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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1872, GREAT HORTON WARD, surnames H-R.


Please read these notes about these registers.

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1872, surnames H-R.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
548 Haigh JohnBakes streethouse12, Bakes street
549 Haigh JonathanLawrence streethouse12, Crossley street
successivehouseLawrence street
550 Haigh ThomasLidgate placehouseLidgate place
551 Haigh WilliamFenton streethouse4, Fenton street
552 Hainsworth JoshuaCemetery roadhouse241, Cemetery road
553 Haley CharlesEbenezer placehouse12, Ebenezer place
554 Haley DanielBlacksmith foldhouse4, Blacksmith fold
555 Haley EnochLidget streethouse37, Lidget street
556 Haley HenryHigh streethouse8, High street
557 Haley JohnLidgate placehouse10, Knight's fold
successivehouse73, Lidgate place
558 Haley JohnCragg lanehouse12, Cragg lane
559 Haley NathanSouthfield lanehouse208, Southfield lane
560 Haley RichardSouthfield lanehouse290, Southfield lane
561 Haley WilliamBartle foldhouseBartle fold
562 Hall JosephFenton streethouse20, Fenton street
563 Hallowell JamesHigh streethouse & shop14, High street
564 Halstead JohnGreenfield lanehouse6, Etna street
successivehousePleasant street
successivehouse24, Greenfield lane
565 Halstead JosephHew clewshouse46, Upper green
successivehouseHew clews
566 Hammond WilliamParadisehouseParadise
567 Hanson AmosBramley rowhouse9, Bramley row
568 Hanson EdwardSouthfield lanehouse172, Southfield lane
569 Hanson EnochPrinceville streethouse44, Princeville street
570 Hanson EnochDerby streethouseDerby street
571 Hanson GeorgeSouthfield lanehouse24, Greenfield lane
successivehouse216A, Southfield lane
572 Hanson JamesBakes streethouse14, Bakes street
573 Hanson JamesCragg lanehouse1, Cragg lane
574 Hanson JamesLivingstone streethouse44, Dracup road
successivehouse8, Livingstone street
575 Hanson JohnCambridge streethouse9, Cambridge street
576 Hanson ThomasBottom of Cliffe lanehouseBottom of Cliffe lane
577 Hardaker JohnAlexandra streethouse7, Alexandra street
578 Hardaker RichardHunt yardhouse2, Hunt yard
579 Hardaker ThomasParadise greenhouse11, Paradise green
580 Hardcastle WilliamFar end of Anne streethouseFar end of Anne street
581 Hardy DawsonOld roadhouse108, Old road
582 Hardy GaythorneSouthfield lanehouse220, Southfield lane
583 Hardy ThomasBeldon hillhouse32, Beldon hill
584 Hargreaves HenryCross lanehouse28, Cross lane
585 Hargreaves JamesSellars foldhouse & shop60, High street
successivehouse16, Sellars fold
586 Hargreaves WilliamSouthfield lanehouse171, Southfield lane
587 Harris RichardBeacon lanehouse6, Beacon lane
588 Harrison DavidSummerhill streethouse25, Summerhill street
589 Harrison HenryLawrence streethouseLawrence street
590 Harrison JohnHorton roadhouse7, Cross lane
successivehouse217, Horton road
591 Harrison PeterUpper greenhouse170, High street
successivehouse60, Upper green
592 Harrison SamuelLidget streethouse19, Lidget street
593 Hartley AmosHigh streethouse3, Bakes street
successivehouse84, High street
594 Hartley DavidHigh streethouse347, High street
595 Hartley JohnFrank streethouse28, Frank street
596 Hartley Richard RobertsBakes streethouse5, Bakes street
successivehouse3, Bakes street
597 Hartley SamuelCross lanehouse98, Cross lane
598 Heap JosephOld roadhouse392, Hollingwood lane
successivehouse168, Old road
599 Heap ThomasOld roadhouse166, Old road
600 Hearn JohnHollingwood lanehouse108, Hollingwood lane
601 Heaton DanielArctic paradehouse15, Arctic parade
602 Heaton UriahCragg terracehouse12, Cragg terrace
603 Hellewell JohnOld Corn Mill, Becksidehouse7, Cemetery road
successivehouseOld Corn Mill, Beckside
604 Helliwell JonathanLidget streethouse25, Lidget street
605 Hepworth JohnCross lanehouse26, Cross lane
606 Herfield WilliamCollins streethouse9, Collins street
607 Hewitt JosephPrinceville streethouse17, Princeville street
608 Hey JeremiahTown endhouse7, Town end
609 Hey WilliamTown endhouse19, Town end
610 Heyworth SamuelDirk hillhouseDirk hill
611 Hill JosephLidgate placehouse31, Lidgate place
612 Hill SimeonCrossley streethouse26, Crossley street
613 Hill WilliamManninghamquarry & buildingsLegrams lane
614 Hillam AaronSouthfield lanehouse249, Southfield lane
615 Hillam AlfredSouthfield lanehouse153, Southfield lane
616 Hillam HenrySouthfield lanehouse192, Southfield lane
617 Hillam JobSouthfield lanehouse235, Southfield lane
618 Hillam RobertHigh streethouse827, High street
619 Hind GeorgeSouthfield lanehouse264, Southfield lane
successivehouse268, Southfield lane
620 Hind JohnCross lanehouse40, Cross lane
621 Hind WilliamSuddards foldhouse18, Suddards fold
622 Hindle AaronHigh streethouse164, High street
623 Hindle DavidHigh streethouse202, High street
624 Hindle HenryWestcroft terracehouse7, Westcroft terrace
625 Hindle JosephDog lanehouse1, Dog lane
626 Hird BenjaminArctic paradehouse24, Union road
successivehouseLivingstone street
successivehouse26, Arctic parade
627 Hird JosephAlexandra villashouseMarion street
successivehouse4, Alexandra villas
628 Hird RobertFenton streethouse14, Fenton street
629 Hird ThomasKnight's foldhouse17, Knight's fold
630 Hirst PrattLidget streethouse22, Lidget street
631 Hirst ThomasJer lanehouse3, Jer lane
632 Hirst ThomasPasture Lane endhouse18, Pasture Lane end
633 Hodgson GeorgeLegrams lanehouse16, Legrams lane
634 Hodgson HenryFalcon streethouse18, Falcon street
635 Hodgson JobWard streethouse20, Ward street
636 Hodgson JohnPleasant streethouse & shop216, Southfield lane
successivehouse3, Pleasant street
637 Hodgson JosephNecropolis roadhouse30, Necropolis road
638 Hodgson WilliamHorton roadhouse244, Horton road
639 Holden SilasHigh streethouse321, High street
640 Holdsworth AdamEwart streethouse16, Cragg terrace
successivehouse76, Ewart street
641 Holdsworth AlfredSummerhill streethouse23, Summerhill street
642 Holdsworth DavidCross lanehouse13, Cross lane
643 Holdsworth DavidHigh streethouse218, High street
644 Holdsworth DukeBrow hillhouse8, Brow hill
645 Holdsworth EnochOld roadhouse174, Old road
646 Holdsworth EphraimLidgate placehouse67, Lidgate place
647 Holdsworth FrancisPickles hillhouse8, Pickles hill
648 Holdsworth GeorgeUpper greenhouse9, Upper green
649 Holdsworth George FrederickHorton roadhouse222, Horton road
650 Holdsworth HenryOld roadhouse87, Old road
651 Holdsworth HoldsworthFrank streethouse10, Frank street
652 Holdsworth JabezParadise greenhouse3, Paradise green
653 Holdsworth JohnNew roadhouse & shop143, New road
654 Holdsworth JohnSouthfield lanehouse154, Southfield lane
655 Holdsworth JonathanCambridge streethouse15, Cambridge street
656 Holdsworth JonathanHarris courthouse266, Southfield lane
successivehouse2, Harris court
657 Holdsworth JosephSmithies streethouse8, Smithies street
658 Holdsworth JosephParadise greenhouse14, Paradise green
659 Holdsworth JosephFrank streethouseCook street, Bradford
successivehouse42, Frank street
660 Holdsworth NathanHigh streethouse239, High street
661 Holdsworth SamuelHollingwood lanehouse398, Hollingwood lane
662 Holdsworth SamuelEtna streethouse20, Etna street
663 Holdsworth SamuelOld roadhouse88, Old road
664 Holdsworth SamuelWard streethouse52, Cordingley street, Bradford
successivehouseWard street
665 Holdsworth SamuelLivingstone streethouse27, Lidgate place
successivehouseLivingstone street
666 Holdsworth Samuel, junr.Bank tophouseOld road
successivehouse209, Bank top
667 Holdsworth WilliamFrank streethouse29, Frank street
668 Holdsworth WilliamHorton roadhouse230, Horton road
669 Holdsworth WilliamHorton roadhouse252, Horton road
670 Holdsworth WilliamBeacon lanehouse1, Beacon lane
671 Holdsworth William HenrySouthfield lanehouse138, Southfield lane
672 Holgate EphraimSouthfield lanehouse174, Southfield lane
673 Holgate HenrySouthfield lanehouse163, Southfield lane
674 Holgate JohnSouthfield lanehouse175, Southfield lane
675 Holgate WilliamHigh streethouse13, High street
676 Holmes CharlesSellars foldhouse3, School alley
successivehouse24, Sellars fold
677 Holmes IsaacLidgate placehouse65, Lidgate place
678 Holmes JamesLidgate placehouse69, Lidgate place
679 Holmes JohnFrank streethouse7, Frank street
680 Holmes JonasHigh streetinn117, High street
681 Holmes SamuelSmith roadhouse211, Smith road
682 Holmes WilliamFrank streethouse15, Frank street
683 Holroyd AmosHigh streethouse20, High street
684 Holroyd DanielCross lanehouse52, Cross lane
685 Holroyd IsaacLivingstone streethouse7, Vine street
successivehouseLivingstone street
686 Holroyd JohnNew roadhouse71, New road
687 Holroyd MicahHigh streethouse & shop50, High street
688 Holroyd MosesHart streethouse10, Hart street
689 Holroyd RaymothBeckside roadhouse33, Fenton street
successivehouse24, Beckside road
690 Holroyd ReubenLivingstone streethouse20, Pleasant street
successivehouse20, Livingstone street
691 Holroyd WilliamToby lanehouse59, Toby lane
692 Holt ThomasHigh streethouse10, Summerhill street
successivehouse51, High street
693 Hooper JamesFenton streethouse2, Fenton street
successivehouse19, Fenton street
694 Hopkinson IsaacLivingstone streethouse636, Wakefield road
successivehouseLivingstone street
695 Horn AbrahamRamsden courthouse11, Ramsden court
696 Horsfall JamesCross lanehouse34, Cross lane
697 Horsfield DavidAnne streethouse5, Anne street
698 Horsfield ThomasLidget streethouse12, Lidget street
699 Horsfield William SmithCrabtree streethouse4, Crabtree street
700 Howarth WilliamHigh streethouse299, Southfield lane
successivehouseQuaker terrace
successivehouse26, High street
701 Hoyes BenjaminFalcon streethouse5, Butler street, Bradford
successivehouse20, Falcon street
702 Hoyle AmonLidget streethouse8, Lidget street
703 Hoyle GilesPleasant streethouse32, Pleasant street
704 Hoyle JohnLow greenhouse27, Low green
705 Hudson AbimelechPleasant streethouse7, Bakes street
successivehouse46, Pleasant street
706 Hudson EnochLow greenhouse3, Low green
707 Hudson FrederickHigh streethouse251, High street
708 Hudson IsaacHigh streethouse & shop91, High street
709 Hudson JohnHigh streethouse214, High street
710 Hudson JohnAnne streethouse19, Anne street
711 Hudson JohnHigh streethouse4, Cambridge street
successivehouse55, High street
712 Hudson SamuelLow greenhouse5, Low green
713 Hudson TimothyOld roadhouse198, Old road
714 Hutchinson HarrisonCambridge streethouse33, Cambridge street

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1872, surnames beginning with the letter I
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
715 Ianson JohnJer lanehouse7, Jer lane
716 Ianson John, junr.Jer lanehouse9, Jer lane
717 Illingworth AbrahamEwart streethouse60, Upper green
successivehouseEwart street
718 Illingworth EphraimBeldon roadhouse231, Southfield lane
successivehouseBeldon road
719 Illingworth JohnHigh streethouse167, High street
720 Illingworth MarkRamsden courthouse10, Ramsden court
721 Illingworth PeterAycliffe hillhouse6, Aycliffe hill
722 Illingworth ThomasHigh streetinnHigh street
723 Ingham JamesLow greenhouse1, Low green
724 Ingham NathanOld roadhouse140, Old road
725 Inman SquireTown endhouse49, Town end
726 Iredale MatthewSouthfield lanehouse313, Southfield lane
727 Isherwood JosephWatmough streethouse40, Watmough street
728 Isles JohnTown endhouse31, Town end
729 Isles JohnLidget streethouse43, Lidget street
730 Isles RichardNew roadhouse74, New road
731 Isles RobertOld roadhouse144, Old road

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1872, surnames beginning with the letter J
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
732 Jackson EnochHigh streethouse & shop57, High street
733 Jackson IsraelLivingstone streethouse29, Townend
successivehouse39, Livingstone street
successivehouse6, Livingstone street
734 Jackson JamesTown endhouse23, Town end
735 Jackson JohnOld roadhouse128, Old road
736 Jackson JohnVine streethouse4, Vine street
737 Jackson ThomasSummerhill streethouse13, Summerhill street
738 Jackson ThomasEwart streethouse32, Ewart street
739 Jagger BethelSmithies streethouse3, Smithies street
740 Jagger JamesEbenezer placehouse15, Ebenezer place
741 Jarvis SamuelAlexandra streethouse4, Alexandra street
742 Jennings JamesCross lanehouse8, Cross lane
743 Jennings JohnHigh streethouse461, Undercliffe road, Bradford
successiveinn7, High street
744 Jennings John FawcettSouthfield lanehouse265, Southfield lane
745 Jennings JosephEtna streethouse333, High street
successivehouse24, Etna street
746 Jennings JosephDirk hill lanehouse3, Dirk hill lane
747 Jennings Joshua BinnsFenton streethouse24, Fenton street
748 Jepson JamesDirk hill lanehouse13, Dirk hill lane
749 Johnson WilliamSmithies streethouse263, Horton road
successivehouse13, Smithies street
750 Johnson WilliamSellars foldhouse149, New road
successivehouse14, Sellars fold
751 Jones ThomasOld roadhouseSnap
successivehouseAycliffe hill
successivehouse196, Old road
752 Jones WilliamHill endhouseHill end
753 Jordan RichardLawrence streethouse12, Bramley street
successivehouseLawrence street
754 Jowett AmosSouthfield lanehouse147, Southfield lane
755 Jowett EnochSouthfield lanehouse32, Low green
successivehouse192, Southfield lane
756 Jowett GeorgeOld roadhouse125, Old road
757 Jowett George, junr.Beacon street, Old roadhouse168, Old road
successivehouse131, Beacon street, Old road
758 Jowett HenryPleasant streethouse16, Pleasant street
759 Jowett HenryHorton roadhouse181, Horton road
760 Jowett JamesDog lanehouseHew clews
successivehouse4, Dog lane
761 Jowett JamesUnion roadhouse20, Union road
762 Jowett JobParadise greenhouse15, Paradise green
763 Jowett JohnHigh streethouse81, High street
764 Jowett JohnHigh streethouse & shop386, High street
765 Jowett JonasCross lanehouse24, Cross lane
766 Jowett JonasBecksidehouseBeckside
767 Jowett JosephBeldon hillhouse29, Beldon hill
768 Jowett JoshuaSouthfield lanehouse319, Southfield lane
769 Jowett KershawNew roadinn151, New road
770 Jowett LukeUnion roadhouse4, Union road
771 Jowett LukeOld roadhouse135, Old road
772 Jowett MatthewFrank streethouse39, Frank street
773 Jowett MilesBank bottomhouse2, Bank bottom
774 Jowett MosesCragg lanehouse8, Cragg lane
775 Jowett Nathan AtkinsonManninghamquarry & buildingsLegrams lane
776 Jowett PeterSouthfield placehouse131, Old road
successivehouse158, Southfield lane
777 Jowett RichardHigh streethouse341, High street
778 Jowett SharpSellars foldhouse14, Sellars fold
successivehouse2, Sellars fold
779 Jowett ThomasHollingwood lanehouse394, Hollingwood lane
780 Jowett WilliamSouthfield lanebeerhouse291, Southfield lane
781 Jowett WilliamAycliffe hillhouse24, Aycliffe hill

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1872, surnames beginning with the letter K
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
782 Kay JamesLivingstone streethouse61, Crown street, Bradford
successivehouse22, Livingstone street
783 Keighley WilliamAnne streethouse9, Anne street
784 Kellett AbrahamParadise greenhouse9, Paradise green
785 Kellett HartwellAycliffe hillhouse27, Aycliffe hill
successivehouse40, Aycliffe hill
786 Kellett JamesToby lanehouse55, Toby lane
787 Kellett JohnUpper greenhouse & shop10, Upper green
788 Kellett JonasCragg lanehouse15, Cragg lane
789 Kelly JohnBank tophouseMiry pond
successivehouse173, Bank top
790 Kelly ThomasSnaphouseSnap
791 Kendal GeorgeBirkshouseBirks
792 Kershaw JosephLidgate placehouse25, Lidgate place
793 Kershaw WilliamHigh streethouse113, High street
successivehouse & shop124, High street
794 Kingdom JosephCambridge streethouse22, Cambridge street
795 Kitchen SamJer lanehouse2, Jer lane
796 Knapton EllisBramley rowhouse15, Bramley row
797 Knapton ThomasLidgate placehouse53, Lidgate place
798 Knight JohnCross lanehouse97, Cross lane
799 Knowles Edward HarrisonHorton roadhouse241, Horton road
800 Knowles JamesBakes streethouse1, Crabtree street
successivehouse9, Bakes street
801 Knowles JohnSouthfield lanehouse275, Southfield lane
successivehouse286, Southfield lane
802 Knowles JosephPeel rowhouse9, Peel row
803 Knowles ThomasBakes streethouse8, Bakes street
804 Knowles ThomasSouthfield lanehouse179, Southfield lane
805 Knowles ThomasEwart streethouse157, Southfield lane
successivehouse80, Ewart street

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1872, surnames beginning with the letter L
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
806 Lamb JonasHorton roadhouse332, Horton road
successivehouse328, Horton road
807 Lamb RobertHollingwood lanehouse404, Hollingwood lane
808 Lancaster WilliamWestcroft foldhouse7, Westcroft fold
809 Langdale ThomasAlexandra streethouse18, Alexandra street
810 Lassy MitchellLawrence streethouseLawrence street
811 Lawson JohnClub streethouse12, Club street
812 Lawson ThomasClub streethouse15, Club street
813 Lawton JohnLivingstone streethouse13, Lidget street
successivehouseLivingstone street
814 Lawton LibniHorton roadhouse221, Horton road
815 Lawton LukeSellars foldhouse32, Sellars fold
816 Laycock AlfredHigh streethouse100A, High street
817 Laycock JamesBeckside roadhouse50, Beckside road
818 Laycock JamesBrow hillhouse9, Brow hill
819 Laycock James HenryPrinceville streethouse11, Princeville street
820 Leach BenjaminFenton streethouse18, Fenton street
821 Leach GeorgeBeckside roadhouse5, Beckside road
822 Leach HenryCemetery roadhouse243, Cemetery road
823 Leach JohnCemetery roadhouse274, Cemetery road
824 Leach JonasUnion roadhouse18, Union road
825 Leach JosephParadise greenhouse6, Paradise green
826 Lee AllanSouthfield lanehouse267, Southfield lane
827 Lee Obadiah CummingsVine streethouse16, Vine street
828 Lee RobertPrinceville streethouse51, Princeville street
829 Lee ThomasCliffe lanehouse62, Dracup road
successivehouse59A, Upper green
successivehouse6, Cliffe lane
830 Leeming EdwinEtna streethouse28, Etna street
831 Lees DavidLidgate placehouseBacon's Buildings
successivehouse18, Lidgate place
832 Lightowler DavidSouthfield lanehouse190, Southfield lane
833 Lindon Jacob DanielFenton streethouse46, Pleasant street
successivehouse3, Fenton street
834 Lister AlfredOld roadhouse3, Beldon hill
successivehouse2, Old road
835 Lister BenjaminHigh streethouse & shop159, High street
836 Lister CunliffeFenton streethouse17, Fenton street
837 Lister HezekiahHigh streethouse & shop67, High street
838 Lister JamesLime streethouse4, Lime street
839 Lister JohnNew roadhouse89, New road
840 Lister SimeonHigh streethouse & shop307, Southfield lane
successivehouse & shop70, High street
841 Lister WardHollingwood lanehouse390, Hollingwood lane
842 Lister WilliamBrow hillhouse6, Brow hill
843 Liversidge Ackroyd19, High streetbuildings & landCross lane
844 Lofthouse CharlesHigh streethouse39, High street
845 Lofthouse GeorgeHigh streethouse249, High street
846 Lofthouse ThomasCross lanehouse80, Cross lane
847 Lofthouse WilliamHigh streethouse & shop46, High street
848 Long ChristopherTurner placehouse12, Miall street
successivehouse20, Turner place
849 Long ChristopherOld roadhouse102, Old road
successivehouse85, Old road
successivehouse89, Old road
850 Long RichardUpper greenhouse48, Upper green
851 Lord EdmundCambridge streethouse41, Cambridge street
852 Lord EnochHigh streethouse197, High street
853 Lord RobertCambridge streethouse43, Cambridge street
854 Lord ThomasBradfordwarehouseBank top
855 Lord WilliamPleasant streethouse10, Falcon street
successivehouse7, Pleasant street
856 Lumb CharlesCross lanehouse55, Cross lane
857 Lumby RichardBeckside roadhouseBeckside road

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1872, surnames beginning with the letter M
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
858 Making WilliamBacon's BuildingshouseBacon's Buildings
859 Marlton WilliamBank bottomhouse8, Bank bottom
860 Marr EdwardPickles hillhouse2, Pickles hill
861 Marr GeorgeOld roadhouse118, Old road
862 Marshall JoshuaVine streethouse17, Vine street
863 Martin William JamesCambridge streethouse11, Low green
successivehouse44, Cambridge street
864 Mason Christopher BottomleyUnder the chapel, Town endhouseUnder the chapel, Town end
865 Mason John BottomleySouthfield lanehouse149, Southfield lane
866 Mercer SamuelBecksidehouseBeckside
867 Mercer ThomasWatmough streethouse109, New road
successivehouse54, Watmough street
868 Merrill ThomasPerseverance lanehouse1, Perseverance lane
869 Metcalfe AnthonyHigh streethouse & shop147, High street
870 Metcalfe HenryAycliffe hillhouse54, Aycliffe hill
871 Metcalfe JohnLegrams Mill lanehouse28, Necropolis road
successivehouse6, Legrams Mill lane
872 Metcalfe ThomasHollingwood lanehouse116, Hollingwood lane
873 Midgley JamesBeckside roadhouse & shop48, Beckside road
874 Midgley JohnFrank streethouse35, Frank street
875 Midgley JohnCross lanehouse15, Cross lane
876 Midgley JoshuaHart streethouse14, Hart street
877 Midgley SamuelWatmough streethouse60, Watmough street
878 Mills JohnUnion roadhouse13, Union road
879 Milner GeorgeHigh streethouse115, High street
880 Milner JohnOld corn mill, Becksidehouse & buildingsOld corn mill, Beckside
881 Milner JohnLidget streethouse4, Lidget street
882 Milnes JonasCross lanehouse71, Cross lane
883 Milnes WilliamHigh streethouse210, High street
884 Mitchell ArthurWatmough streethouse72, Watmough street
885 Mitchell DavidAycliffe hillhouseAycliffe hill
886 Mitchell EphraimLivingstone streethouse110, Hollingwood lane
successivehouse12, Livingstone street
887 Mitchell FrancisSouthfield lanehouse177, Southfield lane
888 Mitchell JamesTurner placehouse36, Turner place
889 Mitchell JohnVine streethouse9, Vine street
890 Mitchell JohnWatmough streethouse62, Watmough street
891 Mitchell JosephSuddards foldhouse16, Suddards fold
892 Mitchell JosephWatmough streethouse4, Arctic parade
successivehouseWatmough street
893 Mitchell RobertPrinceville streethouse9, Princeville street
894 Mitchell ThomasLidgate placehouse37, Lidgate place
895 Mitchell ThomasWatmough streethouse66, Watmough street
896 Mitchell WalterCross lanehouse20, Cross lane
897 Mitton DanielKnight's foldhouse14, Knight's fold
898 Mitton William GreenwoodHigh streetshop153, High street
899 Moore JamesCragg terracehouse14, Cragg terrace
900 Moore JohnsonLow greenhouse14, Suddards fold
successivehouseMaud street, Bradford
successivehouseLow green
901 Moore JosephWatmough streethouse58, Watmough street
902 Moore ThomasWatmough streethouse270, Southfield lane
successivehouse64, Watmough street
903 Moore WilliamLow greenhouse42, Sellars fold
successivehouse32, Low green
904 Moore WilliamTanner hillhouseTanner hill
905 Moorhouse Alfred BakesHigh streethouseHigh street
906 Moorhouse John BattCambridge streethouse18, Cambridge street
907 Moorhouse JosephCambridge streethouse34, Cambridge street
908 Moorhouse ThomasPrinceville streethouse53, Princeville street
909 Moorhouse WilliamHigh streethouse303, High street
910 Morley JamesWard streethouse212, Horton road
successivehouse36, Ward street
911 Morley Joe AllanLivingstone streethouse10, Pickles hill
successivehouse1, Crabtree street
successivehouse44, Livingstone street
912 Morley John HumphreyLime streethouse14, Lime street
913 Morris ThomasHigh streethouse323, High street
914 Mortimer AbrahamHorton roadhouse238, Horton road
915 Mortimer DavidNoble streethouse7, Noble street
916 Mortimer DavidParadisehouseParadise
917 Mortimer GeorgeHollingwood lanehouse270, Hollingwood lane
918 Mortimer JamesFrank streethouse37, Frank street
919 Mortimer JosephFrank streethouse31, Frank street
920 Mortimer MartinAycliffe hillhouse20, Aycliffe hill
921 Mortimer RichardLivingstone streethouse9, Crow tree lane, Manningham
successivehouseLivingstone street
922 Moulden JamesHorton roadhouse312, Horton road
923 Moulson WebsterHorton roadhouse258, Horton road
924 Muirhead WalterUpper greenhouse3, Upper green
successivehouse1, Upper green
925 Murgatroyd DavidHigh streethouse337, High street
926 Murgatroyd HenryHigh streethouse193, High street
927 Murgatroyd JamesHigh streethouse313, High street
928 Murgatroyd MichaelLidgate placehouse16, Lidgate place
929 Murgatroyd SamuelCross lanehouse36, Cross lane
930 Murgatroyd SamuelTurner placehouse10, Beldon hill
successivehouse & shop2, Turner place
931 Murgatroyd WilliamBank tophouse197, Bank top
932 Musson IsaacPrinceville streethouse47, Princeville street
933 Myers EdwardCross lanehouse30, Cross lane
934 Myers JohnLegrams lanehouse132, Legrams lane
935 Myers SamuelSouthfield lanehouse269, Southfield lane

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1872, surnames beginning with the letter N
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
936 Naylor AbrahamSouthfield lanehouse246, Southfield lane
937 Naylor CharlesHollingwood lanehouse170, Hollingwood lane
938 Naylor ThomasBeckside roadhouse32, Beckside road
939 Neill RobertLidgate placehouse17, Lidgate place
940 Nelson JosephHunt yardhouse10, Hunt yard
941 Newbald JohnClub streethouse13, Club street
942 Newton JosephBeckside roadhouse4, Beckside road
943 Nicholls IsaacSouthfield lanehouse140, Southfield lane
944 Nicholls WilliamAlexandra villashouse5, Alexandra villas
945 Nicholls WilliamSouthfield lanehouse152, Southfield lane
946 Nicholson JohnKnight's foldhouse13, Knight's fold
947 Noble EdwinSmith roadhouse187, Smith road
948 Noble George CardwellSouthfield lanehouse & shop185, Southfield lane
949 Noble JosephHigh streethouse17, High street
950 Norfolk JohnAycliffe hillhouse50, Aycliffe hill
951 Normington John BrookArctic paradehouseArctic parade
952 Northrop JosephBeckside roadhouse80, Beckside road
953 Northrop Stephen HaleyCambridge streethouse14, Cambridge street
successivehouse4, Cambridge street
954 Northrop WilliamPasture Lane endhouse17, Pasture Lane end
955 Norton BenjaminHigh streethouse42, Frank street
successivehouse149, High street
956 Nutt HenryHorton roadhouse & shop336, Horton road
957 Nuttall JohnLegrams lanehouse222, Legrams lane
958 Nuttall JohnLivingstone streethouse3, Vine street
successivehouseLivingstone street
959 Nuttall MarkAnne streethouse21, Anne street

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1872, surnames beginning with the letter O
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
960 Oates IsraelWatmough streethouse44, Watmough street
961 Oaths SamuelCambridge streethouse & shop2, Cambridge street
962 Ogle AtkinCross lanehouse16, Cross lane
963 Orange JohnUnion roadhouse6, Union road
964 Orme William HenryCollins streethouse15, Collins street
965 Ormondroyd AlfredSouthfield lanehouse305, Southfield lane
966 Ormondroyd CharlesBrow hillhouse5, Brow hill
967 Ormondroyd HenryAycliffe hillhouse5, Aycliffe hill
968 Ormondroyd JohnLow greenhouse9, Low green
969 Ormondroyd JonathanHorton roadhouse240, Horton road
970 Ormondroyd JoshuaSouthfield lanebeerhouse242, Southfield lane
971 Ormondroyd WilliamBank tophouse213, Bank top
972 Ormondroyd WilliamLivingstone streethouse7, Quaker lane
successivehouse61, Livingstone street
973 Osbaldiston JohnBlacksmith foldhouse40, East street, Bradford
successivehouseBlacksmith fold
974 Overend StephenHigh streetbeerhouse130, High street
successivehouse3, Peel row
successivehouse175, High street
975 Overend SutcliffeBlacksmith foldhouse8, Blacksmith fold

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1872, surnames beginning with the letter P
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
976 Pagett ThomasLidgate placehouse71, Lidgate place
977 Parker GeorgeHill endhouse32, Hill end
978 Parker HoldsworthBeacon street, Old roadhouse133, Beacon street, Old road
979 Parker JamesPickles lanehouse19, Pickles lane
980 Parker JohnPleasant streethouse10, Pleasant street
981 Parker JosephEbenezer placehouse6, Ebenezer place
982 Parker JosephOld roadhouse132, Old road
983 Parker MartinHigh streethouse18, High street
984 Parker ThomasOld roadhouse176, Old road
985 Parker WilliamSouthfield lanehouse282, Southfield lane
986 Parker WilliamAycliffe hillhouse29, Aycliffe hill
987 Parratt Arthur EdwardRand streethouse6, Edinburgh street
successivehouse6, Rand street
988 Parratt ThomasHigh streetinn69, High street
989 Patchett BenjaminParadise greenhouse2, Paradise green
990 Patchett JohnLidget streethouse21, Lidget street
991 Pearson AbrahamCemetery roadhouse17, Cemetery road
992 Pearson JamesSam's MillhouseSam's Mill
993 Pearson JamesHigh streethouse111, High street
994 Pearson James, junr.BirkshouseBirks
995 Pearson JohnHollingwood lanehouse276, Hollingwood lane
successivehouse320, Hollingwood lane
996 Peel FrancisFalcon streethouse9, Falcon street
997 Peel RobertLodge, Legrams lanehouseLodge, Legrams lane
998 Peel SamuelHigh streethouse43, High street
999 Peel WilliamPeel rowhouse4, Peel row
1000 Petty ChristopherEwart streethouse196, Old road
successivehouseEwart street
1001 Peverill Charles WilliamLime streethouseLime street
1002 Phelps EdwardLawrence streethouseLawrence street
1003 Pickard JosephSouthfield lanehouse212, Southfield lane
1004 Pickles AlfredLow greenhouse289, Southfield lane
successivehouse31, Low green
1005 Pickles EdwinHigh streethouse155, High street
1006 Pickles JonasParadise greenhouse7, Paradise green
1007 Pickles JosephHorton roadhouse239, Horton road
1008 Pinder WilliamHart streethouse6, Hart street
1009 Pollard DanielSmithies streethouse7, Smithies street
1010 Pollard JosephWard streethouse9, Ramsden court
successivehouse38, Ward street
1011 Pollard RobertKnight's foldhouseKnight's fold
1012 Pollard WilliamHigh streethouse89, High street
1013 Popplewell FrancisLegrams lanehouse8, Legrams lane
1014 Popplewell MartinBeckside roadhouseBeckside road
1015 Pratt JamesHollingwood lanehouse372, Hollingwood lane
1016 Pratt JosephLidgate placehouse33, Lidgate place
1017 Precious JohnAlexandra streethouse9, Alexandra street
1018 Price HenryNecropolis roadhouse71, Necropolis road
1019 Priestley ArchilausBeldon hillhouse31, Beldon hill
1020 Priestley BenjaminBeldon hillhouse7, Beldon hill
1021 Priestley EdwinBeldon hillhouse20, Beldon hill
successivehouse24, Beldon hill
1022 Priestley GeorgeOld roadhouse98, Old road
1023 Priestley HenryLawrence streethouseLawrence street
1024 Priestley HenryUpper greenhouse7, Upper green
1025 Priestley JacobHigh streethouse37, High street
1026 Priestley JamesCemetery roadhouse282, Cemetery road
1027 Priestley JamesPickles hillhouse23, Pickles hill
1028 Priestley JeremiahCemetery roadhouse270, Cemetery road
1029 Priestley JoeTown endhouse21, Town end
1030 Priestley JohnHigh streethouse47, High street
1031 Priestley JohnCemetery roadhouse259, Cemetery road
1032 Priestley JohnHigh streethouse & shop235, High street
1033 Priestley JonathanRamsden courthouse4, Ramsden court
1034 Priestley JosephAycliffe hillhouse26, Aycliffe hill
1035 Priestley JowettPaternoster lanehouse286B, Paternoster lane
1036 Priestley LukeRand streethouse19, Rand street
1037 Priestley MosesPickles hillhouse19, Pickles hill
1038 Priestley PaulTown endhouseTown end
1039 Priestley SidneyHigh streethouse68, Watmough street
successivehouse103, High street
1040 Priestley StephenBeldon hillhouse19, Beldon hill
1041 Priestley ThomasHollingwood lanehouse324, Hollingwood lane
1042 Priestley ThomasEccleshillhouseSt. Andrew's place
successivebuildings & landBank top
1043 Priestley TimothyEwart streethouse8, Cliffe lane
successivehouse98, Ewart street
1044 Priestley WilliamSellars foldhouse4, Sellars fold
1045 Procter CharlesSchool alleyhouse6, School alley
1046 Procter JohnSouthfield lanehouse232, Southfield lane
1047 Proctor WilliamPerseverance lanehouse & shopPerseverance lane

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1872, surnames beginning with the letter R
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
1048 Raistrick GeorgeBramley rowhouse5, Bramley row
1049 Raistrick John EdwardFalcon streethouse14, Falcon street
1050 Ramsden HenrySouthfield lanehouse276, Southfield lane
1051 Ramsden James WilliamHorton roadhouse235, Horton road
successivehouse231, Horton road
1052 Ramsden JohnHorton roadhouse228, Horton road
1053 Ramsden JohnCragg lanehouse4, Cragg lane
1054 Ramsden NathanRamsden courthouse8, Ramsden court
1055 Ramsden WilliamBracken hallhouseHollingwood lane
1056 Rand JohnManninghamgreenhouseHorton road
1057 Rawling JosephBeckside roadhouse73, Lidgate place
successivehouse8, Beckside road
1058 Rawnsley EdmundCragg lanehouse157, High street
successivehouseLivingstone street
successivehouse14, Cragg lane
1059 Rawnsley EdwardNoble streethouse3, Noble street
1060 Rawnsley EdwardLidget streethouse24, Lidget street
1061 Rawnsley EdwardCambridge streethouse10, Cambridge street
1062 Rawnsley IsaacBeckside roadhouse74, Beckside road
1063 Rawnsley JohnLegrams lanehouse112, Legrams lane
1064 Rawnsley PeterBeckside roadhouse72, Beckside road
1065 Rawnsley RobertCross lanehouse37, Cross lane
1066 Rawnsley SamuelLidget streethouse5, Lidget street
1067 Reid RobertAlexandra villasshop8, North street, Bradford
successivehouseFenton street
successivehouse205, Alexandra villas
1068 Rennard AbrahamSellars foldhouse48, Sellars fold
1069 Rennard JohnPeel rowhouse8, Peel row
1070 Rhodes BenjaminDog lanehouse3, Dog lane
1071 Rhodes BenjaminPrinceville streethouse59, Princeville street
1072 Rhodes DawsonCragg terracehouse22, Cragg terrace
1073 Rhodes EdwardLegrams lanehouse12, Legrams lane
1074 Rhodes EnochBeckside roadhouse30, Beckside road
1075 Rhodes FrancisHigh streethouse82, High street
1076 Rhodes JamesPleasant streethouse65, High street
successivehouse1, Pleasant street
1077 Rhodes JohnBeckside roadhouse12, Beckside road
1078 Rhodes JosephLegrams lanehouse2, Legrams lane
1079 Rhodes JosephCrossley streethouse49, Lidgate place
successivehouse42, Crossley street
1080 Rhodes JosephPleasant streethouse28, Pleasant street
1081 Rhodes MatthewUpper greenhouse12, Upper green
1082 Rhodes MatthewHigh streethouse295, High street
1083 Rhodes RufusHigh streethouse349, High street
1084 Richardson ThomasNecropolis roadhouseNecropolis road
1085 Richmond JohnBecksidehouseBeckside
1086 Riley GeorgeBeacon lanehouse3, Beacon lane
1087 Riley JamesHorton roadhouse & shop20, College road
successivehouse & shop215, Horton road
1088 Riley JohnDracup roadhouse53, Dracup road
1089 Riley ReiUpper greenhouse33, Upper green
1090 Riley SamuelOld roadhouse146, Old road
1091 Riley WilliamBeacon lanehouse2, Beacon lane
1092 Roberts JosephSellars foldhouse48, High street
successivehouse36, Sellars fold
1093 Roberts Samuel FrederickGrove terracebrewhouseHigh street
1094 Roberts WilliamEwart streethouse2, Cragg lane
successivehouse100, Ewart street
1095 Robertshaw ErrNew roadbeerhouse105, New road
1096 Robertshaw JamesHorton roadhouse & shop340, Horton road
1097 Robertshaw JamesSouthfield lanehouse261, Southfield lane
1098 Robertshaw JobLegrams lanehouse192, Legrams lane
1099 Robertshaw JoshuaHigh streethouse & shop160, High street
1100 Robertshaw Paul194, Legrams lanebuildings & landLegrams lane
1101 Robertshaw ThomasCemetery roadinn9, Cemetery road
1102 Robertshaw WilliamLegrams lanehouse220, Legrams lane
1103 Robertson James Bishop Rev.High streethouse1, High street
1104 Robinson AnthonySouthfield lanehouse & shop271, Southfield lane
1105 Robinson DavidParadise greenhouse8, Paradise green
1106 Robinson GeorgeBeacon lanehouse5, Beacon lane
1107 Robinson HerbertSouthfield laneinn226, Southfield lane
1108 Robinson JamesNew roadhouse101, New road
1109 Robinson JamesSouthfield lanehouse160, Southfield lane
1110 Robinson JamesPrinceville streethouse15, Princeville street
1111 Robinson JohnPickles hillhouse7, Pickles hill
1112 Robinson JohnTanner hillhouseTanner hill
1113 Robinson JohnParadise greenhouse14, Paradise green
1114 Robinson JohnJer lanehouse1, Jer lane
1115 Robinson JohnLivingstone streethouse24, Aycliffe lane
successivehouseLivingstone street
1116 Robinson JosephSchool alleyhouse4, School alley
1117 Robinson RogerNew roadhouse103, New road
1118 Robinson SimeonNew roadhouse99, New road
1119 Robinson ThomasVine streethouse3, Vine street
1120 Robinson WilliamSummerseat placehouse1, Summerseat place
1121 Roper TimothyBeckside roadhouse28, Beckside road
1122 Rothera JohnSmithies streethouse10, Smithies street
1123 Rothera JosephParadise greenhouse16, Paradise green
1124 Rothera JubalCambridge streethouse31, Cambridge street
1125 Rothera PeterCemetery roadhouse278, Cemetery road
1126 Rothera WalterLivingstone streethouse26, High street
successivehouse10, Livingstone street
1127 Rowland HenryHart streethouse17, Hart street
1128 Rudd JonasHigh streethouse & shop100, High street
1129 Rushforth JosephBartle squarehouse9, Bartle square
1130 Rushworth JosephSouthfield lanehouse173, Southfield lane
1131 Rushworth SolomonPerseverance lanehouse30, Low green
successivehouse41, Perseverance lane
1132 Rushworth ThomasUpper greenhouse61, Upper green
1133 Ryder William EdmundCross lanehouse59, Cross lane

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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