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Sheffield description, 1852



The Ecclesiastical Commissioners, with the sanction of the Queen and Privy Council, determined in 1846, that the large and populous parish of Sheffield should be ecclesiastically divided into 25 Parochial Districts, each to have a church and an incumbent. One of them is the VICARAGE DISTRICT OF ST. PETER, which is bounded by the rivers Don and Sheaf, from the Iron Bridge to Sheaf Bridge, and has for its other boundaries one side of Shude hill, Baker's hill, and part of Norfolk street; one side of Norfolk row, and thence across Fargate to Orchard street; thence along Lee Croft, Silver street head, and Scotland street, to Furnace hill, and down the latter, and Bower spring and Cotton mill walk, to the Iron Bridge. The other clerical districts are perpetual curacies, and the following enumeration of them shews their boundaries, but three of them are still without churches and incumbents, viz., Netherthorpe, Broomhall, and Porter street; and five others, viz., Brightside, Carver treet, Gillcar, Hollis croft, and Dyer's hill, have no churches, but have incumbents, to whom the Ecclesiastical Commissioners allow yearly stipends of £130, which will be increased to £150 as soon as churches are provided. Seventeen of the districts have churches, it is hoped an emula- tion of the liberality and Christian charity which prompted the Misses Harrison, of Weston Hall, to build the churches of Wadsley and the Wicker District, and the late Miss Silcock to erect Fulwood church. will not long suffer the other eight districts to be churchless. Darnall, Heeley, Eldon, and Wicker Districts, have been ecclesiastically constituted into new parishes, entirely independent of the vicar, under Peel's Act ; and, for all practical and useful purposes, the chapelry districts allotted to the churches built under the "Million Act" of the 59th of George III., have been placed on the same basis by an act passed in 1844. The funds for the endowment of new churches, and the augmentation of poor livings, do not come out of the public purse, but out of the revenues of the Church, or from private munificence.

BOUNDARIES, &c., OF THE PAROCHIAL DISTRICTS. St. Peter's District is a vicarage, and is described above, and the following are perpetual curacies, of which nine are in the alternate patronage of the Crown and Archbishop, and seven in the gift of the Vicar.

Attercliffe and Darnall Districts comprise the township of Attercliffe-cum-Darnall.

Brightside District includes Grimesthorpe, the Midland Railway Station, the north side of Saville street, and the east side of Occupation road, and all the rest of Brightside township within those limits. The Rev. Thomas Hulme is the incumbent, for whom it, is hoped a church will soon built.

Wicker District includes the Wicker, the Nursery, the south side of Saville street t and most of the Bridgehouses, having for its boundaries the river Don and one side of Pye bank, Fox street, Gray street, Barnsley New road, and the Occupation road, as far as Burngreave. Its Church (Trinity) is afterwards noticed.

Pitsmoor District includes Harvest lane, Neepsend, and all the rest of Brightside Bierlow not comprised in the two last named districts.

St. John's Church includes all the populous portion of Sheffield Park, bounded by the river Don and Attercliffe township, the Sheaf as high as the Corn Exchange, and the north eastern sides of Duke street and Intake road.

Dyer's hill District is bounded by, and includes one side of Duke street, (Park,) Talbot street, Bungay street, Harmer lane, Pond street from the latter, Flat street, Baker's hill, Shade hill, Sheaf bridge, and Broad street, as high as Duke street, Park. The Rev. Wm. Hall was appointed incumbent of this churchless district in 1850.

Heeley District includes the Heeley portion of Nether Hallam township, Newfield Green, and those portions of Sheffield Park extending from Heeley to Shrewsbury Hospital, and bounded by the Intake road, Talbot street, Bungay street, and the river Sheaf. It is a separate parish, and its church and incumbent are noticed.

St. Paul's District includes both sides of Pond street, from Boardman's Bridge to Harmer lane, and the gardens between the Porter and Sheaf. From Harmer lane its boundary extends along the west side of Pond street, to the end of Flat street, and thence up the south side of Norfolk street, up Norfolk row, Fargate, and Barker's pool, and thence down the eastern sides of Coalpit lane and Furnival street, to the confluence of the Sheaf and Porter.

Porter street District is of small extent, its boundaries being Furnival street, Jessop street, the south side of South street between Furnival street and Jessop street, and part of Arundel street and Duke street.

Carver street District runs along the south side of West street, from Holly street to Westfield terrace, down the latter and Trafalgar street to the foot of Rockingham street, and thence up South street, Coalpit lane, and Holly street. The Rev. J. F. Witty is its incumbent, and funds are accumulating for the erection of a church. Mount Tabor Chapel, in Rockingham street, is about to be used as a church for this district.

Eldon District extends along the south side of West street, from Westfield terrace to Fitzwilliam street, down the latter and part of Broomhall street to Thomas street, and along the east side of the latter and Tudor street to South street, up the latter to the intersection of Rockingham street and Button lane, and thence up the west side of Trafalgar street and Westfield terrace. Its Church (St. Jude) is afterwards noticed.

Gillcar District lies west of the latter. Its boundary line runs along the south side of Wilkinson street from Hanover street, and thence along Convent walk. On the west it extends down Hanover street to Ecclesall road, and thence to South street; up the latter to Tudor street, and along the latter and Thomas street and part of Broomhall street to the top of Fitzwilliam street. The Rev. Canon Trevor has recently been appointed incumbent of this district, and a church (St. Andrew's,) is intended to he erected for him in or near Hanover street or Spring lane.

St. George's District comprises some of the best parts of the town, including a great part of West street, Glossop road, and Wilkinson street, and all Portobello street, Beet street, Brook hill, Western bank, &c. It is of a triangular figure, and its boundary line runs from the top of Watery lane to Weston Hall and Mushroom, and thence along the north sides of Northumberland street, Wilkinson street, and West street, to Bailey lane; along the west side of the latter to Broad lane, across the latter and along the southern sides of Red hill, Corn hill, and Daisy bank, to Watery lane.

Hollis croft District includes Pea croft, White croft, Garden street, Brocco street, two thirds of Solly street; one side of Scotland street, Red hill, and Corn hill; one side of Broad lane from Red hill to Tenter street, and one side of Allen street from Corn hill to Meadow street; also, all courts, lanes, &c., within these limits. The Rev. R. H. Deane, B.A., is the incumbent, for whom a church will shortly be built in Solly street where the site has been purchased.

Netherthorpe District comprises a great part of Allen street, Meadow street, and St. Philip's road. Its boundary line runs along Watery lane, Daisy bank, Allen street, and Scotland street to Smithfield; and thence along Doncaster street, up Matthew street, and along Meadow street and Netherthorpe to Watery lane, at the intersection of St. Philip's road. The incumbent is not appointed, and some years may elapse before the church is built.

Moorfields District comprises Gibraltar street, Shalesmoor, Moorfields, Russell street, Sheffield Workhouse, Kelham Island, &c., and its boundary lines are the river Don, Dan street, Matthew street, Doncaster street, Smithfield, Furnace hill, Bower spring, Cotton Mill walk, and Union buildings. The Rev. S.J. Lyon is the incumbent; and the Church, (St.Jude,) is building near the junction of Cupola and Gibraltar streets, on an obscure and confined plot of ground given in 1849, when the first stone was laid. After standing more than a year, the work was resumed, and it is expected that this small church will be finished in 1858.

St. James's District is small and central; its boundary line including one side of Orchard street, Vicar lane, Lee croft, Silver street head, Tenter street, and of Broad lane as high as Bailey lane ; also, one side of the latter; one side of West street to Holly street; one side of the latter to Barker pool, and one side of Fargate down to Orchard street.

St. Philip's District has its church in the north western part of Sheffield township, but includes Portmahon, Upperthorpe, Daniel hill, Bloomsbury place, Barber nook, Philadelphia, Bacon Island, the Infirmary, the Barracks, Owlerton road, and part of Malin Bridge, all in Nether Hallam township. Its southern boundary extends from the river Don along Dun street, Matthew street, part of Meadow street, Netherthorpe, Watery lane, and up Dam lane, as high as the foot road leading across Crookes moor valley to Steel bank.

Crookes District, St. Thomas's, includes the village of Crookes, the western part of Crookes moor, Mount Pisgah, Mushroom, and the north side of Hallamgate road, Broom- hill, and Walkley, and all the north western parts of Nether Hallam township. Its incumbent and church are noticed.

Fulwood District comprises all Upper Hallam township, and some parts of Ecclesall Bierlow in and near Whiteley Wood, as noticed with its Church.

Ecclesall District comprises all those parts of Ecclesall Bierlow township lying west and south west of Broomhall and St. Mary's Districts, except Whiteley Wood and its vicinity. The Church, (All Saints,) commonly called Ecclesall Chapel.

St. Mary's District, which comprises part of Sheffield and Ecclesall townships, has its church in the former, and extends south and south west from Suffolk Works and the Lead Mills ; including all the streets, &c., between the rivers Sheaf and Porter, as far as Heeley Bridge, Snuff Mill Bridge, and Cherrytree hill road.

Broomhall District comprises all that handsome suburban portion of Ecclesall Bierlow bounded on the east by Hanover street and the east end of Ecclesall road ; on the south by the river Porter; on the west by the latter and Upper Hallam township; and on the north by Fulwood road, Broomhill, Northumberland street, and Wilkinson street. It includes Broomhall, Endcliffe, the Collegiate School, Wesley College, the Botanical Gardens, a large portion of Glossop road, the Mount, Westbourne, &c. It has neither church nor incumbent, but a site for the former has been given by Mr. W. Butcher, in Broomfield, Glossop road, and large sums have already been subscribed for the erection of the church.

Data transcribed from:
Whites Directory of Sheffield 1852
Transcribed by
Colin Hinson ©2003

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