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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1884, WEST WARD1.


Please read these notes about these registers.

WEST WARD1, 1884.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
7865 Mahon JohnAlbion streetdwelling-house6, Albion street
7866 Scanlan PatrickAlbion streetdwelling-house10, Albion street
7867 Fleming PatrickAlbion streetdwelling-house14, Albion street
7868 Carroll HughAlbion streetdwelling-house16, Albion street
7869 Knox JohnAlbion streetdwelling-house22, Albion street
successivedwelling-house18, Albion street
7870 Sutcliffe SpencerAlbion streetdwelling-house27, Albion street
7871 Shaw BenjaminAlbion streetdwelling-house21, Albion street
7872 Gorman PatrickAlbion streetdwelling-house19, Albion street
7873 Carroll MichaelAlbion streetdwelling-house17, Albion street
7874 Naylor JosephAlbion streetdwelling-house9, Albion street
7875 Larvin ThomasAlbion streetdwelling-house3, Lister court
successivedwelling-house5, Albion street
7876 McAndrew MartinAlbion streetdwelling-house1, Albion street
7877 Pyrah AnthonyManninghamwarehouseAshton street
7878 Gibson JosephBaptist placedwelling-house7, Baptist place
7879 Gallagher BartholomewBell streetdwelling-house12, Bell street
7880 Tinsley CharlesBell streetdwelling-house7, Bell street
7881 Johnson JamesBell streetdwelling-house3, Bell street
7882 Langley GeorgeBell streetdwelling-house2, Bell street
7883 Phillipson DixonBlack Abbey folddwelling-house10, Clayton street
successivedwelling-house12, Black Abbey fold
7884 Wood FrancisBoyes courtdwelling-house6, Boyes court
7885 Firth Charles WadeHortonwarehouse2B, Brewery street
7886 Halstead Henry RichardEccleshillwarehouseBrewery street
7887 McLoughlan MichaelBrick courtdwelling-house12, Brick court
7888 Duddy JohnBrick courtdwelling-house16, Brick court
7889 Dunlavy JamesBrick courtdwelling-house24, Brick court
7890 Sutcliffe ThomasBrick courtdwelling-house9, Brick court
7891 Ackroyd JohnBurnley folddwelling-house117, Abbey street
successivedwelling-house5, Burnley fold
7892 Tomkinson DavidButterfield placedwelling-house101, Westgate
successivedwelling-house9, Butterfield place
successivedwelling-house7, Butterfield place
7893 Hutchinson CharlesButterfield placedwelling-house4, Butterfield place
7894 Wainwright SamuelButterfield placedwelling-house6, Butterfield place
7895 Saltonstall WilliamButterfield placedwelling-house17, Butterfield place
7896 Hogan JohnButterfield placedwelling-house98, Longcroft place
successivedwelling-house27, Butterfield place
7897 Gill JohnButterfield placedwelling-house90, Longlands street
successivedwelling-house29, Butterfield place
7898 Hicks JosephButterfield placedwelling-house31, Butterfield place
7899 Brewerton ElijahChain streetdwelling-house4, Chain street
7900 Flaherty PatrickChain streetdwelling-house12, Chain street
7901 Ward PeterChain streetdwelling-house16, Chain street
7902 Collins PhilipChain streetdwelling-house18, Chain street
7903 White EdwardChain streetdwelling-house60, Vincent street
successivedwelling-house22, Chain street
7904 Sawkill JohnChain streetdwelling-house24, Chain street
7905 Bartley ThomasChain streetdwelling-house26, Chain street
7906 Rochford JohnChain streetdwelling-house28, Chain street
7907 Rochford ThomasChain streetdwelling-house30, Chain street
7908 Kilcullen RogerChain streetdwelling-house32, Chain street
7909 Bartley PatrickChain streetdwelling-house34, Chain street
7910 Bastow JamesChain streetdwelling-house36, Chain street
7911 Mossop WilliamChain streetdwelling-house40, Chain street
7912 Bateson JohnChain streetdwelling-house42, Chain street
7913 Shuttleworth JohnChain streetdwelling-house44, Chain street
7914 Kennedy JohnChain streetdwelling-house50, Chain street
7915 O'Brien MichaelChain streetdwelling-house54, Chain street
7916 Walsworth CharlesChain streetdwelling-house13, Chain street
7917 Taylor JamesChapel folddwelling-house29, Chapel fold
7918 Flather William HenryChapel folddwelling-house2, Chapel fold
7919 Wood JoshuaCity roaddwelling-house2, City road
7920 Hollings WilliamCity roaddwelling-house12, City road
7921 Harper JohnCity roaddwelling-house14, City road
7922 Brewer GeorgeCity roaddwelling-house16, City road
7923 Hoyle EmanuelCity roaddwelling-house18, City road
7924 Wilcock JosephCity roaddwelling-house20, City road
7925 Baxter BenjaminCity roaddwelling-house26, City road
7926 Firth WilliamCity roaddwelling-house28, City road
7927 Simpson JosephCity roaddwelling-house30, City road
7928 Wilkinson FrancisCity roaddwelling-house40, City road
7929 Penn SamuelCity roaddwelling-house46, City road
7930 Robinson GeorgeCity roaddwelling-house50, City road
7931 Arundel JonathanManninghamshop52, City road
7932 Lund StephenCity roaddwelling-house68, City road
7933 Hargreaves JamesCity roaddwelling-house70, City road
7934 Atkinson LeonardCity roaddwelling-house72, City road
7935 Bassett Arthur HenryCity roaddwelling-house76, City road
7936 Kidd JamesCity roaddwelling-house11, Woodlands street
successivedwelling-house100, City road
7937 Ramsden FrederickCity roadshopWorthington street
successivedwelling-house104, City road
7938 Knight JoshuaCity roaddwelling-house47, City road
successivedwelling-house108, City road
7939 Shackleton JosephCity roaddwelling-house77, City road
7940 Harrison AnthonyCity roaddwelling-house75, City road
7941 Craven WilliamCity roaddwelling-house73, City road
7942 Fuller JohnCity roaddwelling-house71, City road
7943 Wilson WilliamCity roaddwelling-house69, City road
7944 Tomlinson WilliamCity roaddwelling-house67, City road
7945 Wass George HicksonCity roaddwelling-house63, City road
7946 Smith JohnCity roaddwelling-house57, City road
7947 Bairstow SpencerCity roaddwelling-house55, City road
7948 Priestley Samuel CassonCity roaddwelling-house53, City road
7949 Peel ReubenCity roaddwelling-house51, City road
7950 Curry JamesCity roadshop46A, City road
successivedwelling-house47, City road
7951 Holt JamesCity roaddwelling-house45, City road
7952 Parker CuthbertCity roaddwelling-house33, City road
7953 Bentham OliverCity roaddwelling-house31, City road
7954 Goldsborough JohnCity roaddwelling-house27, City road
7955 Hatfield WilliamCity roaddwelling-house21, City road
7956 Court SamuelCity roaddwelling-house19, City road
7957 Illingworth JohnCity roaddwelling-house17, City road
7958 Kitchingman JamesCity roaddwelling-house11, City road
7959 Parkin SamuelWorthington streetshop9, City road
7960 Goodaire LouisManninghamshop5, City road
7961 Goodaire ThomasHolmes streetshop1, City road
7962 Chippendale WalterClayton squaredwelling-house2, Clayton square
7963 Stafford JohnClayton squaredwelling-house1, Clayton square
7964 Tetley WilliamClayton streetdwelling-house8, Clayton street
7965 Flegg JamesClayton streetdwelling-house31, Piccadilly
successivedwelling-house12, Clayton street
7966 Barlow RichardClayton streetdwelling-house38, Thornton street
successivedwelling-house14, Clayton street
7967 McGuire PatrickClayton streetdwelling-house46, Clayton street
7968 Ellis JamesClayton streetdwelling-house48, Clayton street
7969 Craven SamuelClayton streetdwelling-house50, Clayton street
7970 Murphy PatrickClayton streetdwelling-houseThornton street
successivedwelling-house24, Low street
successivedwelling-house52, Clayton street
7971 Brannan MichaelClayton streetdwelling-house56, Clayton street
7972 Nicholl JuliusClayton streetdwelling-house62, Clayton street
7973 Rouse JohnClayton streetdwelling-house34, Raven street
successivedwelling-house66, Clayton street
7974 Dupton SamuelClayton streetdwelling-house70, Clayton street
7975 Conway MichaelClayton streetdwelling-house74, Clayton street
7976 Cooney MichaelClayton streetdwelling-house84, Clayton street
7977 Mitchell GeorgeClayton streetdwelling-house86, Clayton street
7978 Robinson RalphClayton streetdwelling-house88, Clayton street
7979 Clayton Michael ArthurManninghamshop90, Clayton street
7980 Rhodes WilliamClayton streetdwelling-house96, Clayton street
7981 Robinson TomClayton streetdwelling-house98, Clayton street
7982 Cockings FrankClayton streetdwelling-house102, Clayton street
7983 Rourke ThomasClayton streetdwelling-house104, Clayton street
7984 Wright TitusClayton streetdwelling-house106, Clayton street
7985 Henderson JamesClayton streetdwelling-house110, Clayton street
7986 Knowles WilliamClayton streetdwelling-house112, Clayton street
7987 Fox AmosClayton streetdwelling-house120, Clayton street
7988 Sowden JamesClayton streetdwelling-house122, Clayton street
7989 Armitage JosephClayton streetdwelling-house123, Clayton street
7990 Bowen CorneliusClayton streetdwelling-house121, Clayton street
7991 Knowles ThomasClayton streetdwelling-house54, Thornton street
successivedwelling-house117, Clayton street
7992 Bowker SamuelClayton streetdwelling-house113, Clayton street
7993 Wilkinson JohnClayton streetdwelling-house111, Clayton street
7994 Cullen JohnClayton streetdwelling-house105, Clayton street
7995 Roden PeterClayton streetdwelling-house19, Pine street
successivedwelling-house103, Clayton street
7996 Feeley ThomasClayton streetdwelling-house101, Clayton street
7997 Barraclough JamesClayton streetdwelling-house114, Clayton street
successivedwelling-house97, Clayton street
7998 Curley JosephClayton streetdwelling-house95, Clayton street
7999 Mitchell ThomasClayton streetdwelling-house93, Clayton street
8000 Dobson HenryClayton streetdwelling-house91, Clayton street
8001 Lambert DanielClayton streetdwelling-house85, Clayton street
8002 Toothill ThomasClayton streetdwelling-house83, Clayton street
8003 Newton JamesClayton streetdwelling-house81, Clayton street
8004 Horsfall HartleyClayton streetdwelling-house79, Clayton street
8005 Foster ChristopherClayton streetdwelling-house77, Clayton street
8006 Dodd WilliamClayton streetdwelling-house71, Clayton street
8007 Carroll MartinClayton streetdwelling-house67, Clayton street
8008 Northrop JonasClayton streetdwelling-house65, Clayton street
8009 Cummings MichaelClayton streetdwelling-house49, Clayton street
8010 Crabtree HenryClayton streetdwelling-house114, North wing
successivedwelling-house47, Clayton street
8011 Gillespie JohnClayton streetdwelling-house45, Clayton street
8012 Proctor AbrahamClayton streetdwelling-house37, Clayton street
8013 Noon ThomasClayton streetdwelling-house80, Clayton street
successivedwelling-house35, Clayton street
8014 Shackleton WilsonClayton streetdwelling-house33, Clayton street
8015 Wilson ThomasClayton streetdwelling-house3, Clayton street
8016 Proctor SamuelHortonshopCooper street
8017 Watmuff JosephProvidence streetshop66, George street
successiveshop17, Cropper lane
8018 Wood JamesManninghamshopCropper lane
8019 Hutton ChristopherCropper lanedwelling-house3, Prospect terrace
successivedwelling-house7, Cropper lane
8020 O'Hara ArthurJames streetshop5, Cropper lane
8021 Jowett JesseCropper lanedwelling-house6, Cropper lane
8022 Jowett FrancisCropper lanedwelling-house8, Cropper lane
8023 Hullah WilliamCropper lanedwelling-house10, Cropper lane
8024 Harrison OliverCropper lanedwelling-house12, Cropper lane
8025 Walker CaptainCropper lanedwelling-house14, Cropper lane
8026 Goodman ThomasCropper lanedwelling-house18, Cropper lane
8027 Berry JohnCropper lanedwelling-house20, Cropper lane
8028 Jennings AnthonyCropper lanedwelling-house35, Cropper lane
8029 McKew JohnCropper lanedwelling-house33, Cropper lane
8030 Parker CharlesCropper laneshop23, Cropper lane
8031 Peck GeorgeCropper lanedwelling-house17, Cropper lane
8032 Bateman WilliamCrown streetdwelling-house36, Crown street
8033 Jaques CharlesCrown streetdwelling-house20, Bingley street, Manningham
successivedwelling-house49, Woodlands street, Manningham
successivedwelling-house38, Crown street
8034 Sharp JamesCrown streetdwelling-house44, Crown street
8035 Hayes CharlesCrown streetdwelling-house46, Crown street
8036 Haighins CharlesCrown streetdwelling-house48, Crown street
8037 Swithenbank WilliamCrown streetdwelling-house50, Crown street
8038 Pattison JohnCrown streetdwelling-house54, Crown street
8039 Hodgson JamesCrown streetdwelling-house56, Crown street
8040 Wilkinson JohnCrown streetdwelling-house66, Crown street
8041 Blamires BenjaminCrown streetdwelling-house74, Crown street
8042 Cafferty JohnCrown streetdwelling-house8, Spink street
successivedwelling-house18, Summer street
successivedwelling-house76, Crown street
8043 Brett JohnCrown streetdwelling-house78, Crown street
8044 Hill Samuel HartleyCrown streetdwelling-house82, Crown street
8045 Hollingdrake JamesCrown streetdwelling-house80, Crown street
8046 Litchfield JamesCrown streetdwelling-houseGracechurch street
successivedwelling-house81, Crown street
successivedwelling-house89A, Crown street
8047 Bottomley JosephCrown streetdwelling-house83, Crown street
8048 Whiteley JosephCrown streetdwelling-house79, Crown street
8049 Ingham JohnCrown streetdwelling-house77, Crown street
8050 Kairns HughCrown streetdwelling-house75, Crown street
8051 Cohan PatrickCrown streetdwelling-house73, Crown street
8052 Lynch EdwardCrown streetdwelling-house69, Crown street
8053 Kelly WilliamCrown streetdwelling-house67, Crown street
8054 Belmont JamesCrown streetdwelling-house65, Crown street
8055 Berry JamesCrown streetdwelling-house63, Crown street
8056 Asquith HughCrown streetdwelling-house61, Crown street
8057 Smith EdwardCrown streetdwelling-house59, Crown street
8058 Stocks WalterCrown streetdwelling-house57, Crown street
8059 Wilman JosephCrown streetdwelling-house38, Crown street
successivedwelling-house55, Crown street
8060 Emmott JamesCrown streetdwelling-house51, Crown street
8061 Kinder JamesCrown streetdwelling-house49, Crown street
8062 Kirkbride WilliamCrown streetdwelling-house47, Crown street
8063 Hainsworth EllisCrown streetdwelling-house39, Crown street
8064 Dean RobertCrown streetdwelling-house37, Crown street
8065 Jones JohnCrown streetdwelling-house50, Exeter street
successivedwelling-house13, Crown street
8066 Blake FrancisCrown streetdwelling-house5, Crown street
8067 Smith JosephHortonwarehouseDawson street
8068 Cunliffe JamesDyson streetbeer-house2, Dyson street
8069 Whaley Joseph PicklesDyson streetdwelling-house8, Dyson street
8070 Whalley John ThomasDyson streetdwelling-house16, Dyson street
8071 Thompson HenryDyson streetdwelling-house18, Dyson street
8072 Waddington EliDyson streetdwelling-house22, Dyson street
8073 Jowett EliDyson streetdwelling-house24, Dyson street
8074 Stead GeorgeDyson streetdwelling-house26, Dyson street
8075 Bell WilliamDyson streetdwelling-house30, Dyson street
8076 Nash IsaacDyson streetdwelling-house90, Sedgwick street
successivedwelling-house32, Dyson street
8077 Waddington BenjaminDyson streetdwelling-house34, Dyson street
8078 Harker JosephDyson streetdwelling-house36, Dyson street
8079 Kemp EdwardDyson streetdwelling-house38, Dyson street
8080 Thorpe CharlesDyson streetdwelling-house40, Dyson street
8081 Smith CorneliusDyson streetdwelling-house44, Dyson street
8082 Watmuff WilliamDyson streetdwelling-house46, Dyson street
8083 Scott JohnDyson streetdwelling-house48, Dyson street
8084 Varley ObadiahDyson streetdwelling-house50, Dyson street
8085 Jennings ThomasDyson streetdwelling-house56, Dyson street
8086 Graham William EdwardDyson streetdwelling-house52, Dyson street
successivedwelling-house58, Dyson street
8087 Cowgill ThomasDyson streetdwelling-houseJermyn street
successivedwelling-house126, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house21, Dyson street
successivedwelling-house60, Dyson street
8088 Harrison James EdwardDyson streetdwelling-house62, Dyson street
8089 Fletcher RobertDyson streetdwelling-house32, Dyson street
successivedwelling-houseSedgwick street
successivedwelling-house64, Dyson street
8090 Cafferty MichaelDyson streetdwelling-house70, Dyson street
8091 Kelly PeterDyson streetdwelling-house72, Dyson street
8092 Brackan WilliamDyson streetdwelling-house74, Dyson street
8093 Hannen MichaelDyson streetdwelling-house76, Dyson street
8094 Ramsbottom ThomasDyson streetdwelling-house82, Dyson street
8095 Moore JamesDyson streetdwelling-house84, Dyson street
8096 Heaton JamesDyson streetdwelling-house86, Dyson street
8097 Barnes JohnDyson streetdwelling-house88, Dyson street
8098 Herring CorneliusDyson streetdwelling-house92, Dyson street
8099 Keighley GilbertEast Mortonwarehouse55, Brook street
successivewarehouse100, Dyson street
8100 Hey JosephDyson streetdwelling-house98, Longlands street
successivedwelling-house142, Dyson street
8101 Talbot RichardDyson streetdwelling-house144, Dyson street
8102 Hardisty ThomasDyson streetdwelling-house148, Dyson street
8103 Lancaster JamesDyson streetdwelling-house33, Dyson street
8104 Shaw HarryDyson streetdwelling-house31, Dyson street
8105 Newton JohnDyson streetdwelling-house29, Dyson street
8106 Priestley TomDyson streetdwelling-house25, Dyson street
8107 Shoesmith Henry CharlesDyson streetdwelling-house23, Dyson street
8108 Priestley JosephDyson streetdwelling-house11, Dyson street
8109 Wilkinson WilliamDyson streetdwelling-house9, Dyson street
8110 Bulmer WilliamFrizinghallshopFulton street
8111 Scholes JohnGarden placedwelling-house5, Garden place
8112 Croft DanielGarden placedwelling-house2, Garden place
successivedwelling-house4, Garden place
8113 Cawthra John, junr.Garden placedwelling-house3, Garden place
8114 Sutcliffe JamesGarden placedwelling-house1, Garden place
8115 Noble JosephGaynor streetdwelling-house8, Gaynor street
successivedwelling-house4, Gaynor street
8116 Lund JonasGaynor streetdwelling-house8, Gaynor street
8117 Wood BenjaminGaynor streetdwelling-house10, Gaynor street
8118 Hall LewisGaynor streetdwelling-house16, Gaynor street
8119 Snell JohnGaynor streetdwelling-house22, Gaynor street
8120 Dewhirst ThomasGaynor streetdwelling-house20, Gaynor street
8121 Otty WilliamGaynor streetdwelling-house26, Gaynor street
8122 Burton JohnGaynor streetdwelling-house25, Gaynor street
8123 Carline TomGaynor streetdwelling-house23, Gaynor street
8124 Smith WilliamGaynor streetdwelling-house21, Gaynor street
8125 Appleyard WilliamGaynor streetdwelling-house17, Gaynor street
8126 Rooks WilliamGaynor streetdwelling-house15, Gaynor street
8127 Rollinson JamesGaynor streetdwelling-house13, Gaynor street
8128 Firth JohnGaynor streetdwelling-house11, Gaynor street
8129 Holt JohnGaynor streetdwelling-house9, Gaynor street
8130 Metcalfe AlfredGaynor streetdwelling-house7, Gaynor street
8131 Huddleston ReubenGaynor streetdwelling-house3, Gaynor street
8132 Lee WilliamGaynor streetdwelling-house1, Gaynor street
8133 Field MartinManninghamshop64, Godwin street
8134 Lister ThomasRipon streetshop66, Godwin street
8135 Myers SamuelBowlingshop66, Godwin street
8136 Waite John HudsonMenstonshop68, Godwin street
8137 Waite William MilnerGodwin streetshop68, Godwin street
8138 Osborne JosephUndercliffe streetshop70, Godwin street
8139 Matthews William AlfonsoFrizinghallshop81, Godwin street
8140 Turner RobertHortonshopGodwin street
successiveshop79, Godwin street
8141 Fletcher WilliamDrewton streetshopGodwin street
successiveshop77, Godwin street
8142 Dalton GeorgeTennyson placeshopGodwin street
8143 Fox Walter EdwardHortoncountinghouseArcade
successivecountinghouseGodwin street
8144 Foulds JeremiahTrafalgar streetshopGodwin street
successiveshopGodwin street
8145 Fairs GeorgeNorth wingdwelling-houseNorth wing
successiveshopGodwin street
8146 Wood Edward HenryShipleywarehouseabove 35, Godwin street
8147 Earnshaw EdmundFagley roadshopGodwin street
8148 Farnish WilliamManninghamwarehouse23, 25, Godwin street
8149 Peel JohnHortonshop19, Godwin street
8150 Sykes JamesHortonshop15, Godwin street
8151 Berry WilliamBaildonwarehouseGodwin street
8152 Boyd JohnBrewery streetwarehouse7, Godwin street
8153 Ackroyd OliverManninghamwarehouse5, Godwin street
8154 Wild GeorgeHortonwarehouseGodwin street
8155 Goldsborough JamesWindhillwarehouseGodwin street
8156 Verity JosephThornton roadshop1, Godwin street
8157 Joyce PatrickGoit sidedwelling-house3, Goit side
8158 Farrell JamesGoit sidedwelling-house2, Goit side
8159 Thwaites Henry ThomasManninghamwarehouseGoit side
8160 Simpson WilliamGreenaire placedwelling-house4, Greenaire place
8161 Foster JohnGreenaire placedwelling-house8, Greenaire place
8162 Judge DanielGreenaire placedwelling-house29, Greenaire place
8163 Mullarkey JohnGreenaire placedwelling-house21, Greenaire place
8164 Higgins MichaelGreenaire placedwelling-house19, Greenaire place
8165 Grant CharlesManninghamshop5, Greenwood's yard
8166 Broadley DanielHardaker streetdwelling-house6, Hardaker street
8167 Kershaw WilliamHardaker streetdwelling-house19, Hardaker street
8168 Brown SamuelHardaker streetdwelling-house17, Hardaker street
8169 Ackroyd Abraham BentleyHardaker streetdwelling-house7, Hardaker street
8170 Ashton WilliamHardaker streetdwelling-house37, Sedgwick street
successivedwelling-house3, Hardaker street
8171 Cuddy JamesHerring rowdwelling-house41, Clayton street
successivedwelling-house14, Herring row
8172 Burrows RobertHerring rowdwelling-house12, Herring row
8173 Marvell JamesHerring rowdwelling-house11, Herring row
8174 Shackleton JohnHerring rowdwelling-house46, Thornton street
successivedwelling-house10, Herring row
8175 Hardy AbrahamHind streetdwelling-house4, Hind street
8176 Preston SamuelHind streetdwelling-house6, Hind street
8177 Pollard HenryHind streetdwelling-house8, Hind street
8178 Greenwood GeorgeHind streetdwelling-house18, Hind street
8179 Bowers SamuelHind streetdwelling-house22, Hind street
8180 Sutcliffe JonasHind streetdwelling-house24, Hind street
8181 Stead HoratioHalifaxshopHind street
8182 Briggs ThomasManninghamshopHind street
8183 Haigh WilliamHind streetdwelling-house19, Hind street
8184 Durrans AlbertHind streetdwelling-house15, Hind street
8185 Hardy JosephHind streetdwelling-house13, Hind street
8186 Leach WilliamHolmes streetdwelling-house6, Holmes street
8187 Wilkinson WilliamHolmes streetdwelling-house8, Holmes street
8188 Bolton CharlesHolmes streetdwelling-house10, Holmes street
8189 Firth JohnHolmes streetdwelling-house12, Holmes street
8190 Maxfield JeremiahHolmes streetdwelling-house16, Holmes street
8191 Rawes WilsonHolmes streetdwelling-house18, Holmes street
8192 Baines SamuelHolmes streetdwelling-house20, Holmes street
8193 Duckett TimothyHolmes streetdwelling-house24, Holmes street
8194 Terry JamesHolmes streetdwelling-house29, Holmes street
8195 O'Hara MichaelHolmes streetdwelling-house25, Holmes street
8196 Wright Charles LeachHolmes streetdwelling-house23, Holmes street
8197 Spencer HenryHolmes streetdwelling-house87, Clayton street
successivedwelling-house23, Woodlands street
successivedwelling-house21, Holmes street
8198 Holmes WilliamHolmes streetdwelling-house17, Holmes street
8199 Ironmonger NahumHolmes streetdwelling-house15, Holmes street
8200 Shepherd JohnHolmes streetdwelling-house13, Holmes street
8201 Roscoe John JosephHolmes streetdwelling-house11, Holmes street
8202 Lee WatsonHolmes streetdwelling-house7, Holmes street
8203 Laycock GeorgeIllingworth yardshop6, Illingworth yard
8204 Crowther JamesBowlingshop7, Illingworth yard
8205 Halson JamesIndustrious rowdwelling-house4, Industrious row
8206 Sykes WilliamIndustrious rowdwelling-house6, Industrious row
8207 O'Brien JohnIndustrious rowdwelling-house10, Industrious row
8208 Lumb JohnIndustrious rowdwelling-house28, Industrious row
8209 Manning MichaelJackson folddwelling-house3, Jackson fold
8210 Cullen MichaelJackson folddwelling-house7, Jackson fold
8211 Bottomley AquilaJolly's yarddwelling-house9, Jolly's yard
8212 Spurgeon CharlesJowett streetdwelling-house4, Jowett street
8213 Smith SamuelJowett streetdwelling-house6, Jowett street
8214 Mitchell Ingham RatcliffeJowett streetdwelling-house17, Raven street
successivedwelling-house26, Jowett street
8215 Hayton WilliamJowett streetdwelling-house28, Jowett street
8216 Appleby ThomasJowett streetdwelling-house34, Jowett street
8217 Howarth ThomasJowett streetdwelling-house38, Jowett street
8218 Pickup DavidJowett streetdwelling-house40, Jowett street
8219 Talbot JamesJowett streetdwelling-house44, Jowett street
8220 Dolan PeterJowett streetdwelling-house46, Jowett street
8221 Kildare PatrickJowett streetdwelling-house50, Jowett street
8222 Banks WilliamJowett streetdwelling-house52, Jowett street
8223 Smith JonathanJowett streetdwelling-house54, Jowett street
8224 Brown GeorgeJowett streetdwelling-house58, Jowett street
8225 Manning JohnJowett streetdwelling-house60, Jowett street
8226 Manning DanielJowett streetdwelling-house64, Jowett street
8227 Lancaster JamesJowett streetdwelling-house68, Jowett street
8228 Beryl JohnJowett streetdwelling-house70, Jowett street
8229 Cole ThomasJowett streetdwelling-house86, Jowett street
successivedwelling-house78, Jowett street
8230 Wooller JamesJowett streetdwelling-house82, Jowett street
8231 Leach JohnJowett streetdwelling-house90, Jowett street
successivedwelling-house86, Jowett street
8232 Cope JamesJowett streetdwelling-house94, Jowett street
8233 Holmes RobertJowett streetdwelling-house96, Jowett street
8234 Hardy WilliamJowett streetdwelling-house98, Jowett street
8235 Jackson WilliamJowett streetdwelling-house100, Jowett street
8236 Robinson JohnJowett streetdwelling-house108, Jowett street
8237 Holdsworth MatthewJowett streetdwelling-house110, Jowett street
8238 Carter WilliamHortonshop135, Jowett street
8239 Jordan BartholomewJowett streetdwelling-house4, St. George's street
successivedwelling-house123, Jowett street
8240 Cameron AlexanderJowett streetdwelling-house121, Jowett street
8241 Cleary JamesJowett streetdwelling-house14, Clayton street
successivedwelling-house119, Jowett street
8242 Lipp ValentineJowett streetdwelling-house104, Jowett street
successivedwelling-house117, Jowett street
8243 Brett JamesJowett streetdwelling-house115, Jowett street
8244 Wilson JohnJowett streetdwelling-house113, Jowett street
8245 Shoesmith WalterJowett streetdwelling-house91, Jowett street
8246 Hey HenryJowett streetdwelling-house89, Jowett street
8247 Ford PeterJowett streetdwelling-house79, Jowett street
8248 Holgate William DawsonJowett streetdwelling-house69, Jowett street
successivedwelling-house77, Jowett street
8249 Broadley HenryJowett streetdwelling-house73, Jowett street
8250 Smith EdwinJowett streetdwelling-house31, Jowett street
8251 Davies WilliamJowett streetdwelling-house29, Jowett street
8252 Glover FredJowett streetdwelling-house27, Jowett street
8253 Bairstow JamesJowett streetdwelling-house25, Jowett street
8254 Newsome Thomas AlfredJowett streetdwelling-house21, Jowett street
8255 Farrar GeorgeJowett streetdwelling-house15, Jowett street
8256 Denton HenryJowett streetdwelling-house9, Jowett street
8257 Patchett TimothyKeighley streetdwelling-house4, Keighley street
8258 Tarbottom JohnKeighley streetdwelling-houseKeighley street
8259 Leamey MichaelKeighley streetdwelling-house16, Keighley street
8260 Burrows John RichardGarnett streetwarehouse18, Keighley street
8261 McDermott ThomasKeighley streetdwelling-house15, Keighley street
8262 Gannan MichaelKeighley streetdwelling-house13, Keighley street
8263 Wade WilliamKeighley streetdwelling-house7, Keighley street
8264 Sutcliffe IsaacManninghamshop3, Keighley street
8265 Bamford JohnHortonshop1, Keighley street
8266 Thresh AbrahamManninghamwarehouseLee street
8267 Barker WilliamNorth ParadewarehouseLee street
8268 Barker ThomasManninghamwarehouseLee street
8269 Moorhouse JosephHortonwarehouse22, Quebec terrace
successivewarehouseLee street
8270 Greenwood WilliamManninghamwarehouse10, Lee street
8271 White JohnManninghamwarehouse10, Lee street
8272 Keighley BenjaminFarsleywarehouse10, Lee street
8273 Crabtree HenryWestfield crescentdwelling-house12, Westfield crescent
successivedwelling-house15, Lee street
8274 Swift SimeonWestfield crescentdwelling-house13, Lee street
8275 Parkinson SamuelLee streetdwelling-house11, Lee street
8276 White WheaterAllertonwarehouse9, Lee street
8277 White LockwoodAllertonwarehouse9, Lee street
8278 Moulding BenjaminHortonwarehouseLee street
8279 Normington BenjaminLee streetdwelling-houseLee street
8280 Cherry WilliamPreston streetshop4, Listerhills road
8281 Bailey FergusonWigan streetshop6, Listerhills road
8282 Williams Joshua WhalleyManninghamshop12, Listerhills road
8283 Harrison AlfredHortonshop6, Longside lane
successiveshop5, Listerhills road
8284 Cooper JohnHortonshop3, Listerhills road
8285 Pickles IsaacHortonshop1, Listerhills road
8286 Cavanagh JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house6, Longcroft place
8287 Casey JamesLongcroft placedwelling-house8, Longcroft place
8288 Sheeky HenryLongcroft placedwelling-house10, Longcroft place
8289 Casey ThomasLongcroft placedwelling-house104, Longcroft place
successivedwelling-house14, Longcroft place
8290 Cosgrove DanielLongcroft placedwelling-house18, Longcroft place
8291 Rowan ThomasLongcroft placedwelling-house20, Longcroft place
8292 Egan PatrickLongcroft placedwelling-house24, Longcroft place
8293 Kelly JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house26, Longcroft place
8294 McCormack JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house9, Turk street
successivedwelling-house36, Longcroft place
8295 Spelman BernardLongcroft placedwelling-house38, Longcroft place
8296 Kilbride JamesLongcroft placedwelling-house40, Longcroft place
8297 Keenan JamesLongcroft placedwelling-house46, Longcroft place
8298 Bligh JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house50, Longcroft place
8299 Welsh JamesLongcroft placedwelling-house56, Longcroft place
8300 Fitzgerald PatrickLongcroft placedwelling-house72, Longcroft place
8301 Henry MartinLongcroft placedwelling-house74, Longcroft place
8302 Cummings PatrickLongcroft placedwelling-house80, Longcroft place
8303 McKinsey WilliamLongcroft placedwelling-house71, Longcroft place
successivedwelling-house9, Longcroft place
successivedwelling-house82, Longcroft place
8304 Carroll AndrewLongcroft placedwelling-house86, Longcroft place
8305 Egan MichaelLongcroft placedwelling-house88, Longcroft place
8306 Daly PatrickLongcroft placedwelling-house94, Longcroft place
8307 Cannon PatrickLongcroft placedwelling-house96, Longcroft place
8308 Kennedy ThomasLongcroft placedwelling-house100, Longcroft place
8309 Brannan MichaelLongcroft placedwelling-house102, Longcroft place
8310 Shepherd JosephLongcroft placedwelling-house110, Longcroft place
8311 Jagger Samuel UptonLongcroft placedwelling-house112, Longcroft place
8312 Mawson HoratioLongcroft placedwelling-house114, Longcroft place
8313 Wood WilliamLongcroft placedwelling-house116, Longcroft place
8314 McDowell JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house120, Longcroft place
8315 Catton GeorgeLongcroft placedwelling-house130, Longcroft place
8316 Watson GeorgeLongcroft placedwelling-house132, Longcroft place
8317 Maher JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house134, Longcroft place
8318 Brown ThomasLongcroft placedwelling-house136, Longcroft place
8319 Mathers ThomasLongcroft placedwelling-house142, Longcroft place
8320 Ryder DanielLongcroft placedwelling-house2, One street
successivedwelling-house144, Longcroft place
8321 Keating Patrick JosephLongcroft placedwelling-house148, Longcroft place
8322 Moran James WoodhouseLongcroft placedwelling-house152, Longcroft place
8323 Durkin JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house154, Longcroft place
8324 Durkin ThomasLongcroft placedwelling-house125, Longcroft place
8325 Barlow MichaelLongcroft placedwelling-house150, Longcroft place
successivedwelling-house123, Longcroft place
8326 Welsh JamesLongcroft placedwelling-house121, Longcroft place
8327 Moore JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house119, Longcroft place
8328 Raistrick SimonLongcroft placedwelling-house115, Longcroft place
8329 Smithies JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house113, Longcroft place
8330 Richards WilliamLongcroft placedwelling-house109, Longcroft place
8331 Pemberton GeorgeLongcroft placedwelling-house111, Longcroft place
8332 Fynan MichaelLongcroft placedwelling-house106, Silsbridge lane
successivedwelling-house97, Longcroft place
8333 McGrath PhilipLongcroft placedwelling-house93, Longcroft place
8334 Cavanagh JamesLongcroft placedwelling-house91, Longcroft place
8335 Meegham JamesLongcroft placedwelling-house81, Longcroft place
8336 Wilds JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house77, Longcroft place
8337 Baxter JosephLongcroft placedwelling-house17, Westend street
successivedwelling-house71, Longcroft place
8338 Gallagher JamesLongcroft placedwelling-house69, Longcroft place
8339 King PeterLongcroft placedwelling-house65, Longcroft place
8340 O'Hara HenryLongcroft placedwelling-house63, Longcroft place
8341 May BernardLongcroft placedwelling-house59, Longcroft place
8342 Emsley JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house55, Longcroft place
8343 Tougher MichaelLongcroft placedwelling-house53, Longcroft place
8344 Connor JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house49, Longcroft place
8345 McDermott PeterLongcroft placedwelling-house47, Longcroft place
8346 Tunny JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house45, Longcroft place
8347 McDermott PatrickLongcroft placedwelling-house13, Turk street
successivedwelling-house43, Longcroft place
8348 Kelly ThomasLongcroft placedwelling-house35, Longcroft place
8349 McGrath JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house33, Longcroft place
8350 Kilbride ThomasLongcroft placedwelling-house31, Longcroft place
8351 Brannan DominicLongcroft placedwelling-house25, Longcroft place
8352 Waters MichaelLongcroft placedwelling-house11, Longcroft place
8353 McIvan JohnLongcroft placedwelling-house5, Longcroft place
8354 Lackin PatrickLongcroft placedwelling-house1, Longcroft place
8355 Leadbeater John HoldsworthLonglands placedwelling-house15, Longlands place
8356 Kellett JosephLonglands placedwelling-house10, Longlands place
8357 Quinlan RobertLonglands streetdwelling-house79, Gracechurch street
successivedwelling-house6, Longlands street
8358 Brown JamesLonglands streetdwelling-house8, Longlands street
8359 Cross HenryLonglands streetdwelling-house12, Longlands street
8360 McGinty DennisLonglands streetdwelling-house16, Longlands street
8361 Connor MichaelLonglands streetdwelling-house6, Longlands street
successivedwelling-houseVincent street
successivedwelling-house22, Longlands street
8362 Blades StephenLonglands streetdwelling-house26, Longlands street
8363 Farrell JamesLonglands streetdwelling-house30, Longlands street
8364 Lynham LawrenceLonglands streetdwelling-house30, Longlands street
8365 McKinna PatrickLonglands streetdwelling-house34, Longlands street
8366 Ganley JohnLonglands streetdwelling-house56, Longlands street
8367 Kershaw JamesLonglands streetdwelling-house62, Longlands street
successivedwelling-house58, Longlands street
8368 Holden ThomasLonglands streetdwelling-house60, Longlands street
8369 Farrar HenryLonglands streetdwelling-house72, Longlands street
8370 Gallagher BryanLonglands streetdwelling-house74, Longlands street
8371 Feeley MichaelLonglands streetdwelling-house76, Longlands street
8372 Harrison OliveLonglands streetdwelling-house78, Longlands street
8373 Melvin ThomasLonglands streetdwelling-house94, Longlands street
8374 Cawley JamesLonglands streetdwelling-house112, Longlands street
8375 Baxter JamesLonglands streetdwelling-house85, Longlands street
8376 Cassell RichardLonglands streetdwelling-house11, Chapel fold
successivedwelling-house81, Longlands street
8377 McKenzie AlexanderLonglands streetdwelling-house71, Longlands street
8378 Malaney ThomasLonglands streetdwelling-house67, Longlands street
8379 Caveney DanielLonglands streetdwelling-house65, Longlands street
8380 Carroll JohnLonglands streetdwelling-house61, Longlands street
8381 Bastow PeterLonglands streetdwelling-house53, Longlands street
8382 Blades StephenLonglands streetdwelling-house29, Longlands street
8383 Eglin JohnLonglands streetdwelling-house23, Longlands street
8384 Mullin PatrickLonglands streetdwelling-house11, Longlands street
8385 Flannigan MartinLonglands streetdwelling-house9, Longlands street
8386 Tennant JohnLonglands streetdwelling-house7, Longlands street
8387 Rowbotham JohnLeeds roadshop2, Longside lane
8388 Emsley HerbertClaytonshopLongside lane
8389 Broscombe WilliamLow streetdwelling-house26, Low street
8390 Hickey AndrewLow streetdwelling-house9, Low street
8391 Pickard WilliamLudlow streetdwelling-house2, Ludlow street
8392 Bennett ThomasLudlow streetdwelling-house6, Ludlow street
8393 Appleyard RobertLudlow streetdwelling-house8, Ludlow street
8394 Feather JamesLudlow streetdwelling-house12, Ludlow street
8395 Rushworth WilliamLudlow streetdwelling-house7, Ludlow street
8396 Harrison StephenLudlow streetdwelling-house5, Ludlow street
8397 Newell ArthurMawson courtdwelling-house12, Mawson court
8398 Morrell JosephMenstone streetdwelling-house19, Menstone street
8399 Wood AlbertMenstone streetdwelling-house15, Menstone street
8400 Dixon TomMenstone streetdwelling-house11, Menstone street
8401 Horn JonathanMenstone streetdwelling-house9, Menstone street
8402 Hustler HenryManninghamshop7, Menstone street
8403 Suddards JohnManninghamshop7, Menstone street
8404 Brown JoshuaNewington streetdwelling-house8, Newington street
8405 Robinson JohnNewington streetdwelling-house10, Newington street
8406 Drake JosephNewington streetdwelling-house14, Newington street
8407 Foster JohnNewington streetdwelling-house16, Newington street
8408 Green JamesNewington streetdwelling-house18, Newington street
8409 Barrett JohnNewington streetdwelling-house23, Newington street
8410 Westerby ThomasNewington streetdwelling-house21, Newington street
8411 Clay SamuelNewington streetdwelling-house72, Crown street
successivedwelling-house17, Newington street
8412 Clark ThomasNewington streetdwelling-house15, Newington street
8413 Armstrong JohnNewington streetdwelling-house13, Newington street
8414 Brown RobertNewington streetdwelling-house11, Newington street
8415 Hartley HerbertNewington streetdwelling-house7, Newington street
8416 Thompson ThomasNewington streetdwelling-house5, Newington street
8417 Gillyatt ThomasNewington streetdwelling-house3, Newington street
8418 Smith EnochNewington streetdwelling-house1, Newington street
8419 Moorhouse JohnNorthrop squaredwelling-houseNorthrop square
8420 Hobson JosephNorthrop squaredwelling-house22, Longlands street
successivedwelling-house30, Northrop square
8421 Hainsworth AbrahamOddfellows' courtdwelling-house2, Oddfellows' court
8422 Handley ThomasOddfellows' courtdwelling-house10, Oddfellows' court
8423 Thomas JohnOddfellows' courtdwelling-house8, Oddfellows' court
8424 Jagger WilliamOddfellows' courtdwelling-house5, Oddfellows' court
8425 Bulmer WilliamOddfellows' courtdwelling-house3, Oddfellows' court
8426 Hanson GeorgeOddfellows' courtdwelling-house2, Oddfellows' court
8427 Leonard WilliamOne streetdwelling-house4, One street
successivedwelling-house2, One street
8428 Sharkey OwenOne streetdwelling-house10, One street
8429 Narey MichaelOne streetdwelling-house12, One street
8430 Hinnighan ThomasOne streetdwelling-house16, One street
8431 Triggs JamesOne streetdwelling-house22, One street
8432 Brewerton JohnOne streetdwelling-house15, One street
8433 Robinson AlfredOne streetdwelling-house13, One street
8434 Brannan MatthewOne streetdwelling-house9, One street
8435 Poole JohnOne streetdwelling-house7, One street
8436 Gilmore JohnOne streetdwelling-house3, One street
8437 Hart ThomasOne streetdwelling-house1, One street
8438 Coomber Michael HaighOxley streetdwelling-house2, Oxley street
8439 Scriven ThomasOxley streetdwelling-house4, Oxley street
8440 Potterton AlfredOxley streetdwelling-house19, Raven street
successivedwelling-house12, Oxley street
8441 Hartley EthelredOxley streetdwelling-house16, Oxley street
8442 Kinder WilliamOxley streetdwelling-house18, Oxley street
8443 Craven EdwardOxley streetdwelling-house20, Oxley street
8444 Binns WilliamOxley streetdwelling-house22, Oxley street
8445 Raistrick GeorgeOxley streetdwelling-houseOxley street
8446 Moverley FrancisManninghamshopOxley street
8447 Spencer EdwardClayton streetshopOxley street
8448 Hartley WilliamOxley streetdwelling-house1, Oxley street
8449 Greenwood JohnPaddock rowdwelling-house2, Paddock row
8450 Stephenson JamesPaddock rowdwelling-house4, Paddock row
8451 Hargreaves JohnPaddock rowdwelling-house1, Paddock row
successivedwelling-house148, Bingley street, Manningham
successivedwelling-house5, Paddock row
8452 Newsome EdwardParadise streetshop2, Paradise street
8453 Wanty FredParadise streetdwelling-house4, Paradise street
8454 Warley ThomasParadise streetdwelling-house10, Paradise street
8455 Brady PatrickParadise streetdwelling-house12, Paradise street
8456 Thompson ThomasParadise streetdwelling-house144, Longcroft place
successivedwelling-house16, Paradise street
8457 Horsfield JamesManninghamshop20, Paradise street
8458 Clayton SamuelHoughton placeshop24, Paradise street
8459 House John ThomasHortonshop26, Paradise street
8460 House AlbertHortonshop26, Paradise street
8461 Kay JamesHortonwarehouseParadise street
8462 Fawthrop JohnHortonwarehouseParadise street
8463 Roberts JamesCottingleywarehouseParadise street
8464 Rawnsley WilliamManninghamshopParadise street
8465 Taylor JohnHortonshopParadise street
8466 Parsons GeorgeHortonshopParadise street
8467 Thompson SamuelParadise streetdwelling-houseChain street
successivedwelling-houseMorpeth street, Horton
successivedwelling-houseParadise street
8468 Hagerty ThomasPoole alleydwelling-house4, Poole alley
8469 Burrows George EphraimPoole alleydwelling-houseBath street
successivedwelling-house8, Poole alley
8470 McDonald AndrewPoole alleydwelling-house6, Poole alley
8471 Langan JamesPoole alleydwelling-house10, Poole alley
8472 Edmondson JohnHortonshopPoole alley
8473 Husker RichardPoole alleydwelling-house5, Poole alley
8474 Murphy JamesPoole alleydwelling-house3, Poole alley
8475 Crabtree DavidPoole alleydwelling-housePoole alley
8476 Northrop ThomasProvidence streetdwelling-house4, Providence street
8477 Maddon EdwardProvidence streetdwelling-house6, Providence street
8478 Farrall JamesProvidence streetdwelling-house8, Providence street
8479 Connor WilliamProvidence streetdwelling-house10, Providence street
8480 Cunningham JamesProvidence streetdwelling-house10, Longlands street
successivedwelling-house12, Providence street
8481 Cooper ThomasProvidence streetdwelling-house14, Providence street
8482 Flynn JamesProvidence streetdwelling-house16, Providence street
8483 Griffin ThomasProvidence streetdwelling-house18, Providence street
8484 O'Hare WilliamProvidence streetdwelling-house20, Providence street
8485 Kennedy AlexanderProvidence streetdwelling-house30, Providence street
8486 Knowles ThomasProvidence streetdwelling-house15, Providence street
8487 Simpson AdamProvidence streetdwelling-house13, Providence street
8488 Wilks GeorgeProvidence streetdwelling-house11, Providence street
8489 Fieldhouse HenryProvidence streetdwelling-house3, Providence street
8490 Armstrong Robert LeslieSaltairewarehouse2, Quebec terrace
8491 Cordingley John RhodesHortonwarehouse2, Quebec terrace
8492 Williamson John EyreManninghamwarehouse6, Quebec terrace
8493 White EdwinManninghamwarehouse8, Quebec terrace
8494 White Charles RhodesHortonwarehouse8, Quebec terrace
8495 Moseley ThomasManninghamwarehouse10, Quebec terrace
8496 Holdsworth HenryKeighleywarehouse10, Quebec terrace
8497 Longbottom ThomasHortonwarehouse18, Quebec terrace
8498 Hollas JosephHortonwarehouse34, Aldermanbury
successivewarehouse18, Quebec terrace
8499 Binns JamesHortonwarehouse20A, Quebec terrace
8500 Nelson CharlesManninghamshop23, Quebec terrace
8501 Hanson WilliamHortonshop9, Quebec terrace
8502 Wilkinson RichardHortonshop7, Quebec terrace
8503 Overend JosephManninghamwarehouse1C, Quebec terrace
8504 Briggs JohnClaytonwarehouse1B, Quebec terrace
8505 Tempest WilliamHortonwarehouse1, Quebec terrace
8506 Oakes JamesRaven streetdwelling-house8, Raven street
8507 Wright DavidRaven streetdwelling-house6, Raven street
8508 Ingram CharlesRaven streetdwelling-house20, Raven street
8509 Kershaw TitusRaven streetdwelling-house18, Raven street
8510 Bateman AbelRaven streetdwelling-house24, Raven street
8511 Holt Robert JamesRaven streetdwelling-house10, Raven street
8512 Firth Robert AtkinsonRaven streetdwelling-house16, Raven street
8513 Wood WilliamRaven streetdwelling-house26, Raven street
8514 Jowett JohnRaven streetdwelling-house28, Raven street
8515 West JosephRaven streetdwelling-house30, Raven street
8516 Huckle DanielRaven streetdwelling-house32, Raven street
8517 Prendergrast JohnRaven streetdwelling-house36, Raven street
8518 Parrott WilliamRaven streetdwelling-house38, Raven street
8519 Poole MatthewRaven streetdwelling-house51, King street
successivedwelling-house42, Raven street
8520 Wildsmith JonathanRaven streetdwelling-house44, Raven street
8521 Barlow ThomasRaven streetdwelling-house46, Raven street
8522 Wormald SamuelRaven streetdwelling-house63, Raven street
8523 Pegg JohnRaven streetdwelling-house59, Raven street
8524 Dyson WilliamRaven streetdwelling-house47, Raven street
8525 Thompson JosephRaven streetdwelling-house45, Raven street
8526 Chippendale ThomasRaven streetdwelling-house43, Raven street
8527 Laycock William HenryRaven streetdwelling-house41, Raven street
8528 Sedgwick WilliamRaven streetdwelling-house39, Raven street
8529 Briggs RobertRaven streetdwelling-house53, Raven street
8530 Hargett JohnRaven streetdwelling-house57, Raven street
8531 Pedder WilliamRaven streetdwelling-house49, Raven street
8532 Leader ThomasRaven streetdwelling-house51, Raven street
8533 Sedgwick George HenryRaven streetdwelling-house5, Gaynor street
successivedwelling-house17, Raven street
8534 Jagger JosephRaven streetdwelling-house21, Raven street
8535 Charnley ThomasRaven streetdwelling-house23, Raven street
8536 Milner AmbroseRaven streetdwelling-house25, Raven street
8537 Rushworth CharlesRaven streetdwelling-house15, Raven street
8538 Clancy JosephRaven streetdwelling-house11, Raven street
8539 Blackburn JohnRaven streetdwelling-house9, Raven street
8540 Anderson ThomasRaven streetdwelling-house1, Raven street
8541 Graham JamesRebecca streetdwelling-house10, Rebecca street
8542 West JohnRebecca streetdwelling-house27, Rebecca street
8543 Knowles Edward FrankletonRebecca streetdwelling-house25, Rebecca street
8544 Rodgers JosephRebecca streetdwelling-house23, Rebecca street
8545 Thomas Sylvester WilkinsonRebecca streetdwelling-house21, Rebecca street
8546 Jowett NathanRebecca streetdwelling-house17, Rebecca street
8547 Ingham WilliamRebecca streetdwelling-house9, Rebecca street
8548 Charlton EdwardRebecca streetdwelling-house7, Rebecca street
8549 Drake MilesRebecca streetdwelling-house5, Rebecca street
8550 Illingworth BenjaminRebecca streetdwelling-house3, Rebecca street
8551 Goodison JohnRoundhill placedwelling-house4, Roundhill place
8552 Mitchell William TempestRoundhill placedwelling-house8, Roundhill place
8553 Quinn JamesRoundhill placedwelling-house20, One street
successivedwelling-house6, Spink place
successivedwelling-houseGreenacre place
successivedwelling-house13, Roundhill place
8554 Brannan MartinRoundhill placedwelling-house53, King street
successivedwelling-house114, Clayton street
successivedwelling-house11, Roundhill place
8555 Nicholson JohnRoundhill placedwelling-house9, Roundhill place
8556 Gillmore ThomasRoundhill placedwelling-house5, Roundhill place
8557 Mitchell AbrahamRoundhill placedwelling-house1, Roundhill place
8558 Smith ThomasManninghamshop4, Sackville street
8559 Brown Isaac, junr.Sackville streetdwelling-house14, Sackville street
8560 Barry Michael JohnVictoria streetshop20, Sackville street
8561 Leach MarkManninghamwarehouse20A, Sackville street
8562 Steward WilliamSackville streetdwelling-house22, Sackville street
8563 Holmes HenrySackville streetdwelling-house26, Sackville street
8564 Hart JamesSackville streetdwelling-house25, Sackville street
8565 Laycock GeorgeSackville streetdwelling-house27, Sackville street
successivedwelling-house23, Sackville street
8566 Firth JohnSackville streetdwelling-house19, Sackville street
8567 Robertshaw EborSaltpie streetdwelling-house8, Saltpie street
8568 Capstick ThomasSaltpie streetdwelling-house40, Saltpie street
successivedwelling-house14, Saltpie street
8569 Hickey OwenSaltpie streetdwelling-house27, Saltpie street
8570 Hewin JohnSaltpie streetdwelling-house25, Saltpie street
8571 McDonald JamesSaltpie streetdwelling-house86, Abbey street
successivedwelling-house16, Saltpie street
successivedwelling-house11, Saltpie street
8572 Wolfe JohnSaltpie streetdwelling-house5, Saltpie street
8573 Scruton Rev. William BenjaminSedgfield terracedwelling-houseSedgfield terrace
8574 Hoyle EzraSedgfield terracedwelling-house6, Sedgfield terrace
8575 Pearson TimothySedgfield terracedwelling-house4, Sedgfield terrace
8576 Kilbride JohnSedgfield terracedwelling-house3, Sedgfield terrace
8577 Tillotson DavidSilsbridge lanedwelling-house8, Silsbridge lane
8578 Smith JosephManninghamwarehouseHustlergate
successiveshop14, Silsbridge lane
8579 Parkinson WilliamSilsbridge lanedwelling-house18, Silsbridge lane
8580 Egan MichaelSilsbridge lanedwelling-house36, Silsbridge lane
8581 Hill JosephWhite Abbeyshop30, Silsbridge lane
8582 Wear PeterSilsbridge lanedwelling-house32, Silsbridge lane
8583 Murphy PatrickSilsbridge lanedwelling-house40, Silsbridge lane
8584 Hogan JohnSilsbridge lanedwelling-house5, Farrar square
successivedwelling-house42, Silsbridge lane
8585 Carroll ThomasSilsbridge lanedwelling-house46, Silsbridge lane
8586 Gledhill JohnProvidence streetshop48, Silsbridge lane
8587 Hardaker JohnHortonshop50, Silsbridge lane
8588 Durkin PatrickLongcroft placeshop70, Silsbridge lane
8589 Handy JamesSilsbridge lanedwelling-house76, Silsbridge lane
8590 Foulds WilliamSilsbridge lanedwelling-house49, Silsbridge lane
successivedwelling-house82, Silsbridge lane
8591 Bates Miles, junr.Silsbridge lanedwelling-house88, Silsbridge lane
8592 Baines WilliamSilsbridge lanedwelling-houseSilsbridge lane
8593 Brear WilliamSilsbridge lanedwelling-house96, Silsbridge lane
8594 Hodgson WilliamSilsbridge lanedwelling-house100, Silsbridge lane
8595 Foulds WilliamSilsbridge lanedwelling-house51, Silsbridge lane
successivedwelling-house82, Silsbridge lane
8596 Donnelly PatrickSilsbridge lanedwelling-house106, Silsbridge lane
8597 Sweeney JamesSilsbridge lanedwelling-house108, Silsbridge lane
8598 Welsh PatrickSilsbridge lanedwelling-house114, Silsbridge lane
8599 Finch EdwardSilsbridge lanedwelling-house116, Silsbridge lane
8600 Morrell JohnSilsbridge lanedwelling-house118, Silsbridge lane
8601 Tansey OwenSilsbridge lanedwelling-house120, Silsbridge lane
8602 Walker JamesHallfield roadshopSilsbridge lane
8603 Roach JamesSilsbridge lanedwelling-house16, Vicar lane
successivedwelling-house137, Silsbridge lane
8604 Warburton JosephSilsbridge lanedwelling-house135, Silsbridge lane
8605 Robinson NathanSilsbridge lanedwelling-house125, Silsbridge lane
8606 Leadbeater BenjaminSilsbridge lanedwelling-house123, Silsbridge lane
8607 Furness RichardSilsbridge lanedwelling-house97, Silsbridge lane
8608 Henry CharlesSilsbridge lanedwelling-house91, Silsbridge lane
8609 Haigh SamuelSilsbridge lanedwelling-house77, Silsbridge lane
8610 Poole WilliamSilsbridge lanedwelling-house73, Silsbridge lane
8611 Gatenby MatthewSilsbridge lanedwelling-house71, Silsbridge lane
8612 Tarbottom SamuelSilsbridge lanedwelling-house69, Silsbridge lane
8613 Connor JohnSilsbridge lanedwelling-house67, Silsbridge lane
8614 Ackroyd RichardSilsbridge lanedwelling-house63, Silsbridge lane
8615 Hardy JohnOtley roadshop61, Silsbridge lane
8616 Swithenbank JoshuaSilsbridge lanedwelling-house47 55, Silsbridge lane
8617 Beck GeorgeSilsbridge lanedwelling-house33, Silsbridge lane
8618 Wade WilliamSilsbridge lanedwelling-house27, Silsbridge lane
8619 Robinson ButterfieldHortonwarehouse25, Silsbridge lane
8620 Martin JohnSilsbridge lanedwelling-house21, Silsbridge lane
8621 Dracup EzraSilsbridge lanedwelling-house19, Silsbridge lane
8622 Patchett TimothyShipleydwelling-house9, Silsbridge lane
successivedwelling-house15, Silsbridge lane
8623 Halliday JohnBaildonshop35, Silsbridge lane
8624 Ogden GeorgeManninghamcountinghouse1, Silsbridge lane
8625 Schofield JamesSouthgatedwelling-house10, Southgate
8626 Hudson EdwardSouthgatedwelling-house12, Southgate
8627 Forrest WilliamSouthgatedwelling-house14, Southgate
8628 De Boo WilliamSouthgatedwelling-house18, Southgate
8629 Barker DavidCowper placewarehouse22, Southgate
8630 Illingworth ThomasBowlingshopnear 55, Southgate
8631 Kelly StephenMawson courtwarehouse55, Southgate
8632 Priestley AlbertFrizinghallwarehouse49, Southgate
8633 Kelly JohnSouthgatedwelling-house15, Southgate
8634 Joyce PatrickSouthgatedwelling-house13, Southgate
8635 Hard JosephSouthgatedwelling-house11, Southgate
8636 McFadden PatrickSouthgatedwelling-house9, Southgate
8637 Rider Thomas, senr.Southgatedwelling-house5, Southgate
8638 Rider Thomas, junr.Southgatedwelling-house3, Southgate
8639 Moran PatrickSouthgatedwelling-house1, Southgate
8640 Carroll RichardSpink placedwelling-house18, Spink place
8641 Wallace JamesSpink placedwelling-house17, Spink place
8642 Carroll JohnSpink placedwelling-houseLongcroft place
successivedwelling-house16, Spink place
8643 O'Brien PatrickSpink placedwelling-house15, Spink place
8644 Neill JohnSpink placedwelling-house14, Spink place
8645 Conlan TimothySpink streetdwelling-house1, Spink street
successivedwelling-house8, Spink street
8646 Lancashire JosephSpink streetdwelling-house9, White Abbey road
successivedwelling-house9, Spink street
8647 Phillips JohnSpink streetdwelling-house3, Spink street
8648 Whitefield William LambertSpink streetdwelling-house123, Bolton road
successivedwelling-house1, Spink street
8649 Sewell JohnSt. Michael's roaddwelling-house302, Green row, Manningham
successivedwelling-house8, St. Michael's road
8650 Waddington JohnSt. Michael's roaddwelling-house25, Alice street, Manningham
successivedwelling-house10, St. Michael's road
8651 Smith JamesSt. Michael's roaddwelling-house4, Middleton street, Manningham
successivedwelling-house12, St. Michael's road
8652 Barker ThomasSt. Michael's roaddwelling-house2, Sedgfield terrace
successivedwelling-house19, St. Michael's road
8653 Shaw JohnSt. Michael's roaddwelling-house5, Paddock row
successivedwelling-house15, St. Michael's road
8654 Crossland WilliamSt. Michael's roaddwelling-house6, Oxley street
successivedwelling-house17, Newington street
successivedwelling-house11, St. Michael's road
8655 Robertshaw ThomasSpring gardensshopSugden street
8656 Partington ThomasWestgrove streetshopSugden street
8657 Popplewell JohnCowper placewarehouseSugden street
8658 Emsley William HenryFrizinghallwarehouseSugden street
8659 Foulds SamuelManninghamwarehouseSugden street
8660 Hick ThomasHortonwarehouseSugden street
8661 Halliday JosephUnion streetdwelling-houseWestgate
successivedwelling-houseUnion street
successiveshopnear 44, Sunbridge road
8662 Bentley JosephManninghamwarehouse44, Sunbridge road
8663 Hey JonasManninghamwarehouseSunbridge road
8664, Wright RobertSunbridge roaddwelling-houseSunbridge road
8665 Gourlay James DoigManninghamwarehouseSunbridge road
8666 Terry John WrightHanover squarewarehouseSunbridge road
8667 Thornes JosephManninghamwarehouseSunbridge road
8668 Hanson JamesTetley streetdwelling-house4, Tetley street
8669 Downey RobertTetley streetdwelling-house2, Tetley street
8670 Masker JamesHortonwarehouse96, Tetley street
8671 Clarke JosephTetley streetdwelling-house98, Tetley street
8672 Dalby JamesShipleywarehouse57, Tetley street
8673 Addison JohnEldon placewarehouseTetley street
8674 Rowbottom SamuelThornton roaddwelling-house22, Thornton road
8675 Clough BenjaminThornton roaddwelling-house26, Thornton road
8676 Maskell GeorgeThornton roaddwelling-house36, Thornton road
8677 Briggs SamuelHortonshop60, Thornton road
8678 Briggs John EdwinHortonshop60, Thornton road
8679 Swift LeviJowett streetshop64, Thornton road
8680 Lambert MartinThornton roaddwelling-house70, Thornton road
8681 Rhodes BenHustler streetshop72, Thornton road
8682 Rycroft JamesManninghamwarehouse82A, Thornton road
8683 Riley ThomasManninghamwarehouse84, Thornton road
8684 Dodsworth GeorgeThornton roaddwelling-house86, Thornton road
8685 Tommis CharlesThornton roaddwelling-house90, Thornton road
8686 Robinson SamuelThornton roaddwelling-house94, Thornton road
8687 Ackroyd JohnThornton roaddwelling-house96, Thornton road
8688 Hodson WilliamThornton roaddwelling-house98, Thornton road
8689 Longbottom JohnThornton roaddwelling-house100, Thornton road
8690 Brewerton John RichardThornton roaddwelling-houseBolton road
successivedwelling-houseBolton road
successivedwelling-houseThornton road
8691 Townend WalterLightcliffewarehouseThornton road
8692 Ede Edward TownendManninghamwarehouse24, Nesfield street
successivewarehouseThornton road
8693 Bastow JohnManninghamwarehouse24, Nesfield street
successivewarehouseThornton road
8694 Sowden IsaacTennyson placewarehouseThornton road
8695 Akam BenjaminHortonshop112, Thornton road
8696 Illingworth Alfred, M.P.ManninghamshopThornton road
8697 Illingworth HenryManninghamshopThornton road
8698 Myers JohnHortonshopThornton road
8699 Smith ClaphamBoltonshopThornton road
8700 Haley EnochHortonshopThornton road
8701 Horsfall EdwardHortonshopThornton road
8702 Lee William BroadleyManninghamwarehouseThornton road
8703 Dawson William HenryManninghamshop114, Thornton road
8704 Ibbetson JohnManninghamshop114, Thornton road
8705 Middlemas WilliamManninghamshopThornton road
8706 Crossley WesleyHortonshopSugden street
successiveshopThornton road
8707 Preston ElijahThornton roaddwelling-house128, Thornton road
8708 Rayner ThomasThornton roaddwelling-house130, Thornton road
8709 Scott DenbyThornton roaddwelling-house154, Thornton road
8710 Bradley Joseph HaighThornton roaddwelling-house156, Thornton road
8711 Hodgson GeorgeHortonshop166, Thornton road
8712 Clayton CharlesManninghamshop172, Thornton road
8713 Clayton JohnManninghamshop172, Thornton road
8714 Clayton DanielManninghamshop172, Thornton road
8715 Davies EdwardWestgrove streetshop178, Thornton road
8716 Tordoff JonathanNorth Bierleywarehouse180, Thornton road
8717 Tordoff Squire, junr.North Bierleywarehouse180, Thornton road
8718 Parkin IsaacThornton roaddwelling-house19, Thornton road
8719 Hopper WilliamThornton roaddwelling-house200, Thornton road
8720 Midgley JamesThornton roaddwelling-house212, Thornton road
8721 Stephenson William HenryThornton roaddwelling-house214, Thornton road
8722 Brown CharlesThornton roaddwelling-house216, Thornton road
8723 Simpson JohnThornton roaddwelling-house218, Thornton road
8724 Pointers JamesThornton roaddwelling-house220, Thornton road
8725 Foster JoshuaThornton roaddwelling-house226, Thornton road
8726 Bates RobertThornton roaddwelling-house238, Thornton road
8727 Smith JosephThornton roaddwelling-house240, Thornton road
8728 Hardaker RichardHortonwarehouse231, Thornton road
8729 Brown WilliamThornton roaddwelling-housenear 231, Thornton road
8730 Priestman FrederickManninghamwarehouse229, Thornton road
8731 Priestman EdwardManninghamwarehouse229, Thornton road
8732 Armitage John RamsdenHeatonwarehouse225, Thornton road
8733 Moorhouse John BattThornton roadwarehouse225, Thornton road
8734 Goodhall WilliamThornton roaddwelling-house191, Thornton road
8735 Fearnley WilliamThornton roaddwelling-house189, Thornton road
8736 Ingle JohnThornton roadwarehouse185, Thornton road
8737 Leach George EdwardThornton roadwarehouse185, Thornton road
8738 Eckroyd RichardBaildonwarehouse181, Thornton road
8739 Perkins JamesHortonwarehouse179, Thornton road
8740 Perkins Arthur BuckleyHortonwarehouse179, Thornton road
8741 Barrett Arthur GeorgeManninghamwarehouse179, Thornton road
8742 Haley William HenryHortonwarehouseThornton road
8743 Turner JohnHortonshop173, Thornton road
8744 Moon MarkHortonshop171, Thornton road
8745 West JohnHortonshop161, Thornton road
8746 West Joseph, junr.Hortonshop161, Thornton road
8747 Stephenson EdwardManninghamwarehouse157, Thornton road
8748 Crowther WilliamManninghamdwelling-house143, Thornton road
8749 Marshall Albert GeorgeManninghamwarehouse135, Thornton road
8750 Firth JamesHortonwarehouse133, Thornton road
8751 Sowden DavidHortonwarehouse121, Thornton road
8752 Sowden ArthurHortonwarehouse121, Thornton road
8753 Sowden MilesHortonwarehouse121, Thornton road
8754 Thwaites RobinsonHortonshop113, Thornton road
8755 Thwaites Thomas HirstMenstonwarehouse113, Thornton road
8756 Appleyard JoeHortonshop105, Thornton road
8757 Verity JosephThornton roaddwelling-house99, Thornton road
8758 Wardman PeterThornton roaddwelling-house91, Thornton road
8759 Barrett HenryRawdonwarehouse83, Thornton road
8760 Barrett ArthurManninghamwarehouse83, Thornton road
8761 Thompson Matthew WilliamGuiseleywarehouse25, Thornton road
8762 Holmes Joseph RichardHortonwarehouse25, Thornton road
8763 Rawnsley WilliamDrewton streetwarehouse23, Thornton road
8764 Halliday ThomasThornton streetdwelling-house6, Thornton street
8765 Wilson ThomasThornton streetdwelling-house8, Thornton street
8766 Greenwood IsraelThornton streetdwelling-house10, Thornton street
8767 Phillipson JohnThornton streetdwelling-house9, Newington street
successivedwelling-house12, Thornton street
8768 Murgatroyd ThomasThornton streetdwelling-house26, Thornton street
8769 Coates WilliamThornton streetdwelling-house34, Thornton street
8770 Risdon JamesThornton streetdwelling-house35, Thornton street
successivedwelling-house27, Thornton street
successivedwelling-house40, Thornton street
8771 Sullivan WilliamThornton streetdwelling-house131, Jowett street
successivedwelling-house42, Thornton street
8772 Best CyrusThornton streetdwelling-house44, Thornton street
8773 Fieldhouse JohnThornton streetdwelling-house54, Hall street
successivedwelling-house46, Thornton street
8774 Bradbury CharlesThornton streetdwelling-house48, Thornton street
8775 Newton ThomasThornton streetdwelling-house50, Thornton street
8776 Park JonathanThornton streetdwelling-house56, Ingleby street, Manningham
successivedwelling-house50, Rose street, Manningham
successivedwelling-house54, Thornton street
8777 Leighton WilliamThornton streetdwelling-house56, Thornton street
8778 Kelly ThomasThornton streetdwelling-house58, Thornton street
8779 Smith SydneyThornton streetdwelling-house62, Thornton street
8780 Barran WilliamThornton streetdwelling-house64, Thornton street
8781 Taylor JosephThornton streetdwelling-house66, Thornton street
8782 Craven CharlesThornton streetdwelling-house74, Thornton street
8783 Kershaw WilliamThornton streetdwelling-house70, Thornton street
successivedwelling-house77, Thornton street
8784 Cook JosephThornton streetdwelling-house73, Thornton street
8785 Clark HenryThornton streetdwelling-house35, Birksland street
successivedwelling-house67, Thornton street
8786 Hellewell AbrahamThornton streetdwelling-house65, Thornton street
8787 Hayes PatrickThornton streetdwelling-house59, Thornton street
8788 McLarnon PatrickThornton streetdwelling-house73, Longlands street
successivedwelling-house57, Thornton street
8789 Callaghan JeremiahThornton streetdwelling-house55, Thornton street
8790 Smith JohnThornton streetdwelling-house8, Jowett street
successivedwelling-house53, Thornton street
8791 Smith AlfredThornton streetdwelling-house49, Thornton street
8792 Broscombe JeremiahThornton streetdwelling-house47, Thornton street
8793 Sugden John WilliamThornton streetdwelling-house43, Thornton street
8794 Land JamesThornton streetdwelling-house41, Thornton street
8795 Rogerson RalphThornton streetdwelling-house39, Thornton street
8796 Bramfitt JohnThornton streetdwelling-house37, Thornton street
8797 Eastwood GeorgeThornton streetdwelling-house33, Thornton street
8798 Smith JamesTumbling Hill streetdwelling-house5, Tumbling Hill street
8799 Harvey WilliamTumbling Hill streetdwelling-house3, Tumbling Hill street
8800 Cockroft EzraTumbling Hill streetdwelling-house1, Tumbling Hill street
8801 Bennett IsaacTurk streetdwelling-house6, Turk street
8802 Riley WilliamTurk streetdwelling-house8, Turk street
8803 Schofield JosephTurk streetdwelling-house11, Turk street
8804 Lines EdwardTurk streetdwelling-house3, Turk street
8805 Ramsden WilliamTurk streetdwelling-house1, Turk street
8806 Gelder JoshuaVaughan streetdwelling-house12, Vaughan street
8807 Caleb WilliamVaughan streetdwelling-house14, Vaughan street
8808 Holroyd WilliamVaughan streetdwelling-house46, Westgrove street
successivedwelling-house20, Vaughan street
8809 Woodhead JosephManninghamshopVaughan street
8810 Brunton WilliamVaughan streetdwelling-house1, Vaughan street
8811 Waddington John WilliamVincent streetdwelling-house2, Vincent street
8812 Durkin JamesVincent streetdwelling-house6, Vincent street
8813 Kilgallon MichaelVincent streetdwelling-house10, Vincent street
8814 Warren HughVincent streetdwelling-house20, Vincent street
8815 Narey JamesVincent streetdwelling-house26, Vincent street
8816 Hodgson ElijahVincent streetdwelling-house30, Vincent street
8817 Garnickon PatrickVincent streetdwelling-house52, Vincent street
8818 Egan JamesVincent streetdwelling-house56, Vincent street
8819 Kennedy MichaelVincent streetdwelling-house62, Vincent street
8820 Murphy AndrewVincent streetdwelling-house80, Vincent street
8821 Deighton JosephVincent streetdwelling-house102, Vincent street
8822 Donohoe JohnVincent streetdwelling-house106, Vincent street
8823 Dunn JohnVincent streetdwelling-house108, Vincent street
8824 Briley AlbertVincent streetdwelling-house114, Vincent street
8825 Hannon EdwardVincent streetdwelling-house2, Jolly's yard
successivedwelling-house120, Vincent street
8826 Hindle SidneyVincent streetdwelling-house128, Vincent street
8827 Brannan JamesVincent streetdwelling-house15, Vincent street
8828 Tiplady JohnsonHortonshop2, Wade street
8829 Gratton HoratioHortonwarehouse10, Wade street
8830 Walker MosesManninghamwarehouse12, Wade street
8831 Waite LukeMildred streetwarehouse25, Wade street
8832 Waite ChristopherHortonwarehouse25, Wade street
8833 Booth EdwardManninghamwarehouse23, Wade street
8834 Thomas Frederick WilliamWindhillwarehouse23, Wade street
8835 Ormand GinnettoBoltonwarehouse4, Lee street
successivewarehouse23, Wade street
8836 Whaley WilliamClaytonwarehouse4, Lee street
successivewarehouse23, Wade street
8837 Feather JohnManninghamwarehouse19, Wade street
8838 Feather SmithManninghamwarehouse19, Wade street
8839 Sugden George HenryHortonwarehouse15, Wade street
8840 Mitchell OliverHortonwarehouse13, Wade street
8841 Bond DanielBowlingwarehouse11, Wade street
8842 Redman JamesClaytonwarehouse5, Wade street
8843 Rhodes BenjaminClaytonwarehouse5, Wade street
8844 Midgley ThomasWalmsley buildingsdwelling-house5, Walmsley buildings
8845 Onions Frederick BroadbentWalmsley buildingsdwelling-house3, Walmsley buildings
8846 Shaw FrankWalmsley streetdwelling-house4, Walmsley street
8847 Robinson HenryWalmsley streetdwelling-house6, Walmsley street
8848 Watson EllisWalmsley streetdwelling-house15, Walmsley street
8849 Brooke William ThomasWalmsley streetdwelling-house13, Walmsley street
8850 Ingham JosephWalmsley streetdwelling-house9, Walmsley street
8851 Simpson RobertWalmsley streetdwelling-house7, Walmsley street
8852 Hainsworth AbelWalmsley streetdwelling-house5, Walmsley street
8853 Utley WilliamWater lanedwelling-house1, Water lane
8854 Balmford DavidThornton roadwarehouseWater lane
8855 Smith AmosWestend lanedwelling-house11, Westend lane
8856 Hutchinson BenjaminWestend lanedwelling-house8, Westend lane
8857 Bunn WilliamWestend lanedwelling-house4, Westend lane
8858 Byrne CormickWestend lanedwelling-house3, Westend lane
8859 Cook FrancisWestend lanedwelling-house2, Westend lane
8860 Henry PatrickWestend streetdwelling-house2, Westend street
8861 Marshall GeorgeWestend streetdwelling-house4, Westend street
8862 Lotes WilliamWestend streetdwelling-house6, Westend street
8863 Muff IsaacWestend streetdwelling-house14, Westend street
8864 Rose RobertWestend streetdwelling-house20, Westend street
8865 Auderty JamesWestend streetdwelling-house24, Westend street
8866 Widdop SamuelWestend streetdwelling-house21, Westend street
8867 Laycock WalterWestend streetdwelling-houseRoundhill place
successivedwelling-house17, Westend street
8868 Ackroyd JonasWestend streetdwelling-house15, Westend street
8869 Morrell JohnWestend streetdwelling-house7, Westend street
8870 Wilson WilliamWestgatedwelling-house213, Westgate
8871 Murgatroyd WilliamWestgatedwelling-house8, Ashdowne place, Manningham
successivehouse & shop211, Westgate
8872 Bowles John HoldsworthWestgatedwelling-house201, Westgate
8873 Blackwood JohnManninghamshop193, Westgate
8874 King John ThomasWestgatedwelling-house183, Westgate
8875 McClellan Johnstone WilliamWestgatedwelling-house181A, Westgate
8876 Wilkinson William HenryWestgatedwelling-house175, Westgate
8877 Lascelles ThomasWestgatedwelling-house165, Westgate
8878 Hudson ThomasWestgatedwelling-house182, Westgate
successivedwelling-house161, Westgate
8879 Shackleton GeorgeWestgatedwelling-house49, City road
successivedwelling-house159, Westgate
8880 Leach FrederickWestgatedwelling-house157, Westgate
8881 Audsley BenjaminWestgatedwelling-house155, Westgate
8882 Hird WilliamWestgatedwelling-house153, Westgate
8883 Gledhill Joseph YatesWestgrove streetshop151, Westgate
8884 Morris William HenryWestgateshop151E, Westgate
8885 Smith Richards CocksWestgatedwelling-house151, Westgate
8886 Staples William FentonWestgateshop145A, Westgate
8887 Gill JosephManninghamshop143, Westgate
8888 Dobson GeorgeWestgatedwelling-house141, Westgate
8889 Hill RichardWestgatedwelling-house137, Westgate
8890 Moore John WilliamWestgatedwelling-house133, Westgate
8891 Airey WilliamWestgatedwelling-house131, Westgate
8892 Hirst Thomas BarkerBowlingshop131, Westgate
8893 Wallace JohnManninghamshop127, Westgate
8894 Balaam CharlesWestgatedwelling-house125, Westgate
8895 Waterhouse JosephWestgatedwelling-house121, Westgate
8896 Longley JosephLeedsshop117, Westgate
8897 Jackson TomWestgatedwelling-house115, Westgate
8898 Metcalfe ThomasManninghamshop113, Westgate
8899 Dyson JohnDyson streetshop111, Westgate
8900 Ward JohnWestgatedwelling-house103, Westgate
8901 Brown IsaacWestgatedwelling-house97, Westgate
8902 Barry JamesWestgatedwelling-house93, Westgate
8903 Pullan Charles RobinsonWestgatedwelling-house9 1, Westgate
8904 Thompson RobertWestgrove streetshop87, Westgate
8905 Jackson JohnWestgatedwelling-house83, Westgate
8906 Swanson WilliamProvidence streetshop81, Westgate
8907 Greenhough JamesWestgatedwelling-house79, Westgate
8908 O'Hara MichaelWestgatedwelling-house75A, Westgate
8909 Ogle WilliamManninghamshopWestgate
8910 North AtkinsonSharow streetshopWestgate
8911 Jackson SamuelWestgatedwelling-house73A, Westgate
8912 Porter William HamiltonQueen streetshop73A, Westgate
8913 Firth JosephHortonshop73A, Westgate
8914 Poole JosephManninghamshop63, Westgate
8915 Grayson CharlesBrearton streetshop61, Westgate
8916 Schofield ArthurWestgatedwelling-house59, Westgate
8917 Binns JonasWestgatedwelling-house85, Westgate
successivedwelling-house57, Westgate
8918 Illingworth JohnManninghamshop29, Westgate
8919 Newboult GeorgeIlkleyshop29, Westgate
8920 Dawson JamesWestgatedwelling-house27, Westgate
8921 Dawson WilliamWestgateshop27, Westgate
8922 Doidge Jabez SweetManninghamshop23, Westgate
8923 Watkins WilliamWestgatedwelling-house19, Westgate
8924 Watkins John ClaytonWestgateshop19, Westgate
8925 Brunton John WilliamWestgrove streetdwelling-house2, Westgrove street
8926 Smith JosephWestgrove streetdwelling-house12, Orchard street
successivedwelling-house8, Westgrove street
8927 Burrows RichardWestgrove streetdwelling-house10, Westgrove street
8928 Staincliffe DavidWestgrove streetdwelling-house12, Westgrove street
8929 Wright RichardWestgrove streetdwelling-house16, Westgrove street
8930 Taylor JohnWestgrove streetdwelling-house32, Westgrove street
8931 Hitchen JohnWestgrove streetdwelling-house8, Westgrove street
successivedwelling-house38, Westgrove street
8932 Jowett JamesWestgrove streetdwelling-house40, Westgrove street
8933 Briggs SamuelWestgrove streetdwelling-house48, Westgrove street
8934 Naylor Samuel SmithWestgrove streetdwelling-house50, Westgrove street
8935 Coates JohnWestgrove streetdwelling-house58, Westgrove street
8936 Baldwin WilliamWestgrove streetdwelling-house68 Westgrove street
8937 Cure WilliamWestgrove streetdwelling-house72, Westgrove street
8938 Saxton WilliamWestgrove streetdwelling-house79, Westgrove street
successivedwelling-house74, Westgrove street
8939 Stoyles DavidWestgrove streetdwelling-house78, Westgrove street
8940 Harrison ThomasWestgrove streetdwelling-house83, Westgrove street
8941 Markham JohnWestgrove streetdwelling-house81, Westgrove street
8942 Thornton JohnWestgrove streetdwelling-house29, Raven street
successivedwelling-house79, Westgrove street
8943 Waterhouse WilliamWestgrove streetdwelling-house73, Westgrove street
8944 King JosephWestgrove streetdwelling-house69, Westgrove street
8945 Morrell ThomasWestgrove streetdwelling-house59, Westgrove street
successivedwelling-house67, Westgrove street
8946 Collinson WilliamWestgrove streetdwelling-house65, Westgrove street
8947 McGuinn LukeWestgrove streetdwelling-house63, Westgrove street
8948 Dunn WilliamWestgrove streetdwelling-house61, Westgrove street
8949 Hartley JohnWestgrove streetdwelling-house43, Westgrove street
8950 Nutt JohnWestgrove streetdwelling-house33, Westgrove street
8951 Shapcott AlbertWestgrove streetdwelling-house19, Harris street
successivedwelling-house29, Westgrove street
8952 Dewhirst EdwinWestgrove streetdwelling-house82, Chatham street
successivedwelling-house27, Westgrove street
8953 Crawshaw JamesWestgrove streetdwelling-house39, Westgrove street
successivedwelling-house25, Westgrove street
8954 Taylor OwenWestgrove streetdwelling-house23, Westgrove street
8955 Bootland WilliamWestgrove streetdwelling-house21, Westgrove street
8956 Wyatt RichardWestgrove streetdwelling-house19, Westgrove street
8957 Barraclough EdwinWestgrove streetdwelling-house15, Westgrove street
8958 Carter JosephWestgrove streetdwelling-house11, Westgrove street
8959 O'Brien JamesWestgrove streetdwelling-house3, Westgrove street
8960 Hartley ThomasWestgrove streetdwelling-house1, Westgrove street
8961 Sedgwick HenryWest Holme squaredwelling-house2, West Holme square
8962 Burton EdwardWest Holme squaredwelling-house6, West Holme square
8963 Smith JohnHortonwarehouseWest Holme street
8964 Beanland JohnManninghamwarehouseWest Holme street
8965 Lee WilliamHardenwarehouseWest Holme street
8966 Lee WilliamWhite abbeydwelling-house65, White abbey
8967 Clayton John BlandWhite abbeydwelling-house63, White abbey
8968 Gorfitt HenryWhite abbeydwelling-house61, White abbey
8969 Lambert DavidWhite abbeydwelling-house57, White abbey
8970 Duckworth WilliamWhite abbeydwelling-house55, White abbey
8971 Broscombe JosephWhite abbeydwelling-house53, White abbey
8972 Shaw JosephManninghamshop43, White abbey
8973 Illingworth JonathanWhite abbeydwelling-house41, White abbey
8974 Mashington JohnWhite abbeydwelling-house39, White abbey
8975 Power MichaelWhite abbeydwelling-houseWhite abbey
8976 Whitehead PaulWhite abbeydwelling-house37, White abbey
8977 Steel JohnWhite abbeydwelling-house35, White abbey
8978 Hetherington John JamesWhite abbeydwelling-house31, White abbey
8979 Lee JosephWhite abbeydwelling-house29, White abbey
8980 Tordoff HodgsonWhite abbeydwelling-house27, White abbey
8981 Wade WilliamManninghamshop23, White abbey
8982 Wilkinson JohnManninghamshop21, White abbey
8983 Wilkinson EllisWhite abbeydwelling-house21, White abbey
8984 Faulkner PeterWhite abbeydwelling-house19, White abbey
8985 Wharf HenryWhite abbeydwelling-house17, White abbey
8986 Swaine ReiWhite abbeydwelling-house3, Butterfield place
successivedwelling-house15, White abbey
8987 Spink ThomasWhite abbeydwelling-house8, City road
successivedwelling-house11, White abbey
8988 Cawthra JessWhite abbeydwelling-house7, White abbey
8989 Nichols William ThomasWhite abbeydwelling-house5, White abbey
8990 Lorimer JohnWigan streetdwelling-houseWigan street
8991 Brocklehurst ThomasWigan streetdwelling-house29, Sackville street
successivedwelling-house51, Wigan street
8992 Jowett IsaacWigan streetdwelling-house33, Wigan street
8993 Grayson CharlesWigan streetdwelling-house31, Wigan street
8994 Goodman SamWigan streetdwelling-house27, Wigan street
8995 Longbottom SamuelWigan streetdwelling-house25, Wigan street
8996 Turner EcclesWigan streetdwelling-house23, Wigan street
8997 Roundell CharlesWigan streetdwelling-house21, Wigan street
8998 Bamford JohnWigan streetdwelling-house17, Wigan street
8999 Saunders ThomasWigan streetdwelling-house15, Wigan street
9000 Holroyd JohnWigan streetdwelling-house13, Wigan street
9001 Clarke RichardWigan streetdwelling-house11, Wigan street
9002 Winpenny JamesWigan streetdwelling-house9, Wigan street
9003 Moore RobertWoodlands streetdwelling-house12, Paradise street
successivedwelling-house33, Woodlands street
9004 Crossley JesseWoodlands streetdwelling-house25, Woodlands street
9005 Horsfall JohnWoodlands streetdwelling-house21, Woodlands street
9006 Cox ThomasWoodlands streetdwelling-house19, Woodlands street
9007 Metcalfe RobertWoodlands streetdwelling-house17, Woodlands street
9008 Fowler AlfredWoodlands streetdwelling-house15, Woodlands street
9009 Blamires JohnWoodlands streetdwelling-house13, Woodlands street
9010 Powell WalterWoodlands streetdwelling-house37, Woodlands street
9011 Wignall AbrahamWoodlands streetdwelling-house20, Infirmary street
successivedwelling-house35, Woodlands street
9012 Lofthouse ThomasWorthington streetdwelling-house2, Worthington street
9013 Holdsworth HeberJohn streetshopWorthington street
9014 Bartle WilliamManninghamshop20, Paradise street
successiveshop8, Worthington street
9015 Close EdwardWorthington streetdwelling-house30, Worthington street
9016 Holt William Francis SmithWorthington streetdwelling-house34, Worthington street
9017 Firth JohnWorthington streetdwelling-house38, Worthington street
9018 Brears HenryWorthington streetdwelling-house40, Worthington street
9019 Spencer EliWorthington streetdwelling-house42, Worthington street
9020 Smith JohnWorthington streetdwelling-house46, Worthington street
9021 England StephenWorthington streetdwelling-house10, Vaughan street
successivedwelling-house48, Worthington street
9022 Boothroyd William ChallendarWorthington streetdwelling-house48A, Worthington street
9023 Wilkinson ThomasManninghamshopWorthington street
9024 Smith JohnManninghamshop52, Worthington street
9025 Shuttleworth JohnManninghamshopWorthington street
9026 Akam MajorAllertonshopWorthington street
9027 Kendall JohnWorthington streetdwelling-house15, Worthington street
9028 Frankland JohnWorthington streetdwelling-house13, Worthington street
9029 Saville AlbertManninghamshop11, Worthington street
9030 Saville HenryManninghamshop11, Worthington street
9031 Saville JonasManninghamshop11, Worthington street
9032 Haste JoshuaWorthington streetdwelling-house5, Worthington street
9033 Parkin JohnWorthington streetdwelling-house3, Worthington street
9034 Wilson JohnWynne streetdwelling-house10, Wynne street
9035 Cowbourne JoshuaWynne streetdwelling-house99, Westgate
successivedwelling-house14, Darfield street
successivedwelling-house16, Wynne street
9036 Beggs WilliamWynne streetdwelling-house22, Wynne street
9037 Greenwood JohnWynne streetdwelling-house29, Wynne street
9038 Lee JohnWynne streetdwelling-house66, Dyson street
successivedwelling-house27, Wynne street
9039 Young ThomasWynne streetdwelling-house25, Wynne street
9040 Ambler John WainwrightWynne streetdwelling-house21, Wynne street
9041 Sykes JamesWynne streetdwelling-house19, Wynne street
9042 Varley RobertWynne streetdwelling-house15, Wynne street
9043 Steel JohnWynne streetdwelling-house26, Greenhill place, Manningham
successivedwelling-house15, Wynne street
9044 Brook GeorgeWynne streetdwelling-house9, Wynne street
9045 Mansfield WilliamWynne streetdwelling-house7, Wynne street
9046 Heald JosephWynne streetdwelling-house5, Wynne street

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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