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Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.

The place: GARSIDE.     Church dedication: ALIAS GARSDALE. -ST. JOHN BAPTIST.

Area, 10,930 acres. Ewcross wapentake. -Population, 657 ; Church-room, 200; Net value, £77.

Patron, the Crown.

The glebe house is fit for residence.

The Register Books commence in 1608.

Free School. Established about 1634, by Thomas Dawson. Endowment ; school-house, rent of 2a. 2r. of land, and interest of £53. 10s.; free scholars (not exceeding eight in number) in reading and writing.

Poor's fund. Interest of £197. 10s.

William Inman's gift. Interest of £20 to the schoolmaster of Grizedale ; if no schoolmaster there, then to the poor. -Vide 13th Report, page 664.

Not noticed by Torre. Whitaker's Richmondshire, vol. ii. page 362.

From the original book published by
George Lawton in 1842..
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