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Bradford Parliamentary Register 1885, EAST BOWLING WARD1.


Please read these notes about these registers.

Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
11217 Clayton JohnAddison streetdwelling-house4, Addison street
11218 Runham JohnAddison streetdwelling-house6, Addison street
11219 Bedford WilliamAddison streetdwelling-house10, Addison street
11220 Dean GeorgeAddison streetdwelling-house12, Addison street
11221 Raper JamesAddison streetdwelling-house14, Addison street
11222 Horrocks JosephAddison streetdwelling-house16, Addison street
11223 King ThomasAddison streetdwelling-house24, Addison street
successivedwelling-house28, Addison street
11224 Crowther JosephAddison streetdwelling-house30, Addison street
11225 Tomlinson ThomasAddison streetdwelling-houseWakefield road
successivedwelling-houseNew Cross street
successivedwelling-house34, Addison street
11226 Penkethman George EdwardAddison streetdwelling-house36, Addison street
11227 Oldham JamesAddison streethouse & shop42, Addison street
11228 Collins JamesAddison streetdwelling-house63, Addison street
successivedwelling-house69, Addison street
11229 Greenhough JosephAddison streetdwelling-house67, Addison street
11230 Horsfall JohnAddison streetdwelling-house1, Berry street
successivedwelling-house81, Baird street
successivedwelling-house63, Addison street
11231 Lucas EdwardAddison streetdwelling-house61, Addison street
11232 Smith WalterAddison streetdwelling-house57, Addison street
11233 Huggans GeorgeAddison streetdwelling-house55, Addison street
11234 Robinson WilliamAddison streetdwelling-house53, Addison street
11235 Pitcher WalterAddison streetdwelling-house51, Addison street
11236 Thorne CharlesAddison streetdwelling-house49, Addison street
11237 Willis AlfredAddison streetdwelling-house8, Addison street
successivedwelling-house47, Addison street
11238 Sharp HenryAddison streetdwelling-house38, Addison street
successivedwelling-house45, Addison street
11239 Shackleton ThomasAddison streetdwelling-house43, Addison street
11240 Smith AbrahamAddison streetdwelling-house41, Addison street
11241 Haigh JohnAddison streetdwelling-house19, Addison street
11242 Lake WalterAddison streetdwelling-house29, Usher street
successivedwelling-house19, Addison street
11243 Watson William HenryAddison streetdwelling-house17, Addison street
11244 Clayton RobertAddison streetdwelling-house25, Muff street
successivedwelling-house17A, Addison street
11245 Gott WilliamAddison streetdwelling-house13, Addison street
11246 Clark SolomonAddison streetdwelling-house13, Berry street
successivedwelling-house11, 15, Addison street
11247 Hustler EmanuelAddison streetdwelling-house9, Addison street
11248 Hagan JohnAddison streetdwelling-house7, Addison street
11249 Fielden JohnAddison streetdwelling-house3, Addison street
11250 Jones EllisAddison streetdwelling-house2 Upper Addison street
successivedwelling-house4A, Broom street
successivedwelling-house1, Addison street
11251 Roberts JosephUpper Addison streetdwelling-house12 Fairfax street
successivedwelling-house2, 2A, Upper Addison street
11252 Nooning JosephUpper Addison streetdwelling-house6, Upper Addison street
11253 Willan JohnUpper Addison streetdwelling-house23, Brompton road
successivedwelling-house8, Upper Addison street
11254 Hird Jim LamplughUpper Addison streetdwelling-house10, Upper Addison street
11255 Hurn JamesUpper Addison streetdwelling-house12, Upper Addison street
11256 Lambert Thomas WilsonUpper Addison streetdwelling-house14, Upper Addison street
11257 Brearley JamesUpper Addison streetdwelling-house108, Caledonia street
successivedwelling-house22, Upper Addison street
11258 Philpot RobertUpper Addison streetdwelling-house28, Upper Addison street
11259 Stables WilliamUpper Addison streetdwelling-house27, Upper Addison street
11260 Powell HenryUpper Addison streetdwelling-house36, Sturges street
successivedwelling-houseUpper Sturges street
successivedwelling-house25, Upper Addison street
11261 Fairclough WilliamUpper Addison streetdwelling-house148, Caledonia street
successivedwelling-house19, Upper Addison street
11262 Richardson FrederickUpper Addison streetdwelling-house23, Upper Addison street
11263 Spence JohnUpper Addison streetdwelling-house19, Upper Addison street
successivedwelling-house17, Upper Addison street
11264 Knowles JohnUpper Addison streetdwelling-house9, Upper Addison street
11265 Quinn HenryUpper Addison streetdwelling-house7, Upper Addison street
11266 Aspinall WilliamUpper Addison streetdwelling-house5, Upper Addison street
11267 Foster GeorgeUpper Addison streetdwelling-house1, Upper Addison street
11268 Mason JohnBailey streetdwelling-house4, Bailey street
11269 Binner GeorgeBailey streetdwelling-house6, Bailey street
11270 Heyworth JamesBailey streetdwelling-house8, Bailey street
11271 Marvell ThomasBailey streetdwelling-house10, Bailey street
11272 Marvell AlfredBailey streetdwelling-house12, Bailey street
11273 Popplewell IsaacBailey streetdwelling-house14, Bailey street
11274 Hodgson HenryBailey streetdwelling-house16, Bailey street
11275 Hartley RobinsonBailey streetdwelling-house18, Bailey street
11276 Mitchell HarryBailey streetdwelling-house20, Bailey street
11277 Lewis GeorgeBailey streetdwelling-house417, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house22, Bailey street
11278 Webster JohnBailey streetdwelling-house26, Bailey street
11279 Riley JamesBailey streetdwelling-house28, Bailey street
11280 Dufton EdwinBailey streetdwelling-house30, Bailey street
11281 Angless WilliamBailey streetdwelling-house3, Bailey street
11282 Smithies JonathanBailey streetdwelling-house5, Bailey street
11283 Feltham Walter EdwinLower Barrack yarddwelling-house12, Lower Barrack yard
11284 Elsworth JosephLower Barrack yarddwelling-house4, Lower Barrack yard
11285 Critchinson WilliamLower Barrack yarddwelling-house6, Lower Barrack yard
11286 Beetham FredLower Barrack yarddwelling-house5, Lower Barrack yard
11287 Higgins EdwardLower Barrack yarddwelling-house3, Lower Barrack yard
successivedwelling-house1, Lower Barrack yard
11288 Carter JamesBerry streetdwelling-house17, Berry street
successivedwelling-house110, Hall lane
successivedwelling-house17, Berry street
11289 Lumley WilliamBerry streetdwelling-house15, Berry street
11290 Balderston ThomasBerry streetdwelling-house11, Berry street
11291 Thomas WilliamBerry streetdwelling-house9, Berry street
11292 Wilcock JohnBerry streetdwelling-house42, Oliver street
successivedwelling-house7, Berry street
11293 Pearson RichardBerry streetdwelling-house5, Berry street
11294 Hewitt James ThomasBolling streetdwelling-houseBolling street
11295 Carroll PatrickBolling streetdwelling-house8, Bolling street
11296 McDonough FrederickReindeer Inndwelling-house10, 12, Bolling street
11297 Walton JonasBolling streetdwelling-house14, Bolling street
11298 Rhodes SmithBolling streetdwelling-house16, Bolling street
11299 Dennett AmosBolling streetdwelling-house18, Bolling street
11300 Wilson WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house20, Bolling street
11301 Penn WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house28, Bolling street
11302 Moriarty PatrickBolling streetdwelling-house62, Pollard street
successivedwelling-house63, Pollard street
successivedwelling-house40, Bolling street
11303 Reed MichaelBolling streetdwelling-house66, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house42, Bolling street
11304 Burke EdwardBolling streetdwelling-house47, Broom street
successivedwelling-house56, Bolling street
11305 Carr FearnleyBolling streetdwelling-house60, Bolling street
11306 Kelly JosephBolling streetdwelling-house62, Bolling street
11307 Peacock JosephBolling streetdwelling-house64, Bolling street
11308 Penkethman WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house68, Bolling street
11309 Brook IsaiahBolling streetdwelling-house70, Bolling street
11310 Miller ThomasBolling streetdwelling-house76, Bolling street
11311 Robinson WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house47, Addison street
successivehouse & shop80, Bolling street
11312 Quigley LawrenceBolling streetdwelling-house82, Bolling street
11313 Davis DavidBolling streetdwelling-house92, Bolling street
11314 Cromwell JohnBolling streetdwelling-house94, Bolling street
11315 Taylor William DrakeBolling streetdwelling-house13, Saville street
successivedwelling-house96, Bolling street
11316 Wilkinson George WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house142, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house98, Bolling street
11317 Brame HenryBolling streetdwelling-house98, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house100, Bolling street
11318 Naylor WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house102, Bolling street
11319 Cromwell ErloiBolling streethouse & shop104, Bolling street
11320 Tomlinson WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house114A, Bolling street
11321 Coulson HenryThackleyshop114, Bolling street
11322 Duce FrankBolling streethouse & shop116, Bolling street
11323 Emmett RichardBolling streetdwelling-house51, Moody street
successivedwelling-house122, Bolling street
11324 Hornby WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house126, Bolling street
11325 Dunn WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house37, Broom street
successivedwelling-house132, Bolling street
11326 Stanworth JamesBolling streetdwelling-house13, Upper Addison street
successivedwelling-house136, Bolling street
11327 Myers WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house138, Bolling street
11328 Brown JohnBolling streetdwelling-house146, Bolling street
11329 Rolfe William HenryBolling streetdwelling-house140, Bolling street
11330 McGinn ThomasBolling streetdwelling-house31, Broom street
successivedwelling-house148, Bolling street
11331 Bennett AlfredBolling streetdwelling-house152, Bolling street
11332 Robinson John HenryBolling streetdwelling-house154, Bolling street
11333 Howarth JohnBolling streetdwelling-house156, Bolling street
11334 Naylor WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house65, Sturges street
successivedwelling-house160, Bolling street
11335 Robinson JohnBolling streetdwelling-house162, Bolling street
11336 Midgley WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house164, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house166, Bolling street
11337 Martin JosephBolling streetdwelling-house172, Bolling street
11338 Stott FrederickBolling streetdwelling-house182, Bolling street
11339 Akeroyd JamesBolling streethouse & shop184, Bolling street
11340 Clegg HenryBolling streethouse & shop186, Bolling street
11341 Canniford WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house105, Bolling street
11342 Hilton WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house158, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house103, Bolling street
11343 Downing RobertBolling streetdwelling-house217, Caledonia street
successivedwelling-house101, Bolling street
11344 Driver JonasBolling streethouse & shop97, Bolling street
11345 Armitage ThomasBolling streetdwelling-house95, Bolling street
11346 Harland IsaacBolling streetdwelling-house136, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house93, Bolling street
11347 Murgatroyd AlfredBolling streetdwelling-house178, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house91, Bolling street
11348 Tessyman JohnBolling streetdwelling-house89, Bolling street
11349 Parratt WilliamBolling streetdwelling-house85, Bolling street
11350 Kennerney JohnBolling streetdwelling-house77, Bolling street
11351 Holmes HenryBolling streetdwelling-house75, Bolling street
11352 Baldwin AlexanderBolling streethouse & shop73, Bolling street
11353 Cowling RobertBolling streetdwelling-house77, Moody street
successivedwelling-house170, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house71, Bolling street
11354 Birmingham RichardBolling streetdwelling-house69, Bolling street
11355 Hadfield John ThomasBolling streethouse & shop59, Bolling street
11356 Beale PatrickBolling streetdwelling-house39, Bolling street
11357 Townsend SimeonBolling streetdwelling-house128, Caledonia street
successivedwelling-house35, Bolling street
11358 Casey JohnBolling streetdwelling-house29, Bolling street
11359 Claven JohnBolling streetdwelling-house23, Bolling street
11360 Carter JohnBolling streetdwelling-house5, Hardy street
successivedwelling-house19, Bolling street
11361 Underwood AlfredBowling Back lanedwelling-house44, Bowling Back lane
11362 Normington JosephBowling Back lanedwelling-houseLee street, Bradford
successivedwelling-house54, Bowling Back lane
11363 Hallpike Richard BoothBowling Back lanebeerhouse56, Bowling Back lane
11364 Waud George MotleySpring place, ManninghamwarehouseBritannia mill
11365 Waud Horace ChristopherApsley villas, ManninghamwarehouseBritannia mill
11366 Waud Frederick ArthurSpring bank, ManninghamwarehouseBritannia mill
11367 Johnson JohnBroomfield streetdwelling-house45, Moody street
successivedwelling-house57, Sturges street
successivedwelling-house8, Broom street
11368 Keogh DenisBroom streetdwelling-house10, Broom street
11369 Higgins MichaelBroom streetdwelling-house28, Broom street
11370 Rourke BartholomewBroom streetdwelling-house48, Broom street
successivedwelling-house46, Broom street
11371 McDonald RichardBroom streetdwelling-house50, Broom street
11372 Byrnes WilliamBroom streetdwelling-house91, Granby street
successivedwelling-house34, Calcutta street
successivedwelling-house56, Broom street
11373 Beasty PatrickBroom streetdwelling-house58, Broom street
11374 Rice ThomasBroom streetdwelling-house64, Broom street
11375 Kaye ThomasBroom streetdwelling-house20, Broom street
successivedwelling-house81, Broom street
11376 Delaney MatthewBroom streetdwelling-house79, Broom street
11377 Flynn JamesBroom streetdwelling-house75, Broom street
11378 Speed AndrewBroom streetdwelling-house73, Broom street
11379 Carr JohnBroom streetdwelling-house70, Granby street
successivedwelling-house71, Broom street
11380 Kaye BernardBroom streetdwelling-house56, Broom street
successivedwelling-house65, Broom street
11381 Curtis HenryBroom streetdwelling-house45, Broom street
11382 Ackroyd FrederickBroom streetdwelling-house43, Broom street
11383 Gourke ThomasBroom streetdwelling-house76, Granby street
successivedwelling-house37, Broom street
11384 O'Hara JosephBroom streetdwelling-house71, Broom street
successivedwelling-house41, Broom street
11385 Stell JosephBroom streetdwelling-house33, Broom street
11386 Edmondson John ScholefieldBroom streetdwelling-house21, Broom street
11387 Beedham ThomasBroom streetdwelling-house19, Broom street
11388 Dukes GeorgeBroom streetdwelling-house5, Broom street
11389 Wellock JohnBroomfield terracedwelling-house60, Broomfield terrace
11390 Ambler AbrahamBroomfield terracedwelling-house64, Broomfield terrace
11391 Hesk Thomas Galland CharisBroomfield terracedwelling-house66, Broomfield terrace
11392 Bowes ThomasBroomfield terracedwelling-house68, Broomfield terrace
11393 Laycock MatthewBroomfield terracedwelling-house70, Broomfield terrace
11394 Seanor JamesBroomfield terracedwelling-house74, Broomfield terrace
11395 Stowe WilliamBroomfield terracedwelling-house76, Broomfield terrace
11396 Newton WilliamBroomfield terracedwelling-house173, New Hey road
successivedwelling-house78, Broomfield terrace
11397 Normington JamesBroomfield terracedwelling-house82, Broomfield terrace
11398 Badland LouisBroomfield terracedwelling-house84, Broomfield terrace
11399 Raper AlfredCaledonia streetdwelling-house223, Caledonia street
11400 Bottomley EliCaledonia streetdwelling-house221, Caledonia street
11401 Philpot RobertCaledonia streetdwelling-houseGas street
successivedwelling-house217, Caledonia street
11402 Spencer JamesCaledonia streetdwelling-house215, Caledonia street
11403 Raine Thomas InghamCaledonia streetdwelling-house213, Caledonia street
11404 Weatherhead JohnCaledonia streetdwelling-house209, Caledonia street
11405 Bottomley ThomasCaledonia streetdwelling-house207, Caledonia street
11406 Brown WilliamCaledonia streetdwelling-house138, Caledonia street
successivedwelling-house7, Crab street
successivedwelling-house203, Caledonia street
11407 Helliwell JosephCaledonia streetdwelling-house201, Caledonia street
11408 Gregson WilliamCaledonia streetdwelling-house199, Caledonia street
11409 Metcalfe AlfredCaledonia streetdwelling-house195, Caledonia street
11410 Nappy CharlesCaledonia streetdwelling-house193, Caledonia street
11411 Mitchell Rev. WilliamSt. Luke's Vicaragedwelling-house191, Caledonia street
11412 Townsend ChristopherCaledonia streetdwelling-house183, Caledonia street
11413 Wade Walter WilliamCaledonia streetdwelling-house181, Caledonia street
11414 Buckley MichaelCaledonia streetdwelling-house175, Caledonia street
11415 Travis JohnCaledonia streetdwelling-house173, Caledonia street
11416 Jordan JohnCaledonia streetdwelling-house169, Caledonia street
11417 Conroy MichaelCaledonia streetdwelling-house165, Caledonia street
11418 Wilson EdwinCaledonia streethouse & shop157, Caledonia street
11419 Owen JamesCaledonia streetdwelling-house155, Caledonia street
11420 Knowles TimothyCaledonia streetdwelling-house151, Caledonia street
11421 Raynor JosephCaledonia streetdwelling-house149, Caledonia street
11422 Beswick RobertCaledonia streetdwelling-house137, Caledonia street
successivedwelling-house147, Caledonia street
11423 Illingworth ThomasCaledonia streetdwelling-house145, Caledonia street
11424 Armitage Jacob AbsalomCaledonia streetdwelling-house141, Caledonia street
11425 Pearson GeorgeCaledonia streetdwelling-house101, Fitzwilliam street
successivedwelling-house37, Tennant street
successivedwelling-house137, Caledonia street
11426 Smith BobCaledonia streetdwelling-house111, Caledonia street
successivedwelling-house133, Caledonia street
11427 Manton MichaelCaledonia streetdwelling-house123, Caledonia street
11428 Parker JosephCaledonia streetdwelling-house119, Caledonia street
11429 Haigh JohnCaledonia streetdwelling-house121, Caledonia street
11430 Hothersall JohnCaledonia streetdwelling-house90, Caledonia street
11431 Murray JamesCaledonia streetdwelling-houseSlater's yard
successivedwelling-house94, Caledonia street
11432 Barrett AnthonyCaledonia streetdwelling-house96, Caledonia street
11433 Molloy WilliamCaledonia streetdwelling-house102, Caledonia street
11434 Howley TimothyCaledonia streethouse & shop112, Caledonia street
11435 Crabtree AlfredCaledonia streetdwelling-house116, Caledonia street
11436 Overend George AlbertCaledonia streetdwelling-house124, Caledonia street
11437 Sugden WalterCaledonia streetdwelling-house128, Moody street
successivedwelling-houseKelvin street
successivedwelling-houseUpper Pollard street
successivedwelling-house126, Caledonia street
11438 Graham EdwardCaledonia streethouse & shop132, Caledonia street
11439 Hudson ThomasCaledonia streetdwelling-house136, Caledonia street
11440 Ison Joseph ThomasCaledonia streetdwelling-house146, Caledonia street
11441 Hill ThomasCaledonia streetdwelling-house25, Upper Addison street
successivedwelling-house148, Caledonia street
11442 Lount JamesCaledonia streetdwelling-house152, Caledonia street
11443 Clough EzraCaledonia streetdwelling-house154, Caledonia street
11444 Lee ChristopherCanning streetdwelling-house17, Canning street
11445 Harrison WilliamCanning streetdwelling-house13, Canning street
11446 Robinson ThomasCanning streetbeerhouse9, 7, 5, Canning street
11447 Bland Joseph WilliamCanning streetdwelling-house3, Canning street
11448 Flamming MartinCarter streetdwelling-house14, Carter street
11449 Saunders WilliamCarter streetdwelling-house20, Carter street
11450 Lockhart JosephCarter streetdwelling-house18, Carter street
11451 Haley Charles RichardCarter streetdwelling-house34A, Carter street
11452 Longhorn John RichardCarter streetdwelling-house5, Upper Pollard street
successivedwelling-house32, Carter street
11453 Rhodes JohnCarter streetdwelling-house27, Carter street
11454 Paine WilliamCarter streetdwelling-house25, Carter street
11455 Barker WilliamCarter streetdwelling-house15, Carter street
11456 Malthouse JamesCarter streetdwelling-house16, Carter street
successivedwelling-house13, Carter street
11457 Binner WilliamCarter streetdwelling-house11, Carter street
11458 Kairns StephenCarter streetdwelling-house7, Carter street
11459 Tracey ThomasCarter streetdwelling-house132, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house3, Carter street
11460 McCormack JosephCarter streetdwelling-house1, Carter street
11461 Rayner JosephConway streetdwelling-house25, Conway street
11462 Hogg CharlesConway streetdwelling-house21, Conway street
successivedwelling-house23, Conway street
11463 Gill FrederickConway streetdwelling-house17, Conway street
11464 Thompson EdwardConway streetdwelling-house15, Conway street
successivedwelling-house13, Conway street
11465 Hastings WilliamConway streetdwelling-house105, Hall lane
successivedwelling-house13, Conway street
11466 Firth GreenwoodConway streetdwelling-house26, Fairfax street
successivedwelling-house16, Conway street
11467 Dinnison JohnConway streetdwelling-house9, Conway street
11468 Rushforth JonathanIdlewarehouseConway street
11469 Braithwaite JohnCrab streetdwelling-house5, Crab street
11470 Schutt JohnDerwent streetdwelling-house4, Derwent street
11471 Phelan AlexanderDerwent streetdwelling-house1, Derwent street
successivedwelling-house6, Derwent street
11472 Baldwin William HenryDerwent streetdwelling-house3, Derwent street
11473 Cragg HenryEllen streetdwelling-house2, Ellen street
11474 Houghton JamesEllen streetdwelling-house6, Ellen street
11475 Atkins ThomasEllen streetdwelling-house8, Ellen street
11476 Hamer JamesLocomotive Hoteldwelling-houseEllen street
11477 Robinson HenryConservative Clubdwelling-houseEllen street
11478 Skirrow Samuel MortimerHall laneshopEllen street
11479 Hunt JohnFairfax streetdwelling-house4, Fairfax street
11480 Raper ThomasFairfax streetdwelling-house8, Fairfax street
11481 Williams FrankFairfax streetdwelling-house10, Fairfax street
11482 Dakin WilliamFairfax streetdwelling-house51, Sloane street
successivedwelling-house12, Fairfax street
11483 Griffin William MasonFairfax streetdwelling-house14, Fairfax street
11484 Mann IsaacFairfax streetdwelling-house16, Fairfax street
11485 Rushforth WilliamFairfax streetdwelling-house18, Fairfax street
11486 Priestley JonathanFairfax streetdwelling-house20, Fairfax street
11487 Todd GeorgeFairfax streetdwelling-house24, Fairfax street
11488 Burns WilliamFairfax streetdwelling-house18, Lizard street
successivedwelling-house26, Fairfax street
11489 Clayton JosephFairfax streetdwelling-house30, Fairfax street
11490 Reynolds CharlesFairfax streetdwelling-house32, Fairfax street
11491 Brown HenryFairfax streetdwelling-house25, Broom street
successivedwelling-houseFairfax street
successivedwelling-house34, Fairfax street
11492 Copley WrightFairfax streetdwelling-house36, Fairfax street
11493 Kellett IsaacFairfax streetdwelling-house38, Fairfax street
11494 Feasby JohnFairfax streetdwelling-house22, Upper Addison street
successivedwelling-house40, Fairfax street
11495 Kirwan JohnFairfax streetdwelling-house42, Fairfax street
11496 Wetherill George WilliamFairfax streetdwelling-house44, Fairfax street
11497 Haste CharlesFairfax streetdwelling-house46, Fairfax street
11498 Dyson WilliamFairfax streetdwelling-house52, Fairfax street
11499 Brown WilliamFairfax streetdwelling-house54, Fairfax street
11500 Lowe ThomasFairfax streetdwelling-house58, Fairfax street
11501 Revell RalphFairfax streetdwelling-house60, Fairfax street
11502 Malone MichaelFairfax streetdwelling-house56, Pollard street
successivedwelling-house28, Addison street
successivedwelling-house121, Fairfax street
11503 Mulhall DanielFairfax streetdwelling-house113, Fairfax street
successivedwelling-house119, Fairfax street
11504 Gelderd RichardFairfax streetdwelling-house117, Fairfax street
11505 Tynan JamesFairfax streetdwelling-house111, Fairfax street
11506 Trotter RichardFairfax streetdwelling-house107, Fairfax street
11507 Allrook Thomas GroukFairfax streetdwelling-house105, Fairfax street
11508 Brogan ThomasFairfax streetdwelling-house101, Fairfax street
11509 Armitage JoshuaFairfax streetdwelling-house93, Fairfax street
11510 Waddington MarkFairfax streetdwelling-house91, Fairfax street
11511 Mahon PatrickFairfax streetdwelling-house85, Fairfax street
11512 Thompson JamesFairfax streetdwelling-house59, Hall lane
successivedwelling-house81, Fairfax street
11513 Whitaker HenryFairfax streetdwelling-house73, Fairfax street
11514 Robertshaw LeviFairfax streetdwelling-house69, 61, Fairfax street
11515 Crossley WilliamFairfax streetdwelling-house432, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house63, Fairfax street
11516 Hartley JohnFairfax streetdwelling-house51, Fairfax street
11517 Coxon ChristopherFairfax streetdwelling-house45, Fairfax street
11518 Thorpe JamesFairfax streetdwelling-house43, 43A, Fairfax street
11519 Taylor EberFairfax streetdwelling-house39, 49, Fairfax street
11520 Clough JohnFairfax streetdwelling-house35, Fairfax street
11521 Drake WilliamFairfax streetdwelling-house29, Fairfax street
11522 Mason JohnFairfax streetdwelling-house27, Fairfax street
11523 Swaine Edric WilliamFairfax streetdwelling-house160, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house25, Fairfax street
11524 Asqwith GeorgeFairfax streetdwelling-house23, Fairfax street
11525 Miller IsaacFairfax streetdwelling-house15, Fairfax street
11526 Booth JosephFairfax streetdwelling-house25, Fairfax street
successivedwelling-house17, Fairfax street
11527 Hudson EmanuelFairfax streetdwelling-house9, Fairfax street
11528 Rushworth JohnFairfax streetdwelling-house7, Fairfax street
11529 Swithenbank AlbertFawbert streetdwelling-house7, Fawbert street
11530 Dodgson JamesFawbert streetdwelling-house5, Fawbert street
successivedwelling-house4, Fawbert street
11531 Cannon PatrickFawbert streetdwelling-house3, Fawbert street
11532 Sparrow AbrahamFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house117, Fitzwilliam street
11533 Lawrence GeorgeFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house107, Fitzwilliam street
11534 Cavanagh JamesFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house71, Fitzwilliam street
successivedwelling-house105, Fitzwilliam street
11535 Robinson WilliamFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house103, Fitzwilliam street
11536 Roper EdwardFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house89, Mill lane
successivedwelling-house101, Fitzwilliam street
11537 Wright JohnFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house39, Pollard street
successivedwelling-house91, Fitzwilliam street
11538 Daniels FrankFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house89, Fitzwilliam street
11539 Hall John AspinFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house11, Moody street
successivedwelling-house87, Fitzwilliam street
11540 Pollard JosephFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house3, Moody street
successivedwelling-house96, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house95, Fitzwilliam street
11541 Hatton EdwardFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house85, Fitzwilliam street
11542 Blagbrough SquireFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house95, Fitzwilliam street
successivedwelling-house81, Fitzwilliam street
11543 Gibson GeorgeFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house83, Fitzwilliam street
11544 Wilkinson JamesFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house75, Fitzwilliam street
11545 Whitwell ThomasFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house73, Fitzwilliam street
11546 Brannan PatrickFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house47, Moody street
successivedwelling-house71, Fitzwilliam street
11547 Helliwell EdwardFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house61, Fitzwilliam street
11548 Greenwood GeorgeFitzwilliam streetdwelling-house59, Fitzwilliam street
11549 Halliday JamesEbenezer street, BradfordfoundryFitzwilliam street
11550 Halliday Charles RichardPark road, HortonfoundryFitzwilliam street
11551 Rhodes JosephCrossley street, Hortonfinishing worksFitzwilliam street
11552 Rhodes EnochCambridge street, Hortonfinishing worksFitzwilliam street
11553 Hardaker ThomasWatmough street, Hortonfinishing worksFitzwilliam street
11554 Watmough EphraimWard street, Hortonfinishing worksFitzwilliam street
11555 Wilson HarryGas streetdwelling-house8, Gas street
11556 Toumane RobertGas streetdwelling-house208, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house7, Gas street
11557 Wright AlbertGas streetdwelling-house2, Gas street
11558 Thorpe EdwardGas streetdwelling-house1, Gas street
11559 Busfield JosephHorton lanewarehouseGordon street
11560 Busfield WilliamIlkleywarehouseGordon street
11561 Lofthouse ThomasGranby streetdwelling-house57, Sturges street
successivedwelling-house2, Granby street
11562 Murphy JamesGranby streetdwelling-house45, Sturges street
successivedwelling-house4, Granby street
11563 Claven JamesGranby streetdwelling-house8, Granby street
11564 Pratt JamesGranby streetdwelling-house32, Granby street
successivedwelling-house10, Granby street
11565 Bergan DanielGranby streetdwelling-house12, Granby street
11566 Fallon JamesGranby streetdwelling-house30, Granby street
11567 Dunn DenisGranby streetdwelling-house18, Slater's yard
successivedwelling-house32, Granby street
11568 Delaney BernardGranby streetdwelling-house34, Granby street
11569 Carr JamesAshley street, HortonworkshopGranby street
11570 Carney ThomasGranby streetdwelling-house40, Sturges street
successivedwelling-house58, Granby street
11571 Murphy ThomasGranby streetdwelling-house62, Granby street
11572 Reynolds WilliamGranby streetdwelling-house79, Granby street
successivedwelling-house76, Granby street
11573 Lawlor PatrickGranby streetdwelling-house80, Granby street
11574 Hinis ThomasGranby streetdwelling-house93, Granby street
successivedwelling-house127, Granby street
11575 Durkin JohnGranby streetdwelling-house105, Granby street
11576 Carroll ThomasGranby streetdwelling-house17, Guy street
successivedwelling-houseSlater's yard
successivedwelling-house53, Sturges street
successivedwelling-house103, Granby street
11577 Graham ThomasGranby streetdwelling-house89A, Granby street
11578 Stead John WilliamGranby streethouse & shop87, Granby street
11579 Brannan DanielGranby streetdwelling-house77, Granby street
successivedwelling-house83, Granby street
11580 Linskey ThomasGranby streetdwelling-house78, Granby street
successivedwelling-house71, Granby street
11581 Fitzpatrick WilliamGranby streethouse & shop59, Granby street
11582 Tane JohnGranby streethouse & shop57, Granby street
11583 Gargan JohnGranby streetdwelling-house53, Granby street
11584 Henery ThomasGranby streetdwelling-house43, Granby street
successivedwelling-house51, Granby street
11585 Reynolds JohnGranby streetdwelling-house49, Granby street
11586 Henery RobertGranby streetdwelling-house51, Granby street
successivedwelling-house47, Granby street
11587 Henery MartinGranby streetdwelling-house45, Granby street
11588 Gallagher BernardGranby streetdwelling-house41, Granby street
11589 Kain JohnGranby streetdwelling-house35, Granby street
11590 Dinsdale AlfredGranby streetdwelling-house27, Granby street
11591 Price JamesGranby streetdwelling-house42, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house19, Granby street
11592 Carberry EdwardGranby streetdwelling-house35, Sturges street
successivedwelling-house17, Granby street
11593 Keighley DennisGranby streetdwelling-house4, Penn street
successivedwelling-house15, Granby street
11594 Conroy JohnGranby streetdwelling-house13, Granby street
11595 Fitzpatrick FloranceGranby streetdwelling-house7, Granby street
11596 McGee PatrickGranby streetdwelling-house1, Granby street
11597 Sowden JohnGrey streetdwelling-house8, Grey street
11598 Haigh JosephGrey streetdwelling-house4, Grey street
successivedwelling-house12, Grey street
11599 Ambler JosephGrey streetdwelling-house5, Grey street
11600 Woodhead TimothyGrey streetdwelling-house351, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house102, Bowling Back lane
successivedwelling-house3, Grey street
11601 Puissant AloysiusGuy streetdwelling-houseGuy street
11602 Carroll WilliamGuy streetdwelling-house40, Guy street
11603 Waddington ThomasGuy streetdwelling-house42, Guy street
11604 Ginn GeorgeGuy streetdwelling-house23, Addi street
successivedwelling-house44, Guy street
11605 Graham ThomasGuy streetdwelling-house43, Guy street
11606 Brannan BernardGuy streetdwelling-house41, Guy street
11607 Fearnley CharlesGuy streetdwelling-house37, Guy street
11608 Whelan FentonGuy streetdwelling-house33, Guy street
11609 Brophy ThomasGuy streetdwelling-house23, Guy street
11610 Murphy JamesGuy streetdwelling-house21, Guy street
11611 Lodge SamuelWindrush housedwelling-house2, Hall lane
11612 Wilkinson RichardHall lanehouse & shop4, Hall lane
11613 Ellis WilliamElizabeth street, Hortondwelling-house14, Hall lane
11614 Gregson JosephHall lanedwelling-house22, Hall lane
11615 Sowden SamuelHall lanedwelling-house16, Hall lane
11616 Petty JosephHall lanehouse & shop18, 24, Hall lane
11617 Whiteman AlfredHall lanehouse & shop26, 20, Hall lane
11618 Parker HartleyHall lanedwelling-house32, Hall lane
11619 Martin JohnHall lanedwelling-house34, Hall lane
11620 Ingle George WilliamHall lanedwelling-house36, Hall lane
11621 Moorhouse WilliamHall lanedwelling-house38, Hall lane
11622 Johnson Charles EdwardHall lanehouse & shop40, Hall lane
11623 Burton Charles ThomasHall lanedwelling-house55, Hall lane
successivedwelling-house42, Hall lane
11624 Fitzpatrick PatrickHall lanehouse & shop46, Hall lane
11625 Huggins MartinHall lanehouse & shop48, Hall lane
11626 Leach JohnHall lanedwelling-house50, Hall lane
11627 Starkey ThomasHall lanedwelling-house52, Hall lane
11628 Sheard JosephHall lanedwelling-house56, Hall lane
11629 Capstick GeorgeHall lanedwelling-house64, Hall lane
successivedwelling-house58, Hall lane
11630 O'Donnell EdwardHall lanedwelling-house62, Hall lane
successivedwelling-house60, Hall lane
11631 Foulds BenjaminHall lanedwelling-house14A, Upper Pollard street
successivedwelling-house70, Hall lane
11632 Davidson JohnHall lanedwelling-house76, Hall lane
11633 Light RichardHall lanedwelling-house84, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house78, Hall lane
11634 Phillips JohnHall lanedwelling-house80, Hall lane
11635 Ratcliffe GreenwoodHall lanedwelling-house11, Prospect street
successivedwelling-house82, Hall lane
11636 Rollinson JonathanHall lanedwelling-house84, Hall lane
11637 Wood SamuelHall lanedwelling-house86, 88, Hall lane
11638 Baxter JosephRed Lion Hoteldwelling-house90, Hall lane
11639 Barker JonathanClaytonwarehouseLadywell mill, Hall lane
11640 Wilson DenisonHorton lanewarehouseLadywell mill, Hall lane
11641 Wilson AndrewBalk's house, WortleywarehouseLadywell mill, Hall lane
11642 Wilson JoshuaBalk's house, WortleywarehouseLadywell mill, Hall lane
11643 Robinson JacobHall lanehouse & shop108, Hall lane
11644 Hudson JohnBowling Hoteldwelling-house112, Hall lane
11645 Lancaster LewisHall lanehouse & shop114, Hall lane
11646 Womersley RichardHall lanedwelling-house116, Hall lane
11647 Scholefield SamuelHall lanedwelling-house118, Hall lane
11648 Stobart GeorgeHall lanedwelling-house120, Hall lane
11649 Heald James RobertHall lanedwelling-house122, Hall lane
11650 Walker JosephHall lanedwelling-house124, Hall lane
11651 Parkinson ThomasHall lanedwelling-house126, Hall lane
11652 Dawson JacobHall lanedwelling-house132, Hall lane
11653 Lister John RichardHall lanedwelling-house156, Hall lane
11654 Ibeson JohnHall lanedwelling-house160, Hall lane
11655 Cowgill WilliamHall lanedwelling-house166, Hall lane
11656 Wilkinson HerbertHall lanedwelling-house168, Hall lane
11657 White ThomasHall lanedwelling-house170, Hall lane
11658 Mortimer WilliamHall lanedwelling-house172, Hall lane
11659 Bowles JamesHall lanedwelling-house174, Hall lane
11660 McMorton DanielHall lanedwelling-house176, Hall lane
11661 Broadbent DavidHall lanedwelling-house3, Maw street
successivedwelling-house180, Hall lane
11662 Wilman FredHall lanedwelling-house233, Hall lane
11663 Crossley JohnHall lanedwelling-house231, Hall lane
11664 Laycock Thomas ParkHall lanedwelling-house227, Hall lane
11665 Wilkinson MarkHall lanedwelling-house225, Hall lane
11666 Ainger FrankHall lanedwelling-house5, Usher street
successivedwelling-house221, Hall lane
11667 Lister Horatio DysonHall lanedwelling-house219, Hall lane
11668 Clayton JamesHall lanedwelling-house215, Hall lane
11669 Ambler RufusHall lanedwelling-house211, Hall lane
11670 White JamesHall lanedwelling-house209, Hall lane
11671 Illingworth HiramHall lanedwelling-house207, Hall lane
11672 Smith WilliamHall lanedwelling-house205, Hall lane
11673 Lister JohnAnn place, HortonwarehouseGlobe mill, Hall lane
11674 Lister WilliamWibseywarehouseGlobe mill, Hall lane
11675 Ambler JamesPark road, HortonwarehouseGlobe mill, Hall lane
11676 Brown SimonHall lanedwelling-house5, Walton street
successivedwelling-house113, Hall lane
11677 Leak Robert ThomasHall lanehouse & shop109, 121, Hall lane
11678 Brown Charles EdwardHall lanedwelling-house20, Upper Addison street
successivedwelling-house5, Walton street
successivedwelling-house107, Hall lane
11679 Booth George RogersonHall lanedwelling-house113, Hall lane
successivedwelling-house105, Hall lane
11680 Hodgson GeorgeHall lanedwelling-house103, Hall lane
11681 Mitchell WilliamHall lanedwelling-house78, Hall lane
successivedwelling-house101, Hall lane
11682 Hirst JohnHall lanedwelling-house99, Hall lane
11683 Senior JohnHall lanedwelling-house95, Hall lane
11684 Pickard WilliamHall lanedwelling-house93, Hall lane
11685 Press ReubenHall lanehouse & shop97, 91, Hall lane
11686 Dyer JohnHall lanedwelling-house89, Hall lane
11687 Hartley BenjaminHall lanedwelling-house46, Oliver street
successivedwelling-house11, Pollard street
successivedwelling-house87, Hall lane
11688 Shepherd JamesHall lanehouse & shop85, Hall lane
11689 Snow Harry HermanHall lanedwelling-house78, Broomfield terrace
successivehouse & shop83, Hall lane
11690 Wilkinson JohnHall lanedwelling-house81, Hall lane
11691 Bainbridge GeorgeHall lanedwelling-house71, Hall lane
11692 Child JohnHall lanedwelling-house69, Hall lane
11693 Harreman WilliamHall lanedwelling-house67, Hall lane
11694 Speight Squire JamesHall lanedwelling-house65, Hall lane
11695 Whytell ChristopherHall lanedwelling-house61, Hall lane
11696 Lee AlexanderHall lanedwelling-house57, Hall lane
11697 Byrne JamesHall lanedwelling-house55, Fairfax street
successivedwelling-house55, Hall lane
11698 Town IssacharHall lanedwelling-house53, Hall lane
11699 Budd RichardHall lanedwelling-house3, Upper Pollard street
successivedwelling-house51, Hall lane
11700 Richmond AlfredHall lanedwelling-house49, Hall lane
11701 Abbey JamesHall lanedwelling-house47, Hall lane
11702 Walsh Edward JohnHall lanedwelling-house45, Hall lane
11703 Harper ThomasHall lanedwelling-house39, Hall lane
11704 Robinson SamuelHall lanedwelling-house37, Hall lane
11705 Ashworth JamesHall lanedwelling-house35, Hall lane
11706 Thirkill JohnImperial Inndwelling-house33, 31, Hall lane
11707 Perry JosiahHardy streetdwelling-house36, Hardy street
11708 Costigan PatrickHardy streetdwelling-house35, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house67, Granby street
successivedwelling-house40, Hardy street
11709 Flynn MichaelHardy streetdwelling-house42, Hardy street
11710 Gledhill GeorgeHardy streetdwelling-house48, Hardy street
11711 Doyle PatrickHardy streetdwelling-house49, Hardy street
11712 Hoeyland MartinHardy streetdwelling-house47, Hardy street
11713 Higgins RichardHardy streetdwelling-house58, Granby street
successivedwelling-house43, Hardy street
11714 Flynn MichaelHardy streetdwelling-house42, Hardy street
successivedwelling-house51, Broom street
successivedwelling-house41A, Hardy street
11715 Claven CharlesHardy streetdwelling-house57, Fairfax street
successivedwelling-house25, Hardy street
11716 Clarke PatrickHardy streetdwelling-house44, Hardy street
successivedwelling-house19, Hardy street
11717 Hatch ThomasHardy streetdwelling-house15, Hardy street
11718 Harrison George WilliamHird streetdwelling-house8, Hird street
11719 Holmes WilliamHird streetdwelling-house10, Hird street
11720 Winterburn ArthurHird streetdwelling-house12, Hird street
11721 Thornton GeorgeHird streetdwelling-house18, Hird street
11722 Broadbent ThomasHird streetdwelling-house20, Hird street
11723 Rhodes JohnHird streetdwelling-house24, Hird street
11724 Gledhill CrosslandHird streetdwelling-house19, Hird street
11725 Grundy ThomasHird streetdwelling-house17, Hird street
11726 Gledhill JohnHird streetdwelling-house289, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house9, Hird street
11727 Atkinson AlfredHird streetdwelling-house13, Hird street
11728 Northin StephenHird streetdwelling-house7, Hird street
11729 Hey Jesse RipleyHird streetdwelling-house3, Hird street
11730 Land WilliamHird streetdwelling-house35, Bowling Old lane
successivedwelling-house1, Hird street
11731 Fletcher WilliamHirst streetdwelling-house19, Hirst street
11732 Smith WilliamHirst streetdwelling-house8, Derwent street
successivedwelling-house13, Hirst street
11733 Cowell ThomasHirst streetdwelling-house9, Hirst street
11734 Bottoms GeorgeHirst streetdwelling-house7, Hirst street
11735 Foster SamuelKelvin courtdwelling-house2, Kelvin court
11736 Maston John WilliamKelvin streetdwelling-house6, Kelvin court
successivedwelling-house6, Kelvin street
11737 Foulds JohnKelvin streetdwelling-house12, Kelvin street
11738 Fawbert William ThomasKelvin streetdwelling-house14, Kelvin street
11739 Ellis GeorgeKelvin streetdwelling-house16, Kelvin street
11740 Garner JamesKelvin streetdwelling-house4, Kelvin street
successivedwelling-house5, Kelvin street
11741 Mitchell HenryKelvin streetdwelling-house1, Kelvin street
11742 Davis JamesLancaster streetdwelling-house2, Lancaster street
11743 Allott ThomasLancaster streetdwelling-house4, Lancaster street
11744 Jowett BenjaminLancaster streetdwelling-house8, Kelvin court
successivedwelling-house10, Lancaster street
11745 Farley MichaelLancaster streetdwelling-house16, Lancaster street
11746 Kennedy WilliamLancaster streetdwelling-house13, Lancaster street
11747 Milbanks JohnLancaster streetdwelling-house14, Lancaster street
successivedwelling-house11, Lancaster street
11748 Bottomley FrancisLancaster streetdwelling-house9, Lancaster street
11749 Hardman JamesLancaster streetdwelling-house5, Lancaster street
11750 Bycroft GeorgeLavinia streetdwelling-house6, Lavinia street
11751 Shillito ThomasLavinia streetdwelling-house1, Lavinia street
11752 Marsden DavidLilac streetdwelling-house12, Lilac street
11753 Campaign WilliamLilac streetdwelling-house19, 19A, Lilac street
11754 Allatt TomLilac streetdwelling-house36, Leicester street
successivedwelling-house17, Lilac street
11755 Milnes HenryLilac streetdwelling-house15, Lilac street
11756 Wrightson JohnLilac streetdwelling-house13, Lilac street
11757 Beverley WilliamLilac streetdwelling-house11, Lilac street
11758 Clark HenryLilac streetdwelling-house7, Lilac street
11759 Hodgson FrankLilac streetdwelling-house17, Hirst street
successivedwelling-house3, Hirst street
11760 Smithson RichardLilac streetdwelling-house1, Lilac street
11761 Clee MarkLinton streethouse & shop6, Linton street
11762 Murgatroyd ThomasLizard streetdwelling-house4A, Lizard street
11763 Groves HenryLizard streetdwelling-house10, Lizard street
11764 Lowndes SamuelLizard streetdwelling-house12, Lizard street
11765 Hewtson John HibbsLizard streetdwelling-house16, Lizard street
11766 Byrom ThomasLizard streetdwelling-house24, Lizard street
11767 Denby JohnLizard streetdwelling-house26, Lizard street
11768 Potterton JohnLizard streetdwelling-house62, Broomfield terrace
successivedwelling-house28, Lizard street
11769 Tate JohnHanover square, BradfordstablesLizard street
11770 Ball ThomasLizard streetdwelling-house19, Lizard street
11771 Wade George WalterLizard streetdwelling-house17, Lizard street
11772 Bracewell WilliamLizard streetdwelling-house15, Lizard street
11773 Robinson HenryLizard streetdwelling-house7, Lizard street
11774 Gledhill ThomasLizard streetdwelling-house7A, Lizard street
11775 Hustler ThomasLowhill placedwelling-house3, Rouse yard
successivedwelling-house10, Lowhill place
11776 Heley WilliamLowhill placedwelling-house23, Violet court
successivedwelling-house8, Lowhill place
11777 Weare Thomas AlfredLowhill placedwelling-house5, Lowhill place
11778 Neil PeterLudlam streetdwelling-house10, Ludlam street
11779 Daily ThomasLudlam streetdwelling-house12, Ludlam street
11780 Garner EdwardLudlam streetdwelling-house16, Ludlam street
11781 Greenwood WilliamLudlam streetdwelling-house20, Ludlam street
11782 Beesley WilliamLudlam streetdwelling-house24, Ludlam street
11783 Whitaker PaulLudlam streetdwelling-houseLudlam street
11784 Townsend Valentine RochfortMaw streetdwelling-house4, Maw street
11785 Atkinson ThomasMaw streetdwelling-house6, Maw street
11786 Wooller WilliamMaw streetdwelling-house8, Maw street
11787 Smith JamesMaw streetdwelling-house10, Maw street
11788 Clarke John ThomasMaw streetdwelling-house14, Maw street
11789 Lockwood JohnMaw streetdwelling-house16, Maw street
11790 Meynell RobertMaw streetdwelling-house47, Prospect street
successivedwelling-house18, Maw street
11791 Parkin AndrewMaw streetdwelling-house31, Maw street
11792 Walker JosephMaw streetdwelling-house29, Maw street
11793 Wright DuncanMaw streetdwelling-house27, Maw street
11794 Hinkins GeorgeMaw streetdwelling-house25, Maw street
11795 Danby John WilliamMaw streetdwelling-house21, Maw street
11796 Bottomley SamuelMaw streetdwelling-house13, Maw street
11797 Birch WilliamMaw streetdwelling-house11, Maw street
11798 Pickles AbrahamMaw streetdwelling-house1, Maw street
11799 Barraclough ThomasMill lanedwelling-house183, Mill lane
11800 Barraclough SamuelMill lanedwelling-house181, Mill lane
11801 Knowles JamesMill lanedwelling-house177, Mill lane
11802 Wilkinson GeorgeMill lanedwelling-house175, Mill lane
11803 Laycock WilliamMill lanedwelling-house17, Prospect street
successivedwelling-house173, Mill lane
11804 Priestley James CharlesMill lanedwelling-house167, Mill lane
11805 Robinson IsaacMill lanedwelling-house165, Mill lane
11806 Boyes HenryMill lanedwelling-house155, Mill lane
11807 Dixon WilliamMill lanedwelling-house153, Mill lane
11808 Walker ThomasMill lanedwelling-house147, Mill lane
11809 Johnson John HolmesMill lanedwelling-house169, Mill lane
successivedwelling-house145, Mill lane
11810 Gibson JohnMill lanedwelling-house143, Mill lane
11811 Smith ThomasMill lanedwelling-house31, Ripley terrace
successivedwelling-house141, Mill lane
11812 Thorne HenryMill lanedwelling-house137, Mill lane
11813 Turner JoshuaMill lanedwelling-house133, Mill lane
11814 Tessyman CharlesMill lanedwelling-house129, Mill lane
11815 Leonard PeterMill lanedwelling-house127, Mill lane
11816 Badland JohnMill lanedwelling-house125, Mill lane
11817 Robertshaw JohnMill lanedwelling-house123, Mill lane
11818 Barraclough ThomasMill lanedwelling-house119, Mill lane
11819 Verity JohnMill lanedwelling-house117, Mill lane
11820 Brook JamesMill lanedwelling-house115, Mill lane
11821 Storey WilliamMill lanedwelling-house113, Mill lane
11822 Haley SquireMill lanedwelling-house185, Mill lane
successivedwelling-house107, Mill lane
11823 Storey JohnRising Sun Inndwelling-house105, 103, Mill lane
11824 Mayes WilliamExchange Inndwelling-house101, 95, Mill lane
11825 Hammond JohnMill lanedwelling-house99, Mill lane
11826 Summers HughMill lanedwelling-house97, Mill lane
11827 Woodhead PollardMill lanedwelling-house93, Mill lane
successivedwelling-house89, Mill lane
11828 Latham RobertMill lanedwelling-house87, Mill lane
11829 Benton JohnMill lanedwelling-house85, Mill lane
11830 Hudson JohnMill lanedwelling-house83, Mill lane
11831 Clough GeorgeMill lanedwelling-house81, Mill lane
11832 Bastow SquireMill lanedwelling-house79, Mill lane
11833 Smith JamesMill lanedwelling-house77, Mill lane
11834 Walton ThomasMill lanedwelling-house75, Mill lane
11835 Swaine ThomasOld Corn Mill Inndwelling-houseMill lane
11836 Roper ThomasOxford Hotel, Mill lanedwelling-houseOxford Hotel, 44, Mill lane
11837 Astbury JohnMill lanedwelling-house48, Mill lane
11838 Walton William HenryMill lanedwelling-house52, Mill lane
11839 Corless ThomasStone street, LaisterdykeworkshopMill lane
11840 Carter William ProcterGiles street, HortonwarehouseIvy mill, Mill lane
11841 Carter Charles RichardUpper Earl street, HortonwarehouseIvy mill, Mill lane
11842 Havers Robert NuddsManninghamwarehouseIvy mill, Mill lane
11843 Pearson GeorgeManninghambrickworksMill lane
11844 Healey Henry FrancisMill lanedwelling-houseMill lane
11845 Alden AdamMoody streetdwelling-house72, Moody street
successivedwelling-house62, Moody street
11846 Ross AlfredMoody streetdwelling-house64, Moody street
11847 Sculley JohnMoody streetdwelling-house152, Hall lane
successivedwelling-house78, Moody street
11848 Broadbent JosephMoody streetdwelling-house80, Moody street
11849 Greenwood JohnMoody streetdwelling-house96, Moody street
11850 Bland MatthewMoody streetdwelling-house100, Moody street
11851 Potter Thomas CharlesMoody streetdwelling-house104, Moody street
11852 Kilkenny JosephMoody streetdwelling-house108, Moody street
11853 Richards RichardMoody streetdwelling-house110A, Moody street
11854 McCoy OwenMoody streetdwelling-house112, Moody street
11855 Carrodice JohnMoody streetdwelling-house118, Moody street
11856 Coleman JohnMoody streetdwelling-house126, Moody street
11857 Harrison SamMoody streetdwelling-house130, Moody street
11858 Petherbridge JohnMoody streetdwelling-house132, Moody street
11859 Taylor HaroldMoody streetdwelling-house144, Moody street
11860 Hirst William ArthurMoody streetdwelling-house146, Moody street
11861 Robinson JamesMoody streetdwelling-house152, Moody street
11862 Stead GeorgeMoody streetdwelling-house158, Moody street
11863 Poulter AlfredMoody streetdwelling-house164, Moody street
11864 Barraclough JohnMoody streetdwelling-house166, Moody street
11865 Ambler JonathanMoody streetdwelling-house168, Moody street
11866 Benson DavidMoody streetdwelling-house170, Moody street
11867 Cordingley JosephMoody streetdwelling-house79, Moody street
11868 Lancaster JohnMoody streetdwelling-house149, Mill lane
successivedwelling-house77, Moody street
11869 Duckworth WilliamMoody streetdwelling-house141, Mill lane
successivedwelling-house75, Moody street
11870 Carter William ArthurMoody streetdwelling-house73, Moody street
11871 Sewell WilliamMoody streetdwelling-house71, Moody street
11872 Moss FrankMoody streetdwelling-house141, Pollard street
successivedwelling-house47, Paisley street, Horton
successivedwelling-house69, Moody street
11873 Raistrick WilliamMoody streetdwelling-house67, Moody street
11874 Hartley SamuelMoody streetdwelling-house65, Moody street
11875 Cordingley JamesMoody streetdwelling-house63, Moody street
11876 Sewell EdwardMoody streetdwelling-house82, Moody street
successivedwelling-house55, Moody street
11877 Hargreaves WilliamMoody streetdwelling-house49, Moody street
11878 Barker WilliamMoody streetdwelling-house35, Moody street
successivedwelling-house37, Moody street
successivedwelling-house39, Moody street
11879 Farrelly EdwardMoody streetdwelling-house33, Moody street
11880 Barker RobertRobinson's Hoteldwelling-house13, Moody street
11881 Greenwood ThomasMoody streetdwelling-house9, Moody street
11882 Fawthorpe JonathanMoody streetdwelling-house7, Moody street
11883 Marney DanielMoody streetdwelling-house94, Caledonia street
successivedwelling-house3, Moody street
11884 Taylor LawrenceMoody streethouse & shop1, Moody street
11885 Pearson FrederickOliver streetdwelling-house12, Oliver street
11886 Blackburn John WilliamOliver streetdwelling-house14, Oliver street
11887 Brook RobertOliver streetdwelling-house16, Oliver street
11888 Warburton JohnOliver streetdwelling-house18, Oliver street
11889 Halliday IsaacOliver streetdwelling-house20, Oliver street
11890 Hudson WilliamOliver streetdwelling-house22, Oliver street
11891 Cook WilliamOliver streetdwelling-house24, Oliver street
11892 Barraclough ChristopherOliver streetdwelling-house26, Oliver street
11893 Coulson JohnOliver streetdwelling-house30, Oliver street
11894 Bentley JosephOliver streetdwelling-house34, Oliver street
11895 Wilkinson MarkOliver streetdwelling-house36, Oliver street
11896 Travis JohnOliver streetdwelling-house40, Oliver street
successivedwelling-house42, Oliver street
11897 Hart JamesOliver streetdwelling-house44, Oliver street
11898 Whitaker John ThomasOliver streetdwelling-house48, Oliver street
11899 Spence Leonard HarrisonOliver streetdwelling-house13, Oakwood street, Manningham
successivedwelling-house71, Oliver street
11900 Moulson EdmundOliver streetdwelling-house69, Oliver street
11901 Crowther Frederick JoshuaOliver streetdwelling-house63, Oliver street
11902 Ambler Henry SamsonOliver streetdwelling-house55, Oliver street
successivedwelling-house61, Oliver street
11903 Musson WilliamOliver streetdwelling-house59, Oliver street
11904 Broadbent AbrahamOliver streetdwelling-house53, Oliver street
11905 Myers JohnOliver streetdwelling-house51, Oliver street
11906 Bell JohnOliver streetdwelling-house148, Baird street
successivedwelling-house47, Oliver street
11907 Roper FrederickOliver streetdwelling-house45, Oliver street
11908 Greenfield Henry MarshallOliver streetdwelling-house43, Oliver street
11909 Williams WilliamOliver streetdwelling-house41, Oliver street
11910 Wilson GeorgeOliver streetdwelling-house39, Oliver street
11911 Bramley ThomasOliver streetdwelling-house37, Oliver street
11912 Jowett WilliamOliver streetdwelling-house94, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house35, Oliver street
11913 Turner WilliamOliver streetdwelling-house33, Oliver street
11914 Bradford CharlesOliver streetdwelling-house29, Oliver street
11915 Blakeley AlbertOliver streetdwelling-house27, Oliver street
11916 Overend NathanielOliver streetdwelling-house23, Oliver street
11917 Robinson StephenOliver streetdwelling-house19, Oliver street
11918 Blackburn FrancisOliver streetdwelling-house17, Oliver street
11919 Hepworth GeorgeOliver streetdwelling-house7, Four Lane Ends, Manningham
successivedwelling-house15, Oliver street
11920 Wootton WilliamOliver streetdwelling-house11, Oliver street
11921 Burgess SamuelOliver streetdwelling-house9, Oliver street
11922 Emsley JosephOliver streetdwelling-house7, Oliver street
11923 Roast GeorgeOliver streetdwelling-house5, Oliver street
11924 Sowden HiramOliver streetdwelling-house62, New Hey road
successivedwelling-house3, Oliver street
11925 Barraclough JohnPenn streetdwelling-house1, Iron street
successivedwelling-house11, Lower Barrack yard
successivedwelling-house2, Penn street
11926 Smith William HenryPenn streetdwelling-house4, 6, Penn street
11927 Walsh JohnPenn streetdwelling-house11, Penn street
11928 Ward JohnPollard streetdwelling-house6, Pollard street
11929 Kitchingman WalterPollard streetdwelling-house16, Pollard street
11930 Wilson CharlesPollard streetdwelling-house18, Pollard street
11931 Killerby JohnPollard streetdwelling-house28, Pollard street
11932 Hoyle JohnPollard streetdwelling-house30, Pollard street
11933 Holmes JosiahPollard streetdwelling-house34, Pollard street
11934 Wormald WilliamPollard streetdwelling-house32, Pollard street
11935 Clapham Horace AlfredPollard streetdwelling-house22, Pollard street
successivedwelling-house38, Pollard street
successivedwelling-house36, Pollard street
11936 Denby ThomasPollard streetdwelling-house42, Pollard street
11937 Haigh JohnPollard streetdwelling-house44, Pollard street
11938 O'Donnell JamesPollard streetdwelling-house48, Pollard street
successivedwelling-house46, Pollard street
11939 Connor ThomasPollard streetdwelling-house52, Pollard street
successivedwelling-house56, Pollard street
11940 Mahor ThomasPollard streetdwelling-house58, Pollard street
11941 Atkinson JohnPollard streetdwelling-house60, Pollard street
11942 Conroy RogerPollard streetdwelling-house64, Pollard street
11943 Cooper WilliamPollard streetdwelling-house66, Pollard street
11944 Clark HenryPollard streetdwelling-house70, Pollard street
11945 Dracup JonasPollard streetdwelling-house72, Pollard street
11946 Ellis Walter HenryPollard streetdwelling-house74, Pollard street
11947 Ward EdwardPollard streetdwelling-house76, Pollard street
11948 Lacey JohnPollard streetdwelling-house78, Pollard street
11949 Wigglesworth ThomasPollard streetdwelling-house146, Pollard street
11950 Marshall RobertPollard streetdwelling-house154, Pollard street
11951 Brook JohnPollard streetdwelling-house153, Pollard street
11952 Lee JosephPollard streetdwelling-house147, Pollard street
11953 Fletcher IsaacPollard streetdwelling-house145, Pollard street
11954 Hoyle ChampionPollard streetdwelling-house137, Pollard street
11955 Procter JohnPollard streetdwelling-house135, Pollard street
11956 Muff JamesPollard streetdwelling-house133, Pollard street
11957 Parratt GeorgePollard streetdwelling-house131, Pollard street
11958 Spink GeorgePollard streetdwelling-house129, Pollard street
11959 Hollingworth WilliamPollard streetdwelling-house127, Pollard street
11960 Judge PatrickPollard streetdwelling-house170, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house123, Pollard street
11961 Duckworth JohnPollard streetdwelling-house59, Pollard street
11962 Oldrid WilliamPollard streetdwelling-house55, Pollard street
11963 Byram ThomasPollard streetdwelling-house51, Pollard street
11964 Lofthouse WilliamPollard streetdwelling-house47, Pollard street
11965 Bayfield GeorgePollard streetdwelling-house43, Pollard street
11966 Moody JohnPollard streetdwelling-house154, Hall lane
successivedwelling-house39, Pollard street
11967 Duckworth ThomasPollard streetdwelling-house37, Pollard street
11968 Atkinson AlfredPollard streetdwelling-house33, Pollard street
11969 Britton AnthonyPollard streetdwelling-house25, Pollard street
11970 Heron EdwardPollard streetdwelling-house179, Mill lane
successivedwelling-house23, Pollard street
11971 Blackburn Taylor HartleyPollard streetdwelling-house17, Pollard street
11972 Higgins JamesPollard streetdwelling-house3, Lowhill place
successivedwelling-house29, Sturges street
successivedwelling-house17A, Pollard street
11973 Fairburn JohnPollard streetdwelling-house3, Oliver street
successivedwelling-house7, Pollard street
11974 Mostyn JohnUpper Pollard streetdwelling-house18A, Upper Pollard street
successivedwelling-house6, Upper Pollard street
11975 Pearson RichardUpper Pollard streetdwelling-house8, Upper Pollard street
11976 Hartley Stephen WilliamUpper Pollard streetdwelling-house3, Linton street
successivedwelling-house13, Upper Pollard street
successivedwelling-house14, Upper Pollard street
11977 Shackleton FredUpper Pollard streetdwelling-house14, Upper Pollard street
successivedwelling-house18, Upper Pollard street
11978 Ratcliffe William HenryUpper Pollard streetdwelling-house7, Crab street
successivedwelling-house23, Upper Pollard street
11979 Graham JohnUpper Pollard streetdwelling-house19, Upper Pollard street
11980 Goodyear WilliamUpper Pollard streetdwelling-house18, Upper Pollard street
successivedwelling-house15, Upper Pollard street
11981 Hodgson Charles EdwardProspect streetdwelling-house6, Prospect street
11982 Fortes JamesProspect streetdwelling-house8, Prospect street
11983 Burbridge ArthurProspect streetdwelling-house14, Prospect street
11984 Peel FrederickProspect streetdwelling-house10, Prospect street
successivedwelling-house16, Prospect street
11985 Blakeborough WilliamProspect streetdwelling-house18, Prospect street
11986 Allen George ThomasProspect streetdwelling-house20, Prospect street
11987 Midgley EmanuelProspect streetdwelling-house22, Prospect street
11988 Binder ThomasProspect streetdwelling-house24, Prospect street
11989 Cromwell JoshuaProspect streetdwelling-house26, Prospect street
11990 Sellers ThomasProspect streetdwelling-house28, Prospect street
11991 Metcalfe RalphProspect streetdwelling-house32, Prospect street
11992 Green SamProspect streetdwelling-house34, Prospect street
11993 Donaldson JamesProspect streetdwelling-house36, Prospect street
11994 Jackson Benjamin HenryProspect streetdwelling-house38, Prospect street
11995 Greenwood HenryProspect streetdwelling-house40, Prospect street
11996 Sharp SmithProspect streetdwelling-house44, Prospect street
11997 Ingle FrederickProspect streetdwelling-house46, Prospect street
11998 Davenport JamesProspect streetdwelling-house77, Fitzwilliam street
successivedwelling-house50, Prospect street
11999 Davenport ThomasProspect streetdwelling-house52, Prospect street
12000 Knowles Simeon WrightProspect streetdwelling-house54, Prospect street
12001 Balme JohnProspect streetdwelling-house58, Prospect street
12002 Mitchell John TempestProspect streethouse & shop60, 62, Prospect street
12003 Lee GeorgeProspect streetdwelling-house64, Prospect street
12004 Machan JosephProspect streetdwelling-house66, Prospect street
12005 Clarkson SandyProspect streetdwelling-house75, Moody street
successivedwelling-house68, Prospect street
12006 Surman JohnProspect streetdwelling-house70, Prospect street
12007 Craig JamesProspect streetdwelling-house72, Prospect street
12008 Wilmott FrankProspect streetdwelling-house74, Prospect street
12009 Oldfield WilliamProspect streetdwelling-house76, Prospect street
12010 Green WalterProspect streetdwelling-house78, Prospect street
12011 Jackson WilliamProspect streetdwelling-house82, Prospect street
12012 Brown George HumphreyProspect streetdwelling-house88, Prospect street
12013 Nicholson John HenryProspect streetdwelling-house94, Prospect street
12014 Bushell WilliamProspect streetdwelling-house98, Prospect street
12015 Metcalfe LeonardProspect streetdwelling-house100, Prospect street
12016 Belshaw FrancisProspect streetdwelling-house102, Prospect street
12017 Bell ArthurProspect streetdwelling-house104, Prospect street
12018 Bowling FrancisProspect streetdwelling-house106, Prospect street
12019 Crabtree JohnProspect streetdwelling-house108, Prospect street
12020 Broadbent JohnProspect streetdwelling-house110, Prospect street
12021 Brown WilliamProspect streetdwelling-house112, Prospect street
12022 Green ThomasProspect streetdwelling-house114, Prospect street
12023 Thorpe John CharlesProspect streetdwelling-house116, Prospect street
12024 Crowther JohnProspect streetdwelling-house118, Prospect street
12025 Pye EdwardRussell terrace, HortonstablesProspect street
12026 Ablett JosephProspect streetdwelling-house111, Prospect street
12027 Power JohnProspect streetdwelling-house109, Prospect street
12028 Bowden WilliamProspect streetdwelling-house107, Prospect street
12029 Brewer JamesProspect streetdwelling-house20, Addison street
successivedwelling-house69, Prospect street
12030 Towler John WadeProspect streetdwelling-house65, Prospect street
12031 Gibson AlfredProspect streetdwelling-house59, Prospect street
12032 Pitcher HenryProspect streetdwelling-house55, Prospect street
12033 Pitcher WilliamProspect streetdwelling-house51, Prospect street
12034 Shaw JohnProspect streetdwelling-house49, Prospect street
12035 Kelly FrederickProspect streetdwelling-house43, Prospect street
12036 Illingworth LeviProspect streetdwelling-house41, Prospect street
12037 Pearson SquireProspect streetdwelling-house25, Walton street
successivedwelling-house39, Prospect street
12038 Walsh EdwardProspect streetdwelling-house37, Prospect street
12039 Sutcliffe ChristopherProspect streetdwelling-house15, Prospect street
12040 Whitaker EdwardProspect streetdwelling-house13, Prospect street
12041 Barraclough JosephProspect streetdwelling-house7, Prospect street
12042 Barker CorneliusProspect streetdwelling-house5, Prospect street
12043 Casey JohnProspect streetdwelling-house3, Prospect street
12044 Parker GeorgeQuill streetdwelling-house57, Sheridan street
successivedwelling-house8, 10, Quill street
12045 Hogg JamesRipley terracedwelling-house85, Ripley terrace
12046 Schofield JosephRipley terracedwelling-house83, Ripley terrace
12047 Ecob JustinianRipley terracedwelling-house81, Ripley terrace
12048 Haywood WilliamRipley terracedwelling-house43, Saville street
successivedwelling-house79, Ripley terrace
12049 Fawcett John WilliamRipley terracedwelling-house60, Saville street
successivedwelling-house77, Ripley terrace
12050 Kelly JamesRipley terracedwelling-house75, Ripley terrace
12051 Wilson SidneyRipley terracedwelling-house73, Ripley terrace
12052 Holmes JacobRipley terracedwelling-house71, Ripley terrace
12053 Bairstow WilliamRipley terracedwelling-house69, Ripley terrace
12054 Strutt JosephRipley terracedwelling-house67, Ripley terrace
12055 Reynolds HenryRipley terracedwelling-house63, Ripley terrace
12056 Butterworth JosephRipley terracedwelling-house56, Saville street
successivedwelling-house61, Ripley terrace
12057 Leach JonathanRipley terracedwelling-house59, Ripley terrace
12058 Robins BenjaminRipley terracedwelling-house57, Ripley terrace
12059 Whipp ThomasRipley terracedwelling-house55, Ripley terrace
12060 Ryder RobertRipley terracedwelling-house53, Ripley terrace
12061 Atkinson RobertRipley terracedwelling-house49, Ripley terrace
12062 Pleasants RobertRipley terracedwelling-house47, Ripley terrace
12063 Barber WilliamRipley terracedwelling-house45, Ripley terrace
12064 Hargreaves HenryRipley terracedwelling-house10, Kelvin street
successivedwelling-house43, Ripley terrace
12065 Dudbridge Alfred HenryRipley terracedwelling-house39, Ripley terrace
12066 Hartley RobertRipley terracedwelling-house37, Ripley terrace
12067 Nicholl ThomasRipley terracedwelling-house33, Ripley terrace
12068 Whitaker JohnRipley terracedwelling-house27, Ripley terrace
12069 Rhodes Joseph NaylorRipley terracedwelling-house25, Ripley terrace
12070 Fenton RhodesRipley terracedwelling-house23, Ripley terrace
12071 Baxandall JosephRipley terracedwelling-house79, Ripley terrace
successivedwelling-house21, Ripley terrace
12072 Fenton RichardRipley terracedwelling-house19, Ripley terrace
12073 Garside JamesRipley terracedwelling-house17, Ripley terrace
12074 Pinder WilliamRipley terracedwelling-house11, Ripley terrace
12075 Harrison ThomasRipley terracedwelling-house9, Ripley terrace
12076 Shaftoe SamuelRipley terracedwelling-house7, Ripley terrace
12077 Chester CharlesRipley terracedwelling-house5, Ripley terrace
12078 Smith EdwardRouse folddwelling-house4, Rouse fold
12079 Cladon EdwardRouse folddwelling-house6, Rouse fold
12080 Carter BenjaminRouse folddwelling-house359, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house1, Rouse yard
successivedwelling-house8, Rouse fold
12081 Overend AlbertRouse folddwelling-house12, Rouse fold
12082 Buckley JamesRouse folddwelling-house10, Rouse fold
12083 Clark JamesRouse folddwelling-house14, Rouse fold
12084 Gott WilliamRouse yarddwelling-house22, Lizard street
successivedwelling-house87, Rouse yard
12085 White JohnRouse yarddwelling-house9, Rouse yard
12086 Schofield Isaac NewtonRouse yarddwelling-house7, Rouse yard
12087 Sharp JosephRouse yarddwelling-house5, Rouse yard
12088 Watson LeviSaville streetdwelling-house2, Saville street
12089 Pitts AbrahamSaville streetdwelling-house81, Fairfax street
successivedwelling-house4, Saville street
12090 Cobb GeorgeSaville streetdwelling-house8, Saville street
12091 Smith JohnSaville streetdwelling-house86, St. Stephen's road
successivedwelling-house34, Sloane street
successivedwelling-house10, Saville street
12092 Yates WilliamSaville streetdwelling-house12, Saville street
12093 Taylor AdamSaville streetdwelling-house14, Saville street
12094 Taylor John ThomasSaville streetdwelling-house16, Saville street
12095 Thomas WilliamSaville streetdwelling-house18, Saville street
12096 Charles ThomasSaville streetdwelling-house24, Saville street
12097 Wray RobertSaville streetdwelling-house26, Saville street
12098 Sellers John PensonSaville streetdwelling-house28, Saville street
12099 Martin JohnSaville streetdwelling-house32, Saville street
12100 Atkinson RobertSaville streetdwelling-house36, Saville street
12101 Gibson StephenSaville streethouse & shop38, 40, Saville street
12102 Whiteley JohnSaville streetdwelling-house42, Saville street
12103 Mitchell WilliamSaville streetdwelling-house44, Saville street
12104 Ames CharlesSaville streetdwelling-house46, Saville street
12105 Garrett JoshuaSaville streetdwelling-house42, Muff street
successivedwelling-house48, Saville street
12106 Betts JamesSaville streetdwelling-house50, Saville street
12107 Duce HenrySaville streetdwelling-house54, Saville street
12108 Kaye PeterSaville streetdwelling-house58, Saville street
12109 Smith ArthurSaville streetdwelling-house59, Saville street
successivedwelling-house60, Saville street
12110 Cornthwaite ThomasSaville streetdwelling-house63, Saville street
12111 Boyes CharlesSaville streetdwelling-house61, Saville street
12112 Midgley JohnSaville streetdwelling-house103, Wootton street
successivedwelling-house55, Saville street
12113 Harrison JohnSaville streetdwelling-house53, Saville street
12114 Boyes EmanuelSaville streetdwelling-house51, Saville street
12115 Peacock JohnSaville streetdwelling-house49, Saville street
12116 Clark CharlesSaville streetdwelling-house45, Saville street
12117 Shipton WilliamSaville streetdwelling-house41, Saville street
12118 Kay GeorgeSaville streetdwelling-house21, Ripley terrace
successivedwelling-house39, Saville street
12119 Moore James HenrySaville streetdwelling-house37, Saville street
12120 Sellers RichardSaville streetdwelling-house35, Saville street
12121 Gambles BryanSaville streetdwelling-house33, Saville street
12122 Beswick JamesSaville streetdwelling-house31, Saville street
12123 Prior FrederickSaville streetdwelling-house55, Sheridan street
successivedwelling-house29, Saville street
12124 Maudsley JohnSaville streetdwelling-house27, Saville street
12125 Rhodes JamesSaville streetdwelling-house25, Saville street
12126 Halliday JosephSaville streetdwelling-house9, Hird street
successivedwelling-house23, Saville street
12127 Hewitt WilliamSaville streetdwelling-house19, Saville street
12128 Dyson HenrySaville streetdwelling-house110, Hall lane
successivedwelling-house9, Saville street
12129 Longbottom JamesSaville streetdwelling-house7, Saville street
12130 Winterburn JohnSaville streetdwelling-house5, Saville street
12131 Winterburn JosephSaville streetdwelling-house1, Saville street
12132 Dooley JosephSlater's yarddwelling-house28, Slater's yard
12133 Fouldsham SamuelSlater's yarddwelling-house26, Slater's yard
12134 Helliwell AlfredSlater's yarddwelling-house25, Bolling street
successivedwelling-house22, Slater's yard
12135 Whitehead ThomasSlater's yarddwelling-house34, Broom street
successivedwelling-house9, Slater's yard
12136 Brown JohnSlater's yarddwelling-house11, Slater's yard
12137 Brannan JohnSlater's yarddwelling-house16, Slater's yard
12138 Doyle MichaelSlater's yarddwelling-house20, Slater's yard
successivedwelling-house17, Slater's yard
12139 Fry JamesSlater's yarddwelling-house29, Slater's yard
12140 Robinson WilliamSloane streetdwelling-house2, Sloane street
12141 Walton WilliamSloane streetdwelling-house4, Sloane street
12142 Dawson JohnSloane streetdwelling-house6, Sloane street
12143 Beck JosephSloane streetdwelling-house8, Sloane street
12144 Fox WilliamSloane streetdwelling-house10, Sloane street
12145 Dawson AlfredSloane streetdwelling-house16, Sloane street
12146 Moore JamesSloane streetdwelling-house36, Sloane street
12147 Smith RichardSloane streetdwelling-house38, Sloane street
12148 Hudson IsaacSloane streethouse & shop40, Sloane street
12149 Todd GeorgeSloane streetdwelling-house40A, Sloane street
12150 Home DavidSloane streetdwelling-house42, Sloane street
12151 Reddin WilliamSloane streetdwelling-house44, Sloane street
12152 Fletcher JosephSloane streetdwelling-house46, Sloane street
12153 Fishbach JosephSloane streetdwelling-house48, Sloane street
12154 Stead JoshuaSloane streetdwelling-house52, Sloane street
12155 Reynolds ThomasSloane streetdwelling-house56, Sloane street
12156 Woolham HenrySloane streetdwelling-house60, Sloane street
12157 Dufton Richard FletcherSloane streetdwelling-house62, Sloane street
12158 Pearson FrederickSloane streetdwelling-house59, Sloane street
12159 Lister ThomasSloane streetdwelling-house55, Sloane street
12160 Wilkinson WilliamSloane streetdwelling-house47, Sloane street
12161 Smith EdwardSloane streetdwelling-house45, Sloane street
12162 Hootton JamesSloane streetdwelling-house43, Sloane street
12163 Robertshaw ReubenSloane streetdwelling-house41, Sloane street
12164 Mitchell JohnSloane streetdwelling-house39, Sloane street
12165 Mitchell WilliamSloane streetdwelling-house35, Sloane street
12166 Whalley RobertSloane streetdwelling-house33, Sloane street
12167 Robinson JamesSloane streetdwelling-house25, Sloane street
12168 Blagbrough WilliamSloane streetdwelling-house17, Upper Addison street
successivedwelling-house23, Sloane street
12169 Hainsworth JohnSloane streetdwelling-house113, Baird street
successivedwelling-house19, Sloane street
12170 Cooper WilliamSloane streetdwelling-house17, Sloane street
12171 Ingham JohnSloane streetdwelling-house13, Sloane street
12172 Hootton HenrySloane streetdwelling-house9, Sloane street
12173 Thornton HenrySloane streetdwelling-house7, Sloane street
12174 Graves HarrySloane streetdwelling-house5, Sloane street
12175 Foden RobertSloane streetdwelling-house3, Sloane street
12176 Crowley JeremiahSturges streetdwelling-house4, Sturges street
12177 Barton ThomasSturges streetdwelling-house26, Sturges street
12178 Gallagher JohnSturges streetdwelling-house28, Sturges street
12179 Stott HenrySturges streetdwelling-house30, Sturges street
12180 Heaton JamesSturges streetdwelling-house32, Sturges street
12181 Fletcher HenrySturges streetdwelling-house34, Sturges street
12182 Duff ThomasSturges streetdwelling-house38, Sturges street
12183 Lavin LawrenceSturges streetdwelling-house42, Sturges street
12184 Squires HenrySturges streetdwelling-house44, Sturges street
12185 Dixon ChristopherSturges streetdwelling-house52, Sturges street
12186 Bottomley RiphathSturges streetdwelling-house97, Sturges street
12187 Avis GeorgeSturges streetdwelling-house95, Sturges street
12188 Bennett JohnSturges streetdwelling-house91, Sturges street
12189 Morley David HenrySturges streetdwelling-house46, Sturges street
successivedwelling-house89, Sturges street
12190 Lee JohnSturges streetdwelling-house85, Sturges street
12191 Mahon BernardSturges streetdwelling-house83, Sturges street
12192 Bergan AndrewSturges streetdwelling-house79, Sturges street
12193 Lamer IsaacSturges streetdwelling-house75, Sturges street
12194 Swift PeterSturges streetdwelling-house73, Sturges street
12195 Gallagher JohnSturges streetdwelling-house71, Sturges street
12196 Raistrick JohnSturges streetdwelling-house69, Sturges street
12197 Tilley ThomasSturges streetdwelling-house67, Sturges street
12198 Degan JamesSturges streetdwelling-house63, Sturges street
12199 Connor DennisSturges streetdwelling-house31, Fairfax street
successivedwelling-house57, Sturges street
12200 Lawler JohnSturges streetdwelling-house55, Sturges street
12201 Hird FletcherSturges streetdwelling-house18, Upper Addison street
successivedwelling-house41, Sturges street
12202 Norton JohnSturges streetdwelling-house39, Granby street
successivedwelling-house33, Sturges street
12203 Armitage DavidSturges streetdwelling-house27, Sturges street
12204 Norman JohnSturges streetdwelling-house21, Sturges street
12205 Barker JohnSturges streetdwelling-house17, Sturges street
12206 Tilley GeorgeSturges streetdwelling-house15, Sturges street
12207 King Thomas PatrickSturges streetdwelling-house59, Fairfax street
successivedwelling-house11, Sturges street
12208 Hudson CharlesSturges streetdwelling-house9, Sturges street
12209 Foster ThomasSturges streetdwelling-house70, Hall lane
successivedwelling-house1, Sturges street
12210 Shackleton DavidUpper Sturges streetdwelling-house80, Prospect street
successivedwelling-house2, Upper Sturges street
12211 Hey WalterUpper Sturges streetdwelling-house6, Upper Sturges street
12212 Hartley JosephUpper Sturges streetdwelling-house8, Upper Sturges street
12213 Simpson HenryUpper Sturges streetdwelling-house123, Pollard street
successivedwelling-house16, Upper Sturges street
12214 Hawley WilliamUpper Sturges streetdwelling-house28, Upper Sturges street
12215 Peacock GeorgeUpper Sturges streetdwelling-house30, Upper Sturges street
12216 Edge RalphUpper Sturges streetdwelling-house34, Upper Sturges street
12217 Cottam ThomasUpper Sturges streetdwelling-house33, Upper Sturges street
12218 Fearnley JosephUpper Sturges streetdwelling-house31, Upper Sturges street
12219 Copley EdwardUpper Sturges streetdwelling-house21, 19, Upper Sturges street
12220 Hattersley WilliamUpper Sturges streetdwelling-house17, 15, Upper Sturges street
12221 Falkingham AbrahamUpper Sturges streetdwelling-house13, Upper Sturges street
12222 Bown HumphreyUsher streetdwelling-house96, Prospect street
successivedwelling-house2, Usher street
12223 Heap WilliamUsher streetdwelling-house6, Usher street
12224 Sharp DanielUsher streetdwelling-house8, Usher street
12225 Beetham JosephUsher streetdwelling-house10, Usher street
12226 Wooller JosephUsher streetdwelling-house12, Usher street
12227 Wooller EmanuelUsher streetdwelling-house14, Usher street
12228 Schofield ThomasUsher streetdwelling-house16, Usher street
12229 White FrederickBack lanestablesUsher street
12230 Clapham WilliamUsher streetdwelling-house39, Usher street
12231 Barraclough WilliamUsher streetdwelling-house37, Usher street
12232 Stead JamesUsher streetdwelling-house35, 27, Usher street
12233 Harrison WilliamUsher streetdwelling-house33, Usher street
12234 Stephenson FrederickUsher streetdwelling-house73, Hall lane
successivedwelling-house29, Usher street
12235 Rowland Thomas BernardUsher streetdwelling-house25, Usher street
12236 Speak John HelliwellUsher streetdwelling-house17, Usher street
12237 Denton GeorgeUsher streetdwelling-house13, Usher street
12238 Stead ThomasUsher streetdwelling-house11, 15, Usher street
12239 Smith NevilleUsher streetdwelling-house3, Usher street
12240 Butler GeorgeVere streetdwelling-house2, Vere street
12241 Wray JosephVere streetdwelling-house6, Vere street
12242 Pickles WilliamVere streetdwelling-house8, Vere street
12243 Stead CharlesVere streetdwelling-house10, Vere street
12244 Langley JosephVere streetdwelling-house14, Vere street
12245 Firth ThomasVere streetdwelling-house16, Vere street
12246 Clark George HenryVere streetdwelling-house1, Hird street
successivedwelling-house18, Vere street
12247 Ledder DanielVere streetdwelling-house20, Vere street
12248 Pick William HenryVere streetdwelling-house22, Vere street
12249 Sandford JosephVere streetdwelling-house24, Vere street
12250 Whiteley WilliamVere streetdwelling-house26, Vere street
12251 Smith AlfredVere streetdwelling-house28, Vere street
12252 McCreery JoshuaVere streetdwelling-house30, Vere street
12253 Drury WilliamVere streetdwelling-house32, Vere street
12254 Hewitt Richard De GarrsVere streetdwelling-house34, Vere street
12255 Dowson AlfredVere streetdwelling-house36, Vere street
12256 Atkinson George AllenVere streetdwelling-house38, Vere street
12257 Northin JeremiahVere streetdwelling-house40, Vere street
12258 Stainthorpe BenjaminVere streetdwelling-house42, Vere street
12259 Haley FrancisVere streetdwelling-house44, Vere street
12260 Tempest RufusVere streetdwelling-house46, Vere street
12261 Cotton JohnVere streetdwelling-house48, Vere street
12262 Woodhead JosephVere streetdwelling-house21, Vere street
12263 Ormerod JohnVere streetdwelling-house19, Vere street
12264 Barran ThomasVere streetdwelling-house17, Vere street
12265 Wilkinson JeremiahVere streetdwelling-house22, Hird street
successivedwelling-house15, Vere street
12266 Swales WilliamVere streetdwelling-house13, Vere street
12267 Hodgson JoshuaVere streetdwelling-house11, Vere street
12268 Bottomley SamuelVere streetdwelling-house9, Vere street
12269 Hind JohnVere streetdwelling-house7, Vere street
12270 Dufton William Henry VarusVere streetdwelling-house5, Vere street
12271 Hepworth WilliamWadsworth yarddwelling-house3, Wadsworth yard
12272 Glennon PatrickWadsworth yarddwelling-house5, Wadsworth yard
12273 Robinson JosephWadsworth yarddwelling-house7, Whitworth street
successivedwelling-house2, Wadsworth yard
12274 Busfield JosephWadsworth yarddwelling-house4, Wadsworth yard
12275 Alpin James ThomasWadsworth yarddwelling-house7, Wadsworth yard
12276 Robson EdwardWakefield roadhouse & shop38, 40, Wakefield road
12277 Speight JesseChandos street, Bradfordhay warehouse42, Wakefield road
12278 Moss John ChadwickSterling street, Hortonshop44, Wakefield road
12279 Lancaster SethWakefield roadhouse & shop48, Wakefield road
12280 Wharfe JohnWakefield roadhouse & shop50, Wakefield road
12281 Spence William WalterBarkerend road, Bradfordshop52, Wakefield road
12282 Townson WilliamWakefield roadhouse & shop54, Wakefield road
12283 Hammond WilliamWakefield roadhouse & shop56, Wakefield road
12284 Holland HenryWheat Sheaf Inndwelling-house88, Wakefield road
12285 Jackson SamuelWakefield roadhouse & shop92, Wakefield road
12286 Booth JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house96, Wakefield road
12287 Howarth WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house100, Wakefield road
12288 Ashton AmosWakefield roaddwelling-house102, Wakefield road
12289 Storey RobertWakefield roaddwelling-house140, Caledonia street
successivedwelling-house106, Wakefield road
12290 Taylor MatthiasWakefield roaddwelling-house118, Wakefield road
12291 Graves GeorgeWakefield roaddwelling-house120, Wakefield road
12292 Holmes ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house126, Wakefield road
12293 Firth JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house128, Wakefield road
12294 Calvert WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house130, Wakefield road
12295 Wowles BenjaminWakefield roaddwelling-house162, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house132, Wakefield road
12296 Haxby JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house138, Wakefield road
12297 Crossley RobertWakefield roaddwelling-house142, Wakefield road
12298 Webster ThomasProspect Inndwelling-house146, Wakefield road
12299 Palmer JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house150, Wakefield road
12300 Robinson HenryHarley street, Bradfordhouse & shop156, 158, Wakefield road
12301 Williams JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house162, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house168, Wakefield road
12302 Oddy JamesWakefield roaddwelling-house170, Wakefield road
12303 Walmsley JabezWakefield roaddwelling-house174, Wakefield road
12304 Ingham BenjaminWakefield roaddwelling-house178, Wakefield road
12305 Parrington WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house180, Wakefield road
12306 Hudson JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house182, 184, Wakefield road
12307 Metcalfe JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house172, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house132, Wakefield road
successivedwelling-house186, Wakefield road
12308 Pedley LukeWakefield roadhouse & shop188, Wakefield road
12309 Dean JoshuaWakefield roaddwelling-house2, Lower Barrack yard
successivedwelling-house188A, Wakefield road
12310 Scholefield FredSpringfield Lodge, Hall lanesaw millsWakefield road
12311 Smith WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house190, 192, Wakefield road
12312 Harris JohnSt. James's square, HortonwarehouseProspect mill, Wakefield road
12313 Crook EdwardWakefield roaddwelling-house200, Wakefield road
12314 Wilkinson JonathanWakefield roaddwelling-house202, Wakefield road
12315 Clough WardWakefield roaddwelling-house210, Wakefield road
12316 Hudson JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house212, Wakefield road
12317 Sowden JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house214, Wakefield road
12318 Benn JeremiahWakefield roaddwelling-house216, Wakefield road
12319 Webster AbrahamWakefield roaddwelling-house218, Wakefield road
12320 Hustler WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house224, 226, Wakefield road
12321 Fieldhouse EzraNew Seven Stars Inndwelling-house228, 238, Wakefield road
12322 Wood EdwardWakefield roaddwelling-house230, Wakefield road
12323 Rolshaw ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house12, Prospect street
successivedwelling-house240, Wakefield road
12324 Kellett WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house234, Wakefield road
12325 French WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house242, Wakefield road
12326 Quirk EdwardWakefield roaddwelling-house244, Wakefield road
12327 Horning ChristianWakefield roaddwelling-house246, Wakefield road
12328 Coates SquireWakefield roadhouse & shop252, Wakefield road
12329 Metcalfe JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house258, Wakefield road
12330 Walker EdwinWakefield roaddwelling-house260, Wakefield road
12331 Sowden SamuelWakefield roadhouse & shop262, Wakefield road
12332 Hick AlbertWakefield roadhouse & shop264, Wakefield road
12333 Atkinson JohnWakefield roadhouse & shop266, Wakefield road
12334 Cole George BillingsleyWakefield roadclub-roomWakefield road
12335 Underwood HenryWakefield roadhouse & shop270, 272, Wakefield road
12336 Tasker RobertNew Inndwelling-house274, 276, Wakefield road
12337 Hudson AbrahamWakefield roaddwelling-house278, Wakefield road
12338 Gosling ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house282, Wakefield road
12339 Jowett GideonWakefield roaddwelling-house284, Wakefield road
12340 Foster JohnWakefield roadhouse & shop286, Wakefield road
12341 Normington AbrahamWakefield roaddwelling-house290, Wakefield road
12342 Robson JamesWakefield roadhouse & shop292, Wakefield road
12343 Belshaw JamesExchange Inndwelling-house296, Wakefield road
12344 Fenton JohnWakefield roadhouse & shop300, Wakefield road
12345 Garside JosephWakefield roaddwelling-house6, Derwent street
successivedwelling-house302, Wakefield road
12346 Hill ThomasWakefield roaddwelling-house92, Prospect street
successivedwelling-house306, Wakefield road
12347 Coates JohnWakefield roadhouse & shop291, Wakefield road
12348 Bailey WilliamWakefield roaddwelling-house24, Peach street
successivedwelling-house289, Wakefield road
12349 Morrell JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house287, Wakefield road
12350 Popplewell JosephWakefield roadhouse & shop285, Wakefield road
12351 Rhodes WilliamWakefield roadhouse & shop281, Wakefield road
12352 Boas EliWakefield roaddwelling-house275, Wakefield road
12353 Helliwell JohnWakefield roaddwelling-house265, Wakefield road
12354 Pilkington RichardWakefield roaddwelling-house13, Wellington street, Bradford
successivedwelling-houseLittle Wonder Inn, Wakefield road
12355 Spivey JosephWalton streetdwelling-house33, Walton street
12356 Exley JohnWalton streetdwelling-house31, Walton street
12357 Ingham JohnWalton streetdwelling-house29, Walton street
12358 Cross ThomasWalton streetdwelling-house27, Walton street
12359 Carr JamesWalton streetdwelling-house23, Walton street
12360 Barker William HenryWalton streetdwelling-house21, Walton street
12361 Barker Joseph EdwardWalton streetdwelling-houseCollege road
successivedwelling-house19, Walton street
12362 Whytell Richard HerbertWatercock streetdwelling-house8, Watercock street
successivedwelling-house4, Watercock street
12363 Blinkhorn JohnWatercock streetdwelling-house6, Watercock street
12364 Robins FrederickWatercock streetdwelling-house3, Watercock street
successivedwelling-house8, Watercock street
12365 Evitt JohnWatercock streetdwelling-house10, Watercock street
12366 Wilkinson HenryAiredale place, Shipleystables & landWatercock street
12367 Wooller JosephWatercock streetdwelling-house7, Watercock street
12368 Platts TomWatercock streetdwelling-house5, Watercock street
12369 Midgley JohnWatercock streetdwelling-house1, Watercock street
12370 Craven FrederickSt. Paul's road, ManninghamwarehouseWaterloo mill
12371 Craven ArthurWelbury drive, ManninghamwarehouseWaterloo mill
12372 Alderson John SpencerEarl street, HortonwarehouseWaterloo mill
12373 Bland ThompsonWhitworth streetdwelling-house6, Whitworth street
12374 Petty HenryWhitworth streetdwelling-house8, 10, Whitworth street
12375 Shutt ThomasWhitworth streetdwelling-house11, Whitworth street
12376 Womersley ArthurWhitworth streetdwelling-house9, Whitworth street
12377 Keeley DenisWhitworth streetdwelling-house15, Granby street
successivedwelling-house7, Whitworth street
12378 Terry CharlesWhitworth streetdwelling-house5, Whitworth street
12379 Marsden JamesWhitworth streetdwelling-house3, Whitworth street
12380 Stelling RobinsonWindsor streetdwelling-house1, Windsor street
12381 Hustler JohnWindsor streetdwelling-house2, Windsor street
12382 Delaney WilliamWindsor streetdwelling-house7, Windsor street

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2020
Checked by Lin Duke
If you find an error (small or large) in the transcription
please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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