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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1881, EAST WARD4.


Please read these notes about these registers.

EAST WARD4, 1881.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3082 Abbott RobinsonAiredale roaddwelling-house7, Airedale road
3083 Abbott ThomasMulberry streetdwelling-house53, Mulberry street
3084 Ackroyd JohnChatham streetdwelling-house8, Chatham street
3085 Ackroyd JosiahNathan streetdwelling-house17, Nathan street
successivedwelling-house21, Nathan street
3086 Ackroyd RichardJermyn streetdwelling-house45, Jermyn street
3087 Ackroyd ThomasNorthampton streetdwelling-house4, Northampton street
3088 Ackroyd WignallJermyn streetdwelling-house3, Jermyn street
3089 Adams CharlesBolton roaddwelling-house928, Bolton road
3090 Adamson JosephNathan streetdwelling-house11, Nathan street
3091 Airey AnthonyOtley roaddwelling-house53, Otley road
3092 Akins StephenRichmond streetdwelling-house6, Richmond street
successivedwelling-house20, Richmond street
3093 Alderson WilliamNorth streetdwelling-house6, North street
3094 Allen JohnWright streetdwelling-house19, Wright street
3095 Ambler AlfredNorth wingdwelling-house26, North wing
3096 Ambler CharlesBolton roaddwelling-house122, Bolton road
3097 Ambler JamesManninghamwarehouse23, Well street
3098 Ambler LotNorth courtdwelling-house1, North court
3099 Ambler ThomasWapping streetdwelling-house48, Wapping street
3100 Anderson ArthurWapping roaddwelling-house124, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house155, Wapping road
3101 Anderson JosephShaw streetdwelling-house4, Shaw street
3102 Anderson MichaelGaunt streetdwelling-house15, Gaunt street
3103 Anderton JonasBolton roadshopnear 5, Bolton road
3104 Angis JohnFilbert streetdwelling-house62, Filbert street
3105 Appleyard JosephRichmond streetdwelling-house10, Richmond street
3106 Arensberg HenryManninghamwarehouse30a, Bolton road
3107 Arensberg LouisManninghamwarehouse30a, Bolton road
3108 Armitage FrankFilbert streetdwelling-house105, North wing
successivedwelling-house69, Filbert street
3109 Armstrong John JacksonOtley roaddwelling-house157, Otley road
3110 Armstrong JosephNorth wingdwelling-house109, North wing
3111 Arnold JohnWapping roaddwelling-house1, Wild Boar street
successivedwelling-house116, Wapping road
3112 Arnold JosephKing Charles streetdwelling-house52, King Charles street
3113 Arnold SamuelAiredale roaddwelling-house29, Airedale road
3114 Ashley JamesSun streetdwelling-house27, Sun street
3115 Ashworth NephiFilbert streetdwelling-house156A, Otley road
successivedwelling-house2, Kerr street
successivedwelling-house12, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house10, Filbert street
3116 Asquith Arthur GauntHortonshop33, Well street
3117 Atkin JohnArthur streetdwelling-house2, Arthur street
3118 Atkinson George WalkerStott hilldwelling-house27, Stott hill
3119 Atkinson RobertWright streetdwelling-house29, Wright street
3120 Atkinson WilliamSun streetdwelling-house40, Sun street
3121 Austin WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house936, Bolton road
successivedwelling-houseBolton road
3122 Ayrton WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house18, Chatham street

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter B
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3123 Baccigalupo JosephPaper Hall courtdwelling-house22, Paper Hall court
3124 Bailey IsaacOtley roaddwelling-house113, Otley road
3125 Baines AlfredWellesley streetdwelling-house3, Wellesley street
3126 Baines CharlesWellesley streetdwelling-house5, Wellesley street
3127 Baines JohnWellington streetdwelling-house8, Wellington street
3128 Baines JohnPine streetdwelling-house26, Pine street
3129 Baines JosephSunnyside lanedwelling-house12, Chain street
successivedwelling-house165, Sunnyside lane
3130 Baines RobertCordingley streetshopnear 177, Otley road
3131 Baines WilliamNorth wingdwelling-house32, North wing
3132 Bairstow WilliamStott hilldwelling-house33, Stott hill
3133 Bakeman ChristianJermyn streetdwelling-house76, Jermyn street
3134 Baker WilliamJermyn streetdwelling-house20, Jermyn street
3135 Baker WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house3, Chatham street
3136 Banks JosephJermyn streetdwelling-house2, Jermyn street
3137 Bannan ThomasKing Charles streetdwelling-house21, King Charles street
3138 Bannister JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house38, Mulberry street
3139 Barber JohnPriestley streetdwelling-house16, Priestley street
3140 Barbrook StephenJermyn streetdwelling-house25, Jermyn street
3141 Barker EdmundWellington streetdwelling-house17, Wellington street
3142 Barker JohnJury streetdwelling-house23, Jury street
successivedwelling-house21, Jury street
3143 Barnett JamesJury streetdwelling-house31, Jury street
3144 Barney MichaelKing Charles streetdwelling-house20, King Charles street
3145 Barraclough FrankKing Charles streetdwelling-house51, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house12, King Charles street
3146 Barraclough JamesWright streetdwelling-house5, Wright street
3147 Barraclough JohnChatham streetdwelling-house11, Chatham street
3148 Barraclough John WoodFilbert streetdwelling-house23, Filbert street
3149 Barrans BenjaminJury streetdwelling-house9, Jury street
3150 Barrans JamesNorth view roaddwelling-house72, Salem street
successivedwelling-house26, North view road
3151 Barrett JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house38, Filbert street
3152 Barrett JosephAiredale squaredwelling-house19, Airedale square
3153 Barwick JamesJermyn streetdwelling-house50, Jermyn street
3154 Baskerville ReubenBolton roaddwelling-house160, Bolton road
3155 Bateman WilliamKing Charles streetdwelling-house11, King Charles street
3156 Baxter JabezNorth wingdwelling-house71, North wing
3157 Baxter MosesBack folddwelling-house1, Back fold
3158 Beavers AdamCraven streetdwelling-house7, Craven street
3159 Beck JamesLoom streetdwelling-house29, Loom street
3160 Beck JohnJermyn streetdwelling-house15, Simes street
successivedwelling-house52, Jermyn street
3161 Beck ThomasFilbert streetdwelling-house45, Southampton street
successivedwelling-house36, Filbert street
3162 Belford FrankWapping roaddwelling-house243, Wapping road
3163 Bell CharlesBolton roaddwelling-house50, Bolton road
3164 Bell HenryWapping roaddwelling-house219, Wapping road
3165 Bell JohnLoom streetdwelling-house8, Loom street
3166 Bell JosephAiredale roaddwelling-house11, Airedale road
3167 Bell MichaelBolton roaddwelling-house132, Bolton road
3168 Bell RichardBarkerend roaddwelling-house65, Barkerend road
3169 Bellerby LauncelotBarkerend roaddwelling-house39, Barkerend road
3170 Beniston AbrahamJermyn streetdwelling-house80, Jermyn street
3171 Bennett James AugustineStanacre placedwelling-house20, Stanacre place
3172 Bent GeorgeNorth wingdwelling-house63, North wing
3173 Bentley WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house232, Bolton road
3174 Berry BenjaminDover streetdwelling-house8, Dover street
3175 Berry Isaac MortimerChatham streetdwelling-house83, Airedale road
successivedwelling-house56, Chatham street
3176 Berry John ScottMulberry streetdwelling-house31, Mulberry street
3177 Berry LewisWapping roaddwelling-house100, Wapping road
3178 Berry RichardJermyn streetdwelling-house60, Jermyn street
3179 Bilbrough William RowlandBarkerend roaddwelling-house57, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house79, Barkerend road
3180 Binks WilliamLingard streetdwelling-house16, Lingard street
3181 Binns AlbertMab streetdwelling-house9, Mason court
successivedwelling-house15, Mab street
3182 Binns BenjaminWapping roaddwelling-house145, Wapping road
3183 Binns CharlesFilbert streetdwelling-house41, Filbert street
3184 Binns EdwardMab streetdwelling-house9, Mab street
3185 Binns ThomasStanacre placedwelling-house32, Stanacre place
successivedwelling-house36, Stanacre place
3186 Birch AlbertNorth view roaddwelling-house22, Salisbury street
successivedwelling-house38, North view road
3187 Birch GibsonFilbert streetdwelling-house20, Filbert street
3188 Birchell SamuelMulberry streetdwelling-house40, Mulberry street
3189 Birchill JamesOtley roadshop23, Otley road
3190 Birkby SquireCavalier streetdwelling-house74, Brooklyn street
successivedwelling-house16, Cavalier street
3191 Blakey WillieChatham streetdwelling-house13, Chatham street
3192 Blamires JohnNorth wingdwelling-house109, North wing
3193 Bland EdwardStanacre placedwelling-house7, Chatham street
successivedwelling-house21, Stanacre place
3194 Bland SolomonChatham streetdwelling-house4, Chatham street
3195 Bland WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house192, Bolton road
3196 Boaler FrankTennyson placewarehouse56, Filbert street
3197 Boaler ThomasTennyson placewarehousenear 39, Stanacre place
3198 Bogan ThomasJermyn street placedwelling-house3, Jermyn street place
3199 Bogg WilliamBarkerend roaddwelling-house23, Barkerend road
3200 Boldey ThomasBack Spinkwell terracedwelling-house16, Back Spinkwell terrace
3201 Bolton John JamesLoom streetdwelling-house17, Loom street
3202 Bolton JosephWapping roaddwelling-house51, Wapping road
3203 Bolton William HenryNorth wingdwelling-house42, North wing
3204 Bonser HenryAiredale roaddwelling-house3, Middle street
successivedwelling-house63, Airedale road
3205 Boocock DavidNorth View roaddwelling-house483, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house32, North View road
3206 Boon ThomasFilbert streetdwelling-house208, Undercliffe street
successivedwelling-house31, Filbert street
3207 Booth JohnWellington streetdwelling-house13, Wellington street
3208 Booth NathanielKing Charles courtdwelling-house14, King Charles court
3209 Booth RobertBack Spinkwell terracedwelling-house2, Back Spinkwell terrace
3210 Booth ThomasCraven streetdwelling-house37, Craven street
3211 Booth ThomasOtley roaddwelling-house219, Otley road
successiveshop9, Otley road
3212 Boothroyd BenjaminBolton roaddwelling-house212, Bolton road
3213 Bottomley GodfreyBolton roaddwelling-house168, Bolton road
3214 Bottomley SydneyOtley roaddwelling-house57, Otley road
3215 Bottomley William HenryOtley roaddwelling-house71, Otley road
3216 Bowen ConradPriestley streetdwelling-house20, Priestley street
3217 Bowen WilliamPriestley streetdwelling-house13, Priestley street
3218 Bowen WilliamStanacre placedwelling-house40, Stanacre place
3219 Bower FrederickBolton roaddwelling-house248, Bolton road
3220 Bower JohnBarkerend roaddwelling-house93, Barkerend road
3221 Bower JosephCavalier streetdwelling-house14, Cavalier street
3222 Bowers JosephWellesley streetdwelling-house35, North wing
successivedwelling-houseDallam street
successivedwelling-house22, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house9, Wellesley street
3223 Bowes JohnGolden Cock yarddwelling-house8, Golden Cock yard
3224 Bowles Joseph MarshallOtley roaddwelling-house75, Otley road
3225 Boyes JosephSouthampton streetdwelling-house18, Southampton street
3226 Boyes Robert ClarkeAiredale roaddwelling-house91, Airedale road
3227 Bracken JohnWellington streetdwelling-house76, Wellington street
3228 Bradley JohnAiredale roaddwelling-house87, Airedale road
3229 Bradley JosephStott hilldwelling-house35, Stott hill
3230 Bradley JosephBolton roaddwelling-house84, Bolton road
3231 Bradley LouisStott hilldwelling-house41, Stott hill
3232 Bradley RobertLoom streetdwelling-house47, Loom street
3233 Brady DanielWapping roaddwelling-houseBack Spinkwell terrace
successivedwelling-house241A, Wapping road
3234 Brady GeorgeCross Wellington streetdwelling-house3, Cross Wellington street
3235 Brady JosephIrving streetdwelling-house33, Irving street
3236 Braimbridge EdwardBradford laneshopnear 5, Bolton road
3237 Braithwaite JamesBolton roaddwelling-house240, Bolton road
3238 Bramfitt WilliamCaptain streetdwelling-house4, Barker court
successivedwelling-house54, Captain street
3239 Bramham GeorgeAiredale squaredwelling-house6, Airedale square
3240 Bramley CharlesFilbert streetdwelling-house32, Filbert street
3241 Branchfield ThomasJermyn streetdwelling-house21, Nathan street
successivedwelling-house15, Jermyn street
3242 Brayshaw BenjaminNorth wingdwelling-house100, North wing
3243 Breaks ThomasAiredale squaredwelling-house10, Airedale square
3244 Brear JamesJermyn streetdwelling-house74, Jermyn street
3245 Brear SolomonMirfieldwarehouse5A, Bolton road
3246 Brearton JohnWellington streetdwelling-house57, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house5, King Charles court
successivedwelling-house66, Wellington street
3247 Brearton PatrickNorth wingdwelling-house10, North wing
3248 Briggs DanielWapping roaddwelling-house81, Wapping road
3249 Briggs JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house48, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house8, Mulberry street
3250 Briggs ThomasStanacre placedwelling-house50, Stanacre place
3251 Briggs ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house82, Bolton road
3252 Brook GeorgeLoom streetdwelling-house12, Loom street
3253 Brook HenryNathan streetdwelling-house3, Nathan street
3254 Brook JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house9, Mulberry street
3255 Brook JosephDover streetdwelling-house4, Dover street
3256 Brooke WilliamNorth street courtdwelling-house2, North street court
3257 Brookfield JohnBolton roaddwelling-house80, Bolton road
3258 Brown EdmundNathan streetdwelling-house7, Nathan street
3259 Brown EdwinNorth streetdwelling-house13, North street
3260 Brown JamesBack Victoria terracedwelling-house16, Arthur street
successivedwelling-house8, Back Victoria terrace
3261 Brown JohnKimber streetdwelling-house5, Kimber street
3262 Brown JohnKing Charles streetdwelling-house5, King Charles street
3263 Brown JosephKing Charles courtdwelling-house6, King Charles court
3264 Brown JosephWellington streetdwelling-house41, Wellington street
3265 Brown RichardWapping roaddwelling-house267, Wapping road
3266 Brown RobertMulberry streetdwelling-house2, Mulberry street
3267 Brown ThomasStanacre placedwelling-house28, Stanacre place
3268 Brown Thomas LongsdaleOtley roadshop5, Barkerend road
3269 Brown WilliamBarkerend roaddwelling-house9, Barkerend road
3270 Brown WilliamAiredale squaredwelling-house25, Mildred street
successivedwelling-house3, Airedale square
3271 Bruce RobertOtley roaddwelling-house87, Otley road
3272 Brumfit GeorgeJermyn streetdwelling-house63, Jermyn street
3273 Bulmer FrederickWapping roaddwelling-house8, Cambridge place
successivedwelling-house153, Wapping road
3274 Burke JamesWild Boar streetdwelling-house20, Wild Boar street
3275 Burlinson RobertBolton roaddwelling-house226, Bolton road
3276 Burnell SamuelStott hilldwelling-house4, Stott hill
3277 Burnett JosephBolton roaddwelling-house222, Bolton road
3278 Burns EdwardKing Charles streetdwelling-house5, Newport street
successivedwelling-house32, King Charles street
3279 Burns ThomasWapping roaddwelling-house29, Wapping road
3280 Burrow RobertSun streetdwelling-house29, Sun street
3281 Burton DanielWellington streetdwelling-house82, Wellington street
3282 Butler ChristopherWild Boar streetdwelling-house199, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house3, Wild Boar street
3283 Butler JosephSouthampton streetdwelling-house12, Southampton street
3284 Butler JosephSouthampton streetdwelling-house16, Southampton street
3285 Butler PeterNorthbrook streetdwelling-house16, Northbrook street
3286 Butler PeterTemperance streetdwelling-house40, Temperance street
3287 Butler RossTemperance streetdwelling-house43, Temperance street
3288 Butterfield ThomasBarkerend roaddwelling-house21, Barkerend road
3289 Butterworth CharlesSouthampton streetdwelling-house34, Southampton street
3290 Byron JoshuaJermyn streetdwelling-house69, Jermyn street

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter C
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3291 Calvert FrederickWapping roaddwelling-houseWapping road
successivedwelling-house239, Wapping road
3292 Calvert HarrisonNorth streetdwelling-house15, North street
3293 Campbell RichardWell streetshop27, Well street
3294 Cansfield ThomasNorth View roaddwelling-house50, North View road
3295 Cansfield WilliamNorth View roaddwelling-house10, North View road
3296 Capstick WilliamPhiladelphia streetdwelling-house15, Philadelphia street
3297 Carney DennisNorthbrook streetdwelling-house7, Northbrook street
3298 Carroll DanielWild Boar streetdwelling-house30, Wild Boar street
3299 Carroll EdwardCavalier courtdwelling-house1, Cavalier court
3300 Carroll JamesRichmond streetdwelling-house14, Richmond street
3301 Carroll MichaelIrving streetdwelling-house21, Northbrook street
successivedwelling-house27, Irving street
3302 Carroll ThomasNorthbrook courtdwelling-house5, Northbrook court
3303 Carter GeorgeBack folddwelling-house12, Back fold
3304 Carter JohnBarkerend roaddwelling-house41, Barkerend road
3305 Caton RobertAiredale roaddwelling-house19, Airedale road
3306 Cawood ThomasPhiladelphia streetdwelling-house9, Philadelphia street
3307 Cawtheray JamesWapping roaddwelling-house209, Wapping road
3308 Chapman CharlesBack Victoria terracedwelling-house17, Back Victoria terrace
3309 Chesterman WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house20, Chatham street
3310 Chew John EliMulberry streetdwelling-house26, Mulberry street
3311 Child AlfredWright streetdwelling-house12, Wright street
3312 Chippendale ThomasWapping roaddwelling-house241, Wapping road
3313 Clapham FrederickOtley roaddwelling-house63, Otley road
3314 Clare JohnPaper hall streetdwelling-house9, Paper hall street
successivedwelling-house11, Paper hall street
3315 Clark FrederickCambridge placedwelling-house1, Cambridge place
3316 Clark HenryKing Charles streetdwelling-house34, King Charles street
successivedwelling-house38, King Charles street
3317 Clark JohnSun streetdwelling-house42, Sun street
3318 Clarke CharlesWellington streetdwelling-house70, Wellington street
3319 Clarke JamesCaptain streetdwelling-house60, Captain street
3320 Clarke LamplughFilbert streetdwelling-house414, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house61, Filbert street
3321 Clarke WilliamJermyn streetdwelling-house51, Jermyn street
3322 Clayton EdwardIrving streetdwelling-house34, Irving street
3323 Clayton HenryJermyn streetdwelling-house104, North wing
successivedwelling-house79, Jermyn street
3324 Clayton JamesBack Victoria terracedwelling-house5, Back Victoria terrace
3325 Clayton WilliamWright streetdwelling-house114, North wing
successivedwelling-house15, Wright street
3326 Close William HenryOtley roadshop91, Barkerend road
3327 Clough AlfredJermyn streetdwelling-house65, Jermyn street
3328 Clough JamesOtley roaddwelling-house173, Otley road
3329 Cochran JamesBolton roaddwelling-house130, Bolton road
3330 Cockroft CharlesAllertonwarehouse3, Church bank
3331 Cockroft JohnOtley roaddwelling-house79, Otley road
3332 Coe WilliamCavalier courtdwelling-house2, Cavalier court
3333 Cole FrancisKing Charles streetdwelling-house30, King Charles street
3334 Cole JosephOtley roaddwelling-house161, Otley road
3335 Cole ThomasPaper Hall streetdwelling-house14, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house14, Paper Hall street
successivedwelling-house5, Paper Hall street
3336 Collinge JamesWapping roaddwelling-house89, Wapping road
3337 Collinson ThomasNorth View roaddwelling-house36, North View road
3338 Conlan ThomasJermyn streetdwelling-house3, Orchard street
successivedwelling-house8, Jermyn street
3339 Conner PeterPine streetdwelling-house11, Pine street
3340 Connerton HughKing Charles streetdwelling-house102, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house14, King Charles street
3341 Conroy JamesCross Sun streetdwelling-house28, Cross Sun street
3342 Conwell JamesBolton roaddwelling-house254, Bolton road
3343 Conwell MartinWellington streetdwelling-house34, Wellington street
3344 Conwell ThomasWapping streetdwelling-house30, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house5, Wapping street
successivedwelling-house8, Wapping street
3345 Coope RichardKing Charles courtdwelling-house11, King Charles court
3346 Cooper AmbroseShaw streetdwelling-house6, Shaw street
3347 Cooper JohnWellington streetdwelling-house63, Wellington street
3348 Cooper JosephPriestley streetdwelling-house2, Priestley street
3349 Copley JohnBolton roaddwelling-house104, Bolton road
3350 Corcoran JamesCarver courtdwelling-house12, Carver court
3351 Corcoran SamuelWellesley streetdwelling-house8, Wellesley street
3352 Cordingley SamuelFilbert streetdwelling-house13, Filbert street
3353 Cordingley ThomasNorth wingdwelling-house133, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house144, North wing
3354 Corrigan JamesCross Wellington streetdwelling-house5, Cross Wellington street
3355 Corrigan TimothyArthur streetdwelling-house23, Irving street
successivedwelling-house1, Arthur street
3356 Corrina LawrenceWapping roaddwelling-house17, Wapping road
3357 Cotterill DavidStanacre placedwelling-house52, Stanacre place
3358 Coulthard RichardMab courtdwelling-house5, Mab court
3359 Cox ThomasJermyn streetdwelling-house42, Jermyn street
3360 Coyne MichaelAiredale roaddwelling-house61, Airedale road
3361 Crabtree HenryWellington streetdwelling-houseGarnett street
successivedwelling-house56, Wellington street
successivedwelling-house64, Wellington street
3362 Craven HenryBolton roaddwelling-house204, Bolton road
3363 Creed JohnAiredale roaddwelling-house17, Airedale road
3364 Crickmore HarryTemperance streetdwelling-house2, Temperance street
3365 Crossland JosephSouthampton streetdwelling-house14, Southampton street
3366 Crossley JosephWapping roaddwelling-house114A, Wapping road
3367 Crowley GeorgeStanacre placedwelling-house23, Stanacre place
3368 Crowley JeremiahCaptain streetdwelling-house72, Captain street
3369 Cummings JohnChatham streetdwelling-house50, Chatham street
3370 Cusworth HenryWright streetdwelling-houseHill side villas
successivedwelling-house14, Wright street

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter D
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3371 Daker JosephWapping roaddwelling-house255, Wapping road
3372 Dale BryanFearnley streetdwelling-house10, Fearnley street
3373 Dale ThomasFearnley streetdwelling-house6, Fearnley street
3374 Daley CorneliusWapping roaddwelling-house197, Wapping road
3375 Daley MartinShaw streetdwelling-house47, Irving street
successivedwelling-house5, Shaw street
3376 Dalton WilliamWest viewshop12, Broadstones
3377 Darcy PatrickCaptain streetdwelling-house28, Captain street
3378 Darmady ThomasWellesley courtdwelling-house3, Wellesley court
3379 Davis JamesNorth wingdwelling-house12, Paper Hall street
successivedwelling-house122, North wing
3380 Davison SethSouthampton streetdwelling-house35, Southampton street
3381 Dawson CharlesNorth wingdwelling-house107, North wing
3382 Dawson JamesCross Sun streetdwelling-house68, Cross Sun street
3383 Dawson John HayhurstPudseywarehouse4, Broadstones
3384 Dawson William HenrySouthampton streetdwelling-house25, Southampton street
3385 Dean SamuelMulberry streetdwelling-house18, Mulberry street
3386 Deegan DennisCambridge placedwelling-house6, Cambridge place
3387 Delaney JohnCavalier courtdwelling-house5, Cavalier court
3388 Delaney JohnArthur streetdwelling-house7, Arthur street
3389 Dennison AlbertBolton roaddwelling-house258, Bolton road
3390 Dennison BenjaminNorth View roaddwelling-house48, North View road
3391 Dennison EdwinNorthbrook streetdwelling-house10, Northbrook street
3392 Dennison HenryStanacre placedwelling-house30, Stanacre place
3393 Devine LawrenceCavalier streetdwelling-house29, Cavalier street
3394 Dewhirst GeorgeColumbia streetdwelling-houseColumbia street
3395 Dewhirst IsaacNorth wingdwelling-house73, North wing
3396 Dewhirst RichardBolton roaddwelling-house106, Bolton road
3397 Dibb JamesBolton roaddwelling-house214, Bolton road
3398 Dickenson GeorgeBarkerend roadwarehouse110, Bolton road
3399 Dinsdale MilesWellington streetdwelling-houseChurch hill
successivedwelling-house10, Wellington street
3400 Dinsdale RalphBolton roaddwelling-house174, Bolton road
3401 Dixon GeorgeNorth View roaddwelling-house18, North View road
3402 Dobson James EdwardNorth wingdwelling-house18, North wing
3403 Dobson JosephWhitley streetwarehouseHardcastle lane
3404 Dobson JosephSouthampton streetdwelling-house23, Southampton street
3405 Dodson JohnWhitley streetwarehouseHardcastle lane
3406 Dodsworth JosephWellesley streetdwelling-house8, Coach row
successivedwelling-house11, Wellesley street
3407 Dollinson WilliamJermyn streetdwelling-house27, Jermyn street
3408 Donoghue DennisWild Boar streetdwelling-house22, Wild Boar street
3409 Donovan PatrickSun streetdwelling-houseWapping road
successivedwelling-house58, Cross Sun street
successivedwelling-house44, Sun street
3410 Dooland JosephNorth wingdwelling-house16, North wing
3411 Douglas JohnWapping roaddwelling-house234, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house233A, Wapping road
3412 Drake CalebWapping roaddwelling-house132, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house124, Wapping road
3413 Drew JohnJermyn streetdwelling-house3, Carver court
successivedwelling-house81, Jermyn street
3414 Duck JohnStanacre placedwelling-house24, Stanacre place
3415 Duckworth WilliamJermyn streetdwelling-house43, Jermyn street
3416 Duffy PatrickWapping streetdwelling-house19, Wapping street
3417 Duggan DennisWapping Cross streetdwelling-house5, Wapping Cross street
3418 Duggan JamesRichmond streetdwelling-house15, Richmond street
3419 Dunalty PatrickLoom streetdwelling-house27, Loom street
3420 Dunbar CharlesAiredale roaddwelling-house93, Airedale road
3421 Dunn HenryKing Charles streetdwelling-house58, King Charles street
3422 Dunn JohnCraven streetdwelling-house8, Craven street
3423 Dunn JohnKing Charles streetdwelling-house54, King Charles street
3424 Dunn PatrickTemperance streetdwelling-house30, Temperance street
3425 Dunn ThomasManninghamwarehouse8, Broadstones
3426 Dunn WilliamCross Sun streetdwelling-house41, Cross Sun street
3427 Durkin PatrickTemperance streetdwelling-house34 Temperance street
3428 Dwyer PatrickRanter courtdwelling-house8, North street court
successivedwelling-house3, Ranter court
3429 Dyer HenryWapping roaddwelling-house217, Wapping road
3430 Dyson JohnBolton roaddwelling-house40, Bolton road

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter E
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3431 Eagle RobertTennyson placeshop13, Barkerend road
3432 Earnshaw ThomasAiredale roaddwelling-house55, Airedale road
3433 Edgley DavidStanacre squaredwelling-house39, Cordingley street
successivedwelling-house1, Stanacre square
3434 Edmondson Charles WilliamWapping roaddwelling-house223, Wapping road
3435 Edmondson ChristopherWapping roaddwelling-house128, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house261, Wapping road
3436 Edmondson JosephWellesley streetdwelling-house1, Wellesley street
3437 Ellis ThomasBack Spinkwell terracedwelling-house4, Back Spinkwell terrace
3438 Ellison JohnWellington streetdwelling-house30, Wellington street
3439 Emmott JohnWapping roaddwelling-house269, Wapping road
3440 Euler HenryManninghamwarehouse26, Bolton road
3441 Everitt WilliamPine streetdwelling-house37, Pine street

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter F
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3442 Fallon PatrickCavalier courtdwelling-house6, Cavalier court
3443 Faries GeorgeNorth wingdwelling-house140, North wing
3444 Farrar BenjaminGaunt streetdwelling-house5, Gaunt street
3445 Farrar DavidSouthampton streetdwelling-house24, Southampton street
3446 Farrar EdwardNorth wingdwelling-house123, North wing
3447 Farrar MatthewChatham streetdwelling-house12, Chatham street
3448 Farrell WilliamPriestley streetdwelling-house3, Priestley street
3449 Fawcett JosephWapping roaddwelling-house27, Wapping road
3450 Fearnley RichardKing Charles streetdwelling-house10, King Charles street
3451 Fearnley William HenryOtley roaddwelling-house130, Heap lane
successivedwelling-house165, Otley road
3452 Feather JohnBack Victoria terracedwelling-house2, Back Victoria terrace
3453 Feather Joseph ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house238, Bolton road
3454 Feelay MichaelCross Sun streetdwelling-house51, Cross Sun street
3455 Feeney MichaelKing Charles courtdwelling-house2, King Charles court
3456 Fenton JamesNorth wingdwelling-houseBarkerend fold
successivedwelling-house133, North wing
3457 Fenton JohnBolton roaddwelling-house6, Acre street
successivedwelling-house126, Bolton road
3458 Fenton WilliamMab courtdwelling-house191, Bolton road
successivedwelling-houseTimber court
successivedwelling-house7, Mab court
3459 Ferrand William ColeGilsteadwarehouse24, Bolton road
3460 Field JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house5, Mulberry street
3461 Fieldhouse AlfredSun streetdwelling-house31, Sun street
3462 Fieldhouse CharlesKing Charles streetdwelling-house95, North wing
successivedwelling-house34, King Charles street
3463 Firth AlbertAiredale placedwelling-house209, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house4, Airedale place
3464 Firth IsaacBolton roaddwelling-house170, Bolton road
3465 Firth JosephBolton roaddwelling-house154, Bolton road
3466 Firth JosephWapping roaddwelling-house231, Wapping road
3467 Fisher HenryJermyn streetdwelling-house47, Jermyn street
3468 Flannery MartinPaper Hall streetdwelling-house6, Paper Hall square
successivedwelling-house10, Paper Hall street
3469 Flemming DennisWellington streetdwelling-house2, Wellington street
3470 Fletcher JohnCarver courtdwelling-house5, Carver court
3471 Fletcher JosephJermyn street placedwelling-house6, Jermyn street place
3472 Foley JamesCross Sun streetdwelling-house47, Cross Sun street
3473 Forrest Sylvester EdwardBolton roaddwelling-house128, Bolton road
3474 Foster EliBingleywarehouse31, Well street
3475 Foster George KnowlesDenholmewarehouse31, Well street
3476 Foster JonathanCaptain streetdwelling-house20, Captain street
3477 Foster JosiahStott hilldwelling-house45, Stott hill
3478 Foster WilliamDenholmewarehouse31, Well street
3479 Foster WilliamWapping roaddwelling-house235, Wapping road
3480 Foster WilliamBack Victoria terracedwelling-house11, Back Victoria terrace
3481 Fox AlfredFilbert streetdwelling-house27, Filbert street
3482 Fox HenryPaper Hall squaredwelling-house3, Paper Hall square
3483 Franks William JohnFilbert streetdwelling-house29, Filbert street
3484 French EdwardJermyn street placedwelling-house12, Jermyn street place
3485 Fuller EdwardMulberry streetdwelling-house59, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house45, Mulberry street

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter G
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3486 Gadie John BentleyLingard streetdwelling-house53, Lingard street
3487 Gallagher JohnWapping streetdwelling-house1, Wapping street
3488 Galloway JohnCaptain streetdwelling-house14, Captain street
3489 Galvin NicholasBolton roaddwelling-house246, Bolton road
3490 Galvin PatrickWapping roaddwelling-house46, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house16, Wapping road
3491 Gannon MichaelLoom streetdwelling-house145, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house35, Loom street
3492 Gant ThomasNorthbrook streetdwelling-house17, Northbrook street
3493 Gargin JamesSun streetdwelling-house11, Sun street
3494 Garrett GeorgeRanter courtdwelling-house11, Ranter court
3495 Gascoigne JohnJermyn streetdwelling-house49, Jermyn street
3496 Gascoigne ThomasNorth wingdwelling-house63A, North wing
3497 Gater ThomasWapping roaddwelling-house93, Wapping road
3498 Gears InmanJury streetdwelling-house12, Jury street
successivedwelling-house20, Jury street
3499 Gibbs HenryNorth view roaddwelling-house46, North view road
3500 Gibson SamuelFilbert streetdwelling-house3, Filbert street
3501 Gill AlfredAiredale roaddwelling-house33, Airedale road
3502 Gill JohnWellesley courtdwelling-house1, Wellesley court
3503 Gill JosephWapping roaddwelling-house125, Wapping road
3504 Gill ThomasAiredale roaddwelling-house13, Airedale road
3505 Gill WilliamJermyn streetdwelling-house38, Jermyn street
3506 Gilmartin PatrickGolden Cock yarddwelling-house10, Golden Cock yard
3507 Gilson Isaac JamesBolton roaddwelling-house942, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house934, Bolton road
3508 Gledhill EdwardJermyn streetdwelling-house28, Jermyn street
3509 Goggs HenryPhiladelphia streetdwelling-house6, Philadelphia street
3510 Goggs RobertWellington streetdwelling-house48, Wellington street
3511 Goodbody ThomasStott hilldwelling-house39a, Stott hill
3512 Goodchild JamesUndercliffeshop18, Broadstones
3513 Goodhall DenbyNorth View roaddwelling-house30, North view road
3514 Goodhall WilliamStanacre placedwelling-house35, Stanacre place
3515 Gordon EdwardBolton roaddwelling-house194, Bolton road
3516 Gorman EdwardPine streetdwelling-house9, Pine street
3517 Gorman JohnWapping streetdwelling-house44, Wapping street
3518 Gorman JohnCarver courtdwelling-house17, Carver court
3519 Gorman PatrickIrving streetdwelling-house29, Irving street
successivedwelling-house35, Irving street
3520 Gorman Patrick JosephPine streetdwelling-house1, Pine street
3521 Gott JamesJermyn streetdwelling-house67, Jermyn street
3522 Gotthiel MoniusHanover squareshop27, Well street
3523 Graham JamesMulberry streetdwelling-house11, Mulberry street
3524 Graham WilliamAiredale placedwelling-house216, Undercliffe street
successivedwelling-house9, Airedale place
3525 Grainge EdmundWapping roaddwelling-house53, Wapping road
3526 Grainger WilliamFilbert streetdwelling-house24, Filbert street
3527 Gratton SamuelWapping roaddwelling-house199, Wapping road
3528 Gray ThomasCavalier streetdwelling-house31, Cavalier street
3529 Grayson JosephChatham streetdwelling-house79, Airedale road
successivedwelling-house84, Chatham street
3530 Greaves HansonFilbert streetdwelling-house51, Filbert street
3531 Greaves JohnPaper Hall squaredwelling-house93, North wing
successivedwelling-house6, Paper Hall square
3532 Greaves William HenryRanter streetdwelling-house20, Ranter street
3533 Green AbnerChatham streetdwelling-house76, Chatham street
3534 Green ArthurFilbert streetdwelling-house30, Filbert street
3535 Green ThomasJermyn streetdwelling-house46, Jermyn street
successivedwelling-house58, Jermyn street
3536 Greenwood GeorgeCaptain streetdwelling-house58, Captain street
3537 Greenwood JamesChatham streetdwelling-house44, Chatham street
3538 Greenwood JamesCross Sun streetdwelling-house56, Cross Sun street
3539 Greenwood JohnJermyn streetdwelling-house37, Jermyn street
3540 Greenwood WalkinFilbert streetdwelling-house61, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house57, Filbert street
3541 Greenwood William HoldsworthChatham streetdwelling-house955, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house62, Chatham street
3542 Grey AndrewIrving streetdwelling-house5, Pine street
successivedwelling-houseWild Boar street
successivedwelling-house23, Irving street
3543 Grey BenjaminStott hill placedwelling-house27, Stott hill place
3544 Grimes ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house206, Bolton road
3545 Grundy JohnNathan streetdwelling-house5, Nathan street
3546 Guerin JohnJohnson folddwelling-house7, Johnson fold
3547 Guy SamsonNorth wingdwelling-house132, North wing

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter H
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3548 Haigh HenryScott streetshop4, Bolton road
3549 Hainsworth RatcliffeMulberry streetdwelling-house52, Mulberry street
3550 Haley SamuelWellington streetdwelling-house32, Wellington street
3551 Hall EdwardCavalier streetdwelling-house23, Orange street
successivedwelling-house9, Cavalier street
3552 Hall JamesLoom streetdwelling-house9, Loom street
3553 Hall JohnNorth wingdwelling-house39, North wing
3554 Hall JohnNorthampton streetdwelling-house10, Northampton street
3555 Halliday BoothDover streetshopCavalier street
3556 Halstead BarkerStanacre squaredwelling-house3, Stanacre square
3557 Hammill Frederick WilliamWellington streetdwelling-house9, Cross Frederick street
successivedwelling-house73, Wellington street
3558 Hancock MetcalfeRichmond streetdwelling-house19, Richmond street
3559 Handby CorneliusStott hill placedwelling-house5, Stott hill place
3560 Hannan JosephWellington streetdwelling-house22, Wellington street
3561 Hanson AlfredChatham streetdwelling-house66, Chatham street
3562 Hanson JonathanNorth street courtdwelling-house4, North street court
3563 Hanson ThomasFilbert streetdwelling-house46, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house14, Filbert street
3564 Hanson ThomasNorth street courtdwelling-house1, North street court
3565 Hanson WilliamStanacre placedwelling-house34, Stanacre place
3566 Hard JosephJury streetdwelling-house17, Jury street
3567 Hardcastle ThomasPine streetdwelling-house12, Pine street
3568 Harding JohnKing Charles squaredwelling-house183, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house20, Cavalier street
successivedwelling-house2, King Charles square
3569 Hardisty WilliamCarver courtdwelling-house4, Carver court
3570 Hardisty WilliamKing Charles squaredwelling-house5, King Charles square
3571 Hargreaves EdwinSouthampton streetdwelling-house20, Southampton street
3572 Hargreaves FrancisAiredale squaredwelling-house6, Wright street
successivedwelling-house17, Airedale square
3573 Hargreaves ThomasDover streetdwelling-house14, Dover street
3574 Harris WilliamKing Charles streetdwelling-house2, Paper Hall court
successivedwelling-house15, King Charles street
3575 Harrison AlfredWellesley streetdwelling-house10, Wellesley street
3576 Harrison GeorgeKing Charles streetdwelling-house6, King Charles street
3577 Harrison JamesPine streetdwelling-house7, Pine street
3578 Harrison JohnChaucer placeshop15, Otley road
3579 Harrison WilliamSouthampton streetdwelling-house27, Southampton street
3580 Hartley JamesAiredale roaddwelling-house73, Airedale road
3581 Hartley JohnSouthampton streetdwelling-house47, Southampton street
3582 Hartley JohnDover streetdwelling-house6, Dover street
3583 Hartley JohnCambridge placedwelling-house7, Cambridge place
3584 Hartley ThomasPine streetdwelling-house22, Pine street
3585 Hartley WilliamNorth wingdwelling-house34, North wing
3586 Harvey PeterWapping roaddwelling-house31, Wapping road
3587 Hawcroft BenjaminNorth wingdwelling-house139, North wing
3588 Hawthorne AlfredWapping roaddwelling-house263, Wapping road
3589 Hayton WilliamArthur streetdwelling-houseCrown street
successivedwelling-house24, Arthur street
3590 Heald JosephWellington streetdwelling-house28, Wellington street
3591 Heaps Ralph LinceyCedar streetdwelling-house2, Cedar street
3592 Hebbetts DanielWapping roaddwelling-house2, Wapping road
3593 Hemmingway WomersleyOtley roaddwelling-house29, Otley road
3594 Henson FrancisSidney streetdwelling-house5, Sidney street
3595 Henson James LeslieSouthampton streetdwelling-house11, Southampton street
3596 Hesling JohnOtley roadshop32, North street
3597 Hesp RobertSouthampton streetdwelling-house29, Southampton street
3598 Hey JosephMulberry streetdwelling-house16, Mulberry street
3599 Higgins HenryJermyn streetdwelling-house87, Jermyn street
3600 Higgins WalterMulberry streetdwelling-house37, Mulberry street
3601 Hill FrankStott hilldwelling-house12, Stott hill
3602 Hill GeorgeFearnley streetdwelling-house2, Fearnley street
successivedwelling-house4, Fearnley street
3603 Hill JonathanSouthampton streetdwelling-house9, Southampton street
3604 Hill TateNorth wingdwelling-house111, Garnett street
successivedwelling-houseOrchard street
successivedwelling-house124, North wing
3605 Hill ThomasManor streetcountinghouse15, Stott hill
3606 Hill WilliamWapping streetdwelling-house3, Ranter court
successivedwelling-house40, Wapping street
3607 Hill William YatesNorth View roaddwelling-house28, North View road
3608 Hillam HenryBack Victoria terracedwelling-house8, Back Victoria terrace
successivedwelling-house7, Back Victoria terrace
3609 Hillier John WilliamWapping roaddwelling-house33, Wapping road
3610 Hinton IsaacChatham streetdwelling-house30, Chatham street
3611 Hirst JamesOtley roaddwelling-house47, Otley road
3612 Hirst JamesAiredale placedwelling-house9, Wright street
successivedwelling-house3, Airedale place
3613 Hoare PatrickBack folddwelling-house11, Back fold
3614 Hodgson AlfredBolton roadshop79, Bolton road
successiveshop100, Bolton road
3615 Hodgson BenjaminRichmond streetdwelling-house2, Richmond street
3616 Hodgson JamesRanter streetdwelling-house8, Ranter street
3617 Hodgson SamuelAiredale squaredwelling-house203, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house13, Airedale square
3618 Hogan JohnBolton roaddwelling-house98, Bolton road
3619 Hogan WilliamKing Charles streetdwelling-house17, King Charles street
3620 Holdsworth JamesSouthampton streetdwelling-house39, Southampton street
3621 Holdsworth WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house10, Peel street
successivedwelling-house218, Bolton road
3622 Holdsworth WilliamLoom streetdwelling-house24, Loom street
3623 Holdsworth WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house23, Airedale road
successivedwelling-house94, Chatham street
3624 Holgate ThomasOtley roaddwelling-house133, Otley road
3625 Holliday RichardMab streetdwelling-house27, North wing
successivedwelling-house1, Mab street
3626 Hollings JohnWapping roaddwelling-house9, Salisbury street
successivedwelling-house257, Wapping road
3627 Hollings JosephBolton roaddwelling-house274, Bolton road
3628 Holmes DavidCliffe lanedwelling-house1, Cliffe lane
3629 Holmes DavidHortonwarehouse3, Church bank
3630 Holmes EphraimJermyn streetdwelling-house73, Jermyn street
3631 Holmes HenrySouthampton streetdwelling-house10, Southampton street
3632 Holmes JamesJermyn streetdwelling-house21, Jermyn street
3633 Holmes JamesJohnson folddwelling-house10, King Charles court
successivedwelling-house6, Johnson fold
3634 Holmes JamesSidney streetdwelling-house4, North street
successivedwelling-house11, Sidney street
3635 Holmes WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house44, Bolton road
3636 Holmes WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house52, Chatham street
3637 Holroyd ThomasMab streetshop45, Otley road
3638 Holt AlfredAiredale roaddwelling-house75, Airedale road
3639 Holt AmosBarkerend roaddwelling-house27, Barkerend road
3640 Hopkins JohnOtley roaddwelling-house17, Otley road
3641 Hopkinson FrankGaunt streetdwelling-house11, Gaunt street
3642 Hopkinson WilliamJury streetdwelling-housenear 20, Jury street
3643 Horne StephenJermyn streetdwelling-house5, Jermyn street
3644 Horsfield JosephWapping roaddwelling-house55, Wapping road
3645 Houseman WalterWapping roaddwelling-house129, Wapping road
3646 Howard John JamesCaptain streetdwelling-house77, Captain street
successivedwelling-house83, Captain street
3647 Howarth JohnBack Spinkwell terracedwelling-house8, Back Spinkwell terrace
successivedwelling-house6, Back Spinkwell terrace
3648 Howarth ThomasChatham streetdwelling-house88, Chatham street
3649 Howarth WilliamWapping roaddwelling-house281, Wapping road
3650 Howarth WilliamWapping roaddwelling-house273, Wapping road
3651 Hudson HenryJermyn streetdwelling-house56, Jermyn street
3652 Hudson JamesNorth streetdwelling-house16, North street
3653 Hudson ThomasPaper hall courtdwelling-house1, Paper hall court
3654 Hudson WilliamColumbia streetdwelling-house16, Buckingham street
successivedwelling-houseColumbia street
3655 Hudson WilliamFilbert streetdwelling-house44, Filbert street
3656 Hughes MatthewWapping roaddwelling-house149, Wapping road
3657 Human AlfredWapping roaddwelling-house12, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house118, Wapping road
3658 Hunt GeorgeTemperance streetdwelling-house32, Temperance street
successivedwelling-house35, Temperance street
3659 Hunt HenryStott hilldwelling-house6, Stott hill
3660 Hunt JamesCraven streetdwelling-house3, Craven street
3661 Hunt JohnWapping roaddwelling-house19, Wapping road
3662 Hunt JonathanWright streetdwelling-house8, Wright street
3663 Hunt JosephNorth wingdwelling-house149, North wing
3664 Hurworth WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house138, Mildred street
successivedwelling-house26, Chatham street
3665 Hustler BoltonJermyn streetdwelling-house30, Jermyn street
3666 Hustler EmanuelMulberry streetdwelling-house49, Mulberry street
3667 Hustler JoshuaBowlingwarehouse7, Hardcastle lane
3668 Hutchinson AlexanderShaw streetdwelling-house13, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house8, Shaw street
3669 Hutchinson JohnNorth wingdwelling-house121, North wing
3670 Hutchinson RichardCaptain streetdwelling-house50, Captain street
3671 Hyatt Thomas JosephPaper Hall streetdwelling-house14, Paper Hall street
successivedwelling-house2, King Charles square
successivedwelling-house7, Paper Hall street

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter I
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3672 Ibbetson JohnFilbert streetdwelling-house45, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-housePaper Hall street
successivedwelling-house12, Filbert street
3673 Ibbotson JohnFilbert streetdwelling-house43, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house16, Filbert street
3674 Ickeringill HenryGaunt streetdwelling-house12, Gaunt street
3675 Illingworth EliFilbert streetdwelling-house53, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house87, Filbert street
3676 Ingham JonathanWapping roaddwelling-house259, Wapping road
3677 Inman AaronWapping roaddwelling-house91, Wapping road
3678 Inman HenryBarkerend roaddwelling-house3, Barkerend road
3679 Irving ThomasFilbert streetdwelling-house35, Filbert street
3680 Ives FrederickShipleyshopBolton road
3681 Ives JohnShipleyshopBolton road

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter J
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3682 Jackson EdwinOtley roaddwelling-house137, Otley road
3683 Jackson HardistyNorth wingdwelling-house61, North wing
3684 Jackson JamesMab courtdwelling-house4, Mab court
3685 Jackson JamesWellington streetdwelling-house53, Wellington street
3686 Jackson WilliamKing Charles streetdwelling-house42, King Charles street
3687 Jackson WilliamWapping roaddwelling-house141, Wapping road
3688 Jackson WilliamsonBarkerend roaddwelling-house43, Barkerend road
3689 Jagger JowettMab streetdwelling-house13, Mab street
3690 Jagger WilliamStanacre placedwelling-house12, Stanacre place
3691 Jardeen WilliamStanacre placedwelling-house15, Stanacre place
3692 Jefferies EdwinManninghamwarehouse3, Church bank
3693 Jeffreys AlfredWellington streetdwelling-house59, Wellington street
3694 Jenkins David EdwardFilbert streetdwelling-house77A, Filbert street
3695 Jennings FrederickIrving streetdwelling-house68, Butler street
successivedwelling-house8, Irving street
3696 Jennings SamuelGolden Cock yarddwelling-house32, King Charles street
successivedwelling-house1, Golden Cock yard
3697 Jennings ThomasFilbert streetdwelling-house71, Filbert street
3698 Jennings WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house268, Bolton road
3699 Johnson JohnWellington streetdwelling-house58, Wellington street
3700 Johnson JohnSun streetdwelling-house22, Sun street
3701 Johnson JosephBarkerend roaddwelling-house7, Barkerend road
3702 Johnson SamuelJermyn streetdwelling-house32, Jermyn street
3703 Johnson SamuelNorth View roaddwelling-house16, North View road
3704 Johnson SamuelBarkerend roaddwelling-house49, Barkerend road
3705 Johnson ThomasGreencliffe villadwelling-house5, Greencliffe villa
3706 Johnson ThomasChatham streetdwelling-house59, Heap street
successivedwelling-house38, Chatham street
3707 Jones Arthur OwenNorthampton streetdwelling-house9, Northampton street
3708 Jones Mark AgnesFearnley streetdwelling-house5, Fearnley street
3709 Jordan MichaelKing Charles courtdwelling-house111, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house5, King Charles court
3710 Jordan PatrickPine streetdwelling-house2, Cross Wellington street
successivedwelling-house21, Pine street
3711 Jowett BenjaminChatham streetdwelling-house78, Chatham street
successivedwelling-house90, Chatham street
3712 Jowett EphraimPine streetdwelling-house45, Pine street
3713 Jowett GeorgeCaptain streetdwelling-house42, Captain street
3714 Jowett JamesOxford placedwelling-house6, Oxford place
3715 Jowett JosephWapping roaddwelling-house127, Wapping road
3716 Jowett William HenryWright streetdwelling-house5, Wright street
3717 Jubb ThomasBoldshay streetshop69, Barkerend road
3718 Judge PatrickIrving streetdwelling-house26, Wild Boar street
successivedwelling-house39, Irving street

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter K
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3719 Kanelly JamesCross Sun streetdwelling-house55, Cross Sun street
3720 Karle FrederickShaw streetdwelling-house10, Shaw street
3721 Keeler JohnKing Charles streetdwelling-house23, King Charles street
3722 Keenhan JamesWellington streetdwelling-house69, Wellington street
3723 Keenhan MichaelPine streetdwelling-house21, Pine street
successivedwelling-house13, Pine street
3724 Keighley WilliamMab streetdwelling-house90, Butler street
successivedwelling-house16, Mab street
3725 Kellett EphraimWapping roaddwelling-house55, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house7, Wapping road
3726 Kelly John OatesManninghamwarehouse24, Bolton road
3727 Kelly Thomas KirbyManninghamwarehouse24, Bolton road
3728 Kelly WilliamKing Charles streetdwelling-house26, Temperance street
successivedwelling-house18, King Charles street
3729 Kendall JohnMab streetdwelling-house6, Mab street
3730 Kenefick PatrickWellesley courtdwelling-house2, Wellesley court
3731 Kenefick Patrick JohnWellington streetdwelling-house67, Wellington street
3732 Kennedy TimothyIrving streetdwelling-house45, Irving street
3733 Kenningham JohnWapping roaddwelling-house131, Wapping road
3734 Kenningham William HenryAddison streetshopOxford place, Wapping road
3735 Kenny PeterJury streetdwelling-house60, Cross Sun street
successivedwelling-house14, Jury street
3736 Keogh MartinTemperance streetdwelling-house1, Temperance street
3737 Kernall JamesWapping streetdwelling-house12, Wapping street
3738 Kershaw JobMulberry streetdwelling-house34, Mulberry street
3739 Kilburn DavidWapping roaddwelling-house225, Wapping road
3740 King JohnBarkerend roaddwelling-house45, Barkerend road
3741 King RichardLingard streetdwelling-house24, Lingard street
3742 Kirk JohnJermyn streetdwelling-house12, Jermyn street
3743 Kirk RogerNorth street courtdwelling-house5, North street court
3744 Kirk ThomasNorth street courtdwelling-houseStott hill place
successivedwelling-house8, North street court
3745 Kirkbright JosephMulberry streetdwelling-house44, Mulberry street
3746 Kitson GeorgeNorthampton streetdwelling-house91, De Grey street
successivedwelling-house15, Northampton street
3747 Kitson WilliamFilbert streetdwelling-houseExeter street
successivedwelling-house79, Filbert street
3748 Knapton Charles DemainStanacre placedwelling-house33, Stanacre place
3749 Knight GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-housenear 72, Bolton road
3750 Knight JohnKing Charles streetdwelling-house44, King Charles street

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter L
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3751 Lahey PatrickLoom streetdwelling-house29, Northbrook street
successivedwelling-house2, Loom street
3752 Lamb WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house540, Leeds road
successiveshop120, Bolton road
3753 Lambert GeorgeWapping roaddwelling-house59, Wapping road
3754 Lambert JamesNorth View roaddwelling-house40, North View road
3755 Lambert JamesJermyn streetdwelling-house41, Jermyn street
3756 Lancaster HenryRanter streetdwelling-house4, Ranter street
3757 Lancaster ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house166, Bolton road
3758 Lancaster WilfredCraven streetdwelling-house6, Wapping street
successivedwelling-house18, Craven street
3759 Land OliverBarkerend roaddwelling-house59A, Barkerend road
3760 Langley BenjaminNorth View roaddwelling-house943, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house12, North View road
3761 Law William HenryFilbert streetdwelling-house70, Chatham street
successivedwelling-house22, Filbert street
3762 Lawler JamesIrving streetdwelling-house24, Temperance street
successivedwelling-house41, Irving street
3763 Lawrence GeorgeWapping roaddwelling-house253, Wapping road
3764 Lawson EdwardCavalier streetdwelling-house27, Cavalier street
3765 Laycock DavidWright streetdwelling-house25, Wright street
3766 Laycock RichardOxford placedwelling-house16, Oxford place
3767 Leach ThomasMulberry streetdwelling-house10, Jane street
successivedwelling-house13, Mulberry street
3768 Leachman William WearChatham streetdwelling-house10, Chatham street
3769 Leathley John EdwardWellington streetdwelling-house19, Wellington street
3770 Lee CharlesMab courtdwelling-house2, Mab court
3771 Lee CharlesCedar streetdwelling-house6, Cedar street
3772 Lee Henry PowellFearnley streetdwelling-house13, Fearnley street
3773 Leng JosephDover streetdwelling-house2, Dover street
3774 Levig RichardManninghamwarehouse26, Bolton road
3775 Lewis PatrickIrving streetdwelling-house10, Irving street
successivedwelling-house1, Irving street
3776 Light JohnChatham streetdwelling-house139, Otley road
successivedwelling-house15, Chatham street
3777 Lightfoot FrederickRichmond streetdwelling-house5, Richmond street
3778 Lightfoot JosephColumbia streetdwelling-house14, Buckingham street
successivedwelling-houseColumbia street
3779 Lister JohnBack Spinkwell terracedwelling-house14, Back Spinkwell terrace
3780 Lister JosephNorth wingdwelling-house127, North wing
3781 Lister ThomasTennyson placeshopopposite 144, North wing
3782 Lister Thomas GloverBarkerend roaddwelling-house19, Barkerend road
3783 Liversedge JosephWellington streetdwelling-house12, Wellington street
3784 Lockwood EdwardCavalier streetdwelling-house18, Cavalier street
3785 Lockwood JohnWellington streetdwelling-house16, Wellington street
3786 Lofthouse AbrahamMildred streetshop95, Otley road
3787 Lofthouse MarkCross Sun streetdwelling-house18, Cross Sun street
successivedwelling-house14, Cross Sun street
3788 Long HenryJermyn streetdwelling-house12, Jermyn street
3789 Long JohnGaunt streetdwelling-house8, Gaunt street
3790 Long JohnOtley roaddwelling-house42, Stanacre place
successivedwelling-house143, Otley road
3791 Long WalterRichmond streetdwelling-house8, Richmond street
3792 Longbottom LouisAiredale squaredwelling-house11, Airedale square
3793 Longthorne PeterBolton roaddwelling-house101, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house136, Bolton road
3794 Lord JosephBarkerend roaddwelling-house53, Barkerend road
3795 Lottie JonasWapping roaddwelling-house165, Wapping road
3796 Lotty AllanColumbia streetdwelling-house938, Bolton road
successivedwelling-houseColumbia street
3797 Loughlan BernardWapping roaddwelling-house237, Wapping road
3798 Lowcock JohnNorth wingdwelling-house87, North wing
3799 Lumb JamesRichmond streetdwelling-house4, Richmond street
3800 Lumb WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house86, Chatham street
3801 Lund Alfred LeathamOtley roaddwelling-house21, Otley road
3802 Lund Joseph RobinsonEast paradeshop81, Barkerend road
3803 Lund PriestleyManninghamwarehouse31, Well street
3804 Lunn JamesLeeds roadshop22, Bolton road
3805 Lunn JosephLeeds roadshop22, Bolton road
3806 Luty MatthewNorth wingdwelling-house24, North wing
3807 Lycett MartinArthur streetdwelling-house13, Arthur street
successivedwelling-house15, Arthur street
3808 Lyon Henry, senr.North View roaddwelling-house24, North View road

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter M
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3809 Machin FredNorth streetdwelling-house28, North street
3810 Madden MichaelCavalier streetdwelling-house24, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house20, Cavalier street
3811 Maher JohnCraven streetdwelling-house36, Craven street
3812 Maher MartinNorthbrook streetdwelling-house1, Northbrook street
3813 Maher ThomasKing Charles streetdwelling-house26, King Charles street
3814 Major AlbertSun streetdwelling-house25, North wing
successivedwelling-house28, Sun street
3815 Malone RichardCross Sun streetdwelling-house7, Cross Sun street
3816 Maloney WilliamWellington streetdwelling-house20, Wellington street
3817 Manghan ThomasCambridge placedwelling-house5, Cambridge place
3818 Mann PeckoverSouthampton streetdwelling-house19, Southampton street
3819 Margerison Samuel FearnleyBarkerend roadshopBarkerend road
successivedwelling-house37, Barkerend road
3820 Marr JamesCaptain streetdwelling-houseCross Sun street
successivedwelling-house6, Captain street
3821 Marren MichaelNorth streetdwelling-house2, North street
3822 Marsh WilliamLoom streetdwelling-house19, Loom street
3823 Marshall BenjaminWapping roaddwelling-house139, Wapping road
3824 Marshall EdmondsonBarker courtdwelling-house1, Barker court
3825 Marshall JohnNorth wingdwelling-house11, North wing
3826 Marshall JohnWapping roaddwelling-house229, Wapping road
3827 Marshall JosephNorth streetdwelling-house5, North street
3828 Marshall JoshuaMulberry streetdwelling-house42, Mulberry street
3829 Marshall SamuelBolton roaddwelling-house58, Bolton road
3830 Marshall WilliamWapping roaddwelling-house221, Wapping road
3831 Marshall WilliamSouthampton streetdwelling-house33, Southampton street
3832 Mason CordingleyJermyn streetdwelling-house78, Jermyn street
3833 Mason ThomasNorthbrook streetdwelling-house12, Northbrook street
3834 Massey William JosephWright streetdwelling-house18, Wright street
3835 Matthews JamesWellington streetdwelling-house36, Wellington street
3836 Matthews JosephStanacre placedwelling-house46, Stanacre place
3837 Matthews ThomasKing Charles squaredwelling-house4, King Charles square
3838 Maud AbrahamNorth View roaddwelling-house44, North View road
3839 McConnell MichaelCross Sun streetdwelling-house8, Lister street
successivedwelling-house57, Cross Sun street
3840 McCormack BenjaminCavalier streetdwelling-house3, Cavalier street
3841 McCormick JamesWild Boar streetdwelling-house32, Wild Boar street
3842 McDermott AndrewWellington streetdwelling-house55, Wellington street
3843 McDermott JamesNorth wingdwelling-house24, Rifle court
successivedwelling-house27, North wing
3844 McDermott JosephNorthbrook streetdwelling-house24, Northbrook street
3845 McDonald JamesCross Sun streetdwelling-house49, Cross Sun street
3846 McDonald JohnStott Hill placedwelling-house41, Wellington street
successivedwelling-house7, Stott Hill place
3847 McDonald ThomasLoom streetdwelling-house23, Loom street
3848 McDonald WilliamPine streetdwelling-house25, Pine street
3849 McEvoy JohnKing Charles courtdwelling-house10, King Charles court
3850 McEvoy MurtovaghWapping roaddwelling-house151, Wapping road
3851 McEvoy PatrickIrving streetdwelling-house16, Irving street
3852 McEvoy TimothyNorth street courtdwelling-house17, Carver court
successivedwelling-house7, North street court
3853 McGeehin PeterFearnley streetdwelling-house7, Fearnley street
3854 McKelvie JohnNorthbrook streetdwelling-house14, Northbrook street
successivedwelling-house18, Northbrook street
3855 McLachlan CollinNorthbrook streetdwelling-house14, Northbrook place
successivedwelling-house14, Northbrook street
3856 McLauchlan AlexanderBack Victoria terracedwelling-house13, Back Victoria terrace
successivedwelling-house16, Back Victoria terrace
3857 McLennon JamesMulberry streetdwelling-house7, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house3, Mulberry street
3858 McLoughlin PatrickNorthbrook streetdwelling-house39, Northbrook street
3859 McQueeney JohnCaptain streetdwelling-house23, Loom street
successivedwelling-house36, Captain street
3860 McWeeney JamesLingard streetdwelling-house51, Lingard street
3861 Medley JohnOtley roadlodging-house34, Bolton road
3862 Mellody JamesRanter courtdwelling-house6, Ranter court
3863 Melvin JamesWapping streetdwelling-houseCraven street
successivedwelling-house9, Wapping street
3864 Metcalf John HeatonShaw streetdwelling-house12, Shaw street
3865 Metcalf ThomasFilbert streetdwelling-house17, Filbert street
3866 Metcalf WilliamOtley roaddwelling-house37, Otley road
3867 Middleditch HenryBolton roaddwelling-house930, Bolton road
3868 Middleton JamesMulberry streetdwelling-house6, Mulberry street
3869 Miles CharlesWapping Cross streetdwelling-house2, Wapping Cross street
3870 Miller WilliamWapping roaddwelling-house277, Wapping road
3871 Miller William SampsonAiredale roaddwelling-house9, Airedale road
3872 Mills JohnPaper Hall courtdwelling-house7, Paper Hall court
successivedwelling-house8, Paper Hall court
successivedwelling-house10, Paper Hall court
3873 Mills PeterTemperance streetdwelling-house21, Temperance street
successivedwelling-house19, Temperance street
3874 Mills RobertOxford placedwelling-house4, Oxford place
3875 Milner DavidOtley roaddwelling-house151, Otley road
3876 Milner JohnBolton roaddwelling-house200, Bolton road
3877 Milner JosephNorth wingdwelling-house131, North wing
successivedwelling-house104, North wing
3878 Milner WilliamOtley roaddwelling-house49, Otley road
3879 Milner William FearnleyBingleyshop16, Bolton road
3880 Milnes EdwinKing Charles streetdwelling-house56, King Charles street
3881 Milnes WilliamMulberry streetdwelling-house32, Mulberry street
3882 Minniken RobertNorth wingdwelling-house59, Barkerend fold
successivedwelling-house142, North wing
3883 Mitchell JosephNorth wingdwelling-house2, Holdsworth street
successivedwelling-house83, North wing
3884 Mitchell ReubenFilbert streetdwelling-house11, Filbert street
3885 Mitchell WilliamCraven streetdwelling-house2, Craven street
successivedwelling-houseLoom street
successivedwelling-house33, Craven street
3886 Mold William JohnSouthampton streetdwelling-house20, De Grey street
successivedwelling-house22, Southampton street
3887 Moody JohnRichmond streetdwelling-house9, Richmond street
3888 Mooney FrancisBolton roaddwelling-house32, Captain street
successivedwelling-house180, Bolton road
3889 Mooney JohnKing Charles courtdwelling-house19, King Charles court
3890 Moore CharlesJermyn streetdwelling-house31, Jermyn street
3891 Moore IsaacRichmond streetdwelling-house12, Richmond street
successivedwelling-house18, Richmond street
3892 Moore JamesWapping roaddwelling-house275, Wapping road
3893 Moore WilliamNorth wingdwelling-house143, North wing
3894 Moorhouse EdwardTemperance streetdwelling-house37, Temperance street
3895 Moran WilliamFilbert streetdwelling-house77, Filbert street
3896 Morgan DanielNorthbrook streetdwelling-house25, Northbrook street
3897 Morley John LimberHortonshop3, Otley road
3898 Morley ThomasOtley roaddwelling-house65, Otley road
3899 Morley WilliamWapping roaddwelling-house40, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house207, Wapping road
3900 Morrell WilliamMulberry streetdwelling-house33, Cavalier street
successivedwelling-house55, Mulberry street
3901 Morris JohnBack Victoria terracedwelling-house9, Northbrook street
successivedwelling-house91, Back Victoria terrace
3902 Morrison ThomasWapping streetdwelling-house57, Cross Sun street
successivedwelling-house13, Wapping street
3903 Mortimer GeorgeCavalier streetdwelling-house13, Cavalier street
3904 Mortimer JonasPine streetdwelling-house10, Pine street
3905 Mosley JosephBolton roaddwelling-house70, Bolton road
3906 Moss EdwardOtley roaddwelling-house31, Otley road
3907 Moss JohnBarkerend roaddwelling-house31, Barkerend road
3908 Mossman WilliamCalverleywarehouseWapping road
3909 Mudd John ThomasWild Boar streetdwelling-house16, Wild Boar street
3910 Mudd ThomasChatham streetdwelling-house46, Chatham street
3911 Muff JohnWapping roaddwelling-house245, Wapping road
3912 Mungovin MichaelPine streetdwelling-house18, Pine street
3913 Murgatroyd FrederickJermyn street placedwelling-house5, Jermyn street place
3914 Murgatroyd JohnFilbert streetdwelling-house15, Filbert street
3915 Murgatroyd JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house56, Mulberry street
3916 Murgatroyd JosephJohnson folddwelling-house4A, Johnson fold
3917 Murgatroyd ThomasStanacre placedwelling-house6, Stanacre place
3918 Murgatroyd WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house118, Bolton road
3919 Murphy CharlesWild Boar streetdwelling-house36, Wild Boar street
3920 Murphy PhilipNorth wingdwelling-house211, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house23, North wing
3921 Murray WilliamNorthbrook streetdwelling-house22, Northbrook street
3922 Myers JesseRichmond streetdwelling-house3, Richmond street
3923 Myers JohnFilbert streetdwelling-house55, Filbert street
3924 Myers WilliamMulberry streetdwelling-house1, Mulberry street

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter N
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3925 Nagle JohnLoom streetdwelling-house15, North street
successivedwelling-house10, Loom street
3926 Naylor JosephNorth wingdwelling-house138, North wing
3927 Neill JamesTemperance streetdwelling-house39, Temperance street
3928 Newby GeorgeCraven streetdwelling-house44, Craven street
3929 Newcombe William BaileyIrving streetdwelling-house32, Irving street
3930 Newell William HenryKing Charles streetdwelling-house11, Robert street
successivedwelling-house13, King Charles street
3931 Newsome JobChatham streetdwelling-house64, Chatham street
3932 Newton John RileyOtley roaddwelling-house123, Otley road
3933 Newton SquireWapping roaddwelling-house121, Wapping road
3934 Nicholas WilliamFilbert streetdwelling-house206, Ripon street
successivedwelling-house85, Filbert street
3935 Nicholson AbrahamAiredale roaddwelling-house81, Airedale road
3936 Nicholson ChristopherAiredale roaddwelling-house1, Airedale road
3937 Nicholson JohnJermyn streetdwelling-house64, Jermyn street
3938 Nicholson WilliamCavalier streetdwelling-house15, Cavalier street
3939 Noble ChristopherJermyn streetdwelling-house35, Jermyn street
3940 Noble MarkWellington streetdwelling-house42, Wellington street
successivedwelling-house14, Wellington street
3941 Noddle ThomasTemperance streetdwelling-house9, Temperance street
3942 Nolan JamesWild Boar streetdwelling-house118, Wapping road
successivedwelling-houseCambridge place
successivedwelling-house34, Wild Boar street
3943 Nolan JamesBarker courtdwelling-house3, Barker court
3944 Nolan PatrickCross Sun streetdwelling-house59, Cross Sun street
successivedwelling-house64, Cross Sun street
3945 Nolan WilliamCross Sun streetdwelling-house53, Cross Sun street
3946 Nolly CharlesNorth wingdwelling-house1, Clarenton lane
successivedwelling-house37, North wing
3947 Norbury JosephKing Charles streetdwelling-house22, King Charles street
3948 Nuttall DavidNorth wingdwelling-house9, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house75, North wing
3949 Nuttall JosephNorth wingdwelling-house37, North wing
3950 Nutter DavidOtley roaddwelling-house193, Otley road

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter O
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3951 O'Brian ThomasCarver courtdwelling-house1, Carver court
3952 O'Brien JohnWright streetdwelling-house123, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house9, Wright street
3953 O'Brien WilliamCaptain streetdwelling-house70, Captain street
3954 O'Carroll MichaelCross Sun streetdwelling-house43, Cross Sun street
3955 O'Conner JohnBolton roaddwelling-house190, Bolton road
3956 O'Connor PatrickKing Charles courtdwelling-house4, King Charles court
successivedwelling-house9, King Charles court
3957 Oddy FrederickColumbia streetdwelling-house4, Wild Boar street
successivedwelling-houseColumbia street
3958 Oddy George HenryTongshop2, Broadstones
3959 O'Donnell JohnPine streetdwelling-house6, Pine street
3960 O'Keefe JohnNorthampton streetshop163, Otley road
3961 O'Keefe MauriceAiredale placedwelling-house28, Frystone place
successivedwelling-house5, Airedale place
3962 O'Neill JohnSun streetdwelling-house35, Loom street
successivedwelling-house18, Sun street
3963 Overend JohnWapping roaddwelling-house135, Wapping road
3964 Overend JohnBolton roaddwelling-house224, Bolton road
3965 Owens John AlfredBack Spinkwell terracedwelling-house13, Back Spinkwell terrace

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter P
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3966 Page JohnFilbert streetdwelling-house67, Filbert street
3967 Page SamuelWatson folddwelling-house46, North wing
successivedwelling-house8, Watson fold
3968 Page ThomasNorth wingdwelling-house67, North wing
3969 Palfreyman JohnCliffe lanedwelling-house2, Cliffe lane
3970 Parker BenjaminChatham streetdwelling-house62, Chatham street
successivedwelling-house92, Chatham street
3971 Parker DavidBack Victoria terracedwelling-house18, Back Victoria terrace
successivedwelling-house22, Back Victoria terrace
3972 Parker JohnLoom streetdwelling-house4, Loom street
3973 Parker WilliamGaunt streetdwelling-house7, Gaunt street
3974 Parkin HenryJermyn streetdwelling-house57, Jermyn street
3975 Parkinson RobertOtley roaddwelling-house131, Otley road
3976 Parkinson ThomasPriestley streetdwelling-house5, Priestley street
3977 Parkinson Thomas ThorntonBolton roaddwelling-house78, Bolton road
3978 Parkinson William, junr.North wingdwelling-house3, North wing
3979 Parratt FrankAiredale roaddwelling-house35, Airedale road
3980 Parratt WilliamSchool courtdwelling-house3, School court
3981 Patchett AbrahamWapping roaddwelling-house137, Wapping road
3982 Paul Charles JohnNorth streetdwelling-house39, Airedale road
successivedwelling-house11, North street
3983 Payton GeorgeCaptain streetdwelling-house2, Cross Sun street
3984 Payton MartinStott Hill placedwelling-house9, Stott Hill place
3985 Payton Matthew, junr.Captain streetdwelling-house5, Cross Wellington street
successivedwelling-house68, Captain street
3986 Payton Matthew, senr.Wellington streetdwelling-house39, Wellington street
3987 Peacock JohnNorth View roaddwelling-house20, North View road
3988 Pearson SquireLoom streetdwelling-house11, Loom street
3989 Peckover JamesPriestley streetdwelling-house18, Priestley street
3990 Peel RichardNorthampton streetdwelling-house8, Northampton street
3991 Penn JosephNorthbrook courtdwelling-house761, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house7, Northbrook court
3992 Peppett RichardWellington streetdwelling-house50, Wellington street
3993 Pepyat John HenrySouthampton streetdwelling-house5, Southampton street
3994 Percy JosephFilbert streetdwelling-house19, Filbert street
3995 Petty WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house239, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house184, Bolton road
3996 Pheeley ThomasWapping streetdwelling-house15, Wapping street
3997 Phillips WilliamNorthampton streetdwelling-house17, Northampton street
3998 Pickard AbrahamSunnyside lanedwelling-house171, Sunnyside lane
3999 Pickard BenjaminWapping roaddwelling-house213, Wapping road
4000 Pickard EnochLingard streetdwelling-house22, Lingard street
4001 Pickard James GreenBarkerend roaddwelling-house61, Barkerend road
4002 Pickard Thomas WilliamColumbia streetdwelling-house371, Bolton road
successivedwelling-houseColumbia street
4003 Pickersgill Joseph EdwardStanacre placedwelling-house29, Stanacre place
4004 Pickles BenjaminCavalier streetdwelling-house19, Cavalier street
4005 Pickles HallNorth wingdwelling-house83, North wing
successivedwelling-house93, North wing
4006 Pickles JonasKing Charles streetdwelling-house50, King Charles street
4007 Pickles JohnNorthowramwarehouse21, Well street
4008 Pickles JonathanCavalier streetdwelling-house7, Cavalier street
4009 Pickles JosephPickle bridgewarehouse21, Well street
4010 Pickles JosephCavalier streetdwelling-house21, Cavalier street
4011 Pickles JosephWapping roaddwelling-house45, Wapping road
4012 Pickles OliverWright streetdwelling-house11, Cavalier street
successivedwelling-house7, Wright street
4013 Pickles ThomasWapping Cross streetdwelling-house15, Wapping Cross street
4014 Pickles WilliamWatson folddwelling-house6, Watson fold
4015 Pickup RichardJermyn streetdwelling-house66, Jermyn street
4016 Pilkington RichardWellington streetdwelling-house43, Wellington street
4017 Plastings WilliamCavalier streetdwelling-house25, Cavalier street
4018 Plowman George WillisNorth wingdwelling-house29, De Grey street
successivedwelling-house129, North wing
4019 Pollard WilliamCaptain streetdwelling-house7, Stott Hill place
successivedwelling-house77, Captain street
4020 Pollitt ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house242, Bolton road
4021 Potts JohnJermyn streetdwelling-house7, Jermyn street
4022 Poulter JohnSun streetdwelling-house30, Sun street
4023 Poulter ThomasKing Charles streetdwelling-house4, King Charles street
4024 Pounce JosephNorthbrook courtdwelling-house5, Northbrook court
successivedwelling-house1, Northbrook court
4025 Pound DanielWapping Cross streetdwelling-house3, Wapping Cross street
4026 Powell ArthurSchool courtdwelling-house1, School court
4027 Pratt JamesAiredale placedwelling-house7, Airedale place
4028 Priestley JohnBolton roaddwelling-house253, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house108, Bolton road
4029 Priestley JohnCross Sun streetdwelling-houseBolton road
successivedwelling-house2, Cross Sun street
4030 Priestley RichardLoom streetdwelling-house13, Loom street
4031 Preston HenryWright streetdwelling-house24, Wright street
4032 Preston RobertCavalier courtdwelling-house3, Cavalier court
4033 Preston SamuelCraven streetdwelling-house56, Chandos street
successivedwelling-house2, Craven street
4034 Preston WilliamAiredale roaddwelling-house82, Mildred street
successivedwelling-house3, Airedale road
4035 Price EdwardWellington streetdwelling-house3, Wellington street
4036 Priestley EdwardLingard streetdwelling-house26, Lingard street
4037 Priestley JosephLoom streetdwelling-house41, Loom street
4038 Procter AlfredHill side villasshop51, Otley road
4039 Procter JohnHill side villasshop51, Otley road
4040 Proctor JosephWapping roaddwelling-house69, Wapping road
4041 Pulman JamesWellington streetdwelling-house54, Wellington street
4042 Pyke SamuelCavalier streetdwelling-house12, Cavalier street
4043 Pyrah WilliamWapping roaddwelling-house279, Wapping road

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter Q
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
4044 Quigley JohnKing Charles streetdwelling-house16, King Charles street
4045 Quinn MilesTemperance streetdwelling-house3, Temperance street
4046 Quinsey JosephKing Charles streetdwelling-house36, King Charles street

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter R
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
4047 Raistrick GeorgeMulberry streetdwelling-house4, Mulberry street
4048 Raistrick JamesCavalier streetdwelling-house16, Cavalier street
successivedwelling-house4, Cavalier street
4049 Raistrick JoshuaFilbert streetdwelling-house10A, Filbert street
4050 Raistrick ThomasWapping roaddwelling-house3, Lingard street
successivedwelling-house46, Wapping road
4051 Ramsbottom ThomasStott hilldwelling-house39, Stott hill
4052 Ramsden LeviSouthampton streetdwelling-house31, Cordingley street
successivedwelling-house49, Southampton street
4053 Rankin Alexander JohnBolton roaddwelling-house176, Bolton road
4054 Rankin JohnBack Victoria terracedwelling-house6, Back Victoria terrace
4055 Raw FrancisPhiladelphia streetdwelling-house4, Philadelphia street
4056 Rawnsley Arthur JamesUndercliffe streetshop18, Bolton road
4057 Rearden JohnCraven streetdwelling-house35, Craven street
4058 Redman JamesSidney streetdwelling-house23, Sidney street
4059 Reeman ElijahCedar streetdwelling-house10, Cedar street
successivedwelling-house8, Cedar street
4060 Rees WilliamAiredale placedwelling-house10, Airedale place
4061 Reeves RichardBolton roaddwelling-house208, Bolton road
4062 Renton Arthur RobertMulberry streetdwelling-house17, Park gate
successivedwelling-house41, Mulberry street
4063 Renton Joseph RhodesMulberry streetdwelling-house39, Mulberry street
4064 Renton ThomasManninghamwarehouse28, Bolton road
4065 Renton Thomas LeavensManninghamwarehouse28, Bolton road
4066 Revett WilliamMulberry streetdwelling-house35, Mulberry street
4067 Reynolds ThomasWapping roaddwelling-house20, Wapping road
4068 Reynolds WilliamJermyn streetdwelling-house84, Jermyn street
4069 Rhodes AlbertBolton roaddwelling-house114, Bolton road
4070 Rhodes CharlesOtley roadshopLingard street
4071 Rhodes JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house28, Filbert street
4072 Rhodes JamesWapping roaddwelling-house109, Wapping road
4073 Rhodes JohnNorthampton streetdwelling-house14, Northampton street
4074 Rhodes JosephNorth wingdwelling-house94, North wing
4075 Rhodes JoshuaNorth streetdwelling-house23, North street
4076 Rhodes Joshua WilsonSouthampton streetdwelling-house11, Northampton street
successivedwelling-house37, Southampton street
4077 Rhodes MarshallNorth wingdwelling-house113, North wing
4078 Rhodes MatthewNorthampton streetdwelling-house12, Northampton street
4079 Rhodes PeterNorth wingdwelling-house116, North wing
4080 Rhodes TomOtley roaddwelling-house121, Otley road
4081 Rhodes WalshawNorth wingdwelling-house52, North wing
4082 Rhodes WilliamHanover squareshop15, Lingard street
4083 Rhodes WilliamStanacre placedwelling-house154, Garnett street
successivedwelling-house16, Stanacre place
4084 Richardson ThomasStott hilldwelling-house23, Stott hill
4085 Richmond JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house58, Filbert street
4086 Riddiough DanielGreencliffe villashopAiredale road
4087 Rider JohnOtley roaddwelling-house177, Otley road
4088 Riley HartleyBarkerend roaddwelling-house71, Barkerend road
4089 Riley MichaelWapping streetdwelling-house11, Wapping street
4090 Ringrose WalterAiredale roaddwelling-house47, Airedale road
4091 Roach ThomasCaptain streetdwelling-house76, Captain street
4092 Roane RobertNorth wingdwelling-house16, Stanacre place
successivedwelling-house8, North wing
4093 Roberts HenryWild Boar streetdwelling-house40, Wild Boar street
4094 Roberts Joseph FosterChatham streetdwelling-house3, Cliffe Wood view
successivedwelling-house36, Chatham street
4095 Robertshaw IsaacJermyn streetdwelling-house52, Jermyn street
successivedwelling-house46, Jermyn street
4096 Robinson IrvingSun streetdwelling-house5, Sun street
4097 Robinson IsaacSouthampton streetdwelling-house30, Southampton street
4098 Robinson JamesAiredale roaddwelling-house71, Airedale road
4099 Robinson JamesNorth wingdwelling-house55, North wing
4100 Robinson JosephCarver courtdwelling-houseJane court
successivedwelling-house11, Carver court
4101 Robinson SampsonOxford placedwelling-house12, Oxford place
4102 Robinson ThomasFilbert streetdwelling-house39, Filbert street
4103 Robinson WilsonFilbert streetdwelling-house25, Filbert street
4104 Rochfort ThomasCross Sun streetdwelling-house66, Cross Sun street
4105 Rock JohnPaper Hall courtdwelling-house12, Paper Hall court
4106 Roebuck RobertSouthampton streetdwelling-house43, Southampton street
4107 Rooks AlfredJermyn streetdwelling-house260, Ripon street
successivedwelling-house70, Jermyn street
4108 Rooney CharlesWapping roaddwelling-house22, Wapping road
4109 Roper EzekielMab streetdwelling-house18, Mab street
4110 Rothera JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house49, Filbert street
4111 Rotheray BenjaminKing Charles streetdwelling-house7, King Charles street
4112 Rouse RobertWapping roaddwelling-house227, Wapping road
4113 Rowan HughKing Charles streetdwelling-house21, King Charles street
4114 Rowlands WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house34, Chatham street
4115 Rudd WilliamPaper Hall squaredwelling-house5, Paper Hall square
4116 Rudden MichaelFilbert streetdwelling-house155, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house43, Filbert street
4117 Rushforth AbrahamMulberry streetdwelling-house43, Mulberry street
4118 Rushforth SamuelBolton roaddwelling-house260, Bolton road
4119 Rushforth ThomasNorthbrook streetdwelling-house6, Northbrook street
4120 Rushton JamesBolton roaddwelling-house146, Bolton road
4121 Russell EphraimAiredale roaddwelling-house31, Airedale road
4122 Russell EzraNorth wingdwelling-house135, North wing
4123 Russell JohnAlbert squaredwelling-house4, Albert square
4124 Russell WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house16, Chatham street
4125 Ryan JohnChatham streetdwelling-houseAlbert street
successivedwelling-house9, Chatham street
4126 Ryder ThomasOtley roaddwelling-house167, Otley road

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter S
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
4127 Saddon JohnBack folddwelling-house5, Back fold
4128 Sagar AaronManninghamshop72, Bolton road
4129 Sagar ReubenWapping roaddwelling-house57, Wapping road
4130 Salmon JohnWapping roaddwelling-house72, Wilfred street
successivedwelling-house38, Wapping road
4131 Salmon WilliamWright streetdwelling-house1, Wright street
4132 Sarsfield MichaelWapping roaddwelling-house65, Wapping road
4133 Schultz HenryJermyn streetdwelling-house75, Jermyn street
4134 Scott GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house932, Bolton road
4135 Scott JohnCraven streetdwelling-house5, Craven street
4136 Scott WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house178, Bolton road
4137 Scruton JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house45, Filbert street
4138 Scully HenryPine streetdwelling-house8, Pine street
4139 Scully Thomas HenryPaper hall streetdwelling-house15, Paper hall street
successivedwelling-house8, Paper hall street
4140 Seanor RichardAiredale roaddwelling-house77, Airedale road
4141 Sellars EliGreencliffe villadwelling-house4, Greencliffe villa
4142 Shackleton JamesHortonwarehouse57, North wing
4143 Shackleton JohnHortonwarehouse57, North wing
4144 Shackleton JohnMab courtdwelling-house27, York street
successivedwelling-house10, Mab court
4145 Shackleton RobertManninghamwarehouse57, North wing
4146 Shackleton SamuelBolton roaddwelling-house210, Bolton road
4147 Sharp GeorgeAiredale squaredwelling-house4, Airedale square
4148 Sharp GulielmusWapping roaddwelling-house203, Wapping road
4149 Sharp JohnChatham streetdwelling-house40, Chatham street
successivedwelling-house19, Chatham street
4150 Sharp John BuckleyHortonwarehouse29, Well street
4151 Sharp ThomasWright streetdwelling-house16, Wright street
4152 Sharp WilliamFearnley streetdwelling-house15, Wright street
successivedwelling-house11, Fearnley street
4153 Shaw JamesOtley roaddwelling-house19, Otley road
4154 Shaw SquirePriestley streetdwelling-house21, Priestley street
4155 Shay JamesWapping roaddwelling-house112, Wapping road
4156 Shearer WilliamNorth streetdwelling-house59, North wing
successivedwelling-house14, North street
4157 Shelly JamesJermyn streetdwelling-house8, Jermyn street
successivedwelling-house4, Jermyn street
4158 Shoesmith JohnStanacre placedwelling-house39, Stanacre place
4159 Shutt EdwardCavalier streetdwelling-house1, Cavalier street
4160 Simmonds PatrickSun streetdwelling-house8, Sun street
4161 Simpson JohnJermyn streetdwelling-house14, Jermyn street
4162 Simpson SamuelNorth streetdwelling-house4, North street
4163 Simpson WilliamNorth wingdwelling-house92, North wing
4164 Skelton WilliamWapping Cross streetdwelling-house17, Wapping Cross street
4165 Slater Charles JamesNorthbrook streetdwelling-house4, Northbrook street
4166 Smith AmbroseNorth wingdwelling-house5, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house119, North wing
4167 Smith CharlesKing Charles streetdwelling-house40, King Charles street
4168 Smith CharlesCambridge placedwelling-house2, Cambridge place
4169 Smith DawsonOtley roaddwelling-house85, Otley road
4170 Smith EdwardNorthbrook streetdwelling-house19, Northbrook street
4171 Smith EnochBolton roaddwelling-house122, Bolton road
4172 Smith EphraimNorth wingdwelling-house10, North wing
4173 Smith EphraimJury streetdwelling-house11, Jury street
4174 Smith FrankWapping roaddwelling-house111, Wapping road
4175 Smith FrankMulberry streetdwelling-house50, Mulberry street
4176 Smith HenryNorthbrook streetdwelling-house15, Northbrook street
4177 Smith JamesSchool courtdwelling-house2, School court
4178 Smith JamesNorth wingdwelling-house12, North wing
4179 Smith JamesLawson streetshop4, Richmond street
4180 Smith JamesBack Victoria terracedwelling-house21, Back Victoria terrace
4181 Smith JohnArthur streetdwelling-house18, Arthur street
4182 Smith JohnPaper Hall squaredwelling-house4, Paper Hall square
4183 Smith JohnOtley roaddwelling-house13, Otley road
4184 Smith JohnNorth wingdwelling-house7, North wing
4185 Smith JosephCarver courtdwelling-house14, Carver court
4186 Smith LawsonWapping roaddwelling-house119, Wapping road
4187 Smith NathanJury streetdwelling-house19, Jury street
4188 Smith SamuelAiredale roaddwelling-house36, Tennyson place
successivedwelling-house84, Oxford road
successivedwelling-house15, Airedale road
4189 Smith ThomasOtley roaddwelling-house33, Otley road
4190 Smith ThomasArthur streetdwelling-house20, Arthur street
4191 Smith ThomasProvidence streetshop77, Barkerend road
4192 Smith TomSouthampton streetdwelling-house13, Southampton street
4193 Smith WilliamPine streetdwelling-house14, Pine street
4194 Smith WilliamArthur streetdwelling-house9, Arthur street
4195 Smith WilliamCraven streetdwelling-house22, Craven street
successivedwelling-house31, Craven street
4196 Smithies GeorgeWapping roaddwelling-house249, Wapping road
4197 Smithies WilliamWapping roaddwelling-house261, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house211, Wapping road
4198 Snowden RobertOtley roaddwelling-house195, Otley road
4199 Soppitt GeorgeFrizinghallshop33, Pine street
4200 Southern JamesNorthbrook streetdwelling-house37, Northbrook street
4201 Sparkin ThomasChatham streetdwelling-house5, Chatham street
4202 Spelling MichaelSun streetdwelling-house13, Sun street
4203 Spellman WalterCaptain streetdwelling-house251, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house2, Captain street
4204 Spencer AbrahamCaptain streetdwelling-house30, Captain street
4205 Spencer CharlesSouthampton streetdwelling-house31, Southampton street
4206 Spencer JosephSun streetdwelling-house1, Sun street
4207 Spencer JosephPriestley streetdwelling-house19, Priestley street
4208 Spencer SamuelJohnson folddwelling-house3, Johnson fold
4209 Spencer WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house19, Priestley street
successivedwelling-house188, Bolton road
4210 Spencer WilliamFilbert streetdwelling-house5, Filbert street
4211 Spowforth JohnFilbert streetdwelling-house47, Filbert street
4212 Standeven JohnChatham streetdwelling-house42, Chatham street
4213 Standeven JohnStanacre placedwelling-house10, Stanacre place
4214 Stansfield IsaacCambridge placedwelling-house3, Cambridge place
4215 Stansfield JoeWapping roaddwelling-house120, Wapping road
4216 Stead BenjaminNorthampton streetdwelling-house7, Northampton street
4217 Stead JohnCaptain streetdwelling-house22, Captain street
4218 Stead RobertWellington streetdwelling-house68, Wellington street
4219 Stead WilliamWellington streetdwelling-house40, Wellington street
4220 Stephenson James WalkerWapping roaddwelling-house37, Wapping road
4221 Stewart AlfredBolton roaddwelling-house262, Bolton road
4222 Stewart Charles MartinNorth wingdwelling-house4, North wing
4223 Stewart SamuelBolton roaddwelling-house264, Bolton road
4224 Stirk AdamTemperance streetdwelling-house38, Temperance street
4225 Stonehouse John HenryFilbert streetdwelling-house6, Filbert street
4226 Stones PhilipBolton roaddwelling-house48, Bolton road
4227 Storey JohnJury streetdwelling-house1, Jury street
4228 Stott JosephJury streetdwelling-house4, Jury street
4229 Stow JosephOtley roaddwelling-house89, Otley road
4230 Stoyles ThomasWapping roaddwelling-house67, Wapping road
4231 Stratton JohnBolton roadwarehouse9, Richmond street
4232 Sturdy WilliamJermyn streetdwelling-house70, Jermyn street
successivedwelling-house23, Jermyn street
4233 Sugden JohnCraven streetdwelling-house13, Craven street
4234 Sugden John ThomasOtley roaddwelling-house145, Otley road
4235 Sunderland HinchcliffeFilbert streetdwelling-house63, Filbert street
4236 Sunderland JamesAiredale roaddwelling-house21, Airedale road
4237 Sunderland JosephWright streetdwelling-house21, Wright street
4238 Sunter JohnWapping roaddwelling-house265, Wapping road
4239 Sunter JosephLoom streetdwelling-house43, Loom street
4240 Sutcliffe EdwardWright streetdwelling-house23, Wright street
4241 Sutcliffe JohnPhiladelphia streetdwelling-house13, Philadelphia street
4242 Sutcliffe WilliamJermyn streetdwelling-house1, Jermyn street
4243 Swaine EdwardKing Charles streetdwelling-house8, King Charles street
4244 Swaine JohnBolton roaddwelling-house158, Bolton road
4245 Swaine Simeon HardyWell streetdwelling-house25, Well street
4246 Swaine WilliamSidney streetdwelling-house19, Sidney street
4247 Swift JohnBolton roaddwelling-house86, Bolton road
4248 Sykes BincliffeWright streetdwelling-house20, Wright street
successivedwelling-house27, Wright street
4249 Sykes JamesNorthampton streetdwelling-house3, Northampton street
4250 Sykes JoshuaRichmond streetdwelling-house21, Richmond street

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter T
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
4251 Tasker HiramGaunt streetdwelling-house9, Gaunt street
4252 Tate BenjaminAiredale squaredwelling-house12, Airedale square
4253 Tate JamesChatham streetdwelling-house74, Chatham street
4254 Tatham NathanNorth wingdwelling-house65a, North wing
4255 Taylor JohnJermyn streetdwelling-house34, Jermyn street
4256 Taylor JohnNorthbrook streetdwelling-house8, Northbrook street
4257 Taylor JohnAiredale roaddwelling-house45, Airedale road
4258 Taylor JosephSun streetdwelling-house12, Sun street
4259 Teale EmanuelWapping streetdwelling-house17, Wapping street
4260 Teale GeorgeOtley roaddwelling-house91, Otley road
4261 Tempest CephasWapping roaddwelling-house117, Wapping road
4262 Tempest JosephOtley roaddwelling-house129, Otley road
4263 Terry John NettletonBarkerend roaddwelling-house1, Barkerend road
4264 Tetley AbrahamFilbert streetdwelling-house7, Mab court
successivedwelling-houseMab street
successivedwelling-house14, Paper Hall street
successivedwelling-house37, Filbert street
4265 Tetley JosephJermyn streetdwelling-house19, Jermyn street
4266 Thackray WilliamMab courtdwelling-house9, Mab court
successivedwelling-house8, Mab court
4267 Thomas JosephNorthbrook streetdwelling-house27, Northbrook street
successivedwelling-house35, Northbrook street
4268 Thompson GeorgeSt. Augustine's terraceshop55, Otley road
4269 Thompson JohnWapping roaddwelling-house161, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house132, Wapping road
4270 Thompson JosephOtley roaddwelling-house169, Otley road
4271 Thompson JosephStanacre placedwelling-house26, Stanacre place
4272 Thompson MarkBolton roaddwelling-house152, Bolton road
4273 Thornton DavidAiredale roaddwelling-house51, Airedale road
4274 Thornton FrankOxford placedwelling-house2, Oxford place
4275 Thornton JohnNorth wingdwelling-house29, North wing
4276 Thornton John HenryCraven streetdwelling-house14, Craven street
4277 Thorp EliFilbert streetdwelling-house40, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house34, Filbert street
4278 Thorp IsaacStanacre placedwelling-house4, Stanacre place
4279 Thresh JamesLingard streetdwelling-house11, Lingard street
4280 Tinsley RobertKing Charles squaredwelling-house7, King Charles square
4281 Tocknell CharlesChatham streetdwelling-house58, Chatham street
4282 Toomey ThomasWellington streetdwelling-house33, Wellington street
4283 Town IsaacharPaper hall squaredwelling-house7, Paper hall square
4284 Townend AlfredJermyn streetdwelling-house72, Jermyn street
4285 Townend JohnJermyn streetdwelling-house29, Jermyn street
4286 Townend RobertNorth wingdwelling-house151, North wing
4287 Townson MichaelNorth wingdwelling-house141, North wing
4288 Townson WilliamJermyn streetdwelling-house37, Barkerend road
successivedwelling-housePaper Hall street
successivedwelling-house33, Jermyn street
4289 Troy FentonCarver courtdwelling-house7, Mab street
successivedwelling-house13, Carver court
4290 Turner JosephAiredale roaddwelling-house43, Airedale road
4291 Turnham ThomasStanacre placedwelling-house44, Stanacre place

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter W
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
4292 Wade JohnNorth wingdwelling-house2, North wing
4293 Wade WalterHortonshop9, Well street
4294 Wainwright Joshua CharlesKimber streetdwelling-house1, Kimber street
4295 Walburn John FrancisCedar streetdwelling-house17, Sidney street
successivedwelling-house12, Cedar street
4296 Waldron MichaelWellington streetdwelling-house42, Wellington street
4297 Walker HenryFrizinghallshop7, Well street
4298 Walker JohnBolton roaddwelling-house2, Bolton road
4299 Walker JohnOtley roaddwelling-houseWestgate
successivedwelling-house199, Otley road
4300 Walker RichardOtley roaddwelling-house119, Otley road
4301 Walker WilliamNathan streetdwelling-house17, Nathan street
4302 Waller GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house61, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house160A, Bolton road
4303 Waller WilliamWapping roaddwelling-house3, Wild Boar street
successivedwelling-house205, Wapping road
4304 Walton EdwardAiredale squaredwelling-house9, Airedale square
4305 Walton JohnAiredale squaredwelling-house8, Airedale square
4306 Ward IsaacPine streetdwelling-house39, Pine street
4307 Ward JosephPaper hall streetdwelling-house6, Paper hall street
4308 Wardman PaulSouthampton streetdwelling-house41, Southampton street
4309 Warwick HenryFilbert streetdwelling-house75, Filbert street
4310 Waterhouse GeorgeGaunt streetdwelling-house2, Gaunt street
4311 Waterhouse ThomasOtley roaddwelling-house147, Otley road
4312 Waterhouse TomLoom streetdwelling-house47, Loom street
4313 Watmuff JosephStanacre placedwelling-house21, Upper Park street
successivedwelling-house42, Stanacre place
4314 Watson FrancisWapping roaddwelling-house85, Wapping road
4315 Watson Robert HenryNorth wingdwelling-house46, North wing
4316 Weatherhead JamesNathan streetdwelling-house13, Nathan street
4317 Welch RichardFilbert streetdwelling-house60, Filbert street
4318 Wells JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house12, Mulberry street
4319 West GeorgeWild Boar streetdwelling-house5, Wild Boar street
4320 Whalen MichaelWapping roaddwelling-house61, Wapping road
4321 Whaley JohnColumbia streetdwelling-house671, Bolton road
successivedwelling-houseColumbia street
4322 Whelan ThomasMulberry streetdwelling-house51, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house51, Mulberry street
4323 Whitaker JamesCarver courtdwelling-house18, Carver court
4324 Whitaker JohnNorth wingdwelling-house35, North wing
4325 Whitaker JohnRanter streetdwelling-house10, Park street
successivedwelling-house12, Ranter street
4326 Whitaker JohnBolton roadshop11, Richmond street
4327 Whitaker MarshallSouthampton streetdwelling-house15, Southampton street
4328 White DavidChatham streetdwelling-house14, Chatham street
4329 White JohnIrving streetdwelling-house14, Irving street
successivedwelling-house47, Irving street
4330 Whitehead Frederick WilliamLoom streetdwelling-house6, Loom street
4331 Whitehead WilliamSun streetdwelling-house2, Sun street
4332 Whitfield JohnBolton roaddwelling-house124, Bolton road
4333 Whitfield ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house156, Bolton road
4334 Whitler EdwardMab streetdwelling-house3, Mab street
4335 Whitworth BenjaminBack folddwelling-house8, Back fold
4336 Widdop EdwardOtley roaddwelling-house115, Otley road
4337 Widdop MatthewMulberry streetdwelling-house54, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house7, Mulberry street
4338 Widdop WilliamOtley roaddwelling-house117, Otley road
4339 Wigglesworth JamesWapping roaddwelling-house21, Wapping road
4340 Wignall JamesStanacre placedwelling-houseChain street
successivedwelling-house17, Stanacre place
4341 Wigney AlfredSouthampton streetdwelling-house135, Undercliffe street
successivedwelling-house7, Southampton street
4342 Wilkinson BenjaminAiredale squaredwelling-house15, Airedale square
4343 Wilkinson BrookeGuy's cliffeshop60, Bolton road
4344 Wilkinson JohnChurch hilldwelling-house25, Church hill
4345 Wilkinson JohnStanacre placedwelling-house18, Stanacre place
4346 Wilkinson JosephNorth wingdwelling-house145, North wing
4347 Wilkinson Joseph TennantTennyson placeshop87, Barkerend road
4348 Wilkinson WilliamDover streetdwelling-house3, Airedale road
successivedwelling-house16, Dover street
4349 Wilkinson WilliamChurch hilldwelling-house12, Church hill
4350 Wilks ThomasJermyn streetdwelling-house53, Jermyn street
successivedwelling-house39, Jermyn street
4351 Willeson HenrySidney streetdwelling-house3, Sidney street
4352 Willey John WilliamBarkerend roaddwelling-house67, Barkerend road
4353 Williams RichardWellington streetdwelling-house25, Wellington street
4354 Wills LawrencePaper Hall courtdwelling-house6, Paper Hall court
4355 Wilman WilliamWapping Cross streetdwelling-house1, Wapping Cross street
4356 Wilson GeorgeWellington streetdwelling-house57, Wellington street
4357 Wilson GeorgeChatham streetdwelling-house2, Chatham street
4358 Wilson HenryMab streetdwelling-house5, Mab street
4359 Wilson HenryBolton roaddwelling-house236, Bolton road
4360 Wilson JamesCaptain streetdwelling-house40, Captain street
4361 Wilson JohnChatham streetdwelling-house24, Chatham street
4362 Wilson JosephWellington streetdwelling-house29, Wellington street
4363 Wilson SamuelWapping roaddwelling-house115, Wapping road
4364 Wilson WilliamSouthampton streetdwelling-house28, Southampton street
4365 Wood CharlesMab streetdwelling-house11, Mab street
4366 Wood JacobMulberry streetdwelling-house57, Mulberry street
4367 Wood JeremiahBolton roadbuildings & landBolton road
4368 Wood JohnBarker courtdwelling-house5, Barker court
4369 Wood John CatlowChurch hilldwelling-house24, Church hill
4370 Wood JosephAllertonwarehouse6, Bolton road
4371 Wood RobertSydney streetdwelling-house21, Sydney street
4372 Wood ThomasManninghamland & buildingsBolton road
4373 Wood WilliamBack Spinkwell terracedwelling-house17, Back Spinkwell terrace
4374 Wood WilliamCavalier streetdwelling-house39, Jermyn street
successivedwelling-house4, Cavalier street
4375 Woodhead JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house33, Filbert street
4376 Woolham HenryMulberry streetdwelling-house311, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house48, Mulberry street
4377 Worden RalphStott hilldwelling-house44, Stott hill
4378 Wrigglesworth GeorgeStanacre placedwelling-house31, Stanacre place
4379 Wrigglesworth JohnJermyn streetdwelling-house12, Jermyn street
4380 Wright EdwinNorth wingdwelling-house38, North wing
4381 Wright GeorgeWellington streetdwelling-house44, Wellington street
4382 Wright Henry SteelChatham streetdwelling-house48, Chatham street
4383 Wright John WilliamAiredale roaddwelling-house53, Airedale road
4384 Wright JonasAiredale roaddwelling-house66, Orchard street
successivedwelling-house57, Airedale road
4385 Wright WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house72, Chatham street
4386 Wrightson JosephKing Charles streetdwelling-house9, King Charles street
4387 Wyatt CharlesWright streetdwelling-house13, Wright street

EAST WARD4, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter Y
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
4388 Yates WilliamMulberry streetdwelling-house33, Mulberry street
4389 Yeadon BenjaminBolton roaddwelling-house541, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house230, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house276, Bolton road
4390 Yeadon JamesOtley roaddwelling-house266, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house109, Otley road
4391 Yeadon PeterOtley roaddwelling-house11, Otley road
4392 Yeadon RalphWright streetdwelling-house10, Wright street

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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