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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1884, EAST WARD2.


Please read these notes about these registers.

EAST WARD2, 1884.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
3871 Wormald AdamAiredale College terracedwelling-house23, Airedale College terrace
3872 Thornton JamesAiredale College terracedwelling-house17, Airedale College terrace
3873 Collier TomAiredale College terracedwelling-house13, Airedale College terrace
3874 Wood AbrahamAiredale College terracedwelling-house11, Airedale College terrace
3875 James HenryAiredale College terracedwelling-house9, Airedale College terrace
3876 Barraclough FrankAiredale College terracedwelling-house7, Airedale College terrace
3877 Lees JamesAiredale College terracedwelling-house5, Airedale College terrace
3878 Mellor John HenryAiredale College terracedwelling-house3, Airedale College terrace
3879 Winfield RichardAiredale College terracedwelling-house1, Airedale College terrace
3880 Milnes EdwardBaker streetshop1, Baker street
3881 Milnes WilliamBaker streetdwelling-houseBaker street
3882 Thornton IsaacBaker streetdwelling-houseBaker street
3883 Marshall RichardBaker streetdwelling-house7, Baker street
3884 Bradley WilliamBaker streetdwelling-house3, Baker street
3885 Lund WilliamBeldon placedwelling-house4, Beldon place
3886 Firth WilliamBeldon placedwelling-house1, Beldon place
3887 Hardcastle ThomasBeldon placedwelling-house3, Beldon place
3888 Willoughby JosephBeldon placedwelling-house4, Beldon place
3889 Cansfield JohnBeldon placedwelling-house5, Beldon place
3890 Lincoln EdwardDallam streetdwelling-house2, Dallam street
3891 Bickerdyke RichardDallam streetdwelling-house4, Dallam street
3892 Rich CharlesDallam streetdwelling-house10, Dallam street
3893 Ross GeorgeDallam streetdwelling-house28, Dallam street
3894 Ambler WilliamDallam streetdwelling-house30, Dallam street
3895 Waterhouse ThomasDallam streetdwelling-houseDallam street
3896 Robinson JamesDallam streetdwelling-house35, Dallam street
3897 Dennison JacobDallam streetdwelling-house31, Dallam street
successivedwelling-house33, Dallam street
3898 Hartley KelitaDallam streetdwelling-house29, Dallam street
3899 Mangan JohnDallam streetdwelling-house25, Dallam street
successivedwelling-house23, Dallam street
3900 Raynor ThomasDallam streetdwelling-house19, Dallam street
3901 Raistrick HenryDallam streetdwelling-house9, Newport street
successivedwelling-house15, Dallam street
3902 Totty WilliamDallam streetdwelling-house11, Dallam street
3903 Greaves HenryDallam streetdwelling-house9, Dallam street
3904 Gill WilliamDallam streetdwelling-house7, Newport street
successivedwelling-house7, Dallam street
3905 Ogden WilliamDelver folddwelling-house4, Delver fold
successivedwelling-house3, Delver fold
3906 Clark WilliamGelder yarddwelling-house5, Gelder yard
3907 Wilkinson CharlesGelder yarddwelling-house3, Gelder yard
3908 Boynton RichardGreen folddwelling-house4, Green fold
3909 Wainwright FredGreen folddwelling-house3, Green fold
3910 Croft IsaacGreen folddwelling-house2, Green fold
3911 Weatherill ThomasGreen folddwelling-house1, Green fold
3912 Morley RichardGreen terracedwelling-house4, Green terrace
3913 King HenryGreen terracedwelling-house3, Green terrace
3914 Dennis James MillerGreen terracedwelling-house2, Green terrace
3915 Wilkinson BrookeGuy's cliffedwelling-house13, Guy's cliffe
3916 Williamson William BlakeGuy's cliffedwelling-house11, Guy's cliffe
3917 Searls JohnGuy's cliffedwelling-house10, Westfield crescent
successivedwelling-house8, Guy's cliffe
3918 Delisle FrederickGuy's cliffedwelling-house7, Guy's cliffe
3919 Pitt WilliamGuy's cliffedwelling-house233, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house4, Guy's cliffe
3920 Stones WilliamGuy's cliffedwelling-house3, Guy's cliffe
3921 Armitage Joseph NewtonGuy's cliffedwelling-house18, Shakespeare street
successivedwelling-house2, Guy's cliffe
3922 Hanson JosephHaigh rowdwelling-house17, Haigh row
3923 Bradley ThomasHaigh rowdwelling-house16, Haigh row
3924 Ward JohnHaigh rowdwelling-house11, Haigh row
3925 Foulds WilliamHaigh rowdwelling-house2, Haigh row
3926 Hardcastle JosephHaigh rowdwelling-house1, Haigh row
3927 Walls GeorgeIdle roaddwelling-house107, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house431A, Idle road
3928 Thornton CharlesIdle roaddwelling-house2, Idle road
3929 Jowett AlfredIdle roaddwelling-house4, Idle road
3930 Naylor JamesIdle roaddwelling-house41, Frederick street
successivedwelling-house83, Idle road
3931 Foster RobertIdle roaddwelling-house79, Idle road
3932 Whiteman JosephIdle roaddwelling-house77, Idle road
3933 Kirk SethIdle roaddwelling-house75, Idle road
3934 Bushel RichardIdle roaddwelling-house71, Idle road
3935 Little AbelIdle roaddwelling-house65, Idle road
3936 Roe George EdwardIdle roaddwelling-house1, Delver fold
successivedwelling-house63, Idle road
3937 Dalby GeorgeIdle roaddwelling-house1, Idle road
3938 Mitchell JamesMint streetdwelling-house2, Mint street
3939 Davy JonasMint streetdwelling-house14, Mint street
3940 Haigh BenjaminMint streetdwelling-house81, Wilfred street
successivedwelling-house12, Mint street
3941 Bailey JamesMint streetdwelling-house8, Mint street
3942 Verity JohnMint streetdwelling-house6, Mint street
3943 Bailey ThomasMint streetdwelling-house4, Mint street
3944 Kilburn JohnMint streetdwelling-house16, Mint street
3945 Spencer WilliamMint streetdwelling-house18, Mint street
3946 Caygill GeorgeMint streetdwelling-house22, Mint street
3947 Raistrick IsaacMint streetdwelling-house28, Mint street
3948 Mills JamesMint streetdwelling-house30, Mint street
3949 Rhodes AlbertMint streetdwelling-house36, Mint street
successivedwelling-house32, Mint street
3950 Edmondson JosephMint streetdwelling-house34, Mint street
3951 Edmondson ThomasMint streetdwelling-house38, Mint street
3952 Richardson JamesMint streetdwelling-house112, Butler street
successivedwelling-house40, Mint street
3953 Hirst HenryMint streetdwelling-house40, Mint street
successivedwelling-house42, Mint street
3954 Hirst WilliamMint streetdwelling-house44, Mint street
3955 Barker ThomasMint streetdwelling-house5, Mint street
3956 Smith BenjaminMint streetdwelling-house7, Mint street
3957 Firth WrightMint streetdwelling-house3, Mint street
3958 Cansfield JohnMint streetdwelling-house1, Mint street
3959 Cansfield GeorgeMint streetdwelling-house1A, Mint street
3960 Hall HenryNewport streetdwelling-house1, Newport street
3961 Walter AlfredNewport streetdwelling-house3, Newport street
3962 Wood WilliamNewport streetdwelling-house13, Newport street
3963 Collinson ThomasNewport streetdwelling-house15, Newport street
3964 Mudd John ThomasNewport streetdwelling-house17, Newport street
3965 Myers FrederickNewport streetdwelling-house19, Newport street
3966 Owens John AlfredNewport streetdwelling-house11, Newport street
successivedwelling-house23, Newport street
3967 Hilton WilliamNewport streetdwelling-house25, Newport street
3968 Moore FrederickNewport streetdwelling-house27, Newport street
3969 Davis John ThomasNewport streetdwelling-house287, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house29, Newport street
3970 Wilson JohnNewport streetdwelling-house31, Newport street
3971 Dennison HenryOtley roaddwelling-house30, Stanacre place
successivedwelling-house224, Otley road
successivedwelling-house210, Otley road
3972 Fletcher James, junr.Otley roaddwelling-house218, Otley road
3973 Baker GeorgeOtley roaddwelling-house1, Southey place
successivedwelling-house224, Otley road
3974 Loft John HenryOtley roaddwelling-house226, Otley road
3975 Whitley BrookeOtley roaddwelling-house228, Otley road
3976 Woodcroft CharlesOtley roaddwelling-house29, Newport street
successivedwelling-houseOtley road
3977 Dickson AdamOtley roaddwelling-houseOtley road
3978 Mitchell JohnOtley roaddwelling-house312, Otley road
3979 Sykes WalterOtley roaddwelling-house326, Otley road
3980 Lofthouse SteadOtley roaddwelling-house330, Otley road
3981 Cansfield WilliamOtley roaddwelling-house336, Otley road
3982 Dewhirst JosephOtley roaddwelling-house338, Otley road
3983 Lofthouse EphraimOtley roaddwelling-house348, Otley road
3984 Grimshaw JamesOtley roaddwelling-house346, Otley road
3985 Blackburn Harry MilnerOtley roaddwelling-house5, Jermyn Street place
successivedwelling-house344, Otley road
3986 Bottomley WilliamOtley roaddwelling-house4, Thomas fold
successivedwelling-house350, Otley road
3987 West WilliamOtley roaddwelling-house354, Otley road
3988 Dewhirst JonasOtley roaddwelling-house356, Otley road
3989 Sellick JonathanOtley roaddwelling-houseOtley road
3990 Call WilliamOtley roaddwelling-houseOtley road
3991 Bowman Thomas ElstonOtley roaddwelling-houseOtley road
3992 Hollings JosephOtley roaddwelling-house489, Otley road
3993 Soppit John WilcockOtley roaddwelling-house487, Otley road
3994 Wilkinson CharlesOtley roaddwelling-house481, Otley road
3995 Cansfield JohnOtley roaddwelling-house471, Otley road
3996 Bower ThomasOtley roaddwelling-house465, Otley road
3997 Jennings WilliamOtley roaddwelling-house461, Otley road
3998 Powell JamesOtley roaddwelling-house455, Otley road
3999 Muff JohnOtley roaddwelling-house453, Otley road
4000 Binks JamesOtley roaddwelling-house449, Otley road
4001 Cansfield ThomasOtley roaddwelling-house441, Otley road
4002 Lingard John HenryOtley roaddwelling-house439, Otley road
4003 Hanson TheophilusOtley roaddwelling-house1, Thornton's buildings
successivedwelling-house437, Otley road
4004 Jowett JohnOtley roaddwelling-house435, Otley road
4005 Wilkinson HiramOtley roaddwelling-house433, Otley road
4006 Hardy JohnOtley roaddwelling-house259, Otley road
4007 Walker JohnOtley roaddwelling-houseWestgate
successivedwelling-house257, Otley road
4008 Bentley SamuelOtley roaddwelling-house213, Otley road
4009 Hardwick JosephOxford roaddwelling-house27, De Grey street
successivedwelling-house54, Oxford road
4010 Steele George EdwardOxford roaddwelling-house278, Ripon street
successivedwelling-house56, Oxford road
4011 Newsome DavidOxford roaddwelling-house58, Oxford road
4012 Caton JohnOxford roaddwelling-house62, Oxford road
4013 Woodhead JamesOxford roaddwelling-house64, Oxford road
4014 Williamson JohnOxford roaddwelling-house66, Oxford road
4015 Waite UriahOxford roaddwelling-house68, Oxford road
4016 Whiteley HenryOxford roaddwelling-house6, Sydenham place
successivedwelling-house70, Oxford road
4017 Pollard ThomasOxford roaddwelling-house32, Prospect place
successivedwelling-house72, Oxford road
4018 Rayner JosephOxford roaddwelling-house74, Oxford road
4019 Parsons GeorgeOxford roaddwelling-house76, Oxford road
4020 Smith John WilliamOxford roaddwelling-house22, Prospect place
successivedwelling-house78, Oxford road
4021 Sugden John WashingtonOxford roaddwelling-house80, Oxford road
4022 Hartley SamuelOxford roaddwelling-house30, Prospect place
successivedwelling-house82, Oxford road
4023 Abbott GeorgeOxford roaddwelling-house92, Oxford road
4024 Meyer EdwardOxford roaddwelling-house94, Oxford road
4025 Sugden Charles JamesOxford roaddwelling-house96, Oxford road
4026 Bingham George EdwardOxford roaddwelling-house98, Oxford road
4027 Parlour JohnOxford roaddwelling-house102, Oxford road
4028 Wright JohnOxford roaddwelling-house104, Oxford road
4029 Anderson WilliamOxford roaddwelling-house106, Oxford road
4030 Ingham John JamesPark crescentdwelling-house61, Sydenham place
successivedwelling-house2, Park crescent
4031 Shoesmith JohnPark crescentdwelling-house195, Ripon street
successivedwelling-house4, Park crescent
4032 Farratt RobertPark crescentdwelling-house32, Park crescent
4033 Russell FrederickPark crescentdwelling-house40, Park crescent
4034 Rhodes CharlesPark crescentdwelling-house43, Park crescent
4035 Fearnley HenryPark crescentdwelling-house41, Park crescent
4036 Garner ThomasPark crescentdwelling-house39, Park crescent
4037 Griffiths GeorgePark crescentdwelling-house37, Park crescent
4038 Tolland JohnPark crescentdwelling-house33, Park crescent
4039 Barraclough JamesPark crescentdwelling-house29, Park crescent
4040 Varey JohnPark crescentdwelling-house7, Park crescent
4041 Crossland ThomasPark crescentdwelling-house5, Park crescent
4042 Harland JohnPark crescentdwelling-house3, Park crescent
4043 Greenwood WilliamPark crescentdwelling-house1, Park crescent
4044 Holroyd FredPollard lanedwelling-house33, Pollard lane
4045 Millington JessePollard lanedwelling-house31, Pollard lane
4046 Sands George IllingworthPollard lanedwelling-house23, Pollard lane
4047 Gilyard EdmundPollard lanedwelling-house21, Pollard lane
4048 Hick HezekiahPollard lanedwelling-house19, Pollard lane
4049 Leach WilliamPollard lanedwelling-house17, Pollard lane
4050 Heaton WilliamPollard lanedwelling-house15, Pollard lane
4051 Mansley FrederickPollard lanedwelling-house4, Park crescent
successivedwelling-house13, Pollard lane
4052 Sewell William AugustusPollard lanedwelling-house7, Pollard lane
4053 Barker GeorgePollard lanedwelling-house5, Pollard lane
4054 Butterfield WilliamPollard lanedwelling-house3, Pollard lane
4055 Shackleton TetleyPollard lanedwelling-house10, Pollard lane
successivedwelling-house1, Pollard lane
4056 Spencer William ThomasPollard lanedwelling-housePollard lane
4057 Making CharlesPollard lanedwelling-housePollard lane
4058 Gay WilliamPollard lanedwelling-housePollard lane
4059 Shaw FrankProspect placedwelling-house28, Prospect place
4060 Baxandall GeorgeProspect placedwelling-house34, Prospect place
4061 Clement FrederickProspect placedwelling-house36, Prospect place
4062 Drake JosephProspect placedwelling-house38, Prospect place
4063 Overend WilliamSowden buildingsdwelling-house22, Sowden buildings
4064 Mortimer WilliamSowden buildingsdwelling-house20, Sowden buildings
4065 Waterhouse JamesSowden buildingsdwelling-house19, Sowden buildings
4066 Home JobSowden buildingsdwelling-house18, Sowden buildings
4067 Kettlewell GeorgeSowden buildingsdwelling-house17, Sowden buildings
4068 Wainwright WilliamSowden buildingsdwelling-house16, Sowden buildings
4069 Rhodes JamesSowden buildingsdwelling-house15, Sowden buildings
4070 Aspinall JosephSowden buildingsdwelling-house14, Sowden buildings
4071 Mapletoft JosephSowden buildingsdwelling-house13, Sowden buildings
4072 Roberts JosephSowden buildingsdwelling-house41, East street
successivedwelling-house12, Sowden buildings
4073 Hall JosephSowden buildingsdwelling-house11, Sowden buildings
4074 Widdop JohnSowden buildingsdwelling-house8, Sowden buildings
4075 Sowden JobSowden buildingsdwelling-house1, Sowden buildings
4076 Kippax John RobertSydenham placedwelling-house14, Sydenham place
4077 Thomas John StoneSydenham placedwelling-house16, Sydenham place
4078 Brett JohnSydenham placedwelling-house24, Sydenham place
4079 Foster Joseph WilkinsonSydenham placedwelling-house32, Sydenham place
successivedwelling-house28, Sydenham place
4080 Richmond WilliamSydenham placedwelling-house34, Sydenham place
4081 Tarbottom WilliamSydenham placedwelling-house38, Sydenham place
4082 Slinger WilliamSydenham placedwelling-house42, Sydenham place
4083 Howarth ThomasSydenham placedwelling-house44, Sydenham place
4084 Holliday WilliamSydenham placedwelling-house46, Sydenham place
4085 Crowther NathanSydenham placedwelling-house30, Sydenham place
successivedwelling-house50, Sydenham place
4086 Wilman DavidSydenham placedwelling-house66, Sydenham place
4087 Binns Thomas JohnsonSydenham placedwelling-house9, Pollard lane
successivedwelling-house68, Sydenham place
4088 Naylor Edward HarkerSydenham placedwelling-house225, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house178, Undercliffe street
successivedwelling-house70, Sydenham place
4089 Palliser JamesSydenham placedwelling-house1, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house74, Sydenham place
4090 Brown Charles HenrySydenham placedwelling-house78, Sydenham place
4091 Clayton JosephSydenham placedwelling-house251, Otley road
successivedwelling-house80, Sydenham place
4092 Kippax RobertSydenham placedwelling-house104, Sydenham place
4093 Kelsall WilliamSydenham placedwelling-house104A, Sydenham place
4094 Crossley James AlbertSydenham placedwelling-house107, Sydenham place
4095 Priestley JohnSydenham placedwelling-house105, Sydenham place
4096 Shuttleworth JohnSydenham placedwelling-house103, Sydenham place
4097 Spence HenrySydenham placedwelling-house89, Sydenham place
4098 Knowles JohnSydenham placedwelling-house87, Sydenham place
4099 Mortimer DanielSydenham placedwelling-house83, Sydenham place
4100 Storey HenrySydenham placedwelling-house79, Sydenham place
4101 Armitage WilliamSydenham placedwelling-house75, Sydenham place
4102 Gill AlfredSydenham placedwelling-house73, Sydenham place
4103 Womersley AndrewSydenham placedwelling-house69, Sydenham place
4104 Blakey Charles HenrySydenham placedwelling-house67, Sydenham place
4105 Briggs JamesSydenham placedwelling-house65, Sydenham place
4106 Aykroyd JonathanSydenham placedwelling-house63, Sydenham place
4107 Hollings Walter ArthurSydenham placedwelling-house9, Stanacre square
successivedwelling-house57, Sydenham place
4108 Bradford JosephSydenham placedwelling-house55, Sydenham place
4109 Cook GeorgeSydenham placedwelling-house53, Sydenham place
4110 Fieldsend WilliamSydenham placedwelling-house51, Sydenham place
4111 Ruthven George HutchingsSydenham placedwelling-house49, Sydenham place
4112 Stead SamuelSydenham placedwelling-houseSydenham place
4113 Crossley EdwinSydenham placedwelling-house47, Sydenham place
4114 Preston ThomasSydenham placedwelling-house45, Sydenham place
4115 Skirrow JosephThomas folddwelling-house1, Thomas fold
successivedwelling-house4, Thomas fold
4116 Kirby RalphThomas folddwelling-house3, Thomas fold
4117 Megson SeptimusThomas folddwelling-house2, Thomas fold
successivedwelling-house1, Thomas fold
4118 Powell EzraThornton buildingsdwelling-house10, Thornton buildings
4119 Hanson ThomasThornton buildingsdwelling-house9, Thornton buildings
4120 Graham DavidThornton buildingsdwelling-house8, Thornton buildings
4121 Peel ThomasThornton buildingsdwelling-house7, Thornton buildings
4122 Wightman CharlesThornton buildingsdwelling-house2, Thornton buildings
successivedwelling-house5, Thornton buildings
4123 Moody JohnThornton buildingsdwelling-house228, Ripon street
successivedwelling-house3, Thornton buildings
4124 Holt EmanuelThornton buildingsdwelling-house34, Barkerend road
successivedwelling-house1, Thornton buildings
4125 Mitchell JonathanUndercliffe lanedwelling-house7, Undercliffe lane
4126 Tempest JosephUndercliffe lanedwelling-house5, Undercliffe lane
4127 Barker JohnUndercliffe Old roaddwelling-house2, Undercliffe Old road
4128 Denton JosephUndercliffe Old roaddwelling-house13, Undercliffe Old road
4129 Hanson GeorgeUndercliffe Old roaddwelling-house14, Undercliffe Old road
4130 Briggs DavidUndercliffe Old roaddwelling-house265, Barkerend road
successivedwelling-house6, Undercliffe Old road
4131 Rudd GeorgeUndercliffe Old roaddwelling-house5, Undercliffe Old road
4132 Sugden Edward HoldsworthValley View grovedwelling-house2, Valley View grove
4133 Pratt WilliamValley View grovedwelling-house6, Valley View grove
4134 Harling JamesValley View grovedwelling-house14, Westfield crescent
successivedwelling-house8, Valley View grove
4135 Harrison JamesValley View grovedwelling-house11, Valley View grove
4136 Cosby ThomasValley View grovedwelling-house12, Valley View grove
4137 Greenwood JohnWestfield crescentdwelling-house2, Westfield crescent
4138 Curran Charles WilliamWestfield crescentdwelling-house3, Westfield crescent
4139 Gillin JamesWestfield crescentdwelling-house6, Westfield crescent
4140 Torrance JamesWestfield crescentdwelling-house7, Westfield crescent
4141 Hicks JosephWestfield crescentdwelling-house8, Westfield crescent
4142 Sill JamesWestfield crescentdwelling-house13, Cowper place
successivedwelling-house9, Westfield crescent
4143 Harris William HectorWestfield crescentdwelling-house113, Tennyson place
successivedwelling-house130, Newlands place
successivedwelling-house10, Westfield crescent
4144 Gladwin FrederickWestfield crescentdwelling-house11, Westfield crescent
4145 Booth DavidWestfield crescentdwelling-house13, Westfield crescent
4146 O'Keefe ThomasWestfield crescentdwelling-house15, Westfield crescent
4147 Major ThomasWestfield terracedwelling-house2, Westfield terrace
4148 Eteson John RainfordWestfield terracedwelling-house4, Westfield terrace
4149 Rhodes NathanWestfield terracedwelling-house6, Westfield terrace
4150 Helliwell JosephWestfield terracedwelling-house8, Westfield terrace
4151 Pawson John WilliamWestfield terracedwelling-house10, Westfield terrace
4152 McKnight John WearWestfield terracedwelling-house12, Westfield terrace
4153 Spencer TomWestfield terracedwelling-house14, Westfield terrace
4154 McShea JosephWestfield terracedwelling-house16, Westfield terrace
4155 Roe John ClarkWestfield terracedwelling-house20, Westfield terrace
4156 Porritt William CharlesworthWestfield terracedwelling-house22, Westfield terrace
4157 Jowett John BowtonWestfield terracedwelling-house19, Westfield terrace
4158 Kitchen JamesWestfield terracedwelling-house6, Undercliffe Old road
successivedwelling-house17, Westfield terrace
4159 Procter DavidWestfield terracedwelling-house15, Westfield terrace
4160 Nuttall EdwinWestfield terracedwelling-house1, Hustler street
successivedwelling-house13, Westfield terrace
4161 Mayes John WilliamWestfield terracedwelling-house11, Westfield terrace
4162 Fisher Robert StanfordWestfield terracedwelling-house7, Westfield terrace
4163 Brooks Benjamin HaighWest viewdwelling-house5, West view
4164 Heworth JamesWest viewdwelling-house3, West view
4165 Dalton WilliamWest viewdwelling-house1, West view
4166 Wilkinson CharlesWinter rowdwelling-houseWinter row
4167 Barraclough JohnWinter rowdwelling-house8, Winter row
4168 Scott JamesWinter rowdwelling-house6, Winter row
4169 Skirrow JosephWinter rowdwelling-house1, Thomas fold
successivedwelling-house5, Winter row
4170 Monague CanaanWinter rowdwelling-house4, Winter row
4171 Skirrow GeorgeWinter rowdwelling-house2, Winter row

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
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please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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