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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1878, SOUTH WARD, surnames H-O.


Please read these notes about these registers.

SOUTH WARD, 1878, surnames H-O.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
1237 Hagan PatrickEdward streethouse14, Edward street
1238 Haigh AbrahamNapier streethouse42, Napier street
1239 Haigh EdwinMount streethouse13, Cope street
successivehouse229, Mount street
1240 Haigh George HattersleyAcorn streethouse4, Acorn street
1241 Haigh George HerbertRobert courthouse21, Robert court
1242 Haigh JamesFrederick streethouse76, Frederick street
1243 Haigh JohnCroft streethouse106, Croft street
1244 Haigh UriahHortonwarehouse17, Union street
1245 Haigh WilliamPeace streethouse41, Peace street
successivehouse27, Peace street
1246 Haigh William JamesBack lanehouse33, Back lane
1247 Hainsworth AlfredFieldhouse streethouse11, Fieldhouse street
1248 Hainsworth HiramBridge streethouse69, Bridge street
1249 Hainsworth JohnBack Coach rowhouse18, Back Coach row
1250 Hainsworth JoshuaLaisterdykehouse6, Laisterdyke
1251 Hainsworth NathanFrederick streethouse52, Frederick street
1252 Hainsworth WilliamCoach rowhouse66, Coach row
1253 Halden WilliamMosscar streethouse12, Mosscar street
1254 Haldon JohnDownham streethouse16, Downham street
1255 Haley CharlesEbenezer streethouse11, Ebenezer street
1256 Haley Charles RichardYork streethouse50, York street
1257 Haley EdwardLee rowhouse16, Lee row
1258 Haley JohnBridge streethouse78, Bridge street
1259 Haley JosephWakefield roadhouse237, Wakefield road
1260 Haley JosephBattye streethouse57, Battye street
1261 Haley SamuelUpper Bolton streetshop23, Foundry street
1262 Haley TrueloveLee rowhouse2, Lee row
1263 Hall DanielMount streethouse16, Sutcliffe street
successivehouse458, Mount street
1264 Hall EdwardOrange streethouseGibson street
successivehouseLaurel street
successivehouse23, Orange street
1265 Hall HenryBritannia streethouse6, Britannia street
1266 Hall JasperBridge streethouse52, Bridge street
1267 Hall JohnLake streethouse20, Lake street
1268 Hall RobertFoundry streethouse2, Foundry street
1269 Hall WilliamBirk streethouse70, Birk street
1270 Hallas EdwardWhitley streethouse4, Whitley street
1271 Halliday JamesEbenezer streethouse2, Ebenezer street
1272 Halliday JohnSeymour streethouse40, Seymour street
1273 Halliday ThomasMulgrave streethouse24, Mulgrave street
1274 Halliday Thomas JohnsonLeeds roadhouse207, Leeds road
1275 Halliwell WatsonFieldhouse streethouse5, Fieldhouse street
1276 Halstead JohnPenny streethouse8, Penny street
1277 Halstead Robert PearsonDundas streethouse40, Dundas street
1278 Hamilton HenryAcre streethouse11, Banner street
successivehouse17, Acre street
1279 Hammill Frederick WilliamBritannia courthouse17, North wing
successivehouse12, Britannia court
1280 Hammond IsaacMount streethouse255, Mount street
1281 Hammond JohnFlorence streethouse29, Florence street
1282 Hammond JosephLeeds roadhouse1278, Leeds road
1283 Hammond SyerClayton placehouse16, Garnett square
successivehouse40, Clayton place
1284 Hampson EdwardLeeds roadhouse1174, Leeds road
1285 Handby JohnFrederick streethouseLeeds road
successivehouse58, Frederick street
1286 Handforth JosephBarkerend foldhouse67, Barkerend fold
1287 Hannan JohnAcre streethouse1, 5, Acre street
1288 Hanson BenjaminGuy streethouse2, Guy street
1289 Hanson HenryThreadneedle streethouse8, Threadneedle street
1290 Hanson SmithEdward streethouse24, Edward street
1291 Hanson SquireMosscar streethouseFlorence street
successivehouse14, Mosscar street
1292 Hanson ThomasLeeds roadhouse538, Leeds road
1293 Hanson WilliamRaglan streethouse22, Raglan street
1294 Haran PatrickMount streethouseVincent street
successivehouse105, Mount street
1295 Hardaker GeorgeBattye streethouse59, Battye street
1296 Hardcastle JosephPawson streethouse1, Pawson street
1297 Harding WalterMount streethouse205, Mount street
successivehouse272, Mount street
1298 Hardisty JohnWarwick streethouse8, Warwick street
1299 Hardisty LewisRobert courthouseMount street
successivehouseSeymour street
successivehouse5, Robert court
1300 Hardman JamesPotter streethouse3, Potter street
1301 Hargreaves JamesMount streethouse348, Mount street
1302 Hargreaves JamesBeck streethouse14, Cope street
successivehouseBeck street
1303 Hargreaves JohnSeymour streethouse26, Seymour street
1304 Hargreaves JohnHeath streethouse33, Heath street
1305 Hargreaves JohnRobert streethouse17, Robert street
1306 Hargreaves JohnDaniel streethouse8, Daniel street
1307 Hargreaves JohnBradford moorhouseBradford moor
1308 Hargreaves JohnClyde terracehouse147, George street
successivehouse14A, Clyde terrace
1309 Hargreaves JosephKerr streethouse14, Kerr street
1310 Hargreaves RichardAlmond streethouse14, Almond street
successivehouse16, Almond street
1311 Hargreaves SamuelPeace streethouse8, Peace street
1312 Hargreaves WilliamHall streethouse14, Seymour street
successivehouse68, Hall street
1313 Hargrove SamuelPeel streethouse24, Peel street
1314 Harker BenjaminRobert courthouse7, Robert court
1315 Harker JamesBattye streethouse16, Battye street
1316 Harker WilliamJoseph streethouseBeech grove
successivehouse62, Joseph street
1317 Harland MichaelAcre streethouse27, Acre street
1318 Harley GilbertLeeds roadhouse489, Leeds road
successivehouse858, Leeds road
1319 Harper WilliamBack lanehouse495 Back lane
1320 Harris FrancisWentworth streethouse8, Wentworth street
1321 Harris ReubenEssex streethouse22, Essex street
1322 Harrison AbrahamKershaw streethouse66, Kershaw street
1323 Harrison AlfredLeeds roadhouse114, Bridge street
successivehouse1254, Leeds road
successiveshop74, Bridge street
1324 Harrison AmosPit lanehouse5, Pit lane
1325 Harrison BenjaminBack laneshop473, Back lane
1326 Harrison EdwinJoseph streethouse55, Joseph street
1327 Harrison ElijahLee rowhouse25A, Lee row
1328 Harrison FrederickFieldhouse rowhouse1, Fieldhouse row
1329 Harrison GeorgeMulgrave streethouse84, Mulgrave street
1330 Harrison HenryHortonwarehouse46, Florence street
1331 Harrison JamesLeeds roadhouse149, Leeds road
1332 Harrison JamesEdward streethouse40, Edward street
1333 Harrison JasonRoyal streethouse5, Royal street
1334 Harrison JohnBack laneshop473, Back lane
1335 Harrison JohnLaurel streethouse7, Florence street
successivehouse36, Laurel street
1336 Harrison John JamesLeeds roadhouse918, Leeds road
1337 Harrison JosephAllan streethouse1, Allan street
1338 Harrison Richard FrederickGladstone streethouse40, Gladstone street
1339 Harrison SamuelLeeds roadhouse992, Leeds road
1340 Harrison SmithMulgrave streethouse22, Mulgrave street
1341 Harrison StephenSodom lanehouse17, Sodom lane
1342 Harrison ThomasHall streethouse11, Hall street
1343 Harrison TomBath streethouseMalvern street
successivehouse8, Bath street
1344 Harrison WilliamFrancis squarehouse5, Francis square
1345 Harrison WilliamFieldhouse rowhouse2, Fieldhouse row
1346 Harrison William HenryMarley streethouse10, Marley street
1347 Hartley AlfredManninghamshop64, Bridge street
1348 Hartley GeorgeQuill streethouse11, Quill street
1349 Hartley HenryNapier streethouse19, Napier street
1350 Hartley HenryBack coach rowhouse23, Back coach row
1351 Hartley JamesBingleywarehouse10, Leeds road
1352 Hartley JohnBingleywarehouse10, Leeds road
1353 Hartley JohnBowlingwarehouse18, Adolphus street
1354 Hartley JosephTownhill streetshopNear 15, Dryden street
1355 Hartley JosephLeeds roadhouse312, Leeds road
1356 Hartley RobertAlmond streethouse359, Bolton road
successivehouse18, Almond street
1357 Hartley StephenRobert streethouse26, Robert street
1358 Hartley ThomasCampbell streethouse30, Campbell street
1359 Hartley ThomasBowlingwarehouse13, Adolphus street
1360 Hartley WilliamDick streethouse16, Dick street
1361 Hartley WilliamFarnley streethouse13, Farnley street
1362 Hartley William HenryHortonwarehouse18, Adolphus street
1363 Harvey JamesPearson streethouse14, Pearson street
1364 Haslam ThomasLeeds roadhouse276, Leeds road
1365 Hasling AlexanderRobertshaw streethouse2, Robertshaw street
1366 Haste JohnMount streethouse401, Mount street
1367 Hastings William JamesPeace streethouse33, Peace street
1368 Hattersley Edward GreavesKeighleywarehouseBirkshall lane
1369 Hattersley GeorgeKeighleywarehouseBirkshall lane
1370 Hattersley Richard LongdenKeighleywarehouseBirkshall lane
1371 Hattersley SamuelBirk streethouse63, Birk street
1372 Hattersley SamuelYork streethouse60, York street
1373 Havelock WilliamCollier streethouse6, Collier street
1374 Hawkins WilliamDundas streethouse109, Dundas street
1375 Hawksby JohnLeeds roadhouse982, Leeds road
1376 Hawksby ThomasMount streethouse230, Mount street
1377 Hawksworth JosephHeaton streethouse53, Adolphus street
successivehouse7, Heaton street
1378 Hawksworth PeterTownhill streethouse12, Townhill street
1379 Hayden ElijahKimberley streethouse11, Kimberley street
1380 Hayes JamesMulgrave streethouse30, Mulgrave street
1381 Hayre WilliamLaisterdykehouse17, Laisterdyke
1382 Hayward JohnRobertshaw streethouse18, Robertshaw street
1383 Hazelwood RichardMount streethouse407, Mount street
1384 Headlam CharlesRifle courthouse14, Rifle court
1385 Heald ElijahFrederick streethouse1, Frederick street
1386 Heald WrightCroft streethouse104, Croft street
1387 Heap JamesLeeds roadhouse11, Napier street
successivehouse1192, Leeds road
1388 Heap JohnMount streethouseFlorence street
successivehouseSchool street
successivehouse96, Mount street
1389 Heap WilliamRaglan streethouseBolton road
successivehouse4, Raglan street
1390 Heath WilliamCroft streethouse135, Croft street
1391 Heaton AbrahamRobert streethouse21, Robert street
1392 Heaton IsaacLeeds roadhouse910, Leeds road
1393 Heaton IsaiahSodom lanehouse5, Sodom lane
1394 Heaton JosephBradford lanehouse4, Bradford lane
1395 Heaton JosephDick streethouse5, Dick street
1396 Heaton NathanGladstone streethouse14, Gladstone street
1397 Hebblethwaite JosephLeeds roadhouse506, Leeds road
1398 Hellewell JamesGeorge streetshop5, Vicar lane
1399 Hellewell RichardMount streethouse425, Mount street
1400 Hellewell WilliamBack lanehouse14, Lake street
successivehouse199, Back lane
1401 Helliwell GeorgeBirk streethouse68, Birk street
1402 Helliwell HenryBirksland streethouse45, Birksland street
1403 Helliwell James OatesHortonwarehouse6, Chapel lane
1404 Helliwell JohnAeolus streethouse199, Back lane
successivehouse3, Aeolus street
1405 Helliwell JonathanEbenezer streethouse4, Ebenezer street
1406 Helliwell JosephLake rowhouse11, Lake row
1407 Helliwell ThomasRobinson streethouse19, Robinson street
1408 Helliwell ThomasChandos streethouse34, Chandos street
1409 Hemmingway SamuelHudson streethouse12, Hudson street
1410 Henderson WilliamHortonwarehouse12, Hall ings
1411 Hendrick CharlesMount streethouse233, Mount street
1412 Henson EdwardBridge streethouse50, Bridge street
1413 Hepplestone JosephLeeds roadhouse1222, Leeds road
1414 Heptonstall CharlesBack lanehouse501B, Back lane
1415 Hepworth John JamesRegent squarehouse7, Regent square
1416 Heron JamesBritannia streethouse18, Britannia street
1417 Heron JamesFrederick streethouse2, Frederick street
1418 Herr JosephWakefield roadhouse255, Wakefield road
1419 Herson JohnBritannia streethouse8, Britannia street
1420 Herson JohnBirksland streethouse97, Birksland street
1421 Hertz William MartinManninghamwarehouse40, Union street
1422 Heseltine HenryOrange streethouse34, Orange street
1423 Heseltine JohnMyrtle streethouseMyrtle street
successivehouseMyrtle street
successivehouse79, Myrtle street
1424 Hesseltine Charles HerbertManninghamshopHammerton street
1425 Hetherington GeorgeHortonwarehouse4, Lower Ernest street
1426 Hewitt JamesBolling streethouse9, Bolling street
1427 Hewitt SamuelAmberley streethouse26, Amberley street
successivehouse25, Amberley street
1428 Hewitt SamuelAlmond streethouse22, Almond street
1429 Hey JamesTownhill streethouse3, Townhill street
1430 Hey JohnGeorge streethouse25, George street
1431 Heys WilliamFullerton streethouseRosse street, Manningham
successivehouse15, Fullerton street
1432 Heynemann EdwardHortonwarehouse6, Union street
1433 Heyworth CrossleyGarnett streethouseChapel street
successivehouseHill Side villas
successivehouse20, Garnett street
1434 Heyworth JohnHortonwarehouseFiley street
1435 Hicks JosephWestfield crescentshop117, Bridge street
1436 Higgings MatthiasAnnison streethouse2, Annison street
1437 Higgins HaleyBedford streethouse3, Bedford street
1438 Higgins JamesClarke streethouse4, Clarke street
1439 Higgins RichardManninghamwarehouse2, Union street
1440 Higgs HenryCabinet streethouse8, Cabinet street
1441 Hildred SamuelDundas streethouse70, Dundas street
1442 Hill AbrahamGay lanehouse53, Gay lane
1443 Hill AlbertButler streetshop33, George street
1444 Hill DavidLeeds roadhouse1180, Leeds road
1445 Hill Frederick WilliamManninghamwarehousePratt street
1446 Hill GeorgeBack lanehouse275, Back lane
1447 Hill HenryEast streethouseEast street
successivehouse41, East street
successivehouse12, East street
1448 Hill JohnLeeds roadhouse1176 Leeds road
1449 Hill JohnMount streethouse453, Mount street
1450 Hill JohnCabinet streethouse29, Cabinet street
1451 Hill JohnBirksland streethouse25, Birksland street
1452 Hill JohnMount streethouse248, Mount street
1453 Hill RobertBath streethouse87, Adolphus street
successivehouse14, Bath street
1454 Hill Samuel HartleyHall streethouse52, Hall street
1455 Hill SquireCartmell streethouse14, Cartmell street
1456 Hill ThomasEast streethouse35, East street
1457 Hill Thomas HenryBattye streethouse33, Battye street
1458 Hill WilliamLeeds roadhouse332, Leeds road
1459 Hillam CravenPit lanehouse6, Pit lane
1460 Hillas AbrahamAeolus streethouse7, Aeolus street
1461 Hillas AlfredOrange streethouse14, Orange street
1462 Hillman JamesPeace streethouse53, Peace street
1463 Hinchcliffe George CarterNapier streethouse71, Napier street
1464 Hinchcliffe JohnLeeds roadhouse1314, Leeds road
1465 Hinchcliffe John William CarterMosscar streethouse18, Mosscar street
1466 Hinchcliffe JosephLeeds roadhouse1290, Leeds road
1467 Hinchcliffe JosephClarkson streethouse25, Clarkson street
1468 Hinchey FrederickChandos streethouse62, Chandos street
1469 Hind RichardBirk streethouse53, Birk street
1470 Hindle AbrahamBanner streethouse4, Banner street
1471 Hindle EdmundLeeds roadhouse840, Leeds road
1472 Hinton GeorgeBirksland streethouse26, Birksland street
1473 Hird James LamplingAcorn streethouse13, St. George's street
successivehouse23, Acorn street
1474 Hird Robert SmithLeeds roadhouse70, Leeds road
1475 Hirst EdwardDaniel streethouse36, Daniel street
1476 Hirst FrederickBanner streethouse20, Banner street
successivehouse30, Banner street
1477 Hirst JamesDundas streethouse52, Dundas street
successivehouse60, Dundas street
1478 Hirst JohnDaniel streethouseSchool square
successivehouse15, Daniel street
1479 Hirst JosephMount streethouse220, Mount street
1480 Hirst JosephBirk streethouse49, Birk street
1481 Hirst Samuel CharlesworthBack lanehouse493, Back lane
1482 Hirst WilliamMoorfieldshouse7, Daniel street
successivehouse2, Moorfields
successivehouse6, Moorfields
1483 Hiskey JohnDaniel streethouse32, Daniel street
1484 Hitches JamesTownhill streethouse33, Townhill street
1485 Hobbs Charles HenryLyndhurst streethouse71, Birk street
successivehouse39, Lyndhurst street
1486 Hodgkins HenryLeeds roadhouse1182, Leeds road
1487 Hodgkins John BentleyCook streethouse40, Cook street
successivehouse14, Cook street
1488 Hodgson BenjaminScaley streethouse6, Scaley street
1489 Hodgson EdmundHeath streethouse13, Heath street
1490 Hodgson HenryJoseph streethouse46, Joseph street
1491 Hodgson HenryLaurel streethouse36, Laurel street
successivehouse4, Laurel street
1492 Hodgson InmanBirksland streethouse93, Birksland street
1493 Hodgson JohnAdolphus streethouse57, Adolphus street
1494 Hodgson JohnCampbell streethouse31, Peace street
successivehouse34, Campbell street
1495 Hodgson JosephChandos streethouse66, Chandos street
1496 Hodgson JosephQuill streethouse31, Quill street
1497 Hodgson ReubenKimberley streethouse29, Kimberley street
1498 Hodgson ThomasMyrtle streethouse23, Myrtle street
successivehouse91, Myrtle street
1499 Hodgson WilliamGreen streetshop72, Leeds road
1500 Hoffman HenryWakefield roadhouse67, Wakefield road
1501 Hogarth JonathanCabbage streethouse9, Cabbage street
1502 Holbrey WilliamPeel streethouse16, Peel street
1503 Holden William HenryLaurel streethouseMaltby street
successivehouseThornton road
successivehouse32, Laurel street
1504 Holdsworth AbrahamFarrar squarehouse29, Farrar square
successivehouseMount street
successivehouse9, Pit lane
1505 Holdsworth AbrahamBeck streethouse25, Back lane
successivehouse16, Beck street
1506 Holdsworth BenjaminWilliam squarehouse14, William square
1507 Holdsworth BenjaminAdolphus streethouse16, Townhill street
successivehouse49, Adolphus street
1508 Holdsworth FergusLake streethouse4, Lake street
1509 Holdsworth HenryMyrtle streethouse55A, Myrtle street
successivehouse86, Myrtle street
1510 Holdsworth HerbertLower Ernest streethouse30, Lower Ernest street
1511 Holdsworth IsaacBowlingwarehouse13, Bath street
1512 Holdsworth JacobBowlingwarehouse13, Bath street
1513 Holdsworth JamesGeorge streethouse11, George street
successivehouse9, George street
1514 Holdsworth JohnBritannia streethouse4, Britannia street
1515 Holdsworth JohnHalifaxwarehouse28, Bridge street
1516 Holdsworth JohnLeeds roadhouse179, Leeds road
1517 Holdsworth JohnHortonshops86, York street
1518 Holdsworth JohnBattye streethouse37, Napier street
successivehouse97, Battye street
1519 Holdsworth JohnHall streethouse33, Hall street
1520 Holdsworth JohnGay lanehouse57, Gay lane
1521 Holdsworth JosephNapier streethouseKershaw street
successivehouse135, Napier street
1522 Holdsworth PrinceEdward streethouse23, Edward street
1523 Holdsworth RhodesFrancis streethouse4, Francis street
1524 Holdsworth RobertLee rowhouse12, Lee row
1525 Holdsworth SamuelBeck streethouse76, Beck street
1526 Holdsworth ThomasWentworth streethouse3, Wentworth street
1527 Holdsworth ThomasRhodes terraceshops86, York street
1528 Holdsworth ThompsonDick streethouse7, Dick street
1529 Holdsworth TomHalifaxwarehouse28, Bridge street
1530 Holdsworth WilliamGarnett streethouse142, Garnett street
1531 Holdsworth WilliamNapier streethouse95, Napier street
1532 Holdsworth William IrvingHalifaxwarehouse28, Bridge street
1533 Holey JohnYork streethouse85, York street
1534 Holgate EliClarke courthouse16, Clarke court
1535 Holgate GeorgeLeeds roadhouse181, Leeds road
1536 Holgate GeorgeDundas streethouse93, Dundas street
1537 Holgate JosephRobert courthouse9, Robert court
1538 Holgate ThomasHodgson squarehouse3, Hodgson square
1539 Holland JamesLaisterdykehouse1, Laisterdyke
1540 Holliday ThomasMulgrave streethouse24, Mulgrave street
1541 Hollingdrake CharlesHudson streethouse1, Hudson street
1542 Hollingdrake FieldhouseLeeds roadhouse485, Leeds road
1543 Hollingdrake ThomasMount streethouse12, St. George's street
successivehouse334, Mount street
1544 Hollingdrake ThompsonCoach rowhouse60, Coach row
1545 Hollingworth AlbertMarske streethouse10, Allan street
successivehouse4, Marske street
1546 Hollingworth JohnWestgateshop97, Bridge street
1547 Hollingworth JohnRobertshaw streethouse31, Cabinet street
successivehouse18, Robertshaw street
1548 Hollingworth JosephCoach rowhouse68, Coach row
1549 Hollingworth RichardGladstone streethouse8, Lapage street
successivehouse11, Gladstone street
1550 Hollingworth SamuelLeeds roadhouse1058, Leeds road
1551 Hollingworth WilliamHall streethouseBismarck street, Bowling
successivehouseCarnation street
successivehouse20, Hall street
1552 Hollyoake JoshuaKershaw streethouse80, Kershaw street
1553 Holmes BarnardEastbrook lanehouse9, Eastbrook lane
1554 Holmes BenjaminEbenezer streethouse5, Ebenezer street
1555 Holmes DavidNapier streethouse75, Napier street
1556 Holmes FrancisChapman streethouse18, Chapman street
1557 Holmes JosephBack lanehouse389, Back lane
1558 Holmes JoshuaLeeds roadhouse1224, Leeds road
1559 Holmes SamuelEast streethouse13, East street
1560 Holmes WilliamSchool squarehouse13, School square
1561 Holroyd DavidCook streethouse10, Cook street
1562 Holroyd JohnAdolphus streethouse15, Birksland street
successivehouse75, Adolphus street
1563 Holroyd ThomasMaltby streethouse20, Maltby street
1564 Holroyd WilliamDaniel streethouse21, Daniel street
1565 Holt AmosMyrtle streethouse30, Myrtle street
1566 Holt BryanDryden streethouse11, Dryden street
1567 Holt Herbert KershawBirkshall lanehouseHall street
successivehouseCarnation street
successivehouse14, Birkshall lane
1568 Holt MadenPeel streethouse26, Peel street
1569 Hood DavidManninghamwarehouse6, Drake street
1570 Hood SamuelTennyson placewarehouseFlorence street
1571 Hook William FrancisMount streethouse52, Brooklyn street
successivehouse8, Wakefield road
successivehouse117, Mount street
1572 Hooper ArthurHall streethouse47, Hall street
1573 Hopkinson AbrahamNapier streethouse18, Napier street
1574 Hopkinson Albert NicholsonHill Side villaswarehouse33, Union street
1575 Hopkinson EdwardSwaine greenwarehouse4, Wenlock street
1576 Hopkinson JamesWilliam squarewarehouseAdolphus street
successivehouse7, William square
1577 Hopkinson JohnBack lanehouse380, Back lane
1578 Hopkinson John, junr.Lapage streethouse4, Lapage street
1579 Hopper ThomasMosscar streetshop8, Bridge street
1580 Hore NicholasManninghamwarehouse13, Hall ings
1581 Horner AkeroydFiley streethouse13, Filey street
1582 Horner WilliamMulgrave streethouse92, Mulgrave street
1583 Horner WilliamWentworth streethouse39, Gay lane
successivehouse33, Wentworth street
1584 Horrocks JosephHortonshop31, Lower Ernest street
1585 Horsfall HartleyBirk streethouse53, Hall street
successivehouse31, Birk street
1586 Horsfall JamesHall streethouseBirksland street
successivehouse56, Hall street
1587 Horsfall JonasBeck streethouse60, Beck street
1588 Horsfall ThomasJoseph streethouse53, Joseph street
1589 Horsfall ThomasGarnett streethouse46, Garnett street
1590 Horsfall WilliamJohnson courthouse2, Parratt row
successivehouse5, Johnson court
1591 Horsfall WilliamCook streethouse37, Cook street
1592 Horsley JervisBolton placehouse15, Bolton place
1593 Horsman GeorgeBridge streethouse108, Bridge street
1594 Horton JamesGreat Cross streethouse71, Great Cross street
1595 Housecroft RobertHall streethouse58, Hall street
1596 Houseman WilliamDundas streethouse75, Dundas street
1597 Howarth JamesParratt rowhouse24, School square
successivehouse35, Napier street
successivehouse5, Parratt row
1598 Howarth JohnLaurel streethouse104, Laurel street
1599 Howell HenryVicar lanehouse2, Vicar lane
1600 Howes Albert WilliamAlmond streethouse12, Almond street
1601 Howitt Thomas BellHortonwarehouse2, Union street
1602 Howson JohnMount streethouse431, Mount street
1603 Howson WilliamLyndhurst streethouse21, Lyndhurst street
1604 Hoyle EliNapier streethouse32, Napier street
1605 Hoyle GeorgeMyrtle streethouse44, Myrtle street
1606 Hoyle ZaccheusBattye streethouse73, Battye street
1607 Huddlestone JohnLeeds roadhouse152, Exeter street
successivehouse932, Leeds road
1608 Hudson AbrahamWakefield roadhouse195, Wakefield road
1609 Hudson DanielClarkson streethouse21, Clarkson street
1610 Hudson GeorgeBack Jewell streethouse1, Back Jewell street
1611 Hudson HenryRobertshaw streethouse21, Robertshaw street
1612 Hudson JacobPotter streethouse16, Potter street
1613 Hudson JacobRobertshaw streethouse9, Robertshaw street
1614 Hudson JamesClayton placehouse45, Clayton place
1615 Hudson JamesLeeds roadhouse837, Leeds road
1616 Hudson JamesBradford moorhouse10, Bradford moor
1617 Hudson JamesAcorn streethouse10, Acorn street
1618 Hudson JohnBradford moorhouse9, Bradford moor
1619 Hudson JohnJoseph streethouse105, Joseph street
1620 Hudson JohnClarkson courthouse25, Clarkson court
1621 Hudson JohnWentworth streethouseSeymour street
successivehouse5, Wentworth street
1622 Hudson JohnEdward streethouse5, Croft street
successivehouse49A, Edward street
1623 Hudson John WilliamLeeds roadhouse27, Clarkson court
successivehouseNapier street
successivehouse841, Leeds road
1624 Hudson JoshuaChandos streethouseEdward street
successivehouse17, Chandos street
1625 Hudson PharaohLeeds roadhouse303, Leeds road
1626 Hudson RichardMount streethouse211, Mount street
1627 Hudson RobertFarrar squarehouse10, Farrar square
1628 Hudson SamuelShaw's yardhouse4, Shaw's yard
1629 Hudson ThomasClayton placehouse47, Clayton place
1630 Hudson ThomasMarley streethouse27, Marley street
1631 Hudson WilliamMount streethousePlanetrees road
successivehouse4, Mount street
1632 Hudson WilliamBirksland streethouse3, Cope street
successivehouse27, Birksland street
1633 Hudson WilliamChandos streethouse13, Chandos street
1634 Hudson WilliamLeeds roadhouse178, Leeds road
1635 Hudson WilliamLaurel streethouse46, Laurel street
1636 Huggins CharlesWilliam courthouse45, William court
1637 Huggins WilliamJackson streethouse19, Jackson street
1638 Huggins WilliamBedford streethouse60, Bedford street
1639 Hughes PatrickGeorge streethouse122, George street
1640 Hulme JohnBeck streethouse92, Beck street
1641 Humby JohnLeeds roadhouse92, Leeds road
1642 Hunt GeorgeKimberley streethouse7, Kimberley street
1643 Hunt HerbertHarley streethouse3, Harley street
1644 Hunt WilliamEastbrook lanehouse7, Eastbrook lane
1645 Hunter ThomasManninghamwarehouse16, Leeds road
1646 Hunter Thomas, junr.Hortonwarehouse16, Leeds road
1647 Hurn JamesBattye streethouse14, Battye street
1648 Hurran WilliamDundas streethouse66, Dundas street
1649 Hustler JosephHall streethouse13, Hall street
1650 Hustler SamuelLaurel streethouse40A, Laurel street
1651 Hustler SquireMount streethouse181, Mount street
1652 Hussey GeorgeAnnison streethouse22, Annison street
1653 Hutchinson JohnBridge streethouse95, Bridge street
1654 Hutchinson JohnLeeds roadhouseNear 1166, Leeds road
1655 Hutchinson JohnMount streethouse406, Mount street
1656 Hutchinson JohnChestnut streethouse4, Chestnut street
1657 Hutchinson TobiasBunker's hillshopBunker's hill
1658 Hutton John HenryClayton placehouse39, Clayton place
successivehouse42, Clayton place
1659 Hutton ThomasBack lanehouse547, Back lane
1660 Hyde HenryLaisterdykeshopLaisterdyke

SOUTH WARD, 1878, surnames beginning with the letter I
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
1661 Ibbetson JohnFrederick streethouse9, Frederick street
1662 Ibbetson William HenryHortonshopAdolphus street
1663 Ibbotson WilliamWalnut streethouse1050, Leeds road
successivehouse6, Walnut street
1664 Illingworth AlfredBack Jewell streethouse3, Back Jewell street
1665 Illingworth HenryBarkerend roadhouse212, Barkerend road
1666 Illingworth JohnLee rowhouse15, Lee row
1667 Illingworth JohnBack lanehouse345, Back lane
1668 Illingworth JoshuaLee rowhouse3, Lee row
1669 Illingworth SamuelAeolus placehouse2, Aeolus place
1670 Illingworth WilliamLee rowhouse21, Lee row
1671 Imeson JohnChapman streethouse36, Chapman street
1672 Imeson JoshuaFrederick streethouse13, Cross Frederick street
successivehouse22, Frederick street
1673 Ince ThomasArlington streethouse6, Arlington street
1674 Ingham AlfredSeymour streethouse31, Wentworth street
successivehouse14, Seymour street
1675 Ingham BenjaminDrewton streetwarehouseGraham street
1676 Ingham GeorgeEbenezer streethouse25, Ebenezer street
1677 Ingham JohnBack lanehouse309, Back lane
1678 Ingham JonathanPudseyshopBunker's hill
1679 Ingham JonathanMount streethouse225, Mount street
1680 Ingle BenjaminBoldshaywarehouse35, Mulgrave street
1681 Ingle WilliamBirkshall lanehouse18, Sutcliffe street
successivehouse7, Birkshall lane
1682 Ingleson ChristopherRoyal streethouse9, Royal street
1683 Ingleson WilliamHudson streethouse10, Johnson street
successivehouse18, Hudson street
1684 Ingram JohnBanner streethouse21, Banner street
1685 Iredale WilliamCork streethouse8, Fearnley street
successivehouse14, Cork street
1686 Isles ThomasLee squarehouse5, Lee square

SOUTH WARD, 1878, surnames beginning with the letter J
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
1687 Jacklyn HenryRobertshaw streethouse20, Robertshaw street
1688 Jackson GeorgeAmberley streethouse36, Amberley street
1689 Jackson GeorgeDiamond streethouse9, Diamond street
1690 Jackson HenryJoseph streethouse103, Joseph street
1691 Jackson JamesGeorge streethouse27, George street
1692 Jackson JohnHall streethouse48, Hall street
1693 Jackson JohnBrooklyn streethouseEast street
successivehouse24, Brooklyn street
1694 Jackson JohnBack lanehouse417, Back lane
1695 Jackson RalphQuill streethouse27, Quill street
1696 Jackson SamuelHortonshopWakefield road
successiveshop25, Wakefield road
1697 Jackson ThomasGeorge streethouse15, George street
1698 Jackson ThomasGreat Cross streethouse52, Great Cross street
1699 Jackson WilliamBirksland streethouse1, Carnation street
successivehouse49, Birksland street
1700 Jackson WilliamCook streethouse3, Cook street
successivehouse5, Cook street
1701 Jacobs RobertEdward streethouseBirk street
successivehouse35, Edward street
1702 Jagger SquireMyrtle streethouse22, Myrtle street
1703 Jagger ThomasFieldhouse squarehouse3, Fieldhouse square
1704 Jagger ThomasBeck streethouse74, Beck street
1705 James WilliamBritannia streethouse20, Britannia street
1706 James WilliamEastbrook lanehouse11, Eastbrook lane
1707 Jardeen Richard, junr.Bridge streethouse84, Bridge street
1708 Jarvis Crawford HenryWarwick streetshop323, Leeds road
1709 Jarvis ThomasMyrtle streethouse11, Myrtle street
1710 Jeckell WilliamBattye streethouse32, Battye street
1711 Jeffrey WilliamGeorge streethouse17, George street
1712 Jenkins JohnBack Coach rowhouse5, Back Coach row
1713 Jennings CharlesLeeds roadhouse172, Leeds road
1714 Jennings JamesMalvern streethouse17, Malvern street
1715 Jennings JohnLeeds roadhouse534, Leeds road
1716 Jennings JoshuaLeeds roadhouse373, Leeds road
1717 Jennings RichardRoyal streethouse16, Royal street
1718 Jennings SamuelOrange streethouse11, Orange street
1719 Jennings ThomasLeeds roadhouse1214, Leeds road
1720 Jennings WilliamSeymour streethouse6, Seymour street
1721 Jewsbury RichardCook streethouse23, Cook street
1722 Jocelyn CharlesGarnett streethouse17, Florence street
successivehouse126, Garnett street
1723 Johnson ChristopherRobertshaw streethouse13, Robertshaw street
1724 Johnson ClementRobinson streethouse17, Robinson street
1725 Johnson GeorgeNapier streethouse77, Napier street
1726 Johnson JamesDundas streethouse33, Peace street
successivehouse71, Dundas street
1727 Johnson JamesBirk streethouse15, Birk street
1728 Johnson JohnFrederick streethouse78, Frederick street
1729 Johnson JohnGeorge streethouse130, George street
1730 Johnson JohnLeeds roadhouse1292, Leeds road
1731 Johnson RobertCook streethouse26, Cook street
1732 Johnson RobertSalem streetshop9, Bridge street
1733 Johnson ThomasLyndhurst streethouse16, Lyndhurst street
successivehouse10, Lyndhurst street
1734 Johnson ThomasWentworth streethousePine street
successivehouse7, Wentworth street
1735 Johnson ThomasDaniel streethouse14, Daniel street
1736 Johnson WilliamMount streethouse300, Mount street
1737 Jolly WilliamYork streethouse4, York street
1738 Jones EdwardMount streethouseWentworth street
successivehouse108, Mount street
1739 Jones JamesRoyal streethouse7, Royal street
successivehouse11, Royal street
1740 Jones JohnPit lanehouse11, Pit lane
1741 Jones JohnBrooklyn streethouse22, Brooklyn street
1742 Jones ThomasMount streethouse24, Carpenter street
successivehouseNear 441, Mount street
1743 Jordan JohnYork streethouse62, York street
1744 Jowett AdamGladstone streethouse32, Gladstone street
1745 Jowett AlfredDundas streethouse85, Dundas street
1746 Jowett CharlesBattye streethouse69, Battye street
1747 Jowett DanielClarkson streethouse22, Clarkson street
1748 Jowett JohnJackson courthouse11, Jackson court
1749 Jowett JohnHudson streethouse14, Hudson street
1750 Jowett JohnDiamond streethouse23, Diamond street
1751 Jowett ThomasFlorence streethouse23, Florence street
1752 Joynes ThomasTownhill streethouse11, Townhill street
1753 Judge ThomasYork streethouse68, Myrtle street
successivehouse58, York street

SOUTH WARD, 1878, surnames beginning with the letter K
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
1754 Kane FrancisFrederick streethouse20, Frederick street
1755 Kay ReubenDiamond streethouse19, Diamond street
1756 Kearney JamesLeeds roadhouse344, Leeds road
1757 Kearney JamesPit lanehouse12, Pit lane
1758 Kearns StephenChandos streethouse23, Chandos street
1759 Kearsley GeorgeAnnison streethouse8, Annison street
1760 Keeble JamesCabinet streethouse3, Cabinet street
1761 Keeble JosephBattye streethouse6, Dick street
successivehouse22, Battye street
1762 Keen Henry LewisBuck streethouse6, Buck street
1763 Keenan MartinAcre streethouse39, Acre street
1764 Keenan MichaelGuy streethouse12, Guy street
1765 Keenan WilliamWarwick streethouse28, Warwick street
1766 Keighley DavidWakefield roadhouse221, Wakefield road
1767 Keighley IsaacMalvern streethouse23, Malvern street
1768 Keighley JamesWentworth streethouse27, Wentworth street
1769 Keighley JohnCarpenter streethouse27, Filbert street
successivehouse3, Carpenter street
1770 Keighley JohnMount streethouseMount street
successivehouse292, Mount street
1771 Keighley JosephMount streethouse224, Mount street
1772 Kell RobertHeatonwarehouse46, Vicar lane
1773 Kellett GeorgeCroft streethouse101, Croft street
successivehouse109, Croft street
1774 Kellett JamesBack lanehouse219, Back lane
1775 Kellsall WilliamHillsidewarehouse45, Hammerton street
1776 Kelly HattenCabinet streethouse7, Cabinet street
1777 Kelly JohnMulgrave streethouse50, Mulgrave street
1778 Kelly MichaelLeeds roadhouse940, Leeds road
1779 Kelly MichaelBedford streethouse60A, Bedford street
1780 Kelly ThomasGrant streethouseCawood place
successivehouse7, Grant street
1781 Kelly WilliamRifle courthouse5, Rifle court
1782 Kench HenryGarnett streethouse13, Marley street
successivehouse50, Garnett street
1783 Kendall CharlesPratt streethouse31, Pratt street
successivehouse38, Pratt street
1784 Kendall JohnBirk streethouse44, Birk street
1785 Kennedy WilliamBradford lanehouse9, Bradford lane
1786 Kenneley WilliamGeorge streethouse71, George street
1787 Kerridge JamesNapier streethouse30, Battye street
successivehouse33, Napier street
1788 Kershaw AbrahamBack lanehouse21, Back lane
1789 Kershaw CharlesRobert streethouse1, Robert street
1790 Kershaw Frederick ThomasMosscar streethouse26, Mosscar street
1791 Kershaw HenryLeeds roadwarehouse50, Florence street
1792 Kershaw JohnBirk streethouse111, Birk street
1793 Kershaw JohnQuill streethouse13, Quill street
1794 Kershaw John GreensmithSchool squarehouse2, School square
1795 Kershaw John HenryLeeds roadhouse57, Butler street
successivehouse330, Leeds road
1796 Kershaw JosephLeeds roadhouse284, Leeds road
1797 Kershaw SamuelLeeds roadwarehouse50, Florence street
1798 Kilburn BenjaminCollier streethouse15, Collier street
1799 Kilburn RichardLee rowhouse22, Lee row
1800 Kilcoyne JohnEdward streethouse47, Edward street
1801 Kilcoyne MichaelEast streethouse15, East parade
1802 Kilkenny JosephCross Frederick streethouse11, Cross Frederick street
1803 Killerby JohnHammerton streethouse41, Hammerton street
1804 Killerby WilliamClarke courthouse4, Clarke court
1805 King JamesMyrtle streethouseNapier street
successivehouseMyrtle street
successivehouse68, Myrtle street
1806 Kipling PhilipMaud streethouse5, Maud street
1807 Kipling PhilipBirk streethouse59, Birk street
1808 Kirby HaywoodGeorge courthouse26, George street
1809 Kirby JohnBirk streethouse73, Birk street
1810 Kirk SethBarkerend foldhouse45, Barkerend fold
successivehouse51, Barkerend fold
1811 Kirk William ListerBarkerend foldhouse51, Barkerend fold
successivehouse54, Barkerend fold
1812 Kirk William RobertNapier streethouse110, Napier street
successivehouse108, Napier street
1813 Kirkbride WilliamFrederick streethouse86, Frederick street
1814 Kirton WhartonClayton placehouse33, Clayton place
1815 Kitchen AlfredBower greenhouse31, Bower green
1816 Kitchen AnaniasClarkson streethouse27, Clarkson street
1817 Kitchen James RobertJoseph streethouse87, Joseph street
1818 Kitchen JonathanWilliam courthouse65, William court
1819 Kitchen MichaelPotter streethouse12, Potter street
1820 Kitson EdwardHall streethouse6, Hall street
1821 Kitson JeremiahOrange streethouse1, Orange street
successivehouse33, Orange street
1822 Kitson JohnBarkerend roadhouse202, Barkerend road
1823 Kitson SamuelBirk streethouse17, Birk street
1824 Kitson WilliamTennyson placeshopHammerton street
1825 Knight DanielConcordia streethouse7, Concordia street
1826 Knight John PikeBingleywarehouseMildred court
successivewarehouse8, Leeds road
1827 Knowles EdmundFieldhouse squarehouse6, Fieldhouse square
1828 Knowles GeorgeMount streethouseJackson street
successivehouseCollier street
successivehouse223, Mount street
1829 Knowles HenryPeace streethouse55, Peace street
1830 Knowles JonathanRawdonwarehouse18, Leeds road
1831 Knowles JosephBirkshall lanehouse56, Birkshall lane
1832 Knowles JosephNapier streethouseKershaw street
successivehouse7, Kershaw street
1833 Knowles SamuelBedford streethouse14, Bedford street
successivehouse40, Bedford street
1834 Knowles ThomasAlmond streethouse91, Bower green
successivehouse42, Almond street
1835 Knowles ThomasMount streethouse466, Mount street
1836 Knowles WilliamSeymour streethouse28, Seymour street
1837 Knox JohnTickhill streethouse16, Edward street
successivehouse13, Tickhill street
1838 Kohler JacobLeeds roadhouse578, Leeds road

SOUTH WARD, 1878, surnames beginning with the letter L
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
1839 Labatt ThomasHortonwarehouse40, Union street
1840 Lacey CharlesLyndhurst streethouse43, Lyndhurst street
1841 Lamb John FrederickGreat Cross streethouse5, Great Cross street
1842 Lamb WilliamLeeds roadhouse540, Leeds road
1843 Lambert CharlesMount streethouse342, Mount street
1844 Lambert EliLeeds roadhouse1048, Leeds road
1845 Lambert JohnLeeds roadhouse358, Leeds road
1846 Lambert ThomasTickhill streethouse15, Tickhill street
1847 Lambert William EdwinBattye streethouse28, Battye street
1848 Lambert William FosterBirkshall lanehouse1, Birkshall lane
1849 Lancaster John WilliamLeeds roadhouse819, Leeds road
1850 Land RichardLeeds roadhouse338, Leeds road
1851 Land SimeonBack lanehouse491A, Back lane
1852 Land William RichardLeeds roadhouse354, Leeds road
1853 Langley FarrarHall streethouse51, Hall street
1854 Langley GeorgeNapier streethouse34, Raglan street
successivehouse67, Napier street
1855 Langley GeorgeAmberley streethouse2, Amberley street
1856 Langley HenryCook streethouse19, Cook street
1857 Langley WilliamRoyal streethouse19, Royal street
1858 Langton ThomasChapman streethouse14, Chapman street
1859 Lapish JohnHammerton streethouse43, Hammerton street
1860 Larney IsaacYork streethouse66, York street
1861 Law JamesLower Ebenezer courthouse17, Lower Ebenezer court
1862 Law JamesAdolphus streethouse5, Adolphus street
1863 Law JohnWainwright courtshop66, Bridge street
1864 Law JohnBattye streethouse35, Battye street
1865 Law SamuelClayton placehouse44, Clayton place
1866 Law William CornwallGladstone streethouse25, Amberley street
successivehouse5, Gladstone street
1867 Lawler ThomasJewell streethouse4, Jewell street
1868 Lawlor WilliamChestnut streethouse2, Chestnut street
successiveshopnear 379, Mount street
1869 Lawrence WilliamClyde terracehouse17, Clyde terrace
1870 Lawson Charles, junr.Eccleshillwarehouse27, Bridge street
1871 Lawson EdwardRaglan streethouse19, Raglan street
1872 Laycock AbrahamWakefield roadhouse73, Wakefield road
1873 Laycock AmosPenny streethouse3, Penny street
1874 Laycock JamesBirkshall lanehouse22, Birkshall lane
1875 Laycock James HenryHortonwarehouse74, Leeds road
1876 Laycock JohnLeeds roadhouse830, Leeds road
1877 Laycock JosephLeeds roadhouse167, Leeds road
1878 Laycock MatthewBowlingshops5, York street
1879 Laycock RobertClayton placehouse28, Clayton place
1880 Laycock ThomasBarkerend roadhouse198, Barkerend road
1881 Laycock WilliamBonwell's courthouse74, Brooklyn street
successivehouse9, Bonwell's court
1882 Lea GeorgeMount streethouse473, Mount street
1883 Leach EdwinRobert courthouse8, Robert court
1884 Leach GeorgeChapman streethouse4, Chapman street
1885 Leach JohnLeeds roadhouse1288, Leeds road
1886 Leach JohnBunker's hillhouse30, Bunker's hill
1887 Leach JosephLeeds roadhouse1274, Leeds road
1888 Leach JosephDundas streethouse43, Dundas street
1889 Leadbeater EdwardFoundry streethouse10, Foundry street
1890 Leah William HenryJohnson streethouse7, Fieldhouse street
successivehouseHudson street
successivehouse1, Johnson street
1891 Lear JamesEast streethouse22, East street
successivehouse24, East street
1892 Leary JohnMulgrave streethouseHodgson square
successivehousePratt street
successivehouse7, Mulgrave street
1893 Leathley SamuelBolling streethouse3, Bolling street
1894 Leathley WilliamTennyson placeshop57, Frederick street
1895 Lee AlfredLaisterdykehouse64, Laisterdyke
1896 Lee BenjaminBuck streethouse14, Buck street
successivewarehouse3A, Carroll street
1897 Lee BenjaminBack Coach rowhouse21, Back Coach row
1898 Lee DavidBonwell courthouseBanner street
successivehouse7, Bonwell court
1899 Lee GregoryBirkshall lanehouse45, Birkshall lane
1900 Lee JacksonMount streethouse153, Mount street
1901 Lee JacobLeeds roadhouse809, Leeds road
1902 Lee JamesGarnett streethouse146, Garnett street
1903 Lee JamesMount streethouse15, St. George's street
successivehouse206, Mount street
1904 Lee JohnGibson streethouse16, Hall street
successivehouse85, Gibson street
1905 Lee JohnMount streethouse258, Mount street
1906 Lee JohnManninghamshop97, Bridge street
1907 Lee JohnMount streethouse157, Mount street
1908 Lee JosephEastbrook lanehouse202, Otley road
successivehouse41, Eastbrook lane
1909 Lee WilliamCollier streethouse21, Collier street
1910 Leeman JamesBeck streethouse2, Beck street
1911 Leeming JohnBanner streethouseWestend street
successivehouse10, Banner street
1912 Leeshaw JohnBack Coach rowhouse10, Back Coach row
1913 Legge Jonathan PorterLeeds roadhouse970, Leeds road
1914 Leigh James HenryBirk streethouse12, Birk street
1915 Leonard JamesFrancis squarehouse8, Francis square
1916 Leonard PeterGarnett streethouseShakespeare street
successivehouseBarkerend road
successivehouse172, Garnett street
1917 Leppingwell AlfredBirksland streethouse13, Birksland street
1918 Leppingwell Charles EdwardBuck streethouse25B, Hill side villas
successivehouse13, Buck street
1919 Leppingwell WilliamLeeds roadshopKnowsley street
1920 Lesley JohnKerr streethouse26, Kerr street
1921 Lever FarrarBower greenhouse52, Bower green
1922 Lever GeorgeLeeds roadwarehouse6, Birksland street
1923 Lever ThomasBirk streethouse95, Birk street
1924 Lewin RobertOrange streethouse29, Orange street
1925 Lewty OliverFrederick streethouse37, Frederick street
1926 Lewty RobertFrederick streetshop14, Adolphus street
1927 Leyburne HenryVignola streethouseNapier street
successivehouseDundas street
successivehouseVignola street
1928 Lightfoot ThomasLeeds roadhouse412, Leeds road
1929 Lightowler JonathanHall streethouse91, Hall street
1930 Lightowler JosephMount streethouse201, Mount street
successivehouse314, Mount street
1931 Lightowler RamothLeeds roadhouse1026, Leeds road
1932 Lightowler WilliamMount streethouse302, Mount street
1933 Limb WilliamNapier streethouse57, Napier street
1934 Linde George Christopher TheodoreLeeds roadhouse574, Leeds road
1935 Lindenberger ChristianBridge streethouse74, Bridge street
successivehouse114, Bridge street
1936 Lindley WilliamEdward streethouse25, Edward street
1937 Linsley CharlesRobert courthouse31, Robert court
1938 Lisles JamesMount streethouse288, Mount street
successivehouse203, Mount street
1939 Lisles JohnBack lanehouse293, Back lane
1940 Lister BenjaminAdolphus streethouse33, Adolphus street
successivehouse9, Cross Frederick street
successivehouse93, Adolphus street
1941 Lister CharlesFrederick streethousePark street
successivehouse5, Frederick street
1942 Lister JamesAdolphus streethouse97, Adolphus street
1943 Lister James SykesRaglan streethouse24, Raglan street
1944 Lister JohnJohnson courthouse4, Johnson court
1945 Lister John ThomasBedford streethouse29, Bedford street
1946 Lister Joseph DysonThornburywarehouse1, Bath street
1947 Lister SamuelGladstone streetshop23, Maud street
1948 Lister SamuelGeorge streethouse21, George street
1949 Lister Squire, junr.George streethouse152, George street
1950 Lister ThomasBowlingwarehouse17, Union street
1951 Lister WilliamHortonwarehouse17, Union street
1952 Lister WilliamBower greenhouse3, Bower green
1953 Lister WilliamLeeds roadhouse914, Leeds road
1954 Little WilliamCroft streethouse133, Croft street
1955 Littlewood John HenryMount streethouse316, Mount street
1956 Loasby ThomasTownhill streethouse9, Townhill street
1957 Lobley Joseph RushworthGarnett streethouse76, Garnett street
1958 Lobley Joshua MilnerDundas streethouse55, Dundas street
1959 Lobley Ralph AbercrombieMaltby streethouse62, Maltby street
1960 Lobley WilliamFarnley streethouseFarnley street
successivehouse14, Farnley street
1961 Lockett HenryBarkerend foldhouse49, Barkerend fold
1962 Locksley GeorgeBowlingshopBattye street
1963 Lockwood GeorgeCroft streethouse91, Croft street
1964 Lockwood JamesHodgson squarehouse1, Hodgson square
1965 Lockwood JoshuaClarkson courthouse21, Clarkson court
1966 Lockwood WalterLeeds roadhouse1042, Leeds road
1967 Lockwood WilliamHortonwarehouse41, Union street
1968 Lodge CharlesLeach squarehouse6, Leach square
1969 Lodge JesseMosscar streethouse41, Mosscar street
1970 Lodge SamuelMyrtle streethouse87, Myrtle street
1971 Loeffler PhilipHortonwarehouse8, Leeds road
1972 Lofthouse WilliamCollier streethouse43, Collier street
successivehouse4, Collier street
1973 Londer RobertEssex streethouseEssex street
successivehouse40, Essex street
1974 Long AbrahamGeorge streethouse159, George street
1975 Long DavidHeath streethouse25, Heath street
1976 Long GeorgeBowlingshop1, Wakefield road
1977 Long JamesHeath streethouse31, Heath street
1978 Long JohnBack lanehouse388, Back lane
1979 Long MartinGeorge courthouse17, George court
1980 Long SethSeymour streethouse24, Seymour street
1981 Longbottom WilliamBirk streethouse109, Birk street
1982 Longbottom WilliamSchool squarehouse1, School square
1983 Longmore ThomasLeeds roadhouseLeeds road
successivehouse448, Leeds road
1984 Longsdale RobertEgbert streethouseEdward street
successivehouse16, Egbert street
1985 Longthorne RichardCook streethouse9, Cook street
1986 Longthorne ThomasDiamond streethouse1, Diamond street
1987 Lonsdale EdwardPeel streethouse30, Peel street
1988 Lord JohnEdward streethouse45, Edward street
1989 Lord WilliamAnnison streethouse15, Annison street
1990 Lord WilliamJoseph streethouse109, Joseph street
1991 Lord William GeorgeShipleywarehouse1, Norfolk street
1992 Lougee Noah SmithApperleywarehouseLeeds road
successivewarehouse24, Bridge street
1993 Lovett JonathanHall streethouse3, Hall street
1994 Lowery BenjaminMount streethouse421, Mount street
1995 Lowry JohnGarnett streethouse120, Garnett street
1996 Lucas DavidChapel lanehouse2, Chapel lane
1997 Lucas SamuelMount streethouse124, Mount street
1998 Ludlam William JamesEast streethouse42, East street
1999 Lumb BenjaminBattye streethouse21, Battye street
2000 Lumb FrankCross Frederick streethouse6, Cross Frederick street
2001, Lumb SolomonHeath streethouse39, Heath street
2002 Lumby IsaacBirksland streethouse63, Birksland street
successivehouse61, Birksland street
2003 Lumby WilliamMount streethouse477, Mount street
2004 Lumley ThomasFurnace streethouse4, Furnace street
2005 Lumley WilliamEssex streethouse24, Essex street
2006 Lund AbrahamRobinson streethouse6, Robinson street
2007 Lund JohnHeath streethouse9, Heath street
successivehouse21, Heath street
2008 Lund JohnShipleywarehousePratt street
2009 Lund JosephBower greenhouse5, Bower green
2010 Lund JosephLeeds roadhouse904, Leeds road
2011 Lund MatthewBarkerend roadhouse200, Barkerend road
2012 Lund WilliamHall streethouse18, Hall street
2013 Lund WilliamAcorn streethouse5, Acorn street
2014 Lupton Arthur EdwardCowper placewarehouseMaud street
2015 Lupton JoshuaLeeds roadhouse1302, Leeds road
2016 Lupton OliverCowper placewarehouseMaud street
2017 Lutton SamuelLaurel streethouse42, Laurel street
successivehouse58, Laurel street
2018 Lydster FredNewgate streethouse6, Newgate street
2019 Lynch JamesEdward streethouse15, Edward street
2020 Lyon SherwoodWhitley streethouse9, Whitley street
2021 Lyons JohnRobinson streethouse17, Temperance street
successivehouse13, Robinson street
2022 Lyons TimothyBedford streethouse48, Bedford street

SOUTH WARD, 1878, surnames beginning with the letter M
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2023 Mackay AlexanderChaucer placewarehouse7, Union street
2024 Mackenzie GeorgeLee rowhouse25B, Lee row
2025 Mady HenryBack Royal streethouse14, Back Royal street
2026 Magson JamesLake streethouse6, Lake street
2027 Magson SaulOrange streethouse42, Orange street
2028 Maguire MichaelRifle courthouseCraven street
successivehouse11, Rifle court
2029 Mahon EdwardWarwick streethouse27, Warwick street
2030 Mahon PatrickRobinson streethouse5, Robinson street
2031 Mahoney JamesBirk streethouse30, Birk street
2032 Mahoney JohnFrederick streethouse64, Frederick street
2033 Mahoney JohnEastbrook lanehouse31, Eastbrook lane
2034 Mahoney JohnRoyal streethouse22, Rifle court
successivehouse7, Royal street
2035 Mahoney ThomasWarwick streethouse4, Wentworth street
successivehouse11, Warwick street
2036 Malkin GeorgeBedford streethouse43, Bedford street
2037 Mallinson HughBritannia streethouse40, Britannia street
2038 Mallinson JosephDaniel streethouse20, Daniel street
2039 Maloney JohnSchool squarehouse16, School square
2040 Mandevil LukeEssex streethouse28, Essex street
2041 Mann ColburnLeeds roadhouse270, Leeds road
2042 Mann DavidBuck streethouse3, Buck street
2043 Mann JohnHolt streethouse5, Holt street
2044 Mann JonasBolton placehouse23, Bolton place
2045 Mann TimothyRobert streethouse54, Robert street
2046 Mann WilliamShaw's courthouse4, Shaw's court
2047 Manning JohnCook streethouse11, Cook street
2048 Manning WilliamBritannia streethouse32, Britannia street
2049 Manogue JohnHarrison streethouse12, Harrison street
2050 Mansfield RobertDaniel streethouse15, School square
successivehouse27, Daniel street
2051 Marchant JohnHall streethouse81, Hall street
2052 Marchbank Charles WilliamDrake streethouseDrake street
2053 Marchbank MarshallPratt streethouse7, Pratt street
2054 Margerison JohnMyrtle streethouse93, Myrtle street
2055 Margerison JohnMalvern streethouse32, Malvern street
2056 Margerison KnaptonUnion streethouse12, Union street
2057 Margerison ThomasAnnison streethouse21, Annison street
2058 Marks BenjaminMount streethouse411, Mount street
2059 Marks JohnMount streethouse419, Mount street
2060 Marr JamesMosscar streethouse30, Orange street
successivehouse24, Mosscar street
2061 Marriner JamesMulgrave streethouse19, Mulgrave street
2062 Marsden BenjaminBirkshall laneshopBattye street
2063 Marsden JohnSodom lanehouse7, Sodom lane
2064 Marsden JohnLaurel streethouse3, Cross Frederick street
successivehouse86, Laurel street
2065 Marsden JosephBirksland streethouse51, Birksland street
2066 Marsden SquireCroft streethouse128, Croft street
2067 Marsh JohnLyndhurst streethouse3, Lyndhurst street
2068 Marsh ThomasGibson streethouse91, Gibson street
2069 Marshall AndrewParratt rowhouse1, Parratt row
2070 Marshall BenjaminBradford moorhouse1, Bradford moor
2071 Marshall BenjaminKerr streethouse9, Kerr street
2072 Marshall DanielKerr streethouse22, Kerr street
2073 Marshall DavidBack lanehouse291, Back lane
2074 Marshall DavidGay lanehouse25, Gay lane
2075 Marshall JohnCorless rowhouse2, Corless row
2076 Marshall JonathanGeorge streethouse145, George street
2077 Marshall JosephLeeds roadhouse803, Leeds road
2078 Marshall JosephEbenezer streethouse15, Acorn street
successivehouse8, Ebenezer street
2079 Marshall JosephBath streethouse12, Bath street
2080 Marshall MatthewPeel streethouse34, Peel street
2081 Marshall ThomasCross Frederick streethouse1, Cross Frederick street
2082 Marshall WilliamChestnut streethouse16, Chestnut street
2083 Marshall WilliamBirk streethouse50, Birk street
2084 Marshall WilliamVicar lanehouse22, Vicar lane
2085 Marshall WilliamVignola streethouse28, Dundas street
successivehouseVignola street
2086 Marshall WilliamEastbrook lanehouse5, Eastbrook lane
2087 Marshall WilliamChandos streethouse28, Chandos street
2088 Martin MildredAcre streethouse3, Acre street
2089 Martin Stephen EddyNewgate streethouse16, Newgate street
2090 Martin Stephen JamesNewgate streethouse4, Newgate street
2091 Martin WilliamRobert streethouse5, Robert street
2092 Martin WilliamJoseph streethouse113, Joseph street
2093 Martindale ThomasMyrtle streethouse63, Myrtle street
2094 Marwood EdwardBridge streethouse32, Bridge street
2095 Mason EnochBirkshall lanehouse14, East street
successivehouse28, Birkshall lane
2096 Mason JamesMulgrave streethouse38, Mulgrave street
2097 Mason JosephLee rowhouse18, Lee row
2098 Mason ThomasMulgrave streethouse94, Mulgrave street
2099 Mason WilliamBack lanehouse231, Back lane
2100 Mason WilliamGrant streethouse13, Grant street
2101 Massey CharlesCorless rowhouse11, Corless row
2102 Masterson JohnVicar lanehouse3, Vicar lane
2103 Mathers WilliamBack lanehouse48, Back lane
2104 Matthewman JosephHortonwarehouse8, Leeds road
2105 Mawer ThomasOtley roadhouse37, George street
2106 Maude Joseph EdwardFrederick streethouse17, Frederick street
2107 Maxwell JamesFrederick streethouse43, Frederick street
2108 Mayberry GeorgeBirk streethouse57, Birk street
2109 McArdell DavidGeorge streethouse97, George street
2110 McBurnie DavidGreat Cross streethouse67, Great Cross street
2111 McCaffery JamesManninghamwarehouse13, Hall ings
2112 McCall PhillipYork streethouse43, York street
2113 McCann JamesFarrar squarehouse4, Farrar square
2114 McCarthy PatrickAcre streethouse30, Acre street
2115 McCormack JosephCroft streethouse87, Croft street
2116 McCormack PatrickBattye streethouse93, Battye street
2117 McEvoy AlbertMount streethouseNear 441, Mount street
2118 McGarth JamesBack Ebenezer streethouse72, George street
successivehouse32, Back Ebenezer street
2119 McGinty LukeBanner streethouseVincent street
successivehouse18, Banner street
2120 McGough PeterAeolus placehouse22, Aeolus place
2121 McGraith EdwardDiamond courthouse102, George street
successivehouse3, Diamond court
2122 McHugh LawrenceBritannia yardhouse3, Longcroft place
successivehouse5, Britannia yard
2123 McIntyre JohnBridge streethouse91, Bridge street
2124 McIver ThomasEbenezer streethouseGreat Cross street
successivehouse22, Ebenezer street
2125 McKane JamesPratt streethouse9, Pratt street
2126 McKay WilliamAdolphus streethouse71, Adolphus street
2127 McKechnie NeilFullerton streethouse15, Fullerton street
2128 McKell William GeorgePearson streethouse10, Pearson street
2129 McKenley JamesGeorge streethouse83, George street
2130 McKewin JohnBritannia streethouse14, Britannia street
2131 McLane JohnEast streethouse30, East street
2132 McLennary HenshawDiamond courthouse1, Diamond court
2133 McMahon JohnBeck streethouse4, Beck street
2134 McNab GeorgeWalnut streethouse25, Walnut street
2135 McNalty WilliamPratt streethouse66, Pratt street
2136 McNemee JohnMyrtle streethouse92, Myrtle street
2137 McNicholls PatrickEdward streethouse44, Edward street
2138 McNulty PatrickMulgrave streethouse48, Mulgrave street
2139 McTurk AlexanderManninghamwarehouse16, Leeds road
2140 McTurk JamesManninghamwarehouse16, Leeds road
2141 Meade JohnRobert streethouse19, Maud street
successivehouse40, Robert street
2142 Measure WilliamMount streethouse457, Mount street
2143 Meddowcroft WilliamBritannia courthouse2, Britannia court
2144 Medley JosephWarwick streethouse23, Warwick street
2145 Medley WilliamPenny streethouse14, Penny street
2146 Meeham JosephPotter streethousePotter street
2147 Melbourne ThomasEdward streethouseAdolphus street
successivehouse10, Edward street
2148 Meldrum WilliamMount streethouse330, Mount street
2149 Melton FredDundas streethouse37, Dundas street
2150 Melton WilliamPeter's courthouse5, Peter's court
2151 Menzies JohnLeeds roadhouse524, Leeds road
2152 Merrall JamesSodom lanehouse8, Sodom lane
2153 Metcalfe BenjaminMount streethouse110, Mount street
2154 Metcalfe BenjaminLeeds roadhouse1264, Leeds road
successivehouse823, Leeds road
2155 Metcalfe BenjaminWalnut streethouseBack Royal street
successivehouseBower Green
successivehouse13, Walnut street
2156 Metcalfe ChristopherVicar lanehouse4, Vicar lane
2157 Metcalfe JamesLake streethouse10, Lake street
2158 Metcalfe JamesBedford streethouse39, Bedford street
2159 Metcalfe JohnBarkerend foldhouse260, Exeter street
successivehouse58, Barkerend fold
2160 Metcalfe JosephAdolphus streethouse107, Adolphus street
2161 Metcalfe LeonardBack Coach rowhouse12, Back Coach row
2162 Metcalfe MichaelLeeds roadhouse1266, Leeds road
2163 Metcalfe ThomasDundas streethouse111, Dundas street
2164 Metcalfe ThomasLake streethouse12, Lake street
successivehouse14, Lake street
2165 Metcalfe TimothyWentworth streethouse12, Wentworth street
2166 Metcalfe WilliamBrooklyn streethouse114, Mount street
successivehouse20, Brooklyn street
2167 Middlebrook BenjaminBower greenhouse33, Bower green
2168 Middleton CharlesAdolphus streethouse22, Frederick street
successivehouse43, Adolphus street
2169 Middleton CharlesLaisterdykehouse12, Laisterdyke
2170 Middleton JosephSt. George's streethouse78A, Laurel street
successivehouse14, St. George's street
2171 Middleton JosephLeeds roadhouse1194, Leeds road
2172 Middleton WilliamLaisterdykehouse18, Laisterdyke
2173 Midgley EmanuelDownham streethouse22, Downham street
2174 Midgley JamesDick streethouse2, Dick street
2175 Midgley John HenryBowlingshop507, Back lane
2176 Midgley JosephBarkerend roadhouse178, Barkerend road
2177 Midgley RichardFrederick streethouse19, Frederick street
2178 Midgley RobertMalvern streethouse10, Malvern street
2179 Midgley William EdwardLeeds roadhouse84, Leeds road
2180 Midgley William HenryMosscar streethouseJoseph street
successivehouse44, Mosscar street
2181 Milburn WilliamBirk streethouse38, Birk street
2182 Miller AdamBack lanehouse411, Back lane
2183 Miller JobBattye streethouse23, Battye street
2184 Miller JohnBanner streethouseBanner street
successivehouse26, Banner street
2185 Miller MichaelMyrtle streethouse18, Myrtle street
2186 Miller ThomasEdward streethouse39, Edward street
2187 Miller WilliamBower greenhouse9, Bower green
2188 Miller WilliamGladstone streethouse15, Gladstone street
2189 Milligan HarrisonRawdonwarehouse12, Leeds road
2190 Milligan Henry HarrisonRawdonwarehouse12, Leeds road
2191 Milligan RobertManninghamwarehouse16, Leeds road
2192 Millmore WilliamSt. George's streethouse3, St. George's street
2193 Mills AbrahamLeeds roadhouse66, Joseph street
successivehouse183, Leeds road
2194 Mills CharlesHortonshop196, Leeds road
2195 Mills ChaucerDick streethouseEast street
successivehouseDick street
successivehouse9, Dick street
2196 Mills WilliamAnnison streethouse43, Mosscar street
successivehouse26, Annison street
2197 Mills WilliamCarroll streethouse3, Carroll street
2198 Milner GeorgeAcre streethouse22, Acre street
2199 Milner JamesDaniel streethouse42, Daniel street
2200 Milnes AlfredTennyson placeshop3, Downham street
2201 Milnes DanielBower greenhouse27, Bower green
2202 Milnes JamesGay lanehouse3, Gay lane
2203 Milnes Joseph TetleyBarkerend roadwarehouse180, Barkerend road
2204 Milnes ReubenPratt streethouse55, Pratt street
2205 Milnes RichardRevell courthouse3, Revell court
2206 Milnes SamuelTennyson placeshop3, Downham street
2207 Milnes WilliamGladstone streethouse16, Gladstone street
2208 Milnes William HauptmanBoltonwarehouse180, Barkerend road
2209 Minto JohnChandos streethouse74, Chandos street
2210 Mitchell DavidMarley streethouse22, Marley street
2211 Mitchell EugeneGeorge courthouse13, George court
successivehouse3, George court
2212 Mitchell FrancisMount streethouse217, Mount street
2213 Mitchell HenryManninghamwarehouse40, Leeds road
2214 Mitchell IsaacSchool squarehouse8, School square
2215 Mitchell JamesLeeds roadhouse1252, Leeds road
2216 Mitchell JohnMount streethouse310, Mount street
2217 Mitchell JohnLeeds roadhouse1000, Leeds road
2218 Mitchell JohnBrooklyn streethouse26, Brooklyn street
2219 Mitchell JonasFieldhouse streethouseKerr street
successivehouseSchool square
successivehouse17, Fieldhouse street
2220 Mitchell JonasLeeds roadhouse600, Leeds road
2221 Mitchell JosephFieldhouse streethouse29, Fieldhouse street
2222 Mitchell ReubenWilliam squarehouse4, William square
2223 Mitchell RichardFrederick streethouse14, Frederick street
2224 Mitchell RobertYork streethouse78, York street
2225 Mitchell RufusLeeds roadhouse308, Leeds road
2226 Mitchell SquireGeorge streethouse8, George street
2227 Mitchell ThomasBrooklyn streethouse46A, Brooklyn street
2228 Mitchell WilliamKerr streethouse1, Kerr street
2229 Moiet CharlesBeck streethouse68, Beck street
2230 Molton CharlesHall streethouse26, Hall street
2231 Moody JohnLeeds roadhouse185, Leeds road
2232 Moody WilliamAlmond streethouse13, Almond street
2233 Moore JamesYork streethouse42, York street
2234 Moore JamesHortonwarehouse42, Union street
2235 Moore James, junr.Hortonwarehouse42, Union street
2236 Moore PatrickFarrar squarehouse25, Farrar square
2237 Moore RichardHortonwarehouse42, Union street
2238 Moore ThomasClarkson streethouse29, Clarkson street
2239 Moore ThomasKerr streethouse16, Kerr street
2240 Moore WilliamMyrtle streethouse112, Myrtle street
2241 Moorhouse JohnEast streethouse46, East street
2242 Moorhouse JosephKimberley streethouse19, Kimberley street
2243 Morgan JohnWakefield roadhouse197, Wakefield road
2244 Morgan JohnMyrtle streethouse67A, Myrtle street
2245 Morgan ThomasWakefield roadhouse2, Wakefield road
2246 Morgan ThomasBirk streethouse97, Birk street
2247 Morley John LimberHortonshop34, Bridge street
2248 Morrell FrostCoach rowhouse1, Coach row
2249 Morrell JamesSodom lanehouse101, Napier street
successivehouse8, Sodom lane
2250 Morrell JamesWilliam squarehouse8, William square
2251 Morrell JohnAmberley streethouse41, Amberley street
2252 Morrell JohnManninghamshop97, Bridge street
2253 Morrell JohnCork streethouse20, Cork street
2254 Morrell JohnSodom lanehouseKershaw street
successivehouse2, Sodom lane
2255 Morrell RobertWestgateshop97, Bridge street
2256 Morrell Robert WilsonBoltonwarehouse9, Hall ings
2257 Mortimer JohnLaisterdykehouse16, Laisterdyke
2258 Mortimer JosephNapier streethouse48, Napier street
2259 Mortimer RichardLeeds roadhouse1210, Leeds road
2260 Mortimer Richard PolycarpGay lanehouse14, Gay lane
2261 Moseley George DixonBattye streethouse83, Battye street
2262 Moss AbrahamArlington streethouse8, Arlington street
2263 Moss JamesLaisterdykehouse2, Laisterdyke
2264 Moss RichardLeeds roadhouse98, Leeds road
2265 Mowbray GeorgeHolt streethouse1, Holt street
2266 Mowthorp WilliamMount streethouse336, Mount street
2267 Moxon GeorgeMulgrave streethouse27, Mulgrave street
2268 Moxon IsaacBeck streethouse62, Beck street
2269 Moxon JohnBeck streethouse52, Beck street
2270 Muff WilliamRegent squarehouse5, Regent square
2271 Muldowny MichaelMoorfieldshouse27, Daniel street
successivehouse10, Moorfields
2272 Muller HarryApperleywarehouse2, Union street
2273 Mumby George HenryBack lanehouse505, Back lane
2274 Munday JamesLeeds roadhouse1186, Leeds road
2275 Murgatroyd AbrahamMosscar streethouse48, Mosscar street
2276 Murgatroyd GeorgeBirksland streethouse14, Birksland street
2277 Murgatroyd HenryHudson streethouse6, Hudson street
2278 Murgatroyd JamesChestnut streetshopNear 337, Leeds road
2279 Murgatroyd JobBarkerend foldhouse55, Barkerend fold
2280 Murgatroyd JohnEssex streethouse36, Essex street
2281 Murgatroyd LouisFieldhouse rowhouse7, Fieldhouse row
2282 Murgatroyd RichardLeeds roadhouse1212, Leeds road
2283 Murgatroyd SamuelHudson streethouse9, Hudson street
2284 Murphy GarrettAcre streethouse51, Acre street
successivehouse33, Acre street
2285 Murphy GeorgeGeorge streethouse40, George street
successivehouse87, George street
2286 Murphy JohnEastbrook lanehouse44, Eastbrook lane
2287 Murphy JosephGeorge streethouse61, George street
2288 Murton SamuelBirk streethouse113, Birk street
2289 Musgrave John, senr.Daniel streethouse23, Daniel street
2290 Musgrave JosephBradford moorhouse17, Daniel street
successivehouse15, Bradford moor
2291 Myers AaronKershaw streethouse26, Kershaw street
2292 Myers EdmundJewell streethouse12, Robertshaw street
successivehouse8, Jewell street
2293 Myers JohnClarkson courthouse23, Clarkson court
2294 Myers JohnLake streethouse8, Lake street
2295 Myers JosephHortonwarehouse8, Leeds road
2296 Myers MarkBarkerend foldhouse63, Barkerend fold

SOUTH WARD, 1878, surnames beginning with the letter N
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2297 Naylor EzraHall streethouse25, Hall street
2298 Naylor GeorgeAeolus streethouse1, Aeolus street
2299 Naylor JabezLeeds roadhouse845, Leeds road
2300 Naylor JamesRobinson streethouse23, Robinson street
2301 Naylor JamesAlmond streethouse19, Almond street
2302 Naylor JamesFrederick streethouse58, Frederick street
successivehouse41, Frederick street
2303 Naylor JohnSodom lanehouse13, Sodom lane
2304 Naylor JohnJoseph streethouse296, Leeds road
successivehouse70, Joseph street
2305 Naylor JohnHall streethouse17, Hall street
2306 Naylor JosephHall streethouse2, Concordia street
successivehouse31, Hall street
2307 Naylor RichardChapman streethouse12, Chapman street
2308 Naylor WilliamCartmell streethouse20, Cartmell street
2309 Naylor WilliamMount streethouse216, Mount street
2310 Neal AndrewMalvern streethouse6, Royal street
successivehouse21, Malvern street
2311 Neary JamesGeorge courthouse12, George court
2312 Nelson JabezLaurel streethouse68, Laurel street
2313 Nettleton FrancisBack lanehouse207, Back lane
2314 Newell William HenryRobert courthouse10, Robert court
2315 Newling WilliamKerr streethouse30, Kerr street
2316 Newsham JosephGreat Cross streethouse16, Great Cross street
2317 Newsome IsraelPeter's courthouse21, Peter's court
2318 Newsome WilliamNapier streethouse92, Napier street
2319 Newton GeorgeHall streethouse21, Hall street
2320 Newton JamesMulgrave streethouse23, Mulgrave street
2321 Newton JohnGarnett streethouse14, Garnett street
2322 Newton JohnBirk streethouse13, Birk street
2323 Newton JosephMaud streethouse172, Garnett street
successivehouse17, Maud street
2324 Nicholls RobertBack lanehouse409, Back lane
2325 Nicholls WilliamConcordia streethouse5, Concordia street
2326 Nichols EdwardLeeds roadwarehouse9, Hall ings
2327 Nichols HenryLaurel streethouse94, Laurel street
2328 Nichols RichardAmberley streethouse11, Penny street
successivehouse4, Amberley street
2329 Nichols WilliamFieldhouse rowhouse7, Fieldhouse row
2330 Nichols William SchofieldHortonwarehouse9, Hall ings
2331 Nicholson EllisonLeeds roadhouse856, Leeds road
2332 Nicholson Frederick WhitworthSouthey placeshop8, Mulgrave street
2333 Nicholson JohnPotter streethouse8, Potter street
2334 Nicholson John HenryBridge streethouse23, York street
successivehouse88, Bridge street
2335 Nicholson RichardChandos streethouse48, Chandos street
2336 Nicholson ThomasWilliam squarehouse5A, William square
2337 Nightingale ThomasMyrtle streethouse63, Myrtle street
2338 Nisbet WilliamPearson streethouse6, Pearson street
2339 Noble AlfredHortonshop362, Leeds road
2340 Noble JohnAlmond streethouse37, Almond street
2341 Noble WilliamEbenezer streethouse28, Ebenezer street
2342 Noble WilliamGladstone streethouse24, Gladstone street
2343 Noddle EdwardLeeds roadhouse337, Leeds road
2344 Noddle ThomasMarske streethouse1, Marske street
2345 Noddle ThomasBanner streethouse26, Banner street
successivehouse9, Banner street
2346 Noddle William HenryBirksland streethouse2, Cope street
successivehouse36, Birksland street
2347 Nolan JamesMulgrave streethouseLingard street
successivehouse52, Mulgrave street
2348 Normington IsaacQuill streethouse16, Quill street
2349 Normington JamesNapier streethouse11, Napier street
2350 Normington JamesGeorge streethouse109, George street
2351 Normington JohnDiamond streethouse2, Diamond street
2352 Normington LukeDundas streethouse31, Dundas street
successivehouse21, Dundas street
2353 Normington MichaelMaltby streethouse46, Maltby street
2354 Normington SamuelYork streethouse18, York street
2355 Normington WilliamWilliam courthouseWilliam court
successivehouse47, William court
2356 Norris ThomasClarkson streethouse32, Clarkson street
2357 Norris ThomasDiamond courthouse5, Diamond court
2358 Norris William HenryShaw's courthouse3, Shaw's court
2359 North Charles EdwardDundas streethouse103, Dundas street
2360 North JohnCoach rowshop19, Back Coach row
2361 North JohnGarnett streethouse44, Garnett street
2362 Northrop JonathanThorntonwarehouse10, Leeds road
2363 Northrop JosephThorntonwarehouse10, Leeds road
2364 Northrop WrightHortonshop71, Bridge street
2365 Norton JamesParratt rowhouse4, Parratt row
2366 Norton JohnLeeds roadhouse1034, Leeds road
2367 Norton JosephBack Jewell streethouse2, Back Jewell street
2368 Norton JosephLeach squarehouse3, Leach square
2369 Norton JosephKimberley streethouse31, Kimberley street
successivehouse15, Kimberley street
2370 Nuttall DavidBarkerend foldhouseNorth wing
successivehouse59, Barkerend fold
2371 Nuttall JamesBarkerend foldhouse54, Barkerend fold
2372 Nutter JohnBack lanehouse281, Back lane

SOUTH WARD, 1878, surnames beginning with the letter O
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
2373 Oades HenryAcre streethouse11, Acre street
2374 Oates JamesEastbrook lanehouse3, George court
successivehouseVicar lane
successivehouse39, Eastbrook lane
successivehouse51, Eastbrook lane
2375 Oates OliverHeath streethouse47, Heath street
2376 O'Brian PatrickYork streethouse71, York street
2377 O'Brian ThomasGeorge streethouse28, George street
2378 Oddy DanielPratt streethouse26, Pratt street
2379 Oddy JamesClarke streethouse13, Clarke street
2380 Oddy JohnMulgrave streethouse31, Mulgrave street
2381 Oddy John CharlesManninghamwarehouseMulgrave street
2382 Oddy JonathanLeeds roadhouse402, Leeds road
2383 Oddy JosephLeeds roadhouse189, Leeds road
2384 Oddy SethBattye streethouse2, Battye street
2385 Ogden RobertsLightcliffewarehouse44, Union street
2386 O'Hara JohnFarrar squarehouse3, Farrar square
2387 O'Hara JohnCarnation streethouse38, Pratt street
successivehouse9, Carnation street
2388 O'Keefe MichaelLeeds roadhouse886, Leeds road
2389 Oldfield JohnHortonwarehouse19, Bentley street
successivewarehouse15, Bath street
2390 Oldfield JosephWarwick streethouse17, Carnation street
successivehouse36, Warwick street
2391 Oldham JohnHeath streethouse7, Heath street
2392 O'Leary CorneliusBirk streethouse31, Birk street
2393 Oliver JohnRobert courthouse24, Robert court
2394 Olliver Robert McLeanMulgrave streethouse5, Mulgrave street
2395 O'Neil JamesKershaw streethouse94, Kershaw street
2396 O'Neill BrianEastbrook lanehouse26, Eastbrook lane
2397 O'Neill James ReynoldsMount streethouse151, Mount street
2398 Onions IsaacBirkshall lanehouse41, Birkshall lane
2399 Orange JohnAcre streethouse29, Acre street
2400 Ormanroyd EnochLeeds roadhouse502, Leeds road
2401 Orr ThomasRaglan streethouse8, Raglan street
2402 Orrell JamesVicar lanehouse8, Vicar lane
2403 Osborne ThomasYork streethouse26, York street
2404 Otterburn GeorgeLaurel streethouse88, Laurel street
2405 Outhwaite JamesBack lanehouse409, Back lane
2406 Overend JohnHudson streethouse5, Hudson street
2407 Oversby ThomasMount streethouseNewgate street
successivehouse471, Mount street
2408 Owen FredHall streethouse15, Hall street
2409 Owen Richard WilsonBritannia streethouse36, Britannia street
2410 Owen SamuelRobert streethouse15, Robert street
2411 Owlett JohnFrederick streethouse84, Frederick street
2412 Oxley JohnCabbage streetshop448, Leeds road
successivehouse1, Cabbage street

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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