GENUKI Home page    Sheffield 1871 Census Index Sheffield 1871
Census Index

Sheffield 1871 Census Index

Names starting with Z

For other names, please use the links below:
A-Alk / All-Arc / Ard-Ash / Ask-Az / B-Bam / Ban-Barm / Barn-Bat / Bau-Bee / Bef-Bid / Bie-Bin / Bir-Bla / Ble-Bool /
Boot-Boy / Bra / Bre-Bri / Broa-Broo / Brop-Brow / Bru-Bun / Bur-By / C-Car / Cas-Cha / Che-Cla / Cle-Cok /
Col-Con / Coo / Cop-Cow / Cox-Crof / Crog-Cy / D-Da / De-Dic / Did-Doy / Dr-Dy / E-Elk / Ell / Elm-Ey / F-Fe /
Fi-Fl / Fo-Fo / Fr-Fy / G-Gen / Geo-Gil / Gim-God / Gof-Goy / Gr-Gra / Gre-Gree / Greg-Gy / H-Hak / Hal /
Ham-Hap / Har / Has-Haw / Hay-Hee / Hef-Hev / Hew-Hik / Hil-Hiz / Ho-Hok / Hol-Hom / Hon-Hov / How-Hoz /
Hu-Hy / I / Ja-Jay / Je / Ji-Jy / Ka-Ken / Keo-Ky / L-La / Le-Lim / Lin-Loe / Lof-Ly / M-Map / Mara-Marr / Mars /
Mart-Mau / Mav-Mc / Me-Mid / Mig-Mon / Moo-Mors / Mort-My / N-Ne / Ni-Ny / O / P-Parl / Parm-Pea / Peb-Piy /
Pla-Pov / Pow-Py / Q / R-Ret / Rev-Roa / Rob-Rod / Roe-Ry / S-Say / Sca-Se / Sh-Shl / Shi-Sil / Sim-Sme / Smi /
Smo-Sq / St-Sti / Sto-Sty / Su-Sty / T-Tea / Teb-Tho / Thr-Try / Tu-Ty / U / V / W-Walf / Walk / Wall-Warb /
Ward-Was / Wat-Wes / Wet-Whiteh / Whitel-Wili / Wilk-Willo / Wills-Wix / Wo-Woo / Wor-Wy / X / Y / Z

SurnameFore NameAgeRegistration
Sub DistrictPiece number
Folio Number
ZankerCharles48Ecclesall BierlowEcclesall Bierlow467238
ZankerGeorgina41Ecclesall BierlowEcclesall Bierlow467238
ZeiherChristian24SheffieldSheffield South468414
Zether ?Leopold21SheffieldSheffield South468597
Zicker ?William33WortleyBradfield465924
ZolkiMark ?43SheffieldBrightside469476
ZolkiTresa ?32SheffieldBrightside469476
ZolkiAugusta ?13SheffieldBrightside469476
ZolkiDina ?5SheffieldBrightside469476
ZolkiSimon ?2SheffieldBrightside469476
ZolkiSimon 32SheffieldBrightside469480
Zutphen ?Morris Van67SheffieldSheffield South4685122

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