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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1876, SOUTH WARD, surnames R-Z.


Please read these notes about these registers.

SOUTH WARD, 1876, surnames R-Z.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2662 Race RichardLeeds roadhouse898, Leeds road
2663 Raine SamuelRhodes terracehouse22, Wakefield road
2664 Raistrick CharlesWilliam courthouse27, William court
2665 Raistrick GeorgeLeeds roadhouse1204, Leeds road
2666 Raistrick IsaacRobert courthouse16, Robert court
2667 Raistrick JohnMount streethouse87, Bedford street
successivehouse383, Mount street
2668 Raistrick SamuelChandos streethouse96, Chandos street
2669 Raistrick ThomasPeace streethouse49, Peace street
2670 Ramsbottom JohnWilliam squarehouse12, William square
2671 Ramsden DanielGarnett streethouse116, Garnett street
2672 Ramsden NathanHortonwarehouse5, Bolton place
2673 Rankan SamuelGay lanehouse12, Gay lane
2674 Ranson JosephParratt rowhouse14, Parratt row
2675 Raper JosephBendigo foldhouseThe Mount
successivehouse9, Bendigo fold
2676 Raper JosephBeck streethouse12, Beck street
2677 Raper JosephDryden streethouse5, Dryden street
2678 Ratcliffe EdmundYork streethouse84, York street
2679 Ratcliffe HenryGarnett streethouse40, Garnett street
2680 Ratcliffe JohnAcre streethouseAcre street
successivehouse29, Acre street
2681 Rawbotham JohnLeeds roadhouse118, Leeds road
2682 Rawdon ThomasBedford streethouse43, Bedford street
2683 Rawling JamesCampbell streethouse20, Campbell street
2684 Rawling JohnFrederick streethouse52, Frederick street
2685 Rawling JosephBirk streethouse1, Birk street
2686 Rawling SmithAnnison streethouse20, Annison street
2687 Rawling StephenBrooklyn streethouse70, Brooklyn street
2688 Rawnsley John, junr.ManninghamwarehouseBolton place
2689 Rawnsley JonathanRhodes terracehouse9, Rhodes terrace
2690 Rawnsley WilliamJoseph streethouse95, Joseph street
2691 Rawson JamesLeeds roadhouse & shop844, Leeds road
2692 Rawson JohnMoorside lanewarehouseMoorside lane
2693 Rawson ThomasEbenezer streethouse17, Ebenezer street
2694 Rawson WilliamJohnson streethouse11, Johnson street
2695 Rawson WilliamMoorside lanewarehouseMoorside lane
2696 Rayan JosephFullerton streethouse3, Chestnut street
successivehouse23, Fullerton street
2697 Rayner GeorgeBirk streethouse10, Birk street
2698 Rayner RobertBanner streethouse27, Banner street
2699 Raynor JamesFieldhouse streethouse21, Fieldhouse street
2700 Rearden DanielPotter streethouse10, Potter street
2701 Redfern WilliamBirk streethouse9, Birk street
2702 Redman JohnMosscar streethouse20, Mosscar street
2703 Reeves WilliamAeolus placehouse10, Aeolus place
2704 Renny AndrewBirk streethouse46, Birk street
2705 Revell EmanuelWakefield roadhouse & shop11, Wakefield road
2706 Revell JamesLaisterdykehouse56, Laisterdyke
2707 Revell NathanRevell courthouse4, Revell court
2708 Reynolds BenjaminParratt rowhouse19, Parratt row
2709 Reynolds DavidMyrtle streethouseGibson street
successivehouse14, Myrtle street
2710 Reynolds FrederickLeeds roadhouse & shop828, Leeds road
2711 Reynolds JohnLake streethouse22, Lake street
2712 Reynolds JosephFieldhousehouseFieldhouse, off Mount street
2713 Rhodes BenjaminCoach rowhouse54, Coach row
2714 Rhodes Edmund CoatesTennyson placeshopLower Ernest street
2715 Rhodes James BaldwinManninghamwarehouse74, Leeds road
2716 Rhodes JohnConcordia streethouse2, Concordia street
2717 Rhodes JohnHall streethouse31, Hall street
2718 Rhodes JohnMount streethouse435, Mount street
2719 Rhodes JohnLaisterdykehouse75, Laisterdyke
2720 Rhodes JonasMount streethouse439, Mount street
2721 Rhodes JosephBridge streethouse & shop61, Bridge street
2722 Rhodes TimothyWilliam squarehouse15, William square
2723 Rhodes WilliamGarnett streethouseKing Charles street
successivehouse154, Garnett street
2724 Richardson HenryGeorge streethouse & shop155, George street
2725 Richardson JamesMosscar streethouse39, Mosscar street
2726 Richardson JamesOrange streethouse35, Orange street
2727 Richardson WilliamMalvern streethouse16, Malvern street
2728 Richmond CharlesGeorge streethouse135, George street
2729 Richmond HammondRobertshaw streethouseRobertshaw street
successivehouse10, Robertshaw street
2730 Riddiell WilliamDundas streethouseNapier street
successivehouse45, Dundas street
2731 Riddiough EdmondsonLaurel streethouse82, Laurel street
2732 Riddiough JosephMount streethouse280, Mount street
2733 Ridehalgh JohnBeck streethouse86, Beck street
2734 Ridgway WilliamRobinson streethouse21, Robinson street
2735 Ridley JoshuaBirkshall lanehouse43, Birkshall lane
2736 Rigg LewisBack lanehouse347, Back lane
2737 Rigg WilliamEbenezer streethouse8, Ebenezer street
2738 Riles JamesMyrtle streethouse25, Myrtle street
2739 Riley EdwardCope streethouse27, Cope street
2740 Riley GeorgeWakefield roadhouse & shop6, Wakefield road
2741 Riley HenryChandos streethouse11, Chandos street
2742 Riley JamesWakefield roadhouse215, Wakefield road
2743 Riley JamesAcorn streethouse8, Acorn street
2744 Riley JonasCartmell streethouse26, Cartmell street
2745 Riley JoshuaDundas streethouse70, Dundas street
successivehouse85, Dundas street
2746 Riley PatrickHall streethouse59, Hall street
2747 Riley SamuelDaniel streethouse9, Daniel street
2748 Riley ThomasDaniel streethouseBack Coach row
successivehouse54, Daniel street
2749 Rimmington JamesBirkshall lanehouse2, Birkshall lane
2750 Ripley DanielHortonwarehouseBrook street
successivewarehouseFrederick street
2751 Ripley JamesBowlingshop54, Bridge street
2752 Ripley WilliamAcorn streethouse11, Acorn street
2753 Roach EdwardMyrtle streethouse24, Myrtle street
2754 Roberts AlfredLeeds roadhouse544, Leeds road
successiveshop546, Leeds road
2755 Roberts AndrewFrancis streethouse7, Francis street
2756 Roberts GeorgeVictoria terracewarehouse3, Hall ings
2757 Roberts JohnPeace streethouse11, Peace street
2758 Roberts JohnPratt streethouse51, Pratt street
2759 Roberts JosephClayton placehouse23, Clayton place
2760 Roberts Samuel FrederickBridge streethouse36, Bridge street
2761 Roberts WilliamNapier streethouse7, Napier street
2762 Roberts WilliamPratt streethouseWilliam court
successivehouse29, Pratt street
2763 Roberts William HenryMalvern streethouse4, Malvern street
2764 Robertshaw AlfredManninghamwarehouse8, Leeds road
2765 Robertshaw EmanuelCorless rowhouse7, Corless row
2766 Robertshaw HenryEssex streethouse42, Essex street
2767 Robertshaw JamesNapier streethouse48, Oastler terrace
successivehouse101, Napier street
2768 Robertshaw JonasRobert courthouse28, Robert court
2769 Robertshaw JosephGibson streethouse14, Gibson street
2770 Robertshaw JosephLeeds roadhouseCook street
successivehouse1014, Leeds road
2771 Robinson DanKimberley streethouse19, Kimberley street
2772 Robinson FrederickChapman streethouse32, Chapman street
2773 Robinson HenryMaltby streethouse36, Maltby street
2774 Robinson HezekiahLeeds roadhouse912, Leeds road
2775 Robinson IsraelYork streethouse47, York street
2776 Robinson IsraelKerr streethouse1, Kerr street
2777 Robinson JamesMount streethouse427, Mount street
2778 Robinson JamesCoach rowhouse4, Coach row
2779 Robinson JohnGeorge streethouse30, George street
2780 Robinson JohnDundas streethouse64, Dundas street
2781 Robinson JohnCork streethouseWalnut street
successivehouse28, Cork street
2782 Robinson JohnBanner streethouse70, Banner street
successivehouse10, Banner street
2783 Robinson JosephBuck streethouse1, Buck street
2784 Robinson MarkBack lanehouse6, Back lane
2785 Robinson RobertGay lanehouse6, Gay lane
2786 Robinson RobertQuill streethouse20, Quill street
2787 Robinson RobertBack Royal streethouse14, Back Royal street
2788 Robinson ThomasFrancis courthouseGarnett street
successivehouse11, Francis court
2789 Robinson WilliamGarnett streethouse52, Garnett street
2790 Robinson WilliamEast streethouse50, East street
2791 Robotham CharlesVicar lanehouse24, Vicar lane
2792 Robshaw BenjaminMarley streethouse13, Marley street
2793 Robshaw RobertAnnison streethouse10, Annison street
2794 Robson JamesOastler terracehouse30, Oastler terrace
2795 Rodger WilliamFieldhouse rowhouse6, Fieldhouse row
2796 Rodham ThomasBanner streethouse9, Banner street
successivehouse70, Banner street
2797 Rodley JohnAdolphus streethouse103, Adolphus street
2798 Rodley RichardOastler terracehouse36, Oastler terrace
2799 Rodley WilliamEast streethouse10, East street
2800 Rogers AlickPratt streethouse35, Pratt street
2801 Rogers AnthonyShaw's yardhouse7, Shaw's yard
2802 Rogers CharlesNapier streethouseHodgson square
successivehouse103, Napier street
2803 Rogers DanielMosscar streethouse19, Mosscar street
2804 Rogers WilliamMount streethouse226, Mount street
2805 Rogerson Michael, junr.North paradewarehouse42, Union street
2806 Rolfe WilliamWakefield roadhouse193, Wakefield road
2807 Romain WilliamPeace streethouse43, Peace street
2808 Romaine EzraClayton placehouse19, Clayton place
2809 Rook GeorgeBanner streethouse8, Banner street
2810 Roper IsaacLeeds roadhouse926, Leeds road
2811 Roper JosephJohnson streethouse4, Johnson street
2812 Roper WilliamLaisterdykehouse7, Laisterdyke
2813 Rose CharlesBack lanehouse481, Back lane
2814 Rosetter WilliamMaltby streethouse17, Maltby street
2815 Ross SamuelLeeds roadhouse512, Leeds road
2816 Ross ThomasFarrar squarehouse18, Farrar square
2817 Ross WilliamMaltby streethouse39, Maltby street
2818 Rothera JohnHall streethouse20, Hall street
2819 Rothwell EdwardManninghamshopMarket street
successiveshop56, Leeds road
2820 Rothwell SylvesterBattye streethouse8, Battye street
2821 Roundhill JohnBradford moorhouse3, Bradford moor
2822 Rourke AndrewFive streethouse1, Five street
2823 Rouse JohnHall streethouse28, Hall street
2824 Rowbotham JamesBridge streethouse & shop59, Bridge street
2825 Rowen JohnFarrar squarehouse8, Farrar square
2826 Rowley GeorgePeace streethouse63, Peace street
2827 Rowsby JohnMount streethouse454, Mount street
2828 Rudd JohnRoyal streethouse12, Royal street
2829 Ruddock ThomasLower Ebenezer courthouse21, Lower Ebenezer court
2830 Rushforth AlbertMount streethouse108, Mount street
2831 Rushforth DavidRaglan streethouse18, Raglan street
2832 Rushforth EliMyrtle streethouse42, Myrtle street
2833 Rushforth JamesBarkerend foldhouse42, Barkerend fold
2834 Rushforth JohnEast streethouse69, East street
successivehouse36, East street
2835 Rushforth JonasEccleshillshopHammerton street
2836 Rushforth WilliamFieldhouse squarehouse5, Fieldhouse square
2837 Rushton CrawshawBattye streethouse43, Battye street
2838 Rushton JohnPeace streethouse3, Peace street
2839 Rushworth GeorgeClayton placehouse27, Clayton place
2840 Rushworth GeorgeBanner streethouse50, Banner street
2841 Rushworth JohnGarnett streethouse74, Garnett street
2842 Rushworth JohnWainwright courthouse6, Wainwright court
2843 Russell ClarkWalnut streethouse27, Walnut street
successivehouse1, Walnut street
2844 Russell ThomasBarkerend roadhouse44, Barkerend road
2845 Ryan AndrewGeorge streethouse89, George street
2846 Ryan AnthonyMulgrave courthouse2, Mulgrave court
2847 Ryan JeremiahNapier streethouse12, Harrison street
successivehouse105, Napier street
2848 Ryan JohnYork streethouse28, York street
2849 Ryan JohnFoundry streethouse13, Foundry street
2850 Ryan WilliamMyrtle streethouse60, Myrtle street
2851 Ryder HenryTennyson placeshop38, Vicar lane
2852 Ryder JamesBattye streethouse36, Battye street

SOUTH WARD, 1876, surnames beginning with the letter S
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2853 Sagar StephenRobinson streethouse4, Robinson street
2854 Sanders JamesMyrtle streethouse60, Myrtle street
successivehouse52, Myrtle street
2855 Sanderson JohnRobertshaw streethouse14, Robertshaw street
2856 Sands ThomasGay lanehouse17, Gay lane
2857 Saunders EdwinNapier streethouse107, Napier street
2858 Savage JohnTennyson placewarehouse8, Leeds road
2859 Savage TobiasMyrtle streethouse71 Myrtle street
2860 Saville WilliamLeeds roadhouse842, Leeds road
2861 Sawdon George EdwardHustler terracewarehouseBath street
2862 Sawer Matthew HenryTennyson placewarehouseFiley street
2863 Saxon SamuelPenny streethouse14, Penny street
2864 Scanlon RobertChandos streethouse19, Chandos street
2865 Scarr ThomasGarnett streethouse114, Garnett street
2866 Schmidt WilliamManninghamwarehouse36, Union street
2867 Schofield GeorgeFieldhouse streethouse3, Fieldhouse street
2868 Schofield JamesWakefield roadhouse19, Wakefield road
2869 Schofield JohnGeorge streethouse5, George street
2870 Schofield WilliamNapier streethouse69, Napier street
2871 Scholefield JamesLaisterdykehouse54, Laisterdyke
2872 Scholefield JohnDaniel streethouse46, Daniel street
2873 Scholefield JohnAdolphus streethouse5, Adolphus street
2874 Scholefield WilliamAdolphus streethouse45, Adolphus street
2875 Scott DennisonMount streethouseCabbage street
successivehouse155, Mount street
2876 Scott EdwardCarpenter streethouse10, Carpenter street
2877 Scott HenryWentworth streethouse24, Wentworth street
2878 Scott Henry RobertGarnett streethouse68, Garnett street
2879 Scott John HenryBedford streethouse56, Bedford street
2880 Scott RichardBath streethouse4, Bath street
2881 Scott ThomasFrancis streethouse4, Francis street
2882 Scott WalterManninghamwarehouse6 Hall ings
2883 Scramble GeorgeMaud streethouse11 Maud street
2884 Scully JohnLower William courthouse14, Myrtle street
successivehouse11, Lower William court
2885 Scully ThomasAcre streethouse6, Acre street
2886 Scurrah JosephLeeds roadhouse1026, Leeds road
successivehouse24, Battye street
2887 Seacroft WilliamEbenezer streethouse3, Ebenezer street
2888 Seddon WilliamLower Ebenezer courthouse33, Lower Ebenezer court
2889 Sedgwick GeorgePratt streethouse51, William court
successivehouse25, Pratt street
2890 Sellars EliGreencliffe villawarehouse61, York street
2891 Sellars JosephGeorge streethouse51, George street
2892 Sellars ThomasChandos streethouse42, Chandos street
2893 Senior EdwardLeeds roadhouse460, Leeds road
2894 Senior SamuelHarley streethouse6, Harley street
2895 Senior SamuelBack Pratt streethouse38, Back Pratt street
2896 Senior WilliamOrange streethouse21, Walnut street
successivehouse38, Orange street
2897 Senton JohnAtkinson streethouse11, Atkinson street
2898 Settle JosephMyrtle streethouse100, Myrtle street
2899 Sewell JamesBack lanehouse382, Back lane
2900 Seymour CalebPeace streethouse25, Peace street
2901 Seymour WilliamMyrtle streethouse6, Myrtle street
2902 Shackleton ArthurConcordia streethouse9, Concordia street
2903 Shackleton BenjaminMount streethouse138, Mount street
2904 Shackleton CharlesDundas streethouse15, Rhodes terrace
successivehouseHanover square
successivehouse34, Dundas street
2905 Shackleton ChristopherLeeds roadhouse984, Leeds road
2906 Shackleton EliAmberley streethouseBradford moor
successivehouse22, Amberley street
2907 Shackleton JosephAtkinson streethouse5, Atkinson street
2908 Shackleton MosesCope streethouse930, Leeds road
successivehouse23, Cope street
2909 Shackleton ThomasFullerton streethouse11, Fullerton street
2910 Shackleton WilliamWentworth streethouse9, Wentworth street
2911 Shackleton WilliamBack lanehouse28, Back lane
2912 Shannon WilliamBedford streethouse65, Bedford street
2913 Sharrow GeorgeHortonwarehouse12, Leeds road
2914 Sharp AbrahamLyndhurst streethouse41, Lyndhurst street
2915 Sharp DennisonFurnace streethouse12, Furnace street
2916 Sharp JacobWakefield roadhouse & shop5, Wakefield road
2917 Sharp JobMosscar streethouse16, Mosscar street
2918 Sharp JohnBirkshall lanehouse39A, Birkshall lane
2919 Sharp JohnKershaw streethouseFlorence street
successivehouse48, Kershaw street
2920 Sharp JohnGeorge streethouse150, George street
successivehouse & shop116, George street
2921 Sharp ObadiahBirkshall lanehouse39, Birkshall lane
2922 Sharp SamuelBack lanehouse349, Back lane
2923 Sharp ThomasAnnison streethouse7, Annison street
2924 Sharp WilliamBirkshall lanehouse42, Birkshall lane
2925 Sharp WilliamBack lanehouse221, Back lane
2926 Sharp WilliamRichard streetshop176, Leeds road
2927 Sharp WilliamLeeds roadhouse1006, Leeds road
2928 Shaw AbsalomLeeds roadhouse836, Leeds road
2929 Shaw AlfredBrooklyn streethouse52, Brooklyn street
2930 Shaw DavidBattye streethouse6, Battye street
2931 Shaw ElijahBirkshall lanehouse31, Birkshall lane
2932 Shaw HenryDundas streethouse38, Dundas street
2933 Shaw IsraelHarrison streetshop38, Harrison street
2934 Shaw JamesMount streethouse268, Mount street
successivehouse272, Mount street
2935 Shaw JobMosscar streethouse16, Mosscar street
2936 Shaw JohnBeck streethouse78, Beck street
2937 Shaw JohnGeorge streethouse80, George street
2938 Shaw RobertVicar lanehouse18, Vicar lane
2939 Shaw RobertBedford streethouse23, Edward street
successivehouse63, Bedford street
2940 Shaw SamuelBirkshall lanehouse30, Birkshall lane
2941 Shaw WilliamGeorge streethouse46, George street
2942 Sheard AlfredFieldhouse rowhouseNapier street
successivehouse1, Fieldhouse row
2943 Sheard JosephCroft streethouse141, Croft street
2944 Sheldon JohnUnion streethouse11, Union street
successivehouse38, Union street
2945 Shepherd JohnWilliam courthouse13, William court
2946 Shepherd WilliamMount streethouse410, Mount street
2947 Sheriff AmbroseAlmond streethouse20, Almond street
2948 Sherwood ThomasGeorge streetshopGraham street
2949 Shields JamesEastbrook lanehouse47, Eastbrook lane
2950 Shires DanielBack lanehouse215, Back lane
2951 Shires EmanuelFrancis streethouse11, Francis street
2952 Shoesmith AlfredGeorge streethouse8, George street
2953 Shoesmith GeorgeLeeds roadhouse418, Leeds road
2954 Shooter GeorgeChandos streethouse24, Chandos street
2955 Shooter JohnJewell streethouse5, Jewell street
2956 Shooter ThomasLake streethouse16, Lake street
2957 Shuttleworth GeorgeBridge streethouse & shop95, Bridge street
2958 Shuttleworth JohnGraham streethouseSydenham place
successivehouseGraham street
2959 Shuttleworth JosephCroft streethouse & shop64, Croft street
2960 Sides AbrahamBirksland streethouse37, Birksland street
2961 Sills WilliamGeorge streethouse44, George street
2962 Silson BenjaminBack lanehouse38, Back lane
2963 Simmons JohnBedford streethouse21, Bedford street
2964 Simon GeorgeSpring gardenswarehouse44, Vicar lane
2965 Simpkin JamesPratt streethouse36, Pratt street
2966 Simpson AtkinsonBattye streethouse101, Battye street
2967 Simpson CrabtreeAeolus streethouse10, Aeolus street
2968 Simpson EphraimMount streethouse328, Mount street
2969 Simpson HearfieldGarnett streethouseWestgrove street
successivehouse148, Garnett street
2970 Simpson JohnBack lanehouse501A, Back lane
2971 Simpson JohnLeeds roadhouseNapier street
successivehouse797, Leeds road
2972 Simpson JosephLeeds roadhouse1232, Leeds road
2973 Simpson RobertCarnation streethouseBolton road
successivehouse5, Carnation street
2974 Simpson RobinsonBack lanehouse285, Back lane
2975 Simpson WilliamWarwick streethouse42, Warwick street
2976 Singleton GeorgePotter's yardhouse12, Potter's yard
successivehouse8, Potter's yard
2977 Singleton GeorgeNapier streethouse23, Napier street
2978 Singleton RalphCabbage streethouse11, Cabbage street
2979 Skelhorn William HodsonManninghamwarehouse52, Leeds road
2980 Skevington Thomas WilliamThornburywarehouseBirksland street
2981 Skirrow JamesBirkshall lanehouse37, Birkshall lane
2982 Skirrow JohnChestnut streethouse9, Chestnut street
2983 Skitt CharlesMount streethouse245, Mount street
2984 Slade GeorgeChapman streethouse30, Chapman street
2985 Slater JamesLaurel streethouse26, Laurel street
2986 Slater LeeUnion streethouseCannon street
successivehouse11, Union street
2987 Smith AlbertEast paradehouse & shop25, George street
2988 Smith AlfredAtkinson streethouse13, Atkinson street
2989 Smith AmbrosePenny streethouse24, Robert street
successivehouse1, Penny street
2990 Smith ArthurLeeds roadhouse1044, Leeds road
2991 Smith AsherHolt streethouse1, Holt street
2992 Smith BatesonCartmell streethouse2, Cartmell street
2993 Smith Charles HenryKerr streethouse21, Kerr street
2994 Smith ChristopherDiamond streethouse14, Diamond street
2995 Smith DanielYork streethouse13, York street
2996 Smith DavidBirksland streethouse36, Birksland street
2997 Smith Edward AlbertGeorge streethouse45, George street
2998 Smith GeorgeCoach rowhouse72, Coach row
2999 Smith GeorgeBack lanehouse279, Back lane
3000 Smith HenryChandos streethouse3, Chandos street
3001 Smith HenryEast streethouse48, East street
3002 Smith HenryGarnett streethouse12, Garnett street
3003 Smith HenryAtkinson streethouse4, Atkinson street
3004 Smith HollingsDownham streethouse10, Downham street
3005 Smith Horace BrookBack Coach rowhouse3, Back Coach row
3006 Smith JamesLeeds roadhouse94, Leeds road
3007 Smith JamesTownhill streethouse29, Townhill street
3008 Smith JamesMyrtle streethouse22, Back Pratt street
successivehouse36, Myrtle street
3009 Smith JamesLeeds roadhouse572, Leeds road
3010 Smith JamesCampbell streethouse9, Campbell street
3011 Smith JamesMount streethouse393, Mount street
3012 Smith JohnAllertonmillAugustus street
3013 Smith JohnSeymour streethouse22, Seymour street
3014 Smith JohnWentworth streethouse19, Wentworth street
3015 Smith JohnAmberley streethouse9, Amberley street
3016 Smith JohnClayton placehouse34, Clayton place
3017 Smith JohnPratt streethouse43, Pratt street
3018 Smith JohnMount streethouse385, Mount street
3019 Smith JohnRhodes terracehouse3, Rhodes terrace
3020 Smith JohnCook streethouse5, Cook street
3021 Smith JohnMoorfieldshouse10, Moorfields
3022 Smith JohnPit lanehouse1, Pit lane
3023 Smith John EdwardMaltby streethouse23, Maltby street
3024 Smith JosephLeeds roadshop495, Leeds road
3025 Smith JosephClark courthouse10, Clark court
3026 Smith JosephMount streethouse447, Mount street
3027 Smith JosephBedford streethouse50, Bedford street
3028 Smith JosephLaurel streethouse54A, Laurel street
3029 Smith JosephQuill streethouse19, Quill street
successivehouse13, Quill street
3030 Smith JoshuaGreat Cross streethouse69, Great Cross street
3031 Smith LeemingLaurel streethouse58, Laurel street
successivehouse74, Laurel street
3032 Smith MichaelDiamond streethouse8, Diamond street
3033 Smith MichaelRifle courthouse20, Rifle court
3034 Smith OwenBack lanehouse12, George street
successivehouse31A Back lane
3035 Smith PeterCabinet streethouse13, Cabinet street
3036 Smith PeterBirksland streethouse8, Birksland street
3037 Smith ReubenNewgate streethouse22, Newgate street
3038 Smith RichardPotter streethouse20, Potter street
3039 Smith RichardMosscar streethouse22, Mosscar street
3040 Smith RobertWakefield roadhouse & shop9, Wakefield road
3041 Smith SamuelBedford streethouse41, Bedford street
3042 Smith SamuelHortonshopYork street
3043 Smith SamuelRaglan streethouseDundas street
successivehouse4, Raglan street
3044 Smith SydneyDundas streethouse68, Dundas street
3045 Smith ThomasBridge streethouse103, Bridge street
3046 Smith ThomasWarwick streethouse11, Warwick street
3047 Smith ThomasGay lanehouse55, Gay lane
3048 Smith ThomasAlmond streethouse15, Almond street
3049 Smith WilliamSodom lanehouse9, Sodom lane
3050 Smith WilliamBridge streethouse102, Bridge street
3051 Smith WilliamBirk streethouse21, Birk street
3052 Smith WilliamMount streethouse284, Mount street
3053 Smith WilliamGladstone streethouse38, Gladstone street
3054 Smith WilliamEssex streethouse40, Essex street
3055 Smith WilliamDundas streethouse26, Raglan street
successivehouse73, Dundas street
3056 Smith WilliamBradford rowhouse1300, Bradford row
3057 Smithies JamesCork streethouse9, Cork street
3058 Smithies JosephBirksland streethouse77, Birksland street
3059 Smithies ThomasPenn streethouse1, Penn street
3060 Smithies ValentineDiamond streethouse3, Diamond street
3061 Snaith GeorgeMount streethouse344, Mount street
3062 Snowden JonasBanner streethouse52, Banner street
3063 Snowden William HenryBanner streethouse32, Banner street
3064 Sowden JeffreyLyndhurst streethouse10, Lyndhurst street
3065 Sowden JosephFrancis streethouse8, Francis street
3066 Sowden JosephGay lanehouse29, Gay lane
3067 Sowden MilesYork streethouse11, York street
3068 Sowden MilesHortonwarehouseMount street
3069 Sowden WilliamAllan streethouse16, Allan street
3070 Sowden WilsonBridge streethouse & shop109, Bridge street
3071 Sowood HenryClarkson courthouse19, Clarkson court
3072 Sparling LeonardMount streethouse424, Mount street
3073 Sparrow RichardFlorence streethouse19, Florence street
3074 Speight Gregory CockroftMount streethouse200, Mount street
3075 Speight RichardGrant streethouse3, Grant street
3076 Speight WilliamBedford streethouse28, Bedford street
3077 Spence Edward BarkerOtley roadhouseOtley road
successiveshop146, Leeds road
3078 Spencer CharlesKerr streethouseLaurel street
successivehouse11, Kerr street
3079 Spencer EphraimBack lanehouse477, Back lane
3080 Spencer GeorgeRobert courthouse19, Robert court
3081 Spencer GeorgeMalvern streethouse6, Malvern street
3082 Spencer MilesMount streethouse441, Mount street
3083 Spencer StephenCook streethouse46, Cook street
3084 Spencer ThomasBradford moorhouse7, Bradford moor
3085 Spencer ThomasEast streethouse21, East street
3086 Spencer WilliamBridge streethouse92, Bridge street
3087 Spencer WilliamKershaw streethouse44, Kershaw street
3088 Spillman GeorgeDundas streethouse56, Dundas street
3089 Spreckley JohnTownhill streethouse14, Townhill street
3090 Squires HenryBedford streethouse59, Bedford street
3091 Stanley BenjaminJohnson courthouse7, Johnson court
3092 Stansfield BenjaminLeeds roadhouseMaltby street
successivehouse & shop980, Leeds road
3093 Stansfield EdwardDownham streetshopLeeds road
3094 Stansfield HartleyBack lanehouse409, Back lane
3095 Stanton JohnShaw's yardhouse5, Shaw's yard
3096 Stapleton JohnTickhill streethouse16, Potter street
successivehouse11, Tickhill street
successiveshop325, Leeds road
3097 Stapleton ThomasLeeds roadhouse314, Leeds road
3098 Stapleton WilliamMulgrave streethouse40, Mulgrave street
3099 Starr GeorgeGeorge courthouse4, George court
3100 Stead AbrahamMaltby streethouse41, Maltby street
3101 Stead CharlesGreat Cross streethouse26, Great Cross street
3102 Stead FrankDaniel streethouseMyrtle street
successivehouse13, Daniel street
3103 Stead JamesLee rowhouse27, Lee row
3104 Stead JamesBattye streethouse51, Battye street
3105 Stead JohnBattye streethouse29, Battye street
3106 Stead JohnGarnett streethouse128, Garnett street
3107 Stead John WilliamBedford streethouseMiddle street
successivehouse39, Bedford street
3108 Stead JosephLaisterdykehouse3, Laisterdyke
3109 Stead JosephAlmond streethouse8, Almond street
3110 Stead JoshuaDaniel streethouseDaniel street
successivehouse25, Daniel street
3111 Stead MatthewClarkson streethouse26, Clarkson street
3112 Stead RobertLeeds roadhouse976, Leeds road
3113 Steege FrederickBridge streethouse & shop67, Bridge street
3114 Steel BenjaminLeeds roadhouse & shop428, Leeds road
3115 Steel RichardVicar lanehouse14, Vicar lane
3116 Steel RobertBridge streethouse & shop119, Bridge street
3117 Steele ThomasBowlingwarehouse30, Farrar square
3118 Stephenson JohnLeeds roadhouse1234, Leeds road
3119 Stephenson JohnKershaw streethouse100, Kershaw street
3120 Stephenson JohnHall streethouse16, Hall street
3121 Stephenson JosephFullerton streethouse31A, Fullerton street
3122 Stephenson LawBarkerend roadhouse204, Barkerend
3123 Stephenson ThomasBattye streethouse23, Battye street
successivehouse25, Battye street
3124 Stephenson WilliamChestnut streethouse15, Chestnut street
3125 Stephenson WilliamRevell courthouse5, Revell court
3126 Stevens WilliamThreadneedle streethouse20, Threadneedle street
3127 Stewart JohnsonCollier streethouse4, Collier street
3128 Stewart ThomasClayton placehouse50, Clayton place
3129 Stilwell WilliamShaw's courthouse7, Shaw's court
3130 Stockdale ThomasDundas streethouse109, Dundas street
3131 Stockdale WilliamDundas streethouse44, Dundas street
3132 Stocks WilliamKershaw streethouse14, Orange street
successivehouse62, Kershaw street
3133 Stoner JohnPeace streethouse17, Peace street
3134 Stoner WilliamWakefield roadhouse & shop247, Wakefield road
3135 Storey GeorgeBradford lanehouse2, Bradford lane
3136 Storey HenryKershaw streethouse181, Mount street
successivehouse52, Kershaw street
3137 Storey JamesWilliam courthouse23, William court
3138 Storey JohnKerr streethouse19, Kerr street
3139 Storey JohnBattye streethouse27, Battye street
3140 Storey JosephAcre streethouse25, Acre street
3141 Storrs BartholomewCampbell streethouse3, Campbell street
3142 Stott IsaacWhitley streethouseClayton street
successivehouse4, Whitley street
3143 Stott IsaacBuck streethouse12, Buck street
3144 Stott ThomasBridge streethouse80, Bridge street
3145 Stott WilliamBuck streetwarehouse7A, Buck street
3146 Stowe JohnPit lanehouse13, Pit lane
3147 Strother ThomasMount streethouse433, Mount street
3148 Stuck MatthewDaniel streethouse60, Daniel street
3149 Sturdy JamesMyrtle streethouse8, Myrtle street
3150 Stutts William HenryJohnson streethouse3, Johnson street
3151 Styan CharlesYork streethouse8, York street
3152 Suddington GeorgeMount streethouse288, Mount street
3153 Sugden CharlesDownham streethouse26, Downham street
3154 Sugden GeorgeBack lanehouse16, Back lane
3155 Sugden HenryLeeds roadhouseOrchard street
successivehouse1318, Leeds road
3156 Sugden IsaacBeck streethouse74, Beck street
3157 Sugden JohnBirksland streethouse23, Birksland street
3158 Sugden RichardBirksland streethouse57, Birksland street
3159 Sugden ThomasBirksland streethouse43, Hall street
successivehouse24, Birksland street
3160 Sugden WilliamGay lanehouse59, Gay lane
3161 Sugden WilliamMount streethouse370, Mount street
3162 Sugden WilliamFiley streethouse3, Filey street
3163 Sugden William HenryIdlewarehouseDrake street
successivewarehouse10, Leeds road
3164 Summers JamesFarnley streethouse3, Farnley street
3165 Summersgill WilliamBirk streethouse33, Birk street
3166 Sunderland JamesThornburyshop311, Leeds road
3167 Sunderland JosephLapage streetwarehouseBirksland street
3168 Sunderland WilliamGeorge streethouse95, George street
3169 Sunter CharlesBarkerend foldhouse48, Barkerend fold
3170 Sunter JamesMulgrave streethouse96, Mulgrave street
3171 Sunter JohnSodom lanehouse12, Sodom lane
3172 Sunter JosephSodom lanehouse1, Sodom lane
3173 Surridge JohnGeorge streethouse146, George street
3174 Surridge JosephRobinson streethouseRobinson street
successivehouseMyrtle street
3175 Sutcliffe AlfredLaisterdykehouse72, Laisterdyke
3176 Sutcliffe AllenBirksland streethouse29, Birksland street
3177 Sutcliffe BenjaminLeeds roadhouse1030, Leeds road
3178 Sutcliffe GeorgeLyndhurst streethouse31, Lyndhurst street
3179 Sutcliffe HenryPeace streethouse27, Peace street
3180 Sutcliffe JamesMulgrave streethouse96, Mulgrave street
3181 Sutcliffe James WilliamManninghamwarehouse12, Hall ings
3182 Sutcliffe JohnCook streethouse28, Cook street
3183 Sutcliffe JohnGeorge streethouse9, George street
3184 Sutcliffe JohnKimberley streethouse155, Mount street
successivehouse27, Kimberley street
3185 Sutcliffe RobertMaltby streethouse35, Maltby street
3186 Sutcliffe SamuelPit lanehouse15, Pit lane
3187 Sutcliffe SquireLeeds roadhouse171, Leeds road
3188 Sutcliffe SydneyBirk streethouse48, Birk street
3189 Sutcliffe ThomasLake rowhouse13, Lake row
3190 Sutcliffe ThomasMosscar streethouse42, Mosscar street
3191 Sutcliffe ThomasAeolus streethouse14, Aeolus street
3192 Sutcliffe ThomasLeeds roadhouse282, Leeds road
3193 Sutcliffe ThomasHortonwarehouse10, Drake street
3194 Swaine AlbertGrant streethouse9, Grant street
3195 Swaine JohnLaisterdykehouse36, Laisterdyke
3196 Swaine JosephCross Frederick streethouse8, Cross Frederick street
3197 Swaine LeviRevell courthouse1, Revell court
3198 Swaine ThomasPeace streethouse13, Peace street
3199 Swaine WilliamAeolus placehouse6, Aeolus place
3200 Swaine WilliamRevell courthouse2, Revell court
3201 Swaine WilliamRobinson streethouse25, Robinson street
3202 Swallow EdwinPeace streethouse47, Peace street
3203 Swallow JamesErnest streethouseErnest street
3204 Swallow WilliamDaniel streethouse56, Daniel street
3205 Sweeney TerryHarrison streethouse4, Harrison street
3206 Swift Henry EdwinTickhill streethouseRaglan street
successivehouse17, Tickhill street
3207 Swires HezekiahAeolus streethouse5, Aeolus street
3208 Swires ThomasWibseywarehouse32, Granby yard
3209 Swithenbank AlbertBridge streethouse96, Bridge street
3210 Swithenbank AnthonyMulgrave streethouse78, Mulgrave street
3211 Swithenbank EdwardBridge streethouse52, Bridge street
3212 Swithenbank JohnBirk streethouse3, Birk street
3213 Swithenbank WilliamMount streethouse235, Mount street
3214 Sykes GeorgeQuill streethouse11, Quill street
3215 Sykes William WadeHortonwarehouse42, Bridge street
3216 Synnett MichaelCabbage streethouse13, Cabbage street

SOUTH WARD, 1876, surnames beginning with the letter T
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3217 Taaffe JohnChestnut streethouse12, Chestnut street
3218 Talbot GrosvenorBingleywarehouseBridge street
3219 Talon JohnMyrtle streethouse38, Myrtle street
3220 Tankard EdwinFarnley streethouse1, Farnley street
3221 Tankard JohnBack lanewarehouseLaisterdyke
3222 Tankard JosephBack lanehouse533, Back lane
3223 Tansey JohnMount streethouse261, Mount street
3224 Tansey ThomasMyrtle streethouse106, Myrtle street
3225 Tate ArthurWakefield roadhouse21, Wakefield road
3226 Tattersall AbrahamLee rowhouse26, Lee row
3227 Tattersall JamesMaltby streethouse28, Maltby street
3228 Tattersall JohnBowlingshops25, Wakefield road
3229 Tattersall ThomasCollier streethouse3, Collier street
3230 Tattersall ThomasBirksland streethouse10, Birksland street
3231 Taylor Edwin MiltonYork streethouse74, York street
3232 Taylor GeorgePratt streethouse50, Pratt street
3233 Taylor GeorgePratt streethouse60, Pratt street
3234 Taylor GeorgeNorth Paradewarehouse3, Norfolk street
3235 Taylor HenryCoach rowhouse49, William court
successivehouse16, Coach row
3236 Taylor HenryCoach rowhouse58, Coach row
3237 Taylor HenryMount streethouse314, Mount street
3238 Taylor JamesJohnson streethouse7, Johnson street
3239 Taylor JohnMosscar streethouse35, Mosscar street
3240 Taylor JohnTownhill streethouse31, Townhill street
3241 Taylor JohnCampbell streethouse2, Bath street
successivehouseCampbell street
3242 Taylor JohnMount streethouse408, Mount street
3243 Taylor JohnGladstone streethouse23, Gladstone street
3244 Taylor JohnRobinson streethouse12, Robinson street
3245 Taylor JosephBrooklyn streethouse60, Brooklyn street
3246 Taylor LaycockGreat Cross streethouse51, Great Cross street
3247 Taylor OwenHall streethouse13, Fullerton street
successivehouse24, Hall street
3248 Taylor RichardTennyson placewarehouse88, Leeds road
3249 Taylor RobertLyndhurst streethouse25, Lyndhurst street
3250 Taylor SamuelLee squarehouse6, Lee square
3251 Taylor ThomasBack Pratt streethouse52, Back Pratt street
3252 Taylor WilliamJoseph streethouse81, Joseph street
3253 Taylor WilliamDundas streethouse29, Wentworth street
successivehouse77, Dundas street
3254 Taylor William HenryEast streethouse49, East street
3255 Teal JohnAdolphus streetshopAdolphus street
3256 Teal JohnLyndhurst streethouse19, Lyndhurst street
3257 Tearn JohnRifle courthouse18, Rifle court
3258 Tempest CowgillBack lanehouse11, Back lane
3259 Tempest JosephBack lanehouse & shop4, Back lane
3260 Tempest WilliamSeymour streethouse36, Seymour street
3261 Tennant JamesChandos streethouse38, Chandos street
3262 Tennant JohnJohnson courthouse3, Johnson court
3263 Tennant RobertPeace streethouse33, Peace street
3264 Tennett CharlesMilton streetshopTanhouse yard
3265 Terry GeorgeCook streethouse39, Cook street
3266 Terry JamesLaisterdykehouse44, Laisterdyke
3267 Terry JosephBack lanehouse421, Back lane
3268 Terry JosephFarnley streethouse11, Farnley street
3269 Terry RichardGarnett streethouseMosscar street
successivehouse170, Garnett street
3270 Tesseyman CharlesEbenezer streethouse5, Ebenezer street
3271 Tetley EdwardDudley hillwarehouse39, Union street
3272 Tetley George RennieBingleywarehouse4, Leeds road
3273 Tetley LukeDundas streethouseNapier street
successivehouse32, Dundas street
3274 Tetley WilliamRhodes terracehouse1, Rhodes terrace
3275 Tetlow AlfredLeeds roadhouse & shop155, Leeds road
3276 Tetlow IsaacLeeds roadhouse1258, Leeds road
3277 Thackera HenryEssex streethouse30, Essex street
3278 Thackeray SamuelDundas streethouse113, Dundas street
3279 Thall EdwardGibson streethouse55, Edward street
3280 Thomas GeorgeBedford streethouse44, Chandos street
successivehouse55, Bedford street
3281 Thomas JamesMount streethouse464, Mount street
3282 Thomas JeremiahEbenezer streethouse27, Ebenezer street
3283 Thomas JosephPeace streethouse51, Peace street
successivehouse40, Peace street
3284 Thomas WilliamPratt streethouse4, Pratt street
3285 Thomas WilliamOld Mill foldhouse7, Old Mill fold
3286 Thomas WilliamGarnett streethouse50, Garnett street
3287 Thompson CharlesBack Pratt streethouse78, Back Pratt street
3288 Thompson EdwardBower greenhouseBower green
successivehouse29, Bower green
3289 Thompson HenryGay lanehouse37, Gay lane
3290 Thompson JamesFrancis courthouse6, Francis court
3291 Thompson JohnBrooklyn streethouse46A, Brooklyn street
3292 Thompson JohnLeeds roadhouse106, Leeds road
3293 Thompson JohnRobert courthouse15, Robert court
3294 Thompson JohnMosscar streethouse17, Mosscar street
3295 Thompson SamuelAeolus streethouse9, Aeolus street
3296 Thompson ThomasDundas streethouse60, Dundas street
3297 Thompson ThomasChandos streethouse50, Chandos street
3298 Thompson WilliamBedford streethouse25, Bedford street
3299 Thompson WilliamAdolphus streethouse93, Adolphus street
3300 Thornton CharlesCroft streethouse123, Croft street
3301 Thornton EdwardCook streethouse1, Cook street
3302 Thornton HezekiahLeeds roadhouse & shop136, Leeds road
3303 Thornton JamesMyrtle streethouse120, Myrtle street
3304 Thornton JoelQuill streethouse25, Quill street
3305 Thoroughgood DanielDaniel streethouse26, Daniel street
3306 Thorp JamesHall streethouse79, Hall street
3307 Thorp SamuelAcorn streethouse5, Acorn street
3308 Threapleton DavidHudson streethouse7, Hudson street
3309 Threapleton SamuelBattye streethouse53, Battye street
3310 Thresh AbrahamManninghamwarehouse48, Bridge street
3311 Thresh JohnLeeds roadhouse304, Leeds road
3312 Thresh ThomasBanner streethouse15, Banner street
3313 Thresh WilliamMount streethouse141, Mount street
3314 Thurston ThomasCroft streethouse114, Croft street
3315 Tidswell MarkNapier streethouse89, Napier street
3316 Tiffany JohnLee squarehouse2, Lee square
3317 Tillett GeorgePeter's courthouse17, Peter's court
3318 Tindall JohnBeck streethouse18, Beck street
3319 Tipling WilliamBirk streethouse99, Birk street
3320 Todd AbrahamDiamond courthouse5, Diamond court
3321 Todd JohnPeace streethouse51, Peace street
3322 Tolson Walter HarrisonBack lanehouseCampbell street
successivehouse523, Back lane
3323 Tomlinson GeorgeRobert streethouse50, Robert street
3324 Tomlinson JamesMulgrave streethouse34, Mulgrave street
3325 Tomlinson JohnBradford moorhouse21, Bradford moor
3326 Tomlinson WilliamChestnut streethouse8, Chestnut street
3327 Tones ThomasLower Ernest streethouse26, Lower Ernest street
3328 Topham ThomasinMaltby streethouse22, Maltby street
3329 Tordoff HenrySeymour streethouse4, Seymour street
3330 Tottie WilliamChandos streethouse14, Chandos street
3331 Towie ShawAdolphus streethouse37, Adolphus street
3332 Towler FrancisParratt rowhouse6, Parratt row
3333 Towler JohnAdolphus streethouse9, Adolphus street
3334 Townend JamesLeeds roadhouse & shop322, Leeds road
3335 Townend JohnLeeds roadhouse996, Leeds road
3336 Townend LukeMount streethouse10, St. George's street
successivehouse462, Mount street
3337 Townend MatthewAdolphus streetshop10, Adolphus street
3338 Townend SethMalvern streethouse24, Malvern street
3339 Townend WilliamSchool squarehouseSchool square
3340 Townsend RobertWakefield roadhouse & shop15, Wakefield road
3341 Townson SolomonWentworth streethouse7, Wentworth street
3342 Townson WilliamBirksland streethouse21, Birksland street
3343 Tracey HenryYork streethouse70, York street
3344 Tracey PeterMount streethouse128, Mount street
3345 Trainor James CharlesHortonwarehouse6, Drake street
3346 Tuckett HenryMount streethouse308, Mount street
3347 Tudball ThomasFlorence streethouse21, Florence street
3348 Tuley WilliamLeeds roadhouse462, Leeds road
3349 Turner CharlesCroft streethouse107, Croft street
3350 Turner CharlesChestnut streethouse5, Chestnut street
3351 Turner Charles WilliamBedford streethouse51, Bedford street
3352 Turner DukeLaurel streethouse44, Laurel street
3353 Turner GeorgeAlmond streethouse30, Almond street
successivehouse18, Almond street
3354 Turner IsaacClarke streethouse1, Clarke street
3355 Turner JamesBirk streethouse83, Birk street
3356 Turner JohnPratt streethouse3, Pratt street
3357 Turner JohnSouthey placewarehouseFiley street
3358 Turner JohnLeeds roadhouse578, Leeds road
successivehouse556, Leeds road
3359 Turner John ThomasAdolphus streethouseAdolphus street
3360 Turner John ThomasAdolphus streethouse117, Adolphus street
3361 Turner ParkerClarke courthouse4, Clarke court
3362 Turner RobertAlmond streethouse21, Almond street
3363 Turner WilliamMount streethouse & shopMount street
3364 Turner WilliamPeace streethouseRobertshaw street
successivehouse19, Peace street
3365 Turner WilliamMyrtle streethouse66, Myrtle street
3366 Turner WilliamRobert streethouse30, Robert street
3367 Turney PeterBirksland streethouse28, Birksland street
successivehouse79, Birksland street
3368 Turnstall Robert HenryCroft streethouse31, Florence street
successivehouse108, Croft street
3369 Turtle RobertClayton placehouse48, Clayton place
3370 Turtle WilliamHall streethouse66, Hall street
3371 Tyas JohnMount streethouse467, Mount street
3372 Tyas JosephLeeds roadhouse483, Leeds road
3373 Tyas SamuelKimberley streethouse13, Kimberley street
3374 Tynan MartinPeter's courthouse13, Peter's court

SOUTH WARD, 1876, surnames beginning with the letter U
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3375 Unwin WilliamUnion streethouse14, Union street
3376 Utley WilliamBack lanehouse419, Back lane

SOUTH WARD, 1876, surnames beginning with the letter V
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3377 Varey George WilcockGarnett streethouse152, Garnett street
3378 Varey JosephRobinson streethouse17, Robinson street
3379 Varley AlfredMount streethouse444, Mount street
3380 Varley FrostBirksland streethouse41, Birksland street
3381 Varley JamesMyrtle streethouse95, Myrtle street
successivehouse93, Myrtle street
3382 Varley JamesBack lanehouse39, Back lane
3383 Varley RobertSodom lanehouse6, Sodom lane
3384 Varley ThomasHolt streethouse3, Holt street
3385 Varley WilliamRobertshaw streethouseCook street
successivehouse16, Robertshaw street
3386 Verity JohnRoyal streethouse7, Royal street
3387 Virr WilliamCowper placeshop58, Leeds road
3388 Virr WilliamBack lanehouseMount street
successivehouseBack lane
3389 Vollum William HenryBeck streethouse72, Beck street

SOUTH WARD, 1876, surnames beginning with the letter W
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3390 Waddington JohnFullerton streethouse17, Fullerton street
3391 Waddington JohnBower greenhouse15, Bower green
3392 Waddington JonathanLyndhurst streethouse42, Lyndhurst street
3393 Waddington RichardClayton placehouse36, Clayton place
3394 Waddington WalterBirkshall lanehouse25, Birkshall lane
3395 Wade AaronWilsdenwarehouseGibson street
3396 Wade GeorgeMarske streethouse10, Allen street
successivehouse9, Marske street
3397 Wade JohnAmberley streethouse15, Amberley street
3398 Wade John SmithLeeds roadhouse813, Leeds road
3399 Wade JosephEdward streethouse56, Edward street
3400 Wade Joshua WilsonFoundry streethouse6, Foundry street
3401 Wade RobertConcordia streethouse10, Concordia street
3402 Wadsworth IsaacMount streethouse41, Mount street
3403 Wadsworth WilliamBeck streethouse70, Beck street
3404 Wagner EberhardtBack lanehouse1, Back lane
3405 Wagstaff EdwardAmberley streethouse11, Amberley street
3406 Wainwright John WilsonWainwright courthouse13, Wainwright court
3407 Wainwright John Wilson, junr.Wainwright courthouse4, Wainwright court
3408 Wainwright SamuelAtkinson streethouse1, Atkinson street
3409 Wainwright StephenGeorge streethouse107, George street
3410 Wainwright WilliamLeeds roadhouse17, Napier street
successivehouse1310, Leeds road
3411 Waite AmosFrederick streethouse5, Frederick street
3412 Waite John HudsonBattye streethouseBattye street
successivehouse75, Battye street
3413 Waite Joseph ListerJohnson streethouse11, Bradford moor
successivehouse1, Johnson street
3414 Waite ThomasMaltby streethouse50, Maltby street
3415 Walker AlfredOld Mill foldhouse2, Old Mill fold
3416 Walker AlfredHall streethouse61, Hall street
3417 Walker CharlesDudley hill roadwarehouseBridge street
3418 Walker DavidMount streethouse338, Mount street
successivehouse324, Mount street
3419 Walker HenryCartmell streethouse34, Cartmell street
3420 Walker JohnChandos streethouse54, Chandos street
3421 Walker JohnBack lanehouse5, Back lane
3422 Walker JosephCook streethouseCartmell street
successivehouse4, Cook street
3423 Walker JosephWakefield roadhouse & shop12, Wakefield road
3424 Walker JosephClayton placehouse42, Clayton place
3425 Walker MaudeMarley streethouse31, Marley street
3426 Walker NicholasWentworth streethouse5, Wentworth street
3427 Walker RobertDiamond streethouse1, Diamond street
3428 Walker SamuelGarnett streethouse56, Garnett street
3429 Walker SamuelBirksland streethouse53, Birksland street
3430 Walker ThomasPratt streethouseBack Pratt street
successivehouse66, Pratt street
3431 Walker TristramYork streethouse48, York street
3432 Walker WilliamLeeds roadhouseLeeds road
successivehouse852, Leeds road
3433 Walker WilliamAmberley streethouse8, Amberley street
3434 Walker William MichaelBarkerend roadhouse210, Barkerend road
3435 Wallace PatrickMyrtle streethouse46, Myrtle street
3436 Waller CharlesManninghamwarehouseLaisterdyke
3437 Waller JohnCope streethouse1, Cope street
3438 Waller Thomas WilliamManninghamwarehouseLaisterdyke
3439 Walling JohnLeeds roadhouse437, Leeds road
3440 Wallis JohnLower William courthouse9, Lower William court
successivehouse1, Lower William court
3441 Walls William OliverGreat Cross streethouse73, Great Cross street
3442 Walmsley JamesJoseph streethouse1, Penny street
successivehouse111, Joseph street
3443 Walmsley RichardLeeds roadhouse832, Leeds road
3444 Walmsley WilliamGeorge streethouse114, George street
3445 Walsh JohnBirksland streethouse34, Birksland street
3446 Walsh JohnEastbrook lanehouse4, Eastbrook lane
3447 Walsh JohnBritannia courthouse12, Britannia court
3448 Walsh MichaelMount streethouse262, Mount street
successivehouse258, Mount street
3449 Walsworth ThomasWarwick streethouse257, Mount street
successivehouse44, Warwick street
3450 Walters CharlesCollier streethouse41, Collier street
3451 Walton JamesLeeds roadhouse6, Allen street
successivehouse544, Leeds road
3452 Walton JohnKerr streethouse6, Kerr street
successivehouse10, Kerr street
3453 Walton WilliamBedford streethouse45, Bedford street
3454 Wane Henry RossManninghamwarehouse4, Drake street
successivewarehouse5, Union street
3455 Warburton JosephBack lanehouse423, Back lane
3456 Warburton William HenryBack lanehouse425, Back lane
3457 Ward AlickEdward streethouse43, Edward street
3458 Ward GeorgeMount streethouse456, Mount street
3459 Ward HirdCorless rowhouse5, Corless row
3460 Ward JohnPit lanehouse4, Pit lane
3461 Ward JohnCollier streethouse43, Collier street
3462 Ward JohnBedford streethouse79, Bedford street
3463 Ward PatrickBedford streethouse44, Bedford street
3464 Ward WilliamWalnut streethouse19, Walnut street
3465 Ward WilliamLeeds roadhouse & shop292, Leeds road
3466 Ward WilliamBedford streethouse75, Bedford street
3467 Ward WilliamMount streethouse372, Mount street
successivehouse362, Mount street
3468 Ward WilliamBrooklyn streethouse42, Brooklyn street
3469 Wardman JonathanEgbert streethouse18, Egbert street
3470 Waring DentonAmberley streetwarehouse18, Gibson street
3471 Waring FergusGarnett streethouse130, Garnett street
3472 Waring JeffreyCoach rowhouse74, Coach row
3473 Waring JohnPeel streethouse & shop20, Peel street
3474 Waring John, junr.East streethouse71, East street
3475 Warn WilliamWakefield roadhouse109, Wakefield road
3476 Waterhouse CrossleyCarroll streethouse3, Carroll street
3477 Waterhouse GeorgeBirk streethouse55, Birk street
3478 Waterhouse RichardPlanetrees roadhouseMyrtle street
successivehouse2, Planetrees road
3479 Waterhouse SamuelBirk streethouse91, Birk street
3480 Waters WilliamWentworth streethouse14, Wentworth street
3481 Waterworth DavidIdleshopWharfe street
successiveshopKnowsley street
3482 Watkins ThomasHortonshop10, Threadneedle street
3483 Watmough CharlesGeorge streethouse20, George street
3484 Watmough SamuelHardenwarehouse15, Hall ings
3485 Watmuff JohnSchool squarehouse16, School square
3486 Watson CharlesMount streethouse169, Mount street
3487 Watson CharlesLeedswarehouseFiley street
3488 Watson FrederickKitchen squarehouse25, Kitchen square
3489 Watson GeorgeLeedswarehouseFiley street
3490 Watson GeorgeMaltby streethouse43, Maltby street
3491 Watson HustlerBradford lanehouse6, Bradford lane
3492 Watson JohnMulgrave streethouse86, Mulgrave street
3493 Watson JohnBattye streethouse34, Battye street
3494 Watson JohnParratt rowhouse3, Parratt row
3495 Watson JohnSeymour streethouse32, Seymour street
3496 Watson JohnMount streethouse222, Mount street
3497 Watson John RhodesBack lanehouse525, Back lane
3498 Watson JonasIdlebuildings & landBarkerend fold
3499 Watson JosephLeedswarehouseFiley street
3500 Watson JosephEast streethouse8, East street
3501 Watson JosephLeeds roadhouse1270, Leeds road
3502 Watson StephenChapman streethouse1, Chapman street
3503 Watson WilliamBirk streethouse26, Orange street
successivehouse67, Birk street
3504 Watson WilliamBirkshall lanehouse58, Birkshall lane
3505 Watson William HenryEdward streethouse11, Edward street
3506 Waud Frederick ArthurClaremontwarehousePortland street
3507 Waud George MotleyNorth paradewarehousePortland street
3508 Waud Horace ChristopherManninghamwarehousePortland street
3509 Waud Joseph EdwardRawdonwarehousePortland street
3510 Wear EdwardBedford streetshop18, Bedford street
3511 Weatherill JohnMalvern streethouse26, Malvern street
3512 Weatherill WilliamEdderthorpe streethouse1, Edderthorpe street
3513 Webster EliPotter streethouse22, Potter street
3514 Webster EliSt. George's streethouse17, St. George's street
3515 Webster JamesPeter's courthouse10, Peter's court
3516 Webster JohnMaltby streethouse4, Maltby street
3517 Webster JohnBirkshall lanehouse15, Birkshall lane
3518 Webster JosephBirkshall lanehouse15A, Birkshall lane
3519 Webster JosephPeace streethouse15, Peace street
3520 Webster MartinDundas streethouse62, Dundas street
3521 Webster OliverYork streethouse23, York street
3522 Webster RobertMount streethouse231, Mount street
3523 Webster RobertEssex streethouse8, Essex street
3524 Webster ThomasMulgrave streethouse100, Mulgrave street
3525 Webster ThomasCroft streethouse73, Croft street
3526 Webster ThomasYork streethouse81, York street
3527 Webster WalterOld mill foldhouse & shop1, Old mill fold
3528 Webster WilliamChestnut streethouse3, Carnation street
successivehouse14, Chestnut street
3529 Welburn MarkBirk streethouse107, Birk street
3530 Wellock ThomasMalvern streethouse20, Malvern street
3531 Wells AbrahamFurnace streethouse14, Furnace street
3532 Wells WilliamBendigo foldhouse5, Bendigo fold
3533 Welsh JamesEastbrook lanehouse35, Eastbrook lane
3534 Welsh MartinPratt streethouse14, Pratt street
3535 Welsh PatrickEastbrook lanehouse37, Eastbrook lane
3536 Welsh ThomasWarwick streethouse19, Warwick street
3537 Welsh ThomasClark streethouse8, Clark street
3538 Welsman ThomasOrange streethouse3, Orange street
3539 Wesley JohnGladstone streetshop4, Bridge street
3540 West AlfredRoyal streethouse15, Royal street
3541 West JosephArlington streethouse7, Arlington street
3542 West ThomasAcre streethouse7, Acre street
3543 Weston ReubenDiamond streethouse16, Diamond street
successivehouse20, Diamond street
3544 Wharton GeorgeBedford streethouse48, Bedford street
3545 Wharton JamesBack lanehouse & shop392, Back lane
3546 Wharton SamuelWarwick streethouse3, Warwick street
3547 Wharton ThomasBarkerend foldhouse65, Barkerend fold
3548 Wheatcroft SydneyMount streethouse236, Mount street
3549 Wheater JohnBarkerend roadhouseBarkerend road
3550 Wheater RobinsonLeeds roadhouse & shop352, Leeds road
3551 Wheater WilliamYork streethouse12, York street
3552 Whedon JohnAeolus streethouse12, Aeolus street
3553 Wheelhouse JohnBower greenhouse36, Bower green
3554 Whelan JamesCabbage streethouse5, Cabbage street
3555 Whilde JohnAmberley streethouse31, Amberley street
3556 Whitaker EdwinWhitley streethouse1, Whitley street
3557 Whitaker FergusFrederick streethouse25, Frederick street
3558 Whitaker HenryDaniel streethouse15, Daniel street
3559 Whitaker JamesBattye streethouse91, Battye street
3560 Whitaker JamesJewell streethouse3, Jewell street
3561 Whitaker JamesCampbell streethouse38, Campbell street
3562 Whitaker James, junr.Marley streethouse25, Marley street
3563 Whitaker JohnBarkerend roadhouse176, Barkerend road
3564 Whitaker JonasBridge streethouse & shop70, Bridge street
3565 Whitaker JosephEastbrook lanehouse55, Eastbrook lane
3566 Whitaker JosephBendigo foldhouseBendigo fold
successivehouse13, Bendigo fold
3567 Whitaker JosephPlanetrees roadhousePlanetrees road
successivehouse10, Planetrees road
3568 Whitaker LewisLeeds roadhouse1038, Leeds road
3569 Whitaker ThomasGladstone streethouse11, Gladstone street
3570 Whitaker WilliamAdolphus streethouse73, Adolphus street
3571 Whitaker WilliamBirk streethouse77, Birk street
3572 White DavidPeace streethouse35, Peace street
3573 White EdwinMount streethouse428, Mount street
3574 White JamesLaurel streethouse12, Laurel street
3575 White JobManninghamwarehouse13, Hall ings
3576 White JohnCroft streethouse118, Chandos street
successivehouse103, Croft street
3577 White JohnBrooklyn streethouse56, Brooklyn street
3578 White RobertFrederick streethouse32, Frederick street
3579 White WilliamBrooklyn streethouse24, Brooklyn street
3580 Whitehead AlfredLeeds roadhouse838, Leeds road
3581 Whitehead BenjaminMulgrave streethouse74, Mulgrave street
3582 Whitehead HenryTownhill streethouse27, Townhill street
3583 Whitehead SamuelBedford streethouse42, Bedford street
3584 Whitehead WilliamDaniel streethouse66, Daniel street
3585 Whitehouse JosephMount streethouse239, Mount street
3586 Whiteley WilliamRobert streethouse10, Robert street
3587 Whitelock JohnMulgrave streetshop510, Leeds road
3588 Whitesides ThomasPratt streethouse52, Pratt street
3589 Whitham James GauntMaltby streethouse29, Maltby street
3590 Whitham RobertOrchard streetwarehouseFlorence street
3591 Whiting HewisonBirkshall lanehouse44, Birkshall lane
3592 Whitlam CharlesKerr streethouse13, Kerr street
3593 Whitley FrederickHortonwarehouse8, Leeds road
3594 Whitley JohnBirk streethouse40, Birk street
3595 Whitley ThomasPenny streethouse15, Penny street
3596 Whittingham ThomasBedford streethouse53, Bedford street
3597 Whittle ThomasMulgrave courthouse14, Mulgrave court
3598 Whitworth JohnBritannia streethouse42, Britannia street
3599 Widdison WilliamSchool squarehouse3, School square
3600 Wiggins DanielMount streethouse105, Mount street
3601 Wigglesworth AbrahamMarley streethouseThornton street
successivehouse29, Marley street
3602 Wigglesworth RobertMount streethouse2, Mount street
3603 Wightman Charles JohnShipleyshop80, Garnett street
3604 Wilby FrankGarnett streethouse102, Garnett street
3605 Wilcock BenjaminCarpenter streethouse28, Carpenter street
3606 Wilcock EdwardWalnut streethouse15, Walnut street
3607 Wilcock GeorgeFrancis streethouse14, Francis street
3608 Wilcock GeorgeEbenezer streethouse6, Ebenezer street
3609 Wild BenjaminMaltby streethouse58, Maltby street
3610 Wild HenryBath streethouse10, Bath street
3611 Wildman JamesBattye streethouseBattye street
successivehouse22, Battye street
3612 Wilks JohnBower greenhouse31, Bower green
3613 Wilkinson AbrahamBirkshall lanehouse19, Birkshall lane
3614 Wilkinson BrookeGuy's cliffeshop114, Leeds road
3615 Wilkinson IraWarwick streethouse36, Warwick street
3616 Wilkinson JamesMount streethouse225, Mount street
3617 Wilkinson JamesLeeds roadhouse801, Leeds road
3618 Wilkinson JosephWakefield roadhouse16, Wakefield road
3619 Wilkinson KelitaParratt rowhouse18, Parratt row
3620 Wilkinson RalphNewgate streethouse24, Newgate street
3621 Wilkinson RichardWakefield roadhouse259, Wakefield road
3622 Wilkinson RichardCroft streethouseBack Ebenezer street
successivehouse121, Croft street
3623 Wilkinson WalterMount streethouse471, Mount street
3624 Wilkinson WilliamLeeds roadhouse916, Leeds road
3625 Wilkinson WilliamBack lanehouse403, Back lane
3626 Wilkinson WilliamLeeds roadhouse1228, Leeds road
3627 Wilkinson WilliamPit lanehouse10, Pit lane
3628 Wilks JosephCoach rowhouse64, Coach row
3629 Williams EdwardCope streethouse3, Cope street
3630 Williams JamesLeeds roadhouse721, Leeds road
3631 Williams PatrickWarwick streethouse45, Myrtle street
successivehouse15, Warwick street
3632 Williams RichardBack lanehouse397, Back lane
3633 Williams WilliamAlmond streethouse23, Almond street
3634 Williamson AmosLeeds roadhouse78, Leeds road
3635 Williamson RobertOrange streethouse62, Frederick street
successivehouse21, Orange street
3636 Williamson WilliamFarrar squarehouse1, Farrar square
3637 Williamson WilliamMaltby streethousePlanetrees road
successivehouse15, Maltby street
3638 Willoughby JohnRobert streethouse34, Robert street
3639 Wilman JacobRhodes terracehouse11, Rhodes terrace
3640 Wilmer WilliamMaltby streethouse60, Maltby street
3641 Wilson BarkerBirk streethouse23, Birk street
3642 Wilson BenjaminDaniel streethouse44, Daniel street
3643 Wilson BenjaminAcorn streethouse13, Acorn street
3644 Wilson Charles WilliamAdolphus streethouse55, Adolphus street
successivehouse79, Adolphus street
3645 Wilson DavidFiley streethouse1, Filey street
3646 Wilson GeorgeAlmond streethouse33, Almond street
3647 Wilson HenryHarrison streethouse18, Harrison street
3648 Wilson JamesDundas streethouse18, Hudson street
successivehouse51, Dundas street
3649 Wilson JohnHodgson squarehouse801, Leeds road
successivehouse10, Hodgson square
3650 Wilson JohnTownhill streethouse1, Townhill street
3651 Wilson JosephDiamond streethouse34, Diamond street
3652 Wilson JosephParratt rowhouse10, Parratt row
3653 Wilson JosephWalnut streethouse7, Walnut street
3654 Wilson JosephManninghamcountinghouse37, Bridge street
3655 Wilson RichardLeeds roadhouse894, Leeds road
3656 Wilson ThomasRobert streethouse3, Robert street
3657 Wilson WilliamWilliam courthouse11, William court
3658 Windle HenryHall streethouse69, Hall street
3659 Windridge WilliamRobert streethouse14, Robert street
3660 Windsor ThomasRaglan streethouse21, Raglan street
3661 Winpenny WalterGarnett streethouse48, Garnett street
3662 Winter WilliamManninghamwarehouse22, Leeds road
3663 Winterburn ThomasHortonwarehouseThornton road
successivewarehouseMount street
3664 Winterbottom HiramLeeds roadhouse526, Leeds road
3665 Winterbottom RobertDiamond courthouse3, Diamond court
3666 Witt AlfredMaltby streethouseOrange street
successivehouse34, Maltby street
3667 Witts JohnOrange streethouseOrange street
successivehouse31, Orange street
3668 Womersley AlfredNapier streethouse91, Napier street
3669 Wood AbrahamBedford streethouse5, Bedford street
3670 Wood AbrahamLeeds roadhouse1202, Leeds road
3671 Wood Alfred WillisBradford lanehouse8, Bradford lane
3672 Wood ArthurHortonwarehouse12, Drake street
3673 Wood BenjaminLyndhurst streethouse9, Lyndhurst street
3674 Wood CharlesLaisterdykehouse34, Laisterdyke
successivehouse40, Laisterdyke
3675 Wood CharlesHall streethouse38, Hall street
3676 Wood DavidEast streethouse75, East street
3677 Wood EllisBack lanehouse283, Back lane
3678 Wood FrederickBolton placehouse11, Bolton place
3679 Wood GeorgeBrooklyn streethouse34, Brooklyn street
3680 Wood GeorgeHortonwarehouse33, Union street
3681 Wood IsaacFrederick streethouse22, Frederick street
3682 Wood JohnLaisterdykehouse14, Laisterdyke
3683 Wood JohnLaurel streethouse84, Laurel street
3684 Wood JohnLeeds roadhouse902, Leeds road
3685 Wood JohnLeeds roadhouse514, Leeds road
3686 Wood JohnMyrtle streethouse118, Myrtle street
3687 Wood JohnRaglan streethouse30, Raglan street
3688 Wood John GeorgeLeeds roadhouse1020, Leeds road
3689 Wood John RileyCabinet streethouse15, Cabinet street
3690 Wood JosephDaniel streethouse38, Daniel street
3691 Wood JosephLeeds roadhouse1226, Leeds road
3692 Wood JoshuaHarrison streethouse28, Harrison street
3693 Wood MarkDudley hillwarehouse10, Leeds road
3694 Wood SamuelLeeds roadhouse1280, Leeds road
3695 Wood SamuelLeeds roadhouse994, Leeds road
3696 Wood SamuelFieldhouse streethouse27, Fieldhouse street
3697 Wood SamuelLee streetshopPortland street
3698 Wood WilliamEgbert streethouse10, Egbert street
3699 Wood WilliamEast streethouse57, East street
3700 Wood William HenryHortonwarehouseBath street
3701 Wood William WillisLeeds roadhouse649, Leeds road
3702 Wood William WilsonJoseph streethouse46, Joseph street
3703 Woodcock CharlesKerr streethouse19, Kerr street
3704 Woodcock SamuelBattye streethouse37, Battye street
3705 Wooller JohnMaltby streethouse18, Maltby street
3706 Wooller JohnLaisterdykehouse75, Laisterdyke
3707 Wooller WilliamAmberley streethouse46, Amberley street
3708 Wootton WilliamArlington streethouse11, Arlington street
3709 Wormald ThomasBridge streethouse79, Bridge street
3710 Wormald WilliamCroft streethouse18, Edward street
successivehouse122, Croft street
3711 Wormall CharlesMosscar streethouse15, Mosscar street
3712 Worsnop John Mitchell DowlingLeeds roadhouse154, Leeds road
3713 Worsnop ReubenPenny streethouseDiamond street
successivehouse7, Penny street
3714 Wray FletcherEdward streethouse53, Edward street
3715 Wray JohnEast streethouse45, East street
3716 Wright CharlesAtkinson streethouse9, Atkinson street
3717 Wright GeorgeSchool squarehouse1, School square
3718 Wright HenryBirk streethouse37, Birk street
3719 Wright JohnChestnut streethouse1, Chestnut street
3720 Wright JohnBedford streethouse19, Bedford street
3721 Wright JohnBirkshall lanehouse7, Birkshall lane
3722 Wright JohnBack lanehouse2, Back lane
3723 Wright JohnChestnut streethouse1, Chestnut street
3724 Wright JosephEdderthorpe streetshop4, Edderthorpe street
3725 Wright JosephLaisterdykehouse78, Laisterdyke
3726 Wright JosephAnnison streethouse24, Annison street
3727 Wright JoshuaBolton placehouse21, Bolton place
3728 Wright MatthewHortonwarehouseFiley street
3729 Wright RobertFlorence streethouse37, Florence street
3730 Wright ThomasWarwick streethouse40, Warwick street
3731 Wright WilliamEdward streethouse10, Edward street
3732 Wright WilliamWoodbine streetshop4, Edderthorpe street
3733 Wright WilliamCollier streethouse37, Collier street
3734 Wrighton WilliamEast streethouseDe Grey street
successivehouse53, East street
3735 Wrightson GeorgeKitchen squarehouse26, Kitchen square
3736 Wrigley JohnBritannia courthouse23, Britannia court
3737 Wroe JohnAdolphus streethouse41, Adolphus street
3738 Wyatt EdwardAiredale placeshop3, Wakefield road

SOUTH WARD, 1876, surnames beginning with the letter Y
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3739 Yates JohnAdolphus streethouse75, Adolphus street
3740 Yates RobertManninghamwarehouseHall ings
3741 Yeadon BensonRobert streethouse22, Robert street
3742 Yeadon WilliamFarrar squarehouse26, Farrar square
3743 Yealand GeorgeDaniel streethouse27, Daniel street
3744 Yewdall GeorgeMarley streethouse6, Marley street
3745 York GeorgeFurnace streethouse17, Furnace street
3746 Young GeorgeEssex streethouse20, Essex street
3747 Young GeorgeBirk streethouse6, Birk street
3748 Young JohnMount streethouse159, Mount street
3749 Young JohnLeeds roadshop1312, Leeds road
3750 Young MartinBirkshall lanehouse52, Birkshall lane
3751 Young WilliamLeeds roadhouse493, Leeds road

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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