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Transcription of the Horbury Registers - Burials 1598-1749.

Please note I cannot guarantee that my software has always extracted the date in the date column correctly.
The dates are given in the order the appear in the register which is not necessarily numerical order.
Also note that the year commenced on the 25th March up to 1752.
but that the date column numbers the months in the modern method (English format)

DateName(s) and relationship
02/05/1598Peter Kytson sonne of John was buryed the seconde daye
28/06/1598Suzan Longleye daughter of William was buryed the xxviijth daye
01/07/1598Julye Rycharde Copleye was buryed the ffyrste daye
17/10/1598Alles Jenkynson wyfe of John was buryed The xvijth daye
29/10/1598Nycholas Dawson sone of Robart was buryed eodem die
21/11/1598Nouember William Burnett was buriede the xxjtie daye
25/12/1598Edwarde Mannsfelde Sonne of Edwarde was buryede xxvtie daye
15/04/1599Edwarde Bynes was buried ye xvth daye
16/04/1599Grace Longeleye wyffe of Willm Longeleye was buried ye xvj daye
05/06/1599June Issabell Helvishe wyfe of Charles was buried ye vth daye
13/06/1599John Herrison was buried ye xiij daye
18/08/1599Richerd Roberte ye yonger was buried the xviij daye
08/09/1599September Richerd White sone of Thomas was buried the viijth daye
16/11/1599Omfraye Wryghte had a daughter buried ye xvjth daye
19/11/1599Issabell Thornes widdowe was buried the the xixth daye
17/12/1599Joyce Monsfeild d of ffrancis was buried the xvijth daye
13/03/1599Marche John Langefeild, Cardmaker was buried the xiijth daye
17/04/1600Steven Roberte was buried the xvijth daye
12/06/1600June Elzabethe Sheafeild d of Edmunde was buried the xijth daye
28/07/1600Agnes Smythe widdowe were buried the xxviijth daye
02/10/1600October Alles Slayter wyffe of Charles Slayter was buried the second daye
06/10/1600Jennett Gye, drowned, was buried ye vjth daye
16/02/1600Edward Monsfeild sone of ffrancis was buried the xvjth daye
23/03/1600Marie Thornes d of John was buried ye xxiijth daye
05/04/1601John Thornes was buried ye vth daye
13/04/1601Rosamond Whytt wyffe of Tho : was buried ye xiijth
22/05/1601Elizabethe Eure wyffe of Michiaell was buried the xxijth daye
27/05/1601Arthure wryght sonne of Homfreye was buried the xxvijth daye
08/07/1601Julie George Bynes was buried ye viijth daye
12/07/1601Kirstable Helvishe d of Charles was buried the xijth daye
30/07/1601Dorithie Helvishe wyffe of Charles was buried the xxxth daye
13/10/1601October Willm Hollingebrigg was buried the xiijth daye
21/10/1601Dorithie Sickes was buried ye xxjth daye
12/01/1601Roberte Lee A Stranger were buried the xijth daye
21/02/1601Thomas Haghe sone of Thomas was buried the xxjth daye
02/05/1602Alles Roberts widdowe was buried eodem die
08/05/1602Edwarde Walker a poore man was buried the viijth daye
20/06/1602June Margaret Kitson wyffe of Edwarde was buried ye xxth daye
20/07/1602Julie Thomas Awdesleye Sone of Roger was buried the xxth daye
31/07/1602John Lawremare was buried the last daye of Julie
23/01/1602John Diche sone of Richerd Diche was buried the xxiijth daye
03/02/1602ffebruarie Elzabethe Jenkinson d. of Edwarde was buried the thirde daye
11/04/1603Thomas Jenkinson sone of Edwarde was buried the xj daye
06/05/1603Maye William White sonne of Thomas White was buried the vjth daye
10/05/1603Issabll ffarrand was buried the xth daye
01/06/1603June Jaine Hawsworthe wyffe of Wm was buried the firste daye
16/06/1603Alles Hayghe wyffe of Thomas was buried the xvjth daye
01/08/1603Auguste Grace Ayneleye d. of John was buried the firste daye
07/08/1603Roberte Craven sonne of John was buried the vijth daye beinge drowned
27/12/1603Jaine Longeleye d. of John was buried the xxvijth daye
24/01/1603Elzabethe Baines ye wyffe of Roberte was buried ye xxiiijth daye
21/02/1603Wm Pilkington & Thomas Pilkington sones of Thomas Pilkington Esquire were buried the xxjth daye
20/04/1604Elizabethe Addie d. of Wm Addie was buried the xxth daye
26/04/1604Alles Sowtle wyffe of Wm was buried the xxvjth daye
20/05/1604Maye Anne Sowtle d. of Wm was buried the xxth daye
30/05/1604Alles Sowtle d. of ye afforsaid Wm was buried the last daye
05/07/1604Thomas Hollingebrigge was buried the vth daye
11/07/1604Anne Crowder d of Wm was buried the xjth daye
30/08/1604Beatrixe Smythe was buried the xxx daye
12/02/1604John Issott sone of John was buried ye xij daye
23/05/1605George Haghe sone of Tho : was buried the xxiijth daye
26/05/1605Roger Herrisone sone of John was buried the xxvjth daye
30/05/1605Wm Jagger the Elder was buried the xxxth daye
02/09/1605Janie wood was buried the second daye
24/10/1605Richerd Bentleye was buried the xxiiij
18/01/1605Januarie Elzabethe waringe wyffe of Peter was buried the xviijth daye
07/02/1605Jennet Naylore ye wyffe of Richerd was buried eodem die
08/02/1605ffrances Brearleye was buried the viij daye
13/02/1605Agnes Megson was buried ye xiijth daye
20/05/1606Maye Agnes Naylore d of Richerd was buried the xxth
28/06/1606June Jeames .... A Stranger was buried the xxviij daye
05/11/1606Margaret Diche d of Richerd was buried the vth day
06/11/1606Dorithie Blackeburne wyffe of Henrie was buried the vjth daye
18/11/1606Alles Diche ye wyffe of Richerd was buried the xviijth daye
23/11/1606Richerd Diche was buried the xxiij daye
17/01/1606Januarie Jennet Thomson was buried the xvijth daye
17/04/1607John Stocks sone of Richerd was buried the xvijth daye
25/06/1607Roberte Baines was buried the xxvth daye
17/12/1607Elzabethe Roberte wyffe of Richerd was buried the xvij daye
29/01/1607Samuell Townend sone of Tho : was buried ye last daye
03/01/1607(februarie John Gouldsbroughe of Criggilstone was buried the iijth daye
05/03/1607Marche Jeames Cowper was buried the vth daye
10/06/1608June Wm Arnald sone of Edwarde was buried the xthdaye
23/07/1608Julie Agnes Helvishe wyffe of Richerd was buried the xxiijth daye
04/08/1608Auguste Elzabethe walker daughter of John was buried the iiijth daye
20/08/1608Richerd Awdgeleye sonne of Roger was buried the xxth daye
24/09/1608Jennet Longleye als fawker a basterd was buried the xxiiijth daye
17/12/1608December Margaret Hollingbrigg widdowe was buried the xvij daye
08/04/1609Aprill Elzabethe Longeleye d. of Wm Longleye Jn was buried the viijth daye
18/04/1609Marie Longeleye d. of Wm was buried the xviijth daye
23/06/1609Wm Haldsworthe sonne of Wm was buried the xxiij daye
08/12/1609Issable Pickeringe widdowe was buried the viij daye
04/02/1609ffebruarie Jaine Slayter wyffe of Charles was buried the iiijth daye
19/05/1610Elzabethe Sowtle d of Wm was buried the xixth daye
24/05/1610Thomas Richerdson sonne of John was buried the xxiiijth daye
29/05/1610Edwarde Deye sonne of Edwarde was buried the xxix xxixth daye
22/09/1610Wm Richerdson sonne of Mathewe was buried the xxij daye
11/11/1610Issable walker wyffe of Richerd was buried the xjth daye
11/01/1610Januarie Jennet Longleye wyffe of John was buried the xjth
02/03/1610Marche Wm Longleye sonne of Wm Longley Junior was buried the second daye
06/05/1611Maye Thomas White was buried the vj of Maye
11/06/1611Edwarde Longleye sone of John was buried the xj daye
23/08/1611Auguste Suzan Issott wyffe of John was buried the xxiijth daye
05/10/1611Ann Cowper d of Jeames was buried eodem die
10/10/1611John Thornes was buried the x daye
18/10/1611Josephe ffarrand had ij children buried xviij daye
20/10/1611October .... Jenkinson sone of Edwarde buried the the xx daye
01/11/1611Nouember Samuell Hunte sonne of Wm was buried the firste daye
01/12/1611December John Diche was buried the firste daye
10/01/1611Januarie fwaringe wyffe of Peter was buried the xth daye
24/01/1611Abraham Aylmer was buried the xxiiijth daye
25/01/1611Alles walker wyffe of John was buried the xxvth daye
11/02/1611ffebruarie Nicholas Jepsone was buried the xj daye
04/04/1612Aprill Alles Sicks wyffe of Wm was buried the iiijth daye
09/08/1612Auguste Elzabethe Monsfeild widdowe was buried the ix daye
26/08/1612Charles Slayter was buried the xxvj daye
16/11/1612Easter Ottes was buried the xvjth daye
23/01/1612John Hepworthe was buried the xxiij daye
06/02/1612Februarie Roberte Hunt sone of Michaiell was buried the vj daye
10/06/1613June Agnes Issott was buried ye x daye
18/12/1613December Robert Rowlt, gent buried the xviij daye
16/01/1613.... Milner was buried eodem die
02/02/1613ffebruarie Wm Sowtles wyffe was buried the seconde daye
12/11/1614November Elzabethe Thornes wyffe of Robert was buried the xijth daye
27/11/1614Roberte Thornes taylore was buried the xxvijth
18/11/1614Samuell Longleye buried xviij
13/02/1614Richerd Roberte was buried the xiijth daye
16/02/1614Roberte Kitson was buried ye xvjth daye
28/02/1614Grace Longleye d of John was buried the xxviijth daye
20/07/1615Julie Roberte Kitson was buried the xx of Julie
12/08/1615Auguste Issable Megson wyffe of Roberte was buried the xij daye
02/11/1615November Wm Craven was buried the seconde daye
20/11/1615Alles Lee wyffe of Thomas Sowtle was buried the xxth daye
07/12/1615December Jeffraye Sowtle was buried the vijth daye
07/12/1615Elzabethe Roberte d. of Laurence was buried eodem die
13/12/1615Agnes Tottie d of Tho : Jn was buried the xiij daye
09/01/1615Elzabethe Craven widdowe was buried ye ix daye
13/01/1615Elzabethe Craven d of Wm was buried ye xiij daye
23/01/1615Wm Wilson was buried the xxiijth daye
24/01/1615Ellene Addie wyffe of Wm was buried ye xxiiij
16/04/1616Wm Thornes sonne of Roberte Thornes, Taylore was buried the xvj daye. he was droned
09/06/1616June .... wilson wyffe of Wm was buried ye ix daye
08/07/1616Agnes Boocock wyffe of Ric was buried the viijth daye
11/09/1616Agnes Langefeild widdowe was buried the xjth daye
28/09/1616Issable walker wyffe of John was buried the xxviijth daye
10/12/1616December Elzabethe walker d of John was buried the xth daye
30/12/1616Edithe wilson was buried the xxxth daye
10/04/1617Aprill John walker had a daughter buried the xth daye cauled Elzabethe
28/05/1617Maye Thomas Tottie se was buried the xxviijth day
06/06/1617June ffrancis Monsfeild wyffe was buried the vj daye
30/09/1617September Roberte Batleye was buried the xxxth daye
10/11/1617November Agnes Roberte wyffe of Steuen was buried ye xth daye
03/12/1617December Robert weendsley was buried the thirde daye
05/12/1617John Thorneton of the pishe of Dewisburie was buried the vth daye
27/12/1617Issable Roberte wyffe of John Roberte was buried the xxvijth daye
22/01/1617Januarie Roger Awdgeleye was buried the xxijth daye
12/02/1617Myles Lee was buried the xij daye
18/02/1617Elline Haull was buried the xviijth daye
07/05/1618Maye Richerde Boococke was buried the vijth daye
23/05/1618John Thorneton sonne of John of ye pishe of Dewisburie was buried ye xxiijth daye
09/06/1618June Leonarde Baynes was buried the ixth daye
22/08/1618Katherine Megson widdowe was buried ye xxij daye
01/01/1618Januarie George Awdesleye sonne of Wm was buried the firste daye
01/01/1618Alles Thornes wyffe of Steven was buried eodem die
08/01/1618Margaret Awdgeleye d of willm was buried the viijth daye
08/02/1618ffebruarie Katherine Lee d of Peter was buried the viijth daye
13/02/1618Roberte Megson was buried the xiijth daye
02/03/1618Marche Saraye Byns d of Jonas was buried ye second daye
16/05/1619Maye Richerde walker was buried the xvjth daye
15/06/1619Thomas Tottie Jn was buried the xvth daye
26/07/1619Julie Elzabethe Clerkeson ye wyffe of wm, Scholemastr was buried the xxvjth daye
16/08/1619John Burnet was buried the xvj daye
01/09/1619September Elzabethe Hunte daughter of Wm was buried ye firste day
01/10/1619October Jeames Cowp was buried the firste daye
21/10/1619Richerde Gooddalle was buried ye xxj daye.
27/10/1619Dorithie Richerdson wyffe of Mathewe was buried the xxvij daye
01/11/1619November Jaine wryghte wyffe of Omfraye was buried the firste daye
08/12/1619December Henrie Issott was buried the viijth daye
28/02/1619ffortune Temple was buried eodem die
14/03/1619Ann Langefeild d of John was buried the xiiij daye
04/06/1620June John Sunderland was buried ye iiij daye
10/06/1620Alles white wyffe of Tho : was buried the xth daye
28/07/1620Julie .... white sonne of Tho : was buried the xxviij daye
26/08/1620Auguste Wm Sunderland sonne of John was buried ye xxvj daye
21/09/1620September John Longeleye thelder was buried the xxjth daye
27/10/1620Jaine Cawethorne wyffe of Wm was buried the xxvijth daye
19/01/1620John Crofte was buried eodem die
13/05/1621Maye George Hobson was buried the xiij daye
14/08/1621..... Craven d of John was buried the xiiijth daye
30/08/1621Elizabethe Townend was buried eodem die
20/03/1621Marche Thomas Savaidge was buried ye xxth
04/05/1622Jeames Holdsworthe was buried the iiijth daye
16/05/1622Wm Sowetle was buried the xvjth daye
02/08/1622Auguste Sowtle d of Willm was buried ye ijth daye
11/09/1622September Jennet Haldsworthe widdowe was buried the xj daye
13/01/1622Wm Awdgeleye Jr was buried ye xiij daye
15/03/1623Marche Jennet ffoster wyffe of Bryan was buryed ye xvth daye
09/04/1623Aprill Roberte Thornes was buried ye ix daye
06/05/1623Maye ffrancis Monsfeild was buried ye vj daye
24/05/1623Mr Jonas Bynes was buried the xxiiij daye
25/06/1623June Margaret Awdgeleye widdowe was buried the xxvth daye
10/08/1623Auguste Marie ffarebarne was buried the x daye
04/08/1623Issable Kitsone widdowe buried the iiijth daye
30/08/1623Wm Crowder buried the last daye
05/09/1623.... Catline wyffe of John was buried the vth daye
06/09/1623thomas Hepworthe was buried the vj daye
20/09/1623tho : Hepworthe Jn was buried the xx daye
27/09/1623Edward Deye was buried the xxvij daye
02/10/1623Alles Ramsden wyffe of Wm was buried ye seconde daye of October 1623
21/10/1623Roger Awedgleye was buried ye xxjth daye
27/11/1623Wm Haldsworthe was buried the xxvij daye
12/12/1623December Ellice Robert was buried ye xijth daye
27/12/1623Elzabethe Coweper widdowe was buried the xxvij daye
08/02/1623Omfreye wryghte was buried eodem die
20/03/1623Laurence Wilsonn late minister att Horbury & Deane of Pontefract was buried the xxth day of March 1623
02/05/1624March Roger Soothill sonn to Wm Soothill was buried the 2th day of May
08/06/1624John sonne to Wm Pollard was buried the 8th day
10/08/1624August Elizabeth Brooke wife to James Brooke was buried the xth daye
04/09/1624September James Brooke was buried the 4th day
06/09/1624John Pollard senior was buried the 6th day
07/09/1624Isabell Thornes wife vnto John Thornes the elder was buried the 7th day
01/10/1624October Isabell Thornes wife to Robt Thames the elder was buried the ffirst day
10/11/1624Nouember John Kitsonn was buried the tenth day
01/01/1624January Jennit late wife to Jo : Kitson deceased was buried ye first day
05/02/1624February Wm Hunt was buried the vth day
03/03/1624March Michaell son to Jo : Hunt was buried the 3th day
15/03/1624Tho Mansfeild was buried the xvth day
02/04/1625Aprill Elizabeth wife to Wm Totty was buried the 2th day
15/07/1625July Alice ffarrand wife of Joseph ffarrand buried the xvth day
11/09/1625September John son of John Nettleton buried the xjth day
08/10/1625October John Longley was buried the viijth day of October
11/10/1625Rowland Lanquott was buried the xjth day
30/10/1625Elizabeth wife of Robt Dawson was buried the last day of October
20/11/1625Nouember Thomas Roods was buried the xxth day
25/11/1625Vxor Annley was buried the xxvth day
30/12/1625December Alice da : of John Craven was buried the xxxth day
25/01/1625Lady Elizabeth Savile of Lupsit was buried the xxvth day of January + Lett God alone
27/05/1626Samuell So : of Laurence Hepworth buried ye xxvijth day
29/05/1626Ellin Mansfeild was buried ye xxixth day
10/08/1626Grace da : of Xpofer Dunwell buried the xth day
05/09/1626September Richard son of John Gorden buried the vth day of Sept
14/09/1626Richard son of Richard Stocks buried the xiiijth day of September
22/09/1626Edward Arnald buried the xxijth day
10/12/1626Tho : Thornes sone of Wm buried the x
29/01/1626Alice Hunt wife of Michaell Hunt buried January xxixth
30/01/1626George Stansfield his childe was buried January xxxth
16/03/1626Elizabeth Langfield wife of John Langfield buried March the xvjth
09/04/1627Phillip ffawcet his child buried the ixth day of April
12/04/1627Robt Thornes senior buried the xijth of Aprill
04/05/1627Jennit Sootell widdow buried the 4th of May
01/06/1627Judith daughter of Laurence Issott buried the first of June
30/08/1627William sonne of Amor Houldsworth buried the xxxth day
03/09/1627September Thomas Goodall buried the 3th day
11/10/1627October Laurence Akroyde buried the xjth day
03/12/1627Mercy wife of Richard Bentley buried the 3th day
07/01/1627January Dorothy wife of Thomas Haigh buried the 7th day
15/01/1627Edward sonn of Robt Mansfeild buried the xvth day
17/01/1627William sonn of Thomas Haigh buried the xvijth day
27/01/1627John son of Thomas Haigh buried the xxvijth day
02/04/1628Aprill Ann Kitson wife of Laurence Kitson buried the 2th day
03/04/1628Ann Jepsonn widdow buried the 3th day
27/04/1628Robt sonn of Edward Arnald buried the xxvijth day
30/05/1628William Dawson buried the last day
09/07/1628July Isabell Richardson buried the ixth day
08/08/1628Wm Addye buried the viijth day
16/09/1628Richard son of Robt Pruston was buried the xvjth day
12/10/1628October Mary d. of Tho : Totty buried the xijth day
30/10/1628Wm Ramsdenn buried the last day
13/11/1628John Catlynn buried the xiijth day
08/12/1628December Peter Thorntonn was buried the viijth day
22/01/1628January John So : of John Robart was buried the xxijth day
08/03/1628March John So : of Rich : Robt was buried the viijth day
20/03/1628Thomas So : of Tho : Batty buried the xxth day
22/03/1628Thomas Cravenn buried the xxijth day
24/11/1629a child of Edward Audsley buried the same day
13/01/1629Alice Baildon wife of Rich : buried the 13th day
10/02/1629John sonne of Robt Mansfeild buried the xth day of ffebruary
09/03/1629Richard Baildon buried the ixth of March
22/05/1630Elizabeth Arnald was buried the 22th day of May
04/06/1630Nicholas Broomeley his child was buried the 4th of June
08/07/1630Elizabeth Thornes vid. late Wife of Robt Thornes buried the viijth of July
16/07/1630Sara Stansfeild wife of Geo : Stansfeild buried ye 16th
21/08/1630Judith Ramsden da : of Paul buried the 21th day of August
28/10/1630Edward sone of Phillip ffawcitt buried the 28 of October
09/11/1630a child of Bryan Kitsons buried the 9th day of Nouember
12/11/1630Nazareth Richardson da : of Mathew buried the 12th of Nouember
24/11/1630Margreat wife of Edward Audsley buried 24th of Nouember
27/11/1630a child of Tho : Briggs buried 27th of Nouember
26/03/1631March Thomas Perkie sone of Sampson Perkie buried the 26th day of March
03/04/1631Edith Pruston daughter of Robrt Pruston buried the iij day of Aprill
30/05/1631Edmund Clayton sonne of Robrt Clayton the elder buried the xxxth day of the same moneth
02/06/1631Lawrence Issott buried the second day of June
02/06/1631Elizabeth Crowder widdow buried the same day
04/06/1631Anne ..... buryed the iiijth day of the same moneth
04/06/1631Grace Dobson Daughter of Robrt Dobson buryed the same day
26/07/1631Alice the wife of John Jagger buried the xxvjth day of Julij
16/09/1631A child of Edward Carres buryed the xvjth of September
17/09/1631Jane Cowper widdow buryed the xvijth of the same month
18/10/1631Cecilie Hepworth widdow buryed the xviijth day of October
13/12/1631Elizabeth wife of Willm Cawthorne buryed the xiijth day of the same month
24/01/1631Willm Rogerson buryed the xxiiijth day
10/04/1632John son of Thomas white buried the xth day of Aprill
12/04/1632A child of Robt Thornes buried the xijth day of Aprill
13/04/1632Mary wife of the sayd Robt buried the xiijth day of Aprill
16/06/1632Anne Wife of Tho : Briggs buried the 16th day of June
21/08/1632Bridgett Thornton wid buried the xxjth of Auguste
11/11/1632Mary wife of Wm Mitchell buried the xjth of Nouember
31/11/1632Elizabeth wife of John Helvish buried the last day of Nouember
14/01/1632Anne wife of Tho : Totty buried the 14th of the same
15/01/1632Ann da : of Wm Thornes buried ye 15 day of the same
25/01/1632Mary da : of Wm Audsley Ju : buried the 25th of the same
20/03/1632.... Hepworth buryed the xxth of ye same
26/03/1633The said Samuell sonne of the said Nicholas buryed the same day
07/04/1633Diones Norton daughter of Nicholas Norton buried the seventh day of Aprill
24/04/1633Marie the daughter of Sr John Savile Knt buryed the xxiiijth of the same month
29/05/1633Isabell wife of Edward Jenkinson buried the xxixth of the same month
31/05/1633Ralph Preistley buried the xxxjth day of the same month
24/07/1633Rebecca Cawthorne daughter of Wm Cawthorne buried the xxiiijth of the same
21/09/1633Anne the wife of Wm Audsley the elder buried the xxj day of September
03/11/1633Elizabth Goodall daughter of Wm Goodall of Wurley neere Learepole buryed the third day of November
21/12/1633John Binnes son of Jonas Bynnes buried the xxj day of the same month
10/01/1633Robte Goodall buried the xth of Januarie
12/01/1633Thomas son of Edward Hepworth buried the xijth day of the same month
02/02/1633Susan Hepworth daughter of Lawrence Hepworth buryed the second day of ffebruary
02/02/1633John the son of Robt Batley buried the same day
02/03/1633Peter Attock buryed the same day
12/03/1633Robte Megson son of Robert Megson buryed the xijth of the same month
10/05/1634Elizabeth wife of John Walker ye yonger buried the xth of Maye
20/05/1634Lawrence Kitson buryed the xx of May
08/07/1634Thomas Dawson buryed the viijth of July
13/07/1634Elizabeth Daughter of Robte Dobson buried the xiijth of the same
20/07/1634Judith daug : of John walker yonger buryed ye xx of ye same
02/10/1634Wm Preiston buryed the second day of October
15/10/1634Thomas Preiston buryed the xvth of ye same month
21/10/1634Phillip ffawcett buryed the xxjth of the same month
02/11/1634Mary Harper vid buryed the seconde day of Novembr
11/11/1634Dorothie wife of John Bentley buryed the xj day of the same
25/11/1634A child of Wm Cawthornes buryed the xxvth of the same
16/12/1634ffrances ye wife of John Robucke buryed the xvjth day of December
30/12/1634Agnes the wife of John Nettleton buried the xxxth day of ye same month
09/01/1634Anne Wood Daughter of Alice Wood buryed the ixth day of ye same
18/01/1634Michaell Hunt buryed the xviijth day of januarie
22/01/1634John Jackson buryed the xxij day of Januarie
29/01/1634..... Mary Walsley buried the last day of January
09/02/1634..... Richard Horner son of Wm buried the same day
13/02/1634..... Robt Dobson buried the xiijth day of ffebruary
03/03/1634..... Edward Ramsden buried the 3th day of March
18/04/1635Elizabeth daughter of Wm Pruston buryed the xviijth daye of the same moneth
20/04/1635Anne the daughter of the said William Pruston buryed ye xxth of ye same moneth
27/04/1635Grace Waren buryed the xxvij of ye same moneth
18/05/1635Marie the wife of William Longley buried ye xviij of the same moneth
27/05/1635Alice Craven buryed the xxvijth of the same
31/06/1635John son of Thomas Battie buryed the last daye of the same moneth
11/07/1635Marie daughter of John Jagger buryed the xj day of the same moneth
12/07/1635Alice daughter of Robrt Prieston buryed the xij of the same moneth
24/07/1635Dorothie Daughter of William Deye buryed xxiiij of the same moneth
16/10/1635Philip son of Philip ffawcet buryed the xvj of the same moneth
23/10/1635John Bentley buryed the xxiij of the same
28/10/1635Judith Hobson buryed xxviijth daye of ye same
12/11/1635Avis Kitson wife of Brian Kitson buryed the xijth daye of the same moneth
16/11/1635Robrt Carre thelder buryed the xvj daye of ye same moneth
26/04/1636Anne wife of Richard Robart buryed xxvj of ye same
22/05/1636Richard Bentley buryed ye xxijth of ye same moneth
02/06/1636William Tottie buryed ye second daye
17/06/1636William Wright buryed ye xvij of the same
12/08/1636The son of Mr. John Rodes Esquire an infant buryed ye xij of August
17/09/1636Bryan Kitson thelder buryed ye xvij of ye same
08/10/1636An infant son of William Ramsden buryed the viijth of the same moneth
20/10/1636Elizabeth wife of William Sunderland buryed the xxth of the same moneth
03/11/1636John Nettleton buryed the iijth of November
12/11/1636Grace wife of Roger Radcliffe clerk buryed ye xijth of ye same moneth [The sd Roger Radcliffe had then been minr of Horbury 13 years]
04/12/1636Joseph ffarrand buryed ye iiijth of December
16/12/1636William Sunderland ye elder buryed xvjth of the same moneth
25/12/1636Beatrixe daughter of Wm Burton buryed the xxvth of ye same moneth
04/02/1636Elizabeth daughter of Paule Ramsden buryed the iiijth of the same moneth
16/02/1636Ann Allon daughter of Elizabeth Allon buryed ye xvjth of ye same
04/03/1636John Robart ye elder buryed ye iiij of ye same mon
21/03/1636Agnes Williamson wid buryed ye xxjth of ye same moneth
29/03/1637March Marye Daughter of James Richarson buryed the xxix of March
12/05/1637Emot ffawcett widdowe buryed the xij of Maie
13/06/1637Wm Langfeld buryed ye xiij of ye same moneth
30/07/1637Edward Barnard buryed ye xxx daye of the same moneth
28/08/1637Thomas Longley buryed xxviij of the same moneth
23/09/1637Dyna late Wife of Ellis Robart deceased buryed the xxiij of September
31/09/1637Wm ffarrand buryed ye last day
08/10/1637Grace daughter of Thomas Battie buryed viij daye of October
11/11/1637John son of William Beatson of Thornhill buryed the xj of November
14/11/1637Thomas Battie buryed ye xiiij of ye same moneth
09/12/1637Elizabeth ffarrand buryed ye ix of December
09/01/1637William Megson buryed ye ix day of Januarye
22/03/1637William Scorer buryed ye xxij of ye same moneth
14/07/1638Julie Anne daughter of Thomas Longley buryed xiiij daye
18/07/1638Eymer Haldsworth buryed ye xviij daye
02/11/1638November John Langfeld buryed the second daye
25/11/1638Thomas Ives als Pope buryed ye xxvth daye
31/12/1638A still-borne childe of Wm Cawthornes buryed ye last daye
14/01/1638Ladie Elizabeth wife of the said Sr John Savile Knt buryed ye xiiij daye
02/03/1639March Marie wife of James Richarson buryed ye second day
06/04/1639Aprill John Thornes elder buried the vjth day
02/06/1639June Susan daughter of Richard Robt ye youngar buried the 2th day
18/07/1639July Henry Savile gent buried the xviijth day. he built the Church well at ys own charg
17/08/1639August A child of ffrancis Broadhead buried the xvijth day
08/11/1639Elizabeth wife of John Thornes buried the viijth day
15/11/1639Jennitt wife Paul Ramsden buried the xvth day
26/11/1639A still-born child of John Woods was buried the xxvjth day
22/12/1639A still-born child of Richard Robts buried ye xxijth day
08/02/1639ffebruary Sara Daughter of Wm Pollard buried the viijth day
06/12/1640March Judith daughter of Tho : Longley dec. buried the 6th day
03/04/1640Marie Daughter of Wm Cawthorne buried the third daie
19/04/1640John Mounson Esquior buried the xixth day
11/05/1640May Willm the Son of Robte Mansfeild buried the xjth day
12/05/1640Elizabeth Wife of Wm Ramsden buried ye xijth day
15/05/1640Richard Thornes, Drowned, buried the xvth day
21/11/1640Tho : Henryson son of Rich : Henryson of Wakefeild buried the xxjth daie
24/11/1640Samuell son of Wm Cawthorne buried the xxiiijth daie
24/12/1640Margrett wife of John Barke of Ossett buried the xxiiijth day
10/01/1640Dorothie Daughter of Steeuen Rowse of Ossett buried the xth
25/01/1640Wm Mitchell buried the xxvth daie
25/02/1640Edward Jenkinson buried the xxvth daie
13/04/1641The same Jonathan buried the xiijth day
19/06/1641William Thornton buried the xixth day
19/10/1641Thomas sonne of Edward Townend was buried the xixth day
20/10/1641John base sonne of Elizabeth Allan buried ye xxth day
20/11/1641Nouember Anne Wife of Willm Horner and her still-borne childe buried the xxth daie
26/12/1641A still-borne child of Willm Cawthornes buried the xxvjth day
05/02/1641Sarah daughter of the said Samuell Thornes buried the vth daie
24/02/1641Sarah base daughter of Dorothy Roper buried ye xxiiijth daie
02/03/1641Samuell Ramsden buried that same day
05/03/1641The same Thomas Carr buried the fift day
29/03/1642March John Sunderland buryed the xxixth day
22/05/1642Tymothie sonne of Robte Pruston buried the xxijth day
18/06/1642A still-borne child of Thomas Hutchinsons buried the xviijth daye
09/07/1642Richard sonne of Wm Cundhill buried the ixth day (drowned)
18/07/1642Mathew Robinson buried the xviijth day (drowned)
12/11/1642Alice ffarrand buried the xijth day
28/11/1642A still-borne childe of John Brooksbancks buried the xxviijth day
03/12/1642A still-borne child of the said Clemt Brumley buried the same day
10/12/1642Alice Wife of Clement Brumley buried the xth day
10/12/1642Thomas Son of the said Clement buried the same day
21/12/1642Robte Megson buried the xxjth day
21/12/1642Willm Pruston Son of Alice Pruston Widdow buried the same day
23/12/1642John Bates Sonne of Willm Bates buried the xxiijth day
01/02/1642February Agnes Ives widdow buryed the first day
10/02/1642Elizabeth wife of Robte Clayton the elder buryed the xth day
17/02/1642Elizabeth Daughter of John Binnes buryed the xvijth day
22/02/1642A still-borne child of the said Samuell Thornes buried the same day
24/03/1642Elizabeth daughter of Elizabeth Oldfeild widow buried the xxiiijth day
29/03/1643March Thomas Son of Richard Robert Jun buryed ye xxixth day
05/04/1643Lawrence Robart buryed the vth day
13/04/1643Aprill Elizabeth Oldfeild widow buried the xiijth day
21/05/1643James Nixson & James Grime shouldiers buried the xxjth day
27/05/1643Thomas Tottie buried the xxvijth day
28/05/1643Anne Wife of Samuell Thames buryed the xxviij day
30/05/1643Elizabeth Tottie wife of the saide Thoms Totty buryed the xxxth day
13/06/1643June Clayton son .... buryed the xiijth day of June
26/06/1643Elizabeth daughter of Edward Townend buried the xxvjth day
27/06/1643Richard Robte Junior buried the xxvijth daie
25/06/1643Alice Dawson daughter of Robte Dawson buryed the xxv day
06/07/1643Mary daughter of the said John walker buried the vjth day
12/07/1643Samuell Totty buried the xijth day
23/08/1643Ann Thornes Daughter of Steuen Thornes buried the xxiijth day
26/08/1643Steven Thornes buried the xxvjth day
02/09/1643September Elizabeth Wife of Mr Willm Yarbrugh buryed the second day
03/10/1643October Jennett Megson widdow buried the third day
06/10/1643John Robuck buried the sixth day
06/10/1643Richard Robert buried the same day
09/10/1643Anne Wife of Thomas Haigh buried the ixth day
17/10/1643Jane wife of George Townend buried the xvijth day
22/10/1643The said Margrett Carter buried the xxijth day
08/12/1643John Townend buried the eight day
28/12/1643John Walker, Senior, buried the xxviijth day
11/01/1643January Elizabeth daughter of Willim Bates buried the xjth day
24/01/1643Elizabeth Megson wid buried the xxiiijth day
16/02/1643Mary Daughter of John Binnes buried the xvjth day
20/03/1643Jonas Binnes (son of Jonas Binnes gent : late deceased) buried ye xxth day
27/04/1644George Tomlinson a sholdier buried the xxvijth day
03/05/1644May Robte Dawson buried the third day
29/06/1644A Son of Edward Haldsworths buried the same day
22/07/1644Anne wife of Valentine Land buried the xxijth day
03/08/1644August John Johnson a Scot soldier buried the third day
03/08/1644Richard Son of Richard Craven abouesd buried ye same day
05/08/1644Bryan ffosterd buried the fifth day
08/08/1644John anothr Scot soldier buried the eight day
26/08/1644Catherine Scorer widd : buried the xxvjth day
27/08/1644Thomas Batley buried the xxvijth day
17/09/1644Richard Wormall, Clark of Horbury buried the xvijth day
27/09/1644Elizabeth (daughtr of Rich : Robte Deceased) buried the xxvijth day
17/10/1644Ellis Robte buried the xvijth day
10/11/1644November Isabell Robte widdow buried the xth day
17/11/1644November The said Robt Jagger infant buryed the xvijth day
01/12/1644December Marie Bedforth widdow buried the first day
30/12/1644Elizabeth daughter of Rich : Buse buried the xxxth day
29/01/1644Marie Daughter of Robte Robinson buryed the xxixth day
06/02/1644Willm Son of Robte Hawkesworth buried the sixt day
13/04/1645George Harrison als Richardson buryed the xiijth day
14/04/1645Nicolas Norton buried the xiiijth day
25/04/1645Grace Howmes buried the xxvth day
27/04/1645Elizabeth ; daughter of Wm Cawthorne buried ye xxvijth day
10/06/1645June Vrsulie moxeson (wife of Robte Moxeson) buried ye xth day
24/06/1645Elizabeth Wilson Widd : buried the same day
07/07/1645Martha daughtr of Robte Carr buried the vijth day
20/07/1645Rosamend Wife of Robte Addye buried the xxth day
13/09/1645Robte son of Mr Robte Leake buried ye xiijth day
10/10/1645October John Vnderwood a soldier buried the xth day
10/11/1645November Willm Ramsden buried the xth day
14/12/1645Robert Pruston buried the xiiijth day
18/12/1645Margaret (wife of Edw : Lockwood) buried the xviijth day
25/12/1645Agnes (wife of Tho : Walker) buried ye xxvth day
05/01/1645January Thomas Walker buried the fift day
27/01/1645Willm Jowitt a soldier buried the xxvijth day
08/02/1645Elizabeth Smith Wife of George Smith buried ye viijth day
01/03/1645March Bryan Kitson buried the first day
12/04/1646Willm Son of Richard Crauen buried ye xijth day
23/04/1646John Son of of John Robte iun buried ye xxiijth day
25/04/1646Samuell Son of Valantine Land bur. ye xxvth day
06/07/1646Susan daughtr of Edward Lockwood buried the vjth day
10/09/1646September Alice Barley widd : buryed the xth day
23/10/1646October Samuell Longley buried the xxiijth day
09/11/1646Eliz : Burnley buried ye ixth day of November
13/11/1646Edward Lockwood buried ye xiijth day
19/12/1646George Son of George Brooke buried the xixth day
14/01/1646Marie ye daughter of John ffozard buried ye xiiijth day
18/01/1646Elizabeth Daughter of Valentine Land buried ye xviijth day
23/01/1646Henry Pruston buried the xxiijth day
16/02/1646Anne Wormall widdow buried the same daye
21/02/1646Margaret the daughtr of Xpofer Dunwell buried the xxjtie day
01/03/1646March William Land thelder buried the first day
03/03/1646Elizabeth ye daughtr of Edw. Haldsworth buried ye third day
07/03/1646Mary the Wife of Tho : Hutchinson bur. ye vijth day
11/03/1646Sam Son of ye said Sr Jo : Sauile buried ye xj day
11/04/1647Edward Thornton buried the xjth day
18/04/1647Alice the daughter of John Gomersall buried ye xviijth day
29/04/1647Thomas Son of Edward Carr buried the xxixth day
09/05/1647May Ann the daughter of Wm Land buried the ixth day
16/05/1647Ann the daughtr of ffrancis Carter buried ye xvj day
25/05/1647Margarett daughtr of Tho : Hutchinson buried ye xxvth day
01/06/1647June Dorothie ; daughter of John Binnes buried the first day
11/06/1647A boy of Clement Brumwells buried the xjth day
24/06/1647Thomas Son of Edward Orrell buried the same day
02/07/1647Julie Robert son of the said Mr Anthony Loreine buried ye second day
17/07/1647A boy of Richard Crauens still-borne buried the xvijth day
13/09/1647ffrancis Daughter of Robt. Hawksworth bur : ye xiijth day
17/09/1647Mary wife of Thoms Mansfeild buried ye xvijth day
18/09/1647Beatrix daughtr of Thoms Cliffe bur. ye xviijth day
16/10/1647The said Willm Townend buried the xvjth day
17/10/1647Willm the son of Thomas Cliffe buried the xvijth day
15/12/1647Mrs. Anne Wyet buried the xvth day
21/12/1647Anne Saxon buried the xxjth day
28/12/1647Grace Wood daughtr of John wood buried ye xxviijth day
02/01/1647Januarie A still-borne child of Robert Carrs burd ye second day
04/02/1647ffebruarie Anne Crave (the Wife of Robert Crauen) buried the iiijth day
10/03/1647Jane the Wife of Edward Carr buried the xth day
02/05/1648May Agnes the daughter of Robte Bargh of Haggs buried ye second day
23/05/1648Richard the son of Robte Hawkesworth buried the xxiijth day
24/05/1648A still-borne child of John Kitson buried the xxiiijth day
01/06/1648June Elizabth the daughtr of the aforesd Robte Bargh bur : the first day
26/06/1648William North buried the xxvjth day
08/07/1648Marie the daughter of Thomas Craven buried the viijth day [2 days old]
18/07/1648Willm the son of Thomas Craven buried the xviijth day [3 days old]
26/07/1648Willm Pollard thldr & Willm his son buried ye xxvjth day (slaine)
19/08/1648Thomas Vsher of Kirkburton buried the xixth day
05/09/1648September James Land buried the fift day
04/10/1648October A still-borne son of Mr Robt Leekes buried the iiijth day
01/11/1648November Paul Son of Tymothy Cawthorne bur ye first day
20/03/1648Elizabeth the wife of Michaell Broadhead buried ye xxth day
02/04/1649Aprill Tho : Haigh sen. Cardmakr buried the second day
08/04/1649Jonas the son of Robt Robinson buried the viijth day
09/04/1649Aprill Willm the son of Willm Horner buried the ixth day
22/04/1649Thomas Walker brewer buried the xxijth day
28/04/1649Issabell Haldsworth widdow buried the xxviijth day
06/05/1649Maye Edward Carr buried the .... the sixth day
11/05/1649John Langfeild als Waterhouse a poore child buried the xjth day
21/05/1649Anne Ramsden (daughtr of Paul Ramsden) buried the xxjth day
14/06/1649June Elizabeth daughtr of Samuel Mithcell buried ye xiiijth day
15/06/1649Michaell Broadhead buried the xvth day
15/07/1649Richard Hepworth theldr buried the xvth day
04/08/1649August Robert the son of Willm Horne buried the iiijth day
05/09/1649Septembr Anne Hepworth widd : buried the vth day
02/12/1649December John Wood buried the second day
03/12/1649Richard Broadley buried ye third day
03/12/1649Bridget Pruston buried the same day
17/01/1649Edward the son of James Cockhill buried ye same day
25/02/1649A son of Richard Walkers buried the xxvth day
04/03/1649March Anne Wood widd buried the fourth day
10/03/1649.... son of Isaac Sergeant buried the xth day
03/04/1650Aprill Thomas Cliffe buried the third day
13/04/1650Aprill Anne Mokeson (wife of Robte Mokeson) bur. ye xiijth day
28/05/1650May Willm the son of Thomas Gawthropp buried ye xxviijth day
08/06/1650June George the son of Michaell Goodall buried the viijth day, aged 5 days
26/06/1650Robert Addye buried the xxvjth day
29/06/1650Robert Thornes buried the xxixth day
29/11/1650Ann : the daughtr of Willm Lodington buried the xxixth day
19/12/1650Decembr Margarett, the wife of John Armitage of Ossett buried the xixth day
22/01/1650Charles Elvedge buried the xxijth day
21/03/1650Anne the daughter of the said Thomas Hirst buried the xxjth day
08/04/1651Sara daughter of Richard Perkin buried the eight day
10/04/1651The same Ellen buried the same day at night
25/04/1651Elizabeth Hepworth buried the 25th day
06/05/1651Issabell the daughter of Henry Kitchen bur. ye vjth day
23/05/1651Dame Anne wife of Sir John Savile of Lupsett buried the xxiijth day
16/06/1651Phillipp Richardson buried the xvjth day
21/07/1651Julye Mary the daughter of Robert Mokeson buried ye xxjth day
11/12/1651December Judith Hunt buried the xjth day
09/01/1651Elizabeth Hague wid buried the ixth day
24/01/1651John the son of Sibbell Cliffe wid. bur. the xxiiijth day
04/02/1651ffebruarie Mrs Elizabeth Carter buried (at Thornhill) the iiijth day
06/03/1651March William Sunderland buried the same day
05/04/1652Marie daug of John Thornes buried ye vth day
07/04/1652Michaell Binnes buried the vijth day
08/06/1652George Copley yongr buried the same day
10/06/1652Mary the daug. of Michaell Goodall bur. the xth day
09/09/1652Thomas the Son of Richard Hepworth buried the ixth day
28/09/1652Robert Carr buried the xxviijth day
30/10/1652George Smith buried the xxxth day
22/11/1652Mr Benedict Savile buried the xxijth day
21/12/1652ffrancis Carter younger buried the xxjth day
31/12/1652Elizabeth Elvedge widow buried the xxxjth daye
28/02/1652Alice the wife of Willm Cawthorne buried the xxviijth day
26/03/1653March Marie the daughtr of Robt Dobson buried ye xxvjth day
28/03/1653John Hunt buried ye xxviijth day
31/03/1653March Issabell Rogerson widow buried the xxxith day
01/04/1653Aprill Joane, the wife of Willm Adkinson bur : ye first day
23/05/1653Barbara, the daug : of Robt Leek gentl : bur : ye xxiijth day
24/05/1653Henrie Healde buried the xxiiijth day
16/06/1653Anne, the wife of John Elvedge buried the xvjth day
07/07/1653Julie Elizabth, the Daughtr of thomas Jackson of Darington buried the seventh day
08/07/1653Elizabeth Hunt widdow burried the eight day
12/08/1653William Cawthorne buried the xijth day
12/10/1653John Elvedge yonger buried vpon wednesday the xijth day
24/10/1653A still-borne male child of Mr Cudworths buried on Munday the xxiiijth day
09/11/1653Nouember A still-borne female child of Timothie Cawthorne buried on Wednesday the ixth day
14/12/1653ffrauncis, the wife of xpofer Dunwell buried the same day
01/01/1653Januarie Easter, the daughter of ffrauncis Carter buried vpon the Lords day being the first day
10/01/1653James Richardson buried vpon tuesday the xth day
21/02/1653Susanna, daughtr of the said Edw : Townend buried the xxjth day
23/02/1653Edward Rodes buried the said xxiijth day
21/04/1654Aprill Jennet Hunt singlewom. buried vpon fryday ye xxjth day
22/04/1654Issabell, wife of John Robart bur : vpon Satursday the xxijth day
03/05/1654Joane Johnson widow buried the third day of May
07/05/1654Mathew Scholefeild buried the vijth day being the Lords day
15/06/1654Anne Land widow buried the xvth day
23/06/1654Willm Richardson buried the xxiijth day of June
16/07/1654Julie A still-borne man child of Edmond Lords buried the xvjth day
31/09/1654Issabell the daughter of Willm Hunt buried the last day of Sept:
11/10/1654Willm the son of Samuell Mitchill buried ye xjth day
17/10/1654Hannah the daughter of Thomas Robinson buried the xvijth day
28/10/1654Marie the daughtr of Clement Brumley buried the xxviijth day
05/11/1654A still-borne male child of Richard Crauens buried the fift day
12/11/1654Samuell the son of Samuell Thornes buried the xijth day
21/11/1654Henry Kitchen buried the xxjth day
25/12/1654Elizabeth Daughtr of Thomas Crauen buried the xxvth day
27/12/1654Margaret Hague wife of Tho : Hague buried ye xxvijth day
02/01/1654Januarie Chirstopher Dunwell buried the second day
22/01/1654Hellen Langfeild widd buried the xxijth day
28/01/1654Thomas the son of Thoms Robinson buried the said twenty eight of Jan : 1654
03/02/1654ffebruary Thomas Broadhead buryed the third day of ffebru :
13/02/1654Thomas Gawthorpe buried the xiijth day
11/03/1654March John Kittson buried the eleauenth day
03/08/1655August Mr Thomas Metcalfe buried the third day of August
17/02/1655ffebruarie Richard Goodall the infant buried the xvijth day
12/03/1655Easter the Daughtr of Valentine Land buried the xijth day
15/03/1655Marie Addy widow buried the xvth day
04/04/1656Barbara Daughtr of William Hunt buried ye fourth day
26/04/1656Anne the wife of Edward Catlyn buried ye 26th day
08/06/1656June Samuell the son of Willm Bateson younger buried the eight day
05/08/1656August Anne the wife of Edmund Shawe buried the fift day
01/10/1656Rachell daughter of Nicholas Cudworth, of Ossett, minister buryed the first day of October 1656
17/11/1656Jonas Haldsworth buried the seauenteenth day of Nouember 1656
20/11/1656Anna Grace and Mercy the daughters of Thomas Robinson buried the xxth day of Nouember 1656 & Hanna buried the one & twentith day of Nouember (1 day old)
04/12/1656December Anne Walker buried the fourth day of December 1656
08/12/1656Hellen the Daughter of Valentine Land buried the eight day of Decebr 1656
21/12/1656John Jagger the elder buried the xxjth day of the same December Joseph the Son of Samuell Thornes buried the xxiiijth day of December
23/02/1656ffebruary Sara daughter of John Thornes buried the xxiijth day of ffebruarie 1656
08/03/1656Dorothie Dobson widow buried the eight day of March 1656
20/05/1657Jennett Walshaw widdow burried the twentith day of May afforesaid
19/08/1657August Issabell Crauen widdow buried the xixth Daie of August 1657
23/08/1657Robert Hawksworth blacksmith buried the xxiijth daie of August 1657
19/10/1657John Bynnes buried the xixth day of october 1657
28/01/1657Janu. Helena the Daughter of Mr Bradley buryed the xxviijth day of Januarie 1657
30/01/1657Tymothy Son of Michaell Wheatley of Sowood buried the thirtieth day of Januarie 1657
05/02/1657ffeb : Willm the Son of Edmund Lord of Sowood buried the fift day of ffebruarie 1657
13/03/1657Marye the Wife of George Copley buried the xiijth daie of March 1657
05/04/1658Aprill Isaac Sunderland buried the fifth day of Aprill
15/04/1658Samuell Mitchill buried the 15th day of Aprill 1658
28/04/1658A still-born Sonn of Richard Hepworth buried the xxviijth day of Aprill
21/05/1658May Robert Mansfield Schoolmaster & Clark of this Church buried the xxjth day of May 1658, who kept ye Register belonging to ye Township of Horbury 20 years
29/05/1658Ruth Cawthorn the daughter of Tymothy Cawthorn buried the 29th day of May 1658
14/06/1658June Thomas Walker buried the 14th day of June 1658
05/07/1658July Mathew Leeke Sonne of Mr Robert Leek buried the fifth day of July 1658
28/07/1658Georg Copley Sonne of Georg Copley buried the 28th day of July 1658
03/08/1658August Robert Clayton buried the third day of August
03/08/1658Mary Shaw Daughter of Edmond Shaw buried the same day
12/08/1658Charles Ellvidg Sonn of John Elvidge buried the 12th day of August 1658
27/08/1658Susannah Carter Daughter of ffrancis Carter buried the 27th day of August 1658
30/08/1658Paul Cawthorne buried the 30th day of August 1658
31/08/1658Elizabeth Hardshaw wife of Joseph Hardshaw buried the 31th day of August 1658
02/09/1658Septem : Dorothy Box buried the second day of September 1658
11/09/1658Georg Townend buried the 11th day of September 1658
28/09/1658Thomas Walker Sonne of John Walker buried the 28th day of September 1658
22/11/1658ffrances Dixon Daughter of Edward Dixon buried the 22th day of Nouember 1658
24/11/1658Richard Cuttler sonne of John Cuttler buried the 24th day of Nouember 1658
04/12/1658December Ellin Lord daughter of Edmond Lord buried ye fourth day of December 1658
11/12/1658January John Robert buried the xjth day of December
02/01/1658Richard Vsler Sonn of Mr William Vsler of Lupsett buried the second day of January 1658
19/01/1658Mary the daughter of Edward Halsworth buried the nineteenth day of January 1658
25/01/1658John Cuttler Sonne of John Cuttler buried the 25th day of January 1658
07/02/1658February Joseph Hardshaw buried the seuenth day of ffeb : 1658
14/02/1658Mary Blacker who died at John Lancasters buried the xiiijth day of ffebruary 1658
21/02/1658Casandra Roads Daughter of Widow Roads buried the xxjth day of (february 1658
24/02/1658Robert Cawthorn Sonne of John Cawthorn buried the xxiiijth day of ffebruary 1658
02/03/1658March Ann Pruston Daughter of Thomas Preston buried the second day of March 1658
08/03/1658Katherin Wilson wife of Thomas Wilson who was of Middwi. Died at Wakefield & buried at Horbury the eight day of March 1658
26/03/1659March Joshua Pollard sonne of Tempest Pollard buried the xxvjth day of March 1659
04/04/1659Aprill Bettrice Thornes Daughter of Robt Thornes buried the fourth day of Aprill 1659
11/04/1659Elizabeth Sunderland wife of Thomas Sunderland buried the 11th day of Aprill 1659
20/04/1659Rachell Cawthorne Daughter of Jane Cawthorne widow late Wife of Paul Cawthorne deceased buried the xxth day of Aprill 1659
24/04/1659Elizabeth Hunt Wife of Roger Hunt buried the xxiiijth day of Aprill 1659
25/04/1659John Jagger Sonne of John Jagger buried ye 25th day of Aprill
30/04/1659Edward Binns Sonn of John Binns Deceased buried the xxxth day of Aprill Deceased 1659
21/05/1659Margrett Townend wife of Edward Townend buried the xxjth day of May 1659
24/06/1659Mary White daughter of Thomas White buried the same day
09/07/1659John Dobson sonne of Robert Dobson buried ye 9th day of July
05/12/1659December Ann Orrell wife of Edward On-ell buried the fifth day of December 1659
06/01/1659January Ellzabeth Carter Daughter of ffrancis Carter buried the sixth day of January 1659
16/03/1659March William Thornes buried the 16th day of March 1659
13/04/1660Elizabeth the wife of John Thornes buried the 13th day of Aprill
23/04/1660May Thomas Robert Sonne of Widow Robt buried the 23th day of Aprill 1660
08/05/1660Sir John Savile of Lupsett Knight buried the eight day of May
13/06/1660June Sarah Issott the wife of Edward Issott buried the xiijth day of June 1660
28/06/1660John ffostard clothier who was slaine at Horburie Mills buried the 28th day of June 1660
30/06/1660Elkanah Issott sonne of Edward Issott buried the 30th day of June 1660
18/08/1660Grace Barringham Daughter of George Barringham buried the 18th day of August 1660
08/10/1660John Issott sonne of Ruth Issott buried the 8th day of October 1660
14/10/1660Mary Helvidge wife of Tho : Helvidge and her male childe buried the 14th day of October 1660
26/10/1660Elizabeth Pickersgill Daughter of John Pickersgill buried the 26th day of October 1660
06/11/1660Mrs Jane Hanby buried the same day
18/01/1660John Craven buried the xviijth day of January 1660
05/02/1660Thomas Robinson buried the 5th day of ffebruary 1660
11/02/1660Jennitt Batty widow buried the 11th day of ffeb : 1660
26/02/1660Thomas Langfield buried the 26th day of ffeb : 1660
09/03/1660Ann Walker wife of John Walker of the Dike of buried the 9th day of March 1660
16/03/1660Elizabeth Kittson Daughter of John Kitson late deceased buried the 16th day of March 1660
16/04/1661Susan Caslehouse the wife of William Caslhouse buried the 16th day of Aprill 1661
27/04/1661William Jagger Sonn of John Jagger buried ye 27th day of Aprill 1661
29/05/1661Judith Wormall Daughter of William Wormall buried the 29th day of May 1661
09/06/1661June Richard Kitson buried the 9th of June 1661 (a poore boy in margin)
27/06/1661Mary base daughter of Susan Crauen buried the 27th day of the sd June 1661 (5 days old)
15/07/1661July A female child of John Walker still-borne the 15th day and buried the 16th day of July 1661
03/08/1661August John Rodes Esq, buried the third day of August 1661
16/08/1661William Land the sonne of William Land buried the 16th day of August 1661
23/09/1661Alice Moss the wife of Thomas Moss buried the 23th day of September
25/09/1661A male Childe of Volantine Lands still-borne and buried the 25th day of September
22/10/1661Hannah Blow a bastard Daughter of Grace Gawthrop buried the 22th day of October 1661
23/10/1661Jane Wharum an old Woman buried the 23th day of October 1661
02/11/1661Nouember Barbary Dobson Daughter of Robert Dobson buried the second day of Nouember 1661
22/11/1661Mr ffrancis Lodington buried the 22th day of Nouember 1661
04/01/1661Elizabeth Binns Widow buried the 4th day of Jan 1661
10/02/1661ffebruary Sarah Dixon daughter of Edward Dixon of the Lights side buried the 10th day of ffeb 1661
03/03/1661March Edmond Shaw buried the third day of March 1661
05/05/1662Ann Robt spinster buried the 5th day of May 1662
05/05/1662Dorothy wife of Volantine Land buried the same day
08/05/1662Joseph sonne of John Rodes buried the 8th day of May 1662 ( Ossett in the margin)
21/05/1662Ann ffarrand a poore maid buried the 21 day of May 62
08/07/1662A ffemale Child of John Jagger still-borne & buried the 8th day of July 1662
02/12/1662December Willm Mazaren buried the second day of Decem : 1662
19/12/1662Elizabeth Sunderland daugh of Judith Sunderland widow buried the 19th day of December 1662
02/02/1662ffebruary Mary Gawthropp buried the second day of ffebruary 62
16/02/1662Elizabeth Robinson wife of Robt Robinson buried the 16th day of ffebruary 1662
26/02/1662Joshua Sonne of Joshua Charlsworth burried the twenty-sixth day of ffebruary 1662
10/04/1663Christian Parkin daughter of Richard Parkin buried the 10th day of Aprill 1663
10/04/1663Ann daughter of Edward Halsworth buried the same day
19/04/1663Jane Richardson late wife of Phillipp Richardson buried the 19th day of Aprill 1663
21/04/1663Alice ffrance buried the 21 day of Aprill 1663
01/05/1663May Bryan Harrison buried the ffirst day of May 1663
27/05/1663Edward Orrill buried the 27th of May 1663
22/07/1663July Elizabeth daughter of Richard Walker buried the 22th of July 1663
31/07/1663July Ann Thornes Daughter of Robert Thornes seni buried the 31th day of July 1663
28/08/1663August Casandra Hunt daughter of William Hunt buried the 28th day of August 1663
06/09/1663Septem : John Barringham sonne of George Barringham buried the sixth day of September 1663
12/09/1663Thomas Batley sonne of Robert Batley buried the 12th day of September 1663
28/11/1663Nouem : Rich : Base sonne of Richard Norton buried the 28th day of Nouember 1663
30/01/1663A male child of Tymothy Cawthorne still-borne and buried the 30th of January 1663
22/01/1663January Thomas Carr buried the 22th day of Jana 63
09/03/1663March Grace Wormall wife of Willm Wormall buried the 9th day of March 1663
04/05/1664Alice Wright a poore woman buried the 4th day of May 1664
10/05/1664Georg Copley buried the 10th day of May 1664
11/05/1664John Batty Sonn of Edward Batty buried the 11th day of May 1664 (2 days old)
14/05/1664Roger Hunt buried the 14th day of May 64
24/05/1664Tempest Thornton sonn of Mr John Thornton buried the 24th day of May 1664
09/06/1664Elsabeth Horner the wife of will : Horner buried the 9th day of June 64
10/06/1664Elkanah Wood sonne of Edmond Wood buried the 10th day of June 64
27/06/1664Margret daughter of Richard Walker buried the 27th day of June
09/07/1664Beniamin sonn of Edmond Wood buried the 9th day of July 1664
14/07/1664Joseph sonn of Edmond wood buried the 14th of July 1664
24/07/1664Ann Wood Wife of Edmond Wood buried the 24th day of July 1664
15/08/1664Samuell sonn of Tempest Pollard buried the 15th day of August
21/08/1664Mary Roads Widow buried the same day
31/08/1664Issabell the wife of Richard Hepworth buried the 31th day of August 1664
21/09/1664William Batty buried the 21st day of Sep : 1664
27/10/1664Edward Halsworth buried the 27th day of October 1664
04/11/1664Nouember Bridget Roads daughter of John Roades of Ossett buried the fourth day of Nouember 64
19/11/1664Ann Sunderland daughter of Judith Sunderland widow buried the 19th day of Nouember 1664
27/11/1664A still-born Child of Robert Robinson buried ye 27th day
17/12/1664Ellin Batley wife of Richard Batley buried ye 17th day of December 1664
06/02/1664ffebruary Ann Cowper Spinster buried the 6th day of ffebruary
07/02/1664Thomas Briggs who were Tabled with John Cozin buried the 7th day of ffebruary 1664
13/02/1664Jonathan sonne of John Robt buried the 13th day of Feb :
23/02/1664Isaac & Jacob sones of John Cozin buried the 23th day of ffebruary 1664 (1 day old)
02/03/1664March Ann White wife of Thomas White senr buried ye 2d of March 1664
04/03/1664Ann Jagger wife of Robert Jagger buried the 4th day of March
14/03/1664Sarah Cudworth daughter of Mr Cudworth of the Lights side Buried the 14th day of March 1664
18/03/1664Bridget Norton widow buried the 18th day of March 1664
23/03/1664Robert Thornes seni buried the 23th day of March 1664
05/04/1665Jane Cawthorne Daughter of John Cawthorne buried ye 5th day
05/04/1665Will sonn of Mr John Thornton buried the same day 1665
08/04/1665Peter sonne of Robert Mansfield buried the 8th day of Aprill 1665
13/04/1665George Goodall sonne of John Goodall buried the 13th day of Aprill
16/04/1665Margret Moss wife of Thomas Moss buried the 16th day
30/04/1665Susan daughter of John Goodall buried the 30th day 1665
18/05/1665May Tho : Hague buried the 18th day of May 1665
19/05/1665John Pollard sonne of Tempest Pollard buried the 19th day of May 1665
20/05/1665Mathew Stephenson sonn of Mat : Stephenson buried the 20th day
23/05/1665Samuell sonne of Samuell Thornes buried the 23th day of May
26/05/1665May Thomas Burton buried the 26th day of May
25/06/1665Abraham Binns buried the 25th day of June 1665
04/08/1665August Robt sonn of William Caslhouse buried ye 4th day
15/09/1665September William Horner buried the 15th day of September 1665
19/10/1665Mary Scoalefield Spinster buried ye same day
11/10/1665Robt Batley seni buried the 11th of October 1665
11/01/1665January a still-borne childe of John Roades of Ossett buried the 11th day of January 1665
22/01/1665Robt sonne of Robt Mokeson buried the 22th of January 1665
27/02/1665Mary the wife of Michaell Wheatley buried the 27th of ffebruary (Ossett in margin)
12/03/1665Elizabeth Kitchin Widow buried the 12th day of March 1665
17/03/1665Elizabeth the wife of Richard Bewse buried the 17th day of March
10/03/1666Elizabeth daughter of John Hunt buried the 10th day of March
18/04/1666George ffawcit buried the 18th day of Aprill 1666
21/04/1666Aprill Jane Richardson widow buried the 21th day of April 1666
23/04/1666Grace the wife of Willm Bateson buried the 23th day of Aprill
26/05/1666Jennit White Wife of Thomas White buried the 26th day
26/05/1666Samuell sonne of Thomas Totty buried the same day
27/05/1666John Blackburne servant to Mr John Thornton buried the 27th of May 1666
28/05/1666Issabell the Wife of John Jagger buried the 28th day of May
30/06/1666Hester Hepworth late wife of Richard Hepworth of Kirkheaton deceased buried the 30th day of June
30/06/1666Katherin the daughter of Willim Dawson buried ye same day
04/07/1666July Judith Ramsden widow late wife of Edward Ramsdenn of Horbury deceased buried the 4th day of July 1666
04/08/1666August Ruth Issott buried the 4th day of August 1666
17/09/1666Jane Binns daughter of Michaell Binns buried the 17th day
22/09/1666John Pickersgill sonn of John Pickersgill of the Old Hall buried the 22th day of September 1666
13/10/1666Margret Daughter of Tho : Moss buried the 13th day of October
02/11/1666Nouember Robert sonn of John Roades of Ossett buried the second day of Nouember 1666
06/11/1666Ann wife of Thomas Townend buried the 6th day of Nouember
23/11/1666Thomas Townend buried the 23th day of Nouember 1666
24/11/1666Willim Wadsworth sonne of Will Wadsworth buried ye 24th day (Allathorp in the margin)
02/12/1666Edward Binns buried the second day of December 1666
27/12/1666Sarah Glieadall the wife of Robt Glieadall buried the 27th day of December 1666
03/01/1666January Jennit the wife of Richard Whitehead buried the third day of January 1666
07/01/1666A male childe of John Binnes still-borne & buried the 7th day
11/03/1666Robt Robinson buried the 11th day of March 1666
08/04/1667John the sonn of John Whitehead buried the 8th day of Aprill 1667
08/04/1667Edward Townend buried the same day
06/05/1667May Elizabeth Horner daughter of Will Horner late deceased buried the 6th day of May 1667
23/05/1667Ann Land the Wife of Willm Land buried the 23th May
05/06/1667June Mary Daughter of Edward Bradley Gent. buried the 5th day
13/06/1667Mathias Gill son of Mathew Gill of the old Hall buried the 13th day of June 1667
22/06/1667John the son of Thomas Totty buried the 22th day of June 1667
29/07/1667Elizabeth the wife of Willm Peace of Osset buried the 29th day of July 1667
06/08/1667August Joseph Lodington sonne of Willim Lodington buried the sixth day of August 1667
11/08/1667August Elizabeth Bewse Daughter of Rich : Bewse buried the xjth day of August 1667
30/08/1667Peace daughter of Willm Peace of Ossett buried the 30th day of August 1667
02/08/1667Mary the daughter of Mr Marshall burried the 2th day
14/12/1667December Mrs Margret Thornton Widdow buried the 14th day
14/12/1667Mary Binns wife of John Binns & her still-born Childe buried the same day 1667
07/02/1667Thomas Sonne of Richard Walker Thomas buried the the 7th day of ffebruary 1667 [2 days old]
12/02/1667Dinas Cozen Daughter of John Cozen buried the 12th day
07/03/1667March Vrsula Carter wife of ffrancis Carter buried ye 7th day
31/03/1667Mary daughter of Richard Walker buried the 31th day
25/03/1668March A ffemale Child of Mr John Thornton buried the 25th day of March 1668
06/04/1668Elizabeth Wife of John Robert buried the sixth day of Aprill
29/04/1668John Bradley sonn of Edward Bradley gentl buried the 29th day
16/05/1668John Robt buried the 16th day of May 1668 ( Pinder in the margin)
04/06/1668John Walker seni buried the 4th day of June 1668
06/06/1668John Elvidg buried the 6th day of June 1668
09/06/1668Jonas Robert sonn of John Robert late Deceased buried the ninth day 1668
22/08/1668Hannah daughter of John Issot buried the 22th day of August
05/09/1668September Tho : Hurst buried the 5th day of September 1668
19/09/1668John Brooksbanke buried the 19th day of September 1668
11/12/1668Sarah the wife of Mathew Stephenson buried ye 11th day
15/01/1668Jan. Joseph Hunt sonn of Tho : Hunt buried the 15th day
26/02/1668Easter Batley Widdow buried the 26th day of ffebruary 1668
04/03/1668March John Rawson sonn of Daniell Rawson buried the 4th day of March 1668
27/03/1669Sarah Daughter of Robt Thornes buried ye same day
01/04/1669Aprill Edward Catlin buried the ffirst day of Aprill
03/04/1669Mr Elizabeth Thornton daughter of Mr John Thornton buried the third day of Aprill 1669
08/04/1669Mr William Lodington buried the 8th day day of Aprill (i.e. Captain Lodington in margin.)
12/05/1669two still-borne Children of ffrancis Stringer buried the 12th day
17/06/1669Sara Daughter of Thomas Totty buried the 17th day
26/06/1669Mrs Thornton wife of Mr John Thornton buried the 26th day
28/07/1669John Thornes buried the 28th day of July 1669
27/10/1669Willim Sunderland buried the 27th day of October 1669 (Taylor in the margin)
11/11/1669Nouember a still-born Childe of Tho : Hunt buried ye 11 day
07/01/1669January John Cutler buried the 7th day of January 1669
19/01/1669George Barringham buried the 19th day of January 1669
24/01/1669a still-borne Childe of John Binns buried the 24th day
28/01/1669Samuell Sunderland buried the 28th day 1669
30/01/1669Thomas White an old man being 98 yeares of his age buried the 30th day of January 1669
27/02/1669Godfrey Roades buried the 27th day of ffeb : 1669
01/03/1669March Mathew sonn of Gervas Leeke gent : buried the ffirst day of March
01/03/1669Grace Richardson Widdow buried the same day
17/03/1669Samuell Sonn of John Pollard buried the 17th day
13/04/1670A still-borne Child of Thomas Totty buried ye 13th day
14/04/1670A still-borne Child of Mathew Stephenson buried the 14 day of Aprill 1670
15/04/1670Martha Daughter of ye said John Hunt buried ye same day
26/06/1670Mary Byard buried the 26th day of June 1670
05/09/1670September Dorothy wife of Thomas Hague buried the 5th day
16/09/1670Ann the wife of John Cawthorne buried the 16th day
22/09/1670John Etson buried the 22th day of Septem : 1670
24/09/1670Elizabeth Clayton widdow buried the 24th day
26/09/1670John Awdsley gent : buried the 26th day of Septem :
23/10/1670William Caslhouse buried the 23th day
30/10/1670Volantine Land buried the 30th day of October
26/11/1670Nouember Dorothy Daughter of Richard Batley buried the 26th
26/11/1670Andrew base sonn of John Binns and Grace Robinson buried the same day
26/12/1670December Ann Mansfield widdow buried the 26th day of december 1670 being 92 yeares of her age
20/01/1670Richard Coope sonne of Christopher Coope buried the 20t day of January 1670
30/01/1670Samuell sonne of Robt Thornes buried the 30th day of January
02/03/1670March Samuell sonne of Widdow Cawthorne buried the second day of March 1670
04/03/1670Joshua sonn of widdow Heald buried the 4th day
22/03/1670a poore boy who himselfe said came from ffishlack was buried the 22th day of March 1670
24/03/1670John Robert a young man buried the 24th day
15/04/1671Mary daughter of John Hunt buried the 15th day
20/04/1671Rebecca daughter of Robt Thornes buried the 20th day of Aprill
02/05/1671May the said Robt Batley buried the 2d day of May 1671
13/06/1671John Jagger buried the 13th day of June 1671
25/07/1671Martha Hunt wife of Tho : Hunt buried the same day
29/07/1671Alice Langfield widdow buried the 29th of July 1671
12/08/1671Beniamin sonn of Tho : Hunt buried the same day
27/09/1671Mathew Stephenson son of Mathew Stephenson buried the 27th day
08/10/1671October Edward Tyas, Sheapard, a poore old man buried the 8th day of October 1671
28/10/1671Jennit Walshaw wife of Tho : Walshaw buried the 28th day of October 1671
03/02/1671ffebruary Jane Broadhead widdow buried the third day of ffebruary
17/02/1671Hanna Milner Wife of John Milner, Chirurgion, buried the 17th day of ffebruary 1671
10/04/1672Aprill Grace Hutchinson wife of Tho : Hutchinson buried the 10th day of Aprill
20/04/1672John the son of Tho : Richardson buried the same day
28/05/1672Ann Longley wife of Mathew Longley buried the 28th day
31/05/1672Ann the wife of Tho : Richardson buried the 31th day
20/06/1672Joseph son of John Pickersgill of the old hall buried the 20th of
16/07/1672Japhett Issott son of John Issott buried ye 16th day of July 1672
17/07/1672Thomas Goodall son of John Goodall buried ye 17 day
01/08/1672August Sara daughter of John Goodall buried the ffirst day
14/08/1672Grace daughter of George Carr buried the 14th day
17/08/1672Alice daughter of William Dawson buried the 17th day
19/09/1672September Grace daughter of John Hunt buried the 19th day
02/10/1672October Willim sonn of John North buried the second day of October
08/10/1672Ambrose Beamond servant to Edward Batty buried the 8th day of October 1672
16/10/1672Richard Whitehead buried the 16th day of October
09/11/1672Mary daughter of ffrancis Stringer buried ye 9th day
30/12/1672Mr John Thornton buried the same day
04/02/1672ffebruary Sarah Sunderland an Infant buried the same day
04/03/1672Mary Batty widdow buried the fourth day
05/03/1672Ann wife of John North buried the 5th day
22/03/1672Richard Batley iuni buried the same day
31/03/1673Rebecca daughter of Robert Carr buried the same day
30/04/1673Samuell son of John Pollard buried the 30th day
21/05/1673Liddia daughter of Robt Thornes Clothier buried the 21th day
04/06/1673June Thomas Richardson buried the 4th day of June 1673
20/06/1673A ffemale child still-borne of George Car buried the 20th day of June
05/07/1673July Clement Brumley buried the 5th day of July 1673
18/07/1673John sonn of John Pollard buried the 18th day
19/07/1673Thomas Walshaw an old man buried the 19th day
02/08/1673August Margret the wife of John Hartshaw buried the second day of August 1673
06/09/1673September Elizabeth Atock widdow buried the 6th day of Sep :
07/12/1673December Robert Jagger buried the seuenth day of December 1673
25/01/1673John sonn of Cristopher Coope buried the 25th day
29/01/1673Thomas Crauen buried the 29th day
19/02/1673Ann Cawthorne a single woman buried the 19th day
21/02/1673John Birch buried the 21th day
08/03/1673Judith Lodington widdow buried the 8th day of March 1673
13/03/1673Samu Shaw buried the 13th day of March 1673
16/03/1673Samuell Totty an Inffant buried the 16th day
11/04/1674Aprill Elizabeth Elvidge widdow who came from Osset buried the 11th day
11/04/1674A male childe of Tho : White still-borne & buried eodem die
23/04/1674A male Childe of Robt Glieadall buried the 23th day
02/06/1674June Jeremy Ainley who were drowned at Middupfoore the 26th day of May and buried the second day of June 1674
04/07/1674Mr Robert Leeke buried the 4th day of July 1674
19/09/1674September old Richard Batley buried the 19th day
07/12/1674December Mary daughter of Mr Gervas Leeke buried the 7th day
22/12/1674Thomas Totty buried the 22th day of December
17/02/1674ffebruary John base son of Katherin Hutchinson buried the 17th day
19/02/1674Nathaniell sonn of Thomas Totty buried the 19th day
24/02/1674Robert sonn of John North buried the 24th day
26/02/1674William sonn of James Richinson buried the 26th day
05/03/1674March John Pickard a poore man buried the 5th day of March 1674
21/04/1675Robert Thornes Clothier buried the 21th day
15/05/1675Two male Children of John Wadsworth still-borne the 26th day buried the same day
29/05/1675Mathias Pickersgill of the old hall buried the 29th of May 1675
23/06/1675June A ffemale Childe of John Gills still-borne and buried the 23th day
31/06/1675Sara daughter of Thomas ffrobisher of Thornes buried the last day of June 1675
25/07/1675Elizabeth Awdsley widdow buried the 25th day
04/09/1675September Elizabeth daughter of Michaell Coope buried the 4th day
16/10/1675October Willm Adkinson buried the 16th day
29/11/1675Joshua Charlseworth buried the 29th day
20/02/1675Margery wife of Samuell Sunderland buried the 20th day
21/03/1675Peter sonn of George Lea buried the 21th day
05/04/1676Aprill Elizabeth Harbut widdow buried the 5th day
05/04/1676Mary daughter of Joshua Hague buried the same day
11/05/1676Sara daughter of Samuell Thornes senr buried the 11th day
16/06/1676Ann daughter of John Walker buried the 16th day
05/07/1676Elizabeth daughter of James Richardson buried ye 5th day
02/08/1676August John Son of Mat : Stephenson buried the 2d day
22/08/1676Susan wife of Robert Westerman buried the 22th day
02/09/1676September Ellin daughter of ffrancis Stringer buried the second day
11/09/1676Mrs Elizabeth Jackson Widdow buried the 11th day
01/11/1676Nouember John Whitehead buried the ffirst day
26/11/1676Mary daughter of John Walker buried the 26th day
09/12/1676Elizabeth Daughter of Willie Wilson buried ye 9th day of December 1676
02/01/1676January Tymothy Lodington buried the second day
05/01/1676Robt Bargh buried the 5th day
13/01/1676John Hunt, Quaker, buried beyond Wakefield the 13th day 1676
20/01/1676John Sonn of William Childe buried the 20th day of January
24/01/1676Issabell Barringham buried the 24th day
30/01/1676A still-borne Childe of James Richardson buried the 30th day
16/02/1676William Batley buried the 16th day of ffebruary 1676
01/03/1676March Grace daughter of Richard Wormall buried the ffirst day
18/03/1676Sara Daughter of ye said Georg Carr buried the 18th day
27/03/1677Samuell son of Robert Batley buried the 27th day
07/04/1677Aprill Jennit Adkinson widdow buried the 7th day
07/04/1677Sara Sunderland buried the same day
26/04/1677A Still-borne child of Willm Crauen buried the 26th day
05/05/1677Mr Gervas Leeke buried the 5th day
06/05/1677Widdow Etson buried the 6th day
07/05/1677Ellin the wife of Willm Burton buried the 7th day
25/05/1677William Hunt buried the 25th day
03/06/1677June Thomas Pruston buried the 3d day of June 1677
14/07/1677July Mary Richardson buried the 14th day
15/07/1677Samuell Peace buried the 15th day
03/09/1677Thomas Savile of Lupsett Esq, buried the 3d day of Septembr
23/09/1677Elizabeth Brumwell buried the 23th day
08/11/1677John Brooksbank buried the 8th day 1677
24/11/1677Ellin wife of Richard Walker Clothier buried the 24th day
08/01/1677January A male Childe of Mathew Longley still-born & buried the 8th day of January 1677
05/02/1677A male childe still-borne of Andrew Townend and Grace Robinson Widdow being a Bastard Childe buried the 5th day
09/02/1677A Female Childe of John Horner still-borne and buried the 9th day of ffebruary 1677
12/02/1677Grace the wife of Thomas Gawthrop buried the 12th day
25/02/1677ffebruary Prissilla Briggs an old poore woman buried the 25th day
03/04/1678Aprill Samuell Mitchill buried the 3d day
06/04/1678John Sonn of Thomas Gawthrop buried 6th day
08/04/1678John Sonn of Thomas Wood buried the 8th day
09/04/1678Ann Wife of John Bynns buried the 9th day
29/07/1678Samuell Howson a Stranger buried the 29th day
23/09/1678Thomas son of Thomas Totty buried ye 23th day
18/10/1678Asher sonn of Robt Carr buried the 18th day
09/11/1678Nouember Samuell Thornes buried the 9th day
10/11/1678Abraham Scolefield buried the 10th day
09/01/1678January Thomas Hague buried the nynth day
22/01/1678Margrett the wife of Willim Robert buried the 22th day
16/02/1678John Cozen, Blacksmith, buried the 16th day
17/02/1678A male childe of Mathew Longley still-borne and buried the 17th day
13/04/1679Aprill Abraham son of Richard Armitage buried the 13th day
15/04/1679Beniamin son of Ann Thornes widdow buried the 15th day of Aprill 1679
10/05/1679Sara wife of Thomas Moss buried the same day
10/05/1679.... son of Richard ffostard iuni buried ye same day
11/05/1679Thomas Moss buried the 11th day
24/05/1679A ffemale Child of Robt Glieadall buried the 24th day
29/05/1679Margret daughter of Christopher Coope buried ye 29th day of May
29/05/1679Samuell Son of Samuell Thornes iuni buried the same day
06/07/1679Richard Son of Jonas Crauen buried the 6th day
12/07/1679John Son of Mr John Roades buried the 12th day
19/07/1679Sara Daughter of John Pickersgill buried eodem die
20/07/1679Samuell son of John Gill buried ye 20th day
03/09/1679September Dorothy Hawksworth widdow buried the 3d day
25/09/1679John Issott buried the 25th day
28/09/1679Elizabeth Mitchell Widdow buried the 28th day
11/10/1679October Elizabeth wife of Thomas Hunt and her still-borne Childe buried the 11th day of October 1679
01/11/1679Nouember Robert Batley buried the ffirst day
09/12/1679William Burton buried the 9th day
11/01/1679Jennit Crauen buried the 11th day of January
13/01/1679Ann Daughter of John North buried the 13th day
20/01/1679Elizabeth Caslhouse widow buried the 20th day
21/01/1679Judith Charlsworth buried the 21th day
24/01/1679Richard Wormall buried the 24th day
04/02/1679Abigall Daughter of ffrancis Rodes buried the fourth day of ffebruary 1679
12/02/1679ffebruary Mary Daughter of Joshua Wood buried the 12h day
14/02/1679Margret Wife of John Goodall buried the 14th day
26/03/1679March William Sikes son of Edmond Sikes of Dewsbury who was drowned and buried the 26th day
28/03/1679James Doner buried the 28th day
31/03/1679Mary Richardson Spinster buried the 31th day
10/04/1680Aprill Mary daughter of Tho : Gawthrop buried the 10th day
11/04/1680Martha daughter of Tho : Totty buried the 11th day
13/04/1680ffrancis Sonn of Robert Norfolk buried the 13th day of Aprill
16/04/1680Issabell the wife of Thomas Crauen buried the 16th day
12/05/1680Issabell the wife of Robert Glieadall buried the 12th day
03/06/1680June Elizabeth Wife of Georg Issott of Carlton in the Parrish of Royston buried the third day of June 1680
29/06/1680Mercy Daughter of Robt Glieadall buried ye 29th day
03/07/1680Mary Thornes daughter of Samuell Thornes seni buried eodem die
04/07/1680John Hunt, Mason buried the fourth day
23/07/1680Hanna Daughter of John Wood of Ossett buried the 23th day
29/07/1680Sara wife of John Wood of Ossett buried the 29th day
23/08/1680August John Sonn of John Goodall buried the 23th day
04/09/1680September Georg Lea buried the fourth day
24/09/1680Jonathan Lodington buried the 24th day
13/12/1680December Sara daughter of Michaell Goodall buried ye 13th day
14/12/1680Joshua Wood buried the 14th day
21/12/1680Thomas White buried the 21th day
11/01/1680Ann Blacker Widdow buried the 11th day
02/02/1680ffebruary Icabod Glieadall sonn of Robt Glieadall buried the second day
08/02/1680ffebruary Sara daughter of The said Tho : Crauen buried ye 8th day
12/02/1680Robert Son of Thomas Wood buried eodem die
12/02/1680Elizabeth daughter of Tho Crauen buried eodem die
25/02/1680Edward Issott buried the 25th day
26/02/1680ffrancis Leeke son of Mr Robt Leek buried the same day
02/03/1680March William Dawson buried the second day
17/03/1680Mary daughter of John Medcalf buried the 17th day
26/03/1681March Mrs Susanna Leeke buried the 26th day
20/05/1681Ann daughter of William Dawson buried the 20th day
25/05/1681A ffemale Childe of Mat : Stephenson still-born and buried the 25th day
22/06/1681Susanna Daughter of Thomas Totty buried the 22th day
22/06/1681Elizabeth daughter of John Bynns buried eodem die
07/07/1681July Margret Walker, Widdow buried the seuenth day
03/09/1681Elizabeth Brumwell wife of Will Brumwell buried eodem die
26/09/1681Ann daughter of John Horner buried the 26th day
29/09/1681Richard son of Richard Race an Inffant buried ye 29th day
01/10/1681October Jane Cawthorn widdow buried the ffirst day
29/10/1681Mrs Ann Harris of Lupsett wife to John Harris Esq. buried the 29th day of October, 1681
31/10/1681ffrances, daughter of William Carter buried ye 31th day
26/11/1681Sara Sharp a poore woman buried the 26th day
29/12/1681December Mrs Margrett Harris daughter of John Harris of Lupsett Esq, buried the 29th day of December 1681
09/01/1681January Mary the wife of ffrancis Blacker buried the 9th day
16/01/1681Thomas Hutchinson buried the 16th day
19/01/1681William Carter buried the 19th day
09/02/1681John Lord Son of Edmond Lord buried the 9th day
22/02/1681Judith Lord wife of Edmond Lord buried the 22th day
08/03/1681John Sonn of Richard ffostard buried the 8th day
30/03/1682March Edward son of Joshua Hague buried the 30th day
08/04/1682day and the same John buried the eight day
22/04/1682William Sonn of John Gill buried the 22th day
20/05/1682May Elizabeth wife of John Caslhouse buried the 20th day
15/07/1682Ann wife of John Pollard buried the 15th day 1682
03/08/1682Sara the wife of Christopher Swaine and Mary his daughter buried the third day
28/08/1682Mary the daughter of John Castlhouse buried the 28th day of August, 1682
31/08/1682Easter the wife of Richard Armitage buried ye 31th day
03/09/1682September Thomas Jackson buried the third day
17/10/1682October A still-borne Child of Tho : Crauen buried the 17th day
10/11/1682Nouember Ann the wife of Jeremy Serieant buried the 10th day
03/01/1682January Mr Edward Bradley buried the 3d day
19/02/1682Ann Wife of Tymothy Barras buried eodem die
01/03/1682March William Hurst buried the ffirst day
19/03/1682Richard Son of Richard Thewlis buried the 19th day
19/03/1682Judith wife of Thomas Hurst buried eodem die
09/04/1683Asher son of Robert Carr buried the 9th day
14/05/1683May Mary Scolefield widow buried the 14th day
15/05/1683Edmond Lord buried the 15th day
26/07/1683Samuell Smallwood buried the 26th day
02/09/1683September John Son of Joshua Bradford buried the second day
25/09/1683Ann wife of Stephen Jepson of Neitherton buried the 25th day
13/10/1683A still-born child of John Wadsworth buried the 13th day
21/10/1683Rachell daughter of ffrancis Rodes buried the 21th day
08/11/1683Grace Robinson Widdow buried the 8th day
10/11/1683Ann the wife of Richard Batley buried the 10th day
10/11/1683Jane daughter of John Bynns buried eodem die
12/11/1683David Son of Richard Batley buried the 12th day
18/11/1683William Son of Edward Batty buried the 18 day
18/11/1683Ann daughter of William Cozen buried eodem die
21/11/1683Easter daughter of Henry Holdstead of the Higher Lupsett buried the 21th day
04/12/1683December Edward Son of Edward Batty buried the 4th day
29/01/1683Elizabeth Hurst widdow buried the 29th day
07/02/1683William Robert buried the 7th day
15/03/1683John Cawthorn buried the 15th day
14/04/1684Jane daughter of Robert Norfolk buried the 14th day
28/04/1684Hanna wife of Thomas Crauen Junier buried the 28th day
05/05/1684May Lettis wife of Daniell Burton buried the 5th day
24/05/1684Sara Daughter of John Horner buried the 24th day
29/05/1684Sara wife of John Hunt buried the 29th day
02/07/1684July Elizabeth Brooksbank Widdow buried the 2d day
16/09/1684William Wormall buried the 16th day
17/09/1684Richard ffewlis buried the 17th day
10/10/1684Robert Westerman buried the 10th day
12/10/1684Alice wife of Samuell Sunderland buried the 12th day
15/11/1684Grace the wife of Michaell Land buried the 15th day
14/12/1684Sara Daughter of John Castlhouse buried the 14th day
21/12/1684William Childe buried the 21th day
23/12/1684Hanna daughter of Japhett Wood buried the 23th day
24/12/1684Alice daughter of Joseph Ouldroyd buried the 24th day
28/12/1684Mary Bargh Widow buried the 28th day
15/02/1684February William Sonn of Henry Haldstead buried the 15th of ffebruary
28/02/1684A still-borne Childe of Samuell Jackson buried the 28th day
27/03/1685March Mary daughter of Rich : Walker, Clothier buried the 27th day 1685
19/04/1685John Sonn of William Cozen buried the 19th day
15/05/1685May Samuell Walker, Yeoman of Scoales in the Parish of Burstall Buried the 15th day
24/05/1685William Oates buried the 24th day
27/05/1685Beniamin Son of Joshua Coup buried the 27th day
27/06/1685Elizabeth Craven widdow buried the 27th day
10/07/1685July Mathew Longley buried the 10th day
24/07/1685Ann Carr Widdow buried the 24th day
18/08/1685John Copley buried the 18th day
05/09/1685September Joseph Worrell buried the 5th day
11/12/1685December Elizabeth wife of Richard Walker buried the 11th day
22/12/1685John Sunderland buried the 22th day
11/01/1685January Mary daughter of Japhett Wood buried ye 11th day
26/01/1685Jane ffawcet widow buried the 26th day
15/02/1685Ann Wife of William Dawson buried the 15th day
23/02/1685Katherin Hutchinson buried the 23th day
26/03/1686March Alice Waun buried the 26th day
28/03/1686March Mary daughter of John Hunt buried the 28 day of March 1686
12/07/1686A still-born childe of Tho : Crauen Junr buried ye 12th day
16/08/1686A still-born Childe of Robert Wade buried the 16th day
21/08/1686John Ouldroyd buried the same day
02/10/1686October John Pollard buried the second day
05/01/1686A male Childe of Tymothy Barras still-born and buried the 5th day
14/02/1686Martha Daughter of Edward Batty buried ye 14th day
26/03/1686John Armitage Seni buried the 26th day
28/06/1687Richard Broadley buried the 28th day
27/08/1687Ann Birch daughter of John Birch deceased buried the 27th day
23/09/1687September A still-born Childe of Tymo : Barras buried the 23th day
03/10/1687October A still-born Childe of Robert Wade buried the third day
03/11/1687Nouember Ann Daughter of Joshua Bradford buried the 3th day
19/01/1687January Richard Son of Richard Burton buried the 19th day
29/01/1687Thomas Haigh buryed the last day
06/02/1687ffebruary Joyce Thewlis buryed the 6th day of ffebruary
09/02/1687Richard Pruston buried the 9th day of February
14/03/1687March Elizabeth Robinson Widdow buried the 14th day
30/03/1688Elizabeth daughter of Samu Man buried the 30th day
21/05/1688Abigall daughter of John Batley buried the 21st day
28/05/1688Ann wife of John Batley buried the 28th day
27/06/1688Judith Sunderland widdow buried the 27th day
05/07/1688July John Son of John Sunderland buried the 5th day of July 1688
19/07/1688Sara daughter of Richard Batley buried ye 19th day
25/07/1688A male childe of Richard Steephenson Still-borne and buried the 25th day of July
10/08/1688Abraham Aumler servant to Willm Issott buried the 10th day of August 1688 was drowned at Adinfforth Pitt
28/08/1688Ann daughter of Tymothy Barras buried the 28th day
15/09/1688John North buried the 15th day of September 1688
05/11/1688Nouember Mrs Susana Grice buried the 5th day
14/01/1688Rebecca Thornes buried eodem die
06/02/1688ffebruary Mrs Rodes Widdow buried the 6th day
30/03/1689March An Infant of John Land buried the 30th day
30/03/1689John Gill buried eodem die
05/04/1689Margret Cawthorn wife of Tymothy Cawthorn buried the fifth day
20/04/1689John Longley Gent : buried the 20th day
22/04/1689Ann Kitson widow buried the 22th day
27/04/1689Mary the wife of Michaell Goodall buried the 27th day
15/06/1689June A still-born childe of Richd Steephenson buried the 15th day
16/06/1689Elizabeth daughter of John Hartley buried the 16th day
19/06/1689Thomas Sunderland buried the 19th day
10/08/1689Richard Bewce of Osset buried the 10th day
30/09/1689Robert Carr buried the 30th day of September 1689
02/10/1689Sara Wife of Tho : Cawthorn buried eodem die
03/10/1689Samuell Son of John Pickersgill buried the 3d day
12/10/1689William Son of Samuell Thornes buried the 12th day of October
18/10/1689Richard Bewce als Crauen buried the 18th day
11/11/1689Nouember John son of William Dawson buried the eleventh day
19/11/1689Martha Daughter of John Pickers-Gill of the Old Hall buried ye 19th day
24/11/1689Hanna Daughter of Margrett Hunt widow buried the 24th day of Nouember 1689
20/12/1689John Son of Thomas White buried the 20th day
21/12/1689Mary Thornes Spinster buried the 21th day
28/12/1689Richard Craven buried the 28th day
28/12/1689Benjamin Son of Thomas Batley buried eodem die
17/01/1689Mary Daughter of Thomas Ryley buried the 17th day
20/01/1689Sara Fisher a poore Girle and a stranger buried the 20th day
29/01/1689Issabell Daughter of John Allott buried the 29th day
17/02/1689Mary Daughter of Widow Gill buried the 17th day
01/03/1689March Mr Longley buried the first day of March 1689
07/03/1689Sara Bullock wife of William Bullock buried the 7th day
13/03/1689Ann Richdson Daughter of James Richdson buried the 13 day
02/04/1690Aprel Sarah Ricadson Daughter of James Richdson buried ye 2 day
08/04/1690Ann Doughter of Japhet Wood buried ye 8th day
18/04/1690John Son of Richard Goodall buried the 18th day
21/04/1690ffrancis Son of Joseph Ouldroyde buried the 21th day
21/04/1690Joseph Son of Joseph Oxlay buried the 21th day
22/04/1690Elizabeth Doughter of William Issott buried the 22th day
23/04/1690Robert Wade buried the 23th day
24/04/1690Grace doughter of widdow Smith buried the 24th day
26/04/1690Robert Mansfield, Clark of Horbury buried the 26th day of April
07/05/1690May Mrs Ann Ludintun widdow buried the 7th day of May
11/05/1690John Binns Son of John Binns buried the 11th day
20/05/1690John Wordsworth buried the 20th day of May
22/05/1690Joseph Land Son of Thomas Land buried the 22th day
28/05/1690Barbara Davghter of Christopher Coup buried the 28th day
01/06/1690June Ann Daughter of Thomas Carter buried the first day of June
07/06/1690Sara Daughter of Thomas Land buried ye 7th day of June
14/06/1690Martha doughter of Joseph Ouldroyde buried the 14th day
14/06/1690Josias Wood buried eodem die
15/07/1690July William Crauen buried the 15th day of July 1690
15/07/1690Thomas Carter Son of Thomas Carter buried ye eodem die
02/07/1690John Son of John Hartlay buried ye 02 : 3th day of July
04/08/1690August Jane Carter of Almondbury buried the 4th day of August
10/10/1690Sara Issott Widow buried the 10th day of October 1690
16/10/1690John Binns buried the 16th day of October 1690
05/11/1690November Jeremy Son of John Haigh buried the 5th day of November
09/11/1690Thomas Son John Land buried the 9th day
20/11/1690Dorothy Copley wid : buried the 20 : 8th day of Nouember
03/12/1690December Alice Cutler widdow buried the 3th day of Desember 1690
20/12/1690Marcy Wife of John Armitage buried ye 20 : 3th day
02/01/1690John Son of Josias Street buried the 20 : second day
08/02/1690Daniell Burton buried the 8th day
15/02/1690Dinah Prockter of fflockton buried the 15th day
20/02/1690Janne Daughter of Christopher Coupe burried ye xx : 2th day
18/03/1690Ellin daughter of George Carr buried the 18th day
01/04/1691April 1st day. A son of Thomas Crauen Junor buried
10/04/1691Paul Son of Joseph Cawthron buried tenth day 1691
09/05/16919 Mary Wife of John Kay burried the 9th day
06/05/16916 Abrham Beuers burried the 6th day of May
16/05/169116 Pally Coupe Son of Beniamen Coupe burried the 16th day
04/06/1691June 4 Mr Robert Leeke burried the 4th day of June 1691
09/06/1691June 9 Alce Wife of Samuell Sunderland burried the 9th day
11/07/169111 Ann Wife of John Sunderland burried eodem die
27/07/169127 Christopher Coupe buried the 27th day
05/08/16915 Elizabeth Wife of William Caselhouse burried the 5th day
30/08/1691xxx Ann Wood a Child that wos Drowned the xxxth day buried
14/09/169114 Dinah Jagger Widdow burried the 14th day
20/11/169120 John Son of John Armitage burried the 20th day of November 91
28/11/169128 Robert Dawson burried the 28th of Nouember 1691
03/12/1691William Wadsworth buried the 3th day
03/12/1691A Still-borne child of Timothy Barras burried ye 3th day
03/01/1691January 3 Mary Wife of ffrances Carter burried the third day of January
22/03/1691Japhet Son of John Armitage buried ye 22th day
24/05/1692Martha Wife of Henry Hallstead of Lubset buried ye 24th day
26/05/1692Cristopher Son of William Audslay burried ye 26th day of May
10/07/1692July Elizabeth Daughter of John Wallker burried ye 10th day
19/07/1692Barbara Daughter of Henry Halstead buried ye 19th day
23/08/1692Mickel Goodall burried the 23th day of August 1692
04/12/1692December Richard Wallker burried the 4th day of December
28/01/1692Elizabeth wife of Thomas Pearson burried the 28th day of Jan :
09/01/1692Mrs Ellin Neuell of this towne burried the 9th day of ffebuary
29/01/1692Ann Cattellin widdow burried the last day of ffebuary
04/03/1692March John Carr burried the 4th day of March 1692
18/03/1692Mary Daughter of Temothy Cawthron burried the 18th day
19/03/1692John Son of Samuell Barras burried the 19th day
15/04/1693Thomas Totty burried the 15th day of Aprel 1693
27/04/1693Elizabeth Wadsworth Widow burried ye 27th day
11/05/1693May Allce wife of Michaell Coupe buried the 11th day
09/06/1693John Son of John Hartlay burried ye 9th day
15/07/1693John son of william Dawson burried ye 15th day
06/08/1693August John son of William Huntt burried ye 6th day of August
17/10/1693Mary wife of Mathew Twolly burried ye 17th day
07/11/1693Edward Touneand of fflockton burried the 7th day of November
28/11/1693Thomas Dodesworth burried the 28th day of Nouember 1693
11/12/1693December Jane Sunderland widdow burried ye 11th day of December
26/12/1693A still-borne child of Richard Goodall burried ye 26th day
30/12/1693Josuea Son of Jonas Crauen burried ye 30th day of December
03/01/1693January Mrs Barbara Leeke widdow burried ye 3th day of January
08/01/1693Mary Battlay burried ye 8th day
09/01/1693Hennrey Son of Henery Hallstead burried ye 9th day
13/12/1693John Son of Samuell Richardson burried ye 13th day
11/03/1693Bengman & Sarah Son & daughter of John Huntt burried ye 11th day of March
20/03/1693Ann Whitehead widdow buried ye 20th day
23/03/1693Mrs Elizabeth Audeaslay Widdow burried ye 23th day of March
26/03/1694March A still-borne Child of William Battlas burried ye 26th day
29/03/1694Gorge Issott burried ye 29th day of March
12/04/1694Aprell Jonas Crauen burried the 12th day
13/04/1694John Thewlesh Scole Master burried ye 13th day
22/04/1694Edward Thewlesh burried ye 22th day of Aprell 1694
17/04/1694Mearcy Daughter of Robert Battlay burried the 17th day
04/05/1694May Hana Wife of Robert Wollker burried the 4th day of May 94
20/05/1694Abrham Battlay burried the 20th day of May 94
03/06/1694June Elizabeth Apethroupe Widdow burried ye 3th day
21/06/1694Sarah Daughter of Thomas Land burried the 21th day
30/06/1694John Sunderland burried ye 30th day of June 1694
03/07/1694July James ye Son of James White burried ye 3th day
19/07/1694Mr John Issott burried ye 19th day
23/07/1694Thomas Land burried ye 23th day of July 1694
23/07/1694Necolas Greaues burried ye 23th day of July 1694
27/08/1694August Mary ye Wife of Josuea Bradforth burried ye 27th day
29/08/1694Joseph ye son of John Metcallf burried ye 29th day
09/10/1694October John Son of John Brodlay burried ye 9th day
20/10/1694ffrances Carter burried the 20th day of October 1694
20/10/1694John Cawthron burried ye same day
26/10/1694James ye Son of Thomas White burried ye 26th day
08/11/1694Winntfret Thornes Widow burried the 8th day
11/11/1694Grace Wife of William Dawson burried the 11th day
30/12/1694December Temothy Cawthron burried the 30th day of December 94
08/01/1694January John Battlay burried the 8th day of January
11/01/1694Richard Armitage burried the 11th day
15/01/1694Ann the Wife of Richard Race burried the 15th day
30/01/1694John Son of Henrey Huntt burried the 30th day
05/03/1694March Judeth Greenfield widdow burried ye 5th day of March
27/03/1695Grace ye wife of Robert Cass burried the 27th day
03/04/1695Aprill Thomas Son of Mr James Hague burried ye 3th day of Aprill 1695
10/04/1695Elizabeth ye Daughter of John Caselhouse burried ye 10th day
11/04/1695Elizabeth ye Wife of Mr Bretton of Lupset burried the 11th day
07/05/1695Priscilly Daughter of John Horner burried ye 7th day of May
11/05/1695Hanah the Daughter of Josuea Rayner burried ye 11th day
19/05/1695Dauid Son of John Mitchell burried ye 19th day of May 95
03/06/1695Rachell the daughter of ffrancis Rodes burried the 3th day
24/06/1695Sarah the daughter of Jonas Mansfield burried the 24th day
05/07/1695July Mathew sone of Mathew Stephenson buried ye 5th day
28/07/1695Gervas Son of Richard Burton burried ye 28th day of July
31/07/1695John Wallker burried the 31th day of July
12/08/1695William Beiak burried ye 12th day of August 95
14/08/1695Ann Duce Widdow burried the 14th day
21/08/1695Elizabeth Daughter of Timothy Cawthorn burried ye 21th day
03/09/1695Hana the Wife of ffrancis Rodes burried the 3th day
13/09/1695Jane the Wife of Jonas Mansfield burried ye 13th day of September 95
25/10/1695William Son of Samuell Richardson burried the 25th day
14/11/1695Nouember Marey ye Wife of Richard Burton burried ye 14th day
23/11/1695Margret the Wife of Edmund Wood burried ye 23th day
28/12/1695Ann Borten burried the 28th day
03/01/1695January Richard Marsdin of Sawid Greene burried the 3th day of January
20/01/1695Elizabeth the Daughter of Thomas White burried ye 20 day
30/01/1695January Elizabeth ye Wife of James Burch burried ye 30th day
29/01/1695Elizabeth Mansfield Widdow burried ye 29th day
12/03/1695Gertrude the wife of Samuell Wadsworth burried ye 12th day
18/03/1695Sarah ye Wife of Thomas Rilay burried ye 18th day
19/04/1696Bethiea and Dauid son & Doughter of Thomas Batlay buried ye 19th day
23/04/1696Jonathan Son of Thomas Batlay burried ye 23th day
27/04/1696Judith the Daughter of Ezra Charlesworth burried the 27th day
05/05/1696May Robert Son of William Hunt buried the 5th day of May 1696
01/06/1696June John Son of Thomas Rilla burried the first day
06/06/1696James Richardson burried the 6th day of June 1696
11/06/1696Josuea Son of Josuea Coupe burried the 11th day of June
04/08/1696August Timothy Barras burried ye 4th day of August 1696
04/10/1696October William Son of Gorge Brodehead burried the 4th day of Oct :
28/11/1696Robert Mokesson of Horbuay Leights burried ye 28th day
22/12/1696Richard Borton burried the 22th day of December
31/01/1696Richard Stephenson burried the xxxjth day of January 1696
01/03/1696March Robert Son of Mr Robert Kay burried ye first day of March
11/03/1696Joseph the Son of Temothy Barras burried the 11th day
19/04/1697Aprill Richard Son of Richard Race ye 19th day burried
24/04/1697Samuell Thornes Ju : burried ye 24th day of Aprell
08/05/1697May Robert Son of William Mansfield burried the 8th day of May
14/05/1697Mrs Elizabeth Leeke Widw burried the 14th day of May 97 (In the margin Mr. Gervs Leek Widw)
30/05/1697Thomas Burdekin burried the xxxth day of May
24/06/1697A Child of Josuea Bradforth burried the 24th day
29/07/1697Rachell Daughter of Robert Battlay burried the 29th day
10/08/1697August John Binglay buried the xth day of August
05/09/1697John Teatersell a man that wos drowned burried ye 5th day
07/09/1697John Peckersgell Junr of Ould Hall burried the 7th day
11/10/1697Robert Dobson buried xith day
10/01/1697January William Bevers of Horbury Leights burried ye 10th day of January
13/01/1697James & Hanah Son & Daughter of James White burried ye 13th day
23/01/1697Elizabeth Daughter of Thomas Pearson burried the 23th day
08/03/1697Ann Battlay Wid : burried the eight day of March
01/04/1698Aprell Joseph Hurst burried the first day
03/04/1698Susanah Tounend Widdow burried the 3th day
13/05/1698John Casellhouse burried the 13th day of May
18/06/1698Hanah the Doughter of Thos Land Deceased burried ye 18th day
06/12/1698December Cassandra Hunt Widdow burried the 6th day of December
11/12/1698Ann Hokesworth buried the xjth day
18/01/1698Mr Geruas Neuill burried the 18th day of January 1698
20/01/1698Elizabeth Mokesson of ye pish of Kirkeheaton burried the xxth day
06/03/1698March John Son of John Okes burried the sixt day of March 98
04/05/1699May William Son of William Denison buried ye 4th day of May
14/06/1699Ann wife of Robert Wallker burried the 14th day
31/07/1699Ellizabet Thornes Widdow burried the xxxjth day
18/10/1699Hana the Wife of William Audesley burried ye 18th day
15/12/1699Henrey Son of Joseph Yates burried the 15th day of Dec
01/01/1699January Mary the Wife of Japhet Wood burried the first day
02/01/1699Easter Wife of Richard Burton burried the ijth day
23/01/1699William Son of William Hunte burried the 23th day
23/01/1699January Mary Gawthrop burried the 23th day
05/02/1699February Ann Wife of Jeremia Sargant burried the 5th day of ffeb
19/02/1699Robert Thornes Clothier burried the 19th day
20/02/1699John Crauen burried the xxth day
19/05/1700May Jonas Mansfield late Clark of this Church buried the 19th day of May 1700
27/05/1700William Son of George Brasebridge buried ye 27th day
07/06/1700June Robert Thornes, Mason was buried ye 7th day of June
01/07/1700July Benjamin Son of Thomas Pearson buried ye 1st day of July
15/08/1700Samuel Akeroyd buried ye 15th day
28/09/1700Sept Japhett Heald of Lupsett buried ye 28th day of September
04/10/1700Oct Nathaniel Son of John Ellis of Thornes buried ye 4th day of October
13/10/1700Thomas Akeroyd burried ye 13th day
06/12/1700John Son of John Peace buried ye 6th day
19/12/1700Thomas Preston buried ye 19th day
22/12/1700Decembr Ann Wife of Michael Binns buried ye 22d day
23/12/1700Thomas Craven buried ye 23d day
08/02/1700February Richard Grice Gent : buried ye 8th day of February. he wt an Attorney att Law
08/02/1700Judith Craven wid buried ye same day
11/02/1700Elizabeth Batley wid buried ye 11th day
18/02/1700William Langfield buried ye 18th day
24/02/1700Anne daughter of Daniel Burton Deceased buried ye 24th day
27/02/1700Edward Batty, Joyner buried ye 27th day
31/03/1701March Elizabeth Wife of John Heald of Haggs in our Parish of Wakefd buried ye 31st day of March 1701
26/04/1701Anne Jepson wid buried ye same day
09/05/1701May Jeremiah Hoile buried ye 9th day
06/06/1701Elizabeth Snoden Daughter of Edward Snoden of ye Parish of Silkstone buried ye 6th day of June
24/09/1701Abigall Cawtheran widdow buried ye 24th day
05/10/1701Elizebeth Daughter of John Bingley buried the 5 day
16/10/1701Joseph Son of Richard Burton buried the 16th day
21/11/1701Grace Daughter of George Haigh buried ye 21st day
07/12/1701December William Burton buried ye 7th day of Decembr
21/12/1701Esther Daughter of ye sd Robt Thornes buried ye 21st day
08/01/1701January Samuel Sunderland buried ye 8th day of January
23/04/1702John Son of Thomas Land deceased buried ye 23d day
23/04/1702Wm Bullock buried ye same day
03/05/1702May Anne Wade buried ye 3d day of May
17/08/1702Augt Eli Son of Wm Aurdsley buried ye 17th day of Augt
19/08/1702John Metcalf Junr buried ye 19th day
26/08/1702Robert Son of Robt Cliff buried ye 26th day
27/08/1702Joseph Son of Joseph Oxley buried ye 27th day
08/09/1702Sept Michael Son of John Bins buried ye 8th day of September
30/10/1702John Son of John Hepworth of Osset in ye Parish of Dewsbury buried ye 30th day [Slaine wth a Cart]
03/12/1702Margret Daughter of John Caslehouse buried ye 3d day
02/01/1702January Mr Gervas Leek buried ye 2d day of January i.e. Dr Leek
20/02/1702Mary Burdekin buried ye 20th day
15/03/1702Jane Daughter of James Richardson (deceased) was buried ye 15th day
02/04/1703April John Hepworth of Osset in ye Parish of Dewsbury buried ye 2d day of April 1703
03/04/1703Samuel Thornes who was reputed to be in ye 95th year of his age was buried ye 3d day
01/05/1703May Grace Wife of Ezra Charlsworth burried ye 1st day of May
20/06/1703John Horner buried ye 20th day
28/07/1703Edmond Wood buried ye 28th day
21/09/1703Sarah Rayner Wife of Joseph Rayner buried ye same day
22/09/1703George Carr buried ye 22d day
10/10/1703Richard Oldroyd of Kirk-heaton buried ye 10th day
26/01/1703Anne Batty Wife of Edwd Batty buried ye 26th day
07/02/1703Joshua Haigh buried ye 7th day
18/03/1703Anne Wife of Joshua Bargh buried ye 18th day
01/04/1704Roger Firth of ye Parish of Almondbury buried ye same day
11/05/1704William Son of Henry Hunt buried ye same day
25/06/1704June Sarah Daughter of John Craven buried ye 25th day of June
29/07/1704William Son of John Craven buried ye same day
27/09/1704William Son of John Casslehouse buried ye 27th day
29/09/1704Rebecca Daughter of James Swallow of Thornes in ye Parish of Wakefield buried ye 29th day
21/10/1704Elizabeth Wife of Mr Richd Norfolk buried ye 21st day
29/10/1704John Westerman buried ye 29th day
30/10/1704John Wood Son of Josiah Wood buried ye 30th day
13/11/1704Novemb. George Son of Thomas Pearson buried ye 13th day of November
27/11/1704Edward Hepworth, Sadler, buried ye 27th day
08/01/1704Wm Hunt, Post, buried ye 8th day
09/01/1704Grace Daughter of Matthew Moorehouse buried ye 9th day
20/01/1704Thomas Goodall of ye Parish of Thornhill buried ye 20th day
28/02/1704Enoch Cowpe buried ye 28th day
12/04/1705Michael Bins buried ye 12th day of April
14/04/1705April The sd Mary Walker Daughter of Wm Walker buried ye 14th day of April (one of twins)
20/05/1705Susanna Daughter of Saml Stevenson buried ye 20th day
19/06/1705June Josiah Son of Josiah Peace buried ye 19th day of June
27/07/1705Elizabeth Wife of Matthew Gelder buried ye 27th day
28/07/1705Judith Wife of John Richardson buried ye 28th day
16/11/1705November Martha Daughter of Joshua Ellis buried ye 16th day
25/11/1705Thomas Craven Sent buried ye 25th day
29/11/1705Susanna Daughter of Wm Carr buried ye 29th day
25/12/1705Mary Smyth Wid. buried ye 25th day
30/12/1705Michael Land buried ye 30th day
07/01/1705Mercy Wife of Thomas Pearson buried ye 7th day
17/01/1705John Son of Timothy Knowles buried ye 17th day
23/02/1705Samuel Mann buried ye 23d day
13/03/1705Benjamin Son of ye sd Elcanah Cowpe buried ye 13th day
30/03/1706William Sunderland was buried the same day
21/05/1706Judith Daughter of Ann Craven buried ye 21st day
07/06/1706June Martha Daughter of Tho : Carter buried ye 7th day of June
06/07/1706July Elizabeth Daughter of Francis White buried ye 6th day of July
12/07/1706Samuel Son of Joseph Oxley buried ye 12th day
17/08/1706Augt Margret Heald Wid buried ye 17th day of Augt
13/10/1706Mary Daughter of Geo : Broadhead buried ye 13th day
25/10/1706Isabel Brooksbanke buried ye 25th day
20/11/1706Martha Speight buried ye 20th day
01/12/1706Decembr The sd Joseph White buried ye 1st day of December
10/12/1706Thomas Gawthrop buried ye 10th day
20/12/1706Ellin Thornes buried Wid : ye 20th day
25/12/1706Timothy Heald of Wakefd buried ye 25th day
26/12/1706William Casley buried ye 26th day
05/02/1706Febr : John Son of ye sd John Armitage buried ye 5th day of February
27/03/1707March Sarah Daughter of Josiah Peace buried ye 27th day
09/04/1707April Joseph Cawthorne buried ye 9th day of April
15/04/1707Mary Wife of Wm Issott buried ye same day
24/04/1707Robert Son of Jonas Mansfield buried ye same day
18/05/1707Eliz : Craven wid : buried ye 18th day
16/12/1707Elizabeth Wife of Matthew Stevenson buried ye 16th day
16/01/1707January Jonathan Cutlar buried ye 16th day of January
07/01/1707William Son of William Dawson buried ye 7th day of January
10/01/1707Elizabeth Wife of Josiah Peace buried ye 10th day
11/01/1707January James Son of Matthew Hopkin buried ye 11th day
14/01/1707Mr Robert Leek buried ye 14th day
26/02/1707John Goodal buried ye 26th day
27/02/1707Elizabeth Hepworth wid : buried ye 27th day
23/04/1708Elizabeth Carr Wid. buried ye 23d day
05/07/1708July Alice Wife of John Land buried ye 5th day of July
15/08/1708August John Wadsworth buried ye 15th day of August
23/08/1708Alice Wife of Tho : Hurst buried ye 23d day
25/10/1708Christopher Son of ye sd John Dixon buried ye same day
26/10/1708John Aurdsley buried ye 26th day
23/11/1708Rachel Wife of John Pickersgill buried ye 23d day
04/01/1708January Thomas Son of Samuel Richardson buried ye 4th day of January
06/03/1708March John Earle buried ye 6th day of March
16/03/1708Thomas Batty, Joyner buried ye 16th day
28/03/1709March Margret Batley buried ye 28th day
03/04/1709George Cockel buried ye 3d day
08/04/1709Samuel Cawtheron buried ye 8th day
20/04/1709Henry Bean buried ye 20th day
29/06/1709June Martha Daughter of Nathan Hunt buried ye 29th day of June
25/07/1709July Mary Wife of Thomas Lofthouse buried ye 25th day of July
30/05/1709Mr Mark Brooke buried May ye 30th 1709
22/08/1709Augt Mrs Susanna Wessell buried the 22d day of August
21/10/1709Oct : Alice Battley buried ye 21st day of Octobr
17/12/1709Susanna Daughtr of Mr Daniel Sill buried ye 17th day
07/01/1709Jan : John Son of Ralph Walker buried ye 7th day of January
15/02/1709February Mr John Rodes buried ye 15th day of February
25/02/1709Anne Bingley buried ye 25th day
18/03/1709Anne Walker wid : buried ye same day
23/05/1710Willm Son of Joseph Oxley buried ye 23d day
29/05/1710Sarah Daughter of Josias Wood buried ye 29th day
19/06/1710Elizabeth Wife of Wm Haigh buried ye 19th day
23/06/1710Sarah Currans buried ye 23d day
04/07/1710July Mary Carr Spinster buried ye 4th day of July
14/07/1710William Son of Joseph Cawthorn buried ye 14th day
02/08/1710August Timothy Son of John Heald buried ye 2d day of Aug.
21/08/1710Francis Stringer buried ye 21st day
22/09/1710Richd Foster of Osset senr buried ye 22d day
12/11/1710November Joseph Armitage buried ye 12th day
21/01/1710John Hunt buried ye 21st day
10/02/1710William Carr buried ye 10th day
17/02/1710Tempest Pollard buried ye 17th day
27/02/1710Mrs Elizabeth Bradley buried ye 27th day
13/03/1710March Mary Wife of Josias Emley of Osset buried ye 13th day of March
25/03/1710Anne Preston of Stanley wid : buried ye 25th day
01/04/1711April Anne Wife of Thos Ryley buried ye first day of April
17/06/1711Esther Stringer Wid : buried ye 17th day
19/07/1711Annis Pollard buried ye 19th day
13/08/1711Augt John Son of Jon Heald of Haggs buried ye 13th day of Augt
16/08/1711George Broadhead Junr buried ye 16th day
24/08/1711Mrs Crawshea buried ye same day
16/09/1711Septembr Anne Daughtr of John Carter buried ye 16th day of Septembr
19/10/1711David Son of John Carr buried ye 19th day day
19/11/1711Esther Wife of Robt Norfolk buried ye 19th day
07/12/1711Thomas Richardson buried ye 7th day
14/12/1711Alice Wife of John Heald of Haggs buried ye 14th day
15/01/1711Thomas Holt buried ye 15th day
15/01/1711Hanna Daughter of Thomas Carter buried ye same day
14/02/1711February Samuel Land buried ye 14th day of February
15/03/1711Elizabeth Daughtr of Edward Hill buried ye same day
27/03/1712Thomas Hurst buried ye 27th day
26/04/1712George Son of John Armitage buried ye 26th day
29/05/1712Dorothy Wife of ye sd Richd Cusworth buried ye 29th day
01/08/1712Augt Matthew Hopkin buried ye first day of Augt
02/08/1712Elizabeth Craven buried ye 2d day
18/10/1712Sarah Wife of John Marsden buried ye 18th day
06/12/1712December Elizabeth Daughtr of Wm Batley buried ye 6th day of 10ber
09/12/1712Martha Daughtr of John Richardson buried ye 9th day
08/01/1712January Winefred Hoile Wid : buried ye 8th day
25/02/1712Thomas Hilton buried ye 25th day
11/03/1712William Issot buried ye 11th day
22/03/1712Thomas Craven Junr buried ye 22d day
22/03/1712Mary Gawthrop buried ye same day
24/03/1712Matthew Gelder buried ye 24th day
05/04/1713April Martha Wife of Thomas Carter buried ye 5th day of April
30/04/1713John Armitage, Scholemaster buried ye 30th day
26/05/1713Mary Wife of John Dixon Shoemaker buried ye 26th day
27/05/1713Matthew Stevenson Widdower buried ye 27th day
29/06/1713Mercy Wife of Wm Carter buried ye 29th day
29/06/1713The said Joseph Coope buried ye 29th day
11/11/1713Mrs Wadsworth buried ye 11th day
11/02/1713Martha Oxley Wid: buried ye 11th day
16/02/1713Rachel Wife of Joseph Whitehead buried ye 16th day
18/02/1713Wm Son of Joseph Whitehead buried ye 18th day
09/03/1713Mark Son of Thos Lofthouse buried ye 9th day
21/03/1713Margret Thorns Wid buried ye 21st day
21/03/1713Sarah Wife of John Land buried ye same day
22/03/1713Martha Daughtr of Thomas Holt buried ye 22d day
27/03/1713William Son of Wm Batley buried ye 27th day
01/04/1714April John Son of John Procter buried ye 1st day of April
31/07/1714Anne Wife of Nathan Hunt buried ye 31st of July
06/08/1714Esther Daughtr of Richd Armitage buried ye 6th day
08/08/1714Elizabeth Wife of Richd Goodal buried ye 8th day
18/08/1714Mary Wife of Francis Heaton buried ye 18th day
12/10/1714Octobr Elizabeth Daughtr of Thomas Walshea buried ye 12th day of 8ber
09/11/1714Novemb. Mary Wife of Samuel Coope buried ye 9th day of 9ber 1714
09/11/1714William Pollard, Brewer, buried ye same day
10/12/1714Dec : Richard Son of Mr Willm Oates of Wakefd buried ye 10th day of 10ber
13/02/1714Benjamin Coope buried ye 13th day
22/03/1714John Son of Samuel Coope buried ye 22d day
03/04/1715April John Son of John Pollard buried ye 3d day of April
15/04/1715Sarah Daughtr of Thomas Wood Junr buried ye 15th day of April
24/04/1715Samuel Son of Saml Stevenson buried ye 24th day
01/05/1715May John Son of John Batley buried ye 1st day of May
16/05/1715Joseph Son of Richd Burdekin buried ye 16th day
18/05/1715Jane Daughtr of Matthias Burton buried ye 18th day
19/05/1715Martha Daughtr of Samuel Armitage buried ye 19th day
22/05/1715Joseph Fox of ye Parish of Birstal buried ye 22d day
27/05/1715John Heald buried ye 27th day.
28/05/1715William Thornes, Mason buried ye 28th day of May
24/06/1715Mrs Sarah Rodes Spinster buried ye 24th day
10/07/1715Elizabeth Wife of John Ellis buried ye 10th day
14/07/1715James Son of James Oakes buried ye 14th day
23/07/1715Mr Thomas Leek burried ye 23d day
12/01/1715Judith Allot Wid : buried ye same day
28/01/1715Mrs Edith Norfolk Spinster buried ye 28th day
06/02/1715February Mary Wife of Saml Stevenson buried ye 6th day of February
23/02/1715Susanna Daughtr of ye sd John Armitage buried ye same day
06/04/1716Rachel Daughtr of Harrison & Jane Hunt buried ye 6th day
30/05/1716Mary Daughtr of John Oxley buried ye 30th day
12/06/1716Isabel Casslehouse Wid : buried ye 12th day
19/06/1716Joshua Son of Joshua Pollard buried ye 19th day
09/07/1716Sarah Oates Wid : buried ye 9th day
14/07/1716Joseph Popplewell buried ye 14th day
01/08/1716August Hannah Daughtr of Richd Armitage buried ye first of Augt
18/08/1716Margret Wife of Richd Brewer buried ye 18th day
09/09/1716Sept : Elizabeth Wife of Willm Cozin buried ye 9th day of Septembr
10/09/1716John Son of John Pollard buried ye 10th day
29/11/1716Thomas Son of Thos Pearson buried ye same day
03/01/1716Samuel Son of Lenard Barker buried ye 3d day
24/01/1716Thomas Hunt buried ye 24th day in ye 88th year of his age
29/01/1716Sarah Daughtr of Richd Marsh of Wakefd buried ye 29th day
25/05/1717Sarah Wife of John Longley, Joyner buried ye 25th day
19/08/1717Sarah Wife of William Denison buried ye 19th day
18/08/1717Jennit Land Wid : buried ye 18th day
28/08/1717Robert Thornes, Yeoman buried ye 28th day of Aug.
29/08/1717John Pickersgill, Schoolmaster in Wakefd buried ye 29th day
12/09/1717September Robert Norfolk, Taylor buried ye 12th day of September
21/09/1717September Hannah Wife of Thomas Craven, Clothier buried ye 21st day
24/10/1717Anne Wife of Francis Marsden buried ye 24th day
03/02/1717Hannah Daughtr of John Bingley, Spinster buried ye 3d day
24/02/1717Sarah Wife of George Broadhead buried ye 24th day
26/02/1717Francis Marsden, Yeoman, buried ye 26th day
10/03/1717Sarah Daughtr of Samuel Armitage buried ye same day
07/04/1718April Hannah Daughtr of Samuel Stevenson, Carpenter buried ye 7th day
10/05/1718May An unknown person drowned in or River buried ye 10th day of May
21/05/1718Mr Edward Wallis, Gent. buried ye 21st day
30/06/1718Thomas Son of Joshua Pollard, Clothier buried ye 30th day
02/06/1718Mr Joseph Naylor, Master of Lights Colepits buried ye same day
22/09/1718Sept : Timothy Son of Thos Craven, Clothier buried ye 22d day
27/11/1718Elizabeth Daughter of John Allot, Clothier, buried ye 27h day
28/01/1718Mary Daughter of James Oakes, Miller buried ye 28th day of January
17/02/1718February Debora Cawthorne, Widw buried ye 17th day
18/03/1718Mary Wife of Mr John Snow, Officer of Excise buried ye 18th day
03/04/1719April John Haigh, Cardmaker buried ye 3d day of April
05/04/1719Joseph Son of John Roberts, Gardiner, buried ye 5th day
08/05/1719Joseph Whitehead a poor man buried ye 8th day
16/05/1719Mary Daughter of Richd Burton buried ye same day
31/05/1719Joseph Son of Thos. Hoiker, Clothier buried ye 31st day
13/08/1719Augt Elizabeth Cockill Wid : buried ye 13th day of Augt
31/08/1719John Cowper a poor man buried ye 31st day
02/10/1719Oct : Ezra Son of Ezra Charlsworth, Clothier buried ye 2d day
02/11/1719Nov : Joshua Dobson, Farmer, in ye Parish of Sandal (slayne wth a fall off his horse) buried ye 2d day of November
03/12/1719Dec : Robert Batley, Clothier, buried ye 3rd day of December
27/12/1719Samuel Hoile, Clothier, buried ye 27th day
30/12/1719John Metcalf, Malster, buried ye 30th day
05/01/1719Sarah Wife of Thomas Collier, Carpenter, buried ye 5th day
09/01/1719Sarah Wife of Samuel Hoile, buried ye 9th day
21/03/1719Francis Heaton, Day-labourer buried ye 21st day
22/05/1720Susanna Wife of Thomas Goodal, Yeoman, buried ye 22d day
11/08/1720Richard Goodal, Block turner buried ye 11th day
22/08/1720Robert Walker, Clothier buried ye 22nd day
12/09/1720Sep : Mary Wife of James White, Cardmaker buried ye 12th day
19/09/1720Judith Daughter of John Procter, day labourer buried ye 19th day
29/09/1720Francis Blacker, Shoemaker buried ye 29th day. aged 84
08/10/1720Oct: John Parker of bank - Furnace, Wood-cutter buried ye 8th day (slayne)
13/10/1720Hannah Wife of Richd Wormall, Grocer, buried ye 13th day
14/10/1720Elizabeth Wife of David Coope, Clothier, buried ye 14th day
24/10/1720Margret Daughtr of John Dixon, Shoemaker buried ye 24th day
10/11/1720Nov : Elizabeth Wife of Joshua Coope, Clothier, buried ye 10th day
05/12/1720Dec : Barbara Wife of Mr James Haigh our prsent Minister buried ye 5th day
22/12/1720James Swallow of Thornes, Clothier buried ye 22d day
22/01/1720Sarah Coope a poor Woman buried ye 22d day
28/01/1720Edith Carr Widow & Schoole Dame who taught 52 years buried ye 28th day
28/01/1720drowned George Brooke of ye Parish of Kirkheaton buried ye same day
16/02/1720Elizabeth Wife of Samuel Walker buried ye 16th day
19/02/1720Michael Coope, Clothier buried ye 19th day
09/04/1721Anne Daughter of James Wilson buried ye 9th day he being a clothier
04/05/1721Grace Haigh, Spinster buried ye same day
12/05/1721Anne Wife of Godfrey Crawshea, Yeoman buried ye 12th day
01/06/1721June Thomas Son of Robert Haigh of Street Haggs Tanner buried ye first day of June
03/06/1721Mary Coope Widw buried ye 3d day
08/06/1721William Carter, Carrier buried ye 8th day
14/06/1721Jane Cawthron Spinster buried ye 14th day
19/06/1721Mary Wife of Samuel Richardson, Clothier buried ye 19th day
17/09/1721Elizabeth Wife of John Procter Day-labourer buried ye 17th day
01/10/1721Oct : George Haigh, Day-labourer, buried ye 1st day of Octobr
02/10/1721Mary Cutler a poor woman buried ye 2d day
09/10/1721Oct : Mary Daughtr of George Haigh aforesd buried ye 9th day
22/10/1721John Proctor Day-labourer buried ye 22d day
22/11/1721John Walker of ye Parish of Thornhill, Day-labourer buried ye 22d day
22/12/1721John Hinsliff, Clothier buried ye 22d day
28/12/1721Martha Cutler Widow buried ye 28th day
07/02/1721Robert Son of Willm Walker, Clothier buried ye 7th day
29/02/1721John Kay Day-labourer buried ye same day
11/04/1722Grace Daughtr of Thos Collier, Carpenter, buried ye 11th day
22/04/1722William Son of Thos. Lofthouse, day laber buried ye 22d day
13/05/1722May Frances Daughter of Saml Stevenson, Carpenter, buried ye 13th of May
23/05/1722John Son of Saml Walker, Clothier buried ye 23d day
29/05/1722Anne Whitehead Widow buried ye 29th day
In June, 14 died of smallpox
03/06/1722Millicent Daughtr of David Coope, Clothier buried ye 3d day
03/06/1722John Son of John Richardson, Taylor buried ye same day
10/06/1722Hanna Daughter of ye sd David Coope buried ye 10th day
10/06/1722Phebe Daughter of Wm Hunt, Clothier buried ye same day
10/06/1722June Joseph Son of ye s° Wm Hunt buried ye same day
14/06/1722Mary Daughtr of Willm Sunderland, Clothier buried ye 14th day
14/06/1722Mary Daughter of Widw Popplewell buried ye same day
17/06/1722Samuel Son of John Land, Day-labourer buried ye 17th day
19/06/1722John Son of John Casley, Baker buried ye 19th day
20/06/1722Anne Daughter of Willm Carnell Day-labourer buriedy 20 day
23/06/1722Robert Son of Robt Wade, Clothier buried ye 23d day
24/06/1722Anne Daughter of Thomas Langfield, Clothier buried ye 24th day
25/06/1722George Son of George Bracebridge, Yeoman buried ye 25th day
26/06/1722Anne Daughter of Saml Richardson June Clothier buried ye 26th
In July, 12 died of smallpox
01/07/1722July James Son of John Hinsliff (deceased) buried ye 1st day of July
01/07/1722Sarah Daughter of Benjamin Craven,Day-labourer buried ye same day
03/07/1722Sarah Daughter of John Spur Clothier buried ye 3d day
05/07/1722Mary Daughter of John Kay, Drier, buried ye 5th day
05/07/1722James Son of George Hanson Day-labourer buried ye same day
01/07/1722Frances Daughter of Benjamin Craven buried ye 1st day
08/07/1722Hanna Daughter of Willm Mitchil buried ye 8th day
19/07/1722Edith Daughter of Joseph Carr, Clothier buried ye 19th day
21/07/1722John Son of Thomas Dawson, Carpenter buried ye 21st day
24/07/1722William Son of Richd Wormal, Grocer buried ye 24th day
24/07/1722Mary Daughter of Robert Burton, Clothier buried ye same day
24/07/1722Elizabeth Daughtr of John Issot, Cloth dresser buried ye same day
03/08/1722Aug. John Son of Robt Walker (deceased) buried ye 3d day of Aug.
04/08/1722Martha Daughter of Richard Burdekin black-smith buried ye 4th day
19/08/1722Richard Race, Clothier buried ye 19th day
20/12/1722John Mansfield, Post, buried ye 20th day
15/01/1722Jan : John Wood, Day-labourer buried ye 15th day
20/02/1722Martha Daughtr of Joseph Whitehead (deceased) buried ye 20th day
04/03/1722March John Watson, Clothier buried ye 4th day of March
06/03/1722Tabitha Daughtr of Joseph Hunt, Farmer, buried ye 6th day
10/03/1722Godfrey Crawshea Died ye 10th & was buried ye 12th day
19/03/1722Alice Carr Widw buried ye 19th day
27/03/1722Anne Wife of Josias Morton, Farmer, buried ye 27th day
14/05/1723Anne Daughtr of Joseph Cawthron Clothier buried ye 14th day
16/06/1723Michael Son of Thos Hanson, Fullen Miller buried ye 16th day
17/06/1723Martha Daughter of Richd Burdekin, blacksmith, buried ye 17th day
25/06/1723Faith Wife of Josa Race, Clothier buried ye same day
29/08/1723John Son of Mr Stewardson, Officer of Excise, buried ye 29th day
08/01/1723Richard Son of Richd Wormall, Grocer buried ye 8th day
07/02/1723Feb : Hanna Daughtr of John Jackson, Taylor, buried ye 7th day
27/02/1723Feb Mary Wife of Willm Cutler, Clothier buried ye 27th day
06/08/1724Nathan Hunt, Yeoman, buried ye 6th day
27/08/1724Susanna Goodall Widw buried ye 27th day
28/09/1724William Walker, Clothier, buried ye 28th day
10/10/1724Oct : Hanna Wife of Richd Foster of Osset, Yeoman buried ye 10h day
19/10/1724Susanna Haigh Widw buried ye 19th day
19/01/1724Anne Wife of Robert Cass, Clothier buried ye 19th day
11/04/1725Robert Burton, Clothier buried ye 11th day of April
14/08/1725Jane Wife of William Mansfield, Clark of Horbury buried ye same day
29/08/1725William Son of Joseph Whitely, Shoemaker, buried ye 29th day
13/09/1725Sept : Robert Son of James Wilson, Baker buried ye 13th day 7th
16/01/1725Saml Son of Saml Stevenson buried ye 16th day
03/02/1725Feb. Jonas Son of Joseph Binns, Mason, buried ye 3d day of February
08/03/1725Willm Son of Willm Hunt, Clothier buried the 8 day
20/03/1725]arch William Son of Willm Carnill, Labourer buried the 20 day
21/03/1725Joseph Son of Jonas Beckett, Labourer buried the 21 day
23/03/1725Willm Son of Willm Metcalf, Clothier buried ye 23 day
18/04/1726Eliz : Wife of Japhet Wood buried ye 18th day
19/05/1726John Hartley, Dyer, buried ye 19th day
04/06/1726June Thomas Son of Joseph Hunt, Farmer, buried ye 4th day of June
29/06/1726Thomas White, Taylor, buried ye 29th day
30/06/1726Beatrix Wife of John Binns, Shoemaker, buried ye 30th day
23/08/1726Jane Wilby of Osset Widow buried ye 23d day
10/09/1726Sarah Haigh, Spinster, buried ye same day
02/12/1726Dec : Martha Audsley Spinster buried ye 2 day of December
25/12/1726Thomas Cawthron a poor man buried ye 25th day
04/01/1726Jan : Thomas Wood, Clothier, buried ye 4th day of January
04/01/1726Ellin Carr Widow buried ye same day
19/01/1726Benjamin Son of Benjamin Mansfield, Post, buried ye 19th day
30/06/1726Jno Son of Samll Richardson Jun : buried ye 30th day
06/02/1726Maria Daughter of Benjamin Craven Day-labourer buried ye 6th day
25/03/1727March Mary Daughter of Ephraim Coop buried ye 25th day of March
30/03/1727Mary Wife of William Craven, Tayler, buried the 30th of March
31/03/1727Mary Daughter of James Clegg of Dog House, buried 31st of March
01/04/1727Aprill Jeremiah Serjeant, Clothier buried the 1st day of Aprill
03/04/1727Mr James Haigh, Clerk, & Curate of Horbury buried the 3 day of Aprill 1727 when he had officiated 41 yrs 10 months & 14 days
12/04/1727Thomas Son of Tho : Langfield, Clothier, buried the 12 day
08/05/1727May Joseph Son of John Hanson, Labourer, buried 8th day
18/05/1727Susanna Daughter of Samuel Thorns, Clothier buried 18th day
19/05/1727John the Son of Matthew Moraer, day Labourer, buried 19th day
19/05/1727Martha the Daughter of Joseph Foster, Stapler buried 19th day
28/05/1727Elizabeth the Daughter of Thomas Loftas, Labourer buried 28th day
16/06/1727Hannah the Daughter of John Spurr,Cloth Maker buried the 16th day
18/06/1727John the Son of John Spurr, Cloth Maker, buried the 18th day
27/06/1727Ellenar Dr of Joseph Pollard, Ale House Keeper, buried 27th day
06/07/1727Hannah Daughter of John Armitage, Clothier buried 6th ditto
13/07/1727Thomas the Son of Joshua Shernah, Clothier, buried 13 day
21/07/1727John the Son of John Cawthron, Yeoman, buried 21 day
24/07/1727Elizabeth the Daughter of Anthony Bedford, Farmer, buried 24th day
12/08/1727Aug : James the Son of Wm Mitchell, Labourer buried ye 12th day
22/08/1727Thomas the Son of Tho : Laycock, Labourer buried the 22d Ditto
26/08/1727Thos Holdsworth of Kirk-Heaton buried the 26th Ditto
09/09/1727Rebecca Daughter of Adam Scawbard, Labr buried on ye 9th Ditto
14/09/1727Susanna Hinchliff of Osset, buried on ye 14th Ditto
16/09/1727John Cawthron Senr buried on ye 16th ditto
23/09/1727Willm Craven, Taylor, buried on ye 23d
20/09/1727Mary Daughter of Robert Haigh buried on ye 20th
17/10/1727Oct : Robert Cash, Clothier, buried on the 17th day
20/10/1727Widow Walker buried the 20th Ditto
07/12/1727Judith Wife of Wm Craven, Taylor, buried ye 7th day
09/12/1727Thomas Pollard Son of Tempest Pollard buried on 9th Ditto
27/01/1727Grace Haigh, Widow, buried on ye 27th Ditto
17/02/1727Daniell Thornes, Mason, buried ye 17th day
22/02/1727Ann Swallow, Widow, buried ye 22d Ditto
15/04/1728Sarah Wife of Abraham Redfearn of Almondbury buried ye 15th
30/05/172830 Thos Pearson, Butcher buried
03/06/1728June 3 Richd Batley, Clothier, buried
12/08/1728Aug :12 Judith Cawthorn Widow, buried
01/09/1728Sept. 1 Grace Daughter of Jno Hopkin, Labourer, buried
23/10/172823 Susanna ye Wife of Henry Hunt, Carpenter, buried
30/10/172830 Willm Stephenson, Clothier, & Sarah his Wife buried
02/12/1728Dec 2 Mary the Wife of Jno Oxley, Shoemaker, buried
07/12/17287 Mr Francis Rhodes, buried
14/12/172814 Thos Carter, Clothier buried
20/01/172820 Lucy Daughter of Saml Stephenson, Carpenter, buried
22/01/172822 Rachael Cash, Spinster buried
11/02/172811 Thos Goodall, Carpenter, buried
18/02/1728Feb : 18 Ann Battley, Widow, buried
12/03/172812 John Son of John Fish, Labourer, buried
24/03/172824 Robt Son of Thos Dawson, Carpenter, buried
06/04/1729April 6 Martha Car, Spinster, buried
25/04/172925 Esther Wife of Benjamin Mansfield, Post Man, buried
29/04/172929 Willm Dawson, Husband Man buried
02/05/1729May 2 Willm Pollard, Clothier, buried
13/05/172913 Joshua Pollard, Clothier, buried
19/05/172919 Robert Towning, Gardiner, buried
22/05/172922 Thos Ryley, Clothier, buried
29/05/172929 Catherine Lepindill of Wakefd, Midwife, buried
20/07/172920 Mary Daughter of Charles Smith buried
19/08/1729Aug : 19 Adam Scawbard, Labourer buried
02/12/1729Dec. 2 Willm Hanson, Cooper, buried
14/12/172914 Jno Son of Elkanah Coupe buried
15/12/172915 Jane Daughter of Thos White, Taylor, buried
21/12/172921 Mary Metcalf, Widow, buried
06/01/1729Jan : 6 Ann Daughter of Jno Goodall, Carpenter, buried
09/01/17299 Mary Proctor a poor child buried
17/01/172917 Alice Kay, Widow, buried
03/03/1729March 3 Mrs Ann Watkinson, Widow, buried
04/03/17294 Jno Son of Jno Carter, Carpenter, buried
05/04/1730April 5 Jno Son of George Broadhead, Clothier buried
22/04/173022 Mary ye Wife of Wm Cozen, Labr buried
04/06/17304 Elizabeth Wife of Willm Carnel, buried
23/07/173023 James Son of Jno Roberts, Gardiner buried
16/08/173016 Jno Son of Josha Simpson, Labr buried
18/09/173018 Mr Richd Foster of South Green buried
17/10/173017 Jane Towning, Spinster, buried
23/10/173023 Jno Son of Ely Coupe buried
10/11/1730Nov. 10 Sarah Wife of Jno Wood, Shoemaker, buried
04/01/17304 Dorothy Wife of Thos Shuttleworth, Labr buried
06/01/17306 Abel Armitage Labr buried
22/01/173022 Thos Son of Jno Goodall, Carpenter, buried
02/02/1730Feb. 2 Jno Binns, Shoemaker, buried
07/02/17307 Ann Thewlish & Mary Daughter of Jno Jackson, Taylor, buried
14/02/173014 George Son of Jno Kay, Labourer, buried
18/02/173018 Edwd Son of Joseph Pollard buried
28/02/1730Feb Japhet Wood, Clothier, buried
23/03/173023 Hannah Daughtr of Jonas Binns, Shoemaker buried
15/04/173115 Mr Richd Wormall buried
20/04/173120 George Son of Ezra Charlesworth, buried
20/06/173120 Joseph Son of Michael Binns, Labourer, buried
08/08/1731Augst 8 Judith Daughter of Joseph Hunt, Farmer, buried
14/08/173114 Benjamin Mansfield, Post Man, buried
24/08/173124 Elizabeth Wife of Mathias Burton, buried
05/10/1731Oct Anne Wife of James Wilson, Labourer, buried Ditto
22/10/173122 Elizabeth Wood, Widow, buried
14/12/173114 Mary Bargh, Spinster, buried
16/12/173116 Richd Car buried
21/12/173121 Grace Dixon, Widow, buried
24/12/173124 Jno Carter, Butcher, buried
31/12/173131 The Revd Mr Sill, Lecturer of Wakefield, buried
06/01/17316 Elizabeth Wilson, Widow, buried
12/01/173112 Robt Walker, Clothier, buried
15/01/173115 Elizabeth Hunt, Widow, buried
16/01/173116 Eleanor Daughter of Jas Mitchell, Labourer, buried
16/01/1731Jan Ann Daughter of Wm Breame of Nethertoun, buried Ditto
07/02/17317 Rachael Daughter of Wm Mitchell, Labr buried
06/03/17316 Benjamin Craven, Labourer buried
27/03/173227 Deborah ye Wife of Wm Batley buried
16/04/173216 Rebeccah Wife of Wm Cozen buried
13/05/1732May 13 Joseph Hirst, Labourer, buried
18/05/173218 Jno Wood, Shoemaker buried
01/06/1732June 1 Hannah Heartley, Widow, buried
03/10/1732October 3 Sarah ye Wife of David Carter, buried
12/11/173212 Sarah Dr of Joshua Simpson buried
24/12/173224 Elizabeth ye Wife of Joseph Whitaker of Doghouse, buried
28/01/173228 Mary Dr of Jno Longley buried
29/01/173229 Willm Son of Mark Whitaker of Wakefd buried
11/02/1732Feb : 11 Anne Daughter of Jas Oakes buried
14/02/173214 Susanna Wife of Richd Burton buried
16/02/173216 Mrs Anne Rhodes, Widow, buried
24/02/173224 Mrs Anne Naylor, Widow, buried
22/03/173222 Josias Peace, Black-Smith buried
17/04/1733April 17 Elizabeth Haigh, Spinster, buried
17/05/1733May Elizabeth Daughter of Dan : Booth buried
??/05/1733May Elizabeth Daughter of Thos. Langfield, Clothier buried
04/06/17334 Hannah Daughtr of Widow Hirst buried
05/07/1733Jul Judith Daughter of James Oakes buried
08/07/17338 Jno Son of Michael Binns buried
21/09/173321 James Oaks, Miller buried
04/10/1733Oct : 4 Thos. Son of Joseph Foster buried
09/10/17339 Timothy Denison, Linen Draper, buried
14/11/1733Nov : 14 Alice Daughtr of Thos Dawson, Carpenter, buried
02/12/1733Dec : 2 Robt Son of Wm Cozen, Labr buried
24/12/173324 Mrs Margaret Wentworth, Widow buried
30/12/173330 George Car, Mason, buried
03/01/1733Jan. 3 Josha Son of Daniel Booth, Labr buried
12/01/173312 Alice Daughtr of Thos. Wood, Clothier buried
27/01/173327 Joseph Son of Robt Carr, Mason, buried
19/02/173319 Catherine Daughter of Joseph Pollard buried
05/03/17335 Richd Son of Thos Laycock, Labr buried
31/03/1734Mar Mary Daughter of Jno Binns buried Ditto
11/04/173411 William Son of Willm Mitchell buried
14/04/173414 Sarah Daughter of Eliz : Thornes buried
18/04/173418 Robt Son of Robert Towning, Gardiner buried
29/04/173429 Jno Son of Jno Wood, Shoemaker, buried
03/05/1734May 3 Elizabeth Daughter of Benjamin Craven buried
06/05/17346 Richd Son of Joshua Race buried
06/05/1734May Mary Daughter of Francis Heaton, Labr buried Ditto
07/05/17347 Sarah Wife of Joshua Raynor buried
01/07/1734July 1 Sarah Daughtr of Jno Hanson buried
15/08/173415 Jno Land a poor man buried
28/09/173428 Sarah Daughter of Robt Wade buried
05/10/17345 John Horsfield buried
09/10/17349 Jno Cutler a poor man buried
11/01/173411 Alice Wife of Jno Castlehouse, Baker, buried
19/04/173519 Mary Daughter of Thomas Beatson buried
03/06/1735June 3 Izabel Daughter of Wm Hunt buried
28/07/173528 Thos Son of Joseph Pearson buried
26/08/173526 Jno Marsden buried
05/10/17355 Hanah Daughter of Anne Burton buried
02/11/1735Nov. 2 Sarah Sagar Widow buried
24/11/173524 Hannah Wife of John Gelder buried
04/12/1735Dec. 4 Mr William Wentworth buried
09/12/17359 Thos Craven buried
12/12/173512 David Holdsworth buried
17/12/173517 Sarah Wife of Robert Wood buried
26/12/173526 Hanah Daughter of Ely Coupe buried
28/12/173528 Stephen Son of Jno Smith buried
14/01/173514 Alice Daughter of Michael Coupe buried
17/01/173517 Martha Daughter of Matthew Hopkin buried
04/02/1735Feb : 4 Jno Son of Edward Hanson buried
08/02/17358 Susannah Wife of Wm Swallow buried
13/02/173513 Hannah Daughter of Ben : Mitchell buried
21/02/173521 Jane Hunt Widow buried
29/02/173529 Dorothy Batley Widow buried
11/03/173511 John Walker buried
21/03/173521 Hannah Serjeant Wid : buried
28/03/1736Mar Jno Apethorp buried Ditto
31/03/173631 William Mansfield, Clerk buried
03/04/1736Apr 3 Rebecca Dr of James Wilson buried
06/04/17366 Elizabeth Wife of Jno Goodall buried
21/04/173621 Mr Richd Shaw buried
22/04/173622 Saml Craven & Christopher Gawthorp buried
23/04/173623 Sarah Thorns Widow buried
26/04/173626 Anthony Bedford & Joseph Binns buried
03/05/1736May 3 Robert Haigh buried
10/05/173610 Sarah Dr of Josha Race buried
22/05/1736May 22 Thomas & Michael Sons of Mr William Wentworth buried
23/05/173623 Mary the Wife of Mr William Heron buried
26/05/173626 Richard Burdikin Black-Smith buried
15/06/1736June 15 Anne the Wife of Joseph Cawthorn buried
01/07/1736July 1 James ye Son of Joseph Armitage buried
12/07/173612 Joshua Race, Clothier buried
15/08/1736Aug : 15 Joshua Simpson, Labr buried
07/09/17367 Elizabeth Daughter of Isaac Balmforth buried
12/09/173612 Jno Jackson, Taylor buried
20/10/173620 Mrs Wilson buried
02/12/1736Decr 2 Jno Carr, Mason, buried
30/12/173630 Mary Burdekin, Widow, buried
31/12/173631 Anne Wife of Wm Cutler buried
30/01/1736Jan : 30 Robert Ward buried
13/03/173613 Jno Son of Nathan Overend buried
27/03/1737Mar Eleanor Bradforth buried Ditto
09/09/1737Sep : 9 Robert Son of Robert Haigh buried
19/10/1737Oct Elizabeth ye Daughter of Jno Goodall buried
06/11/17376 Susanah ye Wife of William Craven buried
01/12/1737Dec. 1 Jno Son of Henry Bean buried
02/12/17372 Elizabeth Daughter of Joseph Knowles buried
11/12/173711 Rebeccah Horsfield, Spinster buried
20/12/173720 Rachael Wife of Isaac Balmforth & Hannah his Daughter buried
20/12/1737Dec Richd ye Son of Jno Cawthorn buried
22/12/173722 Sarah ye Wife of Rich° Jessup buried
27/12/173727 Susanah ye Wife of Joshua Coupe buried
02/01/1737Jan : 2 Jane ye Wife of Matthew Moorhouse buried
03/01/17373 Judith Daughter of Jno Cawthorn buried
25/01/173725 Charles Son of Mrs Heron of Wakefield, Widow buried
03/02/1737Feb : 3 Faith Daughter of Charles Longley buried
06/02/17376 Sarah Daughter of Richd Car buried
09/02/1737Feb : 9 Francis Son of Ben : Mitchell buried
13/03/173713 Godfrey Son of Godfrey Bracebridge buried
15/03/173715 George Son of Wm Cozen buried
19/03/173719 William Cozen buried
23/03/1737March 23 Margaret Daughter of William Mitchill buried
05/04/17385 Edward Son of Daniel Addy buried
08/04/17388 Robert Son of James Wilson buried
09/04/17389 William Son of Jno Wilson buried
14/04/173814 Sarah Daughter of James Ward buried
16/04/173816 Thomas Dawson, Carpenter buried
22/04/173822 Jane Daughter of Robert Towning buried
23/04/173823 Sarah Daughter of Olive Dawson buried
02/05/1738May 2 Eleanor Daughter of Jonas Binns buried
05/05/17385 Hannah Daughter of William Ryley buried
09/06/17389 Mr Mary Garner, Spinster buried
30/06/173830 John Binns buried
28/08/173828 John Castlehouse buried
03/10/1738Oct : 3 Sarah Wife of George Bracebridge buried, Oct. 3
23/10/173823 Winifrid Daughter of Samuel Thornes buried
04/11/1738Nov. 4 Joshua Raynor buried
26/12/173826 Elkanah Coupe, Clothier buried
28/12/173828 Joshua Son of John Barker buried
19/02/173819 Betty Daughter of Richd Carr buried
23/03/1738Mar John Mitchell buried Ditto
11/04/173911 Elizabeth daught : of James Hunt buried
14/05/173914 Betty Daughter of ye sd Joseph Marsden buried
11/06/1739Jun Elizabeth Wife of Jno Holt buried
07/09/17397 Rachael Daughter of Joshua Mitchell buried
11/11/173911 Anne Daughter of Susanah Dyson buried
11/12/173911 Joseph Kay buried. 21 Richd Burton buried
22/01/173922 Mr Sill, Widow, buried
22/02/173922 Robert Son of James Ward buried
14/06/1740June 14 John Walker, Clothier buried
17/06/174017 William Son of John Burton buried
12/08/174012 Joshua Bargh buried
17/08/174017 Timothy Cawthorn buried
08/10/17408 John Dixon buried
10/10/1740Oct Mary Mitchell, Widow, buried Ditto
17/10/174017 Sarah Wife of Ralph Walker buried
27/10/174027 George Son of Anne Burton, Widow, buried
21/11/174021 Elizabeth Wife of Dan : Riehardson buried
03/12/1740Dec : 3 Thomas Wood, Clothier buried
03/12/1740Dec Rachael Daughter of Joshua Whitehead buried Ditto
08/12/17408 Anne Race, Spinster buried
16/12/174016 Sarah Wife of Robert Cliffe buried
23/12/174023 Susanah Wife of Jno Renshaw buried
27/12/1740Dec Martha Wife of Dan : Addy buried Ditto
08/01/17408 Jno Son of Jno Brogden buried
23/02/1740Feb : 23 Ezra Charlesworth buried
07/03/1740Mar Elizabeth Wife of Daniel Burton buried
10/03/174010 Mary Wife of Jno Stringer buried
17/03/174017 Catherine Daughter of William Cutler buried
22/03/174022 Joseph Browne buried
25/03/174025 Joshua Coope buried
26/03/1741March 26 Joseph Son of Richard Walker buried
03/04/1741April 3 Daniel Richardson buried
04/05/17414 Thomas Batley buried
09/05/17419 Joseph Yates buried
01/06/1741June 1 Thomas White buried
08/06/17418 Joseph Son of Richard Car buried
11/06/174111 Sarah Daughter of William Mitchell buried
19/06/174119 John Stringer buried
10/08/1741Aug: 10 David Coupe buried
19/09/174119 Susanah Wife of Jno Armitage buried
03/10/1741Oct : 3 Susanah Daughter of David Marsden buried
07/10/17417 Joseph Son of Samuel Armitage buried
28/10/174128 Elisabeth & Rose Daughters of Robert Carr buried
30/10/174130 Gervase Son of William Cutler buried
10/11/174110 Elisabeth Daughter of Ben Thornton buried
19/11/174119 Alice Daughter of Thos Langfield buried
02/12/1741Dec : 2 Jno Son of Stephen Apethorp buried
06/12/17416 Sarah Daughter of James Raynor buried
10/12/174110 Joshua Son of Joshua Charlesworth buried
20/12/174120 Anne Daughter of Jno Burdekin buried
25/12/174125 Sarah Daughtr of Jno Batley buried
31/12/174131 Ralph Walker buried
16/01/174116 Joseph Naylor buried
28/03/1742March 28 Martha Crossland buried
05/04/1742April 5 William Pollard buried
20/04/174220 Jonathan Son of Wm Cutler buried
24/04/174224 Anne Wife of Joshua Kay buried
24/04/1742Apr Joshua Son of Josha Raynor buried
30/04/174230 Esther Daughtr of Josha Raynor buried
19/05/174219 William Hepworth buried
22/05/174222 Jeremy Haigh buried
26/05/174226 George Son of John Outhwaite buried
04/06/17424 Samuel Richardson buried
07/06/1742Jun Sarah Daughter of Joshua Segnior buried Ditto
02/07/1742July 2 George Hope buried
07/07/17427 William Son of Charles Smith buried
22/07/174222 Charles Smith buried
02/08/1742August 2 Mrs Grace Denison buried
04/08/17424 Mr Samuel Drake, Schoolmaster, buried
05/08/17425 Charles Hollins buried
30/08/174230 Mary Yates buried
02/09/17422 William Metcalfe buried.
04/09/17424 Fanny Daughter of Henry Pearson buried
09/09/17429 Sarah Daughter of John Beaumont buried
22/09/1742September 22 William Craven buried
07/11/17427 John Marsden buried
09/11/17429 Martha Wid : of Jeremy Haigh buried
12/11/174212 Mary Wife of Samuel Armitage buried
20/11/174220 John Roberts, Gardener, buried
05/12/1742December 5 Judith Wife of William Jessup buried
31/12/1742Dec Joseph Cawthorn buried
12/01/174212 Mary Daughter of Mr Richard Towne buried
14/01/174214 Mary Wife of Richard Armitage buried
17/01/174217 Francis Son of William Mitchell buried
22/03/174222 Sarah Wife of William Barber buried
22/03/1742Mar Hanah Daughter of Elkanah Batley buried ditto
23/03/174223 Mr William Moor of Wakefield buried
25/03/1743March 25 Martha Cawthorn Widow buried
04/04/1743Apr Benjamin Son of Mark Whitaker of Wakefield buried
13/05/1743May 13 Hannah Daughter of Joseph Whitaker of ye Dog-House buried
25/05/174325 John Smith, Labourer buried
19/06/1743June 19 John Pollard, Clothier, buried
19/07/174319 Hanah Daughter of Mary Thornes Wid : buried
20/07/174320 Mary Daughter of Geo : Proctor, Labr buried
20/07/1743Jul Francis Marsden buried
25/07/174325 Lucy Daughter of Widow Bedford buried
07/08/17437 Hannah Daughter of James Ward buried
14/08/1743Aug Anne Daughter of William Lockwood buried
07/09/17437 Richard Denison, Linen-Draper buried
09/10/17439 Anne Oaks Widow buried
30/10/1743Oct Mrs Francis Wormall, Widow, buried
17/11/174317 James Son of John Ward buried
09/01/1743January 9 James Son of John Scott, Labourer buried
23/01/174323 Margaret Daughter of Richard Walker buried
01/02/1743February 1 Sarah Carr, Widow buried
11/02/1743February 11 Jno Batley, Clothier buried
11/03/174311 Mary Daughter of John Roberts buried
24/03/174324 Mary Daughter of Joshua Coope buried
05/04/1744April 5 Elisabeth Daughter of Joshua Hopwood buried
10/04/174410 Rebecca Coupe, Widow buried
29/04/1744Apr Matthew Moorhouse, Labourer buried
10/05/174410 Sarah Land, Widow buried
18/05/174418 Stephen Apethorp buried
04/06/1744June 4 William Son of Joseph Gawthorp buried
05/06/17445 Grace Daughter of Joshua Horner buried
07/07/17447 Barbara Daughter of Robert Haigh, Taner buried
05/08/1744Aug : 5 Daniel Booth, Labourer buried
06/08/17446 Thomas Walshaw buried
24/09/174424 Martha Wife of Jno Hutchinson, Labourer buried
10/10/174410 Joshua Ellis buried
19/10/174419 Timothy Knowles, Labourer buried
08/01/17448 Jane Wife of William Loxley buried
15/02/1744February 15, Jno Son of Joseph Knowles, Clothier buried
21/02/174421 Benjamin Mitchell, Labourer buried
09/03/1744March 9 George Bracebridge buried
02/03/17442 William Cutler, Labourer buried
01/04/1745Apr : 1 Elisabeth Sunderland, Widow buried
04/04/17454 Abel Tinker buried
09/04/17459 John Son of Richd Car, Chapel-Clerk buried
19/04/174519 John Gelder, Farmer, buried
21/06/174521 Mr John Rhodes buried
04/08/1745Augt 4 Thomas Preston, Clothier buried
20/09/174520 William Son of Joshua Holdroyd, Carpenter buried
12/10/1745October 12 Thomas Walker, Husbandman, buried
06/12/17456 Anne Holt, Widow, buried
22/12/174522 Benjamin Son of Joshua Charlesworth buried
24/12/174524 Thomas Son of Jno Renshaw buried
21/01/174521 Elisabeth Bean, Widow buried
23/01/1745Jan Mary Burton Widow buried
26/01/1745Jan Jno Son of Joseph Armitage buried Ditto
02/02/1745February 2 Jane Walshaw buried
04/02/17454 Jno Holdsworth, Clothier, buried
12/02/174512 Rose Wife of Jno Raynor buried
13/04/1746Apr William Hamerton, an old soldier, buried ditto
13/04/1746Apr Betty Daughter of Joshua Hopwood buried
04/05/17464 Mrs Martha Firth, Spinster, buried
12/05/174612 Hannah Daughter of Joseph Gawthorp buried
18/07/174618 Jno Hemingway buried
23/07/174623 Jane Segnior, Widow buried
22/08/174622 Elisabeth Daughter of George Proctor buried
23/08/174623 Hannah Kenworthy, Widow, buried
21/09/174621 David Son of Joshua Turton buried
30/09/174630 Henry Son of Henry Bean buried
02/10/1746October 2 Joseph Son of John Scott, Labourer buried
02/10/1746Oct George Son of William Barber, White Smith buried Ditto
08/10/17468 Joseph Son of Isaac Armitage, Clothier buried
01/11/1746November 1 Jeremiah Son of David Marsden buried
09/11/17469 Richard Son of Henry Pearson buried
11/11/174611 Margaret Daughter of Arthur Kaye buried
16/11/1746Nov Richard Son of Robert Oates buried Ditto
19/11/174619 Anne Daughter of James Dyson buried
23/11/174623 James & Mary Son & Daughter of Thomas Croft buried
23/11/1746Nov James Son of John Race buried Ditto
23/11/1746Nov Betty Daughter of Elkanah Batley buried Ditto
26/11/174626 Lydia Wife of Joseph Cozen buried
29/11/174629 Joseph Son of Ralph Walker buried
02/12/1746December 2 Joseph Son of Edward Binns buried
02/12/1746Dec Sarah Daughter of Jno Barker buried Ditto
05/12/17465 Thomas Langfield, Clothier buried
07/12/17467 Sarah Daughter of John Fish buried
08/12/17468 Rebecca Daughter of Dan : Burton buried
06/01/17466 Sarah Wife of William Mitchell buried
08/01/17468 Alice Walker, Widow, buried
13/01/174613 Anne Dr of James Wilson buried
04/02/1746February 4 Betty Dr of Josha Whitehead buried
10/02/174610 Francis Son of Jno Leake buried
11/02/174611 Matthias Burton, a poor man buried
01/03/1746March 1 Sarah Wife of Jno Hunt, Carpenter buried
06/03/17466 Joseph Son of Joshua Raynor buried
07/03/17467 William Son of Joseph Marsden buried
12/03/174612 Isaac Son of Jno Hemingway buried
17/03/174617 Hannah Daughter of Josha Oldroyd buried
26/03/1747March 26 Anne Burton, Widow, buried
27/03/174727 Anne Wife of James Mitchel buried
27/03/1747Mar Jno Son of Joshua Coope buried Ditto
28/03/174728 Sarah Dr of Jno Hunt buried
02/04/1747April 2 Samuel Dawson, Farmer buried
03/05/1747May 3 Elkanah Batley buried
09/05/17479 Samuel Son of Joshua Whitehead buried
15/05/174715 Sarah Binns buried
26/05/174726 Mrs Sarah Rhodes (late of Flocton) buried
29/05/174729 Elisabeth Dr of Jno Hutchinson buried
30/05/174730 Elisabeth Wife of Sam : Thorns buried
30/05/1747May Hanah Batley, Widow, buried Ditto
24/06/174724 Josias Son of John Burdekin buried
29/06/174729 William Moorhouse buried
19/07/174719 Jno Son of Jno Proctor buried
10/08/1747August 10 Joseph Son of John Issot buried
30/09/1747Sept 30 Sarah Metcalfe, Widow, buried Ditto
11/10/174711 Anne Daughter of John Cawthorn buried
28/10/174728 Elisabeth Daughter of Richd Proctor buried
30/10/1747Oct John Lockwood buried Ditto
22/12/174722 Anne Wife of Thos Beatson buried
13/01/174713 Martha Hopkin, Widow, buried
11/02/174711 Robert Apethorp, Clothier buried
16/02/174716 Sarah Daughter of David Marsden buried
25/03/1748Mar Jno Son of Henry Banister buried Ditto
03/04/1748April 3 Elisabeth Wife of Robert Oxley buried
09/04/17489 Mary Daughter of Josh° Oldroyd buried
25/04/1748Apr Matthew Son of Wid : Moorhouse buried Ditto
03/05/1748May 3 Jno Kay, labourer buried
09/05/17489 Richd Son of Geo : Proctor buried
10/05/174810 Anne Wife of Jno : Walshaw buried
10/05/1748May Henry Son of Jno Sagar buried Ditto
29/05/174829 Isaac Armitage, Clothier, buried
08/06/1748June 8 Thomas Laycock, Labr buried
09/07/1748July 9 Joshua Hopwood buried
19/08/174819 Godfrey Bracebridge buried
12/09/174812 Richard Carr, Chapel-Clerk buried
23/09/174823 Mr Joseph Whitaker of Doghouse buried
01/10/17481 Jno Issot buried ye 22d of Octr
25/10/174825 Richard Armitage, Clothier buried
16/11/1748November 16 Jno Walshshaw buried
30/11/1748Nov Jno Son of Jno Hemingway buried
19/12/174819 Thomas Lofthouse buried
26/12/174826 Mary Dr of Geo : Broadhead june buried
02/01/1748January 2 Mary the Wife of Robert Cliffe buried
02/02/1748Feb. 2 William Batley, Labr buried
11/03/1748March 11 Hannah Daughterr of William Penington buried
17/04/1749Apr. 17 Thomas Walker, Butcher, buried
17/04/1749Apr Benjamin Son of Joseph Marsden, Clothier, buried
07/06/1749June 7 John Hinchcliffe, a poor man buried
09/06/17499 Lydia Wife of Timothy Craven buried
13/06/174913 Sarah Wife of William Sunderland, Clothier buried
26/06/174926 Mary Wife of Joseph Walker, buried
29/06/174929 William Son of William Carter, Sadler, buried
06/07/17496 William Sunderland, Clothier, buried
12/07/1749Jul Ruth Daughter of Benjamin Oates, Clothier buried
01/08/1749August 1 Edward Dawson, Batchelor buried
08/08/17498 Mary Daughter of Jno Aveling buried
18/08/174918 Elisabeth the Wife of David Holdsworth buried
03/09/1749Sep : 3 John Aveling buried
21/10/174921 George Son of John Renshaw, Mason, buried
27/10/174927 Elisabeth Batley widow buried
25/01/174925 William Swallow of Thornes buried
06/02/17496 John Son of John Barker, Shoemaker, buried

Data transcribed from
A publication by the Yorkshire Parish Register Society
published in the year 1900
Transcribed by Colin Hinson
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