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  Yorkshire Yorkshire   East Riding, Yorkshire East Riding, Yorkshire

The Ancient Parish of HESSLE

[Transcribed information mainly from the early 1820s]

"HESSLE, a parish-town in Hullshire, 5 miles WSW. of Hull. This is an ancient parish and manor, the date of which may be traced to the conquest. The manor of Hessle was formerly a possession of the Stutevilles, and Joan Stuteville carried the estates to Hugh de Wake. This lady was the first to introduce the custom of females riding sideways on horseback, and the device on her seal exhibits a lady in that posture, holding the bridle in her right hand. The proximity of this village to the Humber rendered it an advantageous situation for shipbuilding, which until lately was carried on to a considerable extent. A little to the westward of Hessle, is Hesslewood house, a handsome mansion belonging to Joseph Robinson Pease, Esq. an eminent banker at Hull. This house commands a fine view of the Humber, but less extensive than from the house of Mr. Cooper, and others on the top of the hill. The church is dedicated to All Saints (see Churches for photograph); it is a vicarage, in the gift of the crown, and the Rev. Edmund Garwood, A. M. Vicar, is the incumbent. The Rev. Timothy Rakes, an ancestor of the present family of Rakes, of Hull, London, and Gloucester, was vicar of Hessle in the commencement of the last century. There are here a small hospital and school, slenderly endowed, and several doles to the poor under the direction of the vicar and the church. The late Mr. Rakes, of Gloucester, the founder of those valuable institutions, the Sunday Schools; was a member of this family. Population 1021."

"ANLABY, in the parishes of North Ferriby, Hessle, and Kirk Ella, in Hullshire; ¾ mile ESE. of Kirk Ella, 5 miles W. of Hull, at the western extremity of the marshy plain in which that town is situated. Is a pleasant village, adorned with several elegant seats. This village formerly belonged to the ancient family of the Anlabys, who derived their name from the manor. In the year 1100 the heiress of that house carried it by marriage into the family of Legard, which family resided here from the conquest, till nearly the close of the last century. Population 307."

"HESSLE MOUNT, (the seat of James Kiero Watson, Esq.) in the township and parish of Hessle."

"HESSLEWOOD HOUSE, (the seat of Joseph Robinson Pease, Esq.) in the township and parish of Hessle."

"TRANBY, in the parish of Hessle, county of Hullshire; 1¼ miles WNW. of Hessle, 6 miles. W. of Hull."

[Description(s) edited mainly from various 19th century sources by Colin Hinson. ©2010]



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