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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1883, BRADFORD MOOR WARD.


Please read these notes about these registers.

Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
9880 Abel JosephBack lanedwelling-house390, Back lane
9881 Ackroyd HenryHarewood streetdwelling-house18, Harewood street
9882 Ackroyd HezekiahBattye streetdwelling-house30, Battye street
9883 Ackroyd JosephMoorfieldsdwelling-house1A, Moorfields
9884 Ackroyd ThompsonLeach squaredwelling-house4, Leach square
9885 Ackroyd WilliamBattye streetdwelling-house41, Battye street
9886 Adams JasonDundas streetdwelling-house65, Dundas street
9887 Ainsworth GeorgeFlorence streetdwelling-house52, Amberley street
successivedwelling-house46, Florence street
9888 Aldersley WilliamRobertshaw streetdwelling-house2, Robertshaw street
9889 Alderson LeviNapier streetdwelling-house67, Napier street
9890 Allen DysonCork streetdwelling-house59, Battye street
successivedwelling-house9, Cork street
9891 Allison Thomas JamesHeath streetdwelling-house5, School square
successivedwelling-house15, Heath street
9892 Allman RobertChapman streetdwelling-house9, Chapman street
successivedwelling-house43, Chapman street
9893 Ambler DanielBattye streetdwelling-house89, Battye street
9894 Ambler DavidBattye streetdwelling-house61, Battye street
9895 Amys JohnAmberley streetdwelling-house47, Amberley street
9896 Amys ThomasCork streetdwelling-house1, Cork street
9897 Anderson ChristopherLeedswarehouseLaurel street
9898 Argyle RolandGreenhill lanedwelling-house998, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house29, Greenhill lane
9899 Armitage Samuel LawrenceLapage streetdwelling-house32, Dundas street
successivedwelling-house60, Lapage street
9900 Arnold FredCook streetdwelling-house25, Blanche street
successivedwelling-house28, Cook street
9901 Arnold James SteadBirkshall lanedwelling-houseopposite 53, Birkshall lane
9902 Askin ChristopherChestnut streetdwelling-house7, Chestnut street
9903 Askin JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house892, Leeds road
9904 Aspinall HallFieldhouse Housesdwelling-house1, Fieldhouse houses
9905 Atack BenjaminFieldhouse rowdwelling-house3, Fieldhouse row
9906 Atack JamesFieldhouse streetdwelling-house25, Fieldhouse street
9907 Atkinson JamesFarnley streetdwelling-house8, Farnley street
9908 Atkinson JohnDundas streetdwelling-house115, Dundas street
9909 Austin Robert LakePawson streetdwelling-house4, Pawson street
9910 Austin ThomasAmberley streetdwelling-house58, Amberley street

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter B
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
9911 Bailey AlbertNapier streetdwelling-house43, Napier street
successivedwelling-house19, Napier street
9912 Bailey HiramMyrtle streetdwelling-house47, Myrtle street
9913 Bailie GeorgeLaurel streetdwelling-house24, Laurel street
9914 Bairstow JonathanCook streetdwelling-house38, Cook street
9915 Baldwin George TaylorHarrison streetdwelling-house22, Harrison street
9916 Baldwin WilliamCampbell streetdwelling-house1, Campbell street
9917 Bamber JohnDaniel streetdwelling-house14, Daniel street
9918 Banks MatthewNapier streetdwelling-house28, Napier street
9919 Barfield JohnHarrison streetdwelling-house17, Harrison street
9920 Barker Thomas BrookHarrison streetdwelling-house23, Harrison street
9921 Barnes JonasLee squaredwelling-house19, Lee square
9922 Barrans ThomasCorless rowdwelling-house3, Corless row
9923 Barrett DavidCarnation streetdwelling-house3, Carnation street
successivedwelling-house7, Carnation street
9924 Barron HammilAlmond streetdwelling-house2, Almond street
9925 Barrons JohnAlmond streetdwelling-house9, Almond street
9926 Bartle DavidBattye streetdwelling-house83, Battye street
9927 Bartrim LeonardAmberley streetdwelling-house17, Amberley street
9928 Baskerville RobertPeace streetdwelling-house59, Peace street
9929 Bastow IsaacRobertshaw streetdwelling-house6, Robertshaw street
9930 Bastow John HenryPeace streetdwelling-house35, Peace street
9931 Bastow JonathanParratt rowdwelling-house7, Parratt row
9932 Bastow PeterLapage streetdwelling-house6, Lapage street
9933 Bastow ThomasPeace streetdwelling-house25, Peace street
9934 Bastow WilliamVignola streetdwelling-house27, Vignola street
9935 Bates JohnFieldhouse Housesdwelling-house7, Fieldhouse houses
9936 Batley Thomas DavisonKershaw streetdwelling-house88, Kershaw street
9937 Beanland GeorgeHudson streetdwelling-house8, Hudson street
9938 Beanland JosephBradford moordwelling-house6, Bradford moor
9939 Beanland JosephDundas streetdwelling-house14, Dundas street
9940 Beanland WilliamNapier streetdwelling-house7, Napier street
9941 Bearder John WilliamRaglan streetdwelling-house65, Bradford lane
successivedwelling-houseRaglan street
9942 Beaumont JamesBack lanedwelling-house543, Back lane
9943 Beaumont ThomasFieldhouse streetdwelling-house8, Fieldhouse street
successivedwelling-house10, Fieldhouse street
9944 Beaver CharlesNapier streetdwelling-house99, Napier street
9945 Beck JamesKershaw streetdwelling-house45, Napier street
successivedwelling-house54, Kershaw street
9946 Beecliff Reverend Robert JohnGladstone streetdwelling-house36, Gladstone street
9947 Beevers RichardGreenhill lanedwelling-house11, Amberley street
successivedwelling-house7, Greenhill lane
9948 Bell WilliamCartmell streetdwelling-house34, Cartmell street
9949 Bennett WilliamMyrtle streetdwelling-house101, Myrtle street
9950 Benson RobertKimberley streetdwelling-house54, Maltby street
successivedwelling-house49, Kimberley street
9951 Bentley JohnBattye streetdwelling-house59, Butler street
successivedwelling-house99, Battye street
9952 Benton JonathanCork streetdwelling-house62, Napier street
successivedwelling-house26, Cork street
9953 Berry JosephBradford lanedwelling-house55, Bradford lane
9954 Berry WilliamCoach rowdwelling-house12, Coach row
9955 Berry William HenryLaurel streetdwelling-house72A, Laurel street
9956 Beverley ChristopherStanningleywarehouse68, Laisterdyke
9957 Bickerdike JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house1262, Leeds road
9958 Bickerdyke ArthurLeeds roaddwelling-house803, Leeds road
9959 Biggam GeorgeRaglan streetdwelling-house19, Raglan street
9960 Binns AlfredKerr streetdwelling-house23, Kerr street
9961 Binns GeorgeKerr streetdwelling-house12, Kerr street
9962 Binns JacobAmberley streetdwelling-house99, Battye street
successivedwelling-house11, Amberley street
9963 Binns ThomasGreenhill lanedwelling-house36, Stanacre place
successivedwelling-house11, Greenhill lane
9964 Binns Timothy CrabtreeGladstone streetdwelling-house5, Hill side villas
successivedwelling-house32, Gladstone street
9965 Birch JamesDundas streetdwelling-house4, Dundas street
9966 Birch ThomasDundas streetdwelling-house6, Dundas street
9967 Birch ThomasKershaw streetdwelling-house96, Kershaw street
9968 Birtles Samuel JamesHarewood streetdwelling-house43, Harewood street
9969 Bishton LeviCampbell streetdwelling-house8, Cartmell street
successivedwelling-house24, Campbell street
9970 Blackburn JohnLeeds roadwarehouse68A, Laisterdyke
9971 Blackburn JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house585, Leeds road
9972 Blades ThomasCook streetdwelling-house21, Cook street
9973 Blakeborough William HenryLaurel streetdwelling-house68, Laurel street
9974 Blakey IsaacRobertshaw streetdwelling-house8, Robertshaw street
9975 Blakey ThomasChestnut streetdwelling-house16, Chestnut street
9976 Blakey Thomas PickardLapage streetdwelling-house66, Lapage street
9977 Boardman MarkRufford streetdwelling-house15, Rufford street
9978 Boardman ThomasCavalry streetdwelling-house69, Dundas street
successivedwelling-house1, Cavalry street
9979 Bolton WilliamLee squaredwelling-house17, Lee square
9980 Bonnell JohnHudson streetdwelling-house41, Dundas street
successivedwelling-house15, Napier street
successivedwelling-house4, Hudson street
9981 Boocock HenryLeeds roaddwelling-house1270, Leeds road
9982 Boocock JohnCook streetdwelling-house52, Kershaw street
successivedwelling-house27, Cook street
9983 Boocock UriahMaltby streetdwelling-house60, Kershaw street
successivedwelling-house50, Maltby street
9984 Booth NoahLeeds roaddwelling-house849, Leeds road
9985 Boothroyd LotDundas streetdwelling-house1016, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house5, Dundas street
9986 Bottomley JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house980, Leeds road
9987 Bottomley WilliamBack Coach rowdwelling-house17, Back Coach row
9988 Bowers Ben LedgarRufford streetdwelling-house13, Rufford street
9989 Boyd JamesDundas streetdwelling-house9, Dundas street
9990 Boyes HolroydCampbell streetdwelling-house16, Campbell street
9991 Boyes RichardLaisterdykedwelling-house8, Laisterdyke
9992 Bracewell JamesBower greendwelling-house5, Bower green
9993 Bradbury AlbertLapage streetdwelling-house93, Battye street
successivedwelling-house28, Lapage street
9994 Bradford JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house1296, Leeds road
9995 Bradford John JamesDudley hill roaddwelling-house58, Dudley hill road
9996 Bray ThomasCook streetdwelling-house2, Cook street
9997 Bray ThomasKerr streetdwelling-house26, Battye street
successivedwelling-house13, Kerr street
9998 Brayshaw JohnSodom lanedwelling-house16, Sodom lane
9999 Brearley JohnHarewood streetdwelling-house46, Lyndhurst street
successivedwelling-house28, Harewood street
10000 Brearley JosephKershaw streetdwelling-house56, Kershaw street
successivedwelling-house64, Kershaw street
10001 Brearley ThomasHarrison streetdwelling-house20, Harrison street
10002 Brewer JamesCartmell streetdwelling-house14, Cartmell street
10003 Brice WilliamBack lanedwelling-house491A, Back lane
10004 Briggs JeffryDundas streetdwelling-house105, Dundas street
10005 Briggs JohnPeace streetdwelling-house77, Peace street
10006 Briggs JosephRobertshaw streetdwelling-house19, Robertshaw street
10007 Briley RobertGreenhill lanedwelling-house57, George street
successivedwelling-house35, Greenhill lane
10008 Bristow WilliamHeath streetdwelling-house25, Heath street
10009 Britton John SnowdenBack lanedwelling-house1, Dick street
successivedwelling-house425, Back lane
10010 Britton Robert WilliamNapier streetdwelling-house53, Napier street
10011 Broadbent BeaumontBradford lanedwelling-house15, Bradford lane
10012 Broadbent BenjaminGay lanedwelling-house43, Gay lane
10013 Broadbent CharlesNapier streetdwelling-house44, Napier street
10014 Broadbent GeorgeBack lanedwelling-house493, Back lane
10015 Broadbent JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house946, Leeds road
10016 Broadbent WilliamGay lanedwelling-house39, Gay lane
10017 Broadley JohnBower greendwelling-house37, Bower green
10018 Brogden JamesPeace streetdwelling-house26, Peace street
10019 Brogden JohnNapier streetdwelling-house88, Napier street
successivedwelling-house123, Napier street
10020 Brogden WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house8, Sticker lane
10021 Brogden William HenryDaniel streetdwelling-house7, Daniel street
10022 Brook CharlesCartmell streetdwelling-house20, Cartmell street
10023 Brook GeorgeLeeds roaddwelling-house942, Leeds road
10024 Brook GeorgeLeeds roaddwelling-house1008, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house1016, Leeds road
10025 Brook JosephBack lanedwelling-house545, Back lane
10026 Brook RichardAmberley streetdwelling-house8A, Amberley street
10027 Brook ThomasFieldhouse streetdwelling-house21, Fieldhouse street
10028 Brown JamesSchool squaredwelling-house11A, School square
10029 Brown JamesDaniel streetdwelling-house28, Daniel street
successivedwelling-house31, Daniel street
10030 Brown JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house968, Leeds road
10031 Brown JonathanWilliam squaredwelling-house11, William square
10032 Brown MatthewCoach rowdwelling-house14, Coach row
10033 Brown MosesLeeds roaddwelling-house1054, Leeds road
10034 Brown SamuelCartmell streetdwelling-house15, Gay lane
successivedwelling-house22, Cartmell street
10035 Brown ThomasLeeds roaddwelling-house841, Leeds road
10036 Brown ThomasFlorence streetdwelling-house1, Florence street
10037 Brown WilliamCoach rowdwelling-house3, Coach row
10038 Bull JamesGladstone streetdwelling-house12, Gladstone street
10039 Burley JohnKimberley streetdwelling-house11, Kimberley street
10040 Burnell WilliamFieldhouse rowdwelling-house6, Fieldhouse row
10041 Burnley WilliamBack lanedwelling-house537, Back lane
10042 Burrow BenjaminBack lanedwelling-house384, Back lane
10043 Burrow Joseph StottLee rowdwelling-house26, Lee row
10044 Burrows EphraimAlmond streetdwelling-house32, Almond street
10045 Burrows HenryAmberley streetdwelling-house7, Amberley street
10046 Burrows ThomasMyrtle streetdwelling-house13, Myrtle street
10047 Burton GeorgeDaniel streetdwelling-house17, Daniel street
10048 Burton George ChristopherLaisterdykedwelling-house56, Laisterdyke
10049 Burton HenryGay lanedwelling-house33, Gay lane
10050 Burton ThomasLeeds roaddwelling-house495, Leeds road
10051 Bussey GeorgeWilliam squaredwelling-house8, William square
10052 Bussey PeterGladstone streetdwelling-house8, Gladstone street
10053 Butler HenryLaisterdykedwelling-house15, Laisterdyke
10054 Butler WilliamNapier streetdwelling-house85, Napier street
10055 Butterfield BenjaminBradford moordwelling-houseBradford moor
10056 Butterfield WilliamDudley Hill roaddwelling-house10, Dudley Hill road
10057 Butterworth ThomasMyrtle streetdwelling-house59, Myrtle street
10058 Buttery JamesNapier streetdwelling-house90, Napier street

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter C
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10059 Calverey JohnLapage streetdwelling-house44, Lapage street
10060 Canty PatrickLeeds roaddwelling-house25, School square
successivedwelling-house839, Leeds road
10061 Carey CharlesBack lanedwelling-house437, Back lane
10062 Carney JohnRobertshaw streetdwelling-house4, Robertshaw street
10063 Carrick JohnCork streetdwelling-house8, Kerr street
successivedwelling-house20, Cork street
10064 Carrol JohnWilliam squaredwelling-house3, William square
10065 Carson RobertLeeds roaddwelling-house934, Leeds road
10066 Carter JohnWalnut streetdwelling-house5, Walnut street
10067 Carter JohnDudley hill roaddwelling-house12, Dudley hill road
10068 Carter ThomasBradford moordwelling-house64, Bradford moor
successivedwelling-house74, Bradford moor
10069 Cavill JosephRufford streetdwelling-house39, Rufford street
10070 Cavill Robert JosephRufford streetdwelling-house41, Rufford street
successivedwelling-house26, Rufford street
10071 Cawthra GeorgeAlmond streetdwelling-house24, Almond street
successivedwelling-house14, Almond street
10072 Cawthra WilliamNapier streetdwelling-house65, Napier street
successivedwelling-house129, Napier street
10073 Chamberlain HenryBattye streetdwelling-house24, Battye street
successivedwelling-house22, Battye street
10074 Chamberlain ThomasBack Coach rowdwelling-house15, Back Coach row
10075 Chambers AnthonyRobertshaw streetdwelling-house18, Robertshaw street
successivedwelling-house14, Robertshaw street
10076 Charlton ArthurChapman streetdwelling-house33, Chapman street
10077 Charlton RichardCork streetdwelling-house34, Arcadia street
successivedwelling-house22, Cork street
10078 Cheetham WalterRufford streetdwelling-house35, Rufford street
10079 Chesterman ThomasAlmond streetdwelling-house11, Almond street
10080 Child AlbertDudley Hill roaddwelling-house57, Dudley Hill road
10081 Child ThomasKershaw streetdwelling-house83, Kershaw street
10082 Clark HenryVignola streetdwelling-house29, Vignola street
10083 Clark JohnBack lanedwelling-house535, Back lane
10084 Clark JosephLeeds roadshop123, Gibson street
10085 Clark SolomonRobertshaw streetdwelling-house9, Robertshaw street
successivedwelling-house22, Robertshaw street
10086 Clark ThomasTyersalshop123, Gibson street
10087 Clark ThomasBower greendwelling-house1, Bower green
10088 Clayforth CharlesSodom lanedwelling-house1, Sodom lane
10089 Clayton BenjaminDundas streetdwelling-house59, Dundas street
10090 Clayton HenryDundas streetdwelling-house51, Dundas street
10091 Clayton JosephCartmell streetdwelling-house413, Back lane
successivedwelling-house18, Cartmell street
10092 Clayton ThomasLaisterdykedwelling-house76, Laisterdyke
10093 Clegg JohnPeace streetdwelling-house13, Peace street
10094 Clegg Thomas HenryParratt rowdwelling-house12, Parratt row
10095 Clegg WilliamDick streetdwelling-house16, Dick street
10096 Cliffe DavidBower greendwelling-house17, Bower green
10097 Clifford JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house1260, Leeds road
10098 Clough JohnBower greendwelling-house25, Bower green
10099 Clough WilliamDaniel streetdwelling-house12, Daniel street
10100 Cluderay GeorgeSodom lanedwelling-house14, Sodom lane
10101 Cluderay Joseph NettletonSodom lanedwelling-house17, Sodom lane
10102 Coates JamesMoorfieldsdwelling-house8, Moorfields
10103 Coates JohnGibson streetdwelling-house77, Gibson street
10104 Coates JosephVignola streetdwelling-house31, Vignola street
10105 Cockcroft ChristopherNapier streetdwelling-house8, Sowden's Buildings
successivedwelling-house5, Pratt street
successivedwelling-house60, Napier street
10106 Cockroft JoshuaCavalry streetdwelling-house3, Cavalry street
10107 Cockroft WalterDaniel streetdwelling-house29, Daniel street
10108 Cockroft WilliamGreenhill lanedwelling-house67, Battye street
successivedwelling-house25, Greenhill lane
10109 Cockroft WilliamLeeds roadshopnext 507, Back lane
10110 Coe AlfredHarewood streetdwelling-house12, Harewood street
10111 Cole WilliamGreenhill lanedwelling-house13, Pollard lane
successivedwelling-house103, Kershaw street
successivedwelling-house15, Greenhill lane
10112 Collins AlfredRobertshaw streetdwelling-house11, Dick street
successivedwelling-house9, Robertshaw street
10113 Collins EdwardLeeds roaddwelling-house1220, Leeds road
10114 Collinson Christopher FrancisHarrison streetdwelling-house29, Harrison street
10115 Collinson FrederickBack Coach rowdwelling-house16, Back Coach row
10116 Colwell MartinGibson streetdwelling-house79, Gibson street
10117 Conway ThomasLaurel streetdwelling-house92, Laurel street
10118 Coope ThomasHeath streetdwelling-house33, Heath street
10119 Cooper FrankHarewood streetdwelling-house9, Orange street
successivedwelling-house32, Harewood street
10120 Cooper GeorgePeace streetdwelling-house57, Peace street
10121 Cooper WilliamAmberley streetdwelling-house72, Amberley street
successivedwelling-house66, Amberley street
10122 Copperthwaite SamuelDudley Hill roaddwelling-house54, Dudley Hill road
10123 Corbishley John CroftsGreenhill lanedwelling-house1012, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house29, Greenhill lane
10124 Cottill JamesNapier streetdwelling-house106, Napier street
10125 Coulson WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house906, Leeds road
10126 Coupleditch DawsonHarewood streetdwelling-house39, Harewood street
10127 Cowan AndrewDudley Hill roaddwelling-house306, Dudley Hill road
10128 Cowbourn WilliamLapage streetdwelling-house32, Mulgrave street
successivedwelling-house46, Lapage street
10129 Cowbourne JohnCook streetdwelling-house36, Cook street
10130 Cowling JamesKimberley streetdwelling-house45, Kimberley street
10131 Crabtree AlfredTongwarehousenear 46, Florence street
10132 Crabtree JohnLapage streetwarehousenear 46, Florence street
10133 Crabtree TomLeeds roaddwelling-house837, Leeds road
10134 Craven Jonas BattyBower greendwelling-house9, Bower green
10135 Craven SamuelBattye streetdwelling-house33, Battye street
10136 Craven Thomas EdwinRufford streetdwelling-house7, Rufford street
10137 Crawshaw SamuelDundas streetdwelling-house11, Dundas street
10138 Crellin WilliamFlorence streetdwelling-house3, Florence street
10139 Crisp EdwardHeath streetdwelling-house56, Heath street
10140 Crossland BenjaminKershaw streetdwelling-house12, Kershaw street
10141 Crossland WilliamMaltby streetdwelling-house15, Maltby street
10142 Crowther WilliamOrange streetdwelling-house7, Orange street
successivedwelling-house30, Orange street
10143 Cryer JamesArtillery streetdwelling-house1, Artillery street
10144 Cryer JohnVignola streetdwelling-house17, Vignola street
10145 Cryer YoungMoorside placedwelling-house38, Moorside place
10146 Currie Thomas AdairBlanche streetdwelling-house25, Blanche street

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter D
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10147 Dalby BenjaminVignola streetdwelling-house33, Vignola street
10148 Dalby JamesBower greendwelling-house53, Bower green
10149 Dalby JamesRaglan streetdwelling-house13, Raglan street
10150 Dalby ThomasAlmond streetdwelling-house20, Almond street
successivedwelling-house25, Almond street
10151 Daniels GeorgeHeath streetdwelling-house19, Rufford street
successivedwelling-house62, Heath street
10152 Daniels JosephLaisterdykedwelling-house71, Laisterdyke
10153 Daniels ThomasLapage streetdwelling-house58, Lapage street
10154 Darnborough WilliamBattye streetdwelling-house33, Maltby street
successivedwelling-house36, Battye street
10155 Davey RichardFord streetdwelling-house20, Cabinet street
successivedwelling-house9, Ford street
10156 Dawson AbrahamGladstone streetdwelling-house30, Gladstone street
10157 Dawson JosephThornburywarehouseLaurel street
10158 Deighton WilliamLaisterdykedwelling-house74, Laisterdyke
10159 Delaney DennisMyrtle streetdwelling-house116, Myrtle street
successivedwelling-house15, Myrtle street
10160 Dennison JosephCoach rowdwelling-house56, Coach row
10161 Dennison ManassehJohnson courtdwelling-house5, Johnson court
10162 Dennison RobertRobertshaw streetdwelling-house17, Robertshaw street
10163 Denton MatthewWilliam squaredwelling-house1, William square
10164 Dewhirst WilliamCampbell streetdwelling-house11, Campbell street
10165 Dewhirst WilliamGreenhill lanedwelling-house326, Back lane
successivedwelling-house21, Greenhill lane
10166 Dewhurst AquillaLaisterdykedwelling-house19, Laisterdyke
10167 Dewhurst WilliamMoorfieldsdwelling-house2A, Moorfields
10168 Dixon DanielNapier streetdwelling-house95, Napier street
10169 Dixon JamesDundas streetdwelling-house83, Dundas street
10170 Dixon JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house938, Leeds road
10171 Dobby JohnBack lanedwelling-house491, Back lane
10172 Dobson JohnGladstone streetdwelling-house6, Gladstone street
10173 Dobson JohnCoach rowdwelling-house6, Coach row
10174 Dobson JosiahHeath streetdwelling-house3, Heath street
10175 Dobson StephenSticker lanedwelling-house2, Sticker lane
10176 Dobson WilliamBlanche streetdwelling-house19, Blanche street
10177 Dodson JohnHeath streetdwelling-house9, Heath street
10178 Dodsworth ThomasDaniel streetdwelling-house2, Daniel street
10179 Dodsworth WilliamJohnson streetdwelling-house4, Johnson street
10180 Doolan JohnHarrison streetdwelling-house6, Harrison street
successivedwelling-house18, Harrison street
10181 Dowley ThomasMaltby streetdwelling-house65, Battye street
successivedwelling-house38, Maltby street
10182 Downes JohnLapage streetdwelling-house40, Lapage street
10183 Drake JamesLaisterdykedwelling-house10, Laisterdyke
10184 Drake WilliamRufford streetdwelling-house33, Rufford street
10185 Dransfield ThomasWilliam squaredwelling-house5, William square
10186 Drinkwater WilliamGay lanedwelling-house17, Gay lane
10187 Driver EdmundLeeds roaddwelling-house858, Leeds road
10188 Duckett JacobKershaw streetdwelling-house58, Kershaw street
10189 Duckworth Abednego RobertsBack lanedwelling-house523, Back lane
10190 Duckworth StephenFurnace Inn streetdwelling-house13, Furnace Inn street
10191 Dufton ThomasNapier streetdwelling-house29, Napier street
10192 Dullenty WilliamKershaw streetdwelling-house74, Kershaw street
10193 Dunwell JohnOrange streetdwelling-house32, Orange street
10194 Dunwell RobertBattye streetdwelling-house79, Battye street
10195 Durham GeorgeWilliam squaredwelling-house16, William square
successivedwelling-house9, William square
successivedwelling-house10, William square
10196 Durrance JosephHarewood streetdwelling-house37, Harewood street
10197 Durrance JoshuaCook streetdwelling-house32, Cook street
10198 Durrance JoshuaLapage streetdwelling-house22, Lapage street

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter E
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10199 East GeorgeFlorence streetdwelling-house12, Chapman street
successivedwelling-house23, Florence street
10200 Eastburn Frederick JowettCork streetdwelling-house5, Cork street
10201 Eastburn WilliamFord streetdwelling-house10, Ford street
10202 Eastwood DavidHeath streetdwelling-house64, Heath street
10203 Edmondson JohnHarewood streetdwelling-house41, Harewood street
10204 Egan JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house1050, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house1052, Leeds road
10205 Elliott Richard ThomasHarewood streetdwelling-house49, Harewood street
10206 Ellis EdwinAmberley streetdwelling-house39, Amberley street
10207 Ellis JamesBack lanedwelling-house411, Back lane
10208 Ellis JohnPeace streetdwelling-house45, Peace street
10209 Ellis JosephBower greendwelling-house59, Bower green
10210 Ellis ThomasLapage streetdwelling-houseMaltby street
successivedwelling-house30, Lapage street
10211 Ellis WalterHarewood streetdwelling-house22, Harewood street
10212 Ellison AlfredLeeds roaddwelling-house1026, Leeds road
10213 Ellison FrederickHarrison streetdwelling-house2, Harrison street
10214 Ellwood HenryBack lanedwelling-house386, Back lane
successivedwelling-house533, Back lane
10215 Emmott John WilliamKershaw streetdwelling-house16, Kershaw street
successivedwelling-house77, Kershaw street
10216 Emmott SimnellFieldhouse streetdwelling-house5, Fieldhouse street
10217 Emsley DavidAmberley streetdwelling-house20, Amberley street
10218 Etherington JosephGreenhill lanedwelling-housePark gate
successivedwelling-house3, Greenhill lane
10219 Everell JohnAlmond streetdwelling-house30, Almond street
successivedwelling-house36, Almond street

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter F
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10220 Fairbrother AbrahamNapier streetdwelling-house55, Napier street
10221 Farnell EnosKerr streetdwelling-house38, Kerr street
successivedwelling-house40, Kerr street
10222 Farrar JamesBradford lanedwelling-house59, Bradford lane
10223 Farrar JohnDaniel streetdwelling-house64, Daniel street
10224 Farrar JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house862, Leeds road
10225 Fay CharlesMyrtle streetdwelling-house43, Myrtle street
10226 Fearnley ThomasDundas streetdwelling-house81, Dundas street
10227 Feather GeorgeLee rowdwelling-house1298, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house17, Lee row
10228 Fentiman WilliamNapier streetdwelling-house105, Napier street
10229 Fieldhouse AaronCoach rowdwelling-house32, Coach row
successivedwelling-house2, Coach row
10230 Fieldhouse DanielBack lanedwelling-house479, Back lane
10231 Fieldhouse JohnBack lanedwelling-house475, Back lane
10232 Fieldhouse SamuelFieldhouse rowdwelling-house5, Fieldhouse row
10233 Fieldhouse ThomasJohnson streetdwelling-house3, Johnson street
10234 Firth AmosGay lanedwelling-house31, Gay lane
10235 Firth JohnLaisterdykedwelling-house20, Laisterdyke
10236 Firth JonasMoorside lanedwelling-house5, Cavalry street
successivedwelling-house7, Moorside lane
10237 Fisher HenryLeeds roaddwelling-house7, Lee row
successivedwelling-house825, Leeds road
10238 Fisher JohnLee rowdwelling-house19, Lee row
10239 Fisher JohnJohnson streetdwelling-house109, Kershaw street
successivedwelling-house2, Johnson street
10240 Fitzgerald ThomasWalnut streetdwelling-house4, Walnut street
10241 Flatley JohnNapier streetdwelling-house72, Napier street
10242 Fletcher JohnRufford streetdwelling-housenear 31, Mount street
successivedwelling-house14, Rufford street
10243 Fletcher WilliamMaltby streetdwelling-house56, Maltby street
10244 Flood JamesAmberley streetdwelling-house66, Amberley street
successivedwelling-house64, Amberley street
10245 Flowers WilliamNapier streetdwelling-house36, Laurel street
successivedwelling-house121, Napier street
10246 Forrest HenrySodom lanedwelling-house11, Sodom lane
10247 Forrest WilliamChapman streetdwelling-house15, Chapman street
10248 Foster JeremiahVignola streetdwelling-house21, Vignola street
10249 Foster WilliamLapage streetdwelling-house26, Lapage street
10250 Fothergill JohnLee rowdwelling-house1, Lee row
10251 Foulds BenjaminNapier streetdwelling-house74, Napier street
10252 Fowler JohnCampbell streetdwelling-house8, Campbell street
10253 Fox EbenezerOrange streetdwelling-house4, Orange street
10254 Fox PeterKershaw streetdwelling-house66, Kershaw street
10255 Frampton FrederickNapier streetdwelling-house63, Napier street
10256 Franks William JohnHarewood streetdwelling-house40, Harewood street
successivedwelling-house8, Harewood street
10257 Furnace JosephKimberley streetdwelling-house43, Kimberley street

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter G
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10258 Gamble RobertOrange streetdwelling-house8, Orange street
10259 Garlick James WilsonRaglan streetdwelling-housenear 98, Raglan street
10260 Garnett ThomasDundas streetdwelling-house85, Dundas street
10261 Gascoigne JohnHarrison streetdwelling-house31, Harrison street
successivedwelling-house21, Harrison street
10262 Gatcliff JosephHarewood streetdwelling-house8, Harewood street
successivedwelling-house47, Harewood street
10263 Gath SamuelAmberley streetdwelling-house33, Amberley street
10264 Gibbins GeorgeLee rowdwelling-house4, Lee square
successivedwelling-house2, Lee row
10265 Gibson JohnAmberley streetdwelling-house93, Gibson street
successivedwelling-house56, Amberley street
10266 Gibson ThomasLeeds roaddwelling-house854, Leeds road
10267 Gibson Thomas BowdenDundas streetdwelling-house56, Dundas street
10268 Gilbow AndrewMyrtle streetdwelling-house77, Myrtle street
10269 Gill PollardBack lanedwelling-house409, Back lane
10270 Gillan PeterKerr streetdwelling-house15, Kerr street
10271 Gilyard JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house821, Leeds road
10272 Ginn DavidFarnley streetdwelling-house6, Farnley street
10273 Gladwin JohnWilliam squaredwelling-house14, William square
successivedwelling-house17, William square
10274 Gledhill EliKershaw streetdwelling-house36, Kershaw street
10275 Glyde Lavington TaylorShipleywarehouse116, Laurel street
10276 Goodenough GeorgeLeeds roaddwelling-house1170, Leeds road
10277 Goodwin RichardDundas streetdwelling-house47, Maltby street
successivedwelling-house67, Dundas street
10278 Gorman PatrickKershaw streetdwelling-house80, Kershaw street
10279 Grandage JacobBack lanedwelling-house531, Back lane
10280 Granfield JamesMaltby streetdwelling-house34, Maltby street
successivedwelling-house40, Maltby street
10281 Gration Walter JohnFryston placedwelling-house26, Fryston place
successiveshop19, Battye street
10282 Grayson HobsonRufford streetdwelling-house3, Rufford street
10283 Grayson ThomasRufford streetdwelling-house1, Rufford street
10284 Greaves JosephDundas streetdwelling-house36, Dundas street
10285 Green George EdwardKimberley streetdwelling-house25, Kimberley street
10286 Green JamesWalnut streetdwelling-house499, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house6, Walnut street
10287 Green JohnRobertshaw streetdwelling-house56, Birkshall lane
successivedwelling-house21, Robertshaw street
10288 Green WilliamRufford streetdwelling-house40, Kerr street
successivedwelling-house25, Rufford street
10289 Greenhough FrankLaisterdykedwelling-house4, Laisterdyke
10290 Greenwood AdamJohnson streetdwelling-house27, Fieldhouse street
successivedwelling-house13, Johnson street
10291 Greenwood AlfredCoach rowdwelling-house22, Coach row
10292 Greenwood DanielLee rowdwelling-house16, Lee row
10293 Greenwood GeorgeFieldhouse rowdwelling-house2, Fieldhouse row
10294 Greenwood JonasLeeds roaddwelling-house1024, Leeds road
10295 Greenwood JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house5, Kimberley street
successivedwelling-house2, Planetrees road
successivedwelling-house1032, Leeds road
10296 Greenwood JosephFieldhouse streetdwelling-house9, Fieldhouse street
10297 Greenwood JosephBack lanedwelling-house21, Robertshaw street
successivedwelling-house431, Back lane
10298 Greenwood LukeAmberley streetdwelling-house2, Amberley street
10299 Greenwood SmithMaltby streetdwelling-house42, Maltby street
successivedwelling-house62, Maltby street
10300 Greenwood WilliamHeath streetdwelling-house5, Heath street
10301 Gregory CharlesPeace streetdwelling-house67, Peace street
10302 Grice Tom EdwardMoorfieldsdwelling-house2, Moorfields

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter H
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10303 Haigh AbrahamNapier streetdwelling-house42, Napier street
10304 Haigh Henry HelliwellRufford streetdwelling-house4, Malvern street
successivedwelling-house30, Rufford street
10305 Haigh JosephCampbell streetdwelling-house38, Campbell street
10306 Haigh WilliamHarrison streetdwelling-house36, Cartmell street
successivedwelling-house12, Harrison street
10307 Hainsworth AlfredFieldhouse streetdwelling-house11, Fieldhouse street
10308 Hainsworth EdwardFieldhouse rowdwelling-house1, Fieldhouse row
10309 Hainsworth JohnBack Coach rowdwelling-house18, Back Coach row
10310 Hainsworth JoshuaMaltby streetdwelling-house17, Maltby street
10311 Hainsworth WilliamCoach rowdwelling-house66, Coach row
10312 Haire JamesNapier streetdwelling-house93, Napier street
10313 Haley JosephBattye streetdwelling-house28, Battye street
10314 Haley TrueloveMyrtle streetdwelling-house2, Lee row
successivedwelling-house91, Myrtle street
10315 Hall WilliamDundas streetdwelling-house71, Dundas street
10316 Hall WilliamJohnson courtdwelling-house16, Upper Park street
successivedwelling-house1, Johnson court
10317 Hall WilliamKimberley streetdwelling-house21, Kimberley street
10318 Hall William ParrattMoorside lanedwelling-house3, Moorside lane
10319 Hallam JohnDaniel streetdwelling-houseWarwick street
successivedwelling-house13, Daniel street
10320 Hallas WilliamPeace streetdwelling-house40, Cook street
successivedwelling-house24, Peace street
10321 Halliday ThomasLeeds roaddwelling-house1002, Leeds road
10322 Halliday Thomas JohnsonAmberley streetdwelling-house31, Amberley street
10323 Halstead Robert PearsonDundas streetdwelling-house24, Dundas street
10324 Hammond JohnFlorence streetdwelling-house29, Florence street
10325 Hammond JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house1278, Leeds road
10326 Hanson JohnFarnley streetdwelling-house4, Farnley street
10327 Hardaker GeorgeBattye streetdwelling-house87, Battye street
10328 Hardaker Gervis JonasLeeds roaddwelling-house990, Leeds road
10329 Hardcastle JosephPawson streetdwelling-house1, Pawson street
10330 Hardwick HenrySodom lanedwelling-house8, Sodom lane
10331 Hare WilliamMaltby streetdwelling-house15, Moorside lane
successivedwelling-house48, Maltby street
10332 Hargreaves AlbertDudley Hill roaddwelling-house33, Upper Bolton street
successivedwelling-house56, Dudley Hill road
10333 Hargreaves HenryHarewood streetdwelling-house6, Harewood street
10334 Hargreaves JohnCampbell streetdwelling-house55, Dundas street
successivedwelling-house20, Campbell street
10335 Hargreaves JohnDaniel streetdwelling-house8, Daniel street
10336 Hargreaves JohnHeath streetdwelling-house37, Heath street
10337 Hargreaves JohnBradford moordwelling-houseBradford moor
10338 Hargreaves JosephHodgson squaredwelling-house7, Hodgson square
10339 Harker JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house1208, Leeds road
10340 Harland ThomasBattye streetdwelling-house47, Battye street
10341 Harper WilliamBack lanedwelling-house495, Back lane
10342 Harrison AbrahamKershaw streetdwelling-house44, Kershaw street
10343 Harrison BenjaminBowlingshop473, Back lane
10344 Harrison HenryHortonwarehouse46, Florence street
10345 Harrison JohnSwaine greenshop473, Back lane
10346 Harrison John JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house918, Leeds road
10347 Harrison JoshuaCavalry streetdwelling-house4, Cavalry street
10348 Harrison KitsonLee squaredwelling-house12, Lee square
successivedwelling-house14, Lee square
10349 Harrison RichardBack lanedwelling-house391, Back lane
10350 Harrison Richard FrederickGladstone streetdwelling-house34, Gladstone street
10351 Harrison RobertSchool squaredwelling-house2, School square
10352 Harrison SmithAmberley streetdwelling-house98, Amberley street
10353 Harrison ThomasCampbell streetdwelling-house2, Cartmell street
successivedwelling-house7, Campbell street
10354 Harrison WilliamKerr streetdwelling-house3, Jane court
successivedwelling-house5, Kerr street
10355 Harrison WilliamFarnley streetdwelling-house9, Farnley street
10356 Hartley HenryMoorside lanedwelling-house5, Moorside lane
10357 Hartley JohnPeace streetdwelling-house33, Peace street
10358 Hartley JosephHarrison streetdwelling-house27, Harrison street
10359 Hartley RobertOrange streetdwelling-house30, Orange street
successivedwelling-house18, Orange street
10360 Hartley ThomasCampbell streetdwelling-house30, Campbell street
10361 Harvey HenryFlorence streetdwelling-house43, Florence street
10362 Harvey JamesPearson streetdwelling-house14, Pearson street
10363 Hasling AlexanderRobertshaw streetdwelling-house16, Robertshaw street
10364 Hattersley Edward GreavesKeighleywarehouseBirkshall lane
10365 Hattersley GeorgeKeighleywarehouseBirkshall lane
10366 Hattersley Richard LongdenKeighleywarehouseBirkshall lane
10367 Havery HenryRaglan streetdwelling-house27, Raglan street
10368 Havery ThomasRaglan streetdwelling-house1, Raglan street
10369 Hawkins SamuelLaurel streetdwelling-house1, Laurel street
10370 Hawksby JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house982, Leeds road
10371 Hayes MatthewKershaw streetdwelling-house24, Kershaw street
successivedwelling-house30, Kershaw street
10372 Heap JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house1192, Leeds road
10373 Heap WilliamRaglan streetdwelling-house33, Raglan street
10374 Heaton IsaacLeeds roaddwelling-house910, Leeds road
10375 Heaton JamesNapier streetdwelling-house73, Napier street
10376 Heaton JosephBradford lanedwelling-house13, Bradford lane
10377 Heaton NathanRufford streetdwelling-house5, Rufford street
10378 Hebden JonathanGreenhill lanedwelling-house89, Greenhill lane
10379 Helliwell JoshuaMaltby streetdwelling-house52, Maltby street
10380 Henry JohnLaurel streetdwelling-house30, Coach row
successivedwelling-house84, Laurel street
10381 Hepplestone JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house1222, Leeds road
10382 Heptonstall CharlesBack lanedwelling-house501B, Back lane
10383 Heseltine HenryOrange streetdwelling-house34, Orange street
10384 Hetherington RobertFarnley streetdwelling-house3, Farnley street
10385 Hewitt SamuelAlmond streetdwelling-house26, Almond street
10386 Hey BenjaminKerr streetdwelling-house22, Kerr street
10387 Hill AbrahamBattye streetdwelling-house11, Battye street
10388 Hill DavidLeeds roaddwelling-house1180, Leeds road
10389 Hill Frederick WilliamManninghamwarehousePratt street
10390 Hill GeorgeLeeds roaddwelling-house894, Leeds road
10391 Hill RolandLeeds roaddwelling-house976, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house483, Leeds road
10392 Hill Thomas HenryBattye streetdwelling-house31, Battye street
10393 Hillas AlfredOrange streetdwelling-house14, Orange street
10394 Hinchcliffe AaronThornbury streetdwelling-house4, Thornbury street
10395 Hinchcliffe George GloverBack lanedwelling-house429, Back lane
10396 Hinchcliffe JohnThornbury streetdwelling-house2, Thornbury street
10397 Hinchcliffe John William CarterBradford lanedwelling-house7, Bradford lane
10398 Hinchcliffe JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house1290, Leeds road
10399 Hind ThomasDundas streetdwelling-house41, Dundas street
10400 Hindle JacobPeace streetdwelling-house17, Peace street
10401 Hindle JohnPeace streetdwelling-house8, Peace street
10402 Hinton GeorgeRufford streetdwelling-house38, Rufford street
10403 Hirst BenjaminCork streetdwelling-house14, Cork street
10404 Hirst EdwardDaniel streetdwelling-house36, Daniel street
10405 Hirst GeorgeDaniel streetdwelling-house18, Daniel street
10406 Hirst JamesDundas streetdwelling-house44, Dundas street
10407 Hirst JohnDaniel streetdwelling-house18, Walnut street
successivedwelling-house28, Daniel street
10408 Hirst Samuel CharlesworthBack lanedwelling-house493, Back lane
10409 Hirst WilliamMoorfieldsdwelling-house2B, Moorfields
10410 Hodgkins HenryLeeds roaddwelling-house1182, Leeds road
10411 Hodgkins John BentleyCook streetdwelling-house14, Cook street
10412 Hodgson BenjaminMoorside placedwelling-house34, Moorside place
10413 Hodgson DanielCoach rowdwelling-house28, Coach row
successivedwelling-house5, Coach row
successivedwelling-house1, Coach row
10414 Hodgson EdmundHeath streetdwelling-house13, Heath street
10415 Hodgson EdwardAmberley streetdwelling-house19, Amberley street
10416 Hodgson EdwardGay lanedwelling-house55, Gay lane
10417 Hodgson JamesHarewood streetdwelling-house103, Kershaw street
successivedwelling-house40, Harewood street
10418 Hodgson ReubenGay lanedwelling-house29, Gay lane
10419 Holden JohnPlanetrees roaddwelling-housePlanetrees road
10420 Holdsworth GeorgeSchool squaredwelling-house6, School square
10421 Holdsworth JohnGay lanedwelling-house57, Gay lane
10422 Holdsworth JohnSodom lanedwelling-house35, Dundas street
successivedwelling-house12, Sodom lane
10423 Holdsworth JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house1028, Leeds road
10424 Holdsworth RobertLee rowdwelling-house12, Lee row
10425 Holdsworth WilliamKershaw streetdwelling-house62, Kershaw street
10426 Holgate SamuelLeeds roaddwelling-house1042, Leeds road
10427 Holland JamesBattye streetdwelling-house3, Battye street
10428 Hollawell GeorgeBattye streetdwelling-house21, Battye street
10429 Hollingdrake Charles HenryNapier streetdwelling-house77, Napier street
10430 Hollingdrake FieldhouseLeeds roaddwelling-house485, Leeds road
10431 Hollings IsaacLeeds roaddwelling-house978, Leeds road
10432 Hollings JamesSticker lanedwelling-house4, Sticker lane
10433 Hollingworth DavidCoach rowdwelling-house68, Coach row
10434 Hollingworth IsaacHarrison streetdwelling-house32, Harrison street
10435 Hollingworth SamuelLeeds roaddwelling-house1058, Leeds road
10436 Hollyoake JoshuaKershaw streetdwelling-house48, Kershaw street
10437 Holmes DavidNapier streetdwelling-house75, Napier street
10438 Holmes FrancisKerr streetdwelling-house18, Chapman street
successivedwelling-house19, Kerr street
10439 Holmes FrederickCook streetdwelling-house1, Cook street
10440 Holmes HeatonKerr streetdwelling-house3, Kerr street
10441 Holmes JohnCook streetdwelling-house12, Cook street
10442 Holmes John HenryBradford moordwelling-house25, Bradford moor
10443 Holmes JosephBack lanedwelling-house389, Back lane
10444 Holmes JoshuaLeeds roaddwelling-house1224, Leeds road
10445 Holmes WilliamSchool squaredwelling-house13, School square
10446 Holroyd GeorgeOrange streetdwelling-house40, Lyndhurst street
successivedwelling-house10, Orange street
10447 Holroyd SamuelWalnut streetdwelling-house9, Walnut street
10448 Holroyd ThomasMaltby streetdwelling-house16, Maltby street
10449 Holroyd WilliamDaniel streetdwelling-house21, Daniel street
10450 Holt WilliamFlorence streetdwelling-house49, Florence street
10451 Hopkinson AndrewBack lanedwelling-house38, Chapman street
successivedwelling-house388, Back lane
10452 Hopkinson GeorgeNapier streetdwelling-house127, Napier street
successivedwelling-house80, Napier street
10453 Hopkinson JamesWilliam squaredwelling-house7, William square
10454 Hopkinson JohnBack lanedwelling-house380, Back lane
10455 Horn HenryBradford lanedwelling-house32, Bradford lane
10456 Horne MathewBattye streetdwelling-house48, Lapage street
successivedwelling-house45, Battye street
10457 Houseman WilliamDundas streetdwelling-house69, Dundas street
10458 Howarth Henry AlfredMaltby streetdwelling-house23, Maltby street
10459 Howarth JamesMaltby streetdwelling-house4, Maltby street
10460 Howarth JohnHudson streetdwelling-house104, Laurel street
successivedwelling-house12, Hudson street
10461 Howcroft JohnKerr streetdwelling-house24, Kerr street
10462 Hoyle EliNapier streetdwelling-house32, Napier street
10463 Hoyle GeorgeMyrtle streetdwelling-house103, Myrtle street
10464 Hoyle ZaccheusBattye streetdwelling-house73, Battye street
10465 Hubye JohnLaisterdykedwelling-house36, Laisterdyke
10466 Hudson BenjaminDaniel streetdwelling-house32, Daniel street
10467 Hudson DalbyJohnson streetdwelling-house2, Bradford moor
successivedwelling-houseHudson street
successivedwelling-house5, Johnson street
10468 Hudson FrancisLapage streetdwelling-house38, Lapage street
10469 Hudson JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house1038, Leeds road
10470 Hudson JohnOrange streetdwelling-house26, Orange street
10471 Hudson JohnCoach rowdwelling-house74, Coach row
10472 Hudson JohnNapier streetdwelling-house6, Johnson street
successivedwelling-house30, Napier street
10473 Huggan IsaacMaltby streetdwelling-house2, Kerr street
successivedwelling-house18, Maltby street
10474 Humphreys ThomasRaglan streetdwelling-house25, Raglan street
10475 Hunt GeorgeKimberley streetdwelling-house7, Kimberley street
10476 Hunt HerbertLapage streetdwelling-house10, Lapage street
10477 Hunt JosephCampbell streetdwelling-house34, Campbell street
10478 Hurn JamesAmberley streetdwelling-house54, Amberley street
10479 Hustler SamuelFlorence streetdwelling-house38, Laurel street
successivedwelling-house27, Florence street
10480 Hutchinson JohnLeach squaredwelling-house2, Leach square
10481 Hutchinson WilliamBack lanedwelling-house483, Back lane
10482 Hutton ThomasBack lanedwelling-house547, Back lane

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter I
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10483 Ibbetson ThomasBack lanedwelling-house341, Back lane
10484 Illingworth JohnLee rowdwelling-house15, Lee row
10485 Illingworth JohnBack lanedwelling-house345, Back lane
10486 Illingworth WilliamLee rowdwelling-house21, Lee row
10487 Imeson JohnCook streetdwelling-house17, Cook street
10488 Imrie JohnFlorence streetdwelling-house15, Florence street
10489 Ingleson WilliamCavalry streetdwelling-house6, Cavalry street
10490 Ingram CharlesHarewood streetdwelling-house1, Coach row
successivedwelling-house24, Harewood street
10491 Irving RobertKershaw streetdwelling-house72, Kershaw street
10492 Isherwood ChristopherBradford moordwelling-houseNear 40, Bradford moor

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter J
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10493 Jacklyn HenryPearson streetdwelling-house2, Pearson street
successivedwelling-house6, Pearson street
10494 Jackson GeorgeAmberley streetdwelling-house36, Amberley street
10495 Jackson JohnGladstone streetdwelling-house226, Otley road
successivedwelling-house20, Gladstone street
10496 Jackson WilliamCook streetdwelling-house5, Cook street
10497 Jarvis ThomasMyrtle streetdwelling-house67, Myrtle street
10498 Jenkins JohnBack coach rowdwelling-house5, Back coach row
10499 Jennings ThomasLeeds roaddwelling-house1214, Leeds road
10500 Jennings WilliamHarewood streetdwelling-house23, Harewood street
10501 Jewsbury JosephLapage streetdwelling-house2, Lapage street
10502 Jewsbury RichardCook streetdwelling-house23, Cook street
10503 Johnson JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house1292, Leeds road
10504 Johnson SamuelRaglan streetdwelling-house56, Napier street
successivedwelling-house92, Raglan street
10505 Johnson SamuelKershaw streetdwelling-house14, Kershaw street
10506 Johnson WilliamOrange streetdwelling-house13, Orange street
10507 Johnson WilliamFieldhouse Housesdwelling-house4, Fieldhouse houses
10508 Jowett CharlesNapier streetdwelling-house109, Napier street
successivedwelling-house133, Napier street
10509 Jowett EdwardCartmell streetdwelling-house12, Cartmell street
successivedwelling-house24, Cartmell street
10510 Jowett JohnCavalry streetdwelling-house2, Cavalry street

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter K
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10511 Kay JohnBattye streetdwelling-house161, City road
successivedwelling-house26, Battye street
10512 Keeble JamesCook streetdwelling-house29, Cook street
10513 Keenan WilliamHarewood streetdwelling-house31, Harewood street
10514 Keighley IsaacMyrtle streetdwelling-house81, Gibson street
successivedwelling-house35, Myrtle street
10515 Kennedy PeterLee squaredwelling-house60, Daniel street
successivedwelling-house13, Lee square
10516 Kershaw HenryLeeds roadwarehouse50, Florence street
10517 Kershaw JosephOrange streetdwelling-house31, Orange street
10518 Kershaw JosephLaurel streetdwelling-house16, Laurel street
10519 Kershaw SamuelLeeds roadwarehouse50, Florence street
10520 Kilburn RichardLee rowdwelling-house22, Lee row
10521 Kilburn Richard, junr.Leeds roaddwelling-house855, Leeds road
10522 Killerby RobertHarewood streetdwelling-house35, Harewood street
10523 King JamesWalnut streetdwelling-house15, Kimberley street
successivedwelling-house10, Walnut street
10524 Kirby SquireAmberley streetdwelling-house53, Kimberley street
successivedwelling-house32, Amberley street
10525 Kirby William RaistrickSchool squaredwelling-house143, George street
successivedwelling-house10, School square
10526 Kirk William RobertNapier streetdwelling-house108, Napier street
10527 Kitchen AlfredBower greendwelling-house31, Bower green
successivedwelling-house35, Bower green
10528 Kitchen AlfredLeeds roaddwelling-house21, Orange street
successivedwelling-house986, Leeds road
10529 Kitson JeremiahOrange streetdwelling-house1, Orange street
10530 Kneeshaw HenryGay lanedwelling-house6, Kershaw street
successivedwelling-house41, Gay lane
10531 Kneeshaw JohnGay lanedwelling-house53, Gay lane
10532 Knight DanielAmberley streetdwelling-house4, Amberley street
10533 Knowles GabrielDundas streetdwelling-house27, Dundas street
10534 Knowles JamesOrange streetdwelling-house17, Orange street
10535 Knowles WilliamGay lanedwelling-house36, Seymour street
successivedwelling-house11, Kerr street
successivedwelling-house45, Gay lane

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter L
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10536 Lake WilliamBradford lanedwelling-house17A, Bradford lane
10537 Lalley WilliamLaurel streetdwelling-house12, Laurel street
10538 Lambert EliVignola streetdwelling-house6, Vignola street
10539 Land SimeonBack lanedwelling-house491A, Back lane
10540 Landen JohnNapier streetdwelling-house125, Napier street
10541 Langdale ThomasNapier streetdwelling-house79, Napier street
10542 Langley HenryCook streetdwelling-house31, Cook street
10543 Langton ThomasChapman streetdwelling-house19, Chapman street
10544 Law JamesLaurel streetdwelling-house19, Chandos street
successivedwelling-house100, Laurel street
10545 Law JohnBattye streetdwelling-house35, Battye street
10546 Lawler WilliamChestnut streetdwelling-house2, Chestnut street
10547 Laycock JosephDundas streetdwelling-house46, Dundas street
10548 Laycock JosephFarnley streetdwelling-house13, Farnley street
10549 Layton ThomasMyrtle streetdwelling-house63, Myrtle street
10550 Leach HenryBack lanedwelling-house507, Back lane
10551 Leach JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house1288, Leeds road
10552 Leach JosephDundas streetdwelling-house37, Dundas street
10553 Leach ThomasCoach rowdwelling-house40, Coach row
10554 Leader BenjaminCoach rowdwelling-house20, Back Coach row
successivedwelling-house16, Coach row
10555 Lee AlfredLaisterdykedwelling-house64, Laisterdyke
10556 Lee CharlesBradford moordwelling-house70, Bradford moor
10557 Lee JohnCampbell streetdwelling-house18, Campbell street
10558 Lee JohnCartmell streetdwelling-house22, Campbell street
successivedwelling-house28, Cartmell street
10559 Lesley JohnGreenhill lanedwelling-house111, Napier street
successivedwelling-house17, Greenhill lane
10560 Lever FarrarHeath streetdwelling-house62, Heath street
successivedwelling-house54, Heath street
10561 Lightowler AlbertBattye streetdwelling-house101, Battye street
10562 Lightowler RamothKimberley streetdwelling-house101, Battye street
successivedwelling-house1, Kimberley street
10563 Liles AllanBack lanedwelling-house407, Back lane
10564 Limb William RenshawNapier streetdwelling-house59, Napier street
10565 Lister WilliamDundas streetdwelling-house40, Dundas street
10566 Lister WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house914, Leeds road
10567 Lobley JohnAmberley streetdwelling-house6, Amberley street
10568 Lockwood WilliamLapage streetdwelling-house32, Lapage street
10569 Lodge WalterBradford moordwelling-house62, Bradford moor
10570 Lofthouse ThomasCartmell streetdwelling-house16, Cartmell street
10571 Long DavidHarewood streetdwelling-house27, Harewood street
10572 Long JamesHarewood streetdwelling-house25, Harewood street
10573 Long JosephMaltby streetdwelling-house19, Maltby street
10574 Long SethDundas streetdwelling-house109, Dundas street
10575 Longbottom WalterAlmond streetdwelling-house23, Almond street
10576 Longbottom WilliamSchool squaredwelling-house1, School square
10577 Longthorne RichardCook streetdwelling-house9, Cook street
10578 Lowe EdmundDudley hill roaddwelling-house300, Dudley hill road
10579 Lumb JosephRufford streetdwelling-house36, Rufford street
10580 Lund JohnHeath streetdwelling-house21, Heath street
10581 Lund JohnShipleywarehousePratt street
10582 Lupton InghamLeeds roaddwelling-houseKershaw street
successivedwelling-houseNapier street
successivedwelling-house811, Leeds road
10583 Lutton SamuelLaurel streetdwelling-house58, Laurel street

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter M
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10584 Magson SaulOrange streetdwelling-house42, Orange street
10585 Mallinson BenjaminFieldhouse streetdwelling-house4, Fieldhouse street
10586 Mallinson JosephDaniel streetdwelling-house20, Daniel street
10587 Maloney JohnSchool squaredwelling-house16, School square
10588 Manley FrancisMoorside placedwelling-house86, Beck street
successivedwelling-house26, Moorside place
10589 Mansfield RobertDaniel streetdwelling-house15, Daniel street
10590 Marsden JohnSodom lanedwelling-house7, Sodom lane
10591 Marsden JohnWalnut streetdwelling-house20, Walnut street
10592 Marshall AndrewGreenhill lanedwelling-house81, Greenhill lane
10593 Marshall BenjaminMoorside placedwelling-house22, Moorside place
10594 Marshall DavidKerr streetdwelling-house4, Kerr street
10595 Marshall GeorgeChestnut streetdwelling-house10, Chestnut street
10596 Marshall JohnCorless rowdwelling-house2, Corless row
10597 Marshall JosephRufford streetdwelling-house9, Rufford street
10598 Marshall Joseph DickinsonLee rowdwelling-house11, Lee row
successivedwelling-house25A, Lee row
10599 Marshall Joseph RobertsParratt rowdwelling-house8, Parratt row
10600 Marshall MosesBattye streetdwelling-house81, Battye street
10601 Marshall SamuelBradford moordwelling-house40, Bradford moor
10602 Marshall WilliamBower greendwelling-house11, Bower green
10603 Marshall WilliamVignola streetdwelling-house7, Vignola street
10604 Martin MildredHarrison streetdwelling-house8, Harrison street
10605 Mason WilliamDundas streetdwelling-house113, Dundas street
10606 Massey CharlesCorless rowdwelling-house11, Corless row
10607 Maud SheldonAmberley streetdwelling-house49, Amberley street
10608 McCarty DennisKershaw streetdwelling-house70, Kershaw street
10609 McEvoy DanielNapier streetdwelling-house222, Undercliffe street
successivedwelling-house91, Napier street
10610 McManus MartinCartmell streetdwelling-house32, Cartmell street
10611 McNulty PatrickCook streetdwelling-house25, Cook street
10612 Melton FredDundas streetdwelling-house38, Dundas street
10613 Metcalfe John EdwardRufford streetdwelling-house44, Harewood street
successivedwelling-house40, Rufford street
10614 Metcalfe LeonardBack Coach rowdwelling-house12, Back Coach row
10615 Metcalfe MichaelLeeds roaddwelling-house1266, Leeds road
10616 Metcalfe ThomasDundas streetdwelling-house38, Dundas street
10617 Middlebrook BenjaminBower greendwelling-house21, Bower green
10618 Middleton CharlesLaisterdykedwelling-house12, Laisterdyke
successivedwelling-house14, Laisterdyke
10619 Middleton WilliamLaisterdykedwelling-house18, Laisterdyke
10620 Midgley WilliamKimberley streetdwelling-house17, Kimberley street
10621 Midgley William HenryDudley hill roaddwelling-house18, Dudley hill road
10622 Milburn WilliamDick streetdwelling-house10, Dick street
10623 Miller AdamBack lanedwelling-house413, Back lane
10624 Miller GeorgeFurnace Inn streetdwelling-house19, Furnace Inn street
10625 Miller WilliamBirkshall lanedwelling-house11, Birkshall lane
10626 Mills ChaucerDick streetdwelling-house9, Dick street
10627 Milner JamesDaniel streetdwelling-house42, Daniel street
10628 Milnes DanielBower greendwelling-house27, Bower green
10629 Milnes JamesGay lanedwelling-house3, Gay lane
10630 Milnes RichardGay lanedwelling-house3, Revell court
successivedwelling-house1, Gay lane
10631 Mitchell CharlesBlanche streetdwelling-house17, Blanche street
10632 Mitchell FredBattye streetdwelling-house16, Battye street
10633 Mitchell IsaacSchool squaredwelling-house8, School square
successivedwelling-house5, School square
10634 Mitchell JamesLapage streetdwelling-house12, Lapage street
10635 Mitchell JohnLapage streetdwelling-house4, Lapage street
10636 Mitchell JonasLee rowdwelling-house25B, Lee row
10637 Mitchell JosephFieldhouse streetdwelling-house29, Fieldhouse street
10638 Mitchell ReubenWilliam squaredwelling-house4, William square
10639 Mitchell SamuelKershaw streetdwelling-house32, Kershaw street
10640 Monogue JohnHarrison streetdwelling-house4, Harrison street
10641 Moody ThomasSmithy rowdwelling-house3, Smithy row
10642 Moody WilliamAlmond streetdwelling-house13, Almond street
10643 Moore JamesFieldhouse streetdwelling-house15, Fieldhouse street
10644 Moore ThomasKerr streetdwelling-house16, Kerr street
10645 Moorhouse JosephKimberley streetdwelling-house19, Kimberley street
10646 Morphit EdwardBradford lanedwelling-house61, Bradford lane
10647 Morrell AlbertLaurel streetdwelling-house4, Laurel street
10648 Morrell JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house1276, Leeds road
10649 Morrell JohnLee squaredwelling-house46, Kershaw street
successivedwelling-house15, Lee square
10650 Morrell JohnAmberley streetdwelling-house37 Amberley street
10651 Morrell WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house797, Leeds road
10652 Mortimer JohnBlanche streetdwelling-house37, Blanche street
10653 Mortimer Richard PolycarpGay lanedwelling-house14, Gay lane
10654 Mortimer ThomasBack lanedwelling-house529, Back lane
10655 Moseley George DixonHarewood streetdwelling-house26, Harewood street
10656 Moseley HenryLeeds roaddwelling-house972, Leeds road
10657 Moss JamesBradford moordwelling-house68, Bradford moor
10658 Muldowney JamesMyrtle streetdwelling-house67, Myrtle street
10659 Mumby George HenryBack lanedwelling-house505, Back lane
10660 Munroe AndrewLeeds roaddwelling-house970, Leeds road
10661 Murgatroyd HenryHudson streetdwelling-house6, Hudson street
10662 Murgatroyd LouisFieldhouse rowdwelling-house7, Fieldhouse row
10663 Murgatroyd RichardLeeds roaddwelling-house1212, Leeds road
10664 Murgatroyd SamuelNapier streetdwelling-house9, Napier street
10665 Musgrave JohnJohnson streetdwelling-house7, Johnson street
10666 Musgrave John, senr.Daniel streetdwelling-house23, Daniel street
10667 Musgrave JosephCoach rowdwelling-house52, Coach row
10668 Myers AaronBradford lanedwelling-house51, Bradford lane
10669 Myers HarryGreenhill lanedwelling-house19, Florence street
successivedwelling-house83, Greenhill lane
10670 Myers ThomasHarewood streetdwelling-house2, Harewood street

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter N
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10671 Naylor Henry StanleyFieldhouse Housesdwelling-house2, Fieldhouse houses
10672 Naylor JabezLeeds roaddwelling-house845, Leeds road
10673 Naylor JamesAlmond streetdwelling-house19, Almond street
10674 Naylor JohnSodom lanedwelling-house13, Sodom lane
10675 Naylor JohnDundas streetdwelling-house61, Dundas street
10676 Naylor RichardChapman streetdwelling-house39, Chapman street
10677 Naylor WilliamBlanche streetdwelling-house27, Blanche street
10678 Nelson JabezLaurel streetdwelling-house64, Laurel street
10679 Nelson JosephFieldhouse streetdwelling-house23, Fieldhouse street
10680 Newell RossNapier streetdwelling-house103, Napier street
10681 Newling WilliamKerr streetdwelling-house30, Kerr street
10682 Newsome SamuelLaurel streetdwelling-house40A, Laurel street
10683 Newsome WilliamNapier streetdwelling-house112, Napier street
10684 Newton GeorgeRufford streetdwelling-house34, Rufford street
10685 Newton GeorgeDundas streetdwelling-house36, Napier street
successivedwelling-house3, Dundas street
10686 Newton George OddyDundas streetdwelling-house57, Dundas street
10687 Nicholls JoshuaLeeds roaddwelling-house974, Leeds road
10688 Nicholls RobertDick streetdwelling-house14, Dick street
10689 Nicholls WilliamLee rowdwelling-house5, Lee row
10690 Nichols HenryLaurel streetdwelling-house94, Laurel street
10691 Nicholson EllisonLeeds roaddwelling-house856, Leeds road
10692 Nicholson GeorgeAlmond streetdwelling-house12, Almond street
successivedwelling-house17, Almond street
10693 Nicholson RobertWalnut streetdwelling-house19, Walnut street
10694 Noble JohnAlmond streetdwelling-house37, Almond street
10695 Noble ThomasDundas streetdwelling-house17, Dundas street
10696 Noble WilliamGladstone streetdwelling-house18, Gladstone street
10697 Nolan JohnKershaw streetdwelling-house82, Kershaw street
10698 Normington AbrahamRobertshaw streetdwelling-house10, Robertshaw street
10699 Normington LukeBattye streetdwelling-house9, Battye street
10700 Normington MichaelMaltby streetdwelling-house46, Maltby street
10701 Normington SamuelLeeds roaddwelling-house21, York street
successivedwelling-house1004, Leeds road
10702 Normington WilliamGibson streetdwelling-house87, Gibson street
10703 Norton JamesGreenhill lanedwelling-house87, Greenhill lane
10704 Norton JosephLeach squaredwelling-house3, Leach square
10705 Nutter JamesLaurel streetdwelling-house42, Laurel street

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter O
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10706 Oates OliverHarewood streetdwelling-house36, Harewood street
10707 Oddy John CharlesManninghamwarehouseFlorence street
10708 Oddy SethBattye streetdwelling-house2, Battye street
10709 Oddy WilliamWalnut streetdwelling-house97, Myrtle street
successivedwelling-house91, Gibson street
successivedwelling-house18, Walnut street
10710 Offord GeorgeDaniel streetdwelling-house38, Daniel street
10711 O'Hara JohnLaurel streetdwelling-house98, Laurel street
10712 O'Keefe MichaelCarnation streetdwelling-house56A, Laurel street
successivedwelling-house17, Carnation street
10713 Oldfield PeterDaniel streetdwelling-house4, Daniel street
10714 Oldham JohnAmberley streetdwelling-house7, Heath street
successivedwelling-house72, Amberley street
10715 Ostler ThomasMyrtle streetdwelling-house69, Myrtle street
10716 Overend JohnHodgson squaredwelling-house3, Hodgson square
successivedwelling-house5, Hodgson square
10717 Owens EllisCartmell streetdwelling-house4, Cartmell street

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter P
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10718 Padgett JamesKershaw streetdwelling-house109, Kershaw street
10719 Padgett PriestleyCorless rowdwelling-house4, Corless row
successivedwelling-house5, Corless row
10720 Page JohnPeace streetdwelling-house28, Peace street
10721 Paley WilliamAmberley streetdwelling-house5, Amberley street
10722 Parish EdwardBradford moordwelling-house11, Walnut street
successivedwelling-houseCoach row
successivedwelling-house72, Bradford moor
10723 Parish WilliamMyrtle streetdwelling-house3, Back Coach row
successivedwelling-house49, Myrtle street
10724 Parker JosephRaglan streetdwelling-house98, Raglan street
10725 Parker RichardDundas streetdwelling-house53, Dundas street
10726 Parkin AlfredLeeds roaddwelling-house1000, Leeds road
10727 Parkin GeorgeFlorence streetdwelling-house86A, Laurel street
successivedwelling-houseMaltby street
successivedwelling-house11, Florence street
10728 Parkin WilliamMaltby streetdwelling-house51, Maltby street
10729 Parkinson BirketBack lanedwelling-house343, Back lane
10730 Parkinson WilliamPearson streetdwelling-house2, Pearson street
successivedwelling-house12, Pearson street
10731 Parratt JohnParratt rowdwelling-house14, Parratt row
10732 Parratt JohnLapage streetshop900, Leeds road
10733 Pattison JohnWalnut streetdwelling-house16, Walnut street
10734 Pattison StephensonFarnley streetdwelling-house15, Farnley street
10735 Pattison WilliamWalnut streetdwelling-house23, Walnut street
10736 Payne Ambrose JohnHeath streetdwelling-house27, Heath street
10737 Payton MatthewKershaw streetdwelling-house78, Kershaw street
10738 Peacock ConstantineRaglan streetdwelling-house3, Raglan street
10739 Peacock WilliamDundas streetdwelling-house8, Dundas street
10740 Pearson JohnDaniel streetdwelling-house30, Daniel street
10741 Pedder ThomasJohnson courtdwelling-house2, Johnson court
10742 Pell JohnDick streetdwelling-house8, Dick street
10743 Pemberton AmblerVignola streetdwelling-house1, Vignola street
10744 Pennett EdwardThornburyshop3, Walnut street
successiveshop860, Leeds road
10745 Perkins JohnKerr streetdwelling-house11, Kerr street
10746 Perry ThomasKerr streetdwelling-house23, Gay lane
successivedwelling-house7, Kerr street
10747 Petty GeorgeAmberley streetdwelling-house29, Amberley street
10748 Pickard GeorgeBattye streetdwelling-house12, Battye street
10749 Pickard GeorgeDundas streetdwelling-house23, Dundas street
10750 Pickard JohnDundas streetdwelling-house7, Fieldhouse street
successivedwelling-house25, Dundas street
10751 Pickard JohnBack Coach rowdwelling-house13, Back Coach row
10752 Pickles EdwinKershaw streetdwelling-house34, Kershaw street
10753 Pickles JamesAmberley streetshop80, Laurel street
10754 Pickles JohnLaisterdykedwelling-house3, Cork street
successivedwelling-house12, Laisterdyke
10755 Pickles JoshuaBower greendwelling-house23, Bower green
10756 Pickles JoshuaFarnley streetdwelling-house14, Farnley street
10757 Pickles RichardAmberley streetdwelling-house14, Amberley street
10758 Pickles RichardGay lanedwelling-house7, Gay lane
10759 Pitts CluderayBower greendwelling-house19, Bower green
10760 Pitts George RowleyWalnut streetdwelling-house25, Walnut street
10761 Pitts JohnMaltby streetdwelling-house27, Maltby street
10762 Pitts Joseph RowleyLeeds roaddwelling-house15, Walnut street
successivedwelling-house1050, Leeds road
10763 Pitts WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house1210, Leeds road
10764 Plews CharlesKerr streetdwelling-house14, Kerr street
10765 Plews ThomasMaltby streetdwelling-house22, Maltby street
10766 Pollard JosephGreenhill lanedwelling-house12, Fernbank road
successivedwelling-house5, Greenhill lane
10767 Pollard NathanBack lanedwelling-house501, Back lane
10768 Pollard SamBack laneshop501, Back lane
10769 Poole WilliamPeace streetdwelling-house73, Peace street
10770 Porter SamuelCook streetdwelling-house15, Cook street
10771 Power DanielMyrtle streetdwelling-house87, Myrtle street
10772 Pratt RobertAmberley streetdwelling-house24, Amberley street
10773 Preece EdwardFieldhouse rowdwelling-house4, Fieldhouse row
10774 Prest ThomasPeace streetdwelling-house49, Peace street
10775 Priestley BriggsCalverleywarehouse80, Laisterdyke
10776 Priestley CharlesIdlewarehouse80, Laisterdyke
10777 Priestley ElijahLaisterdykedwelling-house9, Laisterdyke
10778 Priestley JohnNapier streetdwelling-house20, Napier street
10779 Priestley JohnParratt rowdwelling-house10, Parratt row
10780 Priestley Jonathan CoatesLeeds roaddwelling-house801, Leeds road
10781 Priestley Joseph StockdaleBack Coach rowdwelling-house89, Kershaw street
successivedwelling-house21, Back Coach row
10782 Priestley SimeonDundas streetdwelling-house43, Dundas street
10783 Priestley ThomasBower greendwelling-house7, Bower green
10784 Priestley WilliamHarewood streetdwelling-house10, Harewood street
10785 Priestley WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house860, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house846, Leeds road
10786 Pyrah WilliamSchool squaredwelling-house3, School square

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter Q
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10787 Quinn JamesAlmond streetdwelling-house16, Almond street

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter R
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10788 Race RichardLeeds roaddwelling-house890, Leeds road
10789 Raistrick William EdwardKimberley streetdwelling-house3, Kimberley street
10790 Ramsbottom JohnWilliam squaredwelling-house13, William square
10791 Ramsden JamesCork streetdwelling-house30, Kershaw street
successivedwelling-house28, Cork street
10792 Rankan SamuelGay lanedwelling-house12, Gay lane
10793 Ranson JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house1022, Leeds road
10794 Ratcliffe HenryAmberley streetdwelling-house40, Amberley street
10795 Rawling JamesBack lanedwelling-house439, Back lane
10796 Rawnsley MarkParratt rowdwelling-house9, Parratt row
10797 Rawson JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house844, Leeds road
10798 Rawson Joseph CordingleyScaley streetdwelling-house5, Scaley street
10799 Rayner GeorgeKershaw streetshop20, Kershaw street
10800 Raynor JamesBradford lanedwelling-house53, Bradford lane
10801 Raynor JamesFieldhouse streetdwelling-house19, Fieldhouse street
10802 Read RobertAmberley streetdwelling-house90, Amberley street
10803 Revell JamesLaisterdykedwelling-house52, Laisterdyke
10804 Revell NathanRevell courtdwelling-house4, Revell court
10805 Rhodes BenjaminCoach rowdwelling-house54, Coach row
10806 Rhodes John WoodNapier streetdwelling-house41, Napier street
10807 Rhodes SamuelNapier streetdwelling-house11, Wentworth street
successivedwelling-house101, Napier street
10808 Richardson ThomasWalnut streetdwelling-house27, Walnut street
10809 Richmond JamesDick streetdwelling-house415, Back lane
successivedwelling-house7, Dick street
10810 Riddiough WilliamCartmell streetdwelling-house30, Cartmell street
10811 Riley Samuel ButlerDaniel streetdwelling-house3, Daniel street
10812 Roberts JohnMyrtle streetdwelling-house45, Myrtle street
10813 Roberts WilliamWalnut streetdwelling-house75, Myrtle street
successivedwelling-house8, Walnut street
10814 Robertshaw EllisFlorence streetdwelling-house45, Florence street
10815 Robertshaw EmanuelCorless rowdwelling-house7, Corless row
10816 Robertshaw JosephGreenhill lanedwelling-house32, Gladstone street
successivedwelling-house31, Greenhill lane
10817 Robins FrederickVignola streetdwelling-house2, Vignola street
10818 Robinson Charles WilliamGladstone streetdwelling-house918, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house24, Gladstone street
10819 Robinson HezekiahLeeds roaddwelling-house912, Leeds road
10820 Robinson JohnDudley Hill roaddwelling-house304, Dudley Hill road
10821 Robinson JohnLaisterdykedwelling-house44, Laisterdyke
10822 Robinson JohnDundas streetdwelling-house50, Dundas street
10823 Robinson JohnAmberley streetdwelling-house27, Amberley street
10824 Robinson MarkChestnut streetdwelling-house60, Amberley street
successivedwelling-house15, Chestnut street
10825 Robinson RobertGay lanedwelling-house6, Gay lane
10826 Robson JamesDundas streetdwelling-house30, Napier street
successivedwelling-house1, Dundas street
10827 Rodger WilliamFieldhouse Housesdwelling-house6, Fieldhouse houses
10828 Roger PeterCampbell streetdwelling-house10, Campbell street
10829 Rogers DanielNapier streetdwelling-house68, Napier street
10830 Roper JosephHudson streetdwelling-house9, Hudson street
10831 Roper WilliamLaisterdykedwelling-house7, Laisterdyke
10832 Rossetter WilliamMaltby streetdwelling-house63, Battye street
successivedwelling-house29, Maltby street
10833 Rothwell HarryCoach rowdwelling-house28, Coach row
successivedwelling-house8, Coach row
10834 Roundhill JohnParratt rowdwelling-house5, Parratt row
10835 Rowley SamuelNapier streetdwelling-house58, Napier street
10836 Rushton CrawshawBattye streetdwelling-house43, Battye street
10837 Rushworth JosephRufford streetdwelling-house11, Rufford street
10838 Russell WilliamDundas streetdwelling-house111, Dundas street
10839 Ryan LarryLaurel streetdwelling-house88, Laurel street
10840 Ryder JamesBattye streetdwelling-house71, Battye street
successivedwelling-house85, Battye street

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter S
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10841 Sadler CharlesHeath streetdwelling-house60, Heath street
10842 Salter EliKershaw streetdwelling-house100, Napier street
successivedwelling-house42, Kershaw street
10843 Sanctuary HenryLeeds roaddwelling-house1018, Leeds road
10844 Savage TobiasMyrtle streetdwelling-house71, Myrtle street
10845 Schofield GeorgeFieldhouse streetdwelling-house3, Fieldhouse street
10846 Schofield OliverChapman streetdwelling-house11, Chapman street
10847 Schofield WilliamNapier streetdwelling-house48, Napier street
10848 Scholefield JamesLaisterdykedwelling-house54, Laisterdyke
10849 Scotchmer WilliamRufford streetdwelling-house29, Rufford street
successivedwelling-house32, Rufford street
10850 Scott CharlesLeeds roaddwelling-house809, Leeds road
10851 Scott ChristopherRaglan streetdwelling-house92, Raglan street
10852 Scott ThomasSchool squaredwelling-house11, School square
10853 Scriven WilliamBower greenwarehouseLaurel street
10854 Scurrah JamesMaltby streetdwelling-house37, Maltby street
successivedwelling-house33, Maltby street
10855 Scurrah JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house5, Battye street
successivedwelling-house1010, Leeds road
10856 Sellars EliLeeds roaddwelling-house4, Greencliffe villas
successivedwelling-house721, Leeds road
10857 Settle JosephDundas streetdwelling-house34, Dundas street
10858 Sewell JamesChapman streetdwelling-house35, Chapman street
10859 Sewell WilliamPeace streetdwelling-house65, Peace street
10860 Shackleton ChristopherLeeds roaddwelling-house1030, Leeds road
10861 Shackleton EliAmberley streetdwelling-house22, Amberley street
10862 Shackleton SamuelLaurel streetdwelling-house64A, Laurel street
10863 Shackleton StephenLeeds roaddwelling-house725, Leeds road
10864 Sharp IsaacPeace streetdwelling-house55, Peace street
10865 Sharp JohnNapier streetdwelling-house114, Napier street
10866 Sharp John EphraimGladstone streetdwelling-house11, Napier street
successivedwelling-house26, Gladstone street
10867 Sharp SamuelBack lanedwelling-house349, Back lane
10868 Sharp WilliamLapage streetdwelling-house1006, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house62, Lapage street
10869 Shaw GeorgeHarewood streetdwelling-house34, Harewood street
10870 Shaw IsraelHarrison streetdwelling-house33, Harrison street
10871 Shaw JamesCork streetdwelling-house60, Napier street
successivedwelling-house24, Cork street
10872 Shaw JamesHeath streetdwelling-house145, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house47, Heath street
10873 Sheldon JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house1036, Leeds road
10874 Shepherd MarkLapage streetdwelling-house52, Lapage street
10875 Shires JohnKershaw streetdwelling-house76, Kershaw street
10876 Short JamesFieldhouse rowdwelling-house8, Fieldhouse row
10877 Simpson JohnNapier streetdwelling-house31, Napier street
10878 Simpson John ValneyCarnation streetdwelling-house1, Carnation street
10879 Simpson JosephBradford moordwelling-house52, Bradford moor
10880 Simpson ThomasSchool squaredwelling-house15, School square
10881 Skellett CharlesPeace streetdwelling-house39, Peace street
10882 Skillington HenryOrange streetdwelling-house15, Orange street
10883 Skirrow HenryChestnut streetdwelling-house11, Florence street
successivedwelling-house13, Chestnut street
10884 Skirrow JohnChestnut streetdwelling-house9, Chestnut street
10885 Slade GeorgeLeeds roaddwelling-house20, School square
successivedwelling-house1268, Leeds road
10886 Slater JamesLaurel streetdwelling-house26, Laurel street
10887 Slater JamesKerr streetdwelling-house1, Kerr street
10888 Smith CharlesBradford moordwelling-house7, Moorfields
successivedwelling-house4, Bradford moor
10889 Smith DouglasPeace streetdwelling-house21, Peace street
10890 Smith GeorgeLaurel streetdwelling-house76, Laurel street
10891 Smith HenryAmberley streetdwelling-houseLake row
successivedwelling-houseLake row
successivedwelling-house43, Amberley street
10892 Smith JamesChapman streetdwelling-house25, Chapman street
10893 Smith JamesAmberley streetdwelling-house48, Amberley street
10894 Smith JohnBack lanedwelling-house489, Back lane
10895 Smith JohnAmberley streetdwelling-house8, Almond street
successivedwelling-house45, Amberley street
10896 Smith JohnNapier streetdwelling-house89, Napier street
10897 Smith JohnLaurel streetdwelling-house52, Laurel street
10898 Smith JohnCook streetdwelling-house3, Cook street
10899 Smith JosephDundas streetdwelling-house39, Dundas street
10900 Smith LawrenceAmberley streetdwelling-house26, Amberley street
10901 Smith LofthouseAmberley streetdwelling-house101, Kershaw street
successivedwelling-house28, Amberley street
10902 Smith PeterHarrison streetdwelling-house10, Harrison street
10903 Smith SamuelCartmell streetdwelling-house10, Cartmell street
10904 Smith WilliamNapier streetdwelling-house135, Napier street
10905 Smith WilliamSodom lanedwelling-house9, Sodom lane
10906 Smith WilliamBattye streetdwelling-house95, Dundas street
successivedwelling-house14, Battye street
10907 Smith WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house888, Leeds road
10908 Sowden JosephGay lanedwelling-house25, Gay lane
10909 Spencer EphraimRobertshaw streetdwelling-house477, Back lane
successivedwelling-house23, Robertshaw street
10910 Spencer StephenCook streetdwelling-house46, Cook street
10911 Spencer ThomasMoorside placedwelling-house30, Moorside place
10912 Spencer WilliamCork streetdwelling-house16, Cork street
10913 Spillman GeorgeDundas streetdwelling-house52, Dundas street
10914 Stacey ArthurGay lanedwelling-house59, Gay lane
10915 Stairmand John ThomasGay lanedwelling-house6, Battye street
successivedwelling-house2, Gay lane
10916 Stansfield HartleyRobertshaw streetdwelling-house24, Robertshaw street
10917 Stansfield JosephBattye streetdwelling-house25, Battye street
10918 Stapleton ThomasBack lanedwelling-house347, Back lane
10919 Stead AbrahamMaltby streetdwelling-house41, Maltby street
10920 Stead ArthurRaglan streetdwelling-house7, Raglan street
10921 Stead HenryLeeds roaddwelling-house847, Leeds road
10922 Stead JamesLee rowdwelling-house27, Lee row
10923 Stead JamesBattye streetdwelling-house51, Battye street
10924 Stead JohnBattye streetdwelling-house29, Battye street
10925 Stead JosiahDaniel streetdwelling-house5, Johnson street
successivedwelling-house25, Daniel street
10926 Stead WilliamLee squaredwelling-house1, Hodgson square
successivedwelling-house12, Lee square
10927 Steel DennisKerr streetdwelling-house18, Kerr street
10928 Stephenson HughSchool squaredwelling-house9, Moorside lane
successivedwelling-house8, School square
10929 Stephenson JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house1234, Leeds road
10930 Stephenson ThomasLeeds roaddwelling-house843, Leeds road
10931 Stephenson WilliamGibson streetdwelling-house95, Gibson street
10932 Stevens FrederickFarnley streetdwelling-house10, Farnley street
10933 Stirk ThomasAlmond streetdwelling-house4, Almond street
10934 Stoner ThomasPeace streetdwelling-house29, Peace street
10935 Storey GeorgeBradford lanedwelling-house36, Bradford lane
10936 Storey JohnVignola streetdwelling-house23, Vignola street
10937 Storr HenryHarewood streetdwelling-house38, Harewood street
10938 Street CaptainManninghamshop471, Back lane
10939 Street JohnBlanche streetshop471, Back lane
successivedwelling-housenear 445, Back lane
10940 Stubbs JohnDaniel streetdwelling-house50, Daniel street
10941 Stubbs William HenryLeeds roaddwelling-house819, Leeds road
10942 Sturdy JamesMyrtle streetdwelling-house25, Myrtle street
10943 Sturdy ThomasLaurel streetdwelling-house70, Laurel street
10944 Sullivan JohnMoorfield Housesdwelling-house4, Moorfields
10945 Sunderland WilliamNapier streetdwelling-house104, Garnett street
successivedwelling-house21, Fullerton street
successivedwelling-house98, Napier street
10946 Sunderland WilliamRobertshaw streetdwelling-house12, Robertshaw street
10947 Sunter JosephSodom lanedwelling-house1, Sodom lane
10948 Sutcliffe AlfredLaisterdykedwelling-house72, Laisterdyke
10949 Sutcliffe AllenHarewood streetdwelling-house45, Harewood street
10950 Sutcliffe BenjaminLaisterdykedwelling-house58, Laisterdyke
10951 Sutcliffe HenryPeace streetdwelling-house61, Peace street
10952 Sutcliffe JohnCook streetdwelling-house40, Cook street
10953 Sutcliffe RobertMaltby streetdwelling-house35, Maltby street
10954 Sutcliffe ThomasHeath streetdwelling-house58, Heath street
10955 Suthers HenryOrange streetdwelling-house19, Orange street
10956 Suthill TomAmberley streetdwelling-house62, Amberley street
10957 Swaine LeviLeeds roaddwelling-house1014, Leeds road
10958 Swaine ThomasPeace streetdwelling-house15, Peace street
10959 Swan JosephChestnut streetdwelling-house6, Chestnut street
10960 Sykes AllenOrange streetdwelling-house27, Orange street
10961 Sykes LouisKimberley streetdwelling-house27, Kimberley street
10962 Sykes SilvesterCook streetdwelling-house8, Cook street

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter T
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
10963 Taaffe JohnFlorence streetdwelling-house5, Florence street
10964 Tankard EdwinFarnley streetdwelling-house1, Farnley street
10965 Tankard JohnBowlingwarehouseLaisterdyke
10966 Tankard JosephBlanche streetdwelling-house533, Back lane
successivedwelling-house15, Blanche street
10967 Tankard SamuelLapage streetdwelling-house18, Lapage street
10968 Tattersall JamesMaltby streetdwelling-house28, Maltby street
10969 Tattersall SamuelCook streetdwelling-house20 Moorside place
successivedwelling-house33, Cook street
10970 Tattersfield WilliamLapage streetdwelling-house36, Lapage street
10971 Taylor GeorgeFlorence streetdwelling-house35, Florence street
10972 Taylor GeorgeKerr streetdwelling-house10, Kerr street
10973 Taylor HenryCoach rowdwelling-house58, Coach row
10974 Taylor JohnChestnut streetdwelling-houseBower green
successivedwelling-house1, Chestnut street
10975 Taylor JohnRaglan streetdwelling-house18, Raglan street
10976 Taylor John ThomasNapier streetdwelling-house5, Napier street
10977 Taylor RichardCampbell streetdwelling-house6, Campbell street
10978 Taylor WilliamVignola streetdwelling-house13, Vignola street
10979 Tennett ThomasPearson streetdwelling-house8, Pearson street
10980 Terry JosephBack lanedwelling-house423, Back lane
10981 Terry JosephFarnley streetdwelling-house11, Farnley street
10982 Tetley Albert PapeHeath streetdwelling-house52, Heath street
10983 Tetley CharlesDudley Hill roaddwelling-house16, Dudley Hill road
10984 Tetley HenryBradford Moordwelling-house60, Bradford Moor
10985 Tetley LukeVignola streetdwelling-house123, Napier street
successivedwelling-house4, Vignola street
10986 Tetlow IsaacLeeds roaddwelling-house1258, Leeds road
10987 Thackwray Charles WilliamGladstone streetdwelling-house22, Gladstone street
10988 Thomas JosephPeace streetdwelling-house40, Peace street
successivedwelling-house69, Peace street
10989 Thomas WilliamLaisterdykedwelling-house60, Laisterdyke
10990 Thomas WilliamHeath streetdwelling-house404, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house50, Heath street
10991 Thomas WilliamAmberley streetdwelling-house54, Lapage street
successivedwelling-house38, Amberley street
10992 Thompson EdwardBower greendwelling-house29, Bower green
10993 Thompson HenryGay lanedwelling-house37, Gay lane
10994 Thompson JamesBower greendwelling-house33, Bower green
10995 Thompson JamesVignola streetdwelling-house8, Vignola street
10996 Thompson JohnBattye streetdwelling-house55, Battye street
10997 Thompson RobertDundas streetdwelling-house20, Dundas street
10998 Thornton EdwardPeace streetdwelling-house22, Peace street
10999 Thoroughgood DanielDaniel streetdwelling-house26, Daniel street
11000 Thorpe EdwardLeeds roaddwelling-house829, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house827, Leeds road
11001 Thorpe WilliamMyrtle streetdwelling-house65, Myrtle street
11002 Threapleton SamuelLeeds roaddwelling-house992, Leeds road
11003 Thrippleton WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house1274, Leeds road
11004 Tidswell MarkMoorside lanedwelling-house13, Moorside lane
11005 Tiffany JohnLee squaredwelling-house2, Lee square
11006 Tolson Walter HarrisonCampbell streetdwelling-house3, Campbell street
11007 Tomlinson JohnDudley Hill roaddwelling-house20, Dudley Hill road
11008 Tomlinson WilliamAmberley streetdwelling-house22, Cartmell street
successivedwelling-house25, Amberley street
11009 Tong JohnWalnut streetdwelling-house55 Birk street
successivedwelling-house12, Walnut street
11010 Townend EzraLeeds roaddwelling-houseCopthorne road
successivedwelling-house996, Leeds road
11011 Townend FrankBowlingwarehouseFlorence street
11012 Townend FrederickMoorfieldsdwelling-house1018, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house42, Cook street
successivedwelling-house1, Moorfields
11013 Townend FrederickNapier streetdwelling-house66, Napier street
11014 Townend GeorgeBowlingwarehouseFlorence street
11015 Townend IshmaelNapier streetdwelling-house87, Napier street
11016 Townend WilliamKershaw streetdwelling-house105, Kershaw street
11017 Trees JohnLaurel streetdwelling-house74, Laurel street
successivedwelling-house66, Laurel street
11018 Triffitt AlfredDudley hill roaddwelling-house14, Dudley hill road
11019 Tudball RobertAlmond streetdwelling-house1, Chestnut street
successivedwelling-house43, Rufford street
successivedwelling-house40, Almond street
11020 Turner CharlesChestnut streetdwelling-house5, Chestnut street
11021 Turner GeorgeNapier streetdwelling-house94, Napier street
11022 Turner MosesLaurel streetdwelling-house44, Laurel street
11023 Turner ThomasCampbell streetdwelling-house26, Campbell street
successivedwelling-house28, Campbell street
11024 Turner WilliamCampbell streetdwelling-house19, Peace street
successivedwelling-house5, Campbell street
11025 Turtle FrederickRobertshaw streetdwelling-house11, Robertshaw street
11026 Tyas JosephAmberley streetdwelling-house52, Amberley street
11027 Tyas SamuelHeath streetdwelling-house13, Kimberley street
successivedwelling-house7, Heath street
11028 Tyson JohnDudley hill roaddwelling-house55, Dudley hill road

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter V
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
11029 Varley JohnBack lanedwelling-house445, Back lane

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter W
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
11030 Waddington JohnBower greendwelling-house15, Bower green
11031 Wade AaronWilsdenwarehouse116, Laurel street
11032 Wagstaff EdwardLeeds roadshopnear 116, Laurel street
11033 Wainwright HenryLeeds roaddwelling-house904, Leeds road
11034 Wainwright JosephFarnley streetdwelling-house2, Farnley street
11035 Wainwright WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house1310, Leeds road
11036 Wainwright WilliamCampbell streetdwelling-house40, Campbell street
11037 Walker JamesKimberley streetdwelling-house31, Kimberley street
11038 Walker ThomasLeeds roaddwelling-house852, Leeds road
11039 Walker WilliamAmberley streetdwelling-house8, Amberley street
11040 Walker WilliamHeath streetdwelling-house23, Heath street
11041 Waller CharlesManninghamshop5, Laisterdyke
11042 Waller Thomas WilliamManninghamshop5, Laisterdyke
11043 Waller WilliamPeace streetdwelling-house41, Peace street
11044 Walsh JohnHarewood streetdwelling-house20, Harewood street
11045 Walton HenryDundas streetdwelling-house107, Dundas street
11046 Walton JohnDundas streetdwelling-house99, Dundas street
11047 Walton MelvinKimberley streetdwelling-house20, Amberley street
successivedwelling-house9, Kimberley street
11048 Warburton JosephPeace streetdwelling-house423, Back lane
successivedwelling-house2, Peace street
11049 Warburton William HenryBack lanedwelling-house427, Back lane
11050 Ward ElijahAmberley streetdwelling-house94, Amberley street
11051 Ward ErBlanche streetdwelling-house5, Corless row
successivedwelling-houseBlanche street
11052 Ward JobWalnut streetdwelling-house21, Walnut street
11053 Ward MatthewHeath streetdwelling-house35, Heath street
11054 Waring DentonAmberley streetwarehouseLaurel street
11055 Warman AndrewKimberley streetdwelling-house47, Kimberley street
11056 Warman WilliamLapage streetdwelling-house1004, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house24, Lapage street
11057 Warman WilliamHarewood streetdwelling-house4, Harewood street
11058 Warriner RobertDaniel streetdwelling-house48, Laurel street
successivedwelling-house48, Daniel street
11059 Waterhouse Young WilliamKershaw streetdwelling-house85, Kershaw street
11060 Watson HustlerLeeds roaddwelling-house1252, Leeds road
11061 Watson JohnBattye streetdwelling-house34, Battye street
11062 Watson JohnGreenhill lanedwelling-house85, Greenhill lane
11063 Watson John RhodesBack lanedwelling-house525, Back lane
11064 Wear JamesKershaw streetdwelling-house22, Kershaw street
11065 Webster CharlesLapage streetdwelling-house34, Lapage street
11066 Webster JamesHarewood streetdwelling-house80, Mulgrave street
successivedwelling-house30, Harewood street
11067 Webster WalterNapier streetdwelling-house40, Napier street
successivedwelling-house46, Napier street
11068 Webster WilliamChestnut streetdwelling-house14, Chestnut street
11069 Webster WilliamCoach rowdwelling-house50, Coach row
11070 Wells JonasDundas streetdwelling-house54, Dundas street
11071 Wells ThomasFieldhouse Housesdwelling-house5, Fieldhouse houses
11072 Welsman ThomasOrange streetdwelling-house3, Orange street
11073 Wheatcroft SidneyBattye streetdwelling-house10, Battye street
11074 Whitaker JamesPeace streetdwelling-house75, Peace street
11075 Whitaker John CockshottNapier streetdwelling-house96, Napier street
11076 Whitaker JosephBack lanedwelling-housenear 525, Back lane
11077 White EdwinPeace streetdwelling-house71, Peace street
11078 White JamesLaurel streetdwelling-house35, Myrtle street
successivedwelling-house78, Laurel street
11079 Whitehead WilliamDaniel streetdwelling-house66, Daniel street
11080 Whittam James GauntMaltby streetdwelling-house54, Kershaw street
successivedwelling-house42, Maltby street
11081 Whittles GeorgeBattye streetdwelling-house57, Battye street
11082 Widdison JosephBower greendwelling-house52, Bower green
11083 Widdowson WilliamLee rowdwelling-house10, School square
successivedwelling-house14, Lee row
11084 Wild JamesMoorside lanedwelling-house11, Moorside lane
11085 Wildig JohnSchool squaredwelling-house4, School square
11086 Wilkinson DavidCampbell streetdwelling-house2, Campbell street
11087 Wilkinson EdwardAmberley streetdwelling-house13, Amberley street
11088 Wilkinson JohnDundas streetdwelling-house15, Dundas street
11089 Wilkinson KelitaLaisterdykedwelling-house16, Laisterdyke
11090 Wilkinson MarkAmberley streetdwelling-house47, Harewood street
successivedwelling-house60, Amberley street
11091 Wilkinson WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house1228, Leeds road
11092 Wilks AaronBack Coach rowdwelling-house10, Back Coach row
11093 Wilks JosephCoach rowdwelling-house64, Coach row
11094 Williams RichardBack lanedwelling-house491, Back lane
11095 Williams WilliamBradford lanedwelling-house34, Bradford lane
11096 Willis JosephRaglan streetdwelling-house17, Raglan street
11097 Willmer WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house1048, Leeds road
11098 Wilson AbrahamFlorence streetdwelling-house37, Florence street
11099 Wilson AlbertBlanche streetdwelling-house35, Blanche street
11100 Wilson BenjaminDaniel streetdwelling-house44, Daniel street
11101 Wilson FrankBlanche streetdwelling-house23, Blanche street
11102 Wilson GeorgeHarewood streetdwelling-house29, Harewood street
11103 Wilson JohnBattye streetdwelling-house53, Battye street
11104 Wilson JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house846, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house994, Leeds road
11105 Wilson JohnWilliam squaredwelling-house6, William square
11106 Wilson JohnFarnley streetdwelling-house12, Farnley street
11107 Wilson JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house4, Parratt row
successivedwelling-house1206, Leeds road
11108 Wilson WilliamDundas streetdwelling-house46, Dundas street
successivedwelling-house10, Dundas street
11109 Winder William TravisGladstone streetdwelling-house4, Gladstone street
11110 Winn GeorgeBack lanedwelling-house503, Back lane
11111 Winter Thomas WilliamDundas streetdwelling-house87, Dundas street
successivedwelling-house91, Dundas street
11112 Womersley FredLaurel streetdwelling-house120, Mount street
successivedwelling-house3-6, Laurel street
11113 Wood AbrahamLeeds roaddwelling-house1188, Leeds road
11114 Wood Alfred WillisVignola streetdwelling-house25, Vignola street
11115 Wood CharlesLaisterdykedwelling-house40 Laisterdyke
11116 Wood JamesMoorside placedwelling-house36, Moorside place
11117 Wood JohnLaurel streetdwelling-house72, Laurel street
successivedwelling-house74, Laurel street
11118 Wood JohnPeace streetdwelling-house6, Peace street
11119 Wood JohnLapage streetdwelling-house50, Lapage street
11120 Wood John GeorgeLeeds roaddwelling-house1020, Leeds road
11121 Wood JosephRaglan streetdwelling-house15, Raglan street
11122 Wood RichardWalnut streetdwelling-house7, Walnut street
11123 Wood RobertGreenhill lanedwelling-house56, Amberley street
successivedwelling-house23, Greenhill lane
11124 Wood SamuelLeeds roaddwelling-house1280, Leeds road
11125 Wood SamuelNapier streetdwelling-house994, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house26, Napier street
11126 Wood SamuelMoorside lanedwelling-house31, Daniel street
successivedwelling-house9, Moorside lane
11127 Wood SamuelNapier streetdwelling-house26, Napier street
11128 Wood ThomasLaurel streetdwelling-house70A, Laurel street
11129 Wood William WillisLeeds roadwarehouseLaisterdyke
11130 Woodhead JohnBack lanedwelling-housenear 523, Back lane
11131 Wooller George WebsterPudseyshopLaisterdyke
11132 Wooller JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house18, Maltby street
successivedwelling-house1176, Leeds road
11133 Wooller ThomasNapier streetdwelling-house52, Napier street
11134 Wooller WilliamAmberley streetdwelling-house46, Amberley street
11135 Woolley JohnCarnation streetdwelling-house5, Carnation street
11136 Wright GeorgeLeeds roaddwelling-house9, School square
successivedwelling-house1300, Leeds road
11137 Wright JosephLaisterdykedwelling-house78, Laisterdyke

BRADFORD MOOR WARD, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter Y
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
11138 Yarbrough AlbertBattye streetdwelling-house95, Battye street
11139 Yealand GeorgeLee rowdwelling-house4, Lee row
11140 Yewdall BenjaminLaisterdykedwelling-house11, Laisterdyke
11141 Young JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house1312, Leeds road
11142 Young WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house493, Leeds road

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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