GENUKI Home page    Ripon Ripon  



Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.

The place: SAWLEY.     Church dedication: ST. MICHAEL.

Area, vide Ripon. Ripon liberty. -Population, vide Ripon *1; Chapel-room, 350; Net value, £66.

Patrons, the Dean and Chapter of Ripon.

Valued in 1707, at £30 and in 1818, at £71 per annum *2.

Augmented in 1743, with £200, to meet benefaction of £200 from G. Norton, Esq.; in 1792, with £200 -by lot; and in 1814, with £300 from the Parliamentary Grant, to meet benefactions of £100 from the Rev. J. Oates, the Incumbent, and £100 from Mrs. Pyncombe's trustees.

An Inclosure Act was passed 37th Geo. III.

The glebe house is unfit for residence.

The Register Books are entered at Ripon.

Sundry doles, amounting together to £13. 15s. per annum.

Ancient rent charge, 20s. per annum.

School. £5 per annum to the Curate for teaching six poor children to read, being a legacy left by Ralph Lowther, Esq.

Theakstones dole. 20s. per annum out of a farm called Lowgate. Payment refused at the time of the Report. -Vide 6th Report, page 643.

Post town: Ripon.

*1 Returned at 588 In 1834.

*2 " Unsupplied with a preaching Minister, yet one Benjamin Brown, clerk, living near thereunto, of his own free will preacheth there sometimes gratis." -Parliamentary Survey, vol. xviii. page 138.

From the original book published by
George Lawton in 1842..
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