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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1884, NORTH WARD3.


Please read these notes about these registers.

NORTH WARD3, 1884.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5475 Rees WilliamAiredale placedwelling-house10, Airedale place
5476 McGee DavidAiredale placedwelling-house9, Airedale place
5477 Pratt JamesAiredale placedwelling-house7, Airedale place
5478 Sharp GeorgeAiredale placedwelling-house5, Airedale place
5479 Firth AlbertAiredale placedwelling-house4, Airedale place
5480 Cordingley SamuelAiredale placedwelling-house3, Airedale place
5481 Grayson JosephAiredale roaddwelling-house93, Airedale road
5482 Sumner ThomasAiredale roaddwelling-house91, Airedale road
5483 Hamson JosephAiredale roaddwelling-house89, Airedale road
5484 Bradley JohnAiredale roaddwelling-house87, Airedale road
5485 Bottomley James ShackletonAiredale roaddwelling-house85, Airedale road
5486 Dewhirst JamesAiredale roaddwelling-house83, Airedale road
5487 Porritt MatthewAiredale roaddwelling-house81, Airedale road
5488 Seanor RichardAiredale roaddwelling-house77, Airedale road
5489 Atkinson ArthurAiredale roaddwelling-house75, Airedale road
5490 Hartley JamesAiredale roaddwelling-house73, Airedale road
5491 Booen JamesAiredale roaddwelling-house71, Airedale road
5492 Crowther GeorgeAiredale roaddwelling-house65, Airedale road
5493 Bonser HenryAiredale roaddwelling-house63, Airedale road
5494 Miller WilliamAiredale roaddwelling-house61, Airedale road
5495 Robertshaw RatcliffeAiredale roaddwelling-house59, Airedale road
5496 Wright JonasAiredale roaddwelling-house57, Airedale road
5497 Earnshaw ThomasAiredale roaddwelling-house55, Airedale road
5498 Wright John WilliamAiredale roaddwelling-house53, Airedale road
5499 Thornton DavidAiredale roaddwelling-house51, Airedale road
5500 Smith ShackletonAiredale roaddwelling-house49, Airedale road
5501 Ringrose WalterAiredale roaddwelling-house47, Airedale road
5502 Taylor JohnAiredale roaddwelling-house45, Airedale road
5503 Turner JosephAiredale roaddwelling-house43, Airedale road
5504 Stead John RobertAiredale roaddwelling-house39, Airedale road
5505 Parratt FrankAiredale roaddwelling-house35, Airedale road
5506 McDonald Donald RonaldAiredale roaddwelling-house33, Airedale road
5507 Russell EphraimAiredale roaddwelling-house31, Airedale road
5508 Arnold SamuelAiredale roaddwelling-house29, Airedale road
5509 Higginbotham JosephAiredale roaddwelling-house6, John street
successivedwelling-house27, Airedale road
5510 Wilkinson JamesAiredale roaddwelling-house25, Airedale road
5511 Holroyd William HenryAiredale roaddwelling-house23, Airedale road
5512 Mallinson JohnAiredale roaddwelling-house21, Airedale road
5513, Caton RobertAiredale roaddwelling-house19, Airedale road
5514 Creed JohnAiredale roaddwelling-house17, Airedale road
5515 Smith SamuelAiredale roaddwelling-house15, Airedale road
5516 Gill ThomasAiredale roaddwelling-house13, Airedale road
5517 Butterfield HenryAiredale roaddwelling-house9, Airedale road
5518 Abbott RobinsonAiredale roaddwelling-house7, Airedale road
5519 Preston WilliamAiredale roaddwelling-house3, Airedale road
5520 Nicholson ChristopherAiredale roaddwelling-house1, Airedale road
5521 Hargreaves FrancisAiredale squaredwelling-house4, Airedale square
5522 Dale RemusAiredale squaredwelling-house6, Airedale square
5523 Walton JohnAiredale squaredwelling-house8, Airedale square
5524 Breaks ThomasAiredale squaredwelling-house10, Airedale square
5525 Tate BenjaminAiredale squaredwelling-house12, Airedale square
5526 Barrett JosephAiredale squaredwelling-house19, Airedale square
5527 Boulger ThomasAiredale squaredwelling-house7, Wordsworth street
successivedwelling-houseButler street
successivedwelling-house17, Airedale square
5528 Wilkinson BenjaminAiredale squaredwelling-house15, Airedale square
5529 Hodgson SamuelAiredale squaredwelling-house13, Airedale square
5530 Saxton WilliamAiredale squaredwelling-house11, Airedale square
5531 Walton EdwardAiredale squaredwelling-house9, Airedale square
5532 Walker GeorgeAiredale squaredwelling-house7, Airedale square
5533 Brown WilliamAiredale squaredwelling-house3, Airedale square
5534 Guffick WilliamAlbert squaredwelling-house5, Albert square
5535 Hensby Henry WilliamAlbert squaredwelling-house4, Albert square
5536 Close William HenryBarkerend roaddwelling-house91, Barkerend road
5537 Wilkinson Joseph TennantTennyson placeshop89, Barkerend road
5538 Patchett JamesBarkerend roaddwelling-house87, Barkerend road
5539 Wood ThomasManninghamland & buildingsBolton road
5540 Wood JeremiahManninghamland & buildingsBolton road
5541 Pulford WilliamBolton roaddwelling-house940, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house924, Bolton road
5542 Matthewman JosephBolton roaddwelling-house926, Bolton road
5543 Adams CharlesBolton roaddwelling-house928, Bolton road
5544 Scott GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house932, Bolton road
5545 Beaumont GeorgeBolton roaddwelling-house934, Bolton road
5546 Parker ThomasBolton roaddwelling-house938, Bolton road
5547 Prince William WoodBolton roaddwelling-house942, Bolton road
5548 Lambert SamuelCambridge placedwelling-house13, Cambridge place
5549 Deegan DennisCambridge placedwelling-house9, Cambridge place
successivedwelling-house4, Cambridge place
5550 Whitehead John WilliamCambridge placedwelling-house15, Dixon street
successivedwelling-house5, Cambridge place
5551 Smith CharlesCambridge placedwelling-house3, Cambridge place
5552 Rankin Alexander JohnCambridge placedwelling-house1, Cambridge place
5553 Dermody ThomasCarver courtdwelling-house2, Carver court
5554 O'Brien ThomasCarver courtdwelling-house1, Carver court
5555 Lewis KyrianCarver courtdwelling-house11, Carver court
successivedwelling-house18, Carver court
5556 Troy FentonCarver courtdwelling-house13, Carver court
5557 Laycock AlfredCarver courtdwelling-house6, Carver court
5558 Kelly WilliamCarver courtdwelling-house5, Carver court
5559 Sharp HenryCavalier courtdwelling-house5, Cavalier court
successivedwelling-house7, Cavalier court
successivedwelling-house8, Cavalier court
5560 Birkby SquireCavalier courtdwelling-house16, Cavalier street
successivedwelling-house3, Cavalier court
5561 Coe WilliamCavalier courtdwelling-house2, Cavalier court
5562 Carroll EdwardCavalier courtdwelling-house1, Cavalier court
5563 Raistrick JamesCavalier streetdwelling-house2, Cavalier street
5564 Wood WilliamCavalier streetdwelling-house4, Cavalier street
5565 Nicholson WilliamCavalier streetdwelling-house6, Cavalier street
5566 Pyke SamuelCavalier streetdwelling-house12, Cavalier street
5567 Bower JosephCavalier streetdwelling-house14, Cavalier street
5568 Capstick JohnCavalier streetdwelling-house197, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house16, Cavalier street
5569 McNally JamesCavalier streetdwelling-house18, Cavalier street
5570 Rhodes BaildonCavalier streetdwelling-houseCavalier court
successivedwelling-house20, Cavalier street
5571 Scott JohnUndercliffe streetshop33, Cavalier street
5572 Gath SamuelBeech groveshop33, Cavalier street
5573 Murchall FrederickCavalier streetdwelling-houseCavalier street
5574 Gray ThomasCavalier streetdwelling-house31, Cavalier street
5575 Lockwood EdwardCavalier streetdwelling-house7, Watson fold
successivedwelling-house29, Cavalier street
5576 Lawson EdwardCavalier streetdwelling-house27, Cavalier street
5577 Plastings WilliamCavalier streetdwelling-house25, Cavalier street
5578 Pickles BenjaminCavalier streetdwelling-house21, Cavalier street
5579 Allison John HenryCavalier streetdwelling-house53, Cordingley street
successivedwelling-house19, Cavalier street
5580 Harrison AlfredCavalier streetdwelling-house69, East street
successivedwelling-house13, Cavalier street
5581 Pickles OliverCavalier streetdwelling-house98, North wing
successivedwelling-house11, Cavalier street
5582 Hall EdwardCavalier streetdwelling-house9, Cavalier street
5583 Wood ThomasCavalier streetdwelling-house7, Cavalier street
5584 Sutcliffe SamuelCavalier streetdwelling-house2, Valley road
successivedwelling-house3, Cavalier street
5585 Shutt EdwardCavalier streetdwelling-house1, Cavalier street
5586 Heaps Ralph LinceyCedar streetdwelling-house2, Cedar street
5587 Lee CharlesCedar streetdwelling-house6, Cedar street
5588 Harrison JamesCedar streetdwelling-house8, Cedar street
5589 Capstick WilliamCedar streetdwelling-house10, Cedar street
5590 Hall JohnCedar streetdwelling-house12, Cedar street
5591 Stubbs James ArmitageChatham streetdwelling-house1, St. Augustine's terrace
successivedwelling-house2, Chatham street
5592 Leachman William WeirChatham streetdwelling-house4, Chatham street
5593 Ackroyd JohnChatham streetdwelling-house8, Chatham street
5594 Bland EdwardChatham streetdwelling-house10, Chatham street
5595 Cordingley HerbertChatham streetdwelling-house12, Chatham street
5596 White DavidChatham streetdwelling-house14, Chatham street
5597 Miller JohnChatham streetdwelling-house22, Chatham street
5598 Turner AlfredChatham streetdwelling-house24, Chatham street
5599 Hinton IsaacChatham streetdwelling-house30, Chatham street
successivedwelling-house26, Chatham street
5600 Crabtree AlfredChatham streetdwelling-house28, Chatham street
5601 Bridges GeorgeChatham streetdwelling-house6, Chatham street
successivedwelling-house30, Chatham street
5602 Davis CharlesChatham streetdwelling-house38, Chatham street
5603 Wade CharlesChatham streetdwelling-house40, Chatham street
5604 Sunderland JohnChatham streetdwelling-house18, Ripon street
successivedwelling-house44, Chatham street
5605 Hudson ButterworthChatham streetdwelling-house46, Chatham street
5606 Flat WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house48, Chatham street
5607 Cummings JohnChatham streetdwelling-house50, Chatham street
5608 Holmes WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house52, Chatham street
5609 Purcell WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house54, Chatham street
5610 Johnson GeorgeChatham streetdwelling-house220, Ripon street
successivedwelling-house58, Chatham street
5611 Rushworth FrankChatham streetdwelling-house62, Chatham street
5612 Scott JamesChatham streetdwelling-house19, Upper Bolton street
successivedwelling-house64, Chatham street
5613 Hanson AlfredChatham streetdwelling-house66, Chatham street
5614 Kelly JohnChatham streetdwelling-house70, Chatham street
5615 Almond WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house42, De Grey street
successivedwelling-house72, Chatham street
5616 Tate JamesChatham streetdwelling-house74, Chatham street
5617 Farrar DavidChatham streetdwelling-house76, Chatham street
5618 Patchett AmbroseChatham streetdwelling-house78, Chatham street
5619 Whiting CharlesChatham streetdwelling-house80, Chatham street
5620 Parker BenjaminChatham streetdwelling-house84, Chatham street
5621 Dawson William HenryChatham streetdwelling-house86, Chatham street
5622 Howarth ThomasChatham streetdwelling-house88, Chatham street
5623 Rowland WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house90, Chatham street
5624 Robinson ThomasChatham streetdwelling-house17, Ripon street
successivedwelling-house92, Chatham street
5625 Jowett BenjaminChatham streetdwelling-house25, Chatham street
successivedwelling-house94, Chatham street
5626 Ayrton WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house29, Chatham street
5627 Russell WilliamChatham streetdwelling-house27, Chatham street
5628 Standeven JohnChatham streetdwelling-house21, Chatham street
5629 Green AlbertChatham streetdwelling-house19, Chatham street
5630 Blakey WillieChatham streetdwelling-house13, Chatham street
5631 Ryan JohnChatham streetdwelling-house9, Chatham street
5632 Sparkin ThomasChatham streetdwelling-house5, Chatham street
5633 Newsome JobChatham streetdwelling-house64, Chatham street
successivedwelling-house3, Chatham street
5634 Marques ConradChatham streetdwelling-house1, Chatham street
5635 Holmes DavidCliffe lanedwelling-house1, Cliffe lane
5636 Palfreyman JohnCliffe lanedwelling-house2, Cliffe lane
5637 Fletcher PhilipColumbia streetdwelling-house17, Columbia street
5638 Dewhirst GeorgeColumbia streetdwelling-house15, Columbia street
5639 Drake JohnColumbia streetdwelling-house36, Wilfred street
successivedwelling-house13, Columbia street
5640 Austin WilliamColumbia streetdwelling-house11, Columbia street
5641 Smith MartinColumbia streetdwelling-house13, Columbia street
successivedwelling-house9, Columbia street
5642 Smith JohnColumbia streetdwelling-house7, Columbia street
5643 Lotts AllanColumbia streetdwelling-house3, Columbia street
5644 Hobson HenryColumbia streetdwelling-house1, Columbia street
5645 Preston SamuelCraven streetdwelling-house2, Craven street
5646 Thornton John HenryCraven streetdwelling-house18, Craven street
5647 Carney ThomasCraven streetdwelling-house18, Irving street
successivedwelling-house24, Craven street
5648 Cooke JohnCraven streetdwelling-house34, Craven street
5649 Booth ThomasCraven streetdwelling-house37, Craven street
5650 McCormick BenjaminCraven streetdwelling-house3, Cavalier street
successivedwelling-house19, Craven street
5651 Sugden JohnCraven streetdwelling-house13, Craven street
5652 Gorman JohnCraven streetdwelling-house14, Wapping street
successivedwelling-house11, Craven street
5653 Hunt JamesCraven streetdwelling-house9, Craven street
5654 Beevers AdamCraven streetdwelling-house7, Craven street
5655 Scott JohnCraven streetdwelling-house5, Craven street
5656 Long JosephDover streetdwelling-house2, Dover street
5657 Leonard JamesDover streetdwelling-house4, Dover street
5658 Precious James EdwardDover streetdwelling-house6, Dover street
5659 Berry BenjaminDover streetdwelling-house8, Dover street
5660 Roberts Joseph HodgsonDover streetdwelling-houseChatham street
successivedwelling-house10, Dover street
5661 Bennett ThomasDover streetdwelling-house12, Dover street
5662 Hargreaves ThomasDover streetdwelling-house14, Dover street
5663 Wilkinson WilliamDover streetdwelling-house16, Dover street
5664 Hartley JohnDover streetdwelling-house18, Dover street
5665 Coleman StephenDover streetdwelling-house20, Dover street
5666 Walker JohnDover streetdwelling-house22, Dover street
5667 Stevens NahumDover streetdwelling-house24, Dover street
5668 Priestley JosiahFearnley streetdwelling-house7, Fearnley street
successivedwelling-house6, Fearnley street
5669 Dale BryanFearnley streetdwelling-house10, Fearnley street
5670 Lee Henry PowellFearnley streetdwelling-house13, Fearnley street
5671 Jones MarkFearnley streetdwelling-house5, Fearnley street
5672 Bramley CharlesFearnley streetdwelling-house32, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house2, Filbert street
5673 Stonehouse John HenryFilbert streetdwelling-house6, Filbert street
5674 Briggs George WilliamFilbert streetdwelling-house10, Filbert street
5675 Hanson ThomasFilbert streetdwelling-house14 Filbert street
5676 Ibbetson JohnFilbert streetdwelling-house16, Filbert street
5677 Shepherd John WilliamFilbert streetdwelling-house20, Filbert street
5678 Grainger WilliamFilbert streetdwelling-house24, Filbert street
5679 Walton ThomasFilbert streetdwelling-house26, Filbert street
5680 Dargue JohnFilbert streetdwelling-house30, Filbert street
5681 Binns CharlesFilbert streetdwelling-house41, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house32, Filbert street
5682 Hanson WilliamFilbert streetdwelling-house36, Filbert street
5683 Barrett JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house38, Filbert street
5684 Steele BenjaminFilbert streetdwelling-house40, Filbert street
5685 Roe JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house44, Filbert street
5686 Kershaw GeorgeFilbert streetdwelling-house58, Filbert street
5687 Burke JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house20, Wild Boar street
successivedwelling-house60, Filbert street
5688 Holmes WilfredFilbert streetdwelling-house54, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house62, Filbert street
5689 Windsor FredFilbert streetdwelling-house130, North wing
successivedwelling-house29, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house64, Filbert street
5690 Davis CharlesFilbert streetdwelling-house79, Filbert street
5691 Beardall JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house129, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house85, Filbert street
5692 Illingworth EliFilbert streetdwelling-house87, Filbert street
5693 Angus JohnFilbert streetdwelling-house62, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house83, Filbert street
5694 Ingall ArthurFilbert streetdwelling-house81, Filbert street
5695 Lumby GeorgeFilbert streetdwelling-house113, Adolphus street
successivedwelling-house77, Filbert street
5696 Kendall JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house75A, Filbert street
5697 Cotterill DavidFilbert streetdwelling-house75, Filbert street
5698 Jennings ThomasFilbert streetdwelling-house71, Filbert street
5699 Butler PeterFilbert streetdwelling-house65, Filbert street
5700 Spowforth JohnFilbert streetdwelling-house63, Filbert street
5701 Williams JosephFilbert streetdwelling-house59, Filbert street
5702 Greenwood WatkinFilbert streetdwelling-house57, Filbert street
5703 Greaves HansonFilbert streetdwelling-house55, Filbert street
5704 Limbert GeorgeFilbert streetdwelling-house53, Filbert street
5705 Scott John HarkerFilbert streetdwelling-house51, Filbert street
5706 Rothera JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house49, Filbert street
5707 Clough JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house47, Filbert street
5708 Scruton JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house45, Filbert street
5709 Nailon ThomasFilbert streetdwelling-house43, Filbert street
5710 Wilkinson ThomasFilbert streetdwelling-house39, Filbert street
5711 Edmondson ThomasFilbert streetdwelling-house37, Filbert street
5712 Nolan JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house124, Wapping road
successivedwelling-house33, Filbert street
5713 Butler ThomasFilbert streetdwelling-house31, Filbert street
5714 Rhodes JamesFilbert streetdwelling-house6, Temperance street
successivedwelling-house29, Filbert street
5715 Tidswell JohnFilbert streetdwelling-house27, Filbert street
5716 Holmes John WilliamFilbert streetdwelling-house28, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house25, Filbert street
5717 Nutter John AlfredFilbert streetdwelling-house23, Filbert street
5718 Maude JosephFilbert streetdwelling-house21, Filbert street
5719 Barraclough FrankFilbert streetdwelling-house19, Filbert street
5720 Ibbetson JohnFilbert streetdwelling-house17, Filbert street
5721 Peacock FrederickFilbert streetdwelling-house13, Filbert street
5722 Sykes IsaacFilbert streetdwelling-house11, Filbert street
5723 Spencer WilliamFilbert streetdwelling-house5, Filbert street
5724 Gibson SamuelFilbert streetdwelling-house3, Filbert street
5725 Welch RichardGaunt streetdwelling-house2, Gaunt street
5726 Long JohnGaunt streetdwelling-house8, Gaunt street
5727 Ickeringill HenryGaunt streetdwelling-house12, Gaunt street
5728 Hudson William HenryGaunt streetdwelling-house15, Gaunt street
5729 Reever HenryGaunt streetdwelling-house11, Gaunt street
5730 Tasker HiramGaunt streetdwelling-house9, Gaunt street
5731 Laycock RobertGolden Cock yarddwelling-house8, St. George's street
successivedwelling-house10, Golden Cock yard
5732 Bowes JohnGolden Cock yarddwelling-house8, Golden Cock yard
5733 Lawler WilliamGolden Cock yarddwelling-house6, Golden Cock yard
5734 Gallagher ThomasGolden Cock yarddwelling-house2, Golden Cock yard
5735 Jennings SamuelGolden Cock yarddwelling-house1, Golden Cock yard
5736 Johnson ThomasGreencliffe villasdwelling-house5, Greencliffe villas
5737 Mitchell WilliamGreencliffe villasdwelling-house27, Ripon street
successivedwelling-house4, Greencliffe villas
5738 Riddiough DanielGreencliffe villasdwelling-house3, Greencliffe villas
5739 Mooney JohnJohnson folddwelling-house19, King Charles street
successivedwelling-house6, Johnson fold
5740 Brook GeorgeJohnson folddwelling-house4, Johnson fold
5741 Spencer SamuelJohnson folddwelling-house3, Johnson fold
5742 Crofts HenryJohnson folddwelling-house2, Johnson fold
5743 Hargreaves JohnJohnson folddwelling-house1A, Johnson fold
5744 Butler MartinKimber streetdwelling-house1, Kimber street
5745 Brown JohnKimber streetdwelling-house5, Kimber street
5746 Rowan HughKing Charles courtdwelling-house21, King Charles court
5747 Fell WilliamKing Charles courtdwelling-house17, King Charles court
5748 O'Connor PatrickKing Charles courtdwelling-house9, King Charles court
5749 Bower JosephKing Charles courtdwelling-house6, King Charles square
successivedwelling-house7, King Charles court
5750 Brown JosephKing Charles courtdwelling-house6, King Charles court
5751 Maher JamesKing Charles courtdwelling-house2, King Charles court
5752 Heap JohnKing Charles courtdwelling-house44, Coach row
successivedwelling-house14, Back Coach row
successivedwelling-house1, King Charles court
5753 Tinsley RobertKing Charles squaredwelling-house7, King Charles square
5754 Pritchard GeorgeKing Charles squaredwelling-house10, Wright street
successivedwelling-house6, King Charles square
5755 Matthews ThomasKing Charles squaredwelling-house4, King Charles square
5756 Harding JohnKing Charles squaredwelling-house2, King Charles square
5757 White ThomasKing Charles streetdwelling-house4, King Charles street
5758 Swaine EdwardKing Charles streetdwelling-house8, King Charles street
5759 Fearnley RichardKing Charles streetdwelling-house10, King Charles street
5760 Harris FrancisKing Charles streetdwelling-house12, King Charles street
5761 Connerton HughKing Charles streetdwelling-house14, King Charles street
5762 Bateman ChristianKing Charles streetdwelling-house16, King Charles street
5763 Bannon MichaelKing Charles streetdwelling-house20, King Charles street
5764 Baldwin William HenryKing Charles streetdwelling-house115, North wing
successivedwelling-house22, King Charles street
5765 Bentley AbrahamKing Charles streetdwelling-house26, King Charles street
5766 Fitzpatrick JamesKing Charles streetdwelling-house28, King Charles street
5767 Hughes JosephKing Charles streetdwelling-house48, King Charles street
5768 Fanby FrederickKing Charles streetdwelling-house46, King Charles street
5769 Knight JohnKing Charles streetdwelling-house44, King Charles street
5770 Jackson WilliamKing Charles streetdwelling-house42, King Charles street
5771 Smith CharlesKing Charles streetdwelling-house40, King Charles street
5772 Clarke HenryKing Charles streetdwelling-house38, King Charles street
5773 Quinsey JosephKing Charles streetdwelling-house36, King Charles street
5774 Fieldhouse CharlesKing Charles streetdwelling-house34, King Charles street
5775 Cole FrancisKing Charles streetdwelling-house30, King Charles street
5776 Pickles JonasKing Charles streetdwelling-house50, King Charles street
5777 Beevers John WilliamKing Charles streetdwelling-house52, Undercliffe street
successivedwelling-house54, King Charles street
5778 Fearnley SamuelKing Charles streetdwelling-house10, Mason court
successivedwelling-house56, King Charles street
5779 Dobson HenryKing Charles streetdwelling-house101, East parade
successivedwelling-house62, King Charles street
5780 Dunn JohnKing Charles streetdwelling-house54, King Charles street
successivedwelling-houseKing Charles street
5781 Green JoshuaKing Charles streetdwelling-houseKing Charles street
5782 Keeler JohnKing Charles streetdwelling-house23, King Charles street
5783 Bannan ThomasKing Charles streetdwelling-house21, King Charles street
5784 Hogan WilliamKing Charles streetdwelling-house17, King Charles street
5785 Harris WilliamKing Charles streetdwelling-house15, King Charles street
5786 Newell William HenryKing Charles streetdwelling-house13, King Charles street
5787 Waddington MatthewKing Charles streetdwelling-house11, King Charles street
5788 Wrightson JosephKing Charles streetdwelling-house9, King Charles street
5789 Rotheray BenjaminKing Charles streetdwelling-house7, King Charles street
5790 Harrison John ThomasKing Charles streetdwelling-house5, King Charles street
5791 Pickles JonathanMab courtdwelling-house9, Mab court
5792 Abbey SquireMab courtdwelling-house8, Mab court
5793 Shulver JamesMab courtdwelling-house74, Newlands place
successivedwelling-house7, Mab court
5794 Coulthard RichardMab courtdwelling-house5, Mab court
5795 Jackson JamesMab courtdwelling-house4, Mab court
5796 Lee CharlesMab courtdwelling-house2, Mab court
5797 Holroyd ThomasMab streetdwelling-house4, Mab street
5798 Kendall JohnMab streetdwelling-house6, Mab street
5799 Ashworth JosephMab streetdwelling-house14, Mab street
5800 Keighley WilliamMab streetdwelling-house16, Mab street
5801 Roper EzekielMab streetdwelling-house18, Mab street
5802 Binns AlbertMab streetdwelling-house15, Mab street
5803 Robinson Charles WilsonMab streetdwelling-house13, Mab street
5804 Wood CharlesMab streetdwelling-house11, Mab street
5805 Binns EdwardMab streetdwelling-house9, Mab street
5806 Whitley EdwardMab streetdwelling-house3, Mab street
5807 Holliday RichardMab streetdwelling-house1, Mab street
5808 Brown RobertMulberry streetdwelling-house2, Mulberry street
5809 Raistrick GeorgeMulberry streetdwelling-house4, Mulberry street
5810 Briggs JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house8, Mulberry street
5811 Chew John EliMulberry streetdwelling-house10, Mulberry street
5812 Wells JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house12, Mulberry street
5813 Hey JosephMulberry streetdwelling-house16, Mulberry street
5814 Dean SamuelMulberry streetdwelling-house18, Mulberry street
5815 Fuller EdwardMulberry streetdwelling-house20, Mulberry street
5816 Mitchell RufusMulberry streetdwelling-house22, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house24, Mulberry street
5817 Milnes WilliamMulberry streetdwelling-house32, Mulberry street
5818 Hudson JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house126, Otley road
successivedwelling-house34, Mulberry street
5819 Schofield WilliamMulberry streetdwelling-house36, Mulberry street
5820 Birchill SamuelMulberry streetdwelling-house40, Mulberry street
5821 Marshall JoshuaMulberry streetdwelling-house42, Mulberry street
5822 Rumble GeorgeMulberry streetdwelling-house44, Mulberry street
5823 Sowden JosephMulberry streetdwelling-house46, Mulberry street
5824 Reeman ElijahMulberry streetdwelling-house48, Mulberry street
5825 Kendell JamesMulberry streetdwelling-house50, Mulberry street
5826 Derrick JamesMulberry streetdwelling-house52, Mulberry street
5827 Dunn JamesMulberry streetdwelling-house16, Carver court
successivedwelling-house54, Mulberry street
5828 Murgatroyd JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house56, Mulberry street
5829 Blake JosephMulberry streetdwelling-house47, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house213, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house59, Mulberry street
5830 Morrell WilliamMulberry streetdwelling-house55, Mulberry street
5831 Goodwin JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house53, Mulberry street
5832 Whelan ThomasMulberry streetdwelling-houseMulberry street
successivedwelling-house26, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house51, Mulberry street
5833 Smith JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house30, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house49, Mulberry street
5834 Rushworth AbrahamMulberry streetdwelling-house43, Mulberry street
5835 Renton Arthur RobertMulberry streetdwelling-house41, Mulberry street
5836 Renton Joseph RhodesMulberry streetdwelling-house39, Mulberry street
5837 Smith FrankMulberry streetdwelling-house37, Mulberry street
5838 Worsnop JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house59, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house35, Mulberry street
5839 Yates WilliamMulberry streetdwelling-house33, Mulberry street
5840 Berry John ScottMulberry streetdwelling-house31, Mulberry street
5841 Davies JamesMulberry streetdwelling-house23, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house27, Mulberry street
5842 Kenefick JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house24, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house25, Mulberry street
5843 Leach ThomasMulberry streetdwelling-house19, Mulberry street
5844 Porritt JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house17, Mulberry street
5845 Yeadon BenjaminMulberry streetdwelling-house481, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house49, Cordingley street
successivedwelling-house11, Mulberry street
5846 Hullah GeorgeMulberry streetdwelling-house9, Mulberry street
5847 Taylor AbrahamMulberry streetdwelling-house7, Mulberry street
5848 Field JohnMulberry streetdwelling-house5, Mulberry street
5849 Rhodes CharlesMulberry streetdwelling-house3, Mulberry street
5850 Dobson AbnerMulberry streetdwelling-house1, Mulberry street
5851 Ackroyd ThomasNorthampton streetdwelling-house4, Northampton street
5852 Peel RichardNorthampton streetdwelling-house8, Northampton street
5853 Hall JohnNorthampton streetdwelling-house10, Northampton street
5854 Rhodes MatthewNorthampton streetdwelling-house12, Northampton street
5855 Peel Richard, junr.Northampton streetdwelling-house14, Northampton street
5856 Longhurst JosephNorthampton streetdwelling-house54, Oxford road
successivedwelling-house17, Northampton street
5857 Normanton EdwinNorthampton streetdwelling-house17, Stanacre place
successivedwelling-house13, Northampton street
5858 Jones Arthur OwenNorthampton streetdwelling-house9, Northampton street
5859 Sykes JamesNorthampton streetdwelling-house3, Northampton street
5860 Cansfield WilliamNorth View roaddwelling-house10, North View road
5861 Seacroft TeasdaleNorth View roaddwelling-house12, North View road
5862 Emsley CharlesNorth View roaddwelling-house14, North View road
5863 Johnson SamuelNorth View roaddwelling-house16, North View road
5864 Barrans JamesNorth View roaddwelling-house26, North View road
5865 Goodall DenbyNorth View roaddwelling-house30, North View road
5866 Dennison GeorgeNorth View roaddwelling-house34, North View road
5867 Dibb IsaacNorth View roaddwelling-house36, North View road
5868 Punt AlbertNorth View roaddwelling-house38, North View road
5869 Lambert JohnNorth View roaddwelling-house40, North View road
5870 Dennison ThomasNorth View roaddwelling-house42, North View road
5871 Maud AbrahamNorth View roaddwelling-house44, North View road
5872 Gibbs HenryNorth View roaddwelling-house46, North View road
5873 Dennison BenjaminNorth View roaddwelling-house48, North View road
5874 Cansfield ThomasNorth View roaddwelling-house50, North View road
5875 Parkinson WilliamNorth View roaddwelling-houseNorth View road
5876 O'Connor TimothyNorth wingdwelling-house26, Coleman street
successivedwelling-house6, North wing
5877 Moss JohnNorth wingdwelling-house8, North wing
5878 Brearton PatrickNorth wingdwelling-house10, North wing
5879 Atkinson WilliamNorth wingdwelling-house12, North wing
5880 Welsh JohnNorth wingdwelling-house85, Gracechurch street
successivedwelling-house16, North wing
5881 Doolan JosephNorth wingdwelling-house18, North wing
5882 Ambler AlfredNorth wingdwelling-house26, North wing
5883 Thornton SamuelNorth wingdwelling-house21, North street
successivedwelling-house30, North wing
5884 Baines WilliamNorth wingdwelling-house32, North wing
5885 Keenan JamesNorth wingdwelling-house69, Wellington street
successivedwelling-houseExeter street
successivedwelling-houseLingard street
successivedwelling-house34, North wing
5886 Dunn JohnNorth wingdwelling-house36, North wing
5887 Wright EdwinNorth wingdwelling-house38, North wing
5888 Bolton William HenryNorth wingdwelling-house42, North wing
5889 Douglas RobertNorth wingdwelling-house44, North wing
5890 Rhodes WalshawNorth wingdwelling-house52, North wing
5891 Simpson WilliamNorth wingdwelling-house92, North wing
5892 Clinton WilliamNorth wingdwelling-house129, North wing
successivedwelling-house98, North wing
5893 Brayshaw BenjaminNorth wingdwelling-house100, North wing
5894 Rhodes John WatsonNorth wingdwelling-house102, North wing
5895 Milner JosephNorth wingdwelling-house104, North wing
5896 March Frederick KimbellMildred streetshopNorth wing
5897 Roberts JohnNorth wingdwelling-house116, North wing
5898 Robinson EdwardNorth wingdwelling-house30, Newlands place
successivedwelling-house118, North wing
5899 Beaumont AdamNorth wingdwelling-house41, Wellington street
successivedwelling-house118A, North wing
5900 Lister JohnNorth wingdwelling-house22, Tennyson place
successivedwelling-house120, North wing
5901 Wild WilliamNorth wingdwelling-house128, North wing
5902 Sedgwick WilliamNorth wingdwelling-house130, North wing
5903 Wilkinson DavidNorth wingdwelling-house136, North wing
5904 Smith JamesNorth wingdwelling-house142, North wing
successivedwelling-house144, North wing
5905 Normington ThomasMildred streetshopNorth wing
5906 Wilkinson JosephNorth wingdwelling-house145, North wing
5907 Wignall JamesNorth wingdwelling-house258, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house143, North wing
5908 Widdop MatthewNorth wingdwelling-house141, North wing
5909 Russell EzraNorth wingdwelling-house135, North wing
5910 Hutchinson AlexanderNorth wingdwelling-house133, North wing
5911 Brogden SamuelNorth wingdwelling-house21, Mulberry street
successivedwelling-house129, North wing
5912 Lister JosephNorth wingdwelling-house127, North wing
5913 Hutchinson JohnNorth wingdwelling-house121, North wing
5914 Nuttall DavidNorth wingdwelling-house119, North wing
5915 Rhodes MarshallNorth wingdwelling-house113, North wing
5916 Armstrong JosephNorth wingdwelling-house109, North wing
5917 Brickley JohnNorth wingdwelling-house93, North wing
5918 Lowcock JohnNorth wingdwelling-house87, North wing
5919 Hill WilliamOtley roaddwelling-house205, Otley road
5920 Busfield William HenryOtley roaddwelling-house94, Chatham street
successivedwelling-house203, Otley road
5921 Wright WilliamOtley roaddwelling-house201, Otley road
5922 Boyes George EdwardOtley roaddwelling-house23, Chatham street
successivedwelling-house197, Otley road
5923 Nulter DavidOtley roaddwelling-house193, Otley road
5924 Wright SamuelHortonshop179, Otley road
5925 Wright Henry SteelOtley roadshop179, Otley road
5926 Brown JohnOtley roaddwelling-house175, Otley road
5927 Pearson Charles HenryOtley roaddwelling-house167, Otley road
successivedwelling-house171, Otley road
5928 O'Keefe JohnOtley roaddwelling-house163, Otley road
5929 Hesling JohnOtley roaddwelling-house159, Otley road
5930 Milner DavidOtley roaddwelling-house151, Otley road
5931 Waterhouse ThomasOtley roaddwelling-house147, Otley road
5932 Sugden John ThomasOtley roaddwelling-house145, Otley road
5933 Edmondson John HolmesOtley roaddwelling-house143, Otley road
5934 Burton PeterOtley roaddwelling-houseFiley street
successivedwelling-house139, Otley road
5935 Rawnsley CharlesOtley roaddwelling-house137, Otley road
5936 Holgate ThomasOtley roaddwelling-house133, Otley road
5937 Swinarskie AlexanderOtley roaddwelling-house129, Otley road
5938 Rhodes TomOtley roaddwelling-house127, Otley road
5939 Newton John RileyOtley roaddwelling-house123, Otley road
5940 Bland SolomonOtley roaddwelling-house121, Otley road
5941 Walker RichardOtley roaddwelling-house119, Otley road
5942 Stockdale CharlesOtley roaddwelling-house109, Otley road
5943 Hird WilliamMildred streetshop107, Otley road
5944 Exley HenryShakespeare streetshop107, Otley road
5945 Thompson SamuelOtley roadshopOtley road
5946 Barraclough John WoodLofthouse streetshop97A, Otley road
5947 Holmes JohnCordingley streetshop97, Otley road
5948 Lofthouse AbrahamMildred streetshop95, Otley road
5949 Teale GeorgeOtley roaddwelling-house91, Otley road
5950 Stow JosephOtley roaddwelling-house89, Otley road
5951 Bruce RobertOtley roaddwelling-house87, Otley road
5952 Smith DawsonOtley roaddwelling-house83, Otley road
5953 Cockroft JohnOtley roaddwelling-house79, Otley road
5954 Stansfield SamuelOtley roaddwelling-house75, Otley road
5955 Bottomley William HenryOtley roaddwelling-house71, Otley road
5956 Clark John JamesOtley roaddwelling-house69, Otley road
5957 Morley ThomasOtley roaddwelling-house65, Otley road
5958 Clapham FrederickOtley roaddwelling-house63, Otley road
5959 Pearson John BulmerSouthey placeshop61A, Otley road
5960 Birchill JamesOtley roaddwelling-house23, Otley road
successivedwelling-house59, Otley road
5961 Thompson GeorgeOtley roaddwelling-house55, Otley road
5962 Airey AnthonyOtley roaddwelling-house53, Otley road
5963 Procter JohnHill Side villasshop51, Otley road
5964 Procter AlfredHill Side villasshop51, Otley road
5965 Milner WilliamOtley roaddwelling-house49, Otley road
5966 Hirst JamesOtley roaddwelling-house47, Otley road
5967 Holroyd ThomasOtley roaddwelling-house45, Otley road
5968 Nicholson ThomasOtley roaddwelling-houseSydenham place
successivedwelling-house37, Otley road
5969 Horsfield JohnOtley roaddwelling-house37, Otley road
successivedwelling-house29, Otley road
5970 Hemingway Jonas WomersleyOtley roaddwelling-house47, Hustler street
successivedwelling-house25, Otley road
5971 Jowett JosephOtley roaddwelling-house21, Otley road
5972 Shaw JamesOtley roaddwelling-house19, Otley road
5973 Hargreaves CharlesOtley roaddwelling-house17, Otley road
5974 Harrison JohnChaucer placeshop15, Otley road
5975 Smith JohnOtley roaddwelling-house13, Otley road
5976 Yeadon PeterOtley roaddwelling-house11, Otley road
5977 Schorah GeorgeOtley roaddwelling-house9, Otley road
5978 Wilson JohnOtley roaddwelling-house7, Otley road
5979 Morley John LimberBridge streetshop5, Otley road
5980 Attenborough WalterLeeds roadshop1, Otley road
5981 Bolton JohnOxford placedwelling-house2, Oxford place
5982 Gallagher JohnOxford placedwelling-house8, Oxford place
5983 Robinson SampsonOxford placedwelling-house12, Oxford place
5984 Seymour JohnOxford placedwelling-house14, Oxford place
5985 Rooney CharlesPaper Hall courtdwelling-house24, Paper Hall court
5986 Baccigalupo JosephPaper Hall courtdwelling-house22, Paper Hall court
5987 McDonald WilliamPaper Hall courtdwelling-house18, Paper Hall court
5988 French CharlesPaper Hall courtdwelling-house35, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house14, Paper Hall court
5989 Gallagher PatrickPaper Hall courtdwelling-house7, Paper Hall court
5990 Wills LawrencePaper Hall courtdwelling-house6, Paper Hall court
5991 Dunn JohnPaper Hall courtdwelling-house5, Paper Hall court
5992 Page JohnPaper Hall courtdwelling-house2, Paper Hall court
5993 Greaves JohnPaper Hall squaredwelling-house6, Paper Hall square
5994 Rudd WilliamPaper Hall squaredwelling-house5, Paper Hall square
5995 Brown WilliamPaper Hall squaredwelling-house2, Mason court
successivedwelling-houseMildred street
successivedwelling-house4, Paper Hall square
5996 Henry JohnPaper Hall streetdwelling-house15, Paper Hall street
successivedwelling-house5, Paper Hall street
5997 Hyatt Thomas JosephPaper Hall streetdwelling-house7, Paper Hall street
successivedwelling-house8, Paper Hall street
5998 Armitage FrankPaper Hall streetdwelling-house69, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house20, Heap street
successivedwelling-house9, Paper Hall street
5999 Knowles SamuelPaper Hall streetdwelling-house10, Paper Hall street
6000 Shepherd JohnPaper Hall streetdwelling-house11, Paper Hall street
6001 Holloway WatkinsonPaper Hall streetdwelling-house12, Paper Hall street
6002 Boxup JohnPaper Hall streetdwelling-house13, Paper Hall street
6003 Watson JosephPaper Hall streetdwelling-house14, Paper Hall street
6004 Mellady JamesRanter courtdwelling-house10, Ranter court
6005 Wood AbrahamRanter courtdwelling-house7, Ranter court
6006 Cummings MatthewRanter courtdwelling-house6, Ranter court
6007 Hill WilliamRanter courtdwelling-house3, Ranter court
6008 Butler HenryRanter courtdwelling-house35, Craven street
successivedwelling-house2, Ranter court
6009 Kelly Michael WilliamRanter courtdwelling-house1, Ranter court
6010 Lancaster HenryRanter streetdwelling-house4, Ranter street
6011 Whitaker JohnRanter streetdwelling-house12, Ranter street
6012 Spencer WilliamRanter streetdwelling-house16, Ranter street
6013 Greaves William HenryRanter streetdwelling-house20, Ranter street
6014 Emmott GeorgeSchool courtdwelling-house4, School court
6015 Parratt WilliamSchool courtdwelling-house3, School court
6016 Smith JamesSchool courtdwelling-house2, School court
6017 Thornton JohnSchool courtdwelling-house1, School court
6018 Booth JohnSidney streetdwelling-house25, Sidney street
6019 Wood RobertSidney streetdwelling-house21, Sidney street
6020 Swaine WilliamSidney streetdwelling-house19, Sidney street
6021 Parker ThomasSidney streetdwelling-house13, Sidney street
6022 Henson FrancisSidney streetdwelling-house5, Sidney street
6023 Willison HenrySidney streetdwelling-house3, Sidney street
6024 Rhodes Joshua WilsonSouthampton streetdwelling-house10, Southampton street
6025 Butler JosephSouthampton streetdwelling-house12, Southampton street
6026 Crossland JosephSouthampton streetdwelling-house14, Southampton street
6027 Hargreaves EdwinSouthampton streetdwelling-house20, Southampton street
successivedwelling-house24, Southampton street
6028 Cowin PhillipSouthampton streetdwelling-house26, Southampton street
6029 Shutt Martin BakerSouthampton streetdwelling-house28, Southampton street
6030 Armitage JohnSouthampton streetdwelling-house30, Southampton street
6031 Butterworth CharlesSouthampton streetdwelling-house32, Southampton street
6032 Forster SamuelSouthampton streetdwelling-house34, Southampton street
6033 Fewster JamesSouthampton streetdwelling-house34, Southampton street
successivedwelling-house47, Southampton street
6034 Calverley JohnSouthampton streetdwelling-house45, Southampton street
6035 Trueman ThomasSouthampton streetdwelling-house239, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house43, Southampton street
6036 Hooley SamuelSouthampton streetdwelling-house30, Jewell street
successivedwelling-house41, Southampton street
6037 Lambert JamesSouthampton streetdwelling-house37, Southampton street
6038 Davidson SethSouthampton streetdwelling-house35, Southampton street
6039 Marshall WilliamSouthampton streetdwelling-house33, Southampton street
6040 Hesp RobertSouthampton streetdwelling-house29, Southampton street
6041 Simpson John WesleySouthampton streetdwelling-house27, Southampton street
6042 Dawson William HenrySouthampton streetdwelling-house25, Southampton street
6043 Myers OliverSouthampton streetdwelling-house23, Southampton street
6044 Laycock WilliamSouthampton streetdwelling-house19, Southampton street
successivedwelling-house21, Southampton street
6045 Whitaker MarshallSouthampton streetdwelling-house15, Southampton street
6046 Robinson IsaacSouthampton streetdwelling-house13, Southampton street
6047 Hill MerabSouthampton streetdwelling-house9, Southampton street
6048 Wigney AlfredSouthampton streetdwelling-house7, Southampton street
6049 Pepyat John HenrySouthampton streetdwelling-house5, Southampton street
6050 Pickersgill Joseph EdwardStanacre placedwelling-house4, Stanacre place
6051 Horsfall James HenryStanacre placedwelling-house6, Stanacre place
6052 Bland MarkStanacre placedwelling-house8, Stanacre place
6053 Hodgson JonathanStanacre placedwelling-house10, Stanacre place
6054 Jagger WilliamStanacre placedwelling-house12, Stanacre place
6055 Rhodes WilliamStanacre placedwelling-house16, Stanacre place
6056 Wilkinson JohnStanacre placedwelling-house18, Stanacre place
6057 Bennett James AugustineStanacre placedwelling-house20, Stanacre place
6058 Day JohnStanacre placedwelling-house22, Stanacre place
6059 Duck JohnStanacre placedwelling-house24, Stanacre place
successivedwelling-house28, Stanacre place
6060 Hall GeorgeStanacre placedwelling-house32, Stanacre place
6061 Clarke ThomasStanacre placedwelling-house34, Stanacre place
6062 Watmuff JosephStanacre placedwelling-house36, Stanacre place
6063 Mawson James ClaytonStanacre placedwelling-house38, Stanacre place
6064 Lamb BenjaminStanacre placedwelling-house40, Stanacre place
6065 Laycock BenjaminStanacre placedwelling-house42, Stanacre place
6066 Turnham ThomasStanacre placedwelling-house44, Stanacre place
6067 Long JohnStanacre placedwelling-house46, Stanacre place
6068 Thompson JohnStanacre placedwelling-house50, Stanacre place
6069 Core JosephStanacre placedwelling-house39, Stanacre place
6070 Knapton Charles DemainStanacre placedwelling-house33, Stanacre place
6071 Wigglesworth GeorgeStanacre placedwelling-house31, Stanacre place
6072 Crowley GeorgeStanacre placedwelling-house23, Stanacre place
6073 Beck ThomasStanacre placedwelling-house21, Stanacre place
6074 Walker EdwardStanacre placedwelling-house19, Stanacre place
6075 Dempsey RichardStanacre placedwelling-house21, Airedale College terrace
successivedwelling-house17, Stanacre place
6076 Thorpe JamesStanacre placedwelling-house11, Stanacre place
6077 Packer AlbertStanacre squaredwelling-house13, Beech grove
successivedwelling-house9, Stanacre square
6078 Bowen WilliamStanacre squaredwelling-house1, Stanacre square
6079 Pickard AbrahamSunnyside lanedwelling-house171, Sunnyside lane
6080 Minikin RobertSunnyside lanedwelling-house144, North wing
successivedwelling-house165, Sunnyside lane
6081 Hudson AbrahamSunnyside lanedwelling-house169, Sunnyside lane
6082 Ryder ThomasSunnyside lanedwelling-house167, Sunnyside lane
6083 Skelton WilliamWapping Cross streetdwelling-house17, Wapping Cross street
6084 Burke PatrickWapping Cross streetdwelling-house5, Wapping street
successivedwelling-house13, Wapping street
successivedwelling-house11, Wapping Cross street
6085 Smithy JohnWapping Cross streetdwelling-house5A, Wapping Cross street
6086 Pound SamuelWapping Cross streetdwelling-house3, Wapping Cross street
6087 Miles CharlesWapping Cross streetdwelling-house2, Wapping Cross street
6088 Laycock RichardWapping Cross streetdwelling-house6, Wapping Cross street
6089 Tennant JosephWapping roaddwelling-house12, Wapping road
6090 Galvin PatrickWapping roaddwelling-house16, Wapping road
6091 Clark ThomasWapping roaddwelling-house18, Wapping road
6092 Murphy PhilipWapping roaddwelling-house23, North wing
successivedwelling-house22, Wapping road
6093 Young JohnWapping roaddwelling-house30, Wapping road
6094 Moore HenryWapping roaddwelling-house34, Wapping road
6095 Pickles ThomasWapping roaddwelling-house38, Wapping road
6096 Hillier John WilliamWapping roaddwelling-house42, Wapping road
6097 Hodgson JamesWapping roaddwelling-house8, Ranter street
successivedwelling-house48, Wapping road
6098 Mossman WilliamCalverleywarehouseWapping road
6099 Berry LewisWapping roaddwelling-house100, Wapping road
6100 Thornton William HenryWapping roaddwelling-house25, Sidney street
successivedwelling-house104, Wapping road
6101 Moorhouse JohnWapping roaddwelling-house106, Wapping road
6102 Jowett JamesWapping roaddwelling-house6, Oxford place
successivedwelling-house110, Wapping road
6103 Shay JamesWapping roaddwelling-house112, Wapping road
6104 Arnold JohnWapping roaddwelling-house116, Wapping road
6105 Yeoman AlfredWapping roaddwelling-house118, Wapping road
6106 Percival JamesWapping roaddwelling-house19, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house120, Wapping road
6107 Smithy BenjaminWapping roaddwelling-house122, Wapping road
6108 Binns IsaacWapping roaddwelling-house18, Filbert street
successivedwelling-house124, Wapping road
6109 Bulmer FrederickWapping roaddwelling-house130, Wapping road
6110 Smithies WilliamWapping roaddwelling-house132, Wapping road
6111 Berry RichardWapping streetdwelling-house4, Wapping street
6112 Donoghue PatrickWapping streetdwelling-house8, Wapping street
6113 McHugh TerenceWapping streetdwelling-house36, Wapping street
successivedwelling-house16, Wapping street
6114 Jones CharlesWapping streetdwelling-house40, Wapping street
6115 Butterworth IsaacWapping streetdwelling-house9, Wapping street
successivedwelling-house46, Wapping street
6116 Laycock RichardWapping streetdwelling-house27, Wapping street
6117 Roberts HenryWapping streetdwelling-house25, Wapping street
6118 Ellis JohnWapping streetdwelling-house19A, Wapping street
6119 Teale ManuelWapping streetdwelling-house17, Wapping street
6120 Gallagher ThomasWapping streetdwelling-house15, Wapping street
6121 Pickard BenjaminWapping streetdwelling-house213, Wapping street
successivedwelling-house11, Wapping street
6122 Nicholson JohnWatson folddwelling-house6, Watson fold
6123 Emmott EliasWright streetdwelling-house6, Wright street
6124 Lyon HenryWright streetdwelling-house8, Wright street
6125 Wallace Matthew WardWright streetdwelling-house39, Wordsworth street
successivedwelling-house7, Fearnley street
successivedwelling-house10, Wright street
6126 Child AlfredWright streetdwelling-house12, Wright street
6127 Hunt JonathanWright streetdwelling-house14, Wright street
6128 Sharp ThomasWright streetdwelling-house16, Wright street
6129 Sykes RichardWright streetdwelling-house20, Wright street
6130 Preston HenryWright streetdwelling-house24, Wright street
6131 Atkinson RobertWright streetdwelling-house29, Wright street
6132 Sykes BencliffeWright streetdwelling-house27, Wright street
6133 Laycock DavidWright streetdwelling-house25, Wright street
6134 Barber JamesWright streetdwelling-house23, Wright street
6135 Donoghue LawrenceWright streetdwelling-house21, Wright street
6136 Allan JohnWright streetdwelling-house19, Wright street
6137 Slinger FrederickWright streetdwelling-house17, Wright street
6138 Wyatt CharlesWright streetdwelling-house13, Wright street
6139 Camp William AndersonWright streetdwelling-house9, Wright street
6140 Barraclough JamesWright streetdwelling-house5, Wright street
6141 Jowett William HenryWright streetdwelling-house3, Wright street
6142 Salmond WilliamWright streetdwelling-house1, Wright street

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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