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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1878, EAST WARD, surnames R-Z.


Please read these notes about these registers.

EAST WARD, 1878, surnames R-Z.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3033 Rabboni JohnPaper Hall courthouse24, Paper Hall court
3034 Raistrick GeorgeCordingley streethouse4, Mulberry street
successivehouse36, Cordingley street
3035 Raistrick GeorgeWellesley streethouse8, Wellesley street
3036 Raistrick HenryOtley roadhouse346, Otley road
3037 Raistrick JamesCavalier streethouse18, Cavalier street
successivehouse16, Cavalier street
3038 Raistrick JoshuaFilbert streethouse10A, Filbert street
3039 Ramsbottom ThomasStott hillhouse39, Stott hill
3040 Ramsden DavidNewlands placehouseRobert street
successivehouse80, Newlands place
3041 Ramsden JohnHortonwarehouse3, Bentley street
3042 Ramsden LeviCordingley streethouse31, Cordingley street
3043 Ramsden MitchellRawdonshopnear 189, Garnett street
3044 Ramsden WilliamHortonwarehouse3, Bentley street
3045 Rankin Alexander JohnBolton roadhouse176, Bolton road
3046 Raper JohnWordsworth streethouse33, Wordsworth street
3047 Ratcliffe BrookBarkerend roadhouse6, Heap court
successivehouse147, Barkerend road
3048 Ratcliffe GeorgeRipon streethouse10, Joseph street
successivehouse290, Ripon street
3049 Ratcliffe JamesUndercliffe streethouse4, Joseph street
successivehouse101, Undercliffe street
3050 Ratcliffe RichardBeech grovehouse17, Beech grove
3051 Raw FrancisPhiladelphia streethouse12, Philadelphia street
3052 Raw JamesSydenham placehouse55, Sydenham place
3053 Rawling JohnExeter streethouse103, Exeter street
3054 Rawnsley Arthur JamesHeath roadshop18, Bolton road
3055 Rawnsley BenjaminWardle streethouse3, Wardle street
3056 Rawnsley BenjaminBolton roadhouse68, Bolton road
3057 Rawnsley CharlesRipon streethouse110, Orchard street
successivehouse118, Ripon street
3058 Rawnsley HenryPark streethouse31, Park street
3059 Rawnsley JosephMildred streethouse46, Mildred street
3060 Rawnsley SamuelHortonwarehouse11, Brook street
successivewarehouse5, Colliergate
3061 Rawstron RatcliffeOtley roadhouse92, Otley road
3062 Rayner ThomasCawood placehouse7, Cawood place
3063 Read John BrayshawJane streethouse8, Jane street
3064 Rearden JohnCraven streethouse35, Craven street
3065 Redman JamesSidney streethouse23, Sidney street
3066 Reed ThomasChaucer placehouse6, Chaucer place
3067 Reeman CharlesDe Grey streethouse72, Mildred street
successivehouse117, De Grey street
3068 Reeman HarryHustler streethouseDe Grey street
successivehouse70, Hustler street
3069 Rees WilliamAiredale placehouse7, Airedale place
successivehouse10, Airedale place
3070 Reeves CharlesHillside villashouse80, Tennyson place
successivehouse9, Tennyson place
successivehouse25F, Hillside villas
3071 Reeves HenryExeter streethouse102, Exeter street
3072 Reeves RichardBolton roadhouse208, Bolton road
3073 Reffitt JamesLeedswarehouse12, Bentley street
3074 Reffitt JohnManninghamwarehouse10, Well street
3075 Reid DavidManninghamwarehouse25, Charles street
3076 Rendell Arthur PaigeEldon placehouseEldon place
successivewarehouse19, Charles street
3077 Rendell RobertEldon placehouseEldon place
successivewarehouse19, Charles street
3078 Render SamuelManninghamwarehouse1, Bentley street
3079 Renton Alfred RalphGarnett streethouse183, Garnett street
3080 Renton Arthur RobertPark gatehouse48, Birk street
successivehouse17, Park gate
3081 Renton Joseph RhodesMulberry streethouse50, Mulberry street
3082 Renton ThomasManninghamwarehouse28, Bolton road
3083 Renton ThomasWestfield terracehouse10, Westfield terrace
3084 Renton Thomas LeavensManninghamwarehouse28, Bolton road
3085 Revell RichardDudley hillwarehouseExchange passage
successivewarehouse22, Charles street
3086 Revett JamesExeter streethouse234, Exeter street
3087 Rewan HughKing Charles courthouse21, King Charles court
3088 Reynolds John WarwickLofthouse streethouse29, Lofthouse street
3089 Reynolds ThomasWapping roadhouse20, Wapping road
3090 Reynolds WilliamHortonwarehouse24, Charles street
3091 Reynolds WilliamJermyn streethouse6, Jermyn street
3092 Reynolds WilliamPaper Hall streethouse5, Paper Hall street
3093 Rhodes AlbertBolton roadhouse114, Bolton road
3094 Rhodes CharlesOtley roadhouse16, Darfield street
successivehouse197, Otley road
successiveshopLingard street
3095 Rhodes Edmund CoatesTennyson placehouse58, Tennyson place
3096 Rhodes FrancisCordingley streethouse19, Cordingley street
3097 Rhodes HenryTennyson placehouse10B, Tennyson place
3098 Rhodes JamesHoughton placewarehouse9, Church bank
3099 Rhodes JamesRichmond streethouse20, Richmond street
3100 Rhodes JamesBarkerend roadhouse49, Harris street
successivehouse148B, Barkerend road
3101 Rhodes JamesPark gatehouse24, Park gate
3102 Rhodes JamesProspect placehouse3, Prospect place
3103 Rhodes JamesJohnson foldhouse5, Johnson fold
3104 Rhodes JohnNorthampton streethouse14, Northampton street
3105 Rhodes JohnTennyson placehouse13, Gaunt street
successivehouse142, Tennyson place
3106 Rhodes JohnGarnett streethouse81, Garnett street
3107 Rhodes JosephNorth winghouse6, Johnson fold
successivehouse94, North wing
3108 Rhodes JosephSt. Augustine's terracehouse5, St. Augustine's terrace
3109 Rhodes JoshuaNorth streethouse11, North street
3110 Rhodes JoshuaFilbert streethouse60, Filbert street
3111 Rhodes MarshallNorth winghouse113, North wing
3112 Rhodes MatthewOtley roadhouse156A, Otley road
3113 Rhodes PeterPine streethouse25, North wing
successivehouse25, Pine street
3114 Rhodes RichardMildred streetshop5, Booth street
3115 Rhodes TimothyManninghamwarehouseShip alley
3116 Rhodes TomOtley roadhouse31, Filbert street
successivehouse121, Otley road
3117 Rhodes WalshawNorth winghouse94, North wing
successivehouse52, North wing
3118 Rhodes WatsonJane streethouse9, Jane street
3119 Rhodes WilliamGarnett streethouse121, Garnett street
3120 Rhodes WilliamDe Grey streethouse65, De Grey street
3121 Rhodes WilliamWellington streethouse64, Wellington street
3122 Rhodes WilliamHeap lanehouse90, Heap lane
3123 Rhodes WilliamHanover squareshopWade street
successiveshopLingard street
3124 Rhodes WilsonNorthampton streethouse11, Northampton street
3125 Rich CharlesDallam streethouseThornton's Buildings
successivehouse1, Dallam street
3126 Richardson AlfredLeeds roadhouse93, Leeds road
3127 Richardson EphraimMildred streethouse56, Mildred street
3128 Richardson JohnPark streethouse35, Park street
3129 Richardson ThomasStott hillhouse23, Stott hill
3130 Riches StephenDe Grey streethouse119, De Grey street
3131 Richmond WilliamSydenham placehouse30, Sydenham place
3132 Richmond William JamesOrchard streethouseNorth wing
successivehouse80, Orchard street
3133 Rickey JamesExeter streethouse163, Exeter street
successivehouse97, Exeter street
3134 Riddiough DanielGreencliffe villashopAiredale road
3135 Rider JohnOtley roadhouse177, Otley road
3136 Rider PatrickWellington streethouse74, Wellington street
3137 Rider Thomas JohnHustler streethouse83, Hustler street
3138 Rigg WilliamHortonwarehouseHargreaves buildings, Swaine street
3139 Riley DavidHortonwarehouse5, Charles street
3140 Riley DennisNorth View roadhouse6, Richmond street
successivehouse24, North View road
3141 Riley HartleyBarkerend roadshop71, Barkerend road
3142 Riley MichaelWapping streethouse11, Wapping street
3143 Riley ThomasManninghamwarehouse32, Charles street
3144 Riley WilliamHortonwarehouse5, Charles street
3145 Ringrose WalterAiredale roadhouse32, Lofthouse street
successivehouseChatham street
successivehouse47, Airedale road
3146 Ripley DanHortonwarehouse35, Booth street
successivewarehouse40, Brook street
3147 Ripley FredLightcliffewarehouse10, Brook street
3148 Ripley HenryRawdonwarehouse2, Swaine street
3149 Ripley Henry William, M.P.Acacia, Rawdonwarehouse2, Swaine street
3150 Ripley WilliamColeridge placehouse17, Coleridge place
3151 Ripley WilliamJoseph streethouse2, Joseph street
3152 Roach JohnWordsworth streethouse45, Wordsworth street
successivehouse57, Wordsworth street
3153 Roane RobertStanacre placehouse16, Stanacre place
3154 Roberts ArthurDe Grey streethouse34, De Grey street
3155 Roberts EdwardLofthouse streethouseCedar street
successivehouse47, Lofthouse street
3156 Roberts GeorgeUndercliffe streethouse189, Undercliffe street
3157 Roberts HenryGomersalwarehouse33, Charles street
3158 Roberts JohnBeech grovehouse29, Beech grove
3159 Roberts John ArthurManninghamwarehouse11, Mildred court
3160 Robertshaw BradleyWapping roadhouse117, Wapping road
3161 Robertshaw CalvinAllertonwarehouse50, Brook street
3162 Robertshaw EmanuelExeter streethouse134, Exeter street
3163 Robertshaw Fergus ThomasWest viewhouse3, West view
3164 Robertshaw GeorgeUndercliffe streethouse171, Undercliffe street
3165 Robertshaw IllingworthAllertonwarehouse50, Brook street
3166 Robertshaw IsaacPark streethouse30, Park street
3167 Robertshaw LutherAllertonwarehouse50, Brook street
3168 Robertshaw ThomasAllertonwarehouse50, Brook street
3169 Robertshaw ThomasBolton roadhouse232, Bolton road
3170 Robertshaw WalterAllertonwarehouse50, Brook street
3171 Robinson AlfredExeter streethouseRoyal street
successivehouse239, Exeter street
3172 Robinson AmosBowlingwarehouse10, Swaine street
3173 Robinson Arthur AlexanderUndercliffe streethouse201, Undercliffe street
3174 Robinson Arthur WhitworthHortoncountinghouse9, Market street
3175 Robinson CharlesPark streethouse29, Park street
3176 Robinson Charles WilsonMab streethouseChandos street
successivehouse1, Mab street
3177 Robinson DanielColeridge placehouse28, Coleridge place
3178 Robinson GeorgeWordsworth streethouse27, Wordsworth street
3179 Robinson HenryUndercliffe streethouse27, Undercliffe street
3180 Robinson IrvingSun streethouse5, Sun street
3181 Robinson IsaacSouthampton streethouseCordingley street
successivehouse28, Southampton street
3182 Robinson JamesDe Grey streethouse6, De Grey street
3183 Robinson JamesNorth winghouse55, North wing
3184 Robinson JamesAiredale roadhouse13, Ripon street
successivehouse71, Airedale road
3185 Robinson JoeOrchard streethouse84, Orchard street
3186 Robinson JohnDudley hill roadhouse51, Dudley hill road
3187 Robinson JosephChapel streethouse22, Chapel street
3188 Robinson NathanOtley roadhouse180, Otley road
3189 Robinson OttiwellManninghamwarehouse18, Booth street
3190 Robinson RichardRipon streethouse114, Ripon street
3191 Robinson SampsonOxford placehouse12, Oxford place
3192 Robinson SamuelBolton roadhouse62, Bolton road
3193 Robinson SamuelGirlingtoncountinghouse5, Charles street
3194 Robinson SamuelPollard lanehouse31, Pollard lane
3195 Robinson ThomasRipon streethouse17, Ripon street
3196 Robinson ThomasFilbert streethouse39, Filbert street
3197 Robinson WilliamCross Sun streethouse10, Captain street
successivehouse20, Cross Sun street
3198 Robinson WilliamThomas foldhouse1, Thomas fold
3199 Robinson WilliamBack Spinkwell terracehouse303, Bolton road
successivehouse12, Back Spinkwell terrace
3200 Robinson WilsonFilbert streethouse25, Filbert street
3201 Rochfort ThomasCross Sun streethouse66, Cross Sun street
3202 Rodgers AlfredPark streethouse65, Park street
successivehouse19, Park street
3203 Rodgers EnochHill side villashouse14, Hill side villas
3204 Roe HerbertBarkerend roadhouse26, Barkerend road
3205 Roe JamesTemperance streethouse19, Temperance street
3206 Roe John ClarkeOtley roadhouse312, Otley road
3207 Roe NathanRipon streethouse35, Ripon street
3208 Roe William CroftWright streethouse15, Wright street
3209 Roebuck RobertSouthampton streethouse43, Southampton street
3210 Rogerson WilliamHeap streethouse53, Heap street
3211 Romaine EdwinBelmont streethouse146, Barkerend road
successivehouse4, Belmont street
3212 Rook JamesScott streethouse3, Scott street
3213 Rooks BenjaminWellesley courthouse1, Wellesley court
3214 Rooks SamuelButler streethouse10, Cabinet street
successivehouse58, Butler street
3215 Rooney CharlesWapping roadhouse22, Wapping road
3216 Roper EzekielMab streethouse18, Mab street
3217 Ross SamuelOtley roadhouse166, Otley road
3218 Rothenstein MoritzManninghamwarehouse19, Peckover street
3219 Rothera JamesFilbert streethouse49, Filbert street
3220 Rotheray BenjaminKing Charles streethouse7, King Charles street
3221 Rourke JohnExeter streethouse142, Exeter street
3222 Rouse RobertWapping roadhouse227, Wapping road
3223 Rowe PhilipButler streethouse76, Butler street
3224 Rowffey JamesNorthbrook streethouse25, Northbrook street
3225 Rowland GeorgeLofthouse streethouse41, Lofthouse street
3226 Rowlands WilliamSouthampton streethouse26, Southampton street
3227 Rowsthorne ThomasPaper hall squarehouse7, Paper hall square
3228 Royston DavidCordingley streethouse6, Farmer street
successivehouse24, Cordingley street
3229 Rudd GeorgeUndercliffe Old roadhouse1, Undercliffe Old road
3230 Rudd JeremiahHortonwarehouse3, Mildred court
3231 Rudd RobertThornton's Buildingshouse1, Thornton's Buildings
3232 Rudd WilliamUndercliffe Old roadhouse5, Undercliffe Old road
3233 Rudd WilliamNorth winghouse89, North wing
3234 Rudden JamesArthur streethouse36, Wharfe street
successivehouse1, Arthur street
3235 Rudden MichaelWapping roadhouse155, Wapping road
3236 Rushforth AbrahamMulberry streethouse57, Mulberry street
3237 Rushforth FrancisRichmond streethouse18, Richmond street
3238 Rushforth JamesChatham streethouse50, Chatham street
3239 Rushforth JohnScott streethouse14, Scott street
3240 Rushforth SamuelBingleywarehouse20, Charles street
3241 Rushforth SamuelCordingley streethouse194, Ripon street
successivehouse22, Cordingley street
3242 Rushforth SamuelBolton roadhouse260, Bolton road
3243 Rushforth ThomasNorthbrook streethouse6, Northbrook street
3244 Rushton JamesShakespeare streethouse19, Shakespeare street
3245 Rushton JamesPine streethouse5, Pine street
3246 Rushton JosephBarkerend roadhouse121, Barkerend road
3247 Rushworth JosephExeter streethouse136, Exeter street
3248 Rushworth ThomasWapping roadhouse209A, Wapping road
3249 Russam JamesPark gatehouse40, Park gate
3250 Russell AlexanderRipon streethouse112, Ripon street
3251 Russell AlfredUpper Bolton streethouse17, Upper Bolton street
3252 Russell AndrewOtley roadwarehouse14, Mildred court
3253 Russell Rev. AndrewOtley roadhouse215, Otley road
3254 Russell DowellNorth winghouse144, North wing
successivehouse142, North wing
3255 Russell EphraimAiredale roadhouse10, Wilfred street
successivehouse31, Airedale road
3256 Russell EzraNorth winghouse135, North wing
3257 Russell JohnAlbert squarehouse4, Albert square
3258 Russell JohnHortonwarehouseVicar lane
3259 Russell WilliamChatham streethouse16, Chatham street
3260 Ryan JohnAlbert streethouse10, Albert street
3261 Rycroft JamesGirlingtonwarehouse41, Well street
3262 Rycroft JoshuaWilfred streethouse40, Wilfred street
3263 Rycroft William, senr.Loom streethouse7, Loom street
3264 Rycroft William, junr.Loom streethouse22, Loom street
3265 Ryder HenryBunker's hillhouse26, Bunker's hill
3266 Ryder JohnHustler streethouse3, Hustler street
3267 Ryder JohnGarnett streethouseExeter street
successivehouse155, Garnett street
3268 Ryder ThomasUndercliffe streethouse45, Undercliffe street

EAST WARD, 1878, surnames beginning with the letter S
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3269 Saddler CharlesWapping roadhouse5, Wapping road
3270 Sagar JosephCowper placehouse46, Cowper place
3271 Sagar ReubenWapping roadhouse57, Wapping road
3272 Salmon WilliamCordingley streethouse133, North wing
successivehouse55, Cordingley street
3273 Salmond DavidBingleywarehouse5, Charles street
3274 Salmond GeorgeHeap streethouse6, Heap street
successivehouse12, Heap street
3275 Salt EdwardBaildonwarehouse36, Well street
3276 Salt GeorgeSaltairewarehouse36, Well street
3277 Salt TitusBingleywarehouse36, Well street
3278 Salter John WrightSharow streethouse9, Sharow street
3279 Salter RobertTennyson placehouse73, Tennyson place
3280 Sand WilliamUndercliffe streethouse50, North wing
successivehouse113, Undercliffe street
3281 Sandall EdwardOrchard streethouse39, Cordingley street
successivehouse42, Orchard street
3282 Sanderson JosephGarnett squarehouse4, Garnett square
3283 Sarge ThomasOtley roadhouse116, Otley road
3284 Sargent George H.Low moorwarehouse21, Swaine street
3285 Saunders WilliamExeter streethouse75, Exeter street
3286 Savage James LesiterHortonshop206, Otley road
3287 Saville JasonCity roadshopHarris street
3288 Saville SamuelCity roadshopHarris street
3289 Saville WilliamSydenham placehouse105, Sydenham place
3290 Saville William HenryChaucer placehouse16, Chaucer place
3291 Sawdon George EdwardHustler terracewarehousePeel place
3292 Sawer JohnHortonwarehouse65, Brook street
3293 Sawer Matthew HenryFernbank terracewarehouse19, Booth street
3294 Sawer RileyTennyson placewarehouse65, Brook street
3295 Saxton ThomasRipon streethouse3, Ripon street
3296 Scaife GilesHeap lanehouse124, Heap lane
3297 Scales Walter HenryManninghamwarehouse19, Peckover street
3298 Scarborough GeorgeHalifaxwarehouse10, Booth street
3299 Scarborough JohnHalifaxwarehouse10, Booth street
3300 Scarborough JosephHalifaxwarehouse10, Booth street
3301 Scarborough Thomas SmithHalifaxwarehouse10, Booth street
3302 Scarborough JohnKing Charles streethouse24, King Charles street
3303 Scatchard WilliamPark streethouse9, Tennyson place
successivehouse9, Park street
3304 Scharff EdwardManninghamwarehouse2, Hick street
3305 Schaub WilliamEldon placewarehouse1, Burnett street
3306 Schlesinger AndrewManninghamwarehouse27, Peckover street
3307 Schofield CharlesOtley roadhouse133, Otley road
3308 Schofield EdwardHortonwarehouse12, Booth street
3309 Schofield GeorgeExeter streethouse182, Exeter street
3310 Scholefield JohnHortonwarehouse31, Booth street
3311 Scholefield WilliamButler streethouse13, Butler street
3312 Schultz HenryJermyn streethouse75, Jermyn street
3313 Scott BenjaminHustler streethouse51, Hustler street
3314 Scott GeorgeHustler streethouseHinchcliffe street
successivehouse47, Hustler street
3315 Scott GeorgeBolton roadhouse913, Bolton road
successivehouse932, Bolton road
3316 Scott JamesAiredale squarehouse13, Airedale square
3317 Scott JesparNewlands placehouseDudley Hill road
successivehouse74, Newlands place
3318 Scott JamesUpper Bolton streethouse19, Upper Bolton street
3319 Scott John HenryWapping roadhouse16, Oxford place
successivehouse87, Wapping road
3320 Scott Richard NelsonTennyson placehouse4, Bath street
successivehouse143, Tennyson place
3321 Scott SilasShipleywarehouse5, Collier gate
3322 Scott WalterPark streethouse61, Park street
3323 Scott WilliamBolton roadhouse178, Bolton road
3324 Scruton JamesFilbert streethouse45, Filbert street
3325 Scruton John HawksworthExeter streethouse190, Exeter street
3326 Scully HenryPine streethouse8, Pine street
3327 Scully PatrickTemperance streethouse7, Temperance street
3328 Scully Thomas HenryPaper hall streethouseExeter street
successivehouse15, Paper hall street
3329 Searle JohnGuy's cliffehouse8, Guy's cliffe
3330 Seaver John FrederickCawood placehouse13, Cawood place
3331 Seavers WilliamUndercliffe streethouse25, Undercliffe street
3332 Seddon JohnBack foldhouse8, Back fold
3333 Sedgwick EdwardPark streethouse26, Park street
3334 Sedgwick JohnJermyn streethouse13, Jermyn street
3335 Sellars BenjaminNorth streethouse12, North street
3336 Sellars EliGreencliffe villahouse4, Greencliffe villa
3337 Sellars JohnWinter rowhouse6, Winter row
3338 Sellars JonasCawood placehouse22, Cawood place
3339 Senior FrederickBarkerend roadhouse26A, Barkerend road
3340 Senior RobertOrchard streethouse2, Orchard street
3341 Sergison JoshuaRipon streethouse102, Ripon street
3342 Sewell AugustusGreen streethouse2, Green street
3343 Sewell ChristopherExeter streethouse14, Exeter street
3344 Sewell William AugustusPollard lanehouse7, Pollard lane
3345 Shackleton EliCavalier streethouse6, Cavalier street
3346 Shackleton HenryLofthouse streethouse51, Lofthouse street
3347 Shackleton JamesHortonwarehouse57, North wing
3348 Shackleton JamesTennyson placehouse33A, Tennyson place
3349 Shackleton JohnHortonwarehouse57, North wing
3350 Shackleton JohnMulberry streethouse44, Mulberry street
3351 Shackleton JohnRipon streethouse270, Ripon street
3352 Shackleton JohnSpinkwell Dyehousewarehouse65, Brook street
3353 Shackleton JosephOtley roadhouse477, Otley road
3354 Shackleton JoshuaBack Victoria terracehouse7, Back Victoria terrace
3355 Shackleton MatthewPark gatehouse10B, Tennyson place
successivehouse49, Park gate
3356 Shackleton RobertManninghamwarehouse57, North wing
3357 Shackleton SamuelBolton roadhouse210, Bolton road
3358 Shackleton SamuelWordsworth streethouse13, Wordsworth street
3359 Shackleton TetleyPollard lanehouse10, Pollard lane
3360 Shackleton WilliamMortonwarehouse17, Brook street
3361 Shannon JamesNewlands placehouse32 Southampton street
successivehouse88, Newlands place
3362 Sharp AlfredBingleywarehouse40, Booth street
3363 Sharp DanielPickle bridgewarehouse38, Brook street
3364 Sharp EdwardBingleywarehouse40, Booth street
3365 Sharp FrederickBolton roadhouseNorthbrook street
successivehouse138, Bolton road
3366 Sharp GeorgeAiredale squarehouse4, Airedale square
3367 Sharp GeorgeHeap streethouse6, Albert street
successivehouse45, Heap street
3368 Sharp JamesPickle bridgewarehouse39, Brook street
3369 Sharp JamesManninghamwarehouse40, Booth street
3370 Sharp JeremiahNorth winghouse99, North wing
3371 Sharp JoeExeter streethouse225, Exeter street
3372 Sharp JohnBingleywarehouse40, Booth street
3373 Sharp JohnPickle bridgewarehouse39, Brook street
3374 Sharp JohnPickle bridgewarehouse38, Brook street
3375 Sharp JohnChatham streethouse40, Chatham street
3376 Sharp John BuckleyHortonwarehouse29, Well street
3377 Sharp MosesBowlingwarehouse6, Swaine street
3378 Sharp SamuelExeter streethouse117, Exeter street
3379 Sharp Samuel LeeWestfield terracehouse7, Westfield terrace
3380 Sharp Samuel Thomas KettlewellPollard lanehouse2, Pollard lane
3381 Sharp ThomasWright streethouse16, Wright street
3382 Sharp WilliamBingleywarehouse40, Booth street
3383 Sharp WilliamHeap lanehouse43, Heap lane
3384 Sharp WilliamRichard streethouse7, Richard street
3385 Sharp WilliamManninghamwarehouse38, Brook street
3386 Sharper WilliamHeap streethouse44, Heap street
3387 Shaw AlfredMildred streethouse74, Mildred street
3388 Shaw AlfredAiredale roadhouseSunnybank terrace
successivehouse67, Airedale road
3389 Shaw EnochHill side villashouse32, Hill side villas
3390 Shaw FrankProspect placehouse5, Prospect place
3391 Shaw GeorgeKing Charles streethouseNear 62, King Charles street
3392 Shaw George WilliamTennyson placehouse117, Tennyson place
3393 Shaw JamesOtley roadhouse19, Otley road
3394 Shaw JamesShipleywarehouse19, Charles street
3395 Shaw JohnPark crescenthouse39, Park crescent
3396 Shaw JoshuaTennyson placehouse144, Tennyson place
3397 Shaw SquirePriestley streethouse60, King Charles street
successivehouse21, Priestley street
3398 Shaw StantonWilfred streethouse144, Ripon street
successivehouse117, Wilfred street
3399 Shaw WilliamScott streethouse12, Scott street
3400 Shawl WalterNorth view roadhouse2, Back Victoria terrace
successivehouse42, North view road
3401 Shay JamesWapping roadhouse112, Wapping road
3402 Shearer WilliamExeter streethouse126, Exeter street
3403 Shepherd AaronHortonwarehouse1, Swaine street
3404 Shepherd BowmanHortonwarehouse31, Booth street
3405 Shepherd DavisThornton roadshop91, Otley road
3406 Shepherd George HollingsSunnybank terracehouse19, Sunnybank terrace
3407 Shepherd Henry WalleyManninghamwarehouse23, Bentley street
3408 Shepherd JosephOrchard streethouse89, Orchard street
3409 Shepherd ThomasColeridge placewarehouse31, Booth street
3410 Shepherd WilliamHortonwarehouse31, Booth street
3411 Shepherd William HenryHortonwarehouse31, Booth street
3412 Sheriffe JohnBarkerend roadhouse52, Barkerend road
3413 Shields ThomasManninghamcountinghouse53, Market street
3414 Shillam WalterScott streethouseWilfred street
successivehouseExeter street
successivehouseShakespeare street
successivehouse24, Scott street
3415 Shillum CharlesAiredale College terracehouse20, Bunker's hill
successivehouse19, Airedale College terrace
3416 Shoesmith JohnStanacre placehouse39, Stanacre place
3417 Shulver JohnWilfred streethouse6, Wilfred street
3418 Shutt EdwardCavalier streethouse52, Wilfred street
successivehouse1, Cavalier street
3419 Shuttleworth JohnSydenham placehouse101, Sydenham place
3420 Sichel Silvester EmilShipleywarehouseLeeds road
3421 Sill JamesButler streethouse73, Butler street
3422 Sillett RichardTemperance streethouse2, Temperance street
3423 Sim George CharlesManninghamwarehouse19, Charles street
3424 Simmons GeorgeExeter streethouse59, Exeter street
successivehouse47, Exeter street
3425 Simpson FrancisDe Grey streethouse105, De Grey street
3426 Simpson HenryTennyson placehouse13, Tennyson place
3427 Simpson HenryDe Grey streethouse111, De Grey street
3428 Simpson JohnCowper placeshop135a, Barkerend road
successivehouse11, Cowper place
3429 Simpson JohnJermyn streethouse14, Jermyn street
3430 Simpson John WesleyNewlands placehouse96, Mildred street
successivehouseButler street
successivehouse64, Newlands place
3431 Simpson John WilliamBarkerend roadhouse135A, Barkerend road
3432 Simpson JosephWestfield terracehouse2, Westfield terrace
3433 Simpson RandolphPark crescenthouseSt. Jude's place, Manningham
successivehouse40, Park crescent
3434 Simpson SamuelNorth streethouse29, North street
3435 Simpson ThomasUpper Park streethouse7, Upper Park street
3436 Simpson Rev. Thomas J.East paradehouseWellington street
successivehouseEast parade
3437 Simpson WilliamDrewton streetshop13, Market street
3438 Simpson WilliamNorth winghouse92, North wing
3439 Singleton ArthurHortoncountinghouse1, Booth street
3440 Singleton JohnHustler streethouse39, Hustler street
3441 Singleton JohnButler streetwarehouse44, Brook street
3442 Singleton WilliamOrchard streethouse98, Orchard street
3443 Sington AdolphusManninghamwarehouse35, Swaine street
3444 Skelton WilliamHallfield roadshop57, Market street
3445 Skelton WilliamWapping Cross streethouse17, Wapping Cross street
3446 Skevington Thomas WilliamThornburywarehouse5, Charles street
3447 Skirrow GeorgeWinter rowhouse2, Winter row
3448 Skirrow JosephWinter rowhouse5, Winter row
3449 Skirrow WilliamWellington streethouse24, Wellington street
3450 Slater Charles JamesNorthbrook streethouse4, Northbrook street
3451 Slater JohnFarmer streethouseFarmer street
3452 Slee AlfredAiredale mounthouse42, Tennyson place
successivehouse12, Airedale mount
3453 Sletcher JohnBolton roadhouse4, Back Spinkwell terrace
successivehouse228, Bolton road
3454 Slinger WilliamSydenham placehouse10, Sydenham place
successivehouse42, Sydenham place
3455 Smaller CharlesKing Charles streethouse19, King Charles street
3456 Smeaton JamesNewlands placehouse152, Newlands place
3457 Smith AlbertDe Grey streethouse1, De Grey street
3458 Smith AlfredPark streethouse54, Park street
3459 Smith AlfredPark streethouse46, Park street
3460 Smith AmbroseLoom streethouse43, Loom street
3461 Smith AndrewNorth winghouse10, Butler street
successivehouse136, North wing
3462 Smith CharlesCraven streethouse33, Craven street
3463 Smith CharlesPollard lanehousePollard lane
3464 Smith CharlesJermyn streethouse8, Jermyn street
successivehouse2, Jermyn street
3465 Smith CharlesKing Charles streethouse40, King Charles street
3466 Smith CharlesCambridge placehouse5, Cambridge place
3467 Smith CharlesPudseywarehouse23, Swaine street
3468 Smith Charles EdmundUpper Bolton streethouse13, Upper Bolton street
3469 Smith Charles WilliamManninghamwarehouse32, Brook street
3470 Smith CockroftTennyson placehouse25a, Tennyson place
3471 Smith DawsonOtley roadhouse85, Otley road
3472 Smith EnochBolton roadhouse122, Bolton road
3473 Smith EphraimNorth winghouse10, North wing
3474 Smith EphraimExeter streethouse112, Exeter street
3475 Smith FrankWapping roadhouse111, Wapping road
3476 Smith GeorgeKeighleycountinghouse9, Market street
3477 Smith GeorgeOtley roadhouse196, Otley road
3478 Smith HenryNorthbrook streethouse15, Northbrook street
3479 Smith Henry BarransBarkerend roadhouse47, Barkerend road
3480 Smith HolmesMortonwarehouse17, Brook street
3481 Smith JabezDe Grey streethouse2, De Grey street
3482 Smith JamesRipon streethouse1, Ripon street
3483 Smith JamesSchool courthouse2, School court
3484 Smith JamesBolton roadhouse126, Bolton road
3485 Smith JamesBack Victoria terracehouse13, Back Victoria terrace
successivehouse21, Back Victoria terrace
3486 Smith JamesHortonwarehouse67, Brook street
3487 Smith JamesUpper Bolton streethouse21, Upper Bolton street
3488 Smith JamesPudseywarehouse25, Swaine street
3489 Smith James AldersonCavalier streethouse19, Cavalier street
3490 Smith James BaldingRipon streethouse230, Ripon street
3491 Smith James ThomasUpper Park streethouse25, Upper Park street
3492 Smith JohnArthur streethouse18, Arthur street
3493 Smith JohnThornton's Buildingshouse8, Thornton's Buildings
3494 Smith JohnKing Charles streethouse15, King Charles street
3495 Smith JohnSmithson placehouse6, Smithson place
3496 Smith JohnOtley roadhouse13, Otley road
3497 Smith JohnNorth winghouse7, North wing
3498 Smith JohnRipon streethouseClyde terrace
successivehouse14, Ripon street
3499 Smith John, junr.Rawdonwarehouse32, Brook street
3500 Smith John GottLofthouse streethouse50, Stanacre place
successivehouse46, Lofthouse street
3501 Smith John HodgsonHortonwarehouse24, Charles street
3502 Smith John Thomas WyleGarnett streethouse172, Exeter street
successivehouse131, Garnett street
3503 Smith John WilliamProspect placehouse1, Prospect place
3504 Smith JosephExeter streethouse242, Exeter street
successivehouse220, Exeter street
3505 Smith JosephJermyn streethouse12A, Jermyn street
successivehouse16, Jermyn street
3506 Smith JosephChapel streethouse20, Chapel street
3507 Smith JosephDallam streethouse389A, Bolton road
successivehouse17, Dallam street
3508 Smith JoshuaButler streethouse70, Butler street
3509 Smith LawsonWapping roadhouse119, Wapping road
3510 Smith NathanJury streethouse9, Wapping street
successivehouse19, Jury street
3511 Smith RichardManninghamwarehouse9, Charles street
3512 Smith RichardExeter streethouse127, Exeter street
3513 Smith SamuelTennyson placehouse26, Tennyson place
3514 Smith SamuelSt. Augustine's terracehouse3, St. Augustine's terrace
3515 Smith SamuelHalifaxwarehouse63, Leeds road
3516 Smith Samuel LeemingEccleshillwarehouse17, Charles street
3517 Smith Samuel MilneCalverleywarehouse9, Charles street
3518 Smith StephenRipon streethouse218, Ripon street
3519 Smith TelfordHortonwarehouse9, Charles street
3520 Smith ThomasWilfred streethouse19, Wilfred street
3521 Smith ThomasOtley roadhouse33, Otley road
3522 Smith ThomasHill side villashouse12, Hill side villas
3523 Smith ThomasHortonwarehouse1, Cater street
3524 Smith ThomasBolton streethouse4, Bolton street
3525 Smith WilliamShakespeare streethouse48, Shakespeare street
3526 Smith WilliamHortonwarehouse20, Charles street
3527 Smith WilliamPine streethouse14, Pine street
3528 Smith WilliamMason courthouse1, Mason court
3529 Smith WilliamSydenham placehouse85, Sydenham place
3530 Smith WilliamCraven streethouse22, Craven street
3531 Smith WilliamMildred streethouse92, Mildred street
successivehouse116, Mildred street
3532 Smith WilliamRipon streethouse160, Ripon street
successivehouse166, Ripon street
3533 Smith William HarveyEccleshillwarehouse17, Charles street
3534 Smith William WashingtonUpper Bolton streethouse1, Upper Bolton street
3535 Smithies GeorgeCraven streethouse31, Craven street
3536 Smithies WilliamWapping roadhouse261, Wapping road
3537 Smithson JosephHalifaxwarehouse3, Brook street
3538 Smithson JoshuaLightcliffewarehouse3, Brook street
3539 Snowden ArthurCleckheatonwarehouse10, Swaine street
3540 Snowden James EdwardTennyson placehouse25, Hill side villas
successivehouse66, Tennyson place
3541 Snowdon HenryHortonwarehouse18, Hall ings
3542 Sole GeorgeDe Grey streethouse8, De Grey street
3543 Solomon DavidButler streethouse100, Butler street
3544 Soppitt GeorgeFrizinghallshop33, Pine street
3545 Soppitt John WilcoxSouthampton streethouse49, Southampton street
3546 Southern JamesNorthbrook streethouse37, Northbrook street
3547 Southwell JamesExeter streethouse194, Exeter street
successivehouse40, Exeter street
3548 Sowden CharlesHeatonwarehouse31, Charles street
3549 Sowden HiramHeap lanehouse54, Heap lane
3550 Sowden IsaacOtley roadhouse212, Otley road
successivewarehouse19, Charles street
3551 Sowden JamesTennyson placehouse141, Tennyson place
3552 Sowden JobBaker streethouse2, Baker street
3553 Sowden JoshuaBarkerend roadhouse61, Barkerend road
3554 Sowden RhodesBrighousewarehouseHargreaves buildings, Swaine street
3555 Sowden RichardAiredale roadhouse15, Airedale road
3556 Sowden SamuelPark crescenthouse7, Park crescent
successivehouse32, Park crescent
3557 Spark RobertOrchard streethouse9, Orchard street
successivehouse7, Orchard street
3558 Sparrow RichardWilfred streethouseFlorence street
successivehouse60, Wilfred street
3559 Speak JohnQueensburywarehouseGeorge Hotel yard
3560 Speak PaulQueensburywarehouseGeorge Hotel yard
3561 Speak Paul, junr.QueensburywarehouseGeorge Hotel yard
3562 Speed John IrelandUndercliffe streethouse197, Undercliffe street
3563 Speight HarryHeath roadhouse3, Heath road
3564 Speight JohnManninghamwarehouse22, Charles street
3565 Speight RobertColeridge placehouse5, Coleridge place
3566 Spelling MichaelSun streethouse13, Sun street
3567 Spellman WalterExeter streethouse49, De Grey street
successivehouse229, Exeter street
3568 Spence CressyRipon streethouse238, Ripon street
3569 Spence GeorgeExeter streethouse40, Otley road
successivehouse177, Exeter street
3570 Spence HenrySydenham placehouse89, Sydenham place
3571 Spence JosephNewlaywarehouse25, Charles street
3572 Spence JosephHill Side villashouse11, Hill Side villas
3573 Spence ThomasCawood placehouse5, Cawood place
3574 Spenceley FrederickPeckover streetcountinghouse1, Booth street
3575 Spencely JohnTennyson placehouse29A, Tennyson place
3576 Spencer AbelNorthampton streethouse12, Northampton street
3577 Spencer Abel EmmettTennyson placehouse151, Tennyson place
3578 Spencer AbrahamCaptain streethouse30, Captain street
3579 Spencer AlfredMulberry streethouse43, Mulberry street
3580 Spencer CharlesSouthampton streethouse31, Southampton street
3581 Spencer GeorgeUpper Park streethouse24, Upper Park street
3582 Spencer JamesExeter streethouseHeap street
successivehouse63, Exeter street
3583 Spencer James HenryMab courthouse8, Mab court
3584 Spencer JohnKing Charles streethouse38, King Charles street
3585 Spencer JosephIdle roadhouse431, Otley road
successivehouseIdle road
3586 Spencer JosephSun streethouse1, Sun street
3587 Spencer SamuelOtley roadhouse140, Otley road
3588 Spencer SamuelAlbert streethouse19, North wing
successivehouse6, Albert street
3589 Spencer Samuel GambleDe Grey streethouseCaledonia street, Bowling
successivehouse9, De Grey street
3590 Spencer WilliamPriestley streethouse19, Priestley street
3591 Spencer WilliamFilbert streethouse35, Filbert street
3592 Spencer WilliamStott Hill placehouse11, Stott Hill place
3593 Splan TimothyBarkerend roadhouseMyrtle street
successivehouse148, Barkerend road
3594 Spoerry GeorgeBaildonwarehouse23, Bentley street
3595 Spowforth JohnFilbert streethouse36, Filbert street
successivehouse47, Filbert street
3596 Spreckley JohnCowper placehouse3, Southey place
successivehouse34, Cowper place
3597 Spreckley NathanielMildred streethouse229, Exeter street
successivehouse178, Mildred street
3598 Spreckley William JonesWestfield terracehouse9, Westfield terrace
3599 Squires JohnHustler streethouse81, Tennyson place
successivehouse6 & 8, Hustler street
3600 Standeven JohnChatham streethouse42, Chatham street
3601 Standeven ThomasHeap lanehouse5, Heap lane
3602 Standing ThomasFrizinghallwarehouse21, Swaine street
3603 Stanley Joseph HelliwellGuy's cliffehouse3, Guy's cliffe
3604 Stanley Samuel HaighLeeds roadshop77, Leeds road
3605 Stansfeld Thomas WoolrichiLeedswarehouseEast parade
3606 Stansfield GeorgeGarnett squarehouse3, Garnett square
3607 Stansfield JosephDudley Hill roadhouse10, Geldar yard
successivehouse57, Dudley Hill road
3608 Stansfield SamuelTennyson placeshop18, Otley road
3609 Statham JonathanBingleywarehouseGeorge Hotel yard
3610 Stead AbrahamBeech grovehouse5A, Beech grove
3611 Stead BenjaminNorthampton streethouse7, Northampton street
3612 Stead CharlesBaildonwarehouse36, Well street
3613 Stead EdwinTennyson placehouse155, Tennyson place
3614 Stead JacobHill Side villashouse44, Cowper place
successivehouse35A, Hill Side villas
3615 Stead JohnCaptain streethouse22, Captain street
3616 Stead RobertWellington streethouse68, Wellington street
3617 Stead SimeonBarkerend roadhouse64, Orchard street
successivehouseHeap lane
successivehouse116, Barkerend road
3618 Stead ThomasCaptain streethouse26, Bunker's hill
successivehouse16, Captain street
3619 Stead WilliamBaildonwarehouse36, Well street
3620 Stead WilliamOrchard streethouse94, Orchard street
3621 Stead WilliamOrchard streethouse44, Orchard street
3622 Stead WilliamBradford Moorhouse61, Dundas street
successivehouse33, Bradford Moor
3623 Stead WilliamWellington streethouse40, Wellington street
3624 Steel GeorgeHinchcliffe streethouse3, Hinchcliffe street
3625 Steel ThomasCordingley streethouse53, Cordingley street
3626 Steinthal Charles GustaveManninghamwarehouse1, Currer street
successivewarehouse3, Burnett street
3627 Steinthal Gustavus AdolphusHallfield roadwarehouse53, Leeds road
3628 Stell JohnOrchard streethouse106, Orchard street
3629 Stell ListerUndercliffe streethouse174, Undercliffe street
3630 Stephenson GeorgeUndercliffe streethouse32, Stott hill
successivehouse87, Undercliffe street
3631 Stephenson JamesGarnett squarehouse8, Garnett square
3632 Stephenson James WalkerWapping roadhouse37, Wapping road
3633 Stephenson RichardWardle streethouse4, Wardle street
3634 Stephenson RichardHortonwarehouse21, Swaine street
3635 Stephenson ThomasBarkerend roadhouse157, Barkerend road
3636 Stewart AlfredBolton roadhouse262, Bolton road
3637 Stewart Charles MartinNorth winghouse4, North wing
3638 Stewart SamuelBolton roadhouse264, Bolton road
3639 Stirk AdamTemperance streethouse38, Temperance street
3640 Stockdale WilliamExeter streethouse17, Tickhill street
successivehouse223, Exeter street
3641 Stonehouse John HenryFilbert streethouse6, Filbert street
3642 Stones PhilipBolton roadhouse48, Bolton road
3643 Storer JamesCalverleywarehouse32, Charles street
3644 Storey HenrySydenham placehouse79, Sydenham place
3645 Storey JohnJury streethouse11, Jury street
3646 Storey JohnPark gatehouse55, Park gate
3647 Storey SamuelManninghamwarehouse29, Bentley street
3648 Stott JeremiahGeldar yardhouse5, Geldar yard
3649 Stott JosephJury streethouse4, Jury street
3650 Stott ThomasExeter streethouse11, Exeter street
3651 Stow JosephOtley roadshop89, Otley road
3652 Stowe JohnMildred streethouse142, Mildred street
3653 Stoyles ThomasWapping roadhouse67, Wapping road
3654 Stoyles WilliamPark gatehouse15, Park gate
3655 Stratton JohnBolton roadwarehouseRichmond street
3656 Stratton RobertHeap lanehouse98, Heap lane
3657 Stubbs DavidHaigh rowhouse7, Haigh row
3658 Stubbs James ArmitageSt. Augustine's terracehouse32, Cordingley street
successivehouse1, St. Augustine's terrace
3659 Sturdy WilliamJermyn streethouse70, Jermyn street
3660 Suddards JosephMildred streethouse44, Mildred street
3661 Sugden GeorgeCleckheatonwarehouse30, Booth street
3662 Sugden JohnCraven streethouse20, Craven street
successivehouse13, Craven street
3663 Sugden JohnTennyson placehouse23, Birksland street
successivehouse161, Tennyson place
3664 Sugden John ThomasOtley roadhouse10, Airedale place
successivehouse145, Otley road
3665 Sugden John WilliamMildred streethouse124, Mildred street
3666 Sugden JonasWilsdenwarehouse25a, Charles street
3667 Sugden SamuelDe Grey streethouse75, De Grey street
3668 Sunderland BenjaminRipon streethouse53, Ripon street
3669 Sunderland GeorgePark streethouse43, Park street
3670 Sunderland IsaacBolton streethouse20, Bolton street
3671 Sunderland JosephMildred streethouse37, Mildred street
3672 Sunderland JosephColeridge placehouse8, Coleridge place
successivewarehouse5, Charles street
3673 Sunderland JosephWright streethouse21, Wright street
3674 Sunter JohnWapping roadhouse265, Wapping road
3675 Sunter JosephLoom streethouse45, Loom street
3676 Sunter RichardNorth winghouse119, North wing
3677 Sunter WilliamBeech grovehouse31, Beech grove
3678 Sussman AlfredManninghamwarehouse17, Leeds road
3679 Sutcliffe BenjaminRipon streethouse48, Ripon street
3680 Sutcliffe EdwardWright streethouse23, Wright street
3681 Sutcliffe JamesButler streethouseGirlington road, Manningham
successivehouse72, Butler street
3682 Sutcliffe JohnFernbank roadwarehouse19, Charles street
3683 Sutcliffe JohnPhiladelphia streethouse13, Philadelphia street
3684 Sutcliffe JohnGarnett squarehouse12, Garnett square
3685 Sutcliffe Joseph AlfredMulberry streethouse8, Mulberry street
3686 Sutcliffe JoshuaUndercliffe streethouse43, Undercliffe street
3687 Sutcliffe Richard HenryTennyson placehouse28B, Tennyson place
3688 Sutcliffe RobertIdlewarehouse17, Brook street
3689 Sutcliffe RoyalMason courthouse7, Mason court
3690 Sutcliffe ThomasTennyson placehouse158, Tennyson place
3691 Sutcliffe WilliamJermyn streethouse1, Jermyn street
3692 Sutcliffe WilsonBowlingwarehouse2, Swaine street
3693 Suthers HenryBolton roadhouse146, Bolton road
3694 Sutherst Henry JacksonTennyson placehouse143, Tennyson place
successivehouse123, Tennyson place
3695 Sutton WilliamRipon streethouse278, Ripon street
3696 Swaine BenjaminSharow streethouse41, Sharow street
3697 Swaine EdwardKing Charles streethouse8, King Charles street
3698 Swaine JohnBolton roadhouse158, Bolton road
3699 Swaine JonathanGirlingtonwarehouse2, Brook street
3700 Swaine Simeon HardyWell streethouse25, Well street
3701 Swaine WilliamCobourg streethouse1, Cobourg street
3702 Swaine WillieBolton roadhouse100, Bolton road
3703 Sweatman ArthurCobourg streethouse22, Park street
successivehouse4, Cobourg street
3704 Sweatman GeorgeNorth winghouse98, North wing
3705 Swift JohnUpper Bolton streethouse3, Upper Bolton street
3706 Swift JohnBolton roadshop108, Bolton road
successivehouse86, Bolton road
3707 Swift John JamesPollard lanehouse27, Pollard lane
3708 Swift Thomas WilliamDe Grey streethouseJapan street, Manningham
successivehouse5, De Grey street
successivehouse3, De Grey street
3709 Swindlehurst HenryHaigh rowhouse15, Haigh row
3710 Swithenbank George HenryHustler terracehouse107, Hustler terrace
3711 Sykes AlfredMildred streethouse80, Mildred street
3712 Sykes BincliffeWright streethouse20, Wright street
3713 Sykes Edward WilliamCavalier streethouse25, Cavalier street
3714 Sykes GeorgeTennyson placehouse91, Tennyson place
3715 Sykes JamesNorthampton streethouse3, Northampton street
3716 Sykes John WilliamButler streethouse120, Butler street
3717 Sykes JoshuaRichmond streethouse21, Richmond street

EAST WARD, 1878, surnames beginning with the letter T
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3718 Tankard James MarslandBowlingwarehouse24, Charles street
successivewarehouse12, Charles street
3719 Tarbotton WilliamUndercliffe streethouse173, Undercliffe street
3720 Tasker EdwardExeter streethouse32B, Tennyson place
successivehouse15, Exeter street
3721 Tasker HiramGaunt streethouseExeter street
successivehouseExeter street
successivehouse9, Gaunt street
3722 Tate ArthurDudley hillhouse21, Wakefield road
successivewarehouseGeorge Hotel yard
3723 Tate BenjaminAiredale squarehouseAiredale square
3724 Tate Fred MidwoodRipon streethouse176, Ripon street
3725 Tate JamesHarris streethouse51, Harris street
3726 Tate JohnCarver courthouse18, Carver court
successivehouse12, Carver court
3727 Tattersall EdwardCordingley streethouse8, Cordingley street
3728 Tattersall ThomasWilfred streethouseCavalier street
successivehouse22, Wilfred street
3729 Tattersall ThomasHarris streethouse10, Birksland street
successivehouse116, Harris street
3730 Tattersall WilliamEast paradehouse14, East parade
3731 Taylor AbrahamClub HouseshouseMulberry street
successivehouse36, Club Houses
3732 Taylor Charles FrederickBaildonwarehouse27, Swaine street
3733 Taylor CorneliusManninghamshopKirkgate
successiveshop113, Leeds road
3734 Taylor GeorgeJermyn streetshop34, Otley road
3735 Taylor JamesBarkerend roadhouse98, Barkerend road
3736 Taylor JamesBarkerend roadhouse143, Barkerend road
3737 Taylor JamesJoseph streethouseGarnett street
successivehouse15, Joseph street
3738 Taylor James ThomasSharow streethouse37, Sharow street
3739 Taylor JobWilfred streetshopOtley road
3740 Taylor JohnClub Houseshouse38, Club Houses
3741 Taylor JohnOrchard streethouse2a, Orchard street
3742 Taylor JohnAiredale roadhouse45, Airedale road
3743 Taylor JohnExeter streethouse92, Exeter street
3744 Taylor JohnSun streethouseBolton road
successivehouse26, Sun street
3745 Taylor JohnTemperance streethouse35, Temperance street
3746 Taylor JohnHortonshop83, Leeds road
3747 Taylor JohnGreen terracehouse2, Green terrace
3748 Taylor John EdwardAllertonwarehouse49, Peel place
3749 Taylor John HamiltonOtley roadhouse96, Otley road
3750 Taylor John WilliamDe Grey streetshop64, Otley road
3751 Taylor JosephGarnett streethouse21, Garnett street
3752 Taylor JosephSun streethouse12, Sun street
3753 Taylor JosephHalifaxwarehouse16, Booth street
3754 Taylor RichardTennyson placehouse74, Tennyson place
3755 Taylor RichardExeter streethouse181, Exeter street
3756 Taylor ThomasChaucer placehouse4, Chaucer place
3757 Taylor UriahHeap lanehouse82, Heap lane
3758 Taylor WilliamOrchard streethouse75, Orchard street
successivehouse47, Orchard street
3759 Teale EmanuelWapping streethouse17, Wapping street
3760 Teale GeorgeOtley roadhouse91, Otley road
3761 Teale WilliamBolton streethouse8, Bolton street
3762 Teanby JohnExeter streethouse115, Exeter street
3763 Tempest IsaacHortonwarehouse65, Brook street
3764 Tempest RobertPark streethouse39, Park street
3765 Terber JohnHeap lanehouse79, Heap lane
3766 Terry BenjaminIdlecountinghouse9, Market street
3767 Terry CharlesFrystone placehouse15, Frystone place
3768 Terry John NettletonBarkerend roadhouse1, Barkerend road
3769 Terry William RichardHarris streethouse122, Harris street
3770 Tetley AbrahamMab courthouse7, Mab court
3771 Tetley CharlesHortonwarehouse22, Charles street
successivewarehouse31, Charles street
3772 Tetley HenryBradford moorhouse29, Bradford moor
3773 Tetley JohnVictoria streetwarehouse23, Swaine street
3774 Tetley John HodgsonOrchard streethouse5, Orchard street
3775 Tetley JosephJermyn streethouse19, Jermyn street
3776 Tetley MarkFernbank roadhouse12, Ashton villas
successivehouse3, Fernbank road
3777 Tetley Moses BottomleyHortonwarehouse22, Charles street
successivewarehouse31, Charles street
3778 Tetley SamuelManninghamwarehouse33, Peel place
3779 Tetley SamuelLofthouse streethouse19, Lofthouse street
3780 Thackray HenryCordingley streethouse140, Mildred street
successivehouse4, Cordingley street
3781 Thackray WilliamMab courthouse7, Mab street
successivehouse9, Mab court
3782 Thackray WilliamManninghamwarehouse3, Swaine street
3783 Thatcher GeorgeWilfred streethouse89, Wilfred street
3784 Thomas WilliamWellington streethouse60, Wellington street
3785 Thomas WilliamPark streethouse49, Park street
3786 Thompson ElliottManninghamcountinghouse5, Charles street
3787 Thompson GeorgeSt. Augustine's terraceshop55, Otley road
3788 Thompson Henry HolmesFernbank roadhouse8, Beech grove
successivehouse16, Fernbank road
3789 Thompson JessWapping roadhouse130, Wapping road
3790 Thompson JohnJermyn street placehouse6, Jermyn street place
3791 Thompson JohnUpper Bolton streethouse5, Upper Bolton street
3792 Thompson JohnWilfred streethouse118, Exeter street
successivehouse66, Wilfred street
successivehouse58, Wilfred street
3793 Thompson John ChavinExeter streethouse164, Exeter street
3794 Thompson John WilliamBeech grovehouse2, Beech grove
3795 Thompson JosephOtley roadhouseOtley road
3796 Thompson MarkStanacre placehouse26, Stanacre place
3797 Thompson RobertHortonwarehouse26, Well street
3798 Thompson SamuelOtley roadhouse124, Otley road
3799 Thompson Thomas RobsonChurch bankshop34, Church bank
3800 Thomson JosephDe Grey streethouse22, De Grey street
3801 Thornes JosephLeeds roadhouse67, Leeds road
3802 Thornton AbnerEccleshillshopBurnett street
3803 Thornton DavidAiredale roadhouseLofthouse street
successivehouse51, Airedale road
3804 Thornton Ezra AlbertEccleshillshopBurnett street
3805 Thornton GeorgeHarris streethouse20, Harris street
3806 Thornton IsaacGreen terracehouse5, Green terrace
3807 Thornton IsaacBaker streethouse8, Baker street
3808 Thornton IsraelGuy's cliffeshopBurnett street
3809 Thornton JamesHaigh rowhouse13, Haigh row
successivehouse16, Haigh row
3810 Thornton JohnCraven streethouse14, Craven street
3811 Thornton JohnNorth winghouse23, North wing
3812 Thornton JohnHeath roadhouse29, Heath road
3813 Thornton JohnHeap lanehouse8, Heap lane
3814 Thornton JohnOtley roadshop131, East parade
3815 Thornton JohnThornton's Buildingshouse5, Thornton's Buildings
3816 Thornton John VarleyHipperholmewarehouseScoresby street
3817 Thornton JosephWoodbine streethouse6, Woodbine street
3818 Thornton Joseph WilsonCottingleywarehouse16, Booth street
3819 Thornton MartinUndercliffe streethouse16, Upper Park street
successivehouse79, Undercliffe street
3820 Thornton MortimerBolton roadhouse120, Bolton road
3821 Thornton ThomasCottingleywarehouse16, Booth street
3822 Thornton ThomasTennyson placehouse162, Tennyson place
3823 Thornton WilliamBack Victoria terracehouse14, Back Victoria terrace
3824 Thorp CharlesSt. Augustine's terracehouse14, St. Augustine's terrace
3825 Thorp EliFilbert streethouse40, Filbert street
3826 Thorp IsaacStanacre placehouse4, Stanacre place
3827 Thorp JamesRipon streethouse84, Ripon street
3828 Thorpe George AlbinoUndercliffe streethouse164, Undercliffe street
3829 Thorpe John Robert BeanlandCraven streethouse19, Craven street
3830 Thorpe WilliamWilfred streethouse69, Wilfred street
3831 Thorpe WilliamHill side villashouse45, Hill side villas
3832 Thresh JamesLingard streethouse11, Lingard street
3833 Tidswell JamesJane courthouse2, Jane court
3834 Tilley JamesManninghamwarehouse6, Booth street
3835 Tillotson JohnWilfred streethouse14, Wilfred street
3836 Tinker JohnOrchard streethouse81, Orchard street
3837 Tinsley RobertKing Charles squarehouse7, King Charles square
3838 Tocknell CharlesChatham streethouseLofthouse street
successivehouse58, Chatham street
3839 Todd JohnCowper placehouse38, Cowper place
3840 Todd SeptimusEast paradehouseEbor street, Horton
successivehouse8, East parade
3841 Tolland JohnLofthouse streethouse1, Lofthouse street
3842 Tolman FrancisHarris streethouse116, Harris street
3843 Tolson HenryHortonwarehouse8, Swaine street
successivewarehouse8, Charles street
3844 Tomlinson JohnMortonwarehouse17, Brook street
3845 Tomlinson JohnWapping roadhouse153, Wapping road
3846 Toomey ThomasWellington streethouse33, Wellington street
3847 Topham WilliamCross Sun streethouse39, Cross Sun street
3848 Tordoff WilliamBeech grovehouse7, Beech grove
3849 Totty WilliamProspect placehouse8, Prospect place
3850 Towler RobertExeter streethouse108, Wilfred street
successivehouse157, Exeter street
3851 Town IsaacharShakespeare streethouse28, Shakespeare street
successivehouse24, Shakespeare street
3852 Town Robert SamuelCowper placehouse50, Cowper place
3853 Townend AlfredJermyn streethouse72, Jermyn street
3854 Townend EdwardCullingworthwarehouse28, Brook street
3855 Townend GeorgeThorntonwarehouse17, Swaine street
3856 Townend JohnJermyn streethouse29, Jermyn street
3857 Townend JohnMason courthouseJane court
successivehouseHeap lane
successivehouse10, Mason court
3858 Townend Joseph WrigleyCullingworthwarehouse28, Brook street
3859 Townend MatthewHarris streetshop10, Adolphus street
successiveshop152, Harris street
3860 Townend RobertButler streethouse96, Butler street
3861 Townend SimeonHortonwarehouse7, Charles street
3862 Townend ThomasOtley roadhouse501, Otley road
3863 Townend WilliamExeter streethouse13, Exeter street
3864 Townsley JonathanHortonwarehouse10, Brook street
3865 Townson MichaelNorth winghouse141, North wing
3866 Townson ThomasUndercliffe streethouse20, De Grey street
successivehouse133, Undercliffe street
3867 Townson WilliamJermyn streethouse23, Jermyn street
3868 Trainor James CharlesHortonwarehouse45, Brook street
3869 Tremholme ThomasTennyson placehouseTennyson place
3870 Trout RidgellHanover squarewarehouse16, Booth street
3871 Troy FentonMab streethouse28, Irving street
successivehouse7, Mab street
3872 Tunstill JamesGeldar yardhouse7, Geldar yard
3873 Tunstill JohnGeldar yardhouse4, Geldar yard
3874 Turley EdwardBarkerend roadhouse20, Barkerend road
3875 Turley JamesTennyson placehouse25, Tennyson place
3876 Turner CharlesIdlewarehouseCollier gate
3877 Turner CharlesStanacre placehouse28, Stanacre place
3878 Turner GeorgeHortonwarehouse31, Booth street
3879 Turner JohnLightcliffewarehouse44, Brook street
3880 Turner JohnHill side villashouse3, Hill side villas
3881 Turner John WilliamTongwarehouse48, Brook street
3882 Turner WilliamManninghamwarehouse65, Brook street
3883 Turnham ThomasStanacre placehouse44, Stanacre place
3884 Tyne StephenTennyson placehouse77, Tennyson place
3885 Tyning JohnTennyson placehouseSilk street, Manningham
successivehouse153, Tennyson place
3886 Tyson GeorgePark streethouse14, Park street
3887 Tyson JohnOrchard streethouse28, Orchard street

EAST WARD, 1878, surnames beginning with the letter U
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3888 Umpleby DavidExeter streethouse202, Exeter street
3889 Underwood IsaacHortonshop73, Market street
3890 Utley JosephLeeds roadhouse73, Leeds road
3891 Uttley WilliamHortonwarehouse5, Charles street

EAST WARD, 1878, surnames beginning with the letter V
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3892 Varey JohnPark crescenthouse68, Sydenham place
successivehouse7, Park crescent
3893 Varley ChristopherBunker's hillhouse16, King Charles street
successivehouseBunker's hill
3894 Varley ThomasWilfred streethouse42, Wilfred street
3895 Verity JohnClub Houseshouse6, Club Houses
3896 Vickerman JohnRipon streethouse172, Ripon street
3897 Vickerman JohnHillside villaswarehouse5, Brook street
3898 Virgo Charles GeorgeBarkerend roadhouse193, Barkerend road
3899 Virr JohnCowper placewarehouse74, Vicar lane
3900 Virr Samuel HarrisonColeridge placehouse20, Coleridge place
3901 Virr WilliamSouthey placehouse7, Southey place
3902 Vitty James ThomasMab streethouse16, Mab street
3903 Vollum JohnGrange terracehouseGrange terrace
3904 Vollum William HenryPark gatehouse16, Park gate

EAST WARD, 1878, surnames beginning with the letter W
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3905 Waddington BenjaminBarkerend roadshop156, Barkerend road
3906 Waddington EdwardOtley roadhouse178, Otley road
3907 Waddington JamesRipon streethouse100, Ripon street
3908 Waddington JohnJermyn streethouse5, Jermyn street
3909 Waddington JohnManninghamwarehouse6, Booth street
3910 Waddington JohnFrizinghallwarehouse42, Well street
3911 Waddington JohnCowper placehouse26, Cowper place
3912 Waddington JosephOrchard streethouse49, Orchard street
3913 Waddington Matthew Wilson SutcliffePaper hall courthouse16, Paper hall court
3914 Waddington RichardHortonwarehouse21, Booth street
3915 Waddington WilliamHill side villashouse16, Hill side villas
3916 Waddington WilliamOrchard streethouse60, Orchard street
3917 Wade AaronHortonwarehouse29, Hall ings
3918 Wade DavidWilsdenwarehouse34, Brook street
3919 Wade Edward HirstNorth paradewarehouse43, Brook street
3920 Wade HenryNorthampton streethouse78, Mildred street
successivehouse15, Northampton street
3921 Wade JohnCawood placehouse10, Cawood place
3922 Wade JohnNorth winghouse2, North wing
3923 Wade WalterButler streetshop9, Well street
3924 Wade WilliamBowlingwarehouse34, Booth street
3925 Wadsworth Matthew HenryWilfred streethouse22, Hill side villas
successivehouse1, Wilfred street
3926 Wainhouse John ShackletonNewlands placehouse156, Newlands place
3927 Wainhouse SamuelHortonwarehouse23, Charles street
3928 Wainwright BenjaminTennyson placewarehouseChapel street
3929 Wainwright FrederickNorth winghouse114, North wing
3930 Wainwright JamesTennyson placehouseRipon street
successivehouse12B, Tennyson place
3931 Wainwright John WilsonPeckover streethouseWainwright court
successivehouse12, Peckover street
3932 Wainwright WilliamTennyson placehouse160, Tennyson place
3933 Waite AbelOtley roadhouse483, Otley road
3934 Waite LukeMildred streethouse60, Mildred street
3935 Waite ThomasExeter streethouse54, Exeter street
3936 Walbran John FrancisNorth winghouse151, North wing
3937 Waldron MichaelWellington streethouse38, Wellington street
3938 Wales JamesManninghamwarehouseVicar lane
3939 Walker BenjaminGuy's cliffehouse10, Guy's cliffe
3940 Walker Charles CollinsExeter streethouse9, Exeter street
3941 Walker JamesHallfield roadwarehouse51, Brook street
3942 Walker JamesHeap lanehouse96, Heap lane
3943 Walker James RobertColeridge placehouse26, Coleridge place
3944 Walker James WilliamOrchard streethouse74, Orchard street
3945 Walker JohnBolton roadshop7, Well street
3946 Walker JohnCordingley streethouse65, Cordingley street
3947 Walker John WilliamHeap lanehouse92, Heap lane
3948 Walker LewisTennyson placewarehouse57a, Well street
3949 Walker SquireUndercliffe streethouse161, Undercliffe street
3950 Walker ThomasBaildonwarehouse10, Bentley street
3951 Walker WilliamNorth winghouse12, Carver court
successivehouse118, North wing
3952 Walker WilliamGarnett streetwarehouse106, Harris street
3953 Walker WilliamHill side villashouse10, Hill side villas
3954 Walker WilliamCowper placehouse42, Cowper place
3955 Walker WilliamExeter streethouse78, Exeter street
3956 Wall ThomasBowlingwarehouse4, Ship alley
3957 Wallace AlfredClaytonwarehouse34, Hall ings
3958 Wallace FrederickManninghamwarehouse38, Chapel street
3959 Wallace Richard MatthewOrchard streethouse96, Orchard street
3960 Wallace WilliamJane courthouse1, Jane court
3961 Wallace WilliamHalifaxwarehouse30, Hall ings
successivewarehouseWell street
3962 Waller GeorgeExeter streethouse100, Wilfred street
successivehouse70, Exeter street
3963 Waller WilliamWild Boar streethouse17, Mulberry street
successivehouse3, Wild Boar street
3964 Wallis George SamuelLiversedgewarehouse26, Brook street
3965 Wallis JohnTennyson placehouse63, Tennyson place
3966 Wallis MatthewMildred streethouse42, Mildred street
3967 Walmsley JohnEast paradehouse6, Otley road
successiveshop139, East parade
3968 Walmsley SamuelBunker's hillhouse56, Bunker's hill
3969 Walsh CharlesHeap streethouse54, Heap street
3970 Walsh JohnSharow streethouse13, Sharow street
3971 Walsh SelbyHalifaxwarehouse16, Booth street
3972 Walton DukePark streethouse59, Park street
3973 Walton EdwardAiredale squarehouse9, Airedale square
3974 Walton GeorgeSkiptonwarehouse36, Hall ings
3975 Walton JohnAiredale squarehouse8, Airedale square
3976 Walton JohnJoseph streethouse21, Joseph street
3977 Walton ThomasPark streethouse12, Park street
successivehouse4, Park street
3978 Walton ThomasHarris streethouse22, Harris street
3979 Walton WilliamHarris streethouse128, Harris street
3980 Warburton GeorgeSharow streethouse5, Sharow street
3981 Ward ChristopherHalifaxwarehouse32, Charles street
3982 Ward JohnHaigh rowhouse11, Haigh row
3983 Ward John WhiteleyHalifaxwarehouse32, Charles street
3984 Ward JosephPaper hall streethouse6, Paper hall street
3985 Ward RichardBolton streethouse13, Bolton street
3986 Ward Thomas LambertHustler streethouse41, Hustler street
3987 Ward William BewleyFrystone placehouse32, Frystone place
3988 Ward William Henry HallSouthey placehouse15, Southey place
3989 Ward William SpencerOrchard streethouse3, Orchard street
3990 Wardman PaulBeldon placehouse3, Beldon place
3991 Warhurst William HenryExeter streethouse178, Exeter street
3992 Waring FergusFrystone placehouse130, Garnett street
successivehouse5, Frystone place
3993 Waring HenryMildred streethouse66, Butler street
successivehouse140, Mildred street
3994 Waring JamesHeap streetshop90, Barkerend road
3995 Waring WilliamBarkerend roadhouse64, Barkerend road
3996 Warnes AlfredCawood placehouse13, Shakespeare street
successivehouse4, Cawood place
3997 Warren JohnExeter streethouse131, Exeter street
3998 Warwick HenryFilbert streethouse80, Orchard street
successivehouse75, Filbert street
3999 Waterhouse DavidColeridge placehouse21, Coleridge place
4000 Waterhouse Frank LondaleWordsworth streethouse25, Wordsworth street
4001 Waterhouse JamesRichard streethouse8, Richard street
4002 Waterhouse JamesSowden's Buildingshouse15, Sowden's Buildings
4003 Waterhouse JohnHeap streethouse60, Heap street
4004 Waterhouse JohnSydenham placehouse16, Sydenham place
4005 Waterhouse JonasThorntonwarehouse33, Booth street
4006 Waterhouse JonasHortonhouseSpring place, Horton
successivewarehouse8, Swan Arcade, Market street
4007 Waterhouse SamuelMildred streethouse30, Orchard street
successivehouse23, Mildred street
4008 Waterhouse ThomasOtley roadhouse147, Otley road
4009 Waterhouse ThomasSouthey placehouse20, Southey place
4010 Waterson James BrownManninghamwarehouse27, Leeds road
4011 Waterworth JosephThe Mounthouse10, Frystone place
successivehouse10, The Mount
4012 Watkins JohnHortonwarehouse21, Charles street
4013 Watkins ThomasHortonwarehouse21, Charles street
4014 Watkins WilliamHortonwarehouse21, Charles street
4015 Watkinson WilliamOrchard streethouse46, Orchard street
4016 Watmuff JosephUpper Park streethouse21, Upper Park street
4017 Watson DanielWapping roadhouse85, Wapping road
4018 Watson JohnDe Grey streethouse30, De Grey street
4019 Watson JohnDarfield streetshop2, Well street
4020 Watson PeterShipleyshop2, Well street
4021 Watson RichardHeap lanehouse5, Gaunt street
successivehouseTennyson place
successivehouse50, Heap lane
4022 Watson RichardWilfred streethouse104, Wilfred street
4023 Watson Richard LawHortonwarehouse27, Booth street
4024 Watson WilliamFrystone placehouse4, Frystone place
4025 Watson WilliamHortonshop2, Well street
4026 Watson WilliamCowlingwarehouse10, Bentley street
4027 Watts GeorgeSouthey placehouse27, Southey place
4028 Waud Benjamin SkeltonLightcliffewarehouse22, Charles street
4029 Wear BenjaminExeter streethouseExeter street
successivehouse212, Exeter street
4030 Wear John BoltonExeter streetshop11, Church bank
4031 Weatherhead CharlesBingleywarehouseChapel lane, Horton
successivewarehouse37, Swaine street
4032 Weatherhead JamesNathan streethouse13, Nathan street
4033 Weatherill WilliamAiredale College terracehouse9, Airedale College terrace
4034 Weaver Thomas WilliamDe Grey streethouse10, De Grey street
4035 Webb Arthur AmosTennyson placehouse137, Exeter street
successivehouse154, Tennyson place
4036 Webb JosephJane courthouse9, Jane court
successivehouse10, Jane court
4037 Webster EdwardSydenham placehouse40, Sydenham place
successivehouse83, Sydenham place
4038 Webster FrederickTennyson placehouse156, Tennyson place
4039 Webster JamesExeter streethouse100, Exeter street
4040 Webster JohnBarkerend roadhouse36, Park street
successivehouse139, Barkerend road
4041 Webster SamuelHortonwarehouse59, Brook street
4042 Webster WilliamBradford moorwarehouse3, Mildred court
4043 Wechmar William MoritzHortonwarehouse27, Peckover street
4044 Weeder WilliamHeap streethouse41, Heap street
4045 Welch JohnWild Boar streethouse14, Wild Boar street
4046 Welfare ThomasNorthbrook streethouse18, Northbrook street
4047 Wellock JohnHeap lanehouse1, Heap lane
4048 Wells JohnMulberry streethouse12, Mulberry street
4049 West GeorgeWild Boar streethouse5, Wild Boar street
4050 West JamesUndercliffe Old roadhouse6, Undercliffe Old road
4051 West James, junr.Undercliffe Old roadhouse2, Undercliffe Old road
4052 West JosephHeath roadhouse27, Heath road
4053 Westby ThomasButler streethouseCordingley street
successivehouse66, Butler street
4054 Western JosephShakespeare streethouse26, Shakespeare street
4055 Western WilliamExeter streethouse209, Exeter street
4056 Whalen ThomasExeter streethouse2, Loom street
successivehouse51, Exeter street
4057 Whaley Samuel WhiteClaytoncountinghouse3, Leeds road
4058 Whalley StephenTennyson placehouse115, Tennyson place
4059 Wharton JosephCleckheatonwarehouse5, Mildred court
4060 Wharton JosiahSt. Augustine's terracehouse18, St. Augustine's terrace
4061 Wharton WilliamNewlands placehouse101, Exeter street
successivehouse693, Bolton road
successivehouse54, Newlands place
4062 Wheater HammondGirlingtonwarehouse46, Well street
4063 Wheater HenryBolton roadhouse252, Bolton road
4064 Wheater WilliamGirlingtonwarehouse46, Well street
4065 Wheatley JamesExeter streethouse166, Exeter street
4066 Wheatley JohnExeter streethouse123, Exeter street
4067 Wheatley WilliamShaw streethouse5, Shaw street
4068 Wheeler WilliamHustler streethouse71, Hustler street
4069 Wheelhouse JamesOrchard streethouse73, Orchard street
4070 Wheelhouse JohnExeter streethouse976, Leeds road
successivehouse242, Exeter street
4071 Wheelwright Thomas WhitfieldShipleywarehouse36, Hall ings
4072 Whelan DanielRipon streethouse94, Ripon street
4073 Whelan PatrickShaw streethouse1, Shaw street
4074 Whitaker CharlesManninghamwarehouse65, Brook street
4075 Whitaker DavidNewlaywarehouse41, Well street
4076 Whitaker EdwardGarnett squarehouse1, Garnett square
4077 Whitaker HenryLightcliffewarehouse65, Brook street
4078 Whitaker JamesOtley roadwarehouse31, Charles street
4079 Whitaker JamesCarver courthouse11, Carver court
4080 Whitaker JeremiahNewlaywarehouse41, Well street
4081 Whitaker JohnBingleywarehouse38, Brook street
4082 Whitaker JohnPark streethouse10, Park street
4083 Whitaker John JamesShakespeare streethouse10, Shakespeare street
4084 Whitaker John SpurrTennyson placehouse32, Tennyson place
4085 Whitaker JonasCavalier streethouseCross Sun street
successivehouseCedar street
successivehouse20, Cavalier street
4086 Whitaker MarshallSydenham placehouse20, Sydenham place
4087 Whitaker WilliamGarnett streethouse65, Garnett street
4088 Whitaker WilliamBarkerend roadhouse26, Scott street
successivehouse134, Barkerend road
4089 Whitaker WilliamUpper Park streethouse5, Upper Park street
4090 White AbrahamChapel streethouse26, Chapel street
4091 White DavidChatham streethouse14, Chatham street
4092 White FrederickOrchard streethouse83, Orchard street
4093 White GreenwoodAllertonwarehouse1, Brook street
4094 White JamesWapping streethouse10, Wapping street
4095 White JohnBingleywarehouse49, Well street
4096 White Jonas PearsonManninghamwarehouseGeorge Hotel yard
4097 White RawnsleyHortonwarehouse34, Booth street
4098 White SamuelPriestley streethouse14, Priestley street
4099 White SpinkSouthampton streethouse7, Southampton street
4100 White StephenRichmond streethouse931, Bolton road
successivehouse6, Richmond street
4101 White WilliamIrving streethouse25, Irving street
4102 White WilliamBolton roadhouse228a, Bolton road
4103 Whitehead ArthurDudley hill roadhouse38, Dudley hill road
4104 Whitehead DavidMildred streethouse172, Mildred street
4105 Whitehead Frederick WilliamLoom streethouse6, Loom street
4106 Whitehead JosephOtley roadhouse74, Otley road
4107 Whitehead OliverHortonwarehouse11, Brook street
successivewarehouse5, Collier gate
4108 Whitehead RobinsonManninghamwarehouse44, Well street
4109 Whitehead Thomas RochesterBurleycountinghouse36, Hall ings
4110 Whitehead WilliamSun streethouse2, Sun street
4111 Whitehead WilliamPark streethouse16, Park street
4112 Whiteley GeorgeColeridge placehouse18, Coleridge place
4113 Whiteley HenryHeap lanehouse7, Fearnley street
successivehouse76, Heap lane
4114 Whiteley JohnCowper placehouse30, Cowper place
4115 Whiteman CharlesThornton's Buildingshouse2, Thornton's Buildings
4116 Whiteman JohnThornton's Buildingshouse7, Thornton's Buildings
4117 Whitfield JohnLoom streethouse43, Temperance street
successivehouse10, Loom street
4118 Whitfield ThomasBolton roadhouse156, Bolton road
4119 Whitham JohnRipon streethouse20, Ripon street
4120 Whitham RobertHeath roadwarehouse36, Brook street
4121 Whitham WilliamHill side villashouse30, Hill side villas
4122 Whiting JohnDe Grey streethouse73, De Grey street
4123 Whiting WilliamDe Grey streethouse42, De Grey street
4124 Whitley BenjaminUndercliffe streethouse102, Orchard street
successivehouse160, Undercliffe street
4125 Whitley JosephLofthouse streethouse49, Lofthouse street
4126 Whitley JosephMulberry streethouse13, Mulberry street
4127 Whittingham ThomasBingleywarehouse6, Booth street
4128 Whitworth BenjaminBack foldhouse9, Back fold
4129 Whitworth JohnTennyson placehouse67, Tennyson place
4130 Whitworth JohnPollard lanehouse15, Pollard lane
4131 Whytell WilliamFernbank roadhouse18, Fernbank road
4132 Wick JamesDe Grey streethouse31, De Grey street
4133 Widdas Cornelius GeorgeMint streethouse1A, Mint street
4134 Widdop EdwardOtley roadhouse115, Otley road
4135 Widdop EdwinPark gatehouse90, Jowett street
successivehouse41, Park gate
4136 Widdop JohnThomas foldhouse3, Thomas fold
4137 Widdop SamuelBarkerend roadhouse25, Barkerend road
4138 Widdop SamuelPark gatehouse51, Park gate
4139 Wigan ErnestHarris streethouse8, Harris street
4140 Wigglesworth JamesWapping roadhouse21, Wapping road
4141 Wightman Charles JohnShipleywarehouse72, Harris street
4142 Wightman JosephUndercliffe streethouse19, Undercliffe street
4143 Wignall Edwin SmithRipon streethouse228, Ripon street
4144 Wignall SamuelButler streethouse18, Butler street
4145 Wignall WilliamButler streethouse14, Butler street
4146 Wilburn WilliamBolton roadhouse196, Bolton road
4147 Wilby GeorgeHarris streethouse118, Harris street
4148 Wilcock EdwardPark gatehouse22, Park gate
4149 Wilcock GeorgeDe Grey streethouse82, Ripon street
successivehouse19, De Grey street
4150 Wilcock GeorgeShakespeare streethouse6, Ebenezer street
successivehouse13, Shakespeare street
4151 Wilcock JohnHortonwarehouse49, Hall ings
4152 Wilcock John, junr.Hortonwarehouse9, Booth street
successivewarehouse30, Chapel street
4153 Wilcock John WoodIdlewarehouse49, Hall ings
4154 Wilcock JosephGreen streethouseThornton road
successivehouse18, Green street
4155 Wilcock WilliamShipleycountinghouse9, Leeds road
4156 Wild Charles HenryTennyson placehouse90, Tennyson place
4157 Wild JohnJoseph streethouse13, Chain street
successivehouse4, Joseph street
4158 Wild SamuelSt. Augustine's terracehouse9, St. Augustine's terrace
4159 Wildman JamesBingleywarehouse24, Hall ings
4160 Wildman StephenBingleywarehouse24, Hall ings
4161 Wilford JosephButler streethouse3, Butler street
4162 Wilkinson AlexanderUpper Park streethouse28, Upper Park street
4163 Wilkinson AlfredExeter streethouse124, Exeter street
successiveshop50, Harris street
4164 Wilkinson BrookeGuy's cliffeshop60, Bolton road
4165 Wilkinson CharlesHillside villashouse3, Anne gate
successivehouse20, Hillside villas
4166 Wilkinson CharlesWinter rowland & buildingsWinter row
4167 Wilkinson DavidRipon streethouse250, Ripon street
4168 Wilkinson Edward PressManninghamwarehouse31, Swaine street
4169 Wilkinson EzraOrchard streethouse92, Orchard street
4170 Wilkinson FrankManninghamwarehouse43, Leeds road
4171 Wilkinson HenryShipleycountinghouse3, East parade
4172 Wilkinson HiramWinter rowhouse1, Winter row
4173 Wilkinson IsaacTennyson placehouse156, Exeter street
successivehouse145, Tennyson place
4174 Wilkinson JamesWibseywarehouse3, Bolton road
4175 Wilkinson JamesShakespeare streethouse22, Shakespeare street
4176 Wilkinson James SlaterWapping roadhouse145, Wapping road
4177 Wilkinson JohnExeter streethouse185, Exeter street
4178 Wilkinson JohnBarkerend roadhouse37, Barkerend road
4179 Wilkinson JohnRipon streethouse168, Ripon street
4180 Wilkinson JohnStanacre placehouse18, Stanacre place
4181 Wilkinson JohnWilfred streethouse20, Wilfred street
4182 Wilkinson JohnPine streethouse13, Pine street
4183 Wilkinson JohnChurch hillhouse25, Church hill
4184 Wilkinson John WilliamHortonwarehouse26, Brook street
successivewarehouse7, Brook street
4185 Wilkinson JonasClaytonwarehouse33A, Godwin street
successivewarehouse18, Swaine street
4186 Wilkinson JonathanClub Houseshouse24, Club Houses
4187 Wilkinson JosephOtley roadhouse146, Otley road
4188 Wilkinson Joseph TennantTennyson placeshop87, Barkerend road
4189 Wilkinson RobertHortonwarehouse26, Brook street
successivewarehouse7, Brook street
4190 Wilkinson ThomasOrchard streethouse58, Orchard street
4191 Wilkinson WilliamAiredale roadhouse3, Airedale road
4192 Wilkinson WilliamFilbert streethouse10, Filbert street
4193 Wilkinson WilliamChurch hillhouse12, Church hill
4194 Wilks CharlesWordsworth streethouse15, Wordsworth street
4195 Wilks ThomasJermyn streethouse73, Jermyn street
successivehouse71, Jermyn street
4196 Willeson HenrySidney streethouse3, Sidney street
4197 Willey John WilliamJermyn street placeshop15, Barkerend road
4198 Williams Edward GordonBurleywarehouse32, Hall ings
4199 Williams John LambertThornburywarehouse32, Charles street
4200 Williams RichardWellington streethouse6, Cross Wellington street
successivehouse25, Wellington street
4201 Williamson FrancisKeighleywarehouse1A, Bentley street
4202 Williamson William BlakeSouthey placewarehouse10, Chapel street
successivewarehouse30, Chapel street
4203 Willis Harold ClementBeech grovehouse23, Beech grove
4204 Willis ThomasDe Grey streethouse12, De Grey street
4205 Willoughby JosephOtley roadhouse3, Haigh row
successivehouse342, Otley road
4206 Willoughby ThomasThornton's Buildingshouse4, Thornton's Buildings
4207 Wills LawrencePaper Hall courthouse10, Paper Hall court
successivehouse6, Paper Hall court
4208 Wilman EdwinBarkerend roadhouse10, The Mount
successivehouse179, Barkerend road
4209 Wilshaw WilliamSharow streethouse25, Sharow street
4210 Wilson AlexanderBarkerend roadhouse78, Barkerend road
4211 Wilson DavidWellington streethouse29, Wellington street
4212 Wilson EdwardExeter streethouse243, Exeter street
4213 Wilson GeorgeTennyson placeshop69, Market street
4214 Wilson GeorgeLofthouse streethouseOtley road
successivehouse21, Lofthouse street
4215 Wilson HenryJermyn streethouse76, Jermyn street
4216 Wilson Henry EdwardExeter streethouse68, Exeter street
4217 Wilson HiramSydenham placehouse & shop48, Sydenham place
4218 Wilson HudsonSunnybank terracehouse21, Sunnybank terrace
4219 Wilson JamesCordingley streethouse50, Cordingley street
4220 Wilson JamesClaytonwarehouse26, Booth street
4221 Wilson JamesCaptain streethouse40, Captain street
4222 Wilson James StephenManninghamwarehouse24, Charles street
4223 Wilson JeremiahOrchard streethouse90, Orchard street
4224 Wilson JohnSydenham placehouse8, Sydenham place
successivehouse40, Sydenham place
4225 Wilson JohnChatham streethouse24, Chatham street
4226 Wilson JosephExeter streethouse203, Exeter street
successivehouse253, Exeter street
4227 Wilson JosephPark crescenthouse1A, Park crescent
4228 Wilson JoshuaWestfield crescenthouse1, Westfield crescent
4229 Wilson Richard CawthraGuy's cliffehouse2, Guy's cliffe
4230 Wilson RobertOrchard streethouse11, Orchard street
4231 Wilson SamuelSydenham placehouse24, Sydenham place
successivehouse6, Sydenham place
4232 Wilson SamuelWapping roadhouse7, Mulberry street
successivehouse49, Craven street
successivehouse15, Wapping road
4233 Wilson SamuelGarnett streethouse141, Garnett street
4234 Wilson ThomasJermyn streethouse80, Jermyn street
successivehouse35, Jermyn street
4235 Wilson ThomasExeter streethouse44, Exeter street
4236 Wilson TimothyPark streethouse24, Park street
4237 Wilson WilliamSouthampton streethouse30, Southampton street
4238 Wilson WilliamHill Side villashouse25E, Hill Side villas
4239 Winder BenjaminJermyn streethouse61, Jermyn street
4240 Winder JohnJury streethouse36, Craven street
successivehouse14, Jury street
4241 Winfield RichardWilfred streethouse22, Wilfred street
successivehouse26, Wilfred street
4242 Wing GeorgeKing Charles streethouse46, King Charles street
4243 Wingate Charles EdwardBowlingwarehouse34, Brook street
4244 Winkleman PeterManninghamwarehouse7, Burnett street
4245 Winterbottom JohnCavalier streethouse2, Cavalier street
4246 Wintersgill JohnBarkerend roadhouse111, Barkerend road
4247 Wintersgill MatthewFountain streetwarehouse44, Brook street
4248 Wiseman ThomasHeap lanehouse102, Mildred street
successivehouse82, Heap lane
4249 Witard GeorgeBarkerend roadshopNear 170, Barkerend road
4250 Womersley AndrewWestfield crescenthouse10, Westfield crescent
4251 Wood AbrahamSchool streetwarehouse92, Harris street
4252 Wood BenjaminShipleywarehouse5, Mildred court
4253 Wood BenjaminManninghamwarehouse21, Swaine street
4254 Wood ButlerButler streethouse122, Butler street
4255 Wood CharlesMab streethouse11, Mab street
4256 Wood CharlesExeter streethouse160, Exeter street
4257 Wood CharlesRipon streethouse158, Ripon street
4258 Wood CharlesCordingley streethouse21, Cordingley street
4259 Wood GeorgeMildred streethouse100, Mildred street
4260 Wood Henry WilsonHeap streethouse58, Heap street
4261 Wood JacobMulberry streethouse93, Exeter street
successivehouse53, Mulberry street
4262 Wood JamesAllertonwarehouse24, Brook street
4263 Wood JamesBingleywarehouse30, Booth street
successivewarehouse29, Brook street
4264 Wood JeremiahBolton roadland & buildingsBolton road
4265 Wood JesseAllertonwarehouse24, Brook street
4266 Wood JohnBarker courthouse5, Barker court
4267 Wood JohnShipleywarehouse5, Mildred court
4268 Wood JosephAllertonwarehouse6, Bolton road
4269 Wood JosephHortonwarehouse10, Swaine street
4270 Wood JosephDe Grey streethouse77, De Grey street
4271 Wood MarkDudley hillwarehouseLeeds road
successivewarehouseShip alley
4272 Wood RichardOrchard streethouse17, Orchard street
4273 Wood RobertWright streethouse24, Wright street
4274 Wood RobertFrystone placehouse9, Frystone place
4275 Wood RobertSydney streethouse21, Sydney street
4276 Wood ThomasManninghamland & buildingsBolton road
4277 Wood ThomasOrchard streethouse55, Orchard street
4278 Wood ThomasCarver courthouse13, Carver court
4279 Wood ThorntonHallfield placewarehouse2, Hardcastle lane
4280 Wood WilliamCobourg streethouse7, Cobourg street
4281 Wood WilliamBack Spinkwell terracehouse17, Back Spinkwell terrace
4282 Wood William WilsonHarris streethouse46, Joseph street
successivehouse14, Harris street
4283 Woodcock Charles VareyHanover squarecountinghouse65, Market street
successivecountinghouseMarket street
4284 Woodhead CharlesBarkerend roadhouse177, Barkerend road
4285 Woodhead JamesFilbert streethouse33, Filbert street
4286 Woodhead JosephExeter streethouse38, Exeter street
4287 Woodhead JosephFilbert streethouse12, Filbert street
4288 Woodhead WilliamGeorge Hotel yardwarehouseGeorge Hotel yard
4289 Woodhouse JohnHortonwarehouse35, Charles street
4290 Woodman Philip GeorgeRipon streethouse288, Ripon street
4291 Wooler JamesStott hillhouse9, Stott hill
4292 Wooller AbrahamButler streethouse8, Butler street
4293 Wooller Joseph SwithenUndercliffe streethouseUndercliffe street
successivehouse77, Undercliffe street
4294 Wootton WilliamWordsworth streethouse29, Wordsworth street
successivehouse9, Wordsworth street
4295 Worden RalphStott hillhouse44, Stott hill
4296 Wormald AdamAiredale College terracehouse23, Airedale College terrace
4297 Worthy EdwardWilfred streethouse73, Wilfred street
4298 Wrather FirthKing Charles courthouse9, King Charles court
4299 Wray IsaacAiredale College terracehouse5, Airedale College terrace
4300 Wrigglesworth GeorgeStanacre placehouse31, Stanacre place
4301 Wrigglesworth JohnExeter streethouse74, Exeter street
4302 Wrigglesworth JosephBarkerend roadhouse164, Barkerend road
4303 Wright GeorgeWellington streethouse53, Wellington street
successivehouse44, Wellington street
4304 Wright JonasOrchard streethouse66, Orchard street
4305 Wright JosephTennyson placehouseAnnison street
successivehouse135, Tennyson place
4306 Wright WilliamChatham streethousePark crescent
successivehouse72, Chatham street
4307 Wright William LuptonShakespeare streethouse20, Shakespeare street
4308 Wrighton EdwardLofthouse streethouse11, Lofthouse street
successivehouse35, Lofthouse street
4309 Wrightson JosephKing Charles streethouse9, King Charles street
4310 Wurtzburg Charles EdwardHeadingleywarehouse40, Hall ings
4311 Wurtzburg EdwardLeedswarehouse40, Hall ings
4312 Wynn WilliamHeap lanehouse126, Heap lane

EAST WARD, 1878, surnames beginning with the letter Y
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
4313 Yates WilliamMulberry streethouse33, Mulberry street
4314 Yeadon JamesExeter streethouse118, North wing
successivehouse266, Exeter street
4315 Yeadon PeterOtley roadhouse11, Otley road
4316 Yeadon RalphWright streethouse14, Wright street
4317 Yeadon SamuelOtley roadhouse284, Ripon street
successivehouse352, Otley road
4318 Yewdall GeorgeUpper Park streethouse30, Upper Park street
4319 Yewdall IsaacUndercliffe streethouse31, Exeter street
successivehouse52, Exeter street
successivehouse143, Undercliffe street
4320 Young HenryHeap streethouse29, Heap street

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
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Web-page generated by "DB2html" data-base extraction software ©Colin Hinson 2016