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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1884, SOUTH WARD2.


Please read these notes about these registers.

SOUTH WARD2, 1884.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
6623 Wood GeorgeAcre streetdwelling-house4, Acre street
6624 Gulley ThomasAcre streetdwelling-house8, Acre street
6625 Lee JacksonAcre streetdwelling-house14, Acre street
6626 Craine MartinAcre streetdwelling-house18, Acre street
6627 Banks JohnAcre streetdwelling-house20, Acre street
successivedwelling-house22, Acre street
6628 Wright ThomasAcre streetdwelling-house24, Acre street
6629 Hird JohnAcre streetdwelling-house51, Acre street
6630 Cooper LeonardAcre streetdwelling-house47, Acre street
6631 Farrant CharlesAcre streetdwelling-house45, Acre street
6632 Farrar JohnAcre streetdwelling-house41, Acre street
6633 Cross John HenryAcre streetdwelling-house39, Acre street
6634 Hanson WilliamAcre streetdwelling-house35, Acre street
6635 Gledhill JosephAcre streetdwelling-house31, Acre street
6636 Caygill JamesAcre streetdwelling-house25, Acre street
6637 Hamilton HenryAcre streetdwelling-house21, Acre street
6638 Lee RobertAcre streetdwelling-house17 Acre street
6639 Hannan JohnAcre streetdwelling-house15, Acre street
6640 Seymour GeorgeAcre streetdwelling-house5, Acre street
6641 Pluriett ThomasAcre streetdwelling-house3, Acre street
6642 Holt BryanAdolphus streetshop4, Adolphus street
6643 Pick William HenryBowlingshop20, Adolphus street
6644 Fitzpatrick PatrickBowlingdwelling-house4, Cropper lane
successiveshop14, Adolphus street
6645 Langley JosephBowlingshopAdolphus street
6646 Brooksbank JosephBowlingwarehouse24, Adolphus street
6647 Brooksbank JohnBowlingwarehouse24, Adolphus street
6648 Singleton ThomasBaildonwarehouse28, Adolphus street
6649 Singleton BenjaminThornburywarehouse28, Adolphus street
6650 Hartley ThomasBowlingwarehouse18, Adolphus street
6651 Hartley JohnBowlingwarehouse18, Adolphus street
6652 Hartley William HenryHortonwarehouse18, Adolphus street
6653 Illingworth SamuelAeolus placedwelling-house2, Aeolus place
6654 Smith John SimpsonAeolus placedwelling-house4, Aeolus place
6655 Wilson HenryAeolus placedwelling-house6, Aeolus place
6656 Reeves WilliamAeolus placedwelling-house10, Aeolus place
6657 Sutcliffe ThomasAeolus placedwelling-house14, Aeolus place
6658 Barrett StephenAeolus placedwelling-house18, Aeolus place
6659 Wright JamesAeolus placedwelling-house24, Aeolus place
6660 Frankleton AllenAeolus streetdwelling-house8, Aeolus street
6661 Shackleton HerbertAeolus streetdwelling-house10, Aeolus street
6662 Booth EborAeolus streetdwelling-house9, Aeolus street
6663 Hillas AbrahamAeolus streetdwelling-house7, Aeolus street
6664 Hellewell JohnAeolus streetdwelling-house5, Aeolus street
6665 Birch JohnAeolus streetdwelling-house3, Aeolus street
6666 Ormerod JamesAeolus streetdwelling-house1, Aeolus street
6667 Clough BenjaminAllen streetdwelling-house14, Allen street
6668 Sowden WalterAllen streetdwelling-house16, Allen street
6669 Greenwood John HenryAllen streetdwelling-house18, Allen street
6670 Ince ThomasArlington streetdwelling-house6, Arlington street
6671 Moss AbrahamArlington streetdwelling-house8, Arlington street
6672 Howson WilliamArlington streetdwelling-house10, Arlington street
6673 Clansey PhilipArlington streetdwelling-house12, Arlington street
6674 Balmforth EdwardArlington streetdwelling-house17, Arlington street
6675 Powell WilliamArlington streetdwelling-house15, Arlington street
6676 Taylor RobertArlington streetdwelling-house7, Arlington street
6677 Smith JohnHortonshopAugustus street
6678 Adams SamuelBowlingshopAugustus street
6679 Booth AbrahamManninghamshopAugustus street
6680 Moore HenryHortonshopAugustus street
6681 Coates WilliamBack lanedwelling-house20, Carpenter street
successivedwelling-house55, Birkshall lane
successivedwelling-house313, Back lane
6682 Poulter JohnBack lanedwelling-house311, Back lane
6683 Lee GeorgeBack lanedwelling-house307, Back lane
6684 Ackroyd BenjaminBack lanedwelling-house305, Back lane
6685 Ross AlfredBack lanedwelling-house301, Back lane
6686 Metcalfe William HenryBack lanedwelling-house5, Cabinet street
successivedwelling-house295, Back lane
6687 Lisles JohnBack lanedwelling-house293, Back lane
6688 Clayton JamesBack lanedwelling-house287, Back lane
successivedwelling-house291, Back lane
6689 Hargreaves AlfredBack lanedwelling-house287, Back lane
6690 Booth Thomas HenryBack lanedwelling-house283, Back lane
successivedwelling-house285, Back lane
6691 Wood JoshuaBack lanedwelling-house285, Back lane
successivedwelling-house283, Back lane
6692 Nutter JohnBack lanedwelling-house281, Back lane
6693 Simpson RobinsonBack lanedwelling-house279, Back lane
6694 Fletcher JohnBack lanedwelling-house3, Clark street
successivedwelling-house277, Back lane
6695 Fielding JohnBack lanedwelling-house381, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house267, Back lane
6696 Stead MatthewBack lanedwelling-house233, Back lane
6697 Magson JamesBack lanedwelling-houseLake street
successivedwelling-house229, Back lane
6698 Sharp WilliamBack lanedwelling-house221, Back lane
6699 Robinson MarkBack lanedwelling-house219, Back lane
6700 Shires DanielBack lanedwelling-house215, Back lane
6701 Hall JohnBack lanedwelling-house213, Back lane
6702 Sharp ColonelBack lanedwelling-house211, Back lane
6703 Heseltine JohnBack lanedwelling-house209, Back lane
6704 Platts RichardBack lanedwelling-house207, Back lane
6705 Boocock WilliamBack lanedwelling-house197, Back lane
6706 Sutcliffe JamesBack lanedwelling-house43, Back lane
6707 Varley ThomasBack lanedwelling-house41, Back lane
6708 Gill WilliamBack lanedwelling-house11, Frances square
successivedwelling-house35, Back lane
6709 Smith GeorgeBack lanedwelling-house1, Clark street
successivedwelling-house31A, Back lane
6710 Heap JosephBack lanedwelling-house31, Back lane
6711 Gosling GeorgeBack lanedwelling-house25, Back lane
6712 Thacker HenryBack lanedwelling-house23, Back lane
6713 Kershaw AbrahamBack lanedwelling-house21, Back lane
6714 Bailey WilliamBack lanedwelling-house11, Back lane
6715 White FrederickBack lanedwelling-house9, Back lane
6716 Webster SamuelBack lanedwelling-house7, Back lane
6717 Aldersley JohnBack lanedwelling-house3, Back lane
6718 Wagner EberhartBack lanedwelling-house1, Back lane
6719 Johnson Roberts JohnBack lanedwelling-house2, Back lane
6720 Tempest JosephBack lanedwelling-house4, Back lane
6721 Daniel WilliamBack lanedwelling-house10, Back lane
6722 Varley JamesBack lanedwelling-house12, Back lane
6723 Crossland EdwardBack lanedwelling-house18, Back lane
6724 Philpots JohnBack lanedwelling-house14, Back lane
successivedwelling-house20, Back lane
6725 Cornthwaite JohnBack lanedwelling-house24, Back lane
6726 Shackleton WilliamBack lanedwelling-house28, Back lane
6727 Blackburn ThomasBack lanedwelling-house30, Back lane
6728 Simpson ThomasBack lanedwelling-house32, Back lane
6729 Coe JohnBack lanedwelling-house38, Back lane
successivedwelling-house46, Back lane
6730 Tomlinson CharlesBack lanedwelling-house40, Back lane
6731 Measures JosephBack lanedwelling-house17, Sutcliffe street
successivedwelling-houseFurnace street
successivedwelling-house42, Back lane
6732 Smith GeorgeBack lanedwelling-house1, Clarke street
successivedwelling-house46, Back lane
6733 Parker WilliamBack lanedwelling-house48, Back lane
6734 Haran PatrickBanner streetdwelling-house4, Banner street
6735 Kilmartin LawrenceBanner streetdwelling-house8, Banner street
6736 Mahon EdwardBanner streetdwelling-house10, Banner street
6737 McGinty LukeBanner streetdwelling-house20, Banner street
6738 Hirst FrederickBanner streetdwelling-house30, Banner street
6739 Snowden William HenryBanner streetdwelling-house32, Banner street
6740 Jackson William HenryBanner streetdwelling-house6, Acre street
successivedwelling-house7, Mount street
successivedwelling-house34, Banner street
6741 Boynton WilliamBanner streetdwelling-house38, Banner street
6742 Dawson JohnBanner streetdwelling-house44, Banner street
6743 Conley OwenBanner streetdwelling-house416, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house52, Banner street
6744 Boocock EnochBanner streetdwelling-house58, Banner street
6745 Hammond Robert RochesterBanner streetdwelling-house60, Banner street
6746 McEntyre BernardBanner streetdwelling-house72, Banner street
6747 Gradwell EdmundBanner streetdwelling-house27, Banner street
6748 Simpson WilliamBanner streetdwelling-house25, Banner street
6749 Thresh ThomasBanner streetdwelling-house23, Banner street
6750 Ingram JohnBanner streetdwelling-house21, Banner street
6751 Hutchinson JohnBanner streetdwelling-house17, Banner street
6752 Hardisty LewisBanner streetdwelling-house15, Banner street
6753 Hardisty JohnBanner streetdwelling-house11, Banner street
6754 Baines GeorgeBanner streetdwelling-house7, Banner street
6755 Cooper CharlesBanner streetdwelling-house1, Wentworth street
successivedwelling-house5, Banner street
6756 Wharton SamuelBanner streetdwelling-house5, Banner street
successivedwelling-house3, Banner street
6757 Hudson RobertBeck streetdwelling-house6, Beck street
6758 Ingham LawrenceBeck streetdwelling-house12, Beck street
6759 Holdsworth AbrahamBeck streetdwelling-house16, Beck street
6760 Branson ThomasBeck streetdwelling-house2, Harris street
successivedwelling-house18, Beck street
6761 Binns TimothyBeck streetdwelling-house54, Beck street
6762 Horsfall JonasBeck streetdwelling-house60, Beck street
6763 Bilborough AaronBeck streetdwelling-house62, Beck street
6764 Fenton StephenBeck streetdwelling-house64, Beck street
6765 Crabtree RichardBeck streetdwelling-house66, Beck street
6766 Dewhirst CharlesBeck streetdwelling-house70, Beck street
6767 Jagger ThomasBeck streetdwelling-house74, Beck street
6768 Heywood RobertBeck streetdwelling-house76, Beck street
6769 Hitchen FarrarBeck streetdwelling-house78, Beck street
6770 Bramhall WilliamBeck streetdwelling-house80, Beck street
6771 Bairstow WilliamBeck streetdwelling-house86, Beck street
6772 Riddiough JohnBeck streetdwelling-house88, Beck street
6773 Holmes WilliamBeck streetdwelling-house677, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house90, Beck street
6774 Shackleton ArthurBeck streetdwelling-house92, Beck street
6775 Lavelle JamesBirk streetdwelling-house64, Birk street
successivedwelling-house111, Birk street
6776 Calvert CharlesBirk streetdwelling-house101, Birk street
6777 Shaw EdwardBirk streetdwelling-house99, Birk street
6778 Nicholson CharlesBirk streetdwelling-house93, Birksland street
successivedwelling-house97, Birk street
6779 Wilby AlfredBirk streetdwelling-house95, Birk street
6780 Crossley JohnBirk streetdwelling-house54, Birk street
successivedwelling-house91, Birk street
6781 Philips JohnBirk streetdwelling-house87, Birk street
6782 Speight Gregory CockroftBirk streetdwelling-house36, Hall street
successivedwelling-house83, Birk street
6783 Armitage ThomasGladstone streetshop81, Birk street
6784 Catlin WilliamBirk streetdwelling-house77, Birk street
6785 Hobbs Charles HenryBirk streetdwelling-house75, Birk street
6786 Mahoney JohnBirk streetdwelling-house73, Birk street
6787 Shaw MosesBirk streetdwelling-house71, Birk street
6788 Kirby JohnBirk streetdwelling-house67, Birk street
6789 Goldsmith Walter DavidBirk streetdwelling-house97, Birk street
successivedwelling-house61, Birk street
6790 Sarsby GeorgeBirk streetdwelling-house59, Birk street
successivedwelling-house63, Birk street
6791 Carney FrancisBirk streetdwelling-house22, Rifle court
successivedwelling-house59, Birk street
6792 Tierney PatrickBirk streetdwelling-houseBonwell court
successivedwelling-house57, Birk street
6793 Walsh EdwardBirk streetdwelling-house55, Birk street
6794 Hynes RichardBirk streetdwelling-house53, Birk street
6795 Golden EdwardBirk streetdwelling-house41, Birk street
6796 Summersgill WilliamBirk streetdwelling-house33, Birk street
6797 Burrow JosephBirk streetdwelling-house83, Birk street
successivedwelling-house28, Birksland street
successivedwelling-house51, Birk street
6798 Waterhouse JamesBirk streetdwelling-house49, Birk street
6799 Bunn WilliamBirk streetdwelling-house47, Birk street
6800 Turtle WilliamBirk streetdwelling-house45, Birk street
6801 Foster EnochBirk streetdwelling-house27, Birk street
6802 Casey JamesBirk streetdwelling-house25, Birk street
6803 Warmishaw IsaacBirk streetdwelling-house23, Birk street
6804 Kitson SamuelBirk streetdwelling-house17, Birk street
6805 Pullan RichardBirk streetdwelling-house19, Birk street
6806 Sugden IsaacBirk streetdwelling-house9, Birk street
6807 Boynton WilliamBirk streetdwelling-house8, Lyndhurst street
successivedwelling-house11, Birk street
6808 Frew WilliamBirk streetdwelling-house13, Birk street
6809 Costin WilliamBirk streetdwelling-house5, Birk street
6810 Wilson BarkerBirk streetdwelling-house121, Birk street
successivedwelling-house3, Birk street
6811 Bawling JosephBirk streetdwelling-house1, Birk street
6812 Jardeen William HenryBirk streetdwelling-house6, Birk street
6813 Swithenbank JohnBirk streetdwelling-house8, Birk street
6814 Craig RobertBirk streetdwelling-house10, Birk street
6815 Townend ThomasBirk streetdwelling-house12, Birk street
6816 Rearden DanielBirk streetdwelling-house20, Birk street
6817 Gill AlgernonBirk streetdwelling-house22, Birk street
6818 Peel HenryBirk streetdwelling-house24, Birk street
6819 Walsh WilliamBirk streetdwelling-house38, Birk street
successivedwelling-house28, Birk street
6820 Mahoney JamesBirk streetdwelling-house30, Birk street
6821 Whitley JohnBirk streetdwelling-house3, Gladstone street
successivedwelling-house36, Birk street
6822 Riley ShackletonBirk streetdwelling-house40, Birk street
6823 Deason JohnBirk streetdwelling-house42, Birk street
6824 Sutcliffe SidneyBirk streetdwelling-house44, Birk street
6825 Whitaker WilliamBirk streetdwelling-house46, Birk street
6826 Marshall WilliamBirk streetdwelling-house50, Birk street
6827 Allison JohnBirk streetdwelling-house52, Birk street
6828 Barraclough James EdwinBirk streetdwelling-house56, Birk street
6829 Hargreaves WilliamBirk streetdwelling-house58, Birk street
6830 Kirby HaywoodBirk streetdwelling-house62, Birk street
6831 Parker WilliamBirk streetdwelling-house66, Birk street
6832 Manning JohnBirk streetdwelling-house2, Pearson street
successivedwelling-house68, Birk street
6833 Finnigan JamesBirkshall lanedwelling-house1, Birkshall lane
6834 Rimmington JamesBirkshall lanedwelling-house2, Birkshall lane
6835 Bond WilliamBirkshall lanedwelling-house3, Birkshall lane
6836 Taylor AlbertBirkshall lanedwelling-house4, Birkshall lane
6837 Barton JosephBirkshall lanedwelling-house182, Mount street
successivedwelling-house5, Birkshall lane
6838 Dixon JohnBirkshall lanedwelling-house6, Birkshall lane
6839 Halliwell GeorgeBirkshall lanedwelling-house7, Birkshall lane
6840 Marsden BenjaminBirkshall lanedwelling-house8, Birkshall lane
6841 Bell ThomasBirkshall lanedwelling-house14, Priestley street
successivedwelling-house9, Birkshall lane
6842 Morgan JosephBirkshall lanedwelling-house10, Birkshall lane
6843 Sutton JosephBirkshall lanedwelling-house11, Birkshall lane
6844 Walton JohnBirkshall lanedwelling-house12, Birkshall lane
6845 Barker Charles HenryBirkshall lanedwelling-house13, Birkshall lane
6846 Hellewell JosephBirkshall lanedwelling-house15, Birkshall lane
6847 Raynor William EdwardBirkshall lanedwelling-house14, Birkshall lane
6848 Wilkinson AbrahamBirkshall lanedwelling-house19, Birkshall lane
6849 Walls IsaacBirkshall lanedwelling-house21, Birkshall lane
6850 Heaton PhilemonBirkshall lanedwelling-housePeace street
successivedwelling-house22, Birkshall lane
6851 Partington WilliamBirkshall lanedwelling-house31, Birkshall lane
6852 Wilson RobertBirkshall lanedwelling-house30, Birkshall lane
6853 Schofield JohnBirkshall lanedwelling-house29, Birkshall lane
6854 Sutcliffe GeorgeBirkshall lanedwelling-house267, Back lane
successivedwelling-house25, Birkshall lane
6855 Coverhouse William HarrisBirkshall lanedwelling-house23, Birkshall lane
6856 Durrance EdwardBirkshall lanedwelling-house34, Birkshall lane
6857 Shaw ElijahBirkshall lanedwelling-house37, Birkshall lane
6858 Sharp ObadiahBirkshall lanedwelling-house39, Birkshall lane
6859 Shaw SamuelBirkshall lanedwelling-house44, Birkshall lane
6860 Virr WilliamBirkshall lanedwelling-house52, Carpenter street
successivedwelling-house46, Birkshall lane
6861 Emmott HartleyBirkshall lanedwelling-house48, Birkshall lane
6862 Gorner JamesBirkshall lanedwelling-house49, Birkshall lane
6863 Coates JohnBirkshall lanedwelling-house51, Birkshall lane
6864 Webster JohnBirkshall lanedwelling-house52, Birkshall lane
6865 Greed GeorgeBirkshall lanedwelling-house54, Birkshall lane
6866 Wilcock BenjaminBirkshall lanedwelling-house28, Carpenter street
successivedwelling-house55, Birkshall lane
6867 Metcalfe ThomasBirkshall lanedwelling-house57, Birkshall lane
6868 Watson WilliamBirkshall lanedwelling-house58, Birkshall lane
6869 Sunderland JosephColeridge placewarehouse2, Birksland street
6870 Skevington Thomas WilliamThornburywarehouse2, Birksland street
6871 Sutcliffe AllenHarewood streetwarehouse2, Birksland street
6872 Sutcliffe GeorgeLyndhurst streetwarehouse2, Birksland street
6873 Crabtree JonathanLyndhurst streetwarehouse2, Birksland street
6874 Rothera JohnBirksland streetdwelling-house8, Birksland street
6875 Padley JamesBirksland streetdwelling-house10, Birksland street
6876 Oddy WilliamBirksland streetdwelling-house18, Walnut street
successivedwelling-house12, Birksland street
6877 Lofts GeorgeBirksland streetdwelling-house20, Birksland street
6878 Gradwell William HenryBirksland streetdwelling-house22, Birksland street
6879 Sugden ThomasBirksland streetdwelling-house24, Birksland street
6880 Turner CharlesBirksland streetdwelling-house26, Birksland street
6881 Burton JosephBirksland streetdwelling-house30, Birksland street
6882 Walsh JohnBirksland streetdwelling-house32, Birksland street
6883 Noddle William HenryBirksland streetdwelling-house36, Birksland street
6884 Cousen GeorgeBirksland streetdwelling-house99, Birksland street
6885 Shenstone ThomasBirksland streetdwelling-house97, Birksland street
6886 Riley PatrickBirksland streetdwelling-houseBirkshall lane
successivedwelling-house93, Birksland street
6887 Longbottom WilliamBirksland streetdwelling-house63, Birksland street
6888 Lumby IsaacBirksland streetdwelling-house61, Birksland street
6889 Clarke JosephBirksland streetdwelling-house45, Birksland street
6890 Dempsey PatrickBirksland streetdwelling-house41, Birksland street
6891 Hellewell HenryBirksland streetdwelling-house49, Birksland street
successivedwelling-house35, Birksland street
6892 Riley WilliamBirksland streetdwelling-house31, Birksland street
6893 Swithenbank JamesBirksland streetdwelling-house244, Mount street
successivedwelling-house29, Birksland street
6894 Colburn JohnBirksland streetdwelling-house23, Birksland street
6895 Townson WilliamBirksland streetdwelling-house21, Birksland street
6896 Hudson WilliamBirksland streetdwelling-house19, Birksland street
6897 Varley FrostBirksland streetdwelling-house17, Birksland street
6898 Leppingwell AlfredBirksland streetdwelling-house13, Birksland street
6899 Pearson GeorgeBirksland streetdwelling-house95, Birksland street
successivedwelling-house11, Birksland street
6900 Bland JohnBirksland streetdwelling-house68, Beck street
successivedwelling-house9, Birksland street
6901 Cole JohnBirksland streetdwelling-house37, Birksland street
successivedwelling-house7, Birksland street
6902 Longstaff RichardBirksland streetdwelling-house3, Birksland street
6903 Taylor SamuelBirksland streetdwelling-house1, Birksland street
6904 Barnby JamesBuck streetdwelling-house4, Buck street
6905 Jack JamesBuck streetdwelling-house8, Buck street
6906 Sharp AbrahamBuck streetdwelling-house10, Buck street
6907 Crossley John WilliamBuck streetdwelling-house12, Buck street
6908 Knight GeorgeBuck streetdwelling-house9, Roberts court
successivedwelling-house20, Buck street
6909 Whitaker HenryBuck streetdwelling-house9, Buck street
6910 Stott WilliamBaildonwarehouse7, Buck street
6911 Mann DavidBuck streetdwelling-house3, Buck street
6912 Robinson JosephBuck streetdwelling-house1, Buck street
6913 Oxley SamuelCabbage streetdwelling-house3, Cabbage street
6914 Clough CharlesUpper Cabbage streetdwelling-house2, Upper Cabbage street
6915 Barraclough WilliamCabinet streetdwelling-house25, Birkshall lane
successivedwelling-house4, Cabinet street
6916 Priestley SimeonCabinet streetdwelling-house8, Cabinet street
successivedwelling-house10, Cabinet street
6917 Warburton CharlesCabinet streetdwelling-house16, Cabinet street
6918 Gill Seth HenryCabinet streetdwelling-house18, Cabinet street
6919 Greed JohnCabinet streetdwelling-house20, Cabinet street
6920 Carter JamesCabinet streetdwelling-house41, Cabinet street
6921 Philips JamesCabinet streetdwelling-house39, Cabinet street
6922 Walter WilliamCabinet streetdwelling-house35, Cabinet street
6923 Ingle WilliamCabinet streetdwelling-house31, Cabinet street
6924 Peel JohnCabinet streetdwelling-house29, Cabinet street
6925 Emmett RobertCabinet streetdwelling-house25, Cabinet street
6926 Jowett John WilliamCabinet streetdwelling-house19, Cabinet street
successivedwelling-house17, Cabinet street
6927 Stoyles John NewellCabinet streetdwelling-house15, Cabinet street
6928 Cluderay JamesCabinet streetdwelling-house11, Cabinet street
6929 Brown TempestCabinet streetdwelling-house9, Cabinet street
6930 Kelly HattonCabinet streetdwelling-house7, Cabinet street
6931 Barraclough HenryCabinet streetdwelling-house1, Cabinet street
6932 Wilkinson DavidCarpenter streetdwelling-house3, Pawson street
successivedwelling-house2, Carpenter street
6933 Coates GeorgeCarpenter streetdwelling-house4, Carpenter street
6934 Durrance JoshuaCarpenter streetdwelling-houseCarpenter street
successivedwelling-house6, Carpenter street
6935 Holdsworth JonasCarpenter streetdwelling-house10, Carpenter street
6936 Booth WilliamCarpenter streetdwelling-house12, Carpenter street
6937 Fitton ThomasCarpenter streetdwelling-house18, Carpenter street
6938 Holdsworth WilliamCarpenter streetdwelling-house43, Napier street
successivedwelling-house20, Carpenter street
6939 Coup WilliamCarpenter streetdwelling-house30, Carpenter street
6940 Knowles JosephCarpenter streetdwelling-house32, Carpenter street
6941 Crabtree JosephCarpenter streetdwelling-house42, Carpenter street
6942 Bolton JosephCarpenter streetdwelling-house40, Carpenter street
successivedwelling-house44, Carpenter street
6943 Root TempleCarpenter streetdwelling-house291, Mount street
successivedwelling-house33, Carpenter street
6944 Metcalfe ThomasCarpenter streetdwelling-house31, Carpenter street
6945 Whipp GeorgeCarpenter streetdwelling-house29, Carpenter street
6946 Hodgson JohnCarroll streetdwelling-house3, Carroll street
6947 Kitchen JohnBowlingshopCarroll street
6948 Webb ThomasClark courtdwelling-house2, Clark court
6949 Killerby WilliamClark courtdwelling-house4, Clark court
6950 Allen AlfredClark courtdwelling-house8, Clark court
6951 Delves GeorgeClark courtdwelling-house10, Clark court
6952 Wain WilliamClark courtdwelling-house18, Clark court
6953 Silson BenjaminClark streetdwelling-house2, Clark street
6954 Terry CharlesClark streetdwelling-house4, Clark street
6955 Welsh ThomasClark streetdwelling-house8, Clark street
6956 Parker ThomasClark streetdwelling-house15, Clark street
6957 Leeman JohnClark streetdwelling-house13, Clark street
6958 Fieldhouse EdwardClark streetdwelling-house40, Back lane
successivedwelling-house11, Clark street
6959 Butts RichardClark streetdwelling-house5, Clark street
successivedwelling-house9, Clark street
6960 Sowood HenryClark streetdwelling-house7, Clark street
6961 Sowyers FrancisClarkson streetdwelling-house23, Clarkson street
6962 Brown RichardClyde terracedwelling-house38, Frederick street
successivedwelling-house23, Clyde terrace
6963 Robinson Charles WilliamClyde terracedwelling-house19, Clyde terrace
6964 Taylor WilliamClyde terracedwelling-house17, Clyde terrace
6965 Parker JohnClyde terracedwelling-house13, Clyde terrace
6966 Henshaw SamuelClyde terracedwelling-house9, Clyde terrace
6967 Tetley WilliamClyde terracedwelling-house1, Clyde terrace
6968 Stell WilliamClyde terracedwelling-house14A, Clyde terrace
6969 Watts AlfredCollier streetdwelling-house8, Collier street
6970 Ward JohnCollier streetdwelling-house47, Collier street
6971 Bannister HenryCollier streetdwelling-house27, Collier street
6972 Book JohnCollier streetdwelling-house14, Hall street
successivedwelling-house21, Collier street
6973 Swithenbank JamesCollier streetdwelling-house17, Collier street
6974 Beckett CharlesCollier streetdwelling-house13, Collier street
6975 Curney RichardCollier streetdwelling-house7, Collier street
6976 Smith HolmesCollier streetdwelling-house5, Collier street
6977 McNulty PatrickCollier streetdwelling-house3, Collier street
6978 Knight DanielConcordia streetdwelling-house4, Amberley street
successivedwelling-house487, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house7, Concordia street
6979 Moss RobertConcordia streetdwelling-house10, Royal street
successivedwelling-house5, Concordia street
6980 Wright HenryConcordia streetdwelling-house7, Concordia street
successivedwelling-house3, Concordia street
6981 Northrop JosephConcordia streetdwelling-house1, Concordia street
6982 Meldrum WilliamConcordia streetdwelling-house2, Concordia street
6983 Bairstow AbramConcordia streetdwelling-house6, Concordia street
6984 Dunford AndertonConcordia streetdwelling-house10, Concordia street
6985 Shackleton StephenLeeds roadwarehouseConcordia street
6986 Shackleton MosesCope streetdwelling-house2, Cope street
6987 Green JohnCope streetdwelling-house15, Birk street
successivedwelling-house4, Cope street
6988 Busfield EdwardCope streetdwelling-house6, Cope street
6989 Slack JamesCope streetdwelling-house10, Cope street
6990 Crowther ThomasCope streetdwelling-house20, Cope street
successivedwelling-house12, Cope street
6991 Bennett EphraimCope streetdwelling-house23, Collier street
successivedwelling-house14, Cope street
6992 Tindale JohnCope streetdwelling-house18, Beck street
successivedwelling-house18, Cope street
6993 Austerfield HenryCope streetdwelling-house7, Jackson street
successivedwelling-house20, Cope street
6994 Bateson ThomasCope streetdwelling-house22, Cope street
6995 Bannister WilliamCope streetdwelling-house27, Cope street
6996 Thompson JohnCope streetdwelling-house23, Cope street
6997 Riley EdwardCope streetdwelling-house21, Cope street
6998 Chapman RobertCope streetdwelling-house19, Cope street
6999 Paisley HectorCope streetdwelling-house20, Skinhouse street, Horton
successivedwelling-house14, Cope street
successivedwelling-house17, Cope street
7000 Bairstow WilkinsonCope streetdwelling-house9, Cope street
7001 Hargreaves SamuelCope streetdwelling-house7, Cope street
7002 Bainbridge John FrancisCope streetdwelling-house5, Cope street
7003 Waller JohnCope streetdwelling-house1, Cope street
7004 Rhodes James ExleyUndercliffe streetshopDownham street
7005 Palliser JohnDownham streetdwelling-house2, Downham street
7006 Butterworth ThomasDownham streetdwelling-house59, Myrtle street
successivedwelling-house4, Downham street
7007 Saunders ArthurDownham streetdwelling-house8, Downham street
7008 Harrison HenryDownham streetdwelling-house10, Downham street
7009 Storrs EdwardDownham streetdwelling-house12, Downham street
7010 Haldon JohnDownham streetdwelling-house16, Downham street
7011 Fewsdale JosephDownham streetdwelling-house20, Downham street
7012 Stott Alfred BywaterDownham streetdwelling-house24, Downham street
7013 Sugden CharlesDownham streetdwelling-house26, Downham street
7014 Milnes SamuelTennyson placeshop3, Downham street
7015 Milnes AlfredTennyson placeshop3, Downham street
7016 Wade EdgarNorth wingshop23, Dryden street
7017 Fletcher JosephHortonwarehouseEdderthorpe street
7018 Fletcher WilliamEdderthorpe streetdwelling-house20, Edderthorpe street
7019 Clarkson JamesEdderthorpe streetdwelling-house24, Edderthorpe street
7020 Crabtree JosephMount streetshop19, Edderthorpe street
7021 Tarbottom WilliamUndercliffe streetshopEdderthorpe street
7022 Wright JosephBuck streetshopEdderthorpe street
7023 Wright WilliamDownham streetshopEdderthorpe street
7024 Cook GeorgeEgbert streetdwelling-house10, Egbert street
7025 Wood WilliamEgbert streetdwelling-house12, Egbert street
7026 Gill ThomasEgbert streetdwelling-house14, Egbert street
7027 Wardman BenjaminEgbert streetdwelling-house16A, Egbert street
7028 Brine DavidEgbert streetdwelling-house16, Egbert street
7029 Wardman JonathanEgbert streetdwelling-house18, Egbert street
7030 Haldon WilliamErnest streetdwelling-house18, Ernest street
7031 Steel JamesErnest streetdwelling-house14, Ernest street
7032 Goodhind SamuelDryden streetshop2, Lower Ernest street
7033 Hallas EdwinCowper placeshopLower Ernest street
7034 Brooksbank MatthewCullingworthshop22, Lower Ernest street
7035 Brooksbank WilliamJoseph streetshop22, Lower Ernest street
7036 Jones ThomasLower Ernest streetdwelling-house26, Lower Ernest street
7037 Holdsworth HerbertLower Ernest streetdwelling-house30, Lower Ernest street
7038 Farrar JosephLower Ernest streetdwelling-house32, Lower Ernest street
7039 Tempest Richard SpencerCowper placewarehouseLower Ernest street
7040 Horrocks JosephBowlingshop31, Lower Ernest street
7041 Schofield JohnDudley hillshop27, Lower Ernest street
7042 Middleton CharlesWakefield roadshop9, Lower Ernest street
7043 Adcock JamesEssex streetdwelling-house6, Essex street
7044 Webster Robert MeynellEssex streetdwelling-house8, Essex street
7045 Baalam WilliamEssex streetdwelling-house16, Essex street
7046 Barraclough SamuelEssex streetdwelling-house18, Essex street
7047 Harris ReubenEssex streetdwelling-house22, Essex street
7048 Hartley FrankEssex streetdwelling-house24, Essex street
7049 Mandevil LukeEssex streetdwelling-house28, Essex street
7050 Clough ThomasEssex streetdwelling-house30, Essex street
7051 Squires CharlesEssex streetdwelling-house26, Essex street
successivedwelling-house34, Essex street
7052 Smith LofthouseEssex streetdwelling-house28, Amberley street
successivedwelling-house36, Essex street
7053 Wade John JosephEssex streetdwelling-house38, Essex street
7054 Nolan JamesEssex streetdwelling-house40, Essex street
7055 Howard JonathanEssex streetdwelling-house42, Essex street
7056 Waddington WalterEssex streetdwelling-house5, Essex street
7057 Nutton FrederickEssex streetdwelling-house3, Essex street
7058 Hawking SamuelThornburywarehouseFeversham street
7059 Reynolds JosephFieldhousedwelling-houseFieldhouse
7060 Knowles William ThomasFieldhouse squaredwelling-house1, Fieldhouse square
7061 Jowett GideonFieldhouse squaredwelling-house2, Fieldhouse square
7062 Holmes William DodgsonFieldhouse squaredwelling-house3, Fieldhouse square
7063 Preece CharlesFieldhouse squaredwelling-house22, Arcadia street, Manningham
successivedwelling-house4, Fieldhouse square
7064 Knowles EdmundFieldhouse squaredwelling-house6, Fieldhouse square
7065 Hibbert EdwardFieldhouse squaredwelling-house8, Fieldhouse square
7066 Watson JosephLeedswarehouseFiley street
7067 Watson CharlesLeedswarehouseFiley street
7068 Watson GeorgeLeedswarehouseFiley street
7069 Taylor JamesHortonwarehouseFiley street
7070 Wilson HudsonFiley streetdwelling-house1, Filey street
7071 Sugden WilliamFiley streetdwelling-house3, Filey street
7072 Rowntree FredFrances squaredwelling-house5, Frances square
7073 Shires GeorgeFrances squaredwelling-house3, Frances square
7074 Ives James AlbertFrances squaredwelling-house8, Frances square
7075 Watson SamuelFrances streetdwelling-house4, Frances street
7076 Sutcliffe JamesFrances streetdwelling-house8, Frances street
7077 Burns JohnFrances streetdwelling-house10, Frances street
7078 Field AlfredFrances streetdwelling-house12, Frances street
7079 Wilcock GeorgeFrances streetdwelling-house14, Frances street
7080 Shires EmanuelFrances streetdwelling-house11, Frances street
7081 Haley WilliamFrances streetdwelling-house11, Heaton street
successivedwelling-house9, Frances street
7082 Edhouse HenryFullerton streetdwelling-house31, Fullerton street
7083 Lee BenjaminFullerton streetdwelling-house29, Fullerton street
7084 Smithies ValentineFullerton streetdwelling-houseRichard street
successivedwelling-house23, Fullerton street
7085 Jackson WilliamFullerton streetdwelling-house21, Fullerton street
7086 Shackleton ThomasFullerton streetdwelling-house19, Fullerton street
7087 Stott IsaacFullerton streetdwelling-house17, Fullerton street
7088 Dickson GeorgeFullerton streetdwelling-house13, Fullerton street
7089 Pickles CorneliusFullerton streetdwelling-house11, Fullerton street
7090 Beanland RichardFurnace streetdwelling-house4, Furnace street
7091 Dawson James WilliamFurnace streetdwelling-house6, Furnace street
7092 Cooper JosephFurnace streetdwelling-house12, Furnace street
7093 Wells AbrahamFurnace streetdwelling-house17, Furnace street
7094 White JamesFurnace streetdwelling-house15, Furnace street
7095 Asquith BartholomewFurnace streetdwelling-house13, Furnace street
7096 Dawson JohnFurnace streetdwelling-house11, Furnace street
7097 Sutcliffe WilliamFurnace streetdwelling-house7, Furnace street
7098 Lowrey BenjaminFurnace streetdwelling-house5, Furnace street
7099 Crossland WilliamFurnace streetdwelling-house3, Furnace street
7100 Shackleton ReubenGibson streetdwelling-house6, Gibson street
7101 Arton ThomasRawdonwarehouseGibson street
7102 Stead JohnBowlingshop4, Graham street
7103 Priestley JohnSydenham placeshop8, Graham street
7104 German EdwardFernbank roadshop14, Graham street
7105 Hetherington Thomas EdwardHortonshop26, Graham street
7106 Greenwood HodgsonHortonshop32, Graham street
7107 Sunderland BenjaminGodwin streetshop34 Graham street
7108 Pilling JamesGraham streetdwelling-house44, Graham street
7109 Ingham BenjaminHallfield roadwarehouseGraham street
7110 Hulme JohnHall streetdwelling-house1, Hall street
7111 Summers RichardHall streetdwelling-house5, Concordia street
successivedwelling-house3, Hall street
7112 Spencer WilliamHall streetdwelling-house11, Hall street
7113 Laycock JamesHall streetdwelling-house15, Hall street
7114 Owen FrederickHall streetdwelling-house17, Hall street
7115 Naylor JosephHall streetdwelling-house19, Hall street
7116 Rhodes JohnHall streetdwelling-house29, Hall street
7117 Naylor JohnHall streetdwelling-house33, Hall street
7118 Hoyle JamesHall streetdwelling-house45, Hall street
7119 Hooper ArthurHall streetdwelling-house47, Hall street
7120 Langley FarrarHall streetdwelling-house51, Hall street
7121 Scrivens WilliamHall streetdwelling-house57, Hall street
7122 Foster WilliamHall streetdwelling-house41, Mulgrave street
successivedwelling-house59, Hall street
7123 Jowett JohnHall streetdwelling-house61, Hall street
7124 Barker JosephHall streetdwelling-house63, Hall street
7125 Moiet CharlesHall streetdwelling-house69, Hall street
7126 Clapison RobertHall streetdwelling-house73, Hall street
7127 Hogarth JosephHall streetdwelling-house71, Hall street
7128 Thorpe JamesHall streetdwelling-house79, Hall street
7129 Raper JosephHall streetdwelling-house81, Hall street
7130 Leeming JamesHall streetdwelling-house85, Hall street
7131 Thorpe JohnHall streetdwelling-house89, Hall street
7132 Chamberlain WilliamHall streetdwelling-house50, Hall street
successivedwelling-house72, Hall street
7133 Day ThomasHall streetdwelling-houseBirk street
successivedwelling-house68, Hall street
7134 Bramhall ReubenHall streetdwelling-house62, Hall street
7135 Brook Thomas HeatonHall streetdwelling-house62A, Hall street
7136 Hollingdrake ThomasHall streetdwelling-house240, Mount street
successivedwelling-house58, Hall street
7137 Kerridge JamesHall streetdwelling-house56, Hall street
7138 Ingham AlfredHall streetdwelling-house52, Hall street
successivedwelling-house54, Hall street
7139 Housecroft RobertHall streetdwelling-house58, Hall street
successivedwelling-house50, Hall street
7140 Jackson JohnHall streetdwelling-house48, Hall street
7141 Clegg GeorgeHall streetdwelling-house46, Hall street
7142 Tindale William BentleyHall streetdwelling-house44, Hall street
7143 Pickett JohnHall streetdwelling-house40, Hall street
successivedwelling-house38, Hall street
7144 Rawse JohnHall streetdwelling-house30, Hall street
7145 Forrest Henry AlbertHall streetdwelling-house40, Hall street
successivedwelling-house99, Birksland street
successivedwelling-house28, Hall street
7146 Kilcline JamesHall streetdwelling-house20, Hall street
successivedwelling-house24, Hall street
7147 Gill HoratioHall streetdwelling-house12, Hall street
7148 Wilcock SamuelHall streetdwelling-house90, Beck street
successivedwelling-house10, Hall street
7149 Ward RalphHall streetdwelling-house8, Hall street
7150 Kitson EdwardHall streetdwelling-house6, Hall street
7151 England JosephHall streetdwelling-house2, Hall street
7152 Hartley JamesAiredale roaddwelling-house73, Airedale road
successiveshop6, Hammerton street
7153 Sharp WilliamRichard streetshop10, Hammerton street
7154 Jackson WilliamManninghamshopHammerton street
7155 Thornton JohnBowlingshop73, Hammerton street
7156 Crebbin JamesHortonshopHammerton street
7157 Glover HenryNewlayshop47, Hammerton street
7158 Fawcett RalphBingleyshop47, Hammerton street
7159 Kelsall WilliamSydenham placeshop47, Hammerton street
7160 Killerby JohnHammerton streetdwelling-house41, Hammerton street
7161 Sugden JonasHammerton streetdwelling-house17, Hammerton street
7162 Jackson TomWestgatedwelling-house115, Westgate
successivedwelling-houseHammerton street
7163 Sunderland JamesUndercliffeshopHammerton street
7164 Gill RichardHare streetdwelling-house27, Hare street
7165 Harris WilliamHare streetdwelling-house25, Hare street
7166 Wilson JosephHare streetdwelling-house21, Hare street
7167 Sharp RichardHare streetdwelling-house19, Hare street
7168 Pratt CharlesHare streetdwelling-house11, Hare street
7169 Fox WilliamHare streetdwelling-house9, Hare street
7170 Bailey FrederickHare streetdwelling-house217, Mount street
successivedwelling-house7, Hare street
7171 Collins JoshuaHare streetdwelling-house328, Mount street
successivedwelling-house5, Hare street
7172 Jessop JosephHare streetdwelling-house3, Hare street
7173 Saville FrankHare streethouse & shop1, Hare street
7174 Harrison JamesHarley streetdwelling-house6, Harley street
7175 Kirby HenryHarley streetdwelling-house6, Frances square
successivedwelling-house8, Harley street
7176 Pattison William HenryHarley streetdwelling-house10, Harley street
7177 Robinson HenryHarley streetdwelling-house5, Harley street
7178 Pell JohnHarley streetdwelling-house8, Dick street
successivedwelling-house3, Harley street
7179 Crawshaw EliHeaton streetdwelling-house13, Heaton street
7180 Clough JohnHeaton streetdwelling-house9, Heaton street
7181 Hawksworth JosephHeaton streetdwelling-house7, Heaton street
7182 Pratt AlfredHeaton streetdwelling-house1, Heaton street
7183 Bings JamesHolt streetdwelling-house3, Holt street
7184 Fawbert HenryHolt streetdwelling-house1, Holt street
7185 Hollings OliverJackson courtdwelling-house9, Jackson court
7186 Roper BenjaminJackson courtdwelling-house3, Jackson court
7187 Hollings SmithJackson streetdwelling-house2, Jackson street
7188 Petty JosephTyersalwarehouse4, Jackson street
7189 Petty JohnCawood placewarehouse4, Jackson street
7190 Barker Albert NewallThornburywarehouse4, Jackson street
7191 Armitage Joseph NewtonShakespeare streetwarehouse4, Jackson street
7192 Smith WilliamJackson streetdwelling-house8, Malvern street
successivedwelling-house7, Jackson street
7193 Bonham WilliamJackson streetdwelling-house131, Mount street
successivedwelling-house5, Jackson street
7194 Butler AlfredJewell streetdwelling-house5, Back Jewell street
successivedwelling-house2, Jewell street
7195 Simpson IsaacJewell streetdwelling-house4, Jewell street
7196 Shaw JohnJewell streetdwelling-house29, Lake street
successivedwelling-house6, Jewell street
7197 Simpson WilliamJewell streetdwelling-house8, Jewell street
7198 Simpson CrabtreeJewell streetdwelling-house18, Jewell street
7199 Taylor JohnJewell streetdwelling-house20, Jewell street
7200 Welsh JohnJewell streetdwelling-house22, Jewell street
7201 Roberts PeterJewell streetdwelling-house24, Jewell street
7202 Hudson GeorgeJewell streetdwelling-house26, Jewell street
7203 Marshall TomJewell streetdwelling-house28, Jewell street
7204 Howley SamuelJewell streetdwelling-house30, Jewell street
7205 Dickinson LeviJewell streetdwelling-house34, Jewell street
7206 Bower GeorgeJewell streetdwelling-house36, Jewell street
7207 Barker ThomasJewell streetdwelling-house9, Jewell street
7208 Barker EmanuelJewell streetdwelling-house3, Jewell street
7209 Bethlem ThomasJewell streetdwelling-house1, Jewell street
7210 Clayton GeorgeKitchen squaredwelling-house23, Kitchen square
7211 Watson FrederickKitchen squaredwelling-house25, Kitchen square
7212 Hudson DanielKitchen squaredwelling-house21, Clarkson street
successivedwelling-house26, Kitchen square
7213 Midgley ThomasLake rowdwelling-house11, Lake row
successivedwelling-house13, Lake row
7214 Lister JosephLake rowdwelling-house12, Lake row
7215 Crossland WilliamLake rowdwelling-house9, Lake row
7216 Peel HiramLake rowdwelling-house8, Lake row
7217 Parker ThomasLake rowdwelling-house4, Lake row
7218 Booth WilliamLake rowdwelling-house3, Lake row
7219 Holdsworth FergusLake streetdwelling-house4, Lake street
7220 Metcalfe JamesLake streetdwelling-house10, Lake street
7221 Smith JohnLake streetdwelling-house13, Lake street
successivedwelling-house14, Lake street
7222 Horsfall SamuelLake streetdwelling-house11, Cook street
successivedwelling-house18, Lake street
7223 Hepworth HenryLake streetdwelling-house20, Lake street
7224 Dewhirst RobinsonLake streetdwelling-house22, Lake street
7225 Reynolds JohnLake streetdwelling-house31, Lake street
7226 Young SamuelLake streetdwelling-house27, Lake street
successivedwelling-house29, Lake street
7227 Tong JohnLake streetdwelling-house12, Walnut street
successivedwelling-house99, Mount street
successivedwelling-house27, Lake street
7228 Parish SamuelLake streetdwelling-house25, Lake street
7229 Wilson ThomasLake streetdwelling-house23, Lake street
7230 Jennings JoshuaLake streetdwelling-house307, Mount street
successivedwelling-house99, Mount street
successivedwelling-house21, Lake street
7231 Pannett GeorgeLake streetdwelling-house17, Lake street
7232 Kellett JamesLake streetdwelling-house15, Lake street
7233 Johnston JamesLake streetdwelling-houseLyndhurst street
successivedwelling-houseMarske street
successivedwelling-house13, Lake street
7234 Sharp WilliamLake streetdwelling-house3, Lake street
7235 Jennings CharlesLeeds roaddwelling-house172, Leeds road
7236 Toll WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house174, Leeds road
7237 Wombwell GeorgeHortonshopnear 174, Leeds road
7238 Hudson WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house178, Leeds road
7239 Attenborough WalterLeeds roaddwelling-house180, Leeds road
7240 Clarke Charles WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house182, Leeds road
7241 Wilson WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house192, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house184, Leeds road
7242 Bellerby LauncelotBarkerend roadshop186, Leeds road
7243 Stephenson Charles WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house188, Leeds road
7244 Brogden JohnIlkleywarehouse19, Bolton road
successivewarehouse200, Leeds road
7245 Wills CharlesHortonwarehouse202, Leeds road
7246 Mann ColburnLeeds roaddwelling-house270, Leeds road
7247 Nutton LeviLeeds roaddwelling-house274, Leeds road
7248 Foster ChristopherLeeds roaddwelling-house276, Leeds road
7249 Kershaw JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house284, Leeds road
7250 Lester HarryLeeds roaddwelling-house286, Leeds road
7251 Barwick CharlesLeeds roaddwelling-house282, Leeds road
7252 Gannon MichaelLeeds roaddwelling-house43, Loom street
successivedwelling-house288, Leeds road
7253 Thresh JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house304, Leeds road
7254 Harrison JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house306, Leeds road
7255 Worth JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house308, Leeds road
7256 Lund WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house312, Leeds road
7257 McKechnie NeilLeeds roaddwelling-house318, Leeds road
7258 Crooke RobertLeeds roaddwelling-house334, Leeds road
7259 Hodgson JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house34, Hill Side villas
successivedwelling-house340, Leeds road
7260 Robinson IsraelLeeds roaddwelling-house346, Leeds road
7261 Davison ThomasLeeds roaddwelling-house348, Leeds road
7262 Land RichardLeeds roaddwelling-house350, Leeds road
7263 Wheater RobinsonLeeds roaddwelling-house352, Leeds road
7264 Land William RichardLeeds roaddwelling-house354, Leeds road
7265 Wilkinson James HartLeeds roaddwelling-house34, Banner street
successivedwelling-house356, Leeds road
7266 Lambert JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house358, Leeds road
7267 Parker SamuelLeeds roaddwelling-house360, Leeds road
7268 Fawcett JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house362, Leeds road
7269 Walker SamuelLeeds roaddwelling-house364, Leeds road
7270 Burrows HenryLeeds roaddwelling-house366, Leeds road
7271 Tattersall EllisLeeds roaddwelling-house372, Leeds road
7272 Park JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house404, Leeds road
7273 Morrell WilliamLeeds roadshop217, Leeds road
successivedwelling-house406, Leeds road
7274 Young JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house408, Leeds road
7275 Lambert EdwardLeeds roaddwelling-house412, Leeds road
7276 North JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house18, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house414, Leeds road
7277 Binns WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house104, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house416, Leeds road
7278 Binner JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house418, Leeds road
7279 Kershaw RalphLeeds roaddwelling-house420, Leeds road
7280 Coope WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house428, Leeds road
7281 Empsall EdwardLeeds roaddwelling-house432, Leeds road
7282 Procter AlfredHill Side villasshop434, Leeds road
7283 Procter JohnHill Side villasshop434, Leeds road
7284 Riley MarkLeeds roaddwelling-house436, Leeds road
7285 Pickard JamesPudseyshop442, Leeds road
7286 Noble JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house448, Leeds road
7287 Turner JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house450, Leeds road
7288 Barraclough SamuelLeeds roaddwelling-house456, Leeds road
7289 Senior EdwardLeeds roaddwelling-house460, Leeds road
7290 Payne James EdwardHeckmondwikeshop462, Leeds road
7291 Illingworth MilesHeckmondwikeshop462, Leeds road
7292 Clifford SquireLeeds roaddwelling-house464, Leeds road
7293 Boocock JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house466, Leeds road
7294 Parratt UriahLeeds roaddwelling-house498, Leeds road
7295 Mitchell JonasLeeds roaddwelling-house500, Leeds road
7296 Ormanroyd EnochLeeds roaddwelling-house502, Leeds road
7297 Berry WilliamLeeds roaddwelling-house506, Leeds road
7298 Newton JosephLeeds roaddwelling-house506A, Leeds road
7299 Bentley JohnMount streetshop510, Leeds road
7300 Hill CharlesLeeds roaddwelling-house514, Leeds road
7301 Emmott ChristopherLeeds roaddwelling-house520, Leeds road
7302 Cliffe ElijahLeeds roaddwelling-house524, Leeds road
7303 Barraclough JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house530, Leeds road
7304 Seedall TempestLeeds roaddwelling-house532, Leeds road
7305 Oddy JonathanLeeds roaddwelling-house536, Leeds road
7306 Hanson ThomasLeeds roaddwelling-house538, Leeds road
7307 Walton JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house544, Leeds road
7308 Roberts AlfredLeeds roaddwelling-house546, Leeds road
7309 Williams JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house554, Leeds road
7310 Field AlbertLeeds roaddwelling-house556, Leeds road
7311 Nichols RichardLeeds roaddwelling-house572, Leeds road
7312 Murgatroyd JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house574, Leeds road
7313 Daykin RalphLeeds roaddwelling-house32, Cordingley street
successivedwelling-house576, Leeds road
7314 Kohler JacobLeeds roaddwelling-house578, Leeds road
7315 Burrow JamesLeeds roaddwelling-house610, Leeds road
7316 Drake SamuelLeeds roaddwelling-house612, Leeds road
7317 Reynolds FrederickLeeds roaddwelling-house828, Leeds road
7318 Shaw AbsalomLeeds roaddwelling-house836, Leeds road
7319 Whitehead AlfredLeeds roaddwelling-house838, Leeds road
7320 Hindle EdmundLeeds roaddwelling-house840, Leeds road
7321 Priestley JohnLeeds roaddwelling-house842, Leeds road
7322 Townend BenjaminLyndhurst streetdwelling-house36, Lyndhurst street
successivedwelling-house6, Lyndhurst street
7323 Holden William HenryLyndhurst streetdwelling-house24, Lyndhurst street
successivedwelling-house8, Lyndhurst street
7324 Johnson ThomasLyndhurst streetdwelling-house10, Lyndhurst street
7325 Simpson EphraimLyndhurst streetdwelling-house40, Lyndhurst street
7326 Waddington JonathanLyndhurst streetdwelling-house42, Lyndhurst street
7327 Plaum GeorgeLyndhurst streetdwelling-house44, Lyndhurst street
7328 Craven WilliamLyndhurst streetdwelling-house48, Lyndhurst street
7329 Shaw WilliamMaperton roadwarehouse50, Lyndhurst street
7330 Harrison ThorntonHarewood streetwarehouse50, Lyndhurst street
7331 Lacey CharlesLyndhurst streetdwelling-house43, Lyndhurst street
7332 Willis JohnLyndhurst streetdwelling-house39, Lyndhurst street
7333 Orr ThomasLyndhurst streetdwelling-house35, Lyndhurst street
7334 Greenwood JohnLyndhurst streetdwelling-house33, Lyndhurst street
7335 Myers AlbertLyndhurst streetdwelling-house21, Lyndhurst street
7336 Rhodes JohnLyndhurst streetdwelling-house19, Lyndhurst street
7337 Pearson GeorgeMarsden streetdwelling-house17, Cope street
successivedwelling-house2, Marsden street
7338 Longbottom AndrewMarsden streetdwelling-house4, Marsden street
7339 Waddington John CharlesMarsden streetdwelling-house6, Marsden street
7340 Varley HenryMarsden streetdwelling-house8, Marsden street
7341 Forrest BenjaminMarsden streetdwelling-house12, Marsden street
7342 Lumby WilliamMarsden streetdwelling-house319, Mount street
successivedwelling-house14, Marsden street
7343 Wood MatthewMarsden streetdwelling-house3, Marsden street
7344 Priestley JonasMarsden streetdwelling-house1, Marsden street
7345 Lambert WilliamMarsden streetdwelling-house5, Marsden street
7346 Madeley JosephMarske streetdwelling-house23, Seymour street
successivedwelling-house2, Marske street
7347 Greening WilliamMarske streetdwelling-house4, Marske street
7348 Dalby ThomasMarske streetdwelling-house7, Marske street
7349 Turner JohnMarske streetdwelling-house9, Southend street
successivedwelling-house5, Marske street
7350 Noddle ThomasMarske streetdwelling-house3, Marske street
7351 Cooper Joseph, junr.HeatonwarehouseMaud street
7352 Lupton OliverCowper placewarehouseMaud street
7353 Lupton Edward ArthurCowper placewarehouseMaud street
7354 Lister SamuelGladstone streetshop23, Maud street
7355 Mahoney JamesMaud streetdwelling-house15, Maud street
7356 Serredge WilliamMaud streetdwelling-house3, Maud street
7357 Wood HargreavesMount streetdwelling-house14, Mount street
7358 Gardiner JosephMount streetdwelling-house21, Robert street
successivedwelling-house2, Mount street
7359 Stephenson JohnMount streetdwelling-house2, Hind street
successivedwelling-house4, Mount street
7360 Jones WilliamMount streetdwelling-house10, Mount street
7361 Paddington AdamMount streetdwelling-house44, Mount street
successivedwelling-house6, Mount street
7362 Jones EdwardMount streetdwelling-house38, Mount street
7363 Metcalfe BenjaminMount streetdwelling-house46, Mount street
7364 Bolton PicklesMount streetdwelling-house42, Mount street
7365 Pease RichardHortonshopMount street
7366 Turner WilliamMount streetdwelling-house102, Mount street
7367 Johnson JohnMount streetdwelling-house104, Mount street
7368 Bell LazarusMount streetdwelling-house106, Mount street
7369 Bagnall JamesMount streetdwelling-house108, Mount street
7370 Naylor WilliamMount streetdwelling-house116, Mount street
7371 Booth SamuelMount streetdwelling-house9, Orange street
successivedwelling-house118, Mount street
7372 Raw JamesMount streetdwelling-house122, Mount street
7373 Scott RobertMount streetdwelling-house130, Mount street
7374 Barrett GeorgeMount streetdwelling-house132, Mount street
7375 Ingleson JohnMount streetdwelling-house134, Mount street
7376 Beetles WilliamMount streetdwelling-house136, Mount street
7377 Stead RobertMount streetdwelling-house16, Royal street
successivedwelling-house140, Mount street
7378 Burrow ThomasMount streetdwelling-house142, Mount street
7379 Lucas FrancisMount streetdwelling-house146, Mount street
7380 Coxon ThomasMount streetdwelling-house57, Mount street
successivedwelling-house213, Mount street
successivedwelling-house148, Mount street
7381 Hill JohnMount streetdwelling-house150, Mount street
7382 Leeder LionelMount streetdwelling-house154, Mount street
7383 Fishwick ThomasMount streetdwelling-house156, Mount street
7384 Bamford JamesMount streetdwelling-house162, Mount street
7385 Power JohnMount streetdwelling-house164, Mount street
7386 Lee JohnMount streetdwelling-house166, Mount street
7387 Mulligan EdwardMount streetdwelling-house11, Aeolus street
successivedwelling-house168, Mount street
7388 Dooley ThomasMount streetdwelling-house38, Maltby street
successivedwelling-house172, Mount street
7389 Jowett AlfredMount streetdwelling-house174, Mount street
7390 Brumfitt WilliamMount streetdwelling-house176, Mount street
7391 Bibby JohnMount streetdwelling-house180, Mount street
7392 Park EdwardMount streetdwelling-house256, Mount street
successivedwelling-house182, Mount street
7393 Keighley JohnMount streetdwelling-house188, Mount street
7394 Jackson ThomasMount streetdwelling-house192, Mount street
7395 Pearson WilliamMount streetdwelling-house194, Mount street
7396 Wilson RichardMount streetdwelling-house200, Mount street
7397 Smith ThomasMount streetdwelling-house202, Mount street
7398 Johnson WilliamMount streetdwelling-house204, Mount street
7399 Lightowler WilliamMount streetdwelling-house206, Mount street
7400 Ingleson ChristopherMount streetdwelling-house210, Mount street
7401 Riley JosephMount streetdwelling-house212, Mount street
7402 Nixon ThomasMount streetdwelling-house214, Mount street
7403 Padgett AlfredMount streetdwelling-house216, Mount street
7404 Saddington George EdwardMount streetdwelling-house230, Mount street
7405 Lightowler JosephMount streetdwelling-house222, Mount street
7406 Bromley William HenryMount streetdwelling-house3, Royal street
successivedwelling-house228, Mount street
7407 Padgett EdwinMount streetdwelling-house232, Mount street
7408 Chamberlain HenryMount streetdwelling-house234, Mount street
7409 Littlewood John HenryMount streetdwelling-house236, Mount street
7410 Padgett WilliamMount streetdwelling-house238, Mount street
7411 Atack WilliamMount streetdwelling-house224, Mount street
successivedwelling-house240, Mount street
7412 Mowthorp WilliamMount streetdwelling-house242, Mount street
7413 Thackray EdwardMount streetdwelling-house246, Mount street
7414 Lambert CharlesMount streetdwelling-house248, Mount street
7415 Newton JamesMount streetdwelling-house24, Mulgrave street
successivedwelling-house5, Concordia street
successivedwelling-house250, Mount street
7416 Hargreaves JamesMount streetdwelling-house254, Mount street
7417 Ward WilliamMount streetdwelling-house276, Mount street
successivedwelling-house260, Mount street
7418 Cooper WilliamMount streetdwelling-house268, Mount street
7419 Beanland JamesMount streetdwelling-house274, Mount street
7420 Burns JamesMount streetdwelling-house278, Mount street
7421 Scott JohnMount streetdwelling-house17, Rifle court
successivedwelling-house300, Mount street
7422 Cowell WilliamMount streetdwelling-house302, Mount street
7423 Williamson RobertMount streetdwelling-house304, Mount street
7424 Raistrick JohnMount streetdwelling-house308, Mount street
7425 Fleming ThomasMount streetdwelling-house310, Mount street
7426 Scaife JohnMount streetdwelling-house314, Mount street
7427 Wilson HenryMount streetdwelling-house320, Mount street
7428 Gill Joseph HenryMount streetdwelling-house324, Mount street
7429 Hargreaves SamuelMount streetdwelling-house336, Mount street
7430 Hainsworth ShireMount streetdwelling-house340, Mount street
7431 Furness JosephMount streetdwelling-house338, Mount street
successivedwelling-house342, Mount street
7432 Grattan SamuelMount streetdwelling-house314, Mount street
successivedwelling-house344, Mount street
7433 Taylor ThomasMount streetdwelling-house211, Mount street
successivedwelling-house346, Mount street
7434 Dawson JacobMount streetdwelling-house348, Mount street
7435 Dolphin WilliamMount streetdwelling-house356, Mount street
7436 Farrar AbrahamMount streetdwelling-house35, Mount street
successivedwelling-house358, Mount street
7437 Woodruff WilliamMount streetdwelling-house13, Cabinet street
successivedwelling-houseRoyal street
successivedwelling-house360, Mount street
7438 Jowett EdwardMount streetdwelling-house24, Cartmell street
successivedwelling-house366, Mount street
7439 Lightowler SimeonMount streetdwelling-house374, Mount street
7440 Wood ThomasMount streetdwelling-house59, Birkshall lane
successivedwelling-house376, Mount street
7441 Ackroyd ThomasMount streetdwelling-house321, Mount street
7442 Dawson AlbertMount streetdwelling-house16, Marsden street
successivedwelling-house319, Mount street
7443 Oversby ThomasMount streetdwelling-house315, Mount street
7444 Tyas JohnMount streetdwelling-house313, Mount street
7445 Lumley William EdwardMount streetdwelling-house311, Mount street
7446 Batters SidneyMount streetdwelling-house309, Mount street
7447 Illingworth RichardMount streetdwelling-houseBack Jewell street
successivedwelling-houseCabinet street
successivedwelling-house307, Mount street
7448 Hodgkinson ThomasMount streetdwelling-house305, Mount street
7449 Kiplin GeorgeMount streetdwelling-house301, Mount street
7450 Smith JosephMount streetdwelling-house299, Mount street
7451 Potts WilliamMount streetdwelling-house341, Back lane
successivedwelling-house297, Mount street
7452 Pateson AbrahamMount streetdwelling-house295, Mount street
7453 Fearnley WilliamMount streetdwelling-house293, Mount street
7454 Jowett HenryMount streetdwelling-house13, Hare street
successivedwelling-houseCabinet street
successivedwelling-house291, Mount street
7455 Wadby JohnMount streetdwelling-house17, Hare street
successivedwelling-house287, Mount street
7456 Marks JohnMount streetdwelling-house237, Mount street
successivedwelling-house283, Mount street
7457 Spencer MillerMount streetdwelling-house271, Mount street
7458 Rhodes JonasMount streetdwelling-house269, Mount street
7459 Parkinson WilliamMount streetdwelling-houseMount street
successivedwelling-house358, Mount street
successivedwelling-house265, Mount street
7460 Howson JohnMount streetdwelling-house261, Mount street
7461 Robinson JamesMount streetdwelling-house247, Mount street
7462 Goddard HenryMount streetdwelling-house245, Mount street
7463 Helliwell RichardMount streetdwelling-house243, Mount street
7464 Foulds James HartleyMount streetdwelling-house241, Mount street
7465 Kershaw AbrahamMount streetdwelling-house239, Mount street
7466 Rhodes JohnMount streetdwelling-house265, Mount street
successivedwelling-house237, Mount street
7467 Marks WilliamMount streetdwelling-house235, Mount street
7468 Wilkinson FrankMount streetdwelling-house233, Mount street
7469 Ewin JohnMount streetdwelling-house223, Mount street
7470 Shepherd WilliamMount streetdwelling-house221, Mount street
7471 Gregson RichardMount streetdwelling-house219, Mount street
7472 Womersley FrederickMount streetdwelling-house36, Laurel street
successivedwelling-house217, Mount street
7473 Wilford JamesMount streetdwelling-house14, Furnace street
successivedwelling-house213, Mount street
7474 Kelly ThomasMount streetdwelling-house23, Wentworth street
successivedwelling-house211, Mount street
7475 Collison AmosMount streetdwelling-house342, Mount street
successivedwelling-house207, Mount street
7476 Bowes EdwardMount streetdwelling-house205, Mount street
7477 Barrons BenjaminMount streetdwelling-house203, Mount street
7478 Metcalfe JohnMount streetdwelling-house199, Mount street
7479 Smith WilliamMount streetdwelling-house197, Mount street
7480 Holmes JohnBaildonshop193, Mount street
7481 Winterburn ThomasHortonwarehouse169, Mount street
7482 Waring FrancisMount streetdwelling-house167, Mount street
7483 Tansey JohnMount streetdwelling-house163, Mount street
7484 Mawthorpe JohnMount streetdwelling-house161, Mount street
7485 Tillotson DavidMount streetdwelling-house159, Mount street
7486 Hammond IsaacMount streetdwelling-house157, Mount street
7487 Butterfield JosephMount streetdwelling-house147, Mount street
7488 Storey HenryMount streetdwelling-house145, Mount street
7489 Skitt CharlesMount streetdwelling-house143, Mount street
7490 Kirk JosephMount streetdwelling-house137, Mount street
7491 Devitt JohnMount streetdwelling-house135, Mount street
7492 Sharp BenjaminMount streetdwelling-house4, Concordia street
successivedwelling-house133, Mount street
7493 Lister JamesMount streetdwelling-house172, Mount street
successivedwelling-house131, Mount street
7494 Bramley JohnMount streetdwelling-house129, Mount street
7495 Haigh EdwinMount streetdwelling-house127, Mount street
7496 Pickering JamesMount streetdwelling-house125, Mount street
7497 Coates IsaacMount streetdwelling-house99, Mount street
successivedwelling-house123, Mount street
7498 Firth James EminsonMount streetdwelling-house119, Mount street
7499 Crabtree JosephMount streetdwelling-house115, Mount street
7500 Hirst JosephMount streetdwelling-house113, Mount street
7501 Hudson RichardMount streetdwelling-house109, Mount street
7502 Dooley JohnMount streetdwelling-house107, Mount street
7503 Dobson WilliamMount streetdwelling-house101, Mount street
7504 Denby RichardMount streetdwelling-house21, Quill street
successivedwelling-house99, Mount street
7505 Hustler SquireMount streetdwelling-house81, Mount street
successivedwelling-house95, Mount street
7506 Storey AlfredMount streetshopnext 81, Mount street
7507 Cookson WilliamMount streetdwelling-house75, Mount street
7508 Huggan IsaacMount streetdwelling-house18, Maltby street
successivedwelling-house71, Mount street
7509 Gurney WilliamMount streetdwelling-house67, Mount street
7510 Bond RaperMount streetdwelling-house61, Mount street
7511 Young GeorgeLeedsshop59, Mount street
7512 Benson RichardMount streetdwelling-house5, Jackson court
successivedwelling-house57, Mount street
7513 Patchett AlfredMount streetdwelling-house53, Mount street
7514 O'Neil James ReynoldsMount streetdwelling-house51, Mount street
7515 Mahoney ThomasMount streetdwelling-house17A, Acre street
successivedwelling-house49, Mount street
7516 Hoyle SamuelMount streetdwelling-house576, Leeds road
successivedwelling-houseWalnut street
successivedwelling-house41, Mount street
7517 Smith AbsalomMount streetdwelling-house39, Mount street
7518 Mahon JohnMount streetdwelling-houseJermyn street
successivedwelling-houseWilfred street
successivedwelling-houseCross Sun street
successivedwelling-house35, Mount street
7519 Swailes GeorgeMount streetdwelling-house37, Mount street
7520 Thompson ThomasMount streetdwelling-house29, Mount street
7521 Gore William FrancisMount streetdwelling-house17, Mount street
7522 Harper JosephMount streetdwelling-houseHammerton street
successivedwelling-house11, Mount street
7523 Ryan AnthonyMulgrave courtdwelling-house2, Mulgrave court
7524 Gilmartin PatrickMulgrave courtdwelling-houseGolden Cock yard
successivedwelling-house4, Mulgrave court
7525 Pearce EliMulgrave courtdwelling-house10, Mulgrave court
7526 Leeming ThomasMulgrave courtdwelling-house14, Mulgrave court
7527 Lee JosephMulgrave courtdwelling-house5, Mulgrave court
7528 Mourdant JohnMulgrave courtdwelling-house3, Mulgrave court
7529 Crowley ThomasMulgrave streetdwelling-house4, Mulgrave street
7530 Smith JamesMulgrave streetdwelling-house6, Mulgrave street
7531 Nicholson Frederick WhitworthSouthey placeshop8, Mulgrave street
7532 Denton AlfredMulgrave streetdwelling-house18, Mulgrave street
7533 Winterbottom HiramMulgrave streetdwelling-house22, Mulgrave street
7534 Gratton JohnMulgrave streetdwelling-house26, Mulgrave street
7535 Hayes JamesMulgrave streetdwelling-house32, Mulgrave street
7536 Tomlinson JamesMulgrave streetdwelling-house34, Mulgrave street
7537 Mason JamesMulgrave streetdwelling-house36, Mulgrave street
7538 Lightowler SimeonMulgrave streetdwelling-houseMount street
successivedwelling-house62, Mulgrave street
7539 Delaney MichaelMulgrave streetdwelling-house46, Mulgrave street
7540 Durkin PatrickMulgrave streetdwelling-house48, Mulgrave street
7541 Maher JohnMulgrave streetdwelling-house50, Mulgrave street
7542 Costin RobertMulgrave streetdwelling-house42, Mulgrave street
7543 Parrington JohnMulgrave streetdwelling-house40, Mulgrave street
7544 Laycock ThompsonMulgrave streetdwelling-house74, Mulgrave street
7545 Swithenbank AnthonyMulgrave streetdwelling-house78, Mulgrave street
7546 Foxton RobertMulgrave streetdwelling-house80, Mulgrave street
7547 Allison JamesMulgrave streetdwelling-house82, Mulgrave street
7548 Harrison GeorgeMulgrave streetdwelling-house84, Mulgrave street
7549 Lee WilliamMulgrave streetdwelling-house98, Mulgrave street
7550 Webster ThomasMulgrave streetdwelling-house100, Mulgrave street
7551 Ackroyd WilliamMulgrave streetdwelling-house102, Mulgrave street
7552 Padgett JohnMulgrave streetdwelling-house123, Mount street
successivedwelling-house47, Mulgrave street
7553 Marden JamesMulgrave streetdwelling-house43, Mulgrave street
7554 Martin JosephMulgrave streetdwelling-house15, Royal street
successivedwelling-house41, Mulgrave street
7555 Ingle BenjaminBunker's hillwarehouse35, Mulgrave street
7556 Kipling PhilipMulgrave streetdwelling-house27, Mulgrave street
7557 Etherington Tom SwaineMulgrave streetdwelling-house25, Mulgrave street
7558 Thresh WilliamMulgrave streetdwelling-house23, Mulgrave street
7559 Chinn RaphaelMulgrave streetdwelling-house21, Mulgrave street
7560 Raistrick John WilliamMulgrave streetdwelling-house17, Mulgrave street
7561 Marshall WilliamMulgrave streetdwelling-house9, Mulgrave street
7562 Pinder ThomasMulgrave streetdwelling-house3, Mulgrave street
7563 Wring PhilipMyrtle streetdwelling-house8, Myrtle street
7564 Delaney DennisMyrtle streetdwelling-house15, Myrtle street
successivedwelling-house10, Myrtle street
7565 Connor PatrickMyrtle streetdwelling-house14, Beck street
successivedwelling-house12, Myrtle street
7566 Jagger SquireMyrtle streetdwelling-house20, Myrtle street
7567 Dolan PatrickMyrtle streetdwelling-house26, Myrtle street
7568 Holt William AlfredMyrtle streetdwelling-house28, Myrtle street
7569 Lake HenryMyrtle streetdwelling-house30, Myrtle street
7570 Charlesworth LeviMyrtle streetdwelling-house34, Myrtle street
7571 Buckley William HoltMyrtle streetdwelling-house42, Myrtle street
7572 Kilcoyne JohnMyrtle streetdwelling-housePratt street
successivedwelling-house62, Myrtle street
7573 Wilson RobertMyrtle streetdwelling-house76, Myrtle street
successivedwelling-house78, Myrtle street
7574 Wallace PatrickMyrtle streetdwelling-house90, Myrtle street
7575 Thompson CharlesMyrtle streetdwelling-house78, Back Pratt street
successivedwelling-house98, Myrtle street
7576 Scott AlfredMyrtle streetdwelling-house108, Myrtle street
7577 Hodgson ThomasMyrtle streetdwelling-house116, Myrtle street
7578 Wood JohnMyrtle streetdwelling-house118, Myrtle street
7579 Arnold WilliamNewgate streetdwelling-house2, Newgate street
7580 Brook CharlesNewgate streetdwelling-house4, Newgate street
7581 Poulton EdwardNewgate streetdwelling-house6, Newgate street
7582 Martin Stephen JamesNewgate streetdwelling-house10, Newgate street
7583 Coe HenryNewgate streetdwelling-house12, Newgate street
7584 Martin PetternellNewgate streetdwelling-house16, Newgate street
7585 Saunders JohnNewgate streetdwelling-house18, Newgate street
7586 Whedon AlfredNewgate streetdwelling-house20, Newgate street
7587 Philpot DavidNewgate streetdwelling-house22, Newgate street
7588 Clarke JamesPeel streetdwelling-house17, Peel street
7589 Anderton Frederick WilliamManninghamwarehouse15, Peel street
7590 Ashley NathanielBonwell courtshop9, Peel street
7591 Croft EdwardButler streetshop7, Peel street
7592 Butler JosephPenn streetdwelling-house7, Penn street
7593 Eckersley JosephPeter's courtdwelling-house4, Peter's court
7594 Barraclough EdwinPeter's courtdwelling-house6, Peter's court
7595 Marran WilliamPeter's courtdwelling-house12, Peter's court
successivedwelling-house10, Peter's court
7596 Newsome IsraelPeter's courtdwelling-house21, Peter's court
7597 Dewhirst LeonardPeter's courtdwelling-house19, Peter's court
7598 Tillett GeorgePeter's courtdwelling-house17, Peter's court
7599 Melton WilliamPeter's courtdwelling-house15, Peter's court
7600 Matthews JamesPeter's courtdwelling-house13, Peter's court
7601 Fuller FrederickPeter's courtdwelling-house13, Cabbage street
successivedwelling-house7, Peter's court
7602 Beetham JamesPotter streetdwelling-house6, Potter street
7603 Nicholson JohnPotter streetdwelling-house10, Potter street
7604 Sinnett MichaelPotter streetdwelling-house16, Potter street
7605 Wilkinson HenryPotter streetdwelling-house20, Potter street
7606 Cornforth JamesPotter streetdwelling-house9, St. George's street
successivedwelling-house22, Potter street
7607 Kay WilliamPotter streetdwelling-houseBirksland street
successivedwelling-house3, Potter street
7608 Barrett WilliamPotter yarddwelling-house22, Potter yard
7609 Baskerville JosephPratt streetdwelling-housePratt street
7610 Devine MichaelPratt streetdwelling-house14, Pratt street
7611 Dewhirst WilliamPratt streetdwelling-house22, Pratt street
7612 Train WilliamPratt streetdwelling-housePratt street
successivedwelling-house40, Pratt street
successivedwelling-house24, Pratt street
7613 Linforth HenryPratt streetdwelling-house30, Pratt street
7614 Noble SamuelPratt streetdwelling-house32, Pratt street
7615 Ince JohnPratt streetdwelling-house34, Pratt street
7616 Peel FrederickPratt streetdwelling-house42, Pratt street
7617 Wade WilliamPratt streetdwelling-house44, Pratt street
7618 Craigen WilliamPratt streetdwelling-house50, Pratt street
7619 Smith JamesPratt streetdwelling-house52, Pratt street
7620 Oxley ThomasPratt streetdwelling-house60, Pratt street
7621 Smith DanielPratt streetdwelling-house64, Pratt street
7622 Dover HenryPratt streetdwelling-house66, Pratt street
7623 Young WilliamPratt streetdwelling-house57, Pratt street
7624 Cox JohnPratt streetdwelling-house45, Pratt street
7625 Hardwick JamesPratt streetdwelling-house6, Pratt street
successivedwelling-house43, Pratt street
7626 Farnhill GeorgePratt streetdwelling-house26, Pratt street
successivedwelling-house39, Pratt street
7627 Delaney RichardPratt streetdwelling-house31, Pratt street
7628 Jennings PatrickPratt streetdwelling-houseBack Pratt street
successivedwelling-house21, Pratt street
7629 Miller MichaelPratt streetdwelling-house17, Pratt street
7630 Monaghan ThomasPratt streetdwelling-house15, Pratt street
7631 Burke JohnPratt streetdwelling-house13, Pratt street
7632 Lacey EdwardPratt streetdwelling-house12, Myrtle street
successivedwelling-house11, Pratt street
7633 Boyton JamesPratt streetdwelling-house5, Pratt street
successivedwelling-house9, Pratt street
7634 Cook EdwinPratt streetdwelling-house7, Pratt street
7635 Broomhead HezekiahPratt streetdwelling-house3, Pratt street
7636 Digney JamesBack Pratt streetdwelling-house6, Back Pratt street
7637 Taylor HenryBack Pratt streetdwelling-house8, Back Pratt street
7638 Sugden JamesBack Pratt streetdwelling-house24, Back Pratt street
7639 Gillibland JohnQuill streetdwelling-house10, Quill street
7640 Walton WilliamQuill streetdwelling-house12, Quill street
7641 Robinson RobertQuill streetdwelling-house14, Quill street
7642 Bellamy GeorgeQuill streetdwelling-house16, Quill street
7643 Denby ThomasQuill streetdwelling-house37, Quill street
7644 Parkinson BenjaminQuill streetdwelling-house35, Quill street
7645 Hodgson JosephQuill streetdwelling-house33, Quill street
7646 Mitchell George HenryQuill streetdwelling-house15, Quill street
successivedwelling-house29, Quill street
7647 Jackson RalphQuill streetdwelling-house27, Quill street
7648 Thornton JoelQuill streetdwelling-house25, Quill street
7649 Sykes GeorgeQuill streetdwelling-house17, Quill street
7650 Fieldhouse JeremiahQuill streetdwelling-house29, Quill street
successivedwelling-house15, Quill street
7651 Kitchen OliverQuill streetdwelling-house167, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house5, Whitworth street, Bowling
successivedwelling-house13, Quill street
7652 Hartley GeorgeQuill streetdwelling-house11, Quill street
7653 Sykes SamuelQuill streetdwelling-house1, Quill street
successivedwelling-house9, Quill street
7654 Robinson Louis KossethQuill streetdwelling-house7, Quill street
7655 Dewhirst JamesQuill streetdwelling-house5, Quill street
7656 Coates AbrahamRifle courtdwelling-house39, Warwick street
successivedwelling-house10, Rifle court
7657 Carney JohnRifle courtdwelling-house4, Robertshaw street
successivedwelling-house17, Rifle court
7658 Mawson JohnRobert courtdwelling-house10, Robert court
7659 Hart JohnRobert courtdwelling-house18, Robert court
7660 Randerman FerdinandRobert courtdwelling-house24, Robert court
7661 Leach EdwardRobert courtdwelling-house28, Robert court
7662 Haigh George HerbertRobert courtdwelling-house35, Robert court
7663 Lightowler HenryRobert courtdwelling-house27, Robert court
7664 Oxley ThomasRobert courtdwelling-house25, Robert court
7665 Haigh RobertRobert courtdwelling-house15, Robert court
7666 Sharp JohnRobert courtdwelling-house7, Robert court
successivedwelling-house3, Robert court
7667 Marsh Charles EdwardRobert streetdwelling-house2, Robert street
7668 Tidswell EdwinRobert streetdwelling-house6, Robert street
7669 Whiteley WilliamRobert streetdwelling-house10, Robert street
7670 Dark John MayRobert streetdwelling-house14, Robert street
7671 Lambert WilliamRobert streetdwelling-house16, Robert street
7672 Gledhill WilliamRobert streetdwelling-house18, Robert street
7673 Harding CharlesRobert streetdwelling-house20, Robert street
7674 Chatburn WilliamRobert streetdwelling-house26, Robert street
7675 Ingle ThomasRobert streetdwelling-house20, Mosscar street
successivedwelling-house34, Robert street
7676 Dobson WilliamRobert streetdwelling-house38, Robert street
7677 Rhodes FrederickRobert streetdwelling-house20, Robert street
successivedwelling-house42, Robert street
7678 Wood JoeRobert streetdwelling-house46, Robert street
7679 Seavers WilliamRobert streetdwelling-house48, Robert street
7680 Freeman CharlesRobert streetdwelling-house50, Robert street
7681 Mann Timothy, junr.Robert streetdwelling-house52, Robert street
7682 Mann TimothyRobert streetdwelling-house54, Robert street
7683 Dewhirst ThomasRobert streetdwelling-house19, Robert street
7684 Rawse Thomas EdwardRobert streetdwelling-house17, Robert street
7685 Oades HenryRobert streetdwelling-house30, Robert court
successivedwelling-house11, Robert street
7686 Shackleton ListerRobert streetdwelling-house9, Robert street
7687 Martin WilliamRobert streetdwelling-house5, Robert street
7688 Vicars JohnRobert streetdwelling-house3, Robert street
7689 Kershaw CharlesRobert streetdwelling-house1, Robert street
7690 Rudd JohnRoyal streetdwelling-house12, Royal street
successivedwelling-house14, Royal street
7691 Gordon JohnRoyal streetdwelling-house19, Jackson street
successivedwelling-house16, Royal street
7692 Langley WilliamRoyal streetdwelling-house19, Royal street
7693 Spencer GeorgeRoyal streetdwelling-house17, Royal street
7694 May John WilliamRoyal streetdwelling-house13, Royal street
7695 Ellis CooperRoyal streetdwelling-house11, Royal street
7696 Simpson FrankRoyal streetdwelling-house9, Royal street
7697 Keenan MartinRoyal streetdwelling-house7, Royal street
7698 Breen JohnRoyal streetdwelling-house5, Royal street
7699 Oliver DavidRoyal streetdwelling-house1, Royal street
7700 Clinton JamesBack Royal streetdwelling-house10, Back Royal street
7701 Barker DanielBack Royal streetdwelling-house12, Back Royal street
7702 McKay JamesBack Royal streetdwelling-house16, Back Royal street
7703 Crabtree LovellSeymour streetdwelling-house8, Seymour street
7704 Brooks ThomasSeymour streetdwelling-house10, Seymour street
7705 Whitelock JohnSeymour streetdwelling-house14, Seymour street
7706 Curtis JonathanSeymour streetdwelling-house18, Seymour street
7707 Long JosephSeymour streetdwelling-house22, Seymour street
7708 Lee JacobSeymour streetdwelling-house24, Seymour street
7709 Hargreaves JohnSeymour streetdwelling-house28, Seymour street
7710 Watson JohnSeymour streetdwelling-house34, Seymour street
7711 Tempest WilliamSeymour streetdwelling-house36, Seymour street
7712 Swailes GeorgeSeymour streetdwelling-house42, Seymour street
7713 Exley JohnSeymour streetdwelling-house59, Seymour street
7714 Noble JohnSeymour streetdwelling-house57, Seymour street
7715 Hargreaves SamuelSeymour streetdwelling-house55, Seymour street
7716 Teale WilliamSeymour streetdwelling-house28, Seymour street
successivedwelling-house49, Seymour street
7717 Barraclough SimeonSeymour streetdwelling-house47, Seymour street
7718 Bennett JoshuaSeymour streetdwelling-house45, Seymour street
7719 King CharlesSeymour streetdwelling-house114, Mount street
successivedwelling-house43, Seymour street
7720 Baker SamuelSeymour streetdwelling-house41, Seymour street
7721 Jones JamesSeymour streetdwelling-house39, Seymour street
7722 Hutton PeterSeymour streetdwelling-house37, Seymour street
7723 Naylor ThomasSeymour streetdwelling-house35, Seymour street
7724 Jennings WilliamSeymour streetdwelling-house23, Harewood street
successivedwelling-house31, Seymour street
7725 Farrar DavidSeymour streetdwelling-house29, Seymour street
7726 Mitchell JohnSeymour streetdwelling-house27, Seymour street
7727 Lister BenjaminSeymour streetdwelling-house25, Seymour street
7728 Whitaker JohnSeymour streetdwelling-house161, Barkerend road
successivedwelling-house23, Seymour street
7729 Sugden JohnSeymour streetdwelling-house21, Seymour street
7730 Webster OliverSouthend streetdwelling-house4, Southend street
7731 Reed GeorgeSouthend streetdwelling-house6, Southend street
7732 Pilmer SamuelSouthend streetdwelling-house10, Southend street
7733 Walter CharlesSouthend streetdwelling-house12, Southend street
7734 Snowden JonasSouthend streetdwelling-house56, Banner street
successivedwelling-house15, Southend street
7735 Hudson JacobSouthend streetdwelling-house13, Southend street
7736 Wilson GeorgeSouthend streetdwelling-house11, Southend street
7737 Ormeroyd JohnSouthend streetdwelling-house4, Potter street
successivedwelling-house7, Southend street
7738 Sugden JohnSouthend streetdwelling-house5, Southend street
7739 Wade GeorgeSouthend streetdwelling-house3, Southend street
7740 Bryan ThomasSt. George's streetdwelling-house15, St. George's street
7741 Higgins JohnSt. George's streetdwelling-house13, St. George's street
7742 Clark WilliamSt. George's streetdwelling-house45, Wordsworth street
successivedwelling-house11, St. George's street
7743 Dixon ThomasSt. George's streetdwelling-house70, Mulgrave street
successivedwelling-house3, St. George's street
7744 Kelly PatrickSutcliffe streetdwelling-house257, Sutcliffe street
7745 Arnold GeorgeSutcliffe streetdwelling-house19, Peace street
successivedwelling-house17, Sutcliffe street
7746 Holroyd JamesSutcliffe streetdwelling-house7, Sutcliffe street
7747 Brook Charles CliffordSutcliffe streetdwelling-house3, Sutcliffe street
7748 Darville ThomasTickhill streetdwelling-house17, Tickhill street
7749 Lambert ThomasTickhill streetdwelling-house15, Tickhill street
7750 Stapleton JohnTickhill streetdwelling-house11, Tickhill street
7751 Pearson John RichardTickhill streetdwelling-house9, Tickhill street
7752 Hopwood JohnTownhill streetdwelling-house6, Townhill street
7753 Dawson JosephTownhill streetdwelling-house8, Townhill street
7754 Doyle JamesTownhill streetdwelling-house10, Townhill street
7755 Hawksworth PeterTownhill streetdwelling-house12, Townhill street
7756 Dennison JosephTownhill streetdwelling-house14, Townhill street
7757 Broadbent EliTownhill streetdwelling-house14A, Townhill street
7758 Greaves IsaacTownhill streetdwelling-house33, Townhill street
7759 French JohnTownhill streetdwelling-house39, Townhill street
7760 Taylor JohnTownhill streetdwelling-house31, Townhill street
7761 Clark WilliamTownhill streetdwelling-house29, Townhill street
7762 Bridgeman OrlandoTownhill streetdwelling-house19, Townhill street
7763 Stephenson JamesTownhill streetdwelling-house15, Townhill street
7764 French CharlesTownhill streetdwelling-house11, Townhill street
7765 Loisby ThomasTownhill streetdwelling-house9, Townhill street
7766 Murton SamuelTownhill streetdwelling-house5, Townhill street
7767 Stringer WilliamTownhill streetdwelling-house3, Townhill street
7768 Heyworth CrossleyWakefield roaddwelling-house263, Wakefield road
7769 Smith JosephWakefield roadshop261, Wakefield road
7770 Marsland JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house257, Wakefield road
7771 Herr JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house255, Wakefield road
7772 Fawbert JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house253, Wakefield road
7773 Houghton JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house249, Wakefield road
7774 Stoner WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house247, Wakefield road
7775 Allison WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house245, Wakefield road
7776 Stead John WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house243, Wakefield road
7777 Preece Walter WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house241, Wakefield road
7778 Fieldhouse JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house239, Wakefield road
7779 Bell SamuelWakefield roaddwelling-house233, Wakefield road
7780 Cliff FrederickWakefield roaddwelling-house229, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house227, Wakefield road
7781 Peel William HerbertBowlingshop225A, Wakefield road
7782 Parratt JohnLeeds roadshop225, Wakefield road
7783 Pickard WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house223, Wakefield road
7784 Keighley DavidWakefield roaddwelling-house221, Wakefield road
7785 Bell AlfredWakefield roaddwelling-house217, Wakefield road
7786 Darnell CharlesWakefield roaddwelling-house207, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house215, Wakefield road
7787 Cryer JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house17, Vignola street
successivedwelling-house209, Wakefield road
7788 Fieldhouse FrederickWakefield roaddwelling-house201, Wakefield road
7789 Senior John RaynorWakefield roaddwelling-house197, Wakefield road
7790 Morgan JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house195, Wakefield road
7791 Goodby JosephWakefield roaddwelling-houseWakefield road
7792 Ward GeorgeWakefield roaddwelling-housenear 195, Wakefield road
7793 Mawer ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house111, Wakefield road
7794 Wade George WalterBowlingshop113, Wakefield road
7795 Clarke JamesLeeds roadshop113, Wakefield road
7796 Cookson JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house115, Wakefield road
7797 Evans ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house109, Wakefield road
7798 Kay Samuel RobertWakefield roaddwelling-house87, Wakefield road
7799 Gallagher JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house75, Wakefield road
7800 Laycock AbrahamWakefield roaddwelling-house73, Wakefield road
7801 Crossley CharlesWakefield roaddwelling-house69, Wakefield road
7802 Bottomley GodfreyWakefield roaddwelling-house63, Wakefield road
7803 Barker EdwardWakefield roaddwelling-house57, Wakefield road
7804 Robertshaw JoshuaWakefield roaddwelling-house53, Wakefield road
7805 Slinger MatthewWakefield roaddwelling-house51, Wakefield road
7806 Brown Alfred HunterWakefield roaddwelling-house211, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house49, Wakefield road
7807 Wright JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house73, New Hey road, Bowling
successivedwelling-house47, Wakefield road
7808 Beetham RichardLaisterdykeshop45, Wakefield road
7809 Beetham John GarforthWakefield roadshop45, Wakefield road
7810 George Thomas WoolleyWakefield roaddwelling-house41, Wakefield road
7811 Horsman Charles EdwardWakefield roaddwelling-house39, Wakefield road
7812 Butterworth AlbertWakefield roaddwelling-house37, Wakefield road
7813 Blackwood BenjaminWakefield roaddwelling-house35, Wakefield road
7814 Naylor BenjaminDudley hillshop27, Wakefield road
7815 Sugden ThomasBedford streetshop25, Wakefield road
7816 Ambler OwenBedford streetdwelling-house23, Wakefield road
7817 Ellison George WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house21, Wakefield road
7818 Coglin MichaelWarwick streetdwelling-house10, Warwick street
7819 Teale JohnWarwick streetdwelling-house14, Warwick street
successivedwelling-house12, Warwick street
7820 Backhouse JonathanWarwick streetdwelling-house16, Warwick street
successivedwelling-house20, Warwick street
7821 Goldby WilliamWarwick streetdwelling-houseBonwell court
successivedwelling-house24, Warwick street
7822 Fawcett JosephWarwick streetdwelling-house28, Warwick street
7823 Archer GeorgeWarwick streetdwelling-house32, Warwick street
7824 Webster WilliamWarwick streetdwelling-house41, Warwick street
7825 Spinks AlfredWarwick streetdwelling-house33, Warwick street
7826 Dilworth RichardWarwick streetdwelling-house27, Warwick street
7827 Whiteside ThomasWarwick streetdwelling-house15, Warwick street
successivedwelling-house23, Warwick street
7828 Walsh ThomasWarwick streetdwelling-house19, Warwick street
7829 Jackson ThomasWarwick streetdwelling-house7, Warwick street
7830 Greenwood WilliamManninghamwarehouse75, Westgate
successivewarehouse4, Wenlock street
7831 Thompson JohnUpper Bolton streetwarehouseWenlock street
7832 Sugden EmanuelWentworth streetdwelling-house12, Wentworth street
7833 Williams LeviWentworth streetdwelling-house14, Wentworth street
7834 Clark ThomasWentworth streetdwelling-house26, Wentworth street
7835 Moor WilliamWentworth streetdwelling-house44, Wentworth street
7836 Bailey William HenryWentworth streetdwelling-house41, Wentworth street
7837 Wilkinson HiramWentworth streetdwelling-house39, Wentworth street
7838 Hartley JamesWentworth streetdwelling-house37 Wentworth street
7839 Bradley JosephWentworth streetdwelling-house31, Wentworth street
7840 Hillam AlfredWentworth streetdwelling-house17, Wentworth street
successivedwelling-house29, Wentworth street
7841 Tunstall GeorgeWentworth streetdwelling-house27, Wentworth street
7842 Bunyan ArthurWentworth streetdwelling-house31, Seymour street
successivedwelling-house25, Wentworth street
7843 Horner SamuelWentworth streetdwelling-house19, Wentworth street
7844 Campbell GeorgeWentworth streetdwelling-house11, Wentworth street
7845 Speight JamesWentworth streetdwelling-house15, Wentworth street
successivedwelling-house7, Wentworth street
7846 Doolan PatrickWentworth streetdwelling-house6, Seymour street
successivedwelling-house5, Wentworth street
7847 Bannister JosephWentworth streetdwelling-house3, Wentworth street
7848 Peel FrederickWilliam courtdwelling-house81, William court
7849 Lofthouse ThomasWilliam courtdwelling-house65, William court
7850 Colburn WilliamWilliam courtdwelling-house75, William court
successivedwelling-house59, William court
7851 Gabbatis WilliamWilliam courtdwelling-house59, William court
successivedwelling-house55, William court
7852 Tilford JosephWilliam courtdwelling-house51, William court
7853 Patchett AmbroseWilliam courtdwelling-house49, William court
7854 Nobbs William HenryWilliam courtdwelling-house39, William court
successivedwelling-house45, William court
7855 Boyes WilliamWilliam courtdwelling-house35, William court
7856 Boyes ElkannaWilliam courtdwelling-house71, William court
successivedwelling-house33, William court
7857 Brown RobertWilliam courtdwelling-house29, William court
7858 Huggins CharlesWilliam courtdwelling-house27, William court
7859 Bell RichardWilliam courtdwelling-house13, William court
7860 Burnell JamesWilliam courtdwelling-house9, William court
7861 Hartley LionelLower William courtdwelling-house12, Gibson street
successivedwelling-house17, Lower William court
7862 Sinnett PatrickLower William courtdwelling-house19, Lower William court
successivedwelling-house23, Lower William court
7863 Dodgson SamuelLower William courtdwelling-houseLower William court
successivedwelling-house58, Pratt street
successivedwelling-house27, Lower William court
7864 Jones ThomasLower William courtdwelling-house35, Lower William court

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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