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Bradford Parochial Register 1903, GREAT HORTON WARD3B.

Please read these notes about these registers.

* Lines starting with an asterisk (*) mean the entry is not for voting.

Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
16972 Kershaw Lydia15 Anne streetdwelling-house15 Anne street
16973 Hollinrake Elizabeth8 Beacon lanedwelling-house8 Beacon lane
16974 Calvert Martha106 Beacon lanedwelling-house106 Beacon lane
16975 Clough Mary33 Beldon hilldwelling-house33 Beldon hill
16976 Kellett Martha26 Beldon hilldwelling-house26 Beldon hill
16977 Townend Mary Ann23 Beldon hilldwelling-house23 Beldon hill
16978 Priestley Clara Novello20 Beldon hilldwelling-house20 Beldon hill
16979 Wilkinson Hannah11 Beldon hilldwelling-house11 Beldon hill
16980 Greenwood Ellen6 Beldon hilldwelling-house6 Beldon hill
16981 Tordoff Mary5 Beldon hilldwelling-house5 Beldon hill
16982 Priestley Charlotte Ann23 Beldon lanedwelling-house23 Beldon lane
16983 Bland Martha13 Bramley rowdwelling-house13 Bramley row
16984 Watson Maria2 Etna streetdwelling-house2 Etna street
16985 Jennings Mary24 Etna streetdwelling-house24 Etna street
16986 Robinson Mary5 Haycliffe hilldwelling-house5 Haycliffe hill
16987 Waddington Sarah6 Haycliffe hilldwelling-house6 Haycliffe hill
16988 Clegg Mary Elizabeth8 Haycliffe hilldwelling-house8 Haycliffe hill
16989 Willan Mary Agnes29 Haycliffe hilldwelling-house29 Haycliffe hill
16990 Waite Ellen41 Haycliffe hilldwelling-house41 Haycliffe hill
16991 Robinson Susannah47 Haycliffe hilldwelling-house47 Haycliffe hill
16992 Illingworth Sarah53 Haycliffe hilldwelling-house53 Haycliffe hill
16993 Holdsworth Elizabeth376 High streetdwelling-house376 High street
16994 Smith Hannah384 High streetdwelling-house384 High street
16995 Hainsworth Sarah386 High streetdwelling-house386 High street
16996 Topham Hannah339 High streethouse7 Kingswood place (joint)
successivedwelling-house339 High street
16997 Bainbridge Clara28 Hill enddwelling-house21 Villiers street
 successiveOld road
 successive28 Hill end
16998 Wood Margaret116 Hollingwood lanedwelling-house84 Crowther street
 successive116 Hollingwood lane
16999 Ferrier Eliza118 Hollingwood lanedwelling-house118 Hollingwood lane
17000 Fieldhouse Susan272 Hollingwood lanedwelling-house272 Hollingwood lane
17001 Sutcliffe Miriam276 Hollingwood lanedwelling-house276 Hollingwood lane
17002 Emsley Jemima336 Hollingwood lanedwelling-house336 Hollingwood lane
17003 Holroyd SarahHollingwood lanedwelling-houseHollingwood lane
17004 Binns MaryHollingwood lanedwelling-houseHollingwood lane
17005 Lister Elizabeth Ann390 Hollingwood lanedwelling-house25 Dirk Hill street
 successive390 Hollingwood lane
17006 Ambler Hannah400 Hollingwood lanedwelling-house390 Hollingwood lane
 successive400 Hollingwood lane
17007 Holgate Hannah70 Horton bankdwelling-house70 Horton bank
17008 Tankard Elizabeth191 Horton bankdwelling-house191 Horton bank
17009 Mitchell Horace70 Highgate, Claytonshop139 Horton bank
17010 Birkbeck Hannah137 Horton bankdwelling-house137 Horton bank
17011 Bairstow Ann135 Horton bankdwelling-house135 Horton bank
17012 Harvey Alice Maud Mary107 Horton bankdwelling-house107 Horton bank
17013 Shaw Hannah103 Horton bankdwelling-house103 Horton bank
17014 Ormond Mary Jane97 Horton bankdwelling-house97 Horton bank
17015 Ingham Jane87 Horton bankdwelling-house87 Horton bank
17016 Pickles Susannah77 Horton bankdwelling-house77 Horton bank
17017 Broadbent Sarah49 Horton bankdwelling-house18 Frimley street
 successive5 Halton place
 successive49 Horton bank
17018 Mitchell Mary Jane41 Horton bankdwelling-house17 Cliff terrace
 successive41 Horton bank
17019 Firth Charlie96 Old roadstableHorton bank
17020 Shackleton Mary Frost4 Old roaddwelling-house4 Old road
17021 Illingworth Lydia6 Old roaddwelling-house134 Southfield lane
 successive6 Old road
17022 Earnshaw Arthur94 Old roaddwelling-house5 Giles street, Wibsey
 successive94 Old road
17023 Foster Hannah102 Old roaddwelling-house102 Old road
17024 Lee Sarah104 Old roaddwelling-house104 Old road
17025 Fawcett Ann106 Old roaddwelling-house106 Old road
17026 Hollings Alice118 Old roaddwelling-house118 Old road
17027 Burrows Isabella124 Old roaddwelling-house124 Old road
17028 Stocks Bathsheba140 Old roaddwelling-house25 Alexandra street
 successive6 Peel row
 successive140 Old road
17029 Hannam Elizabeth148 Old roaddwelling-house148 Old road
17030 Hammond Elizabeth154 Old roaddwelling-house154 Old road
17031 England Elizabeth Ann164 Old roaddwelling-house5 Giles street, Wibsey
 successive164 Old road
17032 Whitford Emily206 Old roaddwelling-house3 Jer lane
 successive206 Old road
17033 Morris Maria219 Old roaddwelling-house219 Old road
17034 Wooller Mary217 Old roaddwelling-house217 Old road
17035 Oddy Harriet215 Old roaddwelling-house477 Bramley street
 successive215 Old road
* 17036 Marsh George32 Villiers streetbuildingPasture lane
17037 Frankland MaryPasture lane, ClaytonbuildingPasture lane
17038 Lynham Jane ElizabethParadise folddwelling-housePasture lane
17039 Holmes Elizabeth3 Pickles hilldwelling-house8 Pickles hill
17040 Walton Ann4 Pickles hilldwelling-house4 Pickles hill
17041 Robinson Ruth7 Pickles hilldwelling-house7 Pickles hill
17042 Bagley Betsy10 Pickles hilldwelling-house10 Pickles hill
17043 Burnley Elizabeth13 Pickles hilldwelling-house13 Pickles hill
17044 Priestley Albert4 Pickles lanebuildingPickles lane (joint)

Voters in the above District in respect of ownership Qualification.
Married women, and other Rights under the Local Government Act, 1894.
Voter number +
Names of voters in full,
Surname being first
Place of AbodeNature of
Name and situation of
qualifying property.
17045 Balmforth Leah9 Beacon lanedwelling-house9 Beacon lane
* 17046 Barker James5 Horton bank, Bradfordfreehold tenements5, 7 & 9 Horton bank
* 17047 Bentley Walter Edmondson12 Arctic parade, Bradfordfreehold tenement142 Old road
17048 Birch Pamelia136 Old roaddwelling-house136 Old road
17049 Comber Sarah13 Beacon lanedwelling-house13 Beacon lane
* 17050 Drake George100 Hollingwood lane, Bradfordfreehold tenements106 & 118 Hollingwood lane
* 17051 Emsley Alfred6 Rudd street, Horton, Bradfordfreehold tenementsBack lane, Horton Bank top
17052 Firth Janet96 Old roaddwelling-house96 Old road
* 17053 Fox EdmundHollingwood Lane top, Hortonfreehold housesHollingwood Lane top
* 17054 Frankland Louis17 Anne street, Holly Bank road, Bradfordshare of freehold tenementPasture lane
* 17055 Hill Simeon20 Crossley street, Hortonfreehold tenement378 & 380 High street
* 17056 Holgate Arthur55 Horton bank, Bradfordfreehold tenements70 to 76 Horton bank
17057 Hudson William155 High street, Great Hortonfreehold tenements24 to 30 Beldon hill
17058 Johnson Richard41 New Road side, Thorntontwo cottages, farm buildings freehold tenementBeldon hill
* 17059 Knowles JonathanPeel place, Bradfordfreehold tenements & landPasture lane
* 17060 Mitchell Walter37 Cross lane, Great Hortonfreehold tenements81 to 87 Old road
* 17061 Normington Thomas43 Dirk Hill street, Hortonfreehold tenementOld road
* 17062 Parker Edwin51 Horton bank, Great Hortonfreehold tenements43 to 51 Horton bank
* 17063 Parker James21 Pickles lane, Hortonfreehold tenements382 to 386 High street
* 17064 Priestley Thomas189 Bank top, Hortonfreehold tenementsHolly street
17065 Priestley TomSelborne house, Harrogatefreehold tenementsBank top
* 17066 Redman John Pighills42 Mannville terrace, Hortonfreehold tenementsPickles hill
* 17067 Rhodes William Edward12 Summerseat place, Bradfordfreehold tenementsAnne street & Etna street
* 17068 Riley Joe37 Dirk Hill street, Hortonfreehold land & tenementsBankfield view, Old road
* 17069 Shackleton John88 Havelock street, Hortonfreehold cottages19 & 21 Bramley row
17070 Shackleton WalterTrinity place, Queensburyfreehold tenements37 & 41 Horton bank
* 17071 Shepherd Aaron54 Kingswood street, Great Horton, Bradfordfreehold tenements17 Beldon lane
* 17072 Shepherd Samuel49 Kingswood street, Hortonfreehold cottage15 & 16 Beldon lane
* 17073 Smith AbrahamHaycliffe road, Bradfordfreehold tenements6 to 10 Haycliffe lane
17074 Smith Emma14 Etna streetdwelling-house14 Etna street
* 17075 Smith Mark711 Horton bank, Bradfordfreehold tenements71 & 71A Horton bank
17076 Spencer Sarah Ann149 Horton bankdwelling-house149 Horton bank
* 17077 Stead Eber11 Pickles hill, Hortonfreehold tenement10 Pickles hill
* 17078 Swaine SutcliffeBeacon lane, Hortonfreehold tenementsBeacon lane
17079 Waterhouse Emily4 Bankfield viewdwelling-house4 Bankfield view
* 17080 Weatherhead Edward144 Old road, Hortonfreehold tenements138, 144, 146 Old road
* 17081 White Shaw111 Hill top, Allertonfreehold house140 Old road
* 17082 Worsnop John123 Beldon road, Hortonfreehold tenement23 Haycliffe hill

Transcribed by Colin Hinson © 2014
All of these registers from 1853 to 1915 are available
on CD rom from Yorkshire CD books.
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