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R.A.F. Henlow Signals Museum Exhibits

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Morse_Creed_Keyboard_Perforator_9=0019.jpg Morse_Creed_Tape_Printer_1T=0014.jpg

Morse_Keys=0073.jpg Morse_Key_Type_D=0395.jpg
Creed Keyboard Perforator 9
Creed Tape Printer 1T
Fullerphone MkV
Key Type D

Fullerphone Mk V.

The Fullerphone is a portable DC line Morse telegraph instrument devised in 1915 by Captain (later Major General) A.C. Fuller of the British Signal Service.
Fullerphone transmissions were practically immune from being overheard and that made the device very useful in forward areas in the trenches in WWI.
Morse<br>Fullerphone MkV

Morse Fullerphone MkV (Photograph Number 0259)

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