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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1881, LITTLE HORTON WARD3.


Please read these notes about these registers.

Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21142 Abbey JohnClayton lanedwelling-house19, Clayton lane
21143 Abbott GeorgeIda streetdwelling-house84, Jacob street
successivedwelling-house23, Ida street
21144 Abel WilliamFarside greendwelling-house12, Farside green
successivedwelling-house5, Farside green
21145 Ackroyd JohnQuaker lanedwelling-house70, Quaker lane
21146 Ackroyd LotQuaker terracedwelling-house64, Quaker lane
successivedwelling-house12, Quaker terrace
21147 Ackroyd SamuelGreaves streetdwelling-house34, Greaves street
21148 Ackroyd ThomasRoundhill streetdwelling-house27, Roundhill street
21149 Adams SamuelHolme Top streetdwelling-house26, Holme Top street
21150 Allen GeorgeHolme Top streetdwelling-house46, Holme Top street
21151 Allen MordecaiLittle Horton lanedwelling-house31, Marshall street
successivedwelling-house299, Little Horton lane
21152 Ambler ThomasRoyd streetdwelling-house9, Royd street
21153 Andrew AndrewSouth streetdwelling-house17, South street
21154 Appleton JohnSouth streetdwelling-house23, South street
21155 Appleyard JoeLittle Horton lanedwelling-house413, Little Horton lane
21156 Appleyard John EdwardHerbert streetdwelling-house4, Herbert street
21157 Appleyard Rufus BentleyRoyd streetdwelling-house13, Royd street
21158 Armitage BenjaminHaycliffe lanedwelling-houseBeacon hill
successivedwelling-house10, Haycliffe road
successivedwelling-house23, Haycliffe lane
21159 Armitage GeorgeStar streetdwelling-house11, Star street
21160 Armitage George WilliamPark lanedwelling-house251, Park lane
21161 Armitage JohnIndependent streetdwelling-house8, Independent street
21162 Armitage JohnManchester roadhouse & shop454, Manchester road
21163 Armitage WilliamStar streetdwelling-house7, Star street
21164 Ashenden HenryDarton streetdwelling-house22, Darton street
21165 Asquith WilliamPullan streetdwelling-house42, Pullan street
21166 Atkinson GeorgeHaycliffe roaddwelling-house34, Haycliffe road
21167 Atkinson George BrumfittPark lanedwelling-house311, Park lane
21168 Atkinson JohnJacob streetdwelling-house41, Jacob street
21169 Atkinson RobertDarton streetdwelling-house14, Darton street
21170 Ayrton JohnFarside greendwelling-house7, Farside green

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter B
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21171 Bairstow JamesTudor streetdwelling-house35, Tudor street
21172 Bairstow JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house856, Little Horton lane
21173 Bairstow ThomasTudor streetdwelling-house82, Tudor street
21174 Bakes GeorgeRoundhill streetdwelling-house51, Roundhill street
21175 Baldwin JohnGreaves streetdwelling-house30, Greaves street
21176 Ball WilliamPercy streetdwelling-house736, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house4, Percy street
21177 Balme BenjaminIndependent streetdwelling-house30, Independent street
21178 Balmforth EllisMontague streetdwelling-house50, Montague street
21179 Banks EmanuelFarside greendwelling-house16, Farside green
21180 Bannister JohnQuaker terracedwelling-house58, Smith road
successivedwelling-house8, Quaker terrace
21181 Barber JohnNurser lanedwelling-house19, Nurser lane
21182 Barber WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house379, Little Horton lane
21183 Barker EphraimDarton streetdwelling-house5, Darton street
21184 Barker HenryDarton streetdwelling-house9, Darton street
21185 Barker JohnManchester roaddwelling-house383, Manchester road
21186 Barker JohnTudor streetdwelling-house39, Tudor street
21187 Barker JosephFarside greendwelling-house20, Farside green
21188 Barker ListerLittle Horton lanedwelling-house639, Little Horton lane
21189 Barker WilliamSmith rowdwelling-house6, Smith row
21190 Barker William HenryBottomley streetdwelling-house74, Bottomley street
21191 Barraclough CharlesCentre streetdwelling-house4, Centre street
21192 Barraclough CharlesSouthfield lanedwelling-house53, Southfield lane
21193 Barraclough EliIndependent streetdwelling-house18, Independent street
21194 Barraclough JamesLittle Horton lanedwelling-house940, Little Horton lane
21195 Barraclough JohnPark lanedwelling-house10, Herbert street
successivedwelling-house201, Park lane
21196 Barraclough JonasLittle Horton lanedwelling-house782, Little Horton lane
21197 Barraclough JonathanHolme top lanedwelling-house69, Skinhouse street
successivedwelling-house18, Holme top lane
21198 Barraclough JosephFinchley streetdwelling-house663, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house31, Finchley street
21199 Barraclough PeterDenton courtdwelling-house4, Denton court
21200 Barrow JamesBottomley streetdwelling-house11, Bottomley street
21201 Bartle JamesHolme Top lanedwelling-house29, Holme Top lane
21202 Bartle SydneyMontague streetdwelling-house26, Montague street
21203 Bastow JamesManchester roaddwelling-house438, Manchester road
21204 Bastow SamsonTudor streetdwelling-house9, Tudor street
21205 Bates HaighHaycliffe roaddwelling-house50, Haycliffe road
21206 Bates RichardSouthfield lanedwelling-house108, Southfield lane
21207 Beanland JohnPercy streetdwelling-house7, Percy street
21208 Beaumont JonathanRoyd streetdwelling-house14, Royd street
21209 Beaumont ThomasLittle Horton lanedwelling-house661, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house665, Little Horton lane
21210 Bedford WilliamMason streetdwelling-house3, Mason street
21211 Beecroft AbrahamNurser lanedwelling-house18, Nurser lane
21212 Benn JonathanCopley streetdwelling-house35, Copley street
21213 Bennett CharlesHaycliffe roaddwelling-house200, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house70, Haycliffe road
21214 Bennett CharlesQuaker terracedwelling-house718, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house22, Quaker terrace
21215 Bennett JamesDorset streetdwelling-house19, Dorset street
21216 Bennett JohnTudor streetdwelling-house58, Tudor street
21217 Bennett JosephLittle Horton lanedwelling-house726, Little Horton lane
21218 Bennett Joseph AquilaDorset streetdwelling-house15, Dorset street
21219 Bentley JohnBottomley streetdwelling-house62, Bottomley street
21220 Bentley JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house313, Little Horton lane
21221 Bentley JohnSkinhouse streetdwelling-house7, Skinhouse street
21222 Bentley WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house752, Little Horton lane
21223 Betts HenryBottomley streetdwelling-house65, Bottomley street
21224 Billington RichardLittle Horton lanedwelling-house285, Little Horton lane
21225 Binns EliQuaker lanedwelling-house54, Quaker lane
21226 Binns MitchellHaycliffe lanedwelling-house4, Haycliffe lane
21227 Birch EphraimSpicer streetdwelling-house22, Spicer street
21228 Black JamesHolme top lanedwelling-house79, Berwick street
successivedwelling-house6, Holme top lane
21229 Blackwell EdwardFrimley streetdwelling-houseQuaker terrace
successivedwelling-houseWakefield road
successivedwelling-house20, Frimley street
21230 Blagbrough AlfredManchester roaddwelling-house23, Haycliffe lane
successivedwelling-house542A, Manchester road
21231 Blakeborough Amos HodgsonBelloe streetdwelling-house24, Belloe street
21232 Blakey ArthurBelloe streetdwelling-house33, Belloe street
21233 Blamires GeorgeBottomley streetdwelling-house59, Bottomley street
21234 Blamires JonathanDorset streetdwelling-house2, Dorset street
21235 Blaythorne RichardThornton lanedwelling-house47A, Thornton lane
21236 Bolt FrederickSkinhouse streetdwelling-house46, Skinhouse street
21237 Bolton EdmundNew Southfield roaddwelling-house4, Haycliffe road
successivedwelling-house14, New Southfield road
21238 Bolton ThomasTudor streetdwelling-house78, Tudor street
21239 Boocock JohnManchester roaddwelling-house401, Manchester road
21240 Booth Moses BroadbentLittle Horton lanedwelling-house756, Little Horton lane
21241 Booth NathanLittle Horton lanedwelling-house808, Little Horton lane
21242 Booth WilliamMontague streetdwelling-house24, Montague street
21243 Bottomley AsquithLittle Horton lanedwelling-house730, Little Horton lane
21244 Bower JamesPark lanedwelling-house215, Park lane
21245 Bowker JosephHolme top streetdwelling-house8, Quaker terrace
successivedwelling-house59, Holme top street
21246 Bowles HenryHaycliffe roaddwelling-house4, Smith road
successivedwelling-house44, Haycliffe road
21247 Boyd HughRoyd streetdwelling-house52, Royd street
21248 Boyes EdwardDarton streetdwelling-house82, Darton street
successivedwelling-house86, Darton street
21249 Bracewell JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house790, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-houseStar street
successivedwelling-house635, Little Horton lane
21250 Bradley ThomasHaycliffe roaddwelling-house58, Haycliffe road
21251 Bramfit BenjaminPercy streetdwelling-house26, Percy street
21252 Breaks ReubenPark laneshop371, Manchester road
21253 Breaks RufusPark lanedwelling-house44, Park lane
21254 Brearley ThomasThornton lanedwelling-house6, Thornton lane
21255 Brewer John WilliamHolme top streetdwelling-house29, Broadbent street
successivedwelling-houseNewell street
successivedwelling-house21, Holme top street
21256 Brewer JosephNewell streetdwelling-house21, Newell street
21257 Briggs BenjaminBarley folddwelling-house5, Barley fold
21258 Briggs EdwardBriggella housedwelling-house31, Thornton lane
successivedwelling-houseMontague street
21259 Briggs JamesManchester roadhouse & shop313, Manchester road
21260 Briggs JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house662, Little Horton lane
21261 Briggs ListerMontague streetdwelling-house32, Montague street
21262 Briggs MosesMontague streetdwelling-house2, Montague street
21263 Briggs SydneyClarges streetdwelling-house12, Clarges street
21264 Briggs WilliamGreaves streetdwelling-house38, Greaves street
21265 Briggs WilliamGreaves streetdwelling-house287, Park lane
successivedwelling-house4, Greaves street
21266 Broadbent EdmundSouthfield lanedwelling-house10, Frimley street
successivedwelling-house50, Southfield lane
21267 Broadbent HenrySouthfield lanedwelling-house92, Southfield lane
21268 Broadbent JamesIndependent streetdwelling-house16, Independent street
21269 Broadbent JamesAckroyd streetdwelling-house119, Crowther street
successivedwelling-house2, Ackroyd street
21270 Broadbent JamesHolme top streetdwelling-house24, Frimley street
successivedwelling-house66, Holme top street
successivedwelling-house53, Holme top street
21271 Brogden WilliamTudor streetdwelling-house14, Tudor street
21272 Brook CharlesBarton streetdwelling-house6, Barton street
21273 Brook DemasLittle Horton lanedwelling-house645, Little Horton lane
21274 Brook EdwardQuaker lanedwelling-house8, Quaker lane
21275 Brook GeorgeDenton courtdwelling-house18, Denton court
21276 Brook JohnSouthfield lanedwelling-house58, Southfield lane
21277 Brook JoshuaQuaker lanedwelling-house4, Quaker lane
21278 Brook ThomasJacob streetdwelling-house39, Jacob street
21279 Brook WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house780, Little Horton lane
21280 Brown GeorgeBarley folddwelling-house3, Barley fold
21281 Brown GeorgeLittle Horton lanedwelling-house812, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house691, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house800, Little Horton lane
21282 Brown JohnTudor streetshop462, Manchester road
21283 Brown SamuelHolme top lanedwelling-house45, Holme top lane
21284 Browning EdwardHillam streetdwelling-house106, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house10, Hillam street
21285 Buckley SamCopley streetdwelling-house38, Copley street
successivedwelling-house19, Copley street
21286 Burley WilliamTudor streetdwelling-house8, Butterfield terrace
successivedwelling-house75, Tudor street
21287 Burnett IsaacSouthfield lanedwelling-house42, Southfield lane
21288 Burnett JohnSouthfield lanedwelling-house31, Southfield lane
21289 Burrell PhilipJacob streetdwelling-house90, Jacob street
21290 Burron JohnMontague streetdwelling-house18, Montague street
21291 Burrow Thomas ParkinsonPark lanedwelling-house137, Park lane
21292 Burton ClarkBottomley streetdwelling-house45, Bottomley street
21293 Butler SamuelGreaves streetdwelling-house33, Greaves street
21294 Butterfield GillHerbert streetdwelling-house50, Bramley street
successivedwelling-house16, Herbert street
21295 Butterworth JamesManchester roadhouse & shop470, Manchester road
21296 Bywater DavidNewton streetdwelling-house7, Newton street

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter C
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21297 Callaway John ThomasGreaves streetdwelling-house303, Park lane
successivedwelling-house18, Greaves street
21298 Calvert AlfredNewell streetdwelling-house5A, Newell street
21299 Calvert WilliamBelloe streetdwelling-house119, Beldon road
successivedwelling-house9, Belloe street
21300 Capstick JohnDarton streetdwelling-house30, Quaker lane
successivedwelling-houseParkinson street
successivedwelling-house88, Darton street
21301 Capstick WilliamPercy streetdwelling-house12, Percy street
21302 Carrodus Alfred OscarCopley streetdwelling-house54, Copley street
21303 Carter IsaiahSkinhouse streetdwelling-house14, Skinhouse street
21304 Carter JohnNewton streetdwelling-house5, Newton street
21305 Carter RichardHolme top lanedwelling-house32, Holme top lane
21306 Carter WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house29, Shearbridge terrace
successivehouse & shop485, Little Horton lane
21307 Cass WilliamBelloe streetdwelling-house21, Belloe street
21308 Castings JohnTriangle streetdwelling-house12, Triangle street
21309 Catton George HenryStowell Mill streetdwelling-house10, Stowell Mill street
21310 Catton JohnSkinhouse streetdwelling-house12, Skinhouse street
21311 Cawdry WilliamRoyd streethouse & shop15, Royd street
21312, Chapman JohnBelloe streetdwelling-house35, Belloe street
21313 Chapman WalkerRoundhill streetdwelling-house45, Roundhill street
21314 Chapman WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house339, Little Horton lane
21315 Charlton WilliamNew Southfield roaddwelling-house285, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house12, New Southfield road
21316 Chattaway WilliamSkinhouse streetdwelling-house24, Skinhouse street
21317 Chester RichardHolme top lanedwelling-house53, Holme top lane
21318 Chesterman JohnSouthfield lanedwelling-house82, Copthorne street
successivedwelling-house10, Southfield lane
21319 Chickey MariaDenton streetdwelling-house30, Denton street
21320 Child GeorgePercy streetdwelling-house5, Percy street
21321 Chislett WilliamHaycliffe roaddwelling-house48, Haycliffe road
21322 Chubb HenryKaye streetdwelling-house22, Kaye street
21323 Clapham WilliamSpicer streetdwelling-house21, Spicer street
21324 Clare ThomasHutson streetdwelling-house6, Hutson street
21325 Clark AlexanderSouthfield lanedwelling-house1, Southfield lane
21326 Clark JamesHaycliffe roaddwelling-house52, Haycliffe road
21327 Clark JamesDarton streetdwelling-house18, Darton street
21328 Clarkson SimonRoundhill streetdwelling-house23, Roundhill street
21329 Clay JohnFinchley streetdwelling-house49, Finchley street
21330 Clayton CharlesAckroyd streetdwelling-house377, Manchester road
successivedwelling-house5, Ackroyd street
21331 Clayton MarkThornton lanedwelling-house65, Thornton lane
21332 Clegg EdwinWoodhead lanedwelling-house98, Woodhead lane
21333 Clegg ElijahPark lanedwelling-house95, Park lane
21334 Clegg JamesManchester roaddwelling-house554, Manchester road
21335 Clegg JosephLittle Horton lanedwelling-house436, Little Horton lane
21336 Clifford JosephDarton streetdwelling-house8, Darton street
21337 Clifford SamuelLittle Horton lanehouse & shop655, Little Horton lane
21338 Close JohnDorset streetdwelling-house25, Dorset street
21339 Clough EdwardSouthfield lanedwelling-house794, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house8, Southfield lane
21340 Clough FrankLittle Horton lanedwelling-house431, Little Horton lane
21341 Clough James ListerLittle Horton lanedwelling-house367, Little Horton lane
21342 Clough JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house880, Little Horton lane
21343 Clough JohnStowell Mill streetdwelling-house12, Stowell Mill street
21344 Clough JonathanBowlingwarehouseRipley street
21345 Clough SamuelJacob streetdwelling-house9, Jacob street
21346 Clough ThomasLittle Horton lanedwelling-house832, Little Horton lane
21347 Clough WilliamTriangle streetdwelling-house8, Triangle street
21348 Coates HenryHorton greendwelling-house52, Horton green
21349 Cockitt JohnQuaker lanedwelling-house28, Quaker lane
21350 Cockroft HenryDarton streetdwelling-house15, Darton street
21351 Cockroft SamuelSouthfield lanedwelling-house70, Southfield lane
21352 Cole ThomasHolme top lanedwelling-house9, Holme top lane
21353 Collingwood WilliamSouthfield lanedwelling-house45, Southfield lane
21354 Collins HenryHaycliffe lanedwelling-house28, Haycliffe lane
21355 Collins RobertPark lanedwelling-house199, Park lane
21356 Collins WesleyTudor streetdwelling-house89, Park lane
successivedwelling-house64, Tudor street
21357 Cook JohnHolme top lanedwelling-house19, Holme top lane
21358 Cook WilliamIda streetdwelling-house13, Ida street
21359 Cooper Francis MarkSkinhouse streetdwelling-house130, Grafton street
successivedwelling-house41, Skinhouse street
21360 Cope EdwardPark lanedwelling-house108, Park lane
21361 Copland RobertBottomley streetdwelling-house53, Bottomley street
21362 Copley RichardHolme top streetdwelling-house506, Manchester road
successivedwelling-house54, Holme top street
21363 Cordingley ThomasLittle Horton lanedwelling-house744, Little Horton lane
21364 Cosford RobertDarton streetdwelling-house12, Darton street
21365 Cosgrove JamesParkinson streetdwelling-house14, Star street
successivedwelling-house19, Parkinson street
21366 Coulton RobertRoundhill streetdwelling-house63, Roundhill street
21367 Crabtree AdmiralLittle Horton lanedwelling-house145, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house858, Little Horton lane
21368 Crabtree AmosGreaves streetdwelling-house32, Greaves street
21369 Crabtree JosephHaycliffe roaddwelling-house14, Haycliffe road
21370 Crabtree WilliamSouthfield lanedwelling-house643, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house28, Southfield lane
21371 Craig JohnKaye streetdwelling-house7, Kaye street
21372 Craven SamuelLittle Horton lanedwelling-house633, Little Horton lane
21373 Craven WilliamHutson streetdwelling-house52, Hutson street
21374 Craw GavinHolme top streetdwelling-house27, Holme top street
21375 Crawshaw WilliamRoyd streetdwelling-house60, Royd street
successivedwelling-house68, Royd street
21376 Cross WilliamQuaker terracedwelling-house23, Quaker terrace
21377 Crossland Alfred BenjaminLittle Horton lanedwelling-house742, Little Horton lane
21378 Crossley Robert SwaineQuaker lanedwelling-house76, Quaker lane
21379 Crowther ThomasIda streetdwelling-house9, Ida street
21380 Culliton WilliamRoyd streetdwelling-house21, Clifford street
successivedwelling-house8, Royd street
21381 Cure JohnBowlingwarehouseRipley street

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter D
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21382 Dalby WilliamClayton lanedwelling-house75, Clayton lane
21383 Davis WilliamClayton lanedwelling-house35, Clayton lane
21384 Dean WalterHolme top streetdwelling-house34, Royd street
successivedwelling-house28, Holme top street
21385 Deeks RobertParkinson streetdwelling-house17, Parkinson street
21386 Deighton RobertHolme top lanedwelling-house23, Holme top lane
21387 Deighton SamuelHolme top lanedwelling-house12, Holme top lane
21388 Deighton ThomasSkinhouse streetdwelling-house15, Skinhouse street
21389 Deighton WilliamHolme top lanedwelling-house13, Holme top lane
21390 Dennett JamesSpicer streetdwelling-house29, Spicer street
21391 Dennett JonathanFarside greendwelling-house21, Farside green
21392 Dennett MichaelThornton lanedwelling-house11, Thornton lane
21393 Denning IsaacLittle Horton lanedwelling-house669, Little Horton lane
21394 Denton Joseph RichardHolme top lanedwelling-house72, Holme top lane
21395 Dewhirst BenjaminStowell Mill streetdwelling-house7, Stowell Mill street
21396 Dewhirst EdmundAlbion housedwelling-house3, Jacob street
21397 Dewhirst William IsaacBowlingwarehouseJacob street
21398 Dibb JessePark lanedwelling-house118, Park lane
21399 Dickie HenryRoyd streetdwelling-house5, Royd street
21400 Dillon JohnNewell streetdwelling-house49, Newell street
21401 Dinsdale JohnMontague streetdwelling-house38, Montague street
21402 Dobson HenryIndependent streetdwelling-house14, Independent street
21403 Dobson JamesLittle Horton lanedwelling-house659, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house667, Little Horton lane
21404 Dobson JohnMontague streetdwelling-house44, Montague street
21405 Dobson JohnHutson streetdwelling-house60, Hutson street
21406 Dodd WilliamJacob streetdwelling-house49, Jacob street
21407 Dolan ChristopherManchester roaddwelling-house450A, Manchester road
21408 Downes HenryHolme top streetdwelling-house13, Holme top street
21409 Doyle JamesDarton streetdwelling-house25, Percy street
successivedwelling-houseHolme top street
successivedwelling-house96, Jacob street
successivedwelling-house33, Darton street
21410 Dracup AlbertCopley streetdwelling-house42, Copley street
21411 Dracup AlfredIndependent streetdwelling-house36, Independent street
21412 Dracup ArthurRoyd streetdwelling-house11, Royd street
21413 Dracup CharlesLittle Horton lanehouse & shop483, Little Horton lane
21414 Dracup LotGreaves streetdwelling-house5, Greaves street
21415 Drake JohnQuaker lanedwelling-house24, Quaker lane
21416 Drake TomPark laneshop261, Park lane
successivehouse & shop257, Park lane
21417 Drane WilliamDarton streetdwelling-house2, Darton street
21418 Driver JohnRoyd streetdwelling-house12, Royd street
21419 Driver WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house864, Little Horton lane
21420 Dunford GeorgeDorset streetdwelling-house3, Dorset street
21421 Dunkley JosephGreaves streetdwelling-house19, Greaves street
21422 Dunn HenryDarton streetdwelling-house40, Darton street
successivedwelling-house19, Darton street
21423 Dunn MartinRoyd streetdwelling-house19, Clifford street
successivedwelling-house10, Royd street
21424 Dyer William HenryMason streetdwelling-house6, Mason street
21425 Dyson JohnStowell Mill streetdwelling-house6, Stowell Mill street

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter E
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21426 Earle WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house16, Star street
successivedwelling-house659, Little Horton lane
21427 Earnshaw ThomasKaye streetdwelling-house21, Kaye street
21428 Earnshaw TimothyPark lanedwelling-house32, Legrams street
successivedwelling-house59, Park lane
21429 Edwards JohnBarton streetdwelling-house15, Haycliffe hill
successivedwelling-house24, Barton street
21430 Edwards SamuelHolme top streetdwelling-house29, Newell street
successivedwelling-house3, Holme top street
21431 Egarr HenryBottomley streetdwelling-house76, Bottomley street
21432 Ellerbeck CharlesLittle Horton lanedwelling-house371, Little Horton lane
21433 Elliott EdwardKaye streetdwelling-house19, Kaye street
21434 Ellis JamesHolme top lanedwelling-house15, Holme top lane
21435 Ellis JamesJacob streetdwelling-house70, Jacob street
21436 Ellis JohnJacob streetdwelling-house98, Jacob street
21437 Ellis ThomasLittle Horton lanehouse & shop677, Little Horton lane
21438 Ellis ThomasBarton streetdwelling-house45, Barton street
21439 Elston JosephJacob streetdwelling-house78, Jacob street
successivedwelling-house76, Jacob street
21440 Emmott JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house691A, Little Horton lane
21441 Empsall WilliamRoundhill streetdwelling-house39, Roundhill street
21442 Emsley JamesGreaves streetdwelling-house35, Greaves street
21443 Errington MarkSkinhouse streetdwelling-house22, Skinhouse street
21444 Evans WilliamGreaves streetdwelling-house27B, Greaves street
21445 Evans WilliamSkinhouse streetdwelling-house23, Cross street
successivedwelling-house9, Skinhouse street
21446 Eveleigh SamuelRoyd streetdwelling-house56, Royd street
21447 Everitt ThomasFarside greendwelling-house33, Finchley street
successivedwelling-house11, Farside green

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter F
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21448 Farrand MajorRoyd streetdwelling-house1, Royd street
21449 Farrar JamesManchester roadhouse & shop315, Manchester road
21450 Fawcett HenryStar streetdwelling-house13, Nurser lane
successivedwelling-house17, Star street
21451 Fawcett JohnBelloe streetdwelling-house31, Belloe street
21452 Fawcett SamuelSkinhouse streetdwelling-house11, Skinhouse street
21453 Fawthorpe JabezSouth streetdwelling-house11, South street
21454 Fawthrop BenjaminHolme top streetdwelling-house40, Holme top street
21455 Fawthrop GeorgeLittle Horton lanedwelling-house806, Little Horton lane
21456 Fawthrop GoldthorpDenton streetdwelling-house11, Denton street
21457 Fearnley JamesSpicer streetdwelling-house15, Spicer street
21458 Fearnsides WilliamPark lanedwelling-house285, Park lane
21459 Feather JohnGreaves streetdwelling-house24, Greaves street
21460 Field SquireGreaves streetdwelling-house1, Greaves street
21461 Fieldhouse JohnNewton streetdwelling-house1, Newton street
21462 Fieldhouse JohnNewton streetdwelling-house2, Valley street
successivedwelling-house3, Newton street
21463 Fielding WilliamFrimley streetdwelling-house61, Copley street
successivedwelling-house22, Frimley street
21464 Firth AbrahamHaycliffe lanedwelling-house15, Haycliffe lane
21465 Firth GeorgeRoundhill streetdwelling-house9, Roundhill street
21466 Firth JamesNurser lanedwelling-house16, Nurser lane
21467 Firth JamesPark lanedwelling-house132, Park lane
21468 Firth WilliamHaycliffe lanedwelling-house24, Haycliffe lane
21469 Firth WilliamFarside greendwelling-house24, Farside green
21470 Firth WilliamHaycliffe lanedwelling-house12, Haycliffe lane
21471 Fisher GeorgeMontague streetdwelling-house16, Percy street
successivedwelling-house6, Montague street
21472 Fisher JamesPercy streetdwelling-house1, Percy street
21473 Fisher ThomasPark lanedwelling-house110, Park lane
21474 Fitzpatrick PatrickDarton streetdwelling-house61, Darton street
successivedwelling-house59, Darton street
21475 Fletcher EnochManchester roadhouse & shop498, Manchester road
21476 Fletcher JohnNew Southfield roaddwelling-house3, Thornton lane
successivedwelling-house24, New Southfield road
21477 Fletcher WilliamSouth streetdwelling-house5, South street
21478 Flintoff John AlmondManchester roaddwelling-house375, Manchester road
21479 Forster JonasTudor streetdwelling-house19, Tudor street
successivedwelling-house4, Tudor street
21480 Foster JohnPark lanedwelling-houseMitchell street
successivedwelling-house247, Park lane
21481 Foster JosephKaye streetdwelling-house20, Kaye street
21482 Foster JosephManchester roadhouse & shop504, Manchester road
21483 Foster JowettBelloe streetdwelling-house13, Belloe street
21484 Foster ThomasGreaves streetdwelling-house279, Park lane
successivedwelling-house22, Greaves street
21485 Fouracre MarkManchester roadhouse & shop500, Manchester road
21486 Fowler IsaacDorset streetdwelling-house9, Dorset street
21487 Fox Charles JamesHaycliffe roaddwelling-house66, Haycliffe road
21488 Fox EdmundDorset streetdwelling-house31, Dorset street
21489 Fox JohnHaycliffe lanedwelling-house22, Haycliffe lane
21490 Fox JonathanPark lanedwelling-house162, Park lane
21491 Fox JoshuaManchester roaddwelling-house373, Manchester road
21492 Furness BenjaminCopley streetdwelling-house68, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house5, Copley street

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter G
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21493 Gane GeorgeClarges streetdwelling-house26, Clarges street
21494 Gardner JohnManchester roadhouse & shop518, Manchester road
21495 Garnett JamesLittle Horton lanedwelling-house526, Little Horton lane
21496 Garstang ThomasRoundhill streetdwelling-house49, Roundhill street
21497 Gibson AlfredPercy streetdwelling-house27, Percy street
21498 Gibson JamesMason streetdwelling-house7, Mason street
21499 Gibson WilkinsonQuaker lanedwelling-house47, Finchley street
successivedwelling-house26, Quaker lane
21500 Gidley JamesKaye streetdwelling-house24, Kaye street
successivedwelling-house32, Kaye street
21501 Gilbanks John WilsonGreaves streetdwelling-house12, Greaves street
21502 Giles ThomasKaye streetdwelling-house25, Kaye street
21503 Gill ThomasMontague streetdwelling-house641, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house52, Montague street
21504 Gledhill JamesClayton lanedwelling-house29, Clayton lane
21505 Gledhill SamuelTudor streetdwelling-house18, Tudor street
21506 Gledhill WilliamFarside greendwelling-house26, Quaker lane
successivedwelling-house27, Farside green
21507 Gledhill WilliamRoyd streetdwelling-house18, Royd street
21508 Gordon JohnJacob streetdwelling-house86, Jacob street
21509 Gradwell JohnBottomley streetdwelling-house61, Bottomley street
21510 Graham EdwardHolme top streetdwelling-house52, Holme top street
21511 Graham Thomas IrvingStowell Mill streetdwelling-house8, Stowell Mill street
21512 Gray FrederickSmith rowdwelling-house5, Smith row
21513 Gray JohnThornton lanedwelling-house29, Thornton lane
21514 Green JamesTriangle streethouse & shop2, Triangle street
21515 Green RobertPark lanedwelling-house133, Park lane
21516 Green WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house746, Little Horton lane
21517 Greenhough EdwardBelloe streetdwelling-house11, Belloe street
21518 Greenhough JosephHolme top lanedwelling-house16, Holme top lane
21519 Greenhough William PrestonHolme top streetdwelling-house56, Holme top street
21520 Greenwood ChristopherSouthfield lanedwelling-house29, Southfield lane
21521 Greenwood HenryLittle Horton lanedwelling-house896, Little Horton lane
21522 Greenwood John CloughThornton lanedwelling-house42, Thornton lane
21523 Greenwood PaulLittle Horton lanedwelling-house917, Little Horton lane
21524 Greenwood SamuelBrownroyd folddwelling-house5, Brownroyd fold
21525 Greenwood SamuelThornton lanedwelling-house44, Thornton lane
21526 Greenwood ThomasDenton courtdwelling-house8, Denton court
21527 Greenwood WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house788, Little Horton lane
21528 Greenwood William WatsonPark lanewarehouse79, Tudor street
21529 Gregory RichardManchester roaddwelling-house387, Manchester road
21530 Gregory William ThomasClayton lanedwelling-house17, Clayton lane
21531 Gregson AlfredBottomley streethouse & shop41, Bottomley street
21532 Griffiths WilliamDarton streetdwelling-house51, Darton street

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter H
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21533 Haigh DanielLittle Horton lanedwelling-house784, Little Horton lane
21534 Haigh HarryRoundhill streetdwelling-house47, Roundhill street
21535 Haigh PhilipNewell streetdwelling-house23, Newell street
21536 Haigh RichardJacob streetdwelling-house31, Jacob street
21537 Haigh Richard LancasterHorton greendwelling-house50, Sterling street
successivedwelling-house54, Horton green
21538 Haigh WilliamPark lanedwelling-house72, Bottomley street
successivehouse & shop231, Park lane
21539 Hainsworth EliDenton courtdwelling-house1, Parkinson street
successivedwelling-house16, Denton court
21540 Hainsworth JonathanStowell Mill streetdwelling-house5, Stowell Mill street
21541 Hainsworth ThomasDarton streetdwelling-house21, Darton street
21542 Hainsworth WilliamStowell Mill streetdwelling-house4, Stowell Mill street
21543 Haley AmosRoundhill streetdwelling-house41, Roundhill street
21544 Haley DavidHolme top streetdwelling-house11, Holme top street
21545 Haley FrankRoyd streetdwelling-house7, Royd street
21546 Haley HenrySouthfield lanedwelling-house44, Southfield lane
21547 Haley JohnPark lanedwelling-house239, Park lane
21548 Haley JohnHolme top streetdwelling-house32, Holme top street
21549 Haley JosephSkinhouse streetdwelling-house44, Skinhouse street
21550 Haley NathanSouthfield lanedwelling-house121, Southfield lane
21551 Haley ThomasFinchley streetdwelling-house29, Finchley street
21552 Haley WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house446, Little Horton lane
21553 Hall GeorgeDorset streetdwelling-house9, Belloe street
successivedwelling-house11, Dorset street
21554 Halstead JohnPark lanedwelling-house30, Kaye street
successivedwelling-house70, Park lane
21555 Hammond JosephDarton streetdwelling-house66, Darton street
21556 Hanson JamesPark lanedwelling-house56, Park lane
21557 Hardaker JosephQuaker terracedwelling-house15, Quaker terrace
21558 Hardaker Thomas HenryLittle Horton lanedwelling-house540, Little Horton lane
21559 Hardy AlfredLittle Horton lanehouse & shop818, Little Horton lane
21560 Hardy EdwinLittle Horton lanehouse & shop820, Little Horton lane
21561 Hardy GaythorneLemon streetdwelling-house911, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house15, Lemon street
21562 Hardy GeorgeLittle Horton lanehouse & shop481, Little Horton lane
21563 Hardy JohnQuaker lanedwelling-house72, Quaker lane
21564 Hardy SylvesterHutson streethouse & shop64, Hutson street
21565 Hardy ThomasBelloe streetdwelling-house34, Belloe street
21566 Hardy ThomasJacob streetdwelling-house13, Jacob street
21567 Hardy TomClarges streetdwelling-house2, Clarges street
21568 Hardy WilliamRoyd streetdwelling-house62, Royd street
21569 Harper SamuelSkinhouse streetdwelling-house77, Marshall street
successivedwelling-house16, Skinhouse street
21570 Harrison EdwardManchester roadhouse & shop450, Manchester road
21571 Harrison GeorgeGreaves streetdwelling-house10, Greaves street
21572 Harrison GeorgeRoundhill streetdwelling-house55, Roundhill street
21573 Harrison HenryLittle Horton lanedwelling-house2, Parkinson street
successivedwelling-house347, Little Horton lane
21574 Harrison JamesNurser lanedwelling-house3, Nurser lane
21575 Harrison JamesTudor streetdwelling-house13, Tudor street
21576 Harrison OliverHerbert streetdwelling-house6, Herbert street
21577 Harrison ThomasLittle Horton lanedwelling-house379A, Little Horton lane
21578 Harrison WilliamRoyd streetdwelling-house44, Royd street
successivedwelling-house60, Royd street
21579 Hartley StephenLittle Horton lanedwelling-house403, Little Horton lane
21580 Hartley WilliamPark lanedwelling-house81, Park lane
21581 Hartop WilliamLittle Horton lanehouse & shop487, Little Horton lane
21582 Haste AlfredJacob streetdwelling-house106, Jacob street
successivedwelling-house104, Jacob street
21583 Hawkes JohnManchester roaddwelling-house558, Manchester road
21584 Hay JohnHolme top lanedwelling-house35, Holme top lane
21585 Hayes RobertHolme top streetdwelling-house17, Holme top street
21586 Hayton FrederickGreaves streetdwelling-house35B, Greaves street
21587 Heaton EdwinHolme Top lanedwelling-house69, Holme Top lane
21588 Heaton JohnDorset streetdwelling-house27, Dorset street
21589 Heaton JohnSkinhouse streetdwelling-house48, Royd street
successivedwelling-house43, Skinhouse street
21590 Heaton MichaelTudor streetdwelling-house60, Tudor street
21591 Heaton RobertHorton greendwelling-house56, Horton green
21592 Heaton WalterLittle Horton lanedwelling-house347, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house345, Little Horton lane
21593 Hellewell HobsonClarges streetdwelling-house32, Clarges street
21594 Hellewell RobertSmith rowdwelling-house1, Smith row
21595 Hellewell WilliamHolme top streetdwelling-house58, Holme top street
21596 Hemmingway ArthurLittle Horton lanedwelling-house850, Little Horton lane
21597 Hemmingway JohnDarton streetdwelling-house54, Darton street
21598 Heselgrave ThomasRoundhill streetdwelling-house35, Roundhill street
21599 Hesling JohnJacob streetdwelling-house11, Jacob street
21600 Hewick HenrySouthfield lanedwelling-house1, Harris court
successivedwelling-house54, Southfield lane
21601 Hewitt HenryQuaker lanedwelling-house22, Quaker lane
21602 Hewitt Samuel GardinerSkinhouse streetdwelling-house21, Skinhouse street
21603 Hey WilliamGreaves streetdwelling-house20, Greaves street
21604 Heyworth Samuel HammondFarside greendwelling-house25A, Farside green
21605 Hick Thomas WalterLittle Horton lanedwelling-house343, Little Horton lane
21606 Hill GeorgeNurser lanedwelling-house87, Clayton lane
successivedwelling-houseSkinhouse street
successivedwelling-house10, Nurser lane
21607 Hill HiramFinchley streetdwelling-house51, Finchley street
21608 Hill JamesQuaker lanedwelling-house18, Quaker lane
21609 Hillam AlfredHaycliffe roaddwelling-house46, Haycliffe road
21610 Hillam CharlesDarton streetdwelling-house31, Darton street
21611 Hillam EdmundHillam streetdwelling-house2, Hillam street
21612 Hillam EdwardPercy streetdwelling-house8, Holme top lane
successivedwelling-house18, Percy street
21613 Hillam JohnSouthfield lanedwelling-house43, Southfield lane
21614 Hillam JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house401, Little Horton lane
21615 Hillam JonasLincey fieldsdwelling-house2, Lincey fields
21616 Hillam WilliamLincey fieldsdwelling-house3, Lincey fields
21617 Hillas SamuelPercy streetdwelling-house21, Percy street
21618 Hillas SolomonSkinhouse streetdwelling-house43, Skinhouse street
successivedwelling-house18, Skinhouse street
21619 Hirst John ThomasPercy streetdwelling-house10, Hutson street
successivedwelling-house13, Percy street
21620 Hitchen James EdwardBelloe streetdwelling-house17, Belloe street
21621 Hodgson JoshuaLittle Horton lanedwelling-house778, Little Horton lane
21622 Hodgson StuartBarley folddwelling-house786, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-houseBelloe street
successivedwelling-house2, Barley fold
21623 Holden JamesLittle Horton lanedwelling-house870, Little Horton lane
21624 Holdsworth BenjaminHolme top lanedwelling-house21, Holme top lane
21625 Holdsworth DavidQuaker lanedwelling-house62, Quaker lane
21626 Holdsworth HenryHerbert streetdwelling-house12, Herbert street
21627 Holdsworth IsraelQuaker lanedwelling-house60, Quaker lane
21628 Holdsworth JamesRoyd streetdwelling-house24, Royd street
21629 Holdsworth JonathanDarton streetdwelling-house27, Darton street
21630 Holdsworth JosephRoyd streetdwelling-house38, Royd street
21631 Holdsworth JosephBottomley streetdwelling-house60, Bottomley street
21632 Holdsworth NathanTudor streetdwelling-house49, Tudor street
21633 Holdsworth ThomasCopley streetdwelling-house33, Copley street
21634 Holdsworth WilliamBowlingbuildingsHaycliffe road
21635 Holdsworth WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house10, Newby street
successivedwelling-house643, Little Horton lane
21636 Holgate UriahLittle Horton lanedwelling-house840, Little Horton lane
21637 Hollings JohnsonPercy streetdwelling-house29, Percy street
21638 Hollings JosephStar streetdwelling-house24, Star street
21639 Hollings WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house405, Little Horton lane
21640 Hollingworth WilliamPark lanedwelling-house142, Park lane
21641 Holmes HenryHolme top lanedwelling-house63, Holme top lane
21642 Holmes JamesManchester roaddwelling-house526, Manchester road
21643 Holmes JesseLittle Horton lanedwelling-house772, Little Horton lane
21644 Holmes JohnKaye streetdwelling-house13, Kaye street
21645 Holmes SamuelQuaker terracedwelling-house18, Quaker terrace
21646 Holmes William WardPercy streetdwelling-house28, Percy street
21647 Holroyd JohnDenton streetdwelling-houseBowling Old lane
successivedwelling-house15, Denton street
21648 Holroyd JosephPullan streetdwelling-house52, Pullan street
21649 Holroyd MicahKaye streetdwelling-house18, Kaye street
21650 Holroyd NathanLittle Horton lanedwelling-house357, Little Horton lane
21651 Holroyd SamuelLittle Horton lanedwelling-house361, Little Horton lane
21652 Holroyd SamuelPark lanedwelling-house140, Park lane
21653 Holroyd WilliamPark lanedwelling-house309, Park lane
21654 Holt AlfredClayton lanedwelling-house63, Clayton lane
21655 Holt BenjaminLittle Horton lanedwelling-house407, Little Horton lane
21656 Holt George ThomasClayton lanedwelling-house59, Clayton lane
21657 Holt HenryHolme top streetdwelling-house43, Holme top street
21658 Holt JamesClayton lanedwelling-house79, Clayton lane
21659 Holt JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house454, Little Horton lane
21660 Hood RobertIndependent streetdwelling-house32, Independent street
21661 Hooson RichardManchester roaddwelling-house3, Denton street
successivedwelling-house319, Manchester road
21662 Hopkins WilliamDarton streetdwelling-house63, Darton street
21663 Hopkinson JamesSouthfield lanedwelling-house17, Farside green
successivedwelling-house34, Southfield lane
21664 Hopkinson WilliamJacob streetdwelling-house102, Jacob street
21665 Hornby JamesSouthfield lanedwelling-house14, Southfield lane
21666 Horner ThomasSouthfield lanedwelling-house27, Southfield lane
21667 Horsfall TimothyLittle Horton lanedwelling-house834, Little Horton lane
21668 Hough Thomas HenryParkinson streetdwelling-house13, Parkinson street
21669 Houghton JamesRoyd streetdwelling-house28, Royd street
21670 Hounam ThomasBelloe streetdwelling-house32, Belloe street
21671 Howard CharlesHolme top streetdwelling-house34, Holme top street
21672 Howarth JamesHerbert streetdwelling-house14, Herbert street
21673 Hudson EliManchester roadhouse & shop536, Manchester road
21674 Hudson IsaacNew Southfield roaddwelling-house2, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house18, New Southfield road
successivedwelling-house10, New Southfield road
21675 Hudson RufusStar streetdwelling-house2, Star street
21676 Hudson WilliamHaycliffe roaddwelling-house26, Haycliffe road
21677 Humphreys GeorgeDorset streetdwelling-house6, Dorset street
21678 Humphreys HarryFinchley streetdwelling-house41, Finchley street
21679 Humphreys JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house720, Little Horton lane
21680 Humphreys JosephThornton lanedwelling-house63, Thornton lane
21681 Humphreys SamuelBelloe streetdwelling-house44, Belloe street
21682 Humphreys WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house475, Little Horton lane
21683 Hurley JohnParkinson streetdwelling-house79, Bottomley street
successivedwelling-house4, Parkinson street
21684 Hustler RobertBottomley streetdwelling-house4, Bottomley street
21685 Hutton RobinsonThornton lanewarehouse2, Back Smith row

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter I
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21686 Ibbetson JosephClarges streetdwelling-house18, Clarges street
successivedwelling-house20, Clarges street
21687 Illingworth EmanuelHolme top streetdwelling-house53, Holme top street
successivedwelling-house55, Holme top street
21688 Illingworth EzraLittle Horton lanedwelling-house878, Little Horton lane
21689 Illingworth GentPark lanedwelling-house80, Park lane
21690 Illingworth IsaacLittle Horton lanedwelling-house866, Little Horton lane
21691 Illingworth SamuelLittle Horton lanedwelling-house369, Little Horton lane
21692 Illingworth WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house814, Little Horton lane
21693 Ingham AlbertRoundhill streetdwelling-house46, Crowther street
successivedwelling-house5, Roundhill street
21694 Ingham GeorgeJacob streetdwelling-house59, Jacob street
21695 Ingle WilliamPercy streetdwelling-house11, Percy street
21696 Iredale JosephCopley streetdwelling-house40, Copley street
successivedwelling-house44, Copley street
21697 Ireland ThomasThornton lanedwelling-house61, Thornton lane
21698 Ireland WilliamQuaker lanedwelling-house60A, Quaker lane
21699 Isherwood JohnFrimley streetdwelling-house2, Frimley street

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter J
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21700 Jackson John WilliamLittle Horton lanehouse & shop427, Little Horton lane
21701 Jackson JosephThornton lanedwelling-house5, Thornton lane
21702 Jackson MatthewIda streetdwelling-house25, Ida street
21703 Jackson SmithSouthfield lanedwelling-house60, Southfield lane
21704 Jagger BentleySouthfield lanedwelling-house22, Quaker terrace
successivedwelling-house36, Southfield lane
21705 Jagger Joseph HobsonGreaves streetdwelling-house6, Greaves street
21706 Jagger MarkLittle Horton lanedwelling-house728, Little Horton lane
21707 Jennings WilliamTudor streetdwelling-house8, Tudor street
21708 Jennings WilliamHolme top streetdwelling-house19, Holme top street
successivedwelling-house38, Holme top street
21709 Johnson JohnSkinhouse streetdwelling-house48, Skinhouse street
21710 Johnson JohnPark lanedwelling-house69, Park lane
21711 Johnson JohnDarton streetdwelling-house30, Darton street
21712 Johnson JosephDarton streetdwelling-house62, Darton street
21713 Jones JohnDarton streetdwelling-house11, Darton street
21714 Jordan GeorgeNewell streethouse & shop25, Newell street
21715 Jowett AdamHolme top streetdwelling-house74, Holme top street
21716 Jowett FosterBelloe streetdwelling-house13, Belloe street
21717 Jowett JohnHaycliffe roaddwelling-house56, Haycliffe road
21718 Jowett WilliamDarton streetdwelling-house78, Darton street
21719 Joy ThomasDenton courtdwelling-house6, Denton court

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter K
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21720 Kay AbrahamMontague streetdwelling-house46, Montague street
21721 Kaye JohnSouthfield lanedwelling-house72, Southfield lane
21722 Kaye JohnTudor streetdwelling-house84, Tudor street
21723 Keefe John WoollerPakington streetdwelling-house107, Park lane
successivedwelling-house72, Pakington street
21724 Keeling DavidBottomley streetdwelling-house69, Bottomley street
21725 Kellett HartwellLemon streetdwelling-house20, Haycliffe hill
successivedwelling-house21, Lemon street
21726 Kellett JosephQuaker lanedwelling-house58, Quaker lane
21727 Kellett SimpsonPercy streetdwelling-house31, Percy street
21728 Kelly JohnTudor streetdwelling-house28, Tudor street
21729 Kelly LawrenceTudor streetdwelling-house32, Tudor street
21730 Kennion Rev. George WyndhamHorton greendwelling-house48, Horton green
21731 Keough PeterNurser lanedwelling-house14, Nurser lane
21732 Kershaw CharlesDenton streetdwelling-house32, Denton street
21733 Kershaw Ernest AugustusManchester roaddwelling-house317, Manchester road
21734 Kershaw TitusPark lanedwelling-house307, Park lane
21735 Kilner John ButterworthRoundhill streetdwelling-house57, Roundhill street
21736 King GeorgeManchester roadhouse & shop530, Manchester road
21737 Kirswell JohnQuaker terracedwelling-house16, Quaker terrace
21738 Kitson Charles HenryHaycliffe roaddwelling-house54, Haycliffe road
21739 Knowles DanielLittle Horton lanedwelling-house387, Little Horton lane
21740 Knowles David BaxandallRoyd streetdwelling-house17, Royd street
21741 Knowles GeorgeHaycliffe lanedwelling-house2, Haycliffe lane
21742 Knowles JohnGreaves streetdwelling-house40, Greaves street
21743 Knowles WilliamThornton lanedwelling-house49, Thornton lane
21744 Korner FredManchester roaddwelling-house484, Manchester road

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter L
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21745 Latham Frederick ThomasHaycliffe roaddwelling-house64, Haycliffe road
21746 Laycock JamesFinchley streetdwelling-house45, Finchley street
21747 Laycock ThomasPark lanehouse & shop71, Park lane
21748 Leach WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house389, Little Horton lane
21749 Lightowler DavidLittle Horton lanedwelling-house43, St. Stephen's road
successivedwelling-house850, Little Horton lane
21750 Lightowler FrederickNew Southfield roaddwelling-house681, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house18, New Southfield road
21751 Lightowler WilliamNewell streetdwelling-house1, Newell street
successivedwelling-house3, Newell street
21752 Linley ThomasSpicer streetdwelling-house5, Spicer street
21753 Lister HoratioClayton lanedwelling-house5, Clayton lane
21754 Lister JohnLemon streetdwelling-house14, Barton street
successivedwelling-house13, Lemon street
21755 Lister UriahCentre streetdwelling-house10, Star street
successivedwelling-housePercy street
successivedwelling-house8, Centre street
21756 Littleton ThomasPark lanedwelling-house138, Park lane
21757 Liversedge HenrySouth streetdwelling-house15, South street
21758 Lockwood ThomasPark lanedwelling-house164, Park lane
21759 Lofthouse JamesRoyd streetdwelling-house32, Royd street
21760 Longthorne WilliamHolme top streetdwelling-house476, Manchester road
successivedwelling-house24, Holme top street
21761 Lord GeorgeManchester roadhouse & shop544, Manchester road
successivehouse & shop516, Manchester road
21762 Lord JohnHolme top streetdwelling-house36, Holme top street
21763 Lord JosephFarside greendwelling-house9, Farside green
21764 Ludlam BenjaminPark lanedwelling-house203, Park lane
21765 Lumb GeorgeManchester roadhouse & shop452, Manchester road
21766 Lumb JesseFinchley streetdwelling-houseMyrtle street
successivedwelling-house37, Finchley street
21767 Lumb JohnQuaker terracedwelling-house19, Clayton lane
successivedwelling-house10, Quaker terrace
21768 Lusby JamesPercy streetdwelling-house14, Percy street
21769 Luty AbelBelloe streetdwelling-house30, Belloe street

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter M
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21770 Maddison George RichardRoyd streetdwelling-house54, Royd street
21771 Maddison JohnNewell streetdwelling-house60, Newell street
21772 Maden JohnNewell streetdwelling-house48, Newell street
21773 Maher ThomasTudor streetdwelling-house26, Tudor street
21774 Mallinson JohnNewell streetdwelling-house68, Newell street
21775 Marsden CharlesTudor streetdwelling-house72, Tudor street
21776 Marsden JohnTudor streetdwelling-house16, Tudor street
21777 Marsden ThomasCopley streetdwelling-house50, Copley street
21778 Marshall BenTudor streetdwelling-house43, Tudor street
successivedwelling-house45, Tudor street
21779 Marshall William EdwardCopley streetdwelling-house48, Copley street
successivedwelling-house39, Copley street
21780 Marvell WilsonStowell Mill streetdwelling-house11, Stowell Mill street
21781 Mason WilliamPark lanedwelling-house73, Park lane
21782 Maud ThomasBottomley streetdwelling-house49, Bottomley street
21783 McCready JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house311, Little Horton lane
21784 McEvoy DanielJacob streetdwelling-house52, Jacob street
21785 McEvoy PatrickStar streetdwelling-house631, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house10, Star street
21786 Mears ThomasRoyd streetdwelling-house40, Royd street
21787 Merrick George JamesManchester roadhouse & shop474, Manchester road
21788 Merrill Fred LeonardNewell streetdwelling-house27, Newell street
21789 Middleton EphraimHaycliffe lanedwelling-house7, Haycliffe lane
21790 Middleton JosephHaycliffe lanedwelling-house13, Haycliffe lane
21791 Middleton WilliamHaycliffe lanedwelling-house1, Haycliffe lane
21792 Milbourn Christopher ThompsonHolme top streetdwelling-house16, Holme top street
21793 Milner AbrahamHorton greendwelling-house63, Horton green
21794 Milner JohnThornton lanedwelling-house48, Thornton lane
21795 Milner WilliamPark lanedwelling-house146, Park lane
21796 Milnes BriggsPercy streetdwelling-house9, Percy street
21797 Milnes ThompsonRoyd streetdwelling-house36, Royd street
21798 Milthorp WilliamHolme top streetdwelling-house26, Kaye street
successivedwelling-house62, Holme top street
21799 Mitchell DanManchester roadhouse & shop442, Manchester road
21800 Mitchell DavidHaycliffe roaddwelling-house68, Haycliffe road
21801 Mitchell IsaacQuaker lanedwelling-house51, Quaker lane
21802 Mitchell JamesDarton streetdwelling-house88, Darton street
successivedwelling-house13, Darton street
21803 Mitchell JohnIndependent streetdwelling-house26, Independent street
21804 Mitchell JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house458, Little Horton lane
21805 Mitchell JohnQuaker lanedwelling-house8, Hillam street
successivedwelling-house6, Quaker lane
21806 Mitchell JohnFarside greendwelling-house19, Farside green
21807 Mitchell John HarperHorton villadwelling-houseHorton villa
21808 Mitchell JonasQuaker lanedwelling-house53, Quaker lane
21809 Mitchell JoshuaCopley streetdwelling-house10, Hillam street
successivedwelling-house13, Copley street
21810 Mitchell SamuelIndependent streetdwelling-house4, Independent street
21811 Mitchell ThomasMontague streetdwelling-house40, Montague street
21812 Mitchell TomBowlingbuilding211, Park lane
21813 Molloy ThomasTudor streetdwelling-house46, Tudor street
21814 Moncaster ThomasTudor streetdwelling-house12, Tudor street
21815 Moore CharlesMontague streetdwelling-house34, Montague street
21816 Moore JeremiahTudor streetdwelling-house47, Tudor street
21817 Moore JosephQuaker lanedwelling-house2, Barton street
successivedwelling-house20, Quaker lane
21818 Moore SamMontague streetdwelling-house42, Montague street
21819 Moore SmithBarley folddwelling-house4, Barley fold
21820 Moorhouse JosephLittle Horton lanedwelling-house440, Little Horton lane
21821 Moorhouse JosephLittle Horton lanedwelling-house716, Little Horton lane
21822 Morgan EdwardFinchley streetdwelling-house35, Finchley street
21823 Mort AlexanderHolme top lanedwelling-house11, Holme top lane
21824 Moulson AllanNewell streetdwelling-house54, Newell street
21825 Moulson BenjaminLittle Horton lanedwelling-house381, Little Horton lane
21826 Moulson Charles HenryLittle Horton lanedwelling-house329, Little Horton lane
21827 Moulson DavidPullan streetdwelling-house46, Pullan street
21828 Moulson DemasClayton lanedwelling-house41, Clayton lane
21829 Moulson DixonBelloe streetdwelling-house36, Belloe street
21830 Moulson GeorgeLittle Horton lanedwelling-house714, Little Horton lane
21831 Moulson John HenryPercy streetdwelling-house20, Percy street
21832 Moulson JosephDorset streetdwelling-house33, Dorset street
21833 Moulson LouisSkinhouse streetdwelling-house37, Skinhouse street
21834 Moulson MilesSkinhouse streetdwelling-house8, Skinhouse street
21835 Moulson RufusFinchley streetdwelling-house39, Finchley street
21836 Moulson SamPark lanedwelling-house27, Belloe street
successivedwelling-house279, Park lane
21837 Moulson StephenNurser lanedwelling-house15, Nurser lane
21838 Moulson ThomasNurser lanedwelling-house21, Nurser lane
21839 Moulson Thomas SchofieldBelloe streetdwelling-house19, Belloe street
21840 Moulson WalterDorset streetdwelling-house23, Dorset street
21841 Moulson WebsterSouthfield lanedwelling-house35, Southfield lane
21842 Moulson WilliamDorset streetdwelling-house21, Dorset street
21843 Murgatroyd DavidStar streetdwelling-house18, Star street
21844 Murgatroyd JohnAckroyd streetdwelling-house6, Ackroyd street
21845 Murgatroyd JohnHolme top lanedwelling-house4, Holme top lane
21846 Murgatroyd JohnQuaker terracehouse & shop2, Quaker terrace
21847 Murgatroyd Joseph WilkinsonManchester roaddwelling-house542, Manchester road
21848 Murphy MosesClayton lanedwelling-house45, Clayton lane

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter N
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21849 Naylor JamesLittle Horton lanedwelling-house49, Royd street
successivedwelling-house497, Little Horton lane
21850 Naylor JonathanBelloe streetdwelling-house25, Belloe street
21851 Neely WilliamHolme top streetdwelling-house80, Holme top street
21852 Neil BenjaminRoundhill streetdwelling-house43, Roundhill street
21853 Newell BarzillaiKaye streetdwelling-house11, Kaye street
21854 Newell GeorgeManchester roadhouse & shop393, Manchester road
21855 Newell JohnThornton lanewarehouse2, Back Smith row
21856 Newell SimeonManchester roaddwelling-house514, Manchester road
21857 Newell WilliamIndependent streetwarehouse2, Back Smith row
21858 Nicholls IsaacHaycliffe roaddwelling-house30, Haycliffe road
successivedwelling-house28, Haycliffe road
21859 Nicholls John BenjaminTudor streetdwelling-house65, Tudor street
21860 Nicholls SamuelHaycliffe roaddwelling-house231, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house10, Haycliffe road
21861 Nicholls ThomasDarton streetdwelling-house34, Darton street
21862 Nicholson EdwardPark lanedwelling-house62, Park lane
21863 Nicholson JosephManchester roadhouse & shop478, Manchester road
21864 Noble JamesHolme top streetdwelling-house82, Holme top street
21865 Norris AlfredJacob streetdwelling-house54, Jacob street
21866 North JamesNorth Bierleyshop657, Little Horton lane
21867 North LeviPercy streetdwelling-house17, Percy street
21868 North SamuelPark lanedwelling-house267, Park lane
21869 North WilliamPark lanehouse & shop269, Park lane
21870 North WilliamIndependent streetdwelling-house20, Independent street
21871 Northin AlfredLittle Horton lanedwelling-house854, Little Horton lane
21872 Northrop EdwinSpicer streetdwelling-house7, Spicer street
21873 Northrop JohnWoodhead lanedwelling-house100, Woodhead lane

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter O
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21874 Oates WilliamOld lanedwelling-house32, Berwick street
successivedwelling-house14, Old lane
21875 Oldrid JohnDarton streetdwelling-house80, Darton street
21876 Oddy BenjaminPark lanedwelling-house68, Park lane
21877 Oldfield George ThorntonSpicer streetdwelling-house17 Spicer street
21878 Oldfield ThomasMontague streetdwelling-house10, Montague street
21879 Olivant EdwinHolme top lanedwelling-house303, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house37, Holme top lane
21880 Oliver Robert McLeanNewell streetdwelling-houseMulgrave street
successivedwelling-houseNewell street
21881 Ormondroyd DavidHaycliffe lanedwelling-house5, Haycliffe lane
21882 Osbaldiston Robert RodwellTudor streetdwelling-house86, Tudor street
21883 Overend SutcliffeSouthfield lanedwelling-house51, Southfield lane

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter P
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21884 Painter StephenManchester roaddwelling-house548, Manchester road
21885 Paisley HectorSkinhouse streetdwelling-house33, Skinhouse street
successivedwelling-house20, Skinhouse street
21886 Parker JamesSkinhouse streetdwelling-house5, Skinhouse street
21887 Parker JohnHolme top streetdwelling-house51, Holme top street
21888 Parker JohnParkinson streetdwelling-house11, Parkinson street
21889 Parker ThomasJacob streetdwelling-house37, Jacob street
21890 Parker ThomasSouthfield lanedwelling-house74, Southfield lane
21891 Parker WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house872, Little Horton lane
21892 Patchett JosephCentre streetdwelling-house10, Centre street
21893 Pearce WilliamDarton streetdwelling-house70, Darton street
21894 Pearson JosephPullan streetdwelling-house48, Pullan street
21895 Pearson RichardNewell streetdwelling-house51, Newell street
21896 Pearson SamuelDorset streethouse & shop1, Dorset street
21897 Pearson William RichardRoyd streetdwelling-house3, Royd street
21898 Pedley JohnJacob streetdwelling-house57, Jacob street
21899 Peel RichardThornton lanedwelling-house1 Thornton lane
21900 Pell ArthurManchester roaddwelling-house413, Manchester road
21901 Pennington JamesIndependent streetdwelling-house24, Independent street
21902 Perry NathanielRoundhill streetdwelling-house3, Roundhill street
21903 Peters CharlesPark lanedwelling-house166, Park lane
21904 Petherbridge JohnTriangle streetdwelling-house14, Triangle street
21905 Petty JamesLittle Horton lanedwelling-house689, Little Horton lane
21906 Petty JohnPark lanehouse & shop112, Park lane
21907 Petty JosephPark lanedwelling-house102, Park lane
21908 Phillips AdamHolme top streetdwelling-house14, Clarges street
successivedwelling-house78, Holme top street
21909 Phillips EdwinCentre streetdwelling-house7, Centre street
21910 Phillips GeorgeGreaves streetdwelling-house27, Greaves street
21911 Phillips JohnFrimley streetdwelling-house16, Frimley street
21912 Pickard JosephLittle Horton lanehouse & shop536, Little Horton lane
21913 Pickles JamesHaycliffe lanedwelling-house14, Haycliffe lane
21914 Pickles JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house826, Little Horton lane
21915 Pickles JohnPark lanedwelling-house82, Park lane
21916 Pickles Thomas CorneliusManchester roadhouse & shop456, Manchester road
21917 Pickup JamesClayton lanedwelling-house77, Clayton lane
21918 Pimley WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house409A, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house631, Little Horton lane
21919 Pinder LeviCentre streetdwelling-house6, Centre street
21920 Pitchforth Thomas AinleyNewell streetdwelling-house57, Newell street
21921 Pollard Arthur LouisQuaker lanedwelling-house66, Tudor street
successivedwelling-house74, Quaker lane
21922 Pollard EnochBelloe streetdwelling-house23, Belloe street
21923 Pollard John WilliamHolme top streetdwelling-house73, Tudor street
successivedwelling-house7, Holme top street
21924 Pollard WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house23, Farside green
successivedwelling-houseParkinson street
successivedwelling-house359, Little Horton lane
21925 Pont AlbertHolme top streetdwelling-house22, Holme top street
21926 Preston Joseph HolmesPark lanedwelling-house41, Crowther street
successivedwelling-house65, Park lane
21927 Priestley AlbertTudor streetdwelling-house7, Tudor street
21928 Priestley ElishaCentre streetdwelling-house8, Centre street
successivedwelling-house6, Centre street
21929 Priestley HenryManchester roaddwelling-house76, Jacob street
successivedwelling-house506, Manchester road
21930 Priestley JohnCopley streetdwelling-house3, Copley street
21931 Priestley JohnDarton streetdwelling-house46, Darton street
21932 Priestley JohnSmith rowdwelling-house7, Smith row
21933 Priestley JosephHolme top streetdwelling-house25, Holme top street
21934 Procter JohnDenton streetdwelling-house13, Denton street
21935 Pullan RobertHorton greendwelling-house62, Horton green
21936 Pyrah JesseHaycliffe lanedwelling-house19, Haycliffe lane

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter R
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21937 Raby BenjaminBottomley streetdwelling-house58, Bottomley street
21938 Race RichardParkinson streetdwelling-house15, Parkinson street
21939 Ramsden JamesSouthfield lanedwelling-house497, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house816, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house4, Southfield lane
21940 Ramsden Thomas HirstJacob streetdwelling-house61, Bright street
successivedwelling-house45, Jacob street
21941 Rawnsley AaronQuaker lanedwelling-house5, Quaker lane
21942 Rawnsley BenjaminQuaker lanehouse & shop48, Quaker lane
21943 Rawnsley EdwardPercy streetdwelling-house22, Percy street
21944 Rawnsley JosephRoyd streetdwelling-house46, Royd street
21945 Rawnsley JoshuaFarside greendwelling-house14, Farside green
successivedwelling-house23, Farside green
21946 Rawnsley JoshuaNewell streetdwelling-house78, Newell street
21947 Rawson ThomasQuaker lanedwelling-house50, Quaker lane
21948 Redfern JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house689A, Little Horton lane
21949 Redman JohnManchester roaddwelling-house550, Manchester road
21950 Rendle ThomasPark lanedwelling-house42, Park lane
21951 Rhodes JosephCentre streetdwelling-house18, Centre street
21952 Rhodes WilliamHolme top streetdwelling-house33, Holme top street
21953 Richards JohnPark lanedwelling-house105, Park lane
21954 Richards WilliamPark lanedwelling-house97, Park lane
21955 Richards WilliamSkinhouse streetdwelling-house30, Skinhouse street
21956 Riley JohnRoyd streetdwelling-house72, Royd street
21957 Riley MatthewHolme top lanedwelling-house5, Holme top lane
21958 Riley WilliamJacob streetdwelling-house55, Jacob street
21959 Ritson ThomasHillam streetdwelling-house62, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house8, Hillam street
21960 Robertshaw EdwardTudor streetdwelling-house30, Tudor street
21961 Robertshaw JobLegrams lanewarehouseNewton street
21962 Robinson AbrahamClarges streetdwelling-house30, Clarges street
21963 Robinson AlfredRoyd streetdwelling-house66, Royd street
21964 Robinson CharlesNewell streetdwelling-house47, Newell street
21965 Robinson EdwardPercy streetdwelling-house72, Grafton street
successivedwelling-house25, Percy street
21966 Robinson FrederickLittle Horton lanedwelling-house409, Little Horton lane
21967 Robinson George HenrySkinhouse streetdwelling-house31, Skinhouse street
21968 Robinson JamesPark lanedwelling-house281, Park lane
21969 Robinson JamesLittle Horton lanedwelling-house416, Little Horton lane
21970 Robinson JohnParkinson streetdwelling-house31, Parkinson street
21971 Robinson JohnQuaker lanedwelling-house1, Quaker lane
21972 Robinson JonasSmith rowdwelling-house2, Smith row
21973 Robinson LouisClarges streetdwelling-house4, Clarges street
21974 Robinson RodgerCentre streetdwelling-house11, Centre street
21975 Robinson ThomasClayton lanedwelling-house23, Clayton lane
21976 Robinson WilliamIndependent streetdwelling-house8, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house2, Independent street
21977 Robinson William HenryLittle Horton lanedwelling-house377, Little Horton lane
21978 Robson HodgsonPark lanehouse & shop313, Park lane
21979 Rodgers JohnPark lanehouse & shop249, Park lane
21980 Rogers SamuelLittle Horton lanedwelling-house450, Little Horton lane
21981 Roper CharlesDorset streetdwelling-house7, Dorset street
21982 Roper CunliffeFinchley streetdwelling-house2, Barley fold
successivedwelling-house31, Finchley street
21983 Roper SamuelNewell streetdwelling-house5, Newell street
21984 Rothera JohnHaycliffe lanedwelling-house21, Haycliffe lane
21985 Roundhill SamuelPark lanedwelling-house91, Park lane
21986 Rowbottom JohnQuaker terracedwelling-house17, Quaker terrace
21987 Rowley JesseIda streetdwelling-house5, Ida street
21988 Rowley OliverIda streetdwelling-house21, Ida street
21989 Runcorn RichardJacob streetdwelling-house5, Copley street
successivedwelling-house56, Jacob street
21990 Rushforth JohnFarside greendwelling-house74, Quaker lane
successivedwelling-house25, Farside green
21991 Rushforth JosephClayton lanedwelling-house89, Clayton lane
21992 Russell JamesLittle Horton lanedwelling-house792, Little Horton lane
21993 Russell JohnGreaves streetdwelling-house7, Greaves street
successivedwelling-house21, Greaves street
21994 Rycroft RobinsonLittle Horton lanehouse & shop414, Little Horton lane

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter S
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
21995 Sagar JosephHorton greendwelling-house57, Horton green
21996 Sagar William EdwardDarton streetdwelling-house26, Darton street
21997 Sanson WilliamDenton streetdwelling-house24, Denton street
21998 Schofield JamesTudor streetdwelling-house40, Skinhouse street
successivedwelling-house33, Tudor street
21999 Schofield JoshuaKaye streetdwelling-house3, Thomas street
successivedwelling-house24, Kaye street
22000 Schofield SamuelSouthfield lanedwelling-house121A, Southfield lane
22001 Scholefield RichardHaycliffe lanedwelling-house20, Haycliffe lane
22002 Scholefield SamuelBelloe streetdwelling-house28, Belloe street
22003 Scholefield WilliamHaycliffe lanedwelling-house26, Haycliffe lane
22004 Scott DanielBrownroyd folddwelling-house1, Brownroyd fold
22005 Scott EdwinBrownroyd folddwelling-house6, Brownroyd fold
22006 Scott HenryNewell streetdwelling-house72, Newell street
22007 Scott JamesBrownroyd folddwelling-house3, Brownroyd fold
22008 Scott JesseCopley streetdwelling-house44, Copley street
successivedwelling-house23, Copley street
22009 Scott JohnRoundhill streetdwelling-house19, Spicer street
successivedwelling-house19, Roundhill street
22010 Scott NoahManchester roaddwelling-house399, Manchester road
22011 Scott ThomasPercy streetdwelling-house810, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-houseSkinhouse street
successivedwelling-house32, Percy street
22012 Scruton JohnManchester roadhouse & shop502, Manchester road
22013 Sedgwick JohnTudor streetdwelling-house29, Tudor street
22014 Selby JosephLittle Horton lanedwelling-house464, Little Horton lane
22015 Senton JosephNewell streetdwelling-house64, Newell street
22016 Seymour RileyPark lanedwelling-house141, Park lane
22017 Shackleton ArthurSkinhouse streetdwelling-house2, Skinhouse street
22018 Shackleton DavidBottomley streetdwelling-house47, Bottomley street
22019 Shackleton EdwardPark lanehouse & shop273, Park lane
22020 Shackleton EzraHerbert streetdwelling-house8, Herbert street
22021 Shackleton JamesJacob streetdwelling-house80, Jacob street
22022 Shackleton SolomonSpicer streetshopSpicer street
22023 Shackleton ThomasTudor streetdwelling-house37, Tudor street
22024 Sharp CharlesBrownroyd folddwelling-house4, Brownroyd fold
22025 Sharp DanielBrownroyd folddwelling-house9, Brownroyd fold
22026 Sharp GeorgeManchester roadhouse & shop464, Manchester road
22027 Sharp JamesSpicer streetdwelling-house11, Spicer street
22028 Sharp JohnIndependent streetdwelling-house6, Independent street
22029 Sharp JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house822, Little Horton lane
22030 Sharp LeonardSkinhouse streetdwelling-house23, Skinhouse street
22031 Sharp WilliamBrownroyd folddwelling-house8, Brownroyd fold
22032 Shaw CharlesLittle Horton lanedwelling-house38, Copley street
successivedwelling-house909, Little Horton lane
22033 Shaw JobStar streetdwelling-house20, Star street
22034 Shaw ThomasLittle Horton lanedwelling-house647, Little Horton lane
22035 Shea EdwardBottomley streetdwelling-house9, Gower street
successivedwelling-houseBottomley street
successivedwelling-house6, Bottomley street
22036 Sheldon JamesLittle Horton lanedwelling-house796, Little Horton lane
22037 Shepherd JohnQuaker lanedwelling-house3, Quaker lane
22038 Shepherd JosephHaycliffe lanedwelling-house9, Haycliffe lane
22039 Shepherd JosephusLittle Horton lanedwelling-house10, Haycliffe road
successivedwelling-house17, Farside green
successivedwelling-house683, Little Horton lane
22040 Sherwood WilliamJacob streetdwelling-house72, Jacob street
22041 Shoesmith JosephPark lanedwelling-house152, Park lane
22042 Shuttleworth EdwardJacob streetdwelling-house82, Jacob street
22043 Simpson RandolphNewell streetdwelling-house56, Newell street
22044 Simpson ThomasHolme top lanehouse & shop40, Holme top lane
22045 Singleton HenryHorton greendwelling-houseHorton green
22046 Singleton Peter Arthur PopplewellSouthfield lanedwelling-house82, Southfield lane
22047 Singleton RobertCopley streetdwelling-house17, Copley street
22048 Skipworth John KershawHutson streetdwelling-house58, Hutson street
22049 Skirrow SamuelCopley streetdwelling-house52, Copley street
22050 Skirrow ThomasCopley streetdwelling-house42, Copley street
successivedwelling-house21, Copley street
22051 Slater AlfredDarton streetdwelling-house37, Darton street
22052 Slater JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house888, Little Horton lane
22053 Slater Raphael WatsonBottomley streethouse & shop64, Bottomley street
22054 Slinger ThomasClayton lanedwelling-house55, Clayton lane
22055 Smith AbrahamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house800, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house794, Little Horton lane
22056 Smith AdamSouth streetdwelling-house13, South street
22057 Smith BethelThornton lanedwelling-house12, Frimley street
successivedwelling-house9, Thornton lane
22058 Smith CardwellHolme top lanedwelling-house59, Holme top lane
22059 Smith EdwinKaye streetdwelling-house5, Kaye street
22060 Smith FrancisIda streetdwelling-house17, Ida street
22061 Smith FrederickIda streethouse & shop1, Ida street
22062 Smith GeorgeLincey fieldsdwelling-house1, Lincey fields
22063 Smith GeorgeLittle Horton lanedwelling-house671, Little Horton lane
22064 Smith JamesKaye streetdwelling-house8, Lower Bramley street
successivedwelling-house34, Kaye street
22065 Smith James DanielPark lanedwelling-house46, Park lane
22066 Smith JohnTudor streetdwelling-house62 Tudor street
22067 Smith John ThomasNewell streetdwelling-house41, Newell street
22068 Smith JoshuaLittle Horton lanedwelling-house710, Little Horton lane
22069 Smith MichaelShelfwarehouseHolme top mill
22070 Smith RobertPark lanedwelling-house277, Park lane
22071 Smith SamuelGreaves streetdwelling-house25, Greaves street
22072 Smith ThomasFrimley streetdwelling-house18, Frimley street
22073 Smith ThomasHolme top streetdwelling-house23, Holme top street
22074 Smith Thomas WorsnopBottomley streetdwelling-house56, Bottomley street
22075 Smith WalterClayton lanedwelling-house71, Tudor street
successivedwelling-house27, Clayton lane
22076 Smith WilliamPakington streetdwelling-house70, Pakington street
22077 Smith WrightHolme top lanedwelling-house27, Holme top lane
22078 Smithies SamuelLittle Horton lanedwelling-house422, Little Horton lane
22079 Smyth JohnPark lanedwelling-house66, Park lane
22080 Somers EdwardSpicer streetdwelling-house4, Greaves street
successivedwelling-house19, Spicer street
22081 Somers John EdwardCopley streetdwelling-house56, Copley street
22082 Soothill William ArthurLittle Horton lanedwelling-house331, Little Horton lane
22083 Sowden SamuelFarside greendwelling-house6, Farside green
22084 Sowood WashingtonTudor streetdwelling-house20, Tudor street
22085 Speight PaulDarton streetdwelling-house3, Darton street
22086 Speight SamuelPark lanedwelling-house24, Percy street
successivedwelling-house293, Park lane
22087 Spence Franklin WilkinsOld lanedwelling-house10, Old lane
22088 Spence WalterDarton streetdwelling-house76, Darton street
22089 Spencer MarkManchester roadhouse & shop472, Manchester road
22090 Spencer SamuelJacob streetdwelling-house23, Jacob street
22091 Spurr RichardManchester roaddwelling-house321, Manchester road
22092 Stamp WilliamDarton streetdwelling-house60, Darton street
22093 Standing RobertPark lanedwelling-house136, Park lane
22094 Starkey FergusHolme top streetdwelling-house18, Holme top street
22095 Stead JohnClayton lanedwelling-house33, Clayton lane
22096 Stead JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house391, Little Horton lane
22097 Stead JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house365, Little Horton lane
22098 Steel FrederickHolme top lanedwelling-house71, Holme top lane
22099 Stephenson DavidTudor streetdwelling-house37, Clayton lane
successivedwelling-house68, Tudor street
22100 Stephenson EdwinClarges streetdwelling-house16, Clarges street
22101 Stephenson JamesDarton streetdwelling-house7, Hunt yard
successivedwelling-house53, Darton street
22102 Stephenson JohnDarton streetdwelling-house24, Barton street
successivedwelling-house43, Darton street
22103 Stewart EdwardHerbert streetdwelling-house53, Newell street
successivedwelling-house10, Herbert street
22104 Stewart GeorgeBottomley streetdwelling-house29, Dorset street
successivedwelling-house70, Bottomley street
22105 Stobart KellettRoyd streetdwelling-house43, Bottomley street
successivedwelling-house26, Royd street
22106 Stockdale JamesLincey fieldsdwelling-house4, Lincey fields
22107 Stockdale SamuelManchester roadhouse & shop528, Manchester road
22108 Stocks TimothyIndependent streetdwelling-house28, Independent street
22109 Stott IrvineBowlingshopDouglas mill, Old lane
22110 Stott PhilomelKaye streetdwelling-house10, Kaye street
22111 Stowell ChristopherHutson streetdwelling-house8, Hutson street
22112 Stoyles John WilliamCopley streetdwelling-houseSaxon street
successivedwelling-house7, Copley street
22113 Sugden AmosPercy streetdwelling-house15, Percy street
22114 Sugden BenjaminLittle Horton lanedwelling-house438, Little Horton lane
22115 Sugden DavidThornton lanedwelling-house40, Thornton lane
22116 Sugden JohnNurser lanedwelling-house38, Copley street
successivedwelling-house6, Nurser lane
22117 Sugden JosephDarton streetdwelling-house25, Darton street
22118 Sugden NathanielLittle Horton lanedwelling-house393, Little Horton lane
22119 Sugden OatesPercy streetdwelling-house8, Percy street
successivedwelling-house2, Percy street
22120 Sugden RichardManchester roaddwelling-house486, Manchester road
22121 Sugden ThomasLittle Horton lanedwelling-house838, Little Horton lane
22122 Summersgill HenryPark lanedwelling-house127, Park lane
successivedwelling-house87, Park lane
22123 Summersgill JesseSouthfield lanedwelling-house114, Southfield lane
22124 Summersgill JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house915, Little Horton lane
22125 Summersgill JohnRoyd streetdwelling-house16, Royd street
22126 Summersgill NathanLittle Horton lanedwelling-house900, Little Horton lane
22127 Summersgill Nathan, junr.Little Horton lanedwelling-house898, Little Horton lane
22128 Sunderland JohnPark lanedwelling-house295, Park lane
22129 Sunderland RichardSkinhouse streetdwelling-house39, Skinhouse street
22130 Sunderland TimothyRoundhill streetdwelling-house37, Roundhill street
22131 Sunderland WilsonCentre streetdwelling-house8, Centre street
22132 Sutcliffe AmosHaycliffe roaddwelling-house24, Haycliffe road
22133 Sutcliffe CharlesBottomley streetdwelling-house50, Bottomley street
22134 Sutcliffe Edward HarrisonLittle Horton lanedwelling-house335, Little Horton lane
22135 Sutcliffe JohnHolme top streetdwelling-house45, Holme top street
successivedwelling-house47, Holme top street
22136 Sutcliffe John, junr.Holme top streetdwelling-house20, Holme top street
successivedwelling-house49, Holme top street
22137 Sutcliffe JonathanSouthfield lanedwelling-house30, Southfield lane
22138 Sutcliffe SimeonTudor streetdwelling-house8, Ackroyd street
successivedwelling-house19, Tudor street
22139 Sutcliffe StephenSouthfield lanedwelling-house78, Southfield lane
22140 Sutcliffe ThomasSouthfield lanedwelling-house112, Southfield lane
22141 Sutcliffe WilliamBottomley streetdwelling-house57, Bottomley street
22142 Sutcliffe WilliamHolme top streetdwelling-house49, Holme top street
successivedwelling-house39, Holme top street
22143 Swailes CharlesHolme top lanedwelling-house20, Holme top lane
22144 Swaine Charles HenryTudor streetdwelling-house54, Tudor street
22145 Swaine RichardPark lanedwelling-house54, Park lane
22146 Swaine WilliamHaycliffe lanedwelling-house17, Haycliffe lane
22147 Sweeney Edward ButterworthKaye streetdwelling-house13, Kaye street
22148 Sykes FrederickThornton lanedwelling-house51, Thornton lane

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter T
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
22149 Tallantire JosephLittle Horton lanehouse & shop687, Little Horton lane
22150 Tatlow RobertPark lanedwelling-house125, Park lane
successivedwelling-house160, Park lane
22151 Taylor BenjaminManchester roadhouse & shop468, Manchester road
22152 Taylor FrendSkinhouse streetdwelling-house34, Woodhead road
successivedwelling-house4, Skinhouse street
22153 Taylor JohnHolme top streetdwelling-house7, Holme top street
successivedwelling-house9, Holme top street
22154 Taylor Nathan WilsonLittle Horton lanedwelling-house754, Little Horton lane
22155 Taylor WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house411, Little Horton lane
22156 Teale ReubenDorset streetdwelling-house13, Dorset street
successivedwelling-house4, Dorset street
22157 Tempest BenjaminLittle Horton lanedwelling-house695, Little Horton lane
22158 Tempest JamesLittle Horton lanedwelling-house790, Little Horton lane
22159 Tempest JesseClarges streetdwelling-house28, Clarges street
22160 Tempest JosephCopley streetdwelling-house4, Copley street
22161 Terry WilliamManchester roaddwelling-house562, Manchester road
22162 Tetley BenjaminLittle Horton lanedwelling-house673, Little Horton lane
22163 Thewlis EdwardDenton streetdwelling-houseSt. Stephen's road
successivedwelling-house22, Denton street
22164 Thompson JohnHolme top streetdwelling-house5, Holme top street
22165 Thompson WilliamNurser lanedwelling-house17, Nurser lane
22166 Thompson WilliamNewell streetdwelling-house7, Newell street
22167 Thornton BenjaminBottomley streetdwelling-house48, Bottomley street
22168 Thornton GeorgeHaycliffe lanedwelling-house10, Haycliffe lane
22169 Thornton JohnCopley streetdwelling-house10, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house8, Copley street
22170 Thornton SamuelCopley streetdwelling-house58, Copley street
22171 Thorpe GeorgeCopley streetdwelling-house60, Copley street
22172 Thorpe JohnDarton streetdwelling-house4, Darton street
22173 Thorpe SquireCopley streetdwelling-house27, Copley street
22174 Thorpe William HenryLittle Horton lanedwelling-house886, Little Horton lane
22175 Throp GeorgePullan streetdwelling-house50, Pullan street
22176 Thwaite GeorgePark lanedwelling-house241, Park lane
22177 Tidswell ThomasLittle Horton lanedwelling-house828, Little Horton lane
22178 Todd CharlesRoyd streetdwelling-house22, Royd street
22179 Tommis ColonelBelloe streetdwelling-house46, Belloe street
22180 Tommis FrancisQuaker terracedwelling-house21, Collins street
successivedwelling-house20, Quaker terrace
22181 Toothill FredDarton streetshop263, Park lane
22182 Toothill JosephFalcon streetshopIda street
22183 Topham EdwinManchester roadshop444, Manchester road
22184 Topham JohnPark lanedwelling-house235, Park lane
22185 Tordoff SharpSouthfield lanedwelling-house48, Southfield lane
22186 Trickey JohnDenton streetdwelling-house5, Denton street
22187 Turner JohnKaye streetdwelling-house12, Kaye street
22188 Turner WilliamRoyd streetdwelling-house70, Royd street

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter U
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
22189 Unwin DavidBelloe streetdwelling-house42, Belloe street
22190 Uttley JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house47, Derby street
successivehouse & shop433, Little Horton lane
22191 Uttley WilliamPark lanedwelling-house96, Park lane

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter V
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
22192 Verity RobertHolme top lanedwelling-house49, Holme top lane

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter W
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
22193 Waddington AbrahamSmith rowdwelling-house8, Smith row
22194 Waddington JamesStowell Mill streethouse & shop3, Stowell Mill street
22195 Waddington JohnPark lanedwelling-house213, Park lane
22196 Wade CharlesLittle Horton lanehouse & shop532, Little Horton lane
22197 Wade WalterNurser lanedwelling-house11, Nurser lane
22198 Wadsworth JohnIndependent streetdwelling-house22, Independent street
22199 Wadsworth William HenryLittle Horton lanedwelling-house703, Little Horton lane
22200 Wagstaff HenryMontague streetdwelling-house2, Independent street
successivedwelling-house22, Montague street
22201 Wagstaff WalterThornton lanedwelling-house110, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house3, Thornton lane
22202 Wain AbelCentre streetdwelling-house4, Centre street
22203 Wainwright WilliamDorset streetdwelling-house11, Dorset street
successivedwelling-house13, Dorset street
22204 Wakefield HenryDarton streetdwelling-house129, Park lane
successivedwelling-house50, Darton street
22205 Walker HenryBelloe streetdwelling-house26, Belloe street
22206 Walker HenryNurser lanedwelling-house66, Crowther street
successivehouse & shop4, Nurser lane
22207 Walker JamesJacob streetdwelling-house51, Jacob street
22208 Walker JosephDarton streetdwelling-house41, Darton street
22209 Walker JosephPercy streetdwelling-house30, Percy street
22210 Walker WilliamSkinhouse streetdwelling-house27, Skinhouse street
22211 Wallace JohnPark lanedwelling-house130, Park lane
22212 Wallace JohnRoundhill streetdwelling-house61, Roundhill street
22213 Wallace WilliamHolme top lanedwelling-house14, Holme top lane
22214 Wallace WilliamRoundhill streetdwelling-house59, Roundhill street
22215 Wallis GeorgeOld lanedwelling-house8, Old lane
22216 Walsh WilliamClayton lanedwelling-house67, Clayton lane
22217 Walton HenryBelloe streetdwelling-house38, Holme top lane
successivedwelling-house38, Belloe street
22218 Warbrick ThomasCentre streetdwelling-house6A, Centre street
22219 Ward JamesQuaker lanedwelling-house52, Quaker lane
22220 Ward JohnQuaker lanedwelling-house68, Quaker lane
22221 Ward John AlfredNewton streetdwelling-house11, Newton street
22222 Ward Joseph HenryPark lanehouse & shop58, Park lane
22223 Ward PriestleyQuaker lanedwelling-house12, Quaker lane
22224 Wardle CharlesMontague streetdwelling-house38, Belloe street
successivedwelling-house16, Montague street
22225 Warner HenryPercy streetdwelling-house4, Percy street
successivedwelling-house6, Percy street
22226 Warner John WilliamQuaker lanedwelling-house36, Quaker lane
successivedwelling-house34, Quaker lane
22227 Warner RobertPercy streetdwelling-house36, Percy street
22228 Waterhouse Joseph LeachFarside greendwelling-house11, Farside green
successivedwelling-house12, Farside green
22229 Waterhouse WilliamClayton lanedwelling-house85, Clayton lane
22230 Waterworth RichardLittle Horton lanedwelling-house722, Little Horton lane
22231 Watson EphraimJacob streetdwelling-house43, Jacob street
22232 Watson JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house424, Little Horton lane
22233 Watts JamesHaycliffe roaddwelling-house12, Barton street
successivedwelling-house60, Haycliffe road
22234 Wedgbury AlfredParkinson streetdwelling-house29, Parkinson street
successivedwelling-house2, Parkinson street
22235 Wells IsaacRoundhill streetdwelling-house65, Roundhill street
22236 Wharf ThomasDarton streetdwelling-house32, Darton street
22237 Whitaker AlfredManchester roaddwelling-house540, Manchester road
22238 Whitaker ElijahDorset streetdwelling-house17, Dorset street
22239 Whitaker HiramPark lanedwelling-house14, Miall street
successivedwelling-house35, Holme top street
successivedwelling-house237, Park lane
22240 Whitaker KayeJacob streetdwelling-house33, Jacob street
22241 Whitaker ThomasLittle Horton lanedwelling-house748, Little Horton lane
22242 Whitaker ThomasHaycliffe roaddwelling-house2, Haycliffe road
22243 Whitaker ThomasTudor streetdwelling-house55, Tudor street
22244 Whitaker ThomasLittle Horton lanedwelling-house748, Little Horton lane
22245 White JosephQuaker lanedwelling-house2, Quaker lane
22246 White WilliamPark lanedwelling-house35, Adelaide street
successivedwelling-house297, Park lane
22247 Whitehall Richard WrightPark lanedwelling-house207, Park lane
22248 Whitehead John RobinsonTudor streetdwelling-house90, Rupert street
successivedwelling-house50, Tudor street
22249 Whitehead JoshuaLemon streetdwelling-house842, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house17, Lemon street
22250 Whiteley JosephLittle Horton lanedwelling-house383, Little Horton lane
22251 Whiteley Thomas LawrenceParkinson streetdwelling-house6, Parkinson street
22252 Whiteley WilliamStar streetdwelling-house15, Star street
22253 Whitley JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house858, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house909, Little Horton lane
22254 Whitney HenryBottomley streetdwelling-house19, Roundhill street
successivedwelling-house3, Bottomley street
22255 Whitney WilliamTudor streetdwelling-house17, Tudor street
22256 Whitney WilliamSkinhouse streetdwelling-house3, Skinhouse street
22257 Widdows Frederick WilliamHolme top lanedwelling-house24, Frank street
successivedwelling-house62, Holme top lane
22258 Widdows GeorgeBowlingshop440, Manchester road
22259 Wild AckroydRoyd streetdwelling-house42, Royd street
22260 Wilding RichardManchester roaddwelling-house532A, Manchester road
22261 Wildman EdwardLittle Horton lanedwelling-house2, Greaves street
successivedwelling-house750, Little Horton lane
22262 Wilkinson AlbertJacob streetdwelling-house66, Jacob street
22263 Wilkinson AmosPark lanedwelling-house301, Park lane
22264 Wilkinson EzraHaycliffe roaddwelling-house147, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house38, Haycliffe road
22265 Wilkinson HiramBottomley streetdwelling-house63, Bottomley street
22266 Wilkinson JohnBarton streetdwelling-house11, Quaker terrace
successivedwelling-house2, Barton street
22267 Wilkinson JohnSouth streetdwelling-house9, South street
22268 Wilkinson JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house423, Little Horton lane
22269 Wilkinson MatthewNewell streetdwelling-house59, Newell street
22270 Wilkinson RichardLittle Horton lanedwelling-house679, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house892, Little Horton lane
22271 Wilkinson SethFarside greendwelling-house3, Farside green
22272 Wilkinson ThomasHolme top lanedwelling-house31, Holme top lane
22273 Wilkinson WilliamHorton greendwelling-house345, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house55, Horton green
22274 Wilkinson WilliamSouthfield lanehouse & shop534, Manchester road
successivedwelling-house106, Southfield lane
22275 Wilkinson WilliamManchester roaddwelling-house395, Manchester road
22276 Wilkinson WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house836, Little Horton lane
22277 Wilkinson WilliamNewell streetdwelling-house2, Newell street
22278 Willey William HenryQuaker terracedwelling-house5 Quaker terrace
22279 Willis JohnSpicer streetdwelling-house25, Spicer street
22280 Wilman AlfredBottomley streetdwelling-house66, Bottomley street
22281 Wilman JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house724, Little Horton lane
22282 Wilman OliverLittle Horton lanedwelling-house768, Little Horton lane
22283 Wilman WilliamLittle Horton lanedwelling-house708, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house770, Little Horton lane
22284 Wilson DavidDorset streetdwelling-house5, Dorset street
22285 Wilson JonasPark lanedwelling-house148, Park lane
22286 Wilson MilesPark lanedwelling-house135, Park lane
22287 Wilson SamuelQuaker terracedwelling-house1, Quaker terrace
22288 Wilson ThomasKaye streetdwelling-house6, Kaye street
22289 Wilson WalterSouthfield lanedwelling-house32, Southfield lane
22290 Wilson WilliamDarton streetdwelling-house48, Darton street
22291 Winterburn BenjaminQuaker lanedwelling-house16, Quaker lane
22292 Wisby HenryPercy streetdwelling-house10, Percy street
22293 Wiseman JohnPark lanedwelling-house31, Copthorne street
successivedwelling-house78, Park lane
22294 Wolfenden JohnHutson streetdwelling-house62, Hutson street
22295 Wood BenjaminDarton streetdwelling-house35, Darton street
22296 Wood GeorgeHolme Top streetdwelling-house70, Holme Top street
22297 Wood HenryQuaker lanedwelling-house20, Quaker terrace
successivedwelling-house30, Quaker lane
22298 Wood JohnFarside greenhouse & shop1, Farside green
22299 Wood JohnLittle Horton lanedwelling-house462, Little Horton lane
22300 Wood John HenryBarton streetdwelling-house6, Peel row
successivedwelling-house14, Barton street
22301 Wood JosephIndependent streetdwelling-house34, Independent street
22302 Wood JosephLittle Horton lanedwelling-house868, Little Horton lane
22303 Wood MarkHillam streetdwelling-house4, Hillam street
22304 Wood SamuelJacob streetdwelling-house21, Jacob street
22305 Wood SamuelBottomley streetdwelling-house81, Bottomley street
22306 Wood TimQuaker lanedwelling-house14, Quaker lane
22307 Wood WilliamPark lanedwelling-house64, Park lane
22308 Wood WilliamGreaves streetdwelling-house8, Greaves street
22309 Wood WilliamLemon streetdwelling-house913, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house19, Lemon street
22310 Wood WilliamFinchley streetdwelling-house43, Finchley street
22311 Woodhead EdwinIda streetdwelling-house3, Ida street
22312 Woodhead JamesLittle Horton lanedwelling-house460, Little Horton lane
22313 Woodhead JesseMontague streetdwelling-house12, Montague street
22314 Woodhead Jesse FrederickSouthfield lanehouse & shop5, Southfield lane
22315 Woodhead JohnCopley streetdwelling-house37, Copley street
22316 Woodhead JohnLittle Horton lanehouse & shop426, Little Horton lane
22317 Woodhead WilliamClarges streetdwelling-house8, Clarges street
22318 Woodruff GeorgeLittle Horton lanedwelling-house528, Little Horton lane
22319 Worsnop JabezTudor streetdwelling-house52, Tudor street
22320 Worsnop JohnSouthfield lanehouse & shop139, Southfield lane
22321 Worsnop WilliamHaycliffe roaddwelling-house72, Haycliffe road
22322 Worsnop William AppleyardQuaker lanedwelling-house32, Quaker lane
22323 Wraith Jarvis FreckletonHolme Top lanedwelling-house25, Holme Top lane
22324 Wray RichardLittle Horton lanedwelling-house495, Little Horton lane
22325 Wray ThomasLittle Horton lanedwelling-house421, Little Horton lane
22326 Wright JohnDarton streetdwelling-house7, Darton street
22327 Wright JohnPark lanedwelling-house291, Park lane
22328 Wright UriahMontague streetdwelling-house48, Montague street
22329 Wright William RobertNewell streetdwelling-house31, Newell street

LITTLE HORTON WARD3, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter Y
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
22330 Young SamsonGreaves streetdwelling-house52, Skinhouse street
successivedwelling-house11, Greaves street
successivedwelling-house17, Greaves street

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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