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R.A.F. Henlow Signals Museum Exhibits

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Receiver_Type_R1132A=0186.jpg Receiver_Type_R1224A=0187.jpg

Receiver_Type_R1392D=0185.jpg Receiver_Type_R1392J=0188.jpg
Type R1132A
Type R1224A
Type R1273
Type R1392D
Type R1392J

Receiver Type R1273.

This receiver was used in direction finding stations. There were four separate vertical aerials connected into the goniometer on the left and also a vertical sense aerial was suspended from the intersection of two catenary lines that were attached to opposite pairs of the vertical aerials.

Sec/Ref: 10D/553

Receiver<br>Type R1273

Receiver Type R1273 (Photograph Number 0201)

Click on the image to get the full size image.

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