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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1883, SOUTH WARD1.


Please read these notes about these registers.

SOUTH WARD1, 1883.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6116 Abbey WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house13, Orchard street
successivedwelling-house17, Garnett street
successivedwelling-house163, Garnett street
6117 Ackroyd BriggsGarnett streetdwelling-house187, Garnett street
6118 Adam JohnAcorn streetdwelling-house1, Acorn street
6119 Akam JohnHarris streetshop52, Harris street
6120 Alexander GilbertGarnett streetdwelling-house119, Garnett street
6121 Andrews JohnGarnett streetdwelling-house62, Garnett street
6122 Armitage ThomasGladstone streetdwelling-house25, Gladstone street
6123 Ashwell GeorgeAnnison streetdwelling-house24, Annison street
6124 Ashworth FrederickAnnison streetdwelling-house11, Annison street
6125 Aspin WilliamMarley streetdwelling-house7, Marley street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter B
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6126 Bagnall DanielClayton placedwelling-house22, Clayton place
6127 Baines RobertJoseph streetdwelling-house89, Joseph street
6128 Baines RobertCordingley streetshopGarnett street
6129 Balme HenryGarnett streetdwelling-house161, Garnett street
6130 Banks AbrahamGarnett streetdwelling-house70, Garnett street
6131 Banks JohnBarkerend folddwelling-house50, Barkerend fold
6132 Banks WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house78, Garnett street
6133 Banton WilliamWhitley streetdwelling-house1, Whitley street
6134 Barker HenryJoseph streetdwelling-house1, Joseph street
6135 Barnes JoshuaJoseph streetdwelling-house10, Joseph street
6136 Barraclough WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house215, Leeds road
6137 Barraclough WilliamJoseph streetdwelling-house53, Joseph street
6138 Barstow ThomasGarnett streetdwelling-house17, Coleman street
successivedwelling-house143, Garnett street
6139 Bastow ThomasGladstone streetdwelling-house9, Gladstone street
6140 Bateman JohnGarnett streetdwelling-house146, Garnett street
6141 Batty RobertMosscar streetdwelling-house42, Mosscar street
6142 Bayley ThomasGladstone streetdwelling-house17, Gladstone street
6143 Beecroft JohnWoodvilleshop80, Garnett street
6144 Beetham SamuelMarley streetdwelling-house25, Marley street
6145 Bell CharlesRichard streetdwelling-house15, Richard street
6146 Bell IsraelBarkerend folddwelling-house66, Barkerend fold
6147 Bell WilliamJoseph streetdwelling-house4, Joseph street
6148 Bentley JohnGarnett streetdwelling-house156, Garnett street
6149 Bingham WilliamMosscar streetdwelling-house28, Mosscar street
6150 Birkbeck DanielMosscar streetdwelling-house41, Mosscar street
6151 Blackburn Arkless IshmaelJoseph streetdwelling-house27, Joseph street
6152 Blackburn GeorgeMosscar streetdwelling-house49, Mosscar street
6153 Blackburn JohnJoseph streetdwelling-house33, Joseph street
6154 Blackburn WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house87, Garnett street
6155 Blamires JamesPenny streetdwelling-house5, Penny street
6156 Bolland JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house97, Joseph street
successivedwelling-house185, Leeds road
6157 Bolland JohnMosscar streetdwelling-house10, Mosscar street
6158 Bolton BenjaminPit lanedwelling-house6, Pit lane
6159 Bolton GeorgeBarkerend roaddwelling-house176, Barkerend road
6160 Booth DennisGarnett streetdwelling-house83, Garnett street
6161 Botterill JohnEccleshillwarehouse164, Garnett street
6162 Bottomley JohnChapel streetwarehouseBath street
6163 Bottomley SamuelMalvern streetdwelling-house28, Cowper place
successivedwelling-house3, Malvern street
6164 Bowen WilliamMalvern streetdwelling-house6, Pearson street
successivedwelling-house66, Joseph street
successivedwelling-house25, Malvern street
6165 Boyes FrederickLeeds roaddwelling-house195, Leeds road
6166 Boyes JamesPit lanedwelling-house1, Pit lane
6167 Bracewell RichardHarris streetdwelling-house176, Harris street
6168 Branson ThomasHarris streetdwelling-house2, Harris street
6169 Bray JosephClayton placedwelling-house6, Farrar square
successivedwelling-house49, Clayton place
6170 Brayshaw JohnBarkerend folddwelling-house235, Ripon street
successivedwelling-houseBarkerend fold
6171 Brogden WilliamHarris streetdwelling-house188, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house132, Harris street
6172 Brook BenjaminBarkerend roaddwelling-house156, Barkerend road
6173 Brook WilliamJoseph streetdwelling-house23, Joseph street
6174 Brooke JohnGarnett streetdwelling-house15, Garnett street
6175 Brooke LewisJoseph streetdwelling-house3, Joseph street
6176 Brooksbank Matthew FosterGarnett streetdwelling-house13, Garnett street
6177 Brooksbank WilliamHarris streetdwelling-house38, Joseph street
successivedwelling-houseDownham street
successivedwelling-house14, Harris street
6178 Brown JamesAnnison streetdwelling-house2, Annison street
6179 Brown JohnBarkerend roaddwelling-house174, Barkerend road
6180 Brown ThomasBarkerend folddwelling-house56, Barkerend fold
6181 Brown UptonGarnett streetdwelling-house89, Garnett street
6182 Brumfitt GeorgeJoseph streetdwelling-house96, Butler street
successivedwelling-house68, Joseph street
6183 Bunney RobertMosscar streetdwelling-house46, Mosscar street
6184 Bunney ThomasLeeds roaddwelling-house203, Leeds road
6185 Burrows George EphraimBath streetdwelling-house22, Bath street
6186 Butterfield BenjaminHortonwarehouse13, Bath street
6187 Butterfield WilliamPollard lanewarehouse13, Bath street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter C
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6188 Carpenter Henry EwingAcorn streetdwelling-house19, Acorn street
6189 Carr JohnClayton placedwelling-house31, Clayton place
6190 Carroll JohnPit lanedwelling-house2, Farrar square
successivedwelling-house4, Pit lane
6191 Carroll WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house68, Garnett street
6192 Carter JohnJoseph streetdwelling-house99, Joseph street
successivedwelling-house13, Joseph street
6193 Carter JoshuaGladstone streetdwelling-house33, Gladstone street
6194 Carter Robert HenryAnnison streetdwelling-house7, Annison street
6195 Cawood JamesGarnett streetdwelling-house179, Garnett street
6196 Charles WalterRichard streetdwelling-house14, Richard street
6197 Cheetham HenryAnnison streetdwelling-house15, Annison street
6198 Clark GeorgeMosscar streetdwelling-house6, Mosscar street
6199 Clay WilliamBarkerend roaddwelling-house196, Barkerend road
6200 Clayburn JohnMarley streetdwelling-house8, Marley street
6201 Clayburn JosephGarnett streetdwelling-house154, Garnett street
6202 Clayton JohnGarnett streetdwelling-house159, Garnett street
6203 Clegg IsaacGarnett streetdwelling-house124A, Garnett street
6204 Clement JohnBarkerend folddwelling-house35, Barkerend fold
6205 Cliff HarryHortonshopKnowsley street
6206 Cliffe JamesJoseph streetdwelling-house22, Bath street
successivedwelling-house79, Joseph street
6207 Clough SamuelHarris streetdwelling-house148, Harris street
6208 Coates WilliamPenny streetdwelling-house11, Penny street
6209 Colefax ThomasPit lanedwelling-house2, Pit lane
6210 Collins JamesClayton placedwelling-house48, Clayton place
successivedwelling-house52, Clayton place
successivedwelling-house48, Clayton place
6211 Cook HenryBarkerend folddwelling-houseBarkerend road
successivedwelling-houseBarkerend fold
6212 Cooper PeterFarrar squaredwelling-house23, Farrar square
6213 Copping Johnson JamesGarnett streetdwelling-house40, Garnett street
6214 Cork Walter CharlesRichard streetdwelling-house14, Richard street
successivedwelling-house4, Richard street
6215 Cousen JamesBarkerend roadshopnear 176, Garnett street
6216 Cowling ThomasGarnett streetdwelling-house142, Garnett street
6217 Craven JohnHarris streetdwelling-house164, Harris street
6218 Croft Alfred ThomasMosscar streetdwelling-house23, Mosscar street
6219 Cummings JohnAcorn streetdwelling-house15, Acorn street
6220 Cunningham William CormackBarkerend roaddwelling-house160, Barkerend road
6221 Curtis JamesWhitley streetdwelling-house11, Whitley street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter D
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6222 Dalby JamesBunker's hilldwelling-house31, Bunker's hill
6223 Dalton WilliamWest viewshopBroadstones
successivewarehouse12, Garnett street
6224 Dannat GeorgeCordingley streetdwelling-house27, Cordingley street
successiveshop315, Leeds road
6225 Dawson JosephMarley streetdwelling-house5, Marley street
6226 Dawson ThomasBath streetdwelling-house11, Birksland street
successivedwelling-house16, Bath street
6227 Dawson ThomasMarley streetdwelling-house18, Marley street
6228 Dean SamuelMalvern streetdwelling-house2, Malvern street
6229 Denbigh AlexanderGarnett streetdwelling-house151, Garnett street
6230 Denby JamesGarnett streetdwelling-house140, Garnett street
6231 Denby JohnBarkerend folddwelling-houseExeter street
successivedwelling-house57, Barkerend fold
6232 Dennett DavidFernbank roadwarehouseFarrar square
6233 Dennison BenjaminBath streetdwelling-house31, Adolphus street
successivedwelling-house10, Bath street
6234 Dennison WilliamHarris streetdwelling-house178, Harris street
6235 Deveraux JamesHarris streetdwelling-house126, Harris street
6236 Dibb DickensonMosscar streetdwelling-house22, Cope street
successivedwelling-house14, Buck street
successivedwelling-house12, Mosscar street
6237 Dixon James HudsonAcorn streetdwelling-house2, Acorn street
successivedwelling-house4, Acorn street
6238 Drake IsaacClayton placedwelling-house45, Clayton place
6239 Duckworth HodgsonClayton placedwelling-house38, Clayton place
6240 Duggan JohnFarrar squaredwelling-house24, Farrar square
6241 Dyson BenjaminMosscar streetdwelling-house33, Mosscar street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter E
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6242 Edwards Rev. CharlesLeeds roaddwelling-houseLeeds road
6243 Egan JohnLeeds roadshop313, Leeds road
6244 Eiles WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house117, Garnett street
6245 Ellis GeorgeClayton placedwelling-house32, Clayton place
6246 Ellis WilliamLyndhurst streetshop355, Leeds road
6247 England BenjaminEdderthorpe streetdwelling-house41, Edderthorpe street
6248 England ThomasScott streetwarehouseFarrar square
6249 Errington JohnGarnett streetdwelling-house132, Garnett street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter F
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6250 Farrar JonathanCollier streetshop317, Leeds road
6251 Farrar JonathanGarnett streetdwelling-house130, Garnett street
6252 Fearnside WilliamHarris streetdwelling-house18, Harris street
successivedwelling-house16, Harris street
6253 Feather JamesSouthey placeshop92, Harris street
6254 Fielding AaronGladstone streetdwelling-house1, Gladstone street
6255 Firth JohnMarley streetdwelling-house12, Marley street
6256 Firth JosephHarris streetdwelling-house12, Harris street
6257 Firth RobertAnnison streetdwelling-house5, Annison street
6258 Flood GeorgeGarnett streetdwelling-house162, Garnett street
6259 Fogg JohnRichard streetdwelling-house24 Richard street
6260 Foster JonathanMarley streetdwelling-house24, Marley street
6261 Foulger WilliamBarkerend folddwelling-house40, Barkerend fold
6262 Fowler JohnGrant streetdwelling-house11, Grant street
successivedwelling-house13, Grant street
6263 Fox WilliamMosscar streetdwelling-house45, Mosscar street
6264 Foxton JohnAnnison streetdwelling-house6, Annison street
6265 Furman EdwardPenny streetdwelling-house9, Penny street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter G
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6266 Gaines CharlesHarris streetdwelling-house114, Harris street
6267 Gamble GeorgeGarnett streetdwelling-house63, Bradford lane
successivedwelling-house133, Garnett street
6268 Garnett CharlesUndercliffewarehouse180, Barkerend road
6269 Garnett JamesPollard lanewarehouse180, Barkerend road
6270 Garnett WilliamHustler streetwarehouse180, Barkerend road
6271 Garnett William TyrrelUndercliffewarehouse180, Barkerend road
6272 Gibson JohnGarnett streetdwelling-house16, Pearson street
successivedwelling-house126, Garnett street
6273 Gibson John AllayMaperton roadshop166, Garnett street
6274 Gill LewisAcorn streetdwelling-house6, Acorn street
6275 Gledhill EdwinHarris streetdwelling-house58, Garnett street
successivedwelling-house18, Harris street
6276 Gledstone EdwinMarley streetdwelling-house16, Marley street
6277 Gleeson PatrickClayton placedwelling-house47, Clayton place
6278 Glenton SamuelAnnison streetdwelling-house20, Annison street
6279 Gott WilliamBath streetdwelling-house8, Bath street
6280 Graham AlbertPenny streetdwelling-house1, Penny street
6281 Graham WilliamMalvern streetdwelling-house28, Malvern street
6282 Graves JosephHarris streetdwelling-house142, Harris street
6283 Gray WilliamMosscar streetdwelling-house40, Mosscar street
6284 Greenwood WilliamGladstone streetdwelling-house27, Gladstone street
6285 Grey GeorgeClayton placedwelling-house19, Annison street
successivedwelling-house21, Clayton place

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter H
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6286 Haddington MichaelFarrar squaredwelling-house29, Farrar square
6287 Hagan JohnFarrar squaredwelling-house5, Farrar square
6288 Hahlo CharlesManninghamwarehouse110, Harris street
6289 Hainsworth Nathan SmithHarris streetdwelling-house124, Harris street
6290 Hanson ThomasSouthey placedwelling-house31, Southey place
successiveshop48, Harris street
6291 Harker AnthonyGarnett streetdwelling-house113, Garnett street
successivedwelling-house107, Garnett street
6292 Harrison CharlesJoseph streetdwelling-house32, Joseph street
6293 Harrison FrederickAnnison streetdwelling-house8, Annison street
6294 Harrison HenryBaildonwarehouse180, Barkerend road
6295 Harrison JamesGarnett streetdwelling-house20, Garnett street
6296 Harrison ThomasJoseph streetdwelling-house64, Joseph street
6297 Harrison TomBath streetdwelling-house25, Malvern street
successivedwelling-house6, Bath street
6298 Harrison William HenryMarley streetdwelling-house10, Marley street
6299 Heap George WilliamMosscar streetdwelling-house17, Mosscar street
6300 Heighway GeorgeBarkerend folddwelling-house36, Barkerend fold
6301 Hensby HenryBarkerend folddwelling-house47, Barkerend fold
successivedwelling-housenear 47, Barkerend fold
6302 Hesse WilliamHarris streetdwelling-house32, Harris street
6303 Hewitt SamuelSpring gardensshop90, Harris street
6304 Hewitt SamuelGladstone streetdwelling-house11, Gladstone street
6305 Higgins EdwinGarnett streetdwelling-house167, Garnett street
6306 Higham WilliamJoseph streetdwelling-house29, Maperton road
successivedwelling-house14, Joseph street
6307 Hill HarryGarnett streetdwelling-house64, Garnett street
successivedwelling-house60, Garnett street
6308 Hill HenryMosscar streetdwelling-house26, Mosscar street
successivedwelling-house4, Mosscar street
6309 Hill HoraceMosscar streetdwelling-house30, Mosscar street
6310 Hill ThomasMosscar streetdwelling-house12, Buck street
successivedwelling-house22, Mosscar street
6311 Hillam CravenClayton placedwelling-house19, Clayton place
6312 Hinchcliffe John William CarterBradford laneshop110, Harris street
6313 Hodgson HenryJoseph streetdwelling-house46, Joseph street
6314 Hodgson SamuelGarnett streetdwelling-house29, Garnett street
6315 Hodgson Thomas PrestCowper placeshopBunker's hill
6316 Holbrey JosephGarnett streetdwelling-house137, Garnett street
6317 Holbrey Joseph KirtonGarnett streetdwelling-house139, Garnett street
6318 Holdsworth IsaacBowlingwarehouse1, Bath street
6319 Holdsworth JacobBowlingwarehouse1, Bath street
6320 Holdsworth JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house179, Leeds road
6321 Holdsworth ThomasAcorn streetdwelling-house10, Acorn street
6322 Holdsworth ThomasLeeds roaddwelling-house151, Leeds road
6323 Holdsworth WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house134, Garnett street
6324 Holgate GeorgeLeeds roaddwelling-house181, Leeds road
6325 Hollingworth AlbertGarnett streetdwelling-house43, Heath street
successivedwelling-house58, Garnett street
6326 Hollingworth RichardGladstone streetdwelling-house7, Gladstone street
6327 Holmes HarryMarley streetdwelling-house13, Marley street
6328 Hopkinson Frederick WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house53, Mount street
successivedwelling-house152, Garnett street
6329 Hopkinson WilliamBarkerend roaddwelling-house170, Barkerend road
6330 Horsfield SquireGrant streetdwelling-house5, Grant street
6331 Hudson BenjaminJoseph streetdwelling-house9, Joseph street
6332 Hudson JosephClayton placedwelling-house23, Clayton place
6333 Hudson ThomasMarley streetdwelling-house27, Marley street
6334 Hussey George NewellGarnett streetdwelling-house165, Garnett street
6335 Hutchinson TobiasBunker's hillshopBunker's hill
6336 Hutton John HenryClayton placedwelling-house42, Clayton place

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter I
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6337 Illingworth HenryBarkerend roaddwelling-house212, Barkerend road
6338 Ingham JonathanBarkerend roadshopBunker's hill
6339 Ingle ThomasMosscar streetdwelling-house71, Birk street
successivedwelling-house20, Mosscar street
6340 Ingleby JosephWhitley streetshopWhitley street
6341 Inglis RichardGarnett streetdwelling-house25, Garnett street
6342 Irving BurdettBarkerend folddwelling-house98, Maperton road
successivedwelling-houseBarkerend fold

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter J
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6343 Jackson Frederick NewellJoseph streetdwelling-house16, Bath street
successivedwelling-house44, Joseph street
6344 Jackson HenryJoseph streetdwelling-house103, Joseph street
6345 Jackson JamesHarris streetdwelling-house122, Harris street
6346 Jennings FrancisGarnett streetdwelling-house6, Heath road
successivedwelling-house149, Garnett street
6347 Jennings JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house373, Leeds road
6348 Johnson JamesJoseph streetdwelling-houseGelder yard
successivedwelling-house9, Marley street
successivedwelling-house22, Joseph street
6349 Jones JohnPit lanedwelling-house11, Pit lane

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter K
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6350 Keighley IsaacMalvern streetdwelling-house23, Malvern street
6351 Kench HenryGarnett streetdwelling-house50, Garnett street
6352 Kerney JamesAnnison streetdwelling-house16, Annison street
6353 Kerwin EdwinFarrar squaredwelling-house18, Farrar square
6354 Kirk William ListerBarkerend folddwelling-house54, Barkerend fold
6355 Kitchen JohnsonPenny streetdwelling-house7, Penny street
6356 Kitson JohnBarkerend roaddwelling-house202, Barkerend road
6357 Kneeshaw IsaacGarnett streetdwelling-house57, De Grey street
successivedwelling-houseFree street
successivedwelling-house27, Garnett street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter L
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6358 Lambert RichardMalvern streetdwelling-house66, Garnett street
successivedwelling-house31, Malvern street
6359 Lambert Thomas HenryGarnett streetdwelling-house9, Amberley street
successivedwelling-house113, Garnett street
6360 Lambley ThomasGarnett streetdwelling-house127, Garnett street
successivedwelling-house123, Garnett street
6361 Law SamuelClayton placedwelling-house41, Clayton place
6362 Laycock Henry RaynerJoseph streetdwelling-house42, Harris street
successivedwelling-house99, Joseph street
6363 Laycock JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house167, Leeds road
6364 Laycock RobertClayton placedwelling-house28, Clayton place
6365 Laycock WilliamGladstone streetdwelling-house13, Gladstone street
6366 Leach AbrahamGarnett streetdwelling-house11, Chestnut street
successivedwelling-house120, Garnett street
6367 Lee ThomasAcorn streetdwelling-house7, Acorn street
6368 Leppingwell WilliamLeeds roadshop13, Knowsley street
6369 Liddall RobertHarris streetdwelling-house144, Harris street
6370 Liebreich Charles EdwardManninghamwarehouse110, Harris street
6371 Lindley WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house153, Garnett street
6372 Lister James SykesMosscar streetdwelling-house32, Mosscar street
6373 Livesey HenryClayton placedwelling-house78, Orchard street
successivedwelling-house46, Clayton place
6374 Lord WilliamJoseph streetdwelling-house109, Joseph street
6375 Lowcock RichardAcorn streetdwelling-house23, Acorn street
6376 Lowrey JohnJoseph streetdwelling-house55, Joseph street
6377 Lumb FrankJoseph streetdwelling-house5, Joseph street
6378 Lumb SolomonLeeds roaddwelling-house209, Leeds road
6379 Lund AbrahamHarris streetdwelling-houseExeter street
successivedwelling-house116, Harris street
6380 Lund WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house205, Leeds road
6381 Lunn George WilliamBarkerend roadshop194, Harris street
6382 Luty JohnMildred streetshop110, Harris street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter M
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6383 Macauley ThomasUndercliffe streetshop147, Leeds road
6384 Madeley JosephSeymour streetshop323, Leeds road
6385 Malinder ThomasJoseph streetdwelling-house17, Malvern street
successivedwelling-house18, Joseph street
6386 Manchester WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house189, Garnett street
6387 Margerison JohnMalvern streetdwelling-house24, Malvern street
6388 Margerison KnaptonAnnison streetdwelling-house26, Peel street
successivedwelling-houseYork street
successivedwelling-house19, Annison street
6389 Margerison ThomasAnnison streetdwelling-house21, Annison street
6390 Marshall JosephBath streetdwelling-house12, Bath street
6391 Mason WilliamGrant streetdwelling-house5A, Grant street
6392 McKell GeorgeAnnison streetdwelling-house26, Annison street
6393 McKell WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house175, Garnett street
6394 Medley WilliamPenny streetdwelling-house14, Penny street
6395 Metcalfe JohnBarkerend folddwelling-house58, Barkerend fold
6396 Midgley JosephBarkerend roaddwelling-house178, Barkerend road
6397 Midgley JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house175, Leeds road
6398 Midgley ThomasGarnett streetdwelling-house66, Joseph street
successivedwelling-house56, Joseph street
6399 Miller JohnJoseph streetdwelling-house19, Joseph street
6400 Milner RichardGarnett streetdwelling-house35, East street
successivedwelling-house75, Garnett street
successivedwelling-house79, Garnett street
6401 Milnes Joseph TetleyBarkerend roadwarehouse180, Barkerend road
6402 Milnes William HauptmanBoltonwarehouse180, Barkerend road
6403 Mitchell DavidMarley streetdwelling-house22, Marley street
6404 Mitchell WalterGarnett streetdwelling-house120, Garnett street
successivedwelling-house118, Garnett street
6405 Moor BenjaminHarris streetdwelling-house8, Lofthouse street
successivedwelling-house20, Harris street
6406 Moore Patrick, junr.Farrar squaredwelling-house13, Farrar square
6407 Morgan Thomas WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house143, Leeds road
6408 Morrell FrostGarnett streetdwelling-house170, Garnett street
6409 Morrell JohnHarris streetdwelling-house180, Harris street
6410 Murgatroyd AbrahamMosscar streetdwelling-house44, Mosscar street
6411 Murgatroyd James JowettGarnett streetdwelling-house157, Garnett street
6412 Murphy BenjaminHarris streetdwelling-house136, Harris street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter N
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6413 Neal AndrewMosscar streetdwelling-house47, Mosscar street
6414 Newby JamesJoseph streetdwelling-house20, Joseph street
6415 Newsome ThomasBarkerend folddwelling-house59, Barkerend fold
6416 North BenjaminBarkerend roaddwelling-house168, Barkerend road
6417 North John HowarthGarnett streetdwelling-house44, Garnett street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter O
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6418 Oates WilliamJoseph streetdwelling-house101, Joseph street
6419 Oddy JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house189, Leeds road
6420 Outhwaite AbrahamJoseph streetdwelling-house58, Joseph street
6421 Owen JamesMosscar streetdwelling-house24, Mosscar street
6422 Owen SamuelJoseph streetdwelling-house169, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house97, Joseph street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter P
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6423 Palmer JohnMosscar streetdwelling-house38, Mosscar street
6424 Parker ThomasGarnett streetdwelling-house56, Garnett street
6425 Pearson JamesMosscar streetdwelling-house25, Mosscar street
6426 Pease JohnBarkerend foldland & buildings60, Barkerend fold
6427 Pease JosephBarkerend foldland & buildings60, Barkerend fold
6428 Peel RobertTennyson placeshop138, Harris street
6429 Petty TitusHarris streetdwelling-house36, Harris street
6430 Pickard ThomasAnnison streetdwelling-house14, Annison street
6431 Pickersgill GeorgeGarnett streetdwelling-house11, Garnett street
6432 Pilling EphraimHarris streetdwelling-house146, Harris street
6433 Pitts CluderayBower greenshop110, Harris street
6434 Pitts James WalkerMarley streetdwelling-house14, Marley street
6435 Pollard JoshuaWhitley streetdwelling-house5, Whitley street
6436 Pollard ThomasBarkerend roaddwelling-house198, Barkerend road
6437 Priestley JohnClayton placedwelling-house30, Clayton place
6438 Pyrah DavidGarnett streetdwelling-house183, Garnett street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter R
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6439 Ramsden MitchellRawdonshopnear 189, Garnett street
6440 Rawling SmithAnnison streetdwelling-house13, Annison street
6441 Rawling StephenJoseph streetdwelling-house83, Joseph street
6442 Rayner JosephRichard streetdwelling-house5, Richard street
6443 Redman JohnJoseph streetdwelling-house25, Joseph street
6444 Reynolds WalterLeeds roaddwelling-house187, Leeds road
6445 Rhodes JamesBarkerend folddwelling-house51, Barkerend fold
6446 Rhodes JohnGarnett streetdwelling-house81, Garnett street
6447 Rhodes WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house121, Garnett street
6448 Richardson JamesMosscar streetdwelling-house39, Mosscar street
6449 Riley JamesAcorn streetdwelling-house8, Acorn street
6450 Riley ThomasManninghamwarehouse1, Bath street
6451 Ripley WilliamJoseph streetdwelling-house11, Acorn street
successivedwelling-house87, Joseph street
6452 Roberts William HenryMalvern streetdwelling-house15, Malvern street
6453 Robertshaw JonasMosscar streetdwelling-house11, Mosscar street
6454 Robertshaw WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house131, Garnett street
6455 Robertson RobertBath streetdwelling-houseFarside green
successivedwelling-house10, Cotewall road
successivedwelling-house14, Bath street
6456 Robinson WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house52, Garnett street
6457 Robshaw BenjaminMarley streetdwelling-house23, Marley street
6458 Rogers DanielMalvern streetdwelling-house16, Malvern street
6459 Ross WilliamPit lanedwelling-house8, Pit lane
6460 Rushworth GeorgeClayton placedwelling-house27, Clayton place
6461 Rushworth JohnGarnett streetdwelling-house76, Garnett street
6462 Russell ClarkeGladstone streetdwelling-house1, Walnut street
successivedwelling-house35, Gladstone street
6463 Ryder JohnGarnett streetdwelling-house155, Garnett street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter S
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6464 Sanford GeorgeGarnett streetdwelling-house111, Garnett street
6465 Sarsby GeorgeGarnett streetdwelling-house168, Garnett street
6466 Saville JasonWordsworth streetshopHarris street
6467 Sawood JohnBowlingshop67, Joseph street
6468 Scarr ThomasGarnett streetdwelling-house114, Garnett street
6469 Schofield SamuelClayton placedwelling-house47, Clayton place
6470 Seavers AlfredBarkerend folddwelling-house41, Barkerend fold
6471 Seavers George HenryGarnett streetshop209, Garnett street
6472 Seavers WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house25, Undercliffe street
successivedwelling-house63, Garnett street
6473 Settle BenjaminMosscar streetdwelling-house31, Mosscar street
6474 Sharman GeorgeBarkerend roaddwelling-house204, Barkerend road
6475 Sharp WilliamRichard streetdwelling-house7, Richard street
6476 Shaw DavidPenny streetdwelling-house3, Penny street
6477 Shaw JobMosscar streetdwelling-house16, Mosscar street
6478 Shaw WilliamJoseph streetdwelling-house60, Joseph street
6479 Shoesmith GeorgeLeeds roaddwelling-house211, Leeds road
6480 Siddell JohnGarnett streetdwelling-house5, Garnett street
6481 Simpson CharlesHarris streetdwelling-house34, Harris street
6482 Simpson FrancisLeeds roadshop327, Leeds road
6483 Singleton JohnHustler streetwarehouse44, Brook street
successivewarehouse13, Bath street
6484 Slingsby JosephHeatonwarehouse13, Bath street
6485 Slingsby ThomasHeatonwarehouse13, Bath street
6486 Smith CharlesHarris streetdwelling-house30, Harris street
6487 Smith IsaacClayton placedwelling-house36, Clayton place
6488 Smith JohnClayton placedwelling-house34, Clayton place
6489 Smith JohnPit lanedwelling-house12, Pit lane
6490 Smith ThomasMarley streetdwelling-houseWharfe street
successivedwelling-house62, Brooklyn street
successivedwelling-house11, Marley street
6491 Smith WilliamMalvern streetdwelling-house8, Malvern street
6492 Smithies ValentineRichard streetdwelling-house20, Richard street
6493 Snowden JonasGladstone streetdwelling-houseBanner street
successivedwelling-house21, Gladstone street
6494 Solomon DavidButler streetdwelling-house100, Butler street
successiveshopnear 204, Barkerend road
6495 Sowden JosephBarkerend folddwelling-house37, Barkerend fold
6496 Speight RichardGrant streetdwelling-house3, Grant street
6497 Spencer George BrownMalvern streetdwelling-house6, Malvern street
6498 Spreckley NathanielGarnett streetdwelling-house13, Sunnybank terrace
successivedwelling-house171, Garnett street
6499 Stansfield BenjaminGladstone streetdwelling-house29, Gladstone street
6500 Stansfield EdwardDownham streetshopnear 215, Leeds road
6501 Stark GeorgeGarnett streetdwelling-house138, Garnett street
6502 Stead John MurgatroydGarnett streetdwelling-house135, Garnett street
6503 Steel AlfredGarnett streetdwelling-house122, Garnett street
successivedwelling-house85, Garnett street
6504 Storer JamesCalverleywarehouse1, Bath street
6505 Stott JamesRichard streetdwelling-house22, Richard street
6506 Stowe JohnPit lanedwelling-house13, Pit lane
6507 Sugden WilsonWhitley streetdwelling-house9, Whitley street
6508 Sunderland JosephJoseph streetdwelling-house85, Joseph street
6509 Sunter RichardBarkerend roaddwelling-house172, Barkerend road
6510 Sutcliffe SquireLeeds roaddwelling-house171, Leeds road
6511 Swaine AlbertGrant streetdwelling-house9, Grant street
6512 Swaine EdwardMalvern streetdwelling-house31, Malvern street
successivedwelling-house29, Malvern street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter T
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6513 Tarbottom ChristopherMalvern streetdwelling-house5, Malvern street
6514 Tattersall RobertMalvern streetdwelling-house133, Malvern street
6515 Tattersall WilliamEast paradeshopNear 79, Joseph street
6516 Taylor GeorgeGladstone streetdwelling-house19, Gladstone street
6517 Taylor GeorgeFarrar squaredwelling-house15, Farrar square
6518 Taylor JamesJoseph streetdwelling-house15, Joseph street
6519 Taylor JosephGarnett streetdwelling-house21, Garnett street
6520 Terry CharlesHarris streetdwelling-house130, Harris street
6521 Tetlow SamuelBath streetshop155, Leeds road
6522 Thompson JohnLeeds roadshop143, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house153, Leeds road
6523 Thompson JosephGarnett streetdwelling-house177, Garnett street
6524 Thompson WilliamMalvern streetdwelling-house21, Malvern street
6525 Thornton RobertMarley streetdwelling-house4, Marley street
6526 Thorpe SamuelLeeds roaddwelling-house213, Leeds road
6527 Throup JohnWhitley streetdwelling-house2, Whitley street
6528 Townend Benjamin AlexanderMalvern streetdwelling-house29, Malvern street
successivedwelling-house22, Malvern street
6529 Townend JohnBunker's hilldwelling-house29, Jermyn street
successivedwelling-house30, Bunker's hill
6530 Townend MatthewHarris streetshop152, Harris street
6531 Townend SethMalvern streetdwelling-house26, Malvern street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter W
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6532 Waddington ThomasLeeds roaddwelling-house4, York street
successiveshop113, Leeds road
6533 Wainwright FredHarris streetdwelling-house68, Birk street
successivedwelling-house134, Harris street
6534 Walker JosephClayton placedwelling-house39, Clayton place
6535 Walker MaudBarkerend roaddwelling-house158, Barkerend road
6536 Walker RobertMarley streetdwelling-house21, Marley street
6537 Walker WilliamBunker's hillwarehouse106, Harris street
6538 Walker William MichaelBarkerend roaddwelling-house210, Barkerend road
6539 Walkley SamuelJoseph streetdwelling-house70, Joseph street
6540 Walling JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house437, Leeds road
6541 Walmsley JamesJoseph streetdwelling-house111, Joseph street
6542 Walton WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house71, Garnett street
6543 Ward JohnClayton placedwelling-house4, Pit lane
successivedwelling-house20, Clayton place
6544 Ward WilliamBarkerend folddwelling-house67, Barkerend fold
6545 Waring GeorgeAcorn streetdwelling-house21, Acorn street
6546 Waterworth DavidLeeds roadshopKnowsley street
6547 Watson Richard LawCleckheatonland & buildingsBarkerend fold
6548 Watson WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house141, Leeds road
6549 Watson WilliamBarkerend folddwelling-house10, Chaucer place
successivedwelling-houseBarkerend fold
6550 Waugh GeorgeBarkerend folddwelling-house38, Barkerend fold
6551 Wear John BoltonLeeds roaddwelling-house120A, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house145, Leeds road
6552 Weatherill JohnAnnison streetdwelling-house9, Annison street
6553 Wellock ThomasMalvern streetdwelling-house20, Malvern street
6554 Wheater JohnPit lanedwelling-housePit lane
6555 Whitaker EdwinLeeds roaddwelling-house149, Leeds road
6556 Whitaker WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house65, Garnett street
6557 Whitaker WilliamFarrar squaredwelling-house27, Farrar square
6558 White ThomasMalvern streetdwelling-house18, Malvern street
6559 Whitley BenjaminMosscar streetdwelling-house48, Mosscar street
successivedwelling-house35, Mosscar street
6560 Whitley JohnGladstone streetdwelling-house3, Gladstone street
6561 Widnall JohnHortonshop3, Richard street
6562 Wiggins DanielPenny streetdwelling-house8, Penny street
6563 Wigglesworth AbrahamMarley streetdwelling-house29, Marley street
6564 Wigglesworth JosephShakespeare streetshop164, Barkerend road
6565 Wigglesworth JosephHarris streetdwelling-house44, Harris street
6566 Wightman Charles JohnShipleyshop80, Garnett street
6567 Wilby GeorgeHarris streetdwelling-house128, Harris street
6568 Wild HenryHarris streetdwelling-house4, Bath street
successivedwelling-house42, Harris street
6569 Wild JohnJoseph streetdwelling-house2, Joseph street
6570 Wilford JosephMosscar streetdwelling-house23, Seymour street
successivedwelling-house26, Mosscar street
6571 Wilkinson AlfredExeter streetshop50, Harris street
6572 Wilkinson WilliamPit lanedwelling-house10, Pit lane
6573 Williamson RobertSeymour streetshop311, Leeds road
6574 Williamson WilliamFarrar squaredwelling-house1, Farrar square
6575 Wilson BenjaminAcorn streetdwelling-house13, Acorn street
6576 Wilson CharlesGarnett streetdwelling-house72, Garnett street
6577 Wilson Charles WilliamBath streetdwelling-house14, Bath street
successivedwelling-house20, Bath street
6578 Wilson SamuelGarnett streetdwelling-house141, Garnett street
6579 Windridge WilliamGarnett streetdwelling-house148, Garnett street
6580 Wood AbrahamHortonshop90, Harris street
6581 Wood HenryMalvern streetdwelling-house32, Malvern street
6582 Wormall CharlesMosscar streetdwelling-house15, Mosscar street
6583 Wray FletcherBarkerend roaddwelling-house39, Barkerend fold
6584 Wright JohnGladstone streetdwelling-house31, Gladstone street

SOUTH WARD1, 1883, surnames beginning with the letter Y
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6585 Yeadon WilliamFarrar squaredwelling-house30, Farrar square
6586 Yewdall GeorgeMarley streetdwelling-house6, Marley street

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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