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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1874, MANNINGHAM WARD, surnames R-Z.


Please read these notes about these registers.

MANNINGHAM WARD, 1874, surnames R-Z.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2538 Radcliffe GeorgeHeaton roadhouseKensington street
successivehouseHeaton road
2539 Raine BenjaminCarlisle roadhouseUnder the Chapel, Carlisle road
2540 Raine John WilliamSouthfield squarehouse3, Southfield square
2541 Raistrick GeorgeSalt streethouseBelgrave place
successivehouse18, Salt street
2542 Raistrick ThomasIsles streethouseFour lane ends
successivehouse72, Isles street
2543 Ralston JohnClifton terracehouse168, Clifton terrace
2544 Ramsbotham JohnHoxton streethouse4, Hoxton street
2545 Ramsden EllisGirlington roadhouseGirlington road
successivehouse187, Girlington road
2546 Ramsden FrederickThornton roadhouse328, Thornton road
2547 Ramsden JohnWhetley streethouse9, Whetley street
2548 Ramsden JonathanAnvil streethouse17, Anvil street
2549 Ramsden JosephAllerton roadhouseFour lane ends
successivehouse59, Allerton road
2550 Ramsden JosephIngleby streethouse57, Ingleby street
2551 Rand FrederickBlenheim roadhouse30, Blenheim road
2552 Rand James HoratioDevonshire terracehouse1, Devonshire terrace
2553 Raper RichardArcadia streethouseSapling street
successivehouse64, Arcadia street
2554 Raper WilliamDuckworth lanehouseDuckworth lane
2555 Ratcliffe JamesIsles streethouseUnwin place
successivehouse104, Isles street
2556 Ratcliffe John HirdLaburnum placehouse7, Laburnum place
2557 Rawling CharlesKensington streethouseGirlington road
successivehouse97, Kensington street
2558 Rawling CharlesElmsall streethouse13, Elmsall street
2559 Rawling JosephAnvil streethouse23, Anvil street
2560 Rawling RobertArcadia streethouse79, King street
successivehouse26, Arcadia street
2561 Rawling WilliamGlobe streethouse7, Globe street
2562 Rawnsley AquilaGreen lanebeerhouseGarnett street
successivebeerhouse27, Green lane
2563 Rawnsley GeorgeIsles streethouseYoung street
successivehouse58, Isles street
2564 Rawnsley HenryBinbrook streethouseFour lane ends
successivehouse55, Binbrook street
2565 Rawnsley JamesBack Regent streethouse6, Back Regent street
2566 Rawnsley JamesCanary streethouse2, Canary street
2567 Rawnsley JamesIsaac streethouse35, Isaac street
2568 Rawnsley JessePaul streethouseWilson street
successivehousePaul street
2569 Rawnsley JohnCarlisle roadhouseChurch street
successivehouse66, Carlisle road
2570 Rawnsley JohnLumb lanehouseFour lane ends
successivehouse140, Lumb lane
2571 Rawnsley JosephLumb lanehouse & shop193, Lumb lane
2572 Rawnsley JosephRose streethouseWoodlands road
successivehouse20, Rose street
2573 Rawnsley JoshuaCemetery roadhouse8, Cemetery road
2574 Rawnsley WilliamHeaton roadhouseJapan street
successivehouseHeaton road
2575 Rawson JamesSouthfield squarehouse68, Southfield square
2576 Ray JosephPicton streethouse22, Picton street
2577 Rayner JosephWoodlands roadhouseGirlington road
successivehouse86, Woodlands road
2578 Read HenryWhitefield placehouseWhetley lane
successivehouse13, Whitefield place
2579 Read JesseSpring rowhouse19, Spring row
2580 Read ThomasSaxon streethouse28, Saxon street
2581 Readshaw WilsonBavaria placehouse8, Bavaria place
2582 Reaney RichardApsley crescenthouse6, Apsley crescent
2583 Redfearn JobWashington streethouse86, Washington street
2584 Redman MarmadukeSalt streethouse51, Salt street
2585 Reed ThomasPatent streethouse34, Patent street
2586 Reeday HenryPicton streethouse85, Picton street
2587 Reffitt JohnGreenfield placehouse207, Greenfield place
2588 Render SamuelGrosvenor roadhouseCarlisle road
successivehouseGrosvenor road
2589 Renton ThomasClifton villashouse4, Clifton villas
2590 Renton Thomas LeavensMarlborough roadhouse17, Marlborough road
2591 Renwick JohnWoodlands roadhouse63, Woodlands road
2592 Reynolds RobertThornton roadhouse256, Thornton road
2593 Reynolds WilliamGrosvenor terracehouse8, Grosvenor terrace
2594 Rhodes AbnerCarlisle roadhouse189, Carlisle road
2595 Rhodes AlfredMorningsidehouseLilycroft lane
successivehouse15, Morningside
2596 Rhodes EnochPrimrose streethouse38A, Primrose street
2597 Rhodes EzraCarlisle roadhouseFraser street
successivehouse55, Carlisle road
2598 Rhodes IsaacLaburnum streethouse22, Laburnum street
2599 Rhodes JamesOak lanehouse8, Oak lane
2600 Rhodes JamesOakroyd terracehouse8, Oakroyd terrace
2601 Rhodes James BaldwinGuardian streethouse12, Guardian street
2602 Rhodes JeremiahBlenheim roadhouse12, Blenheim road
2603 Rhodes JohnBold streethouse1, Bold street
2604 Rhodes JohnCemetery roadhouse104, Cemetery road
2605 Rhodes JohnAnvil streethouse26, Anvil street
2606 Rhodes JohnSkinner lanebuildings & landSkinner lane
2607 Rhodes John FearnleyOakroyd villashouse9, Oakroyd villas
2608 Rhodes JosephCanary streethouse8, Canary street
2609 Rhodes JosephUnwin placehouse39, Unwin place
2610 Rhodes JosephLily streethouse30, Lily street
2611 Rhodes RobertWoodlands roadhouse49, Woodlands road
2612 Rhodes RushforthSalt streethouse1, Salt street
2613 Rhodes RushforthSagar squarehouse2, Sagar square, Salt street
2614 Rhodes SamuelRose streethouse40, Rose street
2615 Rhodes SamuelSkinner lanehouse53, Skinner lane
2616 Rhodes ThomasHedge side, Allerton roadhouseAllerton road
2617 Rhodes ThomasRegent streethouse26, Regent street
2618 Rhodes ThomasHollings roadhouseBarden street
successivehouse169, Hollings road
2619 Rhodes TimothySalt streethouseSalt street
successivehouse152, Salt street
2620 Rhodes WilliamToller lanehouse66, Toller lane
2621 Rhodes WrightKensington streethouse268, Kensington street
2622 Richards FrancisCarlisle placehouse66, Carlisle place
2623 Richards WilliamBuxton streethouse4, Buxton street
2624 Richardson CharlesKensington streethouse64, Kensington street
2625 Richardson DavidWhetley streethouse34, Whetley street
2626 Richardson GeorgeMornington villashouseMornington villas
2627 Richardson JamesArcadia streethouse82, Arcadia street
2628 Richardson JosephBingley streethouse27, Bingley street
2629 Richardson RobertWalmer placehouse5, Walmer place
2630 Richardson WilliamOswald streethouse50, Oswald street
2631 Richmond AlfredWoodlands roadhouse12, Woodlands road
2632 Richmond HenryMorningsidehouse4, Morningside
2633 Richmond RichardSpring rowhouse1, Spring row
2634 Richmond ThomasGrimwith streethouse1, Grimwith street
2635 Richmond ThomasRegent streethouse & shop32, Regent street
2636 Riddiough HartleySilver streethouse29, Silver street
2637 Riddiough JohnOakroyd terracehouse7, Oakroyd terrace
2638 Riddiough ThompsonBeamsley roadhouse19, Beamsley road
2639 Riddiough WilliamSilver streethouse28, Silver street
2640 Rider PaulGlobe streethouseGlobe street
successivehouse8, Globe street
2641 Rider ThomasAnvil streethouseAnvil street
successivehouse38, Anvil street
2642 Ridge JohnPicton streethouse214, Picton street
2643 Ridsdale GeorgeSalt streethouse60, Salt street
2644 Ridsdale RichardSpringcliffe streethouseSpringcliffe street
successivehouse32, Springcliffe street
2645 Rieschke HenryFairmounthouse4, Fairmount
2646 Rigg LeviNorth Butterfield rowhouse6, North Butterfield row
2647 Riley CharlesBelgrave streethouse24, Belgrave street
2648 Riley DavidGirlington roadhouse42, Girlington road
2649 Riley DavidHortonwarehouseYoung street
2650 Riley EdwardBavaria placehouse6, Bavaria place
2651 Riley EdwardGirlington roadhouse154, Girlington road
2652 Riley Joseph AlfredCarlisle streethouse28, Carlisle street
2653 Riley ThomasGirlington roadhouse252, Girlington road
2654 Riley ThomasIsaac streethouse29, Isaac street
2655 Riley WilliamHortonwarehouseYoung street
2656 Riley WilliamSt. Jude's placehouse52, St. Jude's place
2657 Rimington WalterAnvil streethouse14, Anvil street
2658 Ritchie SamuelRosse streethouse62, Rosse street
2659 Ritson SolomonCowgill placehouseSalt street
successivehouse18, Cowgill place
2660 Roberts AmosBelgrave streethouse29, Belgrave street
2661 Roberts EdwardHome View terracehouseSalt street
successivehouse24, Home View terrace
2662 Roberts JamesHopwood streethouse19, Hopwood street
2663 Roberts John ArthurBelle vuehouse11, Belle vue
2664 Roberts JosephWashington streethouse26, Washington street
2665 Roberts WilliamGirlington roadhouse164, Girlington road
2666 Robertshaw AlfredDevonshire terracehouse2, Devonshire terrace
2667 Robertshaw BeanlandWhitefield placehouse18, Whitefield place
2668 Robertshaw BenjaminSt. Jude's placehouse58, St. Jude's place
2669 Robertshaw BenjaminOswald streethouse46, Oswald street
2670 Robertshaw BurnleyWood streethouse56, Wood street
2671 Robertshaw JohnIngleby streethouse163, Ingleby street
2672 Robertshaw JohnSpringcliffe streethouse40, Springcliffe street
2673 Robertshaw JohnSpring rowhouse12, Spring row
2674 Robertshaw JohnSkinner lanehouse19, Skinner lane
2675 Robertshaw JoshuaAnderson streethouse11, Anderson street
2676 Robertshaw JoshuaRoundthorn, Thornton roadhouseRoundthorn, Thornton road
2677 Robertshaw SamuelChurch streethouseMorningside
successivehouse79, Church street
2678 Robertshaw TimothyPrimrose terracehouse17, Primrose terrace
2679 Robertshaw WilliamChurch streethouse23, Church street
2680 Robinson DavidDuckworth streethouseDuckworth street
2681 Robinson DavidGreen rowhouse290, Green row
2682 Robinson DavidJapan streethouse45, Japan street
2683 Robinson DavidUpper Globehouse24, Upper Globe
2684 Robinson GeorgeWashington streethouse272, Washington street
2685 Robinson George HeansonGreenhill placehouse14, Greenhill place
2686 Robinson HenryWashington streethouse150, Washington street
2687 Robinson IsaacKensington streethouse139, Kensington street
2688 Robinson JamesCarlisle roadhouse179, Carlisle road
2689 Robinson JamesTemple streethouseJapan street
successivehouseTemple street
2690 Robinson James HuttonLaburnum placehouse1, Laburnum place
2691 Robinson JohnArcadia streethouse40, Arcadia street
2692 Robinson JohnClifton villashouseClifton villas
2693 Robinson JohnGirlington roadhouseKensington street
successivehouse162, Girlington road
2694 Robinson JohnGirlington roadhouse48A, Girlington road
2695 Robinson JohnMount roydhouse3, Mount royd
2696 Robinson JohnPicton streethouse5, Wood square, Picton street
2697 Robinson JohnRosse streethouse26, Rosse street
2698 Robinson JonasWoodlands roadhouse71, Woodlands road
2699 Robinson JosephGirlington roadhouse148, Girlington road
2700 Robinson JosephGreen rowhouse272, Green row
2701 Robinson LotIngleby streethouseIngleby street
successivehouse39, Ingleby street
2702 Robinson NathanGlobe streethouse51, Globe street
2703 Robinson PriestleyOswald streethouse61, Oswald street
2704 Robinson RobertArcadia streethouse42, Arcadia street
2705 Robinson SamuelGirlington roadhouse203, Girlington road
2706 Robinson ThomasGirlington roadhouse35, Girlington road
2707 Robinson ThomasKensington streethouse89, Kensington street
2708 Robinson ThomasSilver streethouse13, Silver street
2709 Robinson Thomas PeaseGirlington roadhouse40A, Girlington road
2710 Robinson WrightSilver streethouseAshwell street
successivehouse6, Silver street
2711 Robson RichardPrimrose streethousePrimrose street
2712 Robson WilliamLumb lanehouse & shop122, Lumb lane
2713 Rodgers JohnSpringcliffe streethouseJapan street
successivehouse38, Springcliffe street
2714 Roe BenjaminLaburnum placehouse & shop6, Laburnum place
2715 Roebuck ThomasArcadia streethouse22, Arcadia street
2716 Rolfsen AlbertApsley crescenthouse1, Apsley crescent
2717 Rollinson WilliamWashington streethouse22, Washington street
2718 Romaine AlfredPicton streethouse192, Picton street
2719 Roper DavidCrow tree lanehouse12, Crow tree lane
2720 Roper DavidPrimrose streethouse28, Primrose street
2721 Roper JamesDaisy hill lanehousePearson lane
successivehouse2, Daisy hill lane
2722 Roper RobertBowland streethouse74, Bowland street
2723 Roper ThomasGirlington roadhouse149, Girlington road
2724 Roper ThomasLindum terracehouse6, Lindum terrace
2725 Roper ThomasSilk streethouse29, Silk street
2726 Roper WilliamIngleby streethouse19, Ingleby street
2727 Roper WilliamWhitefield placehouse24, Whitefield place
2728 Rosier WilliamGirlington roadhouse130, Girlington road
2729 Ross MalcolmSalt streethouseSalt street
successivehouse15, Salt street
2730 Ross RobertHopwood streethouseHopwood street
successivehouse18, Hopwood street
2731 Rost CharlesAmbler streethouse3, Ambler street
2732 Rothenstein MoritzSpring bankhouse4, Spring bank
2733 Rothschild GustaveLindum terracehouse1, Lindum terrace
2734 Rowe JohnSilk streethouse26, Silk street
2735 Rowell WilliamYoung streethouseYoung street
successivehouse40, Young street
2736 Rowling DavidDaisy hill lanehouse34, Daisy hill lane
2737 Rowling EdwinGuardian streethouse10, Guardian street
2738 Rowling FrederickBinbrook streethouseWhitefield place
successivehouse125, Binbrook street
2739 Rowntree HenryDevonshire terracehouse4, Devonshire terrace
2740 Rudden OwenHopwood streethouse3, Hopwood street
2741 Rushforth GeorgePrimrose terracehouse19, Primrose terrace
2742 Rushforth JasperGrosvenor roadhouse10, Grosvenor road
2743 Rushton John IbbotsonWaile streethouse53, Waile street
2744 Rushton RobertCarlisle placehouse50, Carlisle place
2745 Rushworth AlfredHollings roadhouse38, Thornton street
successivehouse100, Hollings road
2746 Rushworth BaileyLily streethouse34, Lily street
2747 Rushworth BrumfitHeaton roadhouse26, Heaton road
2748 Rushworth CharlesBingley streethouse59, Bingley street
2749 Rushworth HenryLumb lanehouse & shop151, Lumb lane
2750 Rushworth JohnPatent streethouse10, Patent street
2751 Rushworth JosephIsaac streethouseRosse street
successivehouse5, Isaac street
2752 Rushworth ThomasRose streethouse22, Rose street
2753 Rushworth WalterWood streethouseWood street
successivehouse42, Wood street
2754 Russam RichardBelgrave streethouse16, Belgrave street
2755 Russell BenjaminLily streethouse58, Lily street
2756 Russell PeterGuardian streethouse8, Guardian street
2757 Ryan PatrickRegent streethouse15, Regent street
2758 Rycroft AmosLily streethouse60, Lily street
2759 Rycroft HenryWaile streethouse57, Waile street
2760 Rycroft JamesGirlington roadhouse209, Girlington road
2761 Rycroft JosephHoxton streethouse74, Hoxton street
2762 Rycroft JoshuaPark mounthouseRose street
successivehousePark View road
2763 Ryder JohnSkinner lanehouse55, Skinner lane
2764 Ryder JohnSpring rowhouse27, Spring row
2765 Ryder JohnLilycroft lanehouseLilycroft lane
2766 Rye DanielSpringfield streethouse11, Springfield street

MANNINGHAM WARD, 1874, surnames beginning with the letter S
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2767 Sagar BensonWaile streethouse61, Waile street
2768 Sagar James SteadCowgill placehouse10, Cowgill place
2769 Sagar RobertWaile streethouse38, Waile street
2770 Sagar SamuelWhite Abbeyhouse84A, White Abbey
2771 Sagar TomWaile streethouse67, Waile street
2772 Sampson JosephIngleby streethouse & shop3, Ingleby street
2773 Samuels EdwardWhetley terracehouse14, Whetley terrace
2774 Sanderson AlfredCarlisle roadhouse & shop60, Carlisle road
2775 Sanderson James ErskineNorth paradehouse125, North parade
2776 Sanderson RichardThornton roadhouse & shop345, Thornton road
2777 Sanderson WilliamWood streethouse9, Summer street
successivehouse58, Wood street
2778 Sargison ThomasLilycroft lanehouseLilycroft lane
2779 Sargison WilliamSilk streethouse19, Silk street
2780 Saul TimothySalt streethouse83, Salt street
2781 Saunders EdwinTemple streethousePicton street
successivehouseChassum street
successivehouseTemple street
successivehouse22, Temple street
2782 Saville JamesGirlington roadhouseGirlington road
2783 Sawyer HenryBinbrook streethouseUnwin place
successivehouse43, Binbrook street
2784 Saxton WilliamHome View terracehouse9, Home View terrace
2785 Sayers JohnGreen lanehouse36, Green lane
2786 Scaife JohnSpringcliffe streethouse30, Springcliffe street
2787 Scales Henry ChristianGreenfield placehouse205, Greenfield place
2788 Scales WilliamMr Edward Priestman's Lodge, Toller lanehouse305, Kensington street
successivehouseToller lane
2789 Scarlet Samuel WhartonHollings roadhouseGirlington road
successivehouse171, Hollings road
2790 Schellenberg John FrederickLumb lanehouse & shop180, Lumb lane
2791 Schiel WalterSouthfield squarehouse6, Southfield square
2792 Schlesinger AndrewCrow treeshouseCrow trees
2793 Schmidt Jans Do'derleinKensington streethouse68, Kensington street
2794 Schmidt WilliamMarlborough terracehouse3, Marlborough terrace
2795 Schofield Edward ThomasWashington streethouse174, Washington street
2796 Scholefield BenjaminAnvil streethouseHome View terrace
successivehouse40, Anvil street
2797 Scholefield JoshuaSilver streethouse9, Silver street
2798 Scholefield SamuelKensington streethouse62, Kensington street
2799 Scholes AlfredLily streethouse44, Lily street
2800 Scholes PaulCarlisle roadhouse133, Carlisle road
2801 Scholey WalterPicton streethouse37, Picton street
2802 Schott GustaveSouthfield squarehouse33, Southfield square
2803 Schreiber William HaroldClarendon streethouse19, Clarendon street
2804 Schutt Herman PeterCrow tree lanehouseCrow tree lane
2805 Schutt WilliamIngleby streethouse42, Ingleby street
2806 Scott DavidLilycroft lanehouse70, Lilycroft lane
2807 Scott GeorgeCarlisle streethouse54, Carlisle street
2808 Scott Henry HaleySt. Jude's squarehouse9, St. Jude's square
2809 Scott JamesLumb lanehouse & shop63, Lumb lane
2810 Scott JonathanSpringfield streethouse & shop38, Springfield street
2811 Scott JosephWashington streethouseLily street
successivehouse252, Washington street
2812 Scott JosephSilk streethouse132, Silk street
2813 Scott MatthewHollings roadhouseClarendon street
successivehouse173, Hollings road
2814 Scott WalterOak avenuehouse4, Oak avenue
2815 Scott WilliamPatent streethouse & shop2, Patent street
2816 Sealey GeorgeClarendon streethouse3, Clarendon street
2817 Semor WilliamIsaac streethouse11, Isaac street
2818 Senior JamesMortimer streethouse41, Mortimer street
2819 Settle John, junr.Young streethouse45, Young street
2820 Settle JosephFour lane endshouse108, Four lane ends
2821 Settle WilliamFour lane endshouse89, Four lane ends
2822 Settle WilliamYoung streethouse43, Young street
2823 Sewell George FrederickClarendon streethouse22, Clarendon street
2824 Sewell JohnGreen rowhouse302, Green row
2825 Sewell RobertSalt streethouse63, Salt street
2826 Shackell HenrySapling streethouse18, Sapling street
2827 Shackleton AbrahamGlobe foldhouse41, Globe fold
2828 Shackleton AlexanderIngleby streethouse25, Ingleby street
2829 Shackleton AndrewWhitefield placehouse28, Whitefield place
2830 Shackleton DanielBaldwin foldhouse246, Baldwin fold, Thornton road
2831 Shackleton DavidWhitefield placehouse26, Whitefield place
2832 Shackleton George BinnsClifton streethouseHome View terrace
successivehouse2, Clifton street
2833 Shackleton HenryIngleby streethouseJapan street
successivehouse122, Ingleby street
2834 Shackleton IsaacWashington streethouse126, Washington street
2835 Shackleton Joe DicksonWhitefield placehouse2, Whitefield place
2836 Shackleton JohnLaburnum streethouse20, Laburnum street
2837 Shackleton JohnPicton streethouse134, Picton street
2838 Shackleton JosephFour lane endshouse83, Four lane ends
2839 Shackleton JosephSalt streethouse24, Salt street
2840 Shackleton JosephSpringfield streethouse13, Springfield street
2841 Shackleton NicholasGolden squarehouse33, Golden square
2842 Shackleton RobertGrimwith streethouse39, Grimwith street
2843 Shackleton RobertPicton streethouse25, Picton street
2844 Shackleton SamWhetley streethouse90, Whetley street
2845 Shackleton SamuelGlobe foldhouse33, Globe fold
2846 Shackleton WilsonKensington streethouse270, Kensington street
2847 Shalders Alfred OwenGrosvenor placehouse151, Grosvenor place
2848 Shann FrankWhitefield placehouseWoodlands road
successivehouse15, Whitefield place
2849 Shann JohnUpper GlobehouseUpper Globe
2850 Shannon WilliamMontgomery streethouse23, Montgomery street
2851 Shards ThomasWhitefield placehouse66, Whitefield place
2852 Sharp FouldsGlobe foldhouse7, Globe fold
2853 Sharp Henry TownendCarlisle roadhouse & shop63, Carlisle road
2854 Sharp IsaacGirlington roadhouse110, Girlington road
2855 Sharp JosephGirlington roadhouse16A, Girlington road
2856 Sharp SamBrownroyd terracehouse329, Brownroyd terrace
2857 Sharp SamuelSouthfield squarehouse56, Southfield square
2858 Sharp SimonHopwood streethouse1, Hopwood street
2859 Sharp StephenJapan streethouseJapan street
successivehouse22, Japan street
2860 Sharp ThomasWashington streethouse170, Washington street
2861 Sharp WilliamGrosvenor terracehouse1, Grosvenor terrace
2862 Sharrock JohnDelph hill, Whetley streethouseDelph hill, Whetley street
2863 Shaw EdwinHome View terracehouse14, Home View terrace
2864 Shaw HenryGirlington roadhouse51, Girlington road
2865 Shaw HorsfieldSpringfield streethouse32, Springfield street
2866 Shaw JohnFour lane endshouse125, Four lane ends
2867 Shaw JohnRose streethouse31, Rose street
2868 Shaw SamuelPearson lanehouse4, Pearson lane
2869 Shaw ThomasBelgrave streethouse15, Belgrave street
2870 Shaw ThomasBack Wood streethouse19, Back Wood street
2871 Shaw WilliamSouthfield squarehouse & shop1, Southfield square
2872 Sheard SamuelWoodlands roadhouseDirk hill street
successivehouse41, Woodlands road
2873 Shearer StephenFour lane endshouse & shop109, Four lane ends
2874 Shepherd Francis TateBelle vuehouse1, Belle vue
2875 Shepherd HenryJapan streethouse47, Japan street
2876 Shepherd JohnArcadia streethouse23, Arcadia street
2877 Shepherd JohnArcadia streethouse68, Arcadia street
2878 Shepherd JohnThornton roadhouse341, Thornton road
2879 Shepherd WilliamArcadia streethouseArcadia street
successivehouse10, Arcadia street
2880 Shepherdson Henry JohnsonHoxton streethouse54, Hoxton street
2881 Sherwin HughElmsall streethouse15, Elmsall street
2882 Shillito ThomasWhitefield placehouse62, Whitefield place
2883 Shooter AlbertOswald streethouseOswald street
successivehouse47, Oswald street
2884 Shuttleworth EdwardCemetery roadhouse29, Cemetery road
2885 Shuttleworth JamesBack Regent streethouse10, Back Regent street
2886 Shuttleworth ThomasPatent streethouse24, Patent street
2887 Shuttleworth ThomasYoung streethouse21, Young street
2888 Shuttleworth WilliamCemetery roadhouse16, Cemetery road
2889 Shuttleworth WilliamGirlington roadhouseGirlington road
2890 Siddle JamesWhitefield placehouse40, Whitefield place
2891 Sidebottom JeremyElmsall streethouseGirlington road
successivehouse12, Elmsall street
2892 Sidwell WilliamGrimwith streethouse19, Grimwith street
2893 Silcock Joshua RowlandGirlington roadhouse40, Girlington road
2894 Silson Richard WalkerChurch streethouse & shop113, Church street
2895 Silson WilliamGirlington roadhouse60, Girlington road
2896 Simpson JamesCemetery roadhouse41, Cemetery road
2897 Simpson JohnSouthfield squarehouse36, Southfield square
2898 Simpson JonathanGirlington roadhouse124, Girlington road
2899 Simpson JosephOswald streethouseManchester road
successivehouse30, Oswald street
2900 Simpson RandolphBishop streethouse3, Bishop street
2901 Simpson RichardNew Miller's Dam sidehouseNew Miller's dam side
2902 Simpson ThomasPicton streethouse145, Picton street
2903 Simpson WilliamHome View terracehouse4, Home View terrace
2904 Simpson WilliamOswald streethouse73, Oswald street
2905 Singleton ArthurIngleby streethouse103, Ingleby street
2906 Singleton HarrisonGirlington roadhouse115, Girlington road
2907 Singleton JohnPrimrose streethouseSpringfield street
successivehouse2A, Primrose street
2908 Singleton Joseph RobertHighfieldhouse4, Highfield
2909 Singleton ThomasSalt streethouse95, Salt street
2910 Skelly FrankNorthfield placehouse17, Northfield place
2911 Skelton JosephKensington streethouse279, Kensington street
2912 Skirrow AlfredLumb lanehouse & shop179, Lumb lane
2913 Slater JamesCarlisle placehouse19, Carlisle place
2914 Slater JohnArcadia streethouseAnderson street
successivehouse24, Arcadia street
2915 Slater JohnChassum streethouseSilk street
successivehouse41, Chassum street
2916 Slater ThomasPicton streethouse32, Picton street
2917 Slater WilliamRosse streethouse24, Rosse street
2918 Sleight JohnLindum terracehouse14, Lindum terrace
2919 Slingsby WilliamKensington streethouse276A, Kensington street
2920 Sloane David IrvingArcadia streethouse80, Arcadia street
2921 Smalley JohnJapan streethouse62, Japan street
2922 Smallon MatthewSilk streethouse33, Silk street
2923 Smith AlfredMorningsidehouse3, Morningside
2924 Smith AlfredWoodlands roadhouse178, Picton street
successivehouse18, Woodlands road
2925 Smith AustinWoodlands roadhouse61, Woodlands road
2926 Smith BenjaminAtha villahouseAtha villa, Toller lane
2927 Smith DavidBingley streethouse & shopBingley street
successivehouse & shop75, Bingley street
2928 Smith EdwinValley roadhouse170, Valley road
2929 Smith EliKensington streethouse239, Kensington street
2930 Smith EnochCarlisle roadhouse177, Carlisle road
2931 Smith EphraimBaldwin foldhouse248, Baldwin fold, Thornton road
2932 Smith GentUpper globehouseUpper Globe inn
2933 Smith GeorgeIngleby streethouseRosse street
successivehouse81, Ingleby street
2934 Smith HargreavesRosse streethouse54, Rosse street
2935 Smith HenryChesnut cottagehouseChesnut cottage
2936 Smith IsaacFieldhousehouseFieldhouse
2937 Smith IsaacJarratt streethouseSaxon street
successivehouse31, Jarratt street
2938 Smith IsaacPearson lanehouse5, Pearson lane
2939 Smith IsaacPark View terracehouseSmith lane
successivehouse16, Park View terrace
2940 Smith JamesIngleby streethouse123, Ingleby street
2941 Smith JamesKensington streethouse163, Kensington street
2942 Smith JamesKensington streethouse137, Kensington street
2943 Smith JamesFraser streethouseCarlisle road
successivehouse9, Fraser street
2944 Smith JamesPicton streethouse135, Picton street
2945 Smith JamesPrimrose terracehouse35, Primrose terrace
2946 Smith JohnAllerton roadhouse & shopAllerton road
2947 Smith JohnCemetery roadhouse4, Cemetery road
2948 Smith JohnCarlisle roadhouse171, Carlisle road
2949 Smith JohnGreenhill placehouse42, Greenhill place
2950 Smith JohnLumb lanehouse & shop126, Lumb lane
2951 Smith JohnOswald streethouse38, Oswald street
2952 Smith JohnPaul streethouse9, Paul street
2953 Smith JohnCarlisle streethouseSalt street
successivehouse26, Carlisle street
2954 Smith JohnSilk streethouseJapan street
successivehouse18, Silk street
2955 Smith JohnSouthfield squarehouse5, Southfield square
2956 Smith JohnWhitefield placehouse74, Whitefield place
2957 Smith John Driver HeatonCarlisle streethouse51, Carlisle street
2958 Smith JosephConduit streethouse22, Conduit street
2959 Smith JosephBowland streethouse37, Bowland street
2960 Smith JosephBlenheim mounthouse6, Blenheim mount
2961 Smith JosephClarendon terracehouse13, Clarendon terrace
2962 Smith JosephMontgomery streethouse36, Montgomery street
2963 Smith JosephSaxon streethouseSaxon street
successivehouse15, Saxon street
2964 Smith JosephWashington streethouse214, Washington street
2965 Smith JoshuaRegent streethouse17, Regent street
2966 Smith JubalFour lane endshouse107, Four lane ends
2967 Smith ListerNorthfield placehouse22, Northfield place
2968 Smith PrinceFour lane endshouse191, Four lane ends
2969 Smith RichardWhitefield placehouse55, Whitefield place
2970 Smith RobertIsaac streethouse & shop2, Isaac street
2971 Smith Robert GardnerLindum terracehouse7, Lindum terrace
2972 Smith SamuelKensington streethouse45, Kensington street
2973 Smith SidneyHopwood streethouse6, Hopwood street
2974 Smith SidneySt. Mary's roadhouse4, St. Mary's road
2975 Smith SimeonKensington streethouse207, Kensington street
2976 Smith ThomasBingley streethouse15, Bingley street
2977 Smith ThomasBowland streethouse47, Bowland street
2978 Smith ThomasCanary streethouse22, Canary street
2979 Smith ThomasHollings roadhouse46, Grafton street
successivehouse47, Binbrook street
successivehouse136, Hollings road
2980 Smith ThomasIngleby streethouse68, Ingleby street
2981 Smith ThomasWhetley streethouse6, Whetley street
2982 Smith ThomasValley streethouse5, Valley street
2983 Smith Thomas ArchibaldSilk streethouse36, Silk street
2984 Smith Thomas ShepherdArthington streethouse5, Arthington street
2985 Smith WilliamArcadia streethouse5, Arcadia street
2986 Smith WilliamBeamsley roadhouse17, Beamsley road
2987 Smith WilliamBingley streethouseBingley street
successivehouseOswald street
successivehouse139, Bingley street
2988 Smith WilliamFour lane endshouse80, Four lane ends
2989 Smith WilliamGirlington roadhouse37, Girlington road
2990 Smith WilliamIngleby streethouse110, Ingleby street
2991 Smith WilliamKensington streethouse16, Kensington street
2992 Smith WilliamKensington streethouseKensington street
successivehouse249, Kensington street
2993 Smith William CharlesSalt streethouse30, Salt street
2994 Smitham WilliamCanary streethouseCanary street
successivehouseCanary street
2995 Snow ThomasClarendon terracehouse19, Clarendon terrace
2996 Snowden JohnClarendon streethouse1, Clarendon street
2997 Snowden RobertAlice streethouse17, Alice street
2998 Sonnenthal IsidorOak lanehouse6, Oak lane
2999 Sowden GeorgeCarlisle placehouseRose street
successivehouse33, Carlisle place
3000 Sowden HenryFour lane endshouse147, Four lane ends
3001 Sowden JamesManningham lanehouseManningham lane
3002 Sowden WilliamSeal streethouse32, Seal street
3003 Sowden WilliamToller lanehouse62, Toller lane
3004 Sowray RobertBingley streethouse45, Bingley street
3005 Speak EdwinSpringcliffe streethouse36, Springcliffe street
3006 Speak LeviBingley streethouse143, Bingley street
3007 Speed JamesWhitefield placehouse36, Whitefield place
3008 Speight EdwinOswald streethouse58, Oswald street
3009 Speight GeorgeSouthfield squarehouse21, Southfield square
3010 Speight JohnApsley crescenthouse7, Apsley crescent
3011 Speight JosephValley roadhouse116, Valley road
3012 Speight SamuelBelgrave streethouse41, Belgrave street
3013 Speight SamuelGirlington roadhouse44A, Girlington road
3014 Spence JohnGirlington roadhouse93, Girlington road
3015 Spence LeonardTradesmen's homeshouse9, Tradesmen's homes
3016 Spencer BenjaminPaul streethouse17, Paul street
3017 Spencer CrossfieldPaul streethouse19, Paul street
3018 Spencer JamesCarlisle roadhouse145, Carlisle road
3019 Spencer James FirthLumb lanehouse & shop177, Lumb lane
3020 Spencer JohnBack Wood streethouseBack Wood street
successivehouse55, Back Wood street
3021 Spencer JohnConduit streethouseCarlisle road
successivehouse44, Conduit street
3022 Spencer PeterBingley streethouse22, Bingley street
3023 Spencer SamuelCarlisle streethouse36, Carlisle street
3024 Spencer ThomasPrimrose terracehouse11, Primrose terrace
3025 Spink JohnWalmer placehouse3, Walmer place
3026 Spink JosephOak avenuehouseOak avenue
3027 Spink RobertBowland streethouse46, Bowland street
3028 Spinks FrederickSmith lanehouseSmith lane
3029 Spofforth WilliamMortimer streethouse45, Mortimer street
3030 Squires GeorgeGreen lanehouse28, Green lane
3031 Squires ThomasAnderson streethouse14, Anderson street
3032 Stailthorpe AbrahamLily streethouse36, Lily street
3033 Staincliffe JohnArcadia streethouse72, Arcadia street
3034 Stake FrancisHollings roadhouseChurch street
successivehouse163, Hollings road
3035 Stake JamesLily streethouse18, Lily street
3036 Stake JobTemple streethouseChassum street
successivehouseVictor road
successivehouse18, Temple street
3037 Stake WilliamSkinner lanehouse46, Skinner lane
3038 Standring JamesSpringcliffe streethouse18, Springcliffe street
3039 Standring ThomasGirlington roadhouse41, Girlington road
3040 Stanley JohnPicton streethouse29, Picton street
3041 Stanley WilliamUnwin placehouse37, Unwin place
3042 Stansfield EdwardClarendon placehouse15, Clarendon place
3043 Stansfield FrederickWater sidehouseWater side, Thornton road
3044 Stansfield JamesValley streethouse12, Valley street
3045 Starling Charles GraySouthfield squarehouse43, Southfield square
3046 Stead BrianGlobe foldhouse14, Globe fold
3047 Stead IsaacChurch streethouse24, Church street
3048 Stead JohnJapan streethouse124, Japan street
3049 Stead JohnPicton streethouseMontgomery street
successivehouse9, Picton street
3050 Stead JohnWoodlands roadhouseWhitefield place
successivehouse13, Woodlands road
3051 Stead SamuelLily streethouse61A, Lily street
3052 Stead TheophilusNew rowhouse36, New row
3053 Stead ThomasOak villashouse4, Oak villas
3054 Stead WilliamChurch streethouse18, Church street
3055 Steel AlbertIngleby streethouse29, Ingleby street
3056 Steel DanielSt. Jude's placehouse68, St. Jude's place
3057 Steel John MyersChassum streethouse125, Chassum street
3058 Steel ThomasRosse streethouseIngleby street
successivehouse48, Rosse street
3059 Steel WilliamDaisy hill lanehouse27, Daisy hill lane
3060 Steel WilliamSt. Jude's placehouse64, St. Jude's place
3061 Steinthal BodoWalmer villashouse7, Walmer villas
3062 Steinthal Charles GustavusOak avenuehouseOak avenue
3063 Stell WilliamBack Spring rowhouse10, Back Spring row
3064 Stephenson AlfredClarendon placehouse11, Clarendon place
3065 Stephenson JosephWoodlands roadhouse43, Woodlands road
3066 Stephenson MosesWhitefield placehouseSilver street
successivehouse23, Whitefield place
3067 Stewart ThomasGlobe streethouseGlobe street
successivehouse9, Globe street
3068 Stewart John ReichCarlisle placehouse4, Carlisle place
3069 Stirk JamesAnvil streethouse22, Anvil street
3070 Stockdale FrancisValley rowhouse16, Valley row
3071 Stocks CharlesKensington streethouseKensington street
successivehouse95, Kensington street
3072 Stocks JamesValley rowhouse22, Valley row
3073 Stocks JohnSalt streethouse27, Salt street
3074 Stocks John BarkerThornton roadhouse256A, Thornton road
3075 Stocks JosephArcadia streethouseGlobe street
successivehouse50, Arcadia street
3076 Stocks JosephWhitefield placehouse45, Whitefield place
3077 Stocks MilesArcadia streethouse39, Arcadia street
3078 Stocks WilliamValley roadhouse178, Valley road
3079 Stone HenryThorne house lodgehouseManningham lane
3080 Stones William JosephGrimwith streethouse21, Grimwith street
3081 Stoney EdwardToller lanehouseDenby street
successivehouseToller lane
3082 Stoney JabezPrimrose streethouse51, Primrose street
3083 Storer JohnClifton terracehouse166, Clifton terrace
3084 Storey HenryLumb lanehouse & shop176, Lumb lane
3085 Storey SamuelPreston streethousePreston street
3086 Stork WilliamPicton streethouseGreenhill place
successivehouse152, Picton street
3087 Storrs RichardRegent squarehouseManningham lane
successivehouse6, Regent square
3088 Storrs RichardBingley streethouse185, Westgate
successivehouse120, Bingley street
3089 Storrs WilliamRegent squarehouseManningham lane
successivehouse6, Regent square
3090 Stott FrankAlice streethouse3, Alice street
3091 Stowell SquireTradesmen's homeshouse16, Tradesmen's homes
3092 Strother RichardSalt streethouse19, Salt street
3093 Stuttart JamesWhitefield placehouse64, Whitefield place
3094 Suffield WilliamBingley streethouse10, Bingley street
3095 Sugden AbrahamKensington streethouse54A, Kensington street
3096 Sugden CharlesSalt streethouse13, Salt street
3097 Sugden HenryNorthfield placehouse19, Northfield place
3098 Sugden JamesSt. Mary's roadhouse14, St. Mary's road
3099 Sugden JohnYoung streethouse121, Young street
3100 Sugden SamuelMarlborough roadhouse16, Marlborough road
3101 Sugden SamuelRegent streethouse38, Regent street
3102 Sugden SamuelGreenhill placehouse39, Greenhill place
3103 Sugden ThomasGreenhill placehouse48, Greenhill place
3104 Sugden ThomasCanary streethouse7, Canary street
3105 Sugden WilliamSt. Mary's roadhouse16, St. Mary's road
3106 Sugden WilliamCanary streethouse5, Canary street
3107 Sugden WilliamUpper Globehouse26, Upper Globe
3108 Sullivan DennisWood streethouse41, Wood street
3109 Summerscales JohnWhetley terracehouse18, Whetley terrace
3110 Summersgill JacobPatent streethouse14, Patent street
3111 Sumner Israel ClarkeCarlisle placehouse8, Carlisle place
3112 Sumner WilliamCarlisle roadhouseSalt street
successivehouse & shop59, Carlisle road
3113 Sunderland JohnSalt streethouseSalt street
successivehouse26, Salt street
3114 Sunderland TimothyWilson squarehouse2, Wilson square
3115 Surridge JosephGreen lanehouse37, Green lane
3116 Sussman AlfredSpring bankhouse7, Spring bank
3117 Sutcliffe AlbertFairmountwarehouseValley road
3118 Sutcliffe AlfredGirlington roadhouse45, Girlington road
3119 Sutcliffe EllisIsaac streethouse27, Isaac street
3120 Sutcliffe FrancisCanary streethouse6, Canary street
3121 Sutcliffe FrankFairmounthouse7, Fairmount
3122 Sutcliffe GeorgeMontgomery streethouse4, Montgomery street
3123 Sutcliffe HoratioCarlisle roadhouseCarlisle road
successivehouse & shop131, Carlisle road
3124 Sutcliffe JamesGreenhill placehouseWoodlands road
successivehouse6, Greenhill place
3125 Sutcliffe JamesAshwell streethouse35, Ashwell street
3126 Sutcliffe James WilliamSpring bankhouse8, Spring bank
3127 Sutcliffe JohnClarendon streethouse16, Clarendon street
3128 Sutcliffe JohnKensington streethouse61, Kensington street
3129 Sutcliffe JohnWhitefield placehouse68, Whitefield place
3130 Sutcliffe JosephPrimrose terracehouse10, Primrose terrace
3131 Sutcliffe JosephPrimrose terracehouse14, Primrose terrace
3132 Sutcliffe JoshuaFour lane endshouse159, Four lane ends
3133 Sutcliffe RobertOswald streethouse55, Oswald street
3134 Sutcliffe ThomasValley rowhouse26, Valley row
3135 Sutcliffe ThomasRegent squarehouse4, Regent square
3136 Sutcliffe ThompsonBelgrave streethouse4, Belgrave street
3137 Sutcliffe WilliamConduit streethouse46, Conduit street
3138 Sutcliffe WilliamRegent squarehouseRegent square
3139 Suthers FrederickMontgomery streethouse44, Montgomery street
3140 Suthill EzraIngleby streethouseIngleby street
successivehouse7, Ingleby street
3141 Swaine JonathanKensington streethouse257, Kensington street
3142 Swales JamesCemetery roadhouse14, Cemetery road
3143 Swales WilliamLumb lanehouse & shop90, Lumb lane
3144 Swann JamesWhetley hillhouse16, Whetley hill
3145 Sweeting GeorgeWashington streethouse224, Washington street
3146 Swindle BenjaminIsaac streethouse26, Isaac street
3147 Swindlehurst GeorgeHopwood streethouse5, Hopwood street
3148 Swires WilliamIngleby streethouse79, Ingleby street
3149 Swithenbank John SwaineVictor roadhouse20, Victor road
3150 Swithenbank JosephLumb lanehouse & shopLumb lane
3151 Swithenbank MidgleyVictor roadhouse18, Victor road
3152 Sykes EmanuelAnvil streethouse24, Anvil street
3153 Sykes JohnClarendon placehouse4, Clarendon place
3154 Sykes JohnBingley streethouseWhitefield place
successivehouse92, Bingley street
3155 Sykes JosephKensington streethouse205, Kensington street
3156 Sykes JosephSapling streethouse44, Sapling street

MANNINGHAM WARD, 1874, surnames beginning with the letter T
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3157 Taileton JohnJapan streethouseWood street
successivehouse75, Japan street
3158 Talbot JohnJapan streethouse97, Japan street
3159 Tandy ThomasKensington streethouse93, Kensington street
3160 Tankard John BoyesSpotted House InnhouseSpotted House inn
3161 Tarbotton JamesThornton roadhouseThornton road
3162 Tate JohnGirlington roadhouse182, Girlington road
3163 Tate SamuelWhetley fieldshouseMontgomery street
successivehouseWhetley fields
3164 Tattersall BenjaminPicton streethouse41, Picton street
3165 Tattersall FearnleyWhitefield placehouse72, Whitefield place
3166 Taylor AbrahamSilk streethouse37, Silk street
3167 Taylor AbrahamGirlington roadhouse352, Girlington road
3168 Taylor Alfred ArcherJapan streethouse63, Japan street
3169 Taylor BenjaminBingley streethouse32, Bingley street
3170 Taylor CharlesGrosvenor roadhouse16, Grosvenor road
3171 Taylor EdwardAshwell streethouse57, Ashwell street
3172 Taylor GeorgeLumb lanehouse & shopLumb lane
successivehouse & shop100, Lumb lane
3173 Taylor GideonCarlisle roadhouseDuckworth lane
successivehouse14, Carlisle road
3174 Taylor HarveyIsaac streethouse14, Isaac street
3175 Taylor JamesOakroyd terracehouse4, Oakroyd terrace
3176 Taylor JamesSpringcliffe streethouse4, Springcliffe street
3177 Taylor JohnKensington streethouse167, Kensington street
3178 Taylor JohnParkfield roadhouse11, Parkfield road
3179 Taylor JohnHeaton roadhouse3, Back Heaton road
3180 Taylor JohnSilk streethouse93, Silk street
3181 Taylor John CravenMorningsidehouse12, Morningside
3182 Taylor John EdwardYoung streethouseYoung street
3183 Taylor JosephChassum streethouseSpringcliffe street
successivehouse64, Chassum street
3184 Taylor LaurenceSouthfield squarehouse24, Southfield square
3185 Taylor RobertIngleby streethouse99, Ingleby street
3186 Taylor SamuelNorthfield placehouse25, Northfield place
3187 Taylor ThomasKensington streethouseKensington street
successivehouse277, Kensington street
3188 Taylor ThomasSpringfield streethouse12, Springfield street
3189 Taylor William HenrySeal streethouseBavaria place
successivehouse18, Seal street
3190 Teale WilliamGrimwith streethouse35, Grimwith street
3191 Tennant JamesGolden squarehouse14, Golden square
3192 Terry WilliamSpringcliffe streethouse15, Springcliffe street
3193 Tetley JamesRose streethouse46, Rose street
3194 Tetley WilliamBrow, Daisy hillhouseBrow, Daisy hill
3195 Tetley WilliamKensington streethouse266, Kensington street
3196 Thackray CharlesPicton streethouse33, Picton street
3197 Thackray WilliamFairmounthouse3, Fairmount
3198 Theakstone FrancisArcadia streethouse32, Arcadia street
3199 Theakstone JohnGirlington roadhouseGirlington road
successivehouse10, Girlington road
3200 Thomas EdwardFarfield streethousePaul street
successivehouseFarfield street
3201 Thomas EliasNorthfield placehouse20, Northfield place
3202 Thomas HenrySalt streethouse11, Salt street
3203 Thomas JamesFour lane endshouse99, Four lane ends
3204 Thomas JosephGirlington roadhouse326, Girlington road
3205 Thomas MatthewJapan streethouseJapan street
successivehouse52, Japan street
3206 Thomas MatthewWood streethouse54, Wood street
3207 Thomlinson BenjaminBelgrave placehouse103, Belgrave place
3208 Thompson BartholomewGreen lanehouse45, Green lane
3209 Thompson BenjaminFour lane endshouse98, Four lane ends
3210 Thompson JohnCarlisle placehouse48, Carlisle place
3211 Thompson JohnChassum streethouseHome View terrace
successivehouse71, Chassum street
3212 Thompson ThomasBowland streethouse50, Bowland street
3213 Thompson ThomasGirlington roadhouse201, Girlington road
3214 Thompson WilliamIngleby streethouse13, Ingleby street
3215 Thompson WilliamMarlborough roadhouse27, Marlborough road
3216 Thompson WilliamThornton roadhouse237, Thornton road
3217 Thompson WilliamSt. Mary's roadhouse8, St. Mary's road
3218 Thompson William RoseBelgrave placehouse113, Belgrave place
3219 Thornton EdmundHome View terracehouse21, Home View terrace
3220 Thornton JamesBarden streethouse8, Barden street
3221 Thornton JohnWhetley terracehouse7, Whetley terrace
3222 Thornton JosephWilson squarehouseWilson square
successivehouse17, Wilson square
3223 Thornton MortimerDean streethouse18, Dean street
3224 Thornton WilliamArcadia streethouse66, Arcadia street
3225 Thornton WilliamPatent streethouse28, Patent street
3226 Thornton WilliamSapling streethouse4, Sapling street
3227 Thornton WilliamWaile streethouse17, Waile street
3228 Thorp William ThomasGirlington roadhouse68, Girlington road
3229 Thorpe GeorgeDaisy hill, Back lanehouse5, Daisy hill, Back lane
3230 Thorpe JohnGirlington roadhouse & shop63, Girlington road
3231 Thorpe JohnRose streethouse24, Rose street
3232 Thresh AbrahamMarlborough roadhouse18, Marlborough road
3233 Throp AlexanderPicton streethouseConduit street
successivehousePicton street
successivehouse43, Picton street
3234 Thurlow SeptimusLilycroft lanehouse & shop64, Lilycroft lane
3235 Tickell WilliamSouthfield squarehouse24, Drewton street
successivehouse38, Southfield square
3236 Tidswell HenryAlice streethouseGlobe fold
successivehouse5, Alice street
3237 Tidswell JohnBelgrave placehouse119, Belgrave place
3238 Tildsey JamesDuckworth lanehouseDuckworth lane
3239 Tillotson JoshuaChurch streethouse & shop109, Church street
3240 Tillotson ThomasGirlington roadhouse56A, Girlington road
3241 Tindall GeorgeSpringfield streethouse18, Springfield street
3242 Tindall JonathanGreen lanehouse17, Green lane
3243 Tindall RobertArcadia streethouse46, Arcadia street
3244 Tinsley FrederickGirlington roadhouse14A, Girlington road
3245 Tiplady MyersIngleby streethouse93, Ingleby street
3246 Tipping JohnCarlisle roadhouse181, Carlisle road
3247 Todd AlfredCowgill placehouse8, Cowgill place
3248 Todd WilliamGirlington roadhouse & shopFour lane ends
successivehouse & shopGirlington road
3249 Tomlin RobertJapan streethouseSilk street
successivehouse33, Japan street
3250 Tomlinson GeorgeWaile streethouse47, Waile street
3251 Tomlinson JohnQuarry streethouseWhetley street
successivehouse5, Quarry street
3252 Tomlinson WilliamGirlington roadhouse270, Girlington road
3253 Tones ThomasWhitefield placehouseWest Squire lane
successivehouse25, Whitefield place
3254 Toohey JohnIngleby streethouse127, Ingleby street
3255 Toothill AlfredWashington streethouse226, Washington street
3256 Toothill JamesBuxton streethouseSilk street
successivehouse8, Buxton street
3257 Toothill JohnDaisy hill, Back lanehouse2, Daisy hill, Back lane
3258 Toothill John SlaterWhitefield placehouseWashington street
successivehouse53, Whitefield place
3259 Toothill JosephCarlisle streethouse60, Carlisle street
3260 Toothill WilkinsonValley roadhouse102, Valley road
3261 Topham JosephSilk streethouse129, Silk street
3262 Topham Richard WarwickApsley crescenthouse8, Apsley crescent
3263 Topham ThomasCarlisle placehouse13, Carlisle place
3264 Topham WilliamLumb lanehouse189, Lumb lane
3265 Tordoff JonathanMortimer streethouseMortimer street
3266 Tordoff JoshuaLily streethouse7, Lily street
3267 Tordoff Thomas DenbighBlenheim mounthouse10, Blenheim mount
3268 Towers EdwardSapling streethouseWoodlands road
successivehouse52, Sapling street
3269 Towler JamesGirlington roadhouse100, Girlington road
3270 Towler RobertSilver streethouse38, Silver street
3271 Towler ThomasHoxton streethouseGirlington road
successivehouseHoxton street
3272 Townend AlfredYoung streethouse47, Young street
3273 Townend IsaacGirlington roadhouse & shop52, Girlington road
3274 Townend JohnMorningsidehouse6, Morningside
3275 Townend JohnWoodlands roadhouse14, Woodlands road
3276 Townsend WilliamGirlington roadhouse101, Girlington road
3277 Townson RobertBingley streethouse49, Bingley street
3278 Triffit JohnSalt streethouse78, Salt street
3279 Tunstall ThomasFarfield streethouseWilson square
successivehouse15, Farfield street
3280 Turnbull RobertChassum streethouseSilk street
successivehouse44, Chassum street
3281 Turner AbrahamPrimrose terracehouse25, Primrose terrace
3282 Turner CharlesAnvil streethouse35, Anvil street
3283 Turner DanielLily streethouse48, Lily street
3284 Turner GeorgeSilk streethouseJapan street
successivehouse53, Silk street
3285 Turner JamesHighfield placehouse4, Highfield place
3286 Turner JamesPicton streethouse11, Picton street
3287 Turner JonathanKensington streethouse233, Kensington street
3288 Turner WilliamDuckworth lanehouse17, Duckworth lane
3289 Turner WilliamBack Spring rowhouse16, Back Spring row
3290 Turner WilliamManningham lanehouse & shopManningham lane
3291 Turner WilliamNorthfield placehouse18, Northfield place
3292 Turner WilliamTemple streethouseSilk street
successivehouse26, Temple street
3293 Tyler LouisThe Grange, ShipleywarehouseValley road
3294 Tyning JohnSilk streethouse24, Silk street

MANNINGHAM WARD, 1874, surnames beginning with the letter U
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3295 Udall JamesMontgomery streethouse37, Montgomery street
3296 Unwin DavidPrimrose streethouse34, Primrose street
3297 Unwin JamesUnwin placehouse43, Unwin place
3298 Unwin ThomasYoung streethouse73, Young street

MANNINGHAM WARD, 1874, surnames beginning with the letter V
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3299 Varey WalterIsaac streethouse22, Isaac street
3300 Varley CharlesMortimer streethouse47, Mortimer street
3301 Varley JohnGirlington roadhouse216, Girlington road
3302 Varley JohnIngleby streethouse89, Ingleby street
3303 Varley JosephBelgrave streethouse14, Belgrave street
3304 Varley RobertKensington streethouseKensington street
successivehouse261, Kensington street
3305 Varley SamuelSmith lanehouse8, Smith lane
3306 Vaughan WilliamHighfield placehouse2, Highfield place
3307 Verity IsaacSpring rowhouse13, Spring row
3308 Verity JohnIngleby streethouse11, Herring row
successivehouse168, Ingleby street
3309 Verity JoshuaHome View terracehouse12, Home View terrace
3310 Verity SylviusKensington streethouse237, Kensington street
3311 Viccars Samuel JosephClifton villashouseWalmer villas
successivehouse1, Clifton villas
3312 Vickers ThomasWoodlands roadhouse67, Woodlands road
3313 Vinter ReubenBelgrave streethouse61, Belgrave street
3314 Vitty ThomasPrimrose streethouse32, Primrose street
3315 Voigt Ernest OttoBlenheim roadhouse24, Blenheim road

MANNINGHAM WARD, 1874, surnames beginning with the letter W
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3316 Waddington BenjaminLilycroft lanehouse44, Lilycroft lane
3317 Waddington JacobUpper Globehouse32, Upper Globe
3318 Waddington JohnAlice streethouse25, Alice street
3319 Waddington JohnAllerton roadhouseAllerton road
3320 Waddington JohnCarlisle placehouse3, Carlisle place
3321 Waddington JohnLily streethouse51, Lily street
3322 Waddington JosephWashington streethouse42, Washington street
3323 Waddington Joseph WrightGrosvenor roadhouse18, Grosvenor road
3324 Waddington JoshuaThorn streethouse11, Thorn street
3325 Waddington WilkinsonPrimrose streethouse31, Abbey street
successivehouse19, Primrose street
3326 Wade JohnAnvil streethouse42, Anvil street
3327 Wade John HenryOak avenuehouse6, Oak avenue
3328 Wade JosephSilver streethouse30, Silver street
3329 Wade WilliamWhetley terracehouse12, Whetley terrace
3330 Wadsworth JamesHoxton streethouse10, Hoxton street
3331 Wagenheim Eugen GeorgeSouthfield squarehouse54, Southfield square
3332 Wager Bramley WilliamBelgrave placehouse115, Belgrave place
3333 Wagg JohnSpringcliffe streethouse7, Springcliffe street
3334 Waggett JohnPicton streethouse122, Picton street
3335 Walbank ChristopherRose streethouseArcadia street
successivehouseRose street
3336 Walbank HughSilver streethouse41, Silver street
3337 Waldron JamesHopwood streethouse22, Hopwood street
3338 Wales JamesParkfield roadhouseMount royd
successivehouse4, Parkfield road
3339 Walker AbrahamGrimwith streethouse27, Grimwith street
3340 Walker EliHoxton streethouse1, Ingleby street
successivehouse6, Hoxton street
3341 Walker GeorgeSilver streethouse18, Silver street
3342 Walker GeorgeWashington streethouse34, Washington street
3343 Walker GeorgeWellesley terracehouse252, Wellesley terrace
3344 Walker HenryGrosvenor placehouseAshwell street
successivehouseGrosvenor place
3345 Walker James SimpsonKensington streethouse153, Kensington street
3346 Walker JohnBelgrave streethouse20, Belgrave street
3347 Walker JohnFour lane endshouse71, Four lane ends
3348 Walker JohnGirlington roadhouse340, Girlington road
3349 Walker JohnNew rowhouse14, New row
3350 Walker JohnSt. Jude's placehouse62, St. Jude's place
3351 Walker JohnWoodlands roadhouse79, Woodlands road
3352 Walker JonasNew rowhouse13, New row
3353 Walker JosephChurch streethouse33, Church street
3354 Walker JosephCrow tree lanehouse9, Crow tree lane
3355 Walker JosephIngleby streethouse49, Ingleby street
3356 Walker JosephNorth paradehouse145, North parade
3357 Walker RichardLumb lanehouse & shop156, Lumb lane
3358 Walker RichardPearson lanehouse10, Pearson lane
3359 Walker ThomasClarendon streethouse11, Clarendon street
3360 Walker ThomasDenby streethouse8, Denby street
3361 Walker ThomasWood streethouse31, Wood street
3362 Walker Thomas LaycockLumb lanehouse185, Lumb lane
3363 Walker WilliamRosse streethouse70, Rosse street
3364 Walker WilliamWashington streethouse278, Washington street
3365 Walker WilliamWhetley streethouse8, Whetley street
3366 Walker WilliamElmsall streethouse2, Elmsall street
3367 Wallace AlexanderGirlington roadhouse85, Girlington road
3368 Wallace FredericBlenheim roadhouseBlenheim road
3369 Wallace JamesRose streethouse26, Rose street
3370 Wallace ThomasLily streethouse59, Lily street
3371 Wallace WilliamQuarry streethouse17, Quarry street
3372 Waller CharlesWalmer villashouseWalmer villas
3373 Walmsley EphraimRoundthorn placehouse6, Roundthorn place
3374 Walmsley ThomasYoung streethouseAllerton road
successivehouseYoung street
successivehouseYoung street
3375 Walsh DavidValley roadhouse106, Valley road
3376 Walsh JohnHome View terracehouse8, Home View terrace
3377 Walsh JohnPrimrose streethouse53, Primrose street
3378 Walsh JosephValley roadhouse112, Valley road
3379 Walton EdwardCarlisle streethouseSeal street
successivehouse & shop18, Carlisle street
3380 Walton James GeorgeSt. Jude's placehouse48, St. Jude's place
3381 Walton JohnWoodlands roadhouse77, Woodlands road
3382 Walton RichardGlobe streethouse13, Globe street
3383 Walton WilliamGreen rowhouse276, Green row
3384 Warburton AbrahamButterfield rowhouse9, West Butterfield row
3385 Warburton PeterGreen lanehouse43, Green lane
3386 Ward HoratioCarlisle placehouseSt. Jude's place
successivehouse74, Carlisle place
3387 Ward IsaacWhitefield placehouse47, Whitefield place
3388 Ward JamesFour lane endshouse96, Four lane ends
3389 Ward PatrickBavaria placehouse20, Bavaria place
3390 Ward ThomasWhitefield placehouse49, Whitefield place
3391 Wardhaugh WilliamToller lanehouseToller lane
3392 Wardle JohnDuckworth lanehouseDuckworth lane
3393 Wardle ThomasGirlington roadhouse99, Girlington road
3394 Wardle WilliamAmbler streethouse5, Ambler street
3395 Warrillow GeorgeKensington streethouse215, Kensington street
3396 Warriner GeorgeIngleby streethouse83, Ingleby street
3397 Waterhouse BenjaminCarlisle streethouseSpringcliffe street
successivehouse22, Carlisle street
3398 Waterhouse GreenwoodSilver streethouse47, Silver street
3399 Waterhouse JamesCemetery roadhouse37, Cemetery road
3400 Waterhouse JosephArcadia streethouseArcadia street
successivehouse60, Arcadia street
3401 Waterhouse JosephHeaton roadhouse30, Heaton road
3402 Waterhouse RobertDenby streethouse12, Denby street
3403 Waterson JamesWalmer villashouse10, Walmer villas
3404 Watkins HenryIngleby streethouse58, Ingleby street
3405 Watson BenjaminChurch streethouse27, Church street
3406 Watson CalebEast Squire lanehouse5, East Squire lane
3407 Watson Christopher HolmesSouthfield squarehouse14, Southfield square
3408 Watson JamesAnderson streethouse13, Anderson street
3409 Watson JamesLily streethouse31, Lily street
3410 Watson JeremiahAnvil streethouse34, Anvil street
3411 Watson JohnOakroyd terracehouse1, Oakroyd terrace
3412 Watson John GeorgeRoundthorn placehouseWhitefield place
successivehouse8, Roundthorn place
3413 Watson SamuelFarfield streethouseBingley street
successivehouse75, Farfield street
3414 Watson ThomasQuarry streethouse13, Quarry street
3415 Watson WilliamAmbler streethouse1, Ambler street
3416 Waugh BenjaminFour lane endshouse151, Four lane ends
3417 Waugh JosephFour lane endshouse153, Four lane ends
3418 Weatherill JamesRose streethouse37, Rose street
3419 Weatherill WilliamSalt streethouse46, Salt street
3420 Weatherley JohnGirlington roadhouse38, Girlington road
3421 Weber AlbertDevonshire terracehouse3, Devonshire terrace
3422 Webster JosephClarendon placehouse2, Clarendon place
3423 Wellock WilliamPicton streethouse222, Picton street
3424 Wellock William HenryBavaria placehouse7, Bavaria place
3425 Wells IsaacGirlington roadhouseKensington street
successivehouse53, Girlington road
3426 Wemhoner CharlesGrosvenor terracehouse3, Grosvenor terrace
3427 West EdwardToller lanehouse58, Toller lane
3428 West JohnWaile streethouse33, Waile street
3429 West ThomasOswald streethouse63, Oswald street
3430 West William CunliffeGirlington roadhouse224, Girlington road
3431 Whalley HoldsworthUnwin placehouse19, Unwin place
3432 Wheater HammondKensington streethouse247, Kensington street
3433 Wheater JamesGirlington Hotelhouse15, Bottom of Girlington
3434 Wheater WilliamKensington streethouse74, Kensington street
3435 Wheatley JosephBingley streethouse63, Bingley street
3436 Wheelhouse JohnPrimrose streethouse35, Primrose street
3437 Whelan JohnBeecher streethouseGolden square
successivehouse27, Beecher street
3438 Whewell William S.Ingleby streethouse91, Ingleby street
3439 Whitaker AlfredPicton streethouse160, Picton street
3440 Whitaker CharlesSalt streethouse48, Salt street
3441 Whitaker DavidSpringfield streethouse26, Springfield street
3442 Whitaker FrankValley roadhouse108, Valley road
3443 Whitaker GeorgeBeecher streethouse7, Beecher street
3444 Whitaker HartleyChassum streethouseSeal street
successivehouse16, Chassum street
3445 Whitaker JamesKensington streethouse159, Kensington street
3446 Whitaker JohnGreen rowhouse268, Green row
3447 Whitaker John WilliamSkinner lanehouseWoodlands road
successivehouse13, Skinner lane
3448 Whitaker MichaelWhetley streethouse14, Whetley street
3449 Whitaker NicholasWaile streethouse6, Waile street
3450 Whitaker RobertLily streethouse47, Lily street
3451 Whitaker RobinsonGreen lanehouse35, Green lane
3452 Whitaker SamuelRosse streethouse34, Rosse street
3453 Whitaker ThomasPicton streethouse19, Picton street
3454 Whitaker ThomasPicton streethouse204, Picton street
3455 Whitaker WilliamPrimrose terracehouse5, Primrose terrace
3456 Whitaker William HenryKensington streethouse & shop71, Kensington street
3457 White AlbertYoung streethouse119, Young street
3458 White CharlesLumb lanehouse & shop173, Lumb lane
3459 White EdwinCemetery roadhouseCemetery road
3460 White GeorgeConduit streethouse24, Conduit street
3461 White JamesPrimrose streethouse38, Primrose street
3462 White JobSaxon streethouse17, Saxon street
3463 White JohnBeecher streethouse13, Beecher street
3464 White JohnChurch streethouse30, Church street
3465 White JosephHeaton roadhouse10, Heaton road
3466 White JosephWhetley hillhouseWhetley hill
3467 White LutherSalt streethouse17, Salt street
3468 White ThomasGirlington roadhouse157, Girlington road
3469 Whitehead Frederick WentworthCarlisle placehouse20, Carlisle place
3470 Whitehead SolomonRoundthornhouse23, Roundthorn
3471 Whitehead ThomasIngleby streethouse85, Ingleby street
3472 Whitehouse JosephKensington streethouse270A, Kensington street
3473 Whitehouse WilliamWashington streethouse210, Washington street
3474 Whiteley DavidSaxon streethouse6, Saxon street
3475 Whiteley JohnGreenhill placehouse31, Greenhill place
3476 Whiteley JohnWilson squarehouse13, Wilson square
3477 Whiteley John MarvelSalt streethouse74, Salt street
3478 Whiteley JosephWhitefield placehouse48, Whitefield place
3479 Whiteley ThomasSaxon streethouse23, Saxon street
3480 Whitelock JohnRosse streethouse92, Rosse street
3481 Whiteoak ThomasWaile streethouse49, Waile street
3482 Whitewick FrederickSagar squarehouse3, Sagar square, Salt street
3483 Whitfield JohnRegent streethouse & shop4, Regent street
3484 Whitham GeorgeLily streethouse35, Lily street
3485 Whitham JohnGreen lanehouse & shop46, Green lane
3486 Whitham JohnOakwood streethouseWood street
successivehouse19, Oakwood street
3487 Whitham SamuelPicton streethouse190, Picton street
3488 Whitley GeorgeHoxton streethouse83, Hoxton street
3489 Whitley Joseph BaldwinAshwell streethouse39, Ashwell street
3490 Whitley PeterChurch streethouse15, Church street
3491 Whitley RichardTradesmen's homeshouse25, Tradesmen's homes
3492 Whitley ThomasIsaac streethouse25, Isaac street
3493 Whitley WilliamOakroyd terracehouse21, Oakroyd terrace
3494 Whittenbury AlfredWhetley grovehouse5, Whetley grove
3495 Whittingham JosephLindum terracehouse4, Lindum terrace
3496 Whittington JohnSilk streethouse2, Silk street
3497 Why SamuelGlobe foldhouse26, Globe fold
3498 Why WilliamBack Spring rowhouse3, Back Spring row
3499 Widd CrosbyAshwell streethouse9, Ashwell street
3500 Widdop GeorgeValley rowhouse2, Valley row
3501 Widdop HenryCarlisle roadhouse17, Carlisle road
3502 Widdop HenryBeecher streethouse2, Beecher street
3503 Widdop JohnValley rowhouse4, Valley row
3504 Widdop MarkAnvil streethouse44, Anvil street
3505 Widdop ThomasIngleby streethouseIngleby street
successivehouse33, Ingleby street
3506 Widdop WilliamValley rowhouse8, Valley row
3507 Wigglesworth ThomasAshwell streethouse5, West Butterfield row
successivehouse25, Ashwell street
3508 Wigglesworth ThomasWhetley lanehouseOswald street
successivehouse11, Whetley lane
3509 Wilcock EllisCarlisle streethouse58, Carlisle street
3510 Wilcock JohnHeaton roadhouseHeaton road
3511 Wilcock WilliamPaul streethouse29, Paul street
3512 Wild JohnSilk streethouse57, Silk street
3513 Wild JonasGreen lanehouse7, Green lane
3514 Wild JosephSilk streethouseBold street
successivehouse14, Silk street
3515, Wild WilliamPicton streethouse50, Picton street
3516 Wildman CharlesOakwood streethouseWood street
successivehouse11, Oakwood street
3517 Wildman WilliamGlobe streethouse27, Globe street
3518 Wilkinson AlbertSpringcliffe streethouse16, Springcliffe street
3519 Wilkinson AlfredDuckworth lanehouseDuckworth lane
3520 Wilkinson BriggsIsles streethouse & shopPrimrose street
successivehouse66, Isles street
3521 Wilkinson CharlesCarlisle placehouse6, Carlisle place
3522 Wilkinson CharlesGreenhill placehouse37, Greenhill place
3523 Wilkinson DavidCrow tree lanehouse1, Daisy hill lane
successivehouse11, Crow tree lane
3524 Wilkinson DavidGreenhill placehouse50, Greenhill place
3525 Wilkinson EdwardLumb lanehouse & shop159, Lumb lane
3526 Wilkinson Edward PressMarlborough roadhouse21, Marlborough road
3527 Wilkinson EnochYoung streethouse57, Young street
3528 Wilkinson FrancisSouthfield squarehouse46, Southfield square
3529 Wilkinson GeorgeGirlington roadhouse350, Girlington road
3530 Wilkinson GeorgeLily streethouse37, Lily street
3531 Wilkinson HenryGirlington roadhouse166, Girlington road
3532 Wilkinson IsaacIngleby streethouse153, Ingleby street
3533 Wilkinson JohnBishop streethouse31, Bishop street
3534 Wilkinson JohnChurch streethouse35, Church street
3535 Wilkinson JohnDuckworth lanehouse & shop23, Duckworth lane
3536 Wilkinson John SamConduit streethouse42, Conduit street
3537 Wilkinson JonathanSouthfield squarehouse71, Southfield square
3538 Wilkinson JosephClarendon placehouse3, Clarendon place
3539 Wilkinson JosephBelgrave placehouseClarendon terrace
successivehouse135, Belgrave place
3540 Wilkinson JosephGreen lanehouse10, Green lane
3541 Wilkinson Mark AnthonySouthfield squarehouse15, Southfield square
3542 Wilkinson RycroftRose streethouse44, Rose street
3543 Wilkinson SamuelFarfield streethouseSalt street
successivehouseFarfield street
3544 Wilkinson ThomasBavaria placehouse18, Bavaria place
3545 Wilkinson ThomasJapan streethouse64, Japan street
3546 Wilkinson ThomasLilycroft lanehouse7, Lilycroft lane
3547 Wilkinson ThomasRegent streethouse9, Regent street
3548 Wilkinson ThomasUnwin placehouse3, Unwin place
3549 Wilkinson WebsterNorthfield placehouse3, Northfield place
3550 Wilkinson WilliamCarlisle placehouse26, Carlisle place
3551 Wilkinson WilliamLily streethouse52, Lily street
3552 Wilkinson WilliamPrimrose terracehouse57, Primrose terrace
3553 Wilkinson WilliamGlobe foldhouse24, Globe fold
3554 Willans JamesSilver streethouse5, Silver street
3555 Willey AlbertKensington streethouse203, Kensington street
3556 Willey AlfredWood streethouse15, Wood street
3557 Williams FrederickPicton streethouse208, Picton street
3558 Williams JohnLumb lanehouse & shop128, Lumb lane
3559 Williamson Atkinson ThomasOak terracehouse1, Oak terrace, Oak lane
3560 Williamson JamesApsley crescenthouse18, Apsley crescent
3561 Williamson JamesBrick lanehouse206, Brick lane
3562 Williamson John EyreBlenheim roadhouse26, Blenheim road
3563 Williamson ThomasWhetley fieldshouseWhetley fields
3564 Williamson ThomasMarlborough roadhouse24, Marlborough road
3565 Williamson William HarrisonMarlborough terracehouse4, Marlborough terrace
3566 Willis JohnOakroyd terracehouse9, Oakroyd terrace
3567 Willis John RobinsonValley streethouse10, Valley street
3568 Wilman AbrahamPrimrose terracehouse49, Primrose terrace
3569 Wilman AbrahamWashington streethouse140, Washington street
3570 Wilman BenjaminCrow tree lanehouse4, Crow tree lane
3571 Wilman DanKensington streethouse268A, Kensington street
3572 Wilman JohnGirlington roadhouse104, Girlington road
3573 Wilman MatthewPrimrose streethouse41, Primrose street
3574 Wilman SampsonWashington streethouse138, Washington street
3575 Wilman SamuelGirlington roadhouse42A, Girlington road
3576 Wilman ThomasGirlington roadhouse64, Girlington road
3577 Wilman ThomasPrimrose streethouse36, Primrose street
3578 Wilson AbrahamChurch streethouse91, Church street
3579 Wilson AndrewYoung streethouse63, Young street
3580 Wilson ArthurCarlisle roadhouse163, Carlisle road
3581 Wilson CharlesCarlisle roadhouse29, Carlisle road
3582 Wilson CharlesSouthfield squarehouse39, Southfield square
3583 Wilson EdwardDean streethouse5, Dean street
3584 Wilson GeorgeGlobe streethouse2, Globe street
3585 Wilson George WilliamMarlborough roadhouse9, Marlborough road
3586 Wilson HenrySpringcliffe streethouse28, Springcliffe street
3587 Wilson JamesCarlisle roadhouse35, Carlisle road
3588 Wilson JamesGreenhill placehouse41, Greenhill place
3589 Wilson James StevenMount roydhouse5, Mount royd
3590 Wilson JohnMorningsidehouse14, Morningside
3591 Wilson JohnCarlisle streethouse56, Carlisle street
3592 Wilson JohnLaburnum streethouse32, Laburnum street
3593 Wilson JohnWood streethouse11, Wood street
3594 Wilson John EdwardHollings roadhouseBelgrave street
successivehouse165, Hollings road
3595 Wilson John F.Wilson streethouse10, Wilson street
3596 Wilson JosephSpringfield househouseSpringfield house
3597 Wilson JosephSpring rowhouse18, Spring row
3598 Wilson JoshuaElmsall streethouse10, Elmsall street
3599 Wilson JoshuaKensington streethouseWashington street
successivehouse70, Kensington street
3600 Wilson Samuel EarnshawNorth Park roadhouseNorth Park road
3601 Wilson Septem SamuelSouthfield squarehouse28, Southfield square
3602 Wilson ThomasCarlisle placehouse16, Carlisle place
3603 Wilson ThomasWhetley terracehouse19, Whetley terrace
3604 Wilson WardRose streethouse8, Rose street
3605 Wilson WilliamGirlington roadhouseGirlington road
successivehouseGirlington road
3606 Wilson WilliamKensington streethouse181, Kensington street
3607 Wilson WilliamKensington streethouse269, Kensington street
3608 Winder RichardDaisy hill lanehouse12, Daisy hill lane
3609 Winnett JohnKensington streethouse135, Kensington street
3610 Winter WilliamDevonshire terracehouse7, Devonshire terrace
3611 Winterburn IsaacMontgomery streethouse25, Montgomery street
3612 Wiseman EdwardOswald streethouse35, Oswald street
3613 Wiseman JamesThornton roadhouse & shop351, Thornton road
3614 Wolf GustaveOak villashouseBlenheim road
successivehouse9, Oak villas
3615 Wolfendale RichardCarlisle streethouse46, Carlisle street
3616 Wolfenden DavidSalt streethousePicton street
successivehouse16, Salt street
3617 Wolstencroft AmosSt. Jude's squarehouse4, St. Jude's square
3618 Wolstenholme John ProcterDevonshire terracehouse6, Devonshire terrace
3619 Womack GeorgeLumb lanestableWalmer villas
3620 Wood AbramNew rowhouseNew row
successivehouse6, New row
3621 Wood AlfredSkinner lanehouse27, Skinner lane
3622 Wood BenAshwell streethouse43, Ashwell street
3623 Wood BenjaminHighfield placehouse5, Highfield place
3624 Wood EdwinPrimrose terracehouse43, Primrose terrace
3625 Wood Frederick WilliamKensington streethouse49, Kensington street
3626 Wood GeorgeNorth paradehouse109, North parade
3627 Wood HenryPicton streethouse27, Picton street
3628 Wood IsaacDaisy hill, Back lanehouse4, Daisy hill, Back lane
3629 Wood IsaacGirlington roadhouse13, Girlington road
3630 Wood JamesArcadia streethouse33, Arcadia street
3631 Wood JamesPatent streethouse12, Patent street
3632 Wood JeremyStocks greenhouseStocks green
3633 Wood JohnBingley streethouse61, Bingley street
3634 Wood JohnBingley streethouseBingley street
successivehouse137, Bingley street
3635 Wood JohnMontgomery streethouse14, Montgomery street
3636 Wood JohnOakroyd terracehouse20, Oakroyd terrace
3637 Wood JohnSeal streethouse24, Seal street
3638 Wood JohnWashington streethouse124, Washington street
3639 Wood JohnWaile streethouse15, Waile street
3640 Wood JohnYoung streethouseIngleby street
successivehouse12, Young street
3641 Wood John CatlowWashington streethouseWashington street
successivehouseKensington street
successivehouseWashington street
3642 Wood JonasDuckworth lanehouse34, Duckworth lane
3643 Wood JosephClarendon terracehouse9, Clarendon terrace
3644 Wood JosephGirlington roadhouse82, Girlington road
3645 Wood JosephIsles streethouseNew row
successivehouseUnwin place
successivehouseIsles street
3646 Wood NathanKensington streethouse143, Kensington street
3647 Wood Nicholas JohnChurch streethouse47, Church street
3648 Wood OliverWashington streethouseKensington street
successivehouse66, Washington street
3649 Wood Samuel WilkinsonBavaria placehouse16, Bavaria place
3650 Wood ThomasBelle vuehouse8, Belle vue
3651 Wood ThomasKensington streethouse274, Kensington street
3652 Wood ThomasNew rowhouse11, New row
3653 Wood TitusMontgomery streethouse9, Montgomery street
3654 Wood WilliamGirlington roadhouse294, Girlington road
3655 Wood WilliamRosse streethouse90, Rosse street
3656 Wood WilliamSapling streethouse24, Sapling street
3657 Woodend JamesJapan streethouse89, Japan street
3658 Woodend RichardSilk streethouse31, Silk street
3659 Woodhall WilliamSalt streethouse28, Salt street
3660 Woodhead DavidBateman streethouseManningham lane
successivehouse6, Bateman street
3661 Woodhead JamesValley rowhouse24, Valley row
3662 Woodhead Joseph HarperValley rowhouse18, Valley row
3663 Woodhead SamuelSpringcliffehouseSpringcliffe
successivehouse11, Springcliffe
3664 Woodhead ThomasCemetery roadhouse2, Cemetery road
3665 Woodhead ThomasHebden streethouseIngleby street
successivehouse5, Hebden street
3666 Woodhead ThomasSouthfield squarehouse59, Southfield square
3667 Woodhead WilliamCarlisle streethouse30, Carlisle street
3668 Woodhouse JosephSilk streethouse121, Silk street
3669 Woodward Thomas HallApsley crescenthouse14, Apsley crescent
3670 Woodworth WilliamCemetery roadhouseCemetery road
successivehouse7, Cemetery road
3671 Wormald BenjaminElmsall streethouse11, Elmsall street
3672 Wormald WilliamValley streethouse13, Valley street
3673 Worsnop JamesWhetley terracehouse9, Whetley terrace
3674 Worsnop WilliamRose streethouse34, Rose street
3675 Worth HenrySalt streethouseSpringcliffe street
successivehouse87, Salt street
3676 Wray ThomasBack Spring rowhouse5A, Back Spring row
3677 Wright AdamJarratt streethouse30, Jarratt street
3678 Wright CharlesMarlborough roadhouse12, Marlborough road
3679 Wright DavidSapling streethouse58, Sapling street
3680 Wright EdwardGirlington roadhouse91, Girlington road
3681 Wright EdwinPrimrose streethouse49, Primrose street
3682 Wright GreenwoodGreen lane courthouse6, Green lane court
3683 Wright JamesIsles streethouseCarlisle street
successivehouse9, Isles street
3684 Wright JohnHollings roadhouseHome View terrace
successivehouse116, Hollings road
3685 Wright JohnMorningsidehouse2, Morningside
3686 Wright JosephBavaria placehouse3, Bavaria place
3687 Wright JosephSapling streethouse20, Sapling street
3688 Wright JoshuaGirlington roadhouseGirlington road
successivehouse & shopGirlington road
3689 Wright Nathan WilmanCarlisle placehouse68, Carlisle place
3690 Wright RobertAnvil streethouse7, Anvil street
3691 Wright RobertAshwell streethouse53, Ashwell street
3692 Wroe Thomas HenrySouthfield squarehouse41, Southfield square
3693 Wroe WilliamHome View terracehouse6, Home View terrace
3694 Wynn ArthurIngleby streethouse32, Ingleby street
3695 Wyrill GeorgeWhetley streethouse10, Whetley street
3696 Wyvill JohnKensington streethouse217, Kensington street

MANNINGHAM WARD, 1874, surnames beginning with the letter Y
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3697 Yates GeorgeElmsall streethouseElmsall street
3698 Yates LewisJapan streethouse95, Japan street
3699 Yates RobertBolton roydhouse170, Bolton royd
3700 Yates ThomasKensington streethouse187, Kensington street
3701 Yeadon JohnChurch streethouse51, Church street
3702 Yeoman JohnSaxon streethouse4, Saxon street
3703 Yewdall JesseNorth paradehouse137, North parade
3704 Yewdall ThomasPrimrose streethouse43, Primrose street
3705 Yewdall William HenryPark View roadhouseSouthfield square
successivehousePark View road
successivehousePark View road
3706 Yorke WilliamGirlington roadhouse65, Girlington road
3707 Young GeorgeWilson squarehouse14, Wilson square

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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