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R.A.F. Henlow Signals Museum Exhibits

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Console+61_Panel_(Sync_and_Blanking)_Type_642=0438.jpg Console+61_Panel_Control_Type_643=0437.jpg

Console+61_Power_Unit_(IFF)_Type_873=0342.jpg Console+61_Power_Unit_(IFF)_Type_873=0432.jpg
Console 61
Panel (Sync and Blanking) Type 642
Console 61
Panel Control Type 643
Console 61
Panel Control Type 644
Console 61
Power Unit (IFF) Type 873
Console 61
Power Unit (IFF) Type 873

Control panel Type 644

The panel (control) Type 644 sits at the right-hand side of the main CRT unit. The panel carries two rows of GPO key switches, the main ON-OFF switch for the console, plus three potentiometers.
GAIN provides control of gain of the IF amplifier
TUNE NBW controls the mid-point frequency of the pass-band of the narrow bandwidth IF amplifier
IFF GAIN controls the gain of the IFF responsor in the aerial cabin (but for Type 13 this is fixed).

Switches are as follows:
NBW IN puts the narrow bandwidth unit into circuit.
STC IN switches in the short time-constant valve
LPF IN switches in a low-pass filter (cut-off frequency 500 kc/s) into the video chain.
TOP/PHASE/ANTI-PHASE used for gap-filling in mobile GCI installations only.
ELEV enables a flash on the CRT screen for each 5 degrees of tilt of the T13 aerial.
PPI strobe increases the amplitude of the brightening pulse to the PPI console.
CALIB When this switch is "off," cal markers go to the main radar screen only - the amplitude being controlled by the pot. on the LH panel. When "on", markers go to the IFF display too (both at full amplitude) - the radar video is muted.
HEIGHT/PHASE/NORMAL This switch is used for height-finding purposes in mobile GCI installations.
A BAND switches on the A BAND interrogator in the aerial cabin.
RANGE controls the range of the main radar display.
PRF The three positions are:- HALVED the p.r.f. is one-half the normal (250 c/s) NORMAL The p.r.f. is normal, i.e., 500 c/s SMALL SHIFT A small change of p.r.f. is introduced

Sec/Ref: 10D/18539

Console 61<br>Panel Control Type 644

Console 61 Panel Control Type 644 (Photograph Number 0436)

Click on the image to get the full size image.

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