Signals Museum
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Ground Radar: Early warning search radars
(and lots of other electronic and WWII things....).

In association with the Henlow Signals Museum

As you may know, R.A.F. Henlow is due to close in 2026 (currently - it was 2020, so it's probably 2030!) and so we need somewhere to put the Museum. It would seem that most of the personnel are to move to Bassingbourne and there is nowhere to put the museum there. My memories of flying over Bassingbourne were that there is not a lot there and so I flew over again in my glider, taking a video as I went. Unfortunately just before I got overhead I was running out of height and had to turn round and go home - no thermals. However I did get a good view of Bassingbourne - the video is here and the final photo is here. There is not a lot there!

The Radar Displays:



De-classified Radar Air Publications etc in pdf format (all machine searchable).

You are welcome to download and use these documents for your own personal use, but not to upload them to another website etc.
(be aware that each file and most of the pages are identifiable.)

If you want to view any of these, please download them first and then view them with Adobe Acrobat.

An alphetical list of the APs available on this site is available here.

(= added in the past few months)

Radar Equipments

Rotor and Linesman Radar Equipments

Other Ground Radar Equipments

Airborne Radar Equipments

Miscellaneous Articles relating to Radar:

Links to other Radar web-sites:

Donations for the upkeep of these pages :

Non-Radar De-classified Air Publications etc. (all machine searchable)

You are welcome to download and use these documents for your own personal use, but not to upload them to another website etc.
(be aware that each file and most of the pages are identifiable.)
( = added in the past few months)

An alphetical list of the APs available on this site is available here.

Due to this page becoming difficult to follow, I have moved the links to the following 10 groups to separate pages:

Lists and Indexes:

Miscellaneous equipments

Radar and Radio Training notes and other Miscellaneous items.

An alphetical list of the APs available on this site is available here.

Aircraft, Missiles, ATC, ROC, Post Office Journals and other miscellaneous items.

( = added in the past few months)

Miscellaneous links to other electronics that I've had dealings with:

Some non-electronic links:

Donations for the upkeep of these pages :

If you have any comments, complaints, suggestions, requests etc, please drop me a line via my Genuki email page.

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