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part of ILS
Racal RA17
rack VHF
air traffic control
Radar R-444-APR-4Y

RA17 Communication Receiver

The RA17 Communication Receivers are high quality valved sets that utilise the famous Wadley Triple-Loop drift elimination circuit.
The frequency coverage is from 500 kc/s to 30 Mc/s in 1 Mc/s bands.
First produced by Racal in the 1950s, RA17s were originally designed for supply to the Royal Navy. The proved so successful that they were ultimately used by all the Services and were also to become the main receiver of the British radio surveillance organisation at GCHQ.

Ref: 5820-99-999-9292

Receiver<br>Racal RA17

Receiver Racal RA17 (Photograph Number 0007)

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