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R.A.F. Henlow Signals Museum Exhibits

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Console+61_Panel_Control_Type_644=0436.jpg Console+61_Power_Unit_(IFF)_Type_873=0342.jpg

Console+61_Power_Unit_(Stab)_Type_872=0433.jpg Console+61_Power_Unit_Type_870=0431.jpg
Console 61
Panel Control Type 644
Console 61
Power Unit (IFF) Type 873
Console 61
Power Unit (IFF) Type 873
Console 61
Power Unit (Stab) Type 872
Console 61
Power Unit Type 870

Power unit Type 871

The Power unit Type 871 provides a 50-volt DC supply for the operation of various relays in the console, and a 17-volt DC supply for the indicating lamps on the control desk. It also includes an oscillator which generates a synchronizing pulse for the purpose of routine servicing when the transmitter sync. pulse is not available.

The monitoring meter for all power supplies is mounted in this power unit, and a chart giving the normal meter readings of all valves in the console is fitted on the door of the console enclosing the unit.

The unit also provides the following power supplies :-
HT.8 300V positive to the servicing sync. oscillator., and also to the cathode followers in the amplifying unit (A J and video) Type 295, and to V7 in the indicating unit CRT Type 32.
6.3V to the scale lamps in the indicating unit Type 32, and to V9 in the timebase unit (elevation) Type 134.

Sec/Ref: 10K/16128

Console 61<br>Power Unit (IFF) Type 873

Console 61 Power Unit (IFF) Type 873 (Photograph Number 0432)

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