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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1883, GREAT HORTON WARD1.


Please read these notes about these registers.

Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
15386 Ackroyd AbednegoSouthfield lanedwelling-house8, Peel row
successivedwelling-house274, Southfield lane
15387 Ackroyd AbrahamEwart streethouse & shop28, Ewart street
15388 Ackroyd GeorgeSouthfield lanedwelling-house206, Southfield lane
15389 Ackroyd HenryDerby streetdwelling-house38, Derby street
15390 Ackroyd IsaacPeel rowdwelling-house6, Peel row
15391 Ackroyd ThomasWatmough streetdwelling-house40, Watmough street
15392 Adams HerbertCopthorne roaddwelling-house11, Copthorne road
15393 Addison ThomasLivingstone streetdwelling-house23, Livingstone street
15394 Ainley JamesLiversedge rowdwelling-house2, Liversedge row
15395 Akeroyd JoshuaGreat Horton roadhouse & shop210, Great Horton road
15396 Akers WilliamLow greendwelling-house24, Low green
15397 Alcock JohnGaythorne streetshop2, Sellers fold
15398 Alderson GeorgeAnne streetdwelling-house13, Anne street
15399 Allan JohnDirk hill streetdwelling-house17, Dirk hill street
15400 Ambler SolomonHunt yarddwelling-house10, Hunt yard
successivedwelling-house3, Hunt yard
15401 Anderson CharlesTurner placedwelling-house8, Turner place
15402 Andrews EdwinBeldon roaddwelling-house43, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house146, High street
successivedwelling-house119, Beldon road
15403 Andrews GeorgeFalcon streetdwelling-house8, Falcon street
15404 Andrews WilliamTown enddwelling-house16, Town end
15405 Appleyard BenjaminGreat Horton roaddwelling-house222, Great Horton road
15406 Appleyard SamuelPleasant streetdwelling-house61, Thorpe street
successivedwelling-house2, Watmough street
successivedwelling-house44, Pleasant street
15407 Armitage GeorgeKingswood placedwelling-house1, Kingswood place
15408 Armitage JohnHavelock streetdwelling-house24, Havelock street
15409 Armitage LucasCross lanedwelling-house96, Cross lane
15410 Armitage SamOld roaddwelling-house148, Old road
15411 Armitage ThomasCross lanedwelling-house93, Cross lane
15412 Arness HenryHigh streetdwelling-house6, Ramsden court
successivedwelling-houseback of 300, High street
15413 Ashley CharlesGreat Horton roaddwelling-house212, Great Horton road
15414 Ashley JohnSummerseat placedwelling-house11, Summerseat place
15415 Ashworth CrossleyLivingstone streetdwelling-house17, Livingstone street
15416 Ashworth JamesKnight's folddwelling-house4, Knight's fold
15417 Ashworth NathanSouthfield lanedwelling-house284, Southfield lane
15418 Ashworth ThomasCopthorne roaddwelling-house84, Copthorne road
15419 Ashworth TomKingswood streetdwelling-house14, Kingswood street
15420 Ashworth WilliamLivingstone streetdwelling-house15, Livingstone street
successivedwelling-house11, Livingstone street
15421 Asquith Samuel EdwardCambridge streetdwelling-house43, Copthorne street
successivedwelling-house25, Cambridge street
15422 Athey Thomas MichaelTodd terracedwelling-house3, Todd terrace
15423 Atkinson ArthurKingswood terracedwelling-house44, Pleasant street
successivedwelling-house20, Kingswood terrace
15424 Atkinson AsaDirk hill streetdwelling-house13, Dirk hill street
15425 Atkinson BenjaminHavelock streetdwelling-house52, Havelock street
15426 Atkinson FrancisLiversedge rowdwelling-house14, Liversedge row
15427 Atkinson JohnHigh streetdwelling-house174, High street
15428 Atkinson NathanSummerseat placedwelling-house10, Summerseat place
15429 Atkinson RandallCopthorne roaddwelling-house27, Copthorne road
successivedwelling-house12, Copthorne road
15430 Atkinson WilliamDirk hill streetdwelling-house7, Dirk hill street
15431 Audsley WilliamGreat Horton roaddwelling-house236, Great Horton road

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter B
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
15432 Baines BenjaminLivingstone streetdwelling-house32, Livingstone street
15433 Baines JosephHavelock streetdwelling-house71, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house96, Havelock street
15434 Bairstow DanielOld roaddwelling-house90, Old road
15435 Bairstow Edward HoratioSouthfield lanedwelling-house237, Southfield lane
15436 Bairstow EnochBeldon roaddwelling-house123, Beldon road
15437 Bairstow JesseHorton bankdwelling-house139, Horton bank
15438 Bairstow JohnHaycliffe hilldwelling-house39, Haycliffe hill
15439 Bairstow JonathanCopthorne streetdwelling-house30, Copthorne street
successivedwelling-house71, Copthorne street
15440 Bairstow WilliamOld roaddwelling-house92, Old road
15441 Bakes JamesLivingstone streetdwelling-house26, Livingstone street
successivedwelling-house29, Livingstone street
15442 Baldwin John HindleSouthfield lanedwelling-house125, High street
successivedwelling-house307, Southfield lane
15443 Baldwin PaulBeldon roaddwelling-house155, Beldon road
15444 Baldwin ThackwrayWard streetdwelling-house34, Ward street
15445 Ball SamuelHavelock streetdwelling-house45, Havelock street
15446 Bancroft WilliamDirk hill streetdwelling-house32, Dirk hill street
15447 Banyard WilliamGreat Horton roaddwelling-house224, Great Horton road
15448 Barker AdamHorton bankdwelling-house111, Horton bank
15449 Barker BenjaminFalcon streetdwelling-house2, Falcon street
15450 Barker Benjamin RobinsonCambridge streetdwelling-house39, Cambridge street
15451 Barker EdwinLow greendwelling-house2, Low green
15452 Barker HenryHigh streetdwelling-house241, High street
15453 Barker JamesKnight's folddwelling-house10, Bartle square
successivedwelling-house14, Knight's fold
15454 Barker JamesTurner placedwelling-house26, Turner place
15455 Barker JamesCross lanedwelling-house44, Dirk hill street
successivedwelling-house6, Cross lane
15456 Barker RichardSouthfield lanedwelling-house242, Southfield lane
15457 Barker SamuelHigh streethouse & shop135, High street
15458 Barker ThomasTurner placedwelling-house43, Turner place
15459 Barraclough BairstowHigh streetdwelling-house120, High street
15460 Barraclough Edward FrancisDirk hill streetdwelling-house25, Dirk hill street
successivedwelling-house30, Dirk hill street
15461 Barraclough FrancisJer lanedwelling-house5, Jer lane
15462 Barraclough JamesSouthfield lanedwelling-house275, Southfield lane
15463 Barraclough JohnHaycliffe hilldwelling-house26, Haycliffe hill
successivedwelling-house17, Haycliffe hill
15464 Barraclough JohnHaycliffe hilldwelling-house9, Haycliffe hill
15465 Barraclough JonathanHaycliffe hilldwelling-house1, Haycliffe hill
15466 Barraclough JosephHaycliffe hilldwelling-house16, Haycliffe hill
15467 Barraclough OliverSouthfield lanedwelling-house214A, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house218, Southfield lane
15468 Barraclough SquireFrank streetdwelling-house17, Frank street
15469 Barraclough ThomasBartle lanedwelling-house18, Bartle lane
15470 Barraclough WilliamSouthfield lanedwelling-house155, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house162, Southfield lane
15471 Barraclough WilliamHaycliffe hilldwelling-house14, Upper green
successivedwelling-house18, Haycliffe hill
15472 Barrett AlbertUpper greendwelling-house31, Upper green
15473 Bartle EdwardSouthfield lanedwelling-house303, Southfield lane
15474 Bartle JamesHigh streetdwelling-house3, Upper green
successivedwelling-house300, High street
15475 Bartle SharpHigh streethouse & shop25, High street
15476 Bartle TimothyGreat Horton roaddwelling-house237, Great Horton road
15477 Bartle WalterDirk hill streetdwelling-house10, Dirk hill street
successivedwelling-house15, Dirk hill street
15478 Bartle WilliamPleasant streetdwelling-house5, Pleasant street
15479 Bateman DanielCopthorne streetdwelling-house72, Copthorne street
15480 Bateman JephthahBramley rowdwelling-house21, Bramley row
15481 Bateson James WilcockCopthorne streetdwelling-house70, Copthorne street
15482 Baxter JamesPleasant streetdwelling-house9, Bakes street
successivedwelling-house25, Pleasant street
15483 Beanland GeorgeBakes streetdwelling-house12, Bakes street
15484 Beanland JohnBakes streetdwelling-house10, Bakes street
15485 Beanland SkirrowDerby streetdwelling-house64, Beckside road
successivedwelling-house5, Derby street
15486 Beardsall ElijahTurner placedwelling-house25, Turner place
15487 Beaumont RichardLiversedge rowdwelling-house4, Liversedge row
15488 Beck BenjaminHigh streetdwelling-house110, Beldon road
successivedwelling-house113, High street
15489 Bell Robert HenryDerby streetdwelling-house2, Livingstone street
successivedwelling-house50, Derby street
successivedwelling-house48, Derby street
15490 Benn SamuelHigh streethouse & shop182, High street
15491 Bennett EdwardDirk hill streetdwelling-house33, Dirk hill street
successivedwelling-house6, Dirk hill street
15492 Bennett JohnSouthfield lanedwelling-house231, Southfield lane
15493 Bennett JohnSellers folddwelling-house4, Sellers fold
15494 Bennett RobinsonKingswood streetdwelling-house22, Kingswood street
15495 Bennett RobinsonPeel rowdwelling-house1, Peel row
15496 Bentley EliArctic paradedwelling-house14, Arctic parade
15497 Bentley James EdmundsonHigh streethouse & shop56, High street
15498 Bentley JohnHaycliffe hilldwelling-house42, Haycliffe hill
15499 Binns AbrahamEtna streetdwelling-house14, Etna street
15500 Binns EdwinEwart streetdwelling-house79, Ewart street
15501 Binns IsaacBeacon lanedwelling-house100, Beacon lane
15502 Binns JabezUpper greendwelling-house18, Upper green
15503 Binns JeremiahLime streetdwelling-house13, Lime street
15504 Binns JosephKingswood terracedwelling-house26, Kingswood terrace
successivedwelling-house24, Kingswood terrace
15505 Binns WilliamCross lanedwelling-house74, Cross lane
15506 Birkbeck IrvingCopthorne streetdwelling-house52, Copthorne street
15507 Birkbeck WilliamHolly streetdwelling-house20, Holly street
15508 Birkinshaw George FrederickHigh streetdwelling-house62, High street
15509 Blackburn JohnJer lanedwelling-house3, Jer lane
15510 Blackburn JosephCrabtree streetdwelling-house28, Kingswood terrace
successivedwelling-houseHavelock street
successivedwelling-house7, Crabtree street
15511 Blackburn WilliamTodd terracedwelling-house1, Todd terrace (joint)
successivedwelling-house1, Todd terrace
successivedwelling-house5, Todd terrace
15512 Blackey RichardVine streetdwelling-house3, Vine street
15513 Blagbrough EdwardPleasant streetdwelling-house42, Pleasant street
15514 Blagbrough HiramHaycliffe hilldwelling-house35, Haycliffe hill
successivedwelling-house26, Haycliffe hill
15515 Blagbrough SamuelHaycliffe hilldwelling-house22, Haycliffe hill
15516 Blagbrough SwaineCollins streetdwelling-house12, Collins street
15517 Blagbrough ThomasHigh streetdwelling-house206, High street
15518 Blakey WilliamFrank streetdwelling-house40, Frank street
15519 Blamires EdmundOld roaddwelling-house95, Old road (joint)
15520 Blamires JosephOld roaddwelling-house95, Old road (joint)
15521 Blamires Joseph WilliamHigh streetdwelling-house2, High street
15522 Blamires PeterOld roaddwelling-house95, Old road (joint)
15523 Bland ArthurDirk hill streetdwelling-house52, Dirk hill street
15524 Bland DavidPerseverance lanedwelling-house30, Perseverance lane
15525 Bland JamesTurner placedwelling-house29, Turner place
15526 Boddy TimothyCrossley streetdwelling-house36, Crossley street
15527 Bolland JoshuaCopthorne streetdwelling-house50, Copthorne street
15528 Bolton AbrahamWard streetdwelling-house56, Ward street
15529 Bolton HillamBeldon roaddwelling-house125, Beldon road
15530 Bolton JohnBlacksmith folddwelling-house12, Blacksmith fold
15531 Bolton RichardHigh streethouse & shop66, High street
15532 Bolton WilliamHigh streetdwelling-house198, High street
15533 Booth HenrySellers folddwelling-house48, Sellers fold
15534 Booth HumphreyCopthorne streetdwelling-house3, Dirk hill street
successivedwelling-house7, Copthorne street
15535 Booth John HenryRamsden courtdwelling-house10, Sellers fold
successivedwelling-house2, Ramsden court
15536 Booth WilliamAnne streetdwelling-house17, Anne street
15537 Borrows Robert EmmottOld roaddwelling-house124, Old road
15538 Borrows WilliamBartle folddwelling-house5, Bartle fold
15539 Bottomley Arthur WilliamLime streetdwelling-house25, Lime street
15540 Bottomley EzraSuddards folddwelling-house17, Suddards fold
15541 Bottomley Robert JenningsHigh streetdwelling-house130, High street
15542 Bottomley ThomasCross lanehouse & shop102, Cross lane
15543 Bower AlfredBeldon roaddwelling-house1, Todd terrace (joint)
successivedwelling-house8, Watmough street
successivedwelling-house102, Beldon road
15544 Bower CharlesSuddard's folddwelling-house19, Suddard's fold
15545 Bower JohnCross lanedwelling-house68, Cross lane
15546 Bower PeterSuddard's folddwelling-house15, Suddard's fold
15547 Bower SamuelLiversedge rowdwelling-house8, Liversedge row
15548 Bower SutcliffeLime streetdwelling-house27, Lime street
15549 Bower WalterCopthorne streetdwelling-house14, Copthorne street
15550 Bower WilliamHill enddwelling-house34, Hill end
15551 Bowker ThomasSmith roaddwelling-house103, Rooley lane
successivedwelling-house56, Smith road
15552 Bowles AlfredHigh streetdwelling-house299, High street
15553 Bowles EdwardSouthfield lanedwelling-house190, Southfield lane
15554 Bowles FrederickCousen roaddwelling-house231 Great Horton road
successivedwelling-house25, Cousen road
15555 Bowles SamuelHaycliffe hilldwelling-house10, Haycliffe hill
15556 Bown WilliamSouthfield lanedwelling-house245, Southfield lane
15557 Boyce HenryUpper greendwelling-house50, Upper green
15558 Boyes AlfredKingswood terracedwelling-house36, Kingswood terrace
15559 Boyes WilliamPaternoster lanedwelling-house10, Paternoster lane
15560 Bradshaw FrancisFalcon streetdwelling-house19, Falcon street
15561 Bradshaw George AlbertDerby streetdwelling-house44, Derby street
15562 Bradshaw RobertFrank streetdwelling-house25, Frank street
15563 Bradshaw ThomasDerby streetdwelling-house42, Derby street
15564 Bradshaw ThomasKingswood streetdwelling-house37, Kingswood street
15565 Bradshaw WilliamKingswood streetdwelling-house35, Kingswood street
15566 Brearley ThomasFrank streetdwelling-house6, Frank street
15567 Brennan PatrickUpper greendwelling-house7, Upper green
15568 Bretherick WilliamUnion roaddwelling-house15, Union road
15569 Brewer Alfred JenningsTurner placedwelling-house7, Turner place
15570 Brewer PeterCopthorne roaddwelling-house55, Copthorne road
15571 Brewer WilliamCopthorne viewdwelling-house2, Copthorne view
15572 Briggs CharlesSellers folddwelling-house18, Sellers fold
15573 Briggs ElamLivingstone streetdwelling-house55, Livingstone street
15574 Briggs EphraimPickles hilldwelling-house8, High street
successivedwelling-house16, Pickles hill
15575 Briggs JamesDaisy streetdwelling-house61, Daisy street
15576 Briggs JonasEtna streetdwelling-house30, Etna street
15577 Briggs JonathanBartle squaredwelling-house6, Bartle square
15578 Briggs JosephLivingstone streetdwelling-house51, Livingstone street
15579 Briggs SamsonHigh streetdwelling-house41, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house158, High street
15580 Briggs ThomasBakes streetdwelling-house16, Bakes street
15581 Britten WilliamSmith roaddwelling-house6, Smith road
15582 Britton JamesCopthorne streetdwelling-house2, Summerhill street
successivedwelling-house26, Woodhead road
successivedwelling-house28, Copthorne street
successivedwelling-house39, Copthorne street
15583 Broadbent FrederickCollins streetdwelling-house8, Collins street
15584 Broadbent John JohnsonSouthfield lanecountinghouse2, Harris court
15585 Broadbent ListerEwart streetdwelling-house76, Ewart street
15586 Broadbent WilliamEwart streetdwelling-house68, Ewart street
15587 Broadbent William HenryCrossley streetdwelling-house34, Crossley street
15588 Broadley IsaacCopthorne roaddwelling-house91, Copthorne road
15589 Brook DemasSouthfield lanedwelling-house645, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house247, Southfield lane
15590 Brook EdwardDirk hill streetdwelling-house18, Dirk hill street
15591 Brook IsaacLivingstone streetdwelling-house19, Livingstone street
15592 Brook JamesLiversedge rowdwelling-house6, Liversedge row
15593 Brook JonathanHigh streethouse & shop105, High street
15594 Brook JosephHigh streethouse & shop165, High street
15595 Brook SykesCopthorne roaddwelling-house19, Copthorne road
15596 Brook TommisCollins streetdwelling-house16, Kingswood street
successivedwelling-house7, Collins street
15597 Brook WilliamUpper greendwelling-house40, Upper green
15598 Brown John HenryHavelock streetdwelling-house30, Havelock street
15599 Broxup AbrahamCross lanedwelling-house14, Cross lane
15600 Bryan JohnCrag lanedwelling-house6, Crag lane
15601 Buckle JohnSouthfield lanedwelling-house286, Southfield lane
15602 Buckle RichardCousen roaddwelling-house2, Cousen road
15603 Buckle RichardCopthorne streetdwelling-house34, Copthorne street
15604 Buckley WilliamCousen placedwelling-house5, Cousen place
15605 Burchell JohnCross lanedwelling-house17, Kingswood street
successivedwelling-house47, Cross lane
15606 Burgess John EdwardEwart streetdwelling-house44, Daisy street
successivedwelling-house87, Ewart street
15607 Burgess WilliamFrank streetdwelling-house17, Cambridge street
successivedwelling-house41, Frank street
15608 Burnley ThomasAlexandra streetdwelling-house16, Alexandra street
15609 Burston ThomasHigh streethouse & shop60, High street
15610 Burton JamesHigh streetdwelling-house156, High street
15611 Burton ThomasAlexandra streetdwelling-house2, Alexandra street
15612 Busfield ElijahAnne streetdwelling-house9, Anne street
15613 Butler JohnDirk hill streetdwelling-house11, Dirk hill street
15614 Butterfield EdwinKingswood streetdwelling-house6, Kingswood street
15615 Butterfield JohnHavelock streetdwelling-house26, Havelock street
15616 Butterfield JosephAnne streetdwelling-house27, Anne street
15617 Butterfield JosephCross lanedwelling-house13, Cross lane
15618 Butterfield PeterPleasant streetdwelling-house12, Pleasant street
15619 Butterfield ThomasLivingstone streetdwelling-house12, Crabtree street
successivedwelling-house60, Cross lane
successivedwelling-house35, Livingstone street
15620 Butterfield WilliamCrag terracedwelling-house4, Haycliffe road
successivedwelling-house17, Crag terrace
15621 Butterworth ThomasPaternoster lanedwelling-house11, Paternoster lane
15622 Buttle JohnKingswood streetdwelling-house42, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house24, Kingswood street

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter C
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
15623 Cackett JamesDerby streetdwelling-house10, Derby street
15624 Calvert CharlesBeldon roaddwelling-house112, Beldon road
successivedwelling-house35, Collins street
successivedwelling-house112, Beldon road
15625 Calvert JohnBeacon streetdwelling-house5, Beacon street
successivedwelling-house7, Beacon street
15626 Calvert RobertBeacon lanedwelling-house106, Beacon lane
15627 Carr JohnCopthorne roaddwelling-house19, High street
successivedwelling-house16, Copthorne road
15628 Carr JosephBeldon roaddwelling-house84, Beldon road
15629 Carr WilliamVivian placedwelling-house146, High street
successivedwelling-house56, Daisy street
successivedwelling-house5, Vivian place
15630 Carter JamesDracup roaddwelling-house40, Dracup road
15631 Carter RobertCopthorne streetdwelling-house73, Copthorne street
15632 Carter SamuelCousen placedwelling-house3, Cousen place
15633 Carter ThomasLivingstone streetdwelling-house27, Livingstone street
15634 Carter WilliamSouthfield lanedwelling-house188, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house204, Southfield lane
15635 Casse Charles JohnCopthorne roaddwelling-house18, Holly street
successivedwelling-house70, Copthorne road
15636 Casson WilliamDerby streetdwelling-house6, Derby street
15637 Caton JamesHalstead placedwelling-house19, Collins street
successivedwelling-house33, Halstead place
15638 Cawthra FredHavelock streetdwelling-house36, Havelock street
15639 Cawthra WilliamKingswood placedwelling-house9, Kingswood place
15640 Chalk JohnPerseverance lanedwelling-house22, Perseverance lane
15641 Chalk WilliamSouthfield lanedwelling-house220, Southfield lane
15642 Chambers ThomasLivingstone streetdwelling-house53, Livingstone street
15643 Champion William Needham LongdenNorthowramwarehouse4, Beacon lane
15644 Chapman WilliamHigh streetdwelling-house10, High street
15645 Charlton AlfredCambridge streetdwelling-house21, Cambridge street
15646 Charlton SamuelHavelock streetdwelling-house65, Havelock street
15647 Charnley JamesGaythorne streetdwelling-house10, Town end
successivedwelling-house9, Gaythorne street
15648 Chatburn EllisDirk hill streetdwelling-house30, Dirk hill street
successivedwelling-house29, Dirk hill street
15649 Chew JohnHigh streetdwelling-house243, High street
15650 Chew ThomasHigh streetdwelling-house307, High street
15651 Child Robert EmmettCopthorne streetdwelling-house26, Paisley street
successivedwelling-house13, Copthorne street
15652 Clapham AnthonyBeldon roaddwelling-house32, Hill end
successivedwelling-house92, Beldon road
15653 Clark AlfredCopthorne viewdwelling-house10, Copthorne view
15654 Clark BenjaminHart streetdwelling-house12, Hart street
15655 Clark NathanielFalcon streetdwelling-house11, Falcon street
15656 Clayton WilliamCross lanedwelling-house120, Cross lane
15657 Clough HenryLow greendwelling-house5, Low green
15658 Clough James HenryCopthorne roaddwelling-house17, Copthorne road
15659 Clough John RobertCopthorne streetdwelling-house55, Copthorne street
15660 Clough RobertBartle squaredwelling-house7, Bartle square
15661 Clough RobertSouthfield lanedwelling-house305, Southfield lane
15662 Clough WilliamFalcon streetdwelling-house7, Falcon street
15663 Clulow JohnCross lanedwelling-house276A, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house41, Cross lane
15664 Coates FrancisLivingstone streetdwelling-house6, Livingstone street
successivedwelling-house10, Livingstone street
15665 Coates MarkPickles hilldwelling-house6, Pickles hill
15666 Coates ThomasSuddards folddwelling-house25, Suddards fold
15667 Cockitt SimonDerby streetdwelling-house27, Derby street
15668 Cockitt ThomasHalstead placedwelling-house277, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house21, Halstead place
15669 Colledge JohnHavelock streetdwelling-house13, Falcon street
successivedwelling-house58, Havelock street
15670 Collern WilliamLivingstone streetdwelling-house37, Livingstone street
15671 Collins AlfredWard streetdwelling-house20, Ward street
15672 Collins AlfredCambridge streetwarehouseUnion road
15673 Collins BirkbyHaycliffe hilldwelling-house27, Haycliffe hill
15674 Collins John BennettBeldon roaddwelling-house115, Beldon road
15675 Conlon ThomasCopthorne streetdwelling-house3, Rupert street
successivedwelling-house80, Copthorne street
15676 Connell BenjaminWestcroft roaddwelling-house3, Westcroft road
15677 Connell BenjaminVivian placedwelling-house14, Vivian place
15678 Connell IsaacSouthfield lanehouse & shop260, Southfield lane
15679 Conroy BryanCopthorne streetdwelling-house51, Copthorne street
15680 Conroy ThomasOld roaddwelling-house4, Old road
15681 Cooke ArthurDerby streetdwelling-house39, Derby street
15682 Copland Walter ColemanHavelock streetdwelling-house16, Havelock street
15683 Cordingley EmanuelTown enddwelling-house42, Town end
15684 Cordingley JamesHigh streetdwelling-house181, High street
15685 Cordingley JohnBeldon roaddwelling-house109, Beldon road
15686 Cowgill WilliamDog lanedwelling-house2, Dog lane
15687 Crabtree AbrahamSouthfield lanedwelling-house134, Southfield lane
15688 Crabtree CharlesSouthfield lanedwelling-house265, Southfield lane
15689 Crabtree EzraSouthfield lanedwelling-house223, Southfield lane
15690 Crabtree JamesBeacon lanedwelling-house7, Beacon lane
15691 Crabtree JohnSouthfield lanedwelling-house141, Southfield lane
15692 Crabtree WalterSouthfield lanedwelling-house145, Southfield lane
15693 Crabtree William HenrySouthfield lanedwelling-house149, Southfield lane
15694 Craven Francis JowettFrank streetdwelling-house20, Frank street
15695 Craven HerbertDracup roaddwelling-house2, Dracup road
15696 Craven IsaacHavelock streetdwelling-house68, Havelock street
15697 Craven JohnPleasant streetdwelling-housetop of Pleasant street
15698 Craven JonasBeacon hilldwelling-house144, Old road
successivedwelling-houseBeacon hill
15699 Craven SamGreat Horton roaddwelling-house247, Great Horton road
15700 Craven ThomasLime streetdwelling-house7, Lime street
15701 Craven William EdmondsonHart streetdwelling-house4, Hart street
15702 Crawshaw ArthurCopthorne roaddwelling-house31, Copthorne road
15703 Crebbin JamesCousen roaddwelling-house8, Cousen road
15704 Cross Frederick JamesTurner placedwelling-house30, Turner place
15705 Crossley JohnTown enddwelling-house54, Town end
15706 Crossley WilliamCopthorne streetdwelling-house20, Harrington street
successivedwelling-houseTomlinson street
successivedwelling-house53, Copthorne street
15707 Crossley WilliamCambridge streetdwelling-house35, Cambridge street
15708 Crowley DenisBartle lanedwelling-house20, Bartle lane
15709 Crowther JohnBeldon roaddwelling-house121, Beldon road
15710 Curtis JosephCopthorne streetdwelling-house49, Copthorne street
15711 Cusworth ThomasEwart streetdwelling-house99, Ewart street

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter D
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
15712 Daniel RobertDerby streetdwelling-house229, Great Horton road
successivedwelling-house35, Derby street
15713 Davey AbrahamAnne streetdwelling-house7, Anne street
15714 Davis CharlesCopthorne streetdwelling-house21, Copthorne street
15715 Davison WilliamSouthfield lanedwelling-house272A, Southfield lane
15716 Dawson JohnLivingstone streetdwelling-house34, Livingstone street
15717 Dawson JosephSouthfield lanedwelling-house198, Southfield lane
15718 Dawson Robert FieldhouseNoble streetdwelling-house39, Turner place
successivedwelling-house19, Noble street
15719 Dawson ThomasCrossley streetdwelling-house16, Crossley street
15720 Day AlfredDirk hill streetdwelling-house50, Dirk hill street
15721 Day GeorgeCopthorne viewdwelling-house12, Copthorne view
15722 Day GeorgeTurner placedwelling-house37, Turner place
15723 Dean EphraimDirk hill streetdwelling-house36, Dirk hill street
15724 Dean JonathanHigh streetdwelling-house20, High street
15725 Dean SamHigh streethouse & shop133, High street
15726 Dean ThomasCopthorne streetdwelling-house60, Copthorne street
15727 Denham CharlesBeacon lanedwelling-house103, Beacon lane
15728 Dennison IsaacLime streetdwelling-house6, Lime street
15729 Dennison WilliamCollins streetdwelling-house17, Falcon street
successivedwelling-house29, Collins street
15730 Denton BenjaminKingswood placedwelling-house4 Summerhill street
successivedwelling-house6, Kingswood place
15731 Denton GeorgeDirk hill streetdwelling-house16, Dirk hill street
15732 Denton JohnHigh streetdwelling-house118, High street
15733 Denton JosephPaternoster lanedwelling-house5, Paternoster lane
15734 Dewhirst CharlesCopthorne roaddwelling-house1, Noble street
successivedwelling-house58, Copthorne road
15735 Dewhirst EliAll Saints' roadhouse & shop5, All Saints' road
15736 Dewhirst FredKingswood streetdwelling-house63, Kingswood street
15737 Dewhirst HenryCrabtree placedwelling-house45, Daisy street
successivedwelling-house2, Blacksmith fold
successivedwelling-house26, Crabtree place
15738 Dewhirst JohnKingswood streetdwelling-house69, Kingswood street
15739 Dewhirst JosephGreat Horton roaddwelling-house271, Great Horton road
15740 Dewhirst ThomasLivingstone streetdwelling-house13, Livingstone street
15741 Dixon JohnAnne streetdwelling-house15, Anne street
15742 Dobson CharlesCopthorne roaddwelling-house45, Black Abbey
successivedwelling-house72, Copthorne road
15743 Dobson HenryCross lanedwelling-house62, Cross lane
15744 Dobson JohnBeldon roaddwelling-house157, Beldon road
15745 Dobson John HenryJennings placedwelling-house18, Jennings place
15746 Dobson TimothyAnne streetdwelling-house23, Anne street
15747 Dodsworth Rev. JeremiahPleasant streetdwelling-housePleasant street
15748 Douglas GeorgeBlacksmith folddwelling-house4, Blacksmith fold
15749 Downsbrough GeorgeHolly streetdwelling-house11, Hart street
successivedwelling-house22, Holly street
15750 Drabble Adolphus WilliamBartle lanedwelling-house41, Bartle lane
15751 Dracup AaronHigh streetdwelling-house102, Hollingwood lane
successivedwelling-house337, High street
15752 Dracup BriggsFrank streetdwelling-house8, Frank street
15753 Dracup EdmundPickles lanewarehouseLane Close mill
15754 Dracup EdwinPleasant streetdwelling-house40, Pleasant street
15755 Dracup GeorgeBartle lanewarehouseLane Close mill
15756 Dracup IsaacHigh streetdwelling-house247, High street
15757 Dracup IsaacCrag terracedwelling-house5, Crag terrace
15758 Dracup JabezWestcroft terracedwelling-house5, Westcroft terrace
15759 Dracup RogerPleasant streetdwelling-house30, Pleasant street
15760 Dracup William HenryLime streetdwelling-house19, Lime street
15761 Drake Abraham MitchellCambridge streetdwelling-house40, Cambridge street
15762 Drake EdwinCambridge streetdwelling-house10, Cambridge street
15763 Driver AlbertHavelock streetdwelling-house55, Havelock street
15764 Dunn GeorgeBeldon hilldwelling-house25, Beldon hill
15765 Dunn JabezJennings placedwelling-house16, Jennings place
15766 Dunn WilliamBeacon lanedwelling-house9, Beacon lane
15767 Durman JonathanCopthorne streetdwelling-house74, Copthorne street
15768 Dykes ThomasHarris courtdwelling-house3, Harris court
15769 Dyson SamuelHigh streethouse & shop33, High street

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter E
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
15770 East HenryHolly streetdwelling-house2, Holly street
15771 Edmondson Henry BoocockFrank streetdwelling-house14, Frank street
15772 Eggott WalterCopthorne roaddwelling-house39, Copthorne road
15773 Ellicott JohnGaythorne streetdwelling-house25, Gaythorne street
15774 Elliott JonathanArctic paradedwelling-house18, Arctic parade
15775 Elliott William HenryEwart streetdwelling-house3, Ramsden court
successivedwelling-house31, Ewart street
15776 Ellis John HenryDaisy streetdwelling-house38, Daisy street
15777 Ellison AbrahamHart streetdwelling-house8, Hart street
15778 Emmott BenjaminDerby streetdwelling-house41, Derby street
15779 Emmott GeorgeCambridge streetdwelling-house29, Cambridge street
15780 Emmott WilliamPerseverance lanedwelling-house5, Perseverance lane
15781 Emsley DanLow greendwelling-house21, Low green
15782 Emsley IsaacHigh streetdwelling-house235, High street
15783 Emsley JonathanGreat Horton roaddwelling-house339, Great Horton road
15784 Emsley SamuelSchool alleydwelling-house24, Perseverance lane
successivedwelling-house4, School alley
15785 Emsley UriahCollins streetdwelling-house132, Beldon road
successivedwelling-house33, Collins street
15786 England RichardCopthorne roaddwelling-house9, Copthorne road
15787 Esgate HenryWatmough streetdwelling-house12, Watmough street
15788 Exley JamesKingswood placedwelling-house18, Kingswood place

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter F
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
15789 Fall Charles HenryCopthorne streetdwelling-house47, Copthorne street
15790 Farnell BenjaminCousen roaddwelling-house27, Cousen road
15791 Farnish WilliamHart streetdwelling-house3, Hart street
15792 Farrar EllisLime streetdwelling-house18, High street
successivedwelling-house5, Lime street
15793 Farrar ZachariahCopthorne streetdwelling-house64, Copthorne street
15794 Fawcett WilliamCopthorne streetdwelling-house18, Copthorne road
successivedwelling-house1, Copthorne street
15795 Fawthrop PhinehasHigh streetdwelling-house17, High street
successivedwelling-house19, High street
15796 Fearnside HoratioHigh streetdwelling-house7, Collins street
successivedwelling-house45, High street
15797 Fearnside SethCopthorne streetdwelling-house69, Copthorne street
15798 Fearnsides GeorgeDerby streetdwelling-house14, Lime street
successivedwelling-house50, Derby street
15799 Fearnsides JosephHigh streetdwelling-house123, High street
15800 Fearnsides SamuelHalstead placedwelling-house52, Ward street
successivedwelling-house27, Halstead place
15801 Feather JosephWard streetdwelling-house32, Ward street
15802 Fell Adonijah BerryDerby streetdwelling-house47, Derby street
15803 Field HenrySchool alleydwelling-house15, Far side green
successivedwelling-house6, School alley
15804 Field MarkLow greendwelling-house14, Low green
15805 Field SamuelTurner placedwelling-house6, Turner place
15806 Field SamuelDirk hill streetdwelling-house22, Dirk hill street
15807 Field Thomas DenbyCopthorne roaddwelling-house25, Princeville street
successivedwelling-house43, Copthorne road
15808 Fieldhouse AaronTodd terracedwelling-house11, Todd terrace
15809 Fieldhouse BenjaminGreat Horton roaddwelling-house5, Derby street
successivehouse & shop343, Great Horton road
15810 Fieldhouse EdwinOld roaddwelling-house7, Livingstone street
successivedwelling-house130, Old road
15811 Fieldhouse MosesPickles lanedwelling-house114, Old road
successivedwelling-house11, Pickles lane
15812 Fieldhouse MosesHigh streetdwelling-house331, High street
15813 Fieldhouse MosesCross lanedwelling-house95, Cross lane
15814 Fieldhouse Thomas SpencerDerby streetdwelling-house11, Derby street
15815 Fieldhouse WilliamOld roaddwelling-house116, Old road
15816 Firth GeorgeGreat Horton roadshop347, Great Horton road
15817 Firth Henry SpurrTurner placedwelling-house32, Turner place
15818 Firth JohnHigh streetdwelling-house325, High street
15819 Firth JohnOld roaddwelling-house209, Old road
15820 Firth JosephBeacon lanedwelling-house5, Beacon lane
15821 Firth JosephHigh streetdwelling-house92, High street
15822 Firth JosephPerseverance lanedwelling-house6, Perseverance lane
15823 Firth Joseph, junr.High streetdwelling-house94, High street
15824 Firth RobertshawFalcon streetdwelling-house4, Falcon street
15825 Firth SamsonHigh streethouse & shop28, High street
15826 Firth SamuelOld roaddwelling-house194, Old road
15827 Firth ThomasHigh streetshop27, High street
15828 Firth WilliamKingswood streetdwelling-house94, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house65, Kingswood street
15829 Firth William RatcliffeHigh streetdwelling-house214, High street
15830 Fitchett AlfredHavelock streetdwelling-house40, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house66, Havelock street
15831 Flatt JamesLiversedge rowdwelling-house16, Liversedge row
15832 Fletcher EliSouthfield lanedwelling-house161, Southfield lane
15833 Fletcher JamesDerby streetdwelling-house26, Derby street
15834 Fletcher JohnHaycliffe hilldwelling-house39A, Haycliffe hill
15835 Foster FrancisBeldon hilldwelling-house15, Beldon hill
15836 Foster JohnBeldon hilldwelling-house33, Beldon hill
15837 Foster JohnCambridge streetshop30, High street
15838 Foster Johnson CrapperSummerseat placedwelling-house12, Sherborne road
successivedwelling-house3, Summerseat place
15839 Foster WilliamCrag lanedwelling-house11, Crag lane
15840 Fothergill Joseph, junr.Bramley rowdwelling-house13, Bramley row
15841 Fothergill SamuelBeldon roaddwelling-house114, Beldon road
15842 Fox DracupUnion roaddwelling-house19, Dirk hill street
successivedwelling-houseFalcon street
successivedwelling-house11, Union road
15843 Fox GilbertHigh streetdwelling-house163, High street
15844 Fox JamesTurner placedwelling-house13, Turner place
15845 Fox JarvisHavelock streetdwelling-house41, Upper green
successivedwelling-house38, Havelock street
15846 Fox JohnHill enddwelling-house36, Hill end
15847 Fox PeterDracup roaddwelling-house41, Dracup road
15848 Fox RobertHigh streetdwelling-house166, High street
15849 Fox Robert AlfredHunt yarddwelling-house8, Hunt yard
15850 Fox WilliamHigh streetdwelling-house16, Watmough street
successivedwelling-house142, High street
15851 Fox William WoodheadHaycliffe hilldwelling-house31, Haycliffe hill
15852 Francis PaulHigh streetdwelling-house6, Knight's fold
successivedwelling-house81, High street
15853 Frankland GeorgeWatmough streethouse & shop50, Watmough street
15854 Frankland George HenryLime streetdwelling-house21, Lime street
15855 Frankland John EdwinOld roaddwelling-house112, Old road
15856 Frankland WilliamKnight's folddwelling-house11, Knight's fold
15857 Frankleton George ThomasCopthorne streetdwelling-house49, Tomlinson street
successivedwelling-house25, Copthorne street
15858 Frost WilliamTurner placedwelling-house28, Turner place

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter G
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
15859 Gallie Rev. JamesGreat Horton roaddwelling-house283, Great Horton road
15860 Galloway DavidHigh streetdwelling-house26, High street
15861 Galloway JamesHigh streethouse & shop24, High street
15862 Galloway James HenryCrabtree streetdwelling-house10, Crabtree street
15863 Galloway JosiahCross lanedwelling-house8, Cross lane
successivedwelling-house69, Cross lane
15864 Garner ThomasCopthorne streetdwelling-house58, Copthorne street
15865 Garnett CharlesCopthorne streetdwelling-house81, Copthorne street
15866 Garrard JohnGreat Horton roaddwelling-house211, Great Horton road
15867 Garritt WilliamGaythorne streetdwelling-house15, Gaythorne street
15868 Garthwaite CharlesHigh streetdwelling-house59, High street
15869 Garthwaite HenryPleasant streetdwelling-house35, Livingstone street
successivedwelling-house27, Pleasant street
15870 Garthwaite WilliamOld roaddwelling-house79, Old road
15871 Gates HenryPickles lanedwelling-house15, Pickles lane
15872 Gaunt JamesGreat Horton roaddwelling-house250, Great Horton road
15873 Gawthorp TomWard streetdwelling-house36, Ward street
successivedwelling-house46, Ward street
15874 Gibson JohnHigh streetdwelling-house203, High street
15875 Gibson SamHavelock streetdwelling-house7, Vine street
successivedwelling-house28, Havelock street
15876 Gill JohnCross lanedwelling-house116, Cross lane
15877 Gill WilliamGreat Horton roaddwelling-house227, Great Horton road
15878 Gledhill JosiahDerby streetdwelling-house13, Derby street
15879 Glendenning JosephHolly streetdwelling-house8, Holly street
15880 Godley ThomasHigh streetdwelling-house339, High street
successivedwelling-house315, High street
15881 Goldsbrough JosephKingswood streetdwelling-house8, Kingswood street
15882 Gornall ThomasCross lanedwelling-house3, Paternoster lane
successivedwelling-house76, Cross lane
15883 Graham AlfredFrank streetdwelling-house30, Frank street
15884 Graham RogerCopthorne streetdwelling-house8, Copthorne street
15885 Gray AlbertKingswood placedwelling-house16, Kingswood place
15886 Graydon GeorgeCrag terracedwelling-house21, Crag terrace
15887 Green JonasUpper greendwelling-house64, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house44, Upper green
15888 Green JosephHavelock streetdwelling-house10, Havelock street
15889 Greenhough AlfredDirk Hill streetdwelling-house62, Beckside road
successivedwelling-house12, Dirk hill street
15890 Greenwood BenjaminKingswood streetdwelling-house38, Kingswood street
15891 Greenwood DanBeacon lanedwelling-house10, Holly street
successivedwelling-house16, Beacon lane
15892 Greenwood FrederickKnight's folddwelling-house16, Knight's fold
15893 Greenwood HenryHavelock streetdwelling-house90, Havelock street
15894 Greenwood JamesCopthorne streetdwelling-house68, Copthorne street
15895 Greenwood JesseBeldon hilldwelling-house6, Beldon hill
15896 Greenwood John StephensonCopthorne roaddwelling-house48, Watmough street
successivedwelling-house25, Copthorne road
15897 Greenwood MarkHigh streethouse & shop49, High street
15898 Greenwood WilliamHaycliffe hilldwelling-house11, Haycliffe hill
15899 Gregson JosephHigh streetdwelling-house21, Pleasant street
successivedwelling-house4, High street
15900 Grice DavidCopthorne streetdwelling-house33, Copthorne street
15901 Grimshaw CharlesCrag terracedwelling-house25, Crag terrace

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter H
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
15902 Haigh IsaacKingswood streetdwelling-house30, Kingswood street
successivedwelling-house28, Kingswood street
15903 Haigh JohnKingswood streetdwelling-house45, Kingswood street
15904 Haigh JonathanCambridge streetdwelling-house12, Paternoster lane
successivedwelling-house3, Cambridge street
15905 Haigh RufusKingswood streetdwelling-house53, Kingswood street
15906 Hainsworth Charles HartleyFrank streetdwelling-house21, Suddard's fold
successivedwelling-house497, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house4, Frank street
15907 Hainsworth HiramCopthorne roaddwelling-house41, Copthorne road
15908 Hainsworth WilliamCousen roaddwelling-house15, Ida street
successivedwelling-house23, Cousen road
15909 Haley CharlesHigh streethouse & shop35, High street
15910 Haley JohnCrag lanedwelling-house12, Crag lane
15911 Haley JohnDaisy streetdwelling-house4, Collins street
successivedwelling-house44, Daisy street
15912 Haley MilesUnion roaddwelling-house3, Union road
15913 Haley Samuel JamesCopthorne roaddwelling-house6, Copthorne road
15914 Haley WilliamHigh streethouse & shop153, High street
15915 Hall AlfredHigh streethouse & shop34, High street
15916 Hall JosephKingswood terracedwelling-house12, Hunt yard
successivedwelling-house30, Kingswood terrace
15917 Hallewell JamesLime streetdwelling-house1, Lime street
15918 Halliday RobertBeacon lanedwelling-house105, Beacon lane
15919 Halstead JohnHigh streethouse & shop21, High street
15920 Hannam Thomas JacksonBeacon lanedwelling-house107, Beacon lane
15921 Hanson AlfredHaycliffe hilldwelling-house36, Haycliffe hill
15922 Hanson EdmundLivingstone streetdwelling-house54, Livingstone street
15923 Hanson EdwinCopthorne streetdwelling-house32, Copthorne street
15924 Hanson EnochDirk hill streetdwelling-house23, Dirk hill street
15925 Hanson Henry SmithTurner placedwelling-house16, Turner place
15926 Hanson JacobCross lanedwelling-house91, Cross lane
15927 Hanson JamesVine streetdwelling-house16, Vine street
15928 Hanson JamesDerby streetdwelling-house28, Derby street
successivedwelling-house14, Derby street
15929 Hanson JamesOld roaddwelling-house202, Old road
successivedwelling-house174, Old road
15930 Hanson JohnCambridge streetdwelling-house9, Cambridge street
15931 Hanson ThomasBartle lanedwelling-house43, Bartle lane
15932 Hardaker RichardPleasant streetdwelling-house58, Pleasant street
15933 Hardaker ThomasWatmough streetdwelling-house46, Watmough street
15934 Hardaker WilliamLivingstone streetdwelling-house9, Livingstone street
successivedwelling-house29, Livingstone street
15935 Hardcastle Walter RaynerEwart streetdwelling-house95, Ewart street
15936 Hardy GathorneLow greendwelling-house15, Lemon street
successivedwelling-houseSouthfield lane
successivedwelling-house18, Low green
15937 Hardy ThomasBeldon hilldwelling-house32, Beldon hill
15938 Hardy UriasBeldon roaddwelling-house104, Beldon road
15939 Hargreaves HenryBartle squaredwelling-house56, Smith road
successivedwelling-house10, Bartle square
15940 Hargreaves JohnHavelock streetdwelling-house75, Havelock street
15941 Harrison GeorgeHigh streetdwelling-house177, High street
15942 Harrison JohnCambridge streetdwelling-house16, Cambridge street
15943 Harrison PeterDracup roaddwelling-house10, Dracup road
15944 Harrison SmithPickles lanedwelling-house1, Pickles lane
15945 Hartley GeorgeDirk hill streetdwelling-house42, Dirk hill street
15946 Hartley HenrySouthfield lanedwelling-house18, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house290, Southfield lane
15947 Hartley JamesHigh streetdwelling-house212, High street
15948 Hartley JosephPaternoster lanedwelling-house9, Paternoster lane
15949 Hartley Richard RobertsHavelock streetdwelling-house22, Havelock street
15950 Hartley SamuelKingswood streetdwelling-house20, Kingswood street
15951 Hartley WilliamDaisy streetdwelling-house52, Daisy street
15952 Hartley WilliamHigh streetdwelling-house170, High street
15953 Hartley WilliamBeacon lanedwelling-house11, Beacon lane
15954 Harvey WilliamHorton bankdwelling-house107, Horton bank
15955 Hattersley Joseph BlackburnLiversedge rowdwelling-house10, Liversedge row
15956 Hawksworth LionelDirk hill streetdwelling-house28, Dirk hill street
15957 Heap EliSummerseat placedwelling-house6, Summerseat place
15958 Heap MarkEtna streetdwelling-house26, Etna street
15959 Heap ThomasHolly streetdwelling-house16, Holly street
15960 Heaton DanielArctic paradedwelling-house15, Arctic parade
15961 Heaton RobertHorton greenshop301, Southfield lane
15962 Heaton WilliamCopthorne streetdwelling-house35, Copthorne street
15963 Heaton William HenryPerseverance lanedwelling-house24, Perseverance lane
15964 Hellewell DanielBeldon hilldwelling-house5A, Beldon hill
15965 Hellewell JohnBeldon hilldwelling-house29, Beldon hill
15966 Heppleston JamesCopthorne streetdwelling-house54, Copthorne street
successivedwelling-house56, Copthorne street
15967 Hewitt HenryEwart streethouse & shop30, Ewart street
15968 Hewitt JosephCrossley streetdwelling-house10, Crossley street
15969 Hey JeremiahLivingstone streetdwelling-house10, Livingstone street
successivedwelling-house4, Livingstone street
15970 Hey WilliamTown endhouse & shop56, Town end
15971 Hill EdwinBeacon lanedwelling-house24, Holly street
successivedwelling-house12, Beacon lane
15972 Hill JohnRamsden courtdwelling-house9, Ramsden court
15973 Hill SimeonDirk hill streetdwelling-house34, Dirk hill street
15974 Hillam AaronGreat Horton roaddwelling-house349, Great Horton road
15975 Hillam JobSouthfield lanedwelling-house235, Southfield lane
15976 Hillam JohnArctic paradedwelling-house4, Arctic parade
15977 Hillam RobertSouthfield lanedwelling-house233, Southfield lane
15978 Hinde GeorgeSouthfield lanedwelling-house268, Southfield lane
15979 Hinde JohnSuddards folddwelling-house27, Suddards fold
15980 Hinde WilliamSouthfield lanedwelling-house262, Southfield lane
15981 Hindle CravenWatmough streetdwelling-house42, Watmough street
15982 Hindle HenryWestcroft terracedwelling-house7, Westcroft terrace
15983 Hindle HenryAnne streetdwelling-house11, Anne street
15984 Hindle JoeWestcroft terracedwelling-house3, Westcroft terrace
15985 Hindle JosephDog lanedwelling-house1, top of Dog lane
15986 Hindley Charles RobertGaythorne streetdwelling-house12, Kelshall terrace
successivedwelling-house4, Gaythorne street
15987 Hird BenjaminTown enddwelling-house36, Upper green
successivedwelling-house38, Town end
15988 Hirst ThomasHorton bankdwelling-house143, Horton bank
15989 Hodgson BenjaminCopthorne roaddwelling-house69, Copthorne road
successivedwelling-house60, Copthorne road
15990 Hodgson FrancisCopthorne streetdwelling-house15, College road
successivedwelling-house6, Copthorne street
15991 Hodgson JobWard streetdwelling-house48, Ward street
15992 Holden AmosKingswood streetdwelling-house32, Kingswood street
15993 Holden JohnBeldon hilldwelling-house13, Beldon hill
15994 Holdsworth AdamEwart streetdwelling-house75, Ewart street
15995 Holdsworth AlfredKingswood terracedwelling-house83, Kingswood street
successivedwelling-house34, Kingswood terrace
15996 Holdsworth DavidHigh streethouse & shop218, High street
15997 Holdsworth DavidKingswood streetdwelling-house13, Kingswood street
15998 Holdsworth DukeCross lanedwelling-house1, Cross lane
15999 Holdsworth EdwinCrabtree placedwelling-house22, Crabtree place
16000 Holdsworth EnochKingswood terracedwelling-house32, Kingswood terrace
16001 Holdsworth FrancisPickles hilldwelling-house8, Pickles hill
16002 Holdsworth GeorgeLivingstone streetdwelling-house5, Livingstone street
16003 Holdsworth George FrederickCopthorne roaddwelling-house13, Copthorne road
16004 Holdsworth George WilliamUpper greendwelling-house6, Upper green
16005 Holdsworth HenryCousen placedwelling-house13, Cousen place
16006 Holdsworth HenryPleasant streetdwelling-house21, Arctic parade
successivedwelling-house56, Pleasant street
16007 Holdsworth HoldsworthFrank streetdwelling-house10, Frank street
16008 Holdsworth JohnCambridge streetdwelling-house36, Derby street
successivedwelling-house30, Cambridge street
16009 Holdsworth JonathanVine streetdwelling-house13, Frank street
successivedwelling-house8, Vine street
16010 Holdsworth JosephWard streetdwelling-house44, Ward street
16011 Holdsworth JosephWatmough streetdwelling-house32, Watmough street
16012 Holdsworth JosephKingswood placedwelling-house12, Kingswood place
16013 Holdsworth SamuelOld roaddwelling-house6, Old road
16014 Holdsworth SamuelHigh streetdwelling-house145, High street
16015 Holdsworth Samuel, junr.Beacon streetdwelling-house4, Beacon street
successivedwelling-house5, Beacon street
16016 Holdsworth WilliamGreat Horton roaddwelling-house252, Great Horton road
16017 Holdsworth WilliamBeacon lanedwelling-house1, Beacon lane
16018 Holdsworth WilliamBeldon roaddwelling-house105, Beldon road
16019 Holdsworth WilliamWatmough streetdwelling-house3, Watmough street
16020 Holdsworth William HenrySouthfield lanedwelling-house138, Southfield lane
16021 Hole AmosFalcon streetdwelling-house9, Falcon street
16022 Holgate HenrySouthfield lanedwelling-house163, Southfield lane
16023 Holgate JamesHorton bankhouse & shop70, Horton bank
16024 Holgate JohnSouthfield lanedwelling-house175, Southfield lane
16025 Holliday JohnNoble streetdwelling-house25, Copthorne road
successivedwelling-house17, Noble street
16026 Holliday JosiahKingswood streetdwelling-house12, Kingswood street
16027 Hollings JohnHavelock streetdwelling-house38, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house48, Havelock street
16028 Hollingworth WilliamKingswood streetdwelling-house55, Kingswood street
16029 Hollinrake LukeBeacon lanedwelling-house14, Beacon lane
16030 Hollinrake Thomas GreenwoodDirk hill streetdwelling-house4, Dirk hill street
16031 Holme WilliamPickles hilldwelling-house3, Pickles hill
16032 Holmes CharlesHigh streetdwelling-house83, High street
16033 Holmes FrederickCross lanedwelling-house5, Toby lane
successivedwelling-house54, Cross lane
16034 Holmes JohnDirk hill streetdwelling-house18, Turner place
successivedwelling-house24, Dirk hill street
16035 Holmes JonasHigh streetdwelling-house117, High street
16036 Holmes JosephHaycliffe hilldwelling-house28D, Haycliffe hill
16037 Holmes SamuelPerseverance lanedwelling-house21, Perseverance lane
16038 Holmes SamuelHolly streetdwelling-house14, Holly street
16039 Holmes ThomasPaternoster lanedwelling-house3, Paternoster lane
16040 Holroyd Amos EdwardTurner placedwelling-house22, Turner place
16041 Holroyd DanielHaycliffe hilldwelling-house41, Haycliffe hill
16042 Holroyd DavidHolly streetdwelling-house8, Knight's fold
successivedwelling-house18, Holly street
16043 Holroyd IsaacFalcon streetdwelling-house12, Falcon street
16044 Holroyd JohnToby lanedwelling-house9, Toby lane
16045 Holroyd JosephAlexandra streetdwelling-house14, Alexandra street
16046 Holroyd MosesKingswood streetdwelling-house27, Kingswood street
16047 Holroyd ReubenArctic paradedwelling-house13, Arctic parade
16048 Holroyd Robert HenryTurner placedwelling-house3, Noble street
successivedwelling-house20, Turner place
16049 Holroyd WilliamPleasant streetdwelling-house4, Pleasant street
16050 Holroyd WilliamToby lanedwelling-house7, Toby lane
16051 Hooper AbrahamBeacon lanedwelling-house156, Beacon lane
16052 Hopkinson IsaacJennings placedwelling-house14, Jennings place
successivedwelling-house4, Jennings place
16053 Hopkinson JohnBeldon roaddwelling-house134, Beldon road
16054 Horne HarryHaycliffe hilldwelling-house37, Haycliffe hill
16055 Horne JohnBeldon hilldwelling-house1, Beldon hill
16056 Horrocks JamesKingswood placedwelling-house10, Kingswood place
16057 Horsfall ThomasKingswood streetdwelling-house73, Kingswood street
16058 Horton WilliamCopthorne roaddwelling-house85, Copthorne road
16059 House JohnGreat Horton roaddwelling-house243, Great Horton road
16060 How JohnTown enddwelling-house12, Town end
16061 Howarth ConstantineHorton bankdwelling-house76, Horton bank
16062 Howarth JamesCopthorne streetdwelling-house14, Herbert street
successivedwelling-house62, Quaker lane
successivedwelling-house65, Copthorne street
16063 Hoyle JohnPerseverance lanedwelling-house32, Perseverance lane
16064 Hudson AbimelechAll Saints' roaddwelling-house37, Gaythorne street
successivehouse & shop731, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house7, All Saints' road
16065 Hudson CharlesHigh streetdwelling-house173, High street
16066 Hudson EnochHigh streethouse & shop91, High street
16067 Hudson FrederickKingswood streetdwelling-house61, Kingswood street
16068 Hudson GeorgeHorton bankdwelling-house91, Horton bank
16069 Hudson GeorgeEtna streetdwelling-house20, Etna street
16070 Hudson IsaacHigh streetdwelling-house82, High street
16071 Hudson JohnAnne streetdwelling-house19, Anne street
16072 Hudson JohnHigh streetdwelling-house55, High street
16073 Hudson JohnKingswood streetdwelling-house59, Kingswood street
16074 Hudson JonathanFalcon streetdwelling-house3, Falcon street
16075 Hudson SamuelLow greendwelling-house16, Low green
16076 Humphries RawleighGreat Horton roadhouse & shop348, Great Horton road
16077 Hunter WilliamCopthorne streetdwelling-house23, Copthorne street
16078 Hutchinson HarrisonDerby streetdwelling-house43, Derby street
16079 Hutton LuptonCollins streetdwelling-house15, Collins street
successivedwelling-house25, Collins street

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter I
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16080 Ianson JohnUpper greendwelling-house17, Upper green
16081 Illingworth AbrahamEwart streetdwelling-house77, Ewart street
16082 Illingworth EphraimBeldon roaddwelling-house94, Beldon road
16083 Illingworth IsaacFrank streetdwelling-house31, Frank street
16084 Illingworth JamesStephenson folddwelling-house8, Stephenson fold
16085 Illingworth JohnHigh streetdwelling-house277, High street
16086 Illingworth MarkRamsden courtdwelling-house4, Ramsden court
16087 Illingworth PeterKingswood streetdwelling-house21, Kingswood street
16088 Illingworth SamuelKingswood streetdwelling-house23, Kingswood street
16089 Illingworth SamuelClaytonshopHigh street
16090 Ingham AdamWatmough streetdwelling-house11, Copthorne street
successivedwelling-house4, Watmough street
16091 Ingham JonasHorton bankdwelling-house87, Horton bank
16092 Ingham JosephOld roaddwelling-house170, Old road
16093 Ingham NathanOld roaddwelling-house146, Old road
16094 Inman SquireTown enddwelling-house14, Town end
16095 Iredale JosephDaisy streetdwelling-house53, Daisy street
16096 Iredale MatthewKingswood placedwelling-house5, Stephenson fold
successivedwelling-house4, Kingswood place
16097 Isherwood JamesKingswood streetdwelling-house89, Kingswood street

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter J
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16098 Jackson AlfredCollins streetdwelling-house127, Beldon road
successivedwelling-house52, Ward street
successivedwelling-house15, Collins street
16099 Jackson DanTown enddwelling-house34, Town end
16100 Jackson EnochHigh streethouse & shop57, High street
16101 Jackson JobHigh streethouse & shop79, High street
16102 Jackson JohnUpper greendwelling-house5, Upper green
16103 Jackson William ThomasHolly streetdwelling-house22, Holly street
successivedwelling-house10, Holly street
16104 Jacques JosephPrimrose hilldwelling-house2, Primrose hill
16105 Jagger AmaziahOld roaddwelling-house89, Old road
16106 Jagger JonasSellers folddwelling-house32, Sellers fold
16107 Jagger LeonardPickles hilldwelling-house4, Pickles hill
16108 Jameson RichardHavelock streetdwelling-house98, Havelock street
16109 Jenkinson WilliamLivingstone streetdwelling-house8, Livingstone street
successivedwelling-house3, Livingstone street
16110 Jennings JamesCross lanedwelling-house3, Cross lane
16111 Jennings John FawcettWatmough streetdwelling-house8, Watmough street
16112 Jennings JosephEtna streetdwelling-house24, Etna street
16113 Jennings Joshua BinnsHigh streetdwelling-house23, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house210, High street
16114 Jennings MortimerCrossley streetdwelling-house14, Crossley street
16115 Jennings RichardLivingstone streetdwelling-house48, Livingstone street
16116 Jepson JamesCopthorne roaddwelling-house8, Copthorne road
16117 Johnson ArthurHavelock streetdwelling-house25, Havelock street
16118 Johnson GeorgeHunt yarddwelling-house41, Livingstone street
successivedwelling-house12, Hunt yard
16119 Johnson WilliamEbenezer placedwelling-house7, Ebenezer place
16120 Johnson WilliamJennings placedwelling-house13, Jennings place
16121 Jolly JosephCollins streetdwelling-house24, Collins street
16122 Jones WilliamHorton bankdwelling-house79, Horton bank
16123 Jowett EnochSouthfield lanedwelling-house196, Southfield lane
16124 Jowett FredWard streetdwelling-house50, Ward street
16125 Jowett GeorgeBeacon streetdwelling-house1, Beacon street
16126 Jowett JohnLivingstone streethouse & shop60, Livingstone street
16127 Jowett JohnWatmough streetdwelling-house7, Watmough street
16128 Jowett JohnHigh streethouse & shop386, High street
16129 Jowett JohnsonSouthfield lanedwelling-house281, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house273, Southfield lane
16130 Jowett LukeCambridge streetdwelling-house11, Turner place
successivedwelling-house17, Cambridge street
16131 Jowett MatthewFrank streetdwelling-house1, Frank street
16132 Jowett MilesSouthfield lanedwelling-house184, Southfield lane
16133 Jowett RichardHavelock streetdwelling-house33, Havelock street
16134 Jowett SamuelRamsden courtdwelling-house13, Ramsden court
16135 Jowett SharpHigh streetdwelling-house253, High street
16136 Jowett WilliamWatmough streetdwelling-house13, Watmough street
16137 Jowett WilliamSouthfield lanedwelling-house293, Southfield lane
16138 Jowett WilliamHaycliffe hilldwelling-house24, Haycliffe hill

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter K
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16139 Kay WilliamKingswood streetdwelling-house43, Kingswood street
16140 Kellett FrederickSmith roaddwelling-house11, Smith road
16141 Kellett JamesToby lanedwelling-house3, Toby lane
16142 Kellett JohnUpper greendwelling-house10, Upper green
16143 Kemp EdwardCopthorne streetdwelling-house66, Copthorne street
16144 Kershaw AbrahamHigh streetdwelling-house317, High street
successivedwelling-house339, High street
16145 Kershaw HenryOld roaddwelling-house176, Old road
16146 Kershaw WilliamHigh streethouse & shop124, High street
16147 Kershaw William RileyCopthorne streetdwelling-house78, Copthorne street
16148 Kingdon FrancisBeldon roaddwelling-house15, Watmough street
successivedwelling-house90, Beldon road
16149 Kingdon JosephCambridge streetdwelling-house22, Cambridge street
16150 Kingdon WilliamCambridge streetdwelling-house18, Cambridge street
16151 Kitching SamJer lanedwelling-house2, Jer lane
16152 Knapton EllisHavelock streetdwelling-house60, Havelock street
16153 Knapton KayArctic paradehouse & shop24, Arctic parade
16154 Knapton SimeonGreat Horton roaddwelling-house330, Great Horton road
16155 Knapton ThomasJennings placedwelling-house5, Jennings place
16156 Knowles Edward HarrisonBeldon roaddwelling-house159, Beldon road
16157 Knowles JohnCopthorne streetdwelling-house75, Copthorne street
16158 Knowles ThomasCopthorne roaddwelling-house95, Copthorne road
16159 Knowles ThomasBeldon roaddwelling-house108, Beldon road

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter L
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16160 Lamb OliverBeldon roaddwelling-house2, Vivian place
successivedwelling-house110, Beldon road
16161 Lambert MilesTown enddwelling-house20, Town end
16162 Lancaster RichardDaisy streetdwelling-house63, Daisy street
16163 Lancaster SydneyBeldon roaddwelling-house153, Beldon road
16164 Lang RobertCopthorne roaddwelling-house69, Lidgate place
successivedwelling-house56, Copthorne road
16165 Lawson John HerbertGreat Horton roadhouse & shop351, Great Horton road
16166 Lawton LibnahGreat Horton roaddwelling-house225, Great Horton road
16167 Lawton LukeKingswood streetdwelling-house34, Kingswood terrace
successivedwelling-houseWard street
successivedwelling-house17, Kingswood street
16168 Laycock CharlesCopthorne streetdwelling-house3, Copthorne street
16169 Laycock JamesBeacon lanedwelling-house101, Beacon lane
16170 Laycock WilliamTurner placedwelling-house23, Turner place
16171 Leach JonasKingswood streetdwelling-house19, Kingswood street
16172 Leach WilliamHavelock streetdwelling-house24, Kingswood terrace
successivedwelling-house41, Havelock street
16173 Leach WilliamDerby streetdwelling-house14, Derby street
successivedwelling-house4, Derby street
16174 Lee AllanHigh streetdwelling-house169, High street
16175 Lee GeorgeBeacon streetdwelling-house6, Beacon street
16176 Lee LeviLivingstone streetdwelling-house14, Livingstone street
16177 Lee MilesSouthfield lanedwelling-house243, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house216, Southfield lane
16178 Lee Obadiah CummingsBartle lanedwelling-house14, Bartle lane
16179 Lee ThomasSellars folddwelling-house3, Knight's fold
successivedwelling-house8, Sellars fold
16180 Lettice CharlesBeacon lanedwelling-house97, Beacon lane
16181 Liggins JesseCopthorne roaddwelling-house33, Copthorne road
16182 Lightowler ArthurDerby streetdwelling-house54, Derby street
16183 Lightowler John WilkinsonCrag terracedwelling-house11, Crag terrace
16184 Lingard ThomasHigh streethouse & shop50, High street
16185 Lister ArthurTurner placedwelling-house24, Turner place
16186 Lister BenjaminBeldon roadhouse & shop98, Beldon road
16187 Lister EliDirk Hill streetdwelling-house5, Dirk Hill street
16188 Lister HezekiahHigh streethouse & shop67, High street
16189 Lister JohnHorton bankdwelling-house89, Horton bank
16190 Lister LowtonHigh streetdwelling-house28, Kingswood street
successivedwelling-house35A, High street
16191 Lister SimeonHigh streethouse & shop70, High street
16192 Lister SimeonLime streetdwelling-house2, Lime street
16193 Lister SydneyBeldon roaddwelling-house100, Beldon road
16194 Lister WilliamKingswood streetdwelling-house10, Kingswood street
16195 Lister William JohnLivingstone streetdwelling-house52, Livingstone street
16196 Livsey JamesHavelock streetdwelling-house49, Havelock street
16197 Lofthouse CharlesHigh streetdwelling-house39, High street
16198 Lofthouse GeorgeHigh streetdwelling-house42, High street
16199 Lofthouse ThomasHalstead placedwelling-house64, Cross lane
successivedwelling-house17, Halstead place
16200 Long AlfredUpper greendwelling-house25, Upper green
16201 Long ChristopherHavelock streetdwelling-house88, Old road
successivedwelling-house20, Havelock street
16202 Long ChristopherGaythorne streetdwelling-house33, Gaythorne street
16203 Long RichardHavelock streetdwelling-house19, Havelock street
16204 Long ThomasUpper greendwelling-house28, Upper green
16205 Longbottom JamesHart streetdwelling-house6, Hart street
16206 Longbottom ThomasGreat Horton roaddwelling-house269, Great Horton road
16207 Longthorpe ThomasDaisy streetdwelling-house67, Daisy street
16208 Lord BenCollins streetdwelling-house22, Collins street
16209 Lord EdmundDerby streetdwelling-house51, Derby street
16210 Lord RobertDerby streetdwelling-house24, Derby street
16211 Lord ThomasGreat Horton roadwarehouse4, Beacon lane
16212 Lord WilliamArctic paradedwelling-house67, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house17, Arctic parade
16213 Lumb WilliamDirk hill streetdwelling-house38, Dirk hill street
16214 Lupton JacobDirk hill streetdwelling-house21, Dirk hill street
16215 Luty JabezUpper greendwelling-house19, Upper green

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter M
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16216 Maltby RichardHarris courtdwelling-house1, Harris court
16217 Mapplebeck WilliamCopthorne roaddwelling-house53, Copthorne road
16218 Marlton JohnCollins streetdwelling-house20, Collins street
16219 Marlton WilliamVivian placedwelling-house35, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house2, Vivian place
16220 Marr EdwardPickles hilldwelling-house2, Pickles hill
16221 Marshall GeorgeSchool alleydwelling-house274, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house276A, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house5, School alley
16222 Marshall JoshuaVine streetdwelling-house14, Vine street
16223 Marshall ThomasCopthorne streetdwelling-house26, Copthorne street
16224 Mason Christopher BottomleyGaythorne streetdwelling-house31, Gaythorne street
16225 Mason John BottomleySouthfield lanedwelling-house152, Southfield lane
16226 Mason WilliamCollins streetdwelling-house13, Collins street
16227 Medley ArthurHorton bankdwelling-house72, Horton bank
16228 Mercer ThomasHigh streetdwelling-house349, High street
16229 Metcalfe Anthony AkedHigh streethouse & shop147, High street
16230 Metcalfe ThomasJennings placedwelling-house9, Jennings place
16231 Midgley JohnKingswood streetdwelling-house31, Kingswood street
16232 Midgley SamuelCrossley streetdwelling-house28, Crossley street
16233 Midgley SamuelHavelock streetdwelling-house92, Havelock street
16234 Midgley SuddickCollins streetdwelling-house21, Collins street
16235 Miller JosephAll Saints' roaddwelling-house13, All Saints' road
16236 Mills RobertHavelock streetdwelling-house9, Crag lane
successivedwelling-house37, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house35, Havelock street
16237 Milner GeorgeHigh streethouse & shop115, High street
16238 Milnes JonasSchool alleydwelling-house1, School alley
16239 Mitchell ArthurWatmough streetdwelling-house14, Watmough street
successivedwelling-house59, Lawrence street
successivedwelling-house14, Watmough street
16240 Mitchell FrancisSouthfield lanedwelling-house177, Southfield lane
16241 Mitchell HarryLivingstone streetdwelling-house31, Livingstone street
successivedwelling-house57, Livingstone street
16242 Mitchell HiramKingswood streetdwelling-house54, Pleasant street
successivedwelling-house16, Kingswood street
16243 Mitchell JamesKingswood streetdwelling-house47, Kingswood street
16244 Mitchell JessePerseverance lanedwelling-house27, Perseverance lane
16245 Mitchell John TempestGreat Horton roaddwelling-house10, Hart street
successivedwelling-house231, Great Horton road
16246 Mitchell JosephKingswood terracedwelling-house5, Suddards fold
successivedwelling-house26, Kingswood terrace
16247 Mitchell SethBeldon roaddwelling-house113, Beldon road
16248 Mitchell SquireGreat Horton roaddwelling-house246, Great Horton road
16249 Mitchell WalterDerby streetdwelling-house9, Derby street
16250 Mitchell WilliamCopthorne streetdwelling-house9, Copthorne street
16251 Mitton DanielDirk hill streetdwelling-house8, Derby street
successivedwelling-house44, Dirk hill street
16252 Mitton JohnGreat Horton roaddwelling-house267, Great Horton road
16253 Moore GeorgeLime streetdwelling-house17, Crag terrace
successivedwelling-house27, Gaythorne street
successivedwelling-house8, Lime street
16254 Moore JeremiahGreat Horton roaddwelling-house47, Tudor street
successivedwelling-house249, Great Horton road
16255 Moore JohnBlacksmith folddwelling-house8, Blacksmith fold
16256 Moore ThomasBartle squaredwelling-house5, Bartle square
16257 Moore William Henry SylvesterHorton Park avenuedwelling-house18, Horton Park avenue
16258 Moorhouse Alfred BakesGaythorne streetdwelling-house2, Gaythorne street
16259 Moorhouse John BattHorton bankdwelling-house71, Horton bank
16260 Moorhouse JosephCross lanedwelling-house4, Cross lane
16261 Morgan RalphCopthorne roaddwelling-house93, Copthorne road
16262 Morley JamesJennings placedwelling-house8, Jennings place
16263 Mortimer AbrahamGreat Horton roaddwelling-house238, Great Horton road
16264 Mortimer GeorgeHorton bankdwelling-house151, Horton bank
16265 Mortimer JamesTurner placedwelling-house3, Turner place
16266 Mortimer MartinHaycliffe hilldwelling-house43, Haycliffe hill
16267 Mortimer Tom GoldsboroughTurner placehouse & shop1, Turner place
16268 Mortimer William AlexanderSummerseat placedwelling-house13, Summerseat place
16269 Morton DavidFrank streetdwelling-house19, Frank street
16270 Moulder GeorgeHigh streetdwelling-house176, High street
16271 Murgatroyd DavidHavelock streetdwelling-house8, Havelock street
16272 Murgatroyd HenryDirk hill streetdwelling-house20, Dirk hill street
16273 Murgatroyd HiramPeel rowdwelling-house3, Peel row
16274 Murgatroyd JamesHigh streetdwelling-house313, High street
16275 Murgatroyd MosesLime streetdwelling-house9, Lime street
16276 Murgatroyd SamuelTurner placehouse & shop2, Turner place
16277 Murgatroyd SamuelSuddards folddwelling-house52, Derby street
successivedwelling-house7, Suddards fold
16278 Myers EdwardCousen roaddwelling-house10, Cousen road
16279 Myers HenrySummerseat placedwelling-house7, Summerseat place
16280 Myers SamuelSouthfield lanedwelling-house269, Southfield lane
16281 Myers WalterUpper greendwelling-house39, Upper green

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter N
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16282 Naylor BentleyBowker streetdwelling-house4, Bowker street
16283 Naylor CharlesDerby streetdwelling-house33, Derby street
16284 Naylor JamesCopthorne roaddwelling-house65, Copthorne road
16285 Nichol JosephCambridge streetdwelling-house15, Cambridge street
16286 Nichols SamuelPerseverance lanedwelling-house15, Perseverance lane
16287 Nichols WilliamSouthfield lanedwelling-house136, Southfield lane
16288 Nicholson Abraham AmblerTurner placedwelling-house4, Turner place
16289 Nicholson RichardDaisy streetdwelling-house58, Daisy street
16290 Nisbett ThomasBeldon roaddwelling-house130, Beldon road
16291 Noble EdwinLime streetdwelling-house12, Lime street
16292 Noble George CardwellSouthfield lanehouse & shop183, Southfield lane
16293 Noble ThomasFrank streetdwelling-house15, Frank street
16294 Norfolk JohnHaycliffe hilldwelling-house50, Haycliffe hill
16295 Northrop JosephGaythorne streetdwelling-house29, Gaythorne street
16296 Northrop Stephen HaleyCambridge streetdwelling-house20, Cambridge street
16297 Northrop ThomasGaythorne streetdwelling-house19, Gaythorne street
16298 Northrop William HeyCopthorne roaddwelling-house62, Copthorne road
16299 Nutt HenryGreat Horton roaddwelling-house336, Great Horton road
16300 Nuttall ArthurWatmough streetdwelling-house28, Watmough street
16301 Nuttall DanielEtna streetdwelling-house18, Etna street
16302 Nuttall JoeEwart streetdwelling-house91, Ewart street
16303 Nuttall JohnEwart streetdwelling-house89, Ewart street
16304 Nuttall MarkAnne streetdwelling-house5, Anne street

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter O
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16305 Oates SamuelGreat Horton roadhouse & shop341, Great Horton road
16306 Ogle AtkinCousen placedwelling-house9, Cousen place
16307 Orange JohnUnion roaddwelling-house6, Union road
16308 Orme William HenryPudseyshop31, Arctic parade
16309 Ormondroyd CharlesPleasant streetdwelling-house52, Pleasant street
16310 Ormondroyd HenryHaycliffe hilldwelling-house2, Haycliffe hill
16311 Ormondroyd JamesFrank streetdwelling-house22, Arctic parade
successivedwelling-house13, Frank street
16312 Ormondroyd JonathanGreat Horton roaddwelling-house240, Great Horton road
16313 Ormondroyd WilliamKingswood placedwelling-house3, Kingswood place
16314 Ormondroyd William HenryKingswood streetdwelling-house15, Kingswood street
16315 Oversby OliverCambridge streetdwelling-house20, Hart street
successivedwelling-house19, Cambridge street
16316 Oxley FrederickDirk hill streethouse & shop1, Dirk hill street

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter P
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16317 Parker HoldsworthOld roaddwelling-house162, Old road
16318 Parker JamesPickles lanedwelling-house19, Pickles lane
16319 Parker JohnPleasant streetdwelling-house10, Pleasant street
16320 Parker JohnHigh streetdwelling-house66, Fenton street
successivedwelling-house59A, High street
16321 Parker John CharlesTown enddwelling-houseTown end
16322 Parker JosephVivian placedwelling-house16, Vivian place
16323 Parker ThomasOld roaddwelling-house87, Old road
16324 Parker WilliamTurner placedwelling-house35, Turner place
16325 Parker WilliamHaycliffe hilldwelling-house32, Haycliffe hill
successivedwelling-house35, Haycliffe hill
16326 Parkinson GeorgeLivingstone streetdwelling-house33, Livingstone street
16327 Parrington JohnSuddards folddwelling-house29, Suddards fold
16328 Patchett ThomasWatmough streetdwelling-house9, Watmough street
16329 Pattison GeorgeCambridge streetdwelling-house41, Cambridge street
16330 Pearson CharlesKingswood placedwelling-house14, Kingswood place
16331 Pellett Richard LinesHigh streetshop18, Kingswood terrace
successivehouse & shop61, High street
16332 Peters AlexanderHigh streetdwelling-house245, High street
16333 Petty WilliamEbenezer placedwelling-house6, Ebenezer place
16334 Petty William HenryAnne streetdwelling-house3, Anne street
16335 Pickles EdwinHigh streethouse & shop157, High street
16336 Pickles JonasHart streetdwelling-house1, Hart street
16337 Pickles JosephHigh streethouse & shop85, High street
16338 Pickles SquireCopthorne roaddwelling-house87, Copthorne road
16339 Pickles WilliamSouthfield lanedwelling-house279, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house250, Southfield lane
16340 Pighills JohnCambridge streetdwelling-house21, Berwick street
successivedwelling-house23, Cambridge street
16341 Pinchen JesseArctic paradedwelling-house23, Arctic parade
16342 Pinder WilliamCross lanedwelling-house16, Sellers fold
successivedwelling-house51, Cross lane
16343 Pitts JonathanAlexandra streetdwelling-house24, Alexandra street
16344 Pollard BenjaminHigh streethouse & shop99, High street
16345 Pollard JosephWestcroft terracedwelling-house1, Westcroft terrace
16346 Pollard RobertSouthfield lanedwelling-house282, Southfield lane
16347 Pollard WalterKingswood streetdwelling-house93, Ewart street
successivedwelling-house87, Kingswood street
16348 Poole JohnUpper greendwelling-house42, Upper green
16349 Potts WilliamHigh streethouse & shop175, High street
16350 Pratt GeorgeEtna streetdwelling-house87, Ewart street
successivedwelling-house12, Etna street
16351 Priestley AlfredCambridge streetdwelling-house38, Cambridge street
16352 Priestley ArchilausBeldon hilldwelling-house30, Beldon hill
16353 Priestley BenjaminBeldon hilldwelling-house7, Beldon hill
16354 Priestley Charles HenryCross lanedwelling-house67, Kingswood street
successivedwelling-house49, Cross lane
16355 Priestley EdmundWatmough streetdwelling-house22, Watmough street
16356 Priestley EdwinBeldon hilldwelling-house24, Beldon hill
16357 Priestley GeorgeBeldon hilldwelling-house28, Beldon hill
16358 Priestley JacobHigh streetdwelling-house37, High street
16359 Priestley JamesPickles hilldwelling-house23, Pickles hill
16360 Priestley JamesPleasant streetdwelling-house19, Pleasant street
successivedwelling-house21, Pleasant street
16361 Priestley JoeCross lanedwelling-house12, Cross lane
16362 Priestley JohnKingswood placedwelling-house2, Kingswood place
16363 Priestley PaulHigh streethouse & shop47, High street
16364 Priestley PeterBeldon hilldwelling-house18, Beldon hill
16365 Priestley SamuelCollins streetdwelling-house6, Collins street
16366 Priestley SydneyHigh streethouse & shop131, High street
16367 Priestley ThomasBank top housewarehouseBank top
16368 Priestman EdwardManninghamwarehouseUnion road
16369 Priestman FrederickManninghamwarehouseUnion road
16370 Procter CharlesKingswood streetdwelling-house11, Kingswood street
16371 Procter JohnLow greendwelling-house7, Low green
16372 Procter JosephCopthorne streetdwelling-house76, Copthorne street
16373 Procter William BirketGreat Horton roadbuildingSuddards fold
16374 Pullan NoahEwart streetdwelling-house37, Frank street
successivedwelling-house101, Ewart street
16375 Purslow ThomasCopthorne roaddwelling-house74, Copthorne road
16376 Pyrah JamesCrossley streetdwelling-house42, Crossley street

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter R
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16377 Race EdmundUnion roaddwelling-house8, Union road
16378 Raistrick John EdwardTodd terracedwelling-house7, Todd terrace
16379 Ramsden HenryCrag lanedwelling-house4, Crag lane
16380 Ramsden James WilliamPleasant streetdwelling-house18A, Pleasant street
16381 Ramsden JohnHolly bankcountinghouseBartle lane
16382 Ramsden JohnKingswood streetdwelling-house81, Kingswood street
16383 Ramsden WesleyDerby streetdwelling-house62, Derby street
16384 Ramsden WilliamBracken HallcountinghouseBartle lane
16385 Ranger WilliamHavelock streetdwelling-house34, Havelock street
16386 Ranns William AbrahamHigh streetdwelling-house12, High street
16387 Ratcliffe ThomasCopthorne streetdwelling-house57, Copthorne street
16388 Rawling JohnHavelock streetdwelling-house6, Havelock street
16389 Rawnsley EdwardCrag lanedwelling-house8, Crag lane
16390 Rawnsley EdwardGreat Horton roaddwelling-house275, Great Horton road
16391 Rawnsley JohnHorton Park avenuedwelling-house14, Horton Park avenue
16392 Rawnsley RobertLivingstone streetdwelling-house28, Livingstone street
16393 Rawnsley TimothyDerby streetdwelling-house49, Derby street
successivedwelling-house40, Derby street
16394 Rawnsley WilliamLivingstone streetdwelling-house47, Livingstone street
16395 Redfern WilliamAll Saints' roaddwelling-house10, All Saints' road
16396 Redmond JohnHavelock streetdwelling-house51, Havelock street
16397 Redmonds Frederick LeopoldCopthorne streetdwelling-house79, Copthorne street
16398 Rennard AbrahamTown enddwelling-house48, Town end
16399 Rhodes BenjaminPleasant streetdwelling-house7, Pleasant street
16400 Rhodes Charles TimothyCambridge streetdwelling-house36, Cambridge street
16401 Rhodes EnochCambridge streetdwelling-house34, Cambridge street
16402 Rhodes Frederick William JowettCambridge streetbuildingCollins street
16403 Rhodes JamesPleasant streetdwelling-house1, Pleasant street
16404 Rhodes JoeHavelock streetdwelling-house63, Havelock street
16405 Rhodes JohnUpper greendwelling-house20, Upper green
16406 Rhodes JosephCrossley streetdwelling-house32, Crossley street
16407 Rhodes MilesSouthfield lanedwelling-house226, Southfield lane
16408 Rhodes RufusHavelock streetdwelling-house46, Havelock street
16409 Rhodes SamuelBakes streetdwelling-house22, Bakes street
16410 Rhodes SamuelSouthfield lanedwelling-house204, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house239, Southfield lane
16411 Richards SamuelJennings placedwelling-house6, Jennings place
16412 Richardson JamesHill enddwelling-house28, Hill end
16413 Richardson MatthewHolly streetdwelling-house12, Holly street
16414 Richmond JohnPerseverance lanedwelling-house16, Perseverance lane
successivedwelling-house13, Low green
successivedwelling-house14, Perseverance lane
16415 Riddial IsaacHaycliffe hilldwelling-house25, Haycliffe hill
16416 Ridehalgh MatthewCollins streetdwelling-house1, Collins street
16417 Riley GeorgeHolly streetdwelling-house6, Holly street
16418 Riley IsaacSouthfield lanedwelling-house208, Southfield lane
16419 Riley JamesGreat Horton roadhouse & shop219, Great Horton road
16420 Riley JoeOld roaddwelling-house225, Old road
16421 Riley ReiUpper greendwelling-house37, Upper green
16422 Riley SamuelOld roaddwelling-house219, Old road
16423 Riley SutcliffeOld roaddwelling-house128, Old road
16424 Riley WilliamHolly streetdwelling-house4, Holly street
16425 Rimmington WalterHaycliffe hilldwelling-house51, Haycliffe hill
16426 Roberts HenryKnight's folddwelling-house13, Knight's fold
16427 Roberts JohnCrag terracedwelling-house7, Crag terrace
16428 Roberts JosephSellers folddwelling-house38, Sellers fold
16429 Roberts Samuel FrederickGrove terracewarehouseHigh street
16430 Robertshaw ErrHigh streetdwelling-house300, High street
successivedwelling-house341, High street
16431 Robertshaw JamesSouthfield lanedwelling-house261, Southfield lane
16432 Robertshaw JarvisGreat Horton roaddwelling-house273, Great Horton road
16433 Robertshaw JosephHigh streethouse & shop160, High street
16434 Robertshaw PaulKingswood streetdwelling-house80, Ewart street
successivedwelling-house79, Kingswood street
16435 Robertshaw SethHigh streethouse & shop347, High street
16436 Robertshaw WilliamEwart streetdwelling-house78, Ewart street
16437 Robinson AnthonySouthfield lanehouse & shop271, Southfield lane
16438 Robinson AtkinsonSouthfield lanedwelling-house212, Southfield lane
16439 Robinson EnochEwart streetdwelling-house28, Haycliffe road
successivedwelling-house74, Ewart street
16440 Robinson GeorgeRamsden courtdwelling-house8, Ramsden court
16441 Robinson JamesLow greendwelling-house1, Low green
16442 Robinson JamesSouthfield lanedwelling-house160, Southfield lane
16443 Robinson JohnPickles hilldwelling-house7, Pickles hill
16444 Robinson JohnJer lanedwelling-house7, Jer lane
16445 Robinson JosephPeel rowdwelling-house4, School alley
successivedwelling-house9, Peel row
16446 Robinson RichardAll Saints' roadhouse & shop3, All Saints' road
16447 Robinson RogerHalstead placedwelling-housenext 909, Little Horton lane
successivedwelling-house35, Halstead place
16448 Robinson SamuelGaythorne streetdwelling-house7, Gaythorne street
16449 Robinson Samuel DracupDracup roaddwelling-house39, Dracup road
16450 Robinson SimeonDaisy streetdwelling-house48, Daisy street
16451 Robinson ThomasHavelock streetdwelling-house50, Havelock street
16452 Robinson William HenryHigh streethouse & shop154, High street
16453 Rodgers IsaacGreat Horton roaddwelling-house251, Great Horton road
16454 Ross ElijahCollins streetdwelling-house158, High street
successivedwelling-house33, Collins street
successivedwelling-house3, Collins street
16455 Rothera AbelCopthorne streetdwelling-house87, Copthorne street
16456 Rothera JubalCambridge streetdwelling-house31, Cambridge street
16457 Rotheray JohnJennings placedwelling-house10, Jennings place
16458 Rowe Rev. GeorgeHigh streetdwelling-house76, High street
16459 Rushworth CharlesCopthorne streetdwelling-house84, Copthorne street
16460 Rushworth JamesGreat Horton roadhouse & shop2, Copthorne road
successivedwelling-house235, Great Horton road
16461 Rushworth JohnHigh streetdwelling-house161, High street
16462 Rushworth SolomonPerseverance lanedwelling-house26, Perseverance lane
16463 Ryder William EdmundKingswood terracehouse & shop16, Kingswood terrace

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter S
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16464 Salisbury John TordoffWatmough streetdwelling-house25, Arctic parade
successivedwelling-house24, Watmough street
16465 Saville EdwinCopthorne roaddwelling-house83, Copthorne road
16466 Saville JohnVivian placedwelling-house6, Vivian place
16467 Scarr JohnGreat Horton roadhouse & shop350, Great Horton road
16468 Schofield JoshuaPleasant streetdwelling-house24, Pleasant street
16469 Schofield WilliamGreat Horton roaddwelling-house233, Great Horton road
16470 Schofield William HenrySouthfield lanedwelling-house275, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house277, Southfield lane
16471 Scott JamesCollins streetdwelling-house96, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house23, Collins street
16472 Scott JosephSouthfield lanehouse & shop278, Southfield lane
16473 Scott WilliamHavelock streetdwelling-house53, Havelock street
16474 Shackleton AlbertEbenezer placedwelling-house2, Ebenezer place
16475 Shackleton AlfredEtna streetdwelling-house130, Old road
successivedwelling-house4, Etna street
16476 Shackleton ArthurKingswood streetdwelling-house34, Kingswood street
16477 Shackleton CharlesLiversedge rowdwelling-house12, Liversedge row
16478 Shackleton CharlesKingswood streetdwelling-house18, Kingswood street
successivedwelling-house4, Kingswood street
16479 Shackleton EdmundOld roaddwelling-house150, Old road
16480 Shackleton FrederickSouthfield lanedwelling-house246, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house299, Southfield lane
16481 Shackleton HarryKnight's folddwelling-house41, High street
successivedwelling-house8, Knight's fold
16482 Shackleton JohnBeldon roaddwelling-house101, Beldon road
16483 Shackleton JohnPickles hilldwelling-house53, Pickles hill
16484 Shackleton JonasBeacon streetdwelling-house3, Beacon street
16485 Shackleton Jonas HerbertKnight's folddwelling-house9, Knight's fold
16486 Shackleton SmithHigh streetdwelling-house23, Lime street
successivedwelling-house15, High street
16487 Shackleton StevensonKnight's folddwelling-house2, Knight's fold
16488 Shackleton SydneyOld roaddwelling-house172, Old road
16489 Shackleton WilliamFrank streetdwelling-house22, Frank street
16490 Shapcott Henry WilliamJer lanedwelling-house4, Jer lane
16491 Shapcott WilliamUnion roaddwelling-house9, Union road
16492 Sharp ArthurGreat Horton roadshop347, Great Horton road
16493 Sharp CrispinDirk hill streetdwelling-house26, Dirk hill street
16494 Sharp EdwinHigh streetdwelling-house86, High street
16495 Sharp HenrySellers folddwelling-house36, Sellers fold
16496 Sharp HenryCambridge streetdwelling-house9, Gaythorne street
successivedwelling-house15, Lime street
successivedwelling-house13, Cambridge street
16497 Sharp HenryFrank streetdwelling-house24, Dirk hill street
successivedwelling-house21, Frank street
16498 Sharp HiramFalcon streetdwelling-house6, Falcon street
16499 Sharp IsaacCross lanedwelling-house110, Cross lane
16500 Sharp JoeCollins streetdwelling-house26, Collins street
16501 Sharp JohnCrag lanedwelling-house7, Crag lane
16502 Sharp JohnBeacon lanedwelling-house158, Beacon lane
16503 Sharp JohnWatmough streetdwelling-house44, Watmough street
16504 Sharp JosephHigh streethouse & shop31, High street
16505 Sharp JosephEtna streetdwelling-house22, Etna street
16506 Sharp MarkUnion roaddwelling-house11, Union road
successivedwelling-house18, Union road
16507 Sharp SamuelHigh streethouse & shop64, High street
16508 Sharp SethCopthorne roaddwelling-house4, Alexandra street
successivedwelling-house7, Copthorne road
16509 Sharp SethDaisy streetdwelling-house55, Daisy street
16510 Sharp SydneyLivingstone streetdwelling-house44, Livingstone street
successivedwelling-house59, Livingstone street
16511 Sharp ThomasBeldon roaddwelling-house117, Beldon road
16512 Sharp UriahLime streetdwelling-house10, Lime street
16513 Sharp WilliamHigh streetdwelling-house2, Watmough street
successivedwelling-house144, High street
16514 Sharp WilliamKingswood placedwelling-house20, Arctic parade
successivedwelling-house7, Kingswood place
16515 Shaw WilliamCopthorne streetdwelling-house41, Copthorne street
16516 Sheard JohnBartle squaredwelling-house4, Bartle square
16517 Shepherd AaronPickles hilldwelling-house17, Pickles hill
16518 Shepherd AlbertGreat Horton roaddwelling-house221, Great Horton road
16519 Shepherd AlfredHigh streetdwelling-house239, High street
16520 Shepherd EliGreat Horton roaddwelling-house254, Great Horton road
16521 Shepherd JohnCross lanedwelling-house23, Cousen road
successivedwelling-house53, Cross lane
16522 Shepherd JosephLivingstone streetdwelling-house40, Livingstone street
16523 Shepherd LiversedgeHavelock streetdwelling-house31, Havelock street
16524 Shepherd SamsonPickles hilldwelling-house15, Pickles hill
16525 Shepherd SamuelPickles hilldwelling-house51, Pickles hill
16526 Shepherd Samuel WhiteDerby streetdwelling-house68, Haycliffe road
successivedwelling-house34, Derby street
16527 Shepherd ThomasPerseverance lanedwelling-house14, Perseverance lane
successivedwelling-house12, Perseverance lane
16528 Shepherd WilliamHigh streethouse & shop9, High street
16529 Shepherd WilliamEwart streetdwelling-house85, Ewart street
16530 Silson JosephHorton Park avenuedwelling-house8, Horton Park avenue
16531 Silson WilliamLivingstone streetdwelling-house45, Livingstone street
16532 Sinclair DavidHigh streetdwelling-house1, High street
16533 Skelton HarryCopthorne streetdwelling-house85, Copthorne street
16534 Smethurst WilliamHavelock streetdwelling-house54, Havelock street
16535 Smith BannisterFrank streetdwelling-house38, Frank street
16536 Smith CowlingCopthorne streetdwelling-house38, Copthorne street
16537 Smith DavidDerby streetdwelling-house48, Derby street
successivedwelling-house1, Jennings place
successivedwelling-house48, Derby street
16538 Smith David KeighleyHorton bankdwelling-house97, Horton bank
16539 Smith EdwinHigh streetdwelling-house305, High street
16540 Smith EnochHigh streetdwelling-house7, Pickles lane
successivedwelling-house237, High street
successivedwelling-house384, High street
16541 Smith EphraimEbenezer placedwelling-house10, Ebenezer place
16542 Smith EphraimHavelock streetdwelling-house29, Havelock street
16543 Smith FrancisCopthorne streetdwelling-house19, Copthorne street
16544 Smith HellewellWard streetcountinghouseOld Corn Mill lane
successivedwelling-house54, Ward street
16545 Smith HerodOld roaddwelling-house10, Old road
16546 Smith IsaacHavelock streetdwelling-house17, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house62, Havelock street
16547 Smith JamesKingswood streetdwelling-house49, Kingswood street
16548 Smith JarradSouthfield lanehouse & shop288, Southfield lane
16549 Smith JohnArctic paradedwelling-house8, Lime street
successivedwelling-house22, Arctic parade
16550 Smith JohnCambridge streetdwelling-house28, Cambridge street
16551 Smith JohnDaisy streetdwelling-house34, Daisy street
16552 Smith JohnHorton Park avenuedwelling-house20, Horton Park avenue
16553 Smith JohnDerby streetdwelling-house45, Derby street
16554 Smith John BackhouseCopthorne streetdwelling-house77, Copthorne road
successivedwelling-house22, Copthorne street
16555 Smith JonasGreat Horton roaddwelling-house261, Great Horton road
16556 Smith Joseph SydneyVine streetdwelling-house22, Vine street
16557 Smith LawrenceDog lanedwelling-houseDog lane
16558 Smith Lionel CopleyKelshall terracedwelling-house10, Kelshall terrace
16559 Smith LotSouthfield lanehouse & shop295, Southfield lane
16560 Smith MichaelOld roaddwelling-house98, Old road
16561 Smith MichaelPleasant streetdwelling-house6, Pleasant street
16562 Smith RichardSmith roaddwelling-house50, Smith road
16563 Smith RichardSmith roaddwelling-house52, Smith road
16564 Smith SamSouthfield lanedwelling-house165, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house279, Southfield lane
16565 Smith SamuelHigh streetdwelling-house17, Arctic parade
successivedwelling-house69, High street
16566 Smith SethHorton bankdwelling-house137, Horton bank
16567 Smith Rev. ThomasSummerseat placedwelling-house1, Summerseat place
16568 Smith ThomasHigh streethouse & shop48, High street
16569 Smith ThomasSouthfield lanedwelling-house28, Pleasant street
successivedwelling-house171, Southfield lane
16570 Smith TomVine streetdwelling-house1, Vine street
16571 Smith WalterDirk Hill streetdwelling-house31, Dirk Hill street
16572 Smith WalterTurner placedwelling-house5, Turner place
16573 Smith WilliamHigh streetdwelling-house319, High street
16574 Smith WilliamCopthorne roaddwelling-house68, Copthorne road
16575 Smithies AbrahamJennings placedwelling-house42, Park road
successivedwelling-house87, Ewart street
successivedwelling-house14, Jennings place
16576 Smithies AbrahamHigh streetshop72, High street
16577 Smithies George HenryGreat Horton roadhouse & shop340, Great Horton road
16578 Smithies JamesGreat Horton roaddwelling-house356, Great Horton road
16579 Smithies JoshuaPleasant streetdwelling-housenear 21, Pleasant street
successivedwelling-house20, Pleasant street
successivedwelling-house23, Pleasant street
16580 Smithies ThomasHigh streethouse & shop73, High street
16581 Smithies WilliamKingswood streetdwelling-house29, Kingswood street
16582 Snowden JohnHorton bankdwelling-house4, Horton bank
16583 Sowden Henry ThomasDerby streetdwelling-house29, Derby street
16584 Sowden IsaacTown enddwelling-house18, Town end
16585 Speight JosephHavelock streetdwelling-house88, Havelock street
16586 Spence WilliamTurner placedwelling-house19, Turner place
16587 Spencer EdwinCopthorne roaddwelling-house20, Copthorne road
16588 Spencer EzraHorton bankdwelling-house77, Horton bank
16589 Stainthorpe LightowlerSouthfield lanedwelling-house194, Southfield lane
16590 Stanhope JohnCross lanedwelling-house72, Cross lane
16591 Stanley SutcliffeHorton bankdwelling-house31, Turner place
successivedwelling-house95, Horton bank
16592 Stansfield JamesPerseverance lanedwelling-house18, Perseverance lane
16593 Stansfield JohnSummerseat placedwelling-house9, Summerseat place
16594 Stead EdwinSellers folddwelling-house1, Livingstone street
successivedwelling-house16, Sellers fold
16595 Stead EnochOld roaddwelling-house102, Old road
16596 Stead GregoryJer lanedwelling-house6, Jer lane
16597 Stead HenryOld roadhouse & shop134, Old road
16598 Stead JamesOld roaddwelling-house96, Old road
16599 Stead JonasCross lanedwelling-house103, Cross lane
16600 Stead JonathanAnne streetdwelling-house21, Anne street
16601 Stead JosephBramley rowdwelling-house81, Horton bank
successivedwelling-house5, Bramley row
16602 Stead StephenHigh streetdwelling-house199, High street
16603 Stead WilliamArctic paradedwelling-house9, Arctic parade
16604 Stell JohnGreat Horton roadhouse & shop339, Great Horton road
16605 Stell ThomasSouthfield lanedwelling-house156, Southfield lane
16606 Stelling JohnAlexandra streetdwelling-house18, Alexandra street
successivedwelling-house4, Alexandra street
16607 Stephenson EzraHaycliffe hilldwelling-house23, Haycliffe hill
16608 Stephenson FrederickCross lanedwelling-house98, Cross lane
16609 Stevens WilliamCopthorne streetdwelling-house77, Copthorne street
16610 Stevenson CowlingGreat Horton roaddwelling-house326, Great Horton road
16611 Stockdale SmithEbenezer placedwelling-house8, Ebenezer place
16612 Stockdale WilliamHigh streetdwelling-house193, High street
16613 Stokes GeorgeCousen placedwelling-house11, Cousen place
16614 Stone HenryArctic paradedwelling-house9, Todd terrace
successivedwelling-house25, Arctic parade
16615 Stott HartleyVivian placedwelling-house10, Vivian place
16616 Stradling WilliamFrank streetdwelling-house16, Frank street
16617 Suddards EliCambridge streetdwelling-house44, Cambridge street
16618 Sugden AdamOld roaddwelling-house85, Old road
16619 Sugden CharlesVivian placedwelling-house4, Vivian place
16620 Sugden EdwardTown enddwelling-house46, Town end
16621 Sugden HenryVivian placedwelling-house12, Vivian place
16622 Sugden JohnCambridge streetdwelling-house37, Cambridge street
16623 Sugden JoshuaHavelock streetdwelling-house47, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house42, Havelock street
16624 Sugden NathanielDaisy streetdwelling-house59, Daisy street
16625 Sugden ThomasUpper greendwelling-house2, Upper green
16626 Sugden WilliamSouthfield lanedwelling-house143, Southfield lane
16627 Summersgill JesseSouthfield lanedwelling-house114, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house186, Southfield lane
16628 Summersgill JohnBlacksmith folddwelling-house11, Blacksmith fold
16629 Summersgill WilliamHigh streetdwelling-house137A, High street
16630 Sunderland AlfredCross lanedwelling-house70, Cross lane
16631 Sunderland EdwinHigh streethouse & shop103, High street
16632 Sunderland SamuelHigh streetdwelling-house11, High street
16633 Sutcliffe EdwinTurner placedwelling-house14, Turner place
16634 Sutcliffe EnochSouthfield lanedwelling-house276, Southfield lane
16635 Sutcliffe GeorgeGaythorne streetdwelling-house5, Gaythorne street
16636 Sutcliffe ManassehSouthfield lanedwelling-house164, Southfield lane
16637 Sutcliffe RichardHaycliffe hilldwelling-house40, Haycliffe hill
16638 Sutcliffe StephenSouthfield lanebuildingSouthfield lane
16639 Suthers WilliamHigh streetdwelling-house111, High street
16640 Swaine BenjaminGreat Horton roaddwelling-house245, Great Horton road
16641 Swaine EdwardPleasant streetdwelling-house46, Pleasant street
16642 Swaine JamesHorton bankdwelling-house10, Horton bank
16643 Swaine John WilliamFrank streetdwelling-house34, Frank street
16644 Swaine JonasBeacon lanedwelling-house102, Beacon lane
16645 Swaine SamuelLime streetdwelling-house29, Lime street
16646 Swaine SidneySummerseat placedwelling-house2, Summerseat place
16647 Swire ThomasSouthfield lanehouse & shop249, Southfield lane
16648 Swithenbank JohnGreat Horton roaddwelling-house352, Great Horton road
16649 Sykes GeorgeKingswood streetdwelling-house51, Kingswood street
16650 Sykes JamesPrimrose hilldwelling-house5, Primrose hill
16651 Sykes WilliamCopthorne streetdwelling-house42, Copthorne street
16652 Symons NathanVine streetdwelling-house5, Vine street

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter T
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16653 Tankard MilesBank topdwelling-house191, Bank top
16654 Tankard SamCannon Mill yarddwelling-houseCannon Mill yard
16655 Tankard WilliamBeacon lanedwelling-house160, Beacon lane
16656 Tatham George LofthouseHigh streethouse & shop129, High street
16657 Tattersall WilliamCopthorne streetdwelling-house82, Copthorne street
16658 Taylor GeorgeCrossley streetdwelling-house18, Crossley street
16659 Taylor JonathanBramley rowdwelling-house95, Horton bank
successivedwelling-house38, Copley street
successivedwelling-house7, Bramley row
16660 Taylor ThomasHavelock streetdwelling-house32, Havelock street
16661 Tempest AlfredHorton bankdwelling-house93, Horton bank
16662 Tempest CharlesBlacksmith folddwelling-house6, Blacksmith fold
16663 Tempest DavidCollins streetdwelling-house5, Collins street
16664 Tempest DurocDerby streetdwelling-house50, Pleasant street
successivedwelling-house60, Derby street
16665 Tempest EdmundKingswood streetdwelling-house25, Kingswood street
16666 Tempest JohnKingswood terracedwelling-house81, High street
successivedwelling-house28, Kingswood terrace
16667 Tempest JoshuaSouthfield lanedwelling-house159, Southfield lane
16668 Tempest RandolphGreat Horton roaddwelling-house230, Great Horton road
16669 Tempest ThomasFrank streetdwelling-house27, Gaythorne street
successivedwelling-house37, Frank street
16670 Terry AmosHaycliffe hilldwelling-house46, Haycliffe hill
16671 Tetley George RennieBingleywarehouseUnion road
16672 Tetley SamuelSouthfield lanedwelling-house241, Southfield lane
16673 Thacker StephenCopthorne roaddwelling-house15, Copthorne road
16674 Thewlis UriahEtna streetdwelling-house16, Etna street
16675 Thomas Ezra JohnGaythorne streetdwelling-house17, Gaythorne street
16676 Thomas WilliamPerseverance lanedwelling-house28, Perseverance lane
16677 Thompson DarnboroughWard streetdwelling-house18, Ward street
16678 Thompson GeorgeHigh streetdwelling-house90, High street
16679 Thompson NathanWard streetdwelling-house16, Ward street
16680 Thorley JosephFrank streetdwelling-house18, Frank street
16681 Thorley ThomasKnight's folddwelling-house14, Knight's fold
successivedwelling-house3, Knight's fold
16682 Thornton EdmundCrag lanedwelling-house14, Crag lane
16683 Thornton GeorgePickles hilldwelling-house5, Pickles hill
16684 Thornton John ProcterGreat Horton roaddwelling-house265, Great Horton road
16685 Thornton JosephHavelock streetdwelling-house12, Havelock street
16686 Thornton SamuelHavelock streetdwelling-house86, Havelock street
16687 Thornton WaltonPleasant streetdwelling-house11, Pleasant street
16688 Thorp CharlesSouthfield lanehouse & shop219, Southfield lane
16689 Thorp HenryUnion roaddwelling-house5, Union road
16690 Thorp NedSouthfield laneshop219, Southfield lane
16691 Thorp SolonPaternoster lanedwelling-house2, Paternoster lane
16692 Throp BenPerseverance lanedwelling-house25, Perseverance lane
16693 Throp BenPerseverance lanedwelling-house118, Cross lane
successivedwelling-house15, Low green
successivedwelling-house10, Perseverance lane
16694 Throp JosephStephenson folddwelling-house2, Stephenson fold
16695 Throp NathanielStephenson folddwelling-house4, Stephenson fold
16696 Thwaites Thomas BlaidesSouthfield lanedwelling-house258, Southfield lane
16697 Tidswell JamesBeldon hilldwelling-house2, Beldon hill
16698 Tiffney GeorgePeel rowdwelling-house2, Peel row
16699 Tiley HenryBramley rowdwelling-house17, Bramley row
16700 Timson Rev. MarchKelshall terracedwelling-house20, Kelshall terrace
16701 Tomlinson JohnLivingstone streetdwelling-house2, Blacksmith fold
successivedwelling-house42, Livingstone street
16702 Tomlinson JosephDracup roaddwelling-house12, Dracup road
16703 Tomlinson ThomasKnight's folddwelling-house34, Milton street
successivedwelling-house6, Knight's fold
16704 Tommis FrancisUpper greendwelling-house92, Beldon road
successivedwelling-house3, Upper green
16705 Toothill JosephFalcon streetdwelling-house5, Falcon street
16706 Toothill William HenryCopthorne roaddwelling-house35, Copthorne road
16707 Topham AaronWatmough streetdwelling-house34, Watmough street
16708 Topham AlfredFrank streetdwelling-house5, Frank street
16709 Topham AlfredLow greendwelling-house19, Low green
16710 Topham EdwinFrank streetdwelling-house27, Frank street
16711 Topham FrederickTurner placedwelling-house9, Turner place
16712 Topham JobWatmough streetdwelling-house315, High street
successivedwelling-house36, Watmough street
16713 Topham JohnBartle lanedwelling-house16, Bartle lane
16714 Topham JohnKingswood streetdwelling-house85, Kingswood street
16715 Topham JosephDerby streetdwelling-house79, Kingswood street
successivedwelling-house52, Derby street
16716 Topham SamuelEtna streetdwelling-house28, Etna street
16717 Tordoff EzraHaycliffe hilldwelling-house19, Haycliffe hill
16718 Tordoff John PatchettBramley rowdwelling-house9, Bramley row
16719 Tordoff JosephPickles hilldwelling-house9, Pickles hill
16720 Towers JohnHorton bankdwelling-house2A, Horton bank
16721 Townend SamuelCollins streetdwelling-houseSt. Stephen's road
successivedwelling-house27, Collins street
16722 Tunnicliffe DavidSouthfield lanehouse & shop292, Southfield lane
16723 Turner FrancisOld roaddwelling-house209, Old road
16724 Turner JohnCrossley streetdwelling-house12, Crossley street
16725 Turner JosephTurner placedwelling-house38, Turner place
16726 Turner SydneyPrimrose hilldwelling-house4, Primrose hill

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter U
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16727 Udall OliverSmith roaddwelling-house13, Smith road
16728 Unwin DavidCopthorne streetdwelling-house48, Copthorne street
16729 Uttley Joseph BrookEwart streetdwelling-house70, Ewart street

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter V
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16730 Valentine RobertDaisy streetdwelling-house337, High street
successivedwelling-house47, Daisy street
16731 Varley JohnVine streetdwelling-house10, Vine street
16732 Varley WilliamPaternoster lanedwelling-house9, Greaves street
successivedwelling-houseDarton street
successivedwelling-house12, Paternoster lane
16733 Verity BenjaminHigh streetdwelling-house6, High street
16734 Verity ThomasHart streetdwelling-house18, Hart street

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter W
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16735 Waddington JoeGreat Horton roadhouse & shop338, Great Horton road
16736 Waddington TetleyAlexandra streetdwelling-house24, Crossley street
successivedwelling-house10, Alexandra street
16737 Waddington ThomasBeldon roaddwelling-house96, Beldon road
16738 Wade JohnLivingstone streetdwelling-house43, Livingstone street
16739 Wade JoshuaHigh streethouse & shop29, High street
16740 Wade ThomasDaisy streetdwelling-house42, Daisy street
16741 Wadsworth IllingworthBeldon roaddwelling-house82, Beldon road
16742 Wagstaff WalterUpper greendwelling-house3, Thornton lane
successivedwelling-house4, Parkinson street
successivedwelling-house40, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house24, Upper green
16743 Wain ThomasDerby streetdwelling-house30, Derby street
16744 Waite EnochBeldon roaddwelling-house133, Beldon road
16745 Waite NathanielBowker streetdwelling-house1, Bowker street
16746 Waite RobertSouthfield lanedwelling-house327, Southfield lane
16747 Walbank JohnCrossley streetdwelling-house26, Crossley street
16748 Walker Gregory CoatesKingswood streetdwelling-house36, Kingswood street
16749 Walker JamesCopthorne streetdwelling-house29, Copthorne road
successivedwelling-houseCopthorne street
successivedwelling-house16, Copthorne street
16750 Waller ThomasFalcon streetdwelling-house20, Falcon street
16751 Walsh RichardPerseverance lanedwelling-house264, Southfield lane
successivedwelling-house16, Perseverance lane
16752 Walton AsherCrossley streetdwelling-house40, Crossley street
16753 Ward HenryHigh streetdwelling-house151, High street
16754 Ward JohnHavelock streetdwelling-house39, Havelock street
16755 Ward JohnPleasant streetdwelling-house3, Pleasant street
16756 Ward JosephSouthfield lanedwelling-house147, Southfield lane
16757 Ward ThomasPerseverance lanedwelling-house8, Perseverance lane
16758 Ward Thomas WilliamWard streetdwelling-house42, Ward street
16759 Ward WilliamPickles lanedwelling-house21, Pickles lane
16760 Wardle JosephKingswood streetdwelling-house41, Kingswood street
16761 Wardman EliFalcon streetdwelling-house14, Falcon street
16762 Wardman HerbertUnion roaddwelling-house4, Union road
16763 Wardman John SteadBartle lanedwelling-house26, Bartle lane
16764 Wardman JosephHart streetdwelling-house17, Hart street
successivedwelling-house11, Hart street
16765 Wardman WilliamTown enddwelling-house3, Town end
16766 Wardman WilliamHigh streetdwelling-house378, High street
16767 Waterton ThomasAlexandra streetdwelling-house6, Alexandra street
16768 Watmough AlfredWard streetdwelling-house32, Pleasant street
successivedwelling-house36, Ward street
16769 Watmough EdmundKnight's folddwelling-house10, Knight's fold
16770 Watmough EnochUpper greendwelling-house46, Upper green
16771 Watmough EphraimWard streetdwelling-house24, Ward street
16772 Watmough EzraHunt yarddwelling-house11, Hunt yard
16773 Watmough LeviWard streetdwelling-house30, Ward street
16774 Watmough William HenryUpper greendwelling-house52, Upper green
16775 Watson DavidVine streetdwelling-house6, Vine street
16776 Watson GeorgeEtna streetdwelling-house2, Etna street
16777 Watson HenryCopthorne streetdwelling-house24, Copthorne street
16778 Watson JoshuaBracken Hall Lodgedwelling-house57, Kingswood street
successivedwelling-houseBracken Hall Lodge
16779 Watson ThomasJennings placedwelling-house3, Jennings place
16780 Weatherhead EdwardFrank streetdwelling-house29, Frank street
16781 Webster AlbertHorton park avenuedwelling-house12, Horton park avenue
16782 Webster JesseDerby streetdwelling-house56, Pleasant street
successivedwelling-house37, Derby street
16783 Webster JohnEbenezer placedwelling-house11, Ebenezer place
16784 Webster JosephUpper greendwelling-house27, Upper green
16785 Webster JosiahRamsden courtdwelling-house7, Ramsden court
16786 Webster RichardPickles hilldwelling-house11, Pickles hill
16787 Webster WilliamDerby streetdwelling-house31, Derby street
16788 Weightman DanielCopthorne streetdwelling-house44, Copthorne street
16789 Whaley JohnFrank streetdwelling-house12, Frank street
16790 Wheater SamCopthorne streetdwelling-house36, Copthorne street
16791 Whetstone WilliamCollins streetdwelling-house25, Anne street
successivedwelling-house35, Collins street
16792 Whitaker JamesHigh streethouse & shop40, High street
16793 Whitaker John BoothKnight's folddwelling-house7, Knight's fold
16794 Whitaker JosephHigh streetdwelling-house102, High street
16795 Whitaker ThomasSouthfield lanedwelling-house2, Haycliffe road
successivedwelling-house140, Southfield lane
16796 White ThomasTodd terracedwelling-house11, Lime street
successivedwelling-house9, Todd terrace
16797 White ThomasDog lanedwelling-house3, top of Dog lane
16798 Whitebread GeorgeCopthorne roaddwelling-house50, Copthorne road
16799 Whitehead John Edward, junr.Copthorne roaddwelling-house51, Copthorne road
16800 Whiteley JosephGreat Horton roaddwelling-house218, Great Horton road
16801 Whiteley JosephCrag terracedwelling-house3, Crag terrace
16802 Whiteley RichardCross lanedwelling-house101, Cross lane
16803 Whiteoak HenryLime streetdwelling-house4, Frank street
successivedwelling-house328, Great Horton road
successivedwelling-house18, Lime street
16804 Whitley William OldfieldSummerseat placedwelling-house4, Summerseat place
16805 Whittingham WilliamBowker streetdwelling-house3, Bowker street
16806 Wilcock JohnHigh streetdwelling-house159, High street
16807 Wilcock JosephPeel rowdwelling-house4, Peel row
16808 Wilcock WilliamHavelock streetdwelling-house44, Havelock street
16809 Wild WilliamTown enddwelling-house6, Sellers fold
successivedwelling-house52, Town end
16810 Wilkinson AlfredBeldon roaddwelling-house107, Beldon road
16811 Wilkinson BenjaminBeldon hilldwelling-house26, Beldon hill
16812 Wilkinson EliDerby streetdwelling-house4, Kingswood street
successivedwelling-house7, Derby street
16813 Wilkinson HenryBeldon hilldwelling-house9, Beldon hill
16814 Wilkinson IrvingCrabtree streetdwelling-house2, Bowker street
successivedwelling-houseArctic parade
successivedwelling-house24, Crabtree street
16815 Wilkinson JosephHalstead placedwelling-house10, Perseverance lane
successivedwelling-house19, Halstead place
16816 Wilkinson MartinEtna streetdwelling-house8, Etna street
16817 Wilkinson SamSellers folddwelling-house20, Sellers fold
16818 Wilkinson SamuelBeldon hilldwelling-house19, Beldon hill
16819 Wilkinson SimeonBeldon hilldwelling-house2, Beldon hill
16820 Wilson BenjaminHigh streethouse & shop192, High street
16821 Wilson Cephas JowettSpringvilledwelling-house281, Great Horton road
16822 Wilson Edward GreenwoodFrank streetdwelling-house39, Frank street
16823 Wilson IsaacGreat Horton roaddwelling-house258, Great Horton road
16824 Wilson JamesCross lanedwelling-house50, Cross lane
16825 Wilson James StevenRawdonwarehouse11, Cross lane
16826 Wilson JohnCrossley streetdwelling-house4, Crossley street
16827 Wilson JohnEbenezer placedwelling-house4, Ebenezer place
16828 Wilson JohnSummerseat placedwelling-house8, Summerseat place
16829 Wilson JosephCrossley streetdwelling-house2, Crossley street
16830 Wilson SamuelPerseverance lanedwelling-house7, Perseverance lane
16831 Wilson SamuelHaycliffe hilldwelling-house21A, Haycliffe hill
16832 Wilson WilliamHaycliffe hilldwelling-house8, Haycliffe hill
16833 Wilson William RichardFrank streetdwelling-house28, Frank street
16834 Winpenny SmithDog lanedwelling-house4, Dog lane
16835 Wiseman RobertEwart streethouse & shop26, Ewart street
16836 Wood AbrahamBramley rowdwelling-house19, Bramley row
16837 Wood Dan RufusCrag terracedwelling-house9, Crag terrace
16838 Wood DavidStephenson folddwelling-house10, Stephenson fold
16839 Wood FrederickDaisy streetdwelling-house36, Daisy street
16840 Wood JohnHorton bankdwelling-house75, Horton bank
16841 Wood ThomasPaternoster lanedwelling-house7, Paternoster lane
16842 Wood WilliamLivingstone streetdwelling-house36, Livingstone street
16843 Wood WilliamSouthfield lanedwelling-house57, Livingstone street
successivedwelling-house172, Southfield lane
16844 Wood William HenryDerby streetdwelling-house19, Summerhill street
successivedwelling-house49, Derby street
16845 Woodcock JohnGaythorne streetdwelling-house39, Gaythorne street
16846 Woodhead DanSouthfield lanedwelling-house200, Southfield lane
16847 Woodhead GeorgePrimrose hilldwelling-house1, Primrose hill
successivedwelling-house31, Richmond road
successivedwelling-house1, Primrose hill
16848 Woodhead HenryVine streetdwelling-house56, Copthorne street
successivedwelling-house20, Vine street
16849 Woodhead JohnWatmough streetdwelling-house5, Watmough street
16850 Woodhead JohnBeacon lanehouse & shop18, Beacon lane
16851 Woodhead SquireDerby streetdwelling-house56, Derby street
16852 Woodhead ThomasHigh streetdwelling-house7, High street
16853 Woodhead WilliamSuddard's folddwelling-house66, Havelock street
successivedwelling-house21, Suddard's fold
16854 Woodhead WilliamCopthorne streetdwelling-house63, Copthorne street
16855 Woodhead WilliamEwart streetdwelling-house72, Ewart street
16856 Woodhead William RichardsonGreat Horton roaddwelling-house17, Union road
successivedwelling-house239, Great Horton road
16857 Woodiwiss IsaacHorton park avenuedwelling-house16, Horton park avenue
16858 Wooler JohnLivingstone streetdwelling-house63, Livingstone street
16859 Wooler JosephArctic paradehouse & shop8, Arctic parade
16860 Woolley HenryUnion roaddwelling-house7, Union road
16861 Woolley JohnCrossley streetdwelling-house8, Crossley street
16862 Worsnop EnochWatmough streetdwelling-house6, Watmough street
16863 Worsnop FrederickLivingstone streetdwelling-house21, Livingstone street
16864 Worsnop Joseph BensonDerby streetdwelling-house23, Derby street
16865 Worsnop SamuelHaycliffe hilldwelling-house28, Haycliffe hill
16866 Worsnop WalterCross lanedwelling-house99, Cross lane
16867 Worsnop WilliamSouthfield lanedwelling-house72, Haycliffe road
successivedwelling-house178, Southfield lane
16868 Wray FredCopthorne streetdwelling-house18, Copthorne street
16869 Wright HarryGreat Horton roadhouse & shop344, Great Horton road
16870 Wright LeonardCrabtree placedwelling-house2, Crabtree place
16871 Wright ThomasCambridge streetdwelling-house7, Cambridge street
16872 Wright WilliamDirk hill streetdwelling-house14, Dirk hill street
16873 Wright ZaccheusSouthfield lanedwelling-house168, Southfield lane

GREAT HORTON WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter Y
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16874 Yewdall EzraFrank streetdwelling-house42, Frank street

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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