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Receiver_Type_R1082_Coils=0053.jpg Receiver_Type_R1084=0046.jpg

Receiver_Type_R1124D=0171.jpg Receiver_Type_R1125A=0169.jpg
Type R1082 Coils
Type R1084
Type R1116A
Type R1124D
Type R1125A

Receiver Type R1116A

The R1116 dates back to the 1930s and was built to be used along with the T1115 transmitter. The sets were installed/fitted in the Sunderland Flying boats and the well known Fairy Swordfish aircraft in the late 1930s, and into the early years of WWII.
The R1116 is a battery operated, double-superhet, eight-valve receiver, with frequency ranges of 142 kc/s to 1600 kc/s and 2 Mc/s to 20 Mc/s. Used for RT and CW communications, it also had Direction Finding (D/F) facilities.
The power required to operate the R1116 was derived from batteries, delivering voltages of HT=120 volts, Grid-bias=10.5 volts, and 2 volts for the filaments of the valves.
Receiver<br>Type R1116A

Receiver Type R1116A (Photograph Number 0245)

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