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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1874, GREAT HORTON WARD, surnames S-Z.


Please read these notes about these registers.

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1874, surnames S-Z.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
1240 Salisbury JohnSummerhill streethouse12, Summerhill street
1241 Sanders EdwinLegrams lanehouse6, Legrams lane
1242 Sanderson GeorgeLidget streethouseLidget street
1243 Sanderson WilliamHorton roadhouse185, Horton road
1244 Saville HenryAlexandra villashouse7, Alexandra villas
successivehouse8, Alexandra villas
1245 Schaub WilliamLegrams lanehouse92, Legrams lane
1246 Schofield HenryHorton roadhouse187, Horton road
1247 Schofield JoshuaPleasant streethouse24, Pleasant street
1248 Schofield WilliamHorton roadhouse233, Horton road
1249 Schofield William HenrySouthfield lanehouse277, Southfield lane
1250 Schorfield FrancisBeldon roadhouse12, Quaker lane
successivehouse129, Beldon road
1251 Scott JamesHavelock streethouse56, Cross lane
successivehouseHavelock street
1252 Scott JohnHigh streethouse132B, High street
1253 Scott JosephSouthfield lanehouse & shop278, Southfield lane
1254 Scott WilliamPrinceville streethouse51, Princeville street
1255 Scott WilliamHavelock streethouse4, Abram gate
successivehouseHavelock street
1256 Seaton JamesNecropolis roadhouse36, Necropolis road
1257 Shackleton AlbertPerseverance lanehouse12, Perseverance lane
1258 Shackleton AlfredOld roadhouse34, Ward street
successivehouse128, Old road
1259 Shackleton ArthurTurner placehouse37, Turner place
1260 Shackleton CharlesDracup roadhouse52, Dracup road
1261 Shackleton CharlesWestcroft foldhouseWestcroft fold
1262 Shackleton EdmundOld roadhouse150, Old road
1263 Shackleton FrederickClub streethouse4, Club street
1264 Shackleton JohnBeldon roadhouse101, Beldon road
1265 Shackleton JohnPickles hillhouse10, Pickles hill
1266 Shackleton JohnPrinceville streethouse5, Princeville street
1267 Shackleton JonasOld roadhouse124, Old road
1268 Shackleton RobertDirk hillhouseDirk hill
1269 Shackleton SidneyOld roadhouse172, Old road
1270 Shackleton SolomonWestcroft foldhouse8, Westcroft fold
1271 Shackleton ThomasHart streethouse8, Hart street
1272 Shackleton WilliamOld roadhouse120, Old road
1273 Shapcott Henry WilliamJer lanehouse4, Jer lane
1274 Shapcott WilliamUnion roadhouse9, Union road
1275 Sharp AlbertLime streethouse27, Lime street
1276 Sharp ChristopherRamsden courthouse11, Quaker terrace
successivehouse6, Ramsden court
1277 Sharp CrispinDirk hill streethouse26, Dirk hill street
1278 Sharp EdwinHigh streethouse200, High street
1279 Sharp EdwinNew street, Princeville streethouse6, New street, Princeville street
1280 Sharp HenrySellars foldhouse36, Sellars fold
1281 Sharp HiramFalcon streethouse6, Falcon street
1282 Sharp IsaacHorton roadhouse & shop348, Horton road
1283 Sharp JamesOld roadhouse162, Old road
1284 Sharp JoeCollins streethouse1, Collins street
1285 Sharp JohnCragg lanehouse7, Cragg lane
1286 Sharp JohnMiry pondhouse15, Miry pond
1287 Sharp JohnSummerhill streethouse15, Summerhill street
1288 Sharp JosephLegrams lanehouse187, Legrams lane
1289 Sharp MarkHart streethouse18, Hart street
1290 Sharp SamuelSouthfield lanehouse & shop292, Southfield lane
1291 Sharp SethGreenfield lanehouse23, Greenfield lane
1292 Sharp SidneyLivingstone streethouse52, Livingstone street
1293 Sharp ThomasCross lanehouse75, Cross lane
1294 Sharp ThomasBeldon roadhouse95, Ewart street
successivehouse117, Beldon road
1295 Sharp UriahLime streethouse5, Lime street
1296 Sharp WilliamHigh streethouse154, High street
successivehouse144, High street
1297 Sharp WilliamArctic paradehouse30, Arctic parade
1298 Sharp WilliamCragg terracehouse10, Cragg terrace
1299 Shaw WilliamBlacksmith foldhouse6, Blacksmith fold
1300 Shepherd AaronBrunel househouseGaythorne street
1301 Shepherd AlfredHigh streethouse237, High street
1302 Shepherd JamesSouthfield lanehouse309, Southfield lane
1303 Shepherd JohnFalcon streethouse4, Falcon street
1304 Shepherd JosephCollins streethouse30, Collins street
1305 Shepherd JosephLivingstone streethouse40, Livingstone street
1306 Shepherd MilesPickles hillhouse18, Pickles hill
1307 Shepherd SamsonPickles hillhouse15, Pickles hill
1308 Shepherd SamuelPickles hillhouse16, Pickles hill
1309 Shepherd WilliamHigh streethouse & shop9, High street
1310 Shepherd WilliamEwart streethouse85, Ewart street
1311 Silson JosephLidget streethouse51, Lidget street
1312 Silverthorn JosephLivingstone streethouse19, Livingstone street
successivehouse1, Livingstone street
1313 Simister AlfredHigh streethouse59A, High street
1314 Simpson JosephSummerseat placehouse2, Summerseat place
1315 Simpson SamEwart streethouse32, Ewart street
1316 Slinn JohnCross lanehouse35, Chapel green
successivehouse49, Cross lane
1317 Smart WilsonSouthfield lanehouse212, Southfield lane
1318 Smiddy George ElliotPrimrose hillhouse5, Primrose hill
1319 Smith AdamCross lanehouse60, Cross lane
1320 Smith BannisterFrank streethouse38, Frank street
1321 Smith CharlesLower LidgethouseLower Lidget
1322 Smith CowlingDirk hill lanehouse7, Dirk hill lane
1323 Smith DavidLegrams Mill lanehouse3, Legrams Mill lane
1324 Smith David KeighleyNew roadhouse97, New road
1325 Smith EnochHigh streethouse13, Pickles lane
successivehouse378A, High street
1326 Smith EphraimLow greenhouse2, Low green
1327 Smith FrancisPleasant streethouse7, Pleasant street
1328 Smith HartleyBramley rowhouse147, New road
successivehouse11, Bramley row
1329 Smith HellewellOld roadhouse6, Old road
successivehouse4, Old road
1330 Smith Henry PrincePrinceville streethouse7, Princeville street
1331 Smith HerodOld roadhouse10, Old road
1332 Smith IsaacCemetery roadhouse17, Club street
successivehouse259, Cemetery road
1333 Smith JamesCross lanehouse42, Cross lane
1334 Smith JamesTown endhouse17, Town end
1335 Smith JohnClub streethouse1, Club street
1336 Smith JohnBramley rowhouse21, Bramley row
1337 Smith JohnCambridge streethouse28, Cambridge street
1338 Smith JohnLime streethouse7, Arctic parade
successivehouse25, Lime street
1339 Smith JoshuaCemetery roadhouse282, Cemetery road
1340 Smith LawrenceDog lanehouseDog lane
1341 Smith LawrencePrinceville streethouse1, Princeville street
1342 Smith Lionel CopleySouthfield lanehouse327, Southfield lane
1343 Smith LotHigh streethouse & shop61, High street
1344 Smith MarkOld roadhouse94, Old road
successivehouse127, Old road
1345 Smith MichaelPleasant streethouse6, Pleasant street
1346 Smith MichaelOld roadhouse85, Old road
1347 Smith MilesOld roadhouse148, Old road
1348 Smith RichardSmith roadhouse203, Smith road
1349 Smith RichardSmith roadhouse201, Smith road
1350 Smith RobertPrinceville streethouse & shop42, Princeville street
1351 Smith RobertVine streethouse14, Vine street
successivehouse8, Vine street
1352 Smith SamuelSouthfield lanehouse212A, Southfield lane
1353 Smith SamuelPrinceville streethouse61, Princeville street
1354 Smith SamuelPeel rowhouse10, Peel row
1355 Smith SimeonArctic paradehouse & shop31, Arctic parade
1356 Smith ThomasBeckside roadhouse40, Beckside road
1357 Smith ThomasHigh streethouse & shop48, High street
1358 Smith Tyrus ChappellCambridge streethouse7, Spring place
successivehouse20, Cambridge street
1359 Smith WilliamHigh streethouse319, High street
1360 Smith WilliamCrabtree streethouse1, Crabtree street
1361 Smithies JamesHorton roadhouse356, Horton road
1362 Smithies JoshuaPleasant streethouse48, Pleasant street
1363 Smithies SamuelUnion roadhouse1, Union road
1364 Smithies SamuelHigh streethouse94, High street
1365 Smithies WilliamKingswood streethouse7, Ebenezer place
successivehouseKingswood street
1366 Snowden HenryBank Top HousehouseBank top
1367 Snowden HenryBank bottomhouseBank bottom
1368 Sowden IsaacTown endhouse45, Town end
1369 Speight AlfredAlexandra streethouse6, Alexandra street
1370 Spencer IsaacCambridge streethouse26, Cambridge street
1371 Spencer WilliamSouthfield lanehouse182, Southfield lane
1372 Spire HenryHorton roadhouse183, Horton road
1373 Stainthorpe LightowlerSouthfield lanehouse252, Southfield lane
1374 Stanhope JohnCross lanehouse18, Cross lane
successivehouse74, Cross lane
1375 Stansfield JohnSummerseat placehouse9, Summerseat place
1376 Stansfield WilliamPrinceville streethouse116, Legrams lane
successivehouse13, Princeville street
1377 Stead GregoryJer lanehouse6, Jer lane
1378 Stead HeberFrank streethouse41, Frank street
1379 Stead HenryOld roadhouse280, Hollingwood lane
successivehouse94, Old road
1380 Stead JamesOld roadhouse96, Old road
1381 Stead JamesBank tophouse225, Bank top
1382 Stead JonasCross lanehouse46, Cross lane
1383 Stead JonathanAnne streethouse15, Pickles lane
successivehouse21, Anne street
1384 Stead JosephBank tophouse219, Bank top
1385 Stead MilesOld roadhouse170, Old road
1386 Stead MitchellCross lanehouse47, Cross lane
1387 Stead StephenFalcon streethouse7, Livingstone street
successivehouse15, Falcon street
1388 Stead WilliamArctic paradehouse9, Arctic parade
1389 Stell ThomasSouthfield lanehouseAycliffe road
successivehouse152, Southfield lane
1390 Stell William SmithDirk hill streethouse28, Dirk hill street
1391 Stelling JohnTurner placehouse25, Turner place
1392 Stelling ThomasCambridge streethouse12, Cambridge street
1393 Stephenson RichardSt. Andrew's terracewarehouseCross lane
1394 Stevenson CowlingHorton roadhouseback of 328, Horton road
1395 Stevenson JohnUnion roadhouse15, Aycliffe hill
successivehouseLivingstone street
successivehouse34, Union road
1396 Stockdale SamuelAnne streethouse203, High street
successivehouse23, Anne street
1397 Stockdale SmithCross lanehouse12, Cross lane
1398 Stockdale ThomasNecropolis roadhouse26, Necropolis road
1399 Stocks EnochHigh streethouse110, Southfield lane
successivehouse329, High street
1400 Stoddart JamesArctic paradehouse & shop21, Arctic parade
1401 Stokes GeorgeCannon mill yardhouse14, Livingstone street
successivehouse20A, Cannon mill yard
1402 Stone HenryCrabtree streethouse267, Southfield lane
successivehouse2, Crabtree street
1403 Stradling WilliamFrank streethouse16, Frank street
1404 Suddards EliCambridge streethouse12, High street
successivehouse44, Cambridge street
1405 Suddards JohnCambridge streethouse14, Cambridge street
1406 Sugden EdwardTown endhouse9, Westcroft fold
successivehouse27, Town end
successivehouse15, Town end
1407 Sugden HenryHart streethouse12, Sellars fold
successivehouse13, Hart street
1408 Sugden JamesCross lanehouse83, Cross lane
1409 Sugden JosephTurner placehouse26, Turner place
1410 Sugden SamuelSouthfield lanehouse247, Southfield lane
1411 Sugden WilliamUnion roadhouse5, Union road
1412 Summersgill WilliamParadise greenhouse55, Newell street
successivehouse10, Paradise green
1413 Summersgill WilliamOld roadhouse202, Old road
1414 Sunderland DavidCross lanehouse248, Southfield lane
successivehouse50, Cross lane
1415 Sunderland IsaacTodd terracehouse5, Todd terrace
1416 Sunderland JamesSmithies streethouse14, Arctic parade
successivehouse17, Smithies street
1417 Sunderland JohnEbenezer placehouse1, Ebenezer place
successivehouse9, Ebenezer place
1418 Sunderland JohnHorton roadhouse177, Horton road
1419 Sunderland RobertEbenezer placehouse5, Ebenezer place
1420 Sunderland SamuelEbenezer placehouse8, Ebenezer place
1421 Sunderland ThomasSmith roadhouse209, Smith road
1422 Sunderland WilliamHigh streethouse15, High street
1423 Sutcliffe CharlesLidget streethouse17, Lidget street
1424 Sutcliffe CharlesEwart streethouse74, Ewart street
1425 Sutcliffe EnochPerseverance lanehouse2, Perseverance lane
1426 Sutcliffe EzraSouthfield lanehouse166, Southfield lane
1427 Sutcliffe GeorgeSmithies streethouse4, Smithies street
1428 Sutcliffe JamesCemetery roadhouse257, Cemetery road
1429 Sutcliffe JamesBeldon roadhouse34, Southfield lane
successivehouse115, Beldon road
1430 Sutcliffe JohnLidgate placehouse21, Lidgate place
1431 Sutcliffe JohnSouthfield lanehouse303, Southfield lane
1432 Sutcliffe JohnHollingwood lanehouse276, Hollingwood lane
1433 Sutcliffe JosephSouthfield lanehouse164, Southfield lane
1434 Sutcliffe ThomasSouthfield lanehouse145, Southfield lane
successivehouse141, Southfield lane
1435 Sutcliffe WilliamPrinceville streethouse59, Princeville street
1436 Swaine EnochHigh streethouse96, High street
1437 Swaine JamesNew roadhouse12, New road
1438 Swaine JohnCambridge streethouse37, Cambridge street
1439 Swaine John WilliamFrank streethouse34, Frank street
1440 Swaine JosephCambridge streethouse42, Cambridge street
1441 Swaine SamuelHorton roadhouse2, Lidget street
successivehouse & shop215, Horton road
1442 Swaine SidneyHorton roadhouse234, Horton road
1443 Swaine WardHorton roadhouse220, Horton road
successivehouse226, Horton road
1444 Swaine WilliamHigh streethouse384, High street
1445 Swithenbank JohnHorton roadhouse & shop352, Horton road
1446 Sykes GeorgeSouthfield lanehouse & shop288, Southfield lane
1447 Sykes JamesHorton roadhouse32, Edinburgh street
successivehouse179, Horton road
1448 Symons NathanVine streethouse5, Vine street

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1874, surnames beginning with the letter T
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
1449 Tanfield Rev. RichardTodd terracehouse261, Horton road
successivehouse3, Todd terrace
1450 Tankard MilesBank tophouse & shop193, Bank top
1451 Tankard WilliamMiry pondhouse16, Miry pond
1452 Tate JamesFenton streethouse13, Fenton street
1453 Tatham George LofthouseHigh streethouse & shop129, High street
1454 Taylor GeorgeLow greenhouse191, Smith road
successivehouse31, Low green
1455 Taylor JohnCemetery roadhouse276, Cemetery road
1456 Taylor JohnTanner hillhouseTanner hill
1457 Taylor ThomasClose tophouseLidget street
1458 Taylor ThomasHavelock streethouseDaisy street
successivehouseHavelock street
1459 Teece ThomasUnion roadhouse15, Union road
1460 Tempest DurocCollins streethouse5, Collins street
1461 Tempest EdmundSmithies streethouse6, Smithies street
1462 Tempest JoshuaSouthfield lanehouse159, Southfield lane
1463 Tempest RandolphTurner placehouse35, Turner place
1464 Terry HenryBracken Hall LodgehouseHollingwood lane
1465 Tetley George RennieHorton lanewarehouseUnion road
1466 Tetley JohnSouthfield lanehouse144, Southfield lane
1467 Tetley JosephFenton streethouse22, Fenton street
1468 Tetley SamuelSouthfield lanehouse241, Southfield lane
1469 Thackwray AlfredSummerhill streethouse23, Summerhill street
1470 Tholey RobertHigh streethouse2, High street
1471 Tholey ThomasLow greenhouse35, Low green
1472 Tholey ThomasHorton roadhouse330, Horton road
1473 Thomas AbrahamCross lanehouse95, Cross lane
1474 Thomas WilliamLow greenhouse29, Low green
1475 Thompson DarnboroughWard streethouse18, Ward street
1476 Thompson NathanWard streethouse16, Ward street
1477 Thorley JosephFrank streethouse13, Frank street
1478 Thornton JamesSouthfield lanehouse214, Southfield lane
1479 Thornton JohnBeckside roadhouse56, Beckside road
1480 Thornton JosephLivingstone streethouse13, Livingstone street
1481 Thornton MarkLivingstone streethouse51, Livingstone street
1482 Thornton SamuelFrank streethouse9, Frank street
1483 Thornton SamuelSouthfield lanehouse224, Southfield lane
1484 Thornton ThomasCambridge streethouse27, Cambridge street
1485 Thornton WaltonPleasant streethouse11, Pleasant street
1486 Thorp CharlesSouthfield lanehouse219, Southfield lane
1487 Thorp SolonPaternoster lanehouse2, Paternoster lane
1488 Throp JosephSouthfield lanehouse323, Southfield lane
1489 Throp NathanielSouthfield lanehouse321, Southfield lane
1490 Thwaites Thomas BlaidesSouthfield lanehouse258, Southfield lane
1491 Tiffney GeorgePeel rowhouse2, Peel row
1492 Tiplady EdmundCemetery roadhouse38, Beckside road
successivehouse280, Cemetery road
1493 Tiplady WilliamCemetery roadhouse19, Cemetery road
1494 Todd RobertLegrams lanehouse94, Legrams lane
1495 Tomlinson JosephHigh streethouse327, High street
1496 Tommis HenrySouthfield lanehouse & shop186, Southfield lane
1497 Toothill JosephFalcon streethouse3, Falcon street
1498 Topham AaronWatmough streethouse34, Watmough street
1499 Topham AlfredLow greenhouse5A, Low green
1500 Topham JamesHigh streethouse & shop79, High street
1501 Topham JohnCliffe lanehouse4, Cliffe lane
1502 Topham JohnTown endhouse51, Town end
1503 Topham JosephHigh streethouse315, High street
1504 Topham NathanielLidget streethouse23, Lidget street
1505 Topham ThomasLidgate placehouse85, Lidgate place
1506 Tordoff JosephBeldon hillhouse4, Beldon hill
1507 Towers JohnBank bottomhouseBank bottom
1508 Town JosephPrinceville streethouse21, Princeville street
1509 Townend HartwellBeldon hillhouse26, Beldon hill
1510 Townend RobertWestcroft foldhouseWestcroft fold
1511 Townend SimeonSpringfieldhouseSpringfield
1512 Townson Alfred MellorSouthfield lanehouse216, Southfield lane
1513 Turner GeorgeHorton grangehouseLegrams lane
1514 Turner JamesHorton roadhouse246, Horton road
1515 Turner JohnCrossley streethouse14, Crossley street
1516 Turner JonathanHigh streethouse2, Crabtree street
successivehouse51, High street
1517 Turner JosephTurner placehouse42, Turner place
1518 Turner SidneyPrimrose hillhouse4, Primrose hill

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1874, surnames beginning with the letter U
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
1519 Udall OliverSouthfield lanehouse96, Southfield lane
successivehouse221, Southfield lane
1520 Unwin DavidDirk hill streethouse38, Dirk hill street
1521 Uttley CharlesFenton streethouse9, Fenton street
1522 Uttley JohnKnight's foldhouse7, Knight's fold
1523 Uttley RobertFenton streethouse28, Fenton street

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1874, surnames beginning with the letter V
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
1524 Vautrey AlfredFalcon streethouse20, Barton street
successivehouse14, Falcon street
1525 Verity BenjaminHigh streethouse6, High street
1526 Verity SamuelBlacksmith foldhouse11, Blacksmith fold
1527 Verity ThomasTurner placehouse14, Turner place

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1874, surnames beginning with the letter W
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
1528 Waddington JoeHorton roadhouse & shop338, Horton road
1529 Waddington ThomasLegrams lanehouse4, Legrams lane
1530 Waddington ThomasWatmough streethouse48, Watmough street
1531 Waddington WilliamUnion roadhouse25, Livingstone street
successivehouse3, Union road
1532 Wade JohnHigh streethouse216, High street
1533 Wade JohnSmithies streethouse15, Smithies street
1534 Wade JohnLivingstone streethouse45, Livingstone street
1535 Wade JosephBlacksmith foldhouse3, Blacksmith fold
1536 Wade JoshuaKnight's foldhouse2, Knight's fold
1537 Wade SilvanusLegrams Mill lanehouse8, Legrams Mill lane
1538 Wadsworth IllingworthEwart streethouse101, Ewart street
1539 Wadsworth WilliamCross lanehouse21, Cross lane
1540 Wain WilliamSummerhill streethouse6, Club street
successivehouse25, Summerhill street
1541 Waite EnochBeldon roadhouse7, Upper green
successivehouse125, Beldon road
successivehouse133, Beldon road
1542 Waite NathanielUnion roadhouse36, Union road
1543 Walker BenjaminBeldon hillhouse1, Beldon hill
1544 Walker Gregory CoatesPleasant streethouse8, Pleasant street
1545 Walker LouisBeldon hillhouse53, Holme top lane
successivehouse2, Beldon hill
1546 Wallace JamesLidgate placehouse245, Cemetery road
successivehouse79, Lidgate place
1547 Wallace John BeckwithOld roadhouse204, Old road
1548 Walmsley JamesCambridge streethouse23, Cambridge street
1549 Walsh PatrickVivian placehouse6, Upper green
successivehouse3, Vivian place
1550 Walton HenryRand streethouse & shop1, Rand street
1551 Walton JohnClub streethouse & shop18, Club street
1552 Walton ThomasAycliffe hillhouse47, Holme top lane
successivehouse2, Aycliffe hill
successivehouse10, Aycliffe hill
1553 Ward JamesCambridge streethouse40, Cambridge street
1554 Ward JohnUpper greenhouse37, Upper green
1555 Ward JohnHunt yardhouse5, Hunt yard
1556 Ward RobertRand streethouse20, Rand street
1557 Ward ThomasPerseverance lanehouse43, Perseverance lane
1558 Ward Thomas WilliamWard streethouse42, Ward street
1559 Ward WalterHorton roadhouse235, Horton road
1560 Ward WilliamHigh streethouse151, High street
1561 Ward WilliamPickles lanehouse21, Pickles lane
1562 Wardle JosephHigh streethouse & shop99, High street
1563 Wardle WilliamBeckside roadhouse66, Beckside road
1564 Wardman JeremiahSouthfield lanehouse181, Southfield lane
1565 Wardman JohnHigh streethouse171, High street
1566 Wardman WilliamNew roadhouse77, New road
1567 Wardman WilliamFrank streethouse22, Frank street
1568 Warner WilliamHart streethouse15, Hart street
1569 Waterhouse JasperFrank streethouse83, High street
successivehouse29, Frank street
1570 Waterton ThomasTurner placehouse16, Turner place
successivehouse27, Turner place
1571 Watmough AbrahamUpper greenhouse15, Upper green
1572 Watmough EdmundKnight's foldhouse10, Knight's fold
1573 Watmough EnochGreenfield lanehouse21, Greenfield lane
1574 Watmough EphraimWard streethouse24, Ward street
1575 Watmough EzraHunt yardhouse12, Hunt yard
successivehouse11, Hunt yard
1576 Watmough LeviWard streethouse30, Ward street
1577 Watson DavidVine streethouse6, Vine street
1578 Watson GeorgeEtna streethouse2, Etna street
1579 Watson HenryVine streethouse18, Vine street
1580 Watson JohnFenton streethouse33, Fenton street
1581 Watson JoshuaEtna streethouse4, Etna street
1582 Watson SmithToby lanehouse57, Toby lane
1583 Watson ThomasSuddards foldhouse28, Low green
successivehouse14, Suddards fold
1584 Watson William MolesworthHorton roadhouse & shop350, Horton road
1585 Weatherhead PeterHollingwood lanehouse378, Hollingwood lane
1586 Webb Rev. George MowerHorton roadhouse267, Horton road
1587 Webster AlbertRand streethouse12, Rand street
1588 Webster JesseLivingstone streethouse9, Livingstone street
1589 Webster JosiahRamsden courthouse3, Ramsden court
1590 Webster RichardPickles hillhouse11, Pickles hill
1591 Webster WilliamHigh streethouse35A, High street
1592 Webster William, junr.Collins streethouse7, Collins street
1593 Wells LouisBirks foldhouseBirks fold
1594 Wells ThomasSouthfield lanehouse3, Quaker terrace
successivehouse279, Southfield lane
1595 Wells WilliamEbenezer placehouse5, High street
successivehouse7, Ebenezer place
1596 West GeorgeLegrams lanehouseLegrams lane
1597 Whaley JarrattHigh streethouse8, High street
1598 Wheeler WilliamAlexandra streethouse3, Alexandra street
1599 Whitaker EphraimLegrams lanehouse96, Legrams lane
1600 Whitaker Henry HartleyTurner placehouse4, Turner place
1601 Whitaker JamesHigh streethouse & shop40, High street
1602 Whitaker John BoothHavelock streethouse13, Arctic parade
successivehouseHavelock street
1603 Whitaker JosephHigh streethouse102, High street
1604 Whitaker SamuelShipleywarehouseCannon mill
1605 White EdwinPrinceville streethouse43, Princeville street
1606 White HezekiahFalcon streethouse1, Falcon street
1607 White ThomasPrinceville streethouse25, Princeville street
1608 White ThomasNew roadhouse95, New road
1609 White WilkinsonFenton streethouse31, Fenton street
1610 Whitehead CoultasDirk hill lanehouse1, Dirk hill lane
1611 Whiteley EliLegrams lanehouse179, Legrams lane
1612 Whiteley JosephHorton roadhouse218, Horton road
1613 Whiteley RichardLow greenhouse11, Low green
1614 Whiteoak HenryTurner placehouse18, Turner place
1615 Whitley FrancisSouthfield lanehouse301, Southfield lane
1616 Whitley William OldfieldSummerseat placehouse3, Summerseat place
1617 Whitwham WilliamTurner placehouse11, Turner place
1618 Widdows Frederick WilliamFrank streethouseNewby street
successivehouse26, Frank street
1619 Wilcock JosephPeel rowhouse6, Peel row
1620 Wilcock JosephAnne streethouse7, Anne street
1621 Wilcock JosephPrinceville streethouse12, Edinburgh street
successivehouse15, Princeville street
1622 Wilcock ThomasLidgate placehouse31, Whitefield place
successivehouse83, Lidgate place
1623 Wilcock WilliamHavelock streethouse18, Watmough street
successivehouseHavelock street
1624 Wild GeorgePrinceville streethouse39, Princeville street
1625 Wild IsraelLime streethouse19, Lime street
1626 Wilkinson AlfredWatmough streethouse44, Watmough street
1627 Wilkinson BenjaminBeldon hillhouse18, Beldon hill
1628 Wilkinson EliCross lanehouse5, Cross lane
1629 Wilkinson GeorgePrinceville streethouse65, Princeville street
1630 Wilkinson HenryBeldon hillhouse10, Beldon hill
1631 Wilkinson JamesBecksidehouse29, Livingstone street
successivehouse2, Beckside
1632 Wilkinson JamesBeldon hillhouse16, Beldon hill
successivehouse20, Beldon hill
1633 Wilkinson JohnBeldon hillhouse8, Beldon hill
1634 Wilkinson JonathanLidget streethouse6, Lidget street
1635 Wilkinson JoshuaBeldon hillhouse12, Beldon hill
1636 Wilkinson MartinEtna streethouse8, Etna street
1637 Wilkinson ThomasCross lanehouse76, Cross lane
1638 Wilkinson WilliamEtna streethouse26, Etna street
1639 Wilkinson WilliamWard streethouse26, Ward street
1640 Williams Robert SnellPrimrose hillhouse3, Primrose hill
1641 Williamson CharlesPickles lanehouse16, Etna street
successivehouse13, Pickles lane
1642 Wilmot John FrazerRand streethouse1, Alexandra villas
successivehouse3, Rand street
1643 Wilson BenjaminHigh streethouse & shop192, High street
1644 Wilson Cephas JowettHorton roadhouse265, Horton road
1645 Wilson CharlesHorton roadhouse254, Horton road
1646 Wilson CharlesDirk hill streethouse24, Dirk hill street
successivehouse22, Dirk hill street
1647 Wilson IsaacCrossley streethouse26, Crossley street
1648 Wilson JamesEbenezer placehouse2, Ebenezer place
1649 Wilson JamesAycliffe hillhouse19, Aycliffe hill
1650 Wilson JohnHorton roadhouseHorton road
1651 Wilson JohnEbenezer placehouse4, Ebenezer place
1652 Wilson JohnSummerseat placehouse8, Summerseat place
1653 Wilson JohnFrank streethouse11, Frank street
1654 Wilson JosephCrossley streethouse2, Crossley street
1655 Wilson JosephAycliffe hillhouse21, Aycliffe hill
1656 Wilson SamsonAycliffe hillhouse44, Aycliffe hill
1657 Wilson SamuelHigh streethouse & shop58, High street
1658 Wilson WilliamAycliffe hillhouse8, Aycliffe hill
1659 Winterburn BenjaminSuddards foldhouse17, Suddards fold
1660 Wood AbrahamLivingstone streethouse14, Suddards fold
successivehouse31, Livingstone street
1661 Wood AbrahamBramley rowhouse19, Bramley row
1662 Wood DavidSouthfield lanehouse315, Southfield lane
1663 Wood FrederickEwart streethouse70, Ewart street
1664 Wood HenryLidget streethouse3, Lidget street
1665 Wood JohnAycliffe hillhouse49, Aycliffe hill
1666 Wood JohnLow greenhouse33, Low green
1667 Wood JohnHart streethouse9, Hart street
1668 Wood JohnNew roadhouse75, New road
1669 Wood Matthew HenryEwart streethouse73, Ewart street
1670 Wood SamuelLidgate placehouse49, Lidgate place
1671 Wood ThomasHigh streethouse113, High street
1672 Wood ThomasLidgate placehouse12, top end Lidgate place
1673 Wood ThomasPaternoster lanehouse7, Paternoster lane
1674 Wood TimothyBramley rowhouse17, Bramley row
1675 Wood WilliamLivingstone streethouse36, Livingstone street
1676 Woodcock JohnDerby streethouse3, Derby street
1677 Woodcock JosephLivingstone streethouse71, Town end
successivehouseDaisy street
successivehouse7, Livingstone street
1678 Woodhead GeorgeBeldon hillhouse15, Beldon hill
1679 Woodhead JohnSouthfield lanehouse274, Southfield lane
1680 Woodhead RobertAycliffe hillhouse34, Aycliffe hill
1681 Woodhead WilliamCragg lanehouse3, Cragg lane
1682 Wooler JohnLivingstone streethouse38, Livingstone street
1683 Wooler JosephArctic paradehouse & shop8, Arctic parade
1684 Wormald AbrahamHigh streethouse & shop64, High street
1685 Worsnop JohnCambridge streethouse3, Cambridge street
1686 Worsnop ReubenSellars foldhouse16, Sellars fold
1687 Worsnop SamuelAycliffe hillhouse28, Aycliffe hill
1688 Wray WilliamHorton roadhouse & shop354, Horton road
1689 Wright HarryHorton roadhouse & shop344, Horton road
1690 Wright JamesLime streethouse1, Lime street
1691 Wright Roger MurgatroydTurner placehouse21, Turner place
1692 Wright ThomasLawrence streethouse12, Lawrence street
1693 Wright WilliamDirk hill streethouse8, Dirk hill street
1694 Wright ZaccheusAycliffe hillhouse32, Aycliffe hill

GREAT HORTON WARD, 1874, surnames beginning with the letter Y
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
1695 Yates HenryBeckside roadhouse15, Beckside road
1696 Yates JudeHorton roadhouse207, Horton road
1697 Yewdall EzraFrank streethouse15, Frank street
1698 Young ThomasGale streethouse3, Gale street

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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