane
successivehouseNew Cross street
2617 Spofforth JohnLizard streethouse24, Lizard street
2618 Sprouce SmithBengal streethouse31, Bengal street
2619 Spurr EmanuelWakefield roadinnWheat Sheaf Inn, 88, Wakefield road
2620 Spurr RichardOld lanehouse13, Old lane
2621 Stables SamuelLower lanehouse9, Lower lane
2622 Stables WilliamBeetham streethouseWakefield road
successivehouse43, Beetham street
2623 Stainthorpe BenjaminSaville streethouse59, Saville street
2624 Stainthorpe WilliamOld lanehouse458, Old lane
2625 Stander JamesOld lanehouse58, Old lane
2626 Stanfield EdwardWadsworth streethouseWadsworth street
successivehouse22, Wadsworth street
2627 Stansfield HartleyUpper Croft placehouse2, Upper Croft place
2628 Stansfield JamesRipley streethouse9, Ripley street
2629 Stanton JohnAbram streethouse5, Abram street
2630 Starkey ThomasFairfax streethouse43, Fairfax street
2631 Stead AmosGalloway lanehouse & land631, Manchester road
2632 Stead CharlesVere streethouse10, Vere street
2633 Stead JamesBeatrice streethouse24, Beatrice street
2634 Stead JamesUsher streethouse4, Usher street
2635 Stead JamesHaigh streethouse14, Haigh street
2636 Stead RobertCaledonia streethouseCaledonia street
successivehouse167, Caledonia street
2637 Stead WilliamHall lanehouse78, Hall lane
2638 Stead WilliamWakefield roadhouseWakefield road
successivehouse387, Wakefield road
2639 Steel CharlesViolet streethouse9, Violet street
2640 Steel DenisCutler heightshouseCutler heights
2641 Steel GeorgeGranby streethouse89, Granby street
2642 Steel JamesWakefield roadhouse & shop48, Wakefield road
2643 Steel JohnFairfax streethouse8, Fairfax street
2644 Steel JosephRipley terracehouseNewby street
successivehouse7, Ripley terrace
2645 Steel ThomasAddison streethouseCaledonia street
successivehouse43, Addison street
2646 Steel WilliamWakefield roadhouse902, Wakefield road
2647 Steel WillieBolling streethouse57, Bolling street
2648 Steele JohnFairfax streethouse1, Fairfax street
2649 Stell JosephBroom streethouseHall lane
successivehouse33, Broom street
2650 Stelling RobinsonWindsor streethouseFawbert street
successivehouse1, Windsor street
2651 Stephens WilliamAddison streethouseCalcutta street
successivehouse & shopAddison street
2652 Stephenson DavidTennant streethouse87, Tennant street
2653 Stephenson HenryRipley terracehouse85, Ripley terrace
2654 Stephenson JohnHall lanebeerhouse98, Hall lane
2655 Stephenson JohnRooley lanehouse447, Rooley lane
2656 Stephenson JohnCold damhouseLower lane
successivehouseLower lane
2657 Stephenson ThomasFairfax streethouse117, Fairfax street
2658 Stizaker WilliamWakefield roadhouse506, Wakefield road
2659 Stobart GeorgeFoundry lanehouse1, Foundry lane
2660 Stobart JohnManchester roadhouse878, Manchester road
2661 Stockdale MichaelPenn streethouse11, Penn street
2662 Stocks CharlesWakefield roadhouse92, Wakefield road
2663 Stocks James SutcliffeOld lanehouse140, Old lane
2664 Stocks TimothyStephen foldhouse12, Stephen fold
2665 Stocks William StockwellFairfax streethouse107, Fairfax street
2666 Stoddart WilliamBrougham streethouse3, Brougham street
2667 Stolworthy Charles StoreyBengal streethouse29, Bengal street
2668 Stopford JamesAddison streethouse51, Addison street
2669 Storey RobertCaledonia streethouse100, Caledonia street
2670 Storey WilliamMill lanehouse113, Mill lane
2671 Stott JamesBack lanehouse296, Back lane
2672 Stott JohnBack lanehouse292, Back lane
2673 Stott MitchellOld lanehouse62, Old lane
2674 Stowe WilliamCaledonia streethouse151, Caledonia street
2675 Straney JohnHardy streethouse41, Hardy street
2676 Stringer JohnSloane streethouse62, Sloane street
2677 Stringer ThomasChurch hill courthouse5, Church hill court
2678 Strutt CharlesManchester roadhouseManchester road
successivehouse698, Manchester road
2679 Strutt JosephRipley terracehouse67, Ripley terrace
2680 Sturrs JamesWindsor streethouseWindsor street
2681 Stutton JamesLord streethouse1, Lord street
2682 Suddards EdwardFar oakshouse & land46, Birch lane
2683 Suddards Francis SimpsonEli streethouseFar oaks
successivehouseEli street
2684 Suddick JohnBirch lanehouse15, Birch lane
2685 Sugden GeorgeCleckheatonmillCastle street
2686 Sugden IsaacSticker lanehouse127, Sticker lane
2687 Sugden JamesWootton streethouse81, Wootton street
2688 Sugden JosephMoulson streethouse3, Moulson street
2689 Sugden RichardOld lanehouse7, Old lane
2690 Sugden ThomasRook lanehouse5, Rook lane
2691 Sugden WilliamHall lanehouse124, Hall lane
2692 Sugden WilliamSticker lanehouse524, Sticker lane
2693 Summersgill JesseSmiddles lanehouse3, Smiddles lane
2694 Sunderland AlfredSaville streethouse27, Saville street
2695 Sunderland JosephWakefield roadhouse128, Wakefield road
2696 Sunderland LazarusSloane streethouse45, Sloane street
2697 Surbutt SharpSlater's yardhouse20, Slater's yard
2698 Sutcliffe GeorgeAlbany streethouse12, Albany street
2699 Sutcliffe HenryBowling dyeworkshouseBowling dyeworks
2700 Sutcliffe IsaacCarr bottomhouse5, Carr bottom
2701 Sutcliffe JamesBack lanehouse70, Back lane
2702 Sutcliffe JamesSturges streethouse15, Sturges street
2703 Sutcliffe JohnRutland streethouse22, Rutland street
2704 Sutcliffe John JenningsWakefield roadhouse & shop551, Wakefield road
2705 Sutcliffe JonasPollard streethouse12, Pollard street
2706 Sutcliffe JosephNewby streethouse128, Newby street
2707 Sutcliffe ListerOld lanehouse & shop432, Old lane
2708 Sutcliffe NathanielHall lanehouse128, Hall lane
2709 Sutcliffe RobertWootton streethouse9, Wootton street
2710 Sutcliffe WilliamHall lanehouseHall lane
successivehouse174, Hall lane
2711 Sutcliffe William AlfredAbram streethouse & shop2, Abram street
2712 Sutcliffe WilsonBurnett fieldhouse & landBurnett field
2713 Sutcliffe WilsonBurnett fieldpart of millHall lane
2714 Swaine AbrahamHardy streethouse70, Hardy street
2715 Swaine DavidWakefield roadbeerhouse658, Wakefield road
2716 Swaine JohnMuff streethouse13, Muff street
2717 Swaine JohnTennant streethouse38, Tennant street
2718 Swaine JohnFurnace Inn streethouse2, Furnace Inn street
2719 Swaine JohnRooley lanehouse142, Rooley lane
2720 Swaine LeviBankfoothouseBankfoot
2721 Swaine SamuelCaledonia streethouse153, Caledonia street
2722 Swaine ThomasMill lanebeerhouse105, Mill lane
2723 Sweeney TerenceFurnace Inn streethouseFurnace Inn street
successivehouse6, Furnace Inn street
2724 Swift JohnMitchell streethouse3, Mitchell street
2725 Swire ThomasFurnace Inn streethouseNewby street
successivehouse4, Furnace Inn street
2726 Swithenbank WilliamRooley lanehouse534, Rooley lane
2727 Sykes JohnCastle streethouse8, Castle street
2728 Sykes ThomasMarsden foldhouse16, Marsden fold
2729 Symes JohnBroom streethouse35, Broom street

BOWLING WARD, 1872, surnames beginning with the letter T
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2730 Tane JohnHardy streethouse47, Hardy street
2731 Tane PeterBroom streethouse8, Broom street
2732 Tankard James MarslandBolling Hallhouse & landBolling Hall
2733 Tankard JohnBack lanehouse350, Back lane
2734 Tankard JohnParry lanehouse4, Parry lane
2735 Tankard Joseph RobertshawHunsworthpart of millSticker lane
2736 Tankard RichardCutler heightspart of millSticker lane
2737 Tarrant JohnFairfax streethouse111, Fairfax street
2738 Tate JohnMunster streethouseMunster street
2739 Tate RobertFitzwilliam streethouse93, Fitzwilliam street
2740 Tatham John SkirrowUpper Pollard streethouse17, Upper Pollard street
2741 Tattersall GeorgeFaxfleet streethouse7, Faxfleet street
2742 Tattersall JamesKelvin streethouse6, Kelvin street
2743 Tattersall JohnGrey streethouse3, Grey street
2744 Tattersall John, junr.7, Grey streethouse7, Grey street
2745 Taylor AdamSaville streethouse14, Saville street
2746 Taylor CharlesSmiddles lanehouse22, Smiddles lane
2747 Taylor DavidWatercock streethouse4, Watercock street
2748 Taylor DavidOld lanehouse269, Old lane
2749 Taylor David, junr.Old lanehouse & shop281, Old lane
2750 Taylor EdwinMill lanehouseBolling street
successivehouse149, Mill lane
2751 Taylor EmanuelHird streetpart of millHall lane
2752 Taylor GeorgeRooley lanehouse487, Rooley lane
2753 Taylor George BrearleyBankfoothouseBankfoot
2754 Taylor HenryHustler streethouseWakefield road
successivehouseHustler street
2755 Taylor HenryTennant streethouse58, Tennant street
2756 Taylor JamesPollard streethouse31, Pollard street
2757 Taylor JamesOld lanehouse127A, Old lane
2758 Taylor JamesBirch lanehouseBirch lane
2759 Taylor JohnWakefield roadhouse1002, Wakefield road
2760 Taylor JohnBirch lanehouse13, Birch lane
2761 Taylor JohnBirch lanehouseBirch lane
2762 Taylor JonathanSticker lanehouse183, Sticker lane
2763 Taylor JosephGranby streethouse11, Granby street
2764 Taylor JosephManchester roadhouseManchester road
successivehouse692, Manchester road
2765 Taylor LawrenceMoody streethouse & shop1, Moody street
2766 Taylor SamuelLittle Cross streethouse4, Little Cross street
2767 Taylor WilliamWakefield roadinn &c.Engineer Inn, Wakefield road
2768 Taylor William HenryLittle Cross streethouse2, Little Cross street
2769 Teale James HardistySticker lanehouse95, Sticker lane
2770 Teale JohnBack lanehouse & shop178, Back lane
2771 Telford JohnUpper Pollard streethouseUpper Pollard street
2772 Tempest HerbertRooley lanehouse550, Rooley lane
2773 Tempest WilliamNew Cross streethouseNew Cross street
2774 Tempest WilliamRooley lanehouse529, Rooley lane
2775 Terry JohnSticker lanehouse171, Sticker lane
2776 Terry JohnViolet courthouse14, Violet court
2777 Terry MatthewSticker lanehouse233, Sticker lane
2778 Terry MatthewSticker lanehouse175, Sticker lane
2779 Terry SamuelOld lanehouse344, Old lane
2780 Terry ThomasMuff streethouse6, Muff street
2781 Terry ThomasSticker lanehouse203, Sticker lane
2782 Terry WilliamGardiner rowhouse1, Gardiner row
2783 Terry WilliamSwaine greenhouse & shop42, Swaine green
2784 Terry WilliamPollard streethouse38, Pollard street
2785 Tetley BenjaminRooley lanehouse497, Rooley lane
2786 Tetley EdwardSticker lanehouse419, Sticker lane
2787 Tetley SamuelHirst streethouse10, Hirst street
2788 Tetley SamuelWootton streethouse3, Wootton street
2789 Tetley WalterOld lanehouse486, Old lane
2790 Tetley WilliamUsher streethouse23, Usher street
2791 Tetley WilliamRooley lanehouse377, Rooley lane
2792 Thacker GeorgeWakefield roadhouse & shop188, Wakefield road
2793 Thackray OliverWakefield roadhouse379, Wakefield road
2794 Thackray WilliamNewell hallhouse314, Rooley lane
2795 Theabould JohnDudley streethouse5, Dudley street
2796 Thirkill CharlesJohn William streethouseCaledonia street
successivehouse18, John William street
2797 Thirkill JohnSwaine greenhouse & shop14, Swaine green
2798 Thirkill JohnHall laneworkshopHall lane
2799 Thomas Rev. Charles LomaxSt. John's Vicaragehouse451, Wakefield road
2800 Thomas HenryBolling streethouse144, Bolling street
2801 Thomas WilliamHird streethouse11, Hird street
2802 Thomis JamesWakefield roadhouse588, Wakefield road
2803 Thomis JamesAbram streethouse8, Abram street
2804 Thomis JoshuaPacific placehouse897, Wakefield road
2805 Thomis SamuelPollard streethouse154, Pollard street
2806 Thomis WilliamWakefield roadhouse590, Wakefield road
2807 Thomis WilliamHall lanehouse207, Hall lane
2808 Thompson HiramLudlam streethouse22, Ludlam street
2809 Thompson JamesSticker lanehouseSticker lane
2810 Thompson JamesPollard streethouse141, Pollard street
2811 Thompson JohnRodney streethouse1, Rodney street
2812 Thompson LeonardNewby streethouse45, Newby street
2813 Thompson SamuelParry lanehouse34, Parry lane
2814 Thompson ThomasSticker lanehouse426, Sticker lane
2815 Thompson WilliamTennant streethouse8, Tennant street
2816 Thompson WilliamGibson foldhouse12, Gibson fold
2817 Thorne AlfredWakefield roadhouse280, Wakefield road
2818 Thorne CharlesAddison streethouseFairfax street
successivehouse49, Addison street
2819 Thornton AbrahamNewby streethouse27, Newby street
2820 Thornton DavidNewby streethouse3, Newby street
2821 Thornton GeorgeSwaine greenhouse84, Swaine green
2822 Thornton HenryThornton squarehouse21, Thornton square
2823 Thornton HenrySmiddles lanehouse15, Smiddles lane
2824 Thornton JoelLower Barrack yardhouse12, Lower Barrack yard
2825 Thornton JohnNewby streethouse37, Newby street
2826 Thornton JohnSticker lanehouse330, Sticker lane
2827 Thornton JohnOld lanehouse357, Old lane
2828 Thornton JohnWakefield roadhouseHaigh street
successivehouse889, Wakefield road
2829 Thornton JosephOld lanehouse & shop138, Old lane
2830 Thornton MatthewOld lanehouse309, Old lane
2831 Thornton ThomasManchester roadhouse763, Manchester road
2832 Thornton WilliamSmiddles lanehouse19, Smiddles lane
2833 Thornton WilliamThornton squarehouse23, Thornton square
2834 Thornton WilliamOld lanehouseLittle Cross street
successivehouse325, Old lane
2835 Thorp DavidBirch lanehouse28, Birch lane
2836 Thorpe Charles HenryRooley lanehouseCarlisle road
successivehouse227, Rooley lane
2837 Thorpe JamesFairfax streethouse67, Fairfax street
2838 Thresh JosephMunster streethouseMunster street
2839 Throp HenryManchester roadhouse & shopManchester road
2840 Throp JamesRooley lanehouse38, Rooley lane
2841 Throp JohnRooley lanehouse16, Rooley lane
2842 Throup JohnBack lanehouse & shop102, Back lane
2843 Tiffney JosephNewell hallhouse318, Rooley lane
2844 Tilley ThomasSturges streethouse67, Sturges street
2845 Todd JohnOtley roadshopEllen street
2846 Todd JohnProvidence placehouse4, Providence place
2847 Todd RichardHardy streethouse45, Hardy street
2848 Todd SolomonAddison streethouse26, Addison street
2849 Tomlinson JosephWakefield roadhouse638, Wakefield road
2850 Tommis CharlesLinton streethouse & shop6, Linton street
2851 Topham ThomasHustler streethouseHustler street
2852 Topham WilliamSticker lanehouse516, Sticker lane
2853 Topper JohnHall lanebeerhouse29, Hall lane
2854 Tordoff EdwardRooley lanehouseBeatrice street
successivehouse219, Rooley lane
2855 Tordoff JonasBack lanehouse242, Back lane
2856 Tordoff JosephSmiddles lanehouse6, Smiddles lane
2857 Tordoff SamuelRooley lanehouse157, Rooley lane
2858 Tordoff SamuelOld lanehouse456, Old lane
2859 Tordoff UriahRooley lanehouse231, Rooley lane
2860 Tottie SamuelNewby streethouse65, Newby street
2861 Toughey ThomasGranby streethouseHardy street
successivehouse51, Granby street
2862 Toulson JamesRipley terracehouse17, Ripley terrace
2863 Towers JohnTutor streethouseTutor street
successivehouse7, Tutor street
2864 Town Thomas EdwardMarsden foldhouseMarsden fold
2865 Townend BenjaminWheatley streethouseChapel green, Horton
successivehouse47, Wheatley street
2866 Townend SimeonHortonwarehouseWaterloo mill
2867 Townsend BenjaminSturges streethouse9, Sturges street
2868 Townsend ChristopherCaledonia streethouse183, Caledonia street
2869 Townsend GeorgeRipley terracehouse45, Ripley terrace
2870 Townsend NathanielFairfax streethouseFairfax street
successivehouse79, Fairfax street
2871 Townsend RichardSturges streethouse91, Sturges street
2872 Townsend SimeonGuy streethouse25, Guy street
2873 Townson WilliamBroom streethouse4A, Broom street
2874 Travis JohnGranby streethouse129, Granby street
2875 Travis WilliamGranby streethouse9, Granby street
2876 Trotter RichardBolling streethouse73, Bolling street
2877 Turner CharlesHird streethouse5, Hird street
2878 Turner JohnPollard streethouse28, Pollard street
2879 Turner JosephOld lanehouse474, Old lane
2880 Turner JosephUsher streethouse2, Usher street
2881 Turner SamuelBirch lanehouseBirch lane
2882 Turner WilliamJohn William streethouse22, John William street
2883 Turner WilliamFitzwilliam streethouse113, Fitzwilliam street
2884 Turner WilliamWakefield roadhouse & shop254, Wakefield road
2885 Tylor EdwardSticker lanehouse457, Sticker lane
2886 Tynin MartinCalcutta streethouse21, Calcutta street

BOWLING WARD, 1872, surnames beginning with the letter U
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2887 Underwood HenryWakefield roadhouseTutor street
successivehouse & shop274, Wakefield road
2888 Unwin Stephen PhilipHall royd, Shipleypart of millCastle street
2889 Upton ThomasBroomfield terracehouse82, Broomfield terrace

BOWLING WARD, 1872, surnames beginning with the letter V
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2890 Vanston JohnGranby streethouse33, Granby street
2891 Verity JohnMill lanehouse117, Mill lane
2892 Verity WilliamUpper Pollard streethouse13, Upper Pollard street
2893 Vickers HenrySticker lanehouse89, Sticker lane
2894 Vickers JosephSticker lanehouse322, Sticker lane

BOWLING WARD, 1872, surnames beginning with the letter W
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2895 Waddington EleazerWakefield roadhouse354, Wakefield road
2896 Waddington EliNewby streethouse112, Newby street
2897 Waddington HenryMill lanehouse133, Mill lane
2898 Waddington JohnWakefield roadhouse1015, Wakefield road
2899 Waddington JosephMaw streethouse29, Maw street
2900 Waddington MarkSturges streethouse28, Sturges street
2901 Waddington ThomasWakefield roadhouse715, Wakefield road
2902 Wade EdwinSticker lanehouse & land270, Sticker lane
2903 Wade GeorgeWadsworth streethouse2, Wadsworth street
2904 Wade JamesWakefield roadhouse445, Wakefield road
2905 Wade JamesAddison streethouseRipley terrace
successivehouse & shop69, Addison street
2906 Wade JohnHall lanehouse82, Hall lane
2907 Wade JohnHarker streethouseHarker street
2908 Wade JosephBrougham streethouseBrougham street
2909 Wade JosephHardy streethouse17, Hardy street
2910 Wade JosephSturges streethouse77, Sturges street
2911 Wade PhilipWakefield roadhouse660, Wakefield road
2912 Wade Walter WilliamRouse yardhouse10, Rouse yard
2913 Wade WilliamWakefield roadhouse & shop307, Wakefield road
2914 Wadsworth PeterManchester roadhouse & shop704, Manchester road
2915 Wadsworth SquireRathmell streethouse4, Rathmell street
2916 Wadsworth ThomasManchester roadhouse761, Manchester road
2917 Wain IsaacFairfax streethouse99, Fairfax street
2918 Wainwright JoshuaWakefield roadhouse130, Wakefield road
2919 Wainwright ThomasRipley streethouseCalcutta street
successivehouse53, Ripley street
2920 Waite JosephHird streethouse13, Hird street
2921 Walker AlfredProvidence placehouse11, Providence place
2922 Walker BenjaminNewby streethouse114, Newby street
2923 Walker CharlesMoody streethouse138, Moody street
2924 Walker Frederick WilliamTennant streethouse42, Tennant street
2925 Walker JamesRooley lanehouse546, Rooley lane
2926 Walker James RobertOld lanehouse312, Old lane
2927 Walker JessePark sidehouseBirch lane
2928 Walker JohnHall lanehouse67, Hall lane
2929 Walker JosephLord streethouse2, Lord street
2930 Walker JosephUpper Pollard streethouse15, Upper Pollard street
2931 Walker JoshuaMarsden foldhouse22, Marsden fold
2932 Walker RichardGibson foldhouse5, Gibson fold
2933 Walker RichardHartley streethouseWakefield road
successivehouse6, Hartley street
2934 Walker Robert ThorntonMill lanehouse153, Mill lane
2935 Walker SimeonOld lanehouse424, Old lane
2936 Walker ThomasMoody streethouse9, Moody street
2937 Walker ThomasPark sidehouseBirch lane
2938 Walker WilliamSticker lanehouse151, Sticker lane
2939 Walker WilliamBeatrice streethouse1, Beatrice street
2940 Walker WilliamThornton squarehouse3, Thornton square
2941 Walker William AspinallHall lanehouse87, Hall lane
2942 Walker William InnsLower Barrack yardhouse3, Lower Barrack yard
2943 Wallace ThomasNewby streethouse22, Newby street
2944 Walmsley JamesSticker lanehouse248A, Sticker lane
2945 Walmsley WilliamWootton streethouse77, Wootton street
2946 Walsh EdwardCarter streethouse1, Carter street
2947 Walsh JohnBroom streethouse63, Broom street
2948 Walsh JohnAddison streethouse53, Addison street
2949 Walsh JonathanTennant streethouseOld lane
successivehouse14, Tennant street
2950 Walsh JosephOld lanehouse220, Old lane
2951 Walsh MichaelCalcutta streethouse29, Calcutta street
2952 Walsh WilliamGranby streethouse85 & 87, Granby street
2953 Walsh WilliamWakefield roadhouse717, Wakefield road
2954 Walsworth JamesGibson foldhouseGibson fold
successivehouse13, Gibson fold
2955 Walton EdwardBroom streethouse5, Broom street
2956 Walton FrederickJohn William streethouse6, John William street
2957 Walton HenryParry lanehouse1, Parry lane
2958 Walton JamesNewby streethouse117, Newby street
2959 Walton JosephMill lanehouse38, Mill lane
2960 Walton Payne SmithMoody streethouse59, Moody street
2961 Walton SamuelParry lanehouse18, Parry lane
2962 Walton WilliamLavinia streethouse7, Lavinia street
2963 Warburton John EdwardSquare streethouse5, Square street
2964 Ward ChristopherRouse yardhouse15, Rouse yard
2965 Ward George HenryBack lanehouse44, Back lane
2966 Ward PatrickGranby streethouse95, Granby street
2967 Ward ThomasSaville streethouse22, Saville street
2968 Ward WilliamMill lanebeerhouse30, Mill lane
2969 Ward WilliamNewby streethouse105, Newby street
2970 Wardman CharlesRooley lanehouse154, Rooley lane
2971 Wardman IbbetsonCaledonia streethouse131, Caledonia street
2972 Wardman IsaacFitzwilliam streethouse83, Fitzwilliam street
2973 Wardman JohnRooley lanehouse224, Rooley lane
2974 Wardman JohnRooley lanehouse275, Rooley lane
2975 Wardman JosephRooley lanehouse230, Rooley lane
2976 Wardman MarkRooley lanehouse273, Rooley lane
2977 Wardman PeterManchester roadinn &c.Red Lion Inn, 743, Manchester road
2978 Wardman RobertManchester roadhouse753, Manchester road
2979 Wardman SamuelRooley lanehouse232, Rooley lane
2980 Wardman SimeonRooley lanehouse387, Rooley lane
2981 Warman WilliamDross streethouse21, Dross street
2982 Warman WilliamBack lanehouseBack lane
successivehouse338, Back lane
2983 Waterhouse TempestWakefield roadhouse340, Wakefield road
2984 Watson AlfredMunster streethouseMunster street
2985 Watson FrederickBack lanehouse & shop256, Back lane
2986 Watson JohnFoundry lanehouse3, Foundry lane
2987 Watson JohnWakefield roadhouseWakefield road
successivehouse345, Wakefield road
2988 Watson JohnWakefield roadhouse386, Wakefield road
2989 Watson LeviSaville streethouse2, Saville street
2990 Watson LeviDudley hillhouseDudley hill
2991 Watson MatthewWakefield roadhouse1013, Wakefield road
2992 Watson RobertJoshua streethouse3, Joshua street
2993 Watson SamuelSticker lanehouse65, Sticker lane
2994 Watson ThomasWalker courthouse14, Walker court
2995 Watson WilliamPollard streethouseLizard street
successivehouse33, Pollard street
2996 Waud Benjamin SkeltonLightcliffepart of millSpring mill street
2997 Waud George MotleyNorth paradepart of millBritannia mills
2998 Waud Joseph EdwardRawdonpart of millBritannia mills
2999 Waugh JohnRipley streethouse3, Ripley street
3000 Webster AbrahamFurnace Inn streethouse30, Furnace Inn street
3001 Webster AbrahamWakefield roadhouse218, Wakefield road
3002 Webster GeorgeSt. John's terracehouse9, St. John's terrace
3003 Webster GeorgeBrass Knob rowhouse92, Swaine green
3004 Webster GeorgeParry lanehouse48, Parry lane
3005 Webster JohnUpper Croft placehouse5, Upper Croft place
3006 Webster ThomasRooley lanehouse554, Rooley lane
3007 Webster WilliamRooley lanehouse397, Rooley lane
3008 Wellock JohnBroom streethousePollard street
successivehouseBroom street
3009 Wells AaronOaks foldhouse40, Birch lane
3010 Wells BenjaminHall lanehouse172, Hall lane
3011 Wells George WilliamSaville streethouse51, Saville street
3012 Wells IsaacWakefield roadhouseWakefield road
3013 Wells IsaacSticker lanehouse135, Sticker lane
3014 Wells JamesCroft nookhouseLower lane
3015 Wells James LudlamDudley streethouse4, Dudley street
3016 Wells JohnDudley streethouse2, Dudley street
3017 Wells JohnBrass Knob rowhouse94, Swaine green
3018 Wells JohnSticker lanehouse59, Sticker lane
3019 Wells JonasSticker lanehouse57, Sticker lane
3020 Wells JonathanWakefield roadhouse861, Wakefield road
3021 Wells JosephProvidence placehouse26, Providence place
3022 Wells JosephWakefield roadhouse474, Wakefield road
3023 Wells MosesWakefield roadhouse510, Wakefield road
3024 Wells Thomas HollingworthWakefield roadhouse & shop56, Wakefield road
3025 West JosephOld lanehouse498, Old lane
3026 West JosephHall lanehouse160, Hall lane
3027 West ThomasBowling ironworkshouseBowling ironworks
3028 Westerman ThomasWalton streethouse131, Walton street
3029 Whalley JamesTennant streethouse74, Tennant street
3030 Whalley RobertSloane streethouse33, Sloane street
3031 Wharfe BlackburnWakefield roadhouse & shop50, Wakefield road
3032 Wharton DavidWadsworth streethouse13, Wadsworth street
3033 Wharton TimothyParry lanehouse42, Parry lane
3034 Wheatcroft AnthonyMill lanehouse75, Mill lane
3035 Wheater JamesAddison streethouse36, Addison street
3036 Wheater JohnWakefield roadhouse331, Wakefield road
3037 Wheater WilliamRooley lanehouse383, Rooley lane
3038 Whedon AlfredLong streethouse16, Long street
3039 Whedon WilliamBack lanehouse170, Back lane
3040 Wheelhouse GeorgeWakefield roadhouse399, Wakefield road
3041 Whelan FintonGuy streethouse33, Guy street
3042 Whelan WilliamGranby streethouse34, Granby street
3043 Whitaker HenryFairfax streethouseUpper Addison street
successivehouse71, Fairfax street
3044 Whitaker JohnNewby streethouse138, Newby street
3045 Whitaker JosephRooley laneinnWhite Hart Inn, 367, Rooley lane
3046 Whitaker PaulLudlam streethouseRipley's gasworks
3047 Whitaker ThomasMill lanebeerhouse101, Mill lane
3048 Whitaker ThomasBradfordwarehouseGordon street
3049 Whitaker WilliamWakefield roadhouse958, Wakefield road
3050 Whitaker WilliamRodney streethouse7, Rodney street
3051 White FrederickCaledonia streethouse103, Caledonia street
3052 White JamesHall lanehouse209, Hall lane
3053 White JamesBolling streethouse160, Bolling street
3054 White JohnPollard streethouse62, Pollard street
3055 White PeterSticker lanehouse79, Sticker lane
3056 White RichardBroom streethouse36, Broom street
3057 White WilliamRipley terracehouseRipley terrace
successivehouse5, Ripley terrace
3058 Whitehead AbrahamFairfax streethouse121, Fairfax street
3059 Whitehead BennettCrab streethouse7, Crab street
3060 Whitehead EdwardWakefield roadhouse385, Wakefield road
3061 Whitehead FrancisLow wellhouse525, Manchester road
3062 Whitehead JamesCutler heightshouseCutler heights
3063 Whitehead JosephHortonpart of millCastle street
3064 Whitehead LewisTennant streethouse22, Tennant street
3065 Whitehead ThomasBroom streethouse26, Broom street
3066 Whitehead WilliamHortonpart of millCastle street
3067 Whiteley BenjaminNewell hallhouse320, Rooley lane
3068 Whiteley DavidSaville streethouse63, Saville street
3069 Whiteley GeorgeHall lanehouse & shop162, Hall lane
3070 Whiteley JamesCaledonia streethouse163, Caledonia street
3071 Whiteley JamesOld lanehouseOld lane
3072 Whiteley JobMoody streethouse70, Moody street
3073 Whiteley JobWootton streethouseMoody street
successivehouse23, Wootton street
3074 Whiteley JohnRooley lanehouse150, Rooley lane
3075 Whiteley JohnSticker lanehouse369, Sticker lane
3076 Whiteley JoshuaMaw streethouse31, Maw street
3077 Whiteley WilliamTennant streethouse137, Tennant street
3078 Whitfield RobertSturges streethouse73, Sturges street
3079 Whitlam JamesNewby streethouse26B, Newby street
3080 Whitley IsraelRooley lanehouse576, Rooley lane
3081 Whittingham GeorgeBroom streethouse61, Broom street
3082 Whittles John LawsonTennant streethouse9, Tennant street
3083 Whitwell RalphLilac streethouse8, Lilac street
3084 Whytell WilliamSt. John's terracehouse7, St. John's terrace
3085 Wiggins JohnUsher streethouse1, Usher street
3086 Wightman AbrahamBengal streethouseJohn William street
successivehouse52, Bengal street
3087 Wignall JamesOld lanehouse & shop96, Old lane
3088 Wilby CorneliusBack lanehouse74, Back lane
3089 Wilcock DewhirstSmiddles lanehouse20, Smiddles lane
3090 Wilcock EdwinEllen streethouse2, Ellen street
3091 Wilcock Henry JamesMaw streethouse12, Maw street
3092 Wilcock JosephMaw streethouse14, Maw street
3093 Wild ThomasMoody streethouse43, Moody street
3094 Wilkinson AmosManchester roadhouse686, Manchester road
3095 Wilkinson GeorgeBrass Knob rowhouse102, Swaine green
3096 Wilkinson GeorgeMill lanehouse175, Mill lane
3097 Wilkinson HenrySt. John's terracehouse8, St. John's terrace
3098 Wilkinson HenryOld lanehouse177, Old lane
3099 Wilkinson JacobOld lanehouse326, Old lane
3100 Wilkinson JamesLilac streethouse5, Lilac street
3101 Wilkinson JamesOld lanehouse448, Old lane
3102 Wilkinson JamesRipley terracehouse71, Ripley terrace
3103 Wilkinson JamesMoulson streethouseMoulson street
3104 Wilkinson JamesBankfoothouseBankfoot Corn Mill
3105 Wilkinson JamesOld lanehouse123, Old lane
3106 Wilkinson JamesWakefield roadhouse375, Wakefield road
3107 Wilkinson JamesSaville streethouse36, Saville street
3108 Wilkinson JohnOld lanehouse410, Old lane
3109 Wilkinson JohnHall lanehouse81, Hall lane
3110 Wilkinson JohnSticker lanehouse81, Sticker lane
3111 Wilkinson JohnRooley lanehouse21 & 23 Rooley lane
3112 Wilkinson JohnOld lanehouse289, Old lane
3113 Wilkinson JonathanNew Cross streethouse & shop33, New Cross street
3114 Wilkinson JonathanRouse yardhouse16, Rouse yard
3115 Wilkinson JonathanStephen foldhouse9, Stephen fold
3116 Wilkinson JonathanWakefield roadhouseWakefield road
successivehouse348, Wakefield road
3117 Wilkinson JosephRooley lanehouse19, Rooley lane
3118 Wilkinson JosephRooley lanehouse321, Rooley lane
3119 Wilkinson JosephWakefield roadhouse547, Wakefield road
3120 Wilkinson JosephRipley terracehouse23, Ripley terrace
3121 Wilkinson MarkHall lanehouse225, Hall lane
3122 Wilkinson OrlandoBirch lanehouseBirch lane
successivehouseBirch lane
3123 Wilkinson RichardHall lanehouseHall lane
successivehouse65, Hall lane
3124 Wilkinson RichardLudlam streethouse26, Ludlam street
3125 Wilkinson RobertSticker lanehouse55, Sticker lane
3126 Wilkinson RobertLittle Horton lanepart of millSpring mill street
3127 Wilkinson SamuelRooley lanehouse353, Rooley lane
3128 Wilkinson SethWakefield roadbeerhouse146, Wakefield road
3129 Wilkinson Timothy FawbertHustler streethouseLower lane
successivehouseHustler street
3130 Wilkinson WilliamSt. John's terracehouse11, St. John's terrace
3131 Wilkinson WilliamManchester roadhouse768, Manchester road
3132 Wilkinson WilliamRooley lanehouse30, Rooley lane
3133 Wilkinson WilliamMuff streethouse18, Muff street
3134 Wilkinson WilliamManchester roadhouse688, Manchester road
3135 Wilkinson WilliamWesleyan terracehouse5, Wesleyan terrace
3136 Wilkinson WilliamMuff streethouseMill lane
successivehouse11, Muff street
3137 Wilkinson WilliamSwaine greenhouse78, Swaine green
3138 Wilkinson WilliamLower lanehouseLower lane
3139 Willan JohnFairfax streethouse12, Fairfax street
3140 Willey JosephLizard streethouse5, Lizard street
3141 Williams FrancisFairfax streethouse91, Fairfax street
3142 Williams JamesElizabeth streetpart of millGordon street
3143 Williams WilliamBroomfield terracehouse74, Broomfield terrace
3144 Williams WilliamWootton streethouse75, Wootton street
3145 Willimott FrankUpper Pollard streethouse5, Upper Pollard street
3146 Willis AbrahamFitzwilliam streethouseFitzwilliam street
successivehouse109, Fitzwilliam street
3147 Willis JamesBeetham streethouseChurch street
successivehouse80, Beetham street
3148 Wilman AlexanderOld lanehouse502, Old lane
3149 Wilman JohnSmiddles lanehouse21, Smiddles lane
3150 Wilman WilliamSmiddles lanehouse23, Smiddles lane
3151 Wilson CharlesBerry streethouse9, Berry street
3152 Wilson ChristopherManchester roadhouse792, Manchester road
3153 Wilson DavidRook lanehouse14, Rook lane
3154 Wilson EdwinCaledonia streethouse & shop157, Caledonia street
3155 Wilson FrankHall lanehouse44, Hall lane
3156 Wilson FrankPump streethouse10, Pump street
3157 Wilson JohnOld lanehouse428, Old lane
3158 Wilson JosephPollard streethouse18, Pollard street
3159 Wilson SidneyRipley terracehouse79, Ripley terrace
3160 Wilson ThomasBirch lanehouse2, Birch lane
3161 Wilson ThomasWakefield roadhouseAmerica square
successivehouse869, Wakefield road
3162 Wilson WilliamCold damhouseLower lane
3163 Wilson WilliamLittle Cross streethouse17, Little Cross street
3164 Wilson WilliamGranby streethouse58, Granby street
3165 Wilson WilliamWakefield roadhouseWakefield road
successivehouse910, Wakefield road
3166 Wilson WilliamHall lanehouse156, Hall lane
3167 Winn GeorgeBack lanehouse358, Back lane
3168 Winn LewisNewby streethouse53, Newby street
3169 Windsor JosephLord streethouse9, Lord street
3170 Winter JohnWadsworth streethouseWadsworth street
successivehouse3, Wadsworth street
3171 Winterburn WilliamSaville streethouse1, Saville street
3172 Wiper GeorgeFoundry lanehouse7, Foundry lane
3173 Witherley WilliamWakefield roadhouse922, Wakefield road
3174 Womersley CharlesManninghampart of millHall lane
3175 Womersley JosephGalloway lanehouseGalloway lane
3176 Wood AlfredMarsden foldhouseMarsden fold
successivehouse24, Marsden fold
3177 Wood AllenOld lanehouse122, Old lane
3178 Wood AmosRooley lanehouse160, Rooley lane
3179 Wood BenjaminShipleypart of millHall lane
3180 Wood BenjaminLow wellhouse519, Manchester road
3181 Wood EllisBeetham streethouse7, Beetham street
3182 Wood GreenwoodBengal streethouse5, Bengal street
3183 Wood HallidayPollard streethouse67, Pollard street
3184 Wood JosephParry lanehouse21, Parry lane
3185 Wood JosephManchester roadhouse934, Manchester road
3186 Wood JosephMarsh placebeerhouseManchester road
3187 Wood JosephManchester roadhouse & shop794, Manchester road
3188 Wood Sam FredPollard streethouse127, Pollard street
3189 Wood SamuelCalcutta streethouse50, Calcutta street
3190 Wood ThomasBolling streethouse & shop192, Bolling street
3191 Wood ThomasHall lanehouseRipley terrace
successivehouse88, Hall lane
3192 Wood ThomasCaledonia streethouse80, Caledonia street
3193 Wood ThomasWalker courthouse11, Walker court
3194 Wood WilliamBeatrice streethouseRooley lane
successivehouse11, Beatrice street
3195 Wood WilliamNewby streethouse119, Newby street
3196 Woodcock WilliamSloane streethouse54, Sloane street
3197 Woodhead GeorgeOld lanehouseEmsley street
successivehouse106, Old lane
3198 Woodhead HenryLow wellhouse505, Manchester road
3199 Woodhead JohnUpper Pollard streethouse11, Upper Pollard street
3200 Woodhead JohnSmiddles lanehouse41, Smiddles lane
3201 Woodhead JohnLavinia streethouse41, Lavinia street
3202 Woodhead JonathanBroomfield terracehouse84, Broomfield terrace
3203 Woodhead JosephLavinia streethouse2, Lavinia street
3204 Woodhead PeterRooley lanehouse475, Rooley lane
3205 Woodhead ThomasWootton streethouse12, Wootton street
3206 Woodhead TimothyMuff streethouseMuff street
successivehouse42, Muff street
3207 Woodhead WilliamHaigh streethouse1, Haigh street
3208 Woodhead WilliamOld lanehouse290, Old lane
3209 Woodhead WilliamRipley terracehouse75, Ripley terrace
3210 Woodhead WilliamBengal streethouse23, Bengal street
3211 Woodhead William GreenwoodNewby streethouse & shopNewby street
successivehouse113, Newby street
3212 Woodhouse WilliamBack laneinnBradford arms Inn, 104, Back lane
3213 Woodrow JamesGranby streethouse23, Granby street
3214 Woodrow WilliamHaigh streethouse4, Haigh street
3215 Wooller JosephUsher streethouse11, Usher street
3216 Wooller WilliamMaw streethouse10, Maw street
3217 Woolley RobertBroom streethouse79, Broom street
3218 Worby RobertOld lanehouseOld lane
successivehouse426, Old lane
3219 Wordsworth Robert WilliamPump streethouse8, Pump street
3220 Worfolk JamesWood roadhouse11, Wood road
3221 Worfolk WilliamNewby streethouse180, Newby street
3222 Wormald WilliamPollard streethouse42, Pollard street
3223 Worsman DanielRooley lanehouse465, Rooley lane
3224 Worsman DavidStephen foldhouse1, Stephen fold
3225 Worsnop AllenBankfoothouse15, Bankfoot
3226 Worsnop EzraFairfax streethouse35, Fairfax street
3227 Worsnop WilliamOld lanehouse11, Old lane
3228 Worth ThomasMerton streethouseMerton street
3229 Wray JosephVere streethouse6, Vere street
3230 Wray RobertSaville streethouse26, Saville street
3231 Wray ThomasRipley streethouse7, Ripley street
3232 Wretham William JohnLizard streethouse12, Lizard street
3233 Wright AaronBeetham streethouse4, Beetham street
3234 Wright EdwardMill lanehouse139, Mill lane
3235 Wright EdwinManchester roadhouse571, Manchester road
3236 Wright EdwinOld lanehouse506, Old lane
3237 Wright FergusSwaine greenhouse58, Swaine green
3238 Wright FrederickOld lanehouse162, Old lane
3239 Wright GeorgeNew Cross streethouseNew Cross street
3240 Wright JamesLow wellhouse529, Manchester road
3241 Wright JamesOld lanehouse307, Old lane
3242 Wright JamesOld lanehouseTennant street
successivehouse115, Old lane
3243 Wright JohnOld lanehouse336, Old lane
3244 Wright JohnCaledonia streethouse205, Caledonia street
3245 Wright JonathanOld lanehouse392, Old lane
3246 Wright JosephOld lanehouse279, Old lane
3247 Wright JosephOld lanehouse & shop197, Old lane
3248 Wright JosephOaks foldhouse & land41, Birch lane
3249 Wright JosephCutler heightshouseCutler heights
3250 Wright RichardNew Cross streethouseNew Cross street
3251 Wright SquireNewby streethouseOld lane
successivehouse5, Newby street
3252 Wright StephenOld lanehouse361, Old lane
3253 Wright ThomasWakefield roadbeerhouse488, Wakefield road
3254 Wright WilliamManchester roadhouse664, Manchester road
3255 Wright WilliamWakefield roadbeerhouse228, Wakefield road
3256 Wright WilliamTennant streethouse130, Tennant street
3257 Wright William LuptonAlma streethouse172, Alma street
3258 Wroe CharlesBaxandall foldhouseOld lane
3259 Wroe JohnWakefield roadhouse582, Wakefield road
3260 Wroe RichardSmiddles lanehouse38, Smiddles lane

BOWLING WARD, 1872, surnames beginning with the letter Y
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3261 Yates HenrySticker lanehouse77, Sticker lane
3262 Yates RobertSticker lanehouse73, Sticker lane
3263 Yates WilliamBolling streethouse64, Bolling street
3264 Yeadon SamuelPollard streethouse65, Pollard street
3265 Yewdall EzraMarsh placehouseManchester road
3266 Yewdall JohnRooley lanehouse462, Rooley lane
3267 Yewdall JohnManchester roadhouse916, Manchester road

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
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please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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