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Bradford Parochial Register 1898, EXCHANGE WARD2B.

Please read these notes about these registers.

* Lines starting with an asterisk (*) mean the entry is not for voting.

Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5251 Clayton Eliza6, Barkerend roaddwelling-house6, Barkerend road
* 5252 Moss John8, North wingshop50, Barkerend road
5253 Osborne Mary Jane78, Barkerend roaddwelling-house78, Barkerend road
5254 Brown Ellen82, Barkerend roadshop25, Butler street
 successive82, Barkerend road
5255 Brown Annie82, Barkerend roadshop25, Butler street
 successive82, Barkerend road
5256 Emmott Martha88, Barkerend roaddwelling-house88, Barkerend road
5257 Waring Harriet90, Barkerend roaddwelling-house90, Barkerend road
5258 Thorpe Mary Ann116, Barkerend roaddwelling-house116, Barkerend road
5259 Lord Mary Ann154, Barkerend roaddwelling-house154, Barkerend road
* 5260 Lister Joseph4, Fieldhouse streetshopnear 164, Barkerend road
* 5261 Crossley James Albert85, Sydenham placewarehouse27, Bentley street
5262 Bailey HaroldWatkinson hall, Ovendenwarehouse27, Bentley street
5263 Pearson WalterThe grove, Idlewarehouse1A, Bentley street
5264 Foster SmithDale view, Idlewarehouse1A, Bentley street
5265 Browning Mary Ann26, Chapel streetdwelling-house22, Chapel street
 successive26, Chapel street
5266 Wiggins Mary Ann36, Chapel streetdwelling-house36, Chapel street
5267 Swaine Bathea6, East paradedwelling-house6, East parade
5268 Smith Ann12, East paradedwelling-house12, East parade
5269 Irlam Sarah Jane18, East paradedwelling-house18, East parade
5270 Nutter John Alfred14, Southey placeshop139, East parade
5271 Bancroft WilliamHebden road, Haworthshop129, East parade
5272 Holmes CaineBurnett avenue, Bowlingshop129, East parade
* 5273 Harland Thomas17, Frystone placeshopnear 101, East parade
5274 Whelan Sarah47, Harris streetdwelling-house47, Harris street
5275 Garvey Ellen8, Heap streetdwelling-house8, Heap street
5276 Duff Mary10, Heap streetdwelling-house10, Heap street
5277 Whelan Mary16, Heap streetdwelling-house16, Heap street
5278 Drake Ann Hardcastle34, Heap streetdwelling-house34, Heap street
5279 Eastwood Betsy40, Heap streetdwelling-house40, Heap street
5280 Murray Agnes56, Heap streetdwelling-house56, Heap street
5281 Kelly Eliza63, Heap streetdwelling-house63, Heap street
5282 Reynolds Sabina57, Heap streetdwelling-house57, Heap street
5283 Howard Margaret49, Heap streetdwelling-house49, Heap street
5284 Tattersall Lucy2, Humboldt streetdwelling-house2, Humboldt street
5285 Dempsey Mary4, Humboldt streetdwelling-house4, Humboldt street
5286 Laycock Hannah Elizabeth14, Humboldt streetdwelling-house14, Humboldt street
* 5287 Tattersall Fred32, Harris streetshopHumboldt street
5288 Russam Caroline38, Park gatedwelling-house38, Park gate
5289 Midgley Ann73, Park gatedwelling-house73, Park gate
5290 Storey Ann55, Park gatedwelling-house55, Park gate
5291 Rothera Mary Ann53, Park gatedwelling-house53, Park gate
5292 Reeve Ellen51, Park gatedwelling-house51, Park gate
5293 Lazenby Jane37, Park gatedwelling-house37, Park gate
5294 Fielding Sarah33, Park gatedwelling-house33, Park gate
5295 McMahon Mary38, Peckover streetdwelling-house38, Peckover street
* 5296 Hopkinson Martha Hannah14, West bank, Heatonwarehouse11, Snowden street
 successiveWoodbine street

Voters in the above District in respect of ownership Qualification.
Married women, and other Rights under the Local Government Act, 1894.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
5297 Atkinson John ThomasHayesthorpe, Holgate hill, Yorkshare of freehold warehousesWell street & Currer street
5298 Aykroyd Edward MoorhousePark drive, Heaton, Manninghamfreehold warehouseBentley street
5299 Aykroyd Jonathan57, Southfield square, Manninghamfreehold warehouseChapel street
5300 Beanland FredBega, Harrogatefreehold tenements & landHarris street
5301 Brooksbank Emily71, Park gatedwelling-house71, Park gate
* 5302 Coe Alfred6, Stott hillfreehold tenementsBarkerend road, Peckover street
5303 Craven JosephAshfield, Thornton, near Bradfordfreehold warehousesHall ings, Charles street & Swaine street
5304 Dibbin Mary5, Park gatedwelling-house5, Park gate
5305 Dickinson Eliza8, Green streetdwelling-house8, Green street
* 5306 Faber Edmund BeckettBelvedere, Harrogatejoint owner of freehold warehouseVicar lane, Bradford, occupied by Edelstein, Moser & Co
* 5307 Heaton Elias27, Manningham lane, Bradfordfreehold house24, Church bank
5308 Holgate John Bishell34 & 36, Market place, Burslem, Staffordshireshare of freehold tenementsPark gate
5309 Hudson Martha6, Humboldt streetdwelling-house8, Airedale place
 successive6, Humboldt street
* 5310 Hutchinson Charles Henry Gwynne14, Melbourne place, Hortonfreehold tenementsPark gate
* 5311 Hutchinson James Gwynne14, Melbourne place, Hortonfreehold dwelling-house7, Harris street, Leeds road
* 5312 Laycock Simeon152, East parade, Bradfordfreehold houses158, 160, 162, 164, & 166 Barkerend road
* 5313 Maud George Kay10, St. Augustine's terrace, Otley road, Bradfordfreehold housesBarkerend road & Park gate
5314 Milnes EliPark view, Harrogatefreehold warehouse8, Currer street
* 5315 Parkinson WilliamNorth wing, Bradfordfreehold tenement19, Harris street
* 5316 Preston Thomas84, Sydenham place, Bradfordfreehold housesHeap street
5317 Reiss Frederick AugustusThe Rectory, Rock, Bewdleyfreehold tenementsVicar lane, occupied by Reiss Brothers
5318 Pellett Eliza Ann2, Belmont streetshop122, Barkerend road
5319 Robinson Fanny23, Park gatedwelling-house23, Park gate
* 5320 Sharp WilliamRichard street, Bradfordfreehold tenementsBarkerend road & Richard street
* 5321 Singleton Joseph RobertValley View grove, Undercliffe, Bradfordfreehold tenementsPeckover street, Chapel street, Laisterdyke, & Undercliffe
* 5322 Smith Samuel26, Grove terrace, Hortonfreehold house9, Chapel street
5323 Walker Margaret24, Chapel streetdwelling-house42, Southampton street
 successive319, Bolton road
 successive24, Chapel street
* 5324 Whitaker Stephen92, Chatham street, Bradfordfreehold tenements15, 17, 19, 21, Heap street, Barkerend road

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2014
All of these registers from 1853 to 1915 are available
on CD rom from Yorkshire CD books.
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please use the contact link at the bottom of the page.

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