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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1881, NORTH WARD2.


Please read these notes about these registers.

NORTH WARD2, 1881.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
4920 Ackroyd WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house427, Bolton road
4921 Ambler EdwardManninghamwarehouseValley road
4922 Ambler GeorgeManninghamwarehouseValley road
4923 Ambler JeremiahManninghamwarehouseValley road
4924 Ambler JohnBolton roaddwelling-house911, Bolton road
4925 Ambler JohnManninghamwarehouseValley road
4926 Ambler SamuelManninghamwarehouseValley road
4927 Andrews EdwardClarenton lanedwelling-house20, Clarenton lane
successivedwelling-house22, Clarenton lane
4928 Atkinson DavidBolton roaddwelling-house301, Bolton road
4929 Atkinson JamesBolton roaddwelling-house313, Bolton road
4930 Atkinson JamesBolton roaddwelling-house291, Bolton road
4931 Atkinson JohnClarenton lanedwelling-house8, Clarenton lane
4932 Atkinson RobertHortonwarehouse29, Canal road
4933 Aveyard GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house437, Bolton road

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter B
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
4934 Badman HarrySchool streetdwelling-house27, School street
4935 Bailey AbrahamLawson streetdwelling-house23, Lawson street
successivedwelling-house19, Lawson street
4936 Bailey JosiasCliffe Wood viewdwelling-house1, Cliffe Wood view
4937 Baker EdwardNorthbrook placedwelling-house4, Northbrook place
4938 Bancroft JabezTurner rowdwelling-house4, Turner row
4939 Banham JamesBolton roaddwelling-house95, Bolton road
4940 Banks JamesSalisbury streetdwelling-house18, Salisbury street
4941 Banks JohnBolton roaddwelling-house915, Bolton road
4942 Barker WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house267, Bolton road
4943 Barraclough HenryHoldsworth streetdwelling-house5, Holdsworth street
4944 Barraclough WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house125, Bolton road
4945 Barwick JamesCliffe wood viewdwelling-house2, Cliffe wood view
4946 Bastow ThomasColeman streetdwelling-house17, Coleman street
4947 Bates GeorgeWharfe streetdwelling-house13, Wharfe street
4948 Benn SolomonBolton roaddwelling-house647, Bolton road
4949 Binns JosephSalisbury streetdwelling-house7, Salisbury street
4950 Birch Thomas NicholsonBolton roaddwelling-house505, Bolton road
4951 Bolton GeorgeManninghamwarehouseWharfe street
4952 Bolton LotBolton roaddwelling-house303, Bolton road
4953 Boocock WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house395, Bolton road
4954 Booth Charles HenryBolton roaddwelling-house571, Bolton road
4955 Booth WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house959, Bolton road
4956 Borrisow Albert MatthewManninghamwarehouse22, Mill street
4957 Boyden HenryHortonwarehouse19, Bolton road
4958 Boyes JohnBolton roaddwelling-house461, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house487, Bolton road
4959 Bradley SamuelWharfe streetdwelling-house11, Wharfe street
4960 Braithwaite WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house463, Bolton road
4961 Brayshaw AbrahamBolton roaddwelling-house201, Bolton road
4962 Brayshaw JamesBolton roaddwelling-house187, Bolton road
4963 Brennan Patrick FrancisBolton roaddwelling-house87, Bolton road
4964 Brewerton John RichardsonBolton roaddwelling-house113, Bolton road
4965 Briggs HezekiahBolton roaddwelling-house659, Bolton road
4966 Briggs JohnBolton roaddwelling-house99, Bolton road
4967 Briggs WilliamClarenton lanedwelling-house12, Clarenton lane
4968 Broadbent John JohnsonHortonwarehouse17, Leeming street
4969 Broadhead JohnBolton roaddwelling-house537, Bolton road
4970 Brown JohnBolton roaddwelling-house9, Simes street
successivedwelling-house661, Bolton road
4971 Brown ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house701, Bolton road
4972 Burnley ThomasManninghamshopCanal road
4973 Butterfield JesseBolton roaddwelling-house105, Bolton road

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter C
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
4974 Cansfield AbrahamBolton roaddwelling-house409, Bolton road
4975 Cavanagh ThomasMill streetdwelling-house1, Mill street
4976 Chippendale WilliamColeman streetdwelling-house6, Coleman street
successivedwelling-house10, Coleman street
4977 Clappison WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house709, Bolton road
4978 Clark JohnSalisbury streetdwelling-house16, Salisbury street
4979 Clark JohnColeman streetdwelling-house32, Coleman street
successivedwelling-houseBolton road
successivedwelling-house21, Coleman street
4980 Clark LeviBolton roaddwelling-house931, Bolton road
4981 Clarke JosephValley roaddwelling-house10, Valley road
4982 Coates RalphBolton roaddwelling-house747, Bolton road
4983 Coates Richard PullanManninghamwarehouse8, Mill street
4984 Coldron JohnBolton roaddwelling-house731, Bolton road
4985 Collins WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house655, Bolton road
4986 Cooper SamuelBolton roaddwelling-house429, Bolton road
4987 Cooper WilliamDixon streetdwelling-house11, Dixon street
4988 Copestake HenryDixon streetdwelling-house16, Dixon street
4989 Corcoran DanielBolton roaddwelling-house279, Bolton road
4990 Coulton DixonValley roaddwelling-house11, Valley road
4991 Cridland HenryHortonwarehouseMill street
4992 Crossland GeorgeColeman streetdwelling-house36, Coleman street
4993 Crossley EdwinBolton roaddwelling-house495, Bolton road
4994 Crowther JonasBolton roaddwelling-house711, Bolton road
4995 Crowther SamuelSalisbury streetdwelling-house15, Salisbury street

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter D
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
4996 Dann WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house289, Bolton road
4997 Dargue WilliamSpinkwell Dyehousedwelling-house7, Spinkwell Dyehouse
4998 Davis John ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house287, Bolton road
4999 Dawson JohnBolton roaddwelling-house479, Bolton road
5000 Deacon JamesNorthbrook placedwelling-house27, Northbrook place
5001 Deacon JosephLawson streetdwelling-house5, Lawson street
5002 Delver JohnBolton roaddwelling-house687, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house657, Bolton road
5003 Dempsey WilliamNorthbrook placedwelling-house15, Northbrook place
5004 Dennison GeorgeDixon streetdwelling-house51, Dixon street
5005 Dennison WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house6, Back Spinkwell terrace
successivedwelling-house345, Bolton road
5006 Donolly WilliamColeman streetdwelling-house23, Coleman street
5007 Dougherty PatrickColeman streetdwelling-house14, Coleman street
5008 Drake AbrahamBolton roaddwelling-house901, Bolton road
5009 Drake John HenryBolton roaddwelling-house449, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house433, Bolton road
5010 Dresser JosephWharfe streetdwelling-house9, Wharfe street
5011 Dullenty ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house263, Bolton road

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter E
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5012 Eastburn JohnDixon streetdwelling-house67, Dixon street
5013 Eccles EdwardWharfe streetdwelling-house38, Wharfe street
5014 Edmondson Charles WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house117, Bolton road
5015 Emsley ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house85, Bolton road
5016 England JamesBolton roaddwelling-house25, Northbrook place
successivedwelling-house6, Richmond street
successivedwelling-house123, Bolton road
5017 England John ThomasClarenton lanedwelling-house6, Clarenton lane

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter F
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5018 Farrar RichardBolton roaddwelling-house129, Bolton road
5019 Fawcett GeorgeClarenton lanedwelling-house14, Clarenton lane
5020 Fearnley GeorgeLeeming streetdwelling-house2, Leeming street
5021 Fewster JamesBolton roaddwelling-house407, Bolton road
5022 Firth JohnMill streetdwelling-house9, Mill street
5023 Firth SamuelBolton roaddwelling-house751, Bolton road
5024 Flesher JosephBolton roaddwelling-house211, Bolton road
5025 Fletcher FrederickSpinkwell Dyehousedwelling-house8, Spinkwell Dyehouse
5026 Ford GeorgeBuckingham streetdwelling-house933, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house6, Buckingham street
5027 Fortune JamesBolton roaddwelling-house699, Bolton road

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter G
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5028 Gaddy ThomasLawson streetdwelling-house21, Lawson street
5029 Gallagher JohnColeman streetdwelling-house336, Mount street
successivedwelling-house18, Coleman street
5030 Gantley WilliamColeman streetdwelling-house34, Coleman street
5031 Garrett SamuelUndercliffe streetwarehouse29, Canal road
5032 Gathcart JohnBolton roaddwelling-house271, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house213, Bolton road
5033 Gibbons JohnBuckingham streetdwelling-house18, Buckingham street
5034 Gill EdwinBolton roaddwelling-house695, Bolton road
5035 Gill WilliamColeman streetdwelling-house15, Coleman street
5036 Gleason WilliamLawson streetdwelling-house17, Lawson street
5037 Gornley PatrickColeman streetdwelling-house38, Coleman street
5038 Gray JamesBolton roaddwelling-house297, Bolton road
5039 Greef IsaacNorthbrook placedwelling-house3, Northbrook place
5040 Green EdwardSingleton streetdwelling-house48, Singleton street
5041 Green JohnOtley roadshopCanal road
5042 Greenhough SquireBolton roaddwelling-house497, Bolton road
5043 Greenwood GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house293, Bolton road
5044 Greenwood JohnHanover squarewarehouse8, Mill street
5045 Greenwood WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house185, Bolton road
5046 Gregson EdwardManninghamshopHoldsworth street
5047 Gregson JohnBolton roaddwelling-house523, Bolton road
5048 Griffin ThomasSpinkwell Dyehousedwelling-houseSpinkwell Dyehouse
5049 Grundy WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house14, Robert street
successivedwelling-house281, Bolton road

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter H
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5050 Hahlo CharlesManninghamwarehouse16, Mill street
5051 Haigh JosephHoldsworth streetwarehouseHoldsworth street
5052 Hainsworth HenryBolton roaddwelling-house230, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house485, Bolton road
5053 Hainsworth JohnNorthbrook placedwelling-house1A, Northbrook place
5054 Hainsworth SamuelBolton roaddwelling-house285, Bolton road
5055 Haley AlbertBolton roaddwelling-house723, Bolton road
5056 Hall HenryBolton roaddwelling-house941, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house937, Bolton road
5057 Hall John, junr.Bolton roaddwelling-house229, Bolton road
5058 Hammond GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house4, Coleman street
successivedwelling-house729, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house651, Bolton road
5059 Hammond RichardBolton roaddwelling-house447, Bolton road
5060 Hardisty JamesNorthbrook placedwelling-house9, Northbrook place
5061 Hardy Honourable Harold GathorneLow moorcountinghouseCanal road
5062 Hardy LawrenceLow moorcountinghouseCanal road
5063 Hargreaves RobertBolton roaddwelling-house167, Bolton road
5064 Harrison GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-houseBolton road
successivedwelling-house421, Bolton road
5065 Harrison JosephBolton roaddwelling-house365, Bolton road
5066 Hartley JoshuaBolton roaddwelling-house143, Bolton road
5067 Hawkins WilliamColeman streetdwelling-house42, Coleman street
5068 Hellewell GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house925, Bolton road
5069 Hessey ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house205, Bolton road
5070 Hewitt MichaelBolton roaddwelling-house97, Bolton road
5071 Hey RobertSpinkwell Dyehousedwelling-house4, Spinkwell Dyehouse
5072 Hill GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house109, Bolton road
5073 Hill ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house259, Bolton road
5074 Hinnell HenryBolton roaddwelling-house957, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house955, Bolton road
5075 Hinton CharlesCliffe Wood viewdwelling-house697, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house3, Cliffe Wood view
5076 Hirst ThomasSpinkwell Dyehousedwelling-house5, Spinkwell Dyehouse
5077 Hoare JohnNorthbrook placedwelling-house23, Northbrook place
5078 Hobson HenrySalisbury streetdwelling-house2, Salisbury street
5079 Hodgson AlfredBolton roaddwelling-house721, Bolton road
5080 Hodgson MiddletonSalisbury streetdwelling-house8, Salisbury street
5081 Hodgson SamuelBolton roaddwelling-house733, Bolton road
5082 Hodgson ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house19, Salisbury street
successivedwelling-house685, Bolton road
5083 Holmes WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house677, Bolton road
5084 Hopkinson JosephValley roaddwelling-house9, Valley road
5085 Horsfall JosephBolton roaddwelling-house142, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house153, Bolton road
5086 Horsfall Thomas HenryBolton roaddwelling-houseCavalier street
successivedwelling-house927, Bolton road
5087 Howarth HenryBolton roaddwelling-house503, Bolton road
5088 Huggard JosephBolton roaddwelling-house713, Bolton road
5089 Hurley WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house245, Bolton road
5090 Hutchinson JamesBolton roaddwelling-house459, Bolton road

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter I
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5091 Ibbins WilliamColeman streetdwelling-house28, Coleman street
5092 Ingham BenBoltonwarehouseValley road
5093 Ingham John EdwardBoltonwarehouseValley road
5094 Ingham OatesManninghamwarehouseValley road

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter J
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5095 Jackson JamesBuckingham streetdwelling-house4, Buckingham street
5096 Jagger JonasBolton roaddwelling-house507, Bolton road
5097 Jenkins HenryBolton roaddwelling-house357, Bolton road
5098 Jordan JohnWharfe streetdwelling-house213, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house34, Wharfe street
5099 Jowett Nathan AtkinsonManninghamshopCanal road
5100 Judson JosephManninghamwarehouseSingleton street

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter K
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5101 Kay AdamBolton roaddwelling-house907, Bolton road
5102 Kay JohnHoldsworth streetdwelling-house2, Holdsworth street
5103 Kelly JoshuaBolton roaddwelling-house473, Bolton road
5104 Kelly ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house921, Bolton road
5105 Kendrew ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house425, Bolton road
5106 Kennedy JamesBolton roaddwelling-house667, Bolton road
5107 Kenningham HenryLionel streetdwelling-houseLionel street
5108 Kershaw JoshuaBolton roaddwelling-house375, Bolton road
5109 Kitchen JohnBolton roaddwelling-house195, Bolton road
5110 Kitchen JosephBolton roaddwelling-house453, Bolton road
5111 Kneebon WilliamWharfe streetdwelling-house31, Wharfe street
5112 Knowles JamesTurner rowdwelling-house2, Turner row
5113 Knowles JonasLeeming streetdwelling-house5, Leeming street
5114 Knox JohnWharfe streetdwelling-house10, Craven street
successivedwelling-house28, Wharfe street

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter L
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5115 Langan JamesMill streetdwelling-house3, Mill street
5116 Laurence EdwinBolton roaddwelling-house13, Pine street
successivedwelling-house449, Bolton road
5117 Laycock SimeonBolton roaddwelling-house335, Bolton road
5118 Leather George HenryBingleywarehouse83, Dixon street
5119 Leavis WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house265, Bolton road
5120 Lee AlfredColeman streetdwelling-house4, Cambridge place
successivedwelling-house3, Lingard street
successivedwelling-house8, Coleman street
5121 Lee JohnSingleton streetdwelling-house52a, Singleton street
5122 Leeming JamesBaildonwarehouse44, Singleton street
5123 Leeming JohnBaildonwarehouse44, Singleton street
5124 Licence EdwardBolton roaddwelling-house443, Bolton road
5125 Liebreich Charles EdwardManninghamwarehouse16, Mill street
5126 Lister EdwardBolton roaddwelling-house223, Bolton road
5127 Lodge JohnBolton roaddwelling-house965, Bolton road
5128 Lodge ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house961, Bolton road
5129 Long CharlesSalisbury streetdwelling-house13, Salisbury street
5130 Longstaff GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house261, Bolton road
5131 Lumb EnochSchool streetdwelling-house31, School street

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter M
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5132 Machan ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house343, Bolton road
5133 Mahon JohnBolton roaddwelling-house11, Priestley street
successivedwelling-houseJury street
successivedwelling-house241, Bolton road
5134 Making WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house58, Hustler street
successivedwelling-house929, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house967, Bolton road
5135 Manifield WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house307, Bolton road
5136 Marsden JosephGreen Grove terracedwelling-house12, Green Grove terrace
5137 Marshall JosephSalisbury streetdwelling-house6, Salisbury street
5138 Marshall SamuelBolton roadshop18, Wharfe street
5139 Mason JohnGreen grove terracedwelling-house8, Green grove terrace
5140 Mason WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house351, Bolton road
5141 Mason William HenryBolton roaddwelling-house361, Bolton road
5142 Massey CharlesColeman streetdwelling-house32, Coleman street
5143 May William SmithBolton roaddwelling-house669, Bolton road
5144 Mayhew HenryBolton roaddwelling-house661, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house673, Bolton road
5145 McIlwrieth JohnSalisbury streetdwelling-house3, Salisbury street
5146 Medley JohnColeman streetdwelling-house5, Spinkwell Dyehouse
successivedwelling-house25, Coleman street
5147 Micklethwaite John WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house755, Bolton road
5148 Miller GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house543, Bolton road
5149 Milligan JohnGreen grove terracedwelling-house4, Green grove terrace
5150 Milnes JohnBolton roaddwelling-house717, Bolton road
5151 Minnikin RobertBolton roadshop83, Bolton road
5152 Mitchell Edward AlbertBolton roaddwelling-house909, Bolton road
5153 Mitchell JohnBolton roaddwelling-house693, Bolton road
5154 Mitchell JosephHoldsworth streetdwelling-house2, Holdsworth street
5155 Moorhouse JosephBolton roaddwelling-house917, Bolton road
5156 Morgan ThomasBolton roadshop113, Godwin street
successivedwelling-house945, Bolton road
5157 Moss JamesSalisbury streetdwelling-house465, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house11, Salisbury street
5158 Murgatroyd JosephBolton roaddwelling-house423, Bolton road

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter N
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5159 Neill WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house493, Bolton road
5160 Netherwood HenryBolton roaddwelling-house947, Bolton road
5161 Nicholson AlfredBolton roaddwelling-house509, Bolton road
5162 Nicholson EdwardWharfe streetdwelling-house39, Wharfe street
5163 Nicholson PrinceBolton roaddwelling-house501, Bolton road
5164 Nolan JohnColeman streetdwelling-house26, Coleman street
5165 North SchofieldColeman streetdwelling-house19, Coleman street

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter O
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5166 Oates ThomasLawson streetdwelling-house15, Lawson street
5167 Oates WilliamDixon streetdwelling-house19, Dixon street
5168 Oldfield JosephNorthbrook placedwelling-house19, Northbrook place
5169 Overend JamesSalisbury streetdwelling-house4, Salisbury street
5170 Owens JohnGreen Grove terracedwelling-house10, Green Grove terrace

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter P
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5171 Parrington WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house283, Bolton road
5172 Patchett JohnBolton roaddwelling-house233A, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house367, Bolton road
5173 Patchett Joseph BaldwinBolton roaddwelling-house225, Bolton road
5174 Patefield BenjaminBolton roaddwelling-house389, Bolton road
5175 Philipp AdolphusManninghamwarehouse18, Mill street
5176 Philipp JacobManninghamwarehouse18, Mill street
5177 Phillips JohnWharfe streetdwelling-house27, Wharfe street
5178 Pilton WilliamSalisbury streetdwelling-house14, Salisbury street
5179 Pinder WilliamNorth Holme streetdwelling-house36, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house3, North Holme street
5180 Pizzy IsaacBolton roaddwelling-house435, Bolton road
5181 Pollard IrvineBolton roaddwelling-house715, Bolton road
5182 Poole William JohnBolton roaddwelling-house231, Bolton road
5183 Popplewell HenryBolton roaddwelling-house899, Bolton road
5184 Pratt WilliamWharfe streetdwelling-house10, Wharfe street
5185 Priestley DanielWharfe streetdwelling-house17, Wharfe street
5186 Pullan ThomasNorth Holme streetdwelling-house4, North Holme street
5187 Punt John StockdaleBolton roaddwelling-house763, Bolton road
5188 Punt JosephCarnarvon streetdwelling-house7, Carnarvon street
5189 Punt WilliamCarnarvon streetdwelling-house2, Carnarvon street
5190 Punt WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house725, Bolton road
5191 Pyburn RalphBolton roaddwelling-house419, Bolton road

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter R
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5192 Raistrick TaylorBolton roaddwelling-house735, Bolton road
5193 Raistrick ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house451, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house467, Bolton road
5194 Raistrick WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house363, Bolton road
5195 Ramsbottom EdwardBolton roaddwelling-house679, Bolton road
5196 Raw JamesWharfe streetdwelling-house13, Northbrook place
successivedwelling-house47, Wharfe street
5197 Reynolds FrederickBolton roaddwelling-house383, Bolton road
5198 Rhodes EdwardHortonwarehouse21, Bolton road
5199 Richardson GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house165, Bolton road
5200 Richardson JohnWharfe streetdwelling-house34, Wharfe street
successivedwelling-house16, Wharfe street
5201 Roberts ThomasHeadingleywarehouse29, Canal road
5202 Robertshaw JohnBolton roaddwelling-house533, Bolton road
5203 Robertshaw TomBolton roaddwelling-house499, Bolton road
5204 Robertshaw WilliamNorthbrook placedwelling-house35, Northbrook place
5205 Robinson Frederick JohnManninghamwarehouse27, Canal road
5206 Rodgers GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house207, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house101, Bolton road
5207 Romaine EdwardSalisbury streetdwelling-house20, Salisbury street
5208 Roper JamesBolton roaddwelling-house121, Bolton road
5209 Rothschild GustaveManninghamwarehouse21, Canal road
5210 Rouse FrankBurleywarehouse26, North Holme street
5211 Rouse HerbertBurleywarehouse26, North Holme street
5212 Rouse John FrederickBaildonwarehouse26, North Holme street
5213 Rouse WilliamBurleywarehouse26, North Holme street
5214 Rowell GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house689, Bolton road
5215 Rushforth SamuelBolton roaddwelling-house22, Cordingley street
successivedwelling-house665, Bolton road
5216 Rushworth ThomasBolton roaddwelling-houseWapping road
successivedwelling-house95, Bolton road
5217 Rutherfield OliverBolton roaddwelling-house439, Bolton road
5218 Rutherfield ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house489, Bolton road

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter S
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5219 Schofield WilliamColeman streetdwelling-house21, Coleman street
successivedwelling-house13, Coleman street
5220 Shackleton JonathanValley roaddwelling-house12, Valley road
5221 Shackleton JoshuaWharfe streetdwelling-house36, Wharfe street
5222 Sharp CharlesLawson streetdwelling-house1, Lawson street
5223 Sharp FrederickClarenton lanedwelling-house138, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house5, Clarenton lane
5224 Shaw HenryBolton roaddwelling-house741, Bolton road
5225 Shaw PhilipBolton roaddwelling-house337, Bolton road
5226 Sheahan JamesClarenton lanedwelling-house10, Clarenton lane
5227 Shelly TimothyLeeming streetdwelling-house3, Leeming street
5228 Shield DanielSalisbury streetdwelling-house26, Salisbury street
5229 Sigsworth John AnthonyDixon streetdwelling-house9, Dixon street
5230 Sill ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house681, Bolton road
5231 Sillet RichardBuckingham streetdwelling-house931, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house8, Buckingham street
5232 Simpson JeremiahGreen Grove terracedwelling-house2, Green Grove terrace
5233 Singleton Joseph RobertManninghamwarehouseSingleton street
5234 Smith CharlesNorth Holme streetdwelling-house2, North Holme street
successivedwelling-house5, North Holme street
5235 Smith HenryBolton roaddwelling-house475, Bolton road
5236 Smith JamesLawson streetdwelling-house7, Lawson street
5237 Smith JohnWharfe streetdwelling-house49, Wharfe street
5238 Smith JohnBolton roaddwelling-house737, Bolton road
5239 Smith ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house137, Bolton road
5240 Smith WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house215, Bolton road
5241 Stansfield JamesManninghamshop7A, Valley road
5242 Stansfield PeterManninghamshop7A, Valley road
5243 Starkey EdwardSalisbury streetdwelling-house5, Salisbury street
5244 Stephenson HenryBuckingham streetdwelling-house20, Buckingham street
5245 Stephenson RobertBolton roaddwelling-house231, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house209, Bolton road
5246 Stirk JosephSalisbury streetdwelling-house1, Salisbury street
5247 Stockdale JosephDixon streetdwelling-house20, Dixon street
5248 Stratton JohnBolton roaddwelling-house275, Bolton road
5249 Sutcliffe AlfredValley roaddwelling-house57, Crown street
successivedwelling-house1, Valley road
5250 Sutcliffe CharlesDixon streetdwelling-house53, Dixon street
5251 Sykes JohnNorthbrook placedwelling-house203, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house7, Northbrook place
5252 Sykes RichardSpinkwell Dyehousedwelling-house6, Spinkwell Dyehouse

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter T
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5253 Taylor John EllisNorthbrook placedwelling-house2, Northbrook place
5254 Taylor John OverendSalisbury streetdwelling-house23, Salisbury street
5255 Taylor JoshuaLawson streetdwelling-house25, Lawson street
5256 Taylor ThomasBolton roaddwelling-houseBolton road
successivedwelling-house683, Bolton road
5257 Taylor WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house197, Bolton road
5258 Thompson JohnBolton roaddwelling-house727, Bolton road
5259 Thompson JosephBolton roaddwelling-house487, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house461, Bolton road
5260 Thompson ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house193, Bolton road
5261 Thornton William HenryBolton roaddwelling-house305, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house339, Bolton road
5262 Timms CharlesSalisbury streetdwelling-house10, Salisbury street
5263 Titterington GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house745, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house749, Bolton road
5264 Titterington WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house743, Bolton road
5265 Topham WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house149, Bolton road
5266 Trotter AlfredBolton roaddwelling-house93, Bolton road
5267 Turner AlfredSalisbury streetdwelling-house25, Salisbury street
5268 Turner JohnDixon streetdwelling-house69, Dixon street
5269 Turner ThomasCanal roaddwelling-house12, Canal road
5270 Turner WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house393, Bolton road
5271 Tweed JamesBolton roaddwelling-house527, Bolton road

NORTH WARD2, 1881, surnames beginning with the letter W
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5272 Walker JohnWharfe streetdwelling-house30, Wharfe street
5273 Walker SamuelBolton roaddwelling-house663, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house703, Bolton road
5274 Wall ErnestHortonwarehouse27, Canal road
5275 Walsh JamesBolton roaddwelling-house441, Bolton road
5276 Walsh ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house913, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house687, Bolton road
5277 Walton WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house233, Bolton road
5278 Wardman JohnBolton roaddwelling-house753, Bolton road
5279 Watson JohnBolton roaddwelling-house705, Bolton road
5280 Wheatley WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house123, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house131, Bolton road
5281 Whitaker JohnBolton roaddwelling-house139, Bolton road
5282 Whitaker WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house707, Bolton road
5283 White DanielBolton roaddwelling-house653, Bolton road
5284 White WilliamColeman streetdwelling-house150, East parade
successivedwelling-house20, Coleman street
5285 Whiteley WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house273, Bolton road
5286 Wigglesworth ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house641, Bolton road
5287 Wild JosephLawson streetdwelling-house9, Lawson street
5288 Wilkinson BriggsBolton roaddwelling-house673, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house675, Bolton road
5289 Wilkinson JohnSingleton streetdwelling-houseSingleton street
5290 Willoughby JosephBolton roaddwelling-house251, Bolton road
5291 Wilson Henry EdwardWharfe streetdwelling-house68, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house33, Wharfe street
5292 Wilson SamuelBolton roaddwelling-house373, Bolton road
5293 Wood ArthurBolton roaddwelling-house903, Bolton road
5294 Wood IsaacBolton roaddwelling-house481, Bolton road
5295 Wood JeremiahBolton roaddwelling-house765, Bolton road
5296 Wood ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house5, Turner row
successivedwelling-house353, Bolton road
5297 Wood WilliamColeman streetdwelling-house16, Coleman street
successivedwelling-house4, Coleman street
5298 Woodhead UriahBowlingshopCanal road

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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