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Receiver_Type_R1125A=0169.jpg Receiver_Type_R1132A=0186.jpg

Receiver_Type_R1273=0201.jpg Receiver_Type_R1392D=0185.jpg
Type R1125A
Type R1132A
Type R1224A
Type R1273
Type R1392D

Receiver Type R1224A

This receiver model was built for the R.A.F. in around 1942. The R1224A was designed to be used as a portable receiver for airfield and general field use. The set was manufactured by the Ferguson Radio Company. The R1224A is a superheterodyne, using five 2 volt battery valves. The valves used were a little unusual in that they were already quite out of date when the sets were produced. They include two ARP12's, and FC2A, a VR21 and a VR118.
The set requires 120V H.T., 2V for filaments, with -3V and -9V grid-bias lines.
A regenerative I.F. stage is used to produce a beat note for C.W.. The set can be quite tricky to adjust. Best performance is achieved on A.M. with the set just about to oscillate. The dial calibration chart is located under the top cover.

Sec/Ref: 10D/579

Receiver<br>Type R1224A

Receiver Type R1224A (Photograph Number 0187)

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