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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1883, EAST BOWLING WARD2.


Please read these notes about these registers.

Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12292 Ackroyd GeorgeSticker lanedwelling-house232, Sticker lane
12293 Ackroyd JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house598, Wakefield road
12294 Ackroyd JosephHaigh streetdwelling-house6, Haigh street
12295 Ackroyd ThomasMetcalfe streetdwelling-house114, Metcalfe street
12296 Ackroyd ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house454, Wakefield road
12297 Ackroyd WilliamWesleyan terracedwelling-house3, Wesleyan terrace
12298 Adams AlfredAddi streetdwelling-house4, Gardiner row
successivedwelling-house4, Addi street
12299 Adams JamesDavy streetdwelling-house5, Davy street
12300 Adams JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house400, Wakefield road
12301 Adams JosephHeshbon streetdwelling-house3, Heshbon street
12302 Adams SamuelWakefield roaddwelling-house524, Wakefield road
12303 Adams SamuelWakefield roaddwelling-house399, Wakefield road
12304 Adams WilliamGreenhough streetdwelling-house3, Greenhough street
12305 Agley John WilliamMetcalfe streetdwelling-house106, Metcalfe street
12306 Allan James DysonRutland streetdwelling-house21, Rutland street
12307 Allott TomLeicester streetdwelling-houseRouse yard
successivedwelling-house36, Leicester street
12308 Andrew ThomasPeach streetdwelling-house9, Peach street
12309 Armistead WilliamWakefield roadhouse & shop311, Wakefield road
12310 Armitage BenjaminCarbon streetdwelling-house4, Carbon street
12311 Armitage GeorgeNew Hey roaddwelling-house171, New Hey road
12312 Armitage WilliamCorban streetdwelling-house20, Corban street
12313 Arnold CharlesFred's placedwelling-house29, Fred's place
12314 Ashwell WilliamGuildford streetdwelling-house8, Guildford street
12315 Ashworth JamesRhine streetdwelling-houseWalker court
successivedwelling-house6, Rhine street
12316 Astbury RobertWakefield roaddwelling-house592, Wakefield road
12317 Atkinson IsaacViolet streetdwelling-house25, Violet street
12318 Atkinson RalphDudley hilldwelling-house563, Rooley lane
12319 Atkinson WilliamViolet streetdwelling-house27, Violet street
12320 Aucock ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house884, Wakefield road

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter B
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12321 Bairstow ThomasBroad lanedwelling-house56, Broad lane
12322 Ball ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house446, Wakefield road
12323 Bamford JohnViolet streetdwelling-house39, Violet street
12324 Bancroft WilliamWakefield roadhouse & shop917, Wakefield road
12325 Bannister JamesSquare streetdwelling-house5, Square street
12326 Barker AbrahamHill streetdwelling-house8, Hill street
12327 Barker HenryWakefield roaddwelling-house511, Wakefield road
12328 Barker JohnVestry streetdwelling-house12, Vestry street
12329 Barker RobertMetcalfe streetdwelling-house1, Metcalfe street
12330 Barnes SamuelRooley lanedwelling-house553, Rooley lane
12331 Barraclough CharlesFurnace Inn streetdwelling-house28, Furnace Inn street
12332 Barraclough JohnBinns streetdwelling-house33, Back lane
successivedwelling-house8, Binns street
12333 Barraclough John BreaksWakefield roaddwelling-house393, Wakefield road
12334 Barrett AbrahamBolling Hallhouse & landBolling Hall
12335 Barrett JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house434, Wakefield road
12336 Barrett JohnBolling Hall Lodgedwelling-houseHall lane
12337 Baskervill EdwinWakefield roaddwelling-house431, Wakefield road
12338 Bastow JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house926, Wakefield road
12339 Bastow ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house1008, Wakefield road
12340 Bateson RichardSticker lanedwelling-house41E, Sticker lane
12341 Baxandall DavidSticker lanedwelling-house66, Sticker lane
12342 Beall John HodgsonHartley streetdwelling-house4, Hartley street
12343 Bean GeorgeWakefield roaddwelling-house458, Wakefield road
12344 Bean JamesNew Hey roaddwelling-house151, New Hey road
12345 Bean JohnViolet streetdwelling-house29, Violet street
12346 Bean JohnViolet streetdwelling-house31, Violet street
12347 Bean JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house456, Wakefield road
12348 Bean ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house476, Wakefield road
12349 Bean WilliamNew Hey roaddwelling-house175, New Hey road
12350 Beanland Charles HenryRooley lanedwelling-house505, Rooley lane
12351 Beanland HenryCutler heightsdwelling-house68, Broad lane
12352 Beanland JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house893, Wakefield road
12353 Beanland JosephWalker courtdwelling-house1, Walker court
12354 Beanland ThomasUpper Croft placedwelling-house3, Upper Croft place
12355 Beanland ThomasSticker lanedwelling-house336, Sticker lane
12356 Bearder BenjaminFoundry lanedwelling-house13, Foundry lane
12357 Bearder JosephWalker courtdwelling-house2, Walker court
12358 Bearder ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house586, Wakefield road
12359 Bearder WalterAlma streetdwelling-house7, Alma street
12360 Bearder WilliamSalem terracedwelling-house235, Sticker lane
12361 Bearder WilliamSticker lanehouse & shop41, Sticker lane
12362 Beech CharlesNew Hey roaddwelling-houseBinns street
successivedwelling-houseNew Hey road
successivedwelling-house123, New Hey road
12363 Beech GeorgeBinns streetdwelling-house30, Binns street
12364 Behan EdwardViolet streetdwelling-house23, Violet street
12365 Bennett HiramRooley lanedwelling-house427, Rooley lane
12366 Billing JohnRusholme streetdwelling-house24, Rusholme street
12367 Binns GeorgeBack lanedwelling-house14, Parry lane
successivedwelling-house152, Back lane
12368 Binns John ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house922, Wakefield road
12369 Binns RobertBroad lanedwelling-house52, Broad lane
12370 Birch John ThomasGreenhough streetdwelling-house4, Greenhough street
12371 Blackburn EdmundWakefield roadhouse & shop312, Wakefield road
12372 Blakey AndrewSticker lanedwelling-house129, Sticker lane
12373 Blamires SamuelMunster streetdwelling-house5, Munster street
12374 Bland HustlerWakefield roaddwelling-house350, Wakefield road
12375 Blaythorne GeorgeWadsworth streetdwelling-house16, Wadsworth street
12376 Bleazard CharlesWalker courtdwelling-houseNew Hey road
successivedwelling-house14, Walker court
12377 Bleazard StewartWakefield roaddwelling-house406, Wakefield road
12378 Bleazard ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house375, Wakefield road
12379 Blow CharlesWakefield roaddwelling-house337, Wakefield road
12380 Bolton JohnMunster streetdwelling-houseWakefield road
successivedwelling-house17, Munster street
12381 Bond JohnLord streetdwelling-house1, Lord street
12382 Bond SmithFred's placedwelling-house375, Sticker lane
successivedwelling-house45, Fred's place
12383 Bonsor RobertBeamsley road, FrizinghalldyeworksLeicester street
12384 Boocock RichardMarsden folddwelling-house24, Marsden fold
12385 Boocock SamuelMarsden folddwelling-house17, Marsden fold
12386 Booth JohnCorban streetdwelling-houseCorban street
12387 Booth JosephLower lanedwelling-house49, Lower lane
12388 Booth ManassehRooley lanedwelling-house561, Rooley lane
12389 Booth SteadWakefield roaddwelling-house978, Wakefield road
12390 Bottomley HenrySquare streetdwelling-house6, Square street
12391 Bottomley John CatlowRooley lanedwelling-house537, Rooley lane
12392 Bottomley UriahMuff streetdwelling-house44, Muff street
12393 Bowe JohnSticker lanedwelling-house543, Rooley lane
successivedwelling-house632, Sticker lane
12394 Bower JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house903, Wakefield road
12395 Bowles JamesSticker lanedwelling-house89, Sticker lane
successivedwelling-house91, Sticker lane
12396 Boyes GeorgeRutland streetdwelling-house17, Rutland street
12397 Boyes JohnRooley lanedwelling-house469, Rooley lane
12398 Boyes ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house460, Wakefield road
12399 Boyes ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house448, Wakefield road
12400 Bradley JosephViolet streetdwelling-house33, Violet street
12401 Brady WilliamMetcalfe streetdwelling-house31, Metcalfe street
12402 Brannan MichaelWadsworth streetdwelling-house24, Wadsworth street
12403 Branson ThomasSticker lanedwelling-house61, Sticker lane
12404 Brayshaw DanielWakefield roadhouse & shop415, Wakefield road
12405 Brearley WalterRooley lanedwelling-house497, Rooley lane
12406 Breen WilliamViolet courtdwelling-house17, Violet court
12407 Brice Rev. EdwardSt. John's Vicaragedwelling-houseWakefield road
12408 Briggs AlfredDross streetdwelling-house6, Dross street
12409 Briggs HenryLower lanedwelling-house7, Lower lane
12410 Briggs JamesSodom lane, TyersalworkshopDross street
12411 Briggs JohnDross streetdwelling-house18, Dross street
12412 Briggs JohnWakefield roadhouse & shop587, Wakefield road
12413 Briggs JosephGreenhough streetdwelling-house12, Greenhough street
12414 Briggs MitchellWakefield roaddwelling-house571, Wakefield road
12415 Briggs SamuelWakefield roadhouse & shop316, Wakefield road
12416 Briggs ThomasLower lanedwelling-house2, Lower lane
12417 Briggs WilliamBrompton roaddwelling-house15, Brompton road
12418 Broadbent GeorgeElsworth streetdwelling-house9, Elsworth street
12419 Brook BenjaminSticker lanedwelling-house221, Sticker lane
12420 Brook EdmundSticker lanedwelling-house318A, Sticker lane
12421 Brook EdwardSticker lanehouse & shop228, Sticker lane
12422 Brook GeorgeSticker lanedwelling-house33, Sticker lane
successivedwelling-house89, Sticker lane
12423 Brook HenrySticker lanedwelling-house47, Sticker lane
12424 Brook JamesCarbon streetdwelling-house3, Carbon street
12425 Brook JamesSticker lanehouse & shop101, Sticker lane
12426 Brook JamesSticker lanedwelling-house420, Sticker lane
12427 Brook JamesViolet courtdwelling-house19, Violet court
12428 Brook JohnSticker lanehouse & shop199, Sticker lane
12429 Brook JosephSticker lanedwelling-house320, Sticker lane
12430 Brook JoshuaBack lanedwelling-house120, Back lane
successivedwelling-house126, Back lane
12431 Brook Joshua TomlinsonSticker lanedwelling-house149, Sticker lane
12432 Brook SimpsonMarsden folddwelling-house2, Marsden fold
12433 Brook ThomasSticker lanedwelling-house318, Sticker lane
12434 Brooksbank JohnMunster streetdwelling-house22, Corban street
successivedwelling-house7, Munster street
12435 Brooksbank JohnWakefield roadwarehouseWakefield road
12436 Brooksbank JosephBillingsley terracedwelling-houseBillingsley terrace
12437 Brooksbank JosephPeach streetdwelling-house612, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-houseMunster street
successivedwelling-house27, Peach street
12438 Brooksbank SamuelSt. John's terracedwelling-house10, St. John's terrace
12439 Brown JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house902, Wakefield road
12440 Brownbridge JosephWakefield roadhouse & shop317, Wakefield road
12441 Brownbridge RobertMetcalfe streetdwelling-house104, Metcalfe street
12442 Bryan JohnElsworth streetdwelling-house13, Elsworth street
12443 Bryant HenryPeach streetdwelling-house7, Peach street
12444 Buckley AbrahamWakefield roaddwelling-house499, Wakefield road
12445 Buckley GeorgeWakefield roaddwelling-house652, Wakefield road
12446 Buckley JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house368, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house440, Wakefield road
12447 Buckley JohnWesleyan terracedwelling-house13, Wesleyan terrace
12448 Buckley JosephLower lanedwelling-house18, Lower lane
12449 Burgess ThomasNew Hey roaddwelling-houseBinns street
successivedwelling-house56, New Hey road
12450 Burgess WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house87, Sticker lane
12451 Burke WilsonSticker lanedwelling-house161, Sticker lane
12452 Burland JohnGreenhough streetdwelling-house5, Greenhough street
12453 Butler GeorgeDick lane, Tongmalthouse & landSticker lane
12454 Butler John CharlesHeshbon streetdwelling-house1, Heshbon street
12455 Butler ReubenRooley lanedwelling-house507, Rooley lane
12456 Butterfield John MooreSticker lanedwelling-house98, Sticker lane
12457 Bywater EdwardWakefield roadhouse & shop985, Wakefield road
12458 Bywater GeorgeBrougham streetdwelling-house7, Brougham street

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter C
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12459 Cahill ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-houseGrey street
successivedwelling-house297, Wakefield road
12460 Call SimpsonBrompton roaddwelling-house7, Brompton road
12461 Call ThomasNew Hey roaddwelling-house121, New Hey road
12462 Calloway SamuelWakefield roaddwelling-house497, Wakefield road
12463 Carr EdwardWakefield roaddwelling-house1000, Wakefield road
12464 Carr GentWakefield roaddwelling-house885, Wakefield road
12465 Carr JoshuaWakefield roaddwelling-house1004, Wakefield road
12466 Carr WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house1006, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house1002, Wakefield road
12467 Carter HenryLeicester streetdwelling-house34, Leicester street
12468 Carter ThomasWakefield roadhouse & shop389, Wakefield road
12469 Casey WilliamPeach streetdwelling-house21, Peach street
successivedwelling-house22, Peach street
12470 Cass JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house1011, Wakefield road
12471 Cawthray EliasHeshbon streetdwelling-house7, Heshbon street
12472 Cawthray WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house5, Alma street
successivedwelling-house49, Sticker lane
12473 Chadwick JosephRooley lanedwelling-house555, Rooley lane
12474 Chambers IsaacRooley lanedwelling-houseRooley lane
successivedwelling-house482, Rooley lane
12475 Charlesworth George ErnestWakefield roaddwelling-houseWakefield road
successivedwelling-house612, Wakefield road
12476 Charlesworth JohnNew Hey roaddwelling-house77, New Hey road
successivedwelling-house81, New Hey road
12477 Charnock HarrisonWakefield roaddwelling-house539, Wakefield road
12478 Charnock JonathanRutland streetdwelling-house22, Rutland street
12479 Charnock JosephHighfield House, BirkenshawmillVictoria mill, Rutland street
12480 Chatterway IsaacRooley lanedwelling-house515, Rooley lane
12481 Chilver JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house405, Wakefield road
12482 Clark Alfred DanielHaigh streetdwelling-house14, Haigh street
12483 Clark JamesPump streetdwelling-house7, Pump street
12484 Clark James EverittLower lanedwelling-house103, Lower lane
12485 Clark JohnChurch hill courtdwelling-house10, Church hill court
12486 Clark JosephBack lanedwelling-house334, Back lane
12487 Clark Robert MartindaleSticker lanedwelling-house356, Sticker lane
12488 Clayton HenryWakefield roaddwelling-house433, Wakefield road
12489 Clayton JamesViolet streetdwelling-house4, Violet street
12490 Clayton JohnIron streetdwelling-house3, Iron street
12491 Clayton MarkWakefield roaddwelling-house310, Wakefield road
12492 Clayton RobertMuff streetdwelling-house25, Muff street
12493 Clayton ThomasProvidence placedwelling-house13, Providence place
12494 Clegg JohnNew Hey roaddwelling-house125, New Hey road
12495 Clemie EdwardPump streetdwelling-house5, Pump street
12496 Clemie JosephSticker lanedwelling-houseProvidence place
successivedwelling-house71, Sticker lane
12497 Clough BenjaminBillingsley terracedwelling-house4, Billingsley terrace
12498 Clough JohnLower lanedwelling-house1, Lower lane
12499 Clough TomSticker lanedwelling-house246, Sticker lane
12500 Coates CharlesHarcourt streetdwelling-house14, Harcourt street
12501 Coates JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house877, Wakefield road
12502 Coates WilliamWakefield roadbeerhouse946, Wakefield road
12503 Cockcroft JosephPump streetdwelling-house4, Pump street
12504 Cole CharlesHartley's Buildingsdwelling-house325, Wakefield road
12505 Cole JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house346, Wakefield road
12506 Cole JohnHartley's Buildingsdwelling-house327, Wakefield road
12507 Cole Thomas WilliamBillingsley terracedwelling-house14, Billingsley terrace
12508 Collins JosephSquare streetdwelling-house2, Square street
12509 Collins RichardHartley streetdwelling-house6, Hartley street
12510 Collins SamuelWakefield roaddwelling-house391, Wakefield road
12511 Collins SquireWakefield roaddwelling-house342, Wakefield road
12512 Collinson AbrahamRooley lanedwelling-house554, Rooley lane
successivedwelling-house495A, Rooley lane
12513 Collinson JohnSticker lanedwelling-house371, Sticker lane
12514 Cook JosephSticker lanedwelling-house628, Sticker lane
12515 Cook WilliamMarsden folddwelling-house9, Marsden fold
12516 Cooper JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house341, Wakefield road
12517 Cooper LeemingRooley lanedwelling-house529, Rooley lane
12518 Cooper PickeringSticker lanedwelling-house416, Sticker lane
12519 Cooper Samuel ShanWakefield roaddwelling-house865, Wakefield road
12520 Cooper SilvesterRhine streetdwelling-house4, Rhine street
12521 Cooper ThomasWakefield roadhouse & land918, Wakefield road
12522 Cordingley ArthurWakefield roaddwelling-house319, Wakefield road
12523 Cordingley Charles HerbertWakefield roaddwelling-house494, Wakefield road
12524 Corless ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house521, Wakefield road
12525 Corless WilliamBack lanedwelling-house314, Back lane
12526 Cornthwaite JamesHarker streetdwelling-house20, Harker street
12527 Cottam LawrenceSticker lanedwelling-house210, Sticker lane
successivedwelling-house238, Sticker lane
12528 Cowman George CarterMarshall rowdwelling-house4, Marshall row
12529 Craig JamesViolet courtdwelling-house21, Violet court
12530 Craven HenryRooley lanedwelling-house439, Rooley lane
12531 Critchley WilliamElsworth streetdwelling-houseRouse yard
successivedwelling-house1, Elsworth street
12532 Croft HerbertBrompton roaddwelling-housePeach street
successivedwelling-housePeach street
successivedwelling-house9, Brompton road
12533 Crosland WalterBrompton roaddwelling-house1, Brompton road
12534 Crossley JesseWakefield roaddwelling-house565A, Wakefield road
12535 Crossley JosephRooley lanedwelling-house517, Rooley lane
12536 Crossley WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house432, Wakefield road
12537 Crowley EdwardPump streetdwelling-house6, Pump street
12538 Crowther JamesPlantation placedwelling-house1, Plantation place
12539 Crowther JohnMetcalfe streetdwelling-house105, Metcalfe street
12540 Crowther WilliamSticker lanebeerhouse240, Sticker lane

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter D
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12541 Dalby ThomasSquare streetdwelling-house7, Square street
12542 Darnborough JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house924, Wakefield road
12543 Davies WilliamPeach streetdwelling-house18, Peach street
12544 Davy James HartleyLower lanehouse & shop25, Lower lane
12545 Davy JohnGreenhough streetdwelling-house14, Greenhough street
12546 Davy JohnBrougham streetdwelling-house4, Brougham street
12547 Dawber GeorgeMuff streetdwelling-houseViolet court
successivedwelling-house16, Back Muff street
12548 Dawson DavidWadsworth streetdwelling-house6, Wadsworth street
12549 Dawson JamesSheridan streetdwelling-house27, Sheridan street
12550 Dawson ThomasSticker lanedwelling-house207, Sticker lane
12551 Degan JohnMetcalfe streetdwelling-house3, Metcalfe street
12552 Deighton WilliamNew Hey roaddwelling-houseWalton street
successivedwelling-house78, New Hey road
12553 Dempsey JamesLong streetdwelling-house14, Long street
12554 Denby SamuelSheridan streetdwelling-house55, Sheridan street
12555 Dennett Joseph WilliamVestry streetdwelling-house6, Vestry street
12556 Dennison ThomasSticker lanedwelling-house39, Sticker lane
12557 Dennison WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house251, Sticker lane
12558 Dewick JosephHeshbon streetdwelling-house5, Heshbon street
12559 Dickinson SamuelWakefield roaddwelling-house614, Wakefield road
12560 Dixon Benjamin HarrisonHaigh streetdwelling-house8, Haigh street
12561 Dixon GeorgeMunster streetdwelling-house11, Munster street
12562 Dixon MarkWesleyan terracedwelling-house11, Wesleyan terrace
12563 Dixon WilliamDudley streetdwelling-house9, Dudley street
12564 Dobby JohnWesleyan terracedwelling-house7, Wesleyan terrace
12565 Douglas HenrySticker lanedwelling-house24, Sticker lane
12566 Douglas RobertLeicester streetdwelling-houseWhitworth street
successivedwelling-house24, Leicester street
12567 Douglas WrightSticker lanedwelling-house36, Sticker lane
12568 Dover JosephSt. George's placedwelling-house7, St. George's place
12569 Downham JohnSticker lanedwelling-house37, Sticker lane
12570 Drake JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house513, Wakefield road
12571 Dring WilliamNew Hey roaddwelling-house52, New Hey road
12572 Drinkall GeorgeWakefield roaddwelling-house362, Wakefield road
12573 Drinkall ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house480, Wakefield road
12574 Drinkwell WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house530, Wakefield road
12575 Driver JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house907, Wakefield road
12576 Driver JosephCorban streetdwelling-houseCorban street
12577 Duckworth JoshuaDross streetdwelling-house7, Dross street
successivedwelling-house11, Dross street
12578 Dunford WilsonRooley lanedwelling-houseGardiner row
successivedwelling-house527, Rooley lane
12579 Dunn JamesLeicester streetdwelling-house30, Leicester street
12580 Dunn JohnViolet streetdwelling-house19, Violet street

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter E
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12581 Eade StephenRooley lanedwelling-house481, Rooley lane
12582 Eastwood SamuelDudley streetdwelling-house331, Rooley lane
successivedwelling-houseNew Hey road
successivedwelling-house7, Dudley street
12583 Eckersley ThomasSheridan streetdwelling-house11, Sheridan street
12584 Edgar BenjaminWakefield roaddwelling-house510, Wakefield road
12585 Edmondson JohnChurch hill courtdwelling-house3, Church hill court
12586 Edmondson ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house534, Wakefield road
12587 Edwards AlfredBack lanedwelling-house360, Back lane
12588 Elliott NicholasSticker lanedwelling-house175, Sticker lane
successivedwelling-house167A, Sticker lane
12589 Ellis CharlesLower lanedwelling-house6, Lower lane
12590 Ellis CharlesWadsworth streetdwelling-house21, Wadsworth street
12591 Ellis IsaacSt. John's terracedwelling-house3, St. John's terrace
12592 Ellis LeviWakefield roaddwelling-house920, Wakefield road
12593 Ellis ThomasWakefield roadhouse & shop1034, Wakefield road
12594 Ellis WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house569, Wakefield road
12595 Ellison EdwinMarsden folddwelling-house3, Marsden fold
12596 Elsworth HenrySticker lanedwelling-house401, Sticker lane
12597 Emmett Jonathan WoollerSheridan streetdwelling-house15, Sheridan street

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter F
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12598 Farnell FrederickFurnace Inndwelling-house362, Back lane
12599 Farnell ThomasLeicester streetdwelling-house40, Leicester street
12600 Farrer WilliamMuff streetdwelling-house5, Muff street
12601 Fawcett JamesSticker lanedwelling-house397, Sticker lane
12602 Fawcett WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house528, Sticker lane
12603 Fearnley Emanuel BackMuff streetdwelling-house4, Muff street
successivedwelling-house10, Back Muff street
12604 Fearnley WilliamGardiner rowdwelling-house1, Gardiner row
12605 Field JamesRooley lanedwelling-house560, Rooley lane
12606 Field RobertSt. John's terracedwelling-house12, St. John's terrace
successivedwelling-house4, St. John's terrace
12607 Field Samuel RobinsonSticker lanedwelling-houseMetcalfe street
successivedwelling-house626, Sticker lane
12608 Fieldhouse GeorgeBack lanedwelling-house336, Back lane
12609 Fieldhouse JamesProvidence placedwelling-house3, Providence place
12610 Fieldhouse JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house541, Wakefield road
12611 Fieldhouse JosephMuff streetdwelling-houseGreenhough street
successivedwelling-house36, Muff street
12612 Finlayson PeterNew Hey roaddwelling-house50A, New Hey road
12613 Firth BenjaminSticker lanedwelling-house131, Sticker lane
12614 Firth BensonRooley lanedwelling-house562, Rooley lane
12615 Firth JosephWakefield roadhouse & shop993, Wakefield road
12616 Firth JosephCorban streetdwelling-house12, Corban street
12617 Firth JosephLambfield cottagedwelling-houseHall lane
12618 Firth JossSticker lanedwelling-house326, Sticker lane
12619 Firth WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house905, Wakefield road
12620 Firth WilliamCorban streetdwelling-house10, Corban street
12621 Fisher ChristopherNew Hey roaddwelling-house169, New Hey road
12622 Fitzpatrick JohnLong streetdwelling-house28, Long street
12623 Flathers GeorgeGuildford streetdwelling-houseLower Barrack yard
successivedwelling-house6, Guildford street
12624 Flathers HenryRutland streetdwelling-house3, Long street
successivedwelling-house9, Rutland street
12625 Fletcher JohnTong street, Tongstables & landSticker lane
12626 Fletcher MarkAddi streetdwelling-house17, Addi street
12627 Flude JamesSheridan streetdwelling-houseSheridan street
successivedwelling-house63, Sheridan street
12628 Flude JohnBack lanehouse & shop108, Back lane
12629 Fortes JamesSheridan streetdwelling-house39, Sheridan street
12630 Foster SidneyWakefield roaddwelling-house75, New Hey road
successivedwelling-house408, Wakefield road
12631 Foulds DanielSticker lanedwelling-house334, Sticker lane
12632 Fox FredWakefield roaddwelling-house356, Wakefield road
12633 Fox RobertPeach streetdwelling-house15, Peach street
12634 Frudd WilliamRusholme streetdwelling-house26, Rusholme street
12635 Furniss IsaacBrass Knob rowdwelling-house96, Sticker lane

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter G
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12636 Gant DavidWakefield roadhouse & shopWakefield road
successivedwelling-house579, Wakefield road
12637 Gardiner WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house414, Sticker lane
12638 Gardner ThomasBack lanehouse & shop342, Back lane
12639 Garrett JoshuaMuff streetdwelling-house42, Muff street
12640 Garside WilliamFred's placedwelling-house21, Fred's place
12641 Gath GeorgeCross Keys Inndwelling-house463, Rooley lane
12642 Gath JosephSticker lanedwelling-house119, Sticker lane
12643 Giles George WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-houseWalker court
successivedwelling-house309, Wakefield road
12644 Gill JohnParry lanedwelling-house21, Parry lane
12645 Gill JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house103, Metcalfe street
successivedwelling-house898, Wakefield road
12646 Gill Richard BrownHill streetdwelling-house4, Hill street
12647 Gill WilliamFurnace Inn streetdwelling-houseFurnace Inn street
successivedwelling-house4, Furnace Inn street
12648 Gillam WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house53, Sticker lane
12649 Gittens Samuel ArthurLeicester streetdwelling-house4, Leicester street
12650 Gittins EdwardLeicester streetbrick works4, Leicester street
12651 Gittins PhilipWakefield roaddwelling-house410, Wakefield road
12652 Goodman ThomasViolet streetdwelling-houseCrab street
successivedwelling-house7, Violet street
12653 Gott ClarksonParry lanedwelling-house2, Parry lane
12654 Goulden JamesRutland streetdwelling-house5, Rutland street
12655 Graham RobertWakefield roaddwelling-house444, Wakefield road
12656 Graham StephenWakefield roaddwelling-house383, Wakefield road
12657 Grant JohnCutler heightsdwelling-house50, Broad lane
12658 Gratton GeorgeElsworth streetdwelling-house12, Elsworth street
12659 Gratton HenryMuff streetdwelling-house12, Muff street
12660 Gratton JohnElsworth streetdwelling-house2, Elsworth street
12661 Greed ThomasFurnace Inn streetdwelling-house16, Furnace Inn street
12662 Green CharlesStephen folddwelling-house7, Stephen fold
12663 Green IsaiahWalker courtdwelling-house7, Walker court
12664 Green JosephStephen folddwelling-house4, Stephen fold
12665 Green RobertWakefield roaddwelling-house372, Wakefield road
12666 Greenhough CharlesSticker lanedwelling-house467, Sticker lane
12667 Greenhough JosephHarker streetdwelling-house10, Harker street
12668 Greenhough JosephSticker lanedwelling-house43, Sticker lane
12669 Greenhough ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house472, Wakefield road
12670 Greenhough WilliamRooley lanedwelling-house523, Rooley lane
12671 Greenwood JosephOunsworth streetdwelling-house4, Ounsworth street
12672 Gregory JamesSticker lanedwelling-house181, Sticker lane
12673 Gregson JosephWakefield roadhouse & shop314, Wakefield road
12674 Grimshaw ReubenCutler Heightsdwelling-house58, Broad lane
12675 Guilfoyle JamesViolet courtdwelling-house29, Violet court
successivedwelling-house24, Violet court

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter H
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12676 Haigh JohnFred's placedwelling-house15, Fred's place
12677 Haigh WilliamRooley lanedwelling-house501, Rooley lane
12678 Hainsworth WilliamVestry streetdwelling-house10, Vestry street
12679 Haley EdwardRooley lanehouse & shop453, Rooley lane
12680 Haley RichardRooley lanedwelling-house531, Rooley lane
12681 Haley TomWakefield roaddwelling-house1022, Wakefield road
12682 Hall ArthurHartley streetdwelling-houseWakefield road
successivedwelling-house2, Hartley street
12683 Hall JohnLong streetdwelling-house24, Long street
12684 Halliday JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house1010, Wakefield road
12685 Halliday ThomasCutler heightsdwelling-house62, Broad lane
12686 Halliday William HenrySheridan streetdwelling-house33, Sheridan street
12687 Halliwell WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house120, Sticker lane
12688 Hanson AlfredSticker lanedwelling-house253, Sticker lane
12689 Hant RobertWakefield roadhouse & shop927, Wakefield road
12690 Harding William HenrySheridan streetdwelling-house35, Sheridan street
12691 Hargreaves HenrySheridan streetdwelling-house73, Sheridan street
12692 Hargreaves HenryViolet courtdwelling-house25, Violet court
successivedwelling-house31, Violet court
12693 Hargreaves WilliamLeicester streetdwelling-house6, Leicester street
12694 Harker BenjaminMarsden folddwelling-house12, Marsden fold
12695 Harling LeonardSticker lanedwelling-house63, Sticker lane
12696 Harling RalphParry lanedwelling-house6, Parry lane
12697 Harrison EdwardCarbon streetdwelling-house2, Carbon street
12698 Harrison JohnSticker lanedwelling-house106, Sticker lane
12699 Harrison SamuelBack lanedwelling-house340, Back lane
12700 Harrison WilkinsonWakefield roadhouse & shop1003, Wakefield road
12701 Hartley JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house648, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house761, Wakefield road
12702 Hartley JosephLeicester streetdwelling-houseBrompton road
successivedwelling-house26, Leicester street
12703 Hartley RobertBack lanedwelling-house172, Back lane
12704 Hartley ThomasWakefield roadhouse & shop393, Wakefield road
12705 Hartley WalkerGardiner rowdwelling-house3, Gardiner row
12706 Hartley WilliamMarshall rowdwelling-house3, Marshall row
12707 Hartzig WilliamCarbon streetdwelling-house7, Carbon street
12708 Hawkins WilliamBack Muff streetdwelling-house26, Back Muff street
12709 Haydon ElijahBrompton roaddwelling-house2, Brompton road
12710 Hayes DenisMarsden folddwelling-house19, Marsden fold
12711 Heap DavidSheridan streetdwelling-house23, Sheridan street
12712 Heaton MichaelSticker lanedwelling-house18, Sticker lane
12713 Heley PatrickAddi streetdwelling-house26, Addi street
12714 Hepworth IsaacWakefield roaddwelling-house377, Wakefield road
12715 Heseltine JohnBusfield streetdwelling-house2, Busfield street
12716 Heseltine ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house654, Wakefield road
12717 Hesling HenryWakefield roaddwelling-house986, Wakefield road
12718 Hesling JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house886, Wakefield road
12719 Hewitt JamesSticker lanedwelling-house252, Sticker lane
12720 Hill EmanuelDavy streetdwelling-house1, Davy street
12721 Hill IsaacAddi streetdwelling-house25, Addi street
12722 Hill JohnNew Hey roaddwelling-house179, New Hey road
12723 Hill JosephProvidence placedwelling-house4, Upper Croft place
successivedwelling-house5, Providence place
12724 Hill SamuelBack lanedwelling-house5, Violet street
successivedwelling-house106, Back lane
12725 Hill ThomasWakefield roadhouse & shop925, Wakefield road
12726 Hill WilliamFoundry lanedwelling-house19, Foundry lane
12727 Hillam IsaacWakefield roaddwelling-house1012, Wakefield road
12728 Hillam JamesNew Hey roaddwelling-house177, New Hey road
12729 Hillam JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house1014, Wakefield road
12730 Hillas BenjaminBierley lanewarehouseIndustry mill
12731 Hillas Isaac WilkinsonSticker lanedwelling-house45, Fred's place
successivedwelling-house237, Sticker lane
12732 Hillas JohnFred's placedwelling-house31, Fred's place
12733 Hillas JosephMarsden folddwelling-house8, Marsden fold
12734 Hillas JoshuaWalker courtdwelling-house13, Walker court
12735 Hillas MatthewTong street, TongwarehouseIndustry mill
12736 Hillas WilliamParsonage grovehouse & shop163, Sticker lane
12737 Hinchliffe JohnSticker lanedwelling-house62, Sticker lane
12738 Hirst BenjaminLower lanedwelling-house37, Lower lane
12739 Hirst GeorgeHartley streetdwelling-house8, Hartley street
12740 Hodgkinson JamesLord streetdwelling-house9, Lord street
12741 Hodgson HenryBinns streetdwelling-house20, Binns street
12742 Hodgson HenryBadger squaredwelling-house26, Badger square
12743 Hodgson MichaelWakefield roadhouse & shop999, Wakefield road
12744 Holdsworth DemasRooley lanedwelling-houseWakefield road
successivedwelling-houseAddi street
successivedwelling-house539, Rooley lane
12745 Holdsworth JamesSticker lanedwelling-houseSticker lane
successivedwelling-house253A, Sticker lane
12746 Holdsworth JohnSticker lanedwelling-house255, Sticker lane
12747 Holdsworth JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house1020, Wakefield road
12748 Holdsworth SamuelParry lanedwelling-house18, Parry lane
successivedwelling-houseParry lane
successivedwelling-house3, Parry lane
12749 Holdsworth WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house622, Sticker lane
12750 Holdsworth WilliamWesleyan terracedwelling-house5, Wesleyan terrace
12751 Holdsworth WilliamWakefield roadhouse & shop559, Wakefield road
12752 Holgate EliRutland streetdwelling-houseRutland street
successivedwelling-house6, Rutland street
12753 Hollings ThomasProvidence placedwelling-house4, Providence place
12754 Hollingworth JosephMarsden folddwelling-house28, Marsden fold
12755 Holmes AbrahamSticker lanedwelling-house453, Sticker lane
12756 Holmes CharlesSticker lanehouse & land576, Sticker lane
12757 Holmes HenryRooley lanedwelling-house485, Rooley lane
12758 Holmes JacobWakefield roaddwelling-house994, Wakefield road
12759 Holmes JamesFoundry lanedwelling-house1, Foundry lane
12760 Holmes JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house974, Wakefield road
12761 Holmes RichardWakefield roaddwelling-house763, Wakefield road
12762 Holmes SidneyWakefield roadhouse & shop1009, Wakefield road
12763 Holmes ThomasFoundry lanedwelling-house5, Foundry lane
12764 Holmes WilliamSt. John's terracedwelling-house8, St. John's terrace
12765 Holroyd HenryRusholme streetdwelling-house14, Rusholme street
12766 Holroyd SamuelSticker lanehouse & shop620, Sticker lane
12767 Hopkinson AmosWalker courtdwelling-houseWalker court
12768 Hopkinson IsaacWakefield roaddwelling-house636, Wakefield road
12769 Hopkinson MatthewBack lanedwelling-house318, Back lane
12770 Hopkinson William RobertPump streetdwelling-house10, Pump street
12771 Hopwood RobertWakefield roadhouse & shop998, Wakefield road
12772 Hornby HenryMuff streetdwelling-house13, Muff street
12773 Hornby JohnHarcourt streetdwelling-house10, Harcourt street
12774 Horsfield WilliamSticker lanehouse & shop485, Sticker lane
12775 Hosty TimothyViolet courtdwelling-house3, Violet court
12776 Houlden WalterWakefield roaddwelling-houseWakefield road
successivedwelling-houseMetcalfe street
successivedwelling-house596, Wakefield road
12777 Housley ThomasSticker lanedwelling-house222, Sticker lane
successivedwelling-house220, Sticker lane
12778 Hoyle JosephCarbon streetdwelling-house10, Carbon street
12779 Hubie JamesWakefield roadhouse & shop585, Wakefield road
12780 Hudson IsaacRutland streetdwelling-house10, Rutland street
12781 Hudson JacobSheridan streetdwelling-house3, Sheridan street
12782 Hudson JamesNew Hey roaddwelling-houseWakefield road
successivedwelling-house68, New Hey road
12783 Hudson JohnElsworth streetdwelling-house4, Elsworth street
12784 Hudson JohnMarshall rowdwelling-house1, Marshall row
12785 Hudson JosephGuildford streetdwelling-house11, Violet street
successivedwelling-house2A, Guildford street
12786 Hudson JosephWakefield roadhouse & shop915, Wakefield road
successivehouse & shop1005, Wakefield road
12787 Hudson WilliamWadsworth streetdwelling-house23, Wadsworth street
12788 Hustler JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house908, Wakefield road
12789 Hustler JoshuaSticker lanehouse & shop618, Sticker lane
12790 Hutchinson William WhitakerMunster streetdwelling-house1 & 8, Munster street

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter I
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12791 Illingworth LeviHill streetdwelling-house6, Hill street
12792 Illingworth LukeRooley lanedwelling-house429, Rooley lane
12793 Impey JamesSheridan streetdwelling-house69, Sheridan street
12794 Ingham GeorgeRooley lanedwelling-house533, Rooley lane
12795 Ingham JohnHaigh streetdwelling-house10, Haigh street
successivedwelling-house3, Haigh street
12796 Ingram JohnBack lanedwelling-house122, Back lane
successivedwelling-house118, Back lane
12797 Ingram WilliamBack lanedwelling-house8, Long street
successivedwelling-house120, Back lane
12798 Isaac RichardNew Hey roaddwelling-houseWakefield road
successivedwelling-house67, New Hey road

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter J
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12799 Jackson AlexanderCorban streetdwelling-house23, Fred's place
successivedwelling-house2, Corban street
12800 Jackson John TitmusPeach streetdwelling-house23, Peach street
12801 Jackson JosephSticker lanedwelling-house377, Sticker lane
successivedwelling-house375, Sticker lane
12802 Jackson MatthewWakefield roaddwelling-house578, Wakefield road
12803 Jackson WilliamWakefield roadbeerhouse549, Wakefield road
12804 Jackson William FrancisWakefield roaddwelling-house685, Wakefield road
12805 Jackson William KingProvidence placedwelling-house1, Providence place
12806 Jagger BenjaminBadger squaredwelling-house40, Badger square
12807 Jagger JosephPlantation placedwelling-house4, Plantation place
12808 James John EdwardSticker lanedwelling-house469, Sticker lane
12809 Jenkinson WilliamBack lanedwelling-house250, Back lane
12810 Johnson DavidSheridan streetdwelling-house29, Sheridan street
12811 Johnson GeorgeParry lanedwelling-house91, Sticker lane
successivedwelling-house18, Parry lane
12812 Johnson WilliamLeicester streetdwelling-house38, Leicester street
12813 Jones WilliamSheridan streetdwelling-house7, Sheridan street
12814 Joy BenjaminPlantation placedwelling-house2, Plantation place
12815 Judson JohnNew Hey roaddwelling-house79, New Hey road

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter K
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12816 Kay RobertLower lanedwelling-house5, Lower lane
12817 Kay William HenrySticker lanedwelling-house231, Sticker lane
12818 Kellett DavidSquare streetdwelling-house9, Square street
12819 Kellett John LeviWakefield roadbeerhouse421, Wakefield road
12820 Kellett JosephWakefield roadhouse & shop545, Wakefield road
12821 Kelly EdwardElsworth streetdwelling-house7, Elsworth street
12822 Kelly EdwinWakefield roaddwelling-house551, Wakefield road
12823 Kershaw JohnAlma streetdwelling-house5, Alma street
12824 Key JosephAddi streetdwelling-house7, Addi street
12825 Kirby HenryLower lanedwelling-house11, Lower lane
12826 Kitchen JohnNew Hey roaddwelling-house71, New Hey road
12827 Kitson EdwinHaigh streetdwelling-house2, Haigh street
12828 Knapton WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house268, Sticker lane
12829 Knowles AnthonyCroft nookdwelling-house105, Lower lane
12830 Knowles JamesMetcalfe streetdwelling-house107, Metcalfe street
12831 Knowles JohnSticker lanehouse & land216, Sticker lane
12832 Knowles JohnSticker lanedwelling-house209, Sticker lane
12833 Knowles JonathanBadger squaredwelling-house44, Badger square
12834 Knowles ThomasProvidence placedwelling-house26, Providence place
12835 Knowles WilliamSheridan streetdwelling-house83, Sheridan street

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter L
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12836 Lacey HenryBolling Hall Farmdwelling-houseBolling Hall
12837 Lacey ThomasBinns streetdwelling-house22, Binns street
12838 Lambert HenryBrougham streetdwelling-house9, Brougham street
12839 Lambert JohnHarcourt streetdwelling-house12, Harcourt street
12840 Lambert JosephMuff streetdwelling-house14, Muff street
12841 Lambert WilliamWakefield roadhouse & land630, Wakefield road
12842 Lambert William EdwinBack lanehouse & shop356, Back lane
12843 Lambourne HenryMetcalfe streetdwelling-house67, New Hey road
successivedwelling-houseLeicester street
successivedwelling-house5, Metcalfe street
12844 Land RichardBack lanehouse & shop354, Back lane
12845 Law IsaacLower lanedwelling-houseCorban street
successivedwelling-house21, Lower lane
12846 Laycock JohnSticker lanedwelling-house508, Sticker lane
12847 Laycock TitusSticker lanedwelling-house157, Sticker lane
12848 Lea GregorySheridan streetdwelling-house51, Sheridan street
12849 Lea Henry JarvisWakefield roaddwelling-house540, Wakefield road
12850 Lea JamesSheridan streetdwelling-house85, Sheridan street
12851 Lea JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house564, Wakefield road
12852 Ledger JohnOunsworth streetdwelling-house3, Ounsworth street
12853 Lee WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house429, Wakefield road
12854 Leppingwell John HenrySticker lanedwelling-house35, Sticker lane
12855 Liles SamWalker courtdwelling-house12, Walker court
12856 Linford JohnBinns streetdwelling-house28, Binns street
12857 Lister Charles HartleyWakefield roaddwelling-house430, Wakefield road
12858 Lister HenryNew Hey roaddwelling-house181, New Hey road
12859 Lister JohnBillingsley terracedwelling-house6, Billingsley terrace
12860 Lister JonasSheridan streetdwelling-house9, Sheridan street
12861 Lister WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house769, Wakefield road
12862 Littlewood FrankSticker lanedwelling-house514, Sticker lane
12863 Lockwood JoshuaNew Hey roaddwelling-house113, New Hey road
12864 Lofthouse JonathanHarker streetdwelling-house4, Harker street
12865 Lomax CharlesWakefield roaddwelling-house482, Wakefield road
12866 Long JohnLower lanedwelling-house39, Lower lane
12867 Longfield JosephManninghamwarehouseBack lane
12868 Longthorpe JoshuaSticker lanedwelling-house236, Sticker lane
12869 Lord Henry JamesNew Hey roaddwelling-house87, New Hey road
12870 Loveday WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house771, Wakefield road
12871 Loxley GeorgeBack lanedwelling-house324, Back lane
successivedwelling-house326, Back lane
12872 Lucas John HillasNew Hey roaddwelling-house65, New Hey road
12873 Ludlam EdwardWakefield roaddwelling-house891, Wakefield road
12874 Ludlam James WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house350, Sticker lane
12875 Ludlam JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house909, Wakefield road
12876 Lukeman JohnViolet courtdwelling-house6, Violet court
12877 Lund ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house360, Wakefield road

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter M
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12878 Maddison WilliamBrougham streetdwelling-houseProspect street
successivedwelling-house2, Brougham street
12879 Malton JoelChurch hill courtdwelling-house5, Church hill court
12880 Mansfield ThomasSticker lanedwelling-house167B, Sticker lane
12881 Marginson JohnSticker lanedwelling-house88, Sticker lane
12882 Marginson RobertSticker lanedwelling-house84, Sticker lane
12883 Marney ThomasLong streetdwelling-houseLong street
successivedwelling-houseLong street
successivedwelling-house44, Long street
12884 Marrison HenryMuff streetdwelling-house23, Muff street
12885 Marsden AbrahamSticker lanedwelling-house332, Sticker lane
12886 Marsden BenjaminSticker lanedwelling-house107, Sticker lane
12887 Marsden EdmundHaigh streetdwelling-house12, Haigh street
12888 Marsden EdwardSticker lanedwelling-houseSticker lane
successivedwelling-houseSticker lane
successivedwelling-house329, Sticker lane
12889 Marsden EnochCorban streetdwelling-house6, Corban street
12890 Marsden HenrySticker lanedwelling-house259, Sticker lane
12891 Marsden HezekiahWakefield roadhouse & shop887, Wakefield road
12892 Marsden IsaacSticker lanedwelling-house328, Sticker lane
12893 Marsden JabezSticker lanedwelling-house173, Sticker lane
12894 Marsden JohnBack lanehouse & shop246, Back lane
12895 Marsden JohnRooley lanedwelling-house477 Rooley lane
12896 Marsden JosiahSticker lanehouse & shop270, Sticker lane
successivedwelling-house360, Sticker lane
12897 Marsden NedSticker lanedwelling-house103, Sticker lane
successivedwelling-house270, Sticker lane
12898 Marsden PercyWakefield roaddwelling-house889, Wakefield road
12899 Marsden PeterSt. John's terracedwelling-house2, St. John's terrace
12900 Marsden RichardSt. George's placedwelling-house5, St. George's place
12901 Marsden SquireWadsworth streetdwelling-house20, Wadsworth street
12902 Marsden Walter MajorMetcalfe streetdwelling-house7, Metcalfe street
12903 Marsden WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house450, Wakefield road
12904 Marsden WilliamWesleyan terracedwelling-house982, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house15, Wesleyan terrace
12905 Marsden WilliamOunsworth streetdwelling-house6, Ounsworth street
12906 Marsh JohnCorban streetdwelling-house8, Corban street
12907 Marsh Robert WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house930, Wakefield road
12908 Marshall AndrewWakefield roaddwelling-house335, Wakefield road
12909 Marshall GeorgeFoundry lanedwelling-house21, Foundry lane
12910 Marsland WilliamMuff streetdwelling-house3, Muff street
12911 Martin WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house397, Wakefield road
12912 Mason ChristopherSquare streetdwelling-house1, Square street
12913 Mathers JohnBack lanehouse & shop176, Back lane
12914 Mathers WilliamWakefield roadbeerhouse490, Wakefield road
12915 Matthews ThomasBack lanedwelling-house114, Back lane
12916 Matthews ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-houseHall lane
successivedwelling-house751, Wakefield road
12917 Matthews WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house470, Wakefield road
12918 Matthews William EdwardLower lanedwelling-house43, Lower lane
12919 Maud MilesAddi streetdwelling-house14, Addi street
12920 Mawson JohnSticker lanedwelling-house191, Sticker lane
12921 McAra JohnFoundry lanedwelling-house14, Foundry lane
12922 McHugh ThomasViolet courtdwelling-houseSlater's yard
successivedwelling-house9, Violet court
12923 Meaddow SamuelPeach streetdwelling-house19, Peach street
12924 Messenger ToniWakefield roadhouse & shop1019, Wakefield road
12925 Metcalfe IsaacBadger squaredwelling-house34, Badger square
12926 Metcalfe JamesLord streetdwelling-house10, Lord street
12927 Metcalfe JohnLong streetdwelling-house20, Long street
12928 Metcalfe ThomasWadsworth streetdwelling-house18, Wadsworth street
12929 Metcalfe WilliamNapoleon Inndwelling-house343, Wakefield road
12930 Midgley BenjaminWakefield roaddwelling-house910, Wakefield road
12931 Midgley JohnPeach streetdwelling-house33, Peach street
12932 Milner AbrahamSticker lanedwelling-house479, Sticker lane
12933 Milner ElijahWadsworth streetdwelling-house5, Wadsworth street
12934 Milner JonathanHarker streetdwelling-house8, Harker street
12935 Milnes FrancisMarsden folddwelling-house11, Marsden fold
12936 Milnes JamesSticker lanedwelling-house90, Sticker lane
12937 Mitchell Richard HenryNewman streetdwelling-houseNewman street
12938 Mitchell ThomasWadsworth streetdwelling-house19, Wadsworth street
12939 Moore JohnLord streetdwelling-house5, Lord street
12940 Moore John ThomasWalker courtdwelling-housePeach street
successivedwelling-house23, Walker court
12941 Moore PeterWakefield roaddwelling-house344, Wakefield road
12942 Moorhouse SamuelSalem terracedwelling-house241, Sticker lane
12943 Moorhouse WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house213, Sticker lane
12944 Morcom Joseph JohnBowling Iron Works yarddwelling-houseBack lane
12945 Morrell HenryBack lanedwelling-house242, Back lane
12946 Morrell JosephSquare streetdwelling-house11, Square street
12947 Morrell William HenryViolet courtdwelling-house23, Violet court
12948 Morter JohnLord streetdwelling-house3, Lord street
12949 Mortimer JohnMarsden folddwelling-house27, Marsden fold
12950 Mortimer SamsonDick lanedwelling-houseDick lane
12951 Mortimer ThomasRooley lanedwelling-house500, Rooley lane
12952 Mortimer WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house340, Sticker lane
12953 Mosley JohnLower lanedwelling-house35, Lower lane
12954 Mowbray GeorgeWakefield roaddwelling-house396, Wakefield road
12955 Mudd EdwardNew Hey roaddwelling-house50, New Hey road
12956 Muff JohnRusholme streetdwelling-house2, Rusholme street
12957 Munday JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house565, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house577, Wakefield road
12958 Munday WilliamWakefield roadhouse & shop997, Wakefield road
12959 Murgatroyd JamesAlma streetdwelling-house3, Alma street
12960 Myers HenryProvidence placedwelling-house22, Providence place
12961 Myers RobertFoundry lanedwelling-house6, Foundry lane
12962 Myers SamuelNew Hey roaddwelling-house153, New Hey road
12963 Myers SamuelRutland streetdwelling-house18, Rutland street

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter N
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12964 Naylor IsaacBroad lanedwelling-house60, Broad lane
12965 Naylor JohnSticker lanedwelling-house117, Sticker lane
12966 Naylor LancelotWakefield roaddwelling-house1018, Wakefield road
12967 Naylor MitchellSticker lanedwelling-house115, Sticker lane
12968 Nettleton JohnSticker lanedwelling-house395, Sticker lane
12969 Newall WilliamHaigh streetdwelling-house1, Haigh street
12970 Newsome WilliamStephen folddwelling-house2, Stephen fold
12971 Newton Charles JefferyWakefield roaddwelling-house466, Wakefield road
12972 Newton HenryLeicester streetdwelling-house15, Leicester street
12973 Newton JosephSticker lanedwelling-house455, Sticker lane
12974 Newton JoshuaDavy streetdwelling-house3, Davy street
12975 Newton WilliamNew Hey roaddwelling-house7, St. John's terrace
successivedwelling-house173, New Hey road
12976 Noble ThomasLong streetdwelling-house22, Long street
12977 Normington CharlesWakefield roaddwelling-houseWakefield road
successivedwelling-house352, Wakefield road
12978 Normington JohnMetcalfe streetdwelling-houseLower lane
successivedwelling-houseWakefield road
successivedwelling-house103, Metcalfe street
12979 North RichardFoundry lanedwelling-house17, Foundry lane
12980 Nutter JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house452, Wakefield road
12981 Nutton FredSt. John's terracedwelling-houseCaledonia street
successivedwelling-house13, St. John's terrace

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter O
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12982 Oakes LumbySticker lanedwelling-house212, Sticker lane
12983 Oddy BenjaminAlma streetdwelling-house1, Alma street
12984 Oldfield JosephAddi streetdwelling-house6, Addi street
12985 Oldfield JosephPeach streetdwelling-houseNew Hey road
successivedwelling-house16, Peach street
12986 Oldfield ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house681, Wakefield road
12987 Oldfield WilliamLower lanedwelling-house9, Lower lane
12988 Onion EdwardSticker lanedwelling-house214, Sticker lane
12989 Onion EdwardParry lanedwelling-house9, Parry lane
12990 Onion JamesLower lanedwelling-house14, Lower lane
12991 Onion WilliamGreenhough streetdwelling-house6, Greenhough street
12992 Osborne William HenryFoundry lanedwelling-house18, Foundry lane

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter P
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
12993 Padgett WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house41B, Sticker lane
12994 Parker DavidBack lanedwelling-house174, Back lane
12995 Parker GeorgeSheridan streetdwelling-house57, Sheridan street
12996 Parker JohnBack lanedwelling-house328, Back lane
12997 Parkin WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house347, Wakefield road
12998 Parkinson FrancisBinns streetdwelling-house12, Binns street
12999 Parks William HenryWakefield roaddwelling-house442, Wakefield road
13000 Pattison JosephDross streetdwelling-house1, Dross street
13001 Pearce Francis HaroldBillingsley terracedwelling-house10, Billingsley terrace
13002 Pearson HiramNew Hey roaddwelling-houseWakefield road
successivedwelling-house75, New Hey road
13003 Pearson IsaacVestry streetdwelling-house4, Vestry street
13004 Peel CharlesBack lanehouse & shop178, Back lane
13005 Peel John RhodesNew Hey roaddwelling-house18, Binns street
successivedwelling-house54, New Hey road
13006 Peel William HenryFoundry lanedwelling-house9, Foundry lane
13007 Pelferman RichardSticker lanedwelling-house264, Sticker lane
13008 Pemberton JosephPeach streetdwelling-house29, Peach street
successivedwelling-house2A, Peach street
13009 Penn JohnWadsworth streetdwelling-house10, Wadsworth street
13010 Petty JosephBack lanedwelling-houseUsher street
successivehouse & shop110, Back lane
13011 Phillips SamuelBadger squaredwelling-house38, Badger square
13012 Philpot Isaac JohnSheridan streetdwelling-house10, Peach street
successivedwelling-house41, Sheridan street
13013 Philpot JamesFoundry lanedwelling-house23, Foundry lane
13014 Pickles FouldsSticker lanedwelling-house399, Sticker lane
successivedwelling-house526, Sticker lane
13015 Pickles ThomasRooley lanedwelling-house557, Rooley lane
13016 Piggins JosephWadsworth streetdwelling-house7, Wadsworth street
13017 Pitts EdwinWakefield roaddwelling-house555, Wakefield road
13018 Pitts JosephSticker lanedwelling-house346, Sticker lane
13019 Pitts MarkMetcalfe streetdwelling-house100, Metcalfe street
13020 Pitts SamuelRooley lanedwelling-house18, Rook lane
successivedwelling-house496, Rooley lane
13021 Pitts ThomasSheridan streetdwelling-house61, Sheridan street
13022 Pitts WilliamWakefield roadhouse & shop523, Wakefield road
13023 Platts ChristopherSt. George's placedwelling-house9, St. George's place
13024 Pollard CharlesWakefield roaddwelling-house500, Wakefield road
13025 Pollard JosephFred's placedwelling-house49, Fred's place
13026 Pollard MarkSticker lanedwelling-house143, Sticker lane
13027 Pollard William HenryNew Hey roaddwelling-house165, New Hey road
13028 Porter WilliamNew Hey roaddwelling-house111, New Hey road
13029 Poulter JamesBack lanedwelling-house238, Back lane
13030 Pratchett GeorgeSheridan streetdwelling-house37, Sheridan street
13031 Preston WilliamRutland streetdwelling-house13, Rutland street
13032 Procter WilliamMuff streetdwelling-house36, Muff street
13033 Pyrah William KingWakefield roaddwelling-house567, Wakefield road

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter R
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
13034 Raistrick JosephSheridan streetdwelling-house87, Sheridan street
13035 Raistrick SamuelWakefield roaddwelling-house16, Foundry lane
successivedwelling-house411, Wakefield road
13036 Raper MatthewSticker lanedwelling-house97, Sticker lane
13037 Raper WilliamAddi streetdwelling-house15, Addi street
13038 Raper WillieSticker lanedwelling-house105, Sticker lane
13039 Rawbon RichardSticker lanedwelling-house506, Sticker lane
13040 Rawson SamuelSticker lanedwelling-house123, Sticker lane
13041 Rayner GottBroad lanedwelling-house64, Broad lane
13042 Readshaw JohnSticker lanedwelling-house244, Sticker lane
13043 Rearden PatrickViolet courtdwelling-house26, Violet court
13044 Reid VincentCorban streetdwelling-houseCorban street
successivedwelling-house2, Corban street
13045 Renton ThomasBrackenden, Nab Wood, ShipleywarehouseFactory street
13046 Revell ThomasTong street, Tongclubhouse923, Wakefield road
13047 Reynolds John ThomasNew Hey roaddwelling-houseSaville street
successivedwelling-houseWakefield road
successivedwelling-house77, New Hey road
13048 Reynolds WilliamBadger squaredwelling-house42, Badger square
13049 Rhodes ThomasWalker courtdwelling-house19, Walker court
13050 Rhodes TimSt. John's terracedwelling-house4, St. John's terrace
successivedwelling-house7, St. John's terrace
13051 Richards JohnHarker streetdwelling-house12, Harker street
13052 Richardson William WilfridViolet streetdwelling-house1, Violet street
13053 Riley RichardSticker lanedwelling-house499, Rooley lane
successivedwelling-house257, Sticker lane
13054 Rimmington RichardSticker lanedwelling-house266, Sticker lane
13055 Roberts AndrewWakefield roadbeerhouse326, Wakefield road
13056 Roberts RichardProvidence placedwelling-house2, Providence place
13057 Robertshaw EmmanuelSticker lanedwelling-house344, Sticker lane
13058 Robertshaw JamesEngineer Inn, Wakefield roaddwelling-house972, Wakefield road
13059 Robertshaw JosephSticker lanedwelling-house52, Sticker lane
13060 Robertshaw StephenRusholme streetdwelling-house30, Rusholme street
13061 Robertshaw WilliamMarsden folddwelling-house1, Marsden fold
13062 Robinson AdamRooley lanefinishing worksFactory street
13063 Robinson EdwardMunster streetdwelling-house9, Munster street
13064 Robinson FrederickElsworth streetdwelling-house10, Elsworth street
13065 Robinson George HenryWalker courtfinishing worksFactory street
13066 Robinson JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house532, Wakefield road
13067 Robinson JohnBack lanedwelling-house68, Back lane
13068 Robinson JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house149, New Hey road
successivehouse & shop349, Wakefield road
13069 Robinson ThomasAddi streetdwelling-house30, Addi street
13070 Robinson ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house354, Wakefield road
13071 Robinson WilliamWadsworth streetdwelling-house8, Wadsworth street
successivedwelling-house22, Wadsworth street
13072 Rodgers Thomas HenrySticker lanedwelling-house211, Sticker lane
13073 Rotheray ThomasSticker lanedwelling-house205, Sticker lane
13074 Roundhill JosephSticker lanedwelling-house153, Sticker lane
13075 Roundhill JosephSticker lanedwelling-house151, Sticker lane
13076 Rowbotham HenryWakefield roaddwelling-house378, Wakefield road
13077 Rowlett JohnBack lanedwelling-house70, Back lane
13078 Royston MarkSticker lanedwelling-houseSticker lane
successivedwelling-house30 & 32, Sticker lane
13079 Rudd SamuelLower lanedwelling-house8, Lower lane
13080 Rudd ThomasLower lanedwelling-house29, Lower lane
13081 Rushton HenryRooley lanedwelling-house6, Gardiner row
successivedwelling-house554, Rooley lane
13082 Rushworth AbrahamWakefield roaddwelling-house339, Wakefield road
13083 Russell AnthonySticker lanedwelling-house197, Sticker lane
13084 Rycroft JohnChurch hill courtdwelling-house1, Church hill court

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter S
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
13085 Sargisson WilliamAddi streetdwelling-houseSilk street
successivedwelling-house8, Addi street
13086 Schofield IsaacSticker lanedwelling-house159, Sticker lane
13087 Schofield JeremiahSticker lanedwelling-house473, Sticker lane
13088 Schofield JohnRoyal Oak Inndwelling-house12, Sticker lane
13089 Schofield JohnSticker lanedwelling-house391, Sticker lane
13090 Schofield JosephBack lanedwelling-house338, Back lane
13091 Schofield MichaelMuff streetdwelling-houseGuildford street
successivedwelling-house7, Muff street
13092 Schofield NoahSticker lanedwelling-house100, Sticker lane
13093 Schofield ThomasSticker lanedwelling-house165, Sticker lane
13094 Schofield WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house914, Wakefield road
13095 Schofield WilliamMetcalfe streetdwelling-house102, Metcalfe street
13096 Scholefield JohnCorban streetdwelling-house4, Corban street
13097 Scholefield Joseph EdwardSpringfield Lodgedwelling-house239, Hall lane
13098 Schoon GeorgeWakefield roadhouse & shop535, Wakefield road
13099 Scott GeorgeSheridan streetdwelling-house47, Sheridan street
13100 Scott JohnCutler Heights lanewarehouseSticker lane
13101 Scott OliverWakefield roaddwelling-house404, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house402, Wakefield road
13102 Scott SilasPoplar grove, ShipleywarehouseAlbion Mill
13103 Scott WalterPoplar grove, ShipleywarehouseFactory street
13104 Seanor EdwardWakefield roaddwelling-house2, Hartley street
successivedwelling-house384, Wakefield road
13105 Seanor SamHartley streetdwelling-house12, Hartley street
13106 Seanor WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house386, Wakefield road
13107 Seed Jared WomersleyFred's placedwelling-house41, Fred's place
successivedwelling-house47, Fred's place
13108 Sellers RichardBack lanedwelling-house248, Back lane
13109 Senescall WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house324, Sticker lane
13110 Senior FredNew Hey roaddwelling-house167, New Hey road
13111 Shackleton RichardHarker streetdwelling-houseHarker street
successivedwelling-house6, Harker street
13112 Shackleton SouthwellRhine streetdwelling-house8, Rhine street
13113 Sharp FrederickProvidence placedwelling-house9, Providence place
13114 Sharp JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house366, Wakefield road
13115 Sharp JeremiahDavy streetdwelling-house9, Davy street
13116 Sharp John ArthurChurch hill courtdwelling-house9, Church hill court
13117 Sharp JosephSticker lanedwelling-house219, Sticker lane
13118 Sharp JosephSticker lanedwelling-house80, Sticker lane
13119 Sharp MosesLaburnum placedwelling-house755, Wakefield road
13120 Sharp WilliamBrompton roaddwelling-house359, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house27, Brompton road
13121 Sharp William HenryWakefield roaddwelling-house370, Wakefield road
13122 Shaw Charles HenryWakefield roaddwelling-house873, Wakefield road
13123 Shaw HartleySheridan streetdwelling-house67, Sheridan street
13124 Shaw JohnParsonage grovehouse & shop70, Sticker lane
13125 Shaw PrestonLower lanedwelling-house21, Lower lane
successivedwelling-house19, Lower lane
13126 Shaw WilliamNew Hey roaddwelling-houseRutland street
successivedwelling-house88, New Hey road
13127 Shoesmith DavidStephen folddwelling-house3, Stephen fold
13128 Shooter JohnGuildford streetdwelling-house4, Guildford street
13129 Shuttleworth LawrenceSheridan streetdwelling-house43, Sheridan street
13130 Simpson JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house382, Wakefield road
13131 Simpson JamesRutland streetdwelling-house19, Rutland street
13132 Simpson JohnStephen folddwelling-house10, Stephen fold
13133 Simpson JohnStephen folddwelling-house12, Stephen fold
13134 Simpson LukeSticker lanedwelling-house113, Sticker lane
13135 Smales WilliamPlantation placedwelling-house6, Plantation place
13136 Smith EdwardNew Hey roaddwelling-house83, New Hey road
13137 Smith George ArthurRooley lanedwelling-house541, Rooley lane
13138 Smith GideonRooley lanedwelling-house535, Rooley lane
13139 Smith HenryBinns streetdwelling-house24, Binns street
13140 Smith JamesHarker streetdwelling-house5, Harker street
13141 Smith JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house425, Wakefield road
13142 Smith JohnSticker lanedwelling-house247, Sticker lane
13143 Smith John HenryWakefield roaddwelling-house409, Wakefield road
13144 Smith JosephParry lanedwelling-houseRutland street
successivedwelling-house16, Parry lane
13145 Smith SamWakefield roaddwelling-house7, Churchill court
successivedwelling-house368, Wakefield road
13146 Smith TimothyMetcalfe streetdwelling-house110, Metcalfe street
13147 Smith WilliamThe Crescent, LightcliffewarehouseSticker lane
13148 Smith WilliamSheridan streetdwelling-house5, Sheridan street
13149 Smithies ThomasChurch hill courtdwelling-house8, Church hill court
13150 Soothill GeorgeWakefield roaddwelling-house895, Wakefield road
13151 Sowden EdwardWakefield roaddwelling-house345, Wakefield road
successivehouse & shop369, Wakefield road
13152 Sowood JohnBack lanedwelling-house72, Back lane
13153 Speight Charles HenryManninghamwarehouseBack lane
13154 Speight RoebuckWakefield roadhouse & shop989, & 991 Wakefield road
13155 Speight ThomasParry lanedwelling-house5, Parry lane
successivedwelling-house14, Parry lane
13156 Speight WilliamWakefield roadhouse & shop919, Wakefield road
13157 Spence JohnDross streetdwelling-house16, Dross street
successivedwelling-house21, Dross street
13158 Spencer MilesRooley lanedwelling-house513, Rooley lane
13159 Spencer RichardRusholme streetdwelling-house20, Rusholme street
13160 Spivey HenrySheridan streetdwelling-house79, Sheridan street
13161 Stamp JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house403, Wakefield road
13162 Staples SamsonLower lanedwelling-house12, Lower lane
13163 Starkey George WilliamNew Hey roaddwelling-houseNew Hey road
successivedwelling-houseNew Hey road
successivedwelling-house96, New Hey road
13164 Stead CharlesMuff streetdwelling-house38, Muff street
13165 Stead JamesMetcalfe streetdwelling-house101, Metcalfe street
13166 Stead JohnDavy streetdwelling-house11, Davy street
13167 Steel CharlesViolet streetdwelling-house9, Violet street
13168 Steel William LangWesleyan terracehouse & shop1, Wesleyan terrace
13169 Steggles ThomasSt. John's terracedwelling-house5, St. John's terrace
13170 Stephenson JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house928, Wakefield road
13171 Stephenson JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house638, Wakefield road
13172 Stephenson MarkSticker lanedwelling-house410, Sticker lane
13173 Stizaker WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house566, Wakefield road
13174 Stobbards AlbertPeach streetdwelling-housePeach street
successivedwelling-house31, Peach street
13175 Stocks ListerElsworth streetdwelling-house15, Elsworth street
13176 Stocks Thomas TaylorViolet streetdwelling-house15, Violet street
13177 Stocks TimothySticker lanedwelling-house532, Sticker lane
13178 Stott JohnBack lanedwelling-house292, Back lane
13179 Stott ThomasSticker lanedwelling-housePark road
successivedwelling-house358, Sticker lane
13180 Street CaptainBack lanedwelling-house330, Back lane
13181 Street JamesSticker lanedwelling-house471, Sticker lane
13182 Sugden SamuelCutler Heights lanehouse & shopWakefield road
successivedwelling-houseCutler Heights lane
13183 Sugden WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house524, Sticker lane
13184 Sugden William HenryWakefield roadhouse & shop1001, Wakefield road
13185 Surman John ArthurFoundry lanedwelling-house4, Foundry lane
successivedwelling-house11, Foundry lane
13186 Sutcliffe HenryHaigh streetdwelling-house5, Haigh street
13187 Sutcliffe JohnRutland streetdwelling-house20, Rutland street
13188 Sutcliffe JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house14, Corban street
successivehouse & shop921, Wakefield road
13189 Sutton TetleyBrompton roaddwelling-house31, Brompton road
13190 Swaine JohnSticker lanedwelling-house51, Sticker lane
13191 Swaine WilliamBillingsley terracedwelling-house8, Billingsley terrace
13192 Swire JohnSticker lanedwelling-house419, Sticker lane
13193 Swithenbank JohnRooley lanedwelling-house548, Rooley lane
13194 Swithenbank WilliamRooley lanedwelling-house568, Rooley lane
13195 Sykes William WebsterWakefield roaddwelling-house563, Wakefield road

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter T
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
13196 Tankard James MarslandBolling Hallhouse & landBolling Hall
13197 Tankard JohnBack lanedwelling-house350, Back lane
13198 Tankard JohnParry lanedwelling-house4, Parry lane
13199 Tankard Joseph RobertshawEast BierleywarehouseSticker lane
13200 Tasker GeorgeWalker courtdwelling-house6, Walker court
13201 Tate JohnMunster streetdwelling-house13, Munster street
13202 Tattersall JohnMetcalfe streetdwelling-house116, Metcalfe street
13203 Taylor AbrahamSticker lanedwelling-house370, Sticker lane
13204 Taylor AlfredWakefield roaddwelling-house767, Wakefield road
13205 Taylor JonathanSticker lanedwelling-house183, Sticker lane
13206 Taylor MichaelSticker lanedwelling-house368, Sticker lane
13207 Teale James HardistySticker lanedwelling-house95, Sticker lane
13208 Telford JohnSheridan streetdwelling-house13, Sheridan street
13209 Tempest AbrahamPeach streetdwelling-housePeach street
successivedwelling-house26, Peach street
13210 Tempest WilliamRooley lanedwelling-house509, Rooley lane
13211 Terry JohnSticker lanedwelling-house171, Sticker lane
13212 Terry JohnViolet courtdwelling-house16, Violet court
13213 Terry MatthewHit or Miss Inndwelling-house518, Sticker lane
13214 Terry MatthewLong streetdwelling-house12, Long street
13215 Terry SamWakefield roadhouse & shop424, Wakefield road
13216 Terry ThomasSticker lanedwelling-house229, Sticker lane
13217 Terry WilliamSticker lanehouse & shop42, Sticker lane
13218 Tetley EdwardSticker lanedwelling-house415, Sticker lane
13219 Tetley FrederickRooley lanedwelling-house475, Rooley lane
13220 Thackrah AlbertRusholme streetdwelling-house22, Rusholme street
13221 Theabould JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house869, Wakefield road
13222 Thirkill SmithSticker lanehouse & shop14, Sticker lane
13223 Thompson George ThomasPeach streetdwelling-house6, Peach street
13224 Thompson JamesSticker lanedwelling-house155, Sticker lane
13225 Thompson SamuelSticker lanedwelling-house79, Sticker lane
13226 Thompson WilliamMarsden folddwelling-house7, Marsden fold
13227 Thornton ByromCutler heightsdwelling-house66, Broad lane
13228 Thornton GeorgeRusholme streetdwelling-house16, Rusholme street
13229 Tidswell SimeonRooley lanedwelling-houseManchester road
successivedwelling-house461, Rooley lane
13230 Tomlinson ThomasWakefield roadhouse & shop389, Wakefield road
13231 Topham RobertWakefield roaddwelling-house484, Wakefield road
13232 Topham ThomasMetcalfe streetdwelling-house557, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house9, Metcalfe street
13233 Topham WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house516, Sticker lane
13234 Tordoff HenrySheridan streetdwelling-house31, Sheridan street
13235 Transfield HenrySheridan streetdwelling-house49, Sheridan street
13236 Tratt AlfredWadsworth streetdwelling-house14, Wadsworth street
13237 Tratt WilliamHarker streetdwelling-house2, Harker street
13238 Triffit JamesBinns streetdwelling-house14, Binns street
13239 Tudball John WilliamAddi streetdwelling-house27, Myrtle street
successivedwelling-house20, Addi street
13240 Turner BensonSt. John's terracedwelling-house9, St. John's terrace
13241 Turner ParkerPeach streetdwelling-house14, Peach street
13242 Turner RobertMuff streetdwelling-houseBinns street
successivedwelling-house27, Muff street
13243 Turner ThomasLower lanedwelling-house51, Lower lane
13244 Turner William HenryAddi streetdwelling-house12, Addi street
13245 Tyas RichardWalker courtdwelling-houseWalker court
13246 Tylor EdwardSticker lanedwelling-house457, Sticker lane

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter U
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
13247 Upex CharlesWakefield roaddwelling-house660, Wakefield road

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter V
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
13248 Vials JamesLeicester streetdwelling-house9, Leicester street
13249 Vickers JosephSticker lanedwelling-house322, Sticker lane

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter W
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
13250 Wadby ThomasSticker lanedwelling-house218, Sticker lane
successivedwelling-house85, Sticker lane
13251 Waddington EdwardWakefield roaddwelling-house561, Wakefield road
13252 Waddington JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house1024, Wakefield road
13253 Wade EdwinSticker lanehouse & land276, Sticker lane
13254 Wade JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house504, Wakefield road
13255 Wade WilliamSquare streetdwelling-house3, Square street
13256 Wain IsaacMetcalfe streetdwelling-house13, Metcalfe street
13257 Waite ThomasProvidence placedwelling-house11, Providence place
13258 Walker AbrahamLeicester streetdwelling-houseLower lane
successivedwelling-houseWakefield road
successivedwelling-house18, Leicester street
13259 Walker AlbertGardiner rowdwelling-houseFred's place
successivedwelling-house4, Gardiner row
13260 Walker IsaacBillingsley terracedwelling-house2, Billingsley terrace
13261 Walker JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house1015, Wakefield road
13262 Walker JohnGardiner rowdwelling-house2, Gardiner row
13263 Walker JohnWakefield roadbeerhouse371, Wakefield road
13264 Walker JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house333, Wakefield road
13265 Walker JoshuaMarsden folddwelling-house21, Marsden fold
13266 Walker ThomasNew Hey roaddwelling-house161, New Hey road
13267 Walker WalterSt. John's terracedwelling-house6, St. John's terrace
13268 Walker WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house765, Wakefield road
13269 Walker William HenryWakefield roaddwelling-house600, Wakefield road
13270 Walker William InnsViolet courtdwelling-house22, Violet court
13271 Walsh WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house717, Wakefield road
13272 Walton HenryParry lanedwelling-house1, Parry lane
13273 Warburton ArthurGuildford streetdwelling-house13, Violet street
successivedwelling-house5, Guildford street
13274 Warburton John Edward ThreaplandWalker courtdwelling-house17, Walker court
13275 Ward GeorgeDudley streetdwelling-houseAddi street
successivedwelling-house5, Dudley street
13276 Wardman AlexanderRooley lanedwelling-house564, Rooley lane
13277 Wardman SamuelWakefield roaddwelling-house996, Wakefield road
13278 Wardman SimeonRooley lanedwelling-house7, Munster street
successivedwelling-house552, Rooley lane
13279 Waterhouse TempestWakefield roaddwelling-house340, Wakefield road
13280 Watson AlfredNew Hey roaddwelling-house183, New Hey road
13281 Watson GreenhoughWakefield roaddwelling-house574, Wakefield road
13282 Watson JohnFoundry lanedwelling-house3, Foundry lane
13283 Watson JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house388, Wakefield road
13284 Watson Joseph BrookSticker lanedwelling-house67, Sticker lane
13285 Watson RhodesNew Hey roaddwelling-house163A, New Hey road
13286 Watson RichardSticker lanedwelling-house77, Sticker lane
13287 Watson SamuelSticker lanedwelling-house65, Sticker lane
13288 Watson ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house380, Wakefield road
13289 Watson WalterLower lanedwelling-house5A, Lower lane
13290 Wear BenjaminWakefield roaddwelling-house496, Wakefield road
13291 Webb JohnSticker lanedwelling-house64, Sticker lane
13292 Webster GeorgeWakefield roaddwelling-house749, Wakefield road
13293 Webster GeorgeSticker lanedwelling-house92, Sticker lane
13294 Webster JohnUpper Croft placedwelling-house5, Upper Croft place
13295 Webster JohnSticker lanedwelling-house86, Sticker lane
13296 Webster JosephLeicester streetdwelling-house5, Leicester street
13297 Webster ThomasRooley lanedwelling-house511, Rooley lane
13298 Wells DanielWakefield roaddwelling-house12, Peach street
successivedwelling-house537, Wakefield road
13299 Wells IsaacWakefield roaddwelling-house445, Wakefield road
13300 Wells JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house883, Wakefield road
13301 Wells James LudlamDudley streetdwelling-house4, Dudley street
13302 Wells JohnBrass Knob rowdwelling-house94, Sticker lane
13303 Wells JohnSticker lanedwelling-house83, Sticker lane
13304 Wells JonasSticker lanedwelling-house47, Fred's place
successivedwelling-house504, Sticker lane
13305 Wells JonathanWakefield roaddwelling-house861, Wakefield road
13306 Wells JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house474, Wakefield road
13307 Wells JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house392, Wakefield road
13308 Wells MosesPeach streetdwelling-house4, Peach street
13309 West ThomasBowling Ironworksdwelling-houseBack lane
13310 Wharton DavidSquare streetdwelling-house8, Square street
13311 Wheater ReubenWakefield roaddwelling-house543, Wakefield road
13312 Wheater WilliamTongwarehouseSticker lane
13313 Whedon AlfredBack lanedwelling-house162, Back lane
13314 White JohnSticker lanedwelling-house256, Sticker lane
13315 White JohnSticker lanehouse & shop463, Sticker lane
13316 White PeterWakefield roaddwelling-house634, Wakefield road
13317 Whitehouse JosephMuff streetdwelling-house30, Muff street
13318 Whiteley JohnSticker lanedwelling-house369, Sticker lane
13319 Whitfield MatthewHarker streetdwelling-house3, Harker street
13320 Whitham ArchibaldSticker lanedwelling-house60, Sticker lane
13321 Whitley IsraelRooley lanedwelling-house600, Rooley lane
13322 Widdop JohnSticker lanedwelling-house203, Sticker lane
13323 Wilby WilliamSheridan streetdwelling-house71, Sheridan street
13324 Wild WilliamDross streetdwelling-house9, Dross street
13325 Wilkinson DanRooley lanedwelling-houseRooley lane
successivedwelling-houseRooley lane
successivedwelling-house445, Rooley lane
13326 Wilkinson GeorgeBrass Knob rowdwelling-house102, Sticker lane
13327 Wilkinson JamesBinns streetdwelling-houseWalker court
successivedwelling-house2, Binns street
13328 Wilkinson JamesBack lanedwelling-house168, Back lane
13329 Wilkinson JamesWalker courtdwelling-house9, Walker court
13330 Wilkinson JonathanStephen folddwelling-house9, Stephen fold
13331 Wilkinson JonathanWakefield roaddwelling-house348, Wakefield road
13332 Wilkinson WatsonRooley lanedwelling-house556, Rooley lane
13333 Wilkinson WilliamSt. John's terracedwelling-house11, St. John's terrace
13334 Wilkinson WilliamMuff streetdwelling-house11, Muff street
13335 Wilkinson WilliamSticker lanedwelling-house78, Sticker lane
13336 Willan JohnBrompton roaddwelling-house23, Brompton road
13337 Williams GeorgeSquare streetdwelling-house10, Square street
13338 Williams IsaacSheridan streetdwelling-house75, Sheridan street
13339 Wilman James GeorgeSheridan streetdwelling-house53, Sheridan street
13340 Wilson JosephLower lanedwelling-house27, Lower lane
13341 Wilson ThomasRooley lanedwelling-house459, Rooley lane
13342 Wilson ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house867, Wakefield road
13343 Wilson WilliamHarcourt streetdwelling-house16, Harcourt street
13344 Winsor JosephSheridan streetdwelling-house19, Sheridan street
13345 Winter JohnWadsworth streetdwelling-house3, Wadsworth street
13346 Womersley WilliamBack Muff streetdwelling-houseOliver street
successivedwelling-house20, Back Muff street
13347 Wood EllisWakefield roaddwelling-house506, Wakefield road
13348 Wood GeorgeViolet streetdwelling-house2, Violet street
13349 Wood HenrySticker lanedwelling-house57, Sticker lane
13350 Wood John RileyNew Hey roaddwelling-houseNew Hey road
successivedwelling-house149, New Hey road
13351 Wood SamuelBrompton roaddwelling-house3, Brompton road
13352 Woodcock ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house1016, Wakefield road
13353 Woodhall JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house711, Wakefield road
13354 Woodhall JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house580, Wakefield road
13355 Woodhead BenjaminRooley lanedwelling-house550, Rooley lane
13356 Woodhead DanWakefield roaddwelling-house899, Wakefield road
13357 Woodhead PeterRooley lanedwelling-house955, Rooley lane
13358 Woodhead TimothyWakefield roadhouse & shop365, Wakefield road
successivehouse & shop351, Wakefield road
13359 Woodhouse GeorgeBradford armsdwelling-house104, Back lane
13360 Woodrow WilliamHaigh streetdwelling-house4, Haigh street
13361 Woods CharlesMarshall rowdwelling-house5, Marshall row
13362 Worsman SamsonWakefield roaddwelling-house336, Wakefield road
13363 Worsman ThomasBrompton roaddwelling-house25, Brompton road
13364 Wright JohnProvidence placedwelling-house24, Providence place
13365 Wright JonasSticker lanedwelling-house26, Sticker lane
13366 Wright JosephNew Hey roaddwelling-house73, New Hey road
13367 Wroe JohnWakefield roadhouse & shop582, Wakefield road

EAST BOWLING WARD2, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter Y
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
13368 Yardley ElijahRooley lanedwelling-house437, Rooley lane
13369 Yates HenrySticker lanedwelling-house69, Sticker lane
13370 York GeorgeSheridan streetdwelling-house21, Sheridan street

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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